Molton Monthly Magazine May 2024

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Your community news and business advertising magazine est. 2007

Record rain leads to ‘no hosepipe ban’ pledge from water bosses

May 2024

South Molton Carnival returns; ‘In Bloom’ entry cancelled; Exmoor Pony riders are British champs

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Molton Monthly - May 2024

Welcome to the May edition of Molton Monthly. We have certainly had some weather since the last edition, when I optimistically wrote about “spring trying to burst through”. Rain, gales, occasional sun, hail and last but not least... snow, as you’ll see in our stunning photo of the month!

Not surprisingly, reservoirs are full and South West Water says there won’t be a hosepipe ban this year - after a whopping 9 inches of rain fell on Devon in February alone.

Some sad news to report that partly due to vandalism, volunteers have pulled the plug on this year’s South Molton in Bloom entry (page 43). You would hope, given the threat to our environment, that those responsible for the damage might care more for nature.

However, there’s good news that the popular South Molton Carnival will return in October after a six year break (page 29). A team is beavering away pulling it all together, so stay tuned for more updates soon.

There’s a lot of news squeezed into this month’s edition, so browse through and as always - thanks to our local business advertisers and of course you, our readers. Peter Robinson, Editor & publisher

Molton Monthly is also published free to read on our website and we have daily updates for news and events on Facebook and Instagram @MoltonMonthly

What’s Inside - May

P6-7 Photo of the month

P8 Gas pipe upgrade work

P11-17 What’s On

P18-19 ‘No hosepipe ban’ in 2024

P22-23 Kings Nympton train campaign

P26-27 Local riders are national champs

P29 Town carnival to return

P31 May gardening tips

P34-36 Health & Wellbeing

P38-39 Farm Life - robotic milkers

P43 ‘In Bloom’ entry cancelled

P47 Hotel for bees

P50-52 Community News

P61 Schools and Learning

P62 Index of Advertisers

P63 Local Information

Molton Monthly magazine is printed on recycled, carbon neutral paper using solar energy as part of our ongoing commitment to a sustainable future. More than 5,000 copies are delivered free, door-to-door, by our dedicated local team to East and West Buckland, North Molton, South Molton, Heasley Mill, Filleigh, Clapworthy Mill, Bishops Nympton, Bish Mill, Chulmleigh, Chittlehampton, Alswear, Kings Nympton, George and Queens Nympton.

We also have pick-up points around South Molton, Pathfields Business Park, Filleigh, Atherington, Chawleigh, Umberleigh, Rose Ash and Chittlehamholt, plus it is available at select North Devon and Exmoor pubs.

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Winter’s last blast

As Easter approached at the end of March, a wintry blast swept North Devon and Exmoor. Snow settled overnight, with many waking up to scenes befitting a traditional Christmas. “Our family were playing Monopoly. The fire was dying down after keeping us warm all evening whilst we jostled over Park Lane and Old Kent Road,” said Nicola McCarthy, who runs West Buckland Cattery at her home. “Our son, Henry, suddenly noticed giant snowflakes falling at pace onto what had been just hours before our spring garden!”

“In true British style, at 11.30pm, on went the boots, hats and fur coats! We walked through the garden in absolute wonder, it was the most magical snowfall I had seen in many years. There was a beautiful silence as the saucer sized flakes fell.”

You can find Nicola and West Buckland Cattery on Instagram and Facebook: @west_buckland_cattery

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Whether it’s rural life like this, wildlife, a landscape or seascape, nature, special events, sports, a local character or something else - please keep emailing us your pictures. We usually only feature one each month in the magazine, but show more on our Instagram and Facebook pages: @MoltonMonthly

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Gas pipe upgrade likely to cause delays for drivers

Traffic hold-ups are expected in the centre of South Molton between now and September as major work gets underway to upgrade around two miles of the local gas pipe network.

“We know that working in areas like this is not ideal, but it really is essential to make sure we keep the gas flowing to homes and businesses in the area, and to make sure the gas network is fit for the future,” said Roxanne Whittaker, who is managing the project for Wales & West Utilities.

