Flagship 11.10.2022

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IWTC Virginia Beach Sailor awarded the American Legion Spirit of Service Award

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Information SystemsTechnician1stClassAnnieHolder currently stationed at Information Warfare TrainingCommand(IWTC)VirginiaBeach, was presented the Spirit of Service Award fromtheAmericanLegionatthetheir103rd NationalConventioninMilwaukee,Wis.

TheSpiritofServiceAwardispresented to a single outstanding enlisted member from each of the six service branches and the National Guard, who is actively committedtovolunteerserviceduringtheir off-dutyhours Servicemembersarenomi natedbytheircommandandthoseselected for award receive trophies from Ameri

can Legion National Commander Paul E. Dillard, as well as a one-year membership in the American Legion.

Holder a native of Chicago Ill., gradu ated from Bremen High School in 2016, where she played basketball and was a track and cross country star Excelling in track, Holder was offered a scholarship but instead, decided to join the Navy to follow herpassionforservinghercountry.

Holder’s first duty station was Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station (NCTS) Bahrain Holder’s was next stationed aboard USS Dwight D. Eisen hower, before arriving at IWTC Virginia Beach where she currently serves as a systemadministratorinstructor.

However, Holder’s passion for service


“Just as much as I love and enjoy giving back to my country, I enjoy giving back to mycommunity,”saidHolder In addition to her personal volunteer work in the community Holder serves as the IWTC Virginia Beach Community Relations coordinator, organizing oppor tunities for students and staff to volunteer to give back to the community Recently, Holder organized an event that assisted in the cleanup of the Elizabeth River Trail, as well as providing volunteers to assist withaNorfolkCommunityConnectevent, which focused on increasing awareness of health and wellness, everyday living, and communityresourcesforthoselivinginthe Norfolk area.

“We are incredibly proud of all that IT1 Holder has accomplished and all that she doestoservehercountryandcommunity,” said Cmdr John Copeland, commanding officer IWTCVirginiaBeach.“Itmakesus allbettertoworkalongsideSailorslikeher.”

IWTCVB currently offers 69 courses of instructionininformationtechnology,cryp tology, and intelligence with an instructor andsupportstaffofover280military,civil ian, and contract members who train over 6,300 students every year at five training sites. It is one of four schoolhouses for the Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) and also oversees learning sites at Fort Huachuca, Arizona; Jacksonville and Mayport, Florida; Kings Bay, Georgia; and Groton, Connecticut.”

Veterans Day, November 11, is a day to celebrate the honorable service of all men and women of the ArmedForces

Veterans Day was originally called “Armistice Day” and was first commemorated on November 11, 1919 marking the first anniversary of the end of World War I.

Atthatfirstceremony,PresidentWoodrowWilson proclaimedthecommemorationofArmisticeDay,“to usinAmerica,thereflectionofArmisticeDaywillbe filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the countries’ service and with gratitude for thevictory bothbecauseofthethingfromwhichithas freed us and because of the opportunity it has given Americatoshowhersympathywithpeaceandjustice inthecouncilsofthenations”.

In1926,aresolutionwaspassedbycongresstomake November 11 a national holiday “Armistice Day” has beenanationalholidaysince1938.In1954,President DwightD.Eisenhowerproclaimedthenamechanged toVeteransDay.

Proclamation3071 VeteransDay,1954states: “Whereas in order to expand the significance of that commemoration (Armistice Day) and in order thatagratefulNationmightpayappropriatehomage

totheveteransofallitswarswhohavecontributedso muchtothepreservationofthisNation,theCongress, byanactapprovedJune1,1954(68Stat 168),changed thenameoftheholidaytoVeteransDay.”

It isno coincidence that November is also Warrior CareMonth amonthdedicatedtoraisingawareness ofservicesandsupportavailabletowoundedwarriors theircaregiversandfamilies

Today,VeteransDayiscelebratedacrosstheUnited StateswithbackyardBBQ’s,childreninschoolswrite thank you letters to Veterans, others fly the Flag or supportVeteranownedbusiness,andparades There areparadesheldincitiesacrossthecountry,withone ofthebiggestonesbeinginNewYorkCity

As a nation, we are called upon to celebrate those whoserveandchosetoserve.Manyretail,restaurant andrecreationalestablishmentsarealsoactiveintheir own ways by offering promotions and discounts on thisholiday.

Thereisoftenconfusionsurroundingthedifference between Veterans Day andMemorial Day. Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday of May, is specifi cally a day honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military Veterans Day cele bratesallthosewhoservedhonorably Read the entire proclamation as it appears in the originalFederalRegisterdatedOctober12 1954here: https://www.va.gov/opa/vetsday/docs/proclama tion_1954.pdf

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Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 VOL.29 NO 42,Norfolk VA| flagshipnews.comNovember10-November16 2022
Information SystemsTechnician
ClassAnnie Holderwas presented the Spirit ofServiceAward from top leaders oftheAmerican Legion at the their103rd National Convention in Milwaukee Wis.Holderis currentlystationed at InformationWarfareTraining CommandVirginia Beach,where she serves as a system administratorinstructor.(COURTESYPHOTO)
Veterans Day — A Day of Celebration (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSDANA D.LEGG/RELEASED) 247th USMC birthday message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps “...One thing is certain whereverMarines are called, theywill fight andwin today,tomorrow,and into the future. PageA2 IN THIS ISSUE Event offers free document shredding JEB Little Creek-Fort StoryNavy Housing Office hosted a Shredding and Non-Perishable Food Drive at the Little CreekWellings Court CommunityCenter,Nov.5. PAGEA7 USS Comfort Continuing Promise 2022 The Hospital ship moored in Puerto Cortes,Honduras,following the passage ofHurricane Lisa,in support ofContinuing Promise 2022 PAGEA4-5 Test your Veterans Day knowledge with trivia facts Didyou knowthe firstVeterans Daywas November11,1919 and was calledArmistice Dayuntil 1954? Read more fun facts. PAGEA7 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, November 10 2022 1

247th USMC birthdaymessage from the Commandant of the Marine Corps

70yearsago,ArmyMajorGeneralFrankE.Lowewasquoted as saying, “The safestplace in Koreawas right behind aplatoon of Marines.Lord, howtheycould fight.”That testimonial rings as true nowasitdid then, andwill remain so tomorrow.Aswe celebratethe247thanniversaryofourCorps’founding,wereflect onnearlytwoandahalfcenturiesofexceptionalprowess,while alsotakingobjectivestockofwherewearetodayandhowwewill prepareforfuturebattlefields.Ourbirthdayprovidesusachance to focus on the one thing common to our success in the past, present,andfuture:theindividualMarine.Victoriesarenotwon becauseoftechnologyorequipment,butbecauseofourMarines. Since1775,Marineshavefoughtcourageouslyandtenaciously in everyconflict our country has faced. Through the Revolu tion,the Spanish-American War, World Wars in Europe and the Pacific, conflicts in Koreaand Vietnam,and operations in the Middle East, Marines consistently earned areputation as the world’selite fighting force. We inherit andtakepride in this reputation,evolvedovertimebyMarinesacquittingthemselves withhonorand distinction on every battlefield in every clime andplace.Battlefieldschange,andMarineshavealwaysadapted

to the environmentand the changing character of war-but the reasonwefight and winisimmutable.It’sthe individual warf ighters,and their love for each other,that makes our Corpsas formidableaforcetodayasithasbeenforthepast247years.It’s ourethosandourunapologeticresolvetobethemostcapableand lethalfightingforcethatsetsusapartfromtherest

Current events around the worldremind us thatpeace is not guaranteed. While we arejustifiably proud of our past and pay tribute to the remarkablewarfighters whocamebefore us,we understandthatthestoriesofyesterdaycannotsecureourfree dom tomorrow.Wemustbeready to respondwhen our Nation calls.Itfalls on Marines who areinuniform todaytowrite the nextchapterofourCorps.Thesolemnresponsibilityofmaintain ingourillustriouswarfightinglegacyrestsuponyourshoulders. Iknowthatyouareuptothattask.Thebattlefieldsoftomorrow areuncertain.Thefuturecharacteristicsofwarfareareuncertain Butonethingiscertain-whereverMarinesarecalled,theywill fightandwin-today,tomorrow,andintothefuture

Happy247th Birthday,Marines!

VFA-131 Receives Captain Michael J. Estocin Award

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.— The “Wild cats” of StrikeFighterSquadron(VFA) 131 were presented with the Captain Michael J. Estocin Awardduring aceremonyin the squadron’shangar at NavalAir Station (NAS) Oceana,Nov.3

The Wildcats Commanding Officer, Cmdr.Erin Flint, anativeofGloversville, NewYork, received the awardonbehalf of the squadron.

“Thisawardisatestamenttotheprofessionalism and excellence exhibited each dayby our team,”said Flint. “From our pilots to our aircraft maintainers,weall shareinthis success and it demonstrates thatweremain ready tosupport any mission in defense of our nation.”

The awardispresented annually to the beststrikefighter squadron in recogni tion of outstanding achievements to naval aviation. It is named after Capt.MichaelJ Estocin, anaval aviator who received the Medal of Honor for his actions duringthe

Vietnam War.

TheWildcatswereselectedfromahighly competitivefield that includes all F-18E/F and F-35Csquadrons within the Navy following sustained superior performance throughout fiscal year (FY) 2021 While deployedduring asix month combatdeploymentaboardUSSDWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN 69)in2021, the squadronoperatedfromtheNorthAtlantic to the Gulf of Oman. They demonstrated maintenanceand operational excellence by flying 3,475 flight hours and achieving

a100 percent combat sortie completion rate in support of Operation FREEDOM’S SENTINEL.

The squadron wasalsoawarded the FY20 Chief of NavalOperations Safety “S” Awardatthe-start of 2021 and they were theEastCoaststrikefightersquadronFY21 Battle ‘E’ awardrecipient.

FormoreinformationabouttheWildcats visitVFA 131 (navy.mil)

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2 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 1| Thursday, November 10,2022

NEX locations host Toys for Tots Program this holiday season

Select NEX locations will be participatingintheU.S.MarineCorpsToysfor TotsProgramthisholidayseason.NEX customerscandonateanew unwrapped toyforachildinneed.

“Thisisthe75thyeartheU.S.Marine Corps Reserves have been collecting through its Toys for Tots Program,” said Bill Marx, Marketing Promotion Coordinator for the Navy Exchange Service Command “We are excited to once again welcome the Toys for Tots donation boxes to our NEX locations thisholidayseason.Thedatesforwhen the donation boxes will be in the stores willvarybyNEXlocation,socustomers shouldcontacttheirlocalstoreformore information.”

Toys for Tots drop boxes will be located at NEX Annapolis and NEX PatuxentRiver,Maryland;NEXNorfolk store,gasstation/minimart,FleetStore andIowaEstatesminimart;NEXLittle Creek store and gas station/mini mart; NEX Oceana; NEX Dam Neck store, CarCareCenterandpackagestoreNEX NorthwestAnnex;NEXNSAHampton

Roads mini mart; NEX NRMC Ports mouth; NEX Portsmouth; NEX York town and NEX Cheatham Annex, Virginia; NEX Belle Chasse, Louisiana; NEX Corpus Christi and NEX Kings ville,Texas;NEXGulfport,Mississippi; NEX Jacksonville NEX Panama City NEXPensacola,NEXMayport,Florida; NEX Kitsap-Bangor and NEX Whid beyIsland,Washington;NEXSanDiego, NEXLemoore,NEXPortHuenemeand NEX North Island, California; NEX Pearl Harbor store, Fleet Store, Touch & Go mini mart, Iroquois Point mini mart,HalseyminimartandFordIsland minimartandNEXKauai Hawaii;and NEXGuam.

The mission of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys each year to distribute as holiday gifts to less fortunatechildreninthecommunityin which the campaign is conducted The primarygoalofToysforTotsistodeliver, throughanewtoy,amessageofhopeto lessfortunateyoungstersthatwillassist theminbecomingresponsible,produc tive, patriotic citizens More informa tionaboutToysforTotsProgramcanbe foundattoysfortots.org/.

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, November 10 2022 3 USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates. ©2022USAA. 289032 -1122 IS FOR VETERAN Scan to learn howyou can honor afellowveteran. When we’rethanked forour service we reflecton howweserved. Theway wehad tobreak inboots. Thetimes we gathered up our nerve Thenicknames thatmade us laugh. Thesmell of chili mac MREs. Thepride we felt with thatfirstoath. Thefriendships thatcame to be So,atthe game,when we’reasked to stand, it’snot applause that’s in my sight I’m looking around foryou, my friend, to seewho’s on my leftand right. THOSEWHOSERVECOULD SAVEMORE WITHASPECIAL MILITARYDISCOUNT 109 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake 757-549-1772 Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is aregistered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company,Washington, DC 20076a BerkshireHathaway Inc. subsidiary. ©2020 GEICO.20_549328606

PUERTO CORTES Honduras Hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) moored in Puerto Cortes, Honduras, following the passageofHurricaneLisa,insupportofU.S. NavalForcesSouthernCommand/U.S 4th Fleet’s Continuing Promise 2022 (CP22) mission, Nov. 3.

Due to Hurricane Lisa, a group of ContinuingPromisepersonneldebarkedthe ComfortonOct 31fortraveltoHondurasto continue scheduled subject matter expert exchanges (SMEEs) at local hospitals the Red Cross, and a Women, Peace, Security (WPS) Initiative gender-based violence workshopandveterinarianrelatedevents.

This visit marks the second of five missionstopsaspartofCP22andthesixth visit to Honduras as part of Continuing Promise since 2007

“I’m extremely excited that Continuing Promise is returning to my home country of Honduras,” said Capt Juan De Jesus of the Honduran Navy, deputy commander for Continuing Promise 2022. “I look forward to the training and subject matter

expert exchanges that will enable participantstolearnfromeachotheranddevelop the capacity to work together in possi ble contingency operations Strengthening relationships with our partner nations is key to building capacity and capabili ties that will lead to regional solutions for regional problems.”

DuringthesecondstopofCP22,Comfort will provide medical surgeries aboard the ship, medical services at Instituto Oficial FranklinDelanoRooseveltinPuertoCortes and the town of Omoa. Personnel from Joint Task Force-Bravo, based in Hondu ras,willleadtheexpeditionarymedicalsite in Omoa. Services at these two sites will include adult care, pediatric care, dental, optometry, women’s health, and various ancillary support services

When the Comfort arrives, the Fleet Forces Band will perform with civilian and military bands and conduct musical exchanges with local youth organizations CP22crewmemberswilltaketimetopaint aschoolaspartofarestorationproject,visit an orphanage with the bank, and attend Catholic mass with residents of the area.

The crew of the Comfort also includes

military personnel from other partner nations including Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras Netherlands the United King dom and more than a dozen non-govern mental organizations

Since its inaugural mission in 2007, ContinuingPromisemissionshavetreated morethan582,000patientsandconducted over7,000surgeriesintheregion.Comfort’s currentmissionwillbethe12thContinuing Promise mission conducted in the Caribbean, Central and South America.

