MBS Humanity Update 2020 - Annual Review

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We are MBS


Our Mission Mind Body Solutions transforms the lives of people living with trauma, loss, and disability - and those who care for them by helping integrate mind and body.









How does one write a greeting at the end of 2020? We have gone through the wringer together. The collective and individual suffering this past year has been through the roof, let alone the fabricated uncertainty swirling at the foundations of our democracy. Enough. Holding steady requires simple wisdom. Today, I find that wisdom looking out my window. I have been watching three deer, lying close on the snow, chewing invisible cud, and keeping warm in the wintery sunlight‌together. I can see the steam of their exhales and the constant movement of their lips and jaws as hour after hour have passed. They are holding steady, quietly, and embodying patience. They have found the pause in the middle of the cold conditions. We have been warned that a hard winter lies ahead, that we must remain vigilant to protect each other. We can do it as we wait for spring and the vaccine to transform our landscape. Even in a divided country, our strength resides in those deer, waiting together, and keeping warm. Look for our year in review and our vision for the future in the next pages. As you read, know we promise to do our best to hold steady... together. We're glad you're with us.


Matthew Sanford Founder / Mind Body Solutions

A Year in Review Holy changing landscape! What an incredible shift 2020 brought! Like an adept yogi, MBS has adapted. Under the influence of the-virus-that-shall-not-be-named, we cancelled all in-person classes, trainings, and workshops. Incredibly, this has created a new expansion of our mission reach. All of our adaptive yoga classes are now offered online and for FREE, increasing our accessibility and class sizes while adding a more national and international flavor. Yay! We have also successfully transitioned portions of our trainings for yoga teachers and healthcare professionals online. We even put our grassroots Kiss My Asana fundraiser online this spring with remarkable results. In addition, we have forged new collaborations with the Veteran’s Yoga Project and the Trauma Research Foundation.

We are busy serving more people than ever, albeit in a different form. This pandemic has permanently transformed our delivery model. It is both challenging and exciting at the same time. From this point on, Mind Body Solutions will always offer our content online. We will return to in-person learning when it is safe and feasible, but the genie is out of the bottle! Because of you and your support, we will reach our audience worldwide. Check out the next few pages to see what’s coming in 2021!


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Our newsletter

Social media

This year, we added

continues to grow!


243 people to our list

Our subscriber list

continues to rise.

of over 1,000 MBS

is now at 4000+

Our Facebook

trained yoga teachers

readers strong and

page has nearly

and healthcare


5,000 likes and

professionals serving

2,000+ Insta fans.

their communities.




After successfully

Through our annual

Number of participant

launching our

campaign and

hours through our

YouTube channel,

yogathon, more

online adaptive yoga

we now have nearly

700+ donors

classes and trainings.


supported MBS.








We know that the online, digital landscape is crowded. But, at the core, no one can do what we do. Our adaptive yoga insights derive from a 30-year yoga practice of someone who actually lives with a disability, our founder Matthew Sanford. This means our content is unique and offers unique value to our core demographic. Take a look:

Continued free adaptive, online yoga classes. Six new adaptive, online yoga workshops, specifically designed for people living with disabilities and their caregivers that include an interactive discussion about what it is like to live with a disability within our culture. This first one, "Who Says I Can’t Be Free" is offered on Jan. 13th. Three NEW online adaptive yoga trainings for yoga teachers, including Into. to Adaptive Yoga I & II, and also Continuing Studies. Launching in March - a NEW WEBSITE designed to better support and promote our online offerings and to improve customer experience. Six digital two-day online training at VA’s across the US in collaboration with non-profit Move United and create 10 adaptive yoga videos. Increased collaboration and training with the non-profit Veteran’s Yoga Project. Create 10 adaptive yoga videos in collaboration with non-profit Move United and Dr. Indu Subramanian, head of the Southwest Region of VA’s treatment of Parkinson’s disease. A four-series workshop on trauma and treatment with leading thought-leaders, including Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, neuroscience researcher Dr. Ruth Lanius, Veterans Yoga Project Founder Dr. Daniel Libby, and renowned storyteller Kevin Kling. Deep-Dive Workshops on Loneliness and Isolation during the pandemic, Parkinson’s Disease, and other Movement Disorders, Yoga and Addiction, the Healing Power of Story.






