What's Buzzing? | November 2021 Newsletter | Whitney High School Key Club

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november 2021

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progress tracker editor’s note president’s message sunny snapshots operation christmas making the most of the holidays operation christmas cont. fall rally south ‘21 kiwanisgiving thanksgiving plans november general meeting november dcm & spirit night #3 whs publicity committee making our club website from, your cabby contact us



SERVICE 5641.5


editor’s note Hey suns! How are you? I have spent the entirety of the month listening to Red (Taylor’s Version) lol I love the gloomy weather and I have been living in knitted sweaters :) I have been frequenting coffee shops almost every day this month and my wallet is screaming but it’s okay lol living out my gilmore girls dreams :D November was also a good reading month so I’m really happy about that hehe just a few weeks until winter break, so keep doing your best <33 Operation Christmas has begun and if you don’t already know, it’s one of Key Club’s biggest events and we highly encourage you to donate to the very special families that we’re sponsoring this year! We also had Fall Rally South!! Congratulations to our lovely D30S for winning the spirit stick for the third year in a row, so proud of you xo and special thanks to our spirit committee we luv you! Stay updated with all of our upcoming events on our social media and keep serving! Happy reading bees! See you next month!

shining with service,

Elizabeth Hoang

president’s message Hey Whitney Key Club! It’s your “pint-sized” President poppin’ in to say hello! I hope you are all doing well and taking care of yourself. I know the past few months may have felt like an eternity, but hopefully you were able to make the most out of your Thanksgiving break! Now that Thanksgiving is over, it’s time for my favorite time of the year: the holidays (and my birthday). Get into the season of giving… and spread the holiday through our annual school-wide Operation Christmas drive! With that being said, can you believe we only have 4 months left in the term?! It feels like it was just yesterday that we were sitting in front of our computer screens, going through virtual learning, meetings, and DCMs over Zoom. This past month in November, we had a tremendous amount of activities going on, ranging from on-campus service activities to Fall Rally South. Plus, shoutout to those who made it onto the Publicity Committee; we are so excited to see what you have in store! Make sure to donate to Operation Christmas, RSVP for December DCM: Night Market on December 18th, and look out for information regarding our 11th Annual Lock-In, happening on December 22nd! Not to mention, Rose Float Decorating will be happening on December 29th, while Executive Board Elections are coming up soon. To the underclassmen: please don’t be afraid to try out new things and go out of your comfort zone! I am an introvert at heart, but as a freshman/ sophomore, I forced myself to put myself out there and challenge myself—and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Time flies by quickly, so cherish every moment and don’t take anything for granted. If you ever have any questions or need anything, I am here for you all as always. Thank you for being the best club ever and see you soon! <3

shining with service,

Emily Thang

sunny snapshots


Saadhvi Narayanan | ‘21-’22 Vice President



This year, from November 29th to December 15th, Whitney Key Club will be hosting Operation Christmas! Operation Christmas is one of Whitney Key Club’s largest annual drives, where we aim to raise over $4,000 in monetary donations and non-perishable food to donate to families who are unable to purchase their own gifts or put food on the table during Christmas time.



The families we support are partnered with the Salvation Army and are usually on free and reduced lunch programs, so when their students are home and they have a holiday break for their work, it is difficult for them to manage their family life. We aim to support them and give them what they need so they can enjoy the winter holidays as much as possible. Each family of the 8 families we support typically request clothing and gift items, which we purchase with the money that we raise with the homeroom donations.



All money must be donated by December 10th and all food by December 14th to your homerooms!



Sign up to be a homeroom representative for your classroom! As a homeroom representative, you will be able to be a crucial part of our behind the scenes work in packaging, purchasing, and gifting all our donations to the families.




In your homerooms, there are envelopes that you can put your cash donations in! Donate as much as you would like - remember that any amount will help and the more you donate, the more support the family will receive. If you do not attend Whitney High School, feel free to donate via Venmo to our club Treasurer or give your donation in cash to any of Whitney Key Club’s officers!