U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/ U.S. 4th Fleet supports U.S. Southern Command’s joint and combined military operations by employing maritime forces in cooperative maritime security operations to maintain access, enhance interop erability, and build enduring partnerships in order to enhance regional security and promote peace, stability and prosperity in the Caribbean, Central and South American region.

LearnmoreaboutUSNAVSO/4thFleetat https ://www.face boo k.co m/ NAVSOUS4THFLTand@NAVSOUS4THFLT

U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command / U.S. 4th Fleet
Special Report: USS Comfort Continuing Promise
PUERTO CORTES Honduras (Nov.5,2022) Hospitalman Greg Childress,from Shepherdstown,WestVirginia,assigned to the hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) forContinuing Promise 2022 takesvitals forpatient intake at a medical site in Puerto Cortes,Honduras,Nov.5,2022 Comfort is deployed to U.S.4th Fleet in support ofCP22 a humanitarian assistance and goodwill mission conducting direct medical care expeditionaryveterinarycare and subject matterexpert exchangeswith five partnernations in the Caribbean,Central and SouthAmerica.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSBENJAMINLEWIS) Hospitalman ChristopherChapman,from San Marcos,California,assists in patient intake during Continuing Promise 2022 at a medical site in Puerto Cortes,Honduras. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST1STCLASSBENJAMINLEWIS) Canadian armySgt.Ketrina Newell,from Petawawa Ontario a dental assistant assigned to the Royal Canadian dental corp hands dental tools to Hospital Corpsman CourtneyGravely from Amarillo Texas,assigned to the hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20),during patient care at a medical site during Continuing Promise 2022 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST1STCLASSBENJAMINLEWIS) Lt Cmdr Jonathan Blaze Negron,a dentist from Port St Lucie,Florida,and Hospital Corpsman BritnyCruz-Rivera,a dental technician from ClearwaterFlorida,both attached to the hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) forContinuing Promise 2022 conduct dental procedures for Hondurans.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSBENJAMIN LEWIS) Hospital Corpsman 2nd ClassAdrianJavier from MissionViejo California,assigned to the hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) forContinuing Promise 2022 takes dentalx-rays (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSBENJAMINLEWIS) Hospitalman Greg Childress,from Shepherdstown,WestVirginia,assigned to the hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) forContinuing Promise 2022 takesvitals forpatient intake. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSBENJAMINLEWIS) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, November 10 2022
U.S.Embassyto Honduras officials,U.S.Navyleadership,and Honduran militaryandgovernment officials,toura medical site during Continuing Promise 2022 in Puerto Cortes,Honduras.(U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSBENJAMINLEWIS) Hospital Corpsman 2nd ClassJohnTu,from Garden Grove,California,teaches the patient how to stretch the hamstring to help prevent injuries and increase flexibility.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSEAMANDEVENFERNANDEZ) Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class MarybethVargas-Romero,assigned to the hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20),tries to help the patient bystretching herlegs at the med site.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSEAMANDEVENFERNANDEZ)
a Slit
to detect
the med site.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSEAMANDEVENFERNANDEZ) ABOVE: Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class DonWhite,from Norfolk,Virginia,attached to the hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20),shows a child from the orphanage Hugarde Niños San Ramon theviewthrough a camera in Puerto Cortes,Honduras.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSSOPHIASIMONS) RIGHT:ASailorattached to hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) plays soccerwith a child from the Hagarde Niños San Ramon orphanage.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASSETHANJ.SOTO) BELOW: Children from the orphanage Hugarde Niños San Ramon assist the U.S.Fleet Forces Band during a performance forthe orphanage and Sailors attached to the hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) in Puerto Cortes,Honduras.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST3RDCLASSSOPHIASIMONS) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, November 10 2022 5
Joshua Keil,from Palmer,Alaska,provides
Lamp examwhich helps
cataracts during Continuing
2022 at

Young Investigator

research impacting lasers at sea

Dr David Ortiz-Suslow a research assistant professor in the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Department of Meteorology, was one of 25 awardees selected for the Office of Naval Research’s (ONR) highly competitive Young Investigator Program (YIP) His research addresses a critical gap in the understanding and numerical representation of ocean wave impacts on the temperatureandhumiditystructuresinthe lower atmosphere critical for shipboard combatsystemseffectiveness.

Ortiz-Suslowwaschosenfrom170candi dates for his proposed research in marine atmosphericsurfacelayerprocesses,which impacts the electromagnetic propagation environment for Navy systems like radar, radioandopticalcommunicationssystems, and directed energy weapons. OrtizSuslow’s project, entitled “The Impact of Waves,Breaking,andMarineAerosolLoad ing on the Marine Atmospheric Surface Layer,” was selected for investigation in the Ocean Battlespace and Expeditionary Access category, and supports the Chief of

Naval Operations’ 2022 Navigation Plan (NAVPLAN) Force Design Imperative to HardenDefenseforshipsatsea.

“Electromagnetic systems are things like navigation technology communications equipment,andbothoffensiveanddefensive weaponssystems, saidOrtiz-Suslow.“Allof these systems depend on the natural envi ronment, and we have to understand how they interact with the environment around thatasset.”

“ONR, and the Naval Research Enter prise as a whole, is committed to reimag ining naval power,” said Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Lorin C. Selby. “In order to achieve this, we need to attract the best and brightest scientists and engineers fromacrossacademiatotakeonwarfighting challenges.TheYoungInvestigatorProgram doesjustthat.”

According to Ortiz-Suslow, “NPS is the perfect place to conduct this research. Not only do we have the technical expertise for thisresearchinthefaculty,butwealsohave students who have first-hand operational experience using the equipment we are tryingtomakemoreeffective.”

ONR’s Marine Meteorology and Space Weather Team Lead, Dr Daniel Eleuterio,

explainedthewave-modulatedatmospheric boundarylayersignificantlyaffectselectromagnetic/electro-optical propagation in ways that aren’t forecast well especially in thecoastalzone

“ProfessorOrtiz-Suslowhasbeenarising starsincewefirstencounteredhisresearch at University of Miami. He has continued to grow as a leader in the community on National Science Foundation, ONR, and other federally sponsored projects and is a greatassetfortheNavalPostgraduateSchool facultyandstudents Hisproposalwasinnovative and unanimously ranked very highly byaninter-disciplinaryselectionpanel.I’m looking forward to seeing the results of his research, saidEleuterio.

Ortiz-Suslow will receive a three-year grant to support his proposed research, whichwillultimatelyadvancetheNavyand Marine Corps’ understanding of the opera tionalenvironmentanditsimpactoncritical navalsystems.

Following the award of his doctorate in applied marine science from the Univer sity of Miami, Ortiz-Suslow began his career at NPS as a postdoctoral scholar studying how waves and currents affect atmosphericturbulence Hisgrantthrough

ONR’s Young Investigator Program will advance that work.

“TheresearchIwillconductwillbuildon studies I worked on during my post-doc,” Otriz-Suslow noted. “Aboard a research platform in southern California, we made some very interesting discoveries about how surface waves impact and modulate theloweratmosphere.”

While Ortiz-Suslow is an accomplished researcherinhisfield,heislookingforward to having a more active role in guiding the research, and working collaboratively with his partners over the grant’s three years The ONR YIP program is very selective, he added, and he is grateful to be a part of the program.

“I was ecstatic to be recognized by such a prestigious program,” said Ortiz-Suslow “The scientists that got this award this year are really amazing, and I am incredibly honored and humbled to be included with suchafinegroup.”

Since 1985 the ONR Young Investigator Programhasprovidedfundingtoselectearly career researchers whose work demon strates “outstanding promise for support ing the Department of Defense, while also promotingtheirprofessionaldevelopment.”

selected for ONR’s
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Did You Know? 11 facts about Veterans Day


The first Veterans Day was November 11, 1919 and was calledArmisticeDayuntil1954

„ ArmisticeDaywasacelebrationofthearmisticebetween thealliedforcesandGermanybeingputintoeffectandthose whoservedduringthe“wartoendallwars.”Whenthattitle proved to be false the celebration shifted into the Veterans Day we know today and gave recognition to veterans from allwars

„ Aveterancanbeanyonewhoservedasactivedutymilitary and who was released or discharged under any condition other than dishonorable You don’t have to fight in a war to beaveteran.

„ According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2018 only about 7%oftheadultpopulationwereconsideredveteransofthe U.S.ArmedForces

„ The top 3 states with the highest veteran population are Alaska,Montana,andVirginia.

The Red Poppy is considered a symbol of Veterans Day.


This comes from “In Flanders Fields,” a poem written by Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae abouttheWorldWarIbattlefieldsbloomingwiththeflowers after the fighting had ended

„ Veterans Day wasn’t always on November 11. The date waschangedtothefourthMondayinOctoberin1971dueto the 1968 Uniform Holidays Bill. When the change was met withconfusion PresidentGeraldFordmadethedecisionto switchthedatebackin1975.

„ In2016,approximately77%ofveteranshadservedduring wartime,accordingtothePewResearchCenter.

„ VeteransDayneverfallsonaSunday.IfNovember11falls on a Sunday, the holiday is always observed the following Monday; this is opposite of Great Britain’s version of the holidaywheretheyalwaysobserveitonthesecondSunday ofNovemberandrefertoitasRemembranceSunday

„ In 1947 the first Veterans Day parade was held in Birmingham,Alabama Althoughtheholidaywasstillcalled ArmisticeDayatthetime,WorldWarIIveteran,Raymond Weeks,organizedtheparadetohonorhisfellowveterans

„ Veterans Day has a specific theme each year The theme for2022is“Honor.”Accordingtova.gov,“Honorreflectsthe militaryvalueandtraditionofansweringthecalltoduty.”

Event offers free document shredding

Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort

Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story Navy Housing Office hosted a Shredding and Non-Perishable Food Drive at the Little Creek Wellings Court Commu nityCenter,Nov.5.

Theevent,acollaborativeeffortbetweenNavyHousing Lincoln Military Housing Morale Welfare and Recreation,allowedcommunitymemberstoshredconfidential documentssafelyandfreeofcharge.

In addition, housing information, free bowling and theaterticketswereavailabletoparticipants.

“We wanted to host this event to connect with families residingatLincolnMilitaryHousingcommunitiesandlet themknowwhoweareandhowwecanassistthem.Italso allowsustogivebacktothecommunitythroughnon-per ishabledonations,”saidJesusHernandez,militaryhousing director “Whether it is unresolved maintenance-related issues,theyneedassistancelocatinghousing,orhaveany questionsabouthousing,weareheretohelpthem.

Files were shredded on-site with the use of a profes sionalshreddingtruck.Environmentalsustainabilitywas also a component of the shredding event. Professional shredding trucks shred paper into confetti-sized pieces becausemanyitemsareshreddedatonce Thisallowsthe shredstoberecycled.

“Thisisawesome,”saidAngelaHele whoattendedwith her family “It’s a huge relief from having to do it page by-page at home It is also good to know that we have an advocateifneeded.

Housingresidentsweren’ttheonlypeopletotakeadvan tageoftheopportunitytogetridofunwantedpaper

“We had files from 2018 that needed to be disposed of. This was an efficient way to do that,” said Lee Lawson, MWRrecreationassistant.

Althoughfewerattendeesparticipated,thehousingstaff appreciatedtheresidentswhodidcome

“OnbehalfofNavyHousing,thankyouforparticipating intheshreddingeventandfooddrive, saidHernandez“It wasavaluableopportunitytomeetsomeofourresidents andprovideyouwithinformationontheservicesweoffer Welookforwardtoseeingyouatournextevent.”

Chart Your Naval Career: Assign an IDP today with Waypoints

Thenewlearningmanagementsystem(LMS)Waypoints haslaunchedatNorfolkNavalShipyard(NNSY)andacross the naval enterprise allowing the employee to chart out a course for their own career success One of the features of Waypoints includes developing and assigning your Indi vidual Development Plan, or IDP Togetstarted,shipyardemployeescanaccessWaypoints at https://don.csod.com/. From there, hover at the top of

the screen over Development Plans and click Access Development Plans

Employeescancreatetheirplanfromthetemplate,apply theirchanges,applydevelopmentobjectives,selectlearn ing actions, and assign the team to which the IDP applies. Inaddition,employeescanhavemultipleplans andassign primary plans as necessary

AllNNSYemployeesareexpectedtohaveanIDPestab lishedinWaypointsbytheendof2022.Wanttolearnmore aboutestablishinganIDP?Employeescanreachouttothe NNSYWorkforceDevelopmentProgramCareerCounsel

ors at NNSY_WFD@us.navy.mil.

WanttolearnmoreaboutWaypoints?TheNNSYImple mentation Team is working weekly to provide training opportunities and certification workshops for all users interested providingthehelpneededasNNSYprogresses into the future of career development for America’s Ship yard Weekly update meetings are held every Wednesday at 9 to 10 a.m. via Microsoft Teams For more information or to sign up for a future session, contact Shelly Simpson atshelly.a.simpson2.civ@us.navy.miloremailNNSYWaypointsDivisionAdmins@us.navy.mil

Non-Perishable Food Drive. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, November 10 2022 7 ©2022UniversityofMarylandGlobalCampus. 75 years ago we brought higher education to servicemembers where they needed us. Today, we helpadult learners around the world succeed again. •125+ degrees &certificates •Online&hybrid courses available •Innovative programs built with employer input and courses with immersive learning &AI-enhanced experiences •Nocost digital materials in placeoftextbooks•Scholarshipsforthosewhoqualify•Lifetimecareerservices UMGC.EDU 301-985-7530 SucceedAgainatUMGC ScantheQRCode toLearnMore. Transforming Lives One Student at a Time UMGCiscertifiedtooperatebytheStateCouncilofHigherEducationforVirginia(SCHEV).UniversityofMaryland GlobalCampus,9625BelvoirRoad,BardenEducationCenter,Building1017,Room128,FortBelvoir,VA22060.
TOP:Joint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort Story Morale,Welfare and Recreation assistant Lee Lawson took advantage ofthe Shredding and Non-Perishable Food Drive hosted bythe NavyHousing Office and Lincoln Military Housing Nov.5. The event allowed communitymembers to shred confidential documents safelywhile learning about the services available through the housing and Morale, Welfare,and Recreations Departments. ABOVE:Anthony Hele unloads a containerofdocuments from his carduring the Shredding and

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8 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 1| Thursday, November 10,2022

uarterdeck www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, November 10 2022 1

Three Sailors assigned to Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples received on Oct. 25, 2022forsavingaman’slifeonSept.8,2022.

Itwasroughly11:00a.m.onSept.8when Master-at-Arms2ndClassXavierEscalante and Master-at-Arms 2nd Nikolas Bullock were waiting for two individuals to finish tying down a forklift on a semi-trailer and cleartheareasotheycouldbeginatraining onboard NSA Naples Capodichino While tying down the forklift, one man fell off the truck, hitting his head. EscalanteandBullocksprangintoaction

immediately “The first thing I thought when he fell was to get out of our unit [vehicle] and see if he was okay,” said Bullock.

