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November 2018



Mount Enon Missionary Baptist Church 1501 W. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way Dayton, OH 45402 Pastor Cory J. Pruitt Website Www.Mtenonbaptistlive.Org Sunday School – 8:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship – 10 AM Mount Enon Youth Church – 9:30 AM Daily Prayer Line – 7 AM and 9 PM (Dial 937-265-4344 – Ext. 101, Enter Code 502801253#) Listen to Mount Enon Every Sunday 12-12:30 PM on WGNZ – Soul of Dayton – 98.7 Dayton Spiritual TV, Digital Channel 992 Tuesdays at 3:30 PM and Saturdays at 6:30 AM Weekly Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 9:30 AM and 5:45 PM Weekly Bible Study Wednesday – 11 AM and 6:30 PM Saturday – 11 AM MT ENON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH | THE VOICE 2.0



MOTTO Our motto is "Because We Care, We Share". We share our love, resources, and faith with all. We are a Christian family and invite all to become children of God in the fullest way by receiving the teachings and gift of salvation.

MISSION Our Mission is to maintain the general design of the Church as outlined in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. To extol and magnify Christ and His teachings: To promote the spiritual and moral welfare of its members. To advance the Christian faith and religion: To enforce good order: To aid the needy and suffering within the sphere of its influence both within the congregation and community.

The vision of Mount Enon Missionary Baptist Church is to: EXALT the Lord through worship, EVANGELIZE the Lost through relationships, EDIFY, EDUCATE and EMPOWER the Laity through discipleship and to ENCOURAGE the Laborers through fellowship. Because we are a striving congregation in Dayton, Ohio, which has been called and commissioned to become a group of believers in whom the Lord will be well pleased by developing each member as true disciples of Jesus Christ: We will LOVE the Lord according to Deuteronomy 30:15-16 We will LEARN the Word according to Deuteronomy 17:18-20 We will LIVE the Word according to Joshua 1:8 and We will LEAD the World through the Word according to Acts 1:8 We are challenged today, to get involved, and take responsibility, and we must understand that we are ambassadors of Christ and of Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church. We decree and order that all Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church would experience a greater move of God in their lives because they submit to live by God’s biblical order to win Lives to Christ. “God can do anything, you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” (Ephesians 3:20) Pastor Cory Pruitt





Volume I, Issue 1 November 2018

Pastor’s Page - Rev. Cory Pruitt 3 From The Editor – Andrea Foy


Our Shephard – Lois Foy


Ministry Voice -Vanessa Givens 7 Youth Voice- Johnnie Freeman


Member Voice – Andrea Foy


- Dr. Karen Mathews


- Vincent Givens


The Word of God – Lois Foy


Healer, Healer! – Pat Martin


Let’s Talk – Judith Dammons


Authors at Work – Andrea Foy 22 Senior Voice – Glennia Gilyot


Psalm 100


Editors-in-Chief – Pastor Cory J. Pruitt – Andrea Foy Managing Editor – Lois Foy Contributors –

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Sis. Judith Dammons Sis. Andrea Foy Sis. Lois Foy Sis. Glennia Gilyot Sis. Vanessa Givens Bro. Vincent Givens Pastor Cory J. Pruitt Bro. Johnnie Freeman Sis. Lorelei Hagans-Floyd Sis. Pat Martin

The Mt. Enon Magazine is produced monthly.