“This work is essential to keep the gas flowing to local homes and businesses today, and to make sure the gas network is ready to transport hydrogen and biomethane, so we can all play our part in a green future.”

3,100 metres of gas pipes are being upgraded in the New Road area of the town. This will include road closures and traffic lights, and road signage will be in place to provide advance warning to motorists.

If you have any questions about the work, you can contact the team on: 0800 912 2999

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Photo by Karolina Andreasova
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What’s On - May 2024 pages 11-17

Please contact event organisers before attending, as details are subject to change

1st - 10am Coffee Morning for North Devon Hospice at SMART Swim Centre, Mill Street (ends 11.30am)

2nd - 7am to 10pm Police and Crime Commissioner Elections 2024 (voter ID needed)

2nd - 12pm Concert with Richard Westcott, Ron Procter & Tom Bayliss - South Molton Parish Church

3rd - 8pm First Friday Jazz presents the North Coast Joymakers at Swimbridge Jubilee Hall (advert p16)

4th - 9am Coffee morning & plant sale, with Chulmleigh & District Garden Society, at Chulmleigh Town Hall

4th - 10am Coffee Morning at South Molton Parish Church (ends 12pm)

4th - 7pm Beer & Brains Quiz with Chittlehampton Twinning at Umberleigh Village Hall, teams of 6 (£5pp), bar and raffe - table booking: 07770 262847

5th - 10am Flea Market at South Molton Pannier Market (ends 3pm)

7th - 7.15pm South Molton Flower Club demonstration by Christine Harrington at Filleigh Village Hall

7th - 7.30pm Concert with tenor Gregory Steward at St George’s Church, George Nympton (£12).

Bookings and information: 01769 572116 or

7th - 7.30pm Whist Drive at Chittlehampton Village Hall (every Tuesday) - info 01769 540036

10th - 7.30pm (doors open 6.45pm) Chulmleigh Rural Cinema presents ‘The Color Purple’ (12A) - tickets £5 or £4.50 members, refreshments available, screening at Chulmleigh Pavilion

11th - 7.30pm Eyes down for South Molton Vintage Rally Club bingo at The Coaching Inn, South Molton

13th - 7pm AGM of Friends of South Molton Parish Church in the church, with Lady Arran

13th - 7.30pm Bingo at Chittlehampton Village Hall - info 01769 540036

14th - 10am South Molton u3a ‘The History of the Braddick Family’ with Sharon Snell at Filleigh Village Hall

14th - 10am CommuniTEA - drop in service from One South Molton at the town library (ends 11.30am)

16th to 18th - 7.30am Devon County Show, Westpoint EX5 1DJ;

18th - 6pm ‘On board the ISS’ - family astronomy at Poltimore Inn Observatory, North Molton (advert p20)

18th - 6.30pm Eyes Down for Bingo in aid of Amigos at The Coaching Inn, South Molton

19th - 9am Salvage Fair at South Molton Pannier Market (ends 2pm)

19th - 10am Kings Nympton classic vehicle show, including tractor parade & refreshments (advert page 14)

20th - 7pm South Molton Sisters W.I. monthly meeting at the YMCA - fun, tea and nibbles (ends 9pm)

21st - 10.30am Parkinsons Café for sufferers & carers at South Molton Library: 01769 572380 (ends 12pm)

20th - 12pm Open Mic/Acoustic Sessions, Coaching Inn, South Molton:

24th - 7.30pm Chulmleigh & District History Society talk on Middle East/Palestine at the Pavilion (£4/£6)

26th - 10am Roar on the Moor classic scrambler racing at Yarde Gate, North Molton (advert page 12)

31st - 2.30pm South Molton Keyboard & Light Music Club with Chris Powell at the Methodist Church Hall

Bishops Nympton Parish Hall - advert page 12; Filleigh & Heasley Mill Village Halls - adverts page 60

Create ‘n’ Chat Group 2pm-4pm South Molton Church Hall, Duke Street 9th & 23rd - info; 01769 574187

Scrapstore YMCA South Molton Drop-in Craft Sessions; 10am-1pm 10th & 24th; £2 donation requested

South Molton Sisters W.I Craft & Natter Amory Centre garden room 10.30am-12.30pm; 1st-4th-15th-18th

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No hosepipe ban in 2024

South West Water says it is confident there will be “no need for hosepipe bans” in Devon this year, even if we see prolonged periods of hot and dry weather.

