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1a Senior Road daoR roineS a1 Darnall llanraD 1a Senior Road 1a Senior Road daoR ro ShefÞeld dle Þifn ee hS S a1 Darnall Darnall llN aP nr4a9 DS S9 4PN 1a Senior Road ShefÞeld Tel ShefÞeld 0114 2618979 979d 8l1e6Þ2fe4h1S 10 leT Darnall S9 4PN S9 4PN N P 4 9 S Mobile 07966 234907 709432 66970 eliboM Tel ShefÞeld 0114 2618979 Tel 0114 2618979 9798162 4110 leT S9 4PN Mobile 07966 234907 Mobile 07966 234907 70d9a4o 3R 26 6 9 7M 0 etS lib0o2M 120 St Marys Road s y r a 1 Tel 0114 2618979 1a Senior Road daoR roineS a1 Town centre ertln nD woT Mobile 07966 234907 daoR roineS a1120 StDarnall aernc rM a 120 Marys Road Marys Road daoR d slly S 021a 1 Senior Road 1a St Senior Road ShefÞeld eÞaffe eh htS S ShefÞeld llanraD e centre Town centre 1aTown Senior Road erW tdnlA eÞ c n w o T Darnall Darnall S24PN 4AW d a o R r o i n e S a 1 4 2 S 120 St Marys Road Darnall S9 d l e Þ f e h S P4 9 S 1a Senior Road ShefÞeld ShefÞeld ShefÞeld dlN ShefÞeld Tel 0114 0114 2618979 3272252 llN aP nr4a9 DS 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Health & Wellbeing Event
The Plastic Problem
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The Blessings CUT of our Parents PIECE
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Cost Of Passport To Increase
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The cost of a child's passport is increasing by 27% for applications made by post. From April, it will go up from £46 to £58.50 for anyone under the age of 16. For adults who make postal applications a passport will cost £85, up from £72.50 - a 17% rise. The cost of online applications is also increasing, but by significantly less. They will go up by £3 to £49 and £75.50 for children and adults, respectively. All the rises, for a standard passport service, are greater than the current 3% rate of inflation. While the changes are subject to parliamentary approval, the increases mean a family of four - two adults and two children - who apply by post will need to spend £287. Prices for adult passports on the fast-track service will rise from £103 to £142, and from £128 to £177 under the premium service. The Home Office said: "These reforms are part of plans by the Home Office to invest £100m on border security and infrastructure next year." It aims to "create a self-sustainable immigration and borders system". The Home Office justified the higher postal charges, saying
READ INSIDE Page 22-23
they reflected the "increased costs of processing postal applications compared to online applications". It said the reforms would shift the financial burden of providing passports on to users of the service instead of taxpayers - "millions of whom do not currently hold passports". It added that the proposals are unrelated to the re-introduction of blue passports, which will not create an extra cost.
1.6 Million Personal Independence Payments Claims To Be Reviewed
This humorous fish-shaped building is a regional office for the National Fisheries Development Board located near Hyderabad, India. The 4-story building is inspired by a “giant fish sculpture in Barcelona,” presumably the 1992 monumental sculpture “Fish,” by Frank Gehry. The building officially opened in April 2012.
0786 0624786
Every person receiving Personal Independence Payments (PIP) will have their claim reviewed, the Department for Work and Pensions has said. A total of 1.6 million of the main disability benefit claims will be reviewed, with around 220,000 people expected to receive more money. It comes after the DWP decided not to challenge a court ruling that said changes to PIP were unfair to people with mental health conditions. The review could cost £3.7bn by 2023. Ministers made changes to PIP in 2017 which limited the amount of support people with mental health conditions could receive. As a result, people who were unable to travel independently on the grounds of psychological distress - as opposed to other conditions - were not entitled to the enhanced mobility rate of the benefit. The government pressed ahead with the proposals, despite criticism from an independent tribunal in 2016. But in December, a High Court judge ruled the alterations "blatantly discriminate" against people with psychiatric problems and were a breach of their human rights.
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500 Extra Homes As Part Of Continued Investment In Council Housing
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Meadowhall’s Crime Rate Released For The First Time Thefts, drug offences and assaults were among 138 crimes recorded in and around Meadowhall last year - one offence for every 173,000 visitors to the shopping centre. Details of the offences, committed between January and the end of November, were disclosed by South Yorkshire Police under the Freedom of Information Act. The force revealed that theft was the most common offence, with 75 incidents logged at the popular shopping centre, last year. There were 24 physical assaults recorded, 11 cases of criminal damage to vehicles, eight public order incidents and two cases where drugs were found. Knives were found on visitors to the centre twice last year, according to the police log. The other 20 crimes included two car thefts, handling stolen goods, harrassment, the theft of a bike, going equipped to commit crime and an allegation of sexual activity with a child, for which the suspect was found not guilty at court. Meadowhall, which opened in September 1990, is the UK's eighth largest indoor shopping centre and attracts £24 million visitors a year. Meadowhall's operations director, said policing the shopping centre is akin to policing a small town and the crime rate is remarkably low for such huge numbers of visitors every day. "Meadowhall is just like a small town, where we can have anything from 60,000 to 130,000 visitors a day, so policing and security is absolutely key and something we take incredibly seriously". State of the art CCTV and communication systems are in place to keep one step ahead of criminals and for police and security officers to monitor the centre 24 hours a day. The centre has its own dedicated police team, and officers, working alongside Meadowhall security staff, also work with retailers to identify potential offenders and crime trends.
Funding for around 500 extra council homes has been identified by Sheffield City Council in its council housing business plan. This forms part of the authority’s drive to increase the amount of social housing across the city and is on top of an additional 1000 homes being provided by 2020. The council is currently working on plans for new housing schemes for older people, families and people with learning disabilities. And now it has revealed its further ambition for 500 additional council homes in the next five years. The council’s plan also includes continued investment in existing homes with improvements planned to roofs, kitchens, bathrooms, windows and electrics. Councillor Jayne Dunn, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Community Safety, said: “I am doing everything in my power to increase the number of council houses. It’s a massive challenge as we lose around 350 properties each year through Right to Buy sales and face increasing need for social housing. “We’ve managed our finances prudently, to allow us to deliver much needed new homes at the same time as investing in existing properties. And I want to reassure people we are doing absolutely everything we can to increase and invest in social housing in Sheffield.” Sheffield City Council was one of a small number of organisations which, over the past year, has been lobbying the Government to change funding rules to free up money for local authorities, so they can build more council homes. This lobbying has started to change the Government’s thinking around how increases in council hous-
Every Child Matters 2017: A Snapshot Of Life For Children In The City The findings of Sheffield City Council’s Every Child Matters Survey, provide a snapshot of life for young people in Sheffield. The report highlights findings from over 8000 school children from ages six-15 in 79 schools across the city. The survey found that over three quarters of children aged sixseven like going to school most of the time and that two-thirds of young people aged 14-15 think they have a good relationship with their teachers. More needs to be done with regards healthy eating, with only a third of primary school children eating vegetables every day; however, over two thirds of them do some exercise at least most days. Other positive findings from the survey include: Two thirds of primary school children read at home most days Three quarters of young people aged 14-15 would be able to recognise controlling behaviour in a relationship and would feel confident to do something about it Fewer young people aged 14-15 are smoking every day compared to 2013 and 2014/15 But the report also finds: Children as young as six have been bullied online There is a high prevalence of consumption of sugary drinks across all age groups
One in five young people aged 14-15 sleep for only six hours or less on a school night; the main reason for this is use of technology late at night The survey results are used by Sheffield City Council and schools as well as our partner organisations such as South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue, Health Services, South Yorkshire Police, the Voluntary & Community Sector and Sheffield Young Carers. Sheffield Smokefree Programme, for example, uses the results to measure smoking prevalence and to target support to schools where smoking rates are highest. Schools use the results to drive health improvement initiatives and findings from previous surveys have informed the work on adolescent mental health, which has now led to support services going into more than 40 schools across the city. Councillor Jackie Drayton, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families at Sheffield City Council, said: “Children and young people’s voices play a vital role in shaping our services. This survey helps us to find out what matters to our children and young people, understand what their lives are like, develop our priorities and policies and make a difference to the way we deliver things. I would like to thank all the schools who enable our children and young people to take part in this important survey.”
Flytippers cost Sheffield Council £600K Last Year Every January, councils see a surge in flytipping, with rogue residents and traders dumping post-festive waste, including old Christmas trees. On a regional level, there were 69,758 reported flytipping incidents in Yorkshire and Humber between April 2016 and March 2017 - 875 more incidents than last year. The clean-up cost to taxpayers in the region totalled £4,944,730. The worst hit area was Leeds, with 16,425 incidents, followed by Bradford, with 12,191 incidents, and Sheffield, with 12,026. Unsurprisingly, Leeds had the highest bill for flytipping clearance, totalling £1,354,522.
ing can be achieved. The authority is hoping for further announcements from the Government about this, and will continue to lobby for this. In its annual council housing business plan, the council also includes further investment in fire safety and in June last year, the authority committed to installing sprinkler systems in its high rise tower blocks. It also intends to continue developing its new approach to housing management – Housing+ – which means more proactive support for tenants, especially vulnerable people. The business plan states that the further roll out of Universal Credit in Sheffield next year will be a particularly challenging time. It plans to work with tenants in preparation for this, ahead of the introduction in November and December. There are just under 40,000 council homes across Sheffield. The new homes will either be new build or bought properties.
The figures only account for flytipping incidents on council land, not private land. Farmers who fall prey to this crime are having to shoulder the burden, responsible for meeting the cost of clearing rubbish from their land themselves – at an average cost of £1,000 per incident. They are also liable if the dumped rubbish damages the countryside. With many authorities looking at introducing charges for bulky waste and organic waste collections and charging for dumping waste at council-run tips, there is a fear that flytipping incidents will increase.
