What's Buzzing? | March 2022 Newsletter | Whitney High School Key Club

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march 2022


thank you

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editor’s note president’s message progress tracker dcon recognition emmy jerrick ayush ash vedika lana steven bella member recognition contact us

we love you

your 2021-2022 cabinet

goodbye <3

editor’s note Hello Sunnies, I’m back with my final farewell to you. We have reached the end of our Key Club journey for the ’21-’22 term. This is the last issue of “What’s Buzzing?”. Thank you for sticking by me this past year my dear readers. I am so happy to have served as your bulletin editor and I am incredibly thankful to have met so many of you along the way. To my cabinet, you have truly made an impact on me in more ways than you can imagine and it’s been an honor to work alongside you. To the seniors, I will miss you and the warmth you have brought to this club. To Ash, Lana, Jerrick, and Ayush, thank you for the memories, laughs, and everything in between. You guys are my Key Club moment :) I don’t know what I would do if you guys w e r e n ’ t w i t h m e every step of the way. To Vedika, I am passing the baton on to you. I have no doubt that you will do amazing things. And of course, thank you to all of you for reading my newsletters and sharing a part of my craft with me. Spring is here. The new term is starting. And I am sending you all my love wherever your paths take you. With that said, this is your bulletin editor…

signing off,

Elizabeth Hoang

president’s message For the last time… WHAT’S POPPIN’ WHITNEY KEY CLUB?! Wow, what a term it has been! 9,000+ service hours. Over $8,269 raised for Operation Christmas, MNT, and PTP. Countless memories. Early mornings and long bus rides. I am so, so proud of each and every one of you. Together, we made it happen—we made HISTORY! Yet with all the historical moments this term, the future beams brighter than ever. Congratulations to the 2022-2023 Executive Board and Cabinet! I have full confidence that you will all bring our club to even higher heights. Whether you have 1 or 4 years left in Key Club, please take advantage of all the opportunities coming your way. Key Club is truly such a special organization with so much to offer, so I hope that you will gain something out of it—whether it be friends, leadership skills, or the value of service—-as you continue on in your journey. I’ll save the rest of my last remarks for my farewell letter… which YOU can view in this very newsletter, alongside others! Thank you Whitney Key Club and Division 30 South for an unforgettable 4 years. It’s been an honor.

shining with service,

Emily Thang



SERVICE 8634.5




r eco b u l c gn dcon itio n

2021-2022 president

Where’d All The Time Go? Dr. Dog

Hi Whitney Key Club! I can’t believe my journey in this club is finally coming to a close. At Banquet, I gave a very long-winded, teary-eyed speech, so if you missed it, here’s an abridged/edited version of that, which I feel sums up my experiences quite well: 4 years ago, I joined Key Club to get free shirts AND because Joshua Garcia kept spamming his Instagram about Key Club. But I stayed in Key Club because of the people I met and the experiences I shared. While they may never know it, the alumni changed my life (if you are an alum reading this right now, just know that I love you very much <3). I remember Josie inviting me to sit with her when she saw I was lonely. I remember Megan holding my hand and waddling with me when I was struggling to ice skate. I remember Ali waving hi and being the first to approach me at an event. I remember waking up at 6 on Saturday mornings to pass out Costco croissants and danishes with a new friend I made at HOPE Food Bank, and then getting to take home the leftover cookies.

It’s the little things like that, that made this club so special. That made it feel more like a family rather than some random service club. An organization like no other where I felt the constant love and care. This past term has been unique, to say the least—but I think it’s also been the one where I’ve grown the most. From sacrificing sleep to make tutus, to driving a minivan for the first time packed with Operation Christmas donations, to organizing logistics for Fall Rally South, Rose Float, and school drives, I’ve truly learned so much this term. Of course, I could not have done it without the amazing support of everyone in this club and division. To my wonderful exec board—soddy vee, jwu, lil yush—thank you for everything. Thank you for keeping me sane throughout the term. Thank you for bearing with me, for sticking through those 2 hour-long phone calls, for the times we spent on Zoom laughing and kicking Ayush out of the room, and for just being all-around amazing people.

