Fashion Mannuscript May 2023

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Forging Lasting Relationships in Accounting and Beyond:
Left to right: Yahaira Mendez, James McGlew, Christian Lettieri, Christopher Petermann, Joseph Doren, Karen Taylor-Burke and Michelle Goyke
We’re now a subsidiary of First Citizens Bank, bringing even more expertise to help support your business goals. Our commercial services team has the financial savvy to turn your invoices into working capital, manage customer credit, make collection calls on your behalf and more. Not all applicants may qualify for factoring services or finance programs. All applications are subject to final review and approval by CIT, and all fees and rates are subject to change at any time without notice. Supporting financial documentation may be required for any transaction with CIT. © 2022 First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company. All rights reserved. CIT and the CIT logo are registered trademarks of First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company. CIT Commercial Services primarily conducts business through The CIT Group/Commercial Services, Inc., a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company. MM#11699 Financial expertise is always in style.


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The Mann Charitable Foundation was founded over 20 years ago in memory of Marion and Irving Mann. Its mission is to fund research for geriatric diseases, and to ultimately find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. Last year, the Mann Charitable Foundation expanded its initiatives to include Crohn’s and colitis, breast cancer, and liver diseases. This year we are expanding our donations to lymphoma and macular degeneration. Ticke GOLF

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golf, food, and networking.
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Success, New York
a great
Christopher D.
Itinerary 8:30 AM Arrival and Registration 9:00 AM Breakfast/Brunch 11:00 AM Call to Carts 11:15 AM (SHARP) Shotgun Start 5:00-6:00 PM Hors D’oeuvres
HONOREES Robert Grbic President & CEO White Oak Commercial Finance, LLC ANNUAL GOLF OUTING
Petermann Partner PKF O’Connor Davies Penelope Herrera at 212-840-6266 x 313
and Cocktails
and Presentation of Golf Winners and Honorees


Laurie Melchionne

Editorial Consultant

Debra Hazel

Associate Editor

Alex Baumbusch

Copy Editor

Geraldine Melchionne

Senior California Editor

Daniella Platt

California Editor Kimberly Goodnight

Director of Communications and Marketing

Penelope Herrera

Director of Newsletter Division

Cheri Phillips


Jeff Mann


Art Director

Krystal Peguero

Graphic Designer

Priyanshi Pareek

Associate Designer

Ran Jing


Cannici Photography


Ronald Friedman

Frank DeLucia

Bradley Snyder

R. Couri Hay

Leslie Gallin

James Bloomfi eld

Sara Anoja

Amy Berkowitz

Dora Lau

Debra Hazel

Michele Gerber Klein

Donna Johnson-Klonsky

Laurie Melchionne

Krystal Peguero


Technology Consultant

Joshua Fried


Mitchell’s Delivery Service

California Distribution

MD Service

West Coast Advisor

Ilse Metchek


Priyanshi Pareek

Krystal Peguero

Debra Hazel

Penelope Herrera

Lauren Schuster

Web Developer

CS Designworks

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e opinions expressed by our columnists are not re ective of the views and opinions of the publisher or the editorial sta of Fashion Mannuscript. Publication of such views and opinions does not constitute endorsement by Fashion Mannuscript Any reproduction, including but not limited to internet usage, is prohibited without the express written permission of the publisher.


This month, I am honored to have PKF O’Connor Davies grace our cover. PKF has one of the finest accounting and advising reputations in the world, and getting the chance to meet and befriend Chief Executive Officer Stuart Kessler has been an honor. Kessler and PKF’s specialized services have made such an impact on the apparel industry that Partner Christopher D. Petermann, along with Robert Grbic, president and CEO of White Oak Commercial Finance, are this year’s honorees at the annual Mann Charitable Foundation Golf Outing.

In addition to honoring these two legends in their respective fields, the golf outing is a time to celebrate the work that the Mann Charitable Foundation has done in donating to important causes, such as the fight against Alzheimer’s, macular degeneration and so much more. Fashion Mannuscript will adorn the gift bags at this event in August. We hope to see you there.

I am also happy to announce that I will be flying out to Los Angeles in May for the Marcum LLP Consumer Products and Retail Symposium. As the media sponsor for the event, Fashion Mannuscript is honored to promote the symposium and its keynote speaker, Marshal Cohen, Marcum’s retail data expert who also graced the cover of January’s issue. With over 30 years of expertise, Cohen will take audiences into a deep dive on the state of the industry and essential predictions for retail going forward into the rest of 2023.

As you can tell, there is a lot going on here at Mann Publications. As we continue to deliver the latest news and events during the warmer months ahead, we will provide the highest quality content that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats issue after issue.

“Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.”
-August Rodin

Anything worth having takes time and competition. That is why the global fashion industry is notoriously competitive...but not exclusive. In fact, today’s fashion world has put a particular emphasis on delivering chic style trends to all genders, identities, shapes and sizes. From digital AI solutions that tailor sizing to all body types, to comfort-first swimwear made from stretchy, breathable fabrics, body positivity and haute couture have become synonymous.

Intimate apparel and swimwear are two major categories that the body positivity movement has always put under a microscope. With inclusive underwear brands like Vanity Fair Lingerie, and comfort-centered mens swimwear like Spyker Studio, this issue spotlights the specialized focus on custom experiences that are now more accessible to wider array of shoppers.

Speaking of specialized services, this issue’s cover features PKF O’Connor Davies. For years, this global accounting and advising firm has forged relationships in the apparel industry that last well beyond financial services. It’s been an honor to associate Fashion Mannuscript with this company, and I hope you will enjoy reading about them as much as I did.

As always, stay tuned for the latest coverage on all the events and collections that will drop throughout the summer. Not to get ahead of myself, but previews for fall/winter collections will be here before we know it, so now is the time to soak up the sun-centered content spotlighted in this issue.

MAY 2023 12 Designer Frederick Anderson Celebrates CaringKind 14 Fashion Icon Andy Hilfiger Emcees Education Through Music Gala 16 Sustainable Fashion Hits the Runway in Miami 18 Neiman Marcus Honored Women’s History with Exclusive Customer Experiences FASHION FAVORITES FASHION FABULOUS 5 One Mann’s Opinion 6 Editor’s Letter 24 411 Executive Changes COVER FEATURE 44 ON THE COVER PKF O’CONNOR DAVIS: GLOBAL TRAILBLAZERS IN ACCOUNTING AND BEYOND 12 FASHION FAVORITES
by Eugene Gologursky/Getty

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FashionMann_2022_8.125x10.875_BLEED.indd 1 5/31/2022 6:03:09 PM
FASHION FORWARD THE DEPART MENTS 38 Vanity Fair Lingerie 40 Piombo Sews A Touch of Italy into SoHo 42 Fashion At Home: Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Debuts Spring Collection 50 Spyker Studio Weaves Italian Comfort Solutions into Mens Swimwear 52 Bloomingdale’s Launches Exclusive AQUA & Kristopher Brock Collection 32 Finance 56 TechWear 60 The Columns 73 Trade Show Connections 80 Bridal 86 Social Soiree 90 A Closer Look: Top 12 Must-Have Beauty Products for Summer By Krystal Peguero 94 Last Look: Local Interstellar Outfitters Blends Outer-World Style with the Great Outdoors By Laurie Melchionne Photography by Ivan and Lucrecia of @ivanylucrecia on instagram
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Photos by Eugene Gologursky/Getty Images for CaringKind

I n honor of National Caregivers Appreciation Day, Designer Frederick Anderson hosted a fashion show and luncheon at the Prince George Ballroom in New York City to celebrate the work that CaringKind does to support Alzheimer’s caregivers. CaringKind is New York City’s leading expert on Alzheimer’s and dementia caregiving. Anderson’s personal design story began with the launch of his first collection, “Black Like Me,” and received critical acclaim during the Fall 2017 season. In 2022, Anderson received the Fashion Group International Rising Star Award.

Among those who attended the CaringKind event was venture capital pioneer Alan Patricof, who cared for his wife for more than 12 years as she suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. Other notables at the event included Julia Haart, Valesca Guerrand Hermes, Nicole Miller, Barbara Guggenheim, Anna Gabriel, Consuelo Vanderbilt Costin, Council Member Erik Bottcher, Seth Herzog, Grimanesa Amoros, Ann Colley, Andrea Greeven Douzet, Bonnie Pfeifer Evans, Louis Finley, Veronique Gabai, Maryanne Grisz, Gigi Howard, Erica Karsch and Alexadra Lebenthal.


Education Through Music (ETM) celebrated its 31st Annual Benefit Gala at the Ziegfeld Ballroom. The gala was attended by nearly 400 people, raised over $650,000 and was emceed by musician and fashion entrepreneur Andy Hilfiger. The gala honored: Google, accepted by Paul Darrah, director of workplace design and delivery, Google Americas and Warner Music Group accepted by Chris Atlas, executive vice president, East Coast Operations & Urban Music at Warner Records.

The program began with the upbeat entrance by over 80 choral students and 20 bucket drummers participating from several of the 63 partner school districts in the ETM program. The kids joyfully performed “We Won’t Stop Dreaming” by PINKZEBRA and “Sing!” by Pentatonix arranged by Mac Huff. Andy Hilfiger, a lifelong musician, fashion entrepreneur and former head of Celebrity Marketing for Tommy Hilfiger, joined the All Hallow’s Rock Band, a performance group of seven seniors from the ETM high school program.

“For the past three decades Education Through Music has been doing something truly noteworthy and transforming: advancing educational equity in the nation’s largest school system and improving outcomes for New York City’s children in the most disadvantaged communities,” said Dr. Janice Weinman, CEO, Education Through Music. “Understanding the positive and influential impact music learning has on students is the reason we have existed for over 30 years. Music stimulates the mind, elevates joy in learning and increases self-confidence. We have seen our programs and dedicated teachers unlock, inspire and empower thousands of kids over the years.”

Warner Music Honoree Chris Atlas, Google Honoree Paul Darrah Dick Abramson, Katherine Elliot, Richard Bernstein, Dr. Janice Weinman Shorenstein Choir students All Hallow’s Rock Band and Andy Hilfiger Photos courtesy of Cheyenne Bosco

“As a musician myself, I know what it takes to put on a performance,” said Hilfiger. “What an organization like ETM offers is simply the opportunity for our kids to explore a part of themselves that otherwise would have been left unrecognized and silent.”

In his acceptance speech on behalf of Google, Darrah commented, “Music education is important for under-served kids in New York City. It’s an opportunity for them to step outside of the traditional classroom and get to experience the passion, the excitement and the energy of music. It connects to mathematics and all of the things they’re learning and puts it in a place where they can relate and bring it outside of the classroom. ETM’s mission is an amazing contribution for New York City.”

Atlas, accepting the award on behalf of Warner Music said in his speech, “I’m thrilled to be here to represent my colleagues and accept this wonderful honor from Education Through Music. We’re excited to extend our partnership with Education Through Music to ensure music education is a core subject for children throughout the U.S., helping to configure classrooms, bring in music teachers, develop band and orchestra ensembles and create a unique curriculum to help young people use music to build their own self-esteem.”

Gabriel Hernandez, Heidi Stamas, Dr. Janice Weinman Shorenstein, Robert Weisstuch Education Through Music student performners DJ Duo The Muses independently Daniel Walters, Jack James Busa

Sustainable Fashion Hits the Runway in Miami

The Sustainable Conference in Miami was produced by Planet Fashion TV’s Celia Evans and Kindom, the brand behind the ethicallymade fashion on the runway. Evans and Kindom had previously worked together at Sustainable New York Fashion Week in February 2020, and had an amazing lineup of experts from eco tourism, impact funding, ethical beauty for people/pets as well as a few forwardthinking brands in the space.

COO Glynn Barrish-Carroll was a guest speaker at the Miami show and discussed the importance of vegan leather and avoiding greenwashing in fashion by clearly defining needs through legislation, circular versus linear design and more.

The event was co-hosted by Mana Fashion Services, who are creating an innovative hub in Miami in line with the goals of Mayor Suarez to make Miami a sustainable fashion destination with direction from Martu Freeman-Parker and investor and visionary Moishe Mana.

16 | FM May 2023
Photos courtesy Michael Hursey (IG @mhursey)
Glynn Barrish Carroll and Celia Evans discus all things sustainable, from linear versus circularity, modeling, greenwashing and more. May 2023 FM | 17
Models in Planet Fashion TV’s line-up, wearing eco-conscious Kindom styles.

Neiman Marcus Honored Women’s History with Exclusive Customer Experiences

Neiman Marcus partnered with influential female leaders including Veronica Swanson Beard, Veronica Miele Beard, Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt and more.

Neiman Marcus has a well-established history of female leadership dating back to its Co-Founder, Carrie Marcus Neiman, and its majority female representation today. This year, the luxury retailer honored Women’s History Month with in-depth women-led panel discussions that united customers, community leaders and industry innovators in all 36 Neiman Marcus locations nationwide.

“As a majority women-led retailer with a long history dedicated to advancing the careers and wellbeing of women, Neiman Marcus continues to foster a culture of belonging that supports and encourages female leaders,” said Jodi Kahn, VP of Luxury Fashion at Neiman Marcus who served as moderator at the Neiman Marcus Short Hills panel. “We are proud to have a community of powerful female customers and were thrilled that these specially curated events could bring them together to connect with and

celebrate fellow innovators, creators and visionaries.”

With over 100 participants across the country, Neiman Marcus’ Women’s History Month customer events showcased influential female history makers and innovators that are inspiring this generation to be a force for positive change across a variety of industries including fashion, business, community, philanthropy, tech, science and more.

At Neiman Marcus Scottsdale, a panel was hosted called “Women in Design.” Panelists included Founder and Designer of Salon 1884, Andrea Mary Marshall, following Neiman Marcus’ exclusive launch of the brand last year. Chase Polan, founder of Kypris Beauty, Margaret Merritt, owner of Margaret Merritt Productions and Lara McDonald, owner and creative director of Prim Design Company, also spoke on the panel.

At the Short Hills location, Jodi Kahn, vice president of Luxury Fashion at Neiman Marcus, moderated a private tableside chat. Participants included Veronica Swanson Beard and Veronica Miele Beard, founders

Marisa Brahney, Veronica Swanson Beard, Jodi Kahn, Veronica Miele Beard and Mia DeMeola at Neiman Marcus Short Hills Photos courtesy of Neiman Marcus

and designers of Veronica Beard, along with Mia DeMeola, a 2023 recipient of the NMG x FSF scholarship. Last month, NMG awarded 10 NMG x FSF scholarships to undergraduate students like DeMeola pursuing careers in sustainable and ethical fashion.

Neiman Marcus Fashion Island hosted a panel on “The Modern Working Woman.” Panelists included Brie Olsen, co-CEO of Pacsun, Diana McBride, senior associate publisher of Modern Luxury Rivera Magazine, and best-selling Author and Activist, Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt. The discussion highlighted the debut of her latest New York Times best-selling children’s book, “Good Night, Sister.”

Neiman Marcus San Francisco hosted a panel on “Perspectives from Female Leaders in the Tech and Science Industries.” Panelists included Aparna Bawa, chief operating officer at Zoom Video Communications, Lynne Zydowsky, Ph. D., chief of science at Alexandria Real Estate Equities, and Devika Patil, managing director at Venture Capital Relationship Management Group, Silicon Valley Bank.

