The Multi-Color Sustainability Roadmap - Beverage

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The Multi-Color Sustainability Roadmap

Our Sustainability Credo


On a daily basis, we are aiming to be a sustainable partner for our customers in the beverage market, with a major focus on the development of sustainable label


We engage with multiple stakeholder


who are pursuing a sustainable future. By signing global pacts, we are demonstrating our commitment to minimizing environmental impact. We maintain a continuous


approach in each facility globally. Our aim

is to reduce energy and water usage, as well as implementing waste reduction strategies.


Our Global Contribution Towards a Sustainable Future Dear reader, At MCC, we continuously strive for sustainable development that provides shared value and helps build a brighter future for all. The topics covered in this beverage focused roadmap will show you how quality, innovation and responsibility go hand in hand. 1. Our vision on sustainability On the following pages, you’ll learn more about MCC’s vision on sustainability. We talked to three experts to get their perspective on sustainable trends and label solutions within the beverage market. 2. Our ambition to build and maintain a sustainable partner network We team up with ‘green companies’ who recognize our efforts and help us move forward as a premium label provider. Our partners keep us informed, and motivate us to stay committed to several sustainability goals. 3. Our commitment to pursue sustainable development and deliver on our 2025 goals We strive to optimize our supply chain and production process. We do this by pursuing sustainable development across all our facilities and a better future for all. How do we plan to achieve this? We have set ourselves clear goals for 2025, which we communicate openly. 4. Our aim to offer the most sustainable label solutions in the beverage market Our R&D team is constantly working on label upgrades. This means that we have ‘green solutions’ for every label type in our range. Be inspired by interesting customer cases from the beverage market.

At MCC we CARE about a better tomorrow, today. This simple statement embodies what we do every day at MCC. We continuously strive for sustainable development that provides shared value and helps build a brighter future for all.” Dr. Stijn Billiet, Global Director Sustainability at MCC

5. Our efforts to educate and engage people in the importance of sustainability MCC’s employees are passionate about sustainability. This commitment from our associates is what makes MCC the sustainable company we are today. MCC is also passionate about nurturing our people’s talents and sharing their knowledge of sustainability with customers and local communities. Various projects are set up to ensure that the talent of our people is nurtured and that their knowledge can be shared with customers and local communities. Are you interested in sustainable label solutions for your beverage brands? Visit our website to learn more. 4

In this issue 6-7


Our Vision on Sustainability

Sustainable Partnerships


Sustainable Efforts

Read all about our sustainability vision and how it relates to the beverage market. Find out what MCC has to offer for your market in terms of sustainability.

Find out which stakeholder partners in the beverage market we work with to achieve a sustainable future.

Discover how we optimize our supply chain and production process in the beverage market.

6 Interview on MCC’s Sustainability Vision With a Panel of Experts

8 Meet our Sustainable Partners

10 Our Goals for 2025 12 Keeping It Green



Sustainable Label Solutions

Sustainable Community

At MCC, our research & development team is constantly searching for label upgrades that meet today’s sustainability needs in your market.

Our employees are passionate about a sustainable future and contributing to a sustainable MCC. Find out which projects have been set up in the beverage market.

14 Our Sustainable Offering

24 Engaged Employees Create a Sustainable MCC

15 Success Stories

26 Let’s Learn Together

The Multi-Color Sustainability Roadmap on Beverage The content of this document, including attachment(s) are property of MCC and should be treated as confidential. It cannot be shared with or forwarded to third parties and cannot be published without our prior permission. If you have any questions regarding the use of this document, Please email to Printed on FSC recycled paper.


Our Sustainability Vision

A Persistent Pursuit of A Better Tomorrow, Today

MCC works every single day towards sustainable development that helps build a brighter future for all. Our customers’ growing demand for a sustainable approach is getting louder each day. Therefore, we commit ourselves to minimize environmental impact and develop sustainable label solutions that meet the needs of our customers and partners within the value chain. Based on our corporate values of integrity, passion, creativity, perseverance and achievement, we describe here how we work towards this every single day. We spoke with three MCC key figures and assessed their vision on sustainability, and all things sustainable in the beverage space.