Yes! Many of these families need food for the holiday season first and foremost, so any non-perishable food items will be welcome. They can be anything from canned vegetables to boxed cake mix to peanut butter. You can drop your food donations off in your homeroom if you attend Whitney High School. If you do not attend Whitney but would like to donate, pass your donation to any officer!



The homeroom that donates the most will be awarded In-N-Out of their choice! Unfortunately, this is only for Whitney students. Even if you do not receive In-N-Out, you will always have the satisfaction of making someone smile.

MAKING the MOST OF outTHE HOLIDAY SEASON Ayush Shah | ’21-’22 Treasurer

What’s poppin’ Whitney Key Club? I hope you all are having an amazing holiday season! With school coming back in-person, this year has been difficult for so many of us, with an increase in workload and homework, especially compared to last year. I know school has been very stressful for a lot of us this year, so here are some tips to fully relax during Thanksgiving and Winter Break!

Being at Whitney High School means there is a lot of homework and extracurriculars for students to do. Therefore, we should really take this time to take a break from all of this by hanging out with friends and family. You can try to go out with your friends or travel with your family to take a break from the stress from school. Even if it is just playing board games with your family, you should truly take this time to hang out with the people close to you as it will distract your mind from all the stress of assignments and work.

Last year, due to the pandemic, everyone had a lot more time to focus on other interests they had. However, with everything slowly starting to become normal, there has been less time to do so. Therefore, to relieve that stress you are feeling from the school year, you should try something new such as cooking or a new sport to make your break more enjoyable. We are always so busy and thinking about things we have to complete, so this can be a good breather for you to alleviate some of the stress you are feeling.

Being a high schooler at Whintey is so easy feat as students are staying up very late to complete all the work they have. Therefore, you should take this time to fix your sleep schedule if you ahven’t been getting enough sleep throughout the school year. This will truly make your body feel better and strengthen your mental health as you will have a break for only sleeping 4-6 hours every day.

OPERATION christmas Steven Cao | ’21-’22 Director of Fundraising

With December nearing, prepare for Whitney Key Club’s annual Operation Christmas! Every year, our club partners with the Salvation Army in a school-wide initiative to collect donations of food, money, and gifts for families in need during the holiday season.

While the holiday season is a time for celebration for many of us, unfortunately the same cannot be said for less fortunate families. They often do not have the income to put food on the table, let alone purchase gifts. These families may depend on free or reduced lunch meals and cannot receive them during winter break. The expenses of holiday shopping and festivities are sadly often out of reach for them.

But with the donations we receive, Key Club help can bring the Christmas spirit of joy to these families! We can make sure that these families stay well-fed and warm with nonperishable food donations and winter clothing. We can support their finances and help them stay stress-free with monetary donations. We can bring more joy to these families by buying the gifts that they most want.

With the help of both Whitney’s teachers and students, Key Club strives to raise a plentitude of nonperishable items to keep these families well-fed. You can donate essential items including canned goods, cereal, flour, and so much more! Students are also encouraged to donate money or leftover change so we can buy these families presents that they aren’t able to afford.

Remember that many of the items that we take for granted would mean the world to many families. Show your gratitude by helping others receive the same happiness that you would like to feel during this Christmas season!

