THE VOICE 2.0 May 2019

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Mount Enon Missionary Baptist Church 1501 W. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way Dayton, OH 45402 Pastor Cory J. Pruitt Website Sunday School – 8:30 A.M. Sunday Morning Worship – 10:00 A.M. Mount Enon Youth Church – 9:30 A.M. Daily Prayer Line – 7:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M. (Dial 937-265-4344 – Ext. 101, Enter Code 502801253#)

Watch Dayton Spiritual TV, Digital Channel 992 Tuesdays at 3:30 PM and Saturdays at 6:30 AM Weekly Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 9:30 AM and 5:45 PM Weekly Bible Study Wednesday – 11 AM and 6:30 PM Saturday – 11 AM


MOTTO Our motto is "Because We Care, We Share". We share our love, resources, and faith with all. We are a Christian family and invite all to become children of God in the fullest way by receiving the teachings and gift of salvation. MISSION Our Mission is to maintain the general design of the Church as outlined in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. To extol and magnify Christ and His teachings: To promote the spiritual and moral welfare of its members. To advance the Christian faith and religion: To enforce good order: To aid the needy and suffering within the sphere of its influence both within the congregation and


The vision of Mount Enon Missionary Baptist Church is to: EXALT the Lord through worship, EVANGELIZE the Lost through relationships, EDIFY, EDUCATE and EMPOWER the Laity through discipleship and to ENCOURAGE the Laborers through fellowship. Because we are a striving congregation in Dayton, Ohio, which has been called and commissioned to become a group of believers in whom the Lord will be well pleased by developing each member as true disciples of Jesus Christ: We will LOVE the Lord according to Deuteronomy 30:15-16 We will LEARN the Word according to Deuteronomy 17:18-20 We will LIVE the Word according to Joshua 1:8 and We will LEAD the World through the Word according to Acts 1:8 We are challenged today, to get involved, and take responsibility, and we must understand that we are ambassadors of Christ and of Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church. We decree and order that all Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church would experience a greater move of God in their lives because they submit to live by God’s biblical order to win Lives to Christ. “God can do anything; you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” (Ephesians 3:20) -Pastor Cory Pruitt

THE VOICE 2.0 Contents From the Editor Bible Verses for a Mother’s Love “I Was Present” Scholarship Luncheon Flyer Community Voice Healthy Voice Let’s Talk Historical Cookbook Senior Voice Youth Voice – Boy Scouts An Interview with Bro Johnnie Freeman Scheduled Meetings

Volume I, Issue 7 May 2019

Editors-in-Chief – Pastor Cory J. Pruitt – Andrea Foy Managing Editor – Lois Foy Contributors –

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Sis. Andrea Foy Sis. Lois Foy Sis. Glennia Gilyot Sis. Judith Dammons Bro. Johnnie Freeman

The Mt. Enon Magazine is produced monthly.

“Our Shephard” Pastor Pruitt,


Materials for inclusion are due on the 15th of each month and are subject to approval by the Editorial Board. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included.

Publishing Schedule

Next Deadline May 15th, Uploaded Online – Jun, 1st

Church Voice

The Voice 2.0 Reprint Our 108-year-old landmark!

“I WAS PRESENT” How Bishop Milton Wright spoke to us. – By Andrea Foy Summer 2014: Pastor Cory Pruitt and Sister Faye Johnson asked Brother Johnnie Freeman and Sister Virginia Hawk to co-chair a Historical Ministry to find out more about our beautiful church. An announcement was made and answered by the members listed later in the Voice 2.0. As soon as we got together, we knew we were on to something big. The church had other historical committees and our congregations history was well preserved. We had not however, considered that our church, located just outside the Historic Wright-Dunbar District, had any tie to it’s rich history. All that changed when a copy of Bishop Milton Wright’s Diaries, published by Wright State University was given to Brother Johnnie. Below are some of the more pertinent entries Bishop made himself. •

Sunday, May, 28th 1911 – “Corner Stone of Liberal UB Church laid at corner of Third and Euclid, at 3:00. I WAS PRESENT.” (p. 732) (emphasis added by editor)

Sunday, August 25th, 1912 “Prof A.W. Drury invited me to come up and look at Euclid Avenue Church.” (p. 754)

Saturday, October 5th, 1912 – “Prof AW Drury called. He invited me to their communion tomorrow. Would like to show me their church, Euclid Ave.” (p. 756)

Once we saw the first entry that said, “I was present,” we knew we were onto something big!

