1 minute read

From the Editor

And just like that, fall has come and we are just weeks away from weaning.

Hi, my name is Samantha Rimke and I am the new editor of the Manitoba Hereford Association’s Newsletter, the “Hereford Connection.” I grew on a fourth-generation family farm in southwest Manitoba raising purebred Hereford cattle. I was an active member of the MJHA and CJHA for 21 years, showing since I was three years old. I am now an active member of the Young Guns. Herefords have always been a passion of mine, and I am excited to start this new journey.


The MHA Hereford Connection is published twice a year, in February and September, in all interest of the Manitoba Hereford Association. This newsletter seeks to promote growth and development of the Hereford industry within the province of Manitoba. The newsletter is free of charge to all active Manitoba Hereford Association members. The material produced is done with high integrity, however I assume no responsibility for errors or omissions.

This newsletter is sent out with a new mailing list, for some reason if you have received this in error, please feel free to contact me at samantha.rimke@gmail.com to remove your name. If you know of someone who is not receiving the newsletter, but has previously, please contact me so they can be added to the mailing list.

I would like to thank the MHA for the opportunity to produce the Hereford Connection and I look forward to working with everyone to promote and market your herds through the Newsletter.

Thanks, Sam