Q: Sustainability is an allencompassing concept. What does sustainability mean to MCC and where does MCC put the emphasis? SB: The best definition of sustainability is meeting the needs of all our stakeholders without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Dr. Stijn Billiet We are not only limiting this to the Global Director Sustainability environmental side, but equally at MCC important is the social, economic and governance aspect. In 2020, we unified this into our sustainability vision. The simple statement “At MCC we CARE about a better tomorrow, today” embodies what we try to do daily at MCC. We continuously strive for sustainable development that delivers shared value and helps build a better future for all. CARE is also an acronym for our four main pillars within sustainability.


The first pillar is Collaborate. This means that at MCC, we engage with multiple stakeholder partners throughout the value chain who are aiming for a sustainable future. Secondly, we have Act. We want to lead by taking action to optimize our supply chain and production process. We will use a continuous improvement approach in each facility globally with clear and transparent reporting about our KPI goals and progress made. Act is followed by the third pillar, Resolve. We want to offer label solutions that meet today’s sustainability needs. By understanding our customers’ goals, we offer the optimal label solution that is also the most sustainable. We end up with the fourth pillar, Engage. At the core of our business are the people we interact with every day. We know that our people are our greatest asset as they are the key ingredient in making us

more sustainable, which is one of our most important competitive advantages. Q: A sustainability policy is invaluable today, but has this always been the case? How would you describe MCC’s evolution in terms of sustainability from where we started and how you see MCC in the future? SB: MCC was established in 1916 and our extensive experience in providing premium label solutions has always been combined with an ecological mindset. With the strong growth that the company has experienced in the last several years, we determined that there was indeed a greater need to update our sustainability strategy to ensure that it fits within the new MCC family. The first steps in elaborating this sustainability policy were taken in 2020. However, more details will be made public in the coming months. In offering sustainable solutions to our customers, we consider regional differences and, of course, marketspecific trends. For the beverage market, we have a lot to offer, and we are excited to be able to share this with the outside world, and by extension, all our stakeholders. Q: What role does sustainability play in the beverage market? RG: Over recent years, sustainability has become a driving force within the beverage market, influencing both brand owner and consumer purchasing decisions. Brands are consciously looking for sustainable solutions in terms of recyclability of their products, in Richard Gilliatt Technical Director at MCC addition to using more sustainable materials for decoration. On the one hand, consumer behavior is consciously impacted by consumers’ personal preferences and choices. On the other hand, however, unconscious influence by advertising and peer pressure also plays its role. Q: How does MCC succeed time after time in providing customers with appropriate, up-to-date and sustainable solutions? RG: MCC addresses sustainability questions at various levels, both corporately and divisionally. Through active involvement with the industry, we have a clear understanding of both regulatory requirements and market expectations. Thanks to our in-house R&D teams and close partnerships with both customers and suppliers, we are able to build sustainability within our product development cycles. This enables us to offer sustainable solutions to our customers across our wide range of labeling technologies. JW: In addition, being close to our customers and understanding their needs is of utmost importance to

What supports us in our quest for ever more advanced solutions is that we always try to stay close to the market. We question our actions day after day, but we also have set clear goals and we continuously strive to achieve them.” Jörg Waldorf, EVP Global Sales at MCC

us. We are connected with many organizations and with our suppliers to identify opportunities. For both new projects and existing products, we always ask ourselves what is the best possible label solution that requires as few resources as possible and which packaging or materials can be reused at the end of the life cycle. Ongoing investments in machinery and new printing technologies contribute significantly to waste reduction. What supports us in our quest for ever more advanced solutions is that we always try to stay close to the Jörg Waldorf market, we question our actions day after day, but we also have set clear EVP Global Sales at MCC goals and we continuously strive to achieve them. Q: What do you think MCC has to offer the beverage market in terms of sustainability? RG: MCC offers a genuine commitment to sustainability on a day-to-day basis across all product ranges, ensuring that we can offer sustainable labeling solutions for all market segments including the beverage market. It’s reflected in our global commitment to ensure by 2025 that all MCC customers have the option to choose label products and solutions that do not prevent the end package from being recyclable, reusable or compostable. JW: Our global presence, combined with the different printing technologies we offer, makes MCC a one stop shop offering a wide variety of label solutions. Most of the time, however, we develop the appropriate sustainable option together with our customers.


