MPA SA Plumbing SA Autumn 2024

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Published by Master PluMbers association of south australia AUTUMN 2024


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inSiDE THiS EDiTiOn...


Andrew Clarke | Executive Officer

m: 0438 282 448


Jodie Bischoff

People, Careers & Wellness Manager



COunCillORS: Matt

Steve Slack


James Altman | Field Officer m: 0447 496 216 e:

Brock Perkins | Field Officer m: 0499 975 475 e: Rachel Clark Administration Officer e:

Brittany O’Neill Administration Support Officer e:

Rhia Daniel Marketing & Membership Coordinator e:

FOREWORDS CEO Editorial 4 MEMBERSHIP New Member - Platinum Plumbing & Gas 13 Member Benefits 24 Our Industry Supporters 26 SA & NT Industry Members 27 INDUSTRY Cbus: Local Service and Support 6 CBS: Public Urged to Beware of Rogue Tradespeople 7 SA Water: Final Fix Inspections for Non-Drinking Water Plumbing 12 Ray Hodge: Managing Tricky People 14 Apprentice of the Month 20 MPA Staff Profile 21
Lynch Meyer: Licensing & Registration - What You Need to 8 be Aware of EVENTS & SOCIAL AFL Member Round 2024 10 SCA Women in Construction Annual Event 16 Aitchinson Plumbing Services: 20 Years in Business 19 Member Projects 23 President’s Lunch Save the Date 25 Master Plumbers SA Event Calendar 25 PRESiDEnT:
Sando DEPuTY PRESiDEnT: Mike McEntee inDEPEnDEnT CHAiR: Daria McLachlan
Damon Hammond
PubliSHED bY: Master Plumbers Association of South Australia Inc 213 Greenhill Rd Eastwood SA 5063 | PO Box 145 Fullarton SA 5063 Ph: (08) 8292 4000 Email: | Website: PRE PRESS AnD PRinTing: Keystone Printing Ph: (08) 8231 9999 | Email:
Kirkbride, Rob Dineen, David Hurst,
Spicer Senior Finance Officer
SCA Women in Construction Annual Event page 16
Opinions expressed in Plumbing SA are not necessarily those of the MPA SA, nor does the MPA SA guarantee the accuracy of the statements made by contributors or advertisers or accept responsibility for statements they may express in this publication, nor does the MPA SA accept liability to advertisers for the publication of advertising which may be held contrary to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. MPA SA reserves the right to refuse, cancel, amend or suspend any advertisement or insert without reason. All advertising pricing is correct at the time of publication but is subject to change without notice. Errors and omissions excepted.
Cooper Lachs Apprentice
page 20


A message to Full Members of MPA SA

As we start to dive deeper into the 2024 year, there are a few very important messages that I would like to relay and reinforced to ensure our brand and more importantly our industry reputation remains strong and highly respected.

As you all know the Master Plumbers Association of SA (MPA SA) does have a Code of Ethics that members will abide by and keep close to their operational capacity.

The Code of Ethics are:

1. Will observe the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all business transactions and will avoid the use of false or misleading statements, and claims or confusing technical terms.

2. Will provide the best service at a reasonable charge.

3. Shall not cancel a contract undertaken in good faith without good and sufficient cause, and only then by mutual consent.

4. Will encourage a spirit of co-operation with fellow members, provide assistance where appropriate, carefully avoid unfair competition, or criticism of another member’s accounts or quality of work.

5. Accepts the responsibility of protecting the public health and safety as it is affected by the plumbing trade, with the intent to raise the standard of living of the community.

6. Will provide, so far as is practicable with the capacity of their enterprise, proper training for the future.

I can say without doubt that pressures of operating a business is becoming more and more challenging as the business and economic landscape constantly changes.

However, I must reinforce that the Code of Ethics are still to be adhered to and a primary focus.

There are no excuses to explore outside those principles unless you wish to be challenged not only by the consumer, MPA SA staff and the Executive

but also government agencies that keep track of consumer complaints and series breaches of misconduct.

