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Any advice provided in relation to insurance is of a general nature only. We have not considered your specific financial needs, requirements, or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice we give to you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs before acting on it. Where the information relates to a particular financial product, you should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy Documents before making any decision to purchase that financial product.
Any advice provided in relation to insurance is of a general nature only. We have not considered your specific financial needs, requirements, or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice we give to you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs before acting on it. Where the information relates to a particular financial product, you should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy Documents before making any decision to purchase that financial product.
Any advice provided in relation to insurance is of a general nature only. We have not considered your specific financial needs, requirements, or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice we give to you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs before acting on it. Where the information relates to a particular financial product, you should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy Documents before making any decision to purchase that financial product.
Any advice provided in relation to insurance is of a general nature only. We have not considered your specific financial needs, requirements, or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of any general advice we give to you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs before acting on it. Where the information relates to a particular
you should
and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy
before making any decision to purchase that financial product.
Ashleigh Stonehewer – Editor
As we embrace the summer season and close out another great year, it’s the perfect time to celebrate the achievements of 2024 while setting our sights on an exciting and ambitious 2025. This edition shines a spotlight on the champions of our industry, including the winners of the Plumbing and Gas Industry Awards. Their hard work, innovation, and commitment to excellence have set a gold standard for us all. Dive into pages 14–19 for a full showcase of their incredible accomplishments.
Looking ahead, 2025 promises to be a year filled with opportunities and challenges. At MPAQ, we remain committed to supporting our members and the industry through advocacy, education, and collaboration. Let’s harness the momentum of 2024 to tackle the year ahead with confidence and determination.
This edition also offers invaluable insights to help you navigate key industry topics. Explore the amendments to AS/NZS 5601 Gas Installations on page 10.
On page 22, we delve into managing drugs and alcohol in the workplace, providing advice to maintain a safe and productive environment. Employers can also stay informed about workers’ compensation obligations in Queensland with our article on page 23. Additionally, the industry benchmarking summary on pages 28–29 provides a picture of where our sector stands based on the results of MPAQ’s annual industry survey.
Congratulations to all members reaching milestones in this edition, and a warm welcome to our newest members. Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Happy Reading!
Kent Vickers P : 0418 883 999 E: kvickers@qigs.com.au
Dennis Yarrow P: 07 3277 5742 E: admin@yarrowplumbing.com.au
Michael Ryan P: 07 3630 4744 E: mryan@beavisbartels.com.au
Harle Gall P: 0437 768 409 E: h.gall@laserplumbing.com.au
John Salmon P: 07 3862 2777 E: john@salmonplumbing.com.au
Nathan Parnaby P: 07 4970 9800 E: enquiries@aestec.com.au
Patrick Robertson P: 07 3276 8833 E: info@rpgs.com.au
Reginald Hopper P: 0406565447 E: rahplumbingandgas@gmail.com
Sean Taylor P: 0416 245 016 E: sean@tpworks.com.au
Warwick Royal P: 0730381038 E: info@plumbaround.com.au
Melissa Millar P: 07 3822 2422 E: info@millarsplumbing.com
Bill Watson AM P: 07 3273 2333 E: bill@connectorsgroup.com.au
Bob Kimlin P: 0419 744 383 E: bobbailey6@outlook.com
G Cottee, F Huysing, MJ Moor, J Porter, NF Sharman, BD Wallace, WB Watson AM, R Kimlin, R Weaver
A Chapman, D Powell, B Wallace, R Weaver, D Nunn, J Ritchie, K Slade, R Walker, A Jackson, R Roser, G Bergman, C Baldock, A Burke, K Baluch, B Sorohan
Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the MPAQ, nor does the MPAQ guarantee the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers or accepts responsibility for statements they may express in this publication. The MPAQ does not accept liability to advertisers, which may be held contrary to the Trade Practices Act 1974. The MPAQ reserves the right to refuse, cancel, amend or suspend any advertisements or inserts without reason.
2024 is all bar wrapped up and what a busy year it’s been. Queensland has a new Government and MPAQ will be working with David Crisafulli and the LNP government to make sure our members and our industry are well represented.
Front and centre of the board’s agenda is industry relevance and representation. We are constantly evaluating what we do and how to assist our members. Most of our members work and live in the Southeast corner of the state. As a board, we receive criticism that we focus too heavily on these members.
In September, Mr Dennis Yarrow (Vice President) and Mr Sean Taylor (councillor) travelled to Mackay to meet with our members and listen to their concerns. They both attended the Mackay Careers Expo and Mackay Golf Day and visited the surrounding districts. Mr Michael Ryan (Vice President) and I travelled to the Sunshine Coast and Bundaberg to do the same. I want to express my thanks to the members who welcomed us into their homes and businesses during the regional road trips to discuss their local issues.
Michael and I met with a cross section of members, from sole operators to large maintenance and civil plumbing companies. Apart from the common concerns surrounding the QBCC’s performance, the most prevalent
Executive Officer
Welcome to the final issue of the year! This has been another remarkable year for MPAQ, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to all our members for your ongoing support and commitment.
We were thrilled to revive our biannual conference this year, celebrating World Plumbing Day with an incredible event. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this milestone. Alongside the conference, several significant projects have taken shape over the past year, including:
• Advocacy on key industry issues in partnership with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) and relevant government departments.
• Increased focus on payment security, ensuring better protections for our members.
• Expansion of business resources to support members with onboarding, performance management, charge out rates, and business start-ups.
• Release of updated commercial contracts to assist with business operations.
• Appointment of ambassadors to enhance member engagement and trade promotion.
conversation was around the skills shortage and finding good staff. It was obvious that the regional members are experiencing the same issues we have in the southeast corner of our state.
As a result of the feedback, an agenda item at the October board meeting was tabled and we are investigating the options available to fill this gap. Pathways to support migrant plumbers gaining a license without any degradation in skills is one option. Another option is to encourage female workers into the trade. Latest figures show that 2.73% of those currently in training (plumbing apprenticeship) are female. There is a real opportunity to employ more female workers in the plumbing and gas fitting trades to reduce the skills shortage. Right now, we have approximately 17,500 plumbers in Queensland and less than 100 are female.
As this is the last article for 2024, I would like to thank all our members for the continued support of your association. I want to thank the board for volunteering their time again this year and for your loyalty and support in guiding MPAQ through the strategic plan. I’d also like to welcome Mr Warwick Royal and Mr Reg Hopper to the board as new councillors.
Finally, I’d like to thank Penny, Ernie, and the whole team at the MPAQ for a magnificent year. These are the people that make sure our members are heard, recognised, and appreciated. You are an amazing team, and your efforts do not go unnoticed. Thank you.
I wish you all a safe and merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2025. Find time to make some new memories with those close to your heart and we will all be back in 2025 to do it again.
• Support for apprentice retention and recruitment, helping businesses find and develop new talent.
• Advocacy for greater employer support in apprenticeship initiatives to ease the burden on our members.
• Promotion of our online workplace health and safety system, available at no cost to members.
• Hosting the largest Plumbing and Gas Industry Awards night to celebrate the excellence, innovation, and outstanding contributions of individuals and businesses raising the bar in our industry.
We are sincerely grateful to all our partners this year. Your support has been essential in helping us achieve these milestones.
MPAQ takes pride in driving positive change for the plumbing and gas industries. We remain committed to helping businesses and individuals succeed. Our success is made possible by the passion and dedication of the MPAQ board. Their strategic guidance continues to shape our industry, and I’d like to personally thank each board member for generously investing their time and expertise.
A special acknowledgment goes to our President, Kent Vickers, whose leadership and commitment have been instrumental in driving positive change.
I’d also like to express my gratitude to Deputy CEO Ernie Kretschmer and the entire MPAQ management team: Ashleigh, Emma, Summer, Tracy, Kayla and Cara. Your dedication and efforts enable us to fulfil our mission of supporting members and ensuring that MPAQ remains the premier trade association in the industry.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support, wishing you a safe and happy Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.
A new era for Queensland begins following the LNP’s victory in the recent State election, ending nine consecutive years of Labour governments. Congratulations to David Crisafulli and the LNP team, we look forward to building on our collaboration moving forward.
The LNP has outlined key commitments to support employers and apprentices by focusing on training and reducing associated costs. This includes offering priority places in block training and providing subsidised wages for small and family businesses during these training periods.
Over four-week blocks, the pilot will subsidise 50% of the wages paid to first- and second-year apprentices, and 25% paid to third- and fourth-year apprentices.
At the outset, the program will focus on apprentices in the construction sector, addressing what the LNP calls a persistent shortage of qualified tradespeople. Some 2,000 apprentices will be supported by the initiative.