Sustainable Partnerships

The C from Collaborate The Power That Comes From Engagement With Stakeholders Across the Value Chain At MCC, we recognize that sustainability is a journey, not a destination. To embark on this voyage, we engage multiple stakeholder partners throughout the value chain who are aiming for a sustainable future. Through open and constructive collaboration, we solve the issues faced in the beverage market.

Our determination to raise the bar in sustainability is unceasingly fueled by a strong partner network. In this article you will learn about some of our dedicated partners and discover how they help MCC create shared value, and move towards a circular economy.

Ellen MacArthur Foundation The Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) partners with businesses, governments and academics to build a framework for an economy that is both restorative and regenerative by design. MCC was the first label company that signed their Global Commitment. As a full member of EMF, we take part in activities and initiatives which strive for a sustainable future.

New Plastics Economy Global Commitment At the end of 2018, the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment was launched. This unified more than 400 companies to a common vision and set out an ambitious set of targets to address plastic waste. Signatories commit to 3 actions to realize this vision: 1. Eliminate all problematic and unnecessary plastic items. 2. Innovate to ensure that the plastics we do need are reusable, recyclable or compostable. 3. Circulate all the plastic items we use to keep them in the economy and out of the environment.

Eager to learn more about our sustainable partnerships? Please contact us at or find more information on our website:


Trade associations In order to ensure that we can provide the optimal solution for our customer, we need to understand the value chain of the containers that use our products. In the beverage market the focus is divided between glass and PET. Glass Packaging Institute (GPI) is the trade association, representing the North American glass container industry, we recently partnered up with. On behalf of glass container manufacturers, GPI promotes glass as the optimal packaging choice, advances environmental and recycling policies, advocates

industry standards, and educates packaging professionals. MCC became a member to ensure that the solutions we provide combine high quality and full recyclability for the glass industry.

For plastics, in this case PET, regional differences in the collection, sorting and recycling infrastructure need to be considered. Therefore, we partner at a local level with organizations that focus on these materials and provide us with the necessary tools and information to allow us to deliver the best label solutions. The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) is the national trade association representing companies who acquire, reprocess and sell the output of more than 90% of the post-consumer plastic processing capacity in North America. MCC has been an active member for over 10 years, and we are part of the Technical Committee for PET.

Petcore Europe is the association representing the complete PET value chain in Europe, from PET manufacture to conversion into packaging and recycling, and other related activities. MCC is a member of the technical committee that has the aim to collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure the sustainable growth of PET as a packaging material of choice, while also further increasing post-consumer PET collection and recycling. Specifically, we want to share our knowledge about label solutions and ensure that these will not hinder the recyclability of the final package.

Project HolyGrail 2.0 MCC has joined forces together with over 100 companies and organizations from the complete packaging value chain to assess whether a pioneering digital technology can enable better sorting and higher-quality recycling rates. The goal is to drive a truly circular economy. This initiative is facilitated by AIM, the European Brands Association. One of the most pressing challenges in achieving a circular economy for packaging is to better sort post-consumer waste by accurately identifying packaging, resulting in more efficient and higherquality recycling. Digital watermarks may have the potential to revolutionize the way packaging is sorted in the waste management system, as it opens new possibilities that are currently not feasible with existing technologies.

The pioneering project, HolyGrail was facilitated by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and concluded on May 23rd, 2020. This project has proven that the digital watermark technology can be the next step in how industries approach sorting. The branded goods industry has now stepped in to facilitate the next phase as a cross value chain initiative under the name “HolyGrail 2.0”. HolyGrail 2.0 will launch an industrial pilot in order to prove the viability of digital watermarks technologies for more accurate sorting of packaging and higher-quality recycling, as well as the business case at large scale. MCC is a proud member of the HolyGrail 2.0. Leadership team.


Sustainable Efforts

The A from Act A Continuous Effort to Optimize Our Supply Chain and Production Process We act ourselves to optimize our supply chain and production process. We do this by continually striving for improvement worldwide in all our facilities in order to achieve our common goal. In support of our commitment to continually strive for sustainable development, we have set clear and ambitious goals for 2025. We are working both on a global and local level every day to create a better future for all.

Our 2025 Goal (From 2019 Baseline): Our commitment towards continuously striving for sustainable development to help build a brighter future for all, is supported by clear goals (both on a company and site level) that are communicated openly. Why a 2019 baseline? The MCC family grew through mergers & acquisitions, and we want to ensure that we include all our new facilities.


