What's Buzzing? | July 2021 Newsletter | Whitney High School Key Club

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july 2021


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editor’s note president’s message progress tracker sunny snapshots d30s food bank beach boomba preferred charity spotlight returning to serving in-person bubblefest visions meeting tips for new members keeping up with the kiwanis mhs x whs x chs social d30s servathon long beach community table contact us

editor’s note Dear buzzing bees, Welcome to the fourth edition of my newsletter! Happy July! How have you all been? I have recently discovered my newfound obsession for earl grey boba milk tea and baggy sweaters. And I have also been splurging on books <3 This month we had our first in-person DCM and it was so cool to see everyone in real life, you know instead of through a zoom call when everyone has their camera off hehe. I wanted to do a little revamping so I hope you guys are all liking the new format for the newsletter, there’s more to come next month >.< Stay updated with all of our upcoming events on our social media and keep serving! Happy reading bees! See you next month!

shining with service,

Elizabeth Hoang

president’s message Hey Whitney Key Club! I hope you are all having a wonderful summer so far and enjoying each day to the fullest! With summer in full swing, this is the perfect time for YOU to get on that volunteer grind and become more active in Key Club before school resumes in August. We have so, so many opportunities for you to get involved, ranging from service events to fundraisers to socials and more— it’s up to you to make the most out of your Key Club experience! In fact, this past month we had several virtual and in person events: volunteer opportunities (Discovery Cube Bubblefest, Golf Tournament, D30S Servathon and Food Bank, etc.), the Cypress x Magnolia x Whitney Interclub Social, the Starbucks Gift Basket Giveaway, and more! If you weren’t able to attend any, don’t worry; we’ve got plenty of projects coming your way soon. Keep in mind that Key Club is an international organization, meaning that you are able to meet people outside of Whitney High School across California, the United States, and even the world. With this in mind, take advantage of regional, district, and international opportunities such as Region Training Conference, Fall Rally South, District Convention, and more. To stay connected and up to date on all things Whitney Key Club, make sure that you are in the loop! If you haven’t already, go ahead and follow @whitneyhigh_keyclub on Instagram, join our Whitney Key Club! Facebook group, text @whitneykc1 to 81010, and join our Google Classroom with the code dozin76. Check out our club website at https://whitneyhskeyclub.wixsite.com/keyclub, our Linktree at https://linktr.ee/whitneyhskeyclub, and our club calendar here. Plus, take the time to go through online resources on cnhkeyclub.org and keyclub.org to learn more about Key Club, the contests you can apply to, and other news. Remember, if you ever have ANY questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and I will be more than happy to help! Hope to see you soon Key Clubbers and keep up the service and spirit! :)

shining with service,

Emily Thang



SERVICE 3035.5





interclub social

beach boomba


Tuesday, July 21st. It was on this bright and early morning that dozens of sunny Key Clubbers across Division 30 South woke up before 7 AM, ready to serve their community at the Saddleback Church Food Bank, taking place in the lovely Magnolia High School parking lot.

When volunteers first arrived at the scene, we were all instructed to check in, sanitize our hands, and put on a pair of gloves and a bright yellow vest (to match our sunny mascot and personalities). Afterwards, everyone was given a certain task. To start off, most people were instructed to bag and package food (including goods like Starbucks sandwiches, cookies, bagels, cake pops, and more), while a select few were tasked with walking up to cars with clipboards to mark down names and other information from the food bank clients. This entire process was pretty smooth, as everyone was speedy and hard at work, and after a while, it began to look like a rapid assembly line.

Later on in the event, volunteers were able to deliver all of the boxed and packaged food items directly to the cars as they pulled up to our booths. Each family was able to receive at least one box and/or bag of food and groceries, depending on the cars’ stickers and eligibility status at the food bank.

