Loyalty Pawn's Three Balls Chronicle Volume 2 Issue 12

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December 2019 IN THIS ISSUE

Letter from the President

Letter from the General Manager

Loyalty Pawn Family

Store Manager Updates

Golden 1 Center Events

Upcoming Sales

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries and New Hires

Top Performers in November

Loyalty Pawn’s Core Goals, Values and Visions

Employee Services Corner

Holiday Crossword & Word Search

Team Loyalty!!

Happy December! I can’t believe that the year is almost coming to an end. It has gone by so quick. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season with friends and family and we are so thankful that you all are part of our family here at Loyalty Pawn. Read more to find new events at the Golden 1 Center and remember to turn in your ticket request forms as soon as you see an event you want to go to so we can accommodate any requests! We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Letter from the President

Hello Team Loyalty,

Can you believe this will be the last newsletter of the year; I certainly cannot believe that 2019 is one month away from being over, Halloween was yesterday it feels like. Well enough of that.

I truly hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving! It is that time of the year that I feel we must think of others; our team members, family and our clients. We are in business to make a profit for sure, but we want to do that by living our Vision, Values and Goals. We came up with those and I believe (especially this past year 2019) we have been able to truly grow and do a better job of living these Values and have done an incredible job of building our culture. Culture makes profit; culture amongst us, culture with our teams and culture with our clients. If we did not have clients, SLA (also I am thinking about changing this to Sales Lending Ambassadors, what do you think?) team members, our leadership teams as well as our corporate office Wayne, Javi, HR and our bookkeeper we would not be in business. I feel we have built a culture where each part of our puzzle relies on the other to run an efficient and profitable company. I am truly grateful for all that every one of you do for me, for your peers and for the company Loyalty Pawn. Thank You!!

December will be a busy month and as you have seen already from Black Friday this should be by far our best retail month of the year. In all news reports, brick and mortar, retail locations are set to hit records this holiday season. As a company we are still a little ahead of our Q4 revenue projections but we have set lofty goals for our December revenue projections so we will need to communicate with each other, especially about clients wants and needs. We can help all each of us hit those revenue projections and end the year with a bang. I KNOW that we will be able to hit our projections, they are not much more than last year, and we have way more inventory this year, more knowledge this year and better culture this year. Reach out to your friends and families, post on Face Book, Snap Chat, Instagram, etc. and let all your followers know we are here to help with great deals on amazing product this holiday season especially in the jewelry, watches and luxury goods departments. If you have any friends or family that has any special requests for larger diamonds, a particular handbag, a watch we do not have in inventory or any other unique item please reach out to me I have contact throughout the entire United States and a few outside the United States and can track down almost anything.

Team lets lift our heads up and get through this holiday season, it will not always be easy, but we can always make it fun and keep our work environment a great place to be and a place we do not mind coming to. Time to celebrate one another and look forward to ringing in the New Year. I would also like to personally wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Gratefully Yours,


A Letter from the General Manager

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone had a delightful Thanksgiving and had the opportunity to spend time with your family and friends. This time of year, I tend to reflect on what I’m thankful for. I’m fortunate to work with great people and to have a healthy family. Many times, in the rush of our busy lives we tend to move onto the next thing quickly. It’s easy to get caught in a cycle of being busy and not tend to things that are important to you. If you can thank someone for excellence or to just acknowledge someone important to you, you should do so. I can’t remember a time where this wasn’t meaningful or didn’t feel good for both parties.

I would like to acknowledge the sales leaders for the month of November. We had a pretty good month with great sales opportunities! The first-place sales leader for November was Dominic T. sold $29,001.12, second place was Mark Xiong at $18,684.69 and third place was Parker Hush at $16,205.47. Thank you for your continued hard work team.! Collectively, we have increased our sales 14% compared to November 2018/2019. The loyalty teams were able to do this because of our increased inventory at each location, sales strategies and customer follow up. Thank you all for your continued loyalty, dedication and creativity!