David Harris, South West Water’s Drought and Resilience Director, told Molton Monthly, “While it may seem obvious that recent heavy rainfall has led to increased reservoir levels across the region, more than one-third of the additional storage has come from our own supply interventions and customers reducing how much water they use.”

Roadford Lake, which supplies most of the water to North Devon, is now full. This time last year it was at 63%, at the height of the drought in 2022 it was only half full, while other local reservoirs were as low as 20%.

After a series of exceptionally wet months, including the wettest February on record, water bosses say Wimbleball, Whistlandpound and Burrator are all now full. South West Water says it is investing more than £125 million to increase water storage resources in Devon by 30% and over the border in Cornwall by 45%.

It was a different picture this time last year when Roadford was only half full

The Met Office in Exeter says Devon experienced a total of 562mm of rainfall across winter 2023-2024, 43% more than the average. A whopping 237mm (9in) fell in February compared to just 20mm last year.

“In 2022 we saw climate change unfold before our eyes as Devon experienced one of the hottest and driest years on record. As visitors arrived to the area in their millions, our reservoirs hit their lowest ever levels and we fought hard to protect river health,” added David Harris from South West Water.

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“Our management plan is looking 25 years ahead to make sure there is secure, sufficient and safe supply of water for everyone, while guaranteeing the environment and the wildlife that live here are not just protected but can thrive” South West Water

“Our winters are getting warmer and wetter. As the atmosphere heats up, it has an increased capacity to hold moisture.

The top 10 warmest winters on record for the UK include 2024, 2022, 2020, 2016, 2014.

The top 10 wettest include 2024, 2020, 2016, 2014.” Met Office Senior Scientist, Mike Kendon

2022 - worst drought for 130 years, with reservoirs at record low levels

2023 - hosepipe ban in Devon from April to September as the region struggles to recover 2024 - water bosses say ‘no hosepipe ban’ even if we have a long dry spell

Roadford Lake is now full in April 2023, holding 8 billion gallons of water

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The train (not) stopping at platform 1

You’ve hopped on the train to go to a meeting in Exeter. You’ve parked right next to the platform and checked that your return train also stops there - what can go wrong? If the station concerned is Kings Nympton, if you are delayed and miss your return train, there’s no guarantee the next one will stop at the station where you left your car.

Now, the four parish councils that feed into Kings Nympton Station have started a co-ordinated campaign to get all trains to stop there on request. “Almost everyone makes the same point,” says Kings Nympton councillor Martin Pailthorpe. “It makes no sense to drive to Eggesford or Umberleigh to park, involving an extra round trip of up to 15 miles, when doing so means driving past a perfectly good station with plenty of designated parking.”

A Facebook group ‘Friends of Kingsnympton Station’ has already gathered almost 150 members. “I live so close to Kings Nympton station but have to drive to Eggesford to commute to Exeter,” said Lisa Tate. The group wants more people to share their local train travel stories.

“I’m horrified to see the amount of roadside parking at Eggesford with no decent car parking available. Surely making smaller stations like Kings Nympton more accessible to the travelling public would alleviate this,” added Ian Blewett. There’s been a railway station at Kings Nympton since 1854, now campaigners are calling for a service that’s fit for 21st century travel.

A spokesman for GWR who operate the Tarka Line service said, “We always work with our local communities to see what improvements can be made for rail users.”

“Unfortunately, at this stage without significant enhancement to the infrastructure or affecting performance of the existing hourly services, we are not able to add more request stops.”