Pastor Pruitt, “Our Shephard” Isaiah 40:11 MT ENON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH | THE VOICE 2.0



Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a privilege to be part of the Mt Enon family. I am certain that time has brought about tremendous change in all our lives. I’m certain that trouble, trials, and tribulations have bombarded your secret place. I know you’ve worked extremely hard, to accomplish goals that seem difficult and ultimately impossible. However, my task is to make you aware that the word of God is real. In fact Paul said it best, “Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6 – 7 Yours in Christ,

Pastor Cory J Pruitt

Here we are again! THE VOICE 2.0 is back and ready for the Internet age! Each monthly digital edition will be available on our website around the first of the month! We invite members to contribute as always! All contributions are due by the 15th of the month and are subjected to approval. Articles, comments and suggestions are welcomed at For November, we are focusing on our many Veteran members with articles about Dr. Karen Mathews and her father, Bro Vincent Givens tells his story of being deployed and we salute Bro Andrew Davenport as he begins his journey to protect us overseas. All this and so much more! Please read and share with a friend. To God Be The Glory. - Andrea Foy MT ENON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH | THE VOICE 2.0


Pastor Pruitt “Our Shephard” Isiah 40:11 Six and a half years ago, when Pastor Pruitt began his pastorate at Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church, he was given the title of “Our Shephard.” As we worked with and watched Pastor Pruitt work with his congregation, we have discovered that the title “Shephard” accurately describes who Pastor Pruitt truly is. As he leads, teaches, or in whatever capacity he interacts with his church members, he treats everyone with genuine concern, kindness, humility, and compassion. As a Shephard who watches his flock, making sure everyone is attended to, he watches and looks for the ones who needs to be cared for; he seeks out the elderly, the young, the frail or disabled, the healthy and energetic, all are treated the same and given the same care and attention. Isaiah 40:11 “He shall feed his flock like a Shephard and carry the young lamb in his bosom.” When dealing with situations that may be troublesome or painful, he listens carefully and always offers encouragement and provides solutions. Always praying for or with those who seeks his help and advice. Isaiah 40 vs. 14. He teaches and instructs his congregation, how to walk right with God and love each other. In ways that may not always be obvious, he seems to know how to minister to those who needs comfort or help and do not know how or wish to ask for it. With his cautious and gentle approach, he breaks down fear and anxiety, with a gentle and compassionate countenance. Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me and rest All ye that labor.” He “hugs” everyone. He is always providing a gentle, loving touch to people, young or old, healthy or the infirm. He visits the sick and prays for the shut-in. He makes sure those who are not able to attend church is cared for, preparing and delivering hot meals making sure those who are sick have food. I was a grateful recipient of one of those hot meals delivered to me by a cheerful Loving church member. I will never forget the experience. “He carries the young lambs In his bosom.” Our Shephard Gathers His Lambs Trip to Lima, November12, 2017. Transportation was available for those who did not have a car or did not want to drive. No questions asked transportation is provided for everyone, regardless of situations. Like the Shephard he is he quietly walks to and fro from Van to Van, cheerfully talking to drivers and occupants, making sure everyone is comfortable and has a seat on the Vans. He does not leave until the Vans are filled and pulling out of the church parking lot.



Arriving at Lima. Fourth Street Baptist Church The Pastor of the church we were visiting met each van shaking hands welcoming us to his church. We were led to their dining facility for dinner before the church service. Pastor Pruitt was being served as his church members, some driving their car, and the church Vans arrived. Pastor Pruitt finished his meal, and instead of going with the hosting Church Pastors and leaders, he stayed in the Fellowship Hall, waiting for his traveling church members to arrive. He quietly moved from table to table, quietly talking, laughing caring for his “Lambs” making sure they were all arriving safe and sound. This behavior is repeated whether he is at Mt. Enon or away. He always behaves with a spirit of love, God’s Love for his people. Corinthians 1, Ch.13:1-3. 1, Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not ‘charity, I am become as sounding brass Or a tinkling cymbal. 2, And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understanding all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. Pastor Pruitt, our Shephard does not “preach” to us about how to Love each other. We see God’s spirit in him as he demonstrates his Love and shows all how to walk and talk in the light of God’s love. 3, Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity vaunteth, not itself is not puffed up, Ezekiel 34:12 12 As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness.