The LNP will also have a focus on construction industry skills, and they are open to ongoing conversations to ensure they have the right training available at TAFE where it is needed.
TAFE are currently dealing with a shortage of TAFE teachers across Queensland and the LNP will address the shortage of qualified TAFE teachers as a matter of urgency to ensure training is available where it is needed.
As part of its regulatory agenda, the LNP’s first priority will be to reestablish the Queensland Productivity Commission to lead a review of the building industry. This process will involve a public call for submissions to gather valuable input from consumers, industry stakeholders, and unions. Additionally, the Commission’s review will explore ways to enhance the security of payments across the sector.
On energy policy, the LNP has affirmed its commitment to protecting the renewable gas industry, confirming that there are no plans to ban natural gas connections in new homes or hospitals.
The LNP has announced its plan for the first 100 days, which includes “refocusing the Small Business Commissioner on reducing red tape and managing disputes for small businesses”.
MPAQ has written to the Premier, congratulating him on his appointment and expressing our eagerness to collaborate and work closely with the government.
The LNP’s victory marks a pivotal moment for Queensland, bringing new opportunities and fresh priorities for the State’s businesses, industries, and workforce. With a strong focus on supporting apprenticeships, addressing skills shortages, and easing regulatory burdens, the LNP aims to foster economic growth and strengthen Queensland’s industries. As we move forward, we remain optimistic about the positive impact these initiatives will have and look forward to continued dialogue and partnership with the new government to build a stronger, more prosperous Queensland. Visit online.lnp.org.au/first-one-hundred-days to view the LNP’s plan.
Brisbane City Council has made it easier to lodge your backflow prevention device test results.
Council just launched an update of the Queensland Government’s Form 9 –Registration and report on inspection and testing of testable backflow prevention devices online. Key benefits include:
• No handwritten or custom forms – submit results directly from your phone
• Multiple device submissions – include multiple devices in one form for the same location
• Efficient data entry – enter property and tester details only once
• Inbuilt logic – automatically removes irrelevant questions and fields
• Auto-populated personal details – login to save time and reduce errors
• Map-based property selection – select property location via a map
• Automatic email copies – ensure all relevant parties are informed
The new form allows you to submit test results for existing, new, replacement, and removed backflow prevention devices. It is kept up to date with any requirements made by the Queensland Government. The intuitive design lets you include multiple devices from the same site in a single submission, eliminating the need to email multiple forms to Council.
You can complete the form directly from your smartphone while onsite, avoiding the need to handwrite or electronically complete a Queensland Government Form 9 or your own custom Form 9. The in-built logic removes irrelevant questions and fields based on the selected tests or devices.
Users can login to auto-populate personal details, saving time and reducing errors. The form also features map-based property selection, allowing you to select the property location on a map rather than entering address or lot/plan details manually.
Automatic copies of the submission can be sent via email to yourself, the owner, occupier, tester, or applicant, ensuring everyone is informed.
To start, scan the QR code or visit brisbane.qld.gov.au and search ‘backflow prevention program’.
Changes are now in effect under the Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment (ESOLA) Regulation 2024. Changes now in effect include:
• Testing as a form of energised electrical work (‘live work’)
• Clarifications on when approved safety switches on general purpose socket-outlets in domestic residences are required
• Examples of facilities maintained by a person in control of an electrical installation
• Queensland’s implementation of the Electrical Equipment Safety System
• Accredited auditor inspections not required for the replacement of similar electrical equipment in hazardous area electrical installations
• Remedy to incorrect reference relating to records of assessments for safety observers
• Prescribed electricity entities
• Prescribed Acts in the ES Regulation, SRWA Regulation, and WHS Regulation
• New penalty infringement notice offence (on the spot fines) More changes are set to commence on 1 January, 1 April, and 1 July 2025.
For further information about the changes, visit www.worksafe. qld.gov.au/laws-and-compliance/electrical-safety-and-otherlegislation-amendment-regulation-2024.
A distribution system is a system of distribution pipelines and finishes at the outlet of a consumer meter assembly. A consumer gas system starts at the outlet of the consumer meter assembly.
In the past three months, Resources Safety & Health Queensland’s (RSHQ’s) Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate (PGI) has been made aware of four instances where a distribution system has been tampered with. It is an offence for anybody to tamper with a distribution system.
In some of the cases currently being investigated, it appears that:
• A person has damaged a distribution system and left it in an unsafe manner and did not contact the relevant distribution system operator.
• A person has moved a consumer meter assembly from one location and moved it to another location using unapproved materials.
• A person has connected a consumer into a distribution system thus being supplied without the gas going through a consumer meter assembly.
• A person has removed the consumer billing meters and regulators from a distribution system and connected an alternative fuel gas supply.
Operators of distribution systems are responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of the distribution systems that they operate.
Important: Do not perform work on or tamper with a distribution system unless without authorisation from the operator of the distribution system.
If you’re unclear with the rules, check section 670(2)(f) of the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004. Distribution systems are an operating plant and finish at the outlet of the consumer meter assembly where the custody transfer occurs, and the consumer gas system commences.
Review section 81 of the Petroleum and Gas (Safety) Regulations 2018 It details the safety requirement for the design, construction, operation, maintenance and abandonment of the distribution system is compliance to either AS/NZS 4645 or AS 2885.
Article from Resources Safety & Health Queensland
Amendments to the Australian Standards AS/NZS 5601.1:2022 Gas Installations and AS/NZS 5601.2.2020 Gas Installations in Caravans and Boats for Non-Propulsive Purposes were published on 6 September 2024.
The following is a general overview of the amendments.
• The Scope of the Standard has been changed in Clause 1.1.1 to allow the use of performance-based in section 2 for the following gases:
{ Hydrogen
{ Hydrogen blended with Natural gas that does not meet the requirements of AS 4564.
{ Hydrogen blended with LP gas that does not meet the requirements of AS 4670.
{ Renewable LP Gas
{ LP Gas blended with dimethyl ether (DME)
• Changes to Normative references have been updated in Clause 1.2 and includes:
{ AS 4629 replaced with AS 4629:2005 Automatic shut off valves and vent valves.
{ AS/NZS 1869 replaced with AS 1869 – all parts.
{ Added EN15266 Stainless steel pliable corrugated tubing kits in buildings for gas with an operating pressure up to 0.5 bar.
{ Added 30652-1 Excess flow valves – Part 1: Excess flow valves for gas installations.
• New definitions have been included for the following:
{ Down-draught system/down-draught extractor system
{ Overhead radiant heater
{ Overhead radiant tube heater
{ Patio heater
• The term ‘gas appliance’ has been changed throughout the Standard with the removal of the word ‘gas’ from prefacing the word ‘appliance’ as the term is already indicating that it is an assembly that uses gas.
• Notes have been added to Clause 1.4 to include links to Workplace Health and Safety.
• Clause 2.1.4 General has been deleted and a new Clause inserted to cover performance requirements for gas installations.
• The text in Clause has been deleted and replaced with updated requirements for common flues.
• Table 4.2 has been updated to add EN15266 for compliance with pliable corrugated stainless-steel pipe for operating pressures up to 50kPa, replacing BS7838.
• In addition to mechanical fittings, EN15266 provides for the use of press fit end connectors that have ‘yellow’ HNBR elastomer ‘O’ ring seals.
• The removal of the reference to ‘Flared compression’ in relation to jointing copper tube using an appropriate expanding tool.
• The addition for consumer piping to be ‘metallic’ for at least one metre prior to exiting a wall where multi-layered pipe material is installed.
• Table 4.8.1 has been updated to include Hose assemblies to AS1869 series.
• Clause 5.2.10 has been updated to reference class ‘A’ safety shut off valve to AS 4629.1.
• The addition of Note: referencing AS4629:2005
• Clause 5.2:11 has been replaced to expand the provision of fire emergency isolation for multilayer pipe.
• Figure 5.212 (a) has been replaced with a new figure clarifying the positioning for transition fittings.
• Clause 5.3.1 has been updated to add items (h) Australia, and (j) New Zealand regarding prohibited locations for consumer piping.
• Clause 5.9.1 has been updated to reference the AS1869 series.
• Clause 6.2.4: additional information provided regarding space heaters. The addition of a Note 3 referencing AS/NZS 5139 for information on clearances from appliances to battery systems and BESS.
• Clause 6.7.6: additional information provided in the first paragraph with reference to clause The addition of a new Note 1: regarding industrial applications.
• Clause 6.9.3: reference added to a flue terminal of a small gas engine appliance.
• Clause the inclusion of additional requirements for downdraught extraction systems.
• Clause removal of reference to AS4551.