As December is here, we’re continuing to move our inventory. We are looking to have a very successful month. We still have many luxury purses, jewelry, electronics and more! Don’t be afraid to reach out to family and friends to see if they want to take advantage of our wonderful sales! I wish everyone a Happy Holidays and to have a Merry Christmas!


“Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year.”


Loyalty Pawn Family

Greetings Loyalty Pawn Family,

I can’t believe November is over and the holidays are here. I’m excited how every store is going to decorate their stores. Let’s use one of our core values and be as creative as possible. This is always a great opportunity for us to not only sell stuff but put stuff on layaway remember our 10-20-30 sale which if you put 10% down you get 20% off on layaway or you can buy it out right for 30% off. This month we are reading a book called the 10x rule by Grant Cardone is based on the idea you should figure out what you want to do, what goal you have, be it making a certain amount of money, finding your ideal loved one, achieving a certain body fat percentage, and multiply the effort and time you think it'll take to do by 10. I definitely recommend this book it really explains how the power of urgency and will to work harder than the next person can bring you great success. This month we are going to get to know Jason Wagner the assistant manager of the West Sacramento location. I want to wish all of our Loyalty Family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let’s plan on making 2020 the best year that we have ever had. Let’s set goals and do everything in our power to accomplish them. Last let’s keep our teams and most of all ourselves accountable to hit these goals.

Jason was born in Los Angeles but grew up in the Sacramento area for most of his schooling life. He would visit LA every month for over ten years to visit family, so HE pretty much grew up between LA and Sacramento. Right after high school he started working construction and coaching football as a volunteer. He did that for a couple of years until he worked for Bel-Air. He’s always loved cooking, so he wanted to find a job in that industry. He started working for a pizza place and become the manager of the with in the first year of working there. After his short stay in the pizza place. Next in line was Best Buy as a sales associate. By his fifth year there he was one of the sales leaders pushing over $2 million a year in sales. When the crash hit in 2008 he moved back to LA to take care of his grandfather he became his grandfather’s primary caregiver. After being in and out of the ICU before he arrived Jason volunteered to help improve his health. Soon after his grandfather’s health became better Jason got the opportunity to move to Oregon and fulfill one of his dreams of becoming pitmaster. He started working at a barbecue restaurant. Thinking this would be something he would really love, but the owner of the place would most of the times have him working more that 16-hour shifts during the busy season. Getting burnt out quickly with that lifestyle he decided to move back to Sacramento. Because of his sales background he decided to apply for sales lending associate position for Capital City. He finally found his more permanent home in the pawn industry. He has worked in every store in the Loyalty Pawn company except for the Roseville location. His dedication and eagerness to grow eventually landed him the position of assistant manager for the West Sac location. He loves working at that location because of the potential that location has. His ability to grown in a company and be able to give back to the community. Being able to not only help people in need that come in but also the ability to give back to kids with our community outreach program. For the last few years Jason and like 20 or 30 of his friends take a big camping trip where everyone contributes and brings something food wise while Jason brings the kitchen and puts his culinary arts to work. For the past few years they have been to places like Bodega Bay and Donner Lake. Next year they are looking into going to Icehouse for their trip. After you taste some of Jason’s cooking you can see he has a real talent for barbecuing.


Shop Talk Manager Updates

El Camino

Team Loyalty,

We had a great month this month including getting the back warehouse worked on for the expansion and getting the new displays ready for Christmas. We worked hard while down a person but the team did great and are on our way towards a fantastic holiday season. We are planning for some more throughout ideas for our marketing and I'm excited to be along with the company while that happens and see a great December coming up. Thank you to the whole team for coming together this month and preparing for black Friday and December!

Cody Lathe

Florin Mall

Hello Loyalty Pawn Family,

What is going on at Florin, Well we had a excellent month in November. We sold over $80k in sales and hit over our November sales goal of $75k. We want to welcome Mike Xiong to our Florin team and are very excited to see him grow with us here at Loyalty Pawn. He will be starting with us on the 5th of December. Christmas is just around the corner so let push for those sale and hit our end of the year quarter goals. Good luck to everyone and happy holidays.