-Lois Foy

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed



Ministry Voice An Introduction to the Mission and Evangelism Ministry By Vanessa Givens “Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” Matthew 28:19 – 20 This scripture is referenced as the Great Commission and was given by our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. This commission was given to the individual Christian, those who work in groups and to the church as a whole. Jesus taught us to be visible, valiant and vocal in our missionary efforts; to love God, ourselves and our neighbor and to do so everything in an excellent manner to the glory of our Father in Heaven. As an individual, Jesus went about doing good, comforting the sorrowful and lonely, meeting material needs out of His means. and explain the principles of God on the level that His listener could understand. With his disciples, Jesus illustrated how much can be accomplished when the group is sharing one faith and working on one accord in service under the power of the Holy Spirit. And as a church, Jesus expects greater works than He did. (John 14:12) As members of the Mount Enon Missionary Baptist Church we are required to carry out this commission “observing whatever Jesus have commanded us” to do. How is that done with the active missionaries? What methods are used? What part does the mission ministry play in carrying out the Great Commission? From the countless individual members who see about the sick and shut-in, or transport someone to the doctor, to the grocery, or to the church, or provide necessities for strangers or offer prayer and counsel and encouragement to a coworker, neighbor or friend, they are carrying out the great commission. The various missionary groups, like Evangelistic Ministry who have gone door-to-door proclaiming the gospel to the neighborhood, the First Fruits Ministry – who feeds and clothes the community’s physical and spiritual body, the Annabelle Howard Ministry – providing safe Christian fellowship for our seniors, and the missionary training of the young girls through the Guild Girls ministry, the Mystery Circle providing for the needs that are exposed from spiritual counsel to the necessities of the saints, the Men of Valor and the Laymen who defines the Christian men’s presence in the missionary church and trains the young boys do the Junior Laymen Ministry are carrying out the Great Commission on a group level. These are just a few of the groups of this church’s primary focus is mission. In the coming issues we will examine just how our church needs the challenge of the Great Commission by spotlighting our mission’s groups and their upcoming activities as well as what’s being accomplished by individuals.



Youth Voice

Boy Scouts The Mt Enon Missionary Baptist Church has been without a Scouting program for over ten (10) years. However, with the assistance of Julian Pruitt (Scouting Coordinator) we received our charter on May 27, 2018. Since then our scouting program has continued to grow from Cub Scouts to include a Boy Scout Troop. The Cub Scout program has been featured in both the Dayton Daily News and the Dayton Weekly. We have trained and dedicated leaders who have reached out to various schools around Dayton west side to find boys excited to be Scouts. Our new scouts have been involved in the Trotwood parade, Westwood cleanup, sold hot dogs, collected food for a local food bank, placed flags on Memorial Day at the VA Cemetery, camped out and now selling popcorn to raise funds for camping. We could use your help in this character-building program. The scouts can use your assistance in camping equipment, uniforms, monetary donations, leaders and volunteers to keep your scouting program running strong. We will be having a Pastor Breakfast on November 1st (8am-11:00am) and a Blue and Gold Banquet in February. Pack & Troop 75 would like to thank the scout’s parents for entrusting their kids and the Mt. Enon family for their support in this program. We realize without this historical church and the parents this program would not be successful. If you know of anything these scouts can assist with contact Charter Organization Representative James Ditto Find out more about the Scouts, follow and support them by liking their Facebook Page. Boy Scouts at Woodland Trails in Camden Ohio



Youth Voice Christmas Program Dear Parents, This year we will be dressing the children that participate in the Christmas program in White

Sweat Suits.

Ms. Bootsie Neal will be collecting: $12.00 for kids size sweat suits $18.00 for Junior/Adult size sweat suits

Questions: Praise Dance-Lorelei Hagans-Floyd Christmas Program-Ms. Bootsie Neal



Christmas 2017!