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Written by Mrs Iffat Yasmin
An information open day designed to promote the mental and physical wellbeing of taxi drivers and their families was organised by The Sheffield Taxi Trade Association earlier this month. The Taxi Driver Health and Wellbeing event held at The Pakistan Muslim Community Centre and was considered a huge success. Macmillan Cancer Trust, Various NHS specialist, Sheffield International Venues, Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board and Sheffield University were just some of the service providers present on the day. Amongst the 400 guest attending were various public figures such as The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Sheffield ( Councillor Anne Murphy ), Councillor Zahira Naz. Mrs Naz said; “I’m very pleased with today’s attendance, bringing health officials to the doorstep creates opportunities for individuals to check their health and pose questions that they previously may not have considered. There are so many important health service providers present today and it’s wonderful to see so many people benefiting from this open event“ Representatives from the health service were also present to conduct preliminary health checks such as blood pressure, cholesterol
vehicle’s that require regular checks, its absolutely imperative that we have regular health checks, be that advise on the need to exercise more regularly or maintain a control diet, there is a dire need to keep afloat of our health. Holding provisions here today for health checks has helped so many drivers understand the importance of physical and mental wellbeing” Guests were welcomed with light refreshments and Asian delicacies were on offering , also on display was the renowned the iconic new electric powered London taxi. Chairman of the Pakistan Muslim Centre Muhammad Ali said “I’m so pleased the Pakistan Muslim Centre were able assist Sheffield Taxi Trade Association in hosting this event, having health officials such as representative advising on mouth cancer etc triggered by smoking and chewing substances such as Paan is a service that is not readily available. Bringing this to levels and sugar levels. A message therapist was also present perthe doorstep of the community and helping highlight forming massages and guiding attendees on the importance of health concerns will undoubtedly have contributed towards chalmental wellbeing. lenging lifestyles “. The Wellbeing Event was also organised with a view to celebrate the immense contributions taxi drivers provide the community of Sheffield. Understanding further the significant role taxi drivers play in being the first contact point for most visitors entering and exiting the city and Safeguarding role drivers play in transporting people during the early hours of the morning. Chairman of STTA ( Sheffield Taxi Trade Association ) and Secretary To PMC Hafeas Rehman speaking at the success of the event said “ Its great honour to be showcasing the diverse achievement of our taxi drivers , Taxi Drivers play a pivotal role in keeping things moving. We often overlook the depth of their contributions. The fact that the city centre on the weekends is not flooded with the visitors from pubs, clubs and other entertainment venue is a testimony to immense contributions taxi drivers play. ….. It’s vitality important for us to realise that it’s not just our
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Fines For Driving Above 70Mph On ‘Smart’ M1 In Sheffield Sheffield motorists have been warned that they will be caught and fined by speed cameras at all times of the day on the new smart M1. Traffic cops have warned motorists that they will be issued with fines for travelling above the 70mph limit on the M1, 24-hours-a-day. The fines can be issued even where there is no variable speed limit in place on the motorway as police warn they are intent on 'catching speeders'. Thousands of motorists were caught out by the speed cameras last year with the Derby Telegraph reporting the fastest one clocked at 128mph. The M1 in Sheffield, between junctions 32 and 35A, was officially converted into a 'smart' motorway in March last year, following months of engineering. There is now an extra lane on the motorway with the hard shoulder being used for traffic. There is also more technology in place to manage traffic, with electronic signs in place to close lanes or change speed limits when needed. But, drivers who now go over 70mph on the M1 when the road is clear will also be penalised even where there is no
limit signposted above. Highways England says the changes will reduce delays on the 18-mile stretch of motorway, which is used by more than 110,000 vehicles each day. The Casualty Reduction Enforcement Support Team (CREST) for Derbyshire Police said prosecuting more people will held to stop speeders. "The cameras are not there to generate money “They are there to catch speeders, get reckless drivers off the roads and ultimately lead to a reduction in collisions. “To all the speeders out there: imagine if you had to knock on the door of a victim’s family to tell them their loved one had died because of your reckless driving. “It’s just not worth the risk. Speeding can never be justified. Why put lives on the line to arrive a few minutes early?” The standard fine for being caught speeding is £100 and three points. Traffic flow on the smart motorway is controlled by overhead gantries which change speed from the national limit down to 30mph if there's traffic ahead.
The Blessings of our ParenTs Our parent’s hands are a blessing Their pat on our backs is a torrent of Intimacy We search for their praises They should be treated with great dignity They are our preceptors Our hearts swallow their smiles when they appear Saving them forever Kept as a valuable souvenir We reconcile with them in our times of remorse Neglect all the sorrow Just remember the smiles And look forward to the morrow For every tear we dropped Ten consoling words would rescue us For every pain we would endure Twenty hugs would lift us back up, these moments are beauteous This is why we should extol them Our parents are our strength They gave us ample love They care for us to a long extent We are devoted to our parents Our troubled minds would be eased Unlocked from our stressful shackles They would help succeed The words of acumen from our parents All will be better There is no greater gift that the love of our parents It is a rare treasure Protecting us with their impenetrable shields Shadowing us when our hearts cry for attention They love us a lot They give us a lot of protection
Written By: Shaheryar A. Chishty
New £2m Frailty Assessment Unit Opens At Sheffield Hospital A £2m purpose-built frailty assessment unit has been opened at the Northern General Hospital to provide assessment and care for frail older patients. The new unit, enables frail older patients to be assessed in an environment which has been designed specifically for their needs. The unit has been purposely designed to provide the most suitable environment to care for frail and older patients. The Unit has ambulatory assessment bays, where patients can be assessed from special recliner chairs rather than a bed wherever possible. This is much easier for patients who may be stiff or frail, and also means they can stay in their own clothes which is often more comfortable for them. Other features include a dementia friendly design which is open plan, colour coordinated areas and pictorial signage. The new unit is staffed by an in-
tegrated multi-disciplinary team who have received dedicated training to work together in a unique way to provide tailored assessment and treatment. The unit aims to enable patients to return home the same day wherever appropriate and the team work closely with other hospital and community services to ensure patients have any necessary support in place to return home. If patients require further assessment or immediate treatment before they can return home, the unit also has 28 short stay beds and if other specialist care is required, the unit can transfer patients to the most appropriate department or ward. The frailty assessment unit is conveniently situated within the Northern General Hospital’s Huntsman building, next to the Accident and Emergency department.
International Students Boost Sheffield Central Economy By £226m In One Year Sheffield Central's international students boosted its economy by £226million in 2015/16 - the most of any constituency in the country, new research has shown. The research from London Economic says the figure is based on the 2,455 international students undertaking higher education in the city during 2015/16. The think tank claims that the costs associated with living in the city, such as rent, bills, food, provides the city with a significant cash injection to its local economy. This is in addition to the cost of tuition fees. The report said: "Reflecting the relatively high number of international students undertaking higher
education in Sheffield (2,455), as well as their relative concentration in the city, the analysis indicates that the contribution to the UK economy from the 2015/16 cohort of international students in Sheffield Central stands at approximately £226m, which is equivalent to £1,960 per member of the resident population. The other constituencies where international students make the greatest contribution to the UK economy (and to the resident population) include Newcastle upon Tyne East (£192m (£2,010)), Nottingham South (£183m (£1,680)), Oxford East (£179m (£1,480)) and Manchester Central (£179m (£1,330)).
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Parking Etiquette Other cars pinching your perfect parking space is always a particular annoyance, especially when that spot just happens to be in front of your house. Owning a house that's in a convenient location has lots of advantages but it does mean you're susceptible to fighting off other motorists for a parking space. This is a common problem in Sheffield with many residents complaining that cars are taking up spaces on their streets for hours at a time Unless you live on a road which has residential parking permits, or is private, it's very difficult to stop this from happening. Even though neighbours may give you a preference over the parking spot right outside your house, there is actually no legal entitlement for them to do so. It's a slightly different story if someone is blocking your driveway or their wheel is over the
dropped kerb to your house. According to the Highway Code, these are the only laws of where you can't park: ~On a pedestrian crossing, including the area marked by the zig-zag lines ~In marked taxi bays ~In a cycle lane ~On red lines ~In spaces reserved for Blue Badge holders, residents or motorbikes (unless entitled to do so) ~Near a school entrance ~Anywhere that would prevent access for Emergency Services ~At or near a bus/tram stop ~Opposite or within 10 metres of a junction ~Over a dropped kerb ~In front of the entrance to a property
‘Minister For Loneliness’ Britain appointed a "minister for loneliness" to tackle what Prime Minister Theresa May described as "the sad reality of modern life" affecting millions of people. Tracey Crouch, a junior minister for sport and civil society, will take on the role as part of a broader strategy to combat loneliness in Britain. "For far too many people, loneliness is the sad reality of modern life," May said. "I want to confront this challenge for our society and for all of us to take action to address the loneliness endured by the elderly, by carers, by those who have lost loved ones -- people who have no one to talk to or share their thoughts and experiences with," the prime minister added. More than nine million people say they are always or often lonely, out of a population of 65.6 million, according to the British Red Cross. The charity describes loneliness and isolation as a "hidden epidemic" affecting people across all ages at various moments in their life, such as retirement, bereavement or separation. The ministerial appointment follows a recom-
mendation from a committee in memory of Jo Cox, a lawmaker for the opposition Labour party who was murdered by a far-right extremist. "Jo experienced and witnessed loneliness throughout her life especially as a new student at Cambridge University and separated from her sister Kim for (the) first time," the Jo Cox Foundation wrote on Twitter. "She would be delighted by Tracey Crouch’s new job as minister for loneliness and would be saying ‘let’s get to work!’" the Foundation added. Britain’s loneliness initiative will see a strategy published later this year, with input from national and local government, public services, the voluntary sector and businesses.
