Flagship 05.16.24

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CNO welcomes USS Carney from historic Middle East deployment



NORFOLK, Va Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti welcomed the crew of Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Carney (DDG 64) to the UnitedStatesfromahistoricdeploymentto theMiddleEast,May10

Carney conducted a brief stop in Norfolk forlogisticsbeforereturninghometoNaval StationMayportlaterthismonth

“I could not be more proud of what the Carney team has done since September Calledtoactionontheveryfirstdaythatyou entered the U.S. 5th Fleet, you conducted

CourtesyStory Navy.mil

NORFOLK, Va Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti traveled to HamptonRoads,Virginia,tomeetwithNavy leadersandengagewithSailors,May3.

ThevisitprovidedtheCNOtheopportunitytodiscussherwarfightingprioritywith Sailors and help them connect their efforts totheNavymission.ItalsoenabledSailorsto speak directly to the CNO about their qualityofservice

“It’s a very complex world, and our Navy teamismakingadifferencewhereverwego Wehaveanamazingmission-ournationisa beaconofhopeanddemocracyfortheentire world,” said Franchetti. “We are forward deployed, flexible and provide options to theSecretaryofDefenseeveryday,andthat’s theimportantvalueoftheNavyandMarine Corpsteam.” FranchettifirstmetwithRearAdm.Doug Verissimo, Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic, and major commanders at Naval Air Station Oceana. She emphasized how oneofherprioritiesforAmerica’sWarfighting Navy is to empower leaders at all levels to evaluate how they operate in uncertain, complex, and rapidly changing environ-

51 engagements in 6 months,” said Franchetti.“Yousavedlives ensuredthefreeflowof commerce andstoodupfortherules-based international order and all the values that we hold dear It has been eye-watering to watch, you are truly America’s Warfighting Navyinaction.”

Carney was conducting routine operationsinU.S.6thFleetwhenHamasattacked Israel on Oct. 7. Carney entered the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations on Oct. 18 ready to conduct operations in support of maritimestabilityandsecurityindefenseofU.S., Allies,andpartnerinterests Throughout the ship’s seven-month deployment,Carneysuccessfullydestroyed


“It’s important that our Sailors understand every day how they connect to our mission. Whether they’re deployed today, whethertheydeployedinthepast,whether they’regoingtobedeployedinthefuture,or whetherthey’resupportingdeployedforces, it’sallpartofourbusiness.”

Sheexpressedherprideintheworkbeing donethroughoutthenavalaviationcommunity,notingthattheU.S.Navyisabletooperate forward like no other nation, pointing to the recent efforts in the Red Sea by the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) and CarrierAirWing(CVW)3team.

“I could not be more proud of everythingthatouraviationcommunitydelivers Whetherit’sfromourairwings helicopters MPRF or our new Tritons there’s so many thingsyoudothatmakeadifferenceforour Nation every day, said Franchetti. “The People’sRepublicofChina,Russia,Iran,the DemocraticPeople’sRepublicofKorea,and Violent Extremist Organizations desire to rewritetheglobalrules-basedorderfortheir own political, military, and economic interests Itisourjobtodeterconflictandtowork alongside our Allies and partners and with theJointForcetofightandwinourNation’s warsshoulddeterrencefail.

Houthi-launched weapons including land attack cruise missiles anti-ship ballistic missiles andunmannedsystems Additionally,Carneyconductedtwodefensivestrikes againstHouthitargetsinYemen,destroying 20 targets, and successfully destroyed one Iranian-launched medium-range ballistic missile During her visit to the ship, CNO recognized 14 Sailors for their outstanding achievementswhileondeployment.

“As Surface Warriors we train to this We train to this level of readiness and boldness, with a clear commitment to the warfighting excellence that you all exhibited on theworldstageforeveryonetosee Youdid

CNOthenhostedanall-handscallatNaval AirStationOceanaformorethan200Sailors from commands around Hampton Roads

During the all-hands call she recognized Sailors,discussedqualityofserviceimprovements the Navy is making for Sailors, and emphasizedCultureofExcellence2.0(COE 2.0)andGetRealGetBetterinitiatives

“I’m focused on making sure that you haveagoodqualityofservice,whichisyour quality of work and your quality of life, and ensuring you have world-class workspaces andallthetoolsandresourcesyouneedtobe abletodelivercombatlethalityeverysingle day when it matters and where it matters,” Franchettisaid “That’swhyit’ssoimportant tobeheretoday,soIcanhaveabetterunderstanding of what is going on out in the fleet andstronglyadvocateforyou.

On COE 2.0 Franchetti said, “We are all about building a culture that embraces everybody, that empowers everybody to do theirjob,andthatbuildsgreatpeople,great leaders and great teams It is through those greatteamsthatwecandoallthethingswe needtodoasaNavyforournation.”

exactly what you were trained to do,” said Franchetti.“Itisabsolutelywonderfultobe onboard today and have the opportunity to welcome you back and give you a great big BravoZulu forajobincrediblywelldone.” Carney departed Naval Station Mayport, September27,2023,onascheduledindependentdeploymenttotheU.S.5thand6thFleet areasofoperation.Whiledeployed,Carney predominately operated with the Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group and initially operated with the Gerald R. Ford CarrierStrikeGroupuponarrivaltotheU.S. 6thFleet.

“Congratulations on your MOC certification. That is really hard work and I know you learned a lot of valuable lessons,” said Franchetti. “Fighting from the MOC is one ofmytopprioritiesbecausethebattlespace is very complex. Understanding how we integrate into the fleet and the operational commands is essential to delivering warfightingadvantage.”

This was Franchetti’s first trip to HamptonRoadsasCNO.

Following the all-hands call, Franchetti visitedwithAdm.DarylCaudle commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC) and Vice Adm. Doug Perry, commander, U.S. 2ndFleet,atNavalSupportActivityHampton Roads and toured the USFF and U.S. 2nd Fleet Maritime Operations Centers (MOC). Fleet MOCs were developed as a warfightingcapabilitybelongingtotheNavy componentcommanderandnumberedfleet commander, to support commander’s decision-making and set conditions for operational command and control of naval, joint, interagencyandcombinedforces. Rear Adm. Kavon Hakimzadeh, director Joint/Fleet operations, USFFC, briefed the CNO on how the MOC manages the command and control of assets between Combined Task Force (CTF)-80 and CTF-20,andontheirrecentsuccessfulcertification.

(May10 2024) – ChiefofNaval OperationsAdm.Lisa Franchettiwelcomes theArleigh Burke-class destroyerUSS Carney(DDG 64) to Norfolk Virginia,May10 Throughout the ship’s seven month deployment to the U.S.5th and 6th Fleet areas ofoperation,Carneysuccessfullydestroyed 45 Houthi-launchedweapons including land attackcruise missiles,anti-ship
ballistic missiles,and
CNO visits Sailors in Hampton Roads, discusses warfighting VOL.32 NO 18 Norfolk,Va | flagshipnews.comMay 16-May 22 2024 THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free! Rabbi celebrates Passover on USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Inauniquedisplayofinterservicesupport,Rabbi IsaacRosenberg,aCoastGuardAuxiliaryChaplain, visitedUSSDwightD.Eisenhower(CVN69)(IKE) toobservePassoverwithJewishSailorsaboard. “ThisisthefirsttimethataCoastGuardAuxiliary ChaplainprovidedsupporttotheNavy Thisis uniqueandmightbesomethingthatwecan provideinthefuture, saidRosenberg. PAGEA2
www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, May 16 2024 1
NWS Yorktown’s Youth Center to host first ever STEM Event Science,Technology,EngineeringandMath(STEM) conceptsisplanningtomakeabigsplashthis Saturday,May18thfrom10amto12pmduringthe inauguralSTEMFestatNavalWeaponsStation(NWS) Yorktown’sYouthCenter PAGEA2

NWS Yorktown’s Youth Center to host first ever STEM Event


Naval Weapons Station Yorktown


Science,Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) concepts is planning to make a big splash this Saturday, May 18th from 10am to 12pm during theinauguralSTEMFestatNavalWeapons Station (NWS) Yorktown’s Youth Center The center located at 2101 Von Steuben DriveinNewportNewsisoutsidetheinstallation’s gate The event is open to members of the general public and military affiliated families Attendeescanregistertowinafree STEMkit,andofcourseenjoyrefreshments andsnacksduringthisfirstofitskindevent hostedbyNWSYorktown’sYouthCenter.

“We are excited to put together our first STEMeventforthemilitaryaffiliatedfamilies This event demonstrates our commitment to experiential learning and fostering the future,” said Jami O’Connor, the installation’s School Liaison Officer and lead

plannerforthiseventwhichpromisestobe STEM-tacularforallages

Headlining the event will be an appearancebyWHRO’sSTEMVan.Thevan,andits repertoire of science and technology-based activities promises to engage participants in science and technology to all who stop by ThisistheSTEMvan’sfirstvisittoNWS


Science themed experiments will take center stage during the STEM fest with a show from performers with The Mad Science Show The travelling show offers a hostoffunandSTEM-taculartricksthataim to demonstrate chemical reactions, crazy science experiments, and other science relatedactivitiesinanoutofthisworldexperiencethatisrivaledbynone LikeWHRO’s STEMVan,thisisTheMadScienceShow’s first docking at NWS Yorktown’s Youth Center That’s not all. Members of the Hampton RoadsLEGOUserGroup(HARDLUG)will make their first appearance at NWS Yorktown’s Youth Center as well. The group will bring LEGO ship models and a variety of large and small LEGO maritime builds Visitorscangetaglimpseofwhatittakesto build their stunning LEGO builds take in somehistoryofthehumbleLEGObrickand trytheirhandsatbuildingacreationoftheir


According to the Department of the Navy’s Naval STEM Strategy the main goal ofSTEMis“toinspire,engage,andeducate the next generation of scientists and engineers, and to attract, employ, develop, and retain our diverse technical workforce through collaboration to promote an effective and efficient STEM portfolio across the DoN the federal government, and the broadSTEMcommunity.”Theseprograms, whetherinpersonorvirtual,areofferedfree to the public as a service to our communities ThisfirstofitskindSTEMFestatNWS Yorktown aims to do just that

Rabbi celebrates Passover on USS Dwight D. Eisenhower

USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69)

In a unique display of interservice support, Rabbi Isaac Rosenberg, a Coast Guard Auxiliary Chaplain, visited USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) (IKE) to observe Passover with Jewish Sailors aboard.