Upcoming Youth Schedule and Parent Information •

Sunday, November 17, 2018 o Spirit of David Praise Dance Dress Rehearsal o 12:00pm

Sunday, November 18, 2018 o Spirit of David Praise Dance Concert o 4:00pm

Saturday, November 24, 2018 o Area Pastor’s Fashion Show o Need 3 dance selections from Spirit of David o 1543 Alwildy Ave. (696 UAW Union Hall) o 3:00pm

Christmas Program and Schedule o Saturday, October 27th Howard Hall:10:00am-12:00pm o Saturday, November 3rd Howard Hall:10:00am-12:00pm o Saturday, November 10th Howard Hall:10:00am-12:00pm o Saturday, November 17th Howard Hall:10:00am-12:00pm o Saturday, December 1st Howard Hall:10:00am-12:00pm o Saturday, December 8th DRESS REHEARSAL FLC 10:00am-12:00pm



Member Voice

Veterans Day Celebrated in November, Veterans Day is a federal holiday that is meant to honor everyone who has served in the United States military. It doesn't matter if the veteran served in wartime or saw combat. Anyone who has ever stood somberly raised his or her right hand and enlisted in any branch of the U.S. military (while swearing to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic") counts. The holiday began as a commemoration of the armistice that ended World War I, which is why you'll see that many other nations also celebrate it at the same time--namely the United Kingdom, Canada, and other Commonwealth countries that fought on the Allied side in World War I. Also: According to the U.S. government, it's spelled Veterans Day. No apostrophe. Published on: May 26, 2017, by Bill Murphy Jr. Contributing editor,

Take A Moment To Thank A Veteran When you see someone in a uniform, Someone who serves us all, Doing military duty, Answering their country’s call, Take a moment to thank them For protecting what you hold dear; Tell them you are proud of them; Make it very clear. Just tap them on the shoulder, Give a smile, and say, "Thanks for what you’re doing To keep us safe in the USA!" By Joanna Fuchs MT ENON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH | THE VOICE 2.0


Father and Daughter: A Legacy of Two Great Professions

Dr. Mathews was featured with her father, the late Dr. James Mathews, Sr. in a Black History exhibit at Central State University earlier this year.

CPT James R. Mathews, Sr., USA, MC James R. Mathews, Sr., MD attended Howard University Medical School 1959-1963 and participated in an Army scholarship program his senior year. After graduating first in his class in 1963, he was commissioned as a Captain and began his active duty service. He served in Vietnam as a Brigade Surgeon with the 101st Airborne Division and was honorably discharged in 1967 after which he returned to his hometown of Dayton, OH. His military honors include the Vietnam Service Medal and Bronze Star Attachment, and Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm Unit Citation. Affectionately known as “Doc,” Dr. Mathews delivered numerous babies and took special pride in having taken care of 3 generations in some families. He retired in 2010 after practicing medicine for over 43 years as a family physician in Dayton, Ohio. “Doc” was also a compassionate man and occasionally accepted vegetables in lieu of cash for his medical services and performed free sports physicals for indigent students. He was a great mentor to many family members, including his oldest daughter – Karen Mathews, MD (Colonel, US Air Force, Medical Corps, Retired) – and neighborhood youth, whom he inspired during school career day presentations. After Dr. Mathews’ passing in April 2017, Central State University-Dayton honored this Dayton, Ohio hometown hero by renaming their annual Health and Wellness Fair in his honor. MT ENON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH | THE VOICE 2.0


Colonel Karen M. Mathews, USAF, MC, FS Like her Dad, Karen Mathews, MD used a military scholarship for medical education. She received her Medical Degree in 1985 from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO and completed her Family Medicine residency training at David Grant USAF Medical Center in California. A retired Colonel of the United States Air Force, with over 25 years of active duty, Dr. Mathews held clinical, teaching, administrative and command assignments. She completed aerospace medicine training to earn her wings as a “flight surgeon” and also completed Air War College. Her travels and assignments included humanitarian and disaster relief activities in the Philippines, Cuba, and Bolivia. Her military honors include the Meritorious Service Medal (with 5 Oak Leaf Clusters). Dr. Mathews has numerous professional affiliations, including the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Medical Association, the National Medical Association, and the American College Health Association. She is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. Her special interests are wellness and preventive medicine. As a Dayton native, she is excited about the many opportunities to serve her community. She is the Executive Director of Health and Psychological Services at Central State University and relishes this role as an opportunity to Voice on preventive efforts to build and maintain healthy minds and bodies.

