Recognition of Excellence, June 2024

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Recognition Recognition Recognition Recognition of Excellence of Excellence

In March 2023, the Navy Band played in Concert at Twin Falls College of Southern Idaho (CSI). 10 local students had previously won their competitions to play with the Navy Band.

We were so impressed with the Navy Band and the student musicians we decided to use the April issue centerfold pages in recognition of the students and the band.

The idea of Recognition of Excellence was born. Each month we recognize excellence such as scholarships and achievements, with the most current month first in order.


June: Magic Valley Graduating Class!

May: Air Force Falconaires; CSI Accomplishments

April: Hagerman School District $884,248 Grant

March: Buck FM & Larry & Marilyn Plott

February: Farm Bureau Speech Contest Winners

Polly Hulsey SEM Endorsement

Blue Cross $30,000 Grant to Buhl

January: Historic Theater Revitalization Grants

Your Guide to Events, Meetings & More

Starting in January 2017, Magic Valley News is now in its seventh year of production.

VOLUME: From the humble beginnings of mailing 1700 issues each month to residents in Hagerman & Bliss, our volume has grown to over 5,000 monthly magazines distributed through 200 business locations in 20 cities covering the entire Magic Valley region.

EVENTS: Besides local advertisements from businesses and event promoters, each issue contains a monthly local Event Calendar for each city plus a combined Fun Event Calendar for the Magic Valley region. There is no charge for an event listing.

DIRECTORIES: In addition, each issue contains a complete directory of organizations in each city plus contact information for all of Idaho US, State & County elected representatives.

ISSUES: We focus on current issues such as candidates and levies to be voted on, and regional decisions such as the Lava Ridge Windmill Project and the new bridge over the Snake River.

RATES: Our rates have not increased since 2017. This keeps advertising available to all businesses and promoters in the Magic Valley Region. This policy reflects our commitment to our Mission to serve and support the area’s businesses, residents and visitors.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: We now offer annual subscriptions for consumers to receive 12 months of issues mailed directly to them.

Magic Valley News, dba of Hagerman IDEA, Inc. EIN 71-0898232. Donations & Sponsors Welcome 5000 ISSUES MONTHLY 200+ PICKUP SITES 20 CITIES 7 COUNTIES 4 STATE VOTING DISTRICTS SIGN UP FOR NEWS ALERTS (Left side of website) M MMAGIC AGIC AGIC AGIC V VVALLEY N NNEWS EWS, , , , DBA
JUNE 2024
4 MAY 2024

Performed at CSI April 13, 2024

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In February 2024, the Western Whitewater Association established a CSI Foundation Scholarship aimed at supporting students pursuing education in aquaculture.

In February 2024, the Hailey Police Dept established the Todd D Peck Law Enforcement Endowed Scholarhip at CSI to support students enrolled in the CSI law enforcement program, honoring the legacy of Todd D. Peck and his dedication to serving the community.

CSI enrollment grew 12.1% for the Spring 2024 semester compared to Spring 2023. The number of credits taken by students has increased 11.9%, with more students taking dual credit college courses while still enrolled in high school.

This spring, 8,456 high school students are enrolled in a dual credit course at CSI, a growth of 16.4% over last year. CSI enrollment is currently at 12,198 students and they are enrolled in 77,638 credits. [ed: wow!]

CSI hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for its new Transportation Technology Center on April 15th. The 28,000 sf Center will house the college’s Heavy Equipment Ag Technology and Diesel Technology programs. Idaho Dept of Public Works and CSI budgeting $15M.

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6 APRIL 2024

The Magic Valley is in desperate need for Food processing employees. Chobani’s CEO, Hamdi Ulukaya, has stated the Magic Valley is the “mecca of food science and processing”. This is evident in the size and quantity of the processors that are found from Gooding to Burley. There is a dire need for the development of high school CTE

programs that prepare knowledgeable and skilled employees for their companies. Currently the educational infrastructure is not in place in this valley to prepare students for the number one career opportunity for a living wage job. Our current CTE programs and pathways are focussed on more traditional agricultural education which is still needed, however in recent years the food processing career sector has developed into the number one need. This project will not only help Hagerman High School students but will also help set the blueprint for Food Science and Processing education in the Magic Valley.