At the end of every year, we shine a light on those who guide our path. The people of our community - students, teachers, caregivers - are our true teachers, our source of direction. From them, we learn. For them, we work to offer connection, support, insight, and hope. The people you'll meet on the next few pages have graciously, bravely, and generously shared their stories with us. They are the who behind our why.

They are MBS.

Meet Jo Mary A Story of Adaptive Yoga and Cancer


Shocked by unsettling news at age seven, Jo Mary

Like so many of the teachers that come to train with

asked her mom, “Is it true that everyone dies?”

us, Jo Mary also came for personal reasons. Her

Without looking up from the stove while stirring in a

brother John sustained a very serious traumatic

saucepan, Jo Mary’s mother, an anchor in her world,

brain injury in 2013. She came to help him. He was a

gave a one-word answer, “Yes.” This changed

giant-of-a-man, outgoing, gregarious, and very

everything and cast Jo Mary into an active lifelong

focused. He found the state of his new, injured life

anxiety about mortality for herself and everyone she

unacceptable and worked against it for

loved….until recently.

improvement. Yet at the same time, he knew that there was something he was supposed to learn from

Jo Mary tells me that she lived many lives. At the age of nine, she fell in love with a girl named Pam. Even so, at twenty-two, she became a single mom and, at age twenty-eight, entered a twenty-year marriage with a man named Patrick, all the while knowing that her intimate preferences were at least more robust, if not altogether different. Along the way, Jo Mary became a physical therapist, owned a work-out gym whose tagline was “No Boys Allowed", won the Minnesota State Bodybuilding title in her weight class in 1998, worked through addiction issues, became sober in 2003, divorced in 2010, became crystal clear about her true sexuality, moved to Kansas City, and, near the end of 2013, heard the audio of our first Mind-Body Dialogue between Cathy Wurzer, Bruce Kramer, and me. She knew immediately that she wanted to help people living with all levels of abilities and injuries. Since then, she has taken at least 7 different trainings with MBS and brought me to teach in Kansas City She has become a beloved face in the MBS community.

his new reality. Jo Mary watched this paradox unfold as loved ones are often forced to do – seeing the tension in his healing vision but unable to alter it. Little did she know that her brother John was living a life-lesson that would teach her on her own survival path. John passed in April 2019. Jo Mary started having increasingly intense headaches in the early fall of 2019. As they were becoming unbearably painful, she engineered a second round of medical opinions, and, finally in January of 2020, she received a diagnosis. Jo Mary had stage-four lung cancer. She had a fist-sized tumor in her lung and the cancer had metastasized to her skull (hence the headaches) and had also created a fist-sized tumor in her liver. Her life was coming full circle. It was suddenly about her, from that seven-year-old girl asking her mom in that kitchen, to watching her brother struggle against his traumatic brain injury, to her study of adaptive yoga.






