What's Buzzing? | August 2021 Newsletter | Whitney High School Key Club

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august 2021


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progress tracker editor’s note president’s message sunny snapshots sunshine olympics fall rally south ‘21 key tips 4 key club whs x oa x shs back 2 school social working as a team hope food bank a summer of service why should you join cabinet back 2 school tips division kiwanis book organizing study tips 4 back to school from, your cabby contact us





editor’s note Dear Buzzing Bees, Welcome to the fifth edition of my newsletter! Happy August! How have you all been? For me, school started. Let’s take a moment of silence for my pain. This past month I have been so obsessed with salted caramel iced coffee it’s ridiculous. I also started a new book series that I’m really taking a liking to. It’s fantasy but when am I ever not reading fantasy. I also started learning how to crochet :) Our division and home club accomplished so much this past month, and we are making the transition to in-person events smoothly! I’m so proud of all the members who were recognized at August DCM and our cabinet members, Ashlyn and Vedika, who got into DTT! They all deserve it <33 Stay updated with all of our upcoming events on our social media and keep serving! Happy reading bees! See you next month!

shining with service,

Elizabeth Hoang

president’s message Hey Whitney Key Club! Welcome back to school! With a fresh new in-person school year, use this opportunity as a clean slate to improve upon yourself and your community. Take this time to set a yearlong goal for what you want to accomplish this school year—whether it be good grades, a healthy lifestyle, or of course, actively volunteering—and stick to your plan! This past month, Whitney Key Club has been buzzing with fun activities, including HOPE Food Bank, Love Anaheim, Instagram Reel vlogs, socials, and more. To get involved, simply contact me or the Directors of Activities Vedika Kothari and Alyssa Truong (whitneykc.activities1@gmail.com) to be added to the email list. After that, RSVP and attend as many events as possible! Also, HUGE shoutout to everyone who took home an award at August DCM: Leia Ogawa for Officer of the Month, Ashlyn Wong for DLT Officer of the Month, Mr. Lawtton Test for Advisor of the Month, and Gretchen Whitney Key Club for 2nd Shining Club of the Month, Most Funds Raised, and Most Spirited. If you want to meet new people across OC and have fun, please join us at the next September DCM: Color War on the 25th with the D04N Otters and D04W Dragons and bring your friends… I promise you will not regret it. On top of that, congratulations to Whitney’s very own Ashlyn Wong and Vedika Kothari for getting into the Cal-Nev-Ha District Technology Team! Out of all those who applied, they are 2 out of the 8 individuals who were selected for the team. One of the biggest annual district events, Fall Rally South, is coming up on November 13th and payments/RSVPs will be collected very soon in September. To learn more about Fall Rally South, please check out my article or stalk the @whitneyhigh_keyclub and @d30ssuns Instagrams! If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me! See you soon Key Clubbers, and keep up that service and spirit! <3

shining with service,

Emily Thang

sunny sn hope food bank

book organizing

august dcm

kiwanis picnic

napshots interclub social

harvest packing

love anaheim

tastea fundraiser

Though the day started off raining, it was no excuse to cancel all the amazing activities planned. Held on July 21st, schools across the district met at Modjeska park to celebrate the eventful month of July. After everyone was checked in, the DCM portion of the event began shortly. Here we learned about our upcoming socials, fundraisers, and even future service activities. Even after the updates from around the Division, the recognition shortly began. Whitney High School had a strong showing within these awards where our Spirit Chair was recognized as the officer of the month. In addition, with nearly $147 raised in the month of July, Whitney also received the most funds raised award. Lastly, with Whitney’s impressive service hours and continued dedication, our club was recognized as the division’s 2nd Shinin’ Club of the Month. With the commencement of the DCM portion, it was now time for the activities we were all looking forward to. We started off by making custom bookmarks for childrens in need around the area. Volunteers wrote meaningful messages on the and decorated the bookmarks with stickers and small drawings. As the service event finished, it was time for the long awaited fashion show. Every school had representatives where members made a strut down the sidewalk to show off their dance moves and fashionable outfits. With the points counted, Whitney High School received the 1st prize of the fashion show.

