Loyalty Pawn's Three Balls Chronicle Volume 6 Issue 2

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February 2023 IN THIS ISSUE

Letter from the President

Letter from the General Manager

Loyalty Pawn Family

Store Manager Updates

Golden 1 Center Events

Upcoming Sales

Monthly Birthstone Guide

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries and New Hires

Loyalty Pawn’s Core Goals, Values and Visions

Employee Services Corner

Team Loyalty!

Happy February! The Super Bowl is this Sunday February 12th, Go Cheifs!!! Valentines day is on Tuesday February 14th, we hope that everyone has a great time with their loved ones. and Don’t forget to check out the monthly newsletters electronically, on the Issuu app so that you can share your hard work to your friends and family! We have also added many new events and Kings games that are available so be sure to check that out starting on page 8 and get your requests in for King’s games or other events for you and your families, so you can take part in this great opportunity. We have had such a successful year in 2022 and let’s make 2023 even better! Keep doing an amazing job Team Loyalty!!

President’s Letter

Hello Team Loyalty,

2023, sure started off with some craziness! I hope everyone was safe during that terrible weather storm. I had 5 trees fall power out for 7 days, branches destroyed my heat/ac unit, still finding plugs and different electrical issues that surged, but my kids and I were all safe the entire time. ON top of that a tree fell into my girlfriend's house on the 9th of January. She still is not in her house but again no one was hurt. Other than that terrible storm we went through I hope everyone had and is have a great start to the new year. Some great news that has happened for me is that my Kansas City Chiefs are in the Super Bowl, and I hope that everyone will be cheering them on come February 12th!! Just kidding, it should be a great game and I hope for some great commercials.

Tax season is coming, let us be prepared. Typically, industry wide, this is a time where our loan balance drops and our sales go up, with the current economic cycle we are in I do not think we will be as busy as in previous years. I do think we will be above average for business. It is time for us to do our best to maximize those sales. In years past tax season was at times as busy and close to as large as revenue time as Christmas season. Again, we may not see that, but we should be prepared either way. Be sure we keep an eye on when the tax returns start rolling in.

Finally, there are some exciting things coming through the California Pawnbrokers Association. Legislative Day which is when pawnbrokers from throughout the state come to Sacramento and “Walk the Halls” meet our legislatures. We have over 30 new representatives so it should be a busy day. The Nor-Cal Spring Conference is coming in April. The CAPA (California Pawnbrokers Association) legislative team is working daily with our lobbyists and the state to grow and protect our industry. Please, if you have any questions about CAPA or what we are doing or even if you would like to get involved reach out to me as I am currently the president of our statewide association. I hope your days are filled with friendship and you enjoy being part of our Loyalty Pawn Family.



Letter from the General Manager

Greetings Everyone,

We are entering a month of cold and Love. I don’t believe cold or Love goes hand in hand but I hope everyone stays warm and has a Happy Valentine’s day! I’m happy to mention that January was a great month for purchases! The “Cash in your Closet” campaign was a success. The ad is continuing online and still garners attention. Not to mention, each store picked up 5-6 new clients per day for January. It’s nice to see the foot traffic picking up again. The January promotion also gave us a great chance to acquire some new inventory and sell other services to the new clients. Great job team!

As always, we would like to highlight the top 3 salespeople for January. Starting in first place was Dominic T. Second place was Josh B, and third place went to Danni R. Congratulations team! I sure have noticed a long-standing trend of Roseville being the top 1 to 3 each month. Keep up the great work! Both Norma and Ah were in the top 5 and I have a feeling they’re hungry for top 3!

Soon, we will be seeing tax money trickle in. I believe some stores are already seeing some. We have plenty of jewelry to sell these next couple of months so please make sure to offer our layaway program if our clients are on the fence about purchasing right away.

One thing that I have noticed since the middle of January is a gradual pick up in our reviews. I know that each store is picking up new reviews from our clients. Many excellent reviews are being given with follow-up. Keep up the good work! These online reviews and testimonials are also adding to the positive experience that our clients are receiving.


“Individual commitment to a group efforts is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work”. -Vince Lombardi


Loyalty Pawn Family

Greetings Loyalty Pawn Family,

For this month we are going to get to know Ricardo Molina the Senior SLA from the El Camino location. This month it finally looks like some of that tax money is starting to flow through, like we have been talking about in our manager calls this is a perfect opportunity to remind our clients about their layaways. With clients coming in trying to redeem their loans by reminding them about their layaways they might change their minds and pay the interest on their items and pick up their layaways. It's crazy to see El Camino slowly creep up to Florin's loan balance I can't wait to see what store reaches the $2million first.

1. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?As I get older what I like to do on my time off is spend as much time with family especially my two nephews and my Goddaughter which they all are currently playing in a soccer team.

2. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why? My main on my list is visit Santiago Bernabeu in Madrid which I am a huge fan of Real Madrid that plays in that stadium. But it’s been 2 decades since I visited my home town in Mexico which I would love to go backASAP.

3. What was your favorite age growing up? I extremely enjoyed my teen years because I felt free, dominant and invincible in my teen years which I was consistently playing soccer.

4. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not? My favorite holiday must be Thanksgiving and Christmas because all of the amazing food that’s around but, mainly because family gets all together.

5. What was the last thing you read? I do not read much. I’m more into TV Shows, Movies or even Podcast.

6. What was the last TV show you binge-watched? The last show I binge-watched was the walking dead which I am catching to see the new season that came out on Netflix. The new show The Last of Us on HBO is looking pretty good.

7. Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music? I am into both there’s some interesting podcast out there that is very good on conspiracy theories or even interviewing a celebrity. But music is my favorite which I am into Rap/Hip and Mexican Music.

8. What's one thing that can instantly make your day better? Right now, what makes my day better is getting see my nephews and my goddaughter which bring me joy every time I see them.

9. What’s one goal you have for this year personally and professionally? Personally, I have many goals but two of the main goals is one, losing weight and being healthy and second, finding new home where my father can potentially start his own business with catering for events.

10. Ideally, how would you spend your birthday? How I usually like to spend my birthday is spending time with family and friends having a “few” drinks.

11. What's your favorite board game? I have a few, growing up I loved playing Monopoly, Life, Connect 4 and Snakes and Ladders.

12. What’s the best way the company can celebrate you and your team for successes? There are many ways you can celebrate teams’success is mainly going out as a team for dinner, going to a bowling alley, top golf or to any other fun activity events that’s around town.

13. What causes are you passionate about? I am mainly passionate about soccer so right now I am involved with my nephews that are in soccer while I teach them and talk to them about improving their game.

14. What’s an essential part of your daily routine? My new main essential part of my daily routine is having a one hour work out which I am looking to better my health and my weight.


15. Who or what inspires you in your career? The people I have worked with in the past 6 years have been the main people who had inspired me to keep going with my career and especially my older brother which open the doors for me to be in this career path that I am now.

16. What’s something an outsider wouldn’t know about your industry? There’s a lot of outsiders that don’t know what their belonging are worth. Which this business will help you on knowing what you have and the worth of it. Will help you with shopping and negotiating.

17. What’s the career highlight you’re most proud of? My main highlight that I am most proud of in my career was when I was pursuing to be a soccer player. The joy of being the first league champs ever for my soccer varsity team with my high school was very memorable.

18. Do you believe in having a "five-year plan"? Not necessarily because life can change withing those 5 years that’s makes you change your plans or even things can happen the delays your process.

19. What’s the best piece of advice a family member has given you? My Father will always tell me from being a little kid and even till this day. He tells me to be better than who you were last year, there’s always room for improvements and to Keep striving to be better.

20. What is your definition of success? There’s many definitions of success but, having to accomplish your personal goals, professional goals and even personal gains are for me definition of success cause your are accomplishing your goals which makes you feel good about yourself.


Shop Talk Manager Updates

El Camino

Team Loyalty,

Rain shower, thunder storms, lighting bolts hope everyone survived January but now L. O. V. E is in the air! cupid is flying around doing his part for the month of February. Other than roses and chocolate team El Camino is ready to sell every diamond in our case also with football season among us let's crank out our surplus of T.V's. We ended with 54.2k last month and our goal for February is going to be 60K. New inventory new sales other than sales Team Elco is now part of the 1.6-million-dollar loan balance. We need 40k to beat Florin road its crazy to see these numbers for LP1. We are excited to see this company grow sooo fast. Also, a big shout out to Norma for hitting her incentive every week and Tyrah for the superb and excellent customer service. What the being said lets go Philidalphia Eagelssss!!!