HOW WE GOT HERE FIRST U.M. CHURCH CONNECTION TO 3RD & EUCLID Article Reprint from January Beacon Newsletter by Johnnie Freeman

The historical ministry knows that we would not be here if it had not been for those holy saints of God who work tirelessly in various ministries of the church. We also know that the church history (West 3rd Street) runs deeper than Mt. Enon Baptist Church. As we (Centiles) were grafted into God’s family (Jews) our family has a connection to the United Brethren who have resided in this church for almost 57 years. First United Methodist Church (1516 Salem Avenue Dayton Ohio), Courtesy of Johnnie Freeman

Our historical ministry had an opportunity to visit a church which has a connection to our Euclid Avenue congregation. Through our research we discovered a discussion of a chapel honoring the membership of a past great church. The new house of worship at 1516 Salem Avenue was dedicated January 31, 1954. First Evangelical United Brethren had its highest membership of 1,463 in 1930. However, in 1961 that dropped to 1,224 and that number was gradually declining. The First Church decided that they needed to combine with another church and united with downtown Euclid Avenue Evangelical United Brethren Church in 1962. The 3rd & Euclid Avenue church membership was also declining and in 1968 they sold the church to Mt. Enon Baptist Church. The proceeds of this sale helped to pay off the debt of the new Salem Avenue building. In its 91-year life, in addition to carrying on its own vital program, Euclid Avenue Church gave substantial leadership and assistance to the founding and development of several other churches. Euclid Avenue was blessed with some of the most influential members in the denomination and was the home church for many seminary professors and general officers of the church. The congregation always had a deep missionary spirit. The 91-year ministry of the Euclid Avenue Church is commemorated in the Euclid Memorial Chapel in First Church (picture above). Above picture: Courtesy of Brother James Ditto The following information was recorded from The First Church booklet written by Clyde Bielstein.

FROM SUMMIT STREET TO EUCLID AVENUE To accommodate the needs and activities of this strong and growing congregation, preparations were made for securing a new and adequate house of worship. Money was accumulated, a site was purchased at the northwest corner of Third Street and Euclid Avenue, and construction was begun. At last, on May 26, 1912, this great new building was dedicated by Bishop W.M. Weekley. The effort cost the congregation $75,000. The hardworking building committee included A.W. Drury, W.F. Fackler, W.H. Cassel, Frank R. Wright, S.D. Faust, and P.E. Little. The architect was Charles Herby. The name of the church was then changed to Euclid Avenue. Update: April 2015. After several visits by Johnnie Freeman, Virginia Hawk and Rhonda Mundy we were able to find pictures dating back to the late 1800s. This was only possible due to the willingness of the church facilities coordinator Max Fuller. As we sorted through a century of photos and lost memories, we were humble that God had allowed us this privilege. We found in the procession of the various boxes, pictures of ground breaking, Summit Street Church interior, bishops of the church, exterior pictures of our current edifice when occupied in early 1900s. And the treasure we found was evidence from the church directories that Orville & Katherine attended this church location from 1910 until1913.

Wright Family Foundation In April 2015, the Wright Family Foundation sent the church a gift of $1000.00 for the marker! The Wright Family Foundation is listed on the marker as a sponsor!

