Developed for the plumbing community, to support your installation, maintenance and repair needs.

Developed for the plumbing community, to support your installation, maintenance and repair needs.
A Weber® Sign In for your chance to win A Weber® Q™ Premium every month
Caroma Plumbers’ Hub Members Prize Draw - Sign In for the chance to win a Weber® Q™
Abridged Terms and Conditions: The ‘Caroma Plumbers’ Hub Members Prize Draw’ (Promotion) is run by GWA Group Limited (ABN 68 009 659 385) from residents aged 18 and over during the Promotion period who are licensed / registered plumbers or plumbing apprentices. Eligibility exclusions apply (see full terms and conditions at: https://www.caroma.com.au/ promo-tcs). To enter the Promotion, Eligible entrants must Sign In to their Caroma Plumbers’ Hub account and visit the product page during the Promotion period (from 01 February 2024 to 31 July 2024). The eligible entry randomly drawn each month will win a Weber® Q™ (Q2200N). Total value of all prizes in the Promotion is AUD $3000. A random electronic prize draw will take place on each of the following dates: 6 March 2024, 4 April 2024, 7 May 2024, 6 June 2024, 4 July 2024, 7 August 2024 at Level 24/100 Mount St, North Sydney NSW. Winners will be notified by phone and email within seven (7) days of the draw and may have their name published online from the same date.
With 2024 well underway, we are delighted to bring you the latest edition of the Master Plumber magazine. This issue, we celebrate the heartbeat of our industry – family and generational businesses that have withstood the test of time, passing down skills, values, and a commitment to excellence from one generation to the next. These stories resonate with the very essence of the plumbing profession, where expertise and craftsmanship are handed down, responsibilities are shared, and a balance needs to be found between professional and family relationships. This edition’s In the Spotlight feature is Conrad Martens Plumbing & Hot Water who have run their family business for more than 40 years and found extended family along the way. Read the article on pages 15-17.
In this edition, we also feature an article that celebrates the journey of Kirsty Train from Toowoomba, the well-deserved 2023 Plumbing and Gas Awards Tradesperson of the Year. Kirsty’s narrative unfolds over 17 years of dedication, skill, and resilience in the plumbing and gas industry. We find out more about
18 HR
her experiences and challenges on the tools, with trade stores, and as a business owner on page 26.
Also in this edition, we highlight some of MPAQ’s key priorities in 2024 (page 7); provide guidance on the isolation for installations in educational institutions and commercial kitchens, reversion fittings for multilayer pipe installations in Class 1 buildings, and gutters and downpipes (pages 11-13); and launch a new Recruitment and Onboarding Toolkit (page 18).
Congratulations to all members reaching milestones in this edition, and a warm welcome to our newest members. Happy Reading!
Kent Vickers P : 0418 883 999 E: kvickers@qigs.com.au
Dennis Yarrow P: 07 3277 5742 E: admin@yarrowplumbing.com.au
Michael Ryan P: 07 3630 4744 E: mryan@beavisbartels.com.au
Kelvin Slade P: 0417 787 284 E: sales@sladebrosplumbing.com.au
Patrick Robertson P: 07 3276 8833 E: info@rpgs.com.au
Harle Gall P: 0437 768 409 E: h.gall@laserplumbing.com.au
Nathan Parnaby P: 07 4970 9800 E: enquiries@aestec.com.au
Sean Taylor P: 0416 245 016 E: sean@tpworks.com.au
John Salmon P: 07 3862 2777 E: john@salmonplumbing.com.au
Melissa Millar P: 07 3822 2422 E: info@millarsplumbing.com
Bill Watson AM P: 07 3273 2333 E: bill@connectorsgroup.com.au
Bob Kimlin P: 0419 744 383 E: bobbailey6@outlook.com
G Cottee, F Huysing, MJ Moor, T Morris, J Porter, NF Sharman, BD Wallace, WB Watson AM, R Kimlin, R Weaver
A Chapman, T Morris, D Powell, B Wallace, R Weaver, M Wilshere, D Nunn, J Ritchie, K Slade, R Walker, A Jackson, R Roser, G Bergman, C Baldock, A Burke
Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the MPAQ, nor does the MPAQ guarantee the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers or accepts responsibility for statements they may express in this publication. The MPAQ does not accept liability to advertisers, which may be held contrary to the Trade Practices Act 1974. The MPAQ reserves the right to refuse, cancel, amend or suspend any advertisements or inserts without reason.
What is it that first attracted us to the plumbing trade, and what made it our career of choice?
My high school education was undertaken at a prestigious all-boys school in the city. It was the nursery for most of the high-profile doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers, and accountants in Queensland. It was not the place to go if you wanted to complete a trade. Although I didn’t end up with a university degree, doctorate, or a PHD, I did get a great education that has guided me through life’s adventures. I have absolutely no regrets about my time at high school, and although I was no Rhodes scholar, I did learn some valuable lessons.
Given that scholastic excellence was the baseline for the school, it was difficult to find out what I enjoyed doing. I was no scholar, but I was ok working with my hands. While at school I was hell bent on being a fitter and turner, but I was offered work experience at Allgas Energy (Brisbane’s southside gas company) to see if gas fitting and plumbing were of interest. I spent my holidays giving it a go, and at the end, I was told to apply for one of the two apprentice positions offered annually by the company. I was successful in claiming one of the positions and here we are some 38 years later writing an article as the President of MPAQ on becoming a plumber and gas fitter. The reason I’m sharing this with you is to help remove the stigma, that if you don’t go to university, or complete formal tertiary studies, you are somehow pigeonholed into a lower social demographic.
In the upcoming year of 2024, MPAQ is geared up for another remarkable year. Allow me to offer a glimpse into some of our pivotal projects and strategies.
First and foremost, we are thrilled to announce the return of our highly anticipated conference, a gathering we haven’t hosted since 2018. Personally, I find conferences immensely enriching, as they unite professionals from across our industry.
A heartfelt appreciation goes out to our Major Event Partner, Watts | AVG | Enware, and our Conference Partners, Rheem and RWC. We extend our gratitude to all our supporters and exhibitors for rallying behind this national event.
To our attendees, we commend your dedication in carving out time from your bustling schedules to invest in your professional growth and that of your business. Conferences not only foster valuable connections but also equip you with actionable insights to implement upon your return home.
Beyond our flagship conference and annual industry events, we are committed to providing comprehensive training courses across Queensland. Through our mobile training platform, we deliver courses tailored to our
When I meet someone for the first time, I ask them what they do, and when they answer, “I’m only a plumber”, it really bristles me up. There is no such thing as “only a plumber”. In my opinion, the plumbing and gas fitting trades are the most important trades in the whole construction industry. Without clean drinking water and an effective sewage system, the health of the nation is critically compromised. Without us, the hospitals would be full of sick people and life as we know it would be totally different. Plumbers protect the health of the nation.
In this edition of the magazine, we are celebrating our members who are generational plumbing companies. Members such as Conrad Martens who have three generations working in the business today. This is only possible because our trade is a great place to learn, build a career, become financially successful, and pass on our skills to the next generation.
The Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland has a 124-year-old heritage that we all have the duty to preserve and protect, as much as we have a duty to pass on our skills to the next generation of men and women who want a career in this great trade.
MPAQ is a coalition of like-minded people, made up of companies, families, and individuals, some of whom have been members for the whole 124 years, and we have over 90 companies and individuals that have been part of the association for over 40 years. These are the people who see the value of belonging to MPAQ, and I congratulate them on their loyalty to our association. Thank you.
It is no surprise to me that generational plumbing companies exist in our great state. Who would ever want to do anything else!
Stay safe out there and look out for one another.
members’ needs, empowering you and your employees to enhance your skill set.
As part of our strategic roadmap, MPAQ is steadfast in its support of our members. Among the projects slated for this calendar year are:
• Ongoing advocacy on critical industry matters including working with QBCC and the Department
• Heightened focus on bolstering payment security for our members
• Evaluation of compliance costs and time investments for members, with a view towards advocating to the government
• Review of our brand identity
• Expansion of resources to bolster businesses, including guides on staff onboarding, performance management, and business start-up, as well as a review of our charge out rates guide and calculator
• Introduction of new commercial contracts
• Continued promotion of our WHS offerings to members
• Appointment of ambassadors to foster engagement and promotion within the trade
• Assistance to members in retaining and recruiting apprentices
• Advocacy for increased support for employers in apprenticeship initiatives
• Pursuit of a roofing and stormwater licensing framework
In summary, as we embark on these endeavours, our dedication remains resolute: to advocate for our members and propel the industry toward a future defined by progress and excellence.
Kent Vickers, PresidentAmidst the intricate plumbing and gas landscape, MPAQ recently released an Engagement Framework as a guiding compass, outlining the industry’s priorities and concerns.
This comprehensive document not only underscores the sector’s vital role in community well-being and environmental preservation but also highlights the commitments of Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ). With a history tracing back to 1900, MPAQ is the foremost representative of plumbing contractors across Queensland, catering to businesses of varying sizes. Unified in purpose, the Association amplifies industry voices, offers quality membership services, and champions excellence while addressing subpar practices. Beyond mere representation, MPAQ’s robust membership empowers policy advocacy and emphasises the significance of plumbing and gas professionals in enhancing living standards. Amidst expansion and strategic outreach, MPAQ’s pragmatic approach promises continued industry growth and development.
1. More Support for Employers to Take on Apprentices
MPAQ is calling on the Government to provide more support for employers to take on apprentices. Providing more support for employers to take on apprentices can have significant economic, social, and cultural benefits for Queensland. It can help address skill shortages, boost economic growth, support small businesses, and provide significant social benefits for young people.