“I asked him if he was okay I saw his eyes roll to the back of his head, he wasn’t breathing and he started to turn purple I started administering CPR [Cardiopulmo naryResuscitation]tohim.”Escalantesaid.

AfterEscalantedidabout10setsofchest compressions,Bullockbegantoadminister CPR to victim while Escalante went to call emergencydispatch.AfterBullockadministeredoneroundofCPRthemanregained conscious and began breathing Escalante and Bullock ensured the man

stayed in place while emergency dispatch personnel were on the way to the scene In the meantime, Master-at-Arms Seaman Sarah Meader came with a first aidkitandstabilizedthevictim’sneckuntil Emergency Services arrived on scene Commanding Officer of NSA Naples Capt JamesStewartrecognizedEscalante Bullock,andMeaderforselflesslyrespond ingandhelpingthevictimregainconsciousness

“These Sailors embody the courage the Navy looks for in our fighting force,” said Stewart, “Force readiness is such an important aspect of our mission because you never know when the call to action

comes It could be on a carrier in hostile watersorasyou’redrivingdownyourhome street.Forthat,Iamproudfortheirperfor mance and it was an honor to award them for their efforts.”

NSA Naples is an operational ashore base that enables U.S. allied and partner nation forces to be where they are needed, when they are needed to ensure security and stability in the European, African, and Central Command areas of responsibility

For more news about NSA Naples and the Sailors who serve onboard the instal lation, please follow us on Instagram @ NSANaplesandFacebookatfacebook.com/ NSANaples/

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) along with the embarked staff of Carrier Strike Group (CSG)10,GeorgeH.W.BushCSGarrivedin Split,Croatia,foraregularlyscheduledport visit Nov. 3, 2022.

Theportvisitprovidesanopportunityto enhance the strong U.S.-Croatian partnership asthe twonations work togetherfor a stable,secure,andprosperousEurope and allowtheSailorsofGeorgeH.W.BushCSG a chance to experience Croatian culture.

“Our ability to deter aggression and defend the alliance is stronger when we work together with our allies and partners likeCroatia,”saidRearAdm.DennisVelez, commander, CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG “Our Sailors have worked with and shared cultural exchanges with Croatian Sailors and people throughout our deployment. Just recently USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55) sailed with the Croatian missile boat Dubrovnik (RTOP-42) during the recent NATO vigilance activity Neptune Strike 22.2. But most importantly, the Croatian government provided safety for a number ofouraviatorsandaircraftearlyindeployment when they needed to divert due to weather ThatspeakstotheCroatianspirit and the imperative of relationships in our collective defense.”

George H.W. Bush is anchored off the coast, and will host local officials and key leaders for a reception to honor the U.S.-Croatian relationship Additionally, Sailors from the ship will take much deserved time off to experience Croatian culture in and around Split

“The warriors of Team Jackpot our leaders teachers and ambassadors all know the important responsibility we each have to represent our families, cities, states, andnationwithprofessionalismanddignity as we enjoy the opportunity to explore all Croatiahastooffer,”saidCapt.DavePollard,

commandingofficerofGeorgeH.W.Bush “I was fortunate to bring a few hundred Sail ors to Split in 2021 as commanding officer of USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20), and I’m grateful to bring the nearly 5,000 Sailors embarked aboard Georg Herbert Walker Bushtoenjoyittoday.”

The ship’s Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) team arranged a variety of tours for Sailors to experience the area including rafting the Cetina River hiking the Sibenik and Krka Waterfalls and addi tional tours throughout the region.

Sailors will also have the opportunity to participate in two Thousand Points of Light community relations events orga

nized with and through local officials at two local kindergartens a nod to Presi dentGeorgeH.W.Bush’sinauguraladdress andtheservice-orientedorganization that exists still today.

Strengthening partnerships during the port visit to Split builds enduring relationships and emphasizes our shared commit ment to promoting safety and stability within the region, while seeking oppor tunities to enhance our interoperability as NATO allies

U.S. Navy ships frequently stop in Croatia for maintenance and mutual security operations. Croatia is a hub for U.S. Navy cooperation, with the port city of Rijeka

economicallybenefitingfromoverabillion Kuna in contracted services since 2011.

CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa area of operations, employedbyU.S.SixthFleettodefendU.S., allied and partner interests George H.W. Bush is the flagship of CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG George H.W. Bush CSG is comprised of George H.W. Bush, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26 the InformationWarfareCommander andthe Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55).

TheshipsofDESRON-26withinCSG-10 aretheArleighBurke-classguided-missile destroyersUSSNitze(DDG94),USSFarragut(DDG99),USSTruxtun(DDG103),and USS Delbert D. Black (DDG 119).

The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboard George H.W. Bush are the “Jolly Rogers” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 103 the “Pukin Dogs” of VFA-143 the “Bluetails”ofCarrierAirborneEarlyWarn ing Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Nightdip pers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, the “Sidewinders” of VFA-86, the “Nighthawks”ofVFA-136,the“Patriots”of ElectronicAttackSquadron(VAQ)140,and the “Grandmasters” of Helicopter Mari time Strike Squadron (HSM) 46

For over 80 years U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S.NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEUR NAVAF) has forged strategic relationships withalliesandpartners,leveragingafoundationofsharedvaluestopreservesecurity and stability

Headquartered in Naples, Italy, NAVEUR-NAVAF operates U.S. naval forces in the U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) and U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritime forces through the full spectrum of joint

and naval
Bush Carrier Strike Group
SPLIT Croatia (Nov.3,2022)The Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77), alongwith the embarked staffofCarrierStrike Group (CSG) 10 arrives in Split Croatia,fora scheduled portvisit Nov.3,2022 The George H.W.Bush CSG is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S., allied,and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSEAMAN CHANDLERLUDKE) NAPLES,Italy(Sept.8,2022) U.S.Naval SupportActivity(NSA) Naples Commanding OfficerCapt.James Stewart (farright),poses fora photowith Navyand Marine Corps Commendation Medal recipients in Capodichino
needed to ensure
operations George H.W.
arrives in Split, Croatia
Italy Sept 8,2022.NSANaples is an operational ashore base that enables U.S.,allied,and partnernation forces to bewhere theyare
when theyare
securityand stabilityin the European,African,and Central Command areas ofresponsibility.
Sailors awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal after saving a man’s life onboard NSA Naples Patrol Squadron 10 continues partnership with Brunei CAC 9 ofthe Red Lancers”Patrol Squadron 10 joined the Royal Brunei Navyand USS Charleston forCARATexercise. PageB3

U.S. Chief of Naval Operations visits Republic of Korea; Meets with ROK leadership and Sailors

BUSAN, Republic of Korea Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Mike Gilday andhiswifeLindaGildayvisitedtheRepub licofKorea(ROK),Nov.3-4,tomeetwithU.S. Sailors and military leaders, as well as ROK officials

Adm. Gilday met with the Chief of Naval Operations of the Republic of Korea Navy Adm.Lee Jong-Ho,andCommander Repub lic of Korea Fleet Vice Adm. Kang, Dong Hoon.

“The alliance and close relationship between our naval forces is a linchpin of securityinNortheastAsia,”saidGilday.“Our alliance provides a stabilizing and deterring presenceandourcommitmenttothedefense oftheRepublicofKorearemainsironclad.”

“Lately theDPRKisraisinglevelsofprov ocation by launching missiles and artillery shells,flyingwarplanesandseriouslythreat eningpeaceandsecurityintheinternational community,” said Lee “We have to bolster the two navies’ military engagement and

combineddefenseposturetoprepareforthe current criticalsecuritysituation.

“The U.S. remains committed to peace and prosperity through the region in order to maintain a free and open Indo-Pacific,” Gildayadded CNO visited Seoul, Busan, and Gyerong, ROK. At each engagement, Gilday empha sized the significance of presence and the strength of the partnership betweenthe U.S. andROKnavies aswellastheimportanceof forward-deployed naval forces Throughout his visit Adm. Gilday spoke with U.S. Sailors, as well as service members assigned to the ROKnavy

He also offered his sympathies to ROK followingtherecenttragedyinSeoul.

“With great sorrow, my wife Linda and I grieve alongside the people of Korea,” said the CNO. “Our hearts are heavy We will never forget the strength of the families and the community with whom we met over the pasttwodays.”

The Gildays also toured Commander, Naval Forces Korea headquarters, attended anawardsceremonyandreenlistedSailors

The U.S. and Republic of Korea navies regularly operate together for many bilat eral exercises and operations Joint exer cise Vigilant Storm started this week and focusesonbuildinginteroperabilityandread iness Recently, both navies participated in the Korean-led exercise Hoguk, an annual exercise conducted by ROK marines The ROK recently also hosted the 2022 Multi national Mine Countermeasures Exercise and Symposium at Busan Naval Base which wasanopportunityforleadersfrommultiple nations to meet and share knowledge about minecountermeasures

This past September, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN76)pulledintoBusan,forthefirsttime since 2017, marking the Japan-based carrier’s first trip to the ROK in nearly four years CNO Gilday visited ROKS Marado (LPH 6112) over the summer during exercise Rim ofthePacific2022.

Gilday’s visit to ROK precedes a trip to Japan for the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force International Fleet Review and West ernPacificNavalSymposium.

A: There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated


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USS Ronald Reagan hosts Japanese Prime Minister during International Fleet Review


Guided-missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville (CG 62) participated in the parade of ships while Prime Minister Kishida served as reviewing officer from aboard JS Izumo (DDH 183). Kishida visited Ronald

Operations(CNO) Adm.MichaelGilday.

Prime Minister Kishida and Ambassador Emanuel discussed the importance of the U.S. Japanalliance,whiletouringtheship, meeting Sailors and engaging with leader

ship aboard Ronald Reagan During his time aboard, Ambassador Emanuel took time to address the crew of Ronald Reagan over the ship’sintercomsystem

“On behalf of the entire United States I want to say a very simple, but much needed, thank you,” said Emanuel. “A lot of times in America, we have a debate about what represents the one percent. You who have volunteered on behalf of our ideals our values and our interests represent the true one percent of America. Thank you for your selflesssacrifice.”

IFR is an exercise that includes navies from numerous countries to strengthen and develop maritime partnerships This year’s eventcelebratedtheJapanMaritimeSelf-De fenseForce’s(JMSDF)70thanniversary

CSG 5 crews integrated with JMSDF and other participating navies to strengthen interoperabilityandfurtherdevelopmaritime partnershipsthroughteam-buildinggoodwill eventsashore,theparadeofshipsatsea,aswell asamultilateralsearchandrescueexercise

While aboard Reagan, CNO spoke with

Sailors while also presenting awards and conductingare-enlistmentceremony

“Whatweaskyoutodoouthereisincred ibly important, and I can never understate that,” said Gilday “Whether you’re working down in the engineering spaces, whether you’re in a supply parts storeroom, whether you’reinAIMD[AircraftIntermediateMain tenance Department] whether you’re serv ing meals whether you’re working in the hangar, or you’re working on the flight deck and everywhere in between just know that you are on a phenomenal team. I thank you allforwhatyou’redoing.”

Chancellorsville, USS Higgins (DDG 76) andtheRonaldReaganCarrierStrikeGroup are forward-deployed to the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations in support of security and stability in the Indo-Pacific U.S. 7th Fleet is the largest numbered fleet in the world, and with the help of 35 other maritime-nation Allies and partners, the U.S. Navy has oper atedintheIndo-Pacificregionformorethan 70 years, providing credible, ready forces

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?
FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support
Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost
BUSAN,Republic ofKorea (Nov.4,2022) ChiefofNaval OperationsAdm.Mike Gildayreenlists U.S.NavySailors assigned to Commander,Naval Forces Korea in Busan,Republic ofKorea (ROK),Nov.4.Gildayvisited the ROKto meetwith Sailors,militaryleaders,and ROKofficials.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYCMDR COURTNEYHILLSON/RELEASED) SEA Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visited the U.S. Navy’sonlyforward-deployedaircraftcarrier, USSRonaldReagan(CVN76),whileCarrier Strike Group (CSG) 5 units concluded their participationintheJapanMaritimeSelf-De fenseForceInternationalFleetReview(IFR) inYokosukaandSagamiWan,Nov.6. Reagan following the review of ships and was welcomed by U.S. Ambassador to Japan, the HonorableRahmEmanuel andChiefofNaval to helppreservepeaceandpreventconflict.
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, November 10 2022
GYERYONG,Republic ofKorea (Nov.4,2022) U.S.ChiefofNaval OperationsAdm.Mike Gildayposes fora photowith ChiefofNaval Operations ofthe Republic ofKorea NavyAdm.Lee,Jong-Ho and theirspouses during avisit to the Republic ofKorea (ROK),Nov.4.Gildayvisited the ROKto meetwith Sailors,militaryleaders,and ROKofficials.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCMDR COURTNEYHILLSON/RELEASED)

SECNAV visits NETC Pensacola

PENSACOLA, Fla. Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro visited Naval Air Station Pensacola for tours of several Naval Education Training Command (NETC) schools, to include Naval Air Technical Training Center (NATTC), Naval Aviation Schools Command (NASC) and NASC’s Aviation Rescue Swimmer School. He also servedastheguestofhonorfortheNavyBall attheNationalNavalAviationMuseum,Oct. 13,2022.

“We’re extremely thankful Secretary Del TorotookthetimetotraveldowntoPensac olaandmeetwithourstaffs,instructorsand students especially on the such a poignant day as the Navy’s 247th birthday, said Rear Admiral Pete Garvin, commander, Naval Education and Training Command “Fleet readinessdoesindeedstarthereaswerefine Sailors into highly skilled, operationally

effective andcombatreadywarfighters.”

Del Toro also received demonstrations of water rescue procedures and a Multipurpose Reconfigurable Training System (MRTS)3D®simulation

MRTS 3D® is an example of modernized, on-demand training delivery, developed by NavalAirWarfareCenterTrainingSystems DivisionaspartoftheNavy’sReadyRelevant Learning (RRL) initiative. RRL is designed to provide Sailors the right training at the righttimeandintherightway.

Del Toro also took time to speak to local pettyofficersfirstclass,selectedforpromo tion to chief petty officer, about the Navy’s new“GetReal,GetBetter”calltoactionfor every Navy leader to apply a set of Navy provenleadershipandproblemsolvingbest practices that empower Sailors to achieve exceptionalperformance

Get Real, Get Better is something that I completely embrace,” said Del Toro “Our chief of naval operations embraces it. Our master chief petty officer of the Navy

embraces it. Be honest with yourself Be honestwiththechallengesthatwefaceasa Navy, and we can only get that much strongerandthatmuchbetter.”

Following the tour, Del Toro spoke as the guest of honor at the Navy Ball, commemo ratingtheNavy’s247thbirthday.Thecentral theme for the Navy’s 247th birthday is “On Watch 24/7 for 247 Years,” which high lightsourNavy’senduringabilitytoremain fully ready to respond to and effectively deteremergentthreats.