I would like to highlight evidence that Consumer and Business Services (CBS) are now publicly exposing and naming dodgy or unprofessional contractors that are taking advantage of consumers with price gauging and misleading behaviour.

MPA SA and CBS are actively monitoring the activities of plumbing businesses that are causing grief in the marketplace. In most cases, we have the same businesses on the list and it is a concern that the list is slowly increasing.

A few pointers that are worth noting: If you provided a service and the client withholds payment:

- You possibly didn’t provide them term and conditions of the scope of work

- You didn’t provide a quote with details of the scope, time required and a cost break down

Of goods required

- There is some breakdown in communication between both parties

- One party is clearly not happy with the way the job worked out – possibly the time spent doing the job has changed

- Pricing has varied without communication

It is worth noting that you cannot threaten to go back to the job to retrieve your goods if they haven’t been paid for - that is classified as trespassing and theft.

It will potentially become a criminal matter and as a service provider, it will not be seen in your favour.

So, my only recommendation is to review current practices, knowing that the economy is tightening up, finances are being stretched and business operators need to be better educated around how to manage these situations.

Consumers are closely monitoring the cost-of-service providers and they will withhold payment and / or sought advice on what is a fair and reasonable cost (Ironically #2 in the Code of Ethics). Our office is getting more calls around this topic.



MPA SA / OTR Roadshows

Firstly, to those who continually participate in our Roadshows, we thank you for your ongoing support. Secondly, a message from one of our dedicated Industry Sponsors who has committed for the past 10 years.

“From a manufacturers point of view. The West coast trip (including: Port Lincoln, Port Augusta and Port Pirie).

1400km door to door, $250.00 fuel, $800.00 accommodation and food and a week away from home and family.

All to try and enlighten, train and present product to your members to make their life and job easier. To train them in the new codes and advise them on best business practices.

And only a few have the decency to take 3 & 1/2 hours out of their day to attend.”

The work, effort and commitment from not only the MPA SA staff but by the Industry Sponsors is a massive task and for the licensed plumbers who cannot make the effort to attend, well there are no words.

I can only say these words – Change is coming, be prepared!

Members Benefit AFL Round – Crows V Essendon

The MPA SA Members Benefit Football Round was without doubt, one of the highlights of the year.

A huge thank to our key sponsors for the event: Abey, Simpro, Australian Gas Network and MPA SA. I can only say it was like one of our annual MPA SA President’s Lunch on steroids.

A fantastic function with energy to burn, excitement, disappointment in the end but an outstanding networking event that captured everyone that attended.

The Executive Board members that attended were thrilled and it has been confirmed that 2025 there is more coming. Possibly a Power game to be added into the mix.

So, my advice is to keep a close eye on the MPA SA emails coming through, as our 5 year strategy to provide members with reward benefits (functions, events, seminars) is ramping up. 5
Our dedicated and experienced state-based teams can help get your super sorted so you can get on with running your business. Contact Martha for your business super needs Martha Coro – Senior Employer Engagement Manager, SA 0429 166 785 Local service and support This information is about Cbus Super. It doesn’t account for your specific needs. Please consider your financial position, objectives and requirements before making financial decisions. Read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination to decide if Cbus Super is right for you. Call 1300 361 784 or visit United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super).


A new campaign has been launched by Consumer and Business Services (CBS) to help consumers know their rights when dealing with tradespeople, particularly as some tradies have been stepping up their sales and marketing tactics and catching consumers off guard.

This education campaign follows the campaign in 2023 by CBS which encouraged consumers to use a licensed plumber and get several itemised quotes to compare prices.

While some of these messages are being carried through into the 2024 campaign, the new campaign seeks to address concerns that some tradies have recently been charging an excessive amount, exaggerating the need for extra work, performing shoddy work or potentially breaching consumer protections under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL).

A number of tradies are using ‘unsolicited’ sales approaches to drum up more business.