Neiman Marcus Coral Gables hosted a panel discussion with Nathalie Diamantis, president and CEO of Americas at Pomellato. Neiman Marcus Group (NMG) has a longstanding commitment to cultivating a culture of belonging by increasing workforce diversity, advancing workplace equity and championing inclusive marketplaces. The company’s workforce consistently outpaces the U.S. population in racial and gender diversity, with women making up 67% of executive officers and 57% of the board of directors. Neiman Marcus was recently listed by Newsweek as one of America’s Greatest Workplaces for Women 2023. The retailer received an impressive five-star rating based on criteria like compensation and benefits, work-life balance and proactive management of a diverse workforce. To further advance workplace equity for women and people of color, NMG recently completed its first Pay Equity Analysis. Results from the analysis will be shared in the company’s second annual ESG report in the coming months.

Adriana Sender, Brie Olson, Diana McBride, Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt and Kelly Bartlett at Neiman Marcus Fashion Island Veronica Swanson Beard and Veronica Miele Beard with models Veronica Swanson Beard and Veronica Miele Beard Neiman Marcus Fashion Island Panel Nathalie Diamantis, Elias Synalovski and Jackie Nespral at Neiman Marcus Coral Gables



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HanesBrands, a global leader in iconic apparel brands, announced that Lorenzo Moretti has been named president of Champion Europe. In this role, Moretti will drive growth in the Champion brand across Europe, with a focus on continuing to elevate the business by delivering innovative products and building brand desire. He will lead the Champion Europe directto-consumer business and build the company’s strong position in wholesale channels. Moretti will join HanesBrands in July and will be based in Capri, Italy.

“Delivering profitable growth in Europe is crucial to unlocking our full potential, and I’m thrilled to add a leader with Lorenzo’s deep experience in activewear and retail to our global Champion team,” said Vanessa LeFebvre, president, Global Activewear. “Lorenzo has a long history of leading high-performing teams and building consumer-led product and marketing strategies.”

Moretti brings extensive experience in the activewear category, consumer goods, marketing, e-commerce and retail. He joins HanesBrands from Dr. Martens – Airwair International Ltd, where he was EMEA president, delivering significant revenue and earnings growth while expanding in new and existing markets. Moretti led the overhaul of the company’s product and marketing strategy with a focus on the consumer.

“Champion is an iconic brand with a record of innovation and style, and I’m thrilled to help unlock the enormous potential of this brand in Europe,” Moretti said. “I look forward to working with the passionate Champion Europe team as we take the brand to the next level.”


PVH Corp. announced the appointment of Amber (McCasland) McCann as executive vice president and chief communications officer. McCann, a highly experienced corporate communications executive, will lead all aspects of PVH’s global internal and external communications strategy and report to Stefan Larsson, CEO of PVH Corp.

McCann joins PVH with extensive global retail and consumer experience, most recently as vice president of Global Brand and Communications at Poshmark, where she guided the company’s global communications strategy through its IPO in 2021 and acquisition by NAVER Corp. in 2023. Previously she spent 10 years in senior communications roles at Levi Strauss & Co. where she led a strategy that helped position the global apparel company as an innovative and values-based leader, including leading communications efforts around the company’s strategy, execution and IPO. McCann also held positions at Gap, Inc. and Yahoo! earlier in her career.

Larsson said, “Amber has an impressive track record as an innovative brand and corporate communications leader with international experience at the intersection of fashion, consumer and technology. As we continue to execute the PVH+ Plan and move our Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger brands closer to the consumer than ever before, Amber’s expertise working with iconic brands on a global scale will help bring our vision to life for all stakeholders.”

McCann has a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Technical Communication from Colorado State University. She was named to PRWeek’s 40 Under 40 in 2015.

Photo courtesy of HanesBrands Photo courtesy of PVH Corp


JLO Jennifer Lopez, by global icon Jennifer Lopez, and premium lifestyle brand Revolve, have partnered to launch an exclusive line of footwear. JLO Jennifer Lopez’s collection for Revolve offers a fierce, must-have capsule that merges Lopez’s cult following and Revolve’s loyal customers. The partnership is an exciting and natural next step for both brands to reach new audiences and provides consumers with a go-to destination to shop and discover this exclusive line of footwear for their next occasion.

JLO Jennifer Lopez for Revolve launched with a 16-piece collection of sculptural heels ranging from chic metallics to gorgeous crystal embellishments and the perfect animal prints. The first drop included a variety of sky-high platforms, knee-high boots, strappy sandals and kitten heels in trending styles and materials including suede, leather, mesh and satin that give the line an elevated and chic look.

The collection is available exclusively online at with retail prices ranging from $145 to $200.


Skechers takes center stage with acclaimed Broadway and television star Ashley Park in a stylish musical campaign for the brand’s popular Skechers Uno fashion sneakers. Currently seen in the hit Netflix series “Emily in Paris,” the Grammy, Critics Choice and Tony-award nominated performer is backed by an ensemble as she executes a flawless original song and dance about Skechers and her total obsession with “The S.”

“From her bold couture to her impeccable singing and dancing, Ashley Park seamlessly blends modern and classic glamor in a way that elevates our Skechers Uno collection,” said Michael Greenberg, president of Skechers. “While some know Ashley through television and others know her from Broadway, the one constant is that fans love her memorable performances, sense of humor and unforgettable outfits. We’re confident that Ashley’s song about Skechers will constantly be in the back of people’s minds while shopping for that next perfect pair.”

Famed for its signature air-infused wedge outsole, modernized silhouette and vibrant colorways, the Skechers Uno collection has captivated the world through its ever-evolving range—seen on catwalks and in style magazines around the world as a coveted fashion sneaker.

The complete range of Skechers footwear is available in Skechers retail stores as well as, plus department stores and footwear retailers around the globe. May 2023 FM | 25 FASHION 411 FOOTWEAR
Photo courtesy of Dennis Leupold Photo courtesy of Skechers


Actress, singer and entrepreneur Vanessa Hudgens announced that she is relaunching KNOW Beauty with the debut of a new detoxifying clay face mask, available now in the KNOW Beauty online store with fast, free delivery offered exclusively to Prime members with Buy with Prime, and in the Amazon U.S. store at

KNOW Beauty’s Glacial Bay Clay Mask is a wash-off clay mask made with mineralinfused colloidal clay that has been sustainably harvested from an active glacier in British Columbia. Designed for those with oily or acne-prone skin yet gentle enough for all skin types, this purifying facial mask draws out impurities, tightens pores and evens out skin tone without over drying.

Hudgens worked on formulation with Mary Berry, CEO and founder of Cosmos Labs, who has developed over a thousand beauty products and specializes in premium skincare, bodycare and haircare. The two spent nine months working closely together to develop the new clay face mask. From the development of the new formulas to personally testing every iteration of the new face mask, Hudgens made sure that KNOW Beauty offered the best experience.

The Glacial Bay Clay Mask is 100% cruelty-free and vegan, with certification from PETA’s Cruelty Free and Vegan Program, made in the U.S. to limit its carbon footprint and created without phthalates, sulfates, parabens and other irritants.

Buy with Prime allows U.S.-based Prime members to shop directly from participating online stores using the Prime shopping benefits they love and trust–including fast, free delivery, a seamless check out experience and easy returns. When Prime members shop with participating online stores, they’ll see the Prime logo and delivery promise on eligible products, which signals the item is available for free delivery—shipped as fast as next day—with easy returns.

The Glacial Bay Clay Mask retails for $35 and is now available to shop in the KNOW Beauty online store, with fast, free delivery offered exclusively to Prime members with Buy with Prime, and in the Amazon U.S. store at


Dr. Jay Calvert is presenting his custom facelift, The Natural Lift™, a treatment that allows patients to look younger and healthier while maintaining their normal looks. Dr. Calvert presents this procedure for those patients interested in looking their best in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond. Dr Calvert details the technique on the popular podcast, “The Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Podcast.” He explains the methodology of combining minimally invasive techniques with minimal incisions for the Deep Plane facelift. The brow and the cheek are lifted through a 1-inch incision on each side of the head with the incisions hidden in the hair. The Face Lift incision is limited to the area around the ear where they are hidden in the natural folds and creases to provide camouflage.

The result of the operation causes patients to look refreshed, younger and healthier without others being able to notice that the operation even happened. Dr. Calvert was recently named as one of the top 100 plastic surgeons in the U.S. for facelifts, rhinoplasty and eyelid surgery by Newsweek. He is the director of the Aesthetic Surgery Fellowship of Los Angeles program that is accredited by the Aesthetic Society. His podcast can be heard on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Dr. Calvert will be speaking at the Association of German AestheticPlastic Surgeons Spring meeting in Berlin.

To learn more about Dr. Jay Calvert, visit his website

26 | FM May 2023 BEAUTY FASHION 411
Photo courtesy of PRNewsFoto/Jay Calvert MD Professional Corp Photo courtesy of KNOW Beauty


CIGA Design, an original watch brand with international designers, has announced the launch of its latest watch, the Gliding version of its renowned Blue Planet collection.

CIGA Design has a reputation for excellence and innovation in design, having won a cumulative total of 17 international design awards to date. In 2021, the brand was also selected as one of the “World’s Top 3 Design Awards” with Apple and Bulgari, in the global iF2017-2021 Watch and Jewelry category. CIGA Design was awarded the prestigious Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG), also known as the Oscars of the watch industry, in 2019, making it the only Chinese brand to receive this award. One of the watches that won the award is the same collection as the Gliding version, which features the world’s first non-synchronous trailing technology.

Unlike the Blue Planet, the Gliding version is made entirely of ceramic, both for the strap and the dial. This is an uncommon material in watchmaking and more demanding to work with, but it offers the advantage of being less likely to scratch and always maintaining a pristine appearance. The Gliding version is also made with 24k pure gold, adding to its luxurious appeal.

The Gliding version is a testament to the brand’s commitment to great national craftsmanship, as ceramic technology is highly regarded in Chinese culture. The curvature of the case has also been fine-tuned hundreds of times to achieve the perfect curve, and the round and full design creates a three-dimensional suspension on the wrist, covered with light-sensitive ceramic to present the inadvertent change of light and shadows.

To find out more about the company, please visit


Dillard’s, Inc. announced its anniversary edition of Brooke Webb for Anna & Ava, a limited-edition capsule collection developed in partnership with KBStyled by Brooke Webb. Nashville-based style enthusiast, Brooke Webb, has joined Dillard’s to create another bold and unique collection of colorful, must-have spring pieces. The line consists of colorful abstract and floral kimonos, handbags, jewelry and headbands.

Webb said, “This collection was inspired by travel destinations within the US and many of the places we have visited as well as the places that are on our bucket list. From quaint beach destinations along the coastal United States to the rich culture and spirit of the southwest to historical, colorful and charming European towns, this collection is sure to ignite a sense of wanderlust.”

Maci Mayo of the Dillard’s merchandising team added, “Working with Brooke is truly a dream! She is one of the most genuine people I have ever met, and her love for Dillard’s and all things accessories makes her the perfect person for a brand collaboration!”

Originally debuting in the spring of 2022, Brooke Webb for Anna & Ava 2023 launched in all Dillard’s locations and online at May 2023 FM | 27 COLLECTIONS FASHION 411
SOURCE: CIGA Design Photo courtesy of Dillard’s Inc.

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Flashback: 20th Century Fashion Influences

Last month, I spoke about the two men I consider to be the fathers of the apparel industry in Los Angeles: Sam Simon and Bud Schoenholz, who assisted New York apparel designers and entrepreneurs move to Los Angeles and open their businesses. The West Coast provided a lifestyle that was casual and relaxed. Apparel companies such as Ocean Pacific, Arpeja, Teddi of California, Loubella, Le Baron Clothing and Louis Roth were just a few of the manufacturers I was familiar with in the early 1970s. Manufacturing was all done in Los Angeles. Yes, it is true that sewing shops flourished in the streets of L.A. There were several hundred thousand people employed in the apparel industry during the 1970s, and today Los Angeles employs only 45 thousand in the industry.

In the 1970s, Loubella was the first company that looked to produce their gabardine pants offshore. They went to South Korea and began importing by the mid-1970s. The cost was substantially lower than producing in Los Angeles, and their business grew tremendously as the cost savings allowed them to lower their selling price. My grandmother and aunts were big customers of Loubella; it was all they would wear. I learned something from Loubella that I will always remember.

Companies must adapt and change with the times. Loubella made their reputation on those pants, and as my grandmother and aunts passed away, so did Loubella because they never changed the product for the next

generation. Every company must be aware of the market they are serving, and as the market changes, the business’s survival depends on changing, too. Too many companies cling to the norm and block progress.

Los Angeles had many textile plants manufacturing fabric to sell to clothing manufacturers in cities across the U.S. This was a big business for the Los Angeles market, and in 1972 a start-up company came to Los Angeles with the concept of bringing in fabrics from Japan. This company, Merry Mary Fabrics, brought new life to the garment industry with its bright colors and beautiful designs. At the time, I had never seen anything like this in my few years in the industry. Most of the textile companies I was familiar with produced basic colors such as white, black and gray. Nothing compared to the Merry Mary Fabric designs and colors. The company grew rapidly and profitably with good gross profits.

The 1970s saw tremendous growth in the apparel industry in Los Angeles. With the bright colors and beautiful designs coming from Japan, we saw the growth of the swimsuit industry. Not only was Ocean Pacific leading the way with their OP Shorts, but swimwear companies such as Apparel Ventures also came into existence, with many different brands that just took off. Consumers wanted fresh new colorful clothing, and these companies saw the opportunity and filled the need. The late 1970s was the beginning of a change in the apparel industry. The Iranian

Revolution of 1979 saw a wave of Iranian immigrants fleeing to the U.S., and many of these immigrants had a textile background. Some became textile converters, and others set up textile mills to produce fabrics to be sold to apparel manufacturers. They were able to operate with low overheads and very competitive prices. The importers from Japan were not able to compete with these price points and, slowly but surely, the overseas importers were out of business.

The 1970s also provided us with our first gasoline lines. Do you remember when you could only buy gas on even or odd days, based on your license plate number? The shortage of gas also was the beginning of the increase in fuel costs. By 1980, gas was over $1 per gallon for the first time, up from $0.36 per gallon ten years earlier. Inflation in the 1970s was so high that interest costs hit 20% for bank borrowing. I mention the cost of fuel because everything we buy is impacted by the cost of fuel. The supply side requires fuel to get raw materials to the factories, and then from the factories to the retail stores. As the cost goes up, it is added to the product and ultimately passed on to the consumer. Sounds familiar. The same thing is happening in 2022 and 2023 as we pay more for all our consumer products.

In future articles, I will progress from the 1980s to the present, but in the meantime remember what I always conclude with--- if you are not having fun, then do something else!

32 | FM May 2023
Hello again! The May theme for the Fashion Mannuscipt is “Body Positivity” and how the fashion industry has adapted to love all body types and elevate body positivity for all ages, genders and style categories. I am certain this is a subject that I am no expert on, but I am a professional advisor on the changes in the apparel industry over the last 50 years, and that is the subject of this article.

What Asset-Based Lending Can Learn from AI in the Grocery Sector

OpenAI’s bombshell release of ChatGPT underscores two realities that ought to be topof-mind for asset-based lenders everywhere. The first is that artificial intelligence— essentially, machines that sift through vast quantities of data to identify patterns and tell themselves what to do—will play a bigger role in borrower health. The second is that ABLs need to adjust to more complex datasets to keep pace. Consider what is already happening in the grocery sector. Bigger companies like Kroger and Walmart have long spent billions of dollars on data and tech. As AI and similar solutions have become more accessible, opportunities have started to emerge for smaller borrowers to get in on the act.