“A decisive naval force will always be required to preserve our independence, 24 hoursaday,7daysaweek,247yearsstrong,” said Del Toro “As we begin the 248th year of our Navy’s history, you have my commitment that I will do everything in my power to ensure that our Navy and Marine Corps remains the best in the world for the years tocome Happybirthday,shipmates Thank you for your service, and may God bless all who serve in the United States Navy and MarineCorps.”

NETC’s mission is to recruit and hire talented civilians, deliver training and educationtotransformciviliansintoSailors and distribute accession Sailors to the fleet to maximize readiness and ensure mission success;toprovidespecializedtrainingand educational tools to advance the personal and professional development of Sailors throughout their career; and serve as sole claimant for individual training and educationandastheprincipaladvisortotheChief of Naval Operations and Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command on training and educationrelatedmatters

For more information about NETC, visit the command’s website at https://www netc.navy.mil/ and follow MyNavy HR: Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ MYNAVYHR/ Instagram at https://www instagram.com/mynavyhr/ and Twitter at https://twitter.com/mynavyhr

Multipurpose Reconfigurable Training System 3D®, MRTS 3D®, and the MRTS 3D logoareregisteredtrademarksoftheU.S.Navy



the U.S. Navy’s long-term interest in strengtheningrelationshipswithpartnersin theAssociationofSoutheastAsianNations CARAT2022aimstopromoteregionalsecurity cooperation, maintain and strengthen maritime partnerships, and enhance interoperabilityamongparticipatingforces AircrewandmaintainersfromVP-10were given the opportunity to mission plan and train with the RBAF while discussing the capabilitiesandrolesoftheP-8APoseidon.

“I learned a lot on a cultural and strategic level from working with our RBAF counterparts,” said Lt j.g. Brandon Aro, a CAC-9flightofficerinthedetachment.“We were able to share information and tactics about different mission scenarios which strengthen our interoperability and leads to improved and standardized evolutions inthefuture.”

Over the course of eight days, the “Red Lancers”crewhostedseveraldistinguished visitors including Commander Operations GroupoftheRoyalBruneiAirForceColonel HishamuddinbinAbidinandparticipatedin numerouscombined-forceevents The“Red Lancers”demonstratedhowtopreflightthe P-8APoseidonaircraft,exchangedinforma tion with other subject matter experts and touredtheCharlestonwithmembersofthe RBAF CAC-9 wrapped up CARAT operations with a final tracking exercise aimed at increasing both navies’ understanding of tracking and pursuing targets utilizing surfaceshipsandaircraft.

The“RedLancers”arebasedinJacksonville Florida and are currently operating from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa Japan. Thesquadronconductsmaritimepatroland reconnaissance,

mission is to recruit train and deliver thosewho serve ournation,taking them from street-to-fleet bytransforming
Secretaryofthe NavyCarlos DelToro delivers remarks as the guest ofhonorduring NavalAirStation (NAS) Pensacola’s NavyBall at the National NavalAviation Museum
(NNAM) Oct.13,2022
NAS Pensacola fora tourofthe Naval EducationTraining Command (NETC) and as the guest ofhonorforthe NavyBall at NNAM.NETC’s
civilians into highlyskilled,operational
ByLt.j.g BrianDepaola Patrol Squadron (VP) 10 AIR BASE, Brunei Combat Aircrew(CAC)9ofthe“RedLancers”Patrol Squadron (VP) 10 joined the Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) and USS Charleston (LCS 18) for the 28th annual Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) exercise onRimbaAirBase,Brunei,Oct24 31 by the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF), this bilateral event demon strates
as well as theater outreach operations, as part of a rotational deploymenttotheU.S.7thFleetareaofoperations Patrol Squadron 10 continues partnership with Brunei through CARAT exercise ABOVE: RIMBAAIRBASE,Brunei (Oct 25,2022) NavalAircrewman (Operator) 1st Class Chelsea Mitchell,assigned to the“Red Lancers”of Patrol Squadron (VP) 10 conducts training formembers ofthe Royal Brunei Armed Forces during CooperationAfloat Readiness andTraining Brunei 2022 VP-10 is currentlyoperating from KadenaAirBase in Okinawa Japan. The squadron conducts maritime patrol and reconnaissance,aswell as theateroutreach operations,as part ofa rotational deployment to the U.S. 7th Fleet area ofoperations.(U.S.Navyphoto byAviation Electrician’s Mate 1st Class BrianWoodford) (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYAVIATIONELECTRICIAN’S MATE1STCLASSBRIANWOODFORD) LEFT:Aviation Ordnanceman 2nd Class Chase Hawes briefs Commander Operations Group ofthe Royal BruneiAirForce Colonel Hishamuddin bin Abidin. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLT NICHOLASSKEEN) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, November 10 2022 3

USNCC President visits Parris Island as parade reviewing official

PARRISISLAND,S.C. U.S.NavalCommunityCollege’s presidentvisitedMarineCorpsRecruitDepotParrisIsland November 3, 2022.

PresidentRandiR.Cosentino,Ed.D.,servedastheparade reviewing official for the graduation ceremony of the 391 MarinesofPapaCompany,4thRecruitTrainingBattalion.

“This was a great opportunity to see one of the two commandswhereMarinesaremade,”saidCosentino “The trainingandeducationourservicesprovidetodevelopour

During the visit, Cosentino observed the motivational run and family day ceremony on Thursday, November 3, andobservedmorningcolorsandthegraduationceremony onFriday,November4.Shealsometwiththecommanding general,Brig Gen.WalkerM.Field,andhisseniorenlisted leader Sgt. Maj. Edwin A. Mota during her visit.

“OurMarinesgothroughanintenseandeffectivetrainingprocesstopreparefortheircareerintheMarineCorps,” said USNCC’s senior enlisted leader, Sgt. Maj. Michael Hensley, who has served one tour as a drill instructor and

U.S. Naval Community College warfighters is the critical advantage we maintain over our adversaries and competitors.” one tour at Weapons Field Training Battalion at MCRD Parris Island. “The skills they learn going through this trainingandtheirfollowingtrainingatMOSschoolprepare them to be successful in an educational environment like USNCC.” The United States Naval Community College is the offi cial community college for the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. To get more information about USNCC, go to www.usncc.edu. Click on the Inquire Now link to learn how to be a part of the USNCC Pilot II program.
linkto learn howto be a part ofthe
(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTXANDERGAMBLE/RELEASED) ALZ.org/TimeToTalk If you’renoticing changes, it could be Alzheimer’s. Talk about visiting adoctor together. “Early detection gave us more time to findinformation andsupporttogether.” 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, November 10 2022
PARRIS ISLAND,S.C.(Nov.4,2022) U.S.Naval CommunityCollege’s President Randi R.Cosentino,Ed.D.,receives a plaque during the graduation ceremonyat Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island.Cosentinovisited MCRD Parris Island as the parade reviewing official forthe graduation ceremonyofthe 391 Marines ofPapa Company,4th RecruitTraining Battalion.The United States Naval CommunityCollege is the official communitycollege forthe Navy Marine Corps,and Coast Guard.To get more information about USNCC,go towww.usncc.edu.Clickon the Inquire Now
USNCC Pilot II program.

FORT WORTH, Texas For decades, massesofpeoplehavecometoknowandlove popularculture’sfamedsuperheroandside kickduos Fanshaveswarmedtheaterstime andagaintobearwitnesstotheheroicdeeds of Batman and Robin, Cloak and Dagger, ThorandValkyrie,andsomanyothers.

Existing beyond the silver screen, in an anotherdimension however,thereisatrue dynamic duo in real life A son, who is a United States Navy Sailor, and his mother, a Navy command ombudsman, are both workingday-inandday-outatNavyReserve Center (NRC) Amarillo to ensure holistic warfightingreadinessforthecommand’s90 SelectedReserve(SELRES)Sailors

Yeoman 1st Class (YN1) Marcus Jones is the leading petty officer of NRC Amarillo’s Administrationdepartment.Hismother Ms. ReginaJones,volunteersasthecommand’s informationandreferralspecialist,functioning as a communication link between the commandingofficerandcommandfamilies In these essential roles, they have serviced the needs of Navy Reserve Sailors across Amarillo, Texas and the surrounding area forthepastthreeyears

“We take pride in getting our Reserve Sailors out there on the front lines,” said YN1 Jones “My department takes care of their administrative needs and my mom is an invaluable resource as well. She’s like a second mother to all of the Sailors here and goes above and beyond to assist them and theirfamilies We’veevengivenherthenickname,‘Mombudsman.’”

Ms. Jones quipped in response to her “cute and witty moniker while commentingonthesignificanceofitsconnotation.

“It’s the utmost compliment, said Ms. Jones “When I hear of Sailors referring to me in such an endearing manner, I’m remindedofmycommitmenttothem:toaid in all aspects with compassion and understanding.”

Operating on two fronts the work and contributions of the Jones duo has directly impacted the improved mission readiness of NRC Amarillo and its attached Reserve units Last year, the command achieved a 100 percent mobilization-success rate with zero cancellations, providing the Navy with necessary strategic depth and mission supportaroundtheworld.

“I’m here to make a difference,” said YN1 Jones “TheNavyhasgivenmetheopportunitytoservemycountry protectingfreedom anddemocracyhereandabroad.It’smyjob


tofacilitatethetraining,administration,and warfightingreadinessofourReserveSailors sothattheyremainfocusedandpreparedto answertheNation’scall.”

“Everyone has their individual respon sibilities,” said Ms. Jones “Not always is thereamomentwhenourSailorscanjustbe human because the military is such a struc tured life That’s why ombudsmen are here to bring that human element, to reassure Sailors and their families that there is a life in the military where you can have a home awayfromhome.”

YN1Jonesspokehighlyofhismotherand herdedicationtothecause,whileattributing hissuccesstolessonssheinstilledinhimasa youngboy.Heknowsfullwellyoudon’thave towearacapetobeasuperhuman

“My mom is my hero, said YN1 Jones “Her job as an ombudsman can be taxing, but she does it with such grace. She is very muchapeopleperson,andtheappledoesn’t fallfarfromthetree Anytimewegettointer act with others, and help them overcome obstaclesitisveryfulfilling.”


“It’s a blessing to see my child go off into the world and do marvelous works of wonder,”saidMs.Jones.“Workingwithhim, I have seen his work ethic is far more than me and his father could have ever dreamed he would achieve. He is genuinely who you see, and will do anything to help his fellow Sailorsandtheirfamilies.”

As the Jones duo continues their mission-essential task of readying NRC Amarillo’swarfighters,theiractionscontribute to a grand cause directed by Chief of NavyReserveViceAdm.JohnMustin.Inhis updatedNavyReserveFightingInstructions, releasedinMarchof2022,Mustinrenewed his action plan driving the Navy Reserve to fully attain and maintain the warfighting credibilityandrelevancerequiredfortoday andinthefuture.

“Our Sailors are our asymmetric advan tage,” said Mustin. “It is contingent upon us to focus on inclusion and equity allow ing our Navy Reserve to harness our entire diverseteamofSailorsandcivilianstomaxi mize our warfighting capability and read iness We will enable and empower our Sailors, embrace ownership and ingenuity, and reinforce the simple, unifying concept thatSailorsandcommandswilltakecareof themselves and their people all the while removing barriers constraining our warf ightingadvantage.”

Estep NTAG Nashville Recruiter in the Spotlight

Everyone thisisOperationsSpecialist1st Class (SW) Jason Estep a native of Arling ton,Tx

OS1 Estep enlisted into the Navy in 2014. Similar to other Sailors joining the Navy, he joinedtoseetheworldandhegottoexperiencethatinhiscareer

Prior to being a recruiter in NTAG Nash ville’s Division 1’s Navy Recruiting Station Morristown, he came from Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyer, USS Farragut(DDG99),homeportedinMayport,Fl.

After completing his 6-year arduous sea tour onboard USS Farragut, he wanted a break from a large Navy presence and wanted a more remote style type of work. That’s how recruiting came to mind. OS1 Estep has been recruiting for about 18 monthsnowandhehasbeenstellar.

As a recruiter he like the engaging with potential applicants and spreading Navy awareness in land locked states such as Tennessee.Onethemanyrewardingthings that OS1 likes is meeting a someone for the firsttimeandexplainingwhattheNavyhas to offer and seeing what the effect that a greatchoicelikeservingcouldbenefitthem. Helikethereactionthatisgivenaftersome one putstheideatothought andrealizethe potentialbenefitsthattheycouldhave

One reason that OS1 tries to be the best at recruiting is he wants to make sure that he does his job to ensure the Navy’s future.

Withbringingthebestofthebestthenation has to offer he knows that the country is in goodhands

As his time at recruiting is coming to an end, he has great goals he’d like to achieve prior to transferring He wants to earn his associates and if he still has time, he’d also liketogethisbachelors Ontopofhimpursu ingeducation,hewantstomakeChiefbefore headingouttohisnextseaduty.

NTAGNashvilleincludes46Navyrecruit ing stations across the states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Georgia covering 138,000 square miles NTAG Nashville employs over200recruiters,supportpersonnel,and civilians in its mission to recruit individuals who meet standards for naval service Follow NTAG Nashville on Facebook NTAGNashville

Navy Recruiting Command consists of a commandheadquarters,threeNavyRecruit ingRegions,and26NavyTalentAcquisition Groupsthatservemorethan1,000recruiting stations across the world. Their combined goal is to attract the highest quality candidatestoassuretheongoingsuccessofAmer ica’sNavy FormorenewsfromCommander, Navy Recruiting Command, go to http:// www.cnrc.navy.mil.FollowNavyRecruiting on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ MyNAVYHR), Twitter (@USNRecruiter) andInstagram(@USNRecruiter)

Operations Specialist 1st ClassJason Estep,a native ofArlington,Tx poses fora photo as she is selected as NavyTalentAcquisition Group Nashville’s Recruiterin the Spotlight oftheWeek. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION1STCLASSNICOLASLOPEZ)
NRC Amarillo’s Dynamic Duo: YN1 Marcus Jones & “Mombudsman”
NavyReserve Center(NRC)Amarillo’sAdministration
ByPettyOfficer1stClassLawrenceDavis Navy Reserve Region Readiness and Mobilization Command Fort Worth ByPettyOfficer1stClassNicolasLopez Navy Talent Acquisition Group Nashville YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING Search jobs. Post your resume. Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, November 10 2022 5
FORTWORTH,Texas (Nov.6,2022)
department Leading PettyOfficerYeoman First Class MarcusJones (left),and his mother Ms. ReginaJones,whovolunteers as the command ombudsman are
haveworked at NRCAmarillo forthe past threeyears,helping to ensure the holisticwarfighting readiness forthe command’s 90 Selected Reserve (SELRES) Sailors.(PHOTOBYPETTY OFFICER1STCLASSLAWRENCEDAVIS)


IjoinedtheNavytostartanewcareerandseetheworld.MyfirstcommandwastheArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Michael Murphy (DDG 112) out of Joint Base PearlHarbor-Hickam,Hawaii ThenIcamehere;soislandtoisland.YoucouldsayIreally enjoytheislandlife.