They are contacting consumers uninvited or offering deals which have not been requested by consumers, and in some cases they are not complying with the ACL requirements for unsolicited sales.

The law requires that if the contract is over $100 there must be a written contract and consumers also have a 10-day cooling-off period to cancel the contract.

Information about the consumer’s cooling off rights must be provided in writing and also attached to the contract.

With very limited exceptions, the business must not supply any products or services or take any payment during the 10 days.

A number of investigations are underway into tradespeople who are not complying with the ACL’s unsolicited consumer agreement provisions.

Examples of unsolicited sales

Some examples where a sale would be considered unsolicited are outlined here.

• You approach consumers uninvited, such as by cold calling or door knocking, and offer to supply and install a solar hot water system.

• You visit a consumer’s home to inspect a low water pressure issue after they invited you to simply provide a quote, and you enter into a contract with the consumer at the time of the quote.

• A consumer calls you for a quote to fix a blocked shower drain. They accept your quote, so you attend the property to fix the issue. While you’re at the property you ‘upsell’ by offering to replace all the washer taps in the home with monobloc taps to make it easier for the homeowner to turn the taps on and off. You provide the consumer with a quote to replace the taps. The quote for this extra work would be considered unsolicited.

Examples that are not considered unsolicited

The following scenarios would not be considered unsolicited sales.

• A consumer asks you for a quote to repair their hot water service and agrees to the quote over the phone. You then arrange with the consumer for the repairs to be done the next day.

• You provide a quote to fix a blocked drain after the consumer emailed you requesting a quote. You provide the quote via email and the consumer then calls you to advise they would like to proceed with the job.


and enforcement action

Where breaches of licensing or consumer laws are detected, CBS may take enforcement action such as court action, public naming, expiation, issuing a written warning or receiving a written assurance from the business or individual.

Plumbers should note that the maximum penalty for failing to comply with the requirements for unsolicited consumer agreements is $50,000 per offence for a company or $10,000 per offence for an individual.

More information

For more information about the campaign visit cbs.

For more guidance about the requirements for unsolicited approaches see the sales practices guide for business at 7


Plumbing contractors need to be licensed to carry on business as a plumbing contract. Further, workers who actually do the physical plumbing work need to be registered as plumbing workers.


Under section 6 of the Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Electricians Act 1995 (SA), a person must not carry on business as a plumbing contractor or advertise or hold themselves out to be carrying on business as a plumbing contractor unless properly licensed.

A plumbing contractor can seek to obtain a broad licence or may obtain a restricted licence. For example, a licence may be subject to conditions limiting the work to be performed to water plumbing work, sanitary plumbing work and / or draining work.

There are serious consequences for plumbing contractors who are not properly licensed. For example:

• There are potential substantial fines and imprisonment . The maximum fine for a natural person for their first or second offence is $50,000. The maximum penalty for a natural person for their third or fourth offence is a $50,000 fine or 12 months imprisonment (or both). For a company, the maximum fine is $250,000.

• It may be difficult to get paid for the work

An unlicensed contractor cannot seek enforcement as to payment of the contractual sum unless the failure to be licensed was due to mere inadvertence. The test as to whether the fact of being unlicensed was due to mere inadvertence is not particularly straightforward, so it is not something a plumbing contractor wants to have to prove.

In South Australia, if an unlicensed contractor is not entitled to payment of the contractual sum, the unlicensed contractor can still claim payment for an amount commensurate to the fair value of the work undertaken.

Generally, the unlicensed contractor cannot claim any profit or margin with respect to the work.

To be properly licensed, a plumbing contractor can have a plumbing contractor’s licence under the Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Electricians Act 1995 (SA) or can have a building contractor’s licence under the Building Work Contractors Act 1995 (SA) that authorises the undertaking of plumbing work (potentially along with other types of building work).

bioCycle is Australia’s best known and most trusted name in aerobic wastewater treatment systems – and we’ve gained that reputation through the quality and reliability of our products, the ‘smartness’ and simplicity of our technological processes with the excellence of our service.

bioCycle is proud to announce our newest tanks in its range:

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The latest bioCycle tanks are all advanced secodary treatment tanks, which ensures they have a higher degree of treatment than the World Standard AS 1546:2001. This standard governs quality of manufacture in addition to prescribing a method for performance evaluation.

bioCycle septic tanks and associated products are manufactured using only the highest-quality materials and electrical components such as pumps, blowers and electronic controls.