Sponsored by Community Business Center Sponsored by Community Business Center by Community Business Center by Community Business Center

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Career Ready Stude
Danica Knapp, Annalise Coit, Katherine Kinder, Saree Hillstea, Mahala Hall
Hager a Sch District has received the Idah
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Their trail names were Spud and Tater.

Larry and Marilyn Plott will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary on March 1st.

They plan on revisiting the Appalachian Trail, which they hiked in its entirety 29 years ago, covering 14 states and 2,100 miles.

Notes of encouragement and support can be sent to PO Box 188, Hagerman, ID 83332 or

Press Release: Western Whitewater Association establishes new Endowment at CSI to support Aquaculture Education.

Press Release: Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health announces new nursing student scholarships at CSI.

8 MARCH 2024 Sponsored by Community Business Center (208) 536 Sponsored by Community Business Center (208) 536 Sponsored by Community Business Center (208) Sponsored by Community Business Center
(208) 536--0094 0094 0094 Special Thanks to Mr “Buck” of Buck FM Radio for giving us all the “ride of our lives!” Radio Chats every Tues Morning at 7:40a Paul Johnson
BUCK 94.7 fm


Twin Falls County Farm Bureau Speech Contest

1st: Josie Albritton

2nd: Jacee Fuller

3rd: Arabella Kohtz

WASHINGTON DC—Polly Hulsey, Student Access at the College Idaho, has earned the Strategic Management (SEM) Endorsement American Association of Collegiate and Admission Officers (AACRAO).

Dean Hulsey is among an elite 73 individuals internationally dorsement and is the first individual state of Idaho to receive the

Dean Hulsey is receiving the SEM Endorsement soon appear in the national registry.

This Endorsement signifies that Hulsey has develo rollment management to meet the current and that proficiencies in a variety aspects of enrollme


~ The $30,000 grant from the Blue Cross of Idaho will allow the city to add a health focus to its co

Boise, Idaho – The Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health awarded the City of Buhl a grant that will enable the ci hensive plan. The City of Buhl was one of two Idaho cities selected for the $30,000 grant through a competitive bid had completed the Community Health Academy, a Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health program. The City of Caldwell The Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health offers grants to help communities add a health focus to their comprehensive port good health help build healthier communities.

10 FEBRUARY 2024 Recognition of Excellence page Sponsored by the Community Business Recognition of Excellence page Sponsored by the Community Business Recognition of page Sponsored by Community of page Sponsored by Community
Josie Jacee Arabella

Hulsey, Dean of College of Southern Strategic Enrollment Endorsement from the Collegiate Registrars (AACRAO).

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BOISE – The Idaho Heritage Trust (IHT) has selected nine historic theatres to receive $821,000 in funding through our Historic Theatre Revitalization Subgrant Program in order to facilitate the preservation of these vital structures in Idaho’s rural communities (defined as having a population less than 50,000 people). This program is supported by the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant Program funded by the Historic Preservation Fund as administered by the National Park Service (NPS), Department of Interior and the Idaho Heritage Trust Fund. The recipients will match ten (10) % or more of the award amount to complete their restoration projects.

The theater was built in 1914 and created by the same architectural firm that designed the Idaho state capital building and the Egyptian theater in Boise. In the past, the upper parapet was removed. The interior of the building is well on its restoration path, the exterior deterioration has not been addressed because of the size and scope of the project. This grant will allow the repair to damage where the parapet was taken down and using 1914 architectural drawings in our possession, restore the building to its original design. Our goal has been to safeguard and restore this jewel as the cultural center for the arts in our region and for future generations. It is a proud and exciting moment!

In 1911, the building was originally an opera house and ran until 2015. Then “Everything went digital and we were set up for 35 millimeter film.”

The grant is to do repairs to the building, such as a new roof and replacement bricks. If possible, the marquee will be replaced.

The building was a community meeting place, and when repaired, will bring the community closer together again.

The vision includes adding live performances, including school functions and plays.