South Yorkshire ‘Metro Mayoralty’ Race Former shadow minister Dan Jarvis has applied Although the South Yorkshire mayoralty is in theto become South Yorkshire’s new “metro mayor”. ory a four-year post, there is pressure on Javid to The Barnsley MP, who at one stage was tipped as curb its tenure to two years and use it as a stepa future Labour leader, has joined former minis- ping stone to a wider mayoralty for the whole ter Richard Caborn and local councillor Ben Cur- county. ran on the list of contenders for his party’s selection contest, party sources said. The election for the newly-created South Yorkshire mayoralty takes place in May along with other local elections across the country. Labour, which is expected to win the election in one of its strongest northern heartlands, is set to announce its candidate in March. But the South Yorkshire post centres on Sheffield and will give little power or money to the new region. So far 18 out of 20 Yorkshire councils back the mega-mayoralty idea, which would create a new Dan Jarvis MP devolved structure even bigger than Manchester or the West Midlands’ metro mayoralties and make it second only to London in scale. If all 20 support the plan, Communities Secretary Sajid Javid would be under huge pressure to act. Sadiq Khan in London, Andy Burnham in Manchester and Steve Rotheram in Liverpool all now run substantial metro mayoralties with wide-ranging powers and big budgets. Cllr Ben Curran Richard Caborn
Call For Free Hospital Parking In Row Over Charges Sheffield MPs are calling for parking to be made free at the city's hospitals - after it emerged the NHS trust raked in more than £3 million last year from patients, staff and visitors. Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust was highlighted as one of the country's top earners from parking charges after taking £3, 073, 222 in 2016/17 - sparking a row over whether or not the charges should be abolished.
Sheffield Hallam University chancellor lord professor Robert Winston called for them to be axed but hospital bosses said the charges were needed as motorists abused the system when it was free. The city's MPs; Gill Furniss MP, Angela Smith MP and Louise Haigh - have now waded into the row, blaming Tory cuts and pledging to make parking free under a Labour government by raising taxes on private medical insurance.
MP Challenges Government On Legal Aid Cuts Sheffield Central MP Paul Blomfield has called on the Government to improve access to legal aid after cuts have decimated access, after the issue was raised by local people during his annual community consultation, the Big Conversation. The number of civil legal aid cases fell from 573,744 in the year to April 2013 to 146,618 in the year to April 2017, following the Coalition Government’s introduction of the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) in 2012, which limited access to legal aid in areas such as housing, employment, immigration and welfare benefits.
A Law Society review into LASPO published last June concluded that it had restricted access to justice, particularly for some of the most vulnerable, and had created additional pressures on the justice system and other services. The Government has launched its own review of legal aid, which will conclude by July. In the House of Commons, Mr Blomfield said: “In my recent community consultation real concern was expressed about the lack of access to legal aid, particularly for employment, housing and welfare cases .… The Minister failed to acknowledge that, since the 2012 changes, there’s been a 75% fall in the number of civil legal aid cases. Speaking afterwards, he said: “The shocking fall in legal aid support has hit the poorest hardest. The Government’s review will be meaningless unless they provide more money for legal aid to ensure that everyone can gets legal advice and, if necessary, representation in court.”
Gill Furniss MP
Louise Haigh MP
Angela Smith MP
Sheffield Awarded Social Enterprise City Status Sheffield has won a national award recognising it as one of the UK’s hot-spots for social enterprise, businesses with a social or environmental mission. Social enterprise is a fast growing and important part of the local and national economy helping to re-generate communities, create jobs where they are needed most and reduce inequalities. The award was granted by Social Enterprise UK. There are now 24 ‘Social Enterprise Places’ – regions, cities or towns – across England and Wales,
plus one in Veneto in Italy and another in Auckland, New Zealand. The Sheffield Social Enterprise Network’s future plans for the city are now supported by an excellent steering group made up from key stakeholders from across Sheffield’s business community. Sheffield’s social enterprises will work hard to tackle some of the city’s and society’s most pressing challenges, aim to increase awareness of the value created by local social enterprises and provide new ways to support them in their work.
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18 Bellhouse Road, Sheffield, S5 6HL
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How Do Zebra Crossings Work? New research, released by insurance company Direct Line, reveals that one in five pedestrians have experienced near misses at zebra crossings and most have felt nervous at some point when using them. Since their introduction in the 60s car use has increased from around two million cars on the road to 31.7 million currently registered. The study asked at what point does a vehicle need to stop at a zebra crossing to allow a pedestrian to cross? Of those spoken to, 81% answered incorrectly. The correct answer is that a car needs to come to a stop, to allow a person to cross, only when that pedestrian has already set foot on the zebra crossing. It comes from Rule 195 of the Highway Code and shows that many people don’t realise how to use these familiar crossings. The survey spoke to 2,000 people across the country, and only 19% of them knew the correct answer. The majority – 46% in total – thought that a driver had to stop when a pedestrian was waiting to cross. Learner drivers are required to come to a halt when they see someone about to use a pedestrian crossing. But this doesn’t apply to drivers
who have passed their test – perhaps leading to the confusion. Others had more extreme misconceptions of how to use the crossing, some of which have a strong potential to lead to accidents. For example, 14% thought that a motorist had to wait when a pedestrian was walking towards a zebra crossing, not even waiting to cross. At the other end of the scale, 5% thought that pedestrians could only cross when the road is clear. Another 4% said that cars only had to stop for a pedestrian when they were already halfway across the road on the crossing and 3% thought that pedestrians had no right of way at all and that drivers only had to stop out of courtesy. A further 8% of the people spoken to admitted they just didn’t know what the rules around the crossings were. If a driver gets is wrong, as well as the potential for accidents, the issues increase the chance of making a mistake that can cost drivers money. For example, 15% of motorists are risking receiving three points on their license, and a fine of £100, for failing to stop when a pedestrian has already stepped onto the crossing.
‘World’s Richest 1% Get 82% Of The Wealth’
The gap between the super rich and the rest of the world widened last year as wealth continued to be owned by a small minority, Oxfam has claimed. Some 82% of money generated last year went to the richest 1% of the global population while the poorest half saw no increase at all, the charity said. Oxfam said its figures - which critics have queried - showed a failing system. It blamed tax evasion, firms' influence on policy, erosion of workers' rights, and cost cutting for the widening gap. The charity has produced similar reports for the past five years. In 2017 it calculated that the world's eight richest individuals had as much wealth as the poorest half of the world. This year, it said 42 people now had as much wealth as the poorest half, but it revised last year's figure to 61. Oxfam said the revision was due to improved data and said the trend of "widening inequality" remained.
It's really hard working out how much wealth the super-rich and the very poor have. The super-rich tend not to publicise their worth and many of the world's poorest countries keep poor statistics.
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Selling The Royal Family Britain’s royal family contributed an estimated £1.8 billion to the country’s economy in 2017. The bulk of that was £550 million from tourism. Estimates that visitors to London for Harry’s wedding, scheduled for spring, will bring an additional £500 million this year. Roughly one-tenth of that amount is expected to come from merchandise sales.
More Students Getting First-Class Degrees Greater numbers of first-time students are graduating with a first-class honours degree, according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Their statistics for 2016/17 showed that 26% of students doing their first undergraduate degree emerged with a first at the end, up from 24% in 2015/16. This was one of a number of statistics released by HESA as a preview to the full report on students in higher education next month. Other statistics released early include an increase of 2% in the
overall number of students, while the numbers of students from China and the European Union both rose by 7% on the previous year. More students are choosing to do subjects like biological science and social studies, while less students are coming to university for degrees like medicine, dentistry and education. The rest of the data in HESA’s ‘Students in Higher Education 2016/17’ report will be released on Thursday February 8.
Prescription Drug Addiction There are concerns over the number of adults taking prescription-only painkillers not prescribed to them. A review is to be carried out into the growing problem of prescription drug addiction. The prescribing of "addictive medicines" has increased 3% over five years in England, with one patient in every 11 prescribed a potentially addictive drug last year. Public health minister Steve Brine, who commissioned Public Health England (PHE) to carry out the survey, said: "We know this is a huge problem in other countries like the United States and we must absolutely make sure it doesn't become one here. "While we are world-leading in offering free treatment for addiction, we cannot be complacent. That's why I've asked PHE to conduct this review. The PHE review will examine why: :: Prescribing of "addictive medicines" has increased 3% over five years :: 8.9% of patients were prescribed one of these
medicines last year :: Antidepressant prescriptions in England have more than doubled in the past 10 years. It will also consider the number of adults taking prescription-only painkillers not prescribed to them. A recent poll suggested the figure may be as high as 7.6%. The review will look at benzodiazepines and zdrugs, pregabalin and gabapentin, opioid pain medicines and antidepressants, and make recommendations on how to address the issue of dependency.
One Cigarette Can Make Two-Thirds Of Adults Addicts Just one cigarette for the first time in life can make more than two-thirds of people addicts, a survey involving over 215,000 people has revealed. In the study, over 60 per cent of adults said they had tried a cigarette once in their lifetime, with nearly 69 per cent admitting to having progressed to becoming daily smokers. “We’ve found that the conversion rate from ‘first time smoker’ to ‘daily smoker’ is surprisingly high, which helps confirm the importance of preventing cigarette experimentation in the first place,” said Peter Hajek, Professor at the Queen Mary University in London. The findings, published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research, provides strong support for prioritis-
ing efforts to reduce cigarette experimentation among adolescents. Given the high conversion rate found in surveys, the researchers suggest that at least some of the reduction in smoking prevalence observed over the past 20 years is likely due to reduced experimentation with cigarettes among adolescents. While, concerns were expressed that e-cigarettes could be as addictive as conventional cigarettes, but this has not been the case, the study stated. “It is striking that very few non-smokers who try e-cigarettes become daily vapers, while such a large proportion on non-smokers who try conventional cigarettes become daily smokers. The presence of nicotine is clearly not the whole story,” Hajek said.
Life Expectancy Falling In Britain Life expectancy has fallen in some areas of the country, according to a new study. Women are now expected to live to an average age of 86.2 and men 83.4 by 2041, the Office for National Statistics revealed. The predicted lifespan has dropped by a year since 2015 and people living in secluded regions and former mining towns seem to be the most affected. Public Health England revealed places like Torridge, in Devon, and Hartlepool had seen a 12 month drop in life expectancy for men, according to The Times. It was a similar story for women in Amber Valley, Derbyshire, who were now expected to live an average of 82.4 years, which is more than a year less than in 2015. It was different for
areas in the southeast of the UK, which actually saw an increase in life expectancy. There has been some debate as to what is causing the lower life expectancy, with some arguing it’s down to deteriorating health, including obesity. A possible cause could be brought on by austerity cuts. The fall in life expectancy in several geographical areas of England is most likely a result of the effects of public service cuts and austerity. Many possibilities can be ruled out. Rates of smoking and drinking alcohol have fallen in recent years so that cannot be blamed. Between 2009 and very late 2017 there has been no serious influenza outbreak.