Cheers, Tony Mora

Florin Mall

Loyalty Pawn Families,

I hope everyone is doing well and had a wonderful New Year. As we end the first month of 2023, Team Florin is excited that we continue to grow our loan balance. Team Florin ended with almost $1.68 million in loan balance for the month of January. We are also excited to see that Team Elco is closing in on that gap but we while not let them pass us. As we grow our loan balance we continue to push for sales. Even though Team Florin took first place is sales with $58.4k last month, it was not what we wanted to end with. We definitely would like to see higher sales numbers not just for Team Florin but for eveyone else. For the month of February, Team Florin will be shooting for $85k in sales even though it will be a shorter month we are confident that with our hard work and dedication to succeed, we can do amazing things and conquer our goals. We have done it before and will continue to push until we succeed again. Team Florin is also excited to have Alicia back on the 16th of February. She has been on leave with her newborn. I encourage everyone to reach out to her when she returns and congratulater her. This will definitely be appreciated not just from Alicia but from Team Florin also. As we all know, it is that time of the month where there is LOVE in the air. So we are definitely gonna take advantage on pushing our jewelry sales along with our Superbowl sale of 30% off all TV. Tax money is starting to roll in so I advice everyone to ask for the sale. Good luck to everyone in February and hope you all hit the sales goals that we have set for ourselves.



Hello Team Loyalty,

It’s February and we are gearing up for Valentine’s Day and the start of tax season! Historically we have good sales numbers for tax time, and this is usually a busy time of the year. Now with that being said you may have notices that the economy is dealing with a bit of a problem with inflation and the rising cost for goods. Which makes for a huge opportunity for Loyalty Pawn to offer the same products and goods as the big retail stores but for a reduced price. This is the value we need to be pushing to our clients, this is the time to show new customers the benefit of shopping with Loyalty Pawn. This is our opportunity to grow our new customer base and show our community who we are and what we offer. Keep up the great work and I appreciate you all. Thank you!


Hello Team,

Broadway fans we are back coming in third place in sale last month we are excited and looking to keep climbing this year. We had a new team member join the Broadway family named Jonathan and we are excited to have him. Kirby and I have been working hard to get jewelry cleaned and priced in hopes to stock the show cases for valentines day. The team has been cleaning and organizing like a crazy person and rebining the store to keep it fresh and new. Well back to work for us so much to do and always so little time.


Top Performers in January

January End of Month Balances

Sales Productivity Phys Transactions 1st Dominic Tognolini (Roseville #3) Norma Bobadilla (El Camino #1) Norma Bobadilla (El Camino #1) 2nd Joshua Bonton (Broadway #4) Danni Robinson (Roseville #3) David Palomares (Florin #2) 3rd Danni Robinson (Roseville #3) David Palomares (Florin #2) Stephanie Alfaro (Florin #2) 4th Norma Bobadilla (El Camino #1) Dominic Tognolini (Roseville #3) Dominic Tognolini (Roseville #3) 5th Ah Xiong (Florin #2) Mark Xiong (Florin #2) Joshua Bonton (Broadway #4)
Loan Balance Purchases Layaway Balance Loyalty Pawn #1 El Camino $1,563,016.00 $27,962.00 $72,455.76 Loyalty Pawn #2 Florin $1,687,377.12 $24,135.00 $69,873.07 Loyalty Pawn #3 Roseville $1,136,254.00 $23,377.00 $61,781.46 Loyalty Pawn #4 Broadway $1,090,669.00 $27,320.00 $95,620.37

Golden 1 Center Upcoming Events

Below is the list of events that are posted as of right now and we will be adding events to this list each month as they get posted! If you would like to request tickets send you ticket request forms to lauren.l@loyaltypawn.com so that I can get your requests in and if you need a request form email lauren.l@loyaltypawn.com and I can send you a copy! With the Golden 1 Center opening back up there is a limited number of tickets available, so for every event you are only allowed to request and receive 4 tickets per event!