• Clauses and Reference to AS 1869 updated to include AS 1869 series.
• Clause Title changed to include ‘other than a room sealed appliance’.
• Clause 6.10.19: The addition of a Note 5 to allow for a performance base design solution where combustion products cannot be readily dispersed.
• Content has been added to Appendix A (Normative) regarding location of flue terminals for small gas engine driven appliances with the addition of a Figure 1A and a Table A.1
• Figure L.1.2.2 – Exclusion Zones for gas regulators have been updated. The height from ground level is now 1,500 mm.
• The Bibliography has been updated to reflect current referenced documents.
AS/NZS 5601.2:2020
• The term ‘gas appliance’ has been changed throughout the Standard with the removal of the word ‘gas’ from prefacing the word ‘appliance’ as the term is already indicating that it is an assembly that uses gas.
• All instances of AS/NZS 1869 replaced with AS 1869.
• Addition of Normative references to:
{ AS/NZS 1167.1 Welding and Brazing { EN14324 Brazing
• Clause 1.3.38: Change to the definition of a Hazardous Area.
• Inclusion of a new definition of a Living Space – Clause 1.3.72.
• Additional Note 4: explanation of the term ‘Durable’, added to Clause 3.1.8.
• Inclusion of new Figure 3.1.8 (E) – Effect of a vapour barrier on the measurement of distances.
• Table Materials for piping systems in caravans and boats has been updated and replaced with addition content.
• Clause 6.3.2 has been deleted and replaced with extensive detail regarding stowing or covering appliances.
• Clause 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3.1: updated to include the term ‘living space’ for ventilation purposes.
• Clause 7.3.1: Changes to Notes 1, 2, and 3:
{ Note 1 now references a ‘room sealed appliance’
{ Note 2 added
{ Existing Note 2 is now note 3, Note 3 is now Note 4, Note 4 is now note 5, and added Notes 6 and 7
• Figure 7.3.1 added
• Text edits to Clause 7.3.2 and 7.4.1
• Expanding of Clause 7.4.3 to reference a ‘living space’ and the inclusion of requirements ‘carbon monoxide detectors’ under certain conditions.
• Appendix C, Clause 6.4 Changed to ‘Type B’
• Additional references added to Bibliography.
Access to the full text of the AS/NZS 5601.1:2022, AS/NZS 5601.2.2020, and the amendments are available at no cost to MPAQ members. Members
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In Queensland, a floor waste is not mandatory in a Class 1 building. However, where a floor waste gully (FWG) is to be installed for the purpose of receiving discharge from waste fixtures, they must be installed according to the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 guidelines.
NCC 2022 defines floor waste as ‘a grated inlet within a graded floor intended to drain the floor surface’. AS/NZS 3500.2:2021 provides for a shower outlet to act as a floor waste gully under certain conditions. The NCC defines a wet area as an area within a building that is supplied with water from a water supply system, which includes bathrooms, showers, laundries and sanitary compartments.
In Queensland and various other states, a floor waste is not mandatory in a Class 1 building. A FWG can be installed internally in a wet area in a Class 1 building with provision, where required for the connection of waste pipes from fixtures and for the entry of water spillage from floors.
A shower recess installed with a water stop as defined by AS 3740 and commonly referred to as a ‘hob’ does not provide for any spillage from a bath, basin, or other waste fixture installed in the same wet area to be captured and drained to the shower outlet. Where the shower recess is enclosed by screens or walls intended to contain the spread of water within the shower space, the outlet cannot be considered a FWG for the purpose of receiving the discharge from other fixtures but rather as an individual fixture waste outlet. A separate FWG can be installed in the associated wet area for the purpose of receiving the discharge from other waste fixtures located in the same room.
Where a FWG is to be installed in a Class 1 building for the purpose of receiving discharge from permitted waste fixtures as well as providing for drainage of spillage from wet area floors, the installation shall satisfy the performance requirements of the NCC Volume 1 – 2022.
F2P1 Wet Area Overflows
Overflow from a bathroom, laundry facility, or the like must be prevented from penetrating to:
(a) another sole-occupancy unit used for sleeping accommodation; and (b) a public space.
F2D4 Floor Wastes
(1) In a Class 2 or 3 building or Class 4 part of a building, a bathroom or laundry located at any level above a sole-occupancy unit or public space must have a floor waste.
(2) Where a floor waste is installed—
• the minimum continuous fall of a floor plane to the waste must be 1:80; and
• the maximum continuous fall of a floor plane to the waste must be 1:50. For further questions and technical advice, MPAQ members can call the Technical team on 07 3273 0800.
Article written by Kerry Apelt, MPAQ Technical Officer
Helix Legal is a multidisciplinary legal practice serving industry association members, private entities and local and state Governments in the construction, infrastructure, and mining sector. Helix was founded seven years ago with one clear idea: to service our clients by providing meaningful solutions and a better way of doing things.
Our team can provide clients with the most diverse and practical solutions without the constraints of traditional hierarchy. We understand that sometimes the solution is not the black letter law answer, and we strive beyond this to deliver real-world solutions. With our expertise, Helix can assist with a variety of areas, including: due diligence on contracts, adjudications, project trust payments, advice on suspension, response to contractual notices, contract termination, defects advice, project administration, project delivery strategy, and QBCC license applications and assistance.
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At Smyth Financial, we specialise in asset finance solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of tradies. Whether you’re a residential or commercial plumber, roofer, gas fitter, or any other MPAQ trade professional, we understand that having the right vehicle is essential to your work. That’s why we focus on providing fast and efficient financing for utes and cars, ensuring you have the tools you need to get the job done without delays.
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Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland celebrated the best of the plumbing and gas industry at the 2024 Plumbing and Gas Industry Awards on Friday 11 October.
This year, Queensland-based businesses and individuals exemplified unparalleled passion, unrelenting resilience, groundbreaking innovation, inspiring leadership, and new standards of excellence as winners were recognised in each of the 17 award categories throughout the evening.
The path forward to a sustainable, progressive, and successful industry is paved by trailblazers.
On its 24th year, the Plumbing and Gas Industry Awards endeavours to celebrate these trailblazers – individuals, teams, and businesses who have showcased their unwavering commitment to protecting the health and safety of our communities with passion and excellence.
Presented by Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ) in partnership with Event Partner Reliance Worldwide Corporation (RWC), the Plumbing and Gas Industry Awards night was held at the brandnew Queen’s Wharf Brisbane and was attended by a record-breaking number of industry professionals and partners, local dignitaries, business owners, and esteemed guests.
“The Plumbing and Gas Industry Awards marks our biggest annual celebration, honouring those who set new standards of excellence,
innovation, and quality. To all nominees, finalists, and partners, thank you for your dedication. Your contributions uplift our industry, and we celebrate the collective strength that drives us forward.” said Penny Cornah, MPAQ’s Chief Executive Officer.
She added: “We extend our deepest gratitude to all our partners, whose steadfast support has been instrumental in our journey. Events like these don’t just give credit and recognition, but also hope to inspire the larger industry and the next generation of plumbers and gasfitters to consistently embody excellence and innovation. We aim to celebrate the best so we can keep growing and moving forward as an industry.”
This year, we had accomplished Aussie TV presenter and sports journalist Alissa Smith host the awards. Capping the night was entertainment from the Groove Elements and an after party with more drinks and bites at Livewire Bar.
School Based Apprentice of the Year
Winner: Liam Winkcup, The Industry School
Liam Winkcup has shown an impressive level of enthusiasm and motivation for plumbing, despite being relatively new to the industry. His passion for drainage, a vital part of the trade that must be executed with precision stood out to the judges. Liam’s responses highlight his willingness to tackle challenging tasks without hesitation, showcasing his positive attitude and dedication to learning. Additionally, his approach to workplace health and safety reflects a solid understanding of procedures for someone at his experience level. His focus on supporting others, along with strong backing from his employer, reinforces his commitment to becoming a skilled tradesperson.
Construction Skills Queensland Merv Harris Memorial Bursary Award
Winner: Harrison Tresider, Beavis & Bartels
Approaching the culmination of his third year as a plumbing apprentice at Beavis & Bartels, Harrison has made a strong contribution to his workplace, with a clear passion for drainage and a focus on effective teamwork and safety. The judges commended his commitment to problem-solving, communication, and response to feedback. Harrison’s dedication to workplace health and safety is evident, and his ability to collaborate with his team highlights the importance of communication in achieving success. His employer’s high level of support further reflects his valuable role within the team and his growing potential in the industry.