Thank you for being so diligent, caring, and down-to-earth, and for cracking me up all the time. You guys are fr the dream team. (Jerryush you still owe me and Saadhvi cake, boba, and In-N-Out though) To my AMAZING, MOST HARD-WORKING FUNNY cabinet/DLT EVER, I can’t imagine having anyone else on our board! I really mean it when I say I will miss you guys when I graduate. Your contagious laughter and sunny spirits have never failed to keep me grounded, and I have loved every second of all the memorable times we’ve spent together, whether it be dumping water/colored powder on each other, or running around the school delivering homeroom announcements and donation boxes. I can’t express my gratitude enough and I am so honored to have worked with you all. ur all da best <3 To our sunny LTG Christina, thanks I guess. And of course, to the members and underclassmen, thank you for being such enthusiastic Key Clubbers. It always warms my heart to see you guys at events, volunteering, and being the core of our club, and I hope that this past term has been rewarding for you. Remember to cherish every moment and make the most out of what you are given. You only get to be in Key Club and high school once in your lifetime, so don’t take things for granted and enjoy the experiences while they last. Key Club means so much to me and I’m so grateful for all the lessons I’ve learned, the people I’ve met, and the opportunities it’s given. I truly would not be the person I am today without it. If anyone ever needs anything, please do not hesitate to reach out. I will be here to support, no matter what. Love you Gretchen KC!

signing off,

Emily Thang

2021-2022 secretary Deuces. I don’t think what I’m feeling right now can be justified through this letter I’m writing. Because truly, it hurts saying goodbye to one of the favorite chapters of my life. This past term has been crazy, stressful, but above all, exciting. In all honesty, I love the perks my position entails. Being a student leader in one of the largest organizations on campus has been rewarding. Whether it is planning events, running around school with Operation Christmas boxes or even leading meetings, these moments have given me a sense of purpose. However, thinking about the entirety of this term, I have overlooked the friendships I have made. Even at the banquet, I think I haven’t fully come around to realize this is the end Flashbacks of something great. Zach Hood This past term has indeed been crazy. From my online Secretary speech to online meetings before my basketball games, I dedicated myself to this club. When we came back to the first in-person event at Summer Harvest, it rejuvenated my experience. For me, it has always been more than just the service but also the people we serve alongside. Being there that day, talking to Ayush, Alanna, Steven, and many others truly reminded me of what Key Club entails. At Beach Boomba just a few weeks later, though I resisted from participating in many activities trying to act “cool”, the environment there was just unlike anything else. However, I want to take this time to thank some of the people who have made the term extra special for me: Emily and Saadhvi: Thank you thank you thank you. You guys have always been there. Though it may have been “annoying” at times, you both demonstrated true leadership. Your initiatives have inspired me to take on this position of President and I cannot believe I will have to serve without both of you. You have always been there as someone I can rely on and I cannot imagine Key Club without you guys.

Alanna: I want to thank you for everything. You have truly made Key Club such a different experience for me. Whether it is going to events together or just building our friendship more, Key Club has connected us for the last two years. Though you won’t be part of cabinet next year, you better be dang sure you will be at all our events. Ashlyn and Lizzy: Man. This year has been one helluva ride but you two are a dynamic duo and a force to be reckoned with. Ashlyn, you have been literally everywhere in Key Club and always there for me. Even if I text you at 12 am, you are always up for any task. I am so thankful that we have been able to grow our friendship and I can’t wait for what you have left to give. Lizzy, you are such a menace. From your un-safekeyness (*editor’s note: idk what he’s talking abt*) to wack humor, you have made Key Club so much more entertaining and I really enjoyed serving alongside you. I know you want to take a break from Key Club but once that’s over, I know me and Ashlyn will drag you to every single event. Ayush: November DCM 2019. Spirit Night #3. The place of the iconic bear picture. That was where our Key Club journey began. I know it has been one crazy ride, I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done. We have been able to grow our friendship exponentially from our unproductive DOA calls to deep talks at Lock-in. You have just always been someone I could count on and I just am so excited that we are taking over this school together. You are the best partner I can ask for and I truly thank you. This term I have felt a sense of completeness. I was able to do what I came into cabinet to do: to serve on a greater level. However, these friendships I have made exceeded all expectations. From the visions meeting we had, I knew that our cabinet would be the best cabinet in the world. Thank you for taking on all the stuff I put you through and I am just super honored to have had the opportunity to work alongside each of you. All throughout the term, I admit that I wanted to disassociate myself from Key Club at times. I wanted to be seen as someone more than just Key Club. However, looking at what this club has given me, I am thankful for every opportunity. It is because of your faith that I strive to make this term great. Though April 1st is dawning upon us, I will never forget this term. I will never forget these friendships. And lastly, I will never forget these memories. Thank you.