FALL RALLY Itzel Huerta | ’21-’22 D30S Publicity Coordinator

What’s up key-uties! I’m Itzel Huerta, one of the publicity coordinators for D30S, and I wanted to tell you a little more about one of the biggest events of this term, Fall Rally South! This event is one of the biggest events most key clubbers look forward to throughout the whole term, from waking up at 4 am to get to the bus, to napping on your friend’s shoulders on the way back home, it is guaranteed to be an unforgettable experience! Unfortunately because of covid, FRS 2020 was unable to go on, but finally this year we were able to jump back so new and old members were able to experience this amazing time with all their fellow key clubbers. Now you may be wondering if you’ve never heard of it or have never gone, what is this incredible Fall Rally South? FRS is when key clubbers throughout the CNH district come together at Six Flags and compete for the CNH Spirit Stick through a series of spirit battles. To start off, everyone has to wake up super early like around 4:30 to 5 to meet up at the bus around 5:30. Once we arrive at Six Flags, it’s more photos and a lot of walking before anyone actually enters the rollercoaster park. Everyone will then make their way to the Lodge where the spirit sessions will take place, and then go off to a ride or something until the time comes for everyone to enter. Once everyone is called back, everyone will make their way into the Bear Lodge, here, key clubbers can show off their spirit and their passion/ accomplishments for community service through the spirit chants and have a chance at winning the spirit stick. The time will come at the very end when the winner is announced, until then, everyone waits anxiously for the reveal as a final point of the day. After the spirit session is over and the winner is announced, everyone is free to go do as they’d like from that point on, whether it goes on rides, walking around, or just trying the food, the rest of the four or five hours are all yours! After all of the fun, everyone will be asked to come to meet at the carousel to take the final iconic photo at FRS. In the past two Fall Rally South’s, FRS 2018 and 2019, D30S has won the spirit stick BOTH times in a row, and this year would make it our THIRD time since we all came through for that spirit stick. Just as tears of happiness ran down our LTG’s face, Christina Ngyuen’s, we knew all those spirit nights and time spent learning chants had been entirely worth it. FRS was such an amazing experience that I would highly encourage all key clubbers to go, whether you dislike rides or not, are an outgoing person, or are shy, it’s an opportunity to understand even more why key club is such an important aspect in many people’s lives.


Vedika Kothari | ’21-’22 Director of Activities

AYO 30 SOUTH, CAN WE GET A WEATHER REPORT? It was very SUNNY at Fall Rally South 2021, with a high of 90- literally! BEE-utiful Key Clubbers from different regions participated in spirit battles throughout the day, rode fun roller coasters at Six Flags Magic Mountain, and of course, participated in the spirit session and won that spirit stick, ayyy! The night before I planned out what I wanted to do at Fall Rally, and texted friends from other divisions where we would meet up to take photos! Then, bright and early, at 4:30 AM, I stumbled out of bed, and the excitement settled in as I got my bag ready to go. When I got to Savanna High School at 5:30 AM, all I could see were huge spirit sticks and yellow tutus, and the excited looks on everyone’s faces. The day officially started after the hour-long bus ride, and as we were entering the park, we saw the D13S ninjas, D04N otters, and many other divisions. “Other divs wanna be like us, o-kay” was definitely my favorite line from the cheer “like us”, as we won the spirit stick for the THIRD TIME! The rest of the day was full of spirit battles between other divisions, and a lot of waiting in long lines for rides and food. But, the memories made and the 1,673 pictures taken will all be cherished, and I definitely can not wait for Fall Rally South 2022! So, if you are looking for a reason to 1. get more involved in Key Club, 2. meet new people across Southern California, 3. have a good time with your friends, 4. all of the above, here is why you should get excited for FRS 2022! For the current 9th-11th graders, like all other division events, Key Club is an amazing way to meet new people. Every November, Key Clubbers across Southern California visit Six Flags Magic Mountain, and we hope to see you join us next year. For the current 12th graders, if you missed out on FRS this year, don’t worry! DCON (District Convention) is happening on April 1-3, and is also a great opportunity. More information will be out soon. :) All in all, Fall Rally South 2021 will hold a special place in my heart. The day was long, and I was tired- but a good tired, and I will forever reminisce the memories I made! So, D30S suns, say it with me: WHO GOT THAT SPIRIT STICK? WE GOT THAT SPIRIT STICK AYY WE GOT THAT SPIRIT STICK!