Myjobistoprocessregularmailandregisteredmailandprovidegreatcustomerservice We alsosupporttheshipsthatcomein.Myjobistogetthemailthatcomesin,sortitandbring ittotheship.Comingfromashipmyself,Iknowhowitfeelstobewaitingforpackagesand howlongitcantakeforpeopletoreceiveitemstheywantorneed.Itmakesmefeelgoodtobe ontheoppositeendandtobeabletogetourSailorsthepackagestheyhavebeenwaitingfor.


MyjobisequallyasimportantforthepeoplestationedonNSASoudaBaybecauseeveryone needsmail.Nomatterwhoyouare,especiallylivingtheislandlife,weallneedmail.Itfeels good to contribute to people’s happiness when they get their packages and see the smiles onpeople’sfaceswhentheygetapackagetheyhavebeenwaitingareallylongtimefor Italsohelpswithmorale Ifsomeoneishavingabadday,everythingchangeswhentheyhave a package come in. After they pick it up, they go back to work feeling happy which in turn contributestotheirteam Theycanworkbetteralongsidetheirteammatestocompletethe missionwiththatgoodattitude.


My favorite thing is customer service I love talking with customers. I have always been a peopleperson,sojustinteractingwithcustomersmakesmehappy Whathasbeenacareerhighlighthere? Recently,IwasnominatedforSailoroftheQuarterandgottogototheboardforit Justbeing nominatedwasarealhonorforme anditmademefeelasthoughmycommandreallysaw andtooknoteoftheworkIhavebeendoing Thatwasagreatmomentforme

Whatareyourlong-termcareergoals? Currently I am working on my Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. My overall goal is togetmydegreeandstayintheNavyfor20years Afterthat,whenIretirefromtheNavy,I wanttostartworkingfortheNavalCriminalInvestigativeServiceorNCIS Whennotatwork,howdoyouspendyourfreetime? Ilikegoingtothebeach goingouttoeatandspendingtimewithfriends Ialsolikemaking music.IrapandsendtherecordingtomyfriendbackinHawaiitomixtogether OntheNavy side,IamtheMulticulturalCommitteeTreasurer.Ienjoylearningaboutdifferentcultures,


Jones comes from a long line of military service.

“Myfamilyhasrecordsofmilitaryservice dating all the way back to the Revolution


Jones reported to Recruit Training Command (RTC) in July 2022 and hit the groundrunning Hehasbeenexceptionally motivated since arriving to RTC and radi atespositivity

“I try my best to lighten the workload for mycolleagues,”saidJones.“Thegoalistodo allIcantobepositiveandmakeadifference not only at my rank, but at my next rank as well.OnedayIwanttobetheseniorenlisted leaderthatstrivestoleadfromthetop.”



“I started acting in middle school,” said Jones “I got involved in my school’s play andafterthatmyparentsencouragedmeto pursue acting. The more I did it, the more I lovedit.”

Jones continued to act all through his schooling and even attended a performing artsschoolforayearinhighschool.

Recently, Jones became involved with a local haunted house attraction in his time outsideofRTC.

“I was driving home one day and saw an advertisement for a local haunted house,” said Jones “I was curious so I decided to lookintoitandfoundouttheywereinneed ofactorssoIappliedandwasluckyenough


Although Jones has big plans for his future,hetakeslifedaybyday.

“The only thing you can really control is yourattitudeandoutlookonlife, saidJones “If you approach every day with a smile on yourface,itwilleventuallyinfluenceevery one else around you. The better you treat people and make everyone else’s life more positive,thebetteryourlifewillbeinreturn. Tryyourhardesttospreadpositivitythrough everythingthatyoudo.”

LS2Joneshasbeenagreatadditiontothe RTCteamandwillcontinuetomakeagreat impact on the future of the Navy Hooyah, LS2!

anddisplayingitviaPowerPointforpeopleinthecommand. WhatissomethingyouenjoyaboutlivinginGreece? ThecoffeeinGreeceisthebest.Ilovethewaytheymakemochacappuccinos.Also,Ihave beenlearningsomeGreekfromthelocalnationalsthatworkwithme,sothatisprettycool. WhatwouldyoulikeTeamSoudatoknowaboutyourwork? I just want everyone to know I am a hard worker and am always here at the Post Office to lendahand. Souda Spotlight: Retail Services Specialist 2nd Class Calvin Thomas Jr. Retail Services Specialist 2nd Class CalvinThomasJr.,assigned to Naval SupplySystems Command Fleet Logistics CenterSigonella,Site Souda Bay,poses fora portrait inside the NSA Souda BayPost Office on Oct.19 2022.NSASouda Bayis an operational ashore installation which enables and supports U.S.,Allied,Coalition,and Partnernation forces to preserve securityand stabilityin the European,African,and Central Command areas ofresponsibility. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSDELANEYS.JENSEN/ RELEASED)
U.S. Navy
Training Command Meet LS2 Griffin Jones! He is currently a Physical Fitness Instructor at the Navy’s onlyBootcampwherehefacilitatesallofthe
physical tests
comes from Bellevue Nebraska. With six years of service already under his belt, he plans to have a complete and successfulcareerintheNavy
War,” said Jones “My father served 24 years in the Air Force and was an E-8 when heretired.Iwantedtofollowinmyfamily’s footsteps and surpass my father’s record to becomeanE-9someday.
Recruit Training Command staff in the spotlight Logistics Specialist 2nd Class GriffinJones,a native ofBellevue,Neb poses fora portrait photo in Freedom Hall on RecruitTraining Command (RTC).More than 40,000 recruits train annuallyat the Navy’s onlyboot camp (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSOLYMPIAO.MARTIN) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, November 10 2022
www flagshipnews.com |The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, November 10,2022 7
Playonline every dayat PlayJumble.com JumbleDaily |Jumble CrosswordDaily |Jumble Sunday Sudoku |Mahjong |BubbleShooter Pro|Plus many more FREE PUZZLES &GAMES 8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, November 10 2022

WILLIAMSBURG, Va The holidays shine brightest at Busch Gardens® ChristmasTown™,returningonselectdatesfrom November11throughJanuary8.TheWorld’s MostBeautifulThemeParkwillonceagain be transformed with over ten million twin kling lights, one of the largest light displays in North America. Enjoy heartwarming holiday shows and more coasters than ever before with the all-new Pantheon™, the world’s fastest multi-launch coaster Christmas Town™ classics such as Santa’s Workshop,theChristmasTownExpressand ‘TwasthatNighticeskatingshowcoverthe parkinholidaycheer Festivetreats,holiday shopping and special photo opportunities complete the festive holiday tradition for friendsandfamilies

Be immersed in the magic of the season during an all-new dining experience Santa’s Fireside Feast presented by CocaCola® Families can enjoy a hearty meal and a special Christmas story from the big elf himself during this festive encoun ter Santa’s Fireside Feast is offered on select dates in the Killarney area of the park. Guests can reserve their spot at BuschGardens.com.

Families are also invited to participate in anall-newholidayscavengerhuntcelebrat ingtraditionsfromaroundtheworldincluding Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa Guests can pick up a clue sheet in England to identify holiday symbols throughout the parkandredeemaprizeonceallarefound.

Visitorsofallagescanrenewholidaytraditionswhileenjoyingfan-favoriteshowscele bratingthereasonfortheseason.Returning entertainmentincludes:

„ Up on the Haustop: It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Warm up with modern-day Christmas classics in a festive performanceinDasFesthaus.

„ Unto Us: A choral celebration of the


„ CelticFyre®:AChristmasCelebration:

„ ‘Twas That Night: The Royal Palace Theatre is transformed into a spectacular ice-skatingshowthatreimaginestheclassic storyofTheNightBeforeChristmas

„ Scrooge No More: Join Scrooge live on stageinthismusicalattheGlobeTheatreas heissweptawaybytheghostsofChristmas past, present and future, who teach him the importance of family and friends being togetheratChristmas

In addition to rides on the all-new Pantheon,thrill-seekerscanconquerover20 ridesandattractionsduringBuschGardens


MartinGrams:Our Williamsburg Nostalgia Fest is indeed a throwback to the days gone by when we had heroes in motion pictures and television. Today the majorityarepopulatedbyantiheroes Today’sprograms haveachemistryteacher,whosellsmethontheside,a soccer mom, who sells pot to other mothers, etc. Back inthe1950sand1960s,wehadheroestoaspireto

We try to bring in at least half a dozen celebrities everyyearwhowereinspirationalbehindthescenes… Eric Estrada, and Larry Wilcox, for example, were the stars of the TV show Chips and a large number of people decided to become police officers and make thatacareerbecausetheywereinspiredbyseeingthem ontelevision.Wegivethefansattendingaweekendto meettheirheroes

Jon Provost, Tara Buckman, Jo Ann Harris, PatrickWayne,JeremyAmbler,andAileenQuinn.

Foralltheexcitinginfo,gotohttps://www.williams burgnostalgiafest.com/

Yiorgo:WithustodayisKarolynGrimeswhoisbest known as little Zuzu the daughter of Jimmy Stewart andDonnaReedintheclassicmovie,It’sAWonderful Life. She treasured her rose petals and spoke the now veryfamousline,“Everytimeabellrings,anangelgets hiswings.”Karolynappearedin16moviesandworked withsuchfamousactorsasCaryGrantinTheBishop’s Wife, Randolph Scott in Albuquerque, Bing Crosby in BlueSkies,JohnWayneinRioGrandeandmanymore.

Also with us is Martin Grams the events organizer. Martin, why should people come to the Williamsburg NostalgiaFest?Whatwilltheygettodo,seeandexpe

Alsothroughouttheweekend,theycanwatchsome of those old films, have their photos taken with the celebrities,askquestions,gettheirautograph,shopthe vendortableswhicharefilledwithtonsofcollectibles, andattendafewslideshows seminarsandcelebrityQ andA’sonstage.

Y: What has been the biggest compliment that you hearoverandoverfromthosewhoattend?

MG:Themostcommoncomplimentthatwereceive frompeoplewhoshowupattheconventionforthefirst time is that they tell us afterwards that they wish they had come in the prior years They never realized how muchfunitwasuntiltheywerethereforthefirsttime

Y: You rely on a lot of volunteers to help make the Festasuccess

Gardens Members will be also be among the first to ride DarKoaster in 2023!

Membership is organized in easy-to-use tiers and includes one-park and two-park Busch Gardens and Water Country USA® Memberships Busch Gardens’ sister park, Water Country USA, is a seasonal water park with over 40 state-of-the-art water slides, kids’ play areas, lazy rivers and a mega wave pool. With a two-park Membership visitors can enjoy thrills at the world’s most beautiful theme park and fun in the sun at Virginia’s largest water park, Water Country USA. The flexibility allows guests to choose the Membership, benefits, and parks that are the best fit. For a full overview of Membership benefits, visit: buschgardens.com/williamsburg/ annual-pass/ NEW Amazing Monthly Rewards: Busch Gardens shows appreciation and love to our Members year-round with extra rewards every month like bonus tickets, early access and FREE exclusive merchandise Inadditiontoalltheamazing benefits and rewards, Members also have access to special monthly discounts and offers throughout the year For a preview of upcoming 2023 offers, visit: https:// buschgardens.com/williamsburg/annu al-pass/monthly-offers/ Events All Year Long: With an event filledlineupfromJanuarythroughDecem ber, Members have countless reasons to visit Busch Gardens and Water Country USAduringChristmasTownandthroughout 2023 The park’s 2023 event calendar features family-friendly offerings from SummerCelebrationandChristmasTown tofan-favoriteslikeHowl-O-Scream,Food & Wine Festival and Bier Fest Plus enjoy expanded experiences during Mardi Gras andSt Patrick’sDayCelebration,thepark’s newest events For a calendar of upcom ing 2022 and 2023 events, visit: https:// buschgardens.com/williamsburg/events/

ThefirstChristmas comes alive in this inspiring show in the open-airIlTeatrodiSanMarcoTheatre Voted USA Today’s #1 Theme Park Entertainment, this iconic performance adds a Christmas touch to the Killarney classic.
ChristmasTown. Enjoy a nighttime rideon more coasters than ever before as well as fan-favorite thrills like Finnegan’s Flyer™ andMachTower. Best Deal of the Season! Christmas Town Flash Sale Save up to 60% On Tickets:Spreadholidaycheerwiththebest deal of the season during the Christmas Town Flash Sale For a limited time only, guests can save up to 60% on tickets, start ing as low as $27.99 Hurry, offer ends 11⁄13! Give the Gift of Unlimited Visits and Unbeatable Benefits with a Busch Gardens Membership: Busch Gardens Membership plans start as low as $13 a month and offer guests unlimited visits to events all year long, including Christmas Town. Plus, Members get unbeatable benefits including FREE parking, FREE guest tickets, in-park discounts and exclu sive events and monthly rewards. Busch
Over ten million lights will shine bright at the world’s most beautiful theme park during Busch Gardens® Christmas Town™
For the fans in all of us who love nostalgia of the bygone days when we had heroes in movies and tele vision and love meeting some of those stars in person, then the place to be is The Clarion Hotel in Williams burg,VirginiafortheWilliamsburgNostalgiaFest ItstartstodayNovember10th-12thandyouwillhave the opportunity to meet movie and TV stars, hearing greatstories,gettheirautographsandpictures,finding those vintage, hard to find collectible games and toys from yesteryear see vintage movies on the big screen and get to ask the celebrities questions during Q&A sessionsonstage
ErikEstrada,LarryWilcox,MarielHemingway,Karolyn Grimes, Morgan Fairchild, Geri Reischl, Luciana Paluzzi,
Williamsburg Nostalgia Fest going on this weekend, Karolyn “Zuzu” Grimes talks It’s A Wonderful Life and more. Actress Karolyn“Zuzu”Grimes (COURTESYJOHNMATHEWSMITH&WWW CELEBRITY-PHOTOS.COM) INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Hearty meals for the holidays Capture the magic ofthe holidays around the dinnertable as loved ones toast the season with mealsworth celebrating such as Roasted Chateaubriandwith RedWine Gravyand Lemon-GarlicAsparagus and more! PageC4 TurntoNostalgiaFest Page 8 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, November 10 2022 1

The Virginia Beach Sports Card, Comic & Collectibles Expo returns to the Virginia Beach Field House this weekend, Sam Allen talks baseball in Norfolk

The Virginia Beach Sports Card, Comic & Collectibles Expo returns to the Virginia BeachFieldHousethisSaturdayNovember 12thwiththelargestvarietyofcollectiblesof anyshowintheTidewaterregionaswellas sportscelebrities.

Theconfirmedautographedguestsareas follows: Sam Allen, former baseball player for the Negro leagues Jesse Barfield base ball player and coach for the Toronto Blue Jays and the New York Yankees Bill Bray, baseball player for the Washington Nation als and Cincinnati Reds Barry Horowitz, professional wrestler for the WWF Roy Jefferson, Football player with the Pitts burgh Steelers, Baltimore Colts and the Washington Redskins. Clinton Portis, foot ball player with the Denver Broncos. And Danny Watson, baseball playerfor the New YorkYankees.