Specialist Vincent Givens My Story Jan 9, 2017, I left to go overseas. When I first got my orders for deployment I was, like most of my unit, extremely excited because, like most of my unit, it would be my first time. I was sitting on the couch watching TV when my Company Commander sent out an email confirming all the gossip going around. “Yes, we are deploying. Get your affairs right with your family, friends, and work so you will have a smooth handoff when we leave.” Before we actually set foot into the theater, we had to go to Pre-mobilization Training in FT Bliss Texas. We had a little more than a month of paperwork and last-minute medical preparation before we started training for our specific mission, being a Quick Reaction Force (QRF) guarding an important asset to the war on terror. Learning the ins and outs of convoy operations, and planning for everything that could possibly go wrong; going over different scenarios, over and over and over again, just so we all had a feel for one another and could work through anything that the enemy may want to throw at us. Even though we could not or did not have most of (and sometimes) any of the equipment that was necessary to be trained the way we should have, the Leadership saw this as did the enlisted personnel. It was very apparent that our mission was not being taken seriously. Our first stop getting to our area of operation was Kuwait. For me, it was surreal, I was standing where, just a couple years before, soldiers were fighting for their lives and going back and forth from Kuwait to Iraq. Some of those same soldiers were in my platoon. It would be their second or even third time back overseas. They are the real soldiers. They have been up against the enemy time and time again. However, Kuwait was just a stepping stone, for our true destination was Jordan. In the heart of Jordan in Amman, the face of Jordan, with its tall skyscrapers and a modern feel- like you are in a nice part of New York. Along with the many attractions MT ENON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH | THE VOICE 2.0


that are there, such as the baptism site of Jesus and Petra, Jordan can be a really nice place. Once you get into the real Jordan, you start to see the real poverty of the country as well as the stronghold that the king has on his people. Along with being QRF, the Battalion’s mission, as a whole, was to train and partner with the Jordanian Armed Forces so they would be better prepared to go up against ISIS who were trying to work their way into Jordan to take more territory. My unit was blessed enough not to have seen combat or have anyone hurt (much to the joy of my family, especially my mom, my church family, friends and neighbors) but at the same time, we didn’t get to go and do what we’ve spent years training for. I liked being overseas. I liked being with my platoon. But my experience was not similar to that of other Infantrymen. I, myself feel less than a soldier, less than an Infantrymen. For someone who wanted nothing more than to be in the US Army and so proud of the Blue Cord that depict an Infantrymen, that were bestowed upon me by my Infantry Drill Sergeants, that really tears me up. That to me, if I can’t count myself with the men of the 369 Infantry Regiment otherwise known as the Harlem Hell Fighters in WW1. To me, I can’t stand with the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy or the first black Marines that fought in WW2. To me, I can’t stand with the men who fought in Vietnam Black, White, Hispanic or otherwise. To me, I can’t even stand with my friends that I went to school with, my friends that are in Iraq and Afghanistan, right now just because I didn’t fight. At the same time, there is also tremendous guilt that I would ever wish for something that has ruined and ended so many lives. I feel guilty that I wanted and still want to fight just to get some selfish satisfaction when others’ lives are forever changed from wounds seen and unseen. That guilt kept me up at night for months. I couldn’t sleep, and I lost a dangerous amount of weight in a really short amount of time. I still have those wishes and that guilt, but it’s not as overpowering as before. Coming home I went back to school to get my Emergency Medical Technician certification, and because I already had my firefighter certification I was able to find positions at Sugarcreek Fire Dept. and the City of Riverside Fire Dept. So, things are going really good for me. Although, if called to go fight right now. I will more than happily drop everything and go because I just didn’t do ENOUGH! 1-148 Infantry Battalion B Company Ohio Army National Guard



Our Soon-to-be Veteran! Andrew Davenport has just deployed overseas and will be in our prayers until he returns home safely. Stay tuned as we will be sending Andrew care packages and looking for updates from Mom, Nikki Davenport!