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You can catch a train from Kings Nympton, but you might not get back - photo by Martin Pailthorpe

“We continue to work with partners through the Northern Devon Railway Development Alliance to develop the case for longer term upgrades to the route,” the spokesman added. GWR says demand on the line is at an all-time high with more than 750,000 journeys made last year, mostly between Barnstaple and Exeter, but only “two or three” daily at Kings Nympton.

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Exmoor Pony riders are British champs!

Riders from Umberleigh and South Molton have scooped top honours at a British dressage championships, on locally reared Exmoor Ponies (pictured right).

Eleanor Lunn, and her teenage South Molton junior teammate, rode Anchor Buckthorn and Anchor Brown Ale to victory at the British Riding Clubs National Introductory Pairs Championships, which is run by the British Horse Society.

“It was a dream come true and it seemed quite incredible that a couple of ‘scruffy’ moor ponies could beat some much fancier horses!” said Eleanor, who lives in Umberleigh. “It was especially wonderful to win as we’ve had them since they were six months old and my sister and I have done much of the work ourselves.”

The 18 year old ponies, affectionately known by their stable names Galahad and Cookie, are owned and trained by Eleanor and her sister Verity Goss from South Molton. Sheralee Matravers at the Exmoor Pony Society said, “It’s wonderful that two moorland ponies have not only been able to compete at national level in dressage, but have shown horses considered to be of much higher breeding how it should be done!”

Eleanor paid tribute to her instructor Cheryl Mundy, “I couldn’t have succeeded without her”, adding that she is incredibly proud of their two Exmoor Ponies.

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Proud winners - Eleanor Lunn (left) with her junior partner from South Molton & District Riding Club Photo courtesy Action Replay Photography
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South Molton’s popular carnival is set to return to the town in October, after a break of six years.

Last held in September 2018, the event fell foul of the weather in 2019 and then the Covid restrictions hit in 2020.

A team of volunteers is now setting about arranging entrants and details for the big day, and are looking to appoint a Carnival Ambassador. The Carnival Committee is being backed by South Molton Town Council and the Rotary Club of South Molton.

Molton Monthly has offered to support the 2024 carnival, and the organisers are appealing for sponsors to get in touch.

“We’re looking for sponsorship or donations to enable us to put on this wonderful event,” said spokesperson Kim Maxted. “We plan to publish a pocket sized carnival brochure which will be delivered to local homes.”

Advert spaces will be available in various sizes. Alternatively, if you would like to make donation directly to the South Molton Carnival Fund, please contact Claire Bracher at Bar27 on Broad Street or email:

South Molton Carnival 2024 will take place on Saturday, October 12th with the parade setting off at 6pm.

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Carnival scenes from 2017 - photos by Peter Robinson
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Jobs to do in May

1. Plant out summer bedding towards the end of the month, these plants will give you a wonderful display of colour until the first frosts.

2. Plant up hanging baskets and keep them protected until later in the month when the risk of frost has passed.

3. Earth up potatoes as they grow, to protect the early shoots from frost damage and ensure the developing potatoes aren’t exposed to light, which turns them green.

4. Prune spring flowering shrubs such as Chaenomeles, Choisya and Ribes after flowering. Evergreens such as Viburnum tinus can also be trimmed this month.

5. This time of year is nesting season, check for nesting birds before clipping hedges.

May is our busiest month of the whole year. After the wettest spring ever our customers can finally get their borders, pots and baskets planted. We will still be making baskets and potting up the last of the plug plants.

We have three more hanging basket workshops early this month, so please give us a call if you would like to join us. There are more details on our website.

Until next month, Jenny Howells

May Opening Times

Monday – Saturday 9-5

Sunday 10-4

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Farm Life - from hands-on to robotic milkers

I came across an old photo (right) of our milk churns back in the early 1970s. It just reminded me of the changes within the dairy industry over the last fifty years.

I remember my dad sitting on a three-legged wooden stool milking the cows by hand. The milk was tipped into the ten gallon (45 litre) churns, and as a boy I would help wheel them to the stream to cool overnight. The next morning they would be lifted on to the north facing shaded milk stand for collection.