Beyond the wobbly wheel

This past February, San Francisco-based Instacart announced a slew of digital solutions that could help independent grocery wholesalers and retailers better compete. According to Instacart, these apps and tools are designed to help grocers capture data at the most granular level, generate new ad revenue, bring more of their stores online, “create connected in-store experiences” for shoppers, and “seamlessly offer end-to-end fulfillment.” They include updates to the smart cart system that Instacart acquired in 2021, as part of its $350 million acquisition of artificial intelligence startup Caper AI.

The digitally connected, AI-driven carts currently being produced as a result of that Instacart-Caper AI merger are a far cry from what shoppers have been pushing around the supermarket ever since Sylvan Goldman of Oklahoma patented the grocery cart in 1940. Indeed, these new machines are more like all-in-one tech platforms and computer servers on wheels. On a recent business trip, I drove out to a Cincinnati suburb to visit a Kroger store that happened to be piloting Caper AI’s technology. The latest iterations of these camera-equipped carts are able to auto-detect items by drawing from a deeplearning database of more than 20 million product images. Shoppers can simply toss products into some versions of these carts—

no barcode-scanning required—and they are instantly added to the bill. I wanted to see what would happen if I took my potato chips out of the cart and put them back on the shelf. They disappeared from my tally. But what if I needed to get some apples or bananas? Put your fruits and veggies in the cart and the system auto-identifies and weighs them. The bottom of the cart doubles as a scale. When I was finished shopping, I paid on the POS terminal attached to the cart and just exited using a special lane. I stopped to see if I needed to prove to someone that I had paid. “You’re good,” the clerk said, waving me on.

AI-fueled data plays

Why would Instacart spend $350 million to buy an artificial intelligence company? It matters that the system makes shopping easier (the only thing worse than conventional checkout is the self-scan lane). However, it is also a way for grocers to tap into the manifold benefits of deep learning. By leveraging these new data streams, they can improve customer and corporate operations in modern ways. Caper AI’s technology analyzes shopping patterns and responds by recommending various products and deals—including targeted ads paid for by any of 5,500 CPG companies.

Shoppers have reasons to look at that screen mounted to the cart: It doubles as an item finder, with an in-store navigator that is a bit like Google Maps. In addition to collecting shopper-purchase data, the Caper AI system tracks where people go in the store and collects other data that grocers can later use to manage inventory and optimize store layouts. Moving forward, asset-based lenders and appraisal and disposition firms can count on retailers, grocers and other borrowers to get more sophisticated about collecting and analyzing customer and product data.

An explosion of third-party vendors—some of them inspired by the buzz created by ChatGPT—will give them more innovative, AI-based ways to collect and analyze massive amounts of information. In one survey published this past January, 68 percent of

about 200 U.S.-based retailers (not including wholesale clubs, auto parts stores and business services/office suppliers) said they planned to boost their retail tech spending over the next few years.

How ABLs should respond

The ABL sector is well aware of the power and potential of big data. Moving forward, assessments of borrower health and asset value will increasingly need to account for the role of AI and tech at the company. Is the borrower woefully behind on these fronts or pushing ahead? To what extent have merchants used these tools to unlock the full potential of their inventory or customer base? What is the potential value of the data the company has collected and the systems it employs? Is this information actionable? Answering such questions will require expertise more typical of a data scientist than a merchant. Companies that already employ in-house and consultant experts on FF&E, retail inventories and all manner of industrial equipment will need to bring such expertise on board.

Some in the ABL sector are doing precisely that, hiring quants and rolling out new systems to ramp up their data collection and analysis. They are also looking for ways to apply deep-learning methodologies to areas such as inventory rebalancing, customer segmentation, advertising and marketing analysis and more. For decades, ABLs have been able to rely on some fairly high-level assumptions about both borrowers and their inventories.

The continued advancement of data and tech—not to mention the global buzz created by ChatGPT—points to the need for a higher-resolution picture made possible by automation, machine-learning and more robust datasets. As the ABL sector evolves, merchants will still make plenty of valid assessments based on their gut feelings and years of experience. In other cases, though, the Aha! moment will come from an AI that has sifted through an ocean of data in a matter of seconds. May 2023 FM | 33 FINANCE
Originally published by ABL

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Vanity Fair Lingerie PARTNERS WITH Comedian Leanne Morgan TO SUPPORT WOMEN


38 | FM May 2023 FEATURE
Comedian Leanne Morgan. Photo by Joseph Llanes Product photos by Barkley

Vanity Fair Lingerie has partnered with comedian Leanne Morgan to provide support for women in a brand new way this year. The lingerie brand will hit the road with Morgan as a part of her new stand-up tour, entitled “Just Getting Started,” popping up with an interactive activation at select venues. In conjunction with the brand’s onsite activation, Vanity Fair will launch the “Vanity Fair Lingerie Support Award,” which will give five women an award of $5,000 each, for a program total of $25,000, to help them to pursue their dreams, passions or begin something entirely new in 2023.

Morgan, a Tennessee native and mother of three, has always focused and highlighted the ups and downs of the female experience in her 23-year comedy career; from marriage to motherhood, work to friendships…and even finding the perfect-fitting panty (which happens to be the Vanity Fair Lingerie Beyond Comfort® Hi-Cut panty). After discovering her passion for stand-up comedy later in life, and finding the time and confidence to pursue her dream, Morgan has now cemented herself as a must-watch comedian.

“Vanity Fair Lingerie has been serving women for over 100 years with comfortable and stylish intimate apparel, having supported women throughout their different stages of life,” said JoAnna Beddingfield, vice president at Vanity Fair Lingerie. “We are so excited to partner with Leanne Morgan on her new tour and to connect and support women as they pursue their dreams. Leanne is such a genuine person who embodies our brand’s mission of supporting women and their journeys. Her hilarious and light-hearted comedy resonates with women of all ages, and her natural ability to connect with women in a relatable manner is what makes her so unique.”

“You know that when I named my recent stand-up tour, ‘The Big Panty Tour,’ I meant business when it comes to panties…and all lingerie for that matter. I believe in freedom and comfort with my panties and I’m a big dreamer,” said Morgan. “I’m thrilled to be partnering with Vanity Fair Lingerie in helping some women get started in achieving their dreams. I’m ‘Just Getting Started’ – and so are they.”

Inspired by Morgan’s message for women to get started on whatever makes them happy, Vanity Fair Lingerie created the “Vanity Fair® Lingerie Support Award,” designed to give five women a jumpstart on pursuing their passions. Women who are interested in submitting an entry for this award can create a submission to enter at for a chance to win. The first 100 submissions will automatically receive a free bra from Vanity Fair® Lingerie. Additional prize packages are available as well. See for details and official rules.

Vanity Fair Lingerie is also included in Morgan’s new Netflix special, “Leanne Morgan: I’m Every Woman,” released on April 11, where Morgan shares her unfiltered love and adoration for the brand’s soft and comfortable Beyond Comfort® Hi-Cut panty. The special was filmed last year at the Lexington Opera House in Lexington, Kentucky during her last 100-city stand-up tour.

For more information on the Vanity Fair partnership with Leanne Morgan, and the Vanity Fair® Lingerie Support Award, visit

Photo by Thayer Gowdy

Piombo Sews A Touch of Italy into SoHo

Italian designer Massimo Piombo opened his first flagship location on 149 Spring Street in SoHo. With all of its distinctive charisma and flair, the Piombo store marks the designer’s first official U.S. venture. Under the umbrella of OVS, the leading Italian apparel group, Piombo’s storefront features 1,550 sq ft retail space that includes men’s and women’s apparel as well as accessories. Piombo’s first location in the U.S. also rings in the start of its worldwide retail expansion with a series of international openings, including locations in Madrid, Spain and Paris, France.

“We chose three capital cities that are channeling the desire to be out and about and transforming that desire into pure energy. They are the catalysts of change – creating a new language in fashion and lifestyle, all vibrant locations that will be the perfect home for the extraordinary Piombo Collections,” said Stefano Beraldo, chief executive officer, OVS, SpA. “The combination of Massimo Piombo’s creative talent and the cutting-edge production capabilities of OVS results in a singular balance of designer quality and style at extraordinary prices.”

According to Beraldo, Piombo’s expansion into the U.S. and other European markets starts the “Italian conversation” by approaching new markets with a distinctive culture and aesthetic attitude in the fashion world. “This innovative approach which

includes style, quality and amazing price is the reason why Piombo, designed by the Italian talented designer Massimo Piombo, has been very successful in Italy. Now we think that it’s the time to bring it outside Italy’s borders,” Beraldo added.

Travel, and the inspiration that goes with it, is at the heart of Massimo Piombo’s designs. As the creative director of Piombo, Massimo Piombo tailors the brand’s creative vision for its long-run identity, and includes men’s and women’s collections that are journeys within themselves, characterized by the designer’s unique talent for creating infinite wardrobe options – jackets, dresses, t-shirts, button down shirts, pants and skirts – pieces that are each distinctive and also work together as essential closet staples.

This is the signature style of the Piombo collections, born and created in Italy, destined to travel the world.

“I design my collections for everyone,” said Piombo. “My biggest goal is to inspire and encourage customers to let their imagination run free. Italian style and its infinite variety infuse my creations – art, travel, culture rooted in the beauty of my country. We chose Spring Street as our New York location, a dynamic cosmopolitan setting that encourages exploration and curiosity.”

The New York store was conceived with

attention to both natural and recycled materials, in the spirit of regeneration. With his signature “Piombo Sky Blue” coating the walls, floors and ceiling, the designer’s goal was to create a space that is both striking and inviting – just like his designs, which are a welcoming meeting point where people can see, touch and feel within a space that encourages conversation and evokes inspiration. Rendered in monochrome, it’s an ideal setting for the vibrant colors, patterns and infinite variations of the Piombo collections to stand out.

Piombo is the essence of “Italian style” with a touch of magic. Flouncy spring dresses and preppy men’s sweaters deliver familiar trends to U.S. consumers, but are cut with a distinctly Italian silhouette that easily transports any look right to the Peninsula. A world of unexpected combinations, such as eclectic and elegant, intelligent and playful, classic and creative, combine a focus on quality and fit, simplicity and sustainability (thanks to the BPI-certified organic cotton used in some pieces).

Looking to the future, Beraldo hinted that collections of other product categories are in the works, as well as a possible project that involves the wholesale distribution of Piombo. As the Italians say, alla prossima (until next time)!

Explore the collection on

40 | FM May 2023 FEATURE

Home brand Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams (MG+BW) debuted its Spring 2023 Collection designed with a focus on creating healthy spaces within a home and built upon MG+BW Home’s core principles of artisanal craftsmanship, unparalleled quality and environmental consciousness. The Spring 2023 Collection features more than 120 new product designs including upholstery, tables, storage and decor, each celebrating an expression of home through versatility, clean lines and the use of natural materials, delivering on its two brand pillars of comfort and customization. The new assortment presents a modern evolution of the ever-changing role of home and is available to shop exclusively at and MG+BW Home Signature Stores nationwide.

“Ours is a brand of kindness and gratitude, for these are the bedrock of comfort. Comfort speaks to self-expression, inclusion, sincerity and quality,” said Allison O’Connor, president & CEO, MG+BW Home. “This season, we continue to build momentum around our brand ethos and purpose in being an intentionally design-forward company through the embrace and alignment of personal expression and the personality of space.”

The Spring 2023 Collection embodies increasingly more innovative silhouettes with new, unexpected integrations of

Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Debuts New Spring 2023 Collection

materials, creating an aesthetic that invites the customer into an exploration and discovery of personal choice. The brand’s commitment to offering extensive customization options creates an experience that is second to none. From the new loungeworthy Haywood Wide Arm Collection to the sophisticated yet cozy Laurel and Sullivan Collections, MG+BW Home’s steadfast commitment to true American craft is brought to life by the multigenerational skilled artisans of comfort who make the brand’s upholstery pieces by hand in North Carolina. Delivering a personal, custom experience in stores, in-home and online, MG+BW Home continues to offer the highest level of tailormade designs, providing 500+ fabrics, including performance fabrics, and 50+ leathers, 20+ wood fi nishes, multiple metal fi nishes, three seat cushions and designs in an extensive range of styles and depths.

Expanding on the successful launch of the Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams GOTS-certified 100% Organic Linen Bedding Collection, the brand is also introducing the sustainablysourced exclusive Hemp Bedding Collection. Crafted in an artisanal factory in Portugal, every piece is made from a blend of eco-friendly hemp fi bers and Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) cotton on the front and cotton percale on the back, offering hypoallergenic and temperature-regulating qualities to keep you cool in summer and warm in winter. Offered in three soothing hues–white, natural and silver–the collection layers well with all MG+BW Home bedding, including decorative pillows and throws. It is also OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certified and is free of harmful substances. May 2023 FM | 43 FASHION AT HOME
Photos courtesy of Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Explore the Spring 2023 Collection in MG+BW Signature Stores and online at

PKF O’Connor Davies: Forging

Lasting Relationships and Specialized Services in Accounting and Advising

There’s no doubt about it; appearance and image are paramount. That’s why at PKF O’Connor Davies, we continue to evolve our work and our brand to deliver the tangible value and insights that define our firm. Our ability to serve clients how, when and where they need us has always set us apart. With more professionals in more places every day, our teams are on the ground, at the ready and in the know. We’re not a niche player, we’re a relationshipcentered accounting and advisory firm with unparalleled regional connections backed by global expertise.

Know Greater Value

Our brand, like our business, is driven by people. Our brand promise, “Know Greater Value,” speaks to the confidence and guidance that our clients realize when they work with us.

It reinforces our commitment to delivering the highest levels of value, expertise and service in everything we do.

Our clients see us as problem solvers, connectors and a team to lean on. In short, they experience more by working with us. As we’ve evolved from a regional accounting firm to an emerging national leader, PKF O’Connor Davies has become a world-class organization with a boutique firm culture complemented by big-firm resources. For clients, that translates into a unique ability to connect on a deeper level and create value where others can’t.

Know Greater Reach: Local, National and International Networks

PKF O’Connor Davies’ long history of serving domestic and international clients began with its founding in 1891. Today, it is the leading

North American firm in the PKF international network of independent accounting and advisory firms with offices in over 400 cities, in 150 countries around the world. It’s a relationship that delivers unmatched access to global expertise and strengthens the ability to serve clients anywhere in the world as their needs and their businesses evolve.

As one of the fastest growing professional service firms in the nation, with more than 200 partners, 1,500 professionals and 18 offices across the U.S. – not to mention our ever-expanding international presence –we’re focused on delivering exceptional audit, assurance, tax and advisory services. To do this requires close, trusted and productive relationships. Not only with our clients, but also with corporate executives, nonprofit leaders, government officials, association

44 | FM May 2023
Photos courtesy of Cannici Photography
PKF O’Connor Davies Partner, Christopher Petermann, will be honored alongside Robert Grbic, president & CEO of White Oak Commercial Finance, at the upcoming Mann Charitable Foundation Annual Golf Outing in August.
Christopher Petermann, partner at PKF O’Connor Davies.

representatives and countless managers in every industry and sector. As a result, we have amassed a substantial and very active network of connections – one we readily leverage to assist our clients when the need arises.

Know Greater Attention: Commitment to Client Experience

At PKF O’Connor Davies, we’ve built a credentialed team of highly specialized professionals that know their industries and their clients inside and out. Firm partners are actively involved in the day-to-day management of engagements, ensuring a high degree of client service and cost-effectiveness. Skilled staff members employ a team approach to all engagements, providing clients with topquality, on-time services aimed at helping them succeed. “They’ve seen just about everything and solved problems others could

only imagine. They put in the time to stay ahead of the curve and do what it takes to keep their clients ahead of the competition. And that’s an approach that works in every industry and every sector,” said Christopher Petermann, partner at PKF O’Connor Davies.