This photo collage hangs in the Foyer of Mt. Enon. We salute all our Veterans this month, and every day. Many of them are leaders and very active in the church. As the daughter of a Military (SMSgt, Ret). and Vietnam War Veteran (the late Alonza Foy, Jr.) and an employee at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, I have spent my life around the men and women of the Armed Services. Thank you for your service!



IN THIS CURRENT ERA OF STRIFE AND HARDSHIP: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? TO THE WORD OF GOD Mark 5:36 As soon as Jesus heard the Word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, be not afraid, only believe. Roman 15: 13 Now the God of hope will fill you with all Joy and peace. During the peak of the child separation crisis in Texas, I was sitting in the beauty parlor, waiting for my stylist who had stepped away for a minute. A young child, her son around 4, hears old was sitting in a chair close to me quietly playing with a toy. Suddenly he looked around, scanning the room, realizing his mother was gone, he looked at me with his beautiful black eyes asking me “where did my mommy go?” Quickly I smiled at him and said, “Mommy will be right back.” he relaxed and continued playing with his toys, confident that his mom would soon return. She was back in a minute. I hid my face from him so he could not see the tears I could not hold back. My mind immediately rushed to the scenes on TV depicting pictures of young children crying, looking through cages and behind fences, crying for their mothers. No doubt they were screaming, “Where did my mommy go?” Many of these children, and babies, children most did not speak or understand English, which intensified their fear and anguish. At that moment, In the beauty parlor, that child’s reaction of not seeing his mother placed me at the scenes playing out in Texas daily. The world watched helplessly as frantic mothers faced a situation of complete confusion as many of them could not speak English well enough to translate matters relating to the United States Border Laws. Mothers signed papers not understanding what was going on and found themselves deported back to their Countries without their children. Most of them not understanding where their children were going and what was going to happen to them. The sound of these crying babies and the look of confusion and pain on these parents faces leaving their children behind was heart-breaking. Where do we go from here? We go to the Word; 1 Chronicles 28:20 And David said to Solomon, his son, be strong and of good courage, Fear not, nor be dismayed: for the Lord God, my God will be with thee; he will not fail Thee, nor forsake thee, According to the NEWS today, there are still 200 children, of over 2,000, who are still separated from their families. Psalms 31: 5-6 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. Earlier this month of October, we experienced two Hurricanes, Florence came ashore in Wilmington, North Carolina, spreading inland to Fayetteville, Lumberton, and Goldsboro, and several other states. Flooding left MT ENON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH | THE VOICE 2.0


many homes with water up to windows. Hundreds of roads and highways were flooded. My immediate family living in Clinton, North Carolina was spared the brunt of the storm, but several of my relatives, living near Wilmington in Kelly North Carolina had to escape their homes to Fayetteville, North Carolina, one relative had to be rescued by helicopter. They all had just returned to their homes trying to recover and rebuild when they were again affected by the second storm Michael. Michael, the second devastating hurricane, a Category 4, with winds of over 100 miles per hour hit Florida. The extent of damage has been compared to that of a single large tornado as it spread over several cities in Florida before moving on to several states. Michael’s destruction on land mirrored Katrina on water. We wake up every morning with depressing news on the airways, internet and every communication system coming from our local, federal and International Government. News that is filled with division violence and anger, leaving us with feelings of despair and a loss of hope. With no good news from here or abroad, we are left to wonder, where do we go from here? We go to the Word; Ephesians 6: 10- Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Proverbs 3: 5-6-Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding. Psalms 31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. Deuteronomy 31: 6 Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for The Lord thy God, he doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Amen. -Lois E. Foy