Jo Mary has created a remarkable result. She credits her training at Mind Body Solutions as playing an integral part, especially her contact with our adaptive yoga students. “Those amazing students show me what jaw-dropping possibilities are, what relief can truly feel like. They also show me what fearlessness means, not in trying to overcome their disabilities, but in learning from them, in learning how to accept their lives, their bodies, and transform them into yogic realization. They have shown me, with unmistakable clarity, that what matters is on the ‘inside, not what presents on the outside.” Jo Mary says these lines to me with a downward gaze over Zoom. “Those students also show that my brother’s approach missed the mark. He went to war against his life changes. For my path, I know that I must be in dialogue with my cancer. I must let it teach me, for if I don’t, it will not listen to me in return. Jo Mary is an emerging story of inspiration. Her headaches have abated. Her last scan in early November shows that both cancerous masses have dramatically reduced. Her lung mass presents only as scar tissue, and her liver mass has shrunk by 90%. She credits and amazing oncologist, what she learned from Mind Body Solutions, and her encounter with the book, Radical Remission by Kelly Taylor. In fact, Jo Mary’s story is already being mined for insights by an emerging vision of cancer healing, the Center for Cancer Lifestyle Management. She will continue her work in this area. Jo Mary represents a profound success story for Mind Body Solutions – an amazing person taking our insights and using them in ever-expanding contexts. Jo Mary says, “That seven-year-old girl is no longer afraid of mortality. It took cancer, adaptive yoga training, my brother’s passing, fifty-one years, and the hope of radical remission, but my mind is finally at peace.”

Jo Mary is MBS

Meet Ann Her Continuing Thread into Covid Support

BY MATTHEW SANFORD Ann Megyas served as a Chaplain at a leading New

During that time, Ann became a yoga teacher,

York City hospital during the Covid surge this past

eventually specializing in trauma-informed yoga,

spring. When asked what memory she carries from

and also entered a part-time Zen Chaplaincy

that time, she says looking downward into the

program that she describes as a “chaplaincy 101.”

middle space of her vision, “Two giant refrigerator

But, like so many of our trainees, it took Ann

trucks, parked in a small space between the two

getting upended in her life to fully take the leap

hospital buildings, functioning as portable morgues…

of faith into serving others. Six years ago, Ann

body bags being brought in and out… and my fellow

was riding her bike in Washington D.C. and took

chaplains and I praying next to them whenever

what seemed to be a harmless left turn. Her front

we could.”

wheel became wedged in a gap in the pavement, and she was thrown up in the air. She landed on

She looks up suddenly and adds, “I don’t want to

her head and shoulder, suffering a concussion

overdramatize anything…we were just doing our

with a brain bleed and a severely broken

jobs.” When I asked why she came to study at Mind

shoulder. She has healed remarkably, but it

Body Solutions, she smiled and responded by

changed her.

reading a poem by William Stafford, The Way It Is. The first few lines go, “There’s a thread you follow.

No longer willing and able to resume her

It goes among things that change. But it doesn’t

financial career, Ann turned fully to a seeking

change. People wonder about what you are pursuing.

path of service. She saw me presenting on the

You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard

nature of service at a conference at the Omega

for others to see.” With this poem excerpt, Ann

Institute. Soon after, she read Waking and

conveys a truth that all of us on a seeking path

wanted to come study with us, but time and

experience: Although seeking never seems to occur

finances never allowed it. She entered a hospital

in a straight line, there is always an unexplainable,

residency chaplain’s program. Her second year of

intuitive thread that guides our paths.

residency put her in the midst of the Covid surge.

In her life, Ann has been following her own lifelong

This fall, while decompressing from that

thread. At seventeen, for reasons unknown, Ann

experience, she saw our two pandemic-inspired,

began meditating and practicing yoga. During a

online adaptive yoga trainings and signed up for

twenty-five year career in financial lending,

both them.

something always felt missing. The continuing thread. 14 | HUMANITY UPDATE • 2020

Ann is currently studying at Mind Body Solutions to become a better chaplain, to learn how to better integrate mind-body insights and techniques to help patients and families. In addition to taking our trainings, Ann has entered our mentoring program for one-on-one help and support. She hopes to deepen her grasp of the mind-body sensations of grounding, balance, and expansion to help people living through seemingly impossible situations…but it’s more than that. Again describing a Covid experience, Ann again paints a picture with the hint of tears in her eyes, “Imagine standing next to a mother and a wife watching their loved one lose his battle with Covid through a glass window. Unable to enter, unable to hold their loved one’s hand, unable to provide any physical comfort, they watch the moment of his death as a distant spectator. And there I am, in a gown, a facemask, rubber gloves, and forbidden to offer any human touch.” Ann knows another Covid surge is coming. When asked what she hopes to bring to that future experience from her training with us, she says, “I want to help that chaplain standing next to that mother and wife, trapped within her own sterile barrier. I want to help her carry that burden.” At Mind Body Solutions, we’re going to help her do that.