“This particular event is historic,” said Rosenberg. “This is the first time that a Coast Guard Auxiliary Chaplain provided support to the Navy This is unique and might be something that we can provide in the future.”

The Coast Guard’s Auxiliary Chaplain Support(ACS)Programprovidesadditional support to the active duty chaplain corps. ACS chaplains are capable of performing nearly all chaplain duties regardless of their religious affiliation. As an auxiliary chaplain for the Coast Guard, Rosenberg is prepared to provide additional support when called upon.

“For me it is a normal thing to deploy on a Coast Guard cutter for two weeks,” said Rosenberg. “Getting underway is something I love and look forward to.” Rabbi Rosenberg came aboard IKE to leadtheship’sPassoverobservance Rosenberg’spresencehighlightedtheimportance of being able to provide for the spiritual needs of all Sailors, specifically for Jewish Sailors onboard IKE during this religious observance

“Aschaplainswehaveourownreligions,” saidRosenberg,“butittakessomeonefrom yourreligiontoknowwhatyouneed therefore,itisimportantthataRabbicomeshere toserveIKE’sJewishcommunityandmake sure that the ship is fully capable to do so in the future. This is important [in order] to execute the mission that the country expects from them.”

The Rabbi’s visit was warmly received by the ship’s crew and Jewish community, who appreciated the opportunity to celebrate Passover with a Rabbi.

“Last deployment we didn’t have this opportunity, so it is certainly nice to take advantage of it, said Aviation Electron-

Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner

ics Technician 2nd Class Hunter Palmer

“Chaplain Rosenberg has a deep knowledge of the religion and it was nice to have himasaresourcetoexplainthefinerpoints and significance of Passover and the Seder meal.”

The Navy has long prioritized the spiritual well-being and growth of its servicemen and women, providing chaplains of various faiths to minister to the spiritual needs of personnel deployed around the world.

“Having religious diversity within our Navy Chaplain Corps not only allows our Sailors to practice according to their faith traditionsandspiritualbeliefs,”saidChaplain Larry Jones, Assistant Command Chaplain,“butitalsooffersanopportunity todiscoverdifferentreligiousviewsfroma professional in that practice. The ability to remain spiritually ready supports our Sailorsincompletingtheirmissionandreturning home with honor.”

As IKE and its crew bid Rabbi Rosenbergfarewell,hisvisitservesasareminder of the Navy’s commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where individuals of all backgrounds can serve with dignity and respect.

TheDwightD.EisenhowerCarrierStrike Group deployed on Oct 14 on a scheduled deploymentandisoperatingintheU.S.5th and6thFleetareasofoperationstodeepen strategicrelationshipswithalliesandpartners and to support maritime security and stability

757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil

MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm

757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil

AssistantEditor | MC2 Jordan Grimes

757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com

Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes, Kaitlyn Hewett, Elizabeth Reisen 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship,Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com

in more via a host of fun and engaging activities Other exhibitors from across the installation are slated to attend as well, where the general public and military affiliated families can learn about their various programs and services
depicts theWHRO STEMvan on site during avisit to a school in the Hampton Roads,Virginia area (COURTESYPHOTO)
CourtesyImage fromWHRO,which
FreeClassifiedAdvertising 757-622-1455 | Distribution&HomeDelivery 757-446-9000 distribution@pilotonline.com Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm.Wesley McCall RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker PublicAffairs Deputy Director | Leon Moore The Flagship® is published by Flagship, LLC., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, LLC. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser user or patron If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, LLC., whose offices are located at 223E. City Hall Ave, Suite 400A, Norfolk, VA 23510. © 2021 Flagship, LLC. All rights reserved ABOVE LEFT:Visitors to the BrickFest Live event on Saturday,December31,2022 lookat a LEGO ship model ofthe CivilWarironclad CSSVirginia,constructed byJim Beutte,aVolunteerDocent at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum.The large LEGO ship model featured cutaways ofthe ironclad based on original plans,andwill also be displayed at the museum’s BrickbyBrick: LEGO shipbuilding event on Saturday,February4,2023 at the DeckerHalfMoone Cruise and Celebration Centerin Downtown Norfolk,Virginia.ABOVE RIGHT: LEGO ship model contestant entries in the home built categoryare on displayduring the 9thAnnual LEGO BrickbyBrickshipbuilding event The free event is hosted bythe Hampton Roads Naval Museum at the DeckerHalfMoone Cruise Centerin downtown Norfolk.The event is the largest free single dayLEGO event in the Hampton Roads,Virginia region.Itwas held on Saturday,February1st,2020; over130 active dutyU.S. Navysailorsvolunteered during the event which provided fora unique COMRELopportunity.Thisyearevent brought in a crowd of5,056visitors to both floors ofthe cruise terminal.(USNAVY PHOTOSBYMAXLONZANIDA/RELEASED)
aboard the
aircraft carrier USS Dwight
Red Sea,April
The Dwight D.EisenhowerCarrierStrike Group is deployed to the U.S.5th Fleet area of operations to support maritime security and stabilityin the Middle East region
2 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, May 16 2024
Rosenberg,a Coast GuardAuxiliary Chaplain,conductsaPassoverceremony
D.Eisenhower(CVN 69) in the

CNO Franchetti conducts outreach visit to Chicago

CHICAGO Chief of Naval Operations Adm.LisaFranchettitraveledtoChicagoto meetwithhighschoolNavyJuniorReserve OfficersTrainingCorps(NJROTC)students from the Rickover Naval Academy, William HowardTaftHighSchoolandCorlissHigh School, NROTC college students in the ChicagoConsortium,andcommunityleaders,May8-9.

ThevisitprovidedtheCNOtheopportunity to discuss her personal journey in the Navy and share leadership lessons as well as to open students’ minds to what service intheNavylookslike.

“WhenIwasinyourshoes,Icouldnever haveimaginedthatIwouldbestandinghere todayasthechiefofnavaloperations Lifeis not necessarily what we predict, and being

open to possibilities that come along the way is really important,” Franchetti shared with an auditorium of nearly 500 NJROTC cadets Paraphrasing Chester Nimitz she added, “‘learn all you can, do your best, and don’t worry about the things you can’t control,’ because you never know what opportunities are going to come your way, andifyoualwaystakeadvantageofthethem, when doors start to open, you’ll be ready to walkthrough.”

FranchettialsospokewithRickoverNaval Academy faculty and members from the ChicagoBoardofEducationandcommunity leaderstoeducatethemaboutthemissionof theNavyandthevalueofservicetotheNavy andtheNation.

“Every day about 110 U.S. Navy ships and 70,000 Sailors and Marines are underway - defending our Nation, enabling the free flow of commerce and protecting sea lanes ofcommunication,”Franchettisaid.“It’snot

justourships,weoperatefromtheseabedto spaceincyberspace,andintheinformation environment.”

She added, “You may not think about it allthetime,butfreedomoftheseasisreally important.Ninetypercentofourtradegoes acrosstheoceans Sowhenyouordersomethingonlineanditgetstoyourdoorstep it’s because we have a Navy out there and it’s thoseSailorsandMarinesthatareprotecting ourwayoflife,andIcouldn’tbemoreproud ofourNavyteam.”

CNO concluded her outreach visit at her alma mater of Northwestern University wheresheattendedacook-outwithChicago ConsortiumNROTCstudentsandmembers ofthecrewteam.

Franchetti told them how a chance encounterwithagroupofNROTCstudents at a cookout during her freshman year changed the course of her life She said she stoppedbytosayhiandseewhattheywere

doing TheysaidtheywereNROTCstudents andshecouldcompeteforascholarshipand getahundreddollarsamonthandfreetextbooks. She talked to their lieutenant, who toldhermoreaboutthemissionandopportunities in the Navy and she decided to sign uponthespot.

“I joined the Navy for free college but I stayed for our mission, Franchetti said. “I lovebeingpartoftheNavyteam.Iloveserving with amazing Sailors, amazing people all over the world, and getting to be that beacon of hope and democracy all around theworld—andithasbeenanamazingjourney.”

While visiting Northwestern University CNO was one of seven alumni who were inducted into the 2024 Medill School of JournalismHallofAchievement. ThiswasAdm.Franchetti’sfirsttriptothe ChicagoregionasCNO.

EVANSTON,Ill.(May9,2024) – ChiefofNaval OperationsAdm.Lisa Franchetti meetswith NavyReserve OfficersTraining Corps (NROTC) students at Northwestern Universityin Evanston,Illinois May9,2024.Franchetti is a 1985 graduate ofNorthwestern University,where she received hercommission through the NROTC program.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST 1STCLASSWILLIAMSPEARS) www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday May 16 2024 3 757-280-2257 175% offinstall is equal to 15% offthe totalproject price. 2Subjecttocreditapproval 3Free magnetic handheldshower head with thepurchaseofa shower,bath, or full bathremodel.Minimum purchase$12,500 required. Seedesign consultant fordetails.Other restrictions mayapply. Newordersonly. Offernot valid on previous salesorestimates and cannot be combined with other offers.Offer expires6/01/24. BATHROOM REMODELINGDONE RIGHT Employee Installers Easy Maintenance HassleFreeExperience Evening Appointments Licensed &Insured Flexible Payment Plans Subjecttocreditapproval Design Consultation 5-Star Installation RED WHITE &BLUE BATHROOM SavingsEvent 75% OFF INSTALL bathroom remodeling projects1 FREE Magnetic Shower Head Handheld3 LowMonthly Payments & Deferred Payment Plans Available2 216,134+ COMPLETED BATHROOM REMODELINGJOBS 4.7/5 4.8/5 (Company reviewsacrossall branches as of 5/01/2024) CALL OR VISIT US ONLINE TO GET STARTED! ASK ABOUT OUR

NUWC Division Newport digital engineering lead

earns DON Superior Civilian Service Award

Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport

NEWPORT, R.I. David Toth, digital engineering lead, in the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division Newport’s Chief Engineer Office, has earned the Department of theNavy(DON)SuperiorCivilianServiceAward,thesecondhighesthonorarycivilianaward bestowedbytheU.S.Navy

TheawardrecognizesToth’smanysignificantachievementsfromJanuary2019tothepresent, notonlyasNUWCDivisionNewport’sdigitalengineeringlead butalsoasthemodel-based systems engineering (MBSE) lead for the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) and the U.S.Navy’smissionengineeringrepresentativetotheOfficeoftheSecretaryofDefense.