Greenhouse gas emission

0 10

Environmental violations

Why new goals? We want to be more ambitious with our sustainability approach. Our team is focused on following the Science Based Target initiative which will limit global warming to well below 2°C. Finally, we are dedicated to extending our goals beyond environmental ones.



Water usage


Waste to landfill

Recordable incidents

Progress Made in 2020 We are proud to share our first steps towards a better tomorrow. Despite the challenging times in a pandemic year, we are pleased to say that two out of the three goals we made had favorable results in 2020.

6% Reduction in Our Greenhouse Gas Emissions

8% Reduction in Our Water Usage

No Improvement in Our Waste to Landfill Goal for 2020

For our scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions, we were able to reduce this by as much as 6%! The bulk of this improvement can be found in our improved efficiency, more specifically where we consolidated some operations. 2020 was also the year where we are taking our first steps in calculating our scope 3 emissions, which is a focus area for the years to come.

Water is essential for our planet, our people and our business. For MCC, water is critical for the manufacturing of our products (in the form of cooling our printing presses) but that doesn’t hold us back to actively work on reducing the use of water in all our processes. With this clear focus in mind, we are very proud of the 8% improvement achieved during 2020.

Unfortunately, no progress has been achieved in our waste management yet. This remains one of our main objectives. Therefore, we are committed to making additional efforts here. Several dedicated projects have been set up to ensure that we can make up for this in the coming years. The first results in 2021 already show that we are moving the needle to where we would like to be.

CO2 emissions 2019

66 MT/Month/MSM


62 MT/Month/MSM

2025 goal

52 MT/Month/MSM

Water 2019

145 Cubic meters/Month/MSM


133 Cubic meters/Month/MSM

2025 goal

116 Cubic meters/Month/MSM

Landfill 2019

12 MT/Month/MSM


12 MT/Month/MSM

2025 goal

9,6 MT/Month/MSM MT = metric tons. MSM = Million Square Meter

This outcome only strengthens MCC’s mindset towards a better future. We care about a better tomorrow and our work starts today!

MCC is openly sharing a sustainability report and our external accreditations. This enables us to be transparent about the risks and opportunities we, as a company, are facing. Here is an overview of the external accreditations we are employing today:

Curious to know more about our progress towards this commitment? Please contact us at or visit our website


Sustainable Efforts

Keeping It GREEN MCC Clarksville | Tennessee (USA) A community with vision is one that implements programs that have lasting value to its residents and businesses. Clarksville-Montgomery County’s Green Certification Program is a promising example of the vision that makes this community not only a great place to live and work today but promises a vibrant and sustainable future. In 2011, Clarksville-Montgomery County started the Green Certification Program and continues to build the program year after year.

MCC Clarksville principles The mission of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification Program is to help local organizations become better environmental stewards by saving resources, generating ideas, and continuously striving to improve. MCC Clarksville was inducted into the Green Certification Program in 2016 based mainly on its heavy efforts in reclamation, recycling, and reuse. MCC Clarksville considers environmental responsibility as an integral part of its activities, based on the following principles: • Awareness of possible environmental risks and their minimization through the choice of product technologies. • Use of environment-friendly materials in our product portfolio. • Implementation of every opportunity for a reduction in atmospheric, soil, and water impact, as well as low greenhouse gas emissions and waste through appropriate measures. • Maximum utilization of resource and environmentprotective technologies in line with our ongoing strategy.


Solvent recovery system Their largest recycling program is the solvent recovery system, where solvents used in the printing process are reclaimed, recycled, and reused. As of their last certification in 2018, 4.1 million pounds of solvent were recovered, and they are currently on track to meet or exceed that in 2021. Rather than purchasing new solvent, the recovered solvent is put back into the product, or sold to the company’s ink manufacturer.

Additional recycling initiatives In addition to printing, the facility metalizes paper and makes its own cylinders. This process produces hazardous wastes and scrap metals that are recycled. In addition to that, they regularly recycle cardboard throughout the facility. These processes make up their next large recycling initiatives:


SCRAP METALS* (copper and aluminum)


1.8 million

23.5 thousand

128 thousand

pounds recycled

pounds recycled

pounds recycled

Gold level certification Every two years, MCC Clarksville is required to re-certify with the program, which occurred in 2018 and most recently in June 2020, where they improved their efforts, and moved up a level to Gold. Their vision is that they will be recognized as a leader in exceptional environmental practices because the employees embrace and practice conservation, innovation, and responsibility for the future.



