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MIGRANT CHANNEL CROSSINGS ARE A ‘MAJOR INCIDENT’ READ INSIDE Home Secretary Sajid Javid has said the fast-growing number of would-be immigrants crossing the English Channel from France in dinghies is a “major incident.” Nearly 70 people were intercepted in just three days during the Christmas period, as they try to reach England by crossing one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes and more than 220 people have attempted to cross the Channel in small boats since November. Javid is also seeking an urgent cooperation with his French counterpart, and in a statement said the Home Office wants to ensure everything possible is being done to deter migrants from attempting the dangerous crossing, “amid concern that it is only a matter of time before people lose their lives.” The Home Secretary has asked border officials to look at options for bringing in extra patrol ships.



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Celebrating 10 Years Of ILM News Asad Qaiser, Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan, celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Ilm News. Friends and colleagues of Ilm News, welcomed the New Year and celebrated the publications achievements with the esteemed guest and Chief Editor Syed Fayyaz Hussain.

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The days of scrambling around for change to pay to park across Sheffield are now at an end with a new cashless card payment system are rolled out across the city. Sheffield City Council is introducing 193 new state of the art solar-powered machines with chip and pin / contactless card payment facilities built in. This will complement the existing Pay By Phone service which allows customers to pay over the phone, or by smartphone app. As part of the upgrade, some older machines will be removed and replaced. Some locations will see machines replaced with Pay by Phone poles and signs, but there will always be a machine payment option within walking distance. In the latest upgrade, machines will continue to accept cash, but over half the machine stock in Sheffield will now also provide additional facilities to pay by chip and pin or contactless cashless payments. Councillor Jack Scott, Cabinet Member for Development and Transport at Sheffield City Council, said: “These upgrades will improve reliability and make parking easier and more convenient for everyone. I’m really proud we are replacing all the mains-powered equipment around the

More New Homes For Sheffield Sheffield like many other major cities has a growing population and a growing demand for new homes. Around 2000 homes are needed in the city per year over the next 5 years for the young, older people, families and those who are vulnerable. These homes need to be either homes for sale or to rent. The new homes delivery plan, launched this week, aims to meet these needs which will mean that people in Sheffield will live in good quality, affordable, safe and secure homes. The plan will: Maintain the current level of homes being built and improve the range on offer. See the building of these 2,000 new homes, which will include over 725 new affordable homes per year for the next 5 years to meet housing need.

See the council working with the public and private sector to deliver the much needed homes. Support the council’s intention to prioritise brownfield land to bring back into use land that has not been used for many years. Bring existing empty housing back into use. Building more homes will mean that it will be easier to free up and make the best use of the city’s existing stock. Many people are struggling to afford to live in a home that they can afford across all types and tenures of housing. The council will work with the private and public sector to address the significant shortfall in affordable homes for rent and the under-occupancy in many areas. Both quality and choice of housing will be significantly improved across the whole city. The council‘s approach is designed to reduce the inequality gap and not fuel it.

Millions Missing Out On Free NHS Health Check less than half of over-40s have taken a free national health check which could reduce the risk of dementia, according to NHS England. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease remained the leading cause of death in England and Wales in 2017, ac-

counting for nearly 13 per cent of all registered deaths, according to the Office for National Statistics. Someone who has had a stroke, or has diabetes or heart disease, is around twice as likely to develop vascular dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Society. Everyone aged between 40 and 74 with no preexisting health conditions is automatically eligible for the check, which happens every five years. It is part of the NHS in England’s goal of improving early diagnosis. The routine check can pick up heart problems early and help to prevent dementia, plus highlight the need to stop smoking, NHS England said. The check-up takes 20 minutes and is carried out by a GP or nurse. It involves tests on blood pressure, weight and height, and is offered every five years up to the age of 74. Around 7.15 million people have had a free health check since 2013, yet 15 million are eligible, NHS stats show. NHS England said identifying people with an irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure and giving them treatment would help to prevent dangerous blood clots which could lead to strokes. And if more people went for their health check, the number of people having a stroke or other heart problems would reduce, potentially preventing thousands of cases of vascular dementia.

city with solar powered machines. This shows how every bit of the Council can play its part in helping to tackle climate change. Introducing contactless card readers, alongside our Pay By Phone app means it will be quicker and easier to pay for parking than ever before. “Of course, I hope that motorists don’t experience inconvenience while these machines are upgraded but having a service that works for everyone and respects the way people pay for things in the 21st century is a very visible sign of progress and will be worth any temporary disruption. “Whilst some places have moved towards entirely cashless parking we still think there are people who prefer to use cash and I don’t want to exclude them.” Paybyphone is an easy to use app. Simply download the Paybyphone app at your own leisure before parking. Paybyphone is convenient and can be used on the move giving you the freedom to socialise, shop or visit friends without time limitations. Businesses can benefit from the paybyphone app as customers don’t need to leave to top up parking payment. Motorists can top up their parking virtually with reminders on the app or by text, which

reduces the worry about fines. Results from other cities show that customers using cashless payment methods tend to stay longer than cash users, meaning this will hopefully benefit local businesses.

Patient Records To Be Available Online All NHS patients in England will be able to book GP appointments online, order repeat prescriptions and access their full medical history on a new cloud system as part of a shake-up of IT systems. The changes, which aim to replace outdated IT technology and improve digital coordination between parts of the healthcare system, should allow GPs, ambulance services and other primary care providers to access patient records digitally in real time. The announcement is the first major alteration to the NHS patient record system since a failed

£12.7bn digitalisation project to link up the healthcare system, which was scrapped by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government in 2011. The project was launched under Labour in 2002 but was beset by changing specifications, technical challenges and disputes with suppliers, leaving it years behind schedule and over budget. The government hopes the changes will save clinicians time and reduce delays, while also allowing GP surgeries to pick from a wider range of IT systems providers.

Sheffield Would Now Vote Remain If A Second EU Referendum Was Held People in Sheffield would now vote to Remain if a second Brexit vote was held, a new survey has said. Sheffield voted by 51% to 49% to leave at the referendum two years ago – but a major new poll by Channel 4 says that hundreds of people in the city have changed their mind – and that 54% would now vote to stay in the EU. The survey – of more than 20,000 people across Britain – said that in Sheffield, 46% would vote leave – a drop of 5% on 2016. The poll, the biggest independent survey undertaken since the 2016 referendum, revealed that nationally, the figures revealed that 54% would now vote Remain with 46% choosing Leave – a reverse of the result two years ago when nationally 51% voted Leave and 49% remain. Survation carried out extensive research, talking to 20,000 people across the UK to look at

what would happen if Theresa May called a snap Brexit vote tomorrow – something she's already ruled out on several occasions. The survey revealed that areas with high immigration would still vote Leave if given a second chance. Regionally, the East of England would still want to leave, along with the East Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber and the South West. Scotland, Northern Ireland and London still want to Remain, according to the results. The results were revealed on Channel 4 in a live debate show, Brexit: What the Nation Really Thinks. Analysis carried out by the polling company showed that 105 council areas that voted Leave in 2016 would now vote Remain. Since the referendum, support for leaving the EU has fallen most sharply in local authorities that saw the highest vote shares for leave, Survation said.

Taxi Drivers Welcome Closer Police Collaboration A Sheffield taxi drivers association have welcomed the engagement of police and local authorities to address issues affecting the trade. Hundreds gathered at the annual general meeting of Sheffield Eagle Taxi Association to hear

from Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police chief Stuart Walne and members of the Sheffield Council’s licensing committee. Issues discussed included driver safety, private hire regulation and clean air zone plans.

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Sheffield Women Celebrate Vote Centenary On Friday 14th December inspirational women from across Sheffield gathered at Sheffield Town Hall to celebrate 100 years since some women were able to vote and stand as an MP in a general election for the first time. A piece of silverwork created by Sheffield artist Jessica Flinn was unveiled to mark the occasion and will be displayed in the Silver Room of Sheffield Town Hall. Councillor Mary Lea, Cabinet Member for Culture, Parks and Leisure said: I am proud to be part of a celebration of the work achieved by the very active suffragettes of this city. On the 14 December 1918, some women, aged over 30, were able to vote and stand as an MP in a general election for the first time.

Following this, the women of Sheffield continued their fight and nothing could stop the suffrage movement; eventually leading to all women winning the right to vote in 1928. In celebrating the progress that has been made, it is also important to recognise the contribution of early female politicians such as Eleanor Barton, Labour candidate for Attercliffe in 1920, and Ann Eliza Longden, who was elected as Sheffield’s first female mayor in 1936. These women paved the way for others, including the female politicians and leadership in our Council today. Women have achieved a great deal, but we must also not forget the women in other parts of the world who do not yet have the right to vote and whose fight continues.

UK’s Pothole Pandemic Across 161 councils in England, Scotland and Wales, 512,270 potholes were reported by members of the public in 2017, up from 356,432 from 152 local authorities in 2015. The figures are shocking but the true scale of the UK’s pothole problem is even greater than the numbers show. Taking into account 51 further councils that couldn’t provide figures, the RAC estimate the

number of potholes actually reported could have topped 675,000. Figures show English authorities (outside London) saw the greatest rise between 2015 and 2017 – a staggering 55% jump from 269,486 to 417,881 cases. Potholes are a constant source of frustration and expense, with the RAC’s 2018 Report on Motoring suggesting road condition is a chief concern for drivers. Motorists are now more inclined to report pothole defects than they were a few years ago, but the sheer size of the increase is further proof the condition of our roads is worsening.