Rheem Second Year Apprentice of the Year
Winner: Maxwell Gaddes, Adept Plumbing
Maxwell Gaddes is a hardworking and passionate apprentice who has shown impressive development in the plumbing trade. His solid understanding of plumbing advancements and goal setting reflects a deep commitment to his craft. Maxwell’s approach to workplace health and safety is responsible and sound, highlighting his focus on maintaining high standards. He consistently reacts positively to feedback, making necessary adjustments to grow and improve. The judges commended Maxwell’s humility and confidence, qualities that are reinforced by strong support from his employer. Maxwell is a respectful and valuable team member, dedicated to excelling in his apprenticeship.
Caroma Third Year Apprentice of the Year
Reece Queensland Apprentice of the Year
Winner: Bradley Jolly, Tropical Coast Plumbing
Bradley Jolly has made impressive strides in his apprenticeship, showcasing a strong commitment to professional growth and workplace safety. His clear vision for the plumbing industry and solid application deeply impressed the judges, while his positive attitude and high-quality work consistently shine in client interactions. Bradley’s steady progress includes key certifications and licences in plumbing and gas work, reflecting his adaptability, effective communication, and commitment to safety. He actively pursues continuous learning, attending workshops and training sessions to stay current with industry best practices. Mentorship from seasoned professionals has been crucial to his growth, offering valuable insights. Bradley is well regarded for his dedication, strong work ethic, and reliability, making him a standout apprentice with a bright future.
The Service Trades College Fourth Year Apprentice of the Year
Winner: Jeffrey Vaughan, James Giles Plumbing
Jeffrey Vaughan is a dedicated and hardworking apprentice who goes above and beyond in balancing his work, family, and community commitments. His comprehensive understanding of workplace health and safety reflects a strong sense of responsibility, not only for himself but also for his colleagues and the public. Jeffrey shows a clear willingness to achieve, adapt to changing circumstances, and continuously improve workflow and business efficiencies. His employer holds him in high regard, praising his initiative, dedication, and positive attitude. Jeffrey’s commitment to the plumbing and gas industry is evident in his thoughtful and detailed approach to every task.
Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works Tradesperson of the Year
Winner: James Sharvell, 2Brothers Plumbing & Gas Pty Ltd
James Sharvell is a dedicated and passionate professional, deeply immersed in the plumbing, drainage, and gas industries. At the age of 22, James had successfully run major projects, including iconic Brisbane builds like Gerard’s and Moscani at James St. As the founder of 2Brothers Plumbing & Gas, James has evolved from a sole plumber into a leader, overseeing apprentice mentoring and leading by example. James consistently works hard to ensure the satisfaction of both his team and clients. His commitment to diverse hiring is evident in his recent inclusion of a female work experience student, a first for his team. His emphasis on communication shines through in weekly onsite meetings and monthly team gatherings, fostering a strong team dynamic – all while proudly balancing his role as a father. Dedicated to continuous learning, James is pursuing an electrical course and a builder’s license. Known for his hands-on leadership and community involvement, James regularly volunteers and sponsors local sports teams and charities. His hard work, dedication, and commitment to both his team and clients have earned him recognition as “the local plumber” and a respected figure in the industry.
RWC Businessperson of the Year
Winner: Nick Day, Rivercity Maintenance Service Pty Ltd
Nick Day is a visionary leader with a deep awareness of the plumbing and gas industry. His unique business initiatives, strategic planning, and adaptability to changing requirements have been key to his success. Nick’s strong workplace attitude, combined with excellent customer relationship management, has led to impressive outcomes, including securing a substantial contract reward for over 3 and a half years. He is highly involved in the industry, influencing workplace culture, boosting morale, and demonstrating leadership through mentoring. His approach to difficult conversations and situations showcases his effective strategies and problem-solving skills. Nick’s ability to stand out from the crowd and drive his business forward sets him apart, and his wisdom offers valuable guidance for young apprentices entering the industry.
Austbrokers Comsure Andrea Vogler Women in Business Award
Winner: Brianna Baker, Tropical Coast Plumbing
Brianna Baker has quickly established herself as a natural leader in the plumbing and gas industry. Her confidence and willingness to challenge herself, even in the face of obstacles, are truly inspiring. Brianna has fostered a positive work culture, something her team appreciates daily. Brianna is regarded for her resiliency, never letting challenges deter her from her passion for the industry. As a proactive leader and role model for other females in the trade, Brianna consistently offers valuable advice and paves the way for future generations. Her achievements in such a short time are remarkable, and the judging panel commended her impact and dedication.
Tradelink Women in Plumbing and Gas Award
Winner: Toni Hillman, Logan City Council
Toni Hillman has demonstrated exceptional proactive leadership and a thorough understanding of industry standards throughout her career. Known for handling difficult situations with ease, Toni has also actively contributed to industry committees, supporting workers and promoting the plumbing trade to future apprentices. Toni’s involvement with the National Association of Women in Construction and advocacy for diversity and inclusion further highlights her commitment to the industry. Over the last 10 years, Toni has advanced from apprentice to Plumbing Officer, showcasing her resilience and determination in overcoming challenges, including stepping away from the tools. Her leadership and dedication make her a true role model within the industry.
MPAQ President’s Award
Winner: Trevor Morris (Posthumous)
Trevor was born on 24 December 1930, in Melbourne, he was a respected leader in the plumbing industry and a dedicated community member. Beginning his plumbing career in 1947, he later established Gold Coast Plumbing in 1958, contributing to iconic projects like Kinkabool, the first high-rise on the Gold Coast. He held various leadership roles within the Association and earned Life Membership in 1994. Trevor was also active in the Burleigh Heads Apex Club and the Rotary Club of Broadbeach, helping establish the Broadbeach Senior Citizens Centre, where a room is named in his honour. He was known for his integrity and problem-solving. Trevor passed away on 2 June 2024, leaving a legacy of service and dedication. His legacy continues to inspire, and this award serves as a tribute to his remarkable life and lasting impact on the plumbing community.
Winner: Paul Beaumont
Paul Beaumont is the Principal Inspector for gas work and devices at Resources Safety & Health Queensland (RSHQ). His journey in the gas industry began as an apprentice with British Gas in 1980, after which he worked primarily in the industrial and commercial sectors. Since migrating to Australia in 2000, he has contributed to various gas companies across the Gold Coast, Brisbane, and Sunshine Coast, before joining the gas inspectorate in 2010. Paul holds a gas work licence and gas work authority in Queensland and represents RSHQ on multiple Australian standards committees for gas fitting, appliance design, and emerging hydrogen technologies. He is also an active member of the Gas Technical Regulators Committee and the Institute of Gas Engineers and Managers. Paul is awarded the President’s Industry Award for his exceptional dedication to enhancing gas safety and compliance in Queensland, his leadership in shaping industry standards, and his unwavering commitment to educating and supporting the next generation of gas industry professionals.
Winner: Creek to Coast Plumbing
Creek to Coast Plumbing stands out as a well-rounded business deeply immersed in its community. Through active contributions, advertising, and support for women in business, they foster reciprocal support for the local economy, embodying a “givers gain” philosophy. With clear quality controls in place to ensure customer satisfaction, Creek to Coast is committed to continuous improvement and strategic growth. Their promotional videos, vision statement, and strong community engagement demonstrate a thoughtful approach to business. Environmentally friendly practices, customer-focused services like arrival tracking, and effective use of business improvement software enhance their operations. A loyalty program and involvement with local initiatives like the Caboolture campaign, BPW group, and local schools further cement their role as a positive force in the community.
AHSCA Queensland Hydraulic Consultancy Design of the Year
Winner: Logan Hospital, AECOM
The Logan Hospital Expansion project, valued at $540 million, represents a significant enhancement to regional healthcare with the addition of 206 hospital beds. This vertical expansion over an operational facility presented numerous challenges, which were met with exceptional skill and dedication. The project required AECOM to provide innovative solutions and meticulous planning to ensure the hospital’s operations continued smoothly throughout construction. The submission provided an excellent overview, detailing the design and construction phases, the consultant’s role, and how design processes were integrated to minimise on-site queries and delays. Safety in design provisions were thoroughly outlined, ensuring compliance with operational guidelines. The project’s complexity was managed through effective stakeholder coordination and a clear focus on minimizing disruption, showcasing the team’s commitment to quality and operational efficiency. Described as a truly one-of-a-kind endeavour, the project posed numerous challenges during its phases of design, construction, and commissioning. The unwavering dedication exhibited throughout by all involved merits sincere congratulations. AECOM have set a remarkable precedent with this extraordinary achievement.