The introduction of bulk refrigeration tanks was a revelation as all the milk was stored in a large vat, but more importantly cooled automatically. Milking machines also moved forward from shippon (cattle shed) to abreast parlours and from herringbone to rotary. Herd size increased, but dairy farms decreased.

We recently visited a farm near South Molton where the cows amble in, totally relaxed, to be milked by robots. Whilst watching I had a surprise because along came a robotic hoover cleaning up behind the cows. My wife thought one would be good for me to have in our kitchen after I’ve walked through with muddy boots! ‘Til next time, Roger #TuppertheTractor (

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Milk churns ready for collection in the 1970s
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Award winning ‘In Bloom’ volunteers forced to cancel

They won gold twice, shining a muchwelcomed national light on South Molton. But now the volunteer group has been forced to pull its 2024 entry in the prestigious RHS Britain in Bloom competition - citing vandalism as one of the reasons.

“Sadly we have been severely affected and disheartened by vandalism, theft and also the sale of the big bank in Raleigh Mead on which we had worked so hard and creatively for two years,” said the group’s coordinator Sue Harrison. “Until we are reassured that the volunteers’ good work around the town will remain undisturbed, it won’t be possible to enter competitions with confidence.”

They say they have also found it hard to compete against larger communities who

All smiles in 2022, when they won gold for South Molton for a second time

can draw on vastly more resources.

The ‘In Bloom’ team say they’ve spent more than £30,000 on planting around the townwinning gold medals in 2021 and 2022. They wish to thank South Molton Town Council and all their sponsors for their support. The volunteers now plan to focus on maintaining existing planted areas around the town.

Businesses or individuals who would like to sponsor the group, or new volunteers can email:

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Community garden news

The star of the show this month has to be our brand new bee hotel. It was lovingly crafted by one of our gardeners, then some of the children painted it before it was placed in the garden. The bees will emerge very soon and if you listen closely to the cocoons, you can hear them crackling as they’re starting to hatch.

We’ve seen some beautiful and very jumpy frogs over the past couple of weeks and an enormous toad was spotted in a wood pile. A couple of our members got a surprise after lifting up some plastic to reveal several slow worms!

Our mud kitchen is slowly coming together and we now have a wooden unit and a large sink. The next job is to combine the two and start weeding the site.

We welcome new members. If you would like to join our friendly team, please visit the garden on a Thursday afternoon, 2pm, weather permitting. Alternatively see our website for more information:

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Mayor re-elected for 2nd term

I thank South Molton’s town councillors for their vote of confidence in proposing and re-electing me as Mayor for a further year from May 2024. I am looking forward to working with the new Deputy Mayor, Cllr Wayne Martin.

Over the past year, I have been honoured to support many of the town’s events, associations and businesses, and particularly to work with the Children’s Hospice South West team and Griffiths in welcoming the ‘Santas on a Bike’ tour to South Molton, raising an incredible £3,442 for the charity.

We are blessed with a thriving, award-winning market and during the coming year, I look forward to working with the wonderful town council staff to run a series of themed ‘Mayor’s events’, largely around the market and central area, aimed at bringing us together more as a community - promoting kindness, caring, inclusion, respect, environment, wellbeing and resilience. Together we are stronger.

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pages 50-52
Photo by Karolina Andreasova

The Men’s Shed needs you!

‘When Men’s Sheds thrive they save lives,’ is the call to arms for this community group.

Men’s Shed South Molton is a place where men can get together, join in activities and talk about what is on their mind. It has a fully equipped workshop where skilled and unskilled people can share time with each other, swap stories and work together on community projects.

“Are you looking for something to get you out of the house and away from daytime television?” said volunteer Wally Stephens. “The men’s shed is about having somewhere to go for the retired, unemployed or those unable to work through ill-health.”

“It is somewhere to chat, to laugh, to learn a new skill, take on a project, take up a hobby, help the community and much more. Come on in and discover the camaraderie waiting for you!”