On top of that, the food bank employees were extremely kind, warm, and welcoming; water bottles and refreshments were provided to everyone free of charge, and we were even allowed to go into the “cooling truck” if we ever felt hot or needed a break. Personally, I went into the cooling truck twice, and it was a memorable and exhilarating experience both times. In this truck, volunteers were able to relax in the refrigerator’s cool breeze, host a mini photoshoot, and bond with each other throughout the event.

The D30S Food Bank was a great opportunity for everyone involved to get to meet and talk to new people. Make sure to keep an eye out for future division service opportunities on Instagram @d30ssuns, and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and attend Key Club events! Even if you don’t know anyone at an event, I promise you will be able to meet and make new friends in no time; Key Clubbers are probably some of the most compassionate, open, and caring people you will ever meet in your lifetime! Otherwise, bring your friends out with you and volunteer together for a blast! I hope to see you all at our next division event Whitney Key Clubbers! <3

Emily Thang | ’21-’22 President

Beach Boomba 2021 featured a whole lot of fun, memories, and a reminder of what Key Club is really about. Hosted on July 31th, this social/DCM started in the early morning at 10 AM at Huntington Beach. With covid waivers and vaccination checks, the day started off slow. However, we were soon given a clothespin in which we had to write our name, division, and Instagram handles. These were then placed into a bucket, everyone chose someone else’s clothespin out of the bucket, and from there, the race was on. With shouting and scrabbling, everyone attempted to return the clothespin to their original owners. This proved to be an efficient icebreaker as Key Clubbers were forced to talk with other volunteers from other divisions in order to find the clothespins’ owner. With the quick ice breaker out of the way, we now moved on to the main event of the day: a relay race. This race featured a series of challenges that included bear crawling, army crawling, crab walking, taking photos with LTGs, making a human pyramid, and so much more. This event prompted spiriting, sweating, and feet burning on the scorching sand. However, when this activity was all set and done, it was now time for lunch. This gave members a chance to relax, explore the beach, and even play some beach football and frisbee. After this quick break, members were given the opportunity to pie and water balloon the LTGs. D30S LTG, Christina Nugyen, was completely messy with pies and water balloons hurled at her from all directions. Shortly after, it was time for the DCM. During the DCM, members received information on upcoming events, fundraisers, socials, and some were even recognized for their outstanding work. In addition, Whitney Key Club received the International Diamond Distinguished award which is considered prestigious, representing 38 countries from around the world. We owe a huge thank you to all the dedicated members of Whitney Key Club, showing their passion for volunteering and service around the community which has allowed our club to receive this highly sought recognition. With the wrap of the DCM, Beach Boomba soon came to a close. Those who attended came out with sun tans, foot burns, and above all memories that cannot be forgotten. We wish you all can come to future DCMs that will be filled with the same fun many of us experienced here. The next one will be held on August 21st with more information to follow. See you there!

Jerrick Wu | ’21-’22 Secretary

What’s poppin’ Whitney Key Club? I hope you all are having an amazing summer break and enjoying each day to the fullest! During this month of July, we had a variety of inperson service activities, fundraisers, and division events. Talking about division events, we recently had our first in-person DCM since the coronavirus started, Beach Boomba!