MM Kembla Outstanding Copper Plumbing & Gas Project of the Year Winner: Bradnams Doors and Windows, Queensland Industrial Gasfitting Services
Queensland Industrial Gasfitting Services (QIGS), achieved an outstanding result with their recent project, Bradnams Doors and Windows, showcasing exceptional technical skill and adherence to gas regulations. The installation involved a complex 100mm copper gas line running 260 metres to supply a state-of-the-art vertical powder coating line. This project featured three major gas appliances: a boiler, prewash, and curing oven, all served by copper tube and fittings brazed with Oxy/LPG welding for durability. The innovative use of HDPE flues in the prewash bay effectively addressed high alkaline content issues, ensuring longevity. The new plant, relocated to a more efficient facility, boasts nearly double the capacity of its predecessor, is 43% more energyefficient, and delivers superior finishes. With over 1,200 man-hours dedicated to this project, QIGS exemplified high-quality workmanship and excellent project management, meeting all key deliverables on time.
Plumbing Plus Domestic Plumbing or Gas Project of the Year
Winner: The Corso, 2Brothers Plumbing & Gas
The Corso is a standout project that exemplifies exceptional skill and complexity. This three-story architectural home features a comprehensive plumbing system designed with high-level domestic plumbing expertise by 2Brothers Plumbing & Gas. The project focuses on efficient water distribution, innovative fixtures, and sustainable practices, delivering optimal functionality and comfort while minimising environmental impact. Designed by top Queensland architect Justin Humphries, the build incorporates modern aesthetics and integrates seamlessly with its surroundings. Notable innovations include a hot water system plant with dual Ambiheat units and a 50L commercial Rheem tank. The project faced various challenges, including scheduling and coordination, exacerbated by Covid-related delays. Effective communication and meticulous project management ensured smooth operations and adherence to timelines. Despite these hurdles, the project’s successful completion demonstrates a commitment to quality and collaboration, making it a truly impressive achievement.
Zip Water Commercial Plumbing or Gas Project of the Year
Winner: Field of Dreams, Tru-Flow Services
Field of Dreams showcases exceptional attention to detail, safety, and training on a massive scale. The 17-hectare, state-of-the-art facility in Ipswich integrates beverage processing, packaging, warehousing, and distribution, all under one roof. With Frucor Suntory committing over $400 million, the plant has a capacity of up to 20 million cases annually and potential for expansion. Given the use of corrosive cleaning products, the facility required the best hydraulic materials to ensure longevity and avoid contamination. Additionally, a Trade Waste Plant was incorporated into the design to ensure no untreated liquid is discharged, with comprehensive water monitoring in place. The hydraulic design and construct package was awarded to Tru-Flow Services, ensuring this project meets the highest industry standards. Despite the formidable challenges, this project stands as a testament to effective communication, teamwork, and exceptional skills in manoeuvring through obstacles.
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Contracting members have access to MPAQ’s HR Advisory Services for support and information relating to your employees that is specific to your plumbing or gas business.
Whether it’s an urgent HR crisis or you’re just needing simple dayto-day workplace advice, you’ll get in-depth advice specific to the situation at hand. Get support surrounding wages and Awards, leave and other entitlements, relationship and performance management, employer termination and employee resignation, WorkCover requirements, updates and changes in employment legislation, employment contracts, WHS matters, and more.
MPAQ members can call 07 3273 0800 or email advice@mpaq.com.au for support.
MPAQ members enjoy 25% off TradeR workwear and 15% off Rusty Australia. Visit the TradeR Workwear page at www.mpaq.com.au/ benefits/traderworkwear or scan the QR code to claim your discount codes.
A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) has a duty to keep workers and the workplace safe. All workers also have a duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and not adversely affect the safety of others.
Alcohol and drugs (including medicines that are prescribed or over the counter) can affect a person’s ability to work safely. Therefore, it is important that a business considers how they will deal with drugs and/ or alcohol that may be used by their employees.
When considering how to keep workers and the workplace safe, it is important to identify the risks and hazards and how to address those risks and hazards. Some of the main areas for consideration include:
• Whether the business operates high-risk machinery or undertakes high-risk work
• The existing culture of the business, nature of work or workplace practices, and if they encourage drug or alcohol use at work –i.e. if the business provides beers on a Friday afternoon
• The perceived extent of alcohol and drug use
In determining the risk and hazards, it is important for a business to consider implementing a drug and alcohol management policy. A policy may include:
• Identifying an affected person of drugs and/or alcohol
• Self-assessment by workers
• Training of workers
• Implementing drug and alcohol testing and what those parameters involve:
• Cut-off points for positive results
• Testing procedures – random, mandatory for all workers
• Who conducts the testing – a doctor or dedicated testing business
If a business is looking to implement drug and alcohol testing, some precautions must be considered before implementing testing:
• A positive drug test, excluding alcohol, doesn’t always indicate impairment.
• Drug tests can produce inaccurate results, including false positives, and may have integrity or interpretation issues.
• Drug testing has limitations and may face legal challenges.
• A worker’s refusal to test doesn’t imply intoxication. They may have valid reasons unless otherwise stated in legislation, contracts, or agreements.
• Testing should be part of a comprehensive program with safeguards, clear policies, and proper education and support.
• Worker consultation is important; while agreement isn’t required, it’s preferable due to the intrusive nature of testing.
• Privacy and confidentiality must be considered.
• Random drug and alcohol testing must be truly random and should not target specific groups unfairly.
Workers impaired by drugs and/or alcohol pose a significant risk to themselves and others, increasing the likelihood of workplace injuries or illnesses. If an incident occurs, it may result in a WorkCover claim. Depending on the circumstances, a worker may still be eligible for coverage even if they were under the influence at the time.
For further information, MPAQ members can contact the MPAQ Advisory Team on 07 3273 0800.
Article written by Emma Ross, MPAQ Senior HR Business Partner
Elevate your career with our Industry-leading training that keeps you at the forefront of success.
The Service Trades College offers top-tier apprenticeship and postapprenticeship programs, specialising in commercial plumbing and other fields.
Stay ahead of the game throughout your career with our Industry-led training opportunities.
On 1 January 2025, the Fair Work Act 2009 amendments creating an underpayment of wages criminal offence comes into effect. There is not much time for employers to take any necessary steps needed to minimise the risk of wage underpayment, including inadvertent underpayment.
Doing nothing to manage the risk of inadvertent underpayment is far riskier. Doing nothing could, in certain circumstances, be deemed to be a deliberate underpayment, and therefore, a criminal offence.
The first step in managing this risk is to consider the common issues that can result in inadvertent underpayments.
1. Applying the wrong enterprise agreement or modern award –Employers need to review and check that they are applying the correct industrial instrument. Most often it will be a modern award, but it may be an enterprise agreement. Applying the wrong industrial instrument can have messy flow on effects.
2. Misclassifying your employees – Minimum rates in instruments are determined by the classification. If an employee is misclassified at a lower classification, and therefore paid a lower minimum rate than they should be paid, the underpayment can quickly add up. Employers must review and analyse the classifications they apply to each employee and match, not only the position descriptions against classifications, but what the employee does in practice.
3. Misapplying allowances, overtime, penalty rates, and other ad hoc payments – Instruments often provide complex provisions on entitlements to allowances, penalty rates outside of ordinary hours and overtime. It is important to have clear and accurate pay rules for these various entitlements because incorrect application can lead quickly to significant underpayments.
4. Misunderstanding minimum engagement periods – Most instruments provide for minimum engagement hours when an employee works overtime or works on a Saturday or Sunday. For example, in many cases, an employee working on a Saturday or Sunday must be paid for a minimum of four hours even if they work less than four hours. Not applying minimum engagement period can lead to a substantial underpayment.
5. Misunderstanding annualised salaries – Many businesses pay employees an annualised salary that exceeds the relevant award minimum. The intention is that the annualised salary is paid in full satisfaction of all statutory entitlements. When determining the annualised salary, employers must ensure they pay sufficiently above the award to be able to set-off all award entitlements. So, when paying an annualised salary, employers still must consider the above factors that can contribute to an underpayment and ensure there is sufficient margin above the minimum rates to cover all award entitlements. Employers must also ensure the employment contract contains an effective set off
clause or what is paid as salary may not be able to be set off against allowances, travel allowances, penalty rates or overtime rates, leading to significant underpayment claims by employees.
We recommend that between now and 1 January 2025, employers review their payroll systems and payroll rules to satisfy themselves that employees are being paid correctly under and applicable industrial instrument.