Picture: Courtesy of

Community Voice Why are places of worship under attack? This weekend, April 28th, a gunman entered the Poway Jewish synagogue in California, killing one and injuring three people. Individuals and extremists have launched a string of assaults on religious facilities. Historian Marc Fisher believes the attack at Poway joins a list of places of worship that have become symbols of the growing ability of lone actors or small groups to kill people, sew fear and leave law enforcement, tech companies, and governments looking helpless. Dr. James Emery White reports that attacks on Christians has doubled in the last three years. In 2015, nine people were killed in a bible study class in Mother Emmanuel’s AME Church in South Carolina, in 2017 nineteen members of a Jewish synagogue were killed in Pittsburg. In the past three months, three black churches in Louisiana have been destroyed with fire by arson, and 18 fatal shootings in churches has occurred since Columbine. Why are Religious institutions, Jewish and Black being attacked? One researches states, “We have a poverty of humanity, empathy, and compassion in our country today.” I believe some of the several reasons for this outgrowth of division, hostility, and violence is coming from our top leaders in Washington, and the other is the easy access to guns. We also have a history of religious institutions in the black community being violently attacked. During the Civil Rights era as church leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King and others usually staged their plans for fighting racism and oppression from churches in black communities. Four young black girls were killed as the result of a bomb being thrown in the basement of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham Alabama in September of 1963. The bomb exploded in the basement of the church under a bathroom during A Sunday morning worship service killing the four young girls. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. described the attack as one of the most vicious crimes ever perpetrated against humanity. Dylan Roof was sentenced to death in 2017 for the killing of the nine African Americans in the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston South Carolina as they prayed in their bible study class. The killings were called a “Race based attack.” Reverend Kylon Middleton, Pastor of Mount Zion, AME Church in Charleston describes the killings as “so personal” because of close ties between the two churches. “Everything has changed, nothing is the same” He called the Emmanuel mass shooting a “targeted terrorist attack” that shattered the myth of a “post racial America.” Reverend Joseph Darby, Charleston’s NAACP leader, believes that the shooting at Emmanuel could be a catalyst for social change in the same way that the 1963 Birmingham church bombing were during the Civil Rights Era. I hope that is true, but I believe it can only happen when we have a change of leadership in Washington, DC that tries to bring people of all faiths and ethnicities together. Rev. 21: 4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. -Lois E Foy, Historian, Educator

Healthy Voice

The 7 Best Flu Foods Hot Tea Green, oolong, and black tea offer disease-fighting antioxidants. Also, breathing in the steam can help relieve congestion. Add a spoonful of honey and lemon slices to help detoxify your system and soothe a sore throat. If caffeine bothers you, opt for decaf or herbal versions. Turkey Turkey is a good, lean protein, essential to solid nutrition. And although you may not feel like it, eating can help give your body energy to fight illness. Try adding cranberry sauce for a spike of flavor and comfort-food taste.

Popsicles An icy popsicle can soothe a sore or dry throat. It can also help keep you hydrated, which is essential when fighting the flu. Getting enough fluids can keep mucus thin and help lessen congestion. Look for popsicles made from 100% fruit juice to make sure you’re getting vital nutrients and not just sugar water. Vegetable Juice Making and eating a salad may be more than your weakened body can handle. Instead, try drinking a glass of low-sodium vegetable juice, which is filled with immune-boosting antioxidants. If you’re craving something sweeter, try 100% fruit juice. Chicken Soup Nourishing and hydrating, there’s also some scientific evidence that chicken soup may help with healing and have mild anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have found that hot chicken soup can improve the ability of cilia, the tiny hair-like parts of the nasal passages, to protect the body from bacteria and viruses. Crackers/Toast If you can manage food, try toast or crackers. They can be convenient foods when you’re fighting illness. Plus, they pair well with chicken noodle soup, and their satisfying crunch can take the edge off hunger when your stomach is having trouble with other types of food. Garlic If you feel up to it, garlic can be a good thing to try, particularly in chicken soup. It appears to have antimicrobial and immune-stimulating properties and may give you slight relief from congestion.

Let’s Talk…..Donations

by Judith Dammons

What comes to mind when you hear someone ask ‘can you make a donation?’ I don’t know about you but the first thing I think of is opening up my wallet to produce a few dollars or maybe even getting out the checkbook and signing over a few more dollars. Secondly, I think about rummaging through my closet and drawers for outdated, too small, or just plain ugly (you know, why did I buy this?) clothing that someone else who is not so picky would appreciate. Now these two examples are fine and I’m sure many of you already contribute to charities or organizations in this manner. However, I have found other ways to be just as effective in giving to worthy causes that don’t cost me a dime, just a little of my online time, that is already spent on social media, news stories, emails, historical events, biographies, etc., etc., etc. And, it only takes a click of the mouse or the tap of a finger. I was introduced to the website FREERICE.COM over ten years ago. I still find it to be a fun way to test my skills or just exercise my brain by answering questions while donating ten grains of rice for each correct answer. This website is hosted by the United Nations World Food Programme, which feeds people around the world, with the goal of completely ending hunger. As hundreds of thousands of people around the globe visit this website daily, competing on teams or individually, collectively thousands of pounds of rice are providing nutrition not only to underdeveloped nations but poverty in the USA as well. So challenge yourself in categories that include Languages, Geography, English, Humanities, Sciences and yes, Math. Don’t worry, there are various levels of difficulty, so people of all ages can play. If you click on the wrong answer, the correct one is given to you. Remember, the objective is to donate grains of rice, so don’t think you have to be Jeopardy contestant material. By the way, you can create a profile on this website and keep track of the number of grains of rice you