Finally, the sunshine Olympics began. The first game was a hula-hoop rock-paper-scissor match where members faced off in intense battles. With the first event done, the next was dragon tail. This was filled with chaos where members of schools grabbed onto each other’s shoulders, moved as a team, and tried grabbing other school’s tails. Though this event was filled with screaming, laughing, and intense running, the event provided a boost of adrenaline we needed. The last event of the Olympics was a friendly game of stomping on balloons. The last one standing with a balloon attached to their ankle won. The conclusion of the Olympics ultimately led Whitney Key Club to win spirit stick for the month of July. The Sunshine Olympics were filled with fun, excitement, and most importantly, memories. We hope to see each and everyone of you at September DCM: Color War!

Jerrick Wu | ’21-’22 Secretary

The Olympics happened just a few weeks ago, but it doesn’t stop there! On August 21st, Division 30 South held their August DCM, Sunshine Olympics! 12 schools from our division gathered at Modjeska Park in Anaheim to participate in service, support food fundraisers, and play in numerous activities. The DCM portion included information about old and new business, and our club received much recognition. Not only did we earn the titles of “2nd Shining Club of The Month”, “Most Funds Raised”, and the Spirit Stick, but Leia Ogawa was recognized as Officer of the Month, our advisor Lawtton Test as Advisor of the Month, and Ashlyn Wong as DLT Officer of the Month—all from our club! After the DCM, we did a service project where we decorated bookmarks for children. It was soon time for games. We started with a game of Poncho, with our club winning in the end. The energy and spirit was high, and having to yell and dance was part of the fun. Later came a fashion show, where once again, we took first place for that contest. Each school had representatives to walk down the sidewalk and entertain the audience as much as they could! Then came a long series of games: a Hula Hoop Contest with Rock, Paper, Scissors incorporated into it, a Balloon Popping game, and a Dragon Tail game. Watching the Balloon Popping game go down was funny, as Key Clubbers had a balloon tied to their ankle and tried to pop other people’s balloons without getting their own popped. The Dragon Tail game was also very chaotic, but crazy fun. Two schools combined in each tail to make a total of 6 teams and the objective was for the person at the front to get the flag (“tail”) from the person in the back of another team. We ran so fast, and things went flying, but it was a good time. Throughout the whole event, individual home clubs were selling food to raise money for PTP. We sold pizza and breadsticks, and there was a whole range of foods there from spam musubis to Italian ice from other clubs. Not only were we able to support PTP by supporting these booths, but everyone who bought food was given extra chances at winning a giveaway (on top of the ticket we were given when we checked in). At the end of the DCM, winners of the giveaway were announced. If your ticket was chosen, then you won a pair of Vans! There were many winners and Key Clubbers waited in anticipation to hear their numbers called. A few won from Whitney, and of course there were several others from the other clubs that were at this event. Overall, this DCM was so much fun and it is definitely worth checking out if you have never been!

Alanna Chan | ’21-’22 Director of Kiwanis and Member Relations

Key Clubbers dressed in colorful clothing, repping their division mascot; tutus and spirit sticks everywhere; spirit battles happening left and right, up and down; and people across Southern California meeting each other and having a great time… of course, this event is none other than Fall Rally—and after a 1 year hiatus, Fall Rally is happening!

WHAT iS FALL RALLY SOUTH Fall Rally South is an annual California-Nevada-Hawaii District event that occurs every November to benefit the Pediatric Trauma Program. Here, you will be able to meet new people, enjoy world-class rollercoasters and attractions, engage in division spirit rallies where Division 30 South will battle it out with other divisions to win the coveted Spirit Stick (hopefully for the third time in a row), and more!




requirements COSTS: This includes admission, round trip bus transportation, bus parking fees, driver's tips, Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP) donation, and Chaperone costs. All attendees must pay in advance. + $73 per student without Season Pass, or + $31 per student with Season Pass

Medical Release Form + COVID Waiver Form + Must include physical, wet parental signatures (no e-signatures/electronic forms) Proof of vaccination OR negative COVID-19 test results within 5 days of Fall Rally + All CDC guidelines will be enforced, including temperature checks and masks

Emily Thang | ’21-’22 President



As the school year begins, it is important to keep a few points in mind so that you can be successful not only in school, but also in Key Club!