Yiorgo: With us today is one of the legends, Sam Allen and Russell Savage, Co-Promoter of the Expo Russell, why should people come to the Virginia Beach Sports Card Comic and Collectables Expo? Whatwilltheyseeandexperience?

Russell Savage: Collectors of Sports Cards Comic Books, Pokemon, Action Figures Pops SportsMemorabiliawillfind thelargestvarietyofcollectiblesofanyshow in the Tidewater region at our Expo We haveover160nationalandlocalvendorsall underoneroof Wealsohavemultipleautographguestsfromdifferentsportsincluding aprofessionalwrestler Youwillnotseethis many guests outside of large market shows in DC and Philly. Our show is also the largest Collectibles show that does not charge admission on the East Coast. We are very proud that this show is a free admission show.



drinks for those who participate in Trade Night which has become a favorite by local collectors

Y: Sam, what will you bring with you SaturdayattheFieldhouse?

Sam Allen: I am there representing the Negro league and I have memorabilia to go with it. I will bring a baseball with my picture on it, as well as posters, pennants andbaseballcards

Y:Wherewereyoubornandwhydidyou startplayingBaseball?

SA: I was born in Norfolk. People know itasTidewaterDrive butbeforethat,itwas known as Cottage Towe Rd I was born one housefromthebridgebytheLafayetteriver. Barraud Park was right across the street, a couple of blocks from my house and that’s whereIwenteveryeveningandthat’swhere Igotintosports

Y: What were names of some of the schoolsyouattended?Whatwasitlike?

SA: I went to John T. West Elementary school and at recess we played baseball becauseatthattimewedidn’thavetheNBA, NFLandtelevision.AlsoIhavealwaysbeen small I’m 150 pounds now. My top weight has been 160 pounds Back then schools weresegregated.Ifyouwereblackyouwent to Booker T Washington High School and that’s where I went. I played football and baseballthere Andatonetimethecitypaved about 20 basketball courts so we started playingbasketball

Y: You met Jackie Robinson here in Norfolkwhenyouwerelittle,correct?

SA: We were waiting at the ballpark. We were there at three o’clock for an eight o’clock game We waited a long time but I gotachancetotouchhishand Wehadthose heroesduringthattime

Y: Can you share some memories of you growingupinNorfolkandyourloveofbaseball?

SA:TherewasabaseballfieldatPollardSt Three blocks over at Church St and Rugby

Virginia Symphony Orchestra rings in the holidays with seasonal concerts across Hampton Roads

Santa Claus is stopping by to be a part of the VSO’s ever-popular Jingle Bell Jam! Celebrate the magic of the season with an afternoon that showcases the music of the holidays performed by the best talent in Hampton Roads Get your tickets early this family favorite is sure to sell out!


Jingle Bell Jam will be held Sunday, December 11, 2022, 3 PM at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts, Virginia Beach.Ticketsbeginat$12forkids

Jingle Bell Jam is supported in part by theCityofVirginiaBeach.Specialthanksto Cape Henry Collegiate for their Presenting SponsorshipandtoBayPortCreditUnionfor theirSupportingSponsorship

The Polar Express in Concert will be held Saturday, Nov. 26 2022, 7:30 PM at the Ferguson Center for the Arts, Newport News This concert is brought to you by CineConcerts.Ticketsbeginat$25.

Joinusforthemust-seeholidaytradition of the season Holiday POPS! There’s no better way to lift your spirits than with seasonal songs and traditional carols delivered in full sound and spectacle by the VirginiaSymphonyandspecialguests Holi dayPOPSwillhaveallthemagicalelements you’ve come to expect and more high energy, familiar carols, and lots of holiday warmth!Andwe’lleventhrowinasurprise or two! We can’t wait to celebrate the 2022 Holidayseasontogether!

Holiday POPS! will be held Thursday, December8,2022,7:30PMattheFerguson Center for the Arts, Newport News; Friday, December9,2022,7:30PMatChryslerHall, Norfolk; and Sunday, December 11, 2022, 7 PMattheSandlerCenterforthePerforming Arts,VirginiaBeach.Ticketsbeginat$25.

TheboldsoundsoftheVirginiaSymphony brass section ring in the holidays with a blast during Holiday Brass! Experience thefestivesoundsoftheseasoninaconcert filled with wit, virtuosity, and the glorious music of the holidays—featuring the VSO brass and percussion sections in an all-new program. You’ll enjoy music from a variety of styles that have made this concert a new holidaytradition!

Holiday Brass will be held Wednesday, December 14, 2022, 7:30 PM at St Bede Catholic Church, Williamsburg; Thurs day, December 15, 2022, 7 PM atthe Chesa peakeConferenceCenter,Chesapeake;and Saturday,December17 2022,7:30PMatthe HistoricPalaceTheatre,CapeCharles.Tickets begin at $25; Thursday’s concert is free andopentothepublic Thursday, December 15th’s performance ofHolidayBrassissponsoredbyCarl’sWash

The VSO presents George Frederic Handel’sreveredoratorio,Messiah,featuring the ever-beloved Hallelujah Chorus As legend has it, divine inspiration may have played a hand in Handel’s 1741 composi tion of what has become his most famous work. Not only did he write the massive score in just over three weeks’ time, there is a long-held story that the popular Halle

Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/ PressRelease
Va The Virginia Symphonypresentsfiveexceptionalholiday programsthroughoutHamptonRoadsfrom November26ththroughDecember17th
Get up, get on, and get
Kicking off the season is The Polar ExpressinConcert, a movie/live orchestra and chorus event featuring the music of ThePolarExpressplayedalongwiththefilm.
ready for the ride of
life! It’s Christmas Eve, and you’re about to roller-coaster up and down moun tains, slip-slide over ice fields teeter across mile-high bridges, and be served hot choc olate by singing waiters more astonishing thananyyoucanimagine You’reonthePolar Express! Tom Hanks stars in and Robert Zemeckis directs this instant holiday clas sicfilmedindazzlingperformance-capture animation that makes every moment magical. “Seeing is believing,” says a mysterious hobowhoridestherailswithyou.You’llsee wonders.Andyou’llbelieve.Allaboooooard!
Handel’s Messiah is
by the ChristianBroadcastingNetwork Ticketstoallfiveshowscanbepurchased in advance by calling 757.892.6366, visiting www.virginiasymphony.org or visiting the VirginiaSymphonyBoxOfficeat150Boush Street, Suite 201, Norfolk, VA 23510 from 10 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Monday Friday. For groupsalesof10ormore,call757213.1431.
lujah Chorus was itself inspired by a vision of heaven and its angels revealed to Handel ashewroteit. Handel’s Messiah will be held Thurs day, December 15 2022, 7:30 PM at Regent University, Virginia Beach; Friday, Decem ber16,2022,7:30PMatFirstBaptistChurch, NewportNews;andSaturday,December17, 2022, 7:30 PM at Chrysler Hall, Norfolk. Ticketsbeginat$25.
Yes, we also give back to the Sports CardandPokemoncardcommunitybyhosting a Trade Night at the VB Fieldhouse the nightbeforetheshow.Weprovidefoodand
ABOVEAND BELOW,RIGHT: SamAllen and some ofhis collection ofmemorabellia (COURTESY OFSAMALLEN’SPRIVATECOLLECTION) BELOWFARLEFT:TheVirginia Beach Sports Card, Comic & Collectibles Expo (COURTESYOFRUSSELLSAVAGE)
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, November 10 2022
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TheNationalWrestlingAlliance,(NWA)theworld’s oldest, continuous, wrestling promotion returns this weekend with another exciting Pay-Per-View, Hard Times 3 and Revolution Rumble television tapings in NewOrleans,Louisiana Someoftheexcitingmatches include:fortheNWAWorld’sHeavyweightChampionship,ChampionTrevorMurdochvs MattCardona vs Tyrus TheNWAWorldWomen’sChampionshipis onthelinewithChampionKamilleputtingupherbelt vs KiLynn King vs Chelsea Green The NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion Homicide defends against Kerry Morton. The NWA World Tag Team ChampionshipisupforgrabsascurrentChampionsLa RebelióndefendtheirtitlesvsHawxAerie,thefather/ sonteamofLukeHawxandPJHawxwhoqualifiedfor the title shot after defeating JTG and Dirty Dango on NWAPowerrtobecomethe#1contenders

For the rest of the up to date card tickets and how to order the PPV, go to https://www.nationalwrestlingalliance.com/ Yiorgo: With us today are two NWA stars, Luke Hawx and NWA World Heavyweight Champion Trevor Murdoch Why should fans come to the PPV or order it on Fite TV if they are not in the New Orle ansarea?

LukeHawx:Ifyouareawrestlingfanandyouwant to see good wrestling, NWA and WildKat Sports & Entertainmentbothhavegreatwrestlers,veteransand young guys and gals, hungry to give it their all There arealsoincrediblematchesonbothshows.NWAjust announced for the MLW National Openweight Title, Davey Richards vs Colby Corino, both guys phenomenal talents, super hard hitting and action packed. There are a lot of matches like that. The wrestlers on both shows are so, so well rounded and very differ ent and you have a little bit of everything NWA also just announced a Voodoo Queen Casket Match with MaxTheImpalervsNataliaMarkova.Youhavesome big men, high flying, women, drama, comedy, there’s something for everyone, so why would you not want tobethereinahistoricNWAeventonNovember12th and the next night November 13th with the biggest independentshowinLouisiana’shistory?

TravorMurdoch: The NWA prides itself in heaving“GrownA**MenandWomen’’whensteppinginto that ring with people that have been in the business with years of experience go out there and beat the hell out of each other We bring back an old school wrestlingstylethatnotmanypeoplecandothesedays andthatistostandtoe-to-toeintheringwithanother opponent,nosmoke,nomirrors,nomusic,nonothing Everything is based on your ability and what you can dofrombelltobell

Y: Luke how excited are you that you and your son PJarechallengingLaRebeliónfortheNWAWorldTag TeamChampionship?

LH:Idon’thavethewordstodescribewhatitwould mean for my son PJ and I to be the first father/son NWA World Tag Team Champions This title shot, in our home town, in front of our family, friends, NWA and Wildkat fans means the world to us We were determined to defeat JTG and Dirty Dango on NWA Powerrr and become the # 1 contenders This will be one hard fought match and we can’t wait until this Saturday November 12th to take it to the limit with La Rebelión and become the new NWA World Tag TeamChampions.

Y:TrevorthistimeyouareputtingyourNWAWorld HeavyweightTitleagainstTyrusandMattCardonain a Triple Threat Match. How do you prepare for this typeofmatch?

TM: The same way when I prepared for Tyrus at ourlastPPV,NWA74 Thefansaregoingtowitnessa war.Wearegoingtobattleandbeatthehelloutofeach other Last time I put in a lot of ring time wrestling one guy and as soon as he is tired, I bring in another and another, almost as if I am having one continuous 30-40 minute match. So for me it’s all about cardio and ring work. I’m a Harley Race guy so a lot of my work and training is in the ring because that’s where it’s going to happen When I’m tired and beaten and hurting, that’s where the job gets done in the ring, in order to survive and win and that is what I intend to doattheendofthenight,comeoutthewinneragainst TyrusandMattCardona.

Y:Luke youwearmanyhats.Atalentedactorofthe movie and TV screen, recently seen in the hit Showtime original series Heels and just this past Friday nightintheNBChitseriesYoungRockinyourrecurring role as “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, you also own WildKatSports&Entertainmentandareco-promot ing this weekend. First congratulations for all your hardworkandsuccessandsecond,whatisthediffer encebetweenthetwonightsofwrestling?

LH: Thank you so much for the kind words. Hard work does pay off but it’s also important to continue to better yourself and that’s why we are provid ing fans with the best wrestling this weekend. To answer your question, we are in the same location bothnightsbutthedifferenceis,Saturdaynightisthe NWA Hard Times Pay-Per-View carried live on Fite TV and Sunday is the NWA Powerrr TV taping and Wildkat Sports show. We have had a Wildkats Revo lution Rumble Anniversary show for eight years It’s ourbiggesteventever BecauseofCovid wehavenot been able to have it for the last two years This is our first year back. At our year eight we had 2400 people there. We missed years nine and ten. Now for year eleven, we have a wonderful, big building, great set upforwrestling ECWandsomanyothersusedtorun inthishistoricwrestlingbuilding SoSundayisour11 year Anniversary show, the Revolution Rumble and weareturningitintoaNWAPowerrrTripTVtaping SaturdayyouwillseeallNWAguysandgalsandwith some Wildkat wrestlers mixed in that are part of the NWAlikemyself,PJHawx,WildcardJakeSpadeand others. On Sunday, you will see all the Wildkat guys andgalswiththeNWAguysmixedinandthatisreally goodforeveryone Y:HowdidyourWildKatpromotionsgetinvolved inco-promotingthistwonightmegaevent? LH: Wildkat Sports have been a part of the NWA foracoupleofyearsnow Wehavebeeninsomewhat ofastandstillbecauseofcovidandNWAhasbeenup and running We had talked about this in the past to do some co-promoting events and the timing didn’t happenduetocovid Wearejustgettingstartedbackagain,businessisgoodbetweenfilm

Whatwastrainingwithhimlike? TM:
a Harley Race guy. He put me through the paces There were
and puke run back and try to catch up where everybody else was at calisthenics For him thatwasnormal,yougottapushyourbodykid Thatwashismentality gooutthereandwork, andworkandworkuntilyoucanbethehardestworkerinthering AndIamteachingthis now to my 16 year old son who wants to play baseball for a living I am teaching him that championsarenotbuiltinthegame,theyarebuiltinthehoursinthegymandthetraining youput in beforeyou goin the game I have abeautiful wife, a 22year olddaughter anda 5 yearoldsonaswell Iamablessedmanindeed. Y:HowaboutaquickHarleyRacestory? TM: As a joke, I would call him on the phone as Harley Race and argue with him that I was THE HarleyRace He wouldgetso angry withme I was only able to do it 4 or 5 times becausehefinallyrealizeditwasmeandsaid,(inHarley’svoice),“Trevor,whenyougetto theschool I’mgoingtokickyour ” NextWeek PartIIwiththeresultsoftheNWAPPV,andourinterviewswithLuketalking aboutYoungRock,Heelsandsomuchmore AlsoTrevorsharingmorewrestlingstories Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist. NWA returns with Hard Times in New Orleans PPV and Revolution Rumble an NWA Powerrr Trip this weekend, Luke Hawx and Trevor Murdoch talk wrestling www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, November 10 2022 3
noeasycornersorsteps MyfirstthreemonthstrainingunderHarley,Igotsickinthering everysingleday.I’mnotexaggerating.Iwouldbeinthemiddleofcalisthenics,runoutside

Make the holidays magical with hearty meals


Capturing the magic of the holi days often happens at the dinner table as loved ones toast the season with stunning meals worth celebrat ing This year, call the entire family together and make your festive feast truly memorable with pairings that offerfavoriteflavorsforall.