Every plumber and drainer in Queensland has been impacted by nonpayment. MPAQ believes all contractors must be paid in full and on time for the work they do. The impact non-payment has on businesses, families, and communities can be horrific. MPAQ is strongly supportive of security of payment reforms to ensure culture changes within the building and construction industry.
The renewable gas industry is important in Queensland for several reasons:
• Diversification of energy sources
• Economic growth
• Vast resources
• Decarbonisation, not electrification
• Commercial and export potential
The development of a hydrogen strategy for Queensland involves a comprehensive plan to establish the state as a major player in the global hydrogen economy.
Currently, stormwater, including underground work can be performed by an unlicensed person as it is not classified as plumbing or drainage work, falling under the banner of building work. Stormwater defects can contribute to significant costs for homeowners, building owners, and industry. MPAQ believes the lack of regulation and licensing surrounding the installation of stormwater systems have been overlooked for far too long and should fall under the umbrella of plumbing and drainage.
As part of a QBCC Governance Review in 2022, MPAQ surveyed the industry. Based on the results, MPAQ developed six recommendations:
• Re-establish the Plumbing Industry Council to reobtain best practice governance.
• Focus on unlicensed work rather than minor matters with licensed persons.
• Focus on hiring specialist and expert technical staff rather than corporate governance focused staff.
• Focus on service delivery and responsiveness rather than burdensome bureaucratic processes.
• Build trust by focusing on outcomes rather than bureaucratic processes.
• Work with and support the industry holistically.
One of the most common and recurring complaints received by MPAQ pertains to individuals without proper licenses engaging in plumbing and drainage work. Plumbing systems play a crucial role in maintaining public health and safety. Proper installation, repair, and maintenance of plumbing systems are essential to prevent risks such as water contamination, leaks, and flooding. Unlicensed individuals lack the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to perform plumbing and drainage work safely and effectively, increasing the potential for faulty installations or hazardous conditions that can endanger public safety.
Scan the QR Code to view the Plumbing and Gas Priorities document in full!
The Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 (the BIFOLA Bill) was introduced into Parliament in February 2024 by the Honourable Meaghan Scanlon MP, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works.
This Bill includes amendments to a number of pieces of legislation to promote a safer, fairer, and more sustainable building and construction industry. These include amendments to:
• The Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (BIF Act) to clarify and simplify several requirements of the Trust Account Framework, help fast-track the development of software solutions to facilitate industry compliance, and reduce regulatory burden for current and future trustees.
• The Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 (QBCC Act), Building Act 1975 (BA), and Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 (PDA) to formalise the Government’s response to several recommendations of the review into the Queensland Building and Construction Commission’s governance arrangements.
• Make minor and miscellaneous changes to the BIF Act, QBCC Act, BA, PDA, Architects Act 2002, and Professional Engineers Act 2002 to enhance existing provisions, registration processes, and information sharing between agencies.
There have also been some recent changes to the structure of Parliamentary Committees. As a result, the Bill was referred to the Housing, Big Build and Manufacturing Committee for consideration.
As of publication, the next steps that remain for the BIFOLA Bill are for the Parliamentary Committee to consider the Bill, which usually includes inviting submissions from interested stakeholders and a public hearing where information can be provided to the Committee. Information and updates about this will be available from the Committee’s page on the Queensland Parliament’s website.
A fire at an LP gas leisure cylinder (9kg) in Western Australia has resulted in a person suffering serious burns to 15% of their body. The injured person was hospitalised for further treatment.
It is known that an adaptor was being used to make the connection between a barbecue and a 9kg LP gas cylinder. The adaptor was being used to convert a type 27 (LCC27) connection to a type 21 (Prest-O-Lite = POL) connection. Key issues
• The Australian standard AS/NZS 1596 The storage and handling of LP Gas was amended in 2020 to prohibit the use of adaptors to convert type 21 (POL) to type 27 (LCC27) connections. Stating adaptors on cylinder valve outlets creates a potential hazard due to the risk of gas leaks and inadvertent separation.
• Threads of an LCC27 to POL adaptors are opposite, meaning a POL thread is left-hand and an LCC27 is right-hand.
• Tightening an LCC27 connection onto an adaptor may loosen the POL connection at the cylinder valve due to the opposing threads.
• As of 1 April 2022, all new and retested LP Gas cylinders must have the new safer LCC27 valve.
• The LCC27 valve is compatible with both POL and LCC27 appliance connections.
• Cylinders in circulation will not be fitted with an LCC27 valve until they are retested; LP Gas cylinders are required to be retested every ten years.
• A POL valve is not compatible with a LCC27 appliance connection.
• As of 1 April 2022, all new gas appliances must be supplied with a LCC27 appliance connection.
• Older barbecues and other portable appliances will have type 21 (POL) appliance connections.
• The LCC27 cylinder valve can be used with a POL connection of an older appliance.
LP Gas cylinders with either POL or LCC27 valves are currently available, and caution is required when purchasing or exchanging cylinders to ensure connections between an appliance and the cylinder are of the same type – do not use adaptors.
When connecting a portable appliance to an LP Gas cylinder, make sure connections are compatible – do not use adaptors.
If the gas hose, regulator, or POL connection of an older appliance looks fatigued or damaged contact a local authorised service agent or a gas work licence holder to upgrade to a gas hose assembly with an LCC27 connection. MPAQ members with questions can contact the MPAQ technical team on 07 3273 0800.
Article from: Resources Safety and Health Queensland
Intelligent positioning and automation solutions provider announces new name and brand in response to employee and customer input.
It’s out with the old and in with the new.
Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) has begun phasing out the use of hard copy books for gas system compliance certificates, gas defect notices, and vehicle/vessel inspection certificates. Instead, the hard copies will be replaced with digital e-certificates.
From 1 July 2024, RSHQ will be limiting the purchasing of hard copy books; however, the hard copy books can be used until 1 January 2026.
RSHQ’s Chief Inspector of Petroleum and Gas Shoena Messner said the transition will benefit everyone involved.
“This will provide gas fitters with a seamless and cost-effective solution to store and provide e-certificates easily,” said Mrs Messner. “E-certificates are faster, easier, and more convenient to issue, and once issued, you will instantly receive a PDF document that you can send to your customer, the network provider, and keep for your records.”
Eligible gas work licence and gas work authorisation holders received 10 free compliance e-certificates as part of the platform launch two years ago. E-certificates are available to purchase in bundles of 50 at the same cost as the hard copy books but without the postage fee.
Simply scan the QR code on the back of your licence to find out more information or to purchase e-certificates.
Article from Resources Safety and Health Queensland
Formed in 2008, Position Partners was created when five successful Australian state-based businesses joined forces after listening to customers that wanted to work with a unified, national company. 15 years on, the rebrand to Aptella reflects the breadth of automation and positioning solutions and services the company offers.
With locations throughout Australia, Southeast Asia, and New Zealand, the business supports the civil construction, building, mining, and geospatial industries with world-leading technology solutions. As emerging systems develop in automation, robotics, and augmented positioning for smart cities, the Aptella team will continue to work collaboratively to understand project challenges and opportunities, innovate solutions and partner with customers for the long term.
For more information, please contact the team on 1300 867 266 or visit www.aptella.com.
Nine online Australian Standards worth over $2,000 in value are available for free to MPAQ Members. Due to industry demand, we’ve expanded our offering to include AS 2419.1 2021 Fire hydrant installations . This is a standard that specifies requirements for the design, installation, commissioning, testing, and maintenance of fire hydrant installations. You can register for access to Standards by visiting the website: www.mpaq.com.au/members/resources/standards.
Farm buildings and vehicle storage farm sheds and updates to Form 33 and referral requirements.
Following consultation with stakeholders from the agriculture and building and construction industries, the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (formerly the Department of Energy and Public Works) updated the Queensland Development Code Mandatory Part 3.7 – Farm buildings and vehicle storage farm sheds (QDC MP 3.7) to better align with the Building Codes of Australia (BCA) firefighting water supply requirements for farm buildings. This amended code commenced on 8 December 2023.
The amendments continue to maintain protections for firefighters and residents in line with Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) policies while ensuring Queensland farmers are not at a financial or logistical disadvantage when compared to other jurisdictions.
It also includes updates to Form 33, a form that building certifiers are required to complete to make the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) aware of farm buildings and their associated water storage tanks. For full information about this guideline from the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works, please visit www.epw.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/ pdf_file/0031/46399/building
Article source: Building and Plumbing Newsflash 623
As part of the updates to AS/NZS 5601.1:2022, we will have a closer look at Clauses and
In educational institutions, such as schools or colleges, where appliances without flame safeguards are used, a means of isolation needs to be provided, including all the following:
• A readily accessible quarter-turn isolation valve installed at the inlet of the installation.
• An electrically operated solenoid valve controlled by a timing device set for the intended duration of use.
• A readily accessible emergency stop button connected to the solenoid valve with a key-operated reset function – this is to ensure that no gas flows to the installation after restoring power following a power outage.
• Signage adjacent to the emergency stop button.
• Operating instructions for the emergency stop button.
• The system shall require pressure proving of the downstream installation prior to restoring the gas supply. Please note: there are many products on the market that provide pressure-proving solenoids to ensure gas isn’t turned on until all open ends are closed.
Suggested wording for the signage is: “GAS INSTALLATION: Turn off when gas is not in use or in the case of emergency. Before turning on, ensure all the appliances (e.g. Bunsen burners) are turned off.” Please refer to Image A.
Clause gives us clarity on isolation for commercial kitchen installations.
Where more than one commercial catering appliance is to be connected, either of the following shall be provided:
• A single quarter-turn manual isolation valves shall be provided to isolate all the appliances. The valve should be readily accessible and clearly identified.