KIWANISGIVING Alanna Chan | ’21-’22 Director of Kiwanis and Member Relations

Thanksgiving? No, KIWANISGIVING! Our annual Kiwanisgiving with John F. Kennedy took place on November 20th from 1-3:30PM at Central Park, La Palma. We were able to spend some time with the Kiwanians, playing games, performing service, and of course, eating! The event started off with everyone coming in to the park. Attendees came from Whitney and Kennedy (of course), but we were also joined by some from Oxford, Loara, and Western too! Because it was a potluck, everybody brought in food as they came over. We had all kinds of food from chicken to cookies—we were ready to eat! But before we could eat, we still had a few more activities to do. Everyone first introduced themselves and we started with a trivia game led by Whitney’s and Kennedy’s spirit coordinators. We split into two groups, equally dividing the Kiwanians and Key Clubbers. Whichever group got the most points had the privilege to eat first! The questions ranged from ones about the Kiwanis and Key Club to Thanksgiving itself. The game eventually ended and we ate the food we brought at the park tables. We were able to talk to the Kiwanians more, and I definitely got to learn more about them! We also gave speeches to the Kiwanis, showing them our appreciation for all they do.

As we were finishing eating, we played a bingo game as the service coordinators were preparing the service project we were to do. In this “bee-ngo” game, the squares had descriptions and the objective was to find someone who matched what was written. It was a fun way to learn some fun facts about other people and get a conversation started! Those who won received candy and we were ready to head into the next activity. The service we performed was painting rocks, which we decided we would place in a garden at our school to add a little color and kindness. Both Key Clubbers and Kiwanians had fun painting little images and being creative with the rocks!

To wrap it all up, we gave the Kiwanians gifts. Each one received a poster, sun plushie, and a little note! We took pictures together to end off the day and that was a wrap! I had a such a great time at Kiwanisgiving, and the Kiwanis are such wonderful people. If you haven’t been, there’s always next year! And if you feel inspired to get to know this amazing group of people, let me know if you would ever like to go to their meetings. I would love to see you there!

THANKSGiViNG plans Alyssa Truong | ’21-’22 Director of Activities

Hello suns! Hope Thanksgiving was a blast whether it be because of family time, the break from school, or something else! I wanted to share my thanks here: I’m thankful for Key Club and all the love and support along the cabinet and all the members in our bright happy family. I am thankful for all the four core values in action and I am thankful for all the time everyone puts into serving their communities, going out or serving online the activities the DOAs put out in their emails. Other than gratefulness, Thanksgiving is all about wholeheartedness and it’s a break after all! So what are ways to spend it?

If you’re out and about, traveling somewhere far away, soak in all the beauty of new places or the welcoming atmosphere of new surroundings. Sometimes, your traveling experiences become unforgettable because of the special events you didn’t miss because you were looking out for every detail. Maybe you’ll come again, or maybe never again, but you can always make the most out of it. Even if you don’t want to do things, maybe you can finish off and save for the fun for later! I definitely know this break for me will be full of homework, chores, and sports before I can just relax, sleep, or indulge myself. I do know that there’s one big plan I’m going to do and encourage you all to too!

And what is that? It’s serving! There’s a bunch of online events you can catch up on right now and the deadline isn’t until a couple of days. Free time can become service time and do so much more! Maybe you use the time to put together tokens of appreciation to teachers, friends, or family and not only does it count as service hours, but it shows them you care and spreads your love to brighten their day! What else can these plans be…? You can do a scholarship, create an art masterpiece, talk to friends or hang out with family, develop an idea into reality, think about your future plans, and so much more! I know one thing for sure, I love breaks! They mean more time to improve myself even if it’s by the tiniest bit. They mean more sleep and more quality time with loved ones or alone-time if that’s what you enjoy. Even if that means I can always incorporate some work and Key Club into it, I enjoy the time outside of school to make the time in school even more worthwhile. What will you do with your free time? Do you have a plan? If not, you can always make one! ;)


Jerrick Wu | ’21-’22 Secretary

November general meeting, held on November 16th, featured numerous club updates and recognition. To start off, we played a quick game to hug-a-bear to get everyone settled in and relaxed. This ice breaker helped our members bond for and get ready for what was to come. When the meeting started, we recapped some of our most recent events including Fall Rally, which occurred just 3 days prior. We showed numerous photos where those who didn’t attend had hoped they did. As a result, make sure to not miss sign ups and we’ll see you at Six Flags next November! Additionally, our Directors of Activities introduced some upcoming service events, both inperson ones and online ones. These included our upcoming Veterans Day painting activity and Technior lessons.