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How Diverse Is The Government? Following the January 2018 reshuffle, the government can appear more or less diverse depending on how you look at it. In any case, women and ethnic minorities are underrepresented compared to the UK population, and people educated at private school are overrepresented. "This government is about building a country fit for the future… This reshuffle helps us do just that by bringing fresh talent into government… and ensuring the government looks more like the country it serves." Theresa May, 9 January 2018. After the government reshuffle this month, the Prime Minister emphasised the diversity of her new government. There are lots of different ways of looking at diversity. We can focus on gender, ethnicity, and educational background as more information is available in these areas. There are more women in the Cabinet, including ministers invited to attend, compared to the previous one appointed by Theresa May in June 2017. There are fewer people from an ethnic minority. The proportion of women and ethnic minority ministers in the Cabinet is lower than in the general UK population.
A lower proportion of the new Cabinet, also including other ministers invited to attend, went to a private school than in Theresa May’s first Cabinet appointed in July 2016, although the proportion is still much higher than across the UK as a whole. Women There are six women who are Cabinet Ministers, including the Prime Minster, as of the January 2018 reshuffle. That’s 26% of the Cabinet. The number of women Cabinet Ministers is the same as immediately before the reshuffle, although the proportion has decreased slightly as there is now one more man in the Cabinet. Another four women also attend Cabinet, but aren’t full Cabinet Ministers, bringing the total to ten. Including these, 34% of those attending Cabinet are women. That’s compared to 30%, or eight women, just before the reshuffle. The highest-ever proportion of Cabinet Ministers who were women (not including other ministers invited to attend) was 36% (eight Ministers). This was during the Labour government from May 2006 to May 2007. 32% of the entire government are women (38). In December 2017, a House of Commons briefing reported that 27% of the government were women (31). 51% of the UK population was estimated to be female in mid-2016.
velopment. This meant 8.7% of the Cabinet was from an ethnic minority background. This is a smaller proportion than across the rest of the UK. 13% of the UK recorded themselves as something other than “White” in the 2011 Census. Education 41% of the Cabinet went to a comprehensive state school, compared to 44% in the Theresa May’s first Cabinet in 2016, and 43% in David Cameron’s 2015 Cabinet. 34% of the 2018 Cabinet were privately educated at secondary school, compared to 30% in July 2016 Cabinet. This is lower than other recent governments. 50% of David Cameron’s 2015 Cabinet were privately educated, and 62% were in the first Coalition Cabinet in 2010. In the first Cabinet of both Tony Blair (1997) and Gordon Brown (2007), the level was 32%, and it was 71% under John Major in 1992. As of January 2017 around 7% of all pupils from nursery to secondary school were privately educated. This proportion has been roughly the same since at least 2003.
Ethnicity 4.3% of full Cabinet Ministers are from an ethnic minority (or one minister, Sajid Javid, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government). That’s the same number of ministers as just before the reshuffle, although the proportion was slightly higher then, at 4.5%, due to there being one less Cabinet member. The June 2017 Cabinet had two full Ministers from an ethnic minority background—Mr Javid in the same post, and Priti Patel as Secretary of State for International De-
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5 Memorable Malala Quotes From The World Economic Forum 2018
Nobel peace laureate Malala urged women to “change the world” without waiting for the help of men at the WEF in Davos Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai is the inspiration that we all need in today’s time. In a world where many women and girls struggle to get an education, she's a 20-year-old who's looked the Taliban in the eye and continued to persevere, advocating for the right to schooling. The 20-year-old global education campaigner spoke eloquently at the World Economic Forum in Davos, not long before Trump's arrival; the annual conference, which unites the world's business and political elite, also takes place this year in the shadow of the feminist #MeToo campaign that rattled Hollywood and spread across the globe in 2017. Here are 5 important quotes from Yousafzai who is wise beyond her years. On Trump: When asked if she had any message for the US president, she said, “I get so disappointed to see that people in these high positions openly talk against women, do not accept women as equals, they harass women. It is just shocking to think that it is happening. I hope that women stand up and speak out against it." About time people start using their privilege for good. On collective responsibility: Activism and advocacy can leave you feeling jaded and hopeless. Malala urges you to persist anyway; after all, everyone has a role to play. She stated, "It's not one person's job to do this. I can't send all girls to school, it would be nearly impossible but what I can do is send as many as possible, what is in my potential, I will do that. Everyone has to play a role in this whether it's the media, NGOs, people in the business sphere or the government sector. It's a responsibility we all should realize we can participate in," Malala also observed, "I haven't met a single prime minister who wouldn't send their own children to school and university. But when it comes to the rest of the world, all children, they struggle a bit so you have to keep on reminding them." On women realising they can conquer the world on their own: “Earlier we wanted men to do something for us but that time has gone now. We won't ask men to change the world, we're going to do it ourselves. We're going to stand up for ourselves, we're going to raise our voices and we're going to change the world,” she said. You tell 'em girl! On feminism: “Feminism is just an other word for equality...and no one will object to equality,” she shared. Sadly, this is a fact that needs to be stated over and over again. On why men need to be better allies: Malala also highlighted the crucial need to educate young men on the issue of women's rights. "When we talk about feminism and women's rights, we're actually addressing men. Men have a big role to play. We have to teach young boys how to be men. In order to become one, you have to recognise that all women and all those around you have equal rights and that you are part of this movement for equality," she said.
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis This is the longest word in the history of English language. It is an invented long word meaning a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust. The 45-letter word was invented at the annual meeting of the National Puzzlers' League (NPL) by its president Everett M Smith. The word featured in the headline for an article published by the New York Herald Tribune on February 23, 1935, titled "Puzzlers Open 103rd Session Here by Recognising 45-Letter Word".
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Should You Be Suppressing A Sneeze? In rare situations suppressing a sneeze by any method could lead to serve injuries or even death, so it is better to proceed with sternutation. A case-study, involving a 34-year-old man, who was described as healthy, pinched his nose and held his mouth closed when about to sneeze, just like filling a balloon with excess air, his throat released a popping sound which later on his neck became swollen and pain was experienced during swallowing and speaking, and for someone who was 2 decades ahead of puberty his voice had changed, but that was a rare case. Doctors diagnosis explained how there was a tear in the pharynx which connects to the Oesophagus. To prevent the risk of infection he had to take antibiotics. Unfortunately, it did lead to a complication of pneumomediastinum, where air bubbles were trapped in the chest between both lungs, and he had a condition that was similar to Boerhaave’s syndrome in which the Esophagus is torn as a result of intense retching or vomiting. When he was discharged from hospital he was recommended not to pinch his nose when sternutation occurs, for obvious reasons. Previously in the past people
have been admitted to hospital suffering from burst eardrums, ruptured blood vessels in the eyes pulled muscles and even cracked ribs from trying to contain the huge force of sneezing. This is the extreme side to why you shouldn’t prevent yourself from sneezing. Sneezes are powerful, and can travel up to 200mph. Sneezing is a reflex action, when the nose becomes irritant your body wants to clear the airways and so this is done by sneezing. It plays a very important role in supporting out immune system because it protects our bodies from various antibodies and infections. When the sensors in your nose get irritated your body automatically tires to clear your airways of viruses and bacteria. Once your nerves are alerted, they carry impulses to the sneeze centre in your lower brain stem. This centre sends signals to your facial nerves and the nerves that lead to your lungs and diaphragm. Your diaphragm moves abruptly, resulting in a deep breath, then the muscles in your chest compress sending a blast of air upward. Some say that you retrieve this euphoric feeling after sneezing, this is the sense of relief due to the muscle tension that builds up in your chest
It’s Official: Women Are Stronger Than Men So, here we are at the conclusion of what seemed to be a perennial controversy: who is the stronger of the two sexes? Researchers at the University of Southern Denmark very helpfully trawled through historic data looking at death rates for men and women who suffered famines and epidemics, or who were sold into slavery. In virtually every case, they found that women survived their ordeals far longer, often outliving their male counterparts by years, even when conditions were equally dire. For example, before the Irish Potato Famine, which devastated the country from 1845 to 1849, both men and women lived until they were 38, on average. But at the height of the crisis, although life expectancy dropped to 18.17 for men, it only fell to 22.4 for women. The same pattern was seen during the Swedish famine of 177273 and Ukraine harvest failures of 1933. Women also lived longer during two 19thcentury Icelandic measles outbreaks, with females lasting up to two years longer than men. The researchers said the results suggest that women are fundamentally biologically “hardier” than men, which may be due to differences in sex hormones.
Oestrogen is a known anti-inflammatory, which also protects the vascular system, while testosterone is a risk factor for many fatal diseases. The male sex hormone may also harm the immune system. Evolutionary scientists believe that women may have a boosted immune system because they need to survive for at least nine months to give birth, whereas a man’s input into reproduction is transitory. And because men only have one ‘X’ chromosome, rather than two like women, there is no backup if one does not function correctly. Men: more fragile? A professor of evolutionary psychology at Oxford University, said: “I think the answer possibly lies in the fact that males are more fragile. Women are just more determined: men give up quicker when the going gets tough". “Women find it much harder to die in the final stages and often hang on in there well past the point at which males have given up and gone,” he added. Another professor said “It’s well-known that women tend to have more subcutaneous fat and a lower metabolic rate. So their stores of energy are likely to last longer in a famine.”
and cause pressure when sneezing this pressure is released and the muscles relaxes making you feel relaxed. Simultaneously endorphins are released which causes you to feel good. There are certain etiquettes you must consider when it comes to sneezing, when you feel a sneeze coming on, reach for a tissue as soon as possible, if not available then turn away from
Mr Shumile J. Chishty
people and sneeze into the crook of your arm. If you sneeze more than twice you must leave the room immediately to prevent germs spreading and other people from judging you, and one final important etiquette is when it comes to blowing your nose with a tissue leave the area and then blow so people are not made uncomfortable.