signing off,

Jerrick Wu

2021-2022 treasurer

Best I Ever Had Drake

January 7th, 2021. The day that my life within this club had changed. On this day, the email for election results had been sent, and I remember the joy and excitement I had on that day. However, I could not have imagined that this Key Club term would’ve been this amazing and miraculous. Throughout the past year, so much has happened, and I am beyond happy to have been a part of it because this club has truly shaped my life. So let’s start from the beginning. Once I had been elected, the new executive board had already started planning events and activities, and it was a remarkable experience. We were able to plan Whitney’s first palooza event as our first event, and even though the term had started online, we were able to hold a successful event. Just like these, throughout the whole year, we were able to hold a wide variety of events. Plus, I was able to bond with the executive board, and I truly want to take this time to thank Jerrick, Saadhvi, and Emily. Starting off with Jerrick, we had joined the club together, and I am beyond happy to see how far we have gotten.

We had started off in Key Club attending as many events as we could, and I could not have imagined we would be at the point we are at right now. We have done absolutely everything together and I am beyond grateful to have been a part of Key Club with you during this term. Moving on to Saadhvi: you have truly shaped who I am, and I would not be who I am without your constant support. With Key Club and daily advice, you are always there for me and I have learned so much from you, and I truly value all the time I am able to spend with you. I am so thankful to have had you this year, and I just want to spend this time to thank you for everything in this past term as you strive me to be the best person I can be. And lastly Emily: I can’t believe we have bonded this much within one year. We are complete and polar opposites, especially with height, but you have been one of the KEY people in my life this year.

Even though you call me at midnight and interrupt my sleep, no matter what you always take the time to support me and I want to let you know that I am so thankful to have you. In general, we have accomplished so much as an Executive board this term, so just wanted to say thank you and I will miss you all! Besides just the Executive Board, I wanted to thank two amazing people who have worked very closely with me this term. This term had started off a bit difficult especially with everything being online, however, my Directors of Fundraising were able to help and support me throughout it all. Sania and Steven, you both were absolutely the best DOF’s I could’ve asked for, and I am so happy that I got to meet you. Our DOF meetings were definitely something I looked forward to and I will truly miss having you both as my DOF’s. But I am so excited to see what you both will accomplish with your new positions. But with this term, you both were able to help me raise money, especially for PTP, and our club would not be where it is without you both. We were able to work as a team and hold a wide variety of fundraisers, and even though there were some unsuccessful events, we were able to push through. So I want to truly thank you both! Thanking my DOF’s wouldn’t be enough as our whole cabinet this year was absolutely amazing. Each and every one of you are absolutely special and I am so blessed to have been around such hardworking people. Throughout the year, when it came to supporting me as a treasurer or as a friend, you all were always supportive and willing to help, so I appreciate all of you. Key Club is definitely not an easy task, but everyone of you was able to do such an amazing job, and I really want to let you all know that you are capable of doing anything, so I hope to see you continue to work hard! Lastly, I do want to thank all of the shining members within this club! I truly mean it when I say you all are the most important aspect of Key Club. Whitney Key Club wouldn't be as successful as it is without all of your constant dedication and support. No matter what, you all find time to serve the community, and I want to let you know that you all are truly making a difference within society and the world. I really hope to see you all continue working hard and serving within the club during the next term since you all are truly the highlight of Whitney Key Club. So much has happened during this term, and I am so happy to have been a part of it. We were able to raise over $1800 for the Pediatric Trauma Program, serve over 8,000 service hours, raise over $6,000 for Operation Chrtistmas, and have a record number of attendees at Lock-In. We have accomplished so much during this term, and even though it took a lot of work, I am happy that I was able to be a part of it with all of you. I am so excited for what this term has to offer, and I hope we can make it one that is amazing for all of you.

signing off,

Ayush Shah

2021-2022 historian/tech editor

Sunroof Nicky Youre, dazy

What’s poppin’ Whitney Key Club! It is finally that time of the year, the end of the Key Club term! I’ve been struggling to find the words to close off this term for the past few months while working on the term recap video, but what I can say is that this club has been my second home for the past three years and I don’t know what I would do without it! Being in-person for the first time since my freshman year and now about to go into my senior year, this term has been a completely amazing experience. I truly enjoyed being able to meet all of you and bond through our passion for community service. Serving as your club Historian / Tech Editor, Division Service Projects Coordinator, as well as District Technology Team Secretary, I have learned so much and am forever grateful for all of the experiences I’ve had. I hope you all enjoyed this term as much as I did, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store next!