On July 31st, from 10-3 P.M., the region held our annual Beach Boomba DCM. All of the divisions apart of Region 3 met at Huntington Beach to enjoy a day full of fun and exhilarating activities. Since this was our first DCM in person, you can imagine how excited everyone was to meet each other after more than a year! Once everyone was done checking in, everyone participated in an icebreaker where they got to meet someone new from the region using clothespins. Everyone who checked in received a clothespin with their name on it, and each person got someone else’s clothespin. The goal was to find and bond with the person on the clothespin, which you randomly chose. After this icebreaker, everyone participated in a relay race where people took turns doing different exercises, such as sprinting, army crawling, bear crawling, and so much more! Once everyone was done with the relay, there was a scavenger hunt to participate in, and the teams with the most points would receive a free Chick-Fil-A meal! This scavenger hunt was beyond exciting since members were getting buried in the sand, we got to meet new people, and we were able to explore around the beach. After this activity concluded, it was time for lunch where everyone got pizza and snacks. We had a long break, which allowed members to bond, play games, and enjoy their time at the beach. However, as lunch ended, it wasn’t going to be over for the LTG’s from each division. In order to fundraise for our preferred charities, members could buy pies and water balloons and throw them at any LTG they wanted to. Our LTG, Christina Nguyen, ended up getting the most pied and water ballooned, which was very entertaining, but also meant we were able to raise a lot of money! Once this part of the day ended, it was time for the DCM. Whitney Key Club was able to receive one of the most prestigious rewards, Diamond Distuingshed from Key Club International. This is one of the greatest rewards, and we were so grateful that we were able to be recognized as one of the few Diamond Distinguished clubs out of 38 different countries. After the DCM, everyone was relaxing or playing games, such as tug-of-war, which led to the end of the event!

Ayush Shah | ’21-’22 Treasurer


One of Key Club’s preferred charities is the EliMiNaTe project – but what exactly is it? Why is it important? And most importantly, how can you help?

what is mnt

Maternal Neonatal Tetanus is a disease that infects mothers and children during childbirth as a result of unsanitary conditions. It can be eliminated through three vaccine doses, each $1.80 each. While significant progress has been made across the world, MNT has yet to be eliminated in 12 countries. The Eliminate Project, a partnership between UNICEF and Key Club, hopes to eliminate MNT in these 12 countries by raising money to pay for vaccines.


DONATE TO KEY CLUB FUNDRAISERS Every month, Whitney Key Club hosts fundraisers to help give back to the community. By participating in one of our fundraisers, you can contribute to eliminating MNT.


DONATE TO DIVISION FUNDRAISERS Whitney Key Club is part of Division 30 South, which also hosts fundraisers to contribute to UNICEF and the Eliminate Project. Participate in their fundraisers to give back.


VISIT UNICEF Visit UNICEF’s webpage to find out more information on ways to donate directly to them or to just learn about programs that are working towards eliminating MNT!

learn more

Learn more by visiting UNICEF’s website! They have updates on the fight against MNT and fun facts about the programs that are running to contribute to the cause!

Saadhvi Narayanan | ‘21-’22 Vice President



What’s up fellow suns?! How’s summer going? Have you been to an in-person event yet? Well, if you haven’t, you got to get to know how things are vibin’ out there in the sun around people we haven’t seen in ages and new friends! Throughout this summer, Whitney High School Key Club is going through a BIG transition from online to more in person events and service activities, but we need YOUR help to make it all happen! Right now, we’re looking for many different kinds of volunteering activities and events you guys can take part in!

Why should you go to in-person events? Well, first of all, we’ll be transitioning completely away from online service activities, so why not get started soon and get the feel of what it’s like to get out there “in real life?!” Two, it’s a whole ‘nother level of excitement and experience! Rather than stay muted or stare at screens for a couple hours to a whole day, you can move around, talk to people and make new friends with fellow volunteers, and see the real life impact of volunteering you’re making on other people’s lives! Three, there’s all kinds of in-person events, from helping out at soccer and golf tournaments, to helping with snack and game booths, and much much more! Four, volunteering inperson is not just about the service, but social interaction on top of getting hands-on experience and helping communities beyond what we do at home! And five, there are plenty of events, schools, organizations, and companies that we’re volunteering for that are trying to get back in person and start things up again, but they need YOUR help to make it happen! Now with small numbers and safety protocols, sometimes, just one helpful hand to the “more the merrier” kind of groups would be extremely helpful!