More Than A Century of Support For Those Operating on Behalf Of Others

For well over a century, PKF O’Connor Davies has specialized in serving not-for-profit and tax-exempt organizations. Today, the firm works with more than 3,000 charitable organizations, religious entities, educational and cultural institutions and social services agencies. Understanding that every not-forprofit organization is inherently a business, firm professionals are highly responsive to each client’s specific needs and service model. As a leader among its peers, the firm combines

in-depth sector concentration with a crossfunctional team approach that ensures access to specialists in areas such as cybersecurity, Board governance, government funding and reporting, not-for-profit tax laws and more.

Partners and professionals are recognized for their broad experience within the not-for-profit and education sector and for their detailed knowledge of, and proficiency in, state and federal regulations. Through regular contact with government and other agencies, they stay well-versed in the application of relevant requirements and regulations. In addition to close collaboration with administrators, board members and community leaders, they frequently serve as conference panelists, conduct seminars on regulatory issues and are active with state and national professional bodies. Involvement at this level is rare May 2023 FM | 45 COVER FEATURE
A group of PKF O’Connor Davies team members at the firm’s Cranford, NJ office. From left to right: Yahaira Mendez, James McGlew, Christian Lettieri, Christopher Petermann, Joseph Doren, Karen Taylor-Burke and Michelle Goyke.
Christopher Peterman, partner at PKF O’Connor Davies
“Our clients see us as problem-solvers, connectors and a team to lean on”
Photos courtesy of Cannici Photography

and equips them to supply the customized, solutions-based service that can drive greater operational efficiency. Integrated teams bring a deep understanding of not-for-profit financial and operational structures, delivering toptier audit and tax services and providing actionable support on critical operations from IT fraud prevention and employee benefits to Board, foundation and grant-making issues. Team members stay a step ahead of changing industry dynamics and donor demands so that nonprofit organization managers can focus on achieving their missions.

Know Greater Experience: PKF O’Connor Davies and PKF Clear Thinking

As deals move faster, regulations change more often and competition grows, access to intelligent advice has never been more important. Together, PKF O’Connor Davies and its subsidiary PKF Clear Thinking drive even greater value. Forming one of the industry’s deepest benches of interdisciplinary specialists, the sizable advisory team offers services that help healthy companies create value and troubled companies preserve value.

Providing clear direction and practical solutions in areas spanning investment banking and ESG to bankruptcy and restructuring, valuation

services, cybersecurity, privacy and more, the team has worked on hundreds of successful engagements and its track record is enviable. With a laser focus on trends in complex industries, our senior professionals leverage profound experience to address specific issues and customize strategies for organizations in a wide range of sectors, including consumer product manufacturing, solar energy, fashion, corrugated packaging, specialty printing, telecommunications, construction, temporary staffing and retail. Their solutions reflect deep expertise in operations, logistics, process and productivity improvement, strategic financial planning, restructuring, organizational planning and acquisition assessment. Many of our advisors have served as interim CEOs, CFOs and CROs, among other leadership and executive management roles.

Know Greater Insight

As an acknowledged, highly awarded global leader, PKF O’Connor Davies is trusted by clients for providing proactive, sound business and financial advice. Seasoned professionals regularly share their insights through articles, webinars, podcasts and videos, helping to keep clients on top of trends and ahead of the competition. Across all industries, the firm’s specialists provide valuable advisory support

in areas such as trust and estate planning, merger and acquisition support, cybersecurity, litigation, forensics and valuation and specialize in providing assurance and tax planning services to the area’s many commercial, shipping, manufacturing and retail firms.

Award-Winning Industry Expertise

Our focus on value has driven our growth, propelling PKF O’Connor Davies into the Top 25 of Accounting Today’s 2023 Top 100 Firms list. In addition, the firm was recently recognized as one of America’s Best Tax and Accounting Firms by Forbes, named one of Vault’s 2023 Accounting 50, a ranking of the 50 best accounting employers to work for in North America, and in a complementary Vault survey, among the top 50 most prestigious accounting firms in America. These achievements are a clear reflection of our value as trusted advisors and our commitment to arming clients with the insights, intelligence and support they need to succeed.

As the world changes, PKF O’Connor Davies clients “Know Greater Connections,” “Know Greater Insights” and “Know Greater Value.”

For more information, please visit May 2023 FM | 47 COVER FEATURE
Joseph Doren and Karen Taylor-Burke, partners at PKF O’Connor Davies.


Announces Funding with Former Nike Execs on Board

48 | FM May 2023
Photo by Peter Wilson

Portland-based HILOS announced $3M in funding. HILOS is a design, development and infinite restock platform enabling brands to launch 3D-printed footwear lines without inventory or waste, pioneering the first commercially-scaled use of 3D printing technology for on-demand footwear.

CEO and Co-Founder Elias Stahl founded HILOS with an ambition to change the way footwear is made, rewiring the industry for zero-waste, on-demand products.

Prior to HILOS, Elias served in the Israeli special forces, worked on urban policy while at the National League of Cities, and helped Fortune 50 brands leverage their influence for social impact as VP of Product at Handshake.

Chief Creative and Co-Founder Gaia Giladi started HILOS to shift the narrative

of the industry, and make a true impact on the way fashion is designed, produced and recycled. Giladi side-hustled her way through college by upcycling her fashion school fabric scraps into handmade pillows and repurposing vintage jackets into holographic art pieces before we were calling it the circular economy. Prior to HILOS, Giladi worked as a multi-disciplinary designer at Hybrid, St. John Knits, and BCBGMAXAZRIA with a range from textile design to women’s and childrenswear.

Prominent investors include industry leaders Eric Sprunk, retired Nike chief operating officer, and Greg Bui, retired Nike VP of Global Footwear Sourcing & Manufacturing, as well as Better Ventures, Builders VC and XRC Labs.

Greg Bui has joined the HILOS team to lead a rapid scale-up of the technology

and end-to-end supply chain solutions, while Eric Sprunk is actively helping advise and build out the company’s board.

HILOS is currently revenue-generating and will use this investment to accelerate its work with innovative and sustainably-conscious brands while aggressively expanding into new product capabilities.

In 2022, some of HILOS’ major growth milestones included the launch of the first scaled 3D-printed mules, clogs and sandals. The company also received the SXSW Innovative World Technology and Best in Show awards. HILOS also partnered with Yale’s Center for Business, BASF Forward AM, HP and AMT to produce the first environmental evaluation of 3D-printed footwear report which found that HILOS technology cut carbon emissions by 48% and water usage by 99%. May 2023 FM | 49
CEO & Co-Founder, Elias Stahl. Photo by Hannah Shea Becker Co-Founder & Chief Creative, Gaia Giladi. Photo by Hannah Shea Becker Photo by Hannah Shea Becker

Spyker Studio Weaves Italian Comfort Solutions into Mens Swimwear

50 | FM May 2023
Photo by Beto Urbano

Founded in 2019 and launched online in January 2021, Spyker Studio is a contemporary menswear brand specializing in swimwear and underwear. Based in Miami, Founder Ryan McKinley aimed to create a brand with a unique take on men’s swim basics. With a minimal, clean design using high quality materials and fi nishings, McKinley drew inspiration from womenswear and wanted to take colors and fabrics not typically seen in men’s swimwear and bring them into the designs. Spyker Studio celebrates that endless summer feeling and offers an escape from the mundane into a carefree state of mind. Spyker Studio wanted to step back from the fast-paced day-to-day grind and take a moment to breathe, take in and appreciate the beauty of the natural world around us.

Spyker Studio sourced premium Italian fabrics that not only look and feel great, but are eco-friendly as well. The “Vita” and “Revolutional Eco” fabrics are made of a regenerated nylon which gives wasted plastics a new life in a beautiful swimsuit. These luxurious Italian-made lycras are not only kind to the environment but are

sumptuous to the touch and built to stand up to the harsh elements of sun, salt and chlorine. The underwear is made from a soft, organic ribbed cotton and fi nished in a slim elastic waistband detailed with the custom Spyker logo. The underwear has a nostalgic, vintage feel with modern fi nishes and is a timeless staple piece.

Feeling comfortable brings out confidence in what you wear. One of Spyker’s main focuses when designing products is placing importance on comfort and fit. Many men’s swim briefs were sized too small and excessively tight, which made the wearer uncomfortable and therefore turned many men away from tighter fitting swimwear styles. Opposingly, Spyker found many men’s swim shorts big and baggy and sloppy-looking. In response, Spyker created sleek, tailored silhouettes in its shorts that flatter and also move easier in the water. The brand discovered the perfect balance of fit to ensure everything is secure but not pulling and squeezing in the wrong places, and worked to create styles that can be flattering on many body types. Clients write in to Spyker all the time, saying things like, “These are the most comfortable pair of shorts I’ve ever owned!”

Products range from swim briefs in three varieties of cut: square, classic and highcut, to shorts. The running-inspired shorts, “Shane Shorts” and a more tailored, classic beach short called “Hampton Shorts” can be found in a variety of pastel and earthy colors. All products are fi nished with the inconspicuous signature Spyker logo that is either hand-embroidered or screen-printed as a fi nishing touch.

The most recent and current collection titled “Found At Sea” was launched on the twoyear anniversary of the brand in January 2023. The collection features Spyker’s fi rst custom print called “Wave Print,” which recalls a source of constant inspiration: the ocean. The collection also includes a ribbed lycra in color “dusk blue,” which also draws inspiration from the beauty of the sea and the peaceful escape of simply watching the waves crash on shore.

Currently, Spyker Studio is offered exclusively on its website but is planning expansions into wholesale accounts for future collections. It also plans on expanding its product offering and product range into more ready-to-wear loungewear and casual clothing items. May 2023 FM | 51
Photos by Shane O’Neill


Photos courtesy of Bloomingdale’s Bloomingdale’s announced AQUA & Kristopher Brock’s “Love You More,” a limited-edition collaboration between the retailer’s best-selling exclusive brand and the fashion designer. The collection features spring and summer timeless staple pieces in solids, floral prints and romantic silhouettes of crochet, canvas, linen and lace. The AQUA & Kristopher Brock collection launched on Bloomingdales. com and in-store at Bloomingdale’s stores nationwide.

The AQUA & Kristopher Brock “Love You More” collection draws inspiration from summer holidays spent with friends and family. Kristopher Brock’s signature romantic style and expert construction play into this season’s trends and AQUA’s DNA effortlessly. The mix and match ready-to-wear pieces epitomize a true summer capsule collection featuring mini, midi and maxi dresses, pants, poplin and peplum tops, crochet cardigans, floral swimwear and summerready shoes that spotlight this year’s top spring trends.

In celebration of the collection launch, AQUA and Kristopher Brock hosted events and activations within Bloomingdale’s stores and online at including a virtual on-screen shopping event in the Bloomingdale’s 59th St flagship store that streamed on The event highlighted pieces from the collection and Brock’s spring and summer must-haves.

AQUA & Kristopher Brock also hosted a meet and greet at the flagship store, which personally showcased the collection to shoppers. The AQUA Hybrid Takeover event provided shoppers at select Bloomingdale’s store locations nationwide to enjoy special AQUA activations including a live DJ and a fashion illustrator.


“Kris’ background in tailoring and sophisticated design allowed AQUA to celebrate our favorite timeless spring trends,” explained Denise Magid, chief merchant at Bloomingdale’s. “We have always admired Kris and are thrilled to partner with him for this special collection. Each piece encapsulates AQUA’s goal of offering customers timeless on-trend pieces with an emphasis on fit and structure, empowering our customer with femininity and ease. We look forward to sharing this romantic collaboration with shoppers this spring and summer.”

“I’ve always naturally leaned into my romantic aesthetic because to me that is what is most beautiful, and I believe this style shines through in the ‘Love You More’ collection,” said Kristopher Brock. “I designed this collection with AQUA and the Bloomingdale’s team to empower customers to embrace strength through vulnerability, a theme that is highlighted through the design of the silhouettes.”

The 25-piece collection ranges in price from $78-$168. To view and shop the AQUA & Kristopher Brock “Love You More” collection, visit Bloomingdales. com or Bloomingdale’s stores nationwide.


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Innovative Eyewear Inc., the developer and retailer of smart eyewear under the Lucyd, Nautica and Eddie Bauer brands, held an Eyewear Fashion Show in Miami, Florida to display its Lyte 2.0 ChatGPT-enabled smart eyewear line, as part of its Spring 2023 Collection.

The company believes its new designs and upgrades to the global smart eyewear market can improve the daily lives of people around the world. The Lucyd Lyte flagship smart eyewear line is reimagining and disrupting the smart eyewear market with a new seamless voice integration with ChatGPT, powered by the patent-pending Lucyd app. Lucyd glasses not only empower consumers to listen to music, take and make calls and use voice assistants to perform tasks, but they can instantly help individuals tap into ChatGPT’s powerful AI, enabling them to ask ChatGPT just about anything and receive spoken answers.

“From translating languages to looking up recipes and asking questions about pop culture, consumers can verbally ask questions to ChatGPT through microphones seamlessly built into Lucyd glasses and hear the responses through stereo speakers,” said Harrison Gross, CEO of Innovative Eyewear.

“We believe that our smart eyewear app,

integrating ChatGPT, marks a paradigm shift in the fashion eyewear market,” said Gross. “With our new Lucyd app, available now and free during the open beta period, we continue making smart eyewear more accessible and functional. It’s our view that a great pair of smart glasses is defi ned by three key factors: beautiful design, innovative technology, and suitability for all-day wear. By connecting to ChatGPT via voice commands on Lucyd smart eyewear, users can now access a wealth of detailed information on just about any subject, making smart eyewear a wonderful mobile learning tool.”

Lucyd Lyte® 2.0 eyewear is available in 15 distinct, patent-pending styles with prescription or sunglass lenses, making it one of the most versatile lines of smart eyewear globally.

Gross added, “Lucyd smart eyewear makes it easy to use ChatGPT by combining the strength of a natural language AI bot with the natural ergonomic interface of speaking and listening on a hands-free wearable device.”

With this latest debut, Lucyd Smart Eyewear is fusing AI technology and style to disrupt the designer eyewear market by seamlessly integrating ChatGPT via voice commands through Siri or Google Voice. “Our Smart glasses go beyond listening to music or

taking a phone call–Now consumers can go from stylish and smart to gifted, with audio ChatGPT spoken directly in their ears,” said Harrison Gross, CEO of Innovative Eyewear, Inc.

The power of AI chatbots has become undeniable over the last few months. Coupling it with an ergonomic, spoken interface makes it easier to realize its promise. Conversations with AI chatbots are now voice-enabled with the Lucyd app and available on the go through the entire Lyte 2.0 line.

“We believe Lucyd’s Spring 2023 collection of men’s and women’s eyewear has the potential to make a serious dent in the fashion-smart eyewear market,” Gross concluded. “Our latest generation of smart glasses combines sleek design with open-ear headphones, UV protection, prescription lenses and voice assistance into one innovative, lightweight eyewear product that is equally beautiful and functional.”

With quadrasonic speakers, open-ear audio, noise cancellation microphones, polarized UV 400 lenses and 12-hour battery life programmed to work with the world’s smartest Artificial Intelligence platform, Lucyd Lyte is smart eyewear like no other. Lucyd ChatGPTenabled eyewear is the next evolutionary step to Upgrade your Eyewear®.