Multi-Color Corporation

Multi-Color Corporation

Outstanding Efforts in Recycling

Green Certification Program Gold Level

*As of our last certification


Sustainable Label Solutions

The R from Resolve What Drives Us Are the Label Upgrades That Meet Today’s Sustainability Needs Our research and development teams always start from the question ‘What is the optimal label solution for our customers that is also going to provide the most sustainable solution? We at MCC are continuously searching for innovations that meet today’s sustainability needs. We continue to innovate, to develop sustainable solutions across all packaging categories. We have made it a priority and a focus for our development to work on the next generation materials for each category.

Looking for a sustainable label solution for your PET or Glass packaging without compromising on quality? MCC has multiple label constructions that address your brand’s need and help you reach your sustainability goals.

Solutions for Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) • RecycLABEL® PSL: Officially recognized label construction (APR & EPBP) that ensures a complete removal from the PET bottle with no contamination of the flakes. • RecycLABEL® Shrink: Three recognized options to ensure to provide a SSL solution that is compatible with PET recycling. • Laminated and Monoweb roll-fed: substrates with recycling compatible ink system.

Solutions for Glass • Glass Recycle Film PSL: Sustainable solution from MCC to aide one-way glass bottle recyclability • ThermowashTM: Pressure Sensitive Labels for returnable bottles • Enviro LabelTM: Label constructions from alternative resources • Cut & Stack: most cost-effective label technology with minimal waste

Want to learn more? For more information on our sustainable label solutions for beverage, please contact us at or visit


Topo Chico mineral water is a tradition in Mexico and has quietly gained thousands of followers in the United States. Bottled for more than 125 years in Monterrey, Nuevo León, it has become a brand that over time, has remained in people’s preference. Topo Chico is supplied as a glass bottle and a PET bottle. For PET bottles, a wrap-around roll fed label is used, which is of transparent construction. This label was initially developed in a laminated structure of two layers of polypropylene with a total thickness of 40 microns, but in search of environmental responsibility, savings and better performance, a monolayer polypropylene film construction label was developed. MCC developed the monolayer structure in conjunction with Envases Universales. A material of a thickness was used that could meet the standards of application speed and quality. The challenges The main objective was to reduce the use of materials and to have savings compared to the two-layer laminated structure, but there were also other considerations. They needed a label that could run at an application rate of up to 37,500 bottles per hour without warping, that applied correctly, and with minimal changes in operating conditions. Since it is a highly carbonated beverage, it was also a challenge to ensure that the label stays adhered during possible bottle expansion and during the transport to the point-of-sale.

Success Stories

Monolayer construction results in savings We achieved this label, thanks to the fact that during the development we were selecting the appropriate materials (films and inks), as well as being on the floor with the label operators and with our technical service team to achieve a good implementation without sacrificing application speeds.” Armando García, Manager of Research and Development and ST at MCC Monterrey

The results The result was a reduction of 6.5% in terms of material and saving of 4% in the sale price of the label compared to the bilayer laminate. In addition, it is a more sustainable solution since the yield is increased by at least 5% in terms of m2 per Kg, eliminating the lamination process in the manufacture of the label and the use of adhesives. An additional benefit in terms of quality is that the curling problems encountered with the laminated label were eliminated.

Monolayer Roll-Fed Thin Roll Fed Label Offering Multiple Benefits Traditional roll-fed labels are a laminated construction. Monolayer construction has a number of inherent sustainability benefits. Primarily, the reduction in material consumption. This monolayer material offers the added advantage of having more labels on the roll, resulting in fewer trucks to transport material back and forth. It also allows to decorate your beverage labels with innovative solutions that are not possible with the laminated construction, for example matte/gloss and tactile embellishments.


Success Stories

Ocean Spray goes one step further to achieve optimal recycling of its products The Ocean Spray® logo is a key differentiator on store shelves – it’s an easy way for consumers to identify the brand against competitors. The Ocean Spray team wanted to maintain their strong logo presence, while making their products as recyclable as possible.