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HISTORIC OPERA THEATER, GLENNS FERRY John Hiller, Billy Galloska, Dorothy Drake, Susan Case, Kurtis Workman, Amy Cole 148 E Idaho Street (208) 580-4202 John Hiller SHOSHONE SHOWHOUSE, SHOSHONE
Jerry Myers, Terry Zech, Idaho Heritage Trust Members, Sheriff, County Commissioners, Mayor 125 S Rail St W (208) 886-2332


The recipients of the Idaho Heritage Trust Historic Theatre Revitalization Subgrant Awards are: Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre, Moscow; Liberty Theater, Lewiston; Historic Opera Theater, Glenns Ferry; Bovill Opera House, Bovill; Panida Theater, Sandpoint; The Roxy Theater, Cascade; Shoshone Showhouse, Shoshone; Burley Theatre, Burley; Nuart Theatre, Blackfoot. These organizations were awarded between $49,000 and $100,000 to fund such undertakings as restoring exterior facades and marquees to new roofs and everything in between.

Dr. Russ Tremayne and Jerry Myers 135 W Main St (208) 678-5631

We are deeply grateful for this generous grant from the Idaho Heritage Trust and we are so excited to start the restoration of the theater. We are thrilled that it will continue to be a landmark of Main Street in downtown Burley, spur further revitalization of the area, and be preserved for future generations to enjoy.

Two community partners also helped make this project possible. We are also extremely grateful to the Harris family for keeping the building as a theater for over 100 years and to the Goode Motor Education Foundation for making it possible for us to obtain the building and start this massive project.

~ Brian Muir, Mount Harrison Heritage Foundation President

This year the Wilson Theatre was able to raise $100,000. This money came from private individuals, PMT and the Robert Orr Foundation. This money will be spent on a new sound system that will allow a better overall experience for our patrons, and also help those who are hearing impaired. The new system has been engineered to cover every spot in the auditorium with better sound. Those with hearing aids will connect into our sound system via smart phones and an app.

We are very excited to be able to provide this technology to our guests. The Wilson Theatre is truly one of Idaho's brightest gems!

the Community Business Center (208) 536 the Community Business Center 536--0094 0094
URLEY WILSON THEATER, RUPERT 610 Fremont St (208) 436-2787

I.D.E.A, Inc Hagerman I.D.E.A, Inc Hagerman Hagerman

OUR MISSION is to preserve the heritage of Magic Valley while serving and supporting its businesses, residents and visitors.

(208) 536-0094

501(c)3 Nonprofit EIN: 71-0893282


Small communities struggle to fund their nonprofit organizations strictly with property tax revenue or annual fundraisers.

Therefore Hagerman IDEA established the Hagerman IDEA Endowment Fund to accept donations as investment principal then managed to generate return on investment income each year.

These annual proceeds will assist community nonprofit organizations to ensure continued operations or needed improvements.

The Fund welcomes all participation. As an Endowment Fund Donor, you can rest assured your donations will not only be recognized, but will generate income year after year for the benefit of the communities being served.

Please contact us at (208) 536-0094 for more information and how you may get involved. Thank you.


From 2002-2016, a legacy of community service and quality of life efforts for others started with the Pocket Park and RV dump station and included:

* The Hagerman high school greenhouse

* The original Hagerman City entrance signs

* Flower planters for Swensen’s city parking lot

* Seven annual Blues Festivals in Billingsley Creek Park

* 1000 Springs Scenic Byway signage coordination

* City Park original swing and slide equipment

* A $60,000 grant for 1400 students to tour fossil beds, national fish hatchery & 1000 springs park

Since 2017, our donations and community efforts include:

* City Park concrete work ($1,000 match to the grant)

* The new City Park swing set and installation

* Art sculptures displayed in City Park,

* Established annual summer-long Farmers Markets

* Held several parades & annual winter festivals

* Acquired a mobile stage for performing arts

* Published free monthly Magic Valley Newsletters

* Hosted several Seniors through the DOL Program

* Hosted tours of the area’s wildlife and agriculture

* Established Barn Owl and Mt Bluebird conservation

* Established a Community Business Center

* Established Hagerman IDEA Endowment Fund

* Established the Magic Valley Business Association


Project success, particularly in small rural communities, requires an organization willing to provide the capacity needed to ensure these projects are shepherded from inception to fruition.

Hagerman IDEA, as a Fiscal Sponsor, offers the opportunity for any community project to gain immediate nonprofit status so all donations to the project may qualify as tax deductible.

As an umbrella organization, Hagerman IDEA collaborates with each of its Sponsored Projects to provide any needed accounting, marketing, grant-writing and partnering the Project may require.

Please contact us at (208) 536-0094 for more information and how you may get involved. Thank you.

“BringingIDEAStoreality.” “BringingIDEAStoreality.”

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