We tend to stress ourselves over the smallest details. Whether it be how an assignment is finished, or a poster is decorated, it is important that we all do not have stress. Distribute a small amount of your task among several days so it does not pile upon one day. Also, do not be afraid to ask other students or members for help when you feel that your life gets overly stressful. It is always bound to be that way, but dealing with your stressful project with four hands instead of two can make the difference in the stress you experience.

2 HELP OTHERS Helping your fellow Key Club members and students is KEY to being a successful student and key clubber! For one, helping others makes you come closer to whoever you help, which we especially need after a year of not seeing each other. Adding to this, the job will get done more efficiently. With everyone having a helping hand in a certain job, the task becomes easier to handle, the work is finished quickly, and it is done well.

3 HAVE FUN Nothing will be achieved if you do not have fun! It is important to keep a smiling face to show others that you care about Key Club and to spread the Key Club message as you work. A positive outlook on your job will keep you and everyone happy, which will only build a stronger club for us all.

Saadhvi Narayanan | ‘21-’22 Vice President


Hey suns? How are you doing? I just wanted to “talk” a bit about working as a team. You’ll hear this topic a lot, I’m not denying it one bit. Maybe you see “teamwork” written all over applications for college or other programs to show how well you can interact and communicate with others. I definitely have, and I know that as easy as it sounds, sometimes it can get tough.

Now let’s just define what “normal” is. It’s normal to ask for help and to want to help others. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and to possibly feel like you’re not doing enough. Personally, I’ve been in teams where it feels like no one is doing anything, some where everything goes “perfect” and smoothly, in others where I get frustrated and feel like I have to take things on. And I’ve been in the position where I’m the one who needs to step it up. And so, I did. Here’s the real big thing about working as a team: you need to put yourself in the other person’s (people’s) shoes in order to cooperate as much as you can.

Why is this such an emphasis to me? Well, definitely in sports, there’s a difference between being the weak link and being a “ghost” link. Yes, I made up the ghost part right now, but the idea is if you have improvement calling for you, then take it. You are still trying your best and there’s nothing wrong with that. But a “ghost” link is when you’re not present at all or you don’t put in the effort to do your part or to adapt and work with others. Imagine a basketball game: four players defend and one slacks. What happens then? There’s an open offense and a free shot (and possible points). Letting someone down is completely different from giving them nothing. It’s best not to reach that point.

How can we optimize the skillsets of each unique individual into the greatest results possible? If one person likes it one way, and the other another, then how can we compromise? There’s no one answer to this, but my biggest piece of advice that works for me is to talk it out. We can message, but it’s not the same as talking, hearing tones, and seeing emotions. There will always be those out there we can’t work with and those that we can work with with no problem at all. Try understanding the other person’s stance first and meet in the middle, but also remember that it’s not just the other person. Don’t always put yourself down/blame yourself first before looking at the whole situation, but it’s important to watch our own behavior, words, actions, and thoughts. Could it be something we are doing wrong? In that case, look to fix it. That’s why talking is important because maybe you learn something that you wouldn’t have thought of before and that person admits they may be wrong (or you), and that goes a lot further in working better as a team than not having taken action at all.

Alyssa Truong | ’21-’22 Director of Activities


FOOD BANK HEY KEY-UTIES! I hope you all are enjoying our service events so far, whether you’re going to in-person events or sticking with the online ones. These past few months have been full of amazing volunteer opportunities that you all should take part in, but specifically, HOPE Food Bank is one of my favorites now.

My first time going to HOPE Food Bank was Friday the 20th and Saturday the 21st, but Whitney Key Club participated in food distributions with them before the pandemic. Every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, the incredibly dedicated volunteers meet to prepare food bags and bring other items from restaurants to provide to low-income families. On Friday the 20th, we put together the food bags that included cans of vegetables, rice, pasta, and pasta sauce, but that’s not where the magic stopped.

When I went home, not only did I think about my soaking wet clothes, but the opportunities I have to make other people smile. By loading someone’s trunk with pastries or bagels, I not only made a difference in their life but in their whole family's. My experience at HOPE Food Bank is one I will never forget, and I hope that I can see you at the next HOPE Food Bank distribution on September 18!