1. That they are applying the correct award or enterprise agreement;
2. That employees are classified correctly (for example, are employees who are being paid as a level 1 or level 2 classification more properly a level 3 or a level 4 classification);
3. Whether all applicable allowances or penalty rates are being applied and paid correctly, including, whether employees are taking their required meal breaks at the correct time; and
4. That accrued entitlements such as annual leave or sick leave are being accrued correctly.
There can be substantial benefits in employers undertaking any review in a way that gives them the benefit of Legal Professional Privilege. If there is a likelihood of underpayment, then documents produced in any payroll review may have to be disclosed, including to the authorities like the Fair Work Commission, if an underpayment claim is commenced. Undertaking a payroll review under Legal Professional Privilege means that until the employer understands what legal risk exist of an underpayment claim or prosecution, the employer can develop and implement a management plan without risking the review documents being disclosed in any court action or regulator investigation.
For anyone acquiring a business, a payroll due diligence on the business being acquired is a must. The purchaser otherwise may inherit a significant claim or become liable to criminal penalties for failing to act and ensure that the business they are acquiring has a compliant payroll.
Inadvertent underpayment is no longer a minor issue for fixing sometime down the track. Employers or business purchasers are urged to use the remaining months to ensure that the business payroll is accurate. For further advice, call the MPAQ HR Advisory Team on 07 3273 0800. MPAQ members also have a free 20-minute chat with Cornwalls for legal advice.
Article by Cornwalls.
Disclaimer: This information and the contents of this publication, current as at the date of publication, is general in nature to offer assistance to Cornwalls’ clients, prospective clients and stakeholders, and is for reference purposes only. It does not constitute legal or financial advice. If you are concerned about any topic covered, we recommend that you seek your own specific legal and financial advice before taking any action.
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As 2024 draws to a close, we at MPAQ are proud to reflect on a year marked by growth, collaboration, and impactful training initiatives that have strengthened Queensland’s plumbing and gas industry. With the funding support of Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ), we have broadened our scope of training and upskilling, reaching new heights in workforce development and safety standards.
Our CSQ-funded training programs this year, such as the tailored safety training for the operation of Type B Jetter systems, helped alleviate the burden of the cost of training and empowered over 890 participants. The commitment of our training services team ensured these programs reached diverse communities across the state, from metropolitan hubs to regional towns like Biloela and Goondiwindi to name a few. Local collaborations, such as those with Biloela Plumbing Works, O’Brien Plumbing Goondiwindi, and their councils, have been instrumental in extending the reach of our training programs.
A standout development this year has been the increased participation of women in the training courses. With a growing number of women completing programs such as the MSMSS00019 Operate a Drain Cleaning System (Skill Set), we are witnessing a shift towards a more inclusive workforce. Looking ahead, we are committed to fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of background, has access to the skills and resources they need to succeed.
We were also honoured to be announced as a nominee for the 2024 Queensland Training Awards – Small Training Provider of the Year. We were shortlisted and named in the Top 5. We were truly humbled by the recognition and would like to thank everyone for their support.
As we prepare for 2025, MPAQ’s commitment to quality and compliance remains our highest priority. Our Quality Management Compliance System ensures that all training programs align with the ASQA standards, safeguarding the integrity of our course offerings. With ongoing attention to regulatory compliance, rigorous scheduling, and continuous improvement, we are building on a foundation of trust and excellence.
Looking forward, MPAQ is excited to launch new training programs, explore innovative learning technologies, and expand our partnerships to create a pipeline of skilled, futureready professionals. We invite our members, industry partners, and the wider community to join us in this journey towards a dynamic new year. As we move forward together, we are not just adapting to the future; we are helping to shape it.
Article written by Tracy Bob, MPAQ Training
If an apprentice wants to apply for an interim gas licence, they must do it within the first 12 months of completing their apprenticeship.
You need a licence or authorisation before you do any gas work in Queensland, regardless of whether the work is residential, commercial, or industrial.
An interim gas work licence authorises you to install, remove, alter, repair, service, and test a gas system in relation to a gas device (type A). This allows an interim licence holder to carry out most types of gas work while completing the requirements to progress to a full gas work licence.
An interim gas work licence does not include certifying. The holder of a full gas work licence must check and certify any installation work done by an interim licence holder. Before doing installation work, an interim licence holder will need to arrange for a full licence holder to certify the work and should check if they want to supervise the interim holder’s work.
To apply for an interim gas work licence, an individual must be a suitable person to hold a licence and hold a Certificate III in Gas Fitting or a Certificate III in Plumbing qualification (that was completed within the last 12 months)
• If they meet all the requirements, they may lodge an application for a gas work licence.
• If they meet the qualifications and experience requirements but do not meet the currency requirements, they will need to pass the approved Gas Work Trade Test (the trade test) at a participating RTO before lodging an application. This is to check that their skills are current before their licence application is accepted.
• They must apply for an interim gas licence issued by the Resources, Safety and Health Queensland. The four required units are outlined below. For further information on each of the courses, please contact the Training Services Team or check out the 2025 Training Calendar for the course dates.
CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control processes
CPCPCM4012 Estimate and cost work
CPCPGS4011 Design and size consumer gas installations
CPCPGS4022 Service Type A gas appliances
MPAQ offers training that is available online and can be completed at your own pace.
Course in Evaluating and Planning the Installation of Solar and Heat Pump Water Systems
This is an approved online course required for all plumbers who wish to gain an endorsement on their plumbing licence to install, maintain, repair, replace, and test solar and heat pump water heating systems. CSQ subsidy is available for eligible students.
Is it time to revalidate your backflow prevention endorsement?
If you are a plumber that has previously held the Backflow Prevention endorsement, the Backflow Prevention Revalidation must be successfully completed within five years of the expiry date to maintain the backflow endorsement on your QBCC licence.
MPAQ delivers an approved, online backflow prevention revalidation that is required for all plumbers who need to renew the backflow endorsement on their plumbing licence. How do I revalidate my backflow endorsement?
Enrol in the Backflow Prevention Revalidation course via the Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland website. Once you have completed your Backflow Prevention Revalidation successfully, you will need to provide a certified copy of your certificate to QBCC along with photo identification. You must also complete Form 24 – application for an endorsement. This form is sent to you via email along with your certificate once you have completed your Backflow Prevention Revalidation successfully.
For further information about these courses, please contact the Training Services Team on 07 3273 0800 or visit the MPAQ website at mpaq.com.au/training.
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MPAQ members who are not yet existing Podium customers get a 10% discount when they sign up for a Podium subscription. To claim this benefit, contact Anne Williams at anne.williams@podium.com or text 0483 930 012.
20-22 January Brisbane 17-19 February Toowoomba 3-5 March Gold Coast
31 January Brisbane 4 April Brisbane
28-29 January Brisbane 20-21 February Toowoomba 6-7 March Gold Coast 18-19 March Brisbane
CPCPCM4012 ESTIMATE AND COST WORK 3-4 February Brisbane
Scan the QR code for the full list of available classes and locations.
The Plumbing and Gas Industry Benchmarking Report is developed every year based on feedback provided in an annual survey of plumbing and gas business owners in Queensland. This information aims to provide a quick snapshot of the current state of the plumbing and gas industry and become a resource for MPAQ to lobby the government on issues that are most relevant for plumbers, gasfitters, and business owners.
Here is some information from the 2024/2025 Plumbing and Gas Industry Benchmarking Report collated from the survey conducted in July 2024. You can access the full report by visiting www.mpaq.com.au/industry/benchmarking or scanning the QR code.
62% of survey respondents are based in South East Queensland. Time in business has been diverse, with 28% having been in business for 1-10 years, 57% have been doing business between 11 to 40 years, and the remaining 15% have been in business for over 40 years. Most respondents also reported they have between 1-5 employees.
The top three responses remain the same as in previous years – Commercial Maintenance, Drainage, and Domestic Maintenance.
Survey respondents were asked to provide information on products, materials, and overhead expenditures.
Survey data reveals that the average annual expenditure on products and materials among respondents has surged to $835,882—a 23% increase compared to the 2022/2023 period. This rise reflects broader industry challenges, including rising costs across the supply chain.
Purchasing priorities have also shifted, with price moving from third to second in importance, behind quality in first place.
The past year has seen significant cost increases across the board, with respondents reporting over 25% growth in material expenses, over 10% for labour, and more than 25% for overheads. This aligns with trends observed in previous years, indicating a consistent upward trajectory in operational costs.
70% of respondents said they charge an hourly rate. 44% said it differs per job while 46% said they have a fixed price. 33% of survey respondents only disclose charge out rates on request while 26% disclose when quoting and 16% disclose when invoicing.
There are many factors that affect businesses when they work out their charge out rates. In order of importance, survey respondents rated how these factors affected their calculations.