“Working with MCC print technology to deliver a more sustainable logo substrate on our bottles was a perfect match!”, commented Ocean Spray key collaborators. MCC has been a partner to Ocean Spray for 10 years and proved to be one of the best in class when they launched a new product in large format shrink sleeves. We are always pleased to be part of their projects, but especially proud when it comes to sustainability initiatives. Ocean Spray is committed to driving sustainability in their packaging landscape. This initiative helps them achieve their goals with a recyclable logo substrate, while also having the benefit of improving plant efficiency.

The challenge The first trial of recyclable PSL was not a success as the sensor on the Ocean Spray equipment was unfortunately unable to pick up the new RecycLabel® substrate. MCC’s technical team was able to help with the technical assessment, determine the root cause and make adjustments to ensure a successful launch of their new label. The results Following the implementation of this new solution, the most important result for the brand was the improvement in the recyclability and sustainability of the entire Ocean Spray range. Ocean Spray is very pleased with the results! They have fully converted PSL to recyclable materials across the Ocean Spray beverage network.

RecycLABEL® Pressure Sensitive Labels – Your Solution for PET Recycling? MCC has been commercial for several years in the beverage market with recycling compatible pressure sensitive labels for PET containers. We support them by supplying label materials that are fully compatible with the PET recycling process. This solution is recognized by the APR and EPBP.


The MCC technical team has an extensive knowledge of label materials and equipment. During testing and trials, MCC’s ability to quickly identify the root cause of problems and propose tangible resolutions, on site, make them a fantastic partner for this type of technical challenge.” Jo Qiao, Packaging Engineer at Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc.


Success Stories

Authentic Brazilian Beer Dating back to 1888, Brahma is the most traditional local beer brand in Brazil and one of the oldest in its market. Owned by Ambev, the brand is the main focus for the company in this region, despite the introduction of international brands such as Budweiser and Becks. In 2020, the principal focus was the launch of the Brahma Duplo Malte. A sophisticated combination of pilsner and munich malt. Throughout the year, promotions were targeted, via virtual platforms, towards staying at home to try the new Brahma beer. The product entered the market with just the 600ml bottle and cans so the expectation for the subsequent launch of a more contemporary, long neck bottle was high. Sustainability goals With sustainability as a key focus, the innovation department was searching for a way to reduce the packaging’s footprint. Inspired by another project with MCC using wash off labels, they developed their first returnable, long neck bottle. MCC’s ThermoWash™ technology is a PSL construction, designed to detach easily in the washing process. Successfully tested in Brazil a few months earlier with the Beck’s 600ml, ThermoWash™ was the perfect solution for the launch of the returnable bottle.

Whilst benefiting from the aesthetic advantages of the Pressure Sensitive Label, the ThermoWash™ construction meets the company’s sustainability targets. On a ThermoWash™ label, the inks and adhesives remain attached to the substrate throughout the entire label removal process so there is no risk of contamination. A swift success With just four weeks before launch, MCC had to deal internally with extreme urgency in order to match the color standards, specifications and produce a considerably high quantity on time to send by air and meet the customer’s necessities. PSL ThermoWash™ material was quickly approved and valued by the whole marketing, innovation and brand team. The launch was a huge success, producing twice as much than planned for the first quarter. Following the success of this project, the company will expand the use of ThermoWash™ technology to other brands and regions in South America.

Since the beginning of this project, the MCC team was very accessible and helped us at each step throughout the flow. Apart from the fact the label has an excellent quality, the customer service is amazing and quick. Great experience at logistics and planning.” Gustavo Galdini, Solutions - ADL - Foreign Trade at Amev

ThermoWash™ Pressure Sensitive Labels for Returnable Bottles ThermoWash™ labels easily detach from the bottles in the washing process consistent with traditional paper labels. This allows a new label to take advantage of the graphical benefits of pressure sensitive each and every bottle trip. This type of pressure sensitve labels (PSL) are engineered especially for returnable glass. Printed on MCC’s in-house wash off material, the single use labels easily detach from bottles in the washer.


ThermoWash™ labels are a key component in the MCC sustainability portfolio. Significant objectives for many of our customers include reducing the carbon footprint. Enabling the reuse of glass bottles is one way to achieve this.” Richard Gilliatt, Technical Director at MCC

Chang Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary by Launching An Award-Winning Special Edition Launched in 1995, Chang Beer instantly captured the hearts and taste buds of the Thai people. Over the years, it has become one of the most famous brands in Thailand and is globally recognized as a symbol of the land of smiles.