VOCATION VIEW "The word of God is living and effective." To know the Scriptures is to know Christ. Maintain a pattern of reading the Scripture daily to help hear the call you have been given by God. (Hebrews 4:12)



Christos Statue, Salt lake City, UT

Healer, Healer, Healer! Oh, my God!!! This is exactly the way Jesus stood behind me in the hospital (March 1, 1989) A friend had rushed me to the Emergency Room from work. I was in so much pain, I thought my body was trying to kill me. I had been to a Bible class. The preacher said “when in trouble recite the 91st Psalm. I tried to remember the 91st Psalm. I couldn’t, the pain was too great. It was at that moment I heard the voice of my “merciful master” say, “I’ve given you your own verse, say that.” Somehow through the pain, I was able to recite the last verse of Psalm 42. I don’t even think I said it, I think I just thought it. Instantly, Jesus was standing behind me. Just like this !!!, Instantly the pain went away!!!. Then I knew we are to thank him for his Blessed Assurance and his Presence. I was walking through a mall in Cincinnati March 24th, 1989, and I saw this picture. Immediately my spirit screamed out, “I knew I wasn’t crazy. You were there.” Holding the picture and examining it closer, I heard Jesus say, “Now you’ve been with me- you tell the world about my healing power.” And I said “yea Lord.” “Hallelujah.” DOING IT GOD’S WAY “GOD STILL COMMANDS US TO LIVE HOLY LIVES”

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14) John 8:32 John 5:18 – 39 Ephesians 2, 1 – 19 John 3:3 – 21

1 Corinthians 6:9 - 11 Romans 12:1 - 5 Romans 6:1 – 18 Malachi 3:7 – 12

Romans 8:14 James 4:4 John 14:15 - 21 Ephesians 5:24 - 27

Because it is written, Be ye holy for I am holy. 1 Peter 1:15 & 16 NO EXCUSES!!! - Patricia Martin MT ENON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH | THE VOICE 2.0


Fun and Games Let’s Talk….. Football

by Judith Dammons

One of the many ties that bind us is the fall classic pastime, football! Whether it’s the Friday night lights of the local high school, or the Saturday college clashes or the most anticipated Sunday in sports, the Super Bowl, people unite from everywhere to cheer on their favorite team. Football, as we know it today, traces its roots back to Britain’s 19th-century version of rugby and association football, or soccer. A man named Walter Camp is recognized as the “Father of American Football.” He was most instrumental in establishing the line of scrimmage, the ball snap from the center to the quarterback, and the eleven-player roster. As early as the 1870’s, collegiate football was gaining in popularity and started rivalries that continue today. Professional football didn’t really begin to take root until years later. Dayton, OH had a franchise from 1920-1929, nicknamed The Triangles, after the park where they played, and still exist today. That group of teams was known as the American Professional Football Association, leading to what we know today as the National Football League. Few African American men had played this professional sport in the early years, until around 1930 when NFL owners refused to hire any Black men. Finally, giving in to some outside pressures, the Los Angeles Rams signed to a contract in 1946, Kenny Washington. He was the first African American to play in modern-day pro football. The rest is history.

Photo courtesy of



See if you can answer these football African American facts. • • • •

Who was the first to win the Heisman Trophy, which awards the most outstanding college player of the year? Who was the first head coach in the early years of football? Who was the first quarterback to win a Super Bowl? Who was the first head coach to win a Super Bowl? Answers will be in the next edition of The Voice.