56 | FM May 2023 TECH
Photos courtesy of Lucyd May 2023 FM | 57 TECH

ZOZOFIT Delivers Bespoke Fashion Through Digital Body Measurements

58 | FM May 2023 TECH
Photos courtesy of ZOZOFIT

Introducing the ZOZOFIT suit, the latest high-tech gadget from Japanese apparel e-commerce company, ZOZO. Launchd in August 2022, the ZOZOFIT suit utilizes body scanning technology through the ZOZO app that measures body fat percentage, tracks fitness progress and provides comprehensive 360-degree views of the body.

How does it work? Simply put on your one-piece ZOZOFIT suit, stand six feet away from your phone camera and let the app do the work as it snaps 12 photos of your body as your turn from angle to angle. From chest to thighs, the camera connects the dots displayed on the suit’s key measurement points in just two minutes. With monthly updates to the app’s features, users can track changes on the body through color-coding flashes that appear all over the suit. Body part by body part, users can use the app to read what each color means. The app provides users with accurate detail that delivers the best results when sending measurements to one’s fitness coach, or to their tailor when customizing clothes for the ultimate bespoke cut.

“ZOZOSUIT was initially launched in 72 countries back in 2018, designed to measure customers’ bodies for ordering custom-sized apparel,” said Yukiko Morooka, ZOZO’s VP of communications.

“After four years dedicated to improving the technology and listening to our customers’ voices, we were thrilled to expand our fi rst-of-its-kind fitness product to the U.S. in fall 2022. The suit now offers the same technology, but with much higher accuracy and features that give customers the ability to track and transform their progress to serve their individual fitness needs.”

Not only is the ZOZOFIT suit a vital tool for motivation, setting and tracking fitness goals, but it is also helpful for online shopping. Trying on outfits through a screen is difficult, especially when each body has its unique style, measurements and preferences. The ZOZOFIT suit delivers a solution to these virtual fashion difficulties; it provides consumers a thorough way to visualize clothes with their measurements in real-time, calculated through accurate body-scanning technology.

Fashion’s latest tech-centered tool, the ZOZOFIT suit is revolutionizing what it means to create custom-made clothes according to one’s specific body type, from measuring body parts to calculating body fat percentages and maintaining realistic, comprehensive fitness and fashion goals.

The ZOZOFIT suit retails at $98. More information can be found at May 2023 FM | 59 TECH

For fashion and apparel businesses, becoming more resilient through vigilant risk management is increasingly important in today’s marketplace. Developing a strategic plan to mitigate risks, especially against new challenges and exposures that have arisen during the last few years, will greatly influence your business insurance premiums and coverage availability throughout the remainder of 2023 and beyond.

Currently, the insurance industry is in what’s called a hard market, causing insurance companies to impose tougher underwriting standards and reduce the amount of coverage that they are willing to underwrite, causing supply to contract and premiums to rise. Several factors, including the increasing frequency and severity of claims, can lead to these market conditions.

This type of market requires businesses to present themselves in the best possible light to enable their brokers to present the best-case scenario to insurers. In partnership with your insurance advisor, demonstrate to the marketplace why they should want your business (i.e., good loss


history and corrective measures taken to prevent similar losses from reoccurring, proactive risk management/transfer practices, proper safety protocols and property upgrades.)

Underwriting losses, poor industry results, decline in investment income due to lower interest rates, an increase in natural disaster claims, social factors, such as “social inflation” of claims and “once-in-acentury” events such as the pandemic, are all factors directly contributing to the state of the market.

On the property insurance side, water damage and catastrophic weather events have been costly for insurers while on the liability side, increasing claims for slips and falls have led to expensive lawsuits. Some companies have stopped offering insurance for the apparel and fashion industry, exiting the space, and resulting in fewer players in the market.

The economic fallout from the global pandemic includes lower interest rates, pushing premiums higher yet again as insurers can’t rely on investment behind the scenes to remain profitable.

So, What Can Businesses Do?

Despite the hard market, businesses still have the ability to control and manage losses. Owners and operators who control their risks in-house will be in a better position to find coverage at an acceptable rate. Proven strategies include:

• Be proactive: Providing your updated information to your broker early in the renewal

process will allow you to obtain your renewal terms sooner and address options with your broker.

●• Be complete: Insurance underwriters have limited time to go back and forth with your broker requesting missing information; assist by ensuring your file is complete.

• Be current: Improve maintenance, implement risk services recommendations, undergo an operational evaluation – underwriters favor and value clients that take care of their business.

These are just some of the ways you can get ahead of rising premium costs and navigate the current state of the insurance market. Now more than ever, it is imperative to work with your insurance advisor to review your coverages and to understand what your P&C policies cover, what they don’t and the best ways to mitigate the individual and unique risks of your properties.

Frank DeLucia currently serves as Executive Vice President of HUB International Northeast, a leading full-service global insurance brokerage. With over three decades of experience, Frank specializes in building insurance and risk management programs for the real estate and apparel industries and is a long-time active member of the Fashion Service Network (FSN). Frank can be reached by phone at 212-3382395 or at For more information on HUB, please visit www.

60 | FM May 2023 COLUMNS
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and professional goals to a halt.

positively charged energy.

Redistribute Load

Instead of being deflated by the outcome, you look to grow from the experience. Others are drawn to your willingness to “fail forward” toward future success.

Others’ Relationship With Change

As Leaders, it is almost impossible for us to have reached a significant professional peak without having experienced numerous situations that drained our precious energy. If we continue pushing forward without eliminating the negative energy and recharging the positive during a critical project, we may find ourselves running on empty. How do you redirect negative energy? First, you might need to reduce some pressure.

Have you ever seen someone who looked like they were carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders? Besides mental scars, we often walk around with layers of invisible cloaks, which I call “Cloaks of Change.” During constant and rapid changes, there is a tendency or need to push through, rarely fully processing them and removing the heavy weariness they create.

As you climb the ladder to the highest platform, take a moment to listen to your thoughts and feel your emotions. You have victoriously emerged from your change, eager to master your world.

During continual days of drought, my lawn looks like parched wilderness. While beating myself up for not investing in a sprinkler system, I grabbed the hose and the water sputtered like it was trying to catch its breath. Irritated, I searched and found the culprit - a knot. Once untied, the hose came alive and watered the lawn, and me, because in my frustration, I had forgotten to focus the nozzle!

In my last article, “Leaders: What Will You Have to Welcome?” I shared the most significant characteristics of the eighth stage of change, “welcome.” In this article, I introduce the ninth and final stage, “master,” to help you determine if you are on this stage of the change process and what you could do next.

Proficiency & Expansion

Leaders, let’s face it, many of us struggle with keeping focused when overcome by negative energy. When our emotions are steeped in frustration, disappointment or anger, our thoughts replay the incident and the person responsible for causing us discomfort or pain. Even our best efforts can be labored when something or someone has stifled our energy. Too often, we give up or shift our attention to easier projects. This article, the fifteenth in the series, continues to introduce the various Change Proficiencies, which are different strategies and techniques required to facilitate successful changes. It will present the “Transform Energy” technique to help you combat negative energy to more efficiently and effortlessly achieve professional goals.

Reduce Pressure

Like how an overinflated tire is more vulnerable to damage, an overstressed individual is less likely to make the best decisions. It is necessary to release pressure to become more balanced as we strive towards increased income, impact and influence. What you need is a Positive Venting Person (PVP) who will provide a safe, confidential environment in which you can vent and proceed more clearly.

To master your change, you have had to modify your overall relationship with change. Pay attention to others who are experiencing change. You must take time to analyze and comprehend how those who work closely with you respond to change. Their actions, which originate from their thoughts and emotions, are like road signs that can reveal where they are in the change process. This insight will improve your ability to navigate how their changes may impact your professional or personal goals. Listen intently, and compare their thoughts and actions to the knowledge you have gained from the change process. As a leader, application of this knowledge is vital.

Your PVP is not to agree or disagree, answer questions or give their opinion even if you prod them to do so. They are only to listen. If your PVP has some constructive insight, they should share it with you later. If you do not currently have a PVP, explore your network to identify the best person and enlighten them on their role.

Release Mental Scars

and tools to conquer future changes, results in more clarity and focus. Remember: you have mastered a specific change, not your entire life. The more changes we can master, the greater our success. However, it does take time and patience. Many more victories will have to be won before you can experience mastery multiple areas of your life.

For example, few have truly processed the many social, financial, physical, emotional and mental changes associated with the pandemic. What impact do those weights have on us? Most of us have experienced it. Unexpectedly something happens that might seem minuscule; the floodgates open, and emotions like sadness or hopelessness rush in and engulf us. While some might refer to this as “the straw that broke the camel’s back,” I call it “one cloak too many.” What can you do to transform that negative energy into something productive?

If you believe you have reached the “master” stage in your change, congratulations! Now, ponder and choose another experience, and apply what you have learned about change to approach, process and master it. If you haven’t completed the “master” stage, I strongly encourage you to remain dedicated to working through your current change.

What Does it Mean to “Transform Energy?”

In the “master” stage, you are proud of who you have become and look forward to further transformation. You are comfortable with disquieting memories that surround your change and share your feelings freely. You are confident that you have the knowledge, expertise and understanding to master other changes, which will ultimately lead to mastery in other areas of your life and strengthen your cherished dynamic energy.

Release From Fear of Failure

In order to defuse the energy behind pent-up emotions trapped in experiences we would rather forget, we must redirect our thoughts. To transform energy, we consciously shift our mindset and perspective concerning an incident to move beyond its debilitating influence.

Each time we face an undesirable situation, it leaves behind a “knot” in the form of emotional exhaustion or physical overwhelm. Even simple tasks may require more effort to produce results. It reminds me of when I hid from mirrors because it was hard to acknowledge that the scar from my liver transplant was a permanent part of my body. Worst yet, my physical scar became a mental one. Like myself, many have allowed professional and personal mental scars to become as permanent as physical ones. Overlooked, unappreciated and unrewarded chapters in your businesses and careers may have left permanent marks on your mind and heart.

Through my clients, I have often heard that when their teammates’ and colleagues’ words and actions are misaligned, it frequently has to do with the disconnect between where they are in the change process and where their leader wants or needs them to be. You may need your team to evolve or embrace different professional situations or ways of performing their assignments, and they may still be trying to figure out how to stand up to or accept the change. A business coach can help bridge the gap between leaders’ expectations and their team members’ performance.

Mentally design and figuratively wrap yourself in a cloak filled with the confidence, love, optimism, appreciation and kindness you have in and for yourself. Then, when you are mentally prepared, acknowledge your unproductive cloaks and how long you have been wearing them. With that knowledge, select one of the cloaks and explore why you still have it on and what you need to do to remove or lighten its load.

As you go forward, remain alert to your thoughts and emotions, and align your actions so your dynamic energy will continue to blossom. From “stand up” to “master,” your journey through the change process has cleared away faulty perceptions for your specific change. As you select the next change, seek insight from those you trust. To upgrade your viewpoint, ask them questions about inconsistencies that may exist between your words and actions.

Why Must You “Transform Energy?”

Think of a car. In park, it cannot move. To create movement, someone must shift the vehicle from park to drive. Negative thoughts and emotions are like a car “stuck in park,” bringing our financial

One of the greatest freedoms is being free from fear of failure. When you reach the “master” stage, you are driven by curiosity of what could happen and are no longer held hostage mentally or emotionally to failure. After exploring the risks and rewards, you pursue goals with expectations of success. Even if you fall short of your objective, you are prepared to extract and apply what you have learned.

What Mastery Means

To unbind the mental scars, we must change how we view them. First, acknowledge them and their impact on your life. Next, reflect on how things would be different if the scars did not influence you. Finally, identify and take the first step towards lessening their power and accessing more

While we can control some things, many things we can only influence. When situations cause negative thoughts to impact us, we can transform energy to create the desired movement and thrive. Remember, your PVP will help you safely release negative thoughts. Along with lessening the power of mental scars and knowing when to cloak and uncloak, your elevated positive and productive energy levels can make it possible for you to soar.

Mastery is demonstrated in many ways. Exceptional progress will be made because your actions are closely aligned with future goals, and you are committed to continual transformation. Your relative peace of mind amid uncertainty and fear, which stems from the confidence that you possess and the knowledge, insight

This article is the last in a series that highlighted the nine stages of the change process presented in my book, “Aspects of Change.” The next series of articles will highlight the “art of change” and reveal the proficiencies you need to move from one stage of change to the next and create forward movement in any goals. No change can stand in your way when you apply these practices.

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62 | FM May 2023
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– Nelson Mandela
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Fit & Fabulous


Topgolf will open a three-level entertainment experience in Suffolk County in Brookhaven Township. The venue will feature 102 bays, yearround lessons, chef-driven dining, live music and private event rooms.

based Dr. Vranjes Firenze, including candles and home diffusers as well as the personal fragrance collection consisting of five Eau de Parfums and other products. Salons by JC, which sublets spaces to beauty professionals, is coming to Brooklyn at 1 Boerum Place.

For Foodstuffs

meringue, caramel, mascarpone and Campari. At press time, chief Jarett Brodie was to debut Loulou, a French bistro at 176 Eighth Avenue in March. Among Brodie’s previous restaurants are Craft, Mercer Kitchen and Tribeca. In addition to traditional bistro foods, the space will include an underground speakeasy with a separate entrance. Ricardo Cardona, a chef to the New York Yankees and singer Marc Anthony, has teamed up with former Jean-Georges chef Carlos Letona to open Cuban-Asian fusion restaurant Aura Cocina at 315 Meserole Street.

It’s an extremely diverse group of new leases and openings this month, from classic stores relocating to new spaces, global brands coming to New York and even international music superstars exploring retail.

All About Apparel and Accessories

This month is almost all about food, with a number of new entrants in all cuisines opening in time for spring or summer dining. But what may be most interesting is the commitment of two major luxury brand owners, LVMH’s Tiffany and Richemont’s Vacheron Constantin, to new and expanded spaces.

All About Apparel

Fashion house Kenzo has taken 3,000 square feet at 107 Grand Street, about half of the space that housed Ted Baker until 2016. At press time, the remainder, with the address of 32 Mercer Street, remains available.

Just Gems

25 Kent has signed a 12-year, 7,120-squarefoot lease with multifunctional fashion and lifestyle brand Kith at 25 Kent Ave. in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The space will serve as the brand’s Williamsburg retail outpost and feature a Kith Treats cereal bar. The store will include the full range of the brand’s products, including apparel, footwear, accessories and lifestyle offerings for men, women and children. Kith Treats offers a variety of dairy and non-dairy frozen foods, desserts and pastries, and a wide selection of cereals and additional mix-ins. Schott is relocating its New York City flagship to 32 Howard Street. Louis Vuitton is crossing the street, moving from 1 East 57th St. to 6 East 57th St. while the current location is being renovated, reported the New York Post. Sister company Tiffany had sublet the space from Nike while its own flagship was being renovated.

To Your Health and Beauty

Luxury fragrance brand Dr. Vranjes Firenze opened its first U.S. flagship at 25 Bond St., featuring its full range of scented creations by Florence, Italy-

The Tiffany Flagship Next Door has opened at 6 East 57th Street, and it’s more than just a pop-up. The shop is adjacent to Tiffany’s flagship at 727 Fifth Avenue, which is undergoing a massive renovation to be completed in late 2021. Tiffany had already previewed the space with a men’s collection in the atrium over the holidays. Now, the temporary shop features the jeweler’s entire line over four levels, with private selling rooms on each floor and a VIP salon. Richemont clearly believes in the demand for luxury timepieces; its Vacheron Constantin brand will debut a boutique at 30 East 57th Street, nearly four times the size of its current location at 729 Madison Avenue.