UK AID ACTION PLAN IN 2019 The number of people in need of humanitarian assistance globally will be double the UK population The UK is stepping up preparations for global humanitarian crises in 2019 and harnessing the power of satellite and supercomputer technology to better predict where disasters will strike. International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt said the UK will take early action to prepare for crises where possible in 2019, not just dealing with the aftermath of dire humanitarian incidents. The need for humanitarian aid will remain especially high in 2019, driven by conflict in countries like Cameroon and the Central African Republic. Food insecurity will also be a top concern and priority for the humanitarian community, including in Afghanistan, which this year experienced severe drought. One in every 70 people worldwide is caught up in a humanitarian crisis, and throughout 2018 UK aid has been at the heart of providing life-saving assistance to those in need: from supporting efforts to prevent and curb Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo to tackling the risk of catastrophic famine in Yemen. With 132 million people – almost double the population of the UK – expected to need emergency aid next year. Acting early not only helps the UK and developing countries to save money, but also saves more lives. UK aid is leading the way in being better prepared, making use of science, research and innovation to shape a global humanitarian system fit for 2019. UK aid is harnessing technology, such as space satellites and super computers, to help improve warning systems to better predict the impact of global humanitarian crises. DFID announced today it will provide £1 million to the World Health Organisation this year to help

enhance its Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) to prevent the spread of life-threatening infectious diseases such as diphtheria and measles, as well as diarrheal illnesses, among the 800,000 Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Ms Mordaunt’s comments on humanitarian aid in 2019 follow a £34 million uplift in UK aid support to the United Nations Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF), which supports the UN to respond rapidly to crises across the world. The UK is one of CERF’s leading supporters, and in 2018 is its largest donor. Throughout 2018, this fund provided time-critical life-saving assistance to millions of people in 45 countries, including Yemen, Syria, South Sudan and Nigeria. UK aid provided life-saving assistance, including food, water, medical care and shelter to millions of people desperately in need in 2018. This year, UK aid responded to crises across the globe including: sending 47 tonnes of aid and a team of aid workers to Indonesia following a devastating earthquake and tsunami which is believed to have left over 2,000 people dead; deploying a team of 67, including 57 medics, to Bangladesh to tackle an outbreak of diphtheria in Cox’s Bazar, after hundreds of thousands of displaced Rohingya had fled there; supporting the development of a life-saving vaccine to tackle Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has helped to prevent it spreading to neighbouring countries; meeting the immediate food needs of 4 million Yemenis, and supporting aid agencies to screen and treat for malnutrition and disease.

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Mr Compensator’s 5th Anniversary Celebration Proves To Be A Smashing Success ILM were fortunate enough to be invited to attend the 5th anniversary celebration of Sheffield based claims management company Mr. Compensator. We were promised an evening of music, food and entertainment; and we can safely say we were not left disappointed. After weeks of build up on the radio, online and social media, the event that took place on Sunday 11th November at PMC Hall had an overwhelming turnout from the taxi drivers of Sheffield and Rotherham. “We had an incredible amount of people in attendance – thanks to all the taxi drivers for sparing their Sunday evening to celebrate this important milestone with us” Omar from Mr. Compensator said. “Everything went smoothly, our performers were incredibly talented and put on a great show”. Throughout the evening celebration, taxi drivers enjoyed live music of various styles. First up was the incredibly talented Ruby Akhtar – delighting us with a medley of classic Hindi and Bollywood songs. Concluding the lineup for the evening was a heartfelt performance of Pothwari Sher by Hafiz Yaqoob and Saadat Kiyani. Backed by an incredible live band, the room was entranced by the vocals of both performers. In between the performances all guests were treated to a buffet of delicious food and refreshments. Taking to the stage, Omar was keen to thank all the drivers for contributing to the success of Mr. Compensator. “Without you, we would not be where we are today” he announced. These were sentiments also echoed by Rubal from Mr. Compensator. “To-

night was more about the drivers than about us. We had a lovely evening and it was nice to catch up with all the guys we've met on this journey over the past 5 years”. In attendance were prominent figures from the taxi bases of Sheffield and Rotherham. Lutfer Yousaf of City Taxis was on hand to pick out the lucky 15 City Taxi Drivers who walked away with 4 weeks of free radio rent. A further 11 drivers were picked from the other local taxi bases, totalling 26 winners overall. “This was our way of saying thank you” Omar said. “Not only did we hand out around £40,000 of referral on the night, we gave away free radio rent to the value of £10,000. Now tell me who else treats taxi drivers as nice as this in Sheffield?” Omar concluded. As the evening wound down and the raffle concluded, the Pothwari Sher performers played out their last few songs amongst the backdrop of fireworks in the distance. After the privilege of spending the evening with Mr. Compensator, we wish them our congratulations and many more years of continued success.

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British Airways Resumes Flights To Pakistan From Heathrow British Airways is to resume flights to Pakistan more than a decade after suspending them in the wake of a deadly bomb blast at Islamabad's Marriott Hotel. The carrier pulled out of the country after the attack in September 2008, which left at least 54 people dead and many more injured, including six British citizens. It will be the only Western airline to serve Pakistan when flights between London Heathrow and Islamabad resume on June 2 next year. The three-flights-per-week service will be operated with Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft and will serve the Pakistani capital's new international airport, which opened in May.

British High Commissioner to Pakistan Thomas Drew described the announcement as "excellent news for both countries" and said BA is joining an "increasing number of British companies doing business in Pakistan". He went on: "The links between Britain and Pakistan are already extraordinary, from culture and cricket to people, politics and education. "I see this launch as a vote of confidence in the future of those links, and of course a reflection of the great improvements in the security situation in Pakistan in recent years. "The return of British Airways will give a particular boost to our growing trade and investment links."

TV, radio, newspapers and social media. In November, retailer Marks and Spencer came under fire for a window display juxtaposing men is suits and women in knickers, while two months earlier Sweden’s advertising watchdog said a viral meme showing a man staring at another woman was sexist. The watchdog say stereotypes hold some people back from fulfilling their potential, or from aspiring to certain jobs and industries, bringing costs for individuals and the economy. Women’s rights groups welcomed the move, which follows a public consultation by the watchdog.

Peace Gardens 20th Birthday Sheffield’s much loved public space, the Peace Gardens, celebrated its 20th birthday recently. Renovated in 1998 as part of the first Heart of the City regeneration project, the Peace Gardens has maintained its Green Flag Award status continuously since 2004 and has hosted many high profile city centre events, including Tramlines, Cliffhanger, Out of This World and the Christmas Markets, as well as being the venue for many weddings, celebrations and festivals. In the 20 years since it was opened by HRH Prince Charles, the Peace Gardens and its fountains have become a firm favourite with Sheffielders and visitors of all ages; from enjoying a day out with the

Dhokebaz ko hamesha medaan se bhagna parta hai Doosro ko dhoka dene wali dunya khud ko dhoka deti hai Lakhon zalim ek adil ko dher to kr sakte hain magar zer nahi kr sakte Logon ki na insafiyon pr khamosh rehna zulm krne ke matradef hota hai Gumrahon jahilon aur auraton ke perokaron ki falah nhi Naik logon ko aksar log tanha chor jate hain Jo bhi adal aur sachai ke raste pr chalega to kam-taraf usse chor jayenge

UK Bans Sexist Stereotypes In Ads Britain is to ban advertising showing women who can’t park or men who struggle to change a nappy in a crackdown on gender stereotypes, the industry watchdog has said. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said a review had found some stereotypes were harmful, citing ads that belittle men for carrying out tasks seen as female, or suggest new mothers should prioritise looking good over emotional wellbeing. New rules calls time on stereotypes that hold back people and society. From next June, adverts featuring a depiction of gender roles that could cause offence or harm will be axed. The ban will apply to broadcast and non-broadcast media, including


kids in the sunshine at Sheffield by the Seaside, to welcoming winter with a visit to Thor’s Tipi. In October, the Peace Gardens was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Sheffield Design Awards for its enduring appeal and popularity.

Jo lutf ata-at me hai vo hakmiyat me nhi Kisi ki ghalti ko usski mafi se pehle maaf krne vala aala-zarf hota hai Doosro ko jo maaf nhi krta kya vo khuda se mafi pa sakta hai Jahan se dil aur zuban me farq ajaye vaha se munafqet shuru hoti hai Log apne mafadat ki jang me deen se bhi anhraf kr beht-te hain Nidamat o pashemani ke ehsas se hadud me palatna behtreen tauba hai Khush naseeb hai jo khud ko nasihat kre aur bad-bakht hai vo jo khud ko dhoka de

Az kalam

Syed Fayyaz Hussain Shah

Racist Abuse Within English Football Rises Reports of anti-Semitic, racist and other discriminatory abuse within English football have risen for the sixth year in a row, according to the latest figures from Kick It Out. Football's equality and inclusion organisation has revealed there were a total of 520 reports of abuse last season, up 11 per cent from 469 in 2016/17, with racist abuse accounting for more than half of the cases. One in 10 reports of abuse concerned antiSemitism, while reports of disability discrimination more than doubled from 14 to 29. The statistics are compiled from all levels of the game and include reports of abuse on social media. Cases from across the professional game increased from 194 to 214, with reports of abuse at English Football League games up by 30 per cent. Reports of abuse in the grassroots game rose by more than a third. In a statement, Kick It Out said: "It is hugely disappointing to have to reveal, yet again, increasing levels of all forms of discriminatory abuse at

football. "While the increased reports reflect a greater inclination among fans to complain about unacceptable abuse, these trends reflect, in part, what is happening in the rest of society. Hate crime reports have doubled over the last year to more than 94,000. "Football cannot be complacent about the risk to the game this represents. Much good work has, and is, being done to prevent and counter unacceptable behaviour. "But the professional leagues and their clubs must do more in a coherent and consistent way - exemplifying all the best practices applied by some clubs - to drive hateful and abusive spectators out of the game. "Equally, the FA and its county associations, as well as local leagues, must step up their actions to ensure compliance and enforcement at grassroots level." :: Discrimination can be reported to Kick It Out via its app, email (, freephone number 0800 169 9414 or website.

Combat Condensation This Winter All houses are affected by condensation but the problem is harder to manage in the winter. Condensation is the main cause of black mould, which can grow anywhere but is most common in the coldest parts of the home. There are a few simple things you can do to reduce condensation: Do: Increase ventilation by keeping windows and vents open Keep temperatures in all rooms above 15oC

Dry washing on the line outside or in the bathroom with the door closed and the window open or fan on Don’t: Dry clothes on radiators Keep bathroom and kitchen doors open when cooking or washing Use paraffin and portable flueless gas heaters Don’t confuse condensation with damp, which occurs when a fault in the building’s structure lets in water from outside.