The spirit of lamiat The brand’s brewing philosophy reflects the Lamiat, a centuries-old Thai philosophy. It is a belief in continuous refinement to create perfection. In keeping with the Lamiat, Chang’s anniversary beer uses 100% malt to ensure a distinctive character and a sub-zero temperature filtration to achieve perfect purity. The result is a refreshing beer that is just as smooth and easy to drink. A specially brewed beer for a truly special celebration Chang wanted to reflect the importance of this launch on its label and MCC was delighted to help. Using advanced rotogravure technology, we were able to realize a filigree design with metallic gold elements onto the clear, pressure sensitive label. This allows the bottle to become a real eyecatcher at the point-of-sale and strengthens the celebratory significance.

The extravagant use of gold ink fortifies the 25th anniversary message.” Tony White, Chairman at FINAT

FINAT is the European association for the self-adhesive label industry. Their annual competition showcases the best of self-adhesive label printing. The Chang label was awarded the Best in Category for Gravure Printed Labels, 2020.

labels easily detach from bottles in the washer. This process is consistent with traditional paper labels and allows for brand owners to take advantage of sustainable, returnable bottles.

Wash Off technology Despite being aesthetically pleasing, the Chang labels are also functionally superior. Using MCC’s ThermoWash™ Technology, the Pressure Sensitive

MCC is proud of being awarded with this project as well as a FINAT accolade. We raise our glasses and say: “Cheers to perfection, Cheers to Chang Beer and Happy 25th Anniversary”


Sustainable Label Solutions

Recycled Content As well as initiatives to ensure that labels allow for clean recycling of non-contaminated containers MCC is working on a range of projects that integrate post-consumer recycled content into the labels themselves. Recycled (PCR) cut & stack paper labels The raw material is 100% post-consumer wastepaper, regionally collected and sorted. The fibre pulp is being produced while cleaning, sorting, deinking and bleaching magazine and newspaper waste. The paper CO2 footprint is around 20% less, compared to standard papers, produced from virgin wood fibres. As well as reusing the pulp within the supply chain we are reducing the need for virgin paper manufacturing. Filmic liners with recycled content MCC is working with supply chain partners to implement a self-adhesive label construction whereby the liner material includes 30% PCR. By using liner with 30% of content from postconsumer recyclate, we are both recycling used PET already within the supply chain and reducing the use of virgin PET. PET Face stock with PCR content A filmic face stock with up to 70% PCR PET content. The label face stock is PET and so can be considered as part of a mass balance approach with optimized bottle PET recycling achieved with RecycLABEL. 20

Success Stories

100% Natural. 100% Sustainable. Quézac is a French sparkling mineral water originating in the Cévennes-Causses region, owned by the Ogeu family group. The bottling plant is located near a small village which bestowed its name, Quézac in the middle of Cévennes National Park.

100% natural Quézac mineral water is drawn from a depth of almost 110 metres, from the preserved heart of the rocks of the Lozère. The purity of the water carries through into the product’s branding and philosophy to preserve the nature that gives it life. With this in mind, Ogeu challenged MCC to come up with a more sustainable labeling solution than the existing paper labels, with a story that could be communicated behind it. 100% recycled MCC proposed to print the labels on a 100% postconsumer recycled paper. The challenge was that the paper was only tested in very small scale beforehand, coupled with Ogeu’s time constraints on this new product launch. MCC met the challenge using 100% recycled wet strength paper with 6 colors and no varnish. After a successful launch, all paper labels have now been switched to the recycled paper. The components of Quézac mineral water bottles and their corks are 100% recyclable. Our labels, printed with vegetable inks on recycled paper, also contribute to a virtuous circle for the preservation of the environment.


Success Stories 22

Brand’s Efforts Reflect Consumer Values

Sustainable packaging for considerate consumers Patagonia Cerveza incorporates post-consumer content in packaging, reflecting its consumers’ interest in sustainability. Environmentally friendly A beer’s appeal can go beyond a refreshing taste and crisp finish. Some consumers appreciate a brand that cares about sustainability and has an environmentally-conscious approach to delivering its product. Patagonia Cerveza demonstrates its role as a good steward for the environment by caring about the materials that go into its packaging. Fortunate US beer drinkers in select parts of the Pacific Northwest, Southeast and other states across the Rocky Mountains can discover a new Premium Pilsner by Cerveza Patagonia. This new brand is a member of the Anheuser-Busch family and is inspired by the mountainous regions of Patagonia, South America.