UN Says 100,000 Rohingya Face Danger From Monsoon Rains More than 100,000 Rohingya refugees huddled in squalid, muddy camps in Bangladesh will be in grave danger from landslides when the mid-year monsoon season begins, a U.N. humanitarian report said. There are now more than 900,000 Rohingyas in the Cox’s Bazar area of Bangladesh, after 688,000 fled violence in Myanmar that flared up in late August. Aid workers say the camps sheltering the new arrivals are completely inadequate. “Landslide and flood risk hazard mapping reveal that at least 100,000 people are in grave danger from these risks and require relocation to new areas or within the neighbourhoods that they live in,” the U.N. report said. “The lack of space remains the main challenge for the sector as sites are highly congested leading to extremely hard living conditions with no space for service provisions and facilities. In addition, congestion brings increased protections risks and favours disease outbreak such as the diphtheria outbreak currently escalating in most of the sites.” Although a rapid vaccination program appears to have
staved off the risk of cholera, 4,865 have confirmed, probable or suspected diphtheria, and 35 have died. The World Health Organization has vaccinated over 500,000 Rohingyas against diphtheria. But cases of mumps have now risen The Bangladeshi government allocated 2,000 acres (809 hectares) for a new camp in Ukhia, prompting an influx of people before anything was ready. “Humanitarian partners are now building necessary infrastructure in challenging conditions, with extremely limited space,” the U.N. report said.
Chocolate Likely To Be Extinct By 2050 Chocolates could be extinct by 2050 due to climate change, scientists have warned. But for those with a sweet tooth, help is at hand: the creation of a genetically modified 'super chocolate'. According to experts, the cacao tree, which need heavy rainfall for growth, are struggling to grow due to warmer climates. Cacao plants occupy a precarious position on the globe. They can only grow within a narrow strip of rainforest roughly 20 degrees north and south of the equator, where temperature, rain, and humidity all stay relatively constant throughout the year. Over half of the world's chocolate now comes from just two countries in West Africa — Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. But those areas won't be suitable for chocolate in the next few decades. By 2050, rising temperatures will push today's chocolate-growing regions more than 1,000 feet uphill into mountainous terrain
— much of which is currently preserved for wildlife, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. So scientists are exploring the possibility of using the gene-editing technology CRISPR to evolve crops that can survive environmental challenges. Scientists from the University of California have teamed up with food and candy company Mars to explore CRISPR technique to help tiny cocao seedlings to survive and thrive in the dryer, warmer climate. The problem is most cocoa is produced by poor families who cannot afford fertilisers and pesticides, the experts noted. More than 90% of the global cocoa crop is produced by smallholders on subsistence farms with unimproved planting material. All the indicators are that we could be looking at a chocolate deficit of 100,000 tons a year in the next few years.
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Mot Rules To Change Upcoming changes to MOT are expected to make it more difficult for a lot of vehicles to pass. In May 2018, new rules will be introduced to test emissions. Although the changes could prove costly for diesel car owners, the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency say that the updates are designed to ‘help motorists do the right thing’. ‘We’re changing the wording on the certificate. We’ve done a lot of research with motorists to find out what sort of information helps.’ The tests, which will make it harder for diesel cars, will be graded in three categories – dangerous, major and minor. Vehicles assessed to have a minor defect, which have no significant impact on the safety of the vehicle or the environment, will pass. Those that fall into the dangerous category will automatically fail and others will have their faults recorded. While vehicles that emit ‘visible smoke of any colour’ during MOTs will be assessed as a major fault and issued with an automatic fail. Vehicles found to have diesel particulate filters that have been removed or tampered with will also fail, unless motorists prove that amendments were made for filter cleaning. Other updates in the DVSA’s criteria will consider steering. An oil leak from the steering box would get a minor fault – which could be escalated depending on the severity of the leak. The rules will be introduced on 20 May 2018.
First Muslim Woman To Speak At Commons Dispatch Box Nusrat Ghani was awarded the role of parliamentary undersecretary at the Department for Transport following the cabinet reshuffle. Ms Ghani was greeted with cheers when she answered her first question related to access to train stations for disabled passengers. Ms Ghani said that she urges MPs to be ambassadors in their constituencies for “[opening] up engineering as a career for young girls and boys, especially those from black and Asian minorities.” Ahead of the sescome on the green benches – and no sion, Nusrat Ghani said “I hope that today, young people can see that matter where you are from, you can regardless of their background, herit- achieve your dreams and ambitions.” age or faith, there will be a warm wel-
Hospital Shuttle Bus Services Are Being Quietly Reduced Services on the very useful H1 hospital shuttle bus between the Hallamshire and Northern General hospitals are quietly being reduced from January 29th. The changes respond to daytime road congestion. SYPTE say “Changes to the times with buses taking slightly longer to travel along the route to assist with punctuality.” Currently there are 25 buses running every half hour between 0600 and 1800. That will now be cut to 21 buses during the same period. People who use the H1 service know that the buses are often packed. Reducing services will increase passenger numbers on each bus. Broomhill & Sharrow Vale ward Green Party Councillor Magid Magid says “We need more buses to help alleviate the current chaos in the areas around both hospitals not fewer. Could some of the £3 million revenue from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals car parks be spent on maintaining or increasing the frequency of buses on this route?”
Dental Health Is Strongly Linked With Inequality More children are having rotten teeth taken out. The number of multiple tooth extractions from children’s mouths has been increasing over the last five years to nearly 43,000 in 2016-17. The cost of tooth extractions for under-18s in hospitals now tops £90 million a year. The Local Government Association calls it an “oral health crisis.” A recent report to Sheffield’s Health Scrutiny Committee, Douglas Johnson - Sheffield Green Party Councillor, said poor oral health leads to “pain, discomfort, time off work and school, self-consciousness and low self-esteem.” “The main reason I asked the Scrutiny Committee to look at dental health was because it is strongly linked with inequality. Children living in the most deprived areas of Sheffield have tooth decay four times worse than those in the least deprived areas. This is something we need to address in our city.” He says it is too late by the time the child needs teeth extracting. The committee feels more measures must be taken to prevent tooth decay. Many schools are now teaching about healthy teeth and diets and the damage done by soft drinks. Some schools offer “tooth-brushing clubs.” Other schools and people working with children also need to pay attention as serious neglect of children’s teeth can indicate other forms of hidden child abuse. Get the teeth right and it can really help children get a better start in life.
The difference between a cold and the flu It is the season for sniffles with many of us will be feeling aweful as illnesses are on the rise. For most us it is a sick day in bed with a few tablets and a hot drink. But hospitals have also seen a rise in people being admitted for confirmed flu cases. However colds and the flu are not the same thing. Yes, they do share many of the same characteristics but they are caused by different viruses. According to the NHS website, the flu can be much more serious than a cold and thousands die each year from complications related to the virus. Cold and flu symptoms are very similar but flu tends to be more severe. Cold symptoms A cold develops gradually over one or two days and you're most contagious during the early stages when you have a runny nose and sore throat. Colds cause more nasal problems than flu. Symptoms of a cold can last for up to two weeks and include: Coughing Sneezing Sore throat Blocked nose Runny nose Headache Tiredness Mild fever You should begin to feel better after a few days but some colds can last up to two weeks. Flu symptoms Flu usually comes on much more quickly than a cold, and
symptoms appear one to three days after infection. Fever, fatigue and muscle aches are more likely and more severe with flu. Other symptoms include: Sudden high fever of 38-40°C Sweating A dry cough Feeling exhausted Aches and pains Sneezing Runny nose You should begin to feel better within a week or so, but you may feel more tired than normal for a longer period of time as your body recovers.
Generally, germs survive for longest on hard surfaces, but just how long are we talking? Cold bacteria – 72 hours Bronchiolitis – 6 hours Flu Viruses – 24 hours Croup – 4-6 hours Stomach bugs (ecoli, salmonella, clostridium difficile ) – 4 hours Noro virus (also known as the winter vomiting bug) – Days to weeks Treatment - Generally, the symptoms of a cold or flu virus can be managed from home without seeing your GP. The NHS advises people to rest and drink plenty of fluids to help avoid dehydration. Painkillers such as paracetamol can also help lower a feverish temperature and ease aches and pains. Decongestants sprays or tablets can help provide relief of a blocked nose. See a GP if: Your symptoms don't improve after three weeks Your symptoms get suddenly worse Your temperature is very high or you feel hot and shivery You're concerned about your child's symptoms You're finding it hard to breathe or develop chest pain You have a long-term medical condition – for example, diabetes, or a heart, lung, kidney or neurological disease You have a weakened immune system – for example, because you're having chemotherapy
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SINDHI CELEBRATIONS By Dr Syed Alam Shah 114th birthday anniversary of Sain GM Syed was celebrated on 13/01/2018 by the members of world Sindhi congress in Frizinghall Bradford, United Kingdom. All party members and the guests paid tribute to the great leader of Sindhi Nation; the leader who begun his life with incessant struggle for the right of self-determination and complete freedom of Sindhudesh from Pakistan. Sindhi community in United Kingdom has been putting collective efforts to arrange such events to commemorate their unforgettable leaders and martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their motherland Sindh. Sain G M Syed led his life for the emancipation of Sindhi nation; his philosophy of tolerance, secular nationalism, and Sufism supported the legitimate struggle of people of Sindh to emancipate themselves from the religious radicalism, and pay the way towards the progressive, tolerant and secular society constructed on the edifice of socio-political equilibrium [justice] and the national harmony prior to their antecedent individuated interest and personal propensity. Syed was not only the great political leader and emancipator of Sindhi nation but also the great intellectual and man of political prudence with philosophic wisdom, he left the magnificent legacy of ideological mysticism establishing the modern dynamic nationalism institutionalised through the rich cultural heritage of Sindh. Sain G M Syed’s political struggle is the harbinger of political freedom and social justice avowing the liberation of the people of Sindh. His ideology of emancipation asserted the principles of social justice, equal basic
Government To Back Clampdown On ‘Dodgy’ Parking Operators Communities Secretary Sajid Javid has confirmed he will back a bill brought by former minister Sir Greg Hands which seeks to provide "fair, clear and consistent" regulation in the parking industry, and allow a clampdown on "unscrupulous and aggressive" parking operators. A crackdown on "dodgy" parking operators will prevent them from fining drivers and potentially push them out of the industry unless they follow stringent rules. Parking firms falling foul of the new rules will lose access to the driver database allowing them to issue fines, effectively forcing them out of the industry. There are 13 times more tickets being issued compared to a decade ago, and nearly 10,000 people approached Citizens Advice Bureau for guidance on tickets last year. Motorists say problems include substandard signage, inconsistent practices, confusing appeals processes and intimidating payment letters. Mr Javid said: "For too long, drivers have suffered from unjust fines at the hands of dodgy parking firms. "We need a fairer, clearer and more consistent system that brings the small minority of unscrupulous operators in line with those who are behaving appropriately. "That is why Government is putting the brakes on these rogue operators and backing new laws that will put a stop to aggressive behaviour and provide a simpler way for drivers to appeal fines." The bill is due for its second reading and the backing of the communities secretary will effectively confirm its passage into law. Mr Javid will develop the code of practice with motoring groups and experts. The RAC say drivers don't want a parking free-for-all, but they do want a system that is fair to all parties and that's what a code of practice set by Government - rather than the industry itself - should bring about. A single, mandatory code of practice across the whole sector is important to ensure that unscrupulous providers don't undermine the parking sector with bad practice.