• A readily accessible emergency stop button, which is clearly identified with a notice, shall be wired to an electronically operated solenoid valve with a key reset function. This will ensure no gas flows to the installation after restoring power following a power outage.
Suggested wording for the notice is: “GAS ISOLATION: Turn off when gas is not in use or in the case of an emergency. Before turning on, ensure all appliances are turned off.” Please see Image B.
For further information, MPAQ members can call the MPAQ technical team on 07 3273 0800.
Written by Stuart McConnell – EngTech (MIGEM), MPAQ Technical OfficerFrom
a technical
standpoint, social media should be a wonderful tool that enables us all to interact, ask questions, find information, and share our collective knowledge.
Unfortunately, as there is little to no real moderation, there is absolutely no guarantee the information obtained is correct (see: flat Earth). You can easily ask a question and receive 50 answers but if 49 are wrong, how do you know which is correct? The lesson here is to always check and verify sources.
Recently, on a popular plumbing social media page, a post was made in relation to providing Form 43 to a certifier for regulated plumbing work. Providing the form was supported by a moderator of that group.
Despite the long-threaded debate, the correct information and evidence were provided clarifying that plumbers do not need to provide Forms 12 or 43 for regulated plumbing work. The Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (formerly the Department of
NOTE: For a commercial
NOTE: For a commercial
Energy and Public Works) has released an updated guideline for certifiers that clarifies this. Forms 12 and 43 are not a requirement for plumbing and drainage works.
Forms 12 and 43 fall under the building legislation, not the plumbing and drainage legislation.
The guideline reads:
“As certifiers do not certify or inspect work that is regulated under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 (PDA), they should not request certificates from a PDA licensee. There is no requirement for a licensee to provide a certificate for work that is regulated under the PDA.”
You can view the full document
at: https://www.epw.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0029/9866 /GuidelinesPlumbing.pdf
MPAQ members with questions can call the MPAQ technical team on 07 3273 0800.
Article written by Ernie Kretschmer – MPAQ Deputy Executive Director
Due to the volume of calls regarding the changes to AS/NZS 5601.1:2022 – Gas Installations , we have decided to go through each of the changes and elaborate on them individually.
MPAQ recommends you still consult AS/NZS 5601.1:2022 and read the clauses yourself.
Starting off this series of information snippets, we will be looking at Clause 4.3 (Table 4.2). Brazing, welding, or annealing shall be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications but shall not be less than one metre from a joint with non-metallic components. This includes consumer pipework external to a building, which shall be metallic and extend at least one metre into a building. Also mentioned in Clause 5.3.16 – Multilayer pipe shall not be installed above ground external to a building.
Clause 5.2.12 provides guidance regarding reversion fittings for multilayer pipe installations in Class 1 Buildings.
If the main run exceeds 10 metres in length and is connected to more than one appliance, reversion to standard thread conforming to ISO 7.1, BSPT or a standard annealed copper tube, shall be provided at both of the following accessible locations:
a. In the main run immediately prior to the first branch take-off point; and
b. In the main run immediately prior to the last branch take-off point.
Clause 5.2.11 – Provision of fire emergency isolation for multilayer pipe also enters this discussion as we would also be required to install an excess flow valve if we were using multilayer pipe for an installation on a Class 1 building.
It is also worth mentioning that copper press fittings also have non-metallic components in the form of an O-ring. The yellow O-rings in gas press fittings are made of hydrogenated nitrile rubber (HNBR). They have a heat resistance of 70 to 150 degrees Celsius. We will require approximate temperatures of
300 – 600 degrees Celsius to braze fittings. As this temperature exceeds the heat resistance of the O-ring, we need to make sure any press fittings are also not within one metre of an appliance point or consumer pipework external to a building.
Why one metre? If someone replacing an appliance in the future were to braze a fitting close to the wall, a non-metallic fitting within one metre could become damaged and leak due to excessive heat. Copper is a good conductor of heat with thermal conductivity 20 times greater than stainless steel. This means that heat can easily travel up a pipe and damage non-metallic components.
On existing installations, if you have multilayer pipework coming out the external wall feeding a gas metre, regulator, or BBQ point, you are going to need to bring the installation in line with Clause 5.2.12 and Table 4.2.
The requirements for certifying compliance of all or part of a gas system installed are provided under S-734 of the Petroleum and Gas Act and S-95 of the Petroleum and Gas Regulation. The certificate requires the installer to certify that the gas system and any gas work comply with all relevant safety requirements. AS/NZS 5601.1:2022 is the safety requirement for installing and altering gas systems.
There is no easy way to achieve this on an existing installation as the multilayer pipe will generally be clipped to the timber frame behind the brickwork. The only way to access this is to remove multiple bricks to access the pipe and replace the final metre with metallic pipework. If you were to remove brickwork and alter the multilayer pipe installation, you would also be required to install an excess flow control valve to comply with Clause 5.2.11.
So, do you need to install an excess flow control valve when you issue a Gas Compliance Certificate on every installation with a multilayer pipe? Maybe not but there are many different scenarios.
Note 4 of Clause 5.2.11 of AS/NZS 5601.1:2022 states that the clause does not apply to the replacement of a gas appliance on a multilayer pipe installation, but it does apply if you alter or add to the consumer pipework on a multilayer pipe installation. If you replaced a gas appliance and didn’t alter the consumer multilayer pipework or add to it, Clause 5.2.11 would not apply. However, as Clause 5.2.11 is a safety measure, it would be advised that we recommend the installation of the excess flow control valve to the consumer.
Written by Stuart McConnell – EngTech (MIGEM), MPAQ Technical Officer Images provided by Elson - https://elson.net.auA report recently released by one of Australia’s prominent property services providers published a list of the most common building defects impacting Australian properties.
Featuring high on that list were reported issues with: water leaks (42%), exterior water penetration (40%), guttering problems (25%), defective roof coverings (23%), and plumbing faults (22%).
Compliance with AS/NZS 3500.3:2021 specifies that eaves gutters, including downpipes, shall be designed and installed so that water will not flow back into the building. This article looks at the process of determining gutter size and the number and size of required downpipes for a Class 1 building with hipped or gabled roofs with a constant slope.
Roof drainage systems shall be designed for the average exceedance probability (AEP) for the site to prevent what is termed overtopping (water rising above the highest level of the gutter).
Rainfall intensity is expressed in millimetres per hour (mm/h) for a rain event of five-minute duration for any location in Australia and for sizing external eaves gutters an AEP of 5% is generally accepted. 5% is equal to 20 year average recurrence interval (ARI). Appendix D in AS/NZS 3500.3.2021 supplies references for selected Australian cities. The rainfall intensity for other locations may be determined from data gained from the Bureau of Meteorology.
Table 2
Step 1: To calculate the size of an eaves gutter and the required number of down pipes, we must first calculate the size of the rainwater catchment area. For this example, we will use the area of the roof. This can be determined from building plans. The true area in m² can be calculated by multiplying the roof area expressed in m² by the relative multiplier factor that relates to the roof slope expressed in degrees (refer to AS/NZS 3500.3:2021, Table ).
Roof area 250m²
Roof Slope 22⁰
Area = 250 X 1.2 (multiplier factor from Table = 305m²
Step 2: Select the rainfall intensity for the location from Appendix D, Table D.1. For this example, we will choose Townsville as the location where we will use the AEP 5% (20 years ARI intensity) of 235mm/h.
Step 3: The ABCB Housing Provisions requires that eaves gutters must be installed with a fall of not less than 1:500 and the maximum length of gutter served by each downpipe is not greater than 12m. A gradient ≥
Figure 1
1:500 is considered effective so as not to cause any permanent ponding. AS/ NZS3500.1:2021 also requires that any deviations from nominal gradients shall be smooth and not cause any obstructions to flow.
Step 4: To select a type and size of eaves gutter to be used, a reference must be made to the manufacturer’s literature. For this example, we reference Lysaght Rainwater Solutions Technical data. The table shown (left) provides information about a range of eaves gutter types. We have selected the Trimline gutter fitted with overflow slots. From the literature supplied the effective cross section of this gutter is 6244mm² and you can select between 90mm round or 100mm x 50mm as minimum downpipe sizes. The effective cross section of a gutter relates to the carrying capacity of the selected gutter.
Step 5: As has become common practice, we nominate 90 diameter downpipes for this project. From the graph shown, we can determine the number of downpipes required using the effective cross section area for the chosen gutter shown horizontally at the bottom of the graph. From that point, we draw a line vertically until it intersects with the design rainfall for the area of 235mm (point selected by interpolation). From that point, move horizontally to the left to determine the recommended catchment area in m² for each vertical downpipe.
Figure 1
Cross-sectional area of eaves gutters required for various roof catchment areas (where gradient of gutter is 1:500 and steeper) (Adopted from AS/NZ 3500 3)
Cross-sectional area of eaves gutters required for various roof catchment areas (where gradient of gutter is 1:500 and steeper). Adopted from AS/NZ 3500.3 as per the Rainwater Solutions Guide QLD.
Cross-sectional area of eaves gutters required for various roof catchment areas (where gradient of gutter is 1:500 and steeper) (Adopted from AS/NZ 3500 3)
From the chart, a gutter with a cross section area of 6244mm² and a design rainfall intensity of 235mm with a roof catchment area of 305m² will require a minimum of 12* x 90 diameter downpipes each with a catchment area of 26m². *((305 ÷26) = 11.73 rounded to 12).