Wining and Dining

Superiority Burger has reopened at 119 Avenue

Trader Joe’s will take the long-vacant Food Emporium space under the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge at First Avenue and 59th Street, said published reports, pending Landmarks Preservation Commission approval (pending at press time). The space, known as Bridgemarket, was a produce market when it opened early in the 20th century. It features a Guastavino-tiled arcade and was landmarked in 1974.

A. Dig, the New York City-based, chef-centric eatery beloved by New York’s office and residential populations for its high-quality, scratchcooking meals, has crossed the Hudson River for the first time, opening its first location in New Jersey at The Village at Bridgewater Commons in Bridgewater Township. Cucina Alba has added a cocktail bar, Alba Accanto, at 141 10th Ave. Shake Shack is coming back to Penn Station after being dislodged because of a renovation, said Commercial Observer. The Upper West Side’s The Consulate has opened a second location, at 44 West 56th St.

Wining & Dining

Taqueria Tacombi has announced two locations, one at 202 East 70th Street and the other at 27-10 43rd Avenue in Long Island City. Look for more vegan food at Lekka at 81 Warren Street. The plant-based burger restaurant from chef Amanda Cohen and partner Andrea Kerzer will offer burgers, salads and even vegan soft serve for dessert, as well as a full bar with signature cocktails. P.F. Chang’s is opening P.F. Chang’s To Go, its new takeout concept at 60 Fulton Street, its first in New York City and second in the U.S. thus far (the first is in Chicago), this fall. Reportedly, more New York locations are planned. Very Fresh Noodles is venturing outside its home at Chelsea Market, opening its second location at 980 Sixth Avenue at West 36th Street. Avra is also growing again. The Greek seafood chain is reportedly opening a massive eatery over multiple levels at 1271 Sixth Avenue. It will be the company’s third location in the city.

That’s Entertainment

Call it a K-Pop-up? BTS, the globally renowned seven-member singing group from South Korea, opened the BTS Pop-up: Space of BTS on the third level of The Shops & Restaurants at Hudson Yards. The debut coincided with BTS member Suga’s world tour on April 27. The first comprehensive and official BTS store in the United States, the New York pop-up will have the longest opening duration of three months. This store carries several new merchandise lines like 2022 Dalmajung and BTS in Busan. The pickleball craze continues to expand in New York City, with Central Park’s Wollman Rink now converted by CityPickle into the Northeast’s largest installation through October 9.

California Dreamin’

José Andrés Group (JAG) and Simon are

Israeli gelato chain Anita Gelato will open its first U.S. location at 1561 Second Avenue this month. The gelato and yogurt maker has four locations in Tel Aviv and three in Sydney, Australia. Eater reports that the owners will bring flavors including tiramisu, popcorn with honey and Cookieman, which somehow combines hazelnut,

collaborating to bring award-winning restaurants to several of Simon’s properties, including California and Las Vegas. JAG will enter new markets and expand its footprint in existing anchor cities with restaurants at Stanford Shopping Center, in Palo Alto, California and The Shops at Crystals, and introducing Zaytinya to The Forum Shops at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. The new restaurants are expected to open in 2023 and 2024. Breitling has opened a boutique at South Coast Plaza, near other major watchmakers such as Vacheron Constantin, Piaget and Rolex. Los Angeles-based HD Buttercup, a subsidiary of home and home furnishings retailer Coco Republic, has announced a Design Center concept at 3225 Helms Ave. in Culver City, California.

Gumption Coffee comes from Australia to its first location in Manhattan at 1155 Avenue of the Americas. It made its U.S. debut in Industry City in Brooklyn.

Be Well

EHE Health, the only national preventive health and primary care network in the U.S., has opened a 23,000-square-foot clinic at 600 Fifth Avenue in Rockefeller Center, relocating from 10 Rockefeller Center. The spa-like center offers services including full physical exams and follow-up services as well as 3D mammography. Maybe FiDi executives can get some rest; membership wellness chain Hydra Studios will open its first standalone location at 120 Wall Street. The concept is also located within Convene at 530 Fifth Avenue. That space offers a fitness studio, yoga and HIIT classes, beauty bars and grooming stations, showers, meditation rooms and nap suites.

Worth the Wait?

The Design Center is a “store as a service,” empowering brands with a flexible shop-withinshop presence in custom-designed physical spaces within the flagship. Pet parents have a big reason to celebrate. Wag Hotels Santa Monica has opened 4,000 square feet of pet boarding, training, spa services and doggy daycare space for dogs and cats. The hotel features supervised outdoor play yards, a range of private rooms and suites, a retail boutique stocked with treats, toys and pet couture and a grooming salon. Independent beachwear and intimates brand Andie Swim has opened a flagship location at the Malibu Country Mart.

And note that, as always, I’ll be at ICSC Las Vegas this month. Contact me to set up a time to discuss your latest dish and deals!

Target will open a 32,000-square-foot store at 10 Union Square East, but don’t look for the red symbol anytime soon. The space is still leased to Food Emporium through April 2023, the New York Post reported. That places the discounter’s opening at the holiday season of that year.

Debra Hazel

North Las Vegas, NV Tel: (201) 618-5247

Debra Hazel Communications Arverne, NY 11692 201-618-5247

64 | FM May 2023

We may be one of the 10 largest banks in the U.S., but we never lose sight of the individual. Our Relationship Managers personally get to know your business, taking the time to understand your unique needs before offering their custom solutions. And with over 150 years of industry experience, you won’t just like working with us. You’ll love it.

We’re banking experts. People experts, too. Customized banking solutions for every customer.
TD Bank, N.A.

If you asked a woman to close her eyes for a moment and share her “lingerie wish list,” I’d be willing to bet that the list would include styles that are beautifully designed, comfortable to wear and make her feel confident.

Confidence comes from within, and that’s why undergarments are so important in enhancing the way we feel about ourselves. No matter what shape or size we are, we should also be proud of our physique. Being healthy and always presenting our best selves brings confidence to oneself. Our hair, our posture and how we look wearing what we choose all contribute to body positivity.

A Growing Movement

While the body positivity movement started in the 1960s with the push for greater acceptance of size, it’s only recently that we walk into a store in any state and feel that things have started to change. It has become natural to have missy-size mannequins alongside plus-size. Windows offer diverse imagery. The rally cries have finally been heard, and action is being taken.

But there’s still so much more work to be done. This means opportunities for those brands that understand their customers, have strong and diverse vendor relationships, and trusted partners that can leverage fabric and fiber technology that focuses on helping women to feel their very best. If feeling good comes from the inside out, then the first layer is always lingerie.

Picking bras and panties with the right fit that gives us a natural lift with support in all the right places means that the industry has to start with a


solutions-first approach. This includes a range of styles with key benefits like breathability, cooling, shaping, smoothing and support – just to name a few.

Understanding the Emotional Need

The reality is that most issues have two sides – emotional and data-driven. Some women have gone their entire lives feeling bad about their bodies, not even realizing that the solution for what they truly love is within reach. It’s up to vendor partners to help brands realize the emotional need of a customer and translate it into a real product that delights shoppers. The woman who finally finds a gorgeous bra that also provides support, shape and comfort will be a lifelong customer because she feels great. She’s willing to invest in her well-being for an item that changes how she sees herself – and how others see her too.

The Numbers That Prove the Need

When we take a look at the numbers, we can understand even more the importance of this year being the year that we focus on inclusivity. WWD recently reported that 67% of American women are size 14 or larger. The NPD Group reported that the women’s plus-size market was worth $113.8 billion, for the 12 months ending May 2021. That makes up approximately 19% of the entire U.S. women’s apparel sales. Impressive numbers, for sure! And if you’re still not convinced, more data from NPD’s Inclusive Apparel Market Trends reported: “After casual apparel, basics — including bras, underwear and shapewear — make up the largest share of apparel sold in plus-size, at 27%, compared to 19% for the rest of the market.”

Feeling Good About Ourselves and the World Around Us

To a certain extent, body positivity is also about feeling good about the world we live in. Women want to be their best selves, to shop thoughtfully and to buy things that they love. This means making mindful purchasing decisions about products that they feel good about wearing, improving their overall feelings of wellness and communicating

the importance of buying products that were made with minimum impact on the earth.

Bras are being made with so many eco-friendly and functional materials that at times can sound like a beauty or wellness product! There are options to create winning products with stunning fabrics made from earth-friendly bamboo, recycled nylon, recycled lace and organic cotton.

What Goes Into Making a Great Product

Even the most authentic marketing campaign won’t yield results if the product does not deliver on its promise. Creating a bra that brings out a person’s confidence cannot have bands that are too tight, cause flesh to spill over or cups that gape. Slipping straps and wires that dig are all big no-no’s because they will disappoint a customer. Start with the solution and work from there. For example, there are no bounce solutions, comfort bands, uplift in the cup and back and side smoothing features. It’s also about the styles being offered like no-wire styles that give the support and uplift of wire bras.

A Commitment to Positivity

Whether focusing on inclusivity, body positivity or sustainability, finding ways to be a part of the movement is essential to growth – both personal and professional. We need to believe that the movement is important and that we can always do more. It is this valuable understanding that drives our innovation and ability to solve challenges for our customers and business. Lingerie makes us feel good inside and out. It is truly a magical foundation that can bring a new sense of wellbeing to how we feel about ourselves and how others see us.

Tel: (855) 882-8789

66 | FM May 2023
Dora L. International, Los Angeles 441 S. Hewitt Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013

The idea that everyone deserves to feel good about themselves and have a positive body image has become an established movement. It might have started in the 1960s, yet it’s in the 2020s that the fashion industry is starting to take notice. Although there’s still work to be done, today more than ever before marketing campaigns, storefront windows and website photography all show more body types, age ranges and ethnic diversity.

It’s with good reason that we want to feel good about ourselves, both inside and out. While we might not want to always admit it, sometimes starting with what we are wearing helps us feel better about ourselves. This isn’t only an opportunity for individuals but for brands that are seeking to grow their business by connecting with customers that have a real need.

There is a lot of buzz around body positivity in beauty, intimates and apparel, yet there seems to be less focus on footwear. People no longer have to choose between being comfortable and looking put together – there are indeed options if one looks hard enough. But there are not enough footwear brands focusing on body positivity to make it easy to find, purchase and feel good.

Understand Your Target Audience

The body positivity movement started with a focus on physical size and shape and has now become more inclusive. There is greater recognition of race, gender, sexuality, age and disability. Not every brand can be all things to every person. It’s essential to know and understand who your target audience is and then analyze how to best solve their challenges related to body positivity.


Be Authentic

A cohesive brand strategy needs authenticity, especially in the age of social media, where brands can’t hide from customers. Shoppers, particularly those disappointed for most of their lives with styles and sizes that do not make them feel good, are craving a credible and genuine experience from a trustworthy brand that can deliver on promises.

Inclusive Sizing

The average women’s shoe size is a U.S. eight, according to NPD Group’s Retail Tracking Service data. It’s interesting to note that women with larger feet (size 10 and up) make up around 38% of the market. That’s a significant number. With only about 20% of shoes stocked in stores that are size 10 or higher, opportunities for brands that want to meet the needs of women with larger feet are ready for the taking.

Focus on Fabrics

Footwear brands need to consider width too. Today, more and more footwear brands are introducing a more expansive range of styles to their seasonal collections than ever before. Styles are incorporating advances in textiles that offer support and stretch. What’s different than in years past is that these offerings are also stylish and on-trend.

Nude is More Than One Shade

Flesh-toned shoes are always popular, particularly in the warmer months. It’s the easiest way to always look put together no matter what a person is wearing. Neutral footwear has been a popular choice because of its versatility, but it’s not always been done well. There is no single shade of nude. In fashion’s diversity problem, this is one of the areas that stands out the most. Until recently, the only shade that has been offered has been very light and very beige. But this is starting to change. There are designers like Stuart Weitzman who have developed a Nude Essentials collection that offers shades like Basket Brown and Bambina Beige. The New Pump, a brand founded by Rebecca Allen, a

black woman working in finance, is available in five nude shades. One of the companies doing this the best is Nine West, which has the NW Nudes collection and offers nudes in a range of shades in all of the brand’s best-selling silhouettes like flats, pumps and block-heeled sandals.

People with Disabilities

With more than 40 million people in the United States with a disability and the understanding that an aging population will likely have mobility issues, there is great potential to make people’s lives easier and tap into an underserved market with great promise (Coresight Research predicts the U.S. market will grow to $54.8 billion by 2023). There are several examples of footwear companies doing a good job. Zappos has a program that allows shoppers to buy shoes that are of different sizes. They can buy one shoe for half the price of the pair. Billy Footwear offers functional laces and a full zipper to take stylish shoes on and off for children and adults.

Genderless, Size-Inclusive Shoes

There is still a lot to be learned, but one area that’s being noticed is the demand for extended sizing for specific trends. Take, for example, the highly popular Rick Owens six-inch platform heel for men, whose popularity took many in the footwear industry by surprise. Fashion and body positivity should be for all and that means not leaving anyone out. Out of all of the opportunities, this is the one in which many are shy to take risks and offer something that they are not entirely sure is going to sell.

This brings us back to the first point…knowing your target customer and focusing on their greatest needs will help build confidence and self-acceptance.

Amy Berkowitz is a retail visionary, entrepreneur and founder of Ready-2-Launch. She is known for her ability to navigate new fashion brands through the obstacles and intricacies of the complex world of fashion. To contact Berkowitz, email


The relationship between the fashion industry and body positivity is deeply problematic, despite the marketing campaigns and magazine covers, the influencers and the seemingly shifting attitudes of the major players. Body positivity is a movement that promotes self-love, selfacceptance and diversity in body types. That’s an issue for a fashion industry that has historically supported a limited and unattainable definition of attractiveness that excludes people who don’t fit its standards.

The consequences of this attitude are shocking and wide-ranging, impacting us and future generations in ways that might not always be readily apparent. From a business perspective, a lack of diverse and representative models lies in direct contrast to demographic shifts, both in North America and across the world, as well as growing demand from shoppers. Billions of dollars in revenues are left on the table for reasons the industry could and should have moved on from years ago.

Older manufacturing, design, modelling and production practices meant creating fashion for more diverse clientele was exceedingly costly, time-consuming and potentially problematic. As an example, a “plus-sized” shopper could have a huge range of varying dimensions, from height to weight and everything in between. But with the latest technologies, that is no longer valid.

Between design applications, new fabrics, intuitive e-commerce shopping platforms and sizing solutions, droves of customer data, 3D printed manufacturing, and digital models, the tools to bring fashion into our modern world are readily available. It is now both possible and feasible to have fashion that speaks to all shapes, sizes, ethnicities and genders, and to truly make the industry diverse, inclusive and body positive. All that’s left is the will to put these tools into action. Despite their availability, the industry has been slow in their adoption, both in their use and in what they stand for — that


everyone deserves to be represented, included and made to understand that everybody and every person is beautiful in their own unique way. Like so many problems today, these issues are exacerbated by social media and its widespread use of photoshopping, editing, filters, contouring and staging. We, the consumer, are constantly bombarded with a standard of beauty that is seemingly more attainable than ever but completely out of touch with reality. Gen Z is the first generation to grow up completely in the digital age and the effects of this problem can be easily seen in the skyrocketing prevalence of the generations’ mental health problems with increases in anxiety, mood disorders, eating disorders, shame, depression, low self-esteem, self-hatred and suicidal thoughts according to 2021 findings by the National Library of Medicine. As such, one of the biggest challenges for this generation of shoppers is mental, not financial.