DavidToth,digital engineering lead in the Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision Newport’s ChiefEngineering Office has earned the Department ofthe NavySuperior Civilian ServiceAward,the second highest honorarycivilian award bestowed bythe U.S.Navy forhisworksetting policies and guidance fordigital transformation and the implementation ofmodel-based systems engineering (PHOTOBYDAVIDSTOEHR)

“In a nearly four-decade Navy career aiding the warfighter at NUWC Division Newport, Toth has been an innovative thinkerwithaneyetowardfuturecapabilitiesandprocesses,”theawardstates.

Toth a resident of Westport Massachusetts, was part of a team of mission engineers across the Navy enterprise that started the process of setting policies and guidance for the digital transformation andtheimplementationofMBSEforNavy projects.Realizingthiswasthedirectionfor the Department of Defense (DOD), Toth developedacomprehensivedigitalstrategy at Division Newport that included workforce training and mentorship Since the implementationofMBSEatthecommand in2019,15projectshaveusedthismethod underhisleadershiptostayonthecuttingedge of technology. Through his initiative andtheseefforts,Tothhelpedrealizedigital engineeringasthefutureoftheDOD.

“Toth has set a high bar for the Navy’s digital transformation of systems engineering and mission engineering,” the awardstates.“Inrecentyearshehasputhis visionintoactionandappliedhisexpertise in MBSE to ensure that Division Newport engineersremainattheforefrontofinnovation Hiseffortshavehadaprofoundimpact andwillcontinuetoinfluenceprogramsfor generationstocome.”

Tothwillreceivetheawardatacommand eventthissummer NUWC Newport is the oldest warfare centerinthecountry,tracingitsheritageto theNavalTorpedoStationestablishedonGoatIslandinNewportHarborin1869 Commanded byCapt ChadHennings,NUWCNewportmaintainsmajordetachmentsinWestPalmBeach, Florida,andAndrosIslandintheBahamas,aswellastestfacilitiesatSenecaLakeandFisher’s Island,NewYork,Leesburg,Florida,andDodgePond,Connecticut.

Joinourteam!NUWCDivisionNewport,oneofthe20largestemployersinRhodeIsland, employsadiverse,highlytrained,educated andskilledworkforce.Wearecontinuouslylooking forengineers,scientists,andotherSTEMprofessionals aswellastalentedbusiness,finance, logisticsandothersupportexpertswhowishtobeattheforefrontofundersearesearchand development.PleaseconnectwithNUWCDivisionNewportRecruitingatthissite-https:// www.navsea.navy.mil/Home/Warfare-Centers/NUWC-Newport/Career-Opportunities/and followusonLinkedIn@NUWC-NewportandonFacebook@NUWCNewport.

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Austin: FY 2025 budget includes ‘tough, but responsible’ decisions

SECNAV Del Toro names future nuclearpowered attack submarine USS Miami (SSN 811) with Gloria Estefan as Sponsor

Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro announcedthatfutureVirginia-classnuclear-powered attack submarine SSN 811 will be named USS Miami. Secretary Del Toro madetheannouncement,May7,duringthe officialkickoffconcertoftheinauguralFleet WeekMiami,hostedbyBlueStarFamilies

The future USS Miami honors the city of Miami and the crews of three previously Navyvesselstobearthename

“That shared history is what makes Miami one of the greatest cities on Earth andemblematicofwhatmakesthiscountry the greatest country in the world,” said Del Toro “Miami is a shining example of what happenswhenacitywelcomesallwhocome


Alongwiththeship’sname,SecretaryDel Toroannouncedthatinternationalpopstar Gloria Estefan will be the sponsor for the future USS Miami. In her role Gloria Estefan will represent a lifelong relationship withtheshipandcrew

“We are so thankful as citizens of this great country to have all of you out there protectingandservingallofus,”GloriaEstefan said to the approximately 1,500 Sailors and Marines attending the kickoff concert, produced by entertainment icon Emilio Estefan.

ThecityofMiamihasbeenhonoredwith three previous vessels: a gunboat (18621865), a light cruiser (1942-1947), and a nuclear-poweredsubmarine(1990-2014).

In June 1862, the first Miami engaged

enemy forces at a rapid fire while Flag Officer David G. Farragut’s ships ran past Confederate shore batteries at Vicksburg Mississippi. In 1864 the Gunboat’s crew supported Union troops ashore and battled Confederate ironclad Albemarle at Plymouth,NC

At the Battle of Leyte Gulf during World War II, the second Miami (CL 89) fought as part of Admiral William F. Halsey’s Third Fleet, helping to sink Japanese destroyerNowakionOctober26,1944 Two seaplane pilots operating from Miamireceived the Distinguished Flying Cross for rescuing downed airmen in enemy waters Miamiearned a total of 6 battle stars for operations in the Marianas, Western Caroline Islands, Leyte Gulf, Luzon, Iwo Jima, andOkinawa

The third Miami (SSN 755) conducted cruise missile strikes during Operation DesertFoxin1998andagainduringOperationAlliedForcein1999

Attack submarines are designed to seek anddestroyenemysubmarinesandsurface ships;projectpowerashorewithTomahawk cruisemissilesandSpecialOperationForces (SOF); carry out Intelligence, Surveillance andReconnaissance(ISR)missions;support battlegroupoperations;andengageinmine warfare. Miami also has a maritime connection. The greater Miami region was formerly hometoaseaplanebase(1918-1920),anaval reserve air base (1931-1942), and a naval air station(1940-1958) UnitedStatesSouthern Command (SOUTHCOM) has been headquarteredinMiami-DadeCountysince1997



Emphasizing the benefits and importance of service to our country, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro issued a National Call to Maritime Service, during the kick off of the inaugural Fleet Week Miami.

“ServiceintheNavyandMarineCorpsis more than just a job It represents a chance to serve something bigger than yourself,” said Secretary Del Toro “We recognize the desire of Americans from all walks of life to use their talents to better our great Nation, to be part of a legacy of courage and honor that stretches back to the very founding of our nation—and beyond.”

As the 78th Secretary of the Navy, Del Toro leads a department of nearly one million Sailors Marines and civilians who provide direct and indirect support to the economic and national security of our Nation, as well as international commerce

“And no matter how you serve, you’ll be part of a team working together toward a shared goal,” said Secretary Del Toro You’ll learn invaluable skills and gain leadership experience Collectively, as a Sailor, Marine or civilian, you will take part in tackling the world’s toughest challenges whiles preserving America’s advantage across several cutting-edge technologies. Born in Havana, Cuba, Secretary Del Toro immigrated to the United States at ten months old with his parents in 1962 to escape the Castro regime Like thousands of other Cuban refugees, the Freedom Tower in Miami was their first stop on the road to freedom. Eventually they relocated to a tenement building on 42nd Street and 10th Avenue in Hell’s Kitchen, New York.

“Throughout my childhood, both of my parents sacrificed and labored for the sake of their children. They wanted to give us

a better life in America, a life unattainable back in Cuba. Their service and sacrifice instilled in me a desire to give back to this great Nation which took us in at a time when we were most vulnerable,” said Secretary Del Toro In 1983, Secretary Del Toro graduated from the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis Maryland, and served on active duty in the Navy for 22 years. His is

just one of many stories of Sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and women, and civilians who answered the call to defend the values that define our Nation, and to make a lasting impact on the world. “I encourage all Floridians to come out this week and engage with Sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and women, and all the civilians who support them,” said Secretary Del Toro Come listen to their stories of service during Fleet Week Miami and see where you can fit into the story.” Fleet Week Miami ran through May 12 During the week, visitors interacted with nearly 7,000 Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen and women. This positive, direct interaction promotes understanding of the military and the sacrifices they make in support of our nation’s defense. Inadditiontotheships,displaysofNaval history, recruiting information, Navy and Marinetechnology,andNavyenvironmental programs were available for visitors to see as they waited for their tours Information on events and activities may be found by visiting the website or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/fleetweekmiami. SECNAV Del Toro issues “National Call to Maritime Service” during Fleet Week Miami Secretaryofthe NavyCarlos Del Toro announced that futureVirginiaclass nuclearpowered attack submarine SSN 811 will be named USS Miami.Secretary DelToro made the announcement May 7,during the official kickoffconcert of the inaugural Fleet WeekMiami,hosted byBlue StarFamilies. Alongwith the ship’s name,SecretaryDel Toro announced that international pop starGloria Estefan will be the sponsor forthe future USS Miami.In herrole, Gloria Estefanwill represent a lifelong relationshipwith the ship and crew (COURTESYPHOTO) Secretaryofthe NavyCarlos DelToro issued a National Call to Maritime Service todayduring the kickoffofthe inaugural FleetWeekMiami May6,2024.Service in the Department ofthe Navy offers unparalleled benefits,work-class education and training cutting-edge techchnology,and a chance to see theworkld,said SecretaryDelToro (COURTESYPHOTO)
CourtesyStory Navy.mil
about $849.8 billion in all,includes tradeoffs between capabilityin the future and readiness.PageB6 www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, May 16 2024 1
DOD’s fiscalyear2025 budget request

Philippines and US conclude Balikatan exercises, shoulder-to-shoulder

CAMP AGUINALDO, Quezon City, Philippines The Armed Forces of the Philippines hosted the closing ceremony of Exercise Balikatan 2024, marking the successful conclusion of the largest annual combined military exercise between the Republic of the Philippines and the United StatesofAmerica.

Overthepastthreeweeks,Filipino,American,Australian,andFrenchservicemembers trained shoulder-to-shoulder at locations throughoutthePhilippinestoincreaseproficiencyinmaritimesecurity,amphibiousoperations, combined arms, aviation operations, andinformationandcyberspaceoperations

“It’s no coincidence that as democratic nations, the values we share are enshrined in our respective national anthems, said U.S Marine Lt Gen. Michael Cederholm, U.S. Exercise Joint Task Force commander

“Those anthems talk about heroes, those thatarebrave,aboutdefendingfreedom,and defending our respective shores from exter-

nal attackers I could not be prouder of the men and women in the field, the operational planning staffs, and all the enablers; they have truly made Balikatan 24 an incredible success.”

Inadditiontofieldtrainingevents,humanitarian civic assistance teams built schools and medical centers at four locations while training medical providers gifting educationsupplies andbuildingrelationshipswith local communities All told, the HCA efforts injected nearly $50 million into locations throughoutthecountry Service members from each of the participating countries and military services were inattendance,includingrepresentativesfrom 14countriestakingpartintheexercise’sinternationalobserverprogram.