Event Day Date Time Disney on Ice February 16th Thursday 7:00 PM Disney on Ice February 17th Friday 7:00 PM Disney on Ice February 18th Saturday 11:00 PM Disney on Ice February 18th Saturday 3:00 PM Disney on Ice February 18th Saturday 7:00 PM Disney on Ice February 19th Sunday 12:00 PM Disney on Ice February 19th Sunday 4:00 PM Disney on Ice February 20th Monday 12:00 PM Disney on Ice February 20th Monday 4:00 PM Carin Leon February 26th Sunday 7:00 PM Marc Anthony March 2nd Thursday 8:00 PM AEW March 8th Wednesday 8:00 PM Ana Gabriel March 12th Sunday 8:00 PM Carrie Underwood March 14th Wednesday 7:30 PM Depeche Mode March 23rd Thursday 8:00 PM Stevie Nicks March 26th Sunday 8:00 PM Greta Van Fleet March 28th Tuesday 8:00 PM John Mayer April 8th Saturday 8:00 PM Rauw Alejandro April 25th Tuesday 8:00 PM Jo Koy World Tour May 6th Saturday 8:00 PM Andrea Bochelli May 12th Friday 8:00 PM Blink-182 June 23rd Friday 7:30 PM Jurassic World Live Tour June 30th Friday TBD
10 Jurassic World Live Tour July 1st Saturday TBD Jurassic World Live Tour July 2nd Sunday TBD Pandamonium Dude Perfect July 14th Friday 7:00 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 3rd Thursday 7:30 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 4th Friday 7:30 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 5th Saturday 3:30 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 5th Saturday 7:30 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 6th Sunday 1:00 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 6th Sunday 5:00 PM MANA September 23rd Saturday 8:00 PM Arctic Monkeys September 27th Wednesday 8:00 PM RBD October 7th Saturday 8:00 PM Kings Games Day Date Time Rockets vs Kings Wednesday January 11th 7:00 PM Rockets vs Kings Friday January 13th 7:00 PM Thunder vs Kings Friday January 20th 7:00 PM 76ers vs Kings Saturday January 21st 7:00 PM Grizzlies vs Kings Monday January 23rd 7:30 PM Raptors vs Kings Wednesday January 25th 7:00 PM Mavericks vs Kings Friday February 10th 7:00 PM Mavericks vs Kings Saturday February 11th 7:00 PM Clippers vs Kings Friday March 3rd 7:00 PM Timberwolves vs Kings Saturday March 4th 7:00 PM Pelicans vs Kings Monday March 6th 7:00 PM Knicks vs Kings Thursday March 9th 7:00 PM Bucks vs Kings Monday March 13th 7:00 PM Celtics vs Kings Tuesday March 21st 7:00 PM Suns vs Kings Friday March 24th 7:00 PM Jazz vs Kings Saturday March 25th 7:00 PM Timberwolves vs Kings Monday March 27th 7:00 PM Spurs vs Kings Sunday April 2nd 3:00 PM Warriors vs Kings Friday April 7th 7:00 PM

February Sales Flyer


Monthly Birthstone Guide

This will help educate you about some of the more popular semi and precious stones we come across and it will also help you close some more sales. The idea is to educate you on each month’s birthstone as you can arrange your cases properly and make suggestions to our clients that may be browsing or even looking for a gift. Let’s think outside the box when utilizing this information.

JANUARY – Garnet


MARCH – Aquamarine

APRIL – Diamond

MAY – Emerald

JULY – Ruby

JUNE –Pearl & Alexandrite

AUGUST – Peridot

SEPTEMBER – Sapphire

OCTOBER – Opal & Tourmaline

NOVEMBER – Citrine & Topaz

DECEMBER – Topaz & Turquoise


Anniversaries, Birthdays and New Hires

February Anniversaries

Norma Bobadilla 3 years

February Birthdays

Dominic Tognolini February 19th

January New Hires

We don’t have any new hires this month!


Loyalty Pawn’s Goals, Values, and Visions

Company Wide Goals

• To Offer Immediate Relief with a Short-Term Loan.

• To Develop, Recruit and Inspire an Elite Work Force, Driven by Loyal Business Practices.

• To Provide the Highest Standard of Quality, Commitment and Value to Every Customer in Our Loyalty Pawn Family!

Core Values

• Loyalty

• Dedication

• Creativity

Company Vision

• Loyal People Committed to Everyday Satisfaction

“The Leader in Local Lending”

Loyalty Pawn Employee Services Corner

It is Still Winter

Here delicate snow-stars, out of the cloud, Come floating downward in airy play, Like spangles dropped from the glistening crowd That whiten by night the milky way.

“The Snow-Shower,” by William Cullen Bryant (1794–1878)


February is African-American History Month. The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society.

Black History Month was created to focus attention on the contributions of African Americans to the United States. It honors all Black people from all periods of U.S. history, from the enslaved people first brought over from Africa in the early 17th century to African Americans living in the United States today.

Among the notable figures often spotlighted during Black History Month are Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who fought for equal rights for Blacks during the 1950s and ’60s; Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American justice appointed to the United States Supreme Court in 1967; Mae Jemison, who became the first female African-American astronaut to travel to space in 1992; and Barack Obama, who was elected the first-ever African-American president of the United States in 2008.

More recently Ketanji Brown Jackson has been sworn in as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, becoming the first Black woman to serve as a justice in the 232-year history of the Court.

“With a full heart, I accept the solemn responsibility of supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States and administering justice without fear or favor, so help me God,” Jackson said. “I am truly grateful to be part of the promise of our great Nation.”

February comes from the Latin word februa, which means “to cleanse.”