To the seniors, Michelle, Emily, Saadhvi, and Isabela, thank you for all you have contributed to this club throughout the years, you have honestly made such a huge impact on me throughout my Key Club journey, shaping me into the person I have become today. Michelle, you were the reason I joined and stayed in Key Club, and I couldn’t be where I am now without your guidance. I will never forget how you took me under your wing like the Historian grandmother figure you are. <3 Emily and Saadhvi, you truly shine like no other. You have both taught me so much and I will miss you as my favorite President-Vice President duo. Thank you for always being there for me and being amazing club leaders whom I look up to so much! And last but definitely not least, to Isabela, even though I wasn’t fully able to express it during the open mic at banquet, this term would not have been the same without you and I’m so happy we were able to capture so many moments together on camera.

I look up to you all in every way possible and I’m so thankful we had the chance to work together and become close throughout this past term. I will always cherish the memories we made together, especially drinking that yam juice after school before taking new exec board pictures T_T To the 2021-2022 term cabinet and DLT, I love you all so much! Thank you for bearing with me when asking endlessly to repost graphics on your Instagram stories, record videos for vlogs, and take picture after picture. I will never forget the memories we made together! <3 And to Jerrick and Ayush especially, it has been absolutely amazing growing alongside both of you and watching you become the leaders you are today, from competing for the most freshman service hours to now watching you lead our club to new heights, I am so beyond proud of both of you and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in the future! I hope you know you can always lean on me for help and I wish you good luck in your future endeavors as always. To our Key Club new-BEEs and the 2021-22 Publicity Committee, I hope you all continue serving throughout your journey in high school! To those on the newly appointed board, good luck and be sure to make the most out of this term! To those who are even slightly interested in applying for the Division Leadership Team, go for it! Applying for DLT has to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was able to meet so many new people, learn new skills, and allow myself to become so much more involved in Key Club. There is so much more in store for all of you and I’m so excited to see how it all turns out! In closing, this has truly been an unforgettable term, and I am so grateful for all of the experiences and memories we have created together. Until next time, stay shinin’, suns! <3

signing off,

Ashlyn Wong

2021-2022 director of activities

Enchanted Taylor Swift

For the last time this term, what’s poppin’ Whitney Key Club! The term has just come to an end on April 3, 2022 and for me, that was the last day I will have served as your Director of Activities. To the seniors, Emily, Saadhvi, Michelle, and Isabela, I just want to thank you so much for everything. Emily, I’ve known you since my freshman year, and since then you have continuously inspired me and provided me with countless opportunities to get involved in Key Club. Whether it be encouraging me to go to my first DCM in 2019, or to DCON last year, I truly would like to thank you for all that you have done to make me the person I am today. No one I’d rather bond over Taylor Swift with <3. Saadhvi, even though you sometimes scare me, you are the most genuinely kind person I know. Whether it be answering my million questions about elections, DCON awards, Operation Christmas, the list goes on, I want to thank you for always being patient with me! Michelle, I will never forget the countless memories we’ve made,

especially this year, with the School Supply Drive back in September, DCMs, and even Fall Rally South spirit nights. Isabela, I love that you are a Cruel Summer and Lover album fan! Though we didn’t talk much in the beginning of the year, I’m glad we got somewhat close by the end! To the members, thank you so much for making this a term I will not forget <3. As a DOA, I truly appreciate you all for coming out to events and giving us suggestions, even when there was a lack of events! I truly can’t wait to keep making memories with you all next year. :)

signing off,

Vedika Kothari

2021-2022 director of KaMR When this term first started it felt like we had so much to await: Fall Rally South, plenty of service events, fundraisers, socials, DCMs, and DCON. But now, DCON is already here to signify the end of another term and we can say that we have achieved many accomplishments this year. I cannot believe that I have finished yet another Key Club term, and I am onto my last. Being in cabinet and in-person (rather than virtual), this year was one that I have experienced like no other. Some of my favorite moments this year include September DCM: Color Fest and Fall Rally South. I have genuinely made so many more connections, learned more about myself and how to carry out the core values, and formed numerous Yellow memories that I will not forget. Coldplay Specifically for my position, I had the honor of being able to recognize so many members, officers, and advisors from our club. Each and everyone of you works hard and helps our club stay alive, and I wish I could have awarded more people for their determination and passion throughout this past term. Also, the Kiwanians are lovely people who you will regret not meeting if you ever get the chance. We could not have done so many things this past year without their help, and I am so grateful for all that they have done for us. With that being said, thank you to cabinet for making this year fun and allowing me to enjoy this successful year next to all of you. Thank you to this club for exposing me to more opportunities to meet people from our school, different schools, and members of our community who have changed my life. Thank you to all the members for having a passion for the community that inspires me to do the same. I cannot wait for what the next term has to offer, and I hope you all feel the same!