You can find Men’s Shed South Molton at the Cemetery Workshop, Mill Street on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10am to 1pm or call Wally: 07857 605816

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Volunteers making nest boxes to help our birds

Gearing up for rally

South Molton Vintage Rally Club held its annual spring tractor run on April 7th (above), and now the focus is on the main weekend event this summer. Organisers say preparations are well underway for the 2024 South Molton Vintage Rally on June 1st and 2nd. It is once again being held at Frankhill Farm at Rackenford (see advert on page 12)

All vintage and classic vehicles are welcome with entry forms now available.


Phone: 01271 378019

On two wheels and more

The second annual Kings Nympton Classics meet takes place in the village on Sunday, May 19th (see advert page 14). All manner of classic vehicles are welcome to attend. Last year’s inaugural event raised £700 for charity.

The ‘Roar on the Moor’ classic motorcycle scrambler racing returns to Yarde Gate, North Molton on Sunday, May 26th (see advert page 12), with high octane thrills and spills on a traditional West Country track.

The North Devon Atlantic Classic Scramble Club has donated more than £9,000 to local good causes since 2016. Admission is £5 with accompanied children free.

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Molton Monthly local business directory

Agricultural Services

Bobcat Hire p39

Jack Croft Contractors p38

Andrew Symons p39

SJC Engineering p30

Tarka Trax p30

Appliance Repairs

Don Bailey p59

Accountancy & bookkeeping

TaxAssist Accountants p57


David Rice Architectural p27


Poltimore Inn Observatory p20

Building Services

Bobcat Hire p39

Dan Jury p46

Darren White p40

Hotworks Engineering p54

J. Penfold Tarmac & Paving p56

LS Building Services p28

Nick Ager Haulage p42

Phoenix Creative p57

Sheds4You - back cover

Variety Building p58

W S Bricklaying p43

Care Services

The Firs Care Home p54

Charity collections

The Furniture Store p55


Fresh Cleaning p27

Oven Wizards p48

Clothing & Embroidery

Heather Everitt Embroidery p8

Portlantis Clothing p22


CBM p40

The PC Geek p55

Wildanet p57

Decorating Plastering Tiling

CRD Decorating p43

Highland Artexing p41

John Scoble Decorating p18

Phoenix Creative p57

Precision Painting p51

DIY & Building Materials

Nick Ager p42

RGB South Molton p19

Drainage Services

24/7 Drain Solutions p58


Chris Thorne p49

T. W. Electrical p47

Theo Webster p52


Hotworks Engineering p54

Estate Agents

Michael Adey Property p25

Webbers Propery Services p24


North Devon Hawk Walks p20

Financial Services

Philip Milton p60

Partners& p32/33

TaxAssist Accountants p57

First Aid

SMART First Aid p21


Homechoose Carpets p40

Food & Drink

The Cheese Larder p29

Fuel Supplies

Winson Fuels p53

Funeral Services

Friendship Funerals p59

H N Blackmore & Sons p44

Furniture & Furnishings

Finishing Touches p23

The Furniture Store p55

Garage Services

Custom Valets p51

DW Bodyworks p4

Motor Works p2

TGB Automotive p42

TGB Car Keys p49

Gardens & Landscaping

Andrew Symons p39

Ash Moor Nursery p31

Bigfoot Gardening p47

Darren White p40

Garden Services p30

Four Seasons p30

Sheds4You - back cover

SJC Engineering p30

Tarka Trax Ltd p30

The New Leaf p18

Variety Landscaping p58

Graphic Design

Jamaica Press p7

Haulage & Transport

Nick Ager Haulage p42

Health & Wellbeing

Atlantic Home Eyecare p36

NB Acupuncture p34

Niamh Honey Osteopathy p34

North Devon Ear Clinic p35

South Molton Medical Centre p35

South Molton Eyecare p28

Step Ahead p36

Home Maintenance/Improvements