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WHAT CAUSES AN ICE-CREAM HEADACHE? Mr Shumile J. Chishty nerve cells are linked to the main nerve involved in headaches, trigeminal nerve. The SPG and the You may have noticed when you consume ice- trigeminal nerve is important in head pain. If cold victuals quickly, such as ice cream, you will you apply local anaesthetics to block or partially get a headache for a short period of time, but block the SPG, this can be helpful in reducing why do we get these headaches? These headaches are described as stabbing headaches which last 30-60 seconds on average, they are commonly referred to as ice-cream headaches but according to medical terms it is known as a cold stimulus headache or sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. The theory follows, that whenever something cold touches the palate of the mouth, it is believed to result from a nerve response causing rapid constriction to prevent that cold getting up to your brain, as in the roof of our mouth we have large blood vessels. When the brain detects coldness building its way up, it then opens other vessels that have warm blood in them to even out the temperature. These two factors, the constriction of one set of vessels and the dilation of others is what causes the headache pain that you experience during a sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia episode. and swelling of blood vessels. Sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) is a group of nerves that are sensitive to cold food, and when they are stimulated, they relay information that stimulates a part of the brain to have a headache. These group of

head and facial pain. It would be superfluous to see a doctor about a brain freeze whilst you drank a cold beverage. If you’re experiencing regular headaches, however, you should seek the advice of a medical profes-

2018’S Worst Extreme Weather Linked To Climate Change Extreme floods, droughts, wildfires and storms linked to climate change cost thousands of lives and billions of pounds this year, a report has warned. Among the most expensive disasters to hit the world this year were Hurricanes Florence and Michael, which struck the US and parts of Central America and the Caribbean, the report from Christian Aid said. There were also heatwaves and drought in Europe, where record temperatures in the UK were made 30 times more likely by climate change according to Britain’s Met Office, which caused wildfires and cost lives. Kerala, India, was hit by the worst floods for more than 80 years, Japan had a summer of extremes, and California suffered wildfires including the Camp Fire which was the state’s deadliest ever. Experts warn the unprecedented extremes “are the face of climate change” and called for rapid cuts to carbon emissions to prevent increasingly destructive weather. The report by Christian Aid, Counting the Cost: a year of climate breakdown, identifies 10 of the most destructive droughts, floods, fires, ty-

phoons and hurricanes in 2018, all of which it said caused damage of more than $1bn. All of the billion-dollar disasters are linked with climate change caused by humans, the report argues. In some cases scientific studies have shown that climate change made the particular event more likely or stronger, such as Hurricane Florence and Europe’s heatwave summer. In other cases it has been the result of shifts in weather patterns, such as higher temperatures and reduced rainfall making fires more likely. While the report focuses on the financial cost of weather extremes, it also warns the cost to lives and livelihoods is even higher. Among the disasters the report features are Hurricane Florence, which cost an estimated 17 billion US dollars (€14.4bn) and Hurricane Michael, which cost $15bn (€16.6bn). Europe’s summer drought is estimated to have cost $7.5bn (€6.66bn), while there were also major droughts in Argentina, Australia and Cape Town, South Africa. Japan suffered floods which killed at least 230 people and cost $7bn (€5.55bn) followed by record-breaking heat and Typhoon Jebi. Typhoon Mangkhut hit the Philippines and China, floods killed 500 people and forced a million from their homes in Kerala, India, and wildfires hit California. Climate change is something still often talked about as a future problem, not least because we know the consequences of the warming climate are so devastating and don’t want to face up to what is already happening. This report shows that climate change is having devastating impacts on lives and livelihoods right now. The unprecedented floods, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and superstorms we’ve seen in recent years – they are the face of climate change. The world’s weather is becoming more extreme before our eyes – the only thing that can stop this destructive trend from escalating is a rapid fall in carbon emissions.

sional. The same nerves that are responsible for a brain freeze are also involved in serious headache disorders, such as cluster headaches. These types of headaches cause severe, regular pain. Some reports identify a possible connection between consuming a cold beverage and atrial fibrillation (AF), which is a type of arrhythmia. This connection appears to be rare, but if you begin to experience irregular heartbeats after consuming a cold food or beverage, it would be best to seek medical advice. To avoid brain freeze, eat the cold food much more slowly so that your mouth can warm up the food. Simply, the far back of your mouth is where the controls are for your headache, so it is best to keep your food nearer the front of the mouth. Those who do come across a brain freeze, you can try pressing your tongue to the roof of our mouth to help reduce the pain , as the warmth of the tongue can heat up the nasal sinuses and the nerves that make up the sphenopalatine ganglion. However, if your tongue is so cold that it’s not effective and your breath isn’t working, you can also use your thumb pressed against the roof of your mouth towards the back. Once you have tried several ways of warming up the roof of the mouth, by then the headache will have stopped, as said before these episodes do not last longer than a minute.

Plastic Bag Fee Could Double To 10p The 5p plastic carrier bag levy in England looks set to double to 10p and include all shops, under plans set out by the environment secretary. Currently smaller retailers, which supply an estimated 3.6 billion single-use carrier bags on an annual basis, are exempt from the 5p fee. Trade bodies representing around 40,000 small retailers have already launched a voluntarily approach to a 5p charge, but this accounts for less than one-fifth of England's estimated 253,000 small and medium-sized enterprises. Government scientists believe plastic in the sea is set to treble in a decade unless marine litter is curbed - with one million birds and over 100,000 sea mammals dying every year from eating and getting tangled in plastic waste. The consultation will also explore the possibility of increasing the 5p minimum charge to encourage further plastic reduction by consumers, potentially doubling it to 10p. The change could come into effect in January 2020. Since the 5p bag charge was introduced in 2015, usage of single-use bags has reduced by 86%, equivalent to just 19 bags per person, compared with 140 bags each before the charge. 5p plastic bag sales have funded thousands of community projects nationwide, contributing over £51m toward charities and other good causes, the latest figures for 2017/18 show. The oldest existing bag tax in the world was introduced in 1994 in Denmark, and Bangladesh became the first country in the world to ban the thin carrier bags in 2002.

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We Eat So Much Chicken That We’ve Altered Earth’s Biosphere Humans eat so much chicken that it will become a marker of the Anthropocene era (current geological age of significant human impact on the Earths geology and ecosystems), a study has found. With over 21 billion broiler chickens in existence, human production of the species has fundamentally reconfigured Earth’s biosphere, researchers say. The chicken has been a domestic fowl for over 8,000 years, with the first batch kept in Asia and Europe majorly for cockfighting. There are hundreds of species of chicken found on every continent. Chickens are kept by humans to provide eggs, meat, and feathers, however they are also used in religion, mythology and traditional festivals. The largest percentage of chicken is artificially generated, although there are traditional rearing methods common in Africa and Asia. Wild chicken is rare. Common classifications are broilers, which are bred for white meat, and layers, which are female chickens kept for laying eggs. Each lays an average of 300 eggs per annum. When they grow old, they are slaughtered for meat. It is estimated that every year over 40 billion broilers are bred and consumed mainly in the US and China, with 3 billion reared as layers for egg consumption and hatching. Chicken consumption rose dramatically from the 1950s. Since then, the size and shape of the species—including changes to their skeleton, bone chemistry and genetics—has changed far beyond the wild chicken ancestors they were domesticated from. Further to this, broiler chickens cannot survive without “intensive human intervention”—its rapid growth of leg and breast muscle means its

organs, including the heart and liver, are smaller than normal. This restricts their function and, in turn, the chicken lifespan. Researchers argue that because we engineered the species, and because it has become such a major feature of food consumption, it will be considered a marker of the Anthropocene—the proposed geological age where human activity is the dominant influence over the planet. Chicken is the most commonly eaten meat worldwide, and their bones are components of household trash. Industrial broiler (meat chicken) farms are spread around the world, and chickens are also buried at these sites. The significance of the post-mid-20th century chicken is that it is the first example we have of what palaeontologists call a new 'morphospecies'—that is a distinctive kind of skeleton that can be identified as a fossil—that appeared in the Anthropocene i.e. post-1950, and in that time became hugely abundant pretty well around the world. In the future, humans will find and use chickens as a marker—or index species—of our age. The broiler chicken, is now a symbol of how the biosphere is unrecognizable from its pre-human state. Chickens have become the most numerous terrestrial vertebrate species on the planet and their biology has been shaped by humans, making chicken one of the most striking examples of our age. In the UK, chicken is at the top of everyone’s shopping list accounting for half the meat eaten in the country. Around 2.2 million chickens were eaten every single day in 2013 with 95% of us Brits confessing our love for all things chicken!