liberties, freedom of speech, religious freedom and establishing the powerful secular society for the Sindhi nation. His philosophical wisdom gave strength to secularizing the pluralist society of Sindh where people of all creeds, faith and diversity of people’s comprehensive moral doctrine will compatibly be harmonised. The political triumph of Sindhi nation depends on Syed’s philosophy of non-violence and tolerance replacing Pakistani brand of Islamic fundamentalism masked with futile ideology of Islam. Syed had the dream of independent Sindh [Sindhudesh] manifesting healthy culture, values, traditions, customs, and above all tolerant society for all. The vibrant Sindhi community of United Kingdom and diaspora all over the world promised to carry out the legacy of Sain G M Syed. The members of world Sindhi congress promised to support the rule of law, democracy and secularism being marginalized by the Pakistan’s military establishment deliberately. We will defeat Pakistan’s mediocre demagogues and military dictators who are trying to rel-
egate native owners of Sindh. We will defend our land from the usurpers and exploiters sitting in the mainstream politics and that of military establishment. We will raise the voice for our Baloch and Sindhi brothers and sisters being disappeared forcibly, tortured to death or burned alive and their mutilated bodies being thrown off the helicopters in the remote areas of Sindh and Baluchistan. Our struggle will continue incessantly against the social injustices, exploitation, and usurpation of our rights at the hand of dictators and political demagogues.
India Has 21 Million ‘Unwanted’ Girls The desire of Indian parents for sons has created an estimated 21 million "unwanted" girls because couples keep having children until they produce a boy. Indian parents have historically wanted sons, who are seen as breadwinners and family heirs. Girls are often viewed as a financial burden in a country where the tradition of giving a marriage dowry persists. Even though sex selection is against the law, illegal gender-based abortions have been blamed for a sex ratio of 940 females for every 1,000 males in the last census. But many couples continued having children until they produced their desired number of sons, the government said in its annual economic survey report. "Families where a son is born are more likely to stop having children than families where a girl is born. This is suggestive of parents employing 'stopping rules' — having children till a son is born and stopping thereafter," it said. Couples, particularly women, in India face immense pressure to produce male children and many rural families do not send girls to school, marrying them off young. But the report said India's preference for sons appeared "inoculated to development", with even wealthier families not immune. Illegal sex selection and gender-based abortions remain rampant across social and economic groups in the country, according to several studies. A 2011 study in the British medical journal The Lancet found that up to 12 million girls had been aborted in the last three decades in India.
UN Chief Offers Mediation Between Pakistan And India Responding to questions at the regular briefing in New York, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said that the UN chief is ready to mediate peace talks between India and Pakistan provided the two neighbours accept his good offices. The spokesman underscored that the secretary general’s good offices work only when both parties agree to mediation, adding that the UN chief was following the situation in the disputed Kashmir region as clashes between the troops of two neighbouring countries along the LOC had escalated, and called for talks between the two countries. Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa had visited the Line of Control (LOC) and Working Boundary in Khuiratta/Ratta Aryan sectors, where he was briefed about Indian ceasefire violations specifically targeting civil population across the LoC and Working Boundary.COAS General Bajwa appreciated effective and a responsible response of Pakistani troops to Indian unethical targeting and high morale of troops and civilians.The Army Chief directed for enhanced protective measures including construction of more community shell protection shelters for civil population. According to Indian media, The BSF has fired over 9,000 rounds of mortar shells across LOC in recent days. While Pakistan has repeatedly condemned the unprofessional approach of targeting innocent civilians by the Indian army from across the Line of Control.
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Recently US President Donald Trump wholeheartedly abused us, accused us of being liars, cheats, frauds, dishonest, etc. There followed some mild public outcry, but our rulers immediately started advising us to calmly swallow all the insults and try and resolve our differences through negotiation. Never before have leaders of over 200 million people, armed with nuclear weapons, missiles and conventional weapons and an almost a million men army at their disposal been insulted like this. When President Carter offered $400 million to General Zia, he refused to accept them saying they were mere peanuts. We were then offered billions of dollars; without selling off our sovereignty and self-respect. Only the All Knowing Almighty knows why this country has been saddled with such corrupt and dishonest rulers throughout its history as an independent nation. An Arabic word, Ghairat (self-respect), cannot be accurately translated in any other language. The word has connotations of self-respect, pride, honesty, impeccable character, etc. Self-respect is a God-given characteristic passed down from generation to generation. By possessing self-respect I do not mean that one should assault and/or kill people for no good reason. What I mean is that as a nation we should have cordial relations with all nations on an equal footing and not as beggars or mercenaries. We should always keep in mind that nobody shows sympathy or respect to a beggar. Coming back to Trump’s insult to our rulers and the public; he said that the US had foolishly given Pakistan $33 billion (under the Bush and Obama administrations, I guess) and that we were liars, cheats and frauds. Knowledgeable people know that most of the mon-
ey, the cost of Pakistan’s freedom and sovereignty, was used by General Musharraf to let the Americans make use of our airfields, airports, roads among other infrastructure. Some people say the government hardly received $22 billion which comes to about $2 billion per year. During the same period, our patriotic expatriates sent home remittances of $157.44 billion. But on their return to the country, they are often treated as criminals, forced to pay bribes and also sometimes have their goods confiscated. However, we are willing to lick the shoes of the Americans for a mere $2 to $2.5 billion per year. I have never heard any of our leaders talk of rejecting the US’ demands or restricting their freedom of movement in our country. One needs to have national pride and self-respect – unfortunately rare commodities in Pakistan – to give such orders. US aid is not a game-changer. Our nuclear and missile arsenal and the support of the Chinese in the defence sector is more than enough to safeguard our security and independence. But our rulers turned us into beggars. As our soul, sovereignty and pride was sold by a dictator to the US in 2001, our disgraced body was trampled on and buried in broad daylight by the CIA agent, Raymond Davis, in Lahore in 2011. On the contrary, he was treated almost like a state guest, well looked after and departed as a distinguished dignitary. Some Divine edicts about the kind of people our rulers are maintain: “Such were (also) the A’d people, they rejected the signs of their Lord and Cherisher, disobeyed His apostles
Online Votes For Overseas Pakistanis With Pakistan’s Supreme Court approval, the country’s biggest database manager has started working on the development of an integrated internet voting system aimed at extending the right of franchise to over seven million Pakistanis living abroad in time for the next general elections. According to a presentation given by the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) to the apex court, a three-tier electronic mechanism – named the Internet Voting System for Overseas Pakistanis – will be developed at a cost of Rs150 million and within a period of four months. The three-tier internet voting mechanism includes voter registration and verification, vote casting procedures, and results compilation and audit. After the creation of a web portal, according to the plan, voters living abroad will register themselves as overseas voters. Upon entering the web portal, users will be asked to enter their National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (Nicop) number and other details. Following registration, voter’s verification will be started using the databases of NADRA, the ECP, and the Passport departments and through some secret questions
related to the family tree of every individual. Once initial voter verification is completed, they would be interviewed through electronic means by representatives of the Election Commission of Pakistan. In case of a successful interview, the system would generate a ‘successful registration email’ to the overseas voter. They would then be issued a secure voter ID for polling day. On polling day, overseas Pakistanis would log on to a website and enter their secret voter IDs, which will be communicated to overseas voters on polling day. After logging in, the voter would select a National Assembly or Provincial Assembly ballot option and select from a list of candidates for their constituency. The third and final phase of the process will cover result compilation and audit. An internet polling booth will be established in every constituency and returning officers will have access to e-voting results in each constituency at the end of polling time in Pakistan. The electronic system will be secured through a firewall, intrusion detection system, and intrusion prevention system.