donate from the very beginning. I’m proud to say I’ve probably fed several families more than a few times! Another website I frequent is the GREATERGOOD.COM. The Greater Good is an online community that helps people, pets and the planet. On this site you can click on a topic and help sponsor mammograms, help support research for finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and autism, or help donate books in an effort to improve childhood literacy, save animals from starvation and homelessness, or help protect the rainforest and preserve the wildlife that are the inhabitants. Another feature of this site is the opportunity to actually shop for such things as clothing, jewelry, shoes, handbags, totes, coffee mugs, home décor, just to name a few. And yes, I have a few pieces of clothing and jewelry from here that did not disappoint as far as quality and uniqueness. Some of the dollars that you spend are equivalent to clicks for the above-mentioned worldly causes. I’ve just given two of the many ways to make a difference in this world without leaving the comfort of your own home. The website THENONPROFITS.COM list all of these very worthy causes and many more. The only thing it cost is possibly giving up a little of your online time, or redirecting some of it to include giving a hand up to someone who may have never been exposed to a computer or cell phone. You have the power to join millions of people who are helping to change the world, just a few grains of rice at a time!

MOUNT ENON HISTORICAL COOKBOOK! Mount Enon family, We are in the process of publishing our 3rd Cookbook as part of the 94th Church Anniversary and we need your help. We are not planning on it just being a recipe book, this book will have short stories of cooking as a family, family reunions, the real meaning of soul food, etc. starring the members of Mt Enon. A real keepsake! Because we are now a Historic landmark, we will be partnering with the Historical Ministry for pictures and history! Here’s how you can help! We need. Contributors: First and foremost, we need your family recipes and short stories about cooking, food and family gatherings. Gatherers: Help collect recipes, be able to fill out form for those who can’t. (May be asked to visit those homebound members who want to contribute) Editors: Help make sure all recipes and information are correct Typists: Type recipes and stories in MS Word and email to committee chair Designers: Help decide photos, stories to use Collectors: Help collect money for books, from sponsors Distributors: Help distribute purchased books, sell books not paid for Marketers: Help get the word out, write copy You can drop off your recipe or story in the marked box in the office or email it to We will also have the box with the Coffee Ministry so you can come out after service, have refreshments and fellowship. For more information, please see: Church Committee Chair: Ms. Beverly King Co-chairs: Judith Dammons and Andrea Foy

Senior Voice Activities Scheduled for Senior Fun Day May 21th

Dr. Karen Matthews

Facts on Healthy Living for Seniors*

July 16th

Sr. Dolores Thurman


June 18th

Hospice of Dayton

September 17th Jody Curtis

October 15th

November 19

Overview on Hospice Programs Medicare Planning

Jody Curtis

Medicare Insurance

Area Agency on Aging

Programs available for Seniors

(a discussion on the new medical insurance programs)

(*) Topics subject to change

Youth (Scout) Voice

Sunwatch District Dinner 2019 The Sunwatch District Committee is excited to announce this year’s District Awards. Congratulations and thank you to all our volunteers. The District Dinner is next Thursday 4/11, at the K-Lodge starting at 7pm. Registration link below.

District Award of Merit – Pamela Billingsley & William Huntington Sunwatcher – Cody Wright & Todd Sabin Faithful Scouter – David Crawford Cubmaster of the Year – Johnnie Freeman Pack Committee Chair of the Year – Angela Matthieu Pack Committee Member of the Year – Eddie Brookshire Troop Committee Member of the Year – Paul Brown Scoutmaster of the Year - Dr. Keith Johnson Commissioner of the Year – Michael Schindler Couple of the Year Award – Sara & Stefan Seitz

Congratulations to Brother Freeman and the rest of the Honoree’s! Ephesians 4:11-12 11So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up

An Interview with Brother Johnnie Freeman.