24/7 Drain Solutions p58

Ashgrove Kitchens p53

Care4Bathrooms p51

CRD Decorating p43

Dan Jury p46

Home Maintenance/Improvements

David Rice Architectural p27

Dream Doors North Devon p56

Finishing Touches p23

Highland Artexing p41

Kitchen Exchange p45

Living Needs p45

J. Penfold Tarmac & Paving p56

LS Building Services p28

Phoenix Creative p57

Precision Painting p51

RGB South Molton p19

Sheds4You - back cover

Stove Centre p48

Variety Building & Landscapes p58

W S Bricklaying p43

Insurance Services

Partners& p32/33

Internet services

Wildanet p57


South West Care Homes p54


South Molton Library p11


Darren Smallbone p41


South Molton Medical Centre p35


Industrial Coating Supplies p40


A Side to B Side Records p7

First Friday Jazz p16

North Devon Theatres p15


Atlantic Home Eyecare p36

South Molton Eyecare p28


Niamh Honey Osteopathy p34


The Retreat Canine Rehab p47


Ash Moor Nursery p31

The New Leaf p18

Plumbing & Heating

Mark Berry p37

MS Plumbing p59


Jamaica Press p7

Property (also see Estate Agents)

Michael Adey Property p25

Webbers Property Services p24

Pubs & Restaurants

Bell Inn p10

Exmoor Riverside p17

Grove Inn p9

Mitre Inn p50

Poltimore Inn p20

Quince Honey Farm p13

Schools & Learning

Kings Nympton School p61

North Molton School p61

South Molton Library p11

School Uniforms

Heather Everitt Embroidery p8


Bishops Nympton Hall p12

Castle Hill Filleigh p16

Filleigh Village Hall p6

First Friday Jazz p16

Heasley Mil Hall p60

Kings Nympton Classics p14

North Devon Theatres p15

Repair Café p16

South Molton Library p11


Aquarius Swim School p21

Badminton Filleigh p60

Classic scrambling p12

SMART Swim Centre front

cover & page 5


Chulmleigh Storage p22

Snell Self Storage p53

Ucanstore p41

Telephone Engineers

CBM p40


North Devon Theatres p15

Tool Hire

Forent Tool Hire p26


Castle Hill Filleigh p16

Exmoor Riverside camping p17

North Devon Hawk Walks p20

North Devon Theatres p15

Poltimore Inn Observatory p20

Quince Honey Farm page 13


SMART First Aid p21

RE Training p44

TV Services

CBM p40

Vehicle Hire

Forent Van Hire p26

Venue Hire

Bishops Nympton Hall p12

Filleigh Village Hall p60

Heasley Mill Hall p60

Veterinary Services

The Retreat Canine Rehab p47

Web Design

The PC Geek p55


ATA Windows back cover

Darren Smallbone p41

Exmoor Fascias p41

Contact Molton Monthly: 07484 290500 email: 62

Local contact numbers

South West Water 0344 346 2020

National Grid 105 or 0800 678 3105

British Gas 0800 111 999

Environment Agency 0370 850 6506

Devon & Cornwall Police 101 (non emergency)

Citizen’s Advice Bureau

03444 111 444

South Molton Town Council

01769 572501

South Molton Library

01769 572128

SMART Swim Centre South Molton

01769 572340

North Devon Council

01271 327711

Devon County Council

0345 155 1015

One South Molton

01769 572501

South Molton Volunteer Bureau

01769 573167

Go North Devon/Shopmobility

01271 328866

Age UK Devon

0333 241 2340

Health Centres & Hospitals

South Molton Medical Centre 01769 573101

Wallingbrook Chulmleigh 01769 580295

NHS Direct 111 (non emergency)

NHS Dental Helpline 03330 063 300

North Devon District Hospital 01271 322577

South Molton Community Hospital 01769 572164


Parish Church - St Mary Magdalene 01769 572079 (

Catholic Church of St Joseph 01271 343312

Community of Our Lady & St. Benedict 07851 187335

Baptist Church 01769 574365

Gospel Hall

01769 572908

South Molton Methodist Church 01769 571907

One Way Community Church 01769 572786

Quakers 01271 344203

Community Groups

Rotary Club of South Molton 01769 574109

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