and followed the command of every powerful, obstinate transgressor. And they were pursued by a curse (lanat) in this life and on the Day of Judgment. Ah, behold! For the A’d rejected their Lord and Cherisher. Ah behold! Removed (from sight) were A’d and the people of Hud.” – (11:59-60). Another verse of the Holy Quran states, “When We decide to destroy a nation, We first send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress, so that the word is proved true against them. Then we destroy them utterly.” – (17:16). In a third verse the Quran states, “And We have placed leaders in every town, its wicked men to plot and burrow therein. But they only plot against their own souls and they perceive it not.” – (6: 123). Email:
Making Sheffield Air Fit To Breathe
From the early 1800s right up to 1950s Sheffield had a terrible air pollution problem. However, pioneering local politicians and council officers battled with new legislation, legal threats from steel barons and traditional practices to alter the image of Sheffield, giving the city a new tag: ‘The cleanest industrial city in Europe’. The creation of smoke control areas was so successful that by the early 1980s they covered the whole of the urban parts of the city, and the transformation of Sheffield’s air was thought to have been complete. However, the new threats from traffic emissions became the next clean air challenge. Continuing this tradition of keeping Sheffield’s air clean, the city council’s air quality team is highly regarded amongst the profession. In 2007 Sheffield was awarded beacon status for ‘Delivering Cleaner Air’, one of only 4 such local authorities in the country. Beacon status recognises the work done by the city that goes beyond the required minimum to comply with legislation. A great deal of activity is being done not only on monitoring and computer modelling of air quality but also to improve air quality. Sheffield City Council have continue to work on a variety of projects including electric vehicle trials, alternative fuels, green parking schemes, health research, guidance for developers and planners, publicity and awareness raising events, travel plans, and the promotion of walking, cycling and
public transport. Currently Sheffield City Council measures the air at around 150 sites in the City. The majority of these sites use simple inexpensive equipment, but six of them are fully automated un-staffed sites that work every hour of the day, all year round. These sites produce over 1.5 million pieces of information a year. The information gathered is used to inform developers, planners, transport experts, the local community, health experts and the Government about the air quality in the area. The Council’s new action plan will be taking a bold range of steps to ensure that air quality is seen as human right and addressing the inequalities across the ward in the quality of our air. This will include action on air pollutions from cars near school gates, 20mph zones across all residential areas and trying to ensure that all vehicles move away from diesel as quickly as possible. Sheffield City Council has ruled out charges for cars, taxis and private hire vehicles if a charging Clean Air Zone is set up. Sheffield was one of 28 councils identified by the Government last summer as having the greatest problem with meeting the EU limit value for nitrogen dioxide. Each must set out a draft action plan by the end of March and a final plan by December. Sheffield and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Councils are undertaking a joint Clean Air Zone (CAZ) feasibility study.
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‘Free Kashmir’ Campaign Launched In UK A “Free Kashmir” campaign has been launched in London by Kashmir Campaign Global ahead of India’s Republic Day which was observed on January 26. A section of London transport network has been used to present posters and signboards calling out India for its continued violations of human rights in Indian occupied Kashmir and it’s repeated denial of the right to selfdetermination of the Kashmiri people. At least seven vans were seen driving around the British Parliament carrying signboards titled “Free Kashmir”. Banners in favour of an independent homeland for Sikhs carried slogans “Khalistan Zindabad!” and “Raj Karega Khalsa”, sponsored by the Council of Khalistan, were also seen in London. The vans carrying pictures of Kashmiri chil-
dren and women called on Indian occupation forces to leave Kashmir and let the Kashmiris decide their fate. The campaign against Indian brutalities has been supported by a group called “British Friends of Kashmir.” A series of campaigns will be launched across UK and other parts of the world throughout the year to create awareness about the Kashmir issue. The campaign is in reference to the occupation of a large part of Kashmir valley by Indian forces. India occupied this part at the time of partition and has so far killed over a 100,000 Kashmiris for demanding their right to freedom. It has been 70 years since India, Pakistan, and international world promised a free and impartial referendum in occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
Emerging Economies: WEF Ranks Pakistan Better Than India The World Economic Forum (WEF) has ranked Pakistan ahead of India in terms of emerging economies of the world. The WEF ranked India at 62nd position in the list of emerging economies, while China and Pakistan were ranked at 26th and 47th position respectively. Last year, India ranked at number 60 among the 79 emerging economies, while China was at number 15 and Pakistan at 52. According to the Inclusive Development Index shared by the WEF, Norway continues to be the world’s Number 1 inclusively advanced economy, with Lithuania as the Number 1 of all emerging economies in the world. The index is measured after assessing several parameters, including standard of living, the sustainability of the environment and the measures taken to protect the coming generations from going into a mounting debt.
At the annual meeting, the forum encouraged the leaders to shift to inclusive development and growth models. It also stated that using GDP as a measure of growth only leads to inequality and short-term realisation of goals. The Forum’s Inclusive Development Index 2018 measures progress of 103 economies towards this goal. By measuring three individual pillars; growth and development; inclusion; and inter-generational equity it draws the following conclusions: Norway is the world’s most inclusive advanced economy. In Asia-Pacific, Australia is the highest ranked advanced economy on ninth out of 29 economies. It is followed by New Zealand on 13, Republic of Korea (16) and Japan (24), which is the lowest G7 economy. For the region’s emerging markets, the highest placed is Malaysia on 13 out of 74 economies, followed by Thailand on 17. Elsewhere, Indonesia ranks 36 and Philippines ranks 38.
Motor Insurance Premiums Hit Record High Premiums continue to edge upwards, with the industry blaming government tax and changes to compensation payouts. Motor insurance has jumped by £30 in the last year to hit a record average high of £493, say insurers. That figure was the average paid in the fourth quarter of 2017 for a private comprehensive policy and is a 6% rise on the same period a year earlier. The Association of British Insurers (ABI) released the data and said the overall average for the whole of 2017 was £481. That represents a £40 or 9% increase on 2016. The average motor insurance policy has jumped 29% since 2014, the ABI added.
It is calling for insurance premium tax - which the government has put up several times in recent years - to be frozen to help drivers lower their motoring costs. The standard rate is now 12% - double what it was between 2011 and the end of 2015. Whiplash claims and changes to lump-sum compensation payments for people with long-term injuries are also blamed for the increase. While the average is now £493, there are large regional differences. Research last year unsuprisingly named London as the most expensive, with average premiums of £1,000, while the cheapest areas were Scotland and southwest England.
Future of Humanity One of the many miracles of nature is that life first appeared on Earth billions of years ago. That first life form was very primitive, compared with what we see around us today. Earth cooperates when we use resources economically with care, and not with greed and waste. The planet supports the smallest of organisms and more complex creatures in the sea and on land. Earth has supported millions of years of amphibians, dinosaurs and mammals, rising, flourishing and dying away. This is the sustainable past of our planet but the future is very uncertain as humans have exploited the planet to destruction. Our planet is being over-exploited and polluted with every passing day. If we go on as we are, we will burn the knowledge of the past for heat and food and destroy everything within a hundred years, so addressing this problem is more urgent than ever. Deforestation is a critical threat to humanity and Earth’s biodiversity. It is particularly destructive to tropical rainforest, which cover only 7 percent of the Earth but house more than half the world’s species. Yet we are destroying the rainforests, to the equivalent size of Panama every year, often damaging the soil to the extent that it need hundreds of years or perhaps even more to return to its natural state. As habitats disappear, animals are forced to compete with one another for survival, and those who cannot keep up, become extinct. Certain species that humans depend upon for food supply are also going extinct from over-fishing. Another crisis affecting populations today is the scarcity of fresh clean water resources to meet water demand. Cape Town is a very recent example we are seeing in the media, but the actual problem is a global health crisis. Over 97% of Earth’s water is saline, unfit for drinking. More than two-thirds of the remainder is frozen in glaciers and icecaps which are melting at a rate faster than thought before due to climate change. Less than 1% of all water is fresh on our planet. This flows mainly in rivers, lakes and aquifers, which are more than often heavily polluted with industrial wastes, mining and agricultural waste, sewage disposal and solid waste such as glass, cloth, plastic, wood, paper etc. Now think for a moment: can mankind live without pure water or fresh air? If no, there is a way out. We just need to change our old bad habits; habits of creating waste and littering is not something we
were born with and can’t be changed, like our finger-prints. In fact, because we weren’t born with it, we can with practice replace it with good habits. Next, make a habit of planting trees every year or perhaps often to contribute to Earth ecosystem. There are many instances when man persisted to replant the barren land into woodland areas. However, hope is alive if we somehow stop killing the planet by changing our lifestyle and habits, one-at-a-time; eventually the planet will heal and survive. Love for Earth must begin at home. So air your positive thoughts to your children and other members of family to develop habits of self-control, care and concern for our planet, which lies at the heart of environmental solution. The choice is ours.
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Amir Khan’s Time To Shine Again Britain's Amir Khan will fight Canadian Phil lo Greco at the Liverpool Echo Arena on 21 April in his first bout for almost two years. Khan, 31, was beaten by Saul Alvarez in a WBC middleweight title bout in May 2016, his most recent fight. "He will be coming with everything to win this fight and I'm not going to give him an inch," said former light-welterweight world champion Khan. "He's an aggressive fighter who is always looking to come forward." Khan has won 31 and lost four of his 35 professional bouts, while Lo Greco, 33, has 28 wins and
Earning a “Grand slam” victory is the toughest thing to achieve in tennis. Not only do you need to be at the pinnacle of your physical and mental abilities, but you also need to navigate through a plethora of players who are fiercely competitive and just as hungry as you are. Federer's victory over Marin Cilic very recently in the Australian Open Final made him a 20time Grand Slam winner. No man before Federer
three defeats from 31 fights. During his time away from the ring, Khan appeared on ITV show I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here.
World’s Tallest Man Meets Shortest Woman The tallest man and the shortest woman on earth have travelled to Egypt for a photo shoot at the country's famous Giza Pyramids. Sultan Kösen, who hails from Turkey, holds the record for the world's tallest man with a height of 251 cm (8 ft 2.8 in). On the other hand, India's Jyoti Amge holds the Guinness title for world's shortest woman with only 62.8 cm (2 ft 06) tall. The photo shoot produced incredible results as the mismatched pair's height difference became even more astonishing in close proximity. The pair has been invited by the Egyptian Tourism
Roger Federer’s 20 Grand Slam Titles
Promotion Board to visit Cairo's most famous sites, in an attempt to help boost tourism in the country. Guinness World Records has recorded only 10 people in history to reach 8 ft in height or more. Kosen took the title from Chinese Xi Shun, who measured in 2005 7 ft 8.95 inches. Amge won the record after her 18th birthday in 2011. She currently works as an actress, in addition to co-hosting a show called ‘Lo Show Dei Record’, according to the Guinness World Records official website.