But yes, I know…we have the unfortunate presence of Covid-19 among us. So what happens now? It might be scary, but when we start going back in person, we’re trying to make sure everyone is as safe as possible whether it be through testing 72 hours ahead of time and resulting in a negative or having already been vaccinated. Many places we volunteer at also make sure to ensure we have the sanitizing resources we need, masks, and maintain social distance. BUT, we DO have outdoor events too and if those are better options, we’d highly encourage you to try participating in one of these! We understand if you just can’t go to these events, but as we start transitioning, many of the service hours attainable WILL start being mostly from in person events. Transportation might be another matter, and that’s why we’re also trying to find closer events and activities as possible so it’s not too far of a drive! But for now, we’ve kept a little bit of online service so you aren’t missing out on TOO much! When we all get back in the future, let’s hit the ground running on these in-person events and go all out!

Alyssa Truong | ’21-’22 Director of Activities


HEY KEY-UTIES! Alas, the time has come for us to return back to our in-person events. For those who went to an in-person event before COVID, you’ll understand the excitement we all feel now that we can go out and serve again. And for the new buzzin’ bees who are eager to volunteer, take it from me, you’re really going to enjoy these in-person events!

Speaking of which, Bubblefest 2021 has just passed, and Whitney Key Club volunteered on July 13th and July 18th. Bubblefest is an annual event that takes place at the Discovery Cube in Orange County. The event has a Mega Bubblefest Laser show, that is 40 minutes of music, lasers, and bubble artistry. Along with that, there are tons of interactive bubble-filled experiences, where we volunteered! The combination of science and bubbles leaves kids wonderstruck and lets adults feel young again! Volunteers ran the different booths with various bubble activities, like a bubble wall and bubble courtyard. We got to interact with so many kids who ran around excitedly to keep popping bubbles. The 5 hour shift, although tiring and feet-breaking, was all worth it to see the smiles all around!


Some of my favorite memories from this event were Ashlyn’s swan boat that didn’t even hold 2 marbles, my raft boat that held 40 marbles, Ayush dancing during break, and lastly and certainly the least, the shortest 15 minute breaks that left us all running back to our stands.

If you missed this event, don’t worry! We have so many more coming up, including Summer Harvest, Surf City Surf Dog, Friendly Center Food Distribution, and so much more. BEE on the lookout for “Whitney Key Club Events!” emails from Alyssa and I, with all the information you need to continue volunteering this summer, and upcoming school year!



https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe96tP7obnCRnxXmKJjW359p3rv5kXrLT9xnMsmuvmBesz_AA/viewform

Vedika Kothari | ’21-’22 Director of Activities

VISIONS meeting

Hi KEYuties, I hope you’re all having a great summer so far! With life readjusting to how it was, places opening back up, and things somewhat going back to normal, you may have noticed that Key Club is transitioning back as well! Throughout the month of July, Whitney Key Club and our Cabinet have been working extremely hard to hold a variety of in-person service projects, socials, and other events; one of which being our annual Board Visions Meeting! You may be wondering, what is a Visions Meeting? Well, every year, all Whitney Key Club officers get together to discuss their upcoming goals, plans, and ideas for the current term! Board is able to work together to set different goals for different aspects of our club, such as the amount of hours we would like to serve, the amount of funds we would like to raise, and the amount of dues-paid members we would like to gain. The Visions Meeting plays a vital role in helping our Cabinet stay on track and motivated throughout the year! On July 3rd, Whitney Key Club Cabinet for the ‘21 - ‘22 term, which consists of around 17 officers, including those serving on the Division Leadership Team that are representing Whitney Key Club, were all able to come together for the very first time in real life! The Visions Meeting itself took a little over an hour, as we discussed important matters, like the ones previously mentioned, as well as officer expectations, an overview of the year, and more! Throughout this time, each member of Cabinet was able to speak their mind, as we went in a circle to express our own ideals, critiques, or thoughts. Our Division’s LTG, Christina Nguyen, was also present at the meeting, so she was able to give her input on specifics as well. I found this to be extremely beneficial within our Board, as everyone’s voice was heard and we were all on the same page about important matters. Since it was our Cabinet’s first time all together, after the actual Visions Meeting we held a Cabinet Bonding! At the bonding event, we had a water balloon fight, played a variety of games, and, of course, took lots of pictures! Although the Visions Meeting takes place within Whitney Key Club Cabinet, the members play a huge role in the contents we discuss. In everything we do, whether it be setting goals or implementing new ideas, nothing would be possible without our members. So, while our Visions Meeting is supposed to help Cabinet stay motivated throughout the term, I encourage nothing less from all of you, the members, as it is YOUR constant dedication towards Key Club that allows us to succeed! Being able to serve on Cabinet is truly an honor and I am BEEyond excited for the rest of this term, as I hope all of you are!