Starting with tender cuts of meat hand-trimmed by master butchers at OmahaSteaks,thesedishesfromchef David Rose call to mind the extravagant holiday gatherings of yesteryear with modern twists you can claim as yourown.

Roasted Chateaubriand with Red WineGravyandLemon-GarlicAspar agusoffersclassictastewhilePepper Crusted Prime Rib with Creamy HorseradishSauceandCrushedPota toes brings some zing to the kitchen. For seafood lovers looking to make a splash at this year’s get-togethers, CrabStuffedLobsterTailswithDirty Riceprovideasavory,succulentpair ingworthyoftheseason.

Visit OmahaSteaks.com/Blog to find more recipes fit for the holidays.

Recipes by Omaha Steaks Executive ChefDavidRose

Roasted Chateaubriand with Red Wine Gravy and Lemon-Garlic Asparagus

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: about 90 minutes

Chateaubriand: „ 1OmahaSteaksChateaubriand (2-4pounds) „ koshersalt „ groundblackpepper „ ¼cupgrapeseedoil

RedWineGravy: „ Reservedchateaubriandjuices

„ 1mediumshallot,smalldiced „ 2garliccloves,minced „ 1½cupsredwine „ 4tablespoonsunsaltedbutter,divided „ 2tablespoonsall-purposeflour „ 2½cupswater „ 2beefbouilloncubes „ 1tablespoonstonegroundmustard „ koshersalt,totaste „ groundblackpepper,totaste


„ ¼cupoliveoil

„ 1poundjumboasparagus stems trimmedandspearsblanchedinsalted water

„ 1pinchkoshersalt,plusadditional,to taste,divided

„ 1pinchgroundblackpepper,plus additional,totaste,divided „ ¼teaspooncrushedredpepperflakes „ 2garliccloves,minced

„ ½lemon,juiceonly



To make chateaubriand: Pat chateaubri and dry with paper towels Season on all sides with salt and pepper; bring to room temperature,about30minutes Preheatovento250F.

Inlargecast-ironpan,bringgrapeseedoil tohighheat.

Sear chateaubriand on all sides until goldenbrown,2-3minutesperside.

Removechateaubriandfrompan,reserving pan drippings; place chateaubriand on wirerack-linedbakingsheet.Bakeaccording to cooking chart for cook time and desired doneness Usemeatthermometertoensure doneness

Rest chateaubriand 15-20 minutes. Slice todesiredthickness

To make red wine gravy: Bring cast-iron panwithreservedchateaubrianddrippings to high heat then add shallots and minced garlic.Brown30seconds

Add red wine and deglaze pan, cooking untilreducedbyhalf,about3minutes

Reduce heat to medium and whisk in 2 tablespoonsbutterandflouruntilallclumps havedisappearedandmixtureiswell-incorporated,3-4minutes.

Add water and bouillon cubes; bring to boilthenwhiskinstonegroundmustard.

Reduce to low heat and simmer until achieving sauce-like consistency 7-8 minutes

Seasonwithsaltandpepper,totaste Turn offheatandwhiskinremainingbutteruntil fullymeltedandemulsifiedintosauce

Tomakelemon-garlicasparagus:Inlarge saucepan, bring olive oil to medium-high heat.

Add asparagus and season with salt, ground black pepper and crushed red pepper flakes Sear undisturbed about 1 minute.

Turn asparagus and add minced garlic, sauteingabout10seconds.Addlemonjuice and continue sauteing until reduced by two-thirds,about1minute

Turnoffheatandaddbutter,stirringuntil emulsified into pan sauce Season with salt andgroundblackpepper totaste

Serve chateaubriand with lemon-garlic asparagusandredwinegravy.

Crab Stuffed Lobster Tails with Dirty Rice

Prep time:

Tomakedirtyrice:Rinsejasminericewith wateruntilwaterisclear.Drain.

In large saucepot bring vegetable oil to medium-highheat

Add ground beef, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper, garlic powder and smoked paprika; saute 5 minutes until browned.

Using slotted spoon, remove browned beefandsetaside

Addbuttertopotthenaddredbellpepper, green onions and yellow onions Saute 2 minutesuntillightlycaramelized.

Add sofrito and jasmine rice to pot; saute 1 minute Add cooked ground beef and chicken stock; bring to boil. Once mixture boils, reduce heat to simmer 10 minutes Turnoffheatandleavelidonpot5minutes Fluffricewithforkandseasonwithsaltand pepper,totaste.

To make crab stuffing: In medium bowl, whiskmayonnaise seafoodseasoning,Dijon mustard, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice

Gentlyfoldincrushedbuttercrackersand crabmeat.Setaside

To make crab stuffed lobster: Preheat ovento425F.

Stir melted butter salt and lemon juice. Brushlobstertailswithbuttermixture.

Divide crab stuffing into eight portions Stuffeachlobstertailhalfwithcrabstuffing, pressing stuffing into lobster Place stuffed lobster tails on aluminum foil-lined sheet pan andbake 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown.Servewithdirtyrice.


1pinchkoshersalt,plusadditional, totaste,divided




To make creamy horseradish sauce: In medium bowl whisk crema, mayonnaise horseradish,vinegar,chives,Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, hot sauce, ½ teaspoon salt,½teaspoonpepper,onionpowder,garlic powder and paprika until well-incorpo rated.Seasonwithadditionalsaltandwhite pepper,totaste

To make pepper rub: In small bowl, stir salt,peppercorns chiliandthyme

To make prime rib: Pat prime rib dry with paper towels Season on all sides with pepperrubandbringtoroomtemperature, about30minutes.


Inlargecast-ironpan,bringgrapeseedoil tomedium-highheat.

Sear prime rib on all sides until golden brown,2-3minutesperside Placesearedprimeribonwirerack-lined baking sheet. Bake according to cooking chart for cook time and desired doneness Use meat thermometer to ensure done ness. Cook until internal temperature is 10 Fbelowdesireddoneness

Rest prime rib 15-20 minutes Slice to desiredthickness.

To make crushed potatoes: Preheat oven to425F.

Addpotatoestostockpot.Coverwithcold water by about 1 inch and add 1 pinch salt. Over high heat, boil 8-10 minutes, or until forktender.Drainandcompletelycoolwith runningcoldwater

Once cool, carefully crush potatoes with palms until skin breaks and potatoes are slightlycrushed In medium bowl, whisk olive oil, garlic andparsley

Placecrushedpotatoesonaluminumfoil linedbakingsheetandtosslightlywitholive oil mixture Season potatoes on both sides with kosher salt and ground black pepper, to taste Roast potatoes until crisped and goldenbrown,15-17minutes

Serveprimeribwithcrushedpotatoesand creamyhorseradishsauce

Roasted Chateaubriandwith RedWine Gravyand Lemon-GarlicAsparagus
Servings: 4
„ 2cupsjasminerice „ water „ ½cupvegetableoil „ 1poundOmahaSteaksUltra-Premium GroundBeef „ 1tablespoonkoshersalt,plusadditional, totaste,divided „ 1teaspoonblackpepper,plusadditional, totaste,divided „ 1teaspoongarlicpowder „ 2teaspoonssmokedpaprika „ 2tablespoonsunsaltedbutter „ 1mediumredbellpepper,smalldiced „ 2greenonions,minced „ 1cupsmalldicedyellowonion „ ½cuptomato-basedsofrito „ 3½cupschickenbroth CrabStuffing: „ ¾cupmayonnaise „ 2teaspoonsseafoodseasoning „ 2teaspoonsDijonmustard „ 1teaspoonWorcestershiresauce „ ½lemon,juiceonly „ 20buttercrackers finelycrushed „ 1poundjumbolumpcrabmeat CrabStuffedLobster: „ 2tablespoonsunsaltedbutter,melted „ 1teaspoonkoshersalt „ 1teaspoonfreshlemonjuice „ 4OmahaSteaksColdWaterLobster Tails(5ounceseach),halvedlengthwise
15 minutes
time: 30 minutes
Pepper-Crusted Prime Rib with Creamy Horseradish Sauce and Crushed Potatoes Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: about 2 ½ hours Servings: 4-6 CreamyHorseradishSauce: „ 15ouncescremaorsourcream „ ⅓cupmayonnaise „ 2tablespoonshorseradish „ 2tablespoonsapplecidervinegar „ 2tablespoonsmincedfreshchives „ 2teaspoonsWorcestershiresauce „ 1tablespoonfreshlemonjuice „ 1teaspoonhotsauce „ ½teaspoonkoshersalt,plusadditional, totaste,divided „ ½teaspoonwhitepepper,plus additional,totaste,divided „ ¼teaspoononionpowder „ ¼teaspoongarlicpowder „ ¼teaspoonsmokedpaprika PepperRub: „ 3tablespoonskoshersalt „ 1tablespoongroundpeppercornmedley „ 2teaspoonsgroundguajillochili „ 1teaspoondriedthymeleaves
„ 1OmahaSteaksBonelessHeartofPrime RibRoast(4pounds) „
„ ¼
cupgrapeseedoil CrushedPotatoes:
2tablespoonsfinelymincedItalian parsley
CrPotatoes ab Stuffed LobsterTailswith
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, November 10 2022
Pepper-Crusted Prime Ribwith CreamyHorseradish Sauce and Crushed

Walk-in contraceptive services required at hospitals and clinics

The Defense Health Agency is expand ing walk-in contraceptive care services to improve reproductive health services

These services include same-day access with no appointment or referral needed.

Walk-in contraception services let the patient discuss and receive their preferred and medically appropriate care to support family planning, menstrual health, preg nancy prevention, and for our active-duty personnel, readiness This also will bring readily available contraceptive care to the increasingactive-dutyforcewhoarefemale or who are able to get pregnant

On Sept. 27, the DHA issued an Admin istrative Instruction outlining the requirements at military hospitals and clinics for these full-scope contraceptive services

By January 2023, all DHA markets will define the location and hours of operation of walk-in services The instruction aims to ensure active-duty service members and beneficiaries have access to import ant reproductive health care in the form of contraception at military hospitals and clinics

Theseservices“givetimebacktoactive dutyservicemembersandpromoteautonomyinmakingadecisionwiththecapacity foralltypesofcontraception,”saidTheresa Hart, senior nurse consultant at the DHA Women and Infant Clinical Community Special Medical Programs

Active-duty service members and other Military Health System beneficiaries will receive the full scope, to include oral, patches, rings, shots, rods, natural family planning, and IUDs in a single visit. This

service eliminates the need for a refer ral to have an intrauterine device or birth control implant placed. Ensuring the providers have the skills, equipment, and team to provide the care on a walk-in basis isaleadingpracticetoempowerwomento make timely decisions for their reproductive health.

“Thisisnotjustbasedonwhataprovider is comfortable with,’ ” Hart said, “and there is no need for a follow-up specialty appointmentifthepatientwantsalong-act ing contraceptive,” such as an intrauterine device or Depo-Provera injections

Supporting Overall Wellbeing and Readiness

Contraceptive care walk-in services support the overall well-being of the force andoptimizepersonalwarriorreadinessand familyplanningthroughouttheirreproduc tiveyears,Hartsaid.

Theseservicesofferbothbeneficiariesand warriors the option of menstrual suppres sion,stoppingmonthlybleedingtoimprove hygiene, ability to deploy, and comfort for warfightersandbeneficiariesalike

Active-duty service members and bene ficiaries have found there are benefits in decreasing menstrual periods, along with the physical symptoms and hormonal changes Hartexplained.

For one, it’s beneficial in deployed envi ronmentsandtostayforcefit

“Fortheactive-dutyservicemembers,not having menstrual periods during deployment means not having to carry months of feminine hygiene supplies and having to make do with austere environments where

hygiene, washing, and privacy is in short supply,”shesaid.

“By preventing unplanned pregnancies, we’re ensuring that we’re not eliminating somebody from the fighting force for 18 monthsormore,”saidU.S.NavyCmdr.(Dr.) JacquelineLamme whoheadstheOB-GYN services at Naval Hospital Bremerton in Washington

Accesstocontraceptivecarewillalsohelp beneficiarieswithfamilyplanning.

“Because this access exists for our patients,nomatterwherethey’restationed, we’rebothimprovingourpatient’sabilityto plantheirpregnanciesandmeettheirfamily planninggoalspersonally,aswellastoposi tivelyimpactunitreadiness, Lammesaid

The Benefits of Readily Available Contraceptive Care

Naval Hospital Bremerton has been meetingalltherequirementsoftheAdministrative Instruction since its walk-in serviceswereopenedin2021,Lammesaid. TheU.S.Navypioneeredtheconcept,open ing its first walk-in contraceptive services clinic in 2016

“One of our clinic’s biggest successes is that we truly integrated the combination of specialties to provide this care within the OB-GYN clinic,” Lamme said. “We’re staffedandpatientsareseenbyacombina tion of the OB-GYN physicians the clinic nurse-midwives, and both physicians and nursepractitionersfromfamilymedicine.”

TheAdministrativeInstructionwillalso improveprovideraccessibilityandproduc tivity and improve patient satisfaction.

“Bremerton has the ability for some of the general medical officers that are local who need more practice with IUD place ment, and other contraceptives, to come and work in our clinic,” Lamme said.

“Byshadowinginasupervisoryrole they becomemorecomfortablesotheycanthen takethoseskillsouttotheirunitsinthefleet and maintain those skills while they’re deployed.Thatcollaborationalsohasbeen one of our largest successes,” she said.

Darnall-Hood Army Medical Center at Fort Hood, Texas, is also extending its services to walk-in availability

“The walk-in services offer another avenue to break down any barriers that patients might have to obtaining their contraceptionofchoiceandreceivingpreg nancy planning education, said U.S. Army Col. Amanda Forristal, chief nursing offi cer for the hospital and the DHA’s Central Texas Market.

Currently, Darnall’s Family Medicine Residency Clinic offers walk-in services for women seeking contraception options thatcanbeprescribedandpickedupatthe pharmacythesameday,suchasoralcontraception, patches, rings, and injections

“We will run our pilot of the walk-in contraception clinic on November 17,” Forristal said, adding the monthly walk-in services will begin in January

“This is also an opportunity for (service members) to receive care from a provider thatisnotalsointheirunit,whomtheysee on a more regular basis outside of the clin ical setting and can be awkward for some,” Forristal added.

In the coming months, military hospi tals and clinics across the Military Health System will offer these expanded services.

5 Common misconceptions about prostate health and BPH


Prostate health may be an intimidating subjectforsomemen,whichcanleadtomiscon ceptionsaboutconditionsandtreatments.Some men may even avoid visiting a doctor because ofwhattheymightlearn.Breakingthisstigma around prostate issues could help prevent complicationsfromconditionslikebenignpros tatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as anenlargedprostate.