Grand Slam title breakdown Australian Open: 6 (2004, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2017, 2018) French Open: 1 (2009) Wimbledon: 8 (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2017) US Open: 5 (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008)
Most Grand Slam titles Federer - 20 Rafael Nadal (Spain) - 16 Pete Sampras (U.S.) - 14 Emerson - 12 Djokovic - 12 Laver - 11 Bjorn Borg (Sweden) - 11 Bill Tilden (U.S.) – 10
had gone past 14 Grand Slams, and now he has raised the bar so high, that players can only look in awe and appreciate what the great legend has achieved. Roger Federer was winning Slams before the arrival of Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic, he won Slams when they were both in their primes and he’s winning Slams in what is surely the twilight stage of his career. Most Australian Open singles titles 6 - Federer became the third man after Roy Emerson and Novak Djokovic to claim six Australian Open titles with his win over Croatia’s Cilic. He also equalled Rod Laver’s record of claiming four grand slams after turning 30.
And one incredible stat Roger Federer has won 10% of all the tennis Grand Slams ever played.
Plans To Sell Off PIA Before 2018 Elections
World’s Fifth Largest Diamond Discovered In Lesotho A diamond thought to be the fifth largest of gem quality ever found has been discovered in Lesotho, and could be worth as much as $40 million. The company unearthed the D-colour stone at the Letseng mine in the landlocked southern African country and described the 910-carat find as of "exceptional quality". Since Gem Diamonds acquired Letseng in 2006, the mine has produced some of the world´s most remarkable diamonds, including the 603 carat Lesotho Promise. However, this exceptional top quality diamond is the largest to be mined to date.
The federal government will try to privatise the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) before general elections due this year, privatisation minister Daniyal Aziz said, as the ruling Pakistan Mulsim League-Nawaz (PML-N) seeks to restart sales of state-run businesses. Haemorrhaging money and losing market share to Gulf-based rivals such as Etihad and Emirates, PIA has been hit by management turmoil in recent years and a 2016 plane crash that led to 47 deaths. The privatisation of loss-making entities that were draining the exchequer was a key priority for the PML-N when it swept to power in 2013. PIA was among 68 state-owned companies earmaked for privatisation in return for a $6.7 billion International Monetary Fund package that helped the government stave off a default in 2013. Despite some initial success, the process stalled in 2016 after staff protests caused havoc with PIA operations and the government passed
a law that effectively made it impossible to privatise the airline. But Daniyal Aziz, chairman of the Privatisation Commission, says that new plans have been drawn up to sell off PIA and he would take the proposals to the cabinet committee on privatisation, chaired by Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi. The new plans focus on splitting up the carrier, with the core airline business being separated from vast peripheral operations such as catering, hotels and maintenance, Aziz said. The core airline would then be sold. But to complete the transaction, Aziz said, the government would have to pass laws in parliament to reverse the 2016 legislation that converted PIA into a limited company and effectively barred the government from giving up management control. The impetus to sell PIA has grown as the airline has piled up huge losses estimated by its former CEO in March at about $30 million a month. Total debt stood at 186 billion rupees ($1.8 billion) at the end of 2016. Aziz gives no indication of an expected valuation. Both Emirates and Etihad had shown interest in buying PIA before the government backed down from privatisation in 2016.
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How Your Health Affects Your Hair A head of thick, shiny and bouncy hair is not just an indicator of how well you take care of your tresses but also that your body is in fine fettle. Thin, dry, brittle hair and excessive shedding on the other hand reflects that you have certain underlying health issues that you need to get treated first. Here’s how your poor health affects your hair. Not getting enough nutrients Dull or thin hair means you’re eating too much processed food and not getting enough protein, good fats and other nutrients in your diet. Eat plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables and at least two to three helpings of good sources of protein like chicken, eggs, fish, dairy and nuts. Don’t forget to add good fats like oily fish, avocados, dark chocolate, and olive oil since fats improve your hair health and help you absorb vitamin D, a lack of which can cause hair loss in women. Dental issues Research has shown a link with hair disorders and dental decay and gum disease. People who suffer from hair disorders like Anagen hair syndrome, where hair can be pulled out easily, are
prone to dental cavities and a weaker enamel coating. Stress-related hair loss If you have been shedding a lot of hair it could be because of a lot of stress. Stressful episodes like illness, pregnancy, or depression have been shown to trigger hair loss. Called telogen effluvium—a period of hair thinning caused by stress— this condition is reversible once the source of stress is removed. Side effects of birth control Hormones in birth control pills can cause hair thinning, dryness and dullness. If you have been facing this problem, ask your doctor to recommend a non-hormonal form of birth control. Thyroid issues Suddenly thinning hair is a sign of hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland is responsible for hair growth, an when it doesn’t produce enough hormones, it results in a lot of hair fall and thinning on the scalp. Mental health issues Are you in the habit of pulling out your hair? Well, it may indicate that you have a mental health condition called trichotillomania. This is more prevalent in people who tend to be perfectionists who tend to pull at their hair to allay their frustration at not getting something right. Do see your mental care provider for this is a compulsive disorder that needs treatment. Too much testosterone Hair loss from the crown area could be a result of producing too much testosterone. This may be accompanied by dark facial hair on the upper lip or thick hair on your arms and belly fat. Abdominal fat boosts production of testosterone so losing weight will help.
The Plastic Problem Syed Muhammad Abbas The problem of plastic waste is a problem all around the world where plastics are not being recycled and instead littered across the streets, towns, beaches and the ocean. More than 6 million plastic bottles are use each year. Only 1.2 million of those plastic bottles are recycled leaving 3.8 million littered and wasted. The waste effect on the environment can easily harm innocent animals on land and in the sea, such as whales, fish and turtles. One million birds and over 100,000 sea mammals and turtles die every year from eating plastic and getting tangled in plastic waste. One in three fish caught in the English Channel contains pieces of plastic. Solutions to this world-wide problem can be to
take responsibilities of our actions and make more into recycling the bins or even reuse and refill plastics as it will make our environment into a better place. The Prime Minister has made a long 25 year plan for the country to eliminate all unnecessary plastic waste. They want to do this by selling food and things in supermarkets without plastic wrapping. The government also wants to make us pay for takeaway cups and containers. This is a good idea as people will not use them so often because of the cost. Alot of Britains waste is sent to other countries for recycling. This is not helping anyone. We should make less waste and deal with it ourselves.
Who Are Bollywood’s Highest Paid Actresses? If you always wondered about the top earners of B-Town then look no further because here are the details of the highest paid actresses, as per a Cosmopolitan report. Deepika Padukone The actress, whose recent film ‘Padmaavat’ is currently under fire and mired in controversies, is the highest earner of the entertainment industry. The actress earns INR 10-12 crore per movie. Kangana Ranaut Whether you like her or not, you cannot help admire Kangana for her gumption and acting chops. The actress earns 10-11 crore per movie, being closely behind Deepika. Kareena Kapoor At the third spot is Bebo, in case you were wondering where the 'Jab We Met' actress is on the list. Being from a family of ace performers and herself having acted in several hit films, the actress is rightly placed in the list with a salary of INR 9 to 10 crore. Priyanka Chopra Here is the ‘Quantico’ actress earning INR8-9 crore per movie. Even though this only states her Bollywood salary, her Hollywood income doesn’t lag behind. As per a Forbes report, she
was among the top 10 highest paid TV actresses for 2016. Vidya Balan Sassy and super talented Vidya is famous for her unconventional and bold roles. She gets INR6-7 crore per film. Katrina Kaif Katrina is one of the Bollywood’s leading ladies and earns the same as Vidya on average, INR6-7 crore. Anushka Sharma Anushka is known for her strong performances, depicting women of substance. The actress earns INR5 crore per film. Alia Bhatt The perky actress is known for portraying vivacious roles and has come a long way since her debut. Bhatt makes around INR4-5 crore per movie. Sonakshi Sinha The ‘Noor’ actress has proved her mettle in the industry through her performances. Sonakshi gets paid INR4 crore per project. Shraddha Kapoor The ‘Ek Villian’ star is the last one on the list with an amount of INR 3 crore per movie.
Why You Should Eat Almonds Every Day Apart from adding a crunchy taste to your desserts and enhancing the flavour of the otherwise boring glass of milk, almonds have much more to offer. There are obviously a host of reasons why we were always asked to eat a handful of these wonder nuts on a daily basis. From promoting overall well-being to helping you get a perfect complexion, these nuts do it all. Rich in antioxidants Raw almonds are an abundant source of antioxidants that help protect the body protect against oxidative stress, which contributes to ageing and cancer. However, as these powerful antioxidants are largely concentrated in the skin of the almonds, eat them whole to get the best out of these power nuts. Lowers blood sugar levels Almonds are low in carbs, but high in healthy fats, protein and fibre. Besides, they are loaded with magnesium, a mineral that most diabetics don’t get enough of. Studies suggest that high levels of magnesium may be beneficial for prevention of type 2 diabetes and also metabolic syndrome, both of which are major health concerns today. Improves bone health Raw almonds are rich in phosphorous, magnesium and calcium, all of which are good for your bones and teeth. To further promote healthy bones, pair a handful of almonds with a bowl of unflavoured yoghurt with your morning oatmeal or just blend them into your smoothies. Protects your heart Studies suggest that eating a handful of almonds on a regular basis can actually help lower bad cholesterol levels while maintaining
your good cholesterol levels. Besides, snacking on almonds also increases the levels of alpha-1 HDL, the form of cholesterol that helps promote a healthy heart. Aids weight loss Snacking on a few almonds in moderation keeps you feeling full and satisfied for longer periods, thanks to its fibre, protein and fat content which help curb the urge to overeat. Studies also suggest that almonds play an important role in reducing the body’s absorption of calories, thereby making them the perfect weight-loss-friendly snack.
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