Bright and early at 6:58 AM on Saturday the 21st as we pulled into the St. Irenaeus Church parking lot, we saw at least 30 cars lined up to receive food, 1 hour before the distribution actually started. The Key Club volunteers helped to quickly put together the tables and line up the hundreds of pastries, bread items, pizza boxes, and other food items, rushed to finish by the 8 AM start time. Soon after, with their trunks wide open and emptied to soon be filled with goods to take home to their families, the cars came forward. I was at the pastry stand and when each car pulled up, I got to see the smile on the driver’s face when I asked what flavor muffins they wanted. Even throughout the hardship they face, they always thank us for taking time out of our day to distribute these food items, through rain or shine. Literally! While we were volunteering at the food bank, the rain drizzle suddenly came down pretty hard, and I was completely drenched.


Vedika Kothari | ’21-’22 Director of Activities



HI SUNNIES! I hope you’ve all had a relaxing, yet eventful, summer break! Although back-toschool season has already begun, I think it’d be fun to look back on the highlights of what Whitney Key Club and Division 30 South have accomplished this summer!



After the school’s end in June, Key Club immediately got to work! Through holding Whitney Key Club’s virtual service month, it consisted of various online service activities. Additionally, our very first in-person service event of the term was held during late June! Besides service, we also held a New Member Orientation and Game Night online. In regards to the Division, June included a month-long service activity, joint-division social, and of course, our June DCM, which doubled as Officer Training Conference for the officers of Region 3!



July was a packed month, full of so many new opportunities! Whitney Key Club was able to begin offering various fully in-person service events, while also holding a few online options for those unable to attend in-person events. Along with that, we were able to host a giveaway fundraiser and interclub summer social. Division events consisted of a Servathon day, Food Bank, and service week. Our July DCM took place with Beach Boomba, a Region 3 event at the beach, marking our very first in-person DCM in over a year! D30S also held its annual MNT Week, to raise funds and awareness for MNT with different week-long activities and fundraisers.



As our last month of Summer, August did not disappoint! Yet again, Whitney Key Club was able to provide its members with a handful of service projects, in-person and online. On top of that, another interclub social with a Back-to-School theme was held in late August. The Division also had multiple different service events, such as the Kiwanis Book Organization and Monarch Butterfly Day. In addition, there was a Kiwanis AVI Country Picnic open to members and our unforgettable August DCM: Sunshine Olympics! Although Summer ‘21 has come to a close, I truly hope you all had a time well spent.

Sania Usmani | ’21-’22 Director of Fundraising


you join


Many of you are extremely passionate about serving our community through Key Club. Many of you might also be looking for a greater role in the club, with your own ideas to improve the work we do. If so, you should consider applying for cabinet in the future!

Being on Key Club’s cabinet comes with many challenges, but also many opportunities and incredible experiences! Depending on the position, you will have your own responsibilities that play a crucial part in running Key Club. You are obligated to regularly attend cabinet meetings and club events, as well as maintaining a monthly service time of at least 10 hours! In return, you will have a greater ability to improve Key Club with a voice in decision making. Being on cabinet also means that you are able to work, struggle, and laugh with a group of exceptional students who quickly become friends!

Here is a quick rundown of non-executive positions that newcomers should aim for! Directors of Fundraising raise funds by hosting fundraisers and sales. Directors of Activities organize each month’s service events. The Director of Kiwanis coordinates with our local Kiwanis club. Spirit Coordinator organizes Key Club’s socials and other club-related events. Historians/Tech Editors work with the more technical side of club management including making graphics and taking photos! Last but not least, Bulletin Editor creates a monthly newsletter to cover all the happenings at Key Club.

So when next term’s applications open, don’t hesitate to apply! For everyone with an incredible drive and talent, we want to hear from you!

Steven Cao | ’21-’22 Director of Fundraising


BACK 2 SCHOOL social

What’s poppin’ Whitney Key Club! I hope you all are having an amazing first month of school and enjoying seeing all of your friends again! During this month of August, we had a variety of club and division activities, fundraisers, and so many more exhilarating events. One event we had recently was our Back to School Social with Oxford Academy and Savanna High School!