“Every Balikatan is increasingly more complex. This year has produced several new collaborations considering dynamic challenges across all domains,” said Armed Forces of the Philippines Maj. Gen. Marvin Licudine,Philippineexercisedirector

This year’s exercises emphasized quality over quantity, with intentional focus on

the complexity of concepts from planning to execution. The growing modernization of both the AFP and the U.S. military was evident throughout. Balikatan prepared the combined forces for potential contingencies and disasters and increased each country’s ability to work together to protect Philippinesovereigntyandpreserveafreeandopen Indo-Pacificregion.

“Exercise Balikatan stands as proof of our collectivecommitmenttoenhancinginteroperability in support of long-term prosperity. Notonlyforparticipatingnations,butforthe world,”saidHon.MaryKayLosCarlson,U.S. AmbassadortothePhilippines. Balikatanisanannualexercisebetweenthe ArmedForcesofthePhilippinesandU.S.militarydesignedtostrengthenbilateralinteroperability capabilities, trust and cooperation builtoverdecadesofsharedexperiences This year’sexercisemarksthe39thiterationofthe annual event, showcasing the ironclad Alliance and enduring friendship between the two nations. Approximately 16,000 Philippine and U.S. military personnel are participating

The Department of Defense (DoD), on behalf of all Federal agencies, today announced its partnership with Dominion EnergyVirginia(DominionEnergy)towork jointly toward achieving the carbon pollution-free electricity targets established in PresidentBiden’sFederalSustainabilityPlan and Executive Order 14057 of December 8, 2021,reestablishingfederalgovernmentasa sustainabilityleader President Biden’s Federal Sustainability PlandirectstheGovernmenttoleadbyexample to help tackle the climate crisis It establishesanambitiouspathtoachieve100%CFE for federal government operations by 2030 including 50% on a 24/7 hourly matched basis,alongwithaggressivegoalsforelectric vehiclesandnet-zeroemissionsbuildings.

“TheDepartmentofDefenseisthelargest energyconsumerinthefederalgovernment,” saidHon.BrendanOwens,assistantsecretary ofdefenseforenergy installations andenvironmentchiefsustainabilityofficer “Assuch our relationships with our energy service providers are critically important. Working in partnership with Dominion Energy to ensure that our installations are supplied with resilient, reliable, and clean electricity enhancesmilitaryreadinessandstrengthens thecommunitieswhereourservicemembers andcivilianteammateslive.” Federaldemandfornewsourcesoflocally supplied carbon-free electricity will save taxpayermoneyandcreategood-payingjobs, a more stable and resilient grid, and cleaner airforlocalcommunities

“To achieve the goal of resilient, reliable, cleanelectricity,DoDandDominionEnergy

are jointly exploring several potential solutions, including on-site clean power generation, building level energy efficiency and a variety of other resilience and efficiency enhancing distributed energy resources These efforts will deliver enhanced military readinessandcommunityresilience,”Owens said.

“Forseveralyears,Virginiahasbeenatthe forefront of our nation’s clean energy transition,” said Ed Baine, President of Dominion EnergyVirginia.“We’reexcitedtoworkwith the Department of Defense to build on that progressandhelpachievethefederalgovernment’s clean energy goals.” “This is a great exampleofhowthepublicandprivatesectors canworktogethertopromoteacleanerenvironment, create jobs and economic opportunity, and strengthen our nation’s energy security.”

DoDandDominionEnergyhaveidentified threeareasofopportunityforcollaborationto helpmeetfederaltargetsandeachorganization’sdecarbonizationgoals: Regulated tariffs: Dominion Energy offers multiple regulated tariff products and is exploring opportunities to expand options thatcanprovideclean,resilient,andcost-effectivesourcesofcleanelectricity

Onsite generation development: Dominion Energy is exploring opportunities to build CFE generation assets on DoD land in Virginia These projects can improve the resiliency of military installations and support the overall decarbonization of the region’selectricitygrid.

Energyefficiency:DominionEnergyoffers multipleenergyefficiencyprogramsthatcan supportDoDandotherfederalagencies’overallenergyandresiliencegoals,whilereducing the overall load on the electric system DoD

isexploringtheopportunitytoenrollinthese programs at installations in Dominion Energy’sserviceterritory

“President Biden charged the federal government to use our buying power, as the nation’s largest energy consumer, to support the growth of America’s clean energy industry and to do so in ways that are good for taxpayers and communities,” said Andrew Mayock,federalchiefsustainabilityofficerat theWhiteHouseCouncilonEnvironmental Quality “Strengtheninganddeepeningpartnerships with utilities will spur new clean electricity production, creating good-paying jobs, increasing our resilience to climate change andenhancingournationalsecurity.”

DoD will continue to seek partnership opportunities that enable the agency and other Federal partners to achieve President Biden’s CFE goals and build a robust, clean, and domestically based electricity supply chainby2030

Background: With more than 300,000 buildings and 600,000 vehicles, the U.S. Government is the nation’s largest energy consumer In December 2021, President BidenissuedtheFederalSustainabilityPlan, which directed the Government to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 by transitioning to zero-emission vehicles, energy efficient buildings, and carbon pollution-free electricity In particular, the Plan directs the Government to transition to 100% CFE by 2030, at least half of which will be locally supplied clean energy to meet 24/7 hourly matched demand. Over the past three years the

CourtesyStory Exercise Balikatan
Philippine and U.S.government and militaryrepresentatives pose fora photo at the closing ceremonyforExercise Balikatan 24 at CampAguinaldo Manila,Philippines,May10 2024.BK24 is an annual exercise between theArmed Forces ofthe Philippines and the U.S.militarydesigned to strengthen bilateral interoperability capabilities trust,and cooperation built overdecades ofshared experiences (U.S.AIRFORCEPHOTOBYSTAFF SGT.PEDROTENORIO) CourtesyStory Defense.gov
increase the U.S. Government’s reliance on clean energy from38%to47%enrouteto100%by2030 Biden-Harris Administration announces partnership to supply federal facilities in Virginia with 100% clean energy Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832 JEBLCFS: 757.462.2792 Oceana/DamNeck: 757.433.3268 Yorktown: 757.847.7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost. FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling – Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support Armed Forces ofthe Philippines Maj. Gen.Marvin LLicudine, Philippines Exercise Director,gives remarks during a closing ceremony forExercise Balikatan 24 at Camp Aguinaldo Manila, Philippines, May10 2024. (U.S.AIR FORCEPHOTO BYSTAFF SGT.PEDRO TENORIO) 2 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 16 2024
U.S. Government has signed agreements to provide federal
in 16 states with 100% CFE by 2030, which will

Surgeon General reinforces key priorities

2024 Navy Medicine Leadership Symposium

U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

FALLS CHURCH, Va Ensuring the medical readiness of Sailors and Marines wasthefocusformorethan200seniorleaders who attended the 2024 Navy Surgeon General’s Leadership Symposium at the U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED)headquarters,May6-8,2024

Theannualsymposiumisanopportunity to learn about enterprise actions to solve challengesandalignwiththeNavySurgeon General’skeypriorities:strengtheningExpeditionary Medical Systems (EXMEDS), improving deployability, enhancing quality healthcare, bolstering recruitment and retention efforts, and the Navy’s “Get Real, GetBetter”model.

“The symposium showcased GRGB in actionasleadershipaimsonremovingbarriersinordertodelivermilitaryhealthcareat homeandabroadinanyenvironment, said Master Chief Hospital Corpsman Nicolas Gomez,theForceIndependentDutyCorpsman (IDC) at Navy Expeditionary Combat Command.

One of the key speakers, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Lisa Franchetti, discussed her priorities for America’s Warfighting Navy and the difference Navy Medicine makes for leaders in this decisive decade

“I cannot emphasize this enough: You have my gratitude and full support. This group of professionals is a valued and vital cornerstoneofthefoundationthatsupports warfighting and our warfighters,” emphasized Franchetti. “I could not be prouder of what you all do for our Navy Marine Corps andournation everysingleday.”

In addition to the CNO, the Navy’s top enlisted leader Master Chief Petty Officer oftheNavyJamesHonea,spokewithleaders aboutstrengtheningwarfightingcompetencies, professional and character development,andqualityoflifeforSailors

Navy Medicine Force Master Chief PatrickPaul Mangaran, director of the Hospital Corps stressed the critical need toinvestinourpeopletoensureaprepared medicalforceforthebattlesahead.

“The future of the Navy depends on the strength of our people,” said Mangaran “I needyourdedicationandexpertisetobuild winningteamsthatwillkeepourSailorsand Marines healthy and ready for the future fight.”

Leaders actively listened to each other’s perspectives seeking common ground and fostering a culture of collaboration. Addi-

tional topics discussed included panel discussions, the 2024 Navy Medicine Campaign Order, the Culture of Excellence (COE)2.0program,DefenseHealthAgency priorities,communicationsstrategy,combat developmentandintegration,andafireside chatwithNavyMedicineleadership “Whatyoualldoeverydayinthecurrent environment is quite frankly amazing,”

concluded U.S. Navy Surgeon General Rear Adm. Darin Via. “Thank you for what you do.” Navy Medicine represented by more than 44,000 highly-trained military and civilianhealthcareprofessionals provides enduring expeditionary medical support to warfighterson,below,andabovetheseaand ashore.