Everything You Need To Know About Changes To Driving Tests In a bid to reflect the wide range of conditions people face when driving in Britain, the standard driving test people must take is being updated. Taking a driving test is a right of passage for motorists and it's often an event filled with nervousness. Now new additions will form part of the hazard perception element of the theory test - which drivers must pass to be able to take the practical test and get a licence. The new parts are in addition to dramatic changes which were made to the test last year. CGI video clips will be added to the hazard perception part of the theory test. Fog, snow and ice are just a couple of the 23 new scenarios now included in the test which assesses motorists ability to spot 'developing hazards'. The new additions also include driving in low light and at night. Jesse Norman, Road Safety Minister, said: "The UK has some of the safest roads in the world, but we’re always looking for ways to make them safer. These new hazard perception clips offer more realistic driving conditions to test a learner driver’s ability, preparing them for overcoming the reallife challenges they will face on the road – something that should benefit all road users." According to The Department for Transport's reported road casualties report, 16,406 accidents happened in rain, sleet, snow or fog in 2017. A total of 205 of those were fatal. In December 2017, the driving test changed dramatically with a number of features being dropped and some new ones added. The pass mark has stayed the same - no more than 15 driving faults and no serious or dangerous faults will get you a pass. And don’t worry, the overall time of the driving test didn’t change, it's still around

40 minutes. Most importantly, there’s no financial impact - the driving test cost will also stay the same. More independent driving The previous ten minutes of independent driving was increased to 20 minutes using a sat-nav OR traffic signs. The examiner will decide if road signs or sat-nav will be used for this part of the test. Using a sat-nav You might have spotted that in the previous section - the sat-nav was introduced to the driving test. The equipment is provided and set by the examiner and all will use a standardised TomTom Start 52 model. Four in five people doing their driving test will be asked to use the sat-nav. Changes to manoeuvres Previously you would have been asked to demonstrate one of four manoeuvres on your driving test. But in the new test, the ‘reverse around a corner’ and ‘turn-in-the-road’ manoeuvre will no longer be tested - although the DVSA say you should still be taught them by your instructor. That means you’ll be tested on one of the following three manoeuvres: parallel park at the side of the road; park in a bay - either driving in and reversing out, or reversing in and driving out; pull up on the right-hand side of the road, reverse for 2 car lengths and rejoin the traffic. ‘Show me, tell me’ questions The ‘show me’ and ‘tell me’ questions about car safety changed slightly. You are still asked the ‘tell me’ question at the start of the test but the ‘show me’ question is asked during the test - for example, demonstrating you know how to use the windscreen wipers.

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Our Rich Culture Our Islamic history is full of outstanding personalities who will always be remembered. There are the Apostles, companions of the Apostles, Waliallahs, etc who are more or less known to all of us. In our rich religious literature, two personalities stand out – Shaikh Saadi and Maulana Rumi. Translations of the works of these two saints have been published, both domestically and in foreign countries, in many languages. Today I would like to share some of Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi’s work, which is both educative and guiding. Rumi was born in Balgh (then Faras in Iran) in 604 Hijra. His father was Shaikh Muhammad Bahauddin, a distinguished and well-known scholar. Dervishes, those revolving figures in white robes and red caps, are followers of Rumi. The Masnavi, which consists of more than 26,600 verses, is regarded as a book inspired by the Almighty. Rumi says about himself: “When I am praying, by Allah, I don’t know which portion of prayer I am performing and even don’t remember who the Imam is.” Maulana Rumi died in 672 Hijra in Konia (Turkey) and is buried there. Given below is a free rendering of the rather difficult translation by Reynold A. Nicholson. “Description of some saints who are content with the (Divine) ordainments and do not pray and beseech (God) to change this decree. This story is about those travellers on the Way who have no objection in the world. Those saints who make invocations are different from these travellers. I know another class of saints whose mouths are

closed to invocation. Because of the content possessed by those noble ones, it has become unlawful for them to seek to avert Destiny. In submitting to Destiny, they experience a peculiar delight: it would be an act of infidelity for them to crave release. God has revealed to their hearts such a good opinion of Him that they do not put on the garb of mourning on account of any sorrow. “How Buhlul questioned a certain dervish. Buhlul said to a certain dervish, ‘How are you?’ The dervish replied: ‘How can one be when, according to His desire, the world goes on? The torrents and rivers flow and the stars move in the way He wills; and life and death are His officers going to and fro. He sends condolence wherever He wills; he bestows felicitation wherever He wills. The travellers on the Way go according to His pleasure; they who have lost the Way are fallen. No tooth flashes with laughter in the world without the approval of that imperial personage (ie that one whose edict is carried into execution).’ “Buhlul said: ‘O King, you have spoken truly; this is manifest in your spiritual radiance, but explain this mystery in such a way that both the wise and the man given to folly may assent when it comes to their ears. Expound it in such a way that the understanding of the vulgar may profit from it. The perfect speaker is like one who distributes trays of viands and whose table is filled with all sorts of foods. Such a speaker is like the Quran, which is seven-

fold in meaning and in which there is food for the elect and for the vulgar. The dervish said: ‘this is evidence to the vulgar that the world is subject to the command of God. No leaf drops from a tree without the predestination and ordainment of that Ruler of Fortune. “In all the earths and heavens, not an atom moves a wing, not a straw turns save by His eternal and effectual command. Since all action in the universe only comes to pass by the command of the Maker, when the predestination of God becomes the pleasure of His servant, the servant becomes

a willing slave to His decree, not on account of future reward and recompense, but because his nature has become so goodly. He does not desire his life for himself nor that he may enjoy that life which is so sweet to others. “Wherever the Eternal Command takes its course, living and dying are one to him. He lives

Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan for God’s sake, not for riches; he dies for God’s sake, not from fear and pain. His faith is for the sake of doing His will, not for the sake of paradise and its trees and streams. His abandonment of infidelity is also for God’s sake, not for fear lest he go into the fire. “This is his original disposition; it is not acquired by discipline or by his effort and endeavour. He laughs when he sees the Divine pleasure; to him destiny is like a sugared sweetmeat.’ God’s servant whose disposition and character is as described above sees only the world moving in accordance to His command and behest. Then why should he make entreaties and cry in prayer: ‘O God, avert his destiny.’ For God’s sake his own death and that of his children is like sweetmeat in his throat. “To that loyal one, the death-agony of his children is like honey cakes to a destitute old man. Why, then, should he invoke God unless perhaps to see the pleasure of the Divine Judge in such invocation? That righteous servant does not make that intercession and invocation from his own mercifulness. He has burned up his own mercifulness at the moment he lit the lamp of love of God. “Love is the fire of his attributes and it has burnt up the attributes of self, hair by hair. When did any night traveller understand this distinction (i.e. the distinction between selfish and selfless prayer) except Daquqi? He understood it well, so that he sped into this spiritual empire.” Email:

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The Judicial Interventionism And Extrajudicial Activism International Conference On Sindh Of30th Supreme Court Judges In Pakistan

Dr Syed AlamAbro Shah Muneer

Email address: Judiciary is the essential part of state mechanism, it runs the legislative interpretation of constitution and promulgates the laws through its decision management over the democratic institutions of the state in relations to political parties, pressure groups, interest groups, common man and social individuals bearing rights and duties above all. Supreme court is the highest court of justice in any country and bears all responsibilities to dispense justice in accordance with the provided legislative book designed by the Law-makers e.g. people’s representatives elected through national legitimate right of frenchisement for the defined time. The role of supreme court is well defined through the legislative book, and supreme court judges are supposed to decide the legal questions pertaining to the rule of law and justice within its judicial parameters, be it civil or criminal matters or that of corporate issues at hand. All courts of justice from lower to the higher, are privileged to defend the rule of law and justice even if decisions go against the interest of public or the prevailing government, or supreme judges themselves are to be affected by the decisions. In Pakistan, supreme court judges have the long history of defaming the role of judiciary by taking kinds of decisions deterring the rule of law and justice at the grass root level. From legitimizing military coups to the prevailing tyrannical military regimes, history is witness account to the notorious role of supreme court judges to have been patronizing the illegitimate regimes responsible for promulgating the emergency and the abrogation of constitution of Pakistan. Judges’ open support for the invisible forces, criminal mullahs and the agents of chaos and violence has been rampant throughout history. The removal of democratic governments by the then dictators were legitimized and sometime welcomed by the supreme courts. The political judiciary works under the influence of the same forces manoeuvring the decision management eventually. The constitutional mechanism runs under the pretext of the doctrines of necessity directly affecting the deci-

sion management. History of Pakistan exhibits harsh truth of how Bhutto was executed by their haste decision on the urge of military dictator of the time. Bhutto’s judicial murder is the manifestation of heinous crime done by the than supreme court judges, later they regretted their own decision. The history of judges is not quite impressive in Pakistan, they have been working under the influence of establishment, and the generals are pious cow that cannot be dragged to the court of justice, and if any judge speaks against them, he/she would draw the wrath of forces on him/herself (as it happened to Justice Shouqat Sidiqui). The ex-supreme court judge; Iftikhar M Chaudery played a political role also, he forgot to dispense justice, he became so popular as a political judge that the then Prime Minister proclaimed that Mr Chaudery is a de facto ruler of the state of Pakistan. When I was the member of bar council, I went through very bad experience of constitutional and political chaos in Pakistan that had started with the removal of Iftikhar Chaudery, all the bar councils of Pakistan went on strikes for the restoration of judiciary, I am witness account to how our bar council member were burned alive in their offices in vicinity with city court Karachi, the unrest erupted and the strikes rampantly spread all over Pakistan, we did not leave stone unturned to keep protesting against the military dictator; general Musharaf. Eventually, we were triumphant over the dictatorships, we restored one of the essential pillar of democracy and kept generals going back to the barracks. Unfortunately, this great movement, in the history of Pakistan, lost its significance when our supreme court Judge turned into political judge and took over the roots of power and popularity by doing a very selective justice, he intervened into the political affairs of the state, and handicapped the democratic government of the time. He played into the hands of the establishment. I was shocked to see our judicial system going very political into the hands of supreme judges. While protesting, I gave up Bar council membership of the city court Karachi and adopted the profession of teaching. Today, the legacy of popularity-gain is the top priority of our supreme judges, Mr Saqib Nisar has touched the peak of popularity by punishing the