LaTonya Branham, Garrett M. Carter, Judith L. Dammons, Andrea Foy, Lois Foy, and Daisy Peterson, are just a few of the published author members in our congregation. We would now like to welcome the newest member of the Mt Enon Author Club - James Ditto. If there are other members, who we are not aware of, please send your info to, and it will be featured next month! Here are the authors, their website info and titles. Please consider supporting them (us) during the holiday season! Dr. LaTonya Branham ➢ CultureSeek ➢ Spirit Seek ➢ Two-time contributor to Chicken Soup for the Soul Devotional: Stories for Women and Here Comes the Bride ➢ The Academic Prayer Garrett M. Carter ➢

Not an Oxymoron: Standards-Based Fun in the Classroom!: 30 Projects and Activities for Middle School Language Arts Common Core Galore: Language Arts Fun in the Classroom!: 30 Activities for Middle School Ela Common Core Creativity: Language Arts Fun in the Classroom!: 30 Projects and Activities for Middle School I Want to Be an Athlete and a Teacher (Coby's Athlete and Career)

➢ ➢

I Want to Be an Athlete and an Entrepreneur (Coby's Athlete and Career Series, Book 2) I Want to Be a Singer and a Lawyer I Want to Be a Singer and a Veterinarian

Judith L. Dammons ➢ Lord, Now What? James Ditto ➢ Banner and Bare Andrea Foy ➢ Hire Power: How to Find, Get, and Keep a Job ➢ In the Still of the Night: Personal Safety for Women ➢ Prince and Me: His #1 Fan, My Minneapolis Memories Anthologies MT ENON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH | THE VOICE 2.0


➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

My Vision, My Plan, My Now My Now for the Entrepreneur My Now for the College Grad My Now for the Future Woman Single and Loving It The Black Female Leader The Coaching Gurus A View from The Top: Exceptional Leadership Strategies for Women ➢ The Young Professional Woman ➢ Breaking the Barriers: A Woman’s Toolkit for Success

➢ Heart of A Toastmaster Daisy Peterson ➢ Mother Faithfulness ➢ The Love of a Faith-filled Child Lois E. Foy ➢ The McKoy-Hall Family History -Andrea Foy

Senior Voice State Farm Insurance Article

20 Safe Driving Tips for Seniors As we get older, our driving abilities can change. Here are some ways to help keep you or a loved one safer on the road: 1. Avoid driving at night if you have trouble with your vision, and don't tint your windows.

7. Keep a safe distance between you and the car ahead, so you have ample time to brake safely if necessary.

2. Avoid driving during periods of high traffic, typically during morning, lunch, and evening commute times.

8. Allow adequate stopping distances.

3. Keep your windshield, headlights, and mirror clean to improve visibility.

10. If possible, drive a car with an automatic transmission.

4. Raise your seat high enough, so you have a clear view of the road. Sit on a small pillow if necessary.

11. Get periodic vision and hearing tests. Get hearing aids and new glasses when needed.

5. Limit distracting noise inside the vehicle. This includes the radio and conversations with passengers and use of cell phones.

12. Take a defensive driving course offered through the AARP or the American Automobile Association. Some insurance policies may offer price discounts when individuals take these courses.

6. Stay alert and watch for flashing lights of emergency vehicles if you have difficulty hearing.

9. Keep windshield wiper blades in proper working condition.

13. Carefully read medication labels to see if they may impair driving skills. MT ENON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH | THE VOICE 2.0


14. Don't drive if you're feeling tired, lightheaded, or stressed.

20. Talk with your doctor if you have concerns about continuing to drive.

15. Avoid driving during inclement weather. 16. Use other transportation services such as taxis and buses if you're unsure of your ability to drive safely. 17. Drive on familiar streets, and limit trips to those close to home. 18. Always wear your seat belt. 19. Keep your headlights on at all times.

disclosure The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm ÂŽ. While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. The information is not intended to replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional. Nor is it intended to effect coverage under our policy. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information. -Submitted by Glennia Gilyot

Psalm 100 A psalm. For giving grateful praise.

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. 2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 3 Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving 1


and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. 5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.



1501 W. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way Dayton, OH 45402 Website Www.Mtenonbaptistlive.Org 937-222-0867 Pastor Cory J. Pruitt



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