We work closely with our Suppliers to develop appropriate specifications and quality measurement procedures – your guarantee of a consistently high quality product.

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In addition to plumbing contractors needing to be properly licensed, the actual plumbing workers who undertake the physical plumbing work need to be properly registered.

Under section 13 of the Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Electricians Act 1995 (SA), a person must not act as a plumbing worker or advertise or hold themselves out to be a person that can legally carry out plumbing work unless that person is properly registered.

The maximum fine for a first or second offence is $20,000. The maximum penalty for a third or fourth offence is a $20,000 fine or 12 months imprisonment (or both).

Similar to the situation with respect to licensing, a plumbing worker can seek to obtain a broad registration or may obtain a restricted registration

that is subject to conditions limiting the work to be performed to, for example, water plumbing work, sanitary plumbing work and / or draining work.

Under section 12 of the Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Electricians Act 1995 (SA), a plumbing contractor must ensure that each of their plumbing workers is properly registered. The maximum fine is $20,000 if this does not occur.

If you require assistance, please contact us.

All Master Plumbers members receive the first 30 minutes of advice free on any new matter.

Charles moran Partner Lynch Meyer Lawyers P: 08 8236 7654



AFl mEmbER ROunD 2024

On Friday 19 April, we held our inaugural AFL Member Round, watching the Adelaide Crows play against Essendon. We had a wonderful night; admittedly, it would have been a better night if we were Essendon supporters but you can’t have it all!

This year, we’ve been looking for more opportunities to celebrate our Members. You may remember our Adelaide Football Club Season 2024 Hospitality Evening in February, where we invited our members to come along to the Cremorne Hotel to eat, drink and hear about the hospitality opportunities from Adelaide Football Club legends.

That event birthed the idea of 2024 Member Round. Advertised only to our full members, we wanted to provide our plumbers an opportunity to have a drink, eat some food and watch the footy together.

This was held in the Leigh Whicker Room, a luxury suite in the Riverbank Stand of Adelaide Oval. With a room capacity of 80 people, we loved the opportunity to provide an intimate atmosphere for our members to mingle. We were joined by AFC Club Legend Paul Seedsman, who was chatting away to our members all evening.

Thank you to our sponsors SimPRO, Australian Gas Networks and Abey for coming onboard. Without your generosity, we could not have held this event for our members.

We look forward to hosting more Member Rounds in the future and the opportunity to sponsor our Member Round will be included in our 2025 Sponsorship offering.

25 YEAR GUARANTEE 0408 815 679 | Fixing blocked drains once and for all DON’T DIG IT... RELINE IT 11 AFl mEmbER ROunD 2024


FinAl FiX inSPECTiOnS FOR nOn-DRinKing WATER Plumbing

A final fix cross connection audit is required before a non-drinking water connection can be activated and can be supplied to the property.

When a non-drinking water connection is supplied to a property by SA Water, it is locked with a locking pin and tag to prevent water use.

It is an offence under the Water Industry Act 2012 to remove the locking pin.

The locking pin can only be removed by SA Water staff upon the completion of a final fix cross connection audit.

Plumbers are required to conduct an audit in conjunction with an SA Water representative present for all properties supplied with non-drinking water.

We take all bookings and undertake all final fix inspections for non-drinking water.

Plumbing pipework for recycled water is not to be covered or backfilled until it has passed inspection.

You can book an inspection by calling our team directly on 08 7424 1360.

We take bookings until 3:00pm on the day before you need an inspection completed.