The design flow in litres per second for each downpipe can be calculated using the following method:
Roof area allows for pitch = 305m²
Catchment area per downpipe = 26m²
Rainfall Intensity = 235mm
Flow / downpipe = ( Rainfall Intensity x Catchment area per downpipe) ÷ 3600 = 235 x 26 3600 = 6110 36 0 0 = 1.697 L/s
Written by Kerry Apelt, MPAQ Technical OfficerThe table and chart used in the article are adapted from the Rainwater Solutions QLD publication issued by Lysaght, dated September 2023. Lysaght recommends referring to the complete version of the publication when designing eaves guttering systems. The more recent version of the publication is available at lysaght.com.
A word to the wise: “Never do business with friends and family.” They say you never want to hire someone you can’t fire. While this has been a popular truism thanks to those who lost many a friend and family to the tempting claws of money and success, Conrad Martens Plumbing & Hot Water – who has been offering exceptional plumbing, gas, and hot water service for more than 40 years now – are out to prove everyone wrong.
Conrad Martens Plumbing & Hot Water was founded in 1982 by Conrad Martens, the namesake plumber and now patriarch of the Martens family. Fresh from his plumbing apprenticeship at Hutchinson Builders and overseas travel, he returned to Brisbane to start his own plumbing business. In 1986, he became a Master Plumber member.
When things began to take off, he found himself needing help with the admin side of the business. His first staffer: his mother, Margaret. Shortly after, his sister Karina joined them. Later in the 90s, he also employed the help of his wife, Gaye. And more recently, his sons Jackson and Angus finally joined the team as well.
To date, there are now three generations of Martens working in the business. But what’s interesting is that “Everyone has come from different backgrounds,” says Angus about how the whole family became involved. “My mother, Gaye, was originally an art teacher. My brother, Jackson, did a degree in music at the conservatorium before his apprenticeship. I finished a degree in Engineering and Commerce and worked in construction management. From the beginning, there wasn’t any expectation that we would all end up working together – it just happened organically.”
And maybe that’s one of the secrets why it just works for the Martens. Jackson and Angus did not grow up bearing the huge weight of expectations of a father wanting them to become heirs of a successful plumbing business. The brothers were allowed to explore who they are and what they thought they wanted to do in life, with Angus even spending part of his work life in the UK. Eventually, they just found that their journeys naturally led them back home, in Brisbane.
Imagine dinners and barbecues at the Martens’ home – the Martens, their partners, and kids, surrounded by good food and good company, until one of them brings up work. It’s natural for business talk to make its way to the dinner table, but the family is lucky that they get along well professionally and personally.
“Working in a family business is challenging, and the lines between business matters and family relationships can get blurred,” says Angus. “But we have improved at minimising how much we talk about work at family dinners at our partners’ requests!”
“Dad has always said that the family that plays together stays together, and we try to remember to keep things fun,” adds Angus.
But when it comes to business matters, the Martens mean business. Initially, Conrad and Gaye were making the big decisions, naturally, as heads of the household and of the company. As Angus and Jackson got more involved, they worked out a new dynamic to settle important decisions.
“We realised the importance of good communication and now have a structure of regular meetings to coordinate day-to-day activities, decide who is doing what, and help align everyone so we are working towards the same goals,” said Angus. “We’ve noticed a significant improvement since doing this. We’ve also adopted a voting system for important decisions.”
In fact, the brothers have led some of the recent improvements in the company, especially when it came to technology. Jackson and Angus have led the move to the use of copper press technology instead of relying primarily on brazing, benefiting their tradespeople and their customers in terms of speed, convenience, and safety. On the administrative side, they’ve also moved the entire business from a paper-based system to a cloud-based field management program and accounting system. This new way of working has enabled them to provide fast and efficient customer service, which is at the core of Conrad Martens.
“The core of our business is about service and long-term relationships. We try to make all our decisions based on what will allow us to provide our customers with the best price, service, and advice for the short, medium, and long term. We also believe we provide the best value for money using a fee-forservice model,” says Angus. In fact, most of their customers are return clients and referrals, which speaks a lot about how they don’t just talk the talk but also walk the walk.
Their office is also built to this high standard of customer service they uphold. When you enter the Conrad Martens office, two giant screens hang prominently in the middle of the room. Angus explains their plumbers’ utes are equipped with GPS trackers, so they know who is closest to an area when an emergency plumbing job comes up. They call it top-notch customer service; I call it their super plumbing ambulance service: on-call support to solve blocked drains and water leaks as they happen.
There is a lot to commend with the Martens and how they’re able to harness the knowledge and potential of each generation so that it contributes to their business. What’s even more special is that they did not just bring together their own family – they also opened it up to others to create a bigger working family.
“That was one of the decisions we made early on,” said Conrad, “that we would treat our staff as friends and eventually, they would turn into a big working family. We’ve been rewarded in the length of the tenure of the people
who have come to work for us. The average work life we’ve seen is around a decade for everyone that comes on board, and we’ve got some long-standing people who have been with us for 20 to 30 years.”
Maybe it’s because these people found not just a boss or a colleague; they found a good place to do good work. With family, we are who we are. At Conrad Martens, they became the best that they can be.
It also shows in how Conrad speaks to his sons. He does not order them around but recommends. He does not tower over them but opens the space to them. And when asked about the legacy of the business, he only has hope in his eyes and gentleness in his voice when he said:
“I’m very fortunate to have two sons who, after going their own ways in study and work, eventually found their way back to our business. For Gaye and I, after working in the business in the last 40 years, to be handing it over to our two sons – that would be a wonderful moment for us, knowing the business is in good family hands.”
And from what we’ve seen and heard, with Conrad Martens, their customers are also in good hands.
Written by Jovi Figueroa, MPAQ Marketing and Communications Coordinator Jackson MartensExciting news! MPAQ is thrilled to unveil our brand-new Recruitment and Onboarding Toolkit, now available for contracting members on the MPAQ website.
Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to empower you through every stage of the hiring journey. Unlock a wealth of invaluable insights and tools – from crafting compelling position descriptions to mastering the art of seamless onboarding. With our toolkit, you’ll gain access to essential templates for job ads, interview questions, and induction processes, streamlining your recruitment process like never before.
But that’s not all! Alongside practical resources, members will discover professional tips and tricks to navigate each phase with confidence. Our toolkit breaks down the entire process into easy and logical steps, including:
• Identifying hiring needs
• Understanding different employment types
• Crafting standout position descriptions and job ads
• Reviewing resumes and shortlisting applications
• Nailing the interview process
• Facilitating a smooth commencement and induction
• Managing the probation period effectively
Say goodbye to recruitment headaches and hello to a smoother, more efficient process with MPAQ’s Recruitment and Onboarding Toolkit. It’s time to elevate your hiring game and set your organisation up for success!
This toolkit is included in your membership and can be accessed through the QR code to the right.
The end of the financial year is a crucial time for all businesses, and navigating the tax landscape can be complex. This session is tailored specifically for plumbing and gas businesses, offering expert insights and practical strategies to ensure that you’re well-prepared for tax time.
At MPAQ, we’re dedicated to keeping our members informed and compliant with processes and legal requirements regarding works contracts. In response to member feedback, we’ve made important improvements to enhance your experience.
The contracts have been prepared to make it easier to manage, engage, and navigate the domestic works contract process with your clients. They should also be easier to use and prefill, with included prompts and explanations where appropriate.
We’re pleased to introduce new flexibility in our process. Members can now choose to have contract terms and conditions available on their website or sent to customers along with quotes or invoices. Of course, completing a contract with customers for domestic work remains crucial and essential at the time of engaging with client.
We have also provided a checklist for each contract to provide guidance as to extra things you may wish to think about, including checking the identification of your client and that they are the proper person to be dealing with regarding the property.
There are specific legislative requirements for domestic contracts depending on the value of the works being undertaken. This is why we’ve expanded our Domestic Works contracts into three options based on project cost:
• Contract value: $0 – $3,300
• Contract value: $3,301 – $19,999
• Contract value: $20,000 or more
These contracts have been created in conjunction with legal experts to make sure they are compliant with relevant legislation. To purchase, visit the MPAQ Online Shop at www.mpaq.com.au/products.
Written by Emma Ross, MPAQ Senior HR Business PartnerIn accordance with the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Act 2023 , two important amendments came into effect recently that may affect you and your employees.
1. Authorised Employee Deductions
From 30 December 2023, employees will be able to provide their employer with a single written authorisation, which allows their employer to deduct amounts from their wages/salary that are recurring and are for amounts that vary from time to time. Examples of an authorised employee deduction may include salary sacrifice arrangements or additional employee superannuation contributions.
An authorised employee deduction continues to be allowed, only if it is principally for the employee’s benefit and must be shown on the employee’s payslip.
These changes provide greater flexibility for employers and employees to manage deductions
without having to obtain written authorisation each time an adjustment is required.
A new written authorisation will only be required to vary the amount of an existing deduction where the initial authorisation specifies the amount of the deduction. Existing deduction arrangements may continue if they meet the requirements of the amendments.
2. Superannuation Included in the National Employment Standards
From 1 January 2024, the National Employment Standards (NES) has been updated to include a provision granting the right to superannuation contributions. This means that unpaid or underpaid superannuation can be enforced under the Fair Work Act 2009 by more employees.
Employers are already required to make superannuation contributions for eligible employees according to the superannuation guarantee laws. Compliance with these laws ensures no violation of the NES provision.
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will retain its primary responsibility for overseeing employer compliance with superannuation guarantee laws.
The Fair Work Ombudsman will still have the authority to refer cases of unpaid superannuation to the ATO and, when appropriate, pursue unpaid superannuation. This will be done in conjunction with the ATO, operating under the new NES entitlement, and in accordance with terms set by a modern award, enterprise agreement, or other industrial instrument.
For further information, please contact the MPAQ Advisory Team on 07 3273 0800.