1. How long have you been working with this Troop? I work with a Pack, for about a year and half. A Troop is for Scouts BSA, while I work with the younger scouts called Cub Scouts. However, I do at times go check on the older youth and provide any guidance or assistance if I can. People are always surprised that I am in scouting and never had a scout in the program or been one myself. They always ask me are you going with your son to Scouts BSA and I reply no. I don't have any kids in scouting. Then they always ask me WHY? 2. Why did you get involved with the Cub Scout Pack 75? I saw a need at my church for something that was needed for the young men. I had seen a group of our kids at church playing football in the gym. I asked them to stop. I told them they should be playing basketball inside not football. I was afraid they would get injured. Then an older boy then said to me. “You don't tell us what to do.” I became very upset with the boy and asked him what he said. He never repeated it. The very next week I was asked by Mr. James Ditto to assist with the scouting program at Mt Enon. He wanted me to the Cubmaster. At first, I was reluctant. I told him too busy with various things in church. I also let him know I knew absolutely nothing about being a scout, 0%. However, I told Mr. Ditto I would think about it. The Holy Spirit later reminded me of the encounter I had with the boy in the church's gym and really asked was I just talking or wanted to see change. Here was an opportunity for me to make a difference. And I still felt it was my decision. However, I couldn't complain about the boy’s behavior if I told Mr. Ditto no. So, after I talked to my wife and prayed - I accepted it, and it has been the most enjoyable experience. 3. What was your motivation.? My motivation was to see a change in the young men in our church. A lot of men talk about kids’ behavior and say they are so bad. What's the solution to assist in stopping this bad behavior? Is it just lip service and advice? Where's the action? A young lion cub doesn't know he's the king of the jungle. He must be taught. So, I want to empower more lions in our church. 4. What were your responsibilities? (Laughter) My responsibilities were to think about everything when you never did anything? What I mean my responsibilities were to try to get everything line up and work with vast amount of people with no prior scouting training. I had help from Mr. James Ditto in looking for what we needed to get the Scouting program restarted at our church. However, under the mentorship of Julian Pruitt, he encouraged and instructed me on what I should do. I have completed several online trainings and buckskin training. Buckskin is a training in which you get Scouting 101, 102 & 103. You get to camp out and

learn about outdoor ethics. This was important because before becoming a Cubmaster I had camped out... ONCE (lol) I want to emphasis that I have a great group of parents and leaders that have made my job easy. The leaders include Mr. James Ditto, Mr. Eddie Brookshire, Mr. Richard Moore, Mrs. Brenda Goodman, Mrs. Catherine Head, and Mr. Everette King. 5. What were the criteria for this award? The award included the following; Training, Performance, and Tenure. I had to complete the following Complete "The New Cubmaster" Fast Start Training. Complete Basic Leader Training for Cubmasters. Complete Youth Protection training. Scout Leader attend at least four roundtables. How do you feel about this award? This award was given to me by members of the Miami Valley Council BSA. Therefore, it was not my unit that gave me the award. I am proud that the council see the hard work I been doing to make sure my pack is successful. I am honored and proud I received the award, but it goes to those before me. There are many African American scouts in our church who have done a fantastic job and not received any recognition. I receive this award for them. 6. Any special thanks? I just want to thank all of Mt Enon for their patience and contribution to our scouting program. The reason for our success is due in large part to their assistance. You see when we started the Scouting program, there was no money available. The Miami Valley Council said they would give us some money, but we had to pay it back. We trusted in our congregation and didn't need a loan. I would also like to thank my pastor, Cory J Pruitt. It was his request to see about starting a scouting program at our church that started me down this road. 7. How many scouts do you have? We just got started last year and have 10. We are now looking for recruitment for both cub and Scouts BSA. There are only 3 youths from our church that belong to our pack. The rest of the scouts are from other churches. This year we were success in crossing over three scouts to Scouts BSA. They received the highest rank as a scout (Arrow of Light). 8. What is the main purpose of the scouting program? A lot of people think it's camping. That's an important part, but it really a character-building organization that is deep rooted in churches. The scout law states a scout is ...Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave Clean and Reverent. There are 12 like the 12 disciples with Jesus the Christ. 9. My hope for the future of scouting? I would like to see more diversity in scouting in Miami Valley. There were so many churches in the west side that had many young men in scouting. In most cases now there are no Scouts BSA in most churches on the westside. Julian Pruitt (Scouting Coordinator) is working hard to have churches in the west side start their units back up.

The motto of the Cub Scouts is "Do your best" The Scout BSA is "Be Prepared"

My motto for scouting is "Every child should have an opportunity to be a SCOUT."

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