On August 29th, from 4:30-6:30 P.M., our club held its second social since the pandemic had started. Members and officers from Whitney, Oxford, and Savanna met at Central Park for an evening full of games and socializing. As the event started, everyone was checking in to the event, as well as bonding and talking to one another. Once everyone was done checking in, everyone participated in icebreakers, with one being Soulmate, in order to meet new people with similar passions around them. After these icebreakers, attendees participated in a Color-ASmile service project where they colored positive pages in order to bring smiles to children’s faces around the world! During this project, members were also supporting Whitney and Oxford by purchasing either boba or churros with ice cream! Whitney Key Club was able to sell out on all its boba, raising almost $100 for the Pediatric Trauma Program, which is amazing.

Once everyone was done with the service project, we participated in card games that became very competitive and thrilling. As the games ended, we took group pictures with everyone, including the wonderful Kiwanis who chaperoned the event, thus leading to the end of the event.

Overall, the social was a spectacular event as there were so many new people to meet within these schools. Leia did a wonderful job planning the socials this month, and I can’t wait for future socials in order to meet different Key Clubbers around L.A. and Orange County. Also, if you weren’t able to make it to this event, don’t worry! With in-person events opening up, there are so many events, including DCM’s, service activities, and other socials, that you all can attend. Hope to see you all during these future events, and make sure to continue to stay safe and healthy!

Ayush Shah | ’21-’22 Treasurer



2 TiPS



stay organized

make a study schedule

This tip will save you so much time and stress. Keeping your study and work space organized will maximize productivity and keeping your work organized will save your unwarranted stress. Personally, when I don’t have my work organized, I feel unmotivated and unproductive, in addition to not being able to find anything (which has led to late/missing assignments). Finding an organization system that works for you is key.

As a regular procrastinator, I have learned that the best way to prevent future stress and to be productive is to keep a study schedule. Whether it be a study schedule for that day, week, or month, it’s important to stick to it and follow through each time. Even if you don’t explicitly create a study schedule, review your lessons from that day and study a bit on your own everyday!



participate in class

prioritize your health

Paying attention to the lessons being taught in class saves you so much time outside of class because you will already know the material, and you won’t have to relearn it later. And don’t be afraid to raise your hand, ask questions, and participate in general! Your teachers would love to help you and I promise your classmates aren’t judging you (in fact, they probably have the same question as you!)

Whether it be your physical, emotional, or mental health, it’s crucial to prioritize YOU. We all know the feeling of burning out and it isn’t fun. Take time to rest and recharge and do things you enjoy! It will save you from burning out and will make you 10x more productive! If you feel overwhelmed with deadlines and work, reach out to your teachers, friends, and family to help you out!

5 put yourself out there and try new things

You only go to high school once and it’s a unique experience! Be sure to take advantage of this and branch out, make new friends, join new clubs, have fun, and serve your community ;)

Leia Ogawa | ’21-’22 Spirit Coordinator




Hey Key Clubbers! On Saturday, August 7 from 8AM-12PM, Division 30 South hosted a book organizing event with the Kiwanis of Greater Westminster!

Many volunteers from across the 12 schools in our division attended, and we helped label, sort, and bag books to be donated later. There were books to be sorted for children, middle school, and high schoolers.

This event was a great opportunity to earn service hours through community service and bonding with our fellow Kiwanians at the same time. We were able to successfully organize around 8-10 boxes of books to be donated to a local Boys and Girls club!

Personally, my favorite part of this event was being able to see the direct impact we were making in the community, knowing that children will have a fun time reading these books was very heartwarming! Another thing I enjoyed was meeting new people from other Key Clubs in our division and serving alongside them.

I hope you also had fun at this event, if you attended, and are looking forward to more club and division events in the future.

Be sure to look out for upcoming service events and I hope to see you there! Stay shining suns! ♡

Ashlyn Wong | ’21-’22 Historian/Tech Editor


Hey, Key Club! By the time this article is released, I hope you all are adjusted to school life. In honor of going back to school in-person, here are some study tips I’ve learned throughout my years at Whitney. Incorporate some of these tips into your routine and your grades will thank you! Cheers to no more Zoom and Google Meets!


Homework, extra credit, reviewing for tests, do all of it early or on time. Rather than feeling stressed from procrastinating everything, I personally feel so much more relaxed and accomplished when I cross assignments off of my to-do list.