Ann is MBS

Meet Laura Over an Ocean to Find Her Body


At the age of thirty-two, Laura wheeled out of her

Like far too many kids living with a disability, her

bedroom in Cork County, Ireland and announced to

story growing up wasn’t easy. As the only disabled

her mother that she was jumping on a plane to

student at her school, she was bullied, “What’s

Minneapolis, MN, crossing the ocean, and studying

wrong with you? Is it contagious?” or “What’s wrong

yoga. She had been listening to an interview on the

with your parents that they had a child like you.” She

radio show On Being with Krista Tippett about a

was often referred to as the “spastic.” Then the

paraplegic yoga teacher. He was talking about the

bullying got even worse. At age twelve, she was

‘grace’ that resides in everyone’s body, regardless of

forced to stop walking with “splints” (long-legged

their physical state or level of ability. This guy had

braces) with crutches and transitioned to full-time

written a book, and it made Laura roll her eyes. She

wheelchair use. This made her really not fit in.

hated books written by people living with disabilities. They made her feel like, “not only am I

As she relays these stories to me over Zoom, her jaw

bad at being able-bodied, but I’m bad at being

is tight but her eyes look sad but strong, “What was

disabled, too.” Then she caught a glimpse out of the

so hard was that the teachers didn’t really

corner of her eye. That damn book had already been

intercede…they knew what was going on. Instead,

sitting on her bookshelf for years, a gift from a

they gave me the unspoken message that my life was

trusted friend of the family. She pulled it down; and,

going to be full of hardship so I should just toughen

on first glance, it didn’t appear to suck.

up. I even learned to stop telling my parents. They would inevitably go into to school and complain. It

She felt incredibly disconnected from her body and

only made things worse.”

needed to make a change. So she wheeled out to the kitchen and made her travel proclamation to cross

Luckily, Laura had a good life outside of school, a

the Atlantic. I feel lucky to say that I was that

very supportive family, and a mischievous resilient

paraplegic yoga teacher.

streak. Unfortunately, for others in similar situations, this is often not the case.

Laura was born with spina bifida. She now gets around in a wheelchair and also lives with a fairly

Laura tried all sorts of ways to cope with the cruelty

dramatic curve in her spine (severe scoliosis) and its

of some of her peers. At thirteen, she thought she

associated chronic pain.

found the key in her favorite book, "To Kill a Mockingbird."


She read that everyone should try to walk in

Her grades weren’t good enough to attend university

another person’s shoes before passing any

right away, but she did get into community college. In

judgment. What’s heartbreaking, but also

that setting, nobody cared that she had spina bifida

indicative of her character, is how her teenage

and got around in a wheelchair. Lo and behold, she

mind applied this wisdom. She figured her peers

discovered that she wasn’t dumb after all. Her

had no idea about what it was like to live with

success gave her the confidence to become the

spina bifida… so they weren’t really to blame.

producer of a current events radio show.

Instead, she thought that she should try to walk

From there, she went on to attend university and

in their shoes, be even more like them.

earned degrees in English and Sociology and then went on to get her Master’s degree in English.