Areas that require a final fix inspection

The following areas supplied with recycled water are required to have final fix inspections booked with us:

• Bowden

• Mawson Lakes

• Seaford Meadows

• Seaford Heights

• Lochiel Park (Campbelltown)

• Port Noarlunga South

• Inspections in other areas

We do not inspect non-drinking (recycled or reclaimed) water plumbing in other areas.

You will need to contact the developer or relevant local council for guidance.

Other inspections

Book other inspections with the Office of the Technical Regulator. These include:

• Any in-ground non-drinking water installations regardless of who the network utility operator is

• Any in-wall non-drinking water installations regardless of the who the network utility operator is

• Any non-drinking water network utility operator meter connections

For further legislative information relating to nondrinking water service installations please refer to the Department for Energy and Mining or the Office of the Technical Regulator.

For more information, you can access the plumbing trades section of the department’s website.

Plumbing trades | Energy & Mining (


PlATinum Plumbing & gAS

A family owned plumbing business, providing honest and reliable plumbing services covering all areas of South Australia.

The Platinum team of dedicated plumbers deliver high quality work that is always completed with 100% customer satisfaction, each and every time.


I heard the story of a business owner who got so frustrated with the repeated arrogance, nonteachability, belligerence, and errors of an employee, that he blew his stack. He pointed at the door and told him to f*** off.

He mentioned he would pay everything that was owed him and not to come back. And, as an afterthought, he said, “I guess I will see you in court.”

Managing tricky people can be just plain tricky; some days, we have less glorious moments than others.

Stepping back momentarily, all of us have tricky elements—to lesser or greater degrees.

Reminding ourselves of this helps us to more likely approach others with a foundation of empathy: for when we see the world through their eyes, it helps us be better at not judging them, unfairly demanding of them, pushing them, or swearing at them.

When someone frustrates us, and it triggers our frustration, we can end up on a path where rarely anyone wins.

But activating empathy enables us to bring more measured correction, training, and support.

Empathy helps us lead from beside rather than the person feeling they are being yelled at from afar.

Building on the foundation of empathy is another primary concept: conditions.

The most frequent question I receive from leaders is, “How do I motivate my people?” I’ve come to see motivation as a by-product, the result of other factors.

For example, I never wish my roses were more motivated to grow, nor do I yell at them to do so. I have learned that if I provide the right conditions, they are more likely to behave how I want them to and ultimately flourish.

And the scientist B.F Skinner noted this from his work with animals:

“Any condition or event which can be shown to have an effect upon behavior must be taken into account. By discovering and analyzing these causes we can predict behavior”. 1

Transferring this concept to the workplace, there are general conditions that most employees need, such as being paid well, working in a positive culture, and enjoying their work.

And then, there are specific conditions that individuals benefit from, and this is where leaders do well to have some insight into what their people require.

Sarah, for example, thrives in a highly reactive environment, whereas Johnny needs routine.

Tom is more effective working in silence, but Carol thrives when working alongside others.

While challenging and not always possible, adjusting specific conditions to suit the individual can be highly beneficial.

The elements discussed of empathetic leadership and the importance of general and individualised conditions apply across the board.

But sometimes, honest conversations followed by a micro-management or performance management approach must come into play.

I was asked to coach a person who would have won the award for the most unmotivated and was a serious underperformer.

I worked with management to ensure they adapted their leadership style and adjusted conditions to what was best for him.

We then had an honest conversation, initially framed in terms of required results, not the direct issues.

I asked them for their thoughts as to how we would achieve those outcomes.

This approach enabled us to be both on the same side, looking out at the situation together, while allowing them to identify the issues requiring correction.

I then trained/upskilled them in these areas, all the while keeping them accountable (daily) for results.

While it was a micro-management process, the results were significant.



If this had not worked, it would have proceeded to performance management, where another honest conversation would have been had about the future of their employment with another process enacted. 2

The elements of empathy, adjustment of conditions, honest conversations and upskilling with accountability, all combine to create a powerful context for helping people thrive.

And in doing this, you will help both the tricky and the easy shine, and will help keep you out of court.