By not utilizing new technologies and lacking comprehensive body positivity (not just plus-sized but inclusion of different ethnicities, religions, genders, the disabled community, etc.), the fashion industry is perpetuating this very real and hugely concerning problem. Fortunately, there is a growing movement towards greater inclusivity — brand by brand, retailer by retailer, designer by designer —the slow steps of profound change that signal the seismic change happening at the heart of fashion. The Montreal-based brand Lazypants is one great example of inclusivity in action.

As a leisurewear brand that caters to a wide range of clients online, Lazypants is continuously looking for ways to improve user experience to ensure that the shopping experience reflects inclusivity and sustainability. Lazypants believes that the clothing industry needs to take extra steps forward to ensure that models with various body shapes and sizes are being showcased in the industry. As someone who has been working in the fashion inudstry for 10+ years, Sara Anoja, Lazypants’ director of marketing shares, has seen a lack of diversity within the community and it has been challenging to find various shapes and sizes being represented in the industry.

A.I. technology and virtual fitting rooms are great solutions for brands to incorporate into their websites to positively influence the new generation of consumers as well as our current

ones. From a marketing perspective, lower conversion rates have been related to a lack of consumer confidence when it comes to sizing, diversity and accuracy of fit. Female consumers show hesitation when purchasing clothing because they are unsure of how a garment will fall on their specific body type or how this will look with their skin tone etc. There is a sense of rejection because they are not able to relate to the standard “lean” body type which they always see online.

The most recent partnership between Lazypants and the fashion technology company Moda Match allowed an expanded client base of female customers a place where they can feel confident when purchasing leisurewear. The Moda Match Virtual Fitting Room, which includes models of different shapes, sizes and ethnicities, is on the rise and helps customers feel more reassured when buying online. This type of collaboration fits within the values of inclusivity and has helped Lazypants connect to our customers on a deeper level.

Fashion brands must immerse themselves into this new wave of tech and keep up with the digital age to remain relevant — especially if they are catering to the Gen Z market. Despite the mental negativity that the online world perpetuated among teens, it is important to leverage technologies for positivity, rather than using tech to create even more unrealistic images. Together, we can empower the youth by using artificial intelligence to create designs that reflect real body shapes, genders and diverse ethnicities.

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70 | FM May 2023
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Two International Market Centers (IMC’s) concurrent March Markets – VOW Bridal & Formal Atlanta and Atlanta Apparel – previewed upcoming Autumn/Winter ‘23 trends and provided sourcing synergies between the categories, March 28 – April 1, at AmericasMart Atlanta.

“Buyers across apparel, bridal and social occasion categories are eager to learn and source the newest trends,” said Caron Stover, IMC SVP, apparel. “Atlanta Apparel and VOW Bridal & Formal Atlanta have the exhibitors, education and events to keep up with demand.”

The combined markets welcomed loyal and new buyers from 43 states, Puerto Rico and four countries. Overall, 21% of attendees were firsttime market-goers, bringing an influx of new energy and excitement to the events. The Southeast region, which is typically the market’s largest demographic, increased to represent 86% of the total attendance this March.

Homecoming and Bridal Categories Excel at March VOW Bridal & Formal

The March VOW Bridal & Formal market showcased Autumn/Winter ‘23 in bridal, quinceañera, mother-of-the-bride, accessories, homecoming, men’s formalwear and special occasion across VOW’s 125 individual collections, presented throughout permanent showrooms and temporary exhibits. Many brands reported strong order writing in homecoming and

bridal categories along with a notable increase in new accounts.

“Homecoming was hot in Atlanta this March,” added IMC’s Stover. “Store owners were here and they were writing for in-demand designs across social occasion and wedding categories. The social occasion industry is continuing to thrive as people relish dressing up for celebrations, and VOW Bridal & Formal continues to be the premier Southeastern destination for sourcing social occasions.”

A notable number of brand new stores attended VOW this March, with brands reporting steady orders from new accounts. Newcomers were hungry for business education, with highest-ever attendance at Mon Cheri Academy – a bridal retail training presented the day before market. “There were a number of new prospect accounts that came in, which was a great surprise,” said Amit Tandon, chief operating officer of Rachel Allan. “Homecoming was our strongest category in this market, and many of the buyers that saw products through our windows ended up placing an order.”

“Homecoming was the main category our buyers wanted, and we saw many more new accounts than expected this March,” added Vicki Vlahos, CEO of Portia and Scarlett.

New boutique owner Marisa Vaughn of Ivy Marie Prom and Bridal Boutique in Zanesville, Ohio, visited the market for the first time to source both bridal and social occasion categories.

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“The March VOW market might have been the highlight of our entire year and a cornerstone for our new business. I’ve participated in five markets throughout my career, but this past one was special because it was my first for my store,” said Vaughn. “I felt very confident in the orders we placed. We added a new bridal line and hope to attend more markets in the future to add accessories to our offerings.”

VOW attendees were able to preview upcoming trends in the VOW Bridal & Formal Live Model Presentation, which showcased 40 looks including: dramatic ball gowns; 3-D floral motifs; sheer fabrics; luxe embellishments; gloves; belts; detachable trains and more for bridal gowns, and slip dresses. Bridesmaid trends on display included silk and satin dresses; shades of blue and black; floral prints; bold hues and various styles within one color.

“We can’t get enough of dimensional florals and pearl details in our collections. That, as well as square necklines, are really trending in bridal,” said Samantha Ruby-Gray, national sales manager of Madi Lane Bridal. “We had quite a few new customers come see us in our new showroom in this market, and we also saw many of our existing clients within the region attending the show as well.”

For homecoming, Tandon noted selling many dresses with heavy beading, fringe, feathers, one-shoulder, cutout details, exposed boning and sheer midlines.

VOW Bridal & Formal presents its collection of bridal, prom, quinceañera, mother-of-the-bride, accessories, homecoming and special occasion lines three times annually: March and August in Atlanta and August in Las Vegas. The next VOW Bridal & Formal market runs July 31 – August 4 at AmericasMart Atlanta.

Atlanta Apparel Welcomes New Buyers and Brands to Season Break Market

Atlanta Apparel’s March edition showcased Autumn/Winter ’23 across its 315+ temporary exhibits and 350+ permanent showrooms, with particular emphasis on four popular categories: new brands, resort, and shoes. Atlanta Apparel noted growth in new-to-market buyers this

March, which translated to new accounts for exhibitors.

“We met new buyers and opened quite a lot of new accounts. Our line does very well in the southeast,” said exhibitor Matt Rowley, sales manager of Jayley Collection. “We traditionally show our line twiceper-year at Atlanta Apparel, but based on the success of the past few markets, we’re looking at introducing a third time.”

Buyer Amanda Warren, owner of The Grove Boutique in Winter Park, Florida, added that her market experience was great and incredibly efficient.

“Atlanta has always been our go-to market as it is the easiest for us to travel to. This March, everybody was running an efficient program, and we were writing lots of fall and holiday products. We discovered new lines in this market that our customers will love,” said Warren.

March market highlights included an Atlanta Apparel and Women’s Wear Daily Autumn/Winter 2023 Trend Panel, with 4,000+ interactions on Instagram Live augmenting an at-market audience.

The popular, semi-annual, season break fashion show showcased 70 looks, with trend highlights including: boudoir dresses and blouses; career coordinating sets; blazer coats; padded coats; updated classic shirting; winter trench coats; maxi skirts; pinafores; dressy cardigans; drape dresses and winter boho dresses.

“The Fashion show was great exposure, and we are so happy with the results of this market,” added Rowley. “Four of the Jayley Collection pieces were featured in the fashion show and we had buyers who recognized our coats stop by.”

International Market Center’s (IMC) five Atlanta Apparel markets feature the latest looks in contemporary, young contemporary, women’s modern, shoes, fashion accessories and more, plus specialty categories such as children’s and plus-size at AmericasMart Atlanta. The next Atlanta Apparel market runs June 6 – 9 at AmericasMart Atlanta.

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Atlanta Apparel Fashion & Events Director Morgan Ramage Talks Flaunting Brands at the Autumn/Winter 2023 Fashion Show

TRADE SHOWS 76 | FM May 2023

Twice per year, Atlanta Apparel – the Southeast’s wholesale apparel, accessories and shoes destination – hosts its hallmark season break fashion show previewing the next season’s trending pieces. The semi-annual runway production, dramatically presented against the backdrop of Downtown Atlanta, is conceptualized, curated and executed by Atlanta Apparel’s inhouse fashion office, a team led by Morgan Ramage, fashion & events director. This past March, Atlanta Apparel hosted its Autumn/ Winter 2023 Fashion Show and forecasted top trends for the next season. Three key trends were showcased in 70 looks: the wearable wardrobe, advanced goth and feminine brights and metallics.

Ramage gives an insider’s look at the trade show’s runway and more.

How do you identify the trends?

Curating the fashion show trends and themes is a process the fashion team starts six months prior to March and October season break markets. I pull the broad themes from our trend forecast partners at Worth Global Style Network (WGSN) and from each season’s runway shows in New York, and from there, I research all the trends and select the ones most relevant to our buyers that Atlanta Apparel exhibitors will be showcasing. These trends influence our apparel shows and the branding that surrounds them.

What is your process for pulling samples

from exhibitors to reflect the trends? How do you determine which exhibitors’ samples to showcase?

I start by mapping out a run of shows to help the team stay organized. The scenes – the three segments of the fashion show that showcase the three top trends – are planned out to determine how they will translate and move to the next scene, and how we are going to tell the trend story through apparel, accessories and shoes. When we’re out on the exhibit floor pulling pieces, we can pinpoint items that fit the storyline and each individual scene and check off looks as we go.

Our fashion team walks the entire show – 350+ permanent showrooms and 315+ temporary exhibits across all categories – and talks to exhibitors with products that fit the fashion show story. We especially love to highlight those new to the show and any additional exhibits that have eye-catching products. Because the fashion show provides our exhibitors with maximum exposure and offers a great way to get the new season’s products in front of buyers, our requests are usually enthusiastically approved. Once products are pulled, we move back to the fashion studio and build full outfits.

This March, which trends did you focus on the most?

We focused on three main trend scenes for the fashion show: the wearable wardrobe, advanced goth and feminine brights and metallics. Scene one, the wearable wardrobe, focused on pieces with clean lines and classic silhouettes. Think maxi coats, classic denim,

suits and sets, blazers, smooth leather bags, double belts, loafers, half-moon bags, Chelsea boots and any other piece that can be kept and styled infi nitely.

Our second scene, advanced goth, highlighted dark and dramatic staples: slip dresses, pronounced sleeves, leather on leather, dark florals and lace cutouts, styled with boots, chokers, chains and ear cuffs.

Scene three showcased the feminine wardrobe and metallics. This scene brought energy and happiness to the runway with lots of color, print, sheer fabrics, party bags, metallic bags, fun hosiery and socks, gemstones, pearls and party heels.

What is the most rewarding part of curating the fashion show?

It is so rewarding to see an event that I have dreamed about and pictured for months in my head come to life. It’s also gratifying that the work that goes into the fashion show helps to inspire buyers’ creativity and brand awareness while sourcing; it is an event that adds particular energy and excitement to the market experience.

What was your favorite part of the fashion show this past March?

My favorite part is the fi nale of the fashion show. At the conclusion of the show, we get to see the excitement on all the attendees’ faces, celebrate the hard work that went into the preparation and execution of the event and begin preparing for the next one in six months.

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Photos courtesy of Atlanta Apparel


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Reads to defi ne what confidence means to you, whether it’s in fashion, beauty, careers and embracing overall emotional and physical positivity.

Does My Butt Look Big in This?: A Body Positivity Manifesto by Felicity Hayward June14,2022

Felicity Hayward, curve model and founder of the online movement #SelfLoveBringsBeauty, is a leading voice for change within the U.K. fashion industry. Rooted in her own personal journey navigating the fashion world, Hayward’s debut book is a joyful and powerful guide to how you can take control of your own self-image and learn to love your true and authentic self. From dispelling harmful body myths to finding your own unique style, and from mental self-care to navigating toxic social media, Hayward shares her own highs and lows and gives practical, actionable advice to achieve true body confidence. Inspirational, frank and funny, Hayward shows you that only by embracing your “flaws” can you redefine what beauty means to you

I Am Beauty: Timeless Skincare and Beauty for Women 40 and Over by Riku Campo


The first makeup guide to celebrate and support women 40 and over, “I Am Beauty” is makeup artist Riku Campo’s labor of love. Campo has worked with some of the most beautiful and recognized faces in the world, like Cindy Crawford, Gwyneth Paltrow and Anne Hathaway. “I Am Beauty” includes step-by-step tutorials, advice from skincare experts and Campo’s best behind-the-chair tips every woman needs to revitalize her routine, including day and night skincare routines that keep you fresh and beautiful, whether you’re in your forties, fifties, sixties or beyond. Campo also has one-on-one conversations and day-and-night makeovers with 16 incredible women—each with her own unique style—and shares their secrets for finding beauty in all parts of life. Comprehensive, practical and inspiring, packed with more than 100 full-color photos, “I Am Beauty” is the ultimate resource for women to maintain their glow and live their most joyful, beautiful lives.



As an actress, producer, New York Times bestselling author and inspirational speaker, Candace Cameron Bure has spent her entire life in the spotlight, and she is well aware of the pressures women face. Throughout her career, Bure has balanced her faith, family, and passion for work and found her spot as a role model to women of all ages—and as a style icon. In her brand new book “Staying Stylish,” Bure invites you behind the scenes of her day-to-day life and shares more than 100 tips and tricks for looking and feeling your best—both inside and out. Nurture your body, style and soul as you read through this beautiful book full of photos, insider secrets and exciting ideas to revamp your own life into its best possible version. She offers her insight into balance, spiritual growth and looking great while doing it all. “Staying Stylish” topics will include personal style, fresh hair and makeup for any age, a well-balanced diet and fitness regime, and a well-nourished spirit.

This is Not a Fashion Story: Taking Chances, Breaking Rules, and Being a Boss in the Big City


Danielle Bernstein spent her youth shopping at discount department stores, getting boozy in suburban backyards and proposing marriage to every boy she dated. By age nineteen, she was a college dropout living in a West Village shoebox with three roommates and only six months to prove that her blog, @WeWoreWhat, could become a full blown career… or else board the train back to her mom’s house. Flash forward ten years. Bernstein is more than a famed influencer with over two million followers. She’s also a bonafide business woman—a CEO, tech founder and fashion designer living a dream lifestyle that includes all-expense-paid luxury travel to Paris and Positano, skipping the velvet rope, and controlling her own destiny.

Despite these successes, Bernstein has never been your typical play-by-the-rules fashionista. She disrupted the fashion industry using her own playbook—one that she’s finally ready to share with you, her readers. “This Is Not A Fashion Story” is the down and dirty tale of how a Long Island-born teenager became one of the most recognizable names in fashion. It’s a story that proves success isn’t about a college degree or how rich your parents are. It’s about trusting your gut, knowing when to take risks and fighting to get what you want in life, love and business.

BOOKS May 2023 FM | 79
Photos courtesy of Amazon Books


A Mexico-based bridal atelier that offers versatile, modular and customizable gowns that seamlessly transition the bride from ceremony to reception

For the Spring 2024 Collection, Nadia Manjarrez Bridal celebrates the diverse culture of Mexico, paying tribute to the strong and resilient women who have played an instrumental role in shaping the country’s history and contributed to its legacy.