Themonthwas namedaftertheRoman Februalia,whichwas amonth-long festival of purification and atonement that took place this time of year

Did you know:

• February is the only month to have a length of fewer than 30 days! Though it’s usually 28 days, February is 29 days long in leap years such as 2020 and 2024.


• January and February were the last two months to be added to the Roman calendar (c. 713 BC); originally, winter was considered a month-less period.

• Originally, February was made the last month of the calendar year. Eventually (c. 450 BC), February was moved to its place as the second month.


• February 2 is Groundhog Day the day we find out whether winter will last six more weeks or call it quits early. How did this quirky tradition get started?

• February 12 is Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday. The 16th president of the United States was born in a one-room, 16x18-foot, log cabin with a dirt floor.

• February 14 is always Valentine’s Day. Heads up, lovebirds! Today, the holiday is celebrated with love, flowers, and chocolate, but how did this holiday get its start

• February 15 is Susan B. Anthony’s Birthday. How much do you know about this women’s right leader?

• February 15 is also National Flag of Canada Day!

• February 20 brings Presidents’ Day, a federal holiday also known as Washington’s Birthday that is celebrated on the third Monday in February. (George Washington’s actual birthday is February 22!)

• February 21 is Mardi Gras, (aka “Fat Tuesday” or Shrove Tuesday), which is the final feasting day before the Christian tradition of Lent begins on the following day, Ash Wednesday.

• February 22 is Ash Wednesday, which marks the start of Lent.

• February 27 is Clean Monday. Also called Pure Monday, this day marks the beginning of Great Lent for followers of the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church. This day is similar to Ash Wednesday of the Western Church.

INDULGENT HOT CHOCOLATE-not just for lovers!


Chocolate Whipped Cream

• 2 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk or sweetened condensed coconut milk (from 1 [11 1/4-ounce] can) 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder (such as Guittard or Ghirardelli Cocoa Rouge

Unsweetened Dutch-Process Cocoa Powder)

• 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

• 2/3 cup heavy cream, chilled

Hot Chocolate

• 1 (13.5-ounce) can coconut milk , well shaken and stirred

• 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (such as Guittard Cocoa Rouge

Unsweetened Dutch-Process Cocoa Powder), plus more if needed (about 1 1/8 ounces)

• 1/3 cup packed dark brown sugar, preferably organic for deeper flavor, plus more if needed


• 1/4 teaspoon flaky sea salt (optional)

• Water, as needed

• 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

• Shaved or grated chocolate of choice


Make the chocolate whipped cream:

1. Stir together condensed milk, cocoa powder, and vanilla in a medium bowl. Pour in cream; briefly stir and scrape down sides of bowl to combine well. Beat with an electric mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form, about 1 minute. Cover and chill until ready to use

Make the Hot Chocolate:

1. Whisk together coconut milk, cocoa powder, sugar, and salt, if using, in a medium saucepan. Cook over medium, whisking often, until mixture comes to a gentle simmer, 3 to 5 minutes. Reduce heat to medium-low; cook, whisking often, until slightly thickened, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Taste hot chocolate, and whisk in additional cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon at a time, as needed for earthy depth; or additional sugar, 1 teaspoon at a time, to curb bitterness; or water, 1 tablespoon at a time, to dilute. As needed, reheat hot chocolate in pan over medium, whisking to incorporate well. Remove from heat.

2. Let hot chocolate cool 3 minutes. Stir in vanilla. Pour evenly into 4 small cups. Top each with 1/4 cup chocolate whipped cream. Garnish with shaved chocolate and serve!

401K-Loyalty Pawn Retirement $avings Program

Are you saving for retirement? Why not start today?

If you have completed 12 months of service with Loyalty Pawn, you’re eligible to participate and start putting away those pretax (or post tax Roth) dollars into your very own 401k account. To enroll, send me an email and I’ll help you get started. Contact Employee Services at employeeservices@loyaltypawn.com Start saving for retirement’s tomorrow, today!

Loyalty Pawn | Payroll Transition is now complete!

Thank you to everyone for facilitating the Run to Workforce Now Transition! And if you completed the transition by registering with MobileHRnow Workforce Now account in the time frame requested, you all would have received your Starbucks eGift Cards by now. Enjoy! More cool things, features and benefits to review soon!

If you need HR, Payroll, Benefits, or Family support, Loyalty Pawn’s Employee Services is only a phone call, text message, or email away, on demand, anytime! 916-752-2255 employeeservices@loyaltypawn.com


Loyalty Pawn

Corporate Office: 1708 Broadway

Sacramento, Ca 95818

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