The survey results highlight that 63% of respondents currently employ apprentices, demonstrating a significant commitment to fostering future talent in the industry. However, key factors influencing decisions to hire apprentices include their attitude and motivation to work, as well as the financial challenge of covering costs while they attend TAFE or college. Notably, many respondents indicated they would be more inclined to hire additional apprentices if increased funding were available, underscoring the need for greater financial support to boost apprenticeship uptake.
• 91% do not support banning natural gas in new homes in Queensland.
28% of survey respondents do not charge a call-out fee (down 5% on the previous year). For those that do, 34% charge $70 and above.
41% said they do not charge additional fees for travel time (up 12% on the previous year), 8% had a flat rate, 23% charged their normal hourly rate, and 10% charged per kilometre.
When it comes to marking up the trade price for materials, the most common response provided for the average markup on materials was 21-30%, which was the same as the last two years.
Below are the average rates based on feedback from survey respondents that indicated they do not have different charge-out rates for different types of work compared to 2023/2024. Scan the QR code to view a full breakdown based on types of work.
• 86% support implementing renewable gases, including hydrogen and biomethane in Queensland.
Available in 100 and 150mm, the new PVC Lockable End Cap is a great storage solution for plumbers, tradies, and hobbyists alike, that transforms standard PVC pipes into secure, waterproof storage for your gear. Whether you’re transporting pipes, hoses, cables or other awkwardly shaped items, this innovative end cap makes it easy to keep your belongings dry and protected.
Designed for convenience, the end cap features a trap door hinge and is equipped with lugs that accommodate padlocks up to 7mm in diameter. The end cap also features a rubber O-ring seal that prevents any leaks, keeping your dirty tools and gear safe from spillage or from dirtying other items. Plus, moulded snaps secure the lid in place, providing added reassurance that your items won’t shift or fall out during transport. Find out more at www.holmanplumbing.com.au.
Expanding on the current range of Toyota vehicles that MPAQ members currently have exclusive discounts on, MPAQ Association fleet pricing now includes the powerful Hilux GR Sport and the new All-Electric bZ4X.
The All-Electric Toyota bZ4X launched earlier this year as Toyota Australia’s first battery electric vehicle (BEV). Featuring the latest motor generator and battery technology, the bZ4X represents a significant step in Toyota’s multi-pathway approach.
The HiLux GR Sport is proudly bred with Dakar DNA for off-road adventure. With a 10% power boost to its turbocharged 2.8L 4-cylinder engine, GR Sport is Australia’s most performance-focused diesel HiLux to date.
To purchase your new Toyota, visit your local Fleet Specialist Dealer or call 1800 444 847.
microREEL APX - Mid-flex push cable and small 25 mm camera head for easily navigating turns and inspecting up to 30m. Includes onboard TruSense technology for advanced inspection features like TiltSense and HDR image sensor. Line capacity: 38-100mm.
microREEL CA - Designed for use with RIDGID micro CA-350 inspection monitor (not included) with integrated keypad and included CA-350 adapter & docking handle accessories (TruSense features available only when using a TruSense-capable monitor.) Line capacity: 38-100mm.
microDRAIN APX - Designed specifically for small pipes, P-traps, and toilet traps with high-flex 20 m cable and small 22mm camera head. Includes TruSense technology for advanced inspection features. Line capacity: 32-76mm.
NANOreel - Ultra-flexible push cable and smallest camera head at only 15.5mm, ideal for inspecting pipes with small diameters and tight radius bends. Line capacity: 25-64mm.
For more information, visit ridgid.com.au or phone 1800 743 443.
Zip Water, a pioneer in water innovation, has launched their latest innovation with a new series in HydroTap G5, their most eco-friendly HydroTap yet.
The latest HydroTap G5 series, features an eco-friendlier refrigeration system utilising R290 refrigerant gas—a natural propane known for its low Global Warming Potential (GWP). This transition from the previous R134a refrigerant marks a significant leap in climate-conscious design, enhancing efficiency while complying with forthcoming climate regulations in Australia.
Also introduced is a redesigned front fascia with integrated airflow vents, allowing air to be expelled out of the cupboard more quickly and efficiently. This enhancement in air-cooling technology not only maintains 100% water efficiency but also improves energy efficiency.
For more information, visit www.zipwater.com.
MPAQ Events are unique opportunities for industry to come together and stay connected. Thank you to all our attendees and partners for making 2024 a phenomenal year for our Association! Giving back to the community is a core part of all our events. This year, we have raised a total of $17,500 for our charity partner, TIACS. TIACS is a free phone and text counselling service offering mental health
Leading with integrity, driving innovation, and shaping the future of the plumbing and gas industry
The MPAQ Business Leaders Group unites influential businesses across various sectors, forming a powerful network of industry leaders committed to excellence, innovation, and collaborative growth. As leaders of their respective fields, group members leverage their collective expertise to drive forward industry standards, foster innovation, and advance the interests of the plumbing and gas sector.
The group recently went on a productive cruise along the Brisbane River. Thank you to our partners for helping make this event and group possible!
For more information or to be part of this group, visit www.mpaq.com.au/about/members/mpaq-businessleaders-group.
MPAQ members have access to an exclusive 8% discount with Medibank Corporate Cover, 6 weeks free when joining and maintaining eligible Medibank Corporate Hospital & Extras cover, plus waiting periods waived on extras.
Find out more: www.mpaq.com. au/benefits/ medibank
Whether it be excellence in fit, durability, or sustainability, TradeR delivers products for every TradeR consumer –backed and powered by Rusty. Enjoy 25% off TradeR workwear and 15% off all Rusty Australia items.
Find out more: www.mpaq.com. au/benefits/ trader-workwear
In addition to access to a broad range of services, products, and support, you can also enjoy discounts and special offers on products and services that will help enhance your business. We’re pleased to introduce some new offers and discounts that we’ve recently introduced.
Through the partnership of Dell Technologies and MPAQ, members can now claim up to 10% off Dell laptops, desktops, accessories,monitors, and much more all-year round. (Applies also to sale items during promotional periods.)
Find out more: www.mpaq.com. au/benefits/dell
Specialising in serving industry associations and construction, Helix Legal offers a free 30-minute chat with a legal expert, free access to a complete solicitors’ letter of demand service, and fixed fee prices on services.
Find out more: www.mpaq.com. au/benefits/ helix-legal
Podium is a lead management and communication platform helping plumbing businesses get new customers and convert leads faster with the help of AI. MPAQ members get a 10% discount when they sign up.
Find out more: www.mpaq.com. au/benefits/ podium
Check out all our partner offers here: www.mpaq.com.au/services/discounts
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Harle Gall has dedicated his time and effort to the Board, and we sincerely appreciate his commitment, especially his willingness to travel from Goondiwindi to attend meetings and events. Harle became an MPAQ member in 2009, and he joined the Board to represent a rural perspective and to have a voice in policies impacting our industry. Thank you, Harle, for your dedication and valuable contributions.
Ken Baulch joined MPAQ on 15 May 1977. He previously served as secretary and then chairman of the Bundaberg Division. Over the years, Ken has been an active and dedicated member, regularly attending events and engaging in industry activities. Ken’s legacy in the trade continues with his son, Andrew, who is also a plumber. Ken stands as an outstanding ambassador for our Association.
Brian Sorohan joined MPAQ on 18 April 1979 and served as treasurer of the North Queensland Division from. Over the years, he has actively participated in numerous events, consistently demonstrating his dedication to our Association. Brian’s steadfast commitment and exemplary representation of MPAQ and our industry make him a worthy recipient of this honour.
On 19 November, MPAQ held the 124th Annual General Meeting and Stalwarts event at PICAC Beenleigh and new members of the 2024 MPAQ Board were announced during the meeting: Michael Ryan (Vice President), Warwick Royal (Councillor), Reginald Harper (Councillor) Bob Kimlin (Trustee), and Bill Watson AM (Trustee).
Please note: not all positions were open for election this year. Kent Vickers (President), Dennis Yarrow (Vice President), Patrick Robertson (Councillor), John Salmon (Councillor), Sean Taylor (Councillor), and Nathan Parnaby (Councillor) continue to serve as current members of the board. Melissa Millar is appointed as External Councillor and Brad Seymour remains an MPAQ Consultant.
The principal activities of the Association during the year were representing the interests of our members to Government, conducting training activities, providing technical resources, and advancing the interests of the plumbing, gas and services industry to the community.
The MPAQ Board comprises past presidents, specialists in hot water, major contractors, experts in backflow and drainage, as well as pipe reliners and gas fitters. This diverse pool of expertise, knowledge, and regional representation at the board level equips the association to engage in meaningful discussions and effectively advocate for our members at all government levels.
