Lucille Roberts July 2017 Newsletter

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July 2017

On The Blog: Summer is Here! Make cool refreshing breakfast meals! Revamp your workout routine and your wardrobe for the season!

HYDRATION 101 Why you should increase your water intake Benefits of

WORKING OUT At the Gym Smoothie Of The Month:

Watermelon DREAM Take advantage of this water enriched fruit as it is in season!

Join The Lucille Roberts Community:


Come join us this month for a week of

Classes Gone WILD!


HappY JulY! Sunshine, blue skies, and the hot and humid air! July is here ladies, and so is the hot and beautiful weather of summer! When summer is here, KEEPING HYDRATED H is a must. For this month, learn some easy ways to stay hydrated if plain old water isn’t your thing. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OUTDOORS and be H social with friends and family! Use our tips to keep healthy and motivated when having fun outdoors! STAY MOTIVATED to maintain your gym H routine, participate in our CLASSES GONE WILD WEEK and most important commemorating the special day i.e. 4th of July!

During the summer season, we lose a lot of water and electrolytes because we sweat more. Therefore, it is important to chug more H2O during the warmer months! Water is also very crucial for your body’s ability to function. Including your heart, brain, and muscles! Water carries nutrients to your cells, flushes bacteria from your bladder, and helps to prevent constipation. Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles, helping the muscles work efficiently. Risks of dehydration include; dizziness, headaches, muscle cramps, dry skin, increased heart rate and more!

TER EAT WA DS ED FOO H IC ENR mbers, . s cucu ce etc such a n, lettu lo e m r wate ATER YOUR W etaR O V A L F veg sh fruit, with fre Invest in an ut herbs. bles or ater bottle to p n w n m rs, le o infusio cumbe t taste. u c , s ie berr ifferen add a d etc. to

Drinking plain water is not enjoyable for all of us, here are some H2O

Hydration Alternatives! DILUTE SUGARY DRINKS with water or sparkling water. USE A FUN STRAW to encourage you to sip more water. SPICE UP YOUR FOODS to reach for more H20 without giving it a thought!


Body Lab by JENNIFER LOPEZ Tasty Shakes!

n o i t a r d Hy 101




If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships — the ability of all peoples of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at

P E A C E – Franklin D. Roosevelt


AT THE GYM ing out to work an d re a Comp you c y utdoors alone o otivated b m y in a m st the LRfa out with gym! g in k r e wo fort of th the com

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Keep c ool and your lu ngs ha pp by wo rking y out i ndoo rs! P.S Som e LR p ersona trainers l ta outdoo ke workout rs to ad d refresh ing twis a fun t to a standa rd circu it!




Prevent cancelling and feeling guilty by continuing to go to your Hiit class. Tell a friend in advance you plan to see them there, it will encourage you to keep your commitment to go!

for the beach, BBQ or other summer activities! • PACK FROZEN FRUITS or turn them into a smoothie along with leafy greens and bring them to the beach with you! • Offer to CONTRIBUTE TO A MEAL, then make the meal a healthy one like a fruit salad! • DON’T DEPRIVE YOURSELF, simply pay attention to portion sizes and prioritize your favorite foods.


• Make sure to HAVE FUN AND BE ACTIVE when doing so! Swimming, playing football, hiking etc!


July 10 th - July 14th During this week classes are completely changed! Come try something new and different! Instructors are getting the chance to be creative, wild and let their imagination run free!

Smoothie OF THE

Watermelon DREAM!


Quench your thirst & rebuild your strength with this refreshing smoothie! Take advantage of the water enriched fruit as it is in season! Blend it up with the other nutritious ingredients to have a beautiful & refreshing smoothie, worthy to post on Instagram too!

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cups fresh watermelon cups frozen strawberries cup orange juiced scoop of Vanilla BodyLab by JLo Protein Powder frozen banana cup milk of choice almond, cashew, 2%

Add all ingredients in a blender and

ENJOY! Find more GREAT recipes on our Blog at

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