sitting prime minister; Nawaz Sharif. The game did not end there, Nawaz Sharif is being pressurised continuously by the invisible forces to leave the country under any deal, but he does not come to their terms so far. Indeed, Marium Nawaz has established a political narrative that has divided Pakistan, especially Punjab into two helves. On the one side is PTI, supreme court, Army and invisible forces, and on the other side is PML-N and political fragments. The role of supreme court judges and that of invisible force is significant in determining the future of politics in Pakistan. I call it extreme interventionism and extrajudicial activism of judges to strengthen one political party (PTI) against other political party (PML-N) on the name of corruption while adjusting the most corrupt elements in the favourite political circles. In this current political scenario, our judges appear to be clever enough to manipulate the socio-political system in a way that earns them fame and popularity, and they exploit their popularity to push the opposition to the wall. The popularity-gain syndrome is so dangerous that judges go unbecoming judges and they do extrajudicial activities for which nation does not pay them. Mr Nisar has forgotten his essential role being judge of supreme court to what he is assigned to deal with pending cases. If we look back into recent history of our judiciary, as I discussed earlier, Iftikhar Choudery’s popularity grew up when he defied general Musharaf, he was removed from his judicial office. Unprecedently, PCO Judge did not give up and stood firmly to face the situation. However, Mr chaudery fell pary to popularity gains. He did not realize that what promises he did, were not only ignored but totally forgotten. He had promised to ensure judicial reforms that never happened during his later period. If we compare the situation of past with now on, the legacy of popularity-gain continues unabated. Chief Justice Saqib Nisar has gone two steps ahead of his predecessors, he has reached the peaks of popularity-gain by indulging into the kind of extrajudicial activism, I mean fundraising for the construction of Dams on Indus River in Gilgit Baltistan; and expecting to map out a strategy of population-control. Such a secondry role does not suit to his honour indeed. Mr Saqib Nisar is unbecoming judge in lieu of such extra-

judicial activism not witnessed in human history ever before. Our supreme judge seems to have imposed judicial martial law in Pakistan while threatening the people of Sindh, especially to face the article 6 if he/she disputes on the construction of Dams on Indus River. The article 6 means certificate of death (treason) on a person found disloyal to the constitution and state of Pakistan. On 22nd of November, at Royal Nawab London, he (CJ) arrogantly said, ‘we will construct Dams on every inch of the River Indus’. Is this the language of Supreme Court Judge, is this not the violation of human rights that people who are crying for the theft of water shares, and when they raise their voice for their rights, they are called disloyal and Indian Agents or citizens. I am astonished to see that Mr popular judge threatens our people through Article 6, and his followers and mediocre media calls us Indian citizens or agents. The people of Sindh are patriots, and they would defend democracy, secularism, rule of law and justice against any extrajudicial interventionism. It is not the job of Mr Saqib Nisar to raise funds or run the expedition of population control, let the democratic governments do their job, He would be lauded for doing justice like the one recently done in favour of Asiya Bibi. His extrajudicial activism is not only dangerous for democracy but also for the integrity of Pakistan. He is leaving the legacy of judicial interventionism due to which national interest will be jeopardised. Supreme judges’ policy of selective justice is not justice at all but a decline of the system of judiciary because it would lead to a trust-deficit in Judicial system above all. Therefore, supreme judges need to do their job as judge not fundraiser or demographers. There are thousands of the cases pending in the supreme court, common men are affected at the grass root level. Mr Saqib Nisar has already earned a huge popularity, now he must neutralize this syndrome of popularity-gain by resuming the job as supreme court judge and respect the constitution of Pakistan. In other words, he is doing disloyalty to the constitution of Pakistan because he is not doing his own job for which nation pays him.

A Fifth Of Motorists Suffer Car Sickness Car sickness and nausea don’t just affect children but as many as one in five people (18%) do not grow out of it and continuing to suffer as adults. Those embarking on long car trips should be warned that sitting in the back seat of a car appears to be the worst place for motion sickness, with 75% of present sufferers saying that is the main place they feel queasy. The top reasons for people feeling sick is reading in the car, followed by using a tablet or phone, winding country roads, a lack of fresh and simply not looking out of the window can trigger the feeling. Most often drivers have to take a break as a result of someone feeling unwell in the car or abandon journeys or even avoid them altogether. Some people have their own means of coping with the feeling of nausea, and rely on closing their eyes, trying to sleep or focusing intently on the horizon in order to feel better. Top tips for reducing car sickness Ditch the devices: If you’re travelling with children, it can be appealing to give them a tablet or phone to keep them occupied on a long journey – but they are much more likely to feel unwell if you do. Try some games that mean they need to keep looking out of the window, like I-Spy. Keep the air flowing: A quarter of current car sickness sufferers say it is a car being too hot and stuffy that makes them feel unwell. Use air conditioning, or keep the windows open, to create a better in-car environment for everyone

Have a light meal before travelling: A lack of food, as well as too much of it, can lead to car sickness so try to ensure you and your passengers set off with something in your stomachs Drive smoothly, especially on country roads: Drive with a light right foot, braking and accelerating smoothly, to keep things comfortable for your passengers Try to avoid winding routes: Where it’s possible, consider driving on wider, straighter roads that give all your occupants a good view of the horizon

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....If They Go.... By Shaheryar A. Chishty If they go… If he dies don’t drown yourself in sighs If she dies let go and rinse your tearful eyes If he goes don’t carry more woes If she goes don’t try and join her, let her sprout on heaven’s soil and grow in to a rose If he has left your heart don’t mourn his depart If she has left your heart turn over a new leaf and make a new start If you miss his smell put it in to your collection of memorabilia It may bring you great euphoria If you miss her sweet smell remember her and the size of your love for her will swell If they are not with you, tomorrow do not leave the place in your heart hollow life can be a stressful film, it displays every day don’t pause it if you lose somebody, just let your life’s movie play hope is like the sun it spreads throughout dawn and up to twilight in our life happiness is perpetual, sadness is finite try and surround yourself with joy share guffaws with people and throughout your life just enjoy

Thousands Still Watch TV In Black And White More than 7,000 people still watch TV in black and white more than half a century after colour broadcasts began. London has the most TV licences for black and white sets at 1,768, followed by 431 in the West Midlands and 390 in Greater Manchester. A total of 7,161 UK households have failed to start watching in colour despite transmissions starting in 1967. BBC2 was the first channel to regularly broadcast in colour from July that year with the Wimbledon tennis tournament. The number of black and white licences has almost halved in the past five years and is down from 212,000 in 2000. The figures were released by TV Licensing in what appears to be a reminder that anyone watching television

must by law have a TV licence. Whether you watch EastEnders, Strictly or Question Time in black and white on a 50-year-old TV set, or in colour on a tablet, you need to be covered by a TV licence to watch or record programmes as they are broadcast. You also need to be covered by a TV licence to download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer, on any device. A black and white licence has one distinct advantage over its colour equivalent: it is a third of the price at £50.50 a year compared with £150.50. TV Licensing do not carry out checks of households claiming to watch a black and white set. It's entirely done on trust.

First Lunar Eclipse Of The Year On the night of Sunday, January 20, a full lunar eclipse will be visible in the UK, Europe and North America. It will also appear to be tinted ever-so-slightly red, which is why it’s called a blood moon. A blood moon occurs when there is a lunar eclipse – which means Earth has wedged itself tween the sun and the moon. The moon has no light source of its own and simply reflects the light of the sun, so when Earth blocks this out it will not shine. It appears red as Earth’s atmosphere filters and scatters the sun’s light. It is all caused by the fact that Earth, the moon and the sun follow predictable paths through space.

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The Truth About Dairy Products Dairy products are questionable nowadays. While dairy is cherished by health associations as essential for your bones, a few people contend that it’s harmful and ought to be kept away from. Of course, not all dairy items are the equivalent. They vary greatly in quality and health effects depending on how the milk-giving animals were raised and how the dairy was processed. Take an in-depth look at dairy and evaluate, whether it’s good or bad for your wellbeing. Lactose Intolerance in the world The main carbohydrate in dairy is lactose, a milk sugar composed of the two simple sugars glucose and lactose. About 75% of the world's adult population is unable to break down lactose which results as lactose intolerance. It is rare in North America, Europe and Australia; it is very common in Africa, Asia and South America. People who are lactose intolerant have digestive symptoms when they consume dairy products. This includes nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and related symptoms. However, keep in mind that lactose-intolerant people can sometimes consume fermented dairy like yogurt or high-fat dairy products like butter. Nutrient Content Dairy products are very nutritious, but complex, consisting of hundreds of different fatty acids. Many are bioactive and can strongly impact your health. Healthy skin is desired by every individual and cheese can be helpful to provide your skin with the much-needed glow. It contains the amount of vitamins that can improve cell metabolism and growth of cells, giving you a glowing skin and it also helps you to get rid of blemishes. Dairy foods are a good choice for maintaining strong bones. Because the calcium in milk or any dairy product gets easily absorbed in the body, which is why milk and dairy foods are reliable as well as economical sources of calcium. A diet rich in fruit, vegetables and low-fat dairy foods, with reduced saturated fat, is as effective as some medications in reducing blood pressure in people. It has also been shown to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes. Cultured dairy foods including goat milk and yogurt contain probiotics, which provide a wide array of health benefits. Probiotics in the diet can enhance the good bacteria in the gut, improve

health and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Health Benefits of Milk Milk is a wholesome and nutrient-rich treat that provides high levels of essential nutrients. It tastes great and provides significant amounts of many of the nutrients that our bodies require for good health. Like High-quality protein, Calcium, Phosphorous, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12. It also provides good amounts of magnesium and contains potassium, as well. Avoid flavoured milk; drink white milk instead, because it contains the healthy enzymes, which can be beneficial for your hair and skin. Health Benefits of Cheese Because cheese is a calcium-rich food, it may help reduce the risk for osteoporosis, a disease in which bones become fragile and are more likely to break. Cheese must be included in diets, to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. A moderate fat diet, which includes three servings daily of low-fat and fat-free milk, yogurt and cheese, and eight to 10 servings daily of fruits and vegetables, has also been shown to reduce other risk factors for heart disease. Low-fat cottage cheese

First Lady Bushra Bibi Most Googled First lady Bushra Bibi was the most searched person in Pakistan on Google, according to Google Trends Year in Search 2018. The results are based on search terms that had the highest spike in 2018 as compared to the previous year. In a ceremony to mark the government’s accomplishments in the first 100 days at the helm, PM Imran lauded his wife. “In the 100 days, I want to give credit to Bushra, as in these 100 days I did not take even a day off and want to praise her for such a difficult life during the last 100 days.” Coming in second place was the Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle, musician and actor Meesha Shafi in third. Former BBC presenter and Imran Khan’s ex, Reham Khan came on fourth spot. The rest of the list included US actor Sylvester Stallone, Indian actress Sonali Bendre, famed economist Atif Mian, politician Hanif Abbasi, actress Iqra Aziz and Indian actress Sunny Leone.