Underadoctor’scare,BPHcanbeeffectively treated; over 14 million men in the U.S. seek treatmenteveryyear.1Tohelpclearupsomeof theconfusionandfeararoundprostatehealth here is a breakdown of five common miscon ceptionsaboutBPH


Minimally invasive therapies are available for BPH treatment. The UroLift(r) System is a minimally invasive procedure that has been usedby350,000menworldwide.4Thisproce dure lifts and holds enlarged prostate tissue outofthewaywithoutcuttingtostopblocking the urethra. The procedure can beperformed usinglocalanesthesiainaphysician’sofficeor ambulatory surgery center and patients typi callyreturnhomethesamedaywithoutacath eter.5-6FormenwithBPH,thisoptionmaybe an alternative to medications and more inva sivesurgerieslikeTURP


BPH is linked to prostate cancer

IsBPHlinkedtoprostatecancer?No While bothconditionsaffecttheprostategland,BPH is a benign (non-cancerous) condition, and the symptoms can typically be addressed with medicationsand/orothertreatmentoptions

Misconception: Medication and major surgery are the only types of BPH treatment

Men with BPH may have options for treatmentbeyondmedicationsthatmayofferrelief without the risk of side effects that can come with medications, such as dizziness, head aches,sexualdysfunction2and,insomemen,

The procedure is indicated for treating symptomsofanenlargedprostateupto100cc in men 45 years of age or older Individual resultsmayvary Mostcommonsideeffectsare temporary and include pain or burning with urination, blood in urine, pelvic pain, urgent need to urinate or the inability to control the urge.6Raresideeffects,includingbleedingand infection, may lead to a serious outcome and require intervention Speak with your doctor todetermineifyoumaybeacandidate.

Misconception: Only seniors have symptoms of BPH

Are senior men the only ones who have symptoms of BPH? No Even men in their forties may experience BPH symptoms so don’t assume you’re too young to talk to your doctor about BPH If you are diagnosed with BPH your doctor can discuss treatment optionsthatfityourneedsandhelpyoudecide onthebestapproach

Misconception: BPHrelated urination issues will always disrupt a man’s life and sleep

A common symptom of BPH is frequent urination.7 This has the potential to disrupt a man’sday-to-dayscheduleandsleepcycle,but it’snotinevitable.IfyouhaveBPH propertreatmentcanhelpimprovequalityoflifeandreduce theneedforfrequenturination,whichcanmake iteasiertosleepthroughthenight.8Yetanother greatreasontobeproactiveaboutBPHdiagno sisandtreatment!

Misconception: BPH doesn’t affect a man’s bladder health

BPH can affect bladder health if it’s left untreated.BPHcanbeprogressiveandlead to difficulty in urinating, bladder stones, UTIs and ongoing need for a catheter.9,10 This is another good reason to be proactive andtalktoyourdoctoraboutprostatehealth To learn more about BPH, including symp toms,diagnosisandtreatmentoptions,visit UroLift.com.

Staffassigned to Naval Hospital Bremerton’s OB-GYN clinic displaya numberofthe instruments and devices associatedwith patient-centered care during thewalk-in contraceptive clinic, an essential part ofwomen’s health services provided at NHB The Defense HealthAgencyrecentlyissued anAdministrative Instruction foraccess towalk-in contraception services across the MilitaryHealth System,letting beneficiaries discuss and receive theirpreferred and medicallyappropriate care (PHOTO:DOUGLASSTUTZ,PUBLICAFFAIRSOFFICER,NHB/NAVYMEDICINE READINESSANDTRAININGCOMMAND(NMRTC),BREMERTON)
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MG: Yes indeed and I would like to personally thank all of our volunteers I always like to say, while people come to me as if I am the big guy in charge, it is the volunteerstaffthateachhasaseparateposi tion throughout the weekend to make the eventrun smoothly that are truly in charge I empower them to make decisions when needed rather than come to me to make a decision every time a quarry comes up I alwaystellthemwhateverdecisionismade thatisbestfortheattendeesisthebestdeci sion.

Y: Ms. Grimes, it truly is an honor to be talkingwithyoutoday.It’sAWonderfulLife isoneofmytopfivemoviesofalltime

Karolyn Grimes: Thank you so much. Our Christmas movie has become one of thegreatclassics ThedirectorFrankCapra, created magic. He made the story and I am a little part of that. This movie is a tradition toshowatChristmasandeverybodycomes together as a family It’s so special Because thestudiodidnotrenewthecopyrightinthe early 70’s, it became public domain, mean ingfreetoshowonTV Themoviehasbeen passed on to each generation, that magic andtraditionofwatchingittogethernotjust Christmas time but year-round. What the movie tells us is that we do touch people’s lives,wedomakeadifferenceandIjustlove beingapartofit

Y: What will you be bringing with you at theWilliamsburgNostalgiaFestforthefans topurchase?

KG: Well first I’d like to say that this Fest isagreatgiftforallofus fansandtheactors whoattendthesegatherings I’llhavebooks, ornamentswithscenesfromthemovie,and awholeplethoraofwonderfulitemsforsale andIwillsignthemaswell.

Y:Speakingofbooks,canyoutellusabout youramazingcookbook?

KG: The cookbook is a celebration of the remastered50thcelebrationcookbook This is for the 75th Anniversary. We’ve added a lotofnewinformation.Onthebottomofthe pagesthereisaquestion,withtheansweron the next page. There’s plenty of trivia, new interviews from those involved with the movie who are no longer with us and some funrecipes LikePottersCrabbyCrabCakes Each one of them is named after someone or something in the film. Some of the recipes are mine, some are my co-authors and some I have collected from others through theyears

Y:Whydoyoudothesefestsandconventions? What do you enjoy the most about them?

KG: I enjoy meeting the people the most becausetheyarefansofthefilm.Theminute theyrealizewhoIrepresentinthefilm,their mouthdropsandtheysay,“That’smyfavoritemovie Andyou’reZuzu.”It’ssogratifying to see how much they love that movie and thatmakesitsoexcitingforeverybody.

Y: What have been some of your favorite storiesthatyouhaveheardfromfans?

KG: They tell me that they have a favorite time that they watch the movie One of myfavoritesisthisyoungladywhosaidher grandmother started watching the film on New Year’s Day. That became a tradition formanyyears,towatchittogetheronNew Year’s Day. Her grandma passed away but shecontinuestowatchitonNewYear’sDay andshefeelslikehergrandmaisrightthere withher.

Y:Wherewereyoubornandhowdidyou getintothemoviebusiness?

KG:IwasborninHollywood.Mymother was a stage mom. I was her only child, and she started off giving me any possible lessonyoucanimagine Ihaddancing,sing ing, drama, I played the piano when I was three and the violin when I was five. She encouraged all this and doted on me until I learned all these different things Then she tookmetoseeanagentnamedLolaMoore. She pretty much had most of the children in the Hollywood area. She was known as the childrens agent. Every kid from It’s A Wonderful Life came from her stable. She loved me so she took me to the interview and I got the part. I was 6 years old and I was accompanied by my mother I worked when they asked me to come in, it was all fun Ineverlookedatitasworkeventhough youareunderthosehotlightsforalongtime sometimes

Eventually my mother became sick, was notabletogowithmeanymoreandmydad never really approved of the movie indus trysohewouldhiresomeonetogowithme for the interview then hire someone else to be with me on the stage if I got the part. It became difficult so he didn’t push it and by that time I discovered boys so I didn’t push iteitherandthatkindofendedmycareer In eightyears,Ihavedone16films

If my mother had not died, my life would have been a lot different and not necessar ily in a good way. Both of my parents died and I was forced by law in California to go to a little town in Missouri. I was in hell for a year but after that first year I realized whatrealpeoplewereaboutandtheymade a difference in my life. I felt like Hollywood was shallow, dog eat dog, full of themselves and Idid not want togoback.Eve though it was a sad thing that I lost my parents, it got me out of an atmosphere that I would have gotten down hill It was the best thing that


Y: Can you share a couple of memories withJimmyStewartandDonnaReed?

KG: I remember Jimmy Stewart because he made an effort to create chemistry between us He paid a lot of attention to me andhewassokind.IrealizedthatIlikedhim alot AsfarasDonnaReed,Imightbestanding next to her in a scene or in his arms but I don’t even remember her I was all about him because he made it a point to make all that happen. I just thought he was the cat’s meow Later on in life, he had his secretary call me up to check on me and we got together again and he was the nicest, down to earth manever Wedidacoupleofthingstogether andthatwasverynice

Y: The Target store was responsible for reuniting you with the other children from themovie.Canyoutellusaboutit?

KG:In1993theTargetcompanyusedIt’s A Wonderful Life as a theme in their stores for Christmas and they made a whole line of items from the movie And the key was that they were going to reunite the Bailey kidsandsendusonatour Thatwasmyfirst experienceofseeingpeople’sreactions We wentalloverthecountry,takingpicturesand signing autographs That’s when I realized what an impact the movie had on so many people That’swhenIdecidedIwouldstart touring and sharing the magic of the film. I have been on the road since 1993. It’s a wonderful way of life and I will continue to shareitwiththefans

Y: What was it like the first time you saw themovie?

KG:ThefirsttimeIsawitIwasanadult,I sawitonTVandIcried.Iwentthroughthe emotional rollercoaster that everyone does especially with the first viewing and I realizedwhatafabulousfilmthiswas.

Y:OneofmyotherfavoritemoviesisThe Bishop’s Wife Can you share some memo riesfromit?

KG: Cary Grant was probably my favorite star I ever worked with There is a story behind that movie Originally the parts of the angel played by Cary Grant and my father the Bishop played by David Niven were reversed. Cary Grant was my father and David Niven was the angel. Well the studio head came down, he did not like the way the movie was being filmed. He didn’t like anything about it. He fired the director, hiredHenryKostertodirectitanditwasMr Koster’s idea to change Cary’s and David’s roles. It worked perfectly but David Niven wasnothappythattheytookawayfromhim being the angel. They were cool or distant with each other and Loretta Young stayed toherselfreadingherscriptmostofthetime

I believe that Cary Grant had a photo graphic memory because he never held the script in his hand He was so nice to me. He would read and tell me stories There was an actual ice skating rink on the stage and he would come get me everyday at lunch, put me on a sleigh and pull me around on theiceskatingrinkpracticinghisiceskating Hewasawonderful,wonderfulmanandhe lovedkids

Y: Can you share a pinch me moment or two?

KG: I’ve had so many. If I had to pick one itwouldbebecauseofIt’sAWonderfulLife, I’ve had a total second career I was a child actorandthewaymylifeisnow,whatagift Mywholelifeisawonderfullife


Y: What was the process like turning pro backthen?

SA: There was a fellow who had a shoe shopandhehada baseball teamnamedthe Norfolk Eagles they were a semi-pro team andtheyplayedatCommunityfield Soyou started with rec leagues, then you played in highschoolthenyouplayedsemi-pro.

In 1952 Willie Mays was drafted in the Army and was stationed in Ft Eustus Also JoeLouis(nottheboxer)whohadplayedin the 1924 Negro World Series, he moved to this area and he would promote the Negro leaguegames WhatMaysdidwhenhewas in the Army was that they had teams at the naval base and Joe Dimaggio was stationed attheNOB.Maysandthem,theywouldplay games all week and on the weekend he had theallstarteams,theyhadgamesinLynch

theball went one way and the glove another. Mays ran over and said, “Man, you gotta buy you a glove.” So I paid like $25 for a glove, that wasbigmoneybutIhadaglovejustlikethe professionals

Y: What tryout camps did you do?

SA: The Pittsburgh Pirates used to have tryout camps when they first started inte gration. They had a lot of farm teams The Norfolk Tides had a tryout but I was short andsmallandtheywerelookingforthebig guys so even though I had hit a double, I still got cut.

I read in the Sporting News that most of thetryoutcampswereinGeorgia.Soin1957, I paid my way down to Douglas, Giorgia. Cincinnati had that pre-tryout camp You paid your way down there and they would pay your way back. I met a guy named Bob Mitchellthere,hewaswiththeKansasCity Monarchs,gavemeanumberandtoldmeto go down to Jacksonville, Florida. I got cut by Cincinnati, came back to Norfolk, but I

knew that I could play somewhere. I went to Jacksonville, I had about $25, bought mea$19onewayticket,gotdownthereon GoodFridaynightandtheMonarchswere loadingupandcomingbacktoCharleston. Ihad$6inmypocket,soIwenttoCharleston with them. It was Easter Sunday and theteamtheyweresupposedtoplayagainst wastheJacksonvilleAllstars Aguynamed Jim Williams had the team. He showed up with three players He claimed the bus brokedownonthewaythere.Theparkwas loaded with people so I wound up with a coupleofotherplayers,weplayedforJack sonville I was an outfielder First time up, I hit a single and stole second, struck out the second time up and the third time up I hit it over the scoreboard. After the game the manager said, “I don’t have to worry about you batting against me because I’m signingyouup.”Itwasn’tbut$150amonth butIhadajobplustheygaveus$2adayfor meals. So that was my beginning

I was crazy about baseball but I didn’t know if I was going to make it. The bus didn’t have air conditioning, we played one game Monday through Thursday one game, Friday and Saturday we played double headers and Sunday we played two double headers I loved it and that year I was the lead batter and led the league in runs and scores that year In 1958 I played for the Raleigh Tigers and in 1959 I played for the Memphis Red Sox and then I was

drafted in 1960

Y: I was surprised when I read you were drafted in 1960 You had to be 24 by then.

SA:Yes,Iwasalmosttoooldforthedraft. Iwas82ndAirborneandIwasstationedat Fort Bragg, North Carolina. While there, I got a chance to play baseball and I made the football team. When I finally got out, I started doing reunion shows with other Negro baseball players

Y:LastyearyouwereattheMajorLeague Baseball All-Star Game

SA:Yes,IwasinDenverlastyearandLA this year I took pictures with the fans and signed autographs and the league blessed me with major league type money

Y: How about a pinch me moment?

SA: My greatest thrill was in 1959 when we played in New York at Evans Field. We playednexttothelastgamebeforetheytore it down. We played against the Burnham BlackbirdsandIgotacoupleofhomeruns.

I had a great day there and then we played at the Yankees Stadium against the Kansas City Monarchs, I hit a triple and we beat them1-0.Andanothergreatmomentisthat I am at the baseball shrine at Harbor Park. They have my picture on the wall there.

Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

ABOVE PHOTOS: Karolyn Grimes as Zuzu in scenes from It’sAWonderful Life(COURTESYWILLIAMSBURGNOSTALGIAFEST)
Nostalgia Fest from Page 1
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist there was Highland Park that became Miles Field. It was the home of the Norfolk Tides, the minor league baseball team that was in the class B Piedmont League It was the New York Yankees farm team. We used to go out there and catch foul balls and sell themfor50centsandthat’showImademy money Around the 7th inning they would let you in free. I got to see some of the New YorkYankeesgreatscomethroughherelike WhitieFord,MooseKyron.
burgandWinston-Salemandtheycalledme to go with them. I was really young After theLynchburggametheypaidme$50.That was big, I had never got that kind of money Back then minimum wage was $1 an hour Youhadtoworkawholeweektomake$50. FromtherewedrovetoWinston-Salem Got there at night, and played right away I was halfasleep WillieMayswasincenter,Iwas in left, I had one of those little three finger gloves,theballknockedthegloveoff
Sam Allen from Page 2
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, November 10 2022

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