Nadia, the founder and CEO of Nadia Manjarrez Studio Bridal, dove into the past, exploring the stories of remarkable individuals such as Malinche, a Nahua woman who was offered as a slave to the Spanish colonizer Hernan Cortés. Despite her difficult circumstances, Malinche learned the Spanish language and became a key translator, helping to bridge the gap between the two cultures and mitigate violence through communication. To honor her legacy, Nadia named the most versatile dress in this collection after her: a breathtaking ball gown made from recycled moirè with a mesmerizing wavy pattern that can be transformed into a cocktail dress.

This collection also features a homage to Adela Velarde, the visionary creator of the “Las Adelitas,” the first female soldiers who bravely

fought in the Mexican Revolution. These women defied gender norms by carrying ammunition and guns, and provided valuable support to their fellow soldiers as nurses, cooks and helpers. The Adela dress features a gorgeous tulle ball skirt with a halter rose Chantilly lace as an ode to their courageous spirit. The dress also allows for versatility with its removable sleeves and the ability to transform into a Chantilly cocktail dress.

The iconic Frida Kahlo, known for her stunning art, unapologetic style and signature floral crown, served as the inspiration for the floral beaded “Frida” dress. Nadia drew inspiration from the traditional Oaxacan dress known as the “Tehuanas,” popularized by actresses such as Dolores del Rio, Maria Felix and Frida Kahlo. The skirt shape of this dress has been adapted into a contemporary design and incorporated into several of the pieces in this collection.

This season also features embroidered tulle with silk organza laser-cut flowers inspired by traditional Mexican embroidery techniques as well as a mantilla-style veil, reminiscent of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, a Mexican poet and nun who inspired

80 | FM May 2023 BRIDAL

the feminist movement with her work challenging gender norms.

Thick silk satin crepes were used with minimalistic silhouettes that can be paired with accessories such as Juana or Josefina. The latter is a triple V stretch crepe dress with French Chantilly applications that can be paired with a Chantilly bolero. The Josefina dress is named after Manjarrez’s grandmother-in-law, a skilled seamstress who sewed up until the end of her life. Her 80-year-old sewing machine was gifted to Manjarrez this past year and added to the brand’s atelier in Mexico. Its vintage stitching techniques have inspired the picot edges seen on dresses including “Anna,” a stunning crinkled

silk chiffon dress with a draped bodice that transforms into an airy skirt. The Genesis dress is made from a rose brocade crepe with puff long sleeves, while the green Elisa dress takes inspiration from the Palenqueras, the women who work in the creation of mezcal in rural areas of Mexico, particularly Oaxaca. These women are responsible for processing the agave and turning them into mezcal.

A Little About the Designer

Nadia Manjarrez was born and raised in Mexico in the city of Culiacan, Sinaloa. As one of four children, her mother often designed and sewed the clothes for her and her siblings. Teaching Manjarrez how to sew at the age of six sparked her interest in fashion, but Manjarrez aspired to be an astronaut. That was until she realized she could turn her hobby of making doll clothes into a design career.

Manjarrez pursued an education in fashion and received a degree in Fashion and Textile Design from the University of Monterrey. In 2011 she moved to New York for a design internship with couture designer Bibhu Mohapatra. Following her internship, she went on to work for notable luxury eveningwear brands including Badgley Mischka, Marchesa, Cushnie et Ochs, and David Meister. In 2017, while working for JS Group, she was given the opportunity to create a new non-traditional eveningwear brand, Flor where she served as the development designer. Working as one of the three key designers behind the brand provided a design and production know-how that she was able to apply when launching Nadia Manjarrez Studio Bridal.

Katherine Tash Spring 2024: “Moonlight”

“Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born - you are my sun, my moon and all my stars.”

With a background in designing evening gowns, it seemed only natural that Katherine Tash would evolve her career into designing wedding gowns. After working for many luxury brands in Los Angeles, Tash established her bridal wear line in 2018.

A new collection emerged while the designer Katherine Tash was planning her own summer wedding. It was during this time that she felt inspired to create a collection that captured the essence of these feelings, and mirrored the beauty of basking in the glow of a moonlit night on the eve of such a life changing event.

“I am proud to present to you the Katherine Tash Spring 2024 Collection: ‘Moonlight.’ The ‘Moonlight’ collection captures the enchanting allure of love, intertwining the anticipation of your wedding day with the serene ‘moment before.’” Each gown is designed to portray these feelings, resulting in a collection that is both emotional and tangible.

At the core of the brand is the dedication to creating modern gowns with classic undertones and supportive structure. In this collection, they have incorporated luxurious silk fabrics that elegantly drape over the body while providing built-in support for a seamless fit. Katherine Tash achieved a harmonious balance between trend-conscious and trend-driven design, ensuring that our gowns remain contemporary yet enduring. “As we celebrate our remarkable growth this year, I have chosen to introduce a diverse selection of new and exquisite silk fabrics, as well as revisiting dramatic silhouettes that make a statement.” Although the designs are refined and minimalist, they are rich in intricate detail. Peek at the “Moonlight” collection, a testament to the magic of love, the thrill of anticipation and the timeless elegance that defines Katherine Tash Bridal.

Katherine Tash gowns are all designed with this philosophy in mind. Sourcing the finest fabrics and materials, each Katherine Tash wedding gown is meticulously hand-crafted sustainably in Los Angeles, California by a talented team of local artisans. Luxurious silk fabrics and effortless silhouettes create a collection that embodies the modern woman of today.

For more information, visit

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1. Mixed use development project created by GID, that recently earned the Well Health Safety 6. Fund provided to investors under the Act that created Opportunity Zones, abbr. 21. Madison Square Garden, e.g. 35. Green building certification letters, abbr. PUZZLE BY MYLES MELLOR 3. Malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid 5. Moujan Vahdat’s real estate company working to alleviate the homeless problem in NYC, 2 6. “We are the champions” singers 15. Construction company that completed St. Johnland Assisted Living in Kings Park, NY, 2 23. Transfers real estate, for example


Prince Harry is planning to add new chapters to the paperback version of “Spare,” his best-selling autobiography. Publishing insiders say readers are clamoring for the juicy details about how the couple feels after the backlash from the book and their Netfl ix documentary, as well as the scoop from King Charles’s coronation this spring. Meanwhile, King Charles has asked the Archbishop of Canterbury to help negotiate the terms under which Meghan and Harry will accept his invitation to attend his coronation on May 6. Meghan and Harry cleverly used this sensitive moment to negotiate the HRH titles they wanted for their children, Archie and Lilibet, and they won. King Charles has now officially recognized them as a Prince and Princess to keep the peace. For those who want to watch the coronation of King Charles in style, a pair of Queen Elizabeth II’s Royal Coronation Chairs can be purchased for $39,850 from M.S. Rau in New Orleans.

Six Years of HDRF

On Mother’s Day, May 14, Southampton’s Audrey Gruss’s Hope for Depression Research Foundation will release a series of photographs of famous New Yorkers with their children, including Ali Wentworth, Muffie Potter Aston, Amy Fine Collins, Sharon Bush, Cristina Greeven Cuomo, Serena Boardman and Susan Gutfreund to mark the sixth anniversary of the Hope Fragrance Company, where all profits go to fund research into depression. Southampton’s Jamee and Peter Gregory were among the 1,000 participants in this year’s fifth Palm Beach Race of Hope, which raised over $550,000.

The Whitney Art Party

Candace Bushnell, Ashley Graham, Karen Elson, Hilary Rhoda, Peter Davis, Martha Hunt and Tracy Anderson lead the charge to the Whitney Art Party for an exclusive sneak peek at the museum’s blockbuster exhibits, “Edward Hopper’s New York” and “Puerto Rican Art in the Wake of Hurricane Maria.” The astrological-themed affair helped raise critical funds for the Whitney’s Independent Study Program and ongoing efforts to champion the voices of emerging artists. Co-chairs Micaela Erlanger, Adam Fields and Flora Irving welcomed artists, young patrons and art enthusiasts dressed in attire inspired by their respective zodiac signs. The event was sponsored by Nili Lotan and ReVive.

Carlton Fine Arts


Artist Vincent Peters, aka ÆTHELSTAN, opened his show “Art is Dead” to celebrate Black History Month at Carlton Fine Arts on 5th Avenue. Ice-T supported the exhibition and said, “I went through a lot of censorship in my career. I felt that this show was something I should be involved in.” Ice-T also bought the fi rst work in the series called “Flames.” Peters created the show in response to Decree 349 in Cuba, which forbids Cuban artists from any type of creative expression without approval from the government. All profits from the series are going to support artists through the nonprofit Decree349R. org. Guests included Libbie Mugrabi, Sofie Mählkvist and Peter Thomas Roth.

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Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Photo courtesy of Getty Peter Thomas Roth at Carlton Fine Arts. Photo courtesy of PMC

Marc Jacobs Fashion Show

Anna Wintour, Debbie Harry, Nicky Hilton Rothschild, Anna Sui, Sofia Coppola, Debi Mazar and Emily Ratajkowski were among the ladies sitting in the front row at Marc Jacobs’ show, dubbed “Heroes,” at The Armory. Jacobs paid tribute to the late English designer Vivienne Westwood, known as the “godmother of punk.” The designer quoted Westwood saying, “Fashion is life-enhancing, and I think it’s a lovely, generous thing to do for other people.” The looks were breathtaking and paid homage to punk culture with sky-high platform boots, pearl necklaces and bustiers.

Ron Dyce: “The Ultimate Collection”

Fashion designer Ron Dyce, who has dressed “Sex and the City” author, Candace Bushnell and Gloria Estefan’s 28-year-old daughter, Emily Estefan, showed 90 new looks for both women and men in his show he called The Ultimate Collection in the Bushwick Ballroom.

“Love & Hip Hop’s” Adizia “Bambi” Richardson, also known as The Bam, was one of the nearly 100 runway models that showcased styles for all seasons in front of over 1,000 people. Among Dyce’s favorite clients is singer MC Lyte, who he recently dressed for her appearance on “Good Morning America.”

Joey Morrissey Opens M2 in South Beach

Joey Morrissey has opened M2 in Miami’s South Beach with Jason Lin. The space was formerly music legend Prince’s night club, Glam Slam. Morrisey hosted 30 of the world’s top DJs over five days, including David Guetta alongside Adam Beyer, Carl Cox, Charlotte de Witte, Sasha and John Digweed, during Miami’s Music Week. The M2 brand was launched by Morrissey in the 2000’s. It attracted Jay-Z and Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Snoop Dogg, Mariah Carey and Puff Daddy. The club also hosted Rihanna’s Rated R Album Launch, and was name dropped by Nicki Minaj in her track “Up All Night” featuring Drake.

May 2023 FM | 87 SOCIAL SOIREE
Nadja Sayej at The Whitney Art Party Photo courtesy of BFA Char Defrancesco & Marc Jacobs at Marc Jacobs Runway Photo courtesy of PMC Scott Snyder, Louisa Benton & Joe Hernandez at The Race of Hope 5K. Photo courtesy of CAPEHART Audrey Gruss & Martin Gruss at The Race of Hope 5K. Photo courtesy of CAPEHART


At the Longhouse Reserve’s inaugural Larsen Lecture, Architect and Designer Kulapat Yantrasast was introduced at Christie’s by the Auction House’s Deputy Chairman John Hays. Along with 90 other guests, Hays toasted Jack Lenor Larsen, his longtime friend. The attendees included Nina Gillman, Dianne Benson, Sherri Donghia, Derick T. George, Anne Erni, Gael Towey, Emma Clurman, Deborah Nevins and Peter H. Olsen as well as Abby Bangser, Ted Farris, Ronnie and Alan Fisher, Marina Kellen French, Susan Gutfreund, Sharon King Hoge, Michele Gerber Klein, Alison Levasseur, Faith Popcorn and Barbara Tober. Jack Lenor Larsen, who designed with Frank Lloyd Wright, was celebrated and remembered for his work in founding the Longhouse Reserve.

88 | FM May 2023
Photos courtesy of Patrick McMullan Alan Fisher, Sherri Donghia Ingrid Simmons George, Derick George Kulapat Yantrasast, Dianne Benson, Erik Castillo George Marina Kellen French, Carrie Rebora Barratt Martine Fougeron, Ted Farris Nina Gillman, Deborah Nevins Michele Gerber Klein, Sharon King Hoge

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Top 12 Must-Have Beauty Products for this Summer

From the new Rare Beauty Tinted Lip Oils to the Pattern’s Leave-in Conditioner, we have the best beauty products to start our summer off right with the glowiest skin and rosiest lips. This season’s launches are highly-rated by consumers all over the Internet, so much so that countless beauty influencers were inspired to revamp their routines—check out TikTok and YouTube for the tutorials.

There were so many amazing brands and products that recently hit shelves that it was difficult to keep up, let alone choose a favorite. Fortunately, we narrowed it down for you. Ahead, take a

A Closer Look
Maison Francis Kurkdjian, Gentle Fluidity Gold Eau De Parfum, $140 ( La Prairie, Skin Caviar Liquid Lift, $785 ( Supergoop, Glow Screen Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 40, $38 ( Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Tinted Lip Oil, $20 ( Gisou Hair Oil, $46 (

SummerFridays HeavenlySixteenAll-In-One FaceOil,$55 (


Peter Thomas Roth, 24K Gold Mask, $85 ( Charlotte Tilbury, Glowgasm Wand, $42 ( Dr.Barbara Sturm, Glow Drops,$150( Gisou Lip Oil, $32 ( Olaplex Bond Smoother, $30 ( Leave-in Conditioner, $25 (
92 | FM May 2023 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K



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Local Interstellar Outfitters Blends

Outer-World Style with the Great Outdoors Just in Time for Spring

When one thinks of hiking along trails, working up a sweat outside or simply enjoying the raw beauty of nature, style is rarely on the brain. Local Interstellar Outfitters has changed what it means to be an outdoorsman by adding a fashionista’s flair. From stretchy exercise wear to cozy leisurewear, this new brand has been providing nature-lovers the answer that blends style and comfort all year long, rain or shine.

94 | FM May 2023

Dave Durey, creative director of Local Interstellar Outfitters, gave us an insider’s look on what to expect of the brand ahead of the outdoorsy season.

How did you get your start in fashion?

I started in “action sports” working for Burton snowboards and migrated over to fashion shortly after.

How long has your brand been live?

This is our second year!

Have you always had a love for the great outdoors? Rain or shine, we are outside everyday doing something from basic exercise to hiking, climbing, sailing on a boat or snowboarding on the slopes.

When did your passion for fashion and the great outdoors meet?

We were looking for something you could wear in the warmer months when the sun goes down, and as a layering piece that you could wear on the coldest days that gives you a fashion edge over traditional brand name items you will fi nd in outdoor stores.

What separates outdoor fashion from other categories in the fashion world?

Design. Basically, we wanted something you could wear from the hike to the restaurant and not feel as though you just walked off the trail.

What are some must-have staples in outdoor wear and in your brand itself?

Any of our hoodies are great for the outdoors, or at least to always have one with you if the weather changes. Our matching sweat pants are also perfect to change into after the exercise is over and it’s time to socialize or relax.

What inspires your design process?

Fashion and function. We are not trying to go overboard and give you a waterproof zipper just for the “look.” Rather, we want you to be comfortable and stand apart from the others in the room.

How do your clothes blend unique functionality with style?

Many of our designs have cowl necks which go a long way to keep you warm and cozy on and off the trail.

Anything exciting planned for the future that you’d like to share?

We have so many new styles and designs coming out, it will shock the world (wink)!

Where can people shop your brand?

People can buy direct from us at or if in Canada:

Photos courtesy of Studio + Commerce
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