Next, we introduced our annual Kiwanisgiving events held on November 20th. The yearly event is held alongside John F. Kennedy and our local sponsoring Kiwanis club. Located at La Palma Central Park, members had the opportunity to bond with fellow key clubbers and Kiwanians all while performing service events and taking part in activities. We then also introduced our biggest project: Operation Christmas. This school-wide initiative to support families in need during the holiday season required participation of all Whitney students. As a result, please donate to your homerooms between now and Dec. 15th in order to support the families we are helping get through this difficult holiday season.

To end off the meeting, we recognized some phenomenal general members and officers. Sophomores, Amy Ganatra and Noah Bunleuth, received the member of the month award for all their hard work and dedication towards bettering their community. Our Directors of Activities, Vedika Kothari and Alyssa Troung, were awarded the officers of the month award for their tremendous work in planning all the activities our club holds.

NOVEMBER DCM and SPIRIT NIGHT #3 Emily Thang | ’21-’22 President

“WHOSE HOUSE? C’S HOUSE!” echoes across the Cypress High School Media Center. Key Clubbers are seated comfortably and effortlessly rocking shades of yellow, illuminated by the overhead lights. You hear loud cheers and witness a lively spirit battle between two large groups of determined teenagers, ready to risk it all to win. What could this possibly be? A ritual? A birthday party? No. This is none other than November DCM/Spirit Night #3! DCM stands for Division Council Meeting, a monthly event at which students from 12 schools across Orange County (Anaheim, Cypress, Katella, Kennedy, Loara, Los Alamitos, Magnolia, Oxford, Savanna, Servite, Western, and Whitney) meet up together, hear updates, and bond to the max through games and icebreakers hosted by Division 30 South. These are great ways for YOU to meet new people, learn about Key Club, and expand your connections. DCMs also count toward fulfilling your Key Club graduation requirements (see Jerrick’s emails for more information)! At November DCM, Whitney Key Club was recognized as the 1st Shining Club of the Month for the second time in a row! Congratulations all and keep up the great work :) To prepare for Fall Rally South, Division 30 South hosts 4 annual Spirit Nights where members can learn division cheers, participate in activities and icebreakers, and meet new people! These cheers were showcased at the Fall Rally South Spirit Session, where Division 30 South ended up winning the prestigious Spirit Stick for the 3RD YEAR IN A ROW. After the DCM concluded, members were directed to separate into groups, according to their home club, in order to learn and practice cheers. Whitney was matched with Magnolia and Savanna Key Clubs. Afterwards, all the members separated into two separate large groups for a spirit battle, and eventually regrouped all together to practice the cheers as an entire division. If this DCM sounds fun to you (or not), guess what: we have something in store that is BIGGER and BETTER! Be sure to come out to December DCM: Night Market on December 18th at Anaheim High School to eat good food, participate in fun activities, and maybe dance the night away to our very own DJ Sania’s music. This is the first time ever in Division 30 South’s history that we are hosting a Night Market, so be there!


PUBLICITY KEY CLUB committee Ashlyn Wong | ’21-’22 Historian/Tech Editor

What’s popping Whitney Key Club? This term, our club cabinet has decided to bring back a publicity committee to help Isabela and I, the historian/tech editors, create publicity materials to promote our club events. This includes physical posters, digital graphics, and even video editing.

The role of the historian/tech editors is to create graphics and videos to be posted on our club Instagram as well as posters to publicize school-wide events around campus, manage our social media, and design the club website.

Publicity committee is open to all high schoolers, no experience required, in order to encourage members to become more active in the club and to also help the historian/ tech editors with their duties. We hold publicity parties to create physical posters together either after school on campus or on the weekend. Especially with Operation Christmas coming up, it is imperative to create posters to put up around the school to publicize to non-Key Club members to donate and participate in the drive.