Written by Emma Ross, MPAQ Senior HR Business PartnerA true success story emerges in the plumbing industry with one standout Australian company. Reliance Worldwide Corporation (RWC), founded in Brisbane, has grown to become a global leader in plumbing solutions while maintaining its strong manufacturing presence in Australia. With a commitment to quality, innovation, and the Australian-made ethos, RWC proudly represents the best of Australian industry and continues to thrive on the world stage.
RWC’s story began in 1949 with a small tool shop established in Brisbane. Initially, RWC focused on manufacturing brass and copper fittings for the local plumbing market. As the company’s reputation grew for producing high-quality products, it soon expanded its operations beyond Australia’s borders.
Today, RWC has a significant global presence, with manufacturing facilities and offices in various countries, including the United States, Canada, and Europe. Despite this international expansion, RWC remains committed to its Australian roots, with much of its manufacturing still taking place in Australia.
groundbreaking solutions that simplify installations, improve efficiency, and enhance performance. One of their most notable innovations is the SharkBite push-to-connect system, which revolutionised plumbing connections by eliminating the need for traditional joining methods such as soldering or gluing.
The SharkBite system, along with other innovative products developed by RWC, has garnered widespread acclaim and recognition within the plumbing industry. Plumbers around the world appreciate the time-saving and reliable nature of these solutions, which have become go-to choices for various plumbing applications.
The success of RWC is also attributed to its strong customer focus. The company strives to build long-term relationships with plumbers, distributors, and contractors, understanding that their success is intertwined with the success of their customers. RWC’s customer-centric approach includes providing exceptional service, technical support, and training programs to ensure that customers have the knowledge and resources to maximise the benefits of their products.
The Australian-made aspect of RWC’s products is a point of pride for the company. By keeping production within Australia, RWC supports local jobs and the domestic economy while maintaining tight control over quality and manufacturing processes. This commitment to Australian-made products not only ensures high standards but also aligns with the growing consumer preference for locally sourced and sustainable goods.
RWC’s success as a global plumbing leader can be attributed to several key factors. First and foremost is the company’s dedication to innovation. RWC has consistently pushed the boundaries of plumbing technology, introducing
Despite its global reach, RWC maintains a close connection to its Australian roots. The company actively engages with the local community through various initiatives, including supporting charities, sponsoring local events, and promoting sustainability practices. RWC’s commitment to corporate social responsibility further strengthens its reputation as a responsible and socially conscious organisation.
RWC’s story serves as an inspiration to aspiring Australian companies and showcases the possibilities of combining innovation, quality, and a proudly Australian-made identity to achieve global success in the competitive plumbing market.
A probation period allows an employer to assess the employee’s skills and abilities when they commence employment. Specifically looking at the employee’s ability to learn and carry out the role, and how they interact with customers and colleagues. A probation period is part of a contractual arrangement for employment. Therefore, an employer should notify the employee (through a written employment contract) they will be required to undertake a probation period at the commence of employment.
Additionally, a probation period is aligned with the minimum period of employment an employee must fulfill before they are able to lodge an unfair dismissal claim under the Fair Work Act 2009.
Under the Fair Work Act 2009, the ordinary hours of work is 38 hours per week. However, different Awards may provide for an ability to average those hours across a period of time, for example the Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award 2020 is an average of 38 hours for a four-week work cycle.
However, an employer and employee can reach a written agreement (an individual flexibility agreement) that may increase the number of ordinary hours per week and the employer should have calculations to demonstrate that the rate of pay is inclusive of any relevant overtime, penalty rates, etc. for the additional hours of work.
Depending on the relevant Award, an employee may be entitled to overtime per day or per week if they work an average of hours across the week.
Overtime per day example:
John works 38 hours per week, 7.6 hours per day. On Monday, John worked a nine-hour day. He would be paid ordinary hours for 7.6 hours and paid 150% for 1.4 hours. It is important to note that if the employee works less than 7.6 hours per day, they are still entitled to ordinary hours pay for 7.6 hours.
Average across the week example:
Sally works an average of 38 hours per week. Her hours this week are:
• Monday = 9 hours
• Tuesday = 10 hours
• Wednesday = 7 hours
• Thursday = 8 hours
• Friday = 7 hours
• Total = 41 hours
Ordinary hours will be 38 hours, 150% will be two hours, 200% will be one hour.
What can an employee do when the business decides to have a temporary shutdown over the Christmas and New Year period?
If the employer does not offer other paid leave during this period (for example, gifted leave days), employees can use their annual leave entitlement, or if they don’t have annual leave, the employer and employee would need to reach agreement to be on leave without pay. Where an employee has not accrued enough paid annual leave to cover the period of the temporary shutdown, the employee may take paid annual leave in advance of accruing the entitlement in accordance with the existing annual leave contained in each award.
When is an employee entitled to superannuation and how much?
The minimum Super guarantee rate an employer must pay for each eligible employee is 11% of their ordinary time earnings (OTE). This is scheduled to progressively increase to 12% on 1 July 2025.
Overtime payments are not OTE, provided the employee’s ordinary hours of work are clearly identified.
When do the wages increase and how does that increase occur?
Since the Fair Work Act 2009 commenced, there has been a national minimum wage increase per year, which is determined by the Fair Work Commission’s expert panel.
A national minimum wage increase means that the minimum wage increases, which then flows into the relevant wage rates within Awards.
A wage increase applies from the first full pay period on or after 1 July.
If an employee is paid above an Award rate, the employer does not have to increase the wages as per the percentage or dollar amount that is determined for that year. However, the employer does need to do calculations to ensure the rate the employee is receiving is still above the Award rate.
MPAQ offers a suite of courses called Employer Essentials designed to assist you and your business in regard to HR and
Did you know that more than half of small businesses use equipment finance brokers for a significant portion of their financing needs?
There are several reasons for this trend.
First and foremost, brokers can offer the benefits of a long-term relationship, which can be particularly important in a world where bank and account managers frequently change. Business owners appreciate working with someone who understands their business and can represent them to the market without having to repeat their story multiple times.
In addition, brokers offer a service that works around the clock. Because much of the administrative work is done outside of normal business hours, it’s essential to be able to speak with a broker or banker when it’s convenient for you. A good broker will also manage the entire project, taking care of everything from arranging invoices and insurance to signing documentation and ultimate settlement.
Brokers can also help businesses spread their debt over several competitive underwriting financiers, which provides a broader base for expansion and some competition to ensure the best interest rates and commercial conditions. Brokers deliver a competitive facility, in a pain-free manner, that feels like a breath of fresh air compared to the banks.
Another benefit of working with a broker is advocacy. Many business owners are experts in their specific industries but may not be as knowledgeable about financing equipment. A broker will ensure that any approval is most closely aligned with the client’s needs, not just what the bank wants. A capable broker will have the experience, knowledge, skill, and influence to negotiate the best outcome for the client.
It’s worth noting that the market for equipment and vehicle financing is changing rapidly. With the increasing popularity of behavioural lending, many underwriters now offer automatic “low doc” competitive finance approvals for selected equipment and vehicle financing up to $150,000 and $500,000 for replacement equipment, trucks, and trailers. Brokers can provide some wonderful alternatives for business owners.
However, as with any industry, there are good operators and not-so-good ones. To find the right broker, it’s essential to look at what existing clients are saying and ask other business owners who they use and why. The best referral is a happy customer.
Get in touch with Conor McGrath via phone at 0448 480 273 or visit www.finlease.com.au/broker/conor-mcgrath to learn more about how a broker can assist your business today and into the future.
Plumbing for tomorrow
Elson is the leading manufacturer providing
Elson is an Australian owned and operated company since 1993. Elson has been manufacturing quality plumbing products in their own ISO 9001 certified factory.
A 3-year transition period to support Australia’s path to reducing allowable lead levels in drinking water plumbing products commenced on 1st May 2023.
Elson set a higher quality benchmark by introducing 99.9% Lead Free copper alloy plumbing products in 2016 with the launch of elson Lead Free PRESS fittings and Elson has continued to expand Lead Free range to include Water Meter Ball Valves, PRV Boundary Valves, Hot Water Valves –PRVs, PLVs & Non-Return Isolating Valves, Press Ball Valves, Dual Check Valves, BUSHPEX Ball Valves, elson innovative Union Ball Valves, and elson EPS PEX Lead Free Crimp and Push-fit PEX Plumbing System.
With the sudden rise in recent innovations in artificial intelligence (AI), the construction industry is ready for a transformation.
As most construction site managers know, top job costs usually fall into two buckets: people and equipment. So, one of your main responsibilities is ensuring both are used effectively. This is where AI can help. No, it won’t replace your people or equipment, but it can help to increase productivity and streamline processes.
To help your business take advantage of AI, a field service management platform can help with job scheduling, site management, workload balancing project management, fleet tracking, and even inventory management. With a fully-fledged platform, you can automatically create workflows to streamline every part of your business.
Discover the future of construction with Simpro. Check out how we can help you innovate and improve your business by requesting a demo today. Visit www.simprogroup.com/demo.
A prominent New Zealand food manufacturer has built a solid reputation over 150 years of producing biscuits, crackers, golden potato chips and nutty bars. In 2020, the production facility, designed by Designgroup Architects h + k, to enhance capacity and efficiency. This state-of-the-art facility processes an average of 400 tonnes of potatoes weekly, translating to around 720,000 packets of chips.
The facility boasts industry-leading equipment, including automated machinery on extensive production lines. The processing stages are strategically separated, allowing tailored infrastructure for each phase. Unique challenges were addressed during the separating, washing, and cooking stages, where large volumes of liquids are used. The facility is designed to handle daily operations, weekly deep cleans, and significant water dumps, with a focus on recycling wastewater for sustainability.