Ray Hodge Business and Leadership Development Expert W:

1 Science and Human Behavior. B.F. Skinner p.23

2 Ensure that all these conversations and processes are documented. 15


in COnSTRuCTiOn AnnuAl EVEnT

We’re honored to have been a part of the Specialist Contractors Association Women in Construction Annual Networking Event, alongside NECA SA/NT, RACCA Australia, AMCA Australia and National Fire Industry Association of Australia.

We’ve received wonderful feedback from many attendees, who were happy to be amongst women in their own industry, but also pleasantly surprised to see a high number of men supporting the event as well.

We learned some excellent lessons from keynote speaker Christina Coleiro, Associate Director of Major Projects, Facilities Management at University of South Australia.

In line with the theme “Creating Cultural Change in the Construction Industry”, we took away three lessons:

1. Consider the the qualifications AND values of your potential members when creating a team

2. Examine the lasting impact of the project you’re undertaking, not just profit

3. In a team, there is no saying “I have a problem”, it’s “we have a problem”

The panelists Emma Clark (Design Manager, Built.), Irma Beganovic (National Director of Government Relations, NECA) and Emily Watson (Service and Maintenance Coordinator, NSG BOFFA) prompted all attendees to consider the barriers facing women in the construction industry, such as uneven childcare responsibilities, sexism on site and health issues like endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome.

We must build on the foundation that has been created by those before us to make construction a safe and appealing industry for women.

We’re happy to say though with nearly 150 people in attendance at the event, the future is looking bright!

16 mASTER PLUMBERS SA plumbing ad prepress Tuesday, 23 September 2014 11:54:41 AM 08 8374 0132
WOmEn 17

Developed for the plumbing community, to support your installation, maintenance and repair needs.




Sign In for your chance to win A Weber® Q™ Premium every month

Caroma Plumbers’ Hub Members Prize Draw - Sign In for the chance to win a Weber® Q™

Abridged Terms and Conditions: The ‘Caroma Plumbers’ Hub Members Prize Draw’ (Promotion) is run by GWA Group Limited (ABN 68 009 659 385) from residents aged 18 and over during the Promotion period who are licensed / registered plumbers or plumbing apprentices. Eligibility exclusions apply (see full terms and conditions at: promo-tcs). To enter the Promotion, Eligible entrants must Sign In to their Caroma Plumbers’ Hub account and visit the product page during the Promotion period (from 01 February 2024 to 31 July 2024). The eligible entry randomly drawn each month will win a Weber® Q™ (Q2200N). Total value of all prizes in the Promotion is AUD $3000. A random electronic prize draw will take place on each of the following dates: 6 March 2024, 4 April 2024, 7 May 2024, 6 June 2024, 4 July 2024, 7 August 2024 at Level 24/100 Mount St, North Sydney NSW. Winners will be notified by phone and email within seven (7) days of the draw and may have their name published online from the same date.




We were honoured to be invited to our member Aitchison Plumbing Services’ 20 Years in Business celebration. Held at Salt Food & Events in Warooka, we were joined by the Federal Member for Grey, Rowan Ramsey MP, as well as friends and family of Mark and Julie Aitchison, long-term customers and suppliers.

For Mark and Julie to successfully run their rural family business for 20 years is an incredible achievement! We were amazed at the sense of community support for Mark and Julie, and the local pride from the party guests. Aitchison Plumbing Services has been a member of ours since 2006, and we’re grateful for their long-term support.

We were treated by the local hospitality which included delicious seafood from Salt Food & Events. As Warooka is less than 10 kilometres from the sea, it is the perfect setting for the freshest and most delicious seafood delights .

Congratulations Mark & Julie and thank you for inviting us. You can rely on our support, and we’ll be looking forward to seeing you in 2034 for your 30th year in business! 19


Congratulations to Cooper Lachs who won our April Apprentice of the Month Award. Here’s a little get to know you about our award winner

What inspired you to become a plumber?