To those who were accepted to the Publicity Committee, congratulations! Isabela and I are very excited to work with you and get to know you better over this next term. To those who were not accepted or are interested in joining next year, thank you for your interest and feel free to contact us if you have any questions, we’re always here to talk! There are plenty of opportunities for you to improve on your leadership skills and become more active in Key Club, whether it’s on next term’s publicity committee, division judging committee, or even club or division cabinet! Always be on the lookout for application releases, as there are many different levels of Key Club that you can interact with.


CLUB WEBSiTE Isabela Esteban | ’21-’22 Historian/Tech Editor

What’s buzzin’ Key Club! I hope you all had a fantastic break filled with festivities, fun, and service! For this Key Club update, Ashlyn Wong and I (your historian/tech editors for this term) recently registered for the California-Nevada-Hawaii (CNH) District’s club website contest! The rubric includes frequently updating the website, having all required content, following graphic standards, and ranked uniqueness. In previous years, historians usually updated a website made by our predecessors with the current cabinet and contact pages along with newer pictures of members. However, this year, Ashlyn and I decided to start anew. In this article you will learn about our website-making process! Rather than coding using HTML or “github”, we chose to use a free website making software called “WIX” to give easier editing access to our successors. After choosing an aesthetic template where we could easily implement Key Club themes and graphics, the real fun began.

the process step one

We imported the graphic standard fonts, “Century Gothic” and “Hello Stranger”, decided on a pastel color scheme to match our Instagram graphics, and imported pictures and bee graphics to add to our website.

step two

Ashlyn and I then divided up the work of adding our club’s information onto the new website; I worked on the home and about page while they focused on “the arc-hive”, recognition, and our contact page.

TLDR; we transferred the information from our previous website into a new format, changed the fonts and pictures, and added new features (e.g. connected our Instagram and replaced our home page background with one designed by our bulletin editor). I encourage all of you to take a look at our website 2.0 (our child). The club website is now aesthetically pleasing to look at and contains all Key Club related events and information in one organized place for you to see. Bookmark it; make it your home screen; look at it everyday. If we win (crossing our fingers), Whitney Key Club will be recognized at District Convention 2022!

from, your cabby

WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU RELATE TO? PRESIDENT | EMILY THANG pitbull isn’t fictional but when he said “this for everybody going through tough times: believe me, been there, done that” it really resonated with me




Lance McClain :3

contact us social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet PRESIDENT | EMILY THANG emilythang168@gmail.com VICE PRESIDENT | SAADHVI NARAYANAN saadhstar@gmail.com SECRETARY | JERRICK WU jerrickwu7@gmail.com TREASURER | AYUSH SHAH ayush98365@gmail.com BULLETIN EDITOR | ELIZABETH HOANG elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES | VEDIKA KOTHARI vedikakothar005@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES | ALYSSA TRUONG alyssa_truong@myabcusd.org DIRECTOR OF FUNDRAISING | SANIA USMANI sanusmani01@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF FUNDRAISING | STEVEN CAO stevenc1432@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF KIWANIS AND MEMBER RELATIONS | ALANNA CHAN alannamchan@gmail.com

HISTORIAN/TECH EDITOR | ASHLYN WONG ashlynwong01@gmail.com HISTORIAN/TECH EDITOR | ISABELA ESTEBAN isabelaesteban04@gmail.com

leadership team EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT | SANIA USMANI sanusmani01@gmail.com DIVISION NEWS EDITOR | MICHELLE KIM michellemkim6@gmail.com SERVICE PROJECT COORDINATOR | ASHLYN WONG ashlynwong01@gmail.com FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR | ANIKA KASULA anikakasula@gmail.com PUBLICITY COORDINATOR | ITZEL HUERTA itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com SPIRIT GEAR COORDINATOR | SAADHVI NARAYANAN saadhstar@gmail.com SPIRIT COORDINATOR | JASMINE TAI jasmineliewtai@gmail.com

advisors KIWANIS | MR. LAWTTON TEST lawttontest@gmail.com CLUB | MR. DARYL DAVID daryl.david@abcusd.us

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