Allproof Industries, specialists in commercial food and beverage production facility drainage, collaborated with the design team to create an optimal drainage system. A ladder grate with a load class C rating (AS 3996) was chosen for its ability to withstand heavy machinery operating and passing over it. The ladder grate openings are large which improves hydraulic performance and can remove solids (potatoes) from the floor surface catching them in the sump’s strainer basket, reducing trip hazards.
Channel depth is a factor in wastewater catchment and hydraulics. The channels were selected and designed to provide enough capacity to capture the surface wastewater so as not to cause flooding or safety hazards. Each channel section terminates at a sump, an outlet performs better hydraulically if there is a head of water creating pressure, this increases the flow rate and thus the speed at which wastewater is removed from the system. Therefore, the depth of the sump was created to a requested measurement as determined by the hydraulic design.
The drainage system is made from stainless steel, which makes an excellent hygienic material for food processing facilities. It contains no pores, cracks, or open spaces for bacteria, including odour to embed itself in, as it is a selfcontained piece of material. Its great mechanical properties mean it’s also resistant to dents and surface defects ensuring the surface remains sealed for hygienic purposes. It is also easy to maintain and clean, ensuring that bacteria don’t have an opportunity to grow or spread.
Overall, Allproof manufactured and supplied 69 metres of stainless-steel channel drain with 22 sumps either connected to or separate from the channel drain system. This provides an excellent case study of a food manufacturer looking to specialised expertise. Using local knowledge and manufacturers the brand ensured the success of the project, positioning the brand to meet growing demand in their own product offering.
Find out more about Allproof at www.allproof.com.au.
Queenslanders can now leave their wallets at home, whether heading to the beach, a club, out on the water or even overseas, following the launch of the Government’s new Queensland Digital Licence app.
The app is the only digital licence in Australia that is aligned with international standards for mobile driver licences.
Enhanced security features mean you only share what you need to share, helping protect your personal information, and giving you control over who you share it with, and when.
Businesses and organisations can download a standalone Digital Licence Verifier app, which will let them scan the Digital Licence apps of their customers and be confident that their customers have provided their genuine information.
Your private information is safe and secure within the app. It is encrypted on your device, and can only be accessed within the app by using a PIN which you set when you install the app. The app was developed in partnership with Thales, a defence grade security company, as well as local Queensland companies Code Heroes and Aliva.
To get your digital licence, search for Queensland Digital Licence on the iOS or Android app store.
Reliance Worldwide Corporation (RWC), Australia’s largest plumbing manufacturer, proudly announces the transition of its renowned SharkBite range to lead free materials. The company has already commenced production of the new lead free fittings, with the initial roll-out expected as early as February 2024. The comprehensive transition of all products to lead free is anticipated to be completed well ahead of the industry’s lead free deadline in 2025, with the entire range expected to be available to the market by June 2024. For more information, visit www.sharkbite.com.au.
Hygiene safety, energy efficiency, and user-friendliness are top priorities when it comes to domestic hot water circulation. The Wilo-Star-Z Nova T combines all three aspects in a very compact product design.
The Wilo-Star-Z Nova T features a non-return valve and automatic thermal disinfection detection. The combination of the integrated time switch and the standard equipment thermostat means germs don’t stand a chance.
Due to significantly optimising the motor technology, power consumption was further reduced from the previous model by more than 70 per cent, lowering it to just seven watts maximum, which is less than the energy consumption of a conventional LED bulb!
The installation of the pump is very simple, thanks to the stop valve and Wilo-Connector. The Green Button technology, with its intuitive user guidance and crips LCD display, shows all of the pump parameters and also makes the configuration and maintenance of the pump much easier.
For more information visit www.wilo.com.au or call
For the first time in the history of the Plumbing and Gas Industry Awards, the Tradesperson of the Year was awarded to a female plumber. Kirsty Train of Grace Gas Fitting, Plumbing and Home Maintenance in Toowoomba made history and set a sterling example for women on the tools – not an easy journey, but something she has taken on with great passion and excellence.
It has been 17 years of hard work for Kirsty in the plumbing and gas industry – 17 years of experiences and challenges on the tools, off the tools with trade stores, and as a business owner. While it’s challenging enough to be a technical expert in the trade, Kirsty pushed her limits and committed herself to mentoring fellow women, leading her fellow tradespeople, and making sure she is fostering an inclusive and positive work culture in her business.
Grace Gas Fitting, Plumbing and Home Maintenance has been thriving for over five years now, and it reflects her commitment to quality workmanship and customer satisfaction. As the director and lead tradesperson of her business, Kirsty embraces a leadership role, setting an example for her team. She emphasises the importance of a good work ethic, perseverance, honesty, and compassion. Her commitment to teaching extends beyond technical skills, highlighting a holistic approach to plumbing and gas fitting.
“In so many workspaces, people are expected to rush and get the job done fast. Those who work with me are encouraged to learn to do the job right at a realistic pace before becoming more efficient. They are also encouraged to notice their surroundings, customers, and situations. As a company, I never want us to be too busy to recognise the needs of others. What is spending five minutes to listen to the elderly lady who is lonely, help the pregnant customer carry her groceries in, or help our non-English speaking customers connect their television? Taking 30 minutes out of any day to show our customers we see them and care about them is of great importance to the heart of our business,” said Kirsty.
Diversity and inclusion are at the core of her team at Grace Gas Fitting. She has made sure that her business is a safe space for young girls who are looking for work experiences to come and try the trade, and she actively supports events promoting diversity and women in the trades.
As an active member and staunch supporter of the Women’s Plumbing Alliance (WPA) and the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), Kirsty has gone out of her comfort zone to speak about the struggles and opportunities for women in the industry. She confesses that although public speaking is not one of her strengths, she is always happy to speak about plumbing if it encourages the youth to try the trade and inspires employers to sign on more apprentices.
“Kirsty has been actively involved in various industry associations, forums, and events, where she has contributed valuable insights and helped shape how our industry is viewed. Her trade expertise and thought leadership have been instrumental in driving positive change and advancing industry best practices,” said Radmila Desic, NAWIC Life Member, about Kirsty.
In the end, winning the Department of Energy and Public Works Tradesperson of the Year was something that Kirsty wanted – not for the fame and recognition, but for the impact that it would leave in the industry and the message it would send to women across the construction industry.
“I want female plumbers to see a female finalist in an award they probably never even considered possible. I just want to represent the women in the trade and push the comfort zone in our trade a little. I want to have a voice in our industry to bring about change. To my fellow women who are just starting their careers, be patient and kind to yourself. Let yourself fail at things without beating yourself up and thinking you want to quit. Having perseverance is a must as is a good support group. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, that’s how you will learn faster. People are always worried about asking because they will look silly. If you can put that fear aside, you will learn so much more. And most importantly, stay true to why you are becoming a plumber. If you love this trade and have a heart for it, you will always succeed,” said Kirsty.
Allproof’s premium range of stainless steel drainage solutions for commercial kitchens and food and beverage production facilities.
Slot Channel Drain
Vinyl Floor Channel
Modular Channel System
Commercial Kitchen Drain
Kirsty winning the Department of Energy and Public Works Tradesperson of the Year Kirsty speaking at a NAWIC event Kirsty is actively involved in encouraging women to join the tradesToyota Halo connects you to near real-time Fleet visability
Toyota Halo is the latest innovation from Toyota, Australia’s leading fleet vehicle provider. Toyota Halo represents a shift to connected fleet management, using intelligent vehicle telematics to gather data on anything from a few vehicles to a nationwide fleet, providing end-to-end fleet insights from — almost anywhere 24/7.
Toyota Halo gives you a snapshot of where your fleet is* and how it’s performing so you can zero in on ways to enhance efficiency and optimise your business mobility.
Ready to reshape your business with Toyota Halo?
Your Association membership unlocks Toyota Fleet discounts across a great range of Toyota vehicles to help you find the right car for your lifestyle and budget.
To find out more, visit your Toyota Dealer or call 1800 679 247
In November 2021, the Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ) and the Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia (PIPA) launched the Construction Plastics Recycling Scheme pilot program with Reece, Tradelink, Vinidex, and Iplex to divert PVC off-cuts and fittings from landfill to be recycled back into new plastic pipes with the support of the Queensland Government.
The scheme works with collection bins placed in locations where PVC off-cuts are generated. This includes TAFE and training colleges, construction and housing sites, and merchant stores, providing facilities for plumbers and drainers at locations they frequently visit. These bins are collected by PVC pipe manufacturers, sorted, audited, and then the usable material is recycled back into non-pressure PVC pipes. The data from the audit is recorded and reported to the State Government and is also used by the plastic pipes industry to advocate the environmental and sustainability benefits of PVC pipes and fittings.
Throughout the duration of the scheme – with phases one and two successfully completed – there have been immense learnings and insights into the operation and collection, including the importance of behavioural change and education. Penny Cornah, Executive Director of MPAQ, stated: “At the beginning of the scheme, we started with seven collection bin locations and doubled to fourteen locations in phase two. As of June 2023, the scheme has collected 4,582kg of PVC off-cuts. Now it’s time to step up a gear with phase three.”
Phase three of the Construction Plastics Recycling Scheme will commence in the first half of 2024 and will see an expansion of forty collection bins across a broader region of Queensland, including regional locations and the addition of recyclers to the locations. With the success of the first two phases, the Queensland Government will continue to support the scheme into phase three.
Bray, Executive General Manager of PIPA, explains the importance of the scheme expansion: “The key to a circular economy is designing products to last. Thanks to the durability and long service life of PVC pipes and fittings (typically more than 100 years), the amount of waste generated is relatively low. However, we have identified sectors where off-cuts are generated and this resource needs to be diverted from landfill. These off-cuts are 100% recyclable and can be recycled up to 8-10 times! It’s critical that we understand the volume so we can communicate our position in the plastics industry when it comes to policy recycling targets and look to find solutions to economically capture this valuable resource and re-use and recycle.”