FALLS CHURCH,Va (May6,2024) RearAdm.Darin K.Via,Surgeon General ofthe Navy,hosts the 2024 NavySurgeon General’s Leadership Symposium at the U.S.NavyBureau ofMedicine and Surgeryheadquarters May6,2024.NavyMedicine leaders from more than 70 commands gathered to discuss the current strategicvision and priorities ofNavyMedicine (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST JOHNGRANDIN) YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING careers.tribpub.com www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday May 16 2024 3 ROOFING • WINDOWS • SIDING • TRIM • GUTTER PROTECTION YOUR TRUSTED ROOFING EXPERTS Join the ranksofsatisfied hom have experienced the Paramount difference! With our exclusive13-Step Roofing System, backed by aGold Pledge Lifetime Warranty, your home is in the hands of the best AWARD-WINNING EXCELLENCE UNLIMITED WIND GUST WARRANTY SUPERIOR VENTILATION ULTIMATE PROTECTION TRUSTED WARRANTY We are1of30companies to proudly receiveGAF’s Prestigious President’s Club Awardfor our commitmentto quality &innovation. Our roofs arebuilt to withstand hurricane winds up to 130mph, giving youpeaceof mind in anyweather Our CobraSnowCountry Advanced Rigid Ridge vent system maximizes airflow, extending the lifeofyour roof and reducing energy costs. From StainguardPlus Pro to DuraGrip Technology,our roofs come with a30-year warranty againstalgae/ stains and arebuilt to resist the elements. Our industry-leading warranty includes aLifetime Warranty 50 years non-pro-rated, and 30 years workmanship guaranteed, stamped and approvedby Good Housekeeping. www.paramountbuilders.com (757)942-4209 “Paramount replaced my roof this past October,theyalso replaced my gutters, trim work and gutter guards, acouple years earlier.Theyare very professional anddoawesome work. Bestproduct foryour moneyinmyopinion” -Michael H., HomeAdvisor Review Schedule Online or Call todayto meet with an Installation Expert! meownerswho t ! 3YEARS NO INTEREST 50%OFF PLUS LABOR

Senior leaders discuss future of special warfare at annual convention

U.S. and allied country senior leaders discussed the roles that technology, relationshipsandadditionaltopicsplayindeveloping special warfare teams for the future duringapaneldiscussionWednesdayatthe SpecialOperationsForces2024convention inTampa,Florida. The first half of the hour long panel focusedprimarilyonhowspecialoperations forces orSOF willnotonlyadapttomodern militarytechnologybecomingmorepowerful, less expensive, and more globally availabletobothalliesandadversariesaroundthe world,butalsohowSOFwillbeabletobest incorporatesomeofthosetechnologiesinto futurebattlespaces

“Wehavetothinkabouthowweevolve andthinkaboutourlegacysystemsandplatforms that served us very well in a certain operating environment [but] that may or may not have utility going forward, said RearAdm.KeithDavids,commanderofU.S. NavalSpecialWarfareCommand.

Explaining how examples from Ukraine, the Black Sea and the Middle East demon-

DOD Increases damages available in Service member medical malpractice claims

strate how small, technologically agile teams can challenge larger conventional forces Davids said that technologies such as human-machine teaming enable SOF to mass effects without massing forces, creatingasymmetricadvantages

On the topic of artificial intelligence, Davids said he believes it can enhance the ‘OODAloop’(Observe,Orient,Decide,Act), particularly in the “decide” phase, thus enabling SOF to operate faster than our adversaries

“Ithink[the]decisionadvantagecouldbe decisivegoingforward,”hesaid.

Another speaker on the panel explained that, while technology is no doubt going to continue developing in the future, the focus should be more on the people who are using it.

“Humansaremoreimportantthanhardware and that’s not something that’s going tochangeinthefuture,”saidCommandSgt. Maj.JoAnnNaumann,seniorenlistedleader forU.S.ArmySpecialOperationsCommand. Naumannaddedthat,beginningwiththe smallscaleandthenworkingtothelarge,it’s important to look at what availabilities are neededonateam

“Because, while I don’t believe that technologyitselfwillwinorlose Idobelievethat the people who best apply technology will winorlose.”

Alongthoselines,guestspeakerMaj.Gen. ClaudiuDobocan,commanderofRomania’s special operations forces command, said that despite his organization’s SOF technical innovation being in its infancy the command was only recently established in 2018 hispersonnelarestillabletocontribute to their country’s other combat forces bytestingoutnewequipmentsuchasnight visiongoggles,radiosandnewtypesofbody armor

“We’re kind of the test bed that permeates into the force; so, we’re proud of that,” hesaid.

Topicsduringthesecondhalfofthepanel focused on the power of relationships and partnershipsintheSOFcommunity aswell asriskmanagement.

Regarding the importance of maintaining good partnerships, Davids said that, in the era of strategic competition, the significance of partnerships has never been greater; especially during Phase Zero (an era of relative peace) when the military’s

goal is deterrence

“[When] we think about the traditional partnerships we’ve had in the context of counterterrorism, they’ve been terrific, he added. Respondingtothequestionaboutrisk-taking, Naumann brought up the topic of sharinginformation.


Wehavegottobeabletopartnerseamlessly,” shesaid,addingthatsuchsharingshouldbe both internal with the joint force as well as withourforeignpartners

“Thatpartnershiphastobeseamless We have to be able to communicate and we have to share until it hurts, because it is the onlywaywewillwin.”

Jointly sponsored by Socom and the GlobalSOFFoundation,SOFWeek which runsthroughMay10 isanannualconference for the international SOF community to learn, connect and honor its members accordingtotheevent’sofficialwebsite

Thehighlightsofthisyear’seventinclude severalkeynotespeakers,professionaldevelopment seminars, industry engagements andalivecapabilitiesdemonstration.

Flag Officer Announcements

CourtesyStory Defense.gov

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III announced that the presidenthasmadethefollowingnominations: „ Navy Vice Adm. John F. Wade for reappointment to the gradeofviceadmiral,withassignmentascommander,Third Fleet, San Diego, California. Wade most recently served as

Department of Veterans Affairs related to medicalmalpracticewereusedtooffsetthe totalclaimamount.

Now,eligibleclaimantscanreceivewithout offset the full amount of non-economic damages,whichincludepainandsuffering, physical discomfort, and loss of enjoyment oflife

This action directly responds to input from our Service members, Members of Congress andotherkeystakeholders

The Final Rule is effective immediately Allcurrentlypendingclaimswillbeadjudicatedusingtheupdatedcalculationmethod. The Final Rule can be found at https:// www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-202405-10/pdf/2024-10130.pdf

commander,TaskForceRedHill,CampH.S Smith,Hawaii. „ Navy Rear Adm. Michael J. Vernazza for appointment tothegradeofviceadmiral,withassignmentascommander, Naval Information Forces Suffolk, Virginia. Vernazza is currently serving as commander, Fleet Information Warfare CommandPacific/InformationWarfareTaskForce(TF-501), Pacific,JointBasePearlHarbor-Hickam,Hawaii.

Maj.Gen.Claudiu Dobocan,left commanderRomania’s Special Operations Forces Command; Keith Davids,commander,Naval SpecialWarfare Command; and Lt Gen.ThanongsakTannarat right commanding general ofThailand’s CounterTerrorist Operations Center; participate in the panel discussion,“Developing SOFTeams forthe Future” while attending Special Operations ForcesWeek24,Tampa,Fla.,May8,2024 The annual conference enables the SOFenterprise to strengthen existing partnerships and forge newones bypartneringwith industry (U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSKYLEFIORI) CourtesyStory Defense.gov The Department of Defense (DoD) published today a Final Rule in the Federal Registerupdatingitsregulationonthemedical malpractice claims process for ActiveDuty Service members The updated rule
eliminates the
requirement for paymentsfornon-economicdamages The updated regulation helps maximize
malpractice claims that may have occurred in military medical treatment facilities Underthepreviousregulation,allpayments ServicemembersreceivefromDoDandthe
4 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 16 2024

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Austin: FY 2025 budget includes


The Defense Department’s top official told Congress today that DOD’s fiscal year 2025budgetrequest,about$849.8billionin all includestradeoffsbetweencapabilityin thefutureandreadiness.

“[Our budget request] is aligned to our strategy,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III said in testimony before the SenateAppropriationsCommittee’sdefense subcommittee “Wemadetough,butresponsible decisions that prioritize near-term readiness modernization of the joint force, and support for our troops and their families Our approach dials back some neartermmodernizationforprogramsnotsetto


Whenasked,Austinsaidinvestmentsnow in5th-and6th-generationaircrafthavebeen delayed to, instead, invest funding in areas more important in the short-term, such as service members and their families Nevertheless hesaid,thedepartmentisstilllookingtowardthefuture.

“Our budget does include, as you heard me say earlier, $143.2 billion for [research, development, test and evaluations] and $167.5 billion for procurement,” the secretarytoldsenators

But Austin did tell lawmakers that the risk in modernization investments today willneedtobeaddressedinfuturebudgets

“Because we accepted some risk in modernization for the out years, we’ll need

to have a growth in the top line in the out years to ensure that we can recapture some ofthethingsthatweweren’tabletogetinto thisbudget,”hesaid.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, Jr who testified alongside Austin, said he didn’t expect that the FY 2025 budget would negatively impact defense operations, and also reinforced Austin’s comments, saying that in future budgets there would need to be an increase in top-line funding to refocus on modernization

“For operational impacts for today, because of our focus on readiness I don’t see operational impacts,” Brown said “As the secretary highlighted, we had to defer some of our modernization. [When] you

think about five, six years, a decade from now,there’spotentialchallengesifwedon’t get the additional support in the top line in theoutyears.” Brown said as chairman he’s focused on both capability and capacity to support the joint force And both will need to be addressedincomingyears,hesaid.

“We got to make sure we have capability that stays ahead of the threat, and then also havecapacitytobeabletooperateinmanyof theareasaroundtheworldlikewedotoday,” Brown said. “And that’s where we need to makesurewe’reworkingcloselytogetheron the out years to ensure that we can actually continue to modernize and make sure we stayaheadofthethreat.

‘tough, but responsible’
SecretaryofDefense LloydJ.Austin III andAirForce Gen.CQ Brown,Jr chairman oftheJoint Chiefs ofStaffprovide testimonyon the DOD fiscal 2025 budget request on Capitol Hill,May,8 2024. (DODPHOTOBYCHADJ.MCNEELEY) VALUED SUBSCRIBER The eNewspaperisa digitalreplicaofthe printedpaper. • Delivereddaily to your inbox •Morning andEvening editionswithbonus content •Ideal forwhen you’reonthe go or traveling • Getthe news even if printdeliveryisdisrupted •Access to thearchivesfor past issues It’sfreeand part ofyour subscription! Visit: go-activate.com NEWS Getyour news anytime,anywhere withthe eNewspaper YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING Search jobs. Post your resume. Standout from thecrowd careers.tribpub.com Stopwastingtime searching forjobs. Find the right jobs with tribune publishing recruitment services. We work hard to make your job search easy. With our expansive network of distinguished employers from coasttocoast and advancedjob matching technology, you’llfind opportunitiesthat matchyour skills,your personalityand your life. 6 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 16 2024
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8 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 16 2024

On iberty



Norfolk’sfavoriteriversideconcertseries returns for its 14th summer with fun for the whole family! Relax on the shoreline and enjoy live music from across the musical spectrum. This year’s line up includes: Interactive Top 40, Country/Americana, R&B, Swing, Psychedelic Rock, Rockabilly andmore:

„ Drinks from our bar featuring craft beer andwineavailableforpurchase

„ Eatsandtreatsfromavarietyoflocalfood trucks,includingsomenewfavorites!

