#LRlifestyle Newsletter September 2014

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September 2014

10 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Gynecological Cancer


Meet Miss September

To Keep Your

Lauren S.

YOGA Practice Safe

Get excited for fall with this Smoothie of the Month:

Pumpkin Cinnamon Spice Join The Lucille Roberts Community:


Find out how her fitness routine helps her stay strong, sexy, confident!

BougHave Yo ht Th u e Ne w

Luci lle R T-Sh oberts irt?

5 Yoga

Tips To Keep

September is National Yoga Month and many of you may be looking to get into the Yoga movement. Starting any new fitness program can be challenging so here are five simple tips to help you keep your yoga practice safe and injury-free.


Safe By Dr. Emily Splichal


Go at your own pace. Yoga is designed to be all about the individual. Focus on how far you can move into each pose without competing with the woman next to you. We all have past injuries and structural imbalances that may prevent us from holding certain poses. Remember that it’s completely acceptable to sit out of certain poses if your body isn't ready.


pain is never normal. It is the goal of fitness instructors to push us past our limits to help us achieve our fitness goals; however, this never means you should continue to exercise through pain. Because pain is individual, the fitness instructor will not know when an exercise is causing you pain. Listen to your body. If you feel pain, stop.


we all have off days. Daily stresses, dehydration, and poor diet can all influence our daily yoga practice. If your balance is off or if you feel weak one day, put the workout behind you and try not to let it influence tomorrow’s workout. Try to find the positive aspects of each workout, such as mood elevation, improved blood flow, and socializing with your gym friends.


choose a safe, yet effective, instructor. One of the most important aspects to a good workout is the instructor. If you feel your instructor is pushing you into dangerous poses or beyond your comfort zone, do not hesitate to switch instructors. A yoga instructor should be encouraging and safe and should have a thorough knowledge of exercise modifications.


accept that yoGa isn’t for everyone. Remember that not all workouts are designed for everybody. Just because a workout is trendy does not mean that it is for everyone. Some people respond more to dance classes, while others are better adept at Pilates. All of our bodies are unique structurally and therefore require different classes to tone and define. If yoga doesn't agree with you or with your body, that’s o.k.—you can always try something else!

ALL the things we are CAPABLE of doing, we “If we didwould literally ASTOUND ourselves. ” — Thomas Edison

Weight Loss


Gynecological Cancer


Pumpkin Cinnamon Spice

September is Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month and if there was ever a time to ask your doctor questions, it is NOW. We know you might be shy or anxious, so here are 10 questions to get you started!

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We can't believe it either, but fall is officially a few weeks away. Though it may mean the end of summer, it also means the beginning of all things PUMPKIN! Kick off our favorite season with this smoothie.

What is my risk for getting gynecologic cancer?


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1 scoop of vanilla Live Rite 6 oz vanilla almond milk Dash of pumpkin pie spice Dash of cinnamon

When should I have my next pap test? What do my pap test results mean?

Combine all ingredients in blender.

Is the HPV test right for me? Should I get the vaccine?


When can I stop getting the pap test?

Are there any other tests that I need based on my health and family history?

Find more GREAT recipes on our Tumblr


I have noticed symptoms that are not normal. Are these caused by a gynecological cancer?


Now that I have all this information what should I do next?

Stop b yt desk to he front purc Lucille Robert hase s Live R ite!


Do you have any materials I can read to become better informed?




Are there any changes you would recommend to help me lower my chances of developing a gynecological cancer?

Help us raise money!




Our brand new LR t-shirts are just $5 and all proceeds will go to this amazing organization that raises awareness & funds research to bring an END to breast cancer. Stop by the front desk to pick up your

cup canned pumpkin

Strong, Sexy, Confident t-shirt today!


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