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#6 Pig Wall

Location: North of Pig Island

How to get there? 10min by boat from the Madang Resort.


Max Depth: 30m plus

How? Drift

A deep and steady drop, a drop that falls below into a dark depths of Madang’s seas. The Pig Wall, described as a wall due to its wall-like feature, carries tremendous quantities of life. Thriving with corals and sea dwelling creatures, the Pig Wall is incredible to see. For first-time divers, it is a must-see location in Madang.

Diving in this magnificent location, divers both experienced and first-timers will encounter schools of Barracuda and Trevally. Corals such as Cabbage Coral sustain the life of the ocean around the Pig Wall. Sharks are a frequent guest around these parts, as they try to capture their prey whilst navigating through the corals that protect the magnificent Pig Wall.