„ Admission to our summer exhibition, An American Abroad: Florence Sloane in Europe,1920s-1930s

Ticketsareonlyavailableatthegate.Gates open at 5:30pm and music starts at 6pm. MuseumMembers:Don’tforgetyourphysical membership card for priority check-in! Members and kids under 10 are FREE, the costfornon-membersare$15

Parkingisfreeonsite,butspacesarevery limited. Limited accessible spots are available on site and across from the front gate, identifiedwithsignage Guestsarrivingafter 6pm should expect to walk from neighborhood parking where ample street parking is available When parking in the neighborhood, please be sure to observe all parking signage, park legally, and ensure that your vehicleisnotblockingdrivewaysandwalkways


„ Guestsmaybringlawnchairsandblankets andseating. „ Well-behavedpetsarewelcome,butmust bekeptonaleashatalltimes „ Ball sports and games are not permitted onthegrounds „ Outside food is welcome, but no outside alcoholispermitted

„ Please expect to have bags and coolers checkeduponentry

2024 Lineup

„ Thursday,May16

FusionGroove (r&b groovy funky)

FoodTrucks:FlippinHangry CastIron, Joysicles

„ Thursday,May30


FoodTrucks:FlavorSavorBBQ,Salty Cactus,KonaIce

„ Thursday,June13

RedStaplerDuo (SwingandCovers)

FoodTrucks:Locotos,DeutscherImbiss Joysicles

„ Thursday,June27

Ward’sPocket(OldSchoolOriginalRock Band)


FoodTrucks:J&KStyleGrill,Deutscher Imbiss,KonaIce

„ Thursday,July18



FoodTrucks:Moontide,GhostKitchen, Joysicles

„ Thursday,August1

RequestStation (InteractiveTop40)

FoodTrucks:J&KStyleGrill,Pittsburghs Best,KonaIce „ Thursday,August15


FoodTrucks:Courtney’sKitchen,Locotos, Yolee’sGDawgs,Joysicles

For more information visit info@ thehermitagemuseum.org or call 757.423.2052 Hermitage Museum & Gardensislocatedat7637NorthShoreRoad, Norfolk,VA23505.


NORFOLK,Va NickelodeonandVStar Entertainment Group proudly present PAW Patrol Live! “Heroes Unite.” Coming November 9 & 10 to Chrysler Hall. This brand-new production is an interactive live stage show, where members of the audience get to be heroes unleashed, helping the pups as honorary members of the pack,whiletheynavigatetheglobetomake itbacktoAdventureBayinthenickoftime Featuringstunningvisualeffects,captivatingstorytellingandavibrantmusicalscore that will have guests dancing in their seats andsingingalong thisstagedextravaganza is jam-packed with action and fun for the whole family!

PAWPatrolLive!“HeroesUnite”isbased onthetop-ratedanimatedpreschoolseries PAW Patrol, airing on Nickelodeon and produced by Spin Master Entertainment Ticketsforallfourperformancesareonsale Fri.,May24andmaybepurchasedatwww. pawpatrollive.com.

PAWPatrolLive!“HeroesUnite”follows RyderandthePAWPatrolpupsastheyface their greatest challenge yet. When Mayor HumdingerclonesRoboDog,chaosensues allovertheworld.It’suptothePAWPatrol to catch the clones, rescue Robo Dog, and showthatwhenthegoinggets“ruff,”lending a paw makes you the ultimate TOP HERO! This new adventure is going to be PAWsome!

“Heroes Unite” marks the third VStar Entertainment Group and Nickelodeon touring collaboration under the PAW Patrol banner Since its debut in the fall of 2016, the PAW Patrol Live! Stage shows have been seen by over 4.5 million people, providingfansinover40countrieswithan unforgettable Broadway-style production. It’s the perfect way for families to create lifelongmemoriesandintroducetheirkids to live theatre.

2 ShowsInNorfolk: Sat.,Nov.9,2024-10a.m &2p.m. Sun.,Nov.10 2024-11a.m.&3p.m. Where:ChryslerHall 215St PaulsBlvd.,Norfolk,VA23510

Tickets start at $25*. Tickets are availableforpurchaseatTicketmaster.comand by visiting the

on the River outdoor music series returns to The Hermitage Museum & Gardens for its 14th summer
box office
E. Brambleton Ave, Norfolk, VA 23510. It is currently open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Prices are subject to change. *$25 ticketsareavailableonlywhilesupplieslast. Additionalfees&taxesmayapply Formore
visit SevenVenues.com.
limited number
available, starting at $120 The
Experience includes a premiumseatandexclusivephotooppwith PAWPatrolcharactersaftertheshow.Each adult & child (age 1 & up) in a group must have a VIP ticket. For more information or to join the Tail Mail mailing list for presale and other exclusive offers visit www.pawpatrollive. com.FollowPAWPatrolLive!onFacebook, Instagram and Twitter at @pawpatrollive, and the hashtag #pawpatrollive. The Paw Patrol® are calling all heroes to Chrysler Hall this November in an all-new live show Paw Patrol Live! “Heroes Unite” – Tickets go on sale May 24 INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7
Scope Arena box office The Scope Arena
in the Scope parking garage at 201
V.I.P: A
of V.I.P. (Very Important Pup) Meet & Greet Experience tickets are
& Greet
Make weekday dining a breeze Withwarmerweatherand longerdays wewant to spent more time outside - not in the kitchen. This spring trythese quick,seasonal recipes: Shrimp Broccoli and Potato Skewerswith Lemon andThyme,Easyas 1-2-3 Potato Salad and tips forgrilling greatvegetables! PageC4 www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday May 16 2024 1



The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/

The VB Wave Trolley returns for 40th year of service


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va The Virginia BeachWavetrolleyandshuttle,operatedby HamptonRoadsTransit(HRT),returnsfor its 40th year on Sunday, May 12

Once again, the VB Wave will accept mobile ticketing to make it convenient to boardthedistinctiveskyblueandsand-colored trolley buses on three routes serving the Virginia Beach Oceanfront resort area.

“HRT is making it easy to hop aboard, kick back, and let us do the driving at the Oceanfront this summer,” said William E. Harrell, President and CEO “As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of this popular service HRT stands ready to help visitors and residents explore all that the Resort City has to offer Passengers can count on our friendly and knowledgeable staff to go the extra mile, providing more than just a ride from point A to point B. They often serve as tour guides, pointing out places to go, things to do and sights to see.” For seamless travel before boarding, download the Journey mobile app on your smartphone. The app is available at www gohrt.com/mobile. Riders can purchase tickets through the app with a credit card. Mobile ticketing is only available for The VB Wave trolley, not other HRT services. Trolley tickets are also available at these retaillocations:

„ 9 Sunsations store locations along AtlanticAvenueat5thStreet,9thStreet,12th Street, 14th Street, 19th Street, 23rd Street 25th Street, 30th Street, 33rd Street, and on VirginiaBeachBoulevardat17thStreet.

„ KOACampground,1240GeneralBooth Blvd.

„ VirginiaGiftShop,702AtlanticAve.

VB Wave tickets can be purchased in advance through the mobile app, at retail locations above, or with cash payments accepted onboard the trolley (exact change only).

Three routes to choose

This summer’s service features three routesconnectingsomeofthemostpopular destinationsforvisitorsandresidentsalike. Toboard,lookfortheblueVBWavesignsat 97stopsalongtheseroutes:


Route30: Atlantic Avenue This popular


CLEARWATER, Fla. National Safe Boating Week will be held from May 18-24, 2024, reminding all boaters to brush up on boating safety skills and prepare for the boating season This observance week is the annual kick-off of the Safe Boating Campaign, a global awareness effort that encouragesboaterstomakethemostoftheir boatingadventurebybeingresponsible

“We’re committed to teaching boaters thatthebestboatingexperienceisasafeday on the water,” said Peg Phillips, executive directoroftheNationalSafeBoatingCouncil, a nonprofit dedicated to helping create a safe boating experience for all boaters and the lead organization of the Safe Boating Campaign. “This National Safe Boating Week, prepare for a great boating season by inspecting your boating safety gear and committoprovidingcomfortablelifejackets for all your passengers to wear every time yougoboating.”

U.S. Coast Guard statistics show that drowning was the reported cause of death infouroutofeveryfiverecreationalboating fatalities and that 75 percent of those who drownedwerenotwearinglifejackets

Therearemanyoptionsforboaterswhen it comes to choosing a life jacket. When selectingalifejacket,aboatershouldcheck that it is U.S. Coast Guard approved, appropriateforthewateractivity,andfitsproperly.

“The best life jacket is the one you will wear,” said Phillips “Whether you’re going fishing or just enjoying a ride on the boat, makesureyou’repreparedfortheadventure bywearingalifejacketandknowinghowto userequiredsafetygear.”


„ Takeaboatingsafetycourse.Gainvaluableknowledgeandon-waterexperiencein a boating safety course with many options fornovicetoexperiencedboaters

„ Checkequipment Scheduleafreevessel safety check with local U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary or U.S. Power Squadrons to make sure all essential equipment is present, workingandingoodcondition.

„ Make a float plan Always let someone on shore know the trip itinerary, including operator and passenger information, boat

trolley route takes passengers from one end of Atlantic Avenue to the other from JT’s Grommet Island Park to 40th Street. You can ride the VB Wave and stop along thewayatshops,restaurants,museumsand other attractions Route 30 operates daily from May 12 through the Neptune Festival (ending Sept. 29), approximately every 15 minutesfrom8a.m.-2a.m.Route30features 26trolleystops

„ Route 31: Aquarium and Campground. TheRoute31trolleyheadssouthboundfrom JT’s Grommet Island Park to the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center, Ocean Breeze Water Park and the Holiday Trav-L-Park and KOA campgrounds along

General Booth Boulevard Route 31 operates daily from May 12-Labor Day, about every 20 minutes from 9:30 a.m.-11:10 p.m., and then again from Sept. 6-Sept. 29 on

Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Route 31 has 13 stops. The route may occasionally be servicedbybus

„ Route 35: Bayfront. Route 35 provides service between Parks Avenue/19th Street and Shore Drive/Pleasure House Road. This route serves the Oceanfront along Pacific Avenue, First Landing State Park, Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., Fort Story at Atlantic Avenueand88thStreet,NorthEndbeaches, Chesapeake Bay beaches and Bayfront restaurantsonShoreDrive.Forthisseason,

Route35hasshifteditsalignmenttoencompassaportionoftheformerRoute34while increasing frequency from an hour to every 30 minutes. This route will be served by designatedHRTbusesmarkedasRoute35 Route 35, the VB Wave’s longest, has 58 stops,andoperatesdailyfromMay12-Labor Day,from8a.m.-12:30a.m.Theserviceoperates again from Sept. 6-Sept. 29 on Fridays SaturdaysandSundays

TheVBWaveconnectstoHRTbuslines, including Route 20 service to downtown Norfolk. For more information about the VBWaveTrolley,includingfaresandmaps, please visit https://gohrt.com/modes/ vb-wave-bayfront-shuttle/

type and registration, and communication equipment on board before you leave the dock.