During our interview, she said, “I actually thought that, if I just tried harder to be like everyone else,

But her strategy for success came at a price, “I

then they wouldn’t be so mean. I tried to

learned to live only in my head, to intellectualize

camouflage myself so they wouldn’t notice me. I

everything. I figured I could ‘learn’ my way through

stopped raising my hand in class, stopped talking

living with a disability. This on top of being so angry

as much, anything and everything necessary not be

with my body as a kid and I learned to deeply mistrust

noticed. It was like trying to disappear.” Not

my body…I even feared it.”

surprisingly, Laura didn’t do well academically. She internalized the message that she wasn’t

Laura lived for years feeling disconnected. Living

smart, her body couldn’t keep up, and she didn’t

such profound separation between her mind and

truly belong.

body led to extreme swings into anxiety. She knew she needed to ‘find’ her body, perhaps for the first time in her life, but she didn’t know how or even if it was possible. This is where she was when she heard the Krista Tippett interview and decided to take the leap across the pond to Mind Body Solutions. In telling the story to me, shaking her head, Laura says, “Everyone thought I had gone coo-coo to travel so far, to study with someone I had never met, everyone except my mom. I was so scared. Everything about the trip was hard. I was so far out of my comfort zone.”


I ask her, “How was it when you finally got to our studio?” Laura gives me a playfully angry look, “Oh my god, I was terrified. Remember I was late that first day…you started teasing me right away. I was barely holding it together, and you threw me right into the fire with all those teachers. To say that I was overwhelmed was an understatement. But honestly, that was part of the magic. You just swooped me up and acted like it was normal. I had mostly been around people who were afraid of my body, not knowing what to do or how to touch me. But not you and your staff… you all just jumped in without batting an eye." Laura continues, "remember when you asked if I was willing to get out of my wheelchair? I said no. You just nodded, smiled, and wheeled away…and then returned 2 hours later only to ask again. I remember being lifted out of my chair and sitting down on that big green mat. Do you know that, in my life, I had rarely been out of my chair, on the ground, in front of a group of people, let alone strangers? You acted like it was no big deal."

"For me, it changed everything. It opened the floodgates… I was finally coming home to my body for the first time.”


At this point in the Zoom interview, Laura and I are laughing and remembering those first few days. She continues, “Do you remember the fourth day…you were going to teach inversions and looked me straight in the eyes and said that I was going to do them and this was not a negotiation. It was break time, and I asked to use the bathroom. You didn’t know it but I was basically having a panic attack. I was tired, overwhelmed and so happy, but I didn’t think I could do anymore. And remember, after I had been hiding in there for 15 minutes or so, you sent Bethany in to check on me. Then you popped your head in. I told you I was dizzy. You just shook your head, smiled, and said that you would see me back out there in a couple of minutes, and we would talk then. I hated you and was so grateful at the same time. I knew you were right. I could do more…I had to strength to feel more…in fact, I was starving for it. You trusted my body when I wasn’t able to.” At this point in the interview, Laura is shaking her fist at me and laughing, “You wouldn’t take no for an answer and did it with a smile on your face. Coming from anyone else, I would have told them to piss off. But you live it, too….you know what it is like to live with a disability. I knew I could trust you.” I asked her if her anxiety has gotten any better since coming to study with us. She says that she knows now that her body is the key to her managing her anxiety, not the cause of it. When I ask her if she has learned anything else, her face gets serious, her smile playful, her eyes grateful, “I used to think that my mind was the best place I could live. Now I realize that my body is. I have spent my whole life impatiently waiting for my body. Now I know that it was my body that was waiting for me.” This utterance is exactly why Mind Body Solutions exists.

Laura is MBS

Our Support We'd like to thank the following organizations and individuals who have our backs...