Pakistan’s Newest Private Airline Air Sial To Take To The Skies Next Year

is also found to be beneficial for good sleep. This cures insomnia. Cottage cheese includes tryptophan, an amino acid which lowers stress and helps to induce sleep. The other benefits include cavity prevention in teeth, healthy weight gain and better vision. Health Benefits of Yogurt Yogurt is a calcium powerhouse and a source of high-quality protein. Yogurt is nutrient rich, because it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals for its calories! The nutritional and caloric contents of yogurt are similar to those of the fluid milk from which it is made. So, it is an important source of calcium, protein, vitamins A, riboflavin, phosphorus and potassium. In fact, one serving of yogurt contains about as much potassium as a banana (around 400 mg).

Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved the operation of a new airline from Sialkot airport – Air Sial. The new airline is owned by the Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industries and will be operational from this year. PM Khan approved the airline’s operations during a meeting with members of the traders’ community and Federal Minister for Civil Aviation Mian Muhammad Soomro and the PM’s adviser Usman

Pakistan Gears Up Against Money Laundering Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced the country is launching the ‘biggest’ operation against money laundering. Khan said that $10 billion is laundered from the country every year. “It is alarming to see the amount of money that has been looted,” he remarked while addressing Envoys Conference on Economic Diplomacy in the federal capital. “We need your full support to fight corruption.” The remarks came a day after the who’s who of Sindh’s political, bureaucratic and business circles were placed on the Exit Control List in relation to a fake accounts and money laundering case. Federal Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said that the government has decided to put the names of 172 people being investigated by the JIT in the case on the no-fly list, with the complete list surfacing the following day. Among the politicians on the list include PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and his father former president Asif Ali Zardari. Zardari’s sister MNA Faryal Talpur, Sindh Excise Minister Mukesh Kumar Chawla, former Sindh chief minister Qaim Ali Shah,

former Sindh home minister Sohail Anwar Siyal, Sindh Energy Minister Imtiaz Sheikh and Ali Nawaz Mehar, a former minister of state for industries. But the most interesting name on the list is that of Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah. Considering that Murad is the chief executive of a province, his inclusion on the list may hinder his ability to perform his duties. ‘Not in a hurry to approach IMF’ The premier said that the government is in no hurry to approach the International Monetary Fund for a bailout package. “IMF will give Pakistan a loan on better conditions,” he remarked. Pakistan has gone to the IMF repeatedly since the late 1980s. The last time was in 2013, when Islamabad got a $6.6 billion loan to tackle an economic crisis. However, there are fears that the terms of any new loan will be more stringent than those in 2013, due to tense relations with the US, the lender’s biggest donor. In July, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo voiced concerns over any IMF bailout being used to repay Chinese loans to Islamabad.

Dar. Sialkot is an import hub of trade and investment, said the premier, adding that the government wants to provide the business community there the best facilities. We are working to help the business community, he said. PM Khan said trade and investment will increase with the operation of this airline. He asked the business community to present some more suggestions that the government can deliberate on.

Sainsbury’s Launches Edible Insect Range Sainsbury's has become the first UK high street supermarket to stock edible insects. Barbecue-flavour roasted crickets are being put on sale in 250 stores across the country. The Eat Grub's "smoky BBQ crunchy roasted crickets" are described as "crunchy in texture with a rich smoky

flavour". Packets of the insects will cost £1.50. The grubs have been on sale from online supermarket Ocado for at least five months, with mixed reviews. One poster, who gave the product one star out of five, said: "My hubby... said they didn't taste at all of BBQ... he could taste was fish sauce? Way too expensive as well." But another, who gave the full 5/5, said: "Tried the final flavour in this selection from Eat Grub and LOVED this - much tastier than a bag of crisps without the calories. Couldn’t stop eating them!"

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Jaan. M. Khan

THE FAMOUS SHIMLAS EXPRESS ROLLS INTO SHEFFIELD York diner booths, with eastern ambience and dis- sala fish for those tinctly modern aluminium architecture overhead. cold winter days, again marinated Buy hey how many times, have we entered new with Shimla’s secret places to be massively underwhelmed by the cui- exotic spice mix and delicately sine. Well let me tell you my friends this is where herbs, Shimlas’ Sheffield Express delivers. Whether cooked for full flaIf Sweety it’s there already famous chicken donor or char- vour. grilled with aromatic spices chicken tikka, served Singh celebrity chef with fresh naan bread, chilly source and their to the Bollywood ultra-creamy home-made mayonnaise or selec- stars wants real cuition of burgers ranging from beef or chicken, with sine then this stuff their delicate texture of select spices, marinated for the ultimate experience, all the way to the vegetable option for the non- carnivore customer, packed with flavour and freshness. Additionally there is a scrumptious fresh salad option, with a variety of dressings, catering for your particular taste options. As per any dining experience the ‘shake’ would now form a sweet appetiser or an accompaniment to any meal and the Shimla’s Desi Shakes are a must have with particular creativity in names such as Caramel Love, Cookie Kingdom, You can imagine my taste buds were suffering Dates You Like, Mango Mania and Chocolate Junkwithdrawal symptoms and upon my return to yard, to name a few. the UK, I headed to Shimla’s in Bradford. Well ladies and gentleman blessed as we are in the UK, In today’s age the discerning customer can only you don’t have to go further than your door step choose quality and freshness packed with flavour will blow his head off. Not that long ago I found myself in Dubai, staying at a particular hotel, where flashing across the television in my suite was a glorious advert full of colour and excitement, showing a special cuisine by Sweety Singh, celebrity chef to the Bollywood stars especially designed for the hotel. Selling the celebrity glamour of the bespoke cuisine, with eastern mystery and spice on selective nights only. I couldn’t wait to try this amazing experience and on that selective night I found myself dining on Sweety Singh celebrity chef to the stars specially formulated buffet. Unfortunately it was like eating mud and never have I eaten such bland food, with the starters (comprising of three options), totally absent of any marinade or flavour. I commented to the hostess, that I thought instead of Sweety Singh celebrity chef to the stars throwing the spices over his head in the advert, he should have aimed at the food, who in absence of any flavour made fish and chips seem exotic.

Shimlas Express- All time favourite classic chicken donner ,with a mix of secret spices. anymore as the Shimlas’ Express comes to Sheffield, for a dining experience that will get your taste buds bouncing like a Bollywood film dance score. Occupying premises on the corner of London road, just off St Marys Gate, Shimlas’ Express restaurant has a brand new contemporary design, with a fusion of east and west incorporating New

served in the right environment and this is where Shimla’s Express steams ahead of any rivals. A varied but not overwhelming, (ie. everything under the sun) menu, encouraging the customer to side with flavour and comfort. Catering for all the classic favourites, Seek kebab, with blended aromatic spices, served with fresh naan bread or ma-

Pakistan Plans To Relax Visa Policy In Bid To Revive Tourism Pakistan is planning to ease visa restrictions for visitors from 55 countries, including most European nations, in a bid to revive tourism that was devastated by Islamist violence in the fallout from the 9/11 attacks in the United States. "We are reviewing our visa policies. We are trying to bring 55 countries into a visa-free region, which includes most of the European countries," Pakistan's information minister, Fawad Chaudhry said. That comes after Portugal this month declared Pakistan safe for travel, while France has also relaxed its advisory on travel to the South Asian nation "I'm happy our (travel) advisories are changing," said Chaudhry. Potentially restarting tourism has been one of the most talked about parts of new Prime Minister Imran Khan's push to create an Islamic welfare state in Pakistan, but visitors to the country often complain of an arduous visa process. Former Real Madrid soccer stars Kaka of Brazil and Portuguese playmaker Luis Figo were recently denied visas to the country for a promotional visit, highlighting the nation's laborious visa process. Pakistan was last a prominent tourist destination in the 1970s when the "hippie trail"

brought Western travellers through the apricot and walnut orchards of the Swat Valley and Kashmir on their way to India and Nepal. Since then, a deteriorating security situation and the imposition of a harsh interpretation of Islamic laws have chipped away at the number of visitors. Following Pakistan's participation in the U.S.led war in Afghanistan after the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington, the country was rocked by a decade of regular large-scale militant attacks. Security has since improved dramatically, with militant attacks down sharply in the mainly Muslim country of 208 million people. British Airways last month announced it would resume flights to Pakistan next year after a 10-year absence that followed a major hotel bombing, becoming the first Western airline to restart such flights.

Experience the food equivalent of a party in your mouth with a secret blend of spices at Shimlas Express Sheffield

or for that matter request (frozen and custard), available in vanilla and chocolate, blending the finest cream and sugar they are quite simply delicious. But wait…while you ponder this, you will see a large heading saying ‘SPECIAL CONCRETE’……with sub headings such as Jitterbug, Mint Choco, Pretzel Caramel and Boot Daddy Always in keeping with the family tradition Shim- to name a few, each blending frozen custard with las’ Express have developed a special children’s particular sweets for that unique Shimla Express menu, again with all-time classic favourites in- sweet experience. cluding chicken nuggets, with uniquely fresh chicken ingredients, refusing the usual processed So while the food experience continues to change chicken normally handed out, fish fingers -bread- and diversify within the UK, Shimlas’ Express rolls ed fillets with white fish delicately cooked, chick- ahead like a juggernaut of nuclear spice, like the en popcorn, small pieces of chicken with a coating flavour equivalent of Amir Khan sat on the shoulof breadcrumbs and secret spice mix and burgers ders of Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua, a force specially formulated for the younger pallets, avail- to be reckoned with, merging flavours and texture with popular foods and delivering the modern able in chicken or beef. dining experience to the masses like a knockout Now normally you would look at the desert menu punch. This franchise is sure to take any cities and and depending on whether you had any room left, towns it enters by storm. So if you’re a student something may take your fancy. But like every- or a family, guy or a girl, uncle or an auntie and if thing Shimlas’ Express deserts stand out in their you want a party in your mouth, then there’s only own right. Firstly your eye will go the frozen cus- one place to be seen in town and that’s Shimlas’ tard, not two words you would normally connect Express on London road in Sheffield.