„ Wear a life jacket Make sure everyone wearsalifejacket everytime Astowedlife jacketisnouseinanemergency

„ Use an engine cut-off switch it’s the law. An engine cut-off switch is a proven safety device to stop a powerboat engine should the operator unexpectedly fall overboard.

„ Watch the weather Always check the forecast before departing on the water and frequentlyduringtheexcursion

„ Know what’s going on around you at all times. Nearly a quarter of all reported

boating incidents in 2022 were caused by operatorinattentionorimproperlookout.

„ Knowwhereyou’regoingandtravelat safespeeds Befamiliarwiththearea,local boating speed zones, and always travel at a safespeed.

„ Neverboatundertheinfluence.ABUI is involved in one-third of all recreational boating fatalities Always designate a sober skipper

„ Keep in touch. Have more than one communicationdevicethatworkswhenwet.

VHF radios, emergency locator beacons, satellite phones, and cell phones can all be importantdevicesinanemergency The Safe Boating Campaign is produced

under a grant from the Sport Fish RestorationandBoatingTrustFundandadministeredbytheU.S.CoastGuard.Thecampaign offers a variety of free and paid resources to support local boating safety education efforts Learn more at www.safeboatingcampaign.com.

AbouttheNationalSafeBoatingCouncil: Establishedin1958 theNationalSafeBoatingCouncilistheforemostcoalitionforthe advancementandpromotionofsaferboating through education, outreach, and training FormoreinformationaboutNSBCprograms and professional development opportunities,visitwww.safeboatingcouncil.org.

National Safe Boating Week is May 18-24 – reminding all boaters to brush up on boating safety skills (SHUTTERSTOCKPHOTO/SERGIYBYKHUNENKO) Playonlineevery dayat PlayJumble.com Jumble Daily |Jumble CrosswordDaily Jumble Sunday| Sudoku| Mahjong Bubble Shooter Pro| Plus manymore FREE PUZZLES &GAMES 2 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, May 16 2024
www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, May 16 2024 3

Make weekday dining a breeze with easy, delicious recipes

FromFamilyFeatures&TheLittlePotato Company

From everyday weeknight dinners to picnics in the park, warmer weather and longer days mean familieswanttospendmoretimetogetherandless time in the kitchen. This spring, look for kitchen hacks that can make fresh and healthy weeknight seasonalrecipesacinch.

Skippingcomplicatedprepworkisthefirststep towardsimplifyingspringtimemeals Ratherthan recipes that call for a lot of prep or cooking time, considereasydishesthatrequireonlyahandfulof stepsanduseeverydayingredientsyoumayalready haveinyourpantry fridgeorfreezer

For example, these Shrimp, Broccoli and Potato Skewers with Lemon and Thyme can let you put a little spring in your weeknight dinners Grilled skewers keep the whole family happy and come together in less than 30 minutes, making them perfect for quick and healthy meals without the hassle The versatility of potatoes means you can grill them and this version calls for a 5-minute microwavesteamfirsttocutdownongrilltime

Witheasy-to-preparepotatoes,TheLittlePotato Company makes family dinners like this one a breeze as they come pre-washed, require no peelingandaresmallenoughtheydon’tneedtobecut.

This allows for less time in the kitchen and more time for outdoor play to enjoy a little moment of happiness Plus, the Microwave and Roast or Grill Ready kits come with their own seasoning packs foraddedconvenience

Grown on family farms Little Potatoes are a fresh whole food packed with nutrients you can feel good about serving your family and are ideal for this Easy as 1-2-3 Potato Salad. With just three ingredientsandminimalpreptime,thisdelightful dish becomes an ultimate springtime solution for busyfamilies Plus,it’seasyenoughthatlittleones canjoininonthefunofpreparingit.

Simply pop the tray of Microwave Ready Little Potatoes in the microwave for 5 minutes then add theincludedSavoryHerbseasoningpack,chopped greenonionsandmayonnaiseforadelicioussidenopotatoboilingorpeelingrequired.

To find more ways to savor springtime meals outdoorswithyourfamily,visitlittlepotatoes.com

Shrimp, Broccoli and Potato

Skewers with Lemon and Thyme

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 20 minutes

Servings: 4

„ 1poundbaggedLittlePotatoes

„ 1bunchbroccoli

„ 12largeshrimp peeledanddeveined

„ 11/2lemons juiceonly

„ 3tablespoonsfreshthyme,chopped

„ 2tablespoonsoliveoil

„ salt,totaste

„ pepper,totaste

Inlarge,microwave-safebowl,microwavepotatoesonhigh5minutes Chopbroccoliintolargepieces

Add broccoli and shrimp to bowl once potatoes aresteamed.

Addlemonjuice,thymeandoliveoil;evenlycoat potatoes,shrimpandbroccoli Seasonwithsaltand pepper,totaste

Build skewers and grill 10-15 minutes on medium-highheat,untilshrimpiscookedthrough.

Easy as 1-2-3 Potato Salad

Prep time: 2 minutes

Cook time: 5 minutes

Servings: 4

„ 1packageALittleSavoryHerbMicrowave ReadyLittlePotatoes,withincludedseasoning pack

„ 2-3tablespoonsgreenonions,chopped

„ 1/2cupmayonnaiseorplainGreekyogurt

In microwave, cook potatoes 5 minutes accordingtopackagedirections

Combineseasoningpack,choppedgreenonions andmayonnaiseorGreekyogurt.

Pour dressing over cooled potatoes. Stir gently andserve.


Burgers,brats,steak,chicken,porkchops and all the flavors of fresh meat get all the love on the grill, but a well-rounded meal callsforsidesandveggies

Beforeyouplanyournextbackyardbarbecue, incorporate tasty vegetables - peppers, asparagus, onions, tomatoes, zucchini and more - for an all-out blitz of fresh-grilled flavor. Consider these simple steps to properlygrillyourcrispyveggies:

1.Lightthegrill.Stepone,ofcourse,isto prep a hot grill. For the best cooking experience you’ll want medium-high heat or even high heat for quick, direct grilling By lightingthegrillaheadofveggieprep,you’ll allow plenty of heating time to complete yourothertasks

2. Prepare vegetables Depending on whatyouplantocook,there’lllikelybesome preparationtoundertake,suchascuttingoff stems and blemishes or removing pits and seeds Inadditiontocleaningupyouringredients you may want to chop dice or slice basedontherecipe

3. Coat vegetables

with olive oil. Drizzling just a small amount of olive oil over your vegetables and tossing to coat adds a couple benefits. First, it helps the outer layercrispratherthandryout,plusitaidsin seasonings-likesaltandpepper-stickingto the vegetable instead of falling off while on thegrillorinapan 4.Considerusingfoilpacketsorskewers If char marks aren’t your thing, tossing chopped or diced veggies into a foil packet before hitting the grill steams them for a bit of a softer texture. Alternately, wooden skewers soaked in water (to prevent burning)canhelpkeepsmallerchunksofveggies from slipping through the grill grates while stillachievingacrispyexterior 5.Payattentiontogrilltimes Different typesofvegetablesandpreparationmethods callfordifferentcooktimes,but5-10minutes overdirectheatgenerallygetsthejobdone The smaller you chunk, chop, slice or dice, thelesstimeit’lltake. FindmoregrillingtipsatCulinary.net. 5 Steps for grilling great vegetables this summer! (PHOTOCOURTESYOFGETTYIMAGES) Easyas1-2-3PotatoSalad Shrimp,Broccoliand Potato SkewerswithLemonandThyme 4 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, May 16 2024

Women’s heart attacks rising, particularly among those 30—50 years old

Pregnancy and the hormonal life cycle can have significant impacts on women’s cardiovascular health and life expectancy. However, theresearchbehindhowwomenarenegatively affectedisincompleteandlargelylimited

Women are also less likely to receive guideline-recommended drug therapy and invasive management of heart disease compared to men, according to U.S. Air Force Col. (Dr.) TravisBatts,chiefofcardiologyatWilfordHall Ambulatory Surgical Centeropens TRICARE. mil, Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.

The impact of pregnancy on heart health cannotbeoverstated,”Battssaid “Astheaverage age of first-time mothers in the United States increases, so does the likelihood of cardiovascularriskfactors.”

According to Batts, this trend forces an elevated focus on pre-pregnancy cardiovascularassessmentstolowerrisks.

Theconnectionofmaternalagewithcardiovascular health highlights a broader trend of increasingheartdisease,specificallyheartattack rates among younger women ages 30 to 50,” Batts said “This shift emphasizes the importance of recognizing and treating heart attack symptomspromptlyandappropriately,regardlessofageorperceivedhealthstatus.”

“Ourgrowingunderstandingofheartattack symptoms in women and the impact of the hormonal life cycle highlight the critical need for personalized medical care,” Batts said The goal is to reduce differences in care and improve outcomes for all individuals at risk of heartdisease,withaparticularfocusonyoung andmiddle-agedwomenwhomaybeatriskof underdiagnosisandundertreatment.”

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death globally for both women and men. However,heartattacksymptomsopensHealth mil article and the response to those symptoms can significantly differ between genders “withrecentstudieshighlightingtheparticular vulnerabilityandtreatmentdifferencesfacedby women,”Battssaid “Thisdiscrepancycontributestoincreaseddeathratesamongwomenand underscores the urgent need for gender-specificapproachesinthediagnosis,treatment,and managementofheartdisease.

Women’s Heart Attack Symptoms May Go Unrecognized

When you are having a heart attack, minutes matter. Fast action can save lives Women often experience symptoms other than the crushing chest pain and left arm pain that typically afflict men having heart attacks

For example women are more likely to experience pain between the shoulder blades,abdominalpain,andnausea.Insome situations, a failure to identify the unique symptoms women experience can lead to delaysinseekingtreatment.