Abrecht Foundation BLP Serve, LLC Calmenson Family Foundation O'Rourke Family Viragh Family Foundation VBS Foundation


A. Stuart Hanson Tstee Alan & Lucille Samson Albrecht Family Foundation Amazon Smile Amy M Hanson Barbara Osadcky Bethany Hutchinson Betsey Woody Betsy Davies Betty Benson Brad Litton Brenda Kellen Brenda Roettger Brian FitzPatrick Bruce Humphrey Carol Lenhart Cindy Horgan Colleen Canning Colleen FitzPatrick Cristina Maria Goncalves David Saltzman David W Conkey Deborah Wolk Diane Drost Donna O'Rourke Dr. Jan Apple Ecolab Matching Gift Elaine E Martin Elizabeth Agnew Ellen Mary Saul Erin O'Rourke Evelyn W Browne Gerry Large Harry and Calleen De Oliveira Jacie and Charlie Hurd James Amy James Voci Jan Thome Jane Barber Jane Cowles Jane H Maguire

Larisa Byely Laura L Langer Laurel H Jung Laurie H Greeno Lecia Heinen Linda Flynn Lindy A Lund Lisa A Donahue Madge Thorsen Marilyn J Carlson Mary Moen Mary Salisbury Matthew Lee Meadow Schroeder Medtronic Matching Gift Miriam And Al Rickert Monika Worsley Edwin W Ritchie Joel Hodroff Mary Pat FitzPatrick Robert Ley Steve Murphy Allison Locey Anne Madora Scherer Carol and James Lorenzen Frances Stewart Gail And Stu Hanson Gudrun L Carroll Brooks Judy Farniok Karen Greer Karen Vizyak Katherine Thomas Kathy Graves Kathy McAlister Katie M Kohlbeck Kenneth and Julie N Riff Kim Stanley Laura Burke Linda Crable Linda Frank Liza & Andrew Morgan

Jane Tadsen Janet Buccella Jeanine Berlocher

Maia Kikerpill Marcia Willett Margot Willett

Jeff Swegarden Jeffrey Ellingboe Jerilynn Ommen

Marla Bookhout Marlys Hansen Michael and Jo Zukovich

Jim And Jennifer Weichert Joan Seifert

Michele Parker-Priddy Michelle Reichert

Joann M Manthey Joe FitzPatrick

Michelle Soyer Renee LaRose

Juli Heath Juliet Mullenmeister

Rhonda Willsher Roseann Becker

Karen Kleinman Kathleen Lenarz Kathy Dahl

Sarah Henderson Sheila FitzPatrick Sue Benson

Kati Toney Kay & Mike Genelin

Susan Fink Patrick Gleason

Kelly Beaty Kristen Wilfahrt

Paula Picard Peggy Wadman

Kurt Landauer

Peter Mitchelson Pilar Lorente

Ralph Carey Sims Russell Melzer Sara Zuk Soma Angelus Staffan Elgelid Stephanie Mullaney Sue Harrington Susan Sonntag Susanne Westegaard Sylvia Nasla Terese M Coyne Weston Hoard

YOGATHON DONORS Aaron Wilbanks Abigail Atkinson Adrianne Bolach Alan & Lucille Samson Allison Gruber Alyson Slaughter Amanda Ley Amanda Wenberg Amy Aubrecht Amy Burris Amy Gunty Andrea Volker Angela Fern Angela Miller Anita Anderson Ann Megyas Ann Macheledt Anna Kucera Anna Yager Anne Seltz Anne Hanley Anne Jasperson Anthony Stone Austin Cypher Austin Paul Barbara Herman Barbara Greenfeder Barbara Soria Barry Samson Bethany Hutchinson Bonnie Fitch Brad Litton Bradley Miller Brenda Kellen Bruce Erickson Brynn Langlois Carol Suchy Carolyn Boyd Cecelia Erickson Charles Greenman Charles Windon

