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#14 Doilon

Location: North of Kranget Island

How to get there? 5min by boat from the Madang Resort.


Max Depth: 23m plus

How? Anchor

There is a spot in northern tip of the Krangket Island. A mere 10min boat ride, the Doilon is a superior wreck dive unlike no other.


Doilon was owned by Pimco Shipping, formerly a sailing ship built in the late 19th Century. It served the Australian Navy in WW2 and was converted by Bill Byers and used as a cargo ship along the coast of Madang and the Sepik River after the war.

The Doilon is a 30m ship wreck at a depth of 25m. A variety of soft corals and lion fish have now Doilon’s sinking in the 1940s. called the wreck their home. The amazing Doilion wreck is 30m wide with two holes in its engine room, this allows divers to dive inside its body. Divers usually enter the cargo area, making their way out through the bow of the once magnificent vessel.

Arnaz’s danselfish, Chrysiptera arnazae, these unique and colourfil fish are only found in the northern parts of PNG.

Arnaz’s danselfish, Chrysiptera arnazae, these unique and colourfil fish are only found in the northern parts of PNG.