Pakistan, UK Sign Prisoner Transfer Deal

The United Kingdom and Pakistan have jointly signed a prisoner transfer treaty. Pakistan’s Secretary for Interior Maj (retd) Azam Suleman Khan and British High Commissioner in Islamabad Thomas Drew signed the United Kingdom-Pakistan Prisoner Transfer Agreement in Islamabad. The prisoners’ transfer deal between the two countries was in principle approved during recent Pakistan visit of British Home Secretary Sajid Javid updating a previous treaty between the two coun-

tries. The agreement facilitates a foreign prisoner in both countries to serve their sentences closer to their home. Ambassador Drew commenting on the agreement called a testament to the strength of relationship between the two countries. According to sources at British High Commission, the agreement includes assurances that all transferred prisoners will serve their sentences before being released from prison. It also allows inmates to prepare for reintegration into their home communities when they are eventually released from prison. Pakistan’s new government also making efforts to sign an extradition treaty with the UK and if it succeeds in signing this accord, it would join 105 countries that have such agreements with the United Kingdom.

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The Last Ruler Of Bahawalpur

Nawab Sadiq Muhammad Khan V was born in 1904. His father Nawab Muhammad Bahawal Khan Bahadur Abbasi died in 1907 and thus at an age of only three years, he became the ruler of the State of Bahawalpur. At the age of 8, he attended the Coronation Darbar in 1911 and commanded his State Imperial Service Camel Corps. From 1912-1914 he sojourned in England. He received his education from Aitchison College Lahore during 1915-1920. He took his administrative training and course of military instruction at Quetta. In 1922 he received the rank of lieutenant and was attached to 21st King George’s Own Central India House. In 1924 he was invested the Knighthood of the star of India and in 1931 at Buckingham Palace, he received from his Imperial Majesty dignity of the G.C.I.E. In 1933 he was promoted to the rank of Major, in 1940 to Lt. Colonel and in 1946 to Major General.

In 1923 he was made the President of Council of Regency. The council was abolished in 1924 and he took the reigns of the State of Bahawalpur. His most important contribution was the Sutluj Valley Project that started in 1921. The project was to irrigate the valley of Sutluj River. A pact was signed according to which three headworks were built on the River Sutluj. The expenditure was shared by British and the State of Bahawalpur. As a result agricultural sector flourished leading to the prosperity of the people in the Bahawalpur region. Thenceforth the irrigation didn’t depend on wells and canals. Nawab requested for some loan from the Indian government during the Sutluj River Project to lay down the terms and conditions of the loan an eminent lawyer M.A Jinnah was appointed. This was the beginning of the friendship between Quaid-i-Azam and the Nawab of Bahalpur. Nawab Sadiq took active part in the World War II that started in 1939. Apart from military help Nawab Sadiq also gave financial assistance to the British Government. In May 1935 Quetta was jolted by a severe earthquake killing thousands of people. Those who survived were taken to Lahore by a daily train service. As this train used to reach Bahawalpur in the afternoons, Nawab ordered to give food, clothes and monetary help to the affected people and to supervise the arrangement, he himself daily visited the railway station. Another contribution he made to the promotion and development of Urdu language in the State of Bahawalpur. It began to be used as the official language in the administrative work of the state. During his era the decisions of the High Court were also written in Urdu language. After partition Nawab Sadiq proved to be very helpful and generous to the government of Pakistan. He gave seventy million rupees to the gov-

ernment and the salaries of all the government departments for one month were also drawn from the treasury of Bahawalpur state. He gifted his private property to the University of the Punjab, King Edward Medical College and the Mosque of Aitchison College, Lahore. In 1951 the Nawab donated 500 acres in Bahawalpur for the construction of prestigious educational institution Sadiq Public School. At the time of partition all the princely states of the subcontinent were given a choice to join either Pakistan or India. For convincing Nawab to join India, Pandit Nehru went to him while he was in London and offered various incentives in this regard but he didn’t accept them. On 5th October 1947 he signed an agreement with the government of Pakistan according to which Bahawalpur State joined Pakistan. Thus the State of Bahawalpur was the first state that joined Pakistan. The main factor was of course the Islamic sentiments of the Muslims who were in majority in the Bahawalpur State. Moreover, Nawab and Quaidi-Azam were close friends and they had great

respect for each other even before the creation of Pakistan. The Ameer of Bahawalpur Refugee Relief and Rehabilitation Fund was instituted in 1947 for providing a central organization for the relief of the refugees. The Quaid acknowledged the valuable contribution of the Bahawalpur State for the rehabilitation of the refugees. In 1955 an accord was signed between Nawab Sadiq Muhammad and General Ghulam Muhammad according to which Bahawalpur State became the part of the province of West Pakistan and Nawab Sadiq began to receive yearly stipend of 32 lakh rupees. In May 1966 Nawab Sadiq died in London; his dead body was brought to Bahawalpur and was buried in his ancestral graveyard of Derawer Fort. Pakistan Post issued a commemorative stamp in 2013 to pay homage to late Nawab of Bahawalpur.

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2018 Was The UK’s Second Sunniest Year On Record With close to 1575 hours of sunshine, 2018 is ahead of the 1566 hours clocked in 1995 that is currently the second sunniest year. May was this year’s sunniest month, and with 246 hours of sunshine it is the sunniest May on record. The high pressure and sunny weather continued through the long days of June and July, contributing significantly to the annual total. By contrast December has been the dullest month – with only 34 hours of sunshine, it looks unlikely to beat January’s 49 hours. The UK mean temperature in 2018 will be somewhere between 9.4 and 9.5 °C. The hottest month of 2018 was July, with an average temperature of 17.3 °C, with February coldest at an average 2.4 °C. Although it has been a drier than average year, it has not been exceptionally dry overall for the UK. The UK in 2018 received close to 90% of average annual rainfall. Winter and spring were

somewhat wetter than average, but were followed by an extended summer dry spell. June was the driest month, with an average of 35mm falling across the UK – but parts of southern England were particularly dry, having their lowest rainfall for over 100 years. January was the wettest month, with 134mm of rain. We experienced some memorable extremes of hot and cold weather this year – the summer heatwave contrasted sharply with the freezing conditions during the so-called ‘Beast from the East’ in February and March. The Met Office global temperature forecast suggests that 2019 will be close to record warmth due to climate change and the added effect of El Niño-related warming in the Pacific. Modest warming from El Niño combined with much larger effects due to rising levels of greenhouse gases are driving the 2019 temperature forecast.


Global Decline In Fertility Rates There has been a remarkable global decline in the number of children women are having, say researchers. The report found fertility rate falls meant nearly half of countries were now facing a "baby bust" - meaning there are insufficient children to maintain their population size. The researchers said the findings were a "huge surprise". And there would be profound consequences for societies with "more grandparents than grandchildren". The study, published in the Lancet, followed trends in every country from 1950 to 2017. In 1950, women were having an average of 4.7 children in their lifetime. The fertility rate all but halved to 2.4 children per woman by last year. But that masks huge variation between nations. The fertility rate in Niger, west Africa, is 7.1, but in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus women are having one child, on average. In the UK, the rate is 1.7, similar to most Western European countries. The total fertility rate is the average number of children a woman gives birth to in their lifetime (it's different to the birth rate which is the number of children born per thousand people each year). Whenever a country's rate drops below approximately 2.1 then populations will eventually start to shrink (this "baby bust" figure is significantly higher in countries which have high rates of death in childhood). At the start of the study, in 1950, there were zero nations in this position. We have now reached a watershed where half of countries have fertility rates below the replacement level, so if nothing happens the populations will decline in those countries. More economically developed countries including most of Europe, the US, South Korea and Australia have lower fertility rates. It does not mean the number of people living in these countries is falling, at least not yet as the size of a population is a mix of the fertility rate, death rate and migration. It can also take a generation for changes in fer-

tility rate to take hold. We will soon be transitioning to a point where societies are grappling with a declining population. Half the world's nations are still producing enough children to grow, but as more countries advance economically, more will have lower fertility rates. Why is the fertility rate falling? The fall in fertility rate is not down to sperm counts or any of the things that normally come to mind when thinking of fertility. Instead it is being put down to three key factors: Fewer deaths in childhood meaning women have fewer babies; Greater access to contraception; More women in education and work. In many ways, falling fertility rates are a success story. Without migration, countries will face ageing and shrinking populations. It does not have to be a bad thing, as long as the whole of society adjusts to the massive demographic change. Demography impacts on every single aspect of our lives, just look out of your window at the people on the streets, the houses, the traffic, the consumption, it is all driven by demography. Everything we plan for is not just driven by the numbers in the population, but also the age structure and that is changing, so fundamentally we haven't got our heads around it. It looks like the idea of retiring at 68, the current maximum in the UK, will be unsustainable. China has seen huge population growth since 1950, going from around half a billion inhabitants to 1.4 billion. But it too is facing the challenge of fertility rates, which stood at only 1.5 in 2017, and has recently moved away from its famous one child policy. The reason developed countries need a fertility rate of 2.1 is because not all children survive to adulthood and babies are ever so slightly more likely to be male than female. But in China, the report shows for every 100 girls born there were 117 boys which imply very substantial sex-selective abortion and even the possibility of female infanticide. That means even more children need to be born to have a stable population.