So, how can you help and get involved? It’s really easy, jump on board and participate in the Construction Plastics Recycling Scheme, check out the collection locations, continue the conversation on the recyclability of PVC off-cuts and begin separating your off-cuts on site. It doesn’t matter how small the volume is collectively; we want to divert this valuable resource from landfill and reuse it!
For more information on the scheme and updates visit constructionplasticsrecyclingscheme.com.au.
Written by Cindy Bray, Executive General Manager of PIPA Cindy Separating PVC off-cuts on site Education is one of the key success points of the scheme. Photo at TAFE and training collegesAs we head into the 2024 vocational education and training space, the landscape is expected to be dynamic, with a strong focus on various aspects such as technological advancements, flexible work arrangements, regulatory changes, adaptive leadership, and an increased commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Anticipated in the coming years is a notable surge in the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) platforms, such as ChatGPT, specifically for tasks like answering questions and drafting content. However, this technological advancement brings forth challenges, particularly in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector, where the integrity of assessments is at risk due to the emergence of generative AI. To address these challenges, we highlight the importance of authentic engagement, collaborative efforts involving both students and AI, and a heightened focus on security measures.
In the evolving landscape of work arrangements, diverse approaches to working remotely have become evident, ranging from organisations opting for a fully remote model to those steadfastly requiring an in-office presence. Acknowledging that extremes in either remote or on-site work may not be universally suitable, there is a growing awareness of the need for flexibility to accommodate diverse preferences and situations. This shift prompts Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to navigate the challenges of accommodating remote, hybrid, and non-remote workers while striving to uphold a cohesive company culture.
There is a sense of anticipation regarding significant regulatory changes, encompassing the establishment of the Job and Skills Councils, updates to the Standards for RTOs, and modifications to the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). This anticipation reflects a proactive stance in aligning educational and vocational frameworks with evolving industry needs and workforce demands. Concurrently, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is noted for its adaptive regulatory approach, responding dynamically to governmental requirements, market dynamics, and the introduction of new regulations. This evolution underscores the regulatory body’s commitment to staying responsive and relevant in a rapidly changing vocational education and training landscape.
There is a clear recognition of the accelerating pace of change expected in 2024. Simultaneously, there is an acknowledgment that many managers may find themselves lacking the requisite skills to effectively lead through these changes, resulting in a widespread sense of change fatigue across the sector. In response to this challenge, there is a need to educate both managers and staff about the impacts of change and to foster the development of adaptive strategies. The aim is to equip organisational leadership and personnel with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate and thrive in an evolving landscape.
In the year 2024, there is an anticipated increase in attention directed towards diversity, equity, and inclusion not only in recruitment practices, but also in employee retention strategies. The recognition extends to various aspects of diversity, encompassing sexual orientation, disability, neurodivergence, race, and gender. This comprehensive approach aligns with a continued focus on promoting well-being and mental health, particularly with increased resources allocated for remote workers. Notably, RTOs are expected to play a pivotal role in the effective training and development of these inclusion strategies.
Together, these trends signify a multifaceted and forward-looking landscape in 2024.
Written by Tracy Bob, MPAQ Training Services ManagerAustbrokers Comsure is the specialist in trades insurance. Our members only plumbers & gas-fitters cover features:
Austbrokers Comsure is the specialist in trades insurance. Our members only plumbers & gas-fitters cover features:
Austbrokers Comsure is the specialist in trades insurance. Our members only plumbers & gas-fitters cover features:
Austbrokers Comsure is the specialist in trades insurance. Our members only plumbers & gas-fitters cover features:
Austbrokers Comsure is the specialist in trades insurance. Our members only plumbers & gas-fitters cover features:
Austbrokers Comsure is the specialist in trades insurance. Our members only plumbers & gas-fitters cover features:
• Agreed Value*
• Agreed Value*
• Agreed Value*
• Agreed Value*
• Agreed Value*
• Agreed Value*
Austbrokers Comsure is the specialist in trades insurance. Our members only plumbers & gas-fitters cover features:
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• Business Expense Inclusion (e.g rent, equipment leases & depreciation)
• Business Expense Inclusion (e.g rent, equipment leases & depreciation)
• Business Expense Inclusion (e.g rent, equipment leases & depreciation)
• Business Expense Inclusion (e.g rent, equipment leases & depreciation)
• No medical check-ups required for cover
• No medical check-ups required for cover
• Business Expense Inclusion (e.g rent, equipment leases & depreciation)
• No medical check-ups required for cover
• No medical check-ups required for cover
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• Sickness Cover up to age 70
• No medical check-ups required for cover
• No medical check-ups required for cover
• Sickness Cover up to age 70
• Sickness Cover up to age 70
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• Sickness Cover up to age 70
• Sickness Cover up to age 70
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• Sickness Cover up to age 70
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• Tax-deductible premiums
• Cover also available to your partner
• Cover also available to your partner
• Cover also available to your partner
• Cover also available to your partner
• Cover also available to your partner
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Choice of Cover:
Choice of Cover:
Choice of Cover:
Choice of Cover:
• Cover also available to your partner
Choice of Cover:
Choice of Cover:
Choice of Cover:
☐ Agreed Value up to $1,300 Weekly Income No financials required to apply
☐ Agreed Value up to $1,300 Weekly Income
☐ Agreed Value up to $1,300 Weekly Income No financials required to apply
☐ Agreed Value up to $1,300 Weekly Income No financials required to apply
No financials required to apply
☐ Agreed Value up to $1,300 Weekly Income No financials required to apply
☐ Agreed Value up to $1,300 Weekly Income No financials required to apply
☐ Agreed Value up to $1,300 Weekly Income No financials required to apply
☐ Indemnity Value 90% of income up to $1,500 Weekly Income
☐ Indemnity Value 90% of income up to $1,500 Weekly Income Fixed business expenses included as income Financials required to apply
☐ Indemnity Value 90% of income up to $1,500 Weekly Income Fixed business expenses included as income Financials required to apply
☐ Indemnity Value 90% of income up to $1,500 Weekly Income Fixed business expenses included as income Financials required to apply
Fixed business expenses included as income Financials required to apply
☐ Indemnity Value 90% of income up to $1,500 Weekly Income
☐ Indemnity Value 90% of income up to $1,500 Weekly Income Fixed business expenses included as income Financials required to apply
☐ Indemnity Value 90% of income up to $1,500 Weekly Income Fixed business expenses included as income Financials required to apply
Fixed business expenses included as income Financials required to apply
Pre-existing injuries and conditions are not covered. It is important to note that the policy terms in relation to Pre-Existing conditions apply to each new Policy Period.
Pre-existing injuries and conditions are not covered. It is important to note that the policy terms in relation to Pre-Existing conditions apply to each new Policy Period.
Pre-existing injuries and conditions are not covered. It is important to note that the policy terms in relation to Pre-Existing conditions apply to each new Policy Period.
Pre-existing injuries and conditions are not covered. It is important to note that the policy terms in relation to Pre-Existing conditions apply to each new Policy Period.
Pre-existing injuries and conditions are not covered. It is important to note that the policy terms in relation to Pre-Existing conditions apply to each new Policy Period.
Pre-existing injuries and conditions are not covered. It is important to note that the policy terms in relation to Pre-Existing conditions apply to each new Policy Period.
Pre-existing injuries and conditions are not covered. It is important to note that the policy terms in relation to Pre-Existing conditions apply to each new Policy
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Contact Austbrokers Comsure today.
Contact Austbrokers Comsure today.
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Contact Austbrokers Comsure today.
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Citycover (Aust) Pty Ltd t/as Austbrokers Comsure
Citycover (Aust) Pty Ltd t/as Austbrokers Comsure | ABN 99 010 699 537 | AFSL No 241087
Any advice
Citycover (Aust) Pty Ltd t/as Austbrokers Comsure | ABN 99 010 699 537 | AFSL No 241087
| ABN 99 010 699 537 | AFSL No 241087
Citycover (Aust) Pty Ltd t/as Austbrokers Comsure | ABN 99 010 699 537 | AFSL No 241087
Citycover (Aust) Pty Ltd t/as Austbrokers Comsure | ABN 99 010 699 537 | AFSL No 241087
Any advice provided in relation to insurance is of a general nature only. We have not considered your specific financial needs, requirements, or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice we give to you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs before acting on it. Where the information relates to a particular financial product, you should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy Documents before making any decision to
to purchase that financial product.
Any advice provided in relation to insurance is of a general nature only. We have not considered your specific financial needs, requirements, or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice we give to you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs before acting on it. Where the information relates to a particular financial product, you should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy Documents before making any decision to purchase that financial product.
Any advice provided in relation to insurance is of a general nature only. We have not considered your specific financial needs, requirements, or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice we give to you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs before acting on it. Where the information relates to a particular financial product, you should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy Documents before making any decision to purchase that financial product.
Any advice provided in relation to insurance is of a general nature only. We have not considered your specific financial needs, requirements, or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice we give to you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs before acting on it. Where the information relates to a particular financial product, you should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy Documents before making any decision to purchase that financial product.
MPAQ holds various events throughout the year to provide valuable opportunities for the industry to develop professionally, make valuable connections with other industry individuals, advance themselves and their businesses, and have a voice with industry stakeholders. Scan the QR code above for more information or to register.
2 May 2024
Queensland Small Business Month, held in May, is a dedicated celebration of the vital contributions made by small businesses. This event is set to feature a panel of speakers, offering an excellent opportunity to enhance your knowledge and personal growth.