I had a teacher in metal work at school who would rave about plumbing as a career. He would say about being such a lucrative and stable career, so I decided to go for it. All of my family are tradies as well, but we didn’t have any plumbers before I started.

What would you say to someone who is thinking of becoming a plumber?

I’d say ask questions, nobody asks questions on the job and they should. Also make sure you ask for feedback on how your doing and take that initiative.

What have you enjoyed about your apprenticeship so far?

I like the hours, it’s good being home at 5pm rather than leaving at 5pm. I also enjoy working with my hands, it’s good to get that sense of achievement.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I like going to the gym, spend a lot of time there. I’m also a car guy, love watching cars. My favourite is the Koenigsegg One:1.

If you could see one band or musician perform live, who would it be?

I’ll just say this, “mullets are bad, beards are good”. Over makes more sense. But I might get in trouble for that saying, since mullets are back in fashion.

N e e d P i p e R e l i n i n g ?

When you sub, we keep a low profile and just get on with making the problem disappear No other company in SA offers trenchless pipe relining solutions that match PPS, so when you're faced with a tricky job you know you're working with the best partner to fix it.

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20 mASTER PLUMBERS SA 8297 1000 |
Long-term Partnerships
M a k e P P S y o u r s u b c o n t r a c t i n g p a r t n e r .



James is our newest staff member who commenced his role in March this year as Field Officer. Many of our apprentices and hosts have warmed to James right away and we’d like to introduce him to our members!

What does your role involve at Master Plumbers?

My role at Master Plumbers involves overseeing apprentices from their first interview right through to completion, and ensuring they are receiving proper training and on-site mentorship. We visit apprentices onsite and at trade school and liaise with their host ensuring the smoothest learning experience.

What part of your role at Master Plumbers SA have you enjoyed the most so far?

I have really enjoyed being involved at the heart of the industry and overseeing the next generation of plumbers. As a master plumber myself, it means a great deal to be able to give back to the industry that has given me so many opportunities.

What do you do in your spare time?

Not a lot! I have a young family so spare time is hard to come by, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. If I do get spare time, you can usually find me in my home office playing guitar.

Where is your dream holiday destination?

I’d love to travel around Canada, but I’m not picky, anywhere remote and quiet suits me!

Do you have a favourite motivational song to listen to at work, to get you in the groove?

Ready Made – Red Hot Chilli Peppers

100 YEAR mEmbERS








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Don’tforgettotag @mpaofsa inyourInstagram posts so we can re-share! #mpasa #masterplumbers #plumbingsa 23 MEMBER's LATEsT PROJECTs


Membership of Master Plumbers south Australia gives you immediate access to a vast array of products and services to meet your plumbing business and lifestyle needs. Make sure you’re taking advantage of what’s available.
WFI Insurance can provide MPA Members with competitive rates on insurance Call Mark on 0427 491 240 or visit One hour complimentary business advisory session with a 10% discount on all consultancy Ph: 0403 341 105 Email: National fleet discounts on the complete range of vehicles Ph: 1800 228 844 or Discount on all Loadex Hire equipment Located at 21 Opala St, Regency Park SA Or visit Solitaire Automotive Group National fleet discounts on the complete range of vehicles Ph: 8368 5203 National fleet discounts on the complete range of vehicles Ph: 1800 444 847 or visit your local Toyota car dealership $1,000 towards sign writing on any new Ford Ranger or Transit Van Located at 1 Main North Road, Medindie SA or Ph: 8269 9999 Keystone Printing 10% discount on all printing Located at 465 Morphett St, Adelaide SA Call Peter on 8231 9999 10% discount for all marketing services & first consultation is free Call Celeste on 0466 519 982 Members receive free preliminary legal advice by phone at no charge Please call Michael Hutton on 08 8236 7612 CMI Toyota 3 year roadside assistance, plus $500 of genuine Toyota accessories along with fleet discounts 20% discount on initial implementation costs of simPRO Ph Ash Parrott on 0457 799 055 special rates for MPA Members on WHs & HR services Ph 0423 161 907 24 mASTER PLUMBERS SA Exclusive fuel card, with 4c per litre discount off pump price special rates on EFTPOs systems and access to NAB Easy Tap payment terminal





To provide a pipeline of skilled workers for the Building and Construction Industry, CITB provides training subsidies for workers, apprentices and trainees.