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We Throw Away Millions Of Items That Could Be Repaired Fewer than one in 10 people in the UK attempt to repair or restore items if they are broken, according to new research. Nearly 22 million small pieces of furniture, more than 11,000 bicycles and over 28 million toys are binned in the UK every year after they become damaged. This is despite 42% of those surveyed saying they would like to learn the skills to mend what they end up throwing away. We have a throwaway culture. We buy things for a certain period of time and when it breaks, because we've lost the skills to fix things, we just throw those items away and it's just easier and more convenient to just go and buy a replacement. Our growing "throwaway" mentality is putting even more pressure on limited landfill and waste

incinerator sites. The UK has had to double its domestic waste capacity since 2010 from 6.3 million tonnes to 13.5 million tonnes. In London, a series of "repair cafes" have been set up to encourage people to think before they throw. The clinics will give expert advice to people who want to learn how to repair their possessions, with a focus on textiles, furniture and bicycle repair. Sewing skills have been squeezed out of school curricula, and basic sewing techniques are no longer passed down through generations. By teaching sewing repair skills to others, we can extend the wearable life of an item of clothing with all the positive environmental benefits that brings. It also helps save money too.

Organised Crime Threat Greater Than Terrorism The threat posed by organised crime in the UK is now greater than terrorism, the National Crime Agency has said. Its latest report said there were 4,600 serious and organised crime groups, committing offences including child abuse, trafficking and drug dealing. Director general Lynne Owens said that crime cost the economy £37bn a year. Security Minister Ben Wallace said he wanted to target groups - such as accountants and estate agents - who launder money for the criminals. He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that those at the "bottom of the pyramid", who were dealing drugs or laundering money for crime bosses - who he referred to as "foot soldiers" of organised crime - needed to face "the same weight of the law" as those at the top. The government, which has published a

report into organised crime, will later announce a new strategy and £48m of public money to tackle the gangs. The last figure, published five years ago, showed the cost of such crimes was £24bn. Some of the cost was direct, such as the impact of blackmail on business, but others were indirect, including the impact on the mental health of victims. The range of serious crimes that had changed rapidly in volume and complexity over the last five years. It could mean children being abused, the vulnerable being trafficked, cyber crime, criminal markets that trade drugs, trade firearms, trade in people and make profit as a result. Owens said: "Each year it kills more of our citizens than terrorism, war and natural disasters combined."

Fake “NADRA Information Centres” Fraudulent UK help centres are still charging hundreds of pounds for identity cards for visa-free travel to Pakistan. National Identity Cards for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) were launched in 2012 to simplify travel. Online applications opened in August 2015. Self-styled advice bureaux - some run from homes, are operating in various parts of the UK, and charging for help to submit web forms. But some are not authorised

and put people at risk of identity fraud, the High Commission of Pakistan has warned. Since such Bureaus have no official authorisation to operate, the High Commission and its Consulates are not responsible

for incorrect and out of date information that is provided by such centres. Applicants have often faced difficulties in NICOP processing due to fudging in their applications which have at times resulted in their NADRA cards being delayed and in some cases, blocked. Applicants are advised to avoid sharing personal data at such centres as they risk providing their sensitive information which can possibly be used in the future for fraudulent activities. Authorised NADRA Surgeries are conducted only by the High Commission in London and its Consulates across the UK. The fee for NICOPs are as follows: Normal £44 Urgent £57 Executive £72 (These fees are inclusive of delivery and bank charges) For NADRA cards issued during the surgeries, an additional £10 is charged along with the rates mentioned above. There are around 1.17 million Pakistanis living in the UK and around 3,500 NICOP applications are processed each week.

2018’S Most Popular Words? Last year it was "fake news", the year before it was "Brexit" but it seems that people of 2018 have gone a bit green. "Single-use" has been named Collins' Word of the Year, popularised by the increasing call to ban materials that damage the environment and pollute the food chain. 6 in 10 Britons think single-use plastic will be socially unacceptable by 2021. 7 in 10 say that common single-use plastics should carry warnings like those on cigarette packets. So, while "single-use" is the word of the year, what else made the top 10? Single use: Made to be used once only and blamed for damaging the environment and affecting the food chain. Backstop: A system that will come into effect if no other arrangement is made - made popular by the state of Britain's impending departure from the EU. Floss: Nothing to do with teeth. A dance in which people twist their hips in one direction while swinging their arms in the opposite direction with the fists closed. Gammon: Nothing to do with pork. A person, typically male, middle-aged, and white, with reactionary views, especially one who supports the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union. Gaslight: To attempt to manipulate a person by continually presenting them with false information until they doubt their sanity.

MeToo: Denoting a cultural movement that seeks to expose and eradicate predatory sexual behaviour, especially in the workplace. Plogging: A recreational activity, originating in Sweden, that combines jogging with picking up litter. VAR: Abbreviation for: video assistant referee. Vegan: A person who refrains from using any animal product whatever for food, clothing, or any other purpose Whitewash: To cast a white actor in the role of (a character from a minority ethnic group) or to produce (a film or play) using white actors to play characters from a minority ethnic group.

Britain Would Be Nowhere Without Its Migrants Last month, NGOs and governments marked International Migrants Day to highlight the human rights of migrants, and celebrate the valuable contributions they make to their adopted countries. This message is relevant now more than ever - a time when immigrants, refugees and migrants are never far from the news cycle. Immigration into Europe continues to occur through both conventional routes, and irregular ones. Some people are fleeing war zones in the Middle East, while others are trying to escape poverty or persecution. Reducing net migration has been a highly contentious political issue for successive British governments, and one that is often exploited during elections. The current Conservative government not too long ago deployed 'go home' vans to drive around areas of high immigration, that implicitly accused new immigrants and asylum seekers of draining the welfare system. And during the toxic "Vote Leave" campaign it alleged that Turkish murderers and terrorists were queuing up to come to the UK. Recently the Home Secretary revealed new plans to reduce immigration from the European Union by up to 80 percent, and end preferential access for EU migrants after December 2020 to cut net immigration from Europe to 10,000 or fewer, each year. The policy builds upon Theresa May's 2012 intention to create a "hostile environment" for "illegal migration", that she spoke of during her tenure as the Home Secretary. One notable consequence has been the shocking mistreatment of members of the Windrush generation who settled in Britain legally, sometimes without the paperwork, and have since suffered deportation due

to bureaucratic incompetence. While all countries need to manage their borders and have sustainable levels of migration, the alarmist rhetoric espoused by the right ignores the fact the UK has always received immigrants. The country is the product of hundreds of years of people settling here to seek a better life. Those who stayed in the UK have made huge contributions to their host nation not just economically, but also in the transmission of ideas, language, cuisine and popular culture. British food tastes have been shaped by culinary styles from across the Indian subcontinent during the colonial era up to the modern day. Popular culture is indebted to the contribution of African-Caribbean Britons who have a longstanding presence here, and have been at the forefront of social justice movements, shaped different music genres, dance forms and produced some of the most popular entertainers and successful sports people. Migration is a dynamic driver of economic growth, cultural exchange and human resource. Contrary to the myths of immigrants "taking British jobs" and putting a strain on the National Health System (NHS), they have instead created jobs, and their labour is essential to our public services. Far from being a strain on schools and hospitals, they subsidise and staff them. European migration has been positive for Britain, it has raised economic performance and improved the public finances according to the Migration Advisory Committee - the most detailed assessment of the impact of immigration on the UK to date. The report states that Britain is more productive and prosperous as a re-

sult. To cite one example, migrants from Eastern Europe pay billions more in taxes to Britain than they take out in public spending. Despite many British Muslim immigrants coming to this country decades ago as unskilled labourers living in the poorest areas of the UK, there are now more 10,000 Muslim millionaires who are collectively contributing billions of pounds to the economy, and in London alone, around 33 percent of small to medium sized enterprises are Muslimowned creating more than 70,000 jobs. The UK has become the leading hub for Islamic financeand in 2014 was the first non-Muslim country to issue a sovereign Islamic bond, known as sukuk, valued at over £200 million. Much of the argument about the value of immigration is based on economics and flaws in the system, but this often masks deeper concerns about the changing racial and religious diversity in Europe and similar trends taking place in Britain. These racist fears often focus on security and Muslims, who are framed as the "enemy within" for their supposed inability to fully integrate, or vulnerability to violent radicalisation. Their anxieties lament the loss of power and Britain's imperial past, which has ironically - in many cases laid the groundwork for migration to the UK in the first place. Generations of migrants have positively contributed to the UK by enriching our collective culture, filling labour force shortages, providing highly skilled professionals, creating jobs, and have expanded the parameters of our national identity. Britain would literally be a poorer country would be without them. Dr Sadek Hamid

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Royal Family Spending In 2017 The British royal family made more money in the financial year that ended on March 31, documents revealed. The two sets of documents provided new insights into how the royal family earned, distributed and spent its money, One of the official reports, which covers the finances of Prince Charles, shows the budget category that includes funding for William, Kate and Harry increased roughly 40% to £5 million. In recent years, Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, have increased spending in the category at more modest rates of up to 10 per cent. Charles and Camilla rely on a mix of public and private money to finance their

work and lives. Harry’s wedding to Meghan Markle on May 19 has sparked huge public interest in their finances, but the royal family and British government have declined to give details about their wedding spending. The reports also cover the Sovereign Grant, which is the Queen’s main source of income. The Queen received £76.1 million free of tax from the Sovereign Grant in the year ended March, a 78% increase from the previous year that will help finance an extensive 10-year renovation of Buckingham Palace. She will get another 8% boost in the current financial year.

Amir Khan To Face Samuel Vargas In September

Britain's Amir Khan will continue his comeback against Samuel Vargas in Birmingham on 8 September. The Bolton fighter did not fight for two years after a brutal defeat at the hands of Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez in 2016. Khan, 31, returned to the ring in April with a 40-second knockout of Canada's Phil lo Greco in April. "One of my aims this year was to be as active as possible so I'm very happy to get back in the ring again so soon," said Khan. "Vargas is a tough and well-schooled fighter who has shared the ring with some top welterweights. "I have to get past Vargas before looking at the biggest challenges going forward. I'm not going to

be taking Vargas lightly because I know he will be coming with everything on September 8." The 29-year-old Colombian's three career losses include defeats against Danny Garcia and Errol Spence Jr, who have previously knocked out Khan and Sheffield's Kell Brook.

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