signing off,

Alanna Chan

2021-2022 director of fundraising

Memories Maroon 5

I can’t believe that the 2021-2022 Key Club term is already over! It has undoubtedly often been a challenging but rewarding time as we transitioned back to normal. In-person club meetings and service activities were a breath of fresh air after a year of virtual screens. We can connect and serve with each other to form lasting memories and friendships. This term has seen our club make significant improvements in service and fundraising. We’ve come back from a virtual year strong with impressive monthly volunteer hours and a record-setting Operation Christmas drive. With returning opportunities to volunteering at in-person events such as food banks and charity fundraisers, now is a better time than ever to sign up to serve! We have shown our passion for service and community through all of this. Key Club is not just a place to volunteer but a place to make connections with students who are focused on improving the world around them. Key Club is where we can all be our best selves and celebrate that. So I encourage you to continue volunteering, continue serving our community, and continue making an impact!

signing off,

Steven Cao

2021-2022 historian/tech editor Hey! It’s so hard for me to believe that the end of the term is here. It still feels like April last year when I was working with Ashlyn and cabinet for the first time, and in my head I still have more events to publicize for. If I had to sum up the term in one word, it would be bittersweet; I loved being back in-person for my last year, but I hated that this chapter of my life would eventually come to an end. I distinctly remember Saadhvi convincing me to join Key Club in the March of our freshman year, and I fell down the rabbit hole. Saadhvi signed me up for pretty much every volunteer event there was that month so I could fulfill my fifty hour requirement by the end of the school year. Looking back at my high End Up Here school experience, Key Club definitely had a large role 5 Seconds of Summer in shaping it. No matter how much I whined, I enjoyed every minute wrapping Operation Christmas boxes after school and staying after Publicity Committee meetings to dry our posters. I must also say that this club, no matter how small you feel in it, brings people together. I grew close with so many upper and underclassmen who I would normally never talk to, and this is coming from an antisocial introvert. Here’s my final message to you. Make the most out of your time in Key Club; go to as many events as you can, don’t be afraid to talk to people from other schools at division events, take as many pictures and videos as you can so you have something to reminisce about. Key Club has so much to offer, so take advantage of it, it’s all yours. Anyways! I think retirement looks good on me, so I’ll “wear” it as much as I can :) peace yall <3

signing off,

Isabela E!eban






member recognition


officer of the month


officer of the month

contact us social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet PRESIDENT | EMILY THANG emilythang168@gmail.com VICE PRESIDENT | SAADHVI NARAYANAN saadhstar@gmail.com SECRETARY | JERRICK WU jerrickwu7@gmail.com TREASURER | AYUSH SHAH ayush98365@gmail.com BULLETIN EDITOR | ELIZABETH HOANG elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES | VEDIKA KOTHARI vedikakothar005@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES | ALYSSA TRUONG alyssa_truong@myabcusd.org DIRECTOR OF FUNDRAISING | SANIA USMANI sanusmani01@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF FUNDRAISING | STEVEN CAO stevenc1432@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF KIWANIS AND MEMBER RELATIONS | ALANNA CHAN alannamchan@gmail.com

HISTORIAN/TECH EDITOR | ASHLYN WONG ashlynwong01@gmail.com HISTORIAN/TECH EDITOR | ISABELA ESTEBAN isabelaesteban04@gmail.com

leadership team EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT | SANIA USMANI sanusmani01@gmail.com DIVISION NEWS EDITOR | MICHELLE KIM michellemkim6@gmail.com SERVICE PROJECT COORDINATOR | ASHLYN WONG ashlynwong01@gmail.com FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR | ANIKA KASULA anikakasula@gmail.com PUBLICITY COORDINATOR | ITZEL HUERTA itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com SPIRIT GEAR COORDINATOR | SAADHVI NARAYANAN saadhstar@gmail.com SPIRIT COORDINATOR | JASMINE TAI jasmineliewtai@gmail.com

advisors KIWANIS | MR. LAWTTON TEST lawttontest@gmail.com CLUB | MR. DARYL DAVID daryl.david@abcusd.us

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