Sania Usmani | ’21-’22 Director of Fundraising


new members

As a new member, Key Club can be a bit disorienting! With so many events, meetings, and service activities, it can be difficult to decide on what to spend your time on. With that said, here are a few tips to help you on your journey!



Key Club is always evolving. We in cabinet are constantly looking for new activities and events to serve our community! As a new member, experiment with our different service opportunities to find your favorites!

2 STAY iNFORMED Key Club general meetings are the perfect time to learn about our plans for the new month and share your opinions! Service events are also often limited to a dozen or so students, so sign up early to secure your spot!

3 PLAN AHEAD Know your schedule! Key Club activities are usually announced weeks before their actual date, with many highlight events such as Lock-In occurring annually. It is important to know your availability so you can plan which events to go to!

4 BE CONSISTENT A regular volunteer schedule is essential to being an active Key Club member! We recommend at least 10 hours a month, but don’t feel pressured if you have other more pressing commitments. Try to come to our general monthly meetings as well to show your involvement.

5 BE A COMMUNiTY MEMBER Key Club’s foundation is our community! We are at our peak as a team and improve through our service with each other. Be a positive addition to our club and support your fellow Key Clubbers whenever you can!

Steven Cao | ’21-’22 Director of Fundraising


with the


You all may know me as the “Director of Kiwanis and Member Relations”—but Kiwanis, the Kiwanians, who are they? I can answer that question for you right now! The Kiwanis strive to make an impact on the children and share their guidance. They sponsor other Kiwanis family clubs, like ours, and the one that we specifically affiliate with is the Kiwanis Club of La Palma! They have done so much for our club and for the community, so let’s talk a little bit more about that. And there’ll be some Kiwanis updates on what is going on too! Speaking of sponsoring us, you may be wondering what they have done for our club. Starting with a very important piece of the puzzle, we have a new Kiwanis advisor who you will all get to know this year, whose name is Lawtton Test! He has helped our cabinet in planning events, and we are so excited to have him on board this term. And something else to note is that even some of the recent service opportunities have been given to us by them like the Summer Harvest events! There may also be more upcoming service events in the future, and you definitely don’t want to miss out! Maybe potentially a volunteer activity at the park? You will have to wait and see! By going to these events, you may even be able to volunteer alongside these admirable people. It’s truly wonder ful how much this organization does for our club, and if you have time, I would definitely take the time to learn more about what they do and our local ones. And again, I can always give you more information if you are interested in it! Maybe I’ll even see you all at a Kiwanis DCM one time!

If you would like to get to know them, there are many ways to do it! Every year we have the annual Kiwanisgiving and monthly, there are Kiwanis DCMS. The Kiwanisgiving usually happens around Thanksgiving, so keep on the lookout for that! It is an amazing event that includes our club as well as John F. Kennedy. Here, we get to bond with them, play games, and it’s an excellent chance to get to know these amazing individuals. There may be an additional event to this one, but that’s still in the works. The Kiwanis DCMs on the other hand are where you can see what is going on with each Kiwanis club, similar to our division’s DCM. If you’d ever like to attend, you can either let me know or hear about it at our division’s DCMS, where they usually announce the date of the next one. There is one other meeting that happens monthly specifically with the Kiwanis for La Palma, but unfortunately not everyone can attend. If you’re ever interested in what is happening with our sponsoring club, you can always message me and I’ll give you all the updates from the last meeting!