Toowoomba – 17 May 2024
Brisbane South – 7 June 2024
Cairns – 21 June 2024
Take a break from the daily grind, connect with fellow plumbers, gas fitters, and suppliers in the local community, and let’s swing for a cause!
Brisbane – 24 July 2024
Townsville – 31 August 2024
MPAQ proudly presents the “Plumbing and Gas Connect” event series, a captivating showcase that seamlessly blends networking, innovation, and local flair.
Women, s Plumbing AllianceSmall Business Month Lunch MPAQ Plumbing and Gas Charity Golf Day Plumbing and Gas ConnectIn 2024, MPAQ will be supporting TIACS!
Let’s get to know our charity partner, TIACS, straight from the founders Ed and Dan.
We’re Ed and Dan, two carpenters who met on a building site in Brisbane back in 2014. In 2015, Dan lost a close mate to suicide and navigating the grief made us realise there was a lack of understanding and support for mental health in our community of fellow blue-collar workers.
We wanted to change the landscape of how blue-collar industries perceived mental health.
So, in 2020 we launched TIACS, a FREE mental health counselling service for the blue-collar workforce and those who care about them Australia-wide.
We’ve supported over 18,000 individuals with over 19,000 hours of conversation so far, and we’re proud to have given back over $3 million worth of free services to the Australian community. Our legendary community has been instrumental in helping us achieve all of this.
We’re so glad that this year, MPAQ has decided to support the good cause that we do – and hopefully, this can help inspire more awareness and initiative in the plumbing and gas industry to champion conversations on mental health.
If you’re going through a tough time or see uncertain times ahead, call TIACS on 0488 846 988 from 8am to 10pm AEST. - Ed and Dan, founders of TIACS
If you're a tradie, truckie, rural, blue collar worker going through a tough time, call TIACS on 0488 846 988 from 8am - 10pm Mon-Fri AEST
Upon recommendation of Councillor Fiona Cunningham for the Coorparoo Ward and Mr. Ron Baker, President of the Coorparoo Heritage & Districts Heritage Group, the Brisbane City Council has chosen to recognise and honour the Wallace Family.
This acknowledgment extends to three generations of the family, who have actively participated in managing the plumbing business, Wallace Bros Pty Ltd, and have made significant contributions to local community and industry organisations, including Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ).
The business began with John Francis Wallace and Nat Randall being in partnership from 1931 to 1938 under the Wallace Home at 59 Leicester St, Coorparoo. On the passing of J.F. Wallace in 1946, his two sons, Douglas John Wallace and Clifford Francis Wallace, carried on the business. It was relocated to 161 Pembroke Rd, Coorparoo in the early 1950s, then to 226 Old Cleveland Rd, Coorparoo in July 1973. Doug’s son, Bruce, was appointed manager in 1979.
“I am most humbled the Brisbane City Council has honoured the family by naming this site where the family business operated the longest, being 35 years. I would like to think over three generations, we have tried to contribute to the local community and the plumbing industry. I would like to thank the Master Plumbers’ Association, the Rotary Club of Stones Corner, and Bruce Hunter for their early letters of support,” said Bruce Wallace during the unveiling of the park.
Congratulations to Mr. Bruce Wallace, MPAQ Historian and Life Member, for having Wallace Place Park named after his family, situated on 226 Old Cleveland Road, Coorparoo.
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Paul Bonehill had his roots in Mackay. After tying the knot with Mary in 1964, the couple’s journey unfolded as they ventured into different regions, ultimately leaving an indelible mark in many areas across Queensland. Paul’s legacy, marked by his dedication to his work and his love for family, friends, and the Cairns community, is one that will be remembered with fondness.
From Mackay, Paul and Mary journeyed further north to Cairns, where they eventually started their plumbing business. Living at Pease Street in a caravan, the couple worked with passion and diligence. Soon, their family urged them to relocate to Mareeba and the Tablelands, promising greater work opportunities. It was during this time that Paul played a crucial role in the installation of sewerage mains in Atherton, Mareeba, and even as far as Lavarack Barracks army base in Townsville, all crafted from traditional earthenware.
After his extensive travels, Paul focused on a specialisation in LPG gas. Working primarily in and around the Cairns area, particularly within the hospitality sector, he earned a reputation for his reliability and dedication. Day and night, Paul was always ready to respond to calls for his expertise. His love for the Tableland area also saw him conducting LPG work there, providing an opportunity to reconnect with family and friends.
Affectionately known as Boney, he carried his sense of humour with him until the very end. Even when faced with the challenging news of cancer spreading throughout his body, particularly in his spine, he approached the situation with a light-hearted spirit. During a conversation with his oncologist, Boney joked about whether he could just “rub out” the cancer from the images on the screen.
At the age of 76, Paul bid farewell to this world, leaving behind a legacy built on family values, hard work, and a genuine connection with people. Whether enjoying fishing trips, social gatherings, or attending functions organised by MPAQ, Paul was known for his affable nature and the ability to strike up a conversation. His contributions to the industry will always be remembered and respected.
Written by Bob Kimlin, MPAQ CouncillorMark Denning, Fallon Solutions, held the position of External Councillor on the MPAQ Council for two years, before stepping down in November 2023.
With his knowledge and experience, Mark’s contribution during his tenure were extremely valuable, and everyone at MPAQ would like to thank Mark for his time and dedication.
At the November 2023 Annual General Meeting, three MPAQ members were presented with Meritorious Service awards.
Andy from Burke Industries joined MPAQ on 16 April 1986. Andy served as Secretary of the Toowoomba Division from 1987 to 1993 and as Chairman of the Toowoomba Division from 1993 to 1994. Andy also served on the Council from 2009 to 2013. He has been an active member of our Association for many years and has attended many events, conferences, and still attends and supports the Toowoomba Division Golf Day.
Col from Baldocks Plumbing Services Pty Ltd became a member of MPAQ on 8 September 1992. He served as the Division Chairman for the Mackay Division from 2009 to 2015. Col has actively engaged in a variety of events and activities, including conferences. He has also contributed immensely not just to Queensland and Australia, but to many struggling nations across the world through his involvement with the Rotary Australia World Community Service.
Gary’s business, Gary Bergman Plumbing, joined MPAQ on 12 September 1995. He held the position of Secretary for the Redcliffe Division from 2001 to 2015. Over the years, Gary actively participated in numerous MPAQ conferences, events, trade nights, forums, and meetings. He has been a committed member of our Association for an extended period and serves as an outstanding ambassador for the Association.
What some of our milestone members have to say!
Max Hunter – 10 Year Milestone
“Changes and challenges have always been a part of a plumber’s agenda ever since water and wastewater has been handled in a responsible manner. My journey commenced as a lead burner in the 60s and has evolved to the modern-day standards that we now appreciate. I have been a member of various organisations relevant to my past experiences, and now enjoy the educational information shared by MPAQ, of which all Queenslanders can be proud.”
Horizon Plumbing – 5 Year Milestone
“Horizon plumbing’s membership with Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland has given us a sense of security knowing we have a team of experts in our corner, whether it be for HR advice or extra benefits for our staff.” – Peter Davies, Director
Brendon Dickinson A1 Plumbing Maintenance Gold Coast
Ralph McMillan Abrik Pty Ltd Brisbane North
Martin Acutt Acutt & Son Plumbing & Drainage Pty Ltd Ipswich
Matteo Di Giorno Alfa Plumbing Gas Services Far North Qld
Jordan Harvey Aria Plumbing & Gas Brisbane North
Christopher Atkin Atkin Plumbing & Gasfitting Pty Ltd Central
Timothy Creighton Avocado Plumbing Ipswich
Christopher Williams Certified Plumbing and Gas Pty Ltd Brisbane South
Cindy Costelloe COZ Plumbing Services Sunshine Coast
Harrison Smith Drip Plumbing and Gas Brisbane North
Adam Bennett Evolution Plumbing Group Sunshine Coast
Clint Barry GC Plumbing Services Gold Coast
Carmen Vilchez Global Pump Group Pty Ltd Outside QLD
Gregory Scarabello GS Plumbing and Gas Brisbane North
James Ford JCF Plumbing Bundaberg
Justin Glass JG Plumbing and Drainage Pty Ltd Brisbane South
Jake Green JNF Plumbing Far North Qld
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Lanie Gunaydin NG Plumbing & Electrical Brisbane North
Judy Toohey No Blows Fraser Coast
Carl Perkins Perkins Plumbing Sunshine Coast
Joel Malone Phoenix Plumbing & Gasfitting Mackay
Hayden Thompson Poseidon Plumbing and Drainage Toowoomba
Joshua Gilliland Preeminent Plumbing Solutions Brisbane North
Steven Breen Prolific Hydraulics Pty Ltd Gold Coast
Hannah Biehl RELN Outside QLD
Ben Soroka Soroka Plumbing Far North Qld
Tom Morrison Tapt Plumbing Services Qld, Country
Nathan Teske Teske Plumbing Bundaberg
Anthony Seeto Too Easy Plumbing & Gas Brisbane North
Payam Salehi Uponor Ipswich
Dale Myers VersaFlex Group Pty Ltd Gold Coast
Evan Woolway Waterway Plumbing & Wastewater Solutions Sunshine Coast
Paul Dimmick Toowoomba
• Manage jobs on the go with our mobile app for iOS and Android
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What other MPAQ members have to say:
“Using Fergus has really helped streamline the way we do business, such as: integration with suppliers to import invoices directly into the software, customised price books, automated timesheets from job entries, and being able to create our own forms for use in the field to name a few. We highly recommend Fergus for any trades business looking for a job management solution.”
Robyn Shields, Prime Plumbing Get started with a 14day free trial by visiting www.mpaq.com.au/benefits/fergus