CITB training subsidies are available for over 200 short courses

You could be eligible to access up to $3,000 worth of training subsidies every financial year with an approved CITB number



Wednesday 8 Plumbing Roadshow (Clare)

Friday 10 Adelaide Careers & Employment Expo

Saturday 11 Adelaide Careers & Employment Expo

Wednesday 15 Plumbing Roadshow (Murray Bridge)

Wednesday 22 Plumbing Roadshow (Tonsley TAFE)

Wednesday 29 Plumbing Roadshow (Tea Tree Gully)


Wednesday 5 Plumbing Roadshow (Gawler)

Wednesday 19 Plumbing Roadshow (Barmera)

Wednesday 26 Plumbing Roadshow (Wallaroo)

VISIT FOR MORE INFORMATION. citb_sa CITB South Australia 25


Sponsorship of Master Plumbers makes It possible for us to add significant value to the service we provide to our members. We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our Branch Sponsors for their generous support.

Please support them by purchasing their goods or services.

For further details on our industry partnership deals or products, Contact Master Plumbers sA on 8292 4000 or


Abey Australia 03 9747 7777

Architectural Water Solutions Pty Ltd 08 8947 3677

Arthur J Gallagher 08 8172 8121

Australian Gas Networks 0447 930 657

AusPress Systems Pty Ltd 08 8374 3426

BioCycle - Jowa Group Pty Ltd 08 8381 9100

Caroma Industries 08 8405 0311

CBUS 1300 361 784

Chromagen Australia Pty Ltd 08 8346 8331

Crystal Clear Purification Systems 08 8340 4344

Davey Water Products 08 8346 0947

Eco Building Supplies 08 8277 2467

Enware Australia Pty Ltd 08 8352 3577

Gramall Hot Water Systems 08 8251 2979

Harsmith Building Products 0408 516 682

Hydraulic Consultant Association 0408 825 618

Iplex Pipelines 08 8256 2031

In-Sink-Erator 1300 136 205

KPI Business and Tax Advisory 1300 001 132

Milwaukee Power Tools 0438 827 937

Office of the Technical Regulator 08 8226 5500

PEER 08 8348 1200

Perks 08 8273 9300

Pete’s Treat Waste Water Solutions 08 8556 4111

Pickard Trade Centre 08 8366 7760

Plastec Australia Pty Ltd 07 5413 4444

Plumbing Plus 03 9600 1899 Rain Harvesting Pty Ltd 27
07 3248 9600 Reece Pty Ltd 08 8231 4444 REHAU PTY LTD 1300 768 033 Reliance Manufacturing Company 0408 834 572 Rheem Australia Pty Ltd 08 8343 0062 Rhino Industrial Pty Ltd 08 8947
Ri-Industries 08
Ridge Tool
Ltd 1800
443 Rinnai
Ltd 1300 555
Ltd 0417
Ltd 08
1905 Saniflo 1300 554 779 Scott’s Plumbing Supplies 08 8261 6666 Shore Hire 08 7077 0833 SimPRO 1300 139 467 South Australian Plumbing Supplies 08 8682 4493 Storm Plastics Pty Ltd 08 8374 3277 Studor Australia 02 9637 1042 TAFE
The South Australian Water Corporation 1300 650 950 Tradelink 1800 PLUMBING VTM Valves 02 6365 3121 Win Attachments 08 8349 7390 Wireless Communications 08 8274 0000 Zip Heaters Aust Pty Ltd 0406 384 940
8444 8100
(Aust) Pty
Australia Pty
Bosch (Australia) Pty
788 025
SA (Elizabeth Campus)
8207 9700
SA (Tonsley Campus)
8207 2854
8433 1200

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