Shawn Dineen Dineen Plumbing Far North Qld 50
Mark Moore Stratco (Qld) Pty Ltd Gold Coast 40
Gregory Plumb North Qld 35
Alan Miller Jackrhon Plumbing Pty Ltd Toowoomba 30
Wayne Simonsen Simonsen Plumbing North Qld 30
Nick Fowkes Accurate Plumbing and Drainage Services
Allan Prizmic APL Plumbing & Tanks
South 25
North Qld 25
Paul Voerman Paul Voerman Plumbing Pty Ltd Far North Qld 25
Matthew Daly Daly Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
John Cuk John Cuk Plumbing & Gas Service
Darren Nebe Kippa-Ring Plumbing Service
Kerry Bath Bathy’s Plumbing
Peter Kurtz Biloela Plumbing Works Pty Ltd
Liam Wellsteed Blackbutt Plumbing Solutions
Gary Carson Clearline Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
Darrell Tweed
Steve May Mayday Plumbing Pty Ltd
Craig Dillon Palm Beach Plumbing And Drainage Pty Ltd
Simon Peart Peart Plumbing
Nick Moore SFA Australia Pty Ltd
Jamie Emanuel The Plumber Guy
Anthony Hayman
Noah Hampsey NJH Plumbing Pty
South 20
North 20
North 20
North 15
Coast 15
Coast 15
Coast 15
South 15
The Couta Group Pty Ltd was founded by Gavin Shaw in 2005. It started with GasPex piping, then expanded to include WaterPex piping, DWV PVC fitting and copper press fittings. The company’s major highlights are having piping in some of the biggest projects in Australia, including Brisbane Sky Tower. They were also the BRW Fastest Growing Company in 2008. Looking to the future, The Couta Plumbing Group Pty Ltd will continue to innovate, especially in Pex Piping, their brand, and product range.
Congratulations on reaching this milestone!
Macro Plumbing, founded by Ben Featherston in 2019, is marking five years of membership with the Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ). Over the years, the company has grown into a reliable resource for civil, commercial, and residential plumbing contractors, facility managers, builders, developers, local government authorities, and the public. They specialise in high-pressure water jet rodding (Class A and B), CCTV pipe inspections and detailed reporting, backflow and YMV testing and reporting, NDIS home modification works, all gas fitting works, and compliance issues.
Key achievements include obtaining NDIS accreditation through the rigorous screening and auditing process and being a 2020 Plumbing Ambassador. Ben highlights the importance of MPAQ’s role in keeping members informed of legislative changes and industry advancements. Macro Plumbing remains committed to delivering specialised services and embracing renewable opportunities for the future.
Congratulations to Macro Plumbing on reaching this milestone!
Liam Brien Aesthetic Plumbing Sunshine Coast
Shaun Tulk Bathroom Products Australia Pty Ltd
Larry Prosser Beyond Payments
Niles Brigden Brigs Plumbing & Roofing
Paul Gray Central Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
Joshua Chester Chester Plumbing Co.
Sunshine Coast
Brisbane North
Brisbane North
Brisbane South
Brisbane North
Brisbane South
Wayne Jarvis Clearmark Construction Pty Ltd Far North Qld
Zakkary Coffison Coffison Plumbing Pty Ltd
Rhys Cunningham Cornerstone Plumbing & Gas Services
Chris Williams/ Lonne Crisp Plumbing Services
Scott Weaver D&S Plumbing Group Pty Ltd
Adrian Driver Drivers Plumbing & Gas Services
Brisbane North
Brisbane North
Brisbane South
Brisbane North
Brisbane South
Damon McLeod DRM Plumbing FNQ Pty Ltd Far North Qld
Samuel Dusting Dusting Plumbing Services Mackay
Tyson Cruickshank Elite flow plumbing co
Brisbane South
Ben Wilkie Float Plumbing and Gas Gold Coast
Julian Verdouw Flow-Tech Plumbing Drainage & Gasfitting
Brisbane North
Corey Francis Francis plumbing and gas North Qld
Shona Gurnett Gurnett Plumbing Solutions Gold Coast
Lachlan Wilton LC Plumbing and Gas
Sunshine Coast
Lee Ellis-Mellor Lee’s Plumbing & Gas Fitting Services Pty Ltd Far North Qld
Corey Lenihan Lenihan Plumbing Group
Liam Enoch Lexen Plumbing and Gas Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Brisbane South
Matthew Werrell Matt Werrell Plumbing Gold Coast
Vanessa McCouat McCouat’s Plumbing Ipswich
Michael Ryan Mick Ryan Plumbing and Gas
Nickolas Miotti Miotti Plumbing & Gas
Martyn Burrows MJ Gas & Plumbing
Ian Moffat Moff’s Revit Modelling Pty Ltd
Beth Arnold Moon Plumbing
Brisbane South
Fraser Coast
Brisbane North
Brisbane North
Jesse Nixon Nixon Plumbing & Gas Country
Michael Connors Pipe Relining Brisbane
Brisbane North
Stephanie Duffy Plumbmasters Gold Coast
Anne Williams Podium Outside Qld
Dan O’Brien Range Plumbing
Ben Hern Reactive Plumbing & Drains
Brisbane South
Brisbane South
Jason Smyth Smyth Financial (Aust) Pty Ltd Central
Robert Kelso Strongcast Pty Ltd
Taylor Maas Taylored Maintenance Pty Ltd
Brisbane South
Fraser Coast
Beau Ryan Weetya Plumbing Far North Qld
Justin Bagley Whole Plumbing Integration
Brisbane South
Mitchell Walsh Gold Coast
Mark Berts Mackay
Mark Jones Outside Qld
Pipe Relining Brisbane prides itself on being able to offer the best quality pipe relining services for fixing cracked, broken, or damaged pipes for both residential and commercial properties. Visit www.pipereliningbrisbane.net.au for more information.
Platinum Corporate Supporter
1300 365 096
Austbrokers Comsure 1800 122 194
BUSSQ Building Super 07 3369 1111
GWA Group 07 3131 5887
MM Kembla 07 3868 7888
Reece 07 3008 9610
Reliance Worldwide Corporation 07 3018 3440
Rheem Australia Pty Ltd 07 3412 9200
The Service Trades College Australia 07 3255 5698
Toyota 02 9710 3831
Tradelink 07 3260 9777
WFI Insurance 1300 934 934
Zip Heaters (Aust) Pty Ltd 02 9796 3100
Gold Corporate Supporter
Allproof Industries Pty Ltd
07 3881 1219
Aptella 0409 074 201
Bretts Trade Plumbing Supplies 07 3203 2105
Fergus Trade Software 0421 055 729
Galvin Engineering Pty Ltd 08 9338 2330
Geberit Pty Ltd 02 9889 7866
Halgan Pty Ltd 1800 626 753
Plumbing Plus Bathroom Kitchen Laundry Pty Ltd 03 9600 1899
1300 139 467
Uponor 07 3202 6831
Silver Corporate Supporter
1300 780 430
BUSY At Work 13 28 79
Construction Skills Queensland 1800 798 488
Cook’s Plumbing Supplies – Head Office
02 9630 5250
QLeave 1300 753 283
RELN 02 9605 9999
SFA Australia Pty Ltd
1300 554 779
Stiebel Eltron (Aust) Pty Ltd 1800 153 351
Corporate Supporter
Abey Au
07 3369 4777
Advanced Enviro-Septic 07 5474 4055
Aqua Cooler Pty Ltd 0421 246 504
Aquacure Water Treatment Pty Ltd 0732776696
Aquaknect 07 3805 3800
Aquatech Solar Technologies Pty Ltd
07 5520 6701
Ascot Pipe Relining 0428 037 358
Australian Gas Networks
1300 001 001
Australian Industry Trade College Gold Coast www.aitc.qld.edu.au
Australian Pump Industries Pty Ltd 02 8865 3500
Australian Valve Group 03 9462 2666
Azzurra Bathroom Furniture 07 3630 1122
Bathroom Products Australia Pty Ltd 1300 717 717
Bermad Water Technologies 03 9464 2374
Beyond Payments 07 3505 2206
Bizmatrix 1300 588 749
Bluebeam, Inc.
Con-Serv Corporation Australia Pty Ltd
Cornwalls Law + More
Elson Australasia Pty Ltd
Emerson Valvcheq Backflow
07 36085738
07 3630 5744
07 3223 5900
1300 169 026
07 3260 2555
Enware Australia Pty Ltd 02 8556 4000
Everhard Industries Pty Ltd 131 926
Gas Components Australia 07 3255 9255
Global Roto-Moulding Pty Ltd 07 4697 7099
Gould Instruments 0419 198 123
Graf Australia Pty Ltd 08 9437 4949
Groundplan Software 07 3062
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