“ Work hard. Stay disciplined & be patient. Your time will come. “

Mark Xiong


Hello Team Loyalty,

Happy Holidays everyone. Hope all had a great Thanksgiving. Roseville had a great month of November. We want to give a huge shout out to our newest team member Tony Mora. He is a huge team player and is a great addition to the Roseville team. Our top salesman Dominic had a great month and exceeded his set sales goals. Huge shout out to him and CONGRATS on those huge sales numbers. As we all know December is here and Christmas is right around the corner. Lets all stay dedicated and motivated to make the best December Loyalty Pawn has ever seen. GO TEAM LOYALTY!!!

Dylan Tinklenberg



Hello Everyone,

We are finally open until 8:00 pm so far it has been a relatively easy adjustment and we are looking forward to seeing what our extended hours will do for our store. Did you know that opening 2 more hours Monday thru Saturday is the equivalent of over 15.5 days a year? We are happy to report MORAL is high and keeps getting better, very thankful for the extra staff that was brought on. I feel our team did an amazing job decorating our store and would love for everyone to come and check it out, a little bit of “The Christmas Story”. The customers loved the appreciation day. The team felt it was a huge success we handed out hotdogs, chips, soda and popcorn Thank You to all that helped to make that event a success. We have not hit our sales goals in October or November, but we will not be discouraged, and we WILL hit our sales goals in December. Merry Christmas to all of Team Loyalty!!

John Mark

West Sacramento

Hello Team,

Wow I can’t believe how fast 2019 has come and gone. We only have one month left in 2019 and then we are going to welcome in the new year 2020, Amazing! I know the team at West Sac is looking forward to a strong finish of 2019 and we all are very excited to see what 2020 has in store. I want to set a goal and challenge everyone to getting our texting opt-ins counts up (we should be at a 90% opt-in rate). Each store is doing good and collecting more opt-ins, but we all can be doing better. Every customer you help should be opted-in for texting financial (no question). Let’s make 2020 the year of 100% texting opt-ins!

Fun Facts: December comes from the Latin word decem, meaning “ten” because this was the tenth month of the early Roman calendar. The first artificial Christmas tree was made in Germany, fashioned out of goose feathers that are dyed green

Justin Martinez


Golden 1 Center Upcoming Events

As a quick reminder, remember to turn in your ticket request forms 2 weeks prior to the event you would like to attend. Also please send a pdf copy of your filled out form to lauren.l@loyaltypawn.com, stanjr@loyaltypawn.com and wayne@loyaltypawn.com. Thank you!!

Event Day Date Time The Chainsmokers Sunday December 1st 2019 7:00pm Bulls vs. Kings Monday December 2nd 2019 7:00pm V101 Holiday Jam Saturday December 7th 2019 7:30pm Thunder vs. Kings Wednesday December 11th 2019 7:00pm Knicks vs. Kings Friday December 13th 2019 7:00pm Rockets vs. Kings Monday December 23rd 2019 7:00pm Timberwolves vs. Kings Thursday December 26th 2019 7:00pm Suns vs. Kings Saturday December 28th 2019 6:00pm Clippers vs. Kings Tuesday December 31st 2019 2:00pm

December’s Upcoming Sales


Anniversaries, Birthdays and New Hires

December Anniversaries

Ramsey Lewis 1 year

Tony Ferrari 2 years

Joseph Contreras 3 years

December Birthdays

Mark Xiong December 2nd

Kirby Erlanger December 13th

Travis Tobin December 18th

Earnest Bryson December 29th

November New Hires

We would like to welcome our recent new hire to our Loyalty Pawn family. Austin Busselen who will be joining our Broadway team and Robert Nuufolau who will be joining out El Camino team!!