Aaron Wilbanks Abigail Atkinson Adrianne Bolach Alan & Lucille Samson Allison Gruber Alyson Slaughter Amanda Ley Amanda Wenberg Amy Aubrecht Amy Burris Amy Gunty Andrea Volker Angela Fern Angela Miller Anita Anderson Ann Megyas Ann Macheledt Anna Kucera Anna Yager Anne Seltz Anne Hanley Anne Jasperson Anthony Stone Austin Cypher Austin Paul Barbara Herman Barbara Greenfeder Barbara Soria Barry Samson Bethany Hutchinson Bonnie Fitch Brad Litton Bradley Miller Brenda Kellen Bruce Erickson Brynn Langlois Carol Suchy Carolyn Boyd Cecelia Erickson Charles Greenman Charles Windon Christina Grizzanti Cheryl Heinen Chris Kneiszel Christina Hansen Christina Willow Christine Danner Christine Dean Christopher Herby Cindy Horgan Clinton Cook Colleen Canning Colleen FitzPatrick Colleen Gimse Backus Colleen Higgins Colleen Peyerl Colleen Ryan Craig Feldman Craig Walczyk Cristina Maria Goncalves Dan FitzPatrick Dana Litman

YOGATHON DONORS Daniel Belschner Daniel Lacoban Danielle Berres David Hedlund David Conkey Dawn Wood Deborah Dalebroux Deborah Hannasch Debra Mason Denise Humphrey Denise Morrisette Diana Drake Diane Drost Diane Frea Diane Swenson Donald Stone Dr. Jan Apple Edward Cerier Elaine Martin Elayne Daniels Elizabeth Barnes Elizabeth Davies Elizabeth Krevsky Elizabeth Stevens Elizabeth Warner Ellen Boschwitz Ellen Kane Em Adams Emily Heinz Emma Stuhl Evelyn Browne Francesca Diaco Gabrielle Chambliss Gavin St. Clair Gini Loch Ginny Howe Haley Brunelle Harry De Oliveira Heather Knott Heidi Lindberg Heidi Schuchman Helen Young Horgan Family Ivan Otero J. Marie Fieger Jacie Hurd James Amy James Ley James MacRae James Stockschlaeder Jamie Nichols Jan Thome Janalyn Patterson Jane Barber Jane Buettmeier Jane Cowles Jane Sheridan Jane Maltby Jaynie Farnsworth Jean Lee

Jean Sazevich Jeanine Berlocher Jeanne Kitzman Jeffrey Ellingboe Jennie Orchard Jennie Ross Jennifer Aubrecht Jennifer Kellogg Jennifer McEwen Jessica Fleet Jjennifer Drew Jo M Marie Jo Walker Joan Sussman Joann Manthey Joanne Claphan Joanne Esser Jocelyn Collen Joe FitzPatrick John Hotz John Wetli Jonathan Krug Joseph Hutchinson Joseph Juster Judith Razieli Judith Voight Judy Ratliff Julie Gleason Julie MacRae Kara Erickson Kara Erickson Karen Walker Karen Spliethoff Walker Kari Ealy Katherine Elliott Katherine Omberg Katherine Vukelich Kathilyn Solomon Kathleen Delaney Kathleen Lee Kathleen Lenarz Kathryn Vinson Kathy Dahl Kay & Mike Genelin Kelly Beaty Kelly Kiefer Kelsey Black Kevin & Tina Fitzpatrick Kimberly Gingras Kirsten V Cadieux Klaudia Osika Krissa Jackson Kristen Melton Kristen Wilfahrt Laura Hallissey Laura Langer Laurel Erickson Laurel Jung Lauren DeLano Lauren Gilhooly Laurie Greeno Laurie Sathe Lecia Heinen Lecia Heinen Lesley Hughes Seamans