If you’re seriously procrastinating your homework or dreading to start just about any assignment from a class, my advice to you is to just start. Set a timer for two minutes, remove any distractions, and just begin. Start researching or start writing - all you have to do is work for those two minutes and get the ball rolling. If those two minutes are up and you still feel unmotivated, go back to it in an hour or the next day and try again. Who knows, maybe you just needed a little push.


An easy way to commit something you learn into long-term memory is by reviewing it everyday before you forget it! Taking out five or ten minutes a day to review a lesson will help you weeks in advance of the test. What you don’t want to do is cram a whole unit worth of information into the night before. I’ve done both, and you can take a guess as to which one actually benefited me.


If there’s one thing I remember from Mr. Perry’s learning unit in psychology, it’s to sleep. You can study for hours on end and barely get a wink of sleep, but you won’t actually remember anything. Sleep is crucial to retaining all of the information you spent hours studying. Listen to science and get your recommended sleep:)


School, life, and pretty much everything is about your mentality. Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right (yes, I just quoted Henry Ford). Manifest it! Fake it ‘til you make it! Do whatever you can to convince yourself that you are fully capable of accomplishing your goals (without harming yourself or others, of course). Stay focused, stay driven; you got this! Best of luck this school year, Key Club!

Isabela Esteban | ’21-’22 Historian/Tech Editor

from, your cabby

WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND YOUR WHOLE DAY DOING? PRESIDENT | EMILY THANG I would go on a much-needed vacation somewhere :’) SECRETARY | JERRICK WU Hanging out with friends and being productive

VICE PRESIDENT & SPIRIT GEAR COORDINATOR | SAADHVI NARAYANAN Reading anything while drinking a starbucks double chocco chip frappuccino TREASURER | AYUSH SHAH Eating ice cream and binging Netflix



I would watch all the Taylor Swift recorded concerts! :)

I would listen to music and sing a bunch of pop songs with friends and family!

DIRECTOR OF FUNDRAISING | STEVEN CAO Hanging out with friends DIRECTOR OF KIWANIS AND MEMBER RELATIONS | ALANNA CHAN Playing val and baking banana bread :) HISTORIAN/TECH EDITOR & SERVICE PROJECT COORDINATOR | ASHLYN WONG 100% crocheting and watching kdrama ! DIVISION NEWS EDITOR | MICHELLE KIM I would sleep or watch kdramas ^3^ SPIRIT COORDINATOR | JASMINE TAI I would spend all day listening to music or catch up on a bunch of shows!


Scrolling through tiktok or skating :P

contact us social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet PRESIDENT | EMILY THANG emilythang168@gmail.com VICE PRESIDENT | SAADHVI NARAYANAN saadhstar@gmail.com SECRETARY | JERRICK WU jerrickwu7@gmail.com TREASURER | AYUSH SHAH ayush98365@gmail.com BULLETIN EDITOR | ELIZABETH HOANG elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES | VEDIKA KOTHARI vedikakothar005@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES | ALYSSA TRUONG alyssa_truong@myabcusd.org DIRECTOR OF FUNDRAISING | SANIA USMANI sanusmani01@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF FUNDRAISING | STEVEN CAO stevenc1432@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF KIWANIS AND MEMBER RELATIONS | ALANNA CHAN alannamchan@gmail.com

SPIRIT COORDINATOR | LEIA OGAWA leiaogawa7@gmail.com HISTORIAN/TECH EDITOR | ASHLYN WONG ashlynwong01@gmail.com HISTORIAN/TECH EDITOR | ISABELA ESTEBAN isabelaesteban04@gmail.com

leadership team EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT | SANIA USMANI sanusmani01@gmail.com DIVISION NEWS EDITOR | MICHELLE KIM michellemkim6@gmail.com SERVICE PROJECT COORDINATOR | ASHLYN WONG ashlynwong01@gmail.com FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR | ANIKA KASULA anikakasula@gmail.com PUBLICITY COORDINATOR | ITZEL HUERTA itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com SPIRIT GEAR COORDINATOR | SAADHVI NARAYANAN saadhstar@gmail.com SPIRIT COORDINATOR | JASMINE TAI jasmineliewtai@gmail.com

advisors KIWANIS | MR. LAWTTON TEST lawttontest@gmail.com CLUB | MS. STACEY PALMER stacey.palmer@abcusd.us

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