Sales in Dollars Productivity in Dollars Phys. Transactions Done
Dominic Tognolini (Roseville #3) David Palomares (Florin #2) Earnest Bryson (Florin #2)
Paul Molina (Florin #2) David Palomares (Florin #2)
2nd Mark Xiong (Florin #2)
Dominic Tognolini (Roseville #3) Paul Molina
Parker Hush (El Camino #1)
#2) Galupe,
Camino #1)
Dylan Tinklenberg (Roseville #3)
Xiong (Florin
Jon (El
#2) Earnest Bryson (Florin #2) Miguel Lopez (El Camino #1) Loan/Buy/Layaway End of Month Balances Loan Balance Buys Balance Layaway Balance Loyalty Pawn #1 El Camino $1,187,534.00 $4,700.48 $101,034.88 Loyalty Pawn #2 Florin Mall $1,666,422.00 $5,720.00 $62,805.65 Loyalty Pawn #3 Roseville $1,141,495.00 $3,587.00 $54,600.78 Loyalty Pawn #4 Broadway $910,868.00 $3,468.62 $67,817.66 Loyalty Pawn #5 West Sacramento $474,405.00 $3,936.50 $50,196.13
5th Zabi Iqbal (Florin

Loyalty Pawn’s Goals, Values, and Visions

Company Wide Goals

• To Offer Immediate Relief with a Short-Term Loan.

• To Develop, Recruit and Inspire an Elite Work Force, Driven by Loyal Business Practices.

• To Provide the Highest Standard of Quality, Commitment and Value to Every Customer in Our Loyalty Pawn Family!

Core Values

• Loyalty

• Dedication

• Creativity

Company Vision

• Loyal People Committed to Everyday Satisfaction

“The Leader in Local Lending”

Loyalty Pawn Employee Services Corner

December Fun Factoids

Oh the weather outside is frightful But the fire is so delightful And since we've no place to go Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! –Excerpt from Let It Snow by Dean Martin

December Holidays and Happenings

• December 6 is Saint Nicholas Day. St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children, inspires traditions around the world from hunts for presents to stockings or shoes filled with sweets.

• December 7 is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

• December 13 is St. Lucia’s Day, which has long been associated with festivals of light. Before the Gregorian calendar reform in 1752, her feast day occurred on the shortest day of the year (hence the saying “Lucy light, Lucy light, shortest day and longest night”).

• December 15 is Bill of Rights Day.

• December 21 is the Winter Solstice the astronomical first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and first day of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

• Hanukkah begins at sundown on Sunday, December 22, and ends at sundown on the 30th.

• December 25 is Christmas Day.

Wacky December Days—because wackiness is fun!

December is National Pear Month. Celebrate these wacky holidays this month:

• Dec. 2: Cider Monday

• Dec. 7: Bike Shop Day

• Dec. 11: International Mountain Day

• Dec. 13: National Violin Day

• Dec. 13: National Day of the Horse

• Dec. 20: Underdog Day

• Dec. 26: National Candy Cane Day

OPEN ENROLLMENT – Starts December 15th!

We got you covered!

Loyalty Pawn’s group health benefits program is about to begin its annual open enrollment for the 2020 plan year.


Starting December 15th, you can add, drop, or enroll for the first time in our awesome group health plans that include Medical, Dental, Vision coverage and enjoy the benefits from Loyalty Pawn’s HRA Debit Card for qualifying medical plans. Be on the look out for an email from Easecentral our online enrollment system. This email is YOUR ticket to electronic new enrollment and/or make plan changes to your current benefits. Open enrollment ends Jan 15th and the new plan year coverage starts February 1st. If you miss this open enrollment window for group health, you won’t be able to enroll or make changes until the next open enrollment – and that’s over a year away!

If you do not plan to make any changes and are super satisfied with your current health plans, you do not need to do anything. Your plan will roll over with only one slight change…. there is a slight premium rate increase.

Medical premiums did go up overall about 8% for the 2020 plan year. You will see a slight hike in your weekly pre-tax payroll premium deductions starting the first week of February.

If you have questions or need help with your open enrollment starting December 15th send an email to:


Here’s to everyone’s continued good health, fame and fortune!

Enjoy the month of December filled with wacky days and holiday celebrations! Be safe! Remember, if you need HR, Payroll, Benefits, or Family support, Loyalty Pawn’s Employee Services is only a phone call, text message, or email away, on demand, anytime! 916-752-2255 or employeeservices@loyaltypawn.com


Corporate Office: 1708 Broadway

Sacramento, Ca 95818

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