If you’re a woman, here are the most commonheartattacksymptoms:

„ Chestpainordiscomfort

„ Paininthearm(s),back,neck,orjaw

„ Stomachpain


FALLSCHURCH,Va Colorectalcancer is the third most common cancer among men and women in the United States—and it’s on the rise among people under age 50, accordingtotheNationalCancerInstitute In 2022, colorectal cancer screening guidelines changed. Now, anyone at average risk for colorectal cancer should start regularscreeningsatage45

“Gettingregularscreeningsisthebestway to catch colorectal cancer early, when it’s most treatable,” said Jeannine Pickrell, RN, director of Disease Management & Population Health at the Defense Health Agency “Since colorectal cancer rates in younger peopleareincreasing,it’simportanttostart gettingscreenedassoonasyouturn45.”

Getting screened is easy and TRICARE covers several options for colorectal cancer exams Here’s what to know about these routinescreenings

Know your risk level

The recommendation to start screening for colorectal cancer at age 45 applies to anyoneataverageriskforcolorectalcancer If you’re at increased risk, you may need to startscreeningsbeforeyouturn45 Youmay beatincreasedriskifyouhave: „ Inflammatoryboweldisease,suchas Crohn’sdiseaseorulcerativecolitis

„ Personalorfamilyhistoryofcolorectal cancerorpolyps

„ Certaingeneticsyndromesrelatedto colorectalcancer If you believe you’re at increased risk for colorectal cancer ask your provider when to start getting screened and which exams arerightforyou.

„ Shortnessofbreath,nausea,or lightheadedness

„ Coldsweats

„ Fatigue

How Long Can a Woman Have Symptoms Before a Heart Attack?

Manypeopleexpectaheartattacktocome on suddenly But research suggests that women experience symptoms for several weeks before a heart attack. Doctors say it’s important to encourage women to seek medical care when they have symptoms. You can have heart problems—even a heart attack—without chest pain. That’s particularlycommonamongwomen

“Despite women having more symptomaticchestpainthanmen,theyarelesslikely to have timely and appropriate care,” Batts said.“AMay2022studyintheJournalofthe American Heart Association “revealed that onaveragewomenhavean11-minutelonger waittimewhenseekingemergencycarefor heartattack.Weknowthisdelayhasadirect impactonheartattackoutcomes.”

Should I Take Aspirin During a Heart Attack?

Medical advice on taking aspirin has changed over the years when it comes to treatinganinitialheartattackorpreventing asubsequentheartattack

„ Don’t do anything before calling 911

Specifically, don’t take an aspirin then wait forittorelieveyourpain.Aspirinalonewon’t treatyourheartattack.

„ The emergency operator can advise you whether to take aspirin and how much to take.

„ If the operator does not suggest aspirin, you may receive the drug in the ambulance oremergencydepartment.

Heart Attacks Can Happen Even if You’re Young and in Good


Younger women are having more heart attacks,accordingtoaNationalHeart,Lung, andBloodInstitutestudyin2019

Researchers were surprised to find that while the heart attack rate has decreased among older adults, it’s risen among those ages 35-54, especially women. A November 2019 study in the journal Circulation reviewedmorethan28,000hospitalizations forheartattacksinfourcities

One condition, spontaneous coronary artery dissection, or SCAD causes a small percentage of heart attacks overall, but is responsible for 40% of heart attacks in women younger than age 50, according to an August 2020 article in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology The average SCAD patient is just 42 years old and is likely healthy and active with no signs of heartdisease

“SCAD’s prevalence underscores the need for increased awareness and specializedresearchtounderstandandcombatthis

Types of screenings

Thereareafewdifferenttypesofcolorectalcancerexams Theseincludecolonoscopiesandstooltests Youcaneventakesome stool tests at home, by using a kit to collect astoolsampleandsendingitbacktoalab Here are some of the common tests

TRICAREcoversforpeopleataveragerisk, startingatage45: „ Fecaloccultbloodtesting:coveredonce every12months

„ Fecalimmunochemicaltesting(FIT): coveredonceevery12months „ Flexiblesigmoidoscopy:coveredonce every5years „ CTcolonoscopies:coveredonceevery5 years „ Conventionalcolonoscopies:covered onceevery10years If your test result is positive or abnormal on some tests (like FIT or a CT colonoscopy), you may need to get a conventional colonoscopytobesureofyourresults

conditioneffectively,”Battssaid. Finally,otherconditionssuchasmyocardial infarction with non-obstructive arteries reveal a group of diseases that can cause heart attack without the usual risk factors andhearttestfindings,Battssaid.

The Bottom Line

“As our approach to the diagnosis and management of chest pain syndromes continues to evolve, we must highlight the impact of racial and ethnic differences on the evaluation of patients with chest pain,” Batts said. “There are disparities in chest pain management in diverse populations thatleadtoworseoutcomes,increasedheart attacks andhigherdeathrates.”

Call 911 immediately if you experience heart attack warning signs Calling 911 is almostalwaysthefastestwaytogetlife-saving treatment and preserve your heart muscleandtissues

Anemergencymedicalservicesteamcan begintreatmentwhentheyarrive—uptoan hour sooner than if you get to the hospital by car. EMS staff are also trained to revive someonewhosehearthasstopped.Patients with chest pain who arrive by ambulance usuallyreceivefastertreatmentatthehospital,too

Batts shared his bottom line recommendations, saying, “For both women and men alike, the keys to improving your heart health are simple: Take all symptoms seriously,askquestionsaboutyourhearthealth, andgetscreenedyearlyforheartdiseaserisk factors.”

Notsurewhichexamisrightforyou?Ask your provider at your next visit or during a Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Exam.

Screening costs

Your screening costs will depend on the type of screening you get and if it occurs at a preventive care visit or specialty care outpatient visit. Check out the TRICARE CompareCostTool(onlineathttps://www tricare.mil/comparecosts) to find out your costsforthesevisits


Colorectalcancerscreeningsaremeantto catchcancerbeforeyoustartshowingsigns or symptoms If you’re having any of these symptoms of colorectal cancer, see your providerrightaway:

„ Changeinbowelhabits „ Abdominalpain,aches,orcrampsthat don’tgoaway „ Diarrhea „ Constipation „ Unexplainedweightloss „ Rectalbleedingorbloodinyourstool

With many options getting screened for colorectalcanceriseasierthanever Ifyou’re 45 or older don’t delay your regular exam. Learn more about other routine cancer screeningsyoushouldgetbasedonyourage, sex,andriskfactors

Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions (online at https://public. govdelivery.com/accounts/USMHSTMA/ subscriber/new), and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates news andmore.

Pregnancyand hormones playa role inwomen’s increased riskofheart disease and life expectancy.(COURTESYPHOTO)
Age 45 or 0lder? Screen for colorectal cancer with TRICARE Cmdr Candida Ferguson,a general surgeon at Naval HospitalJacksonville talkswith a patient about colorectal cancerscreening Regularscreening beginning at age 45 is a keyto preventing colorectal cancerand finding it early Talkwithyourdoctoraboutwhich test is right foryou. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYDEIDRESMITH,NAVALHOSPITALJACKSONVILLE/RELEASED) Playonline every dayat PlayJumble.com JumbleDaily |Jumble CrosswordDaily |Jumble Sunday Sudoku|Mahjong |Bubble Shooter Pro|Plus many more FREE PUZZLES &GAMES www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday May 16 2024 5
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Must be able to describe what the red stickers are, approximate time it has been left, provide paperwork for correct matching serial number If no one claims ownership and the boat is not removed in 30 days I will be applying to the Department of Watercraft Registration/Title in my name # LBDO1838M82 Text communication 757-636-6691 Announcements B & J MOVING Reasonable Rates, Licensed & nsured. bandjmoving.com 757-576-1290 (A) FAMILY TRASH MAN-HOUSEHOLD Demo inside & out, construction sites, dumpster drop off, backhoe work. We haul it all! 20 yr exp., lic & ins. 485-1414 Hauling /Moving Autos. We will purchase your collectible, classic, late model autos, we will come to you. Call 757-675-0288 CLASSIC & COLLECTIBLE Classic, Antique Cars TOYOTA 2021 CAMRY LT Navy blue, 46,000 miles, 4cyl auto trans, a/c, cruise, powerseat, garage kept, exc cond warranty $22,500 call 443-235-0304 BUICK 2016 CASCADA CONVERTIBLE BLUE 55,000 MILES NEW INSPECTIONCLASS LUCKY YOU $17,500 757-472-1893 Autos for Sale MOTORCYCLE 2019 Roya Enfield Classic 500, 3100 miles $3750, OBO 757-472-6428 Motorcycles and ATVs SKILLED ELECTRICIAN J.C. Driskill Inc. is looking for F/T Electricians with Commercial & Industrial experience. Call 757-4643522 for info. Benefits & 401K Available. EEO & AAP Employer Estate Sales Bldg & Const-Skilled Trades LABRADOR RETRIEVER Lab pups,AKC,Chocolate, Yellow, 1M, 5F,1st shots/worming,health guarantee,$800, 252-883-6148 g LABRADOODLE Labradoodlepuppies will be available to go their newhomes around June 7th. Chocolates,white and parti colorsavailable.Multi generation Labradoodles with soft, curly coats.$1300/ ea (804) 761-1583 GOLDEN RETRIEVER We have a litter of AKC Golden Retrievers that are ready to go They will have had their first and second shot along with deworming They are 800, please call or text us at 252-548-8327 CAVAPOOCHON AND CAVAPOO PUPPIES Don’t miss out! We still have these adorable 18wksold Cavapoochon puppies (1)F &2)M and (1)F Cavapoo puppyavailable.Familyraised, vet checked, Vax, dewormed, crateand potty trained. (F)$1150(M)$1050 Call/ text (757)618-6569 AUSSIEDOODLES AND MINI POODLES F1 Aussie Doodles from AKC registered parents/grandparents,very intelligent &loving.Vaccinations and deworming up to date. Raised in my home and trained to adog door Ready to go home now. 2yrHealth warrantyand 1st month of health insurance inc. 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FREE ESTIMATES 757-227-8964 A ROOFING SALE 30 Yr Architect Shingles 900 sq ft. $1,999. Labor & materia inclu. Best Price. Class A Lic & Ins’d. 757-807-0682. Roofing CLEANUP Grass Cutting Mulching & Trimming Planting & Transplanting. 25yrs exp. 918-4152
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