Lindsay Howlett Lindy Lund Lisa Chidsey Lisa Lancaster Lisa Motz Loc Cain Lorie Gail Louise Chalfant Lynne Bailey M Dembs Madge Thorsen Margaret Callahan Margaret Lester Margaret Newland Maria Hernandez Marianne Hayek Marie Persson Mark Francis Martha Bird Mary Alice Hirsch Mary Ray Mary Sinnott Mary Donohue Mary Dylik Mary Harris Mary Jo Malecha Mary McGreevy Mary Nodine Matt Erb Matthew Hollosy Matthew Hutchinson Matthew Lee Medtronic Megan Lemonds Meghan Grossman Melinda Bailey Michael Gilliland Michael Ley Michael O'Halloran Michael Amy Michael Warwick Michelle Breen Michelle Stantial Joel Hodroff Mary Pat FitzPatrick Michael Lenarz Tony Kerick Robert Ley Scott Kerick Steven Guth Amy Samson-Burke Ann Stevens Anne Madora Scherer Annie Hickman Carol Ann Schreier Carolyn Hitzler Carrie Shogren Char Grossman Cheryl Lynne Mahin Christine Paul Cristine Patlan Erin Kilbury Evelyn Hazenberg F M Sardais Jessica Smith

Karen Vizyak Katie Kohlbeck Kimberly Ruth Zismer Laurie & Rich Sathe Linda Crable Linda Schneewind Lisa Carroll Louise Jankowski Margot Willett Maria Thieme Marlys Hansen Michael & Jo Zukovich Michele M. Parker-Priddy Michelle Soyer Mindy Eisenberg Molly Bachman Myra Rucker Nancy Ellsworth Paris Kaye Patricia Anderson Renee Ann Forst Samantha Drost Sarah Henderson Sarah Brindle Sheila FitzPatrick Sue Benson Susan Erickson Susan Fink Susan Mann Dolce Veronica Riera-Gilley Nadine Shookman Natalia Skolnik Nativida Osland Patricia Brazill Patricia Modig Paula Picard Penny Madvig Ralph Carey Sims Rebecca Ann Rees Rebecca Gligo Rebecca Kern Rebecca Lyons Rebecca Taurog Richard Cracraft Rita Leo Rosemary Parece Sally Serna Samantha Wolf Samuel Hutchinson Sandra Ella Razieli Sandra Gross Sara Schaffer Sarah Bach-Bergs Sarah Sheehan Sarah Hertzberg Sarah Thorsen Sarah Tuthill Sarah Walker-Davis Shannon Oloughlin Sharon Aubrecht Sharon Meyers Sharon Mrocek Sharon Radd Sharon Rose Shianne Galt

Stacey Schultz Stacy Childers Stasya Erickson Stephen Kellert Sue Budd Susan Bailey Susan Calmenson Susan Cooper Susan Glander Susan Sonntag Suzy Valek Tammy Kuenster Teresa Hanson Terese Coyne Tessa Flores Theresa Boggess Thomas Callahan Thorsen Family Timothy Fitzpatrick Tom Reid Veronica Dahlia Soria Miller Vicky Schumann Victoria Silliman Victoria Turner Wendy Rindfleisch William Hathaway William Hogan Ying Xu



Bridged Alseth

Bethany Hutchinson

Roseann Becker

Jane Maltby

Ellen Boschwitz

Mike Lenarz

Halen Bower

Robert Ley

Angelique Lele

Lorrie O’Neal

Sarah Sheehan

Christine Paul

Wendy Brom

Sharon Radd

Ashlyn Cahill

Judy Ratliff

Cat Campion

Julie Riff

Kathy Dahl

Jennie Ross

Kari Ealy

Carrie Shogren

Angie Fern

Roca Soria Miller

Mary Pat Fitzpatrick

Linzi Sherod

Fitz Fitzpatrick



Amy Samson-Burke

Mary Pat FitzPatrick

Angelique Lele

Matthew Sanford

Angie Fern

Molly Bachman

Bethany Hutchinson

Roca Soria-Miller

Christine Paul

Sarah Sheehan

Kathy Dahl

Wendy Brom

Amy Samson-Burke Bethany Hutchinson Kathy Dahl Matthew Sanford Molly Bachman Rob Ley


Jane Cowles Julie Champ Patrick FitzPatrick Kathy Graves (Chair) Rob Ley (Secretary) Matthew Sanford (Executive Director)

We acknowledge and honor the lives that have been lost and the countless families who have been affected by all that's happened in 2020.

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