Recycled labels The second initiative advances this tree-friendly brand’s sustainability and demonstrates how it is trying to clean up its entire supply chain. The label, which is the brand’s main identification, is printed on post-consumer waste material. This material consists of at least 30% post-consumer waste yet still performs like virgin label stock, allowing for vibrant label colors and graphics. This eco-friendly label did require some adjustments to label application and comes at a higher price than standard labels, but AnheuserBusch feels strongly that these accommodations are necessary to carry on being a good citizen of the environment. MCC continues to partner with customers to find solutions that help them reach their sustainability goals.

Sustainable values The brand appeals to environmentally-conscious drinkers with two popular campaigns. The first, by partnering with the National Forest Foundation (NFF), the brand generates funds to replant trees and promises to plant one tree for each case sold in 2019. The second reduces the packaging’s ecological footprint by using more postconsumer recycled content.

When we challenged our supplier base for sustainable packaging innovations, MCC label stepped up right away with solutions to incorporate postconsumer recycled content into labels. The MCC team partnered with us from concept to launch on a tight timeline, ensuring the product not only supported our sustainability and quality goals for a premium brand, but could also seamlessly run on packaging lines.” Rob Clark, Sr. Director, Innovation at Anheuser-Busch


Sustainable Community

The E from Engage Engaged Employees Create a Sustainable MCC Our people, MCC employees, are the core of our existence, our greatest capital and one of our most important sustainable competitive advantages. A sustainable MCC is only possible thanks to the commitment of our talented employees.

Education plays an important role in empowering individuals and social groups to make daily choices as a customer or consumer. MCC provides several resources to allow employees to learn more about sustainability. As we are part of a bigger community, we at MCC want to be socially responsible by being an active player wherever we can. This includes sharing our knowledge with customers and local communities. See below for the initiatives we are involved in. We have several facilities around the world that manufacture beverage labels. Not only are each of them focused on sustainability, they also CARE about their local community. The initiatives are numerous, we would like to highlight one of these initiatives: read more on how MCC Africa supports International Mandela Day.


Visit to get an in-depth look at these inspiring stories, you may want to join in on similar actions.

MCC Africa Supports International Mandela Day

Mandela Day is a global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world and the ability to make an impact. The Mandela Day campaign message is simple - “Nelson Mandela has fought for social justice for 67 years. Companies and individuals are requested to dedicate 67 minutes of their time on that day to help needy individuals and groups”. The Sithabile Youth Care Centre offers residence to 50 vulnerable children. With the centre caring for so many needs, resources and help are always in need. MCC Africa responded and on Mandela Day, our team from the Johannesburg office dedicated 67 minutes of their time to visit the centre. MCC Africa donated

a much-needed water tank, a new roof and warm school uniforms. But they even went one step further: they also committed themselves to clean and paint the facility. MCC Africa also arranged for the Department of Health to render primary health care services on the specific day. In addition, our MCC MasterChefs provided a hot hearty meal for the kids! Equally, the team from MCC Paarl responded by reaching out to the Andrew Murray Centre in Wellington. 150 vulnerable children between the age of 1 and 18 years old, are cared for at this centre. Apart from spending quality time with the children, MCC Paarl also made several donations to the centre. MCC Africa looks forward to the next Mandela Day.


Let’s Learn Together MCC wants to continuously educate you with the latest sustainability trends and information for your labeling needs. How does MCC do that?

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LabelTalk Learn about the latest market trends and innovations in our Beverage LabelTalk magazine! It is filled with real label samples to spark your creativity!


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Looking for Sustainable Label Solutions in the Beverage Market? 3 Reasons to Get In Touch With Our Sustainability Experts Around the Globe


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Have a clear insight On our upcoming sustainable label innovations that will help your products stand out on the shelf.

Our Sustainability Expert, Dr. Stijn Billiet Contact:

Are you interested in sustainable label solutions for your Beverage brand? Visit our website to learn more.


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