Alanna Chan | ’21-’22 Director of Kiwanis and Member Relations


SOCiAL On Friday, July 23rd from 2-5 PM, at Magnolia Baptist Church, we had our FIRST IN-PERSON SOCIAL IN A YEAR-AND-A-HALF! The social was an interclub social with two other clubs in our division, Magnolia High School Key Club and Cypress High School Key Club. The social started off with brief introductions and announcements, including announcing our fundraiser taking place at the event itself! Following introductions, we played a game called “Poncho.” The game consists of different groups doing crazy and unique dance moves in the form of a competition.

Eventually, as all the other teams were eliminated, we came to a winner and moved on to the next game: a water balloon toss. Members were tasked with finding a partner from a different school and a different grade. As incentive, the winners’ prize would be to be the first people to throw water balloons at the presidents! After the presidents got soaked, an all out water balloon fight took place!! Despite many members across all three schools being strangers, they seemingly forgot about their awkward social boundaries and had fun bonding with everyone.

The next game we played was hot potato with water balloons, but with a slight variation. As the rounds went on, more and more water balloons were added; and if you had one in your hand, you had to give it to your neighbor and they were to pop it on you! After concluding the water balloon games, we had everyone clean up the church grounds from any trash or water balloons left behind from our games. Following all the games and water, members took a break and split into groups where they played mafia, talked with new people, listened to music, and ate all the great food from the fundraiser! As the social began coming to a close, the members left not only soaked, but with new memories and friendships. I have made so many amazing memories by coming out to socials and I strongly encourage you to come out to the next social! See you there, suns!

Leia Ogawa | ’21-’22 Spirit Coordinator

division 30 south

What’s up Whitney Key Clubbers! On Saturday, July 17 from 10AM-12PM, our division held our very first in-person event, better known as Servathon!

OVERViEW Volunteers from all over our division of 12 schools attended and participated in this service event! We hosted it at West Anaheim United Methodist Church, with the help of many adult chaperones, staff from the church, and our division officers. Members had opportunities to engage in a variety of activities to create goodie bag donations to the church, participate in a small canned food drive, and purchase foods and drinks from Cypress Key Club in support of their Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP) fundraiser.

ACTIVITIES We created drawings as an icebreaker within our groups after checking into the event and getting temperatures taken. After this, mini tote bags were passed around, along with paintbrushes and paint for each group. These would serve as the goodie bags themselves, which members could paint and decorate however they would like. Next, strings, markers, and paper were passed around for bracelets and cards. At the end of the event, we took a picture together and announced the results for the three winners of the sun plushie giveaway!

RESULT In total, 99 volunteers and 6 chaperones attended the event. We served a total of 198 hours and were able to donate all of the goodie bags to West Anaheim United Methodist Church! In addition, we were able to collect a large box-full of canned food donations to donate to the church’s food pantry! Thank you to everyone who was able to come out and participate, we hope you had a lot of fun and are looking forward to our upcoming division events!

Ashlyn Wong | ’21-’22 Historian/Tech Editor

LONG BEACH community table

What’s buzzin’ Key Club! As we transition from online events to more in-person service activities, cabinet is excited to share these events with you to get you to come out and serve! On July 20th, I had the pleasure of volunteering in-person at the Long Beach Community Table located in Bellflower. Through this article, I will describe my experience in hopes that YOU are more interested in volunteering at this non-profit organization!

When I arrived, I was warmly greeted by the staff and was directed from the main entrance to the back room where all of the food was stored. The other Key Club volunteers and I took instructions from the head coordinator, Marcus, where we put on gloves and started sorting fresh produce such as onions and carrots. We continued to sort food until people arrived and began placing their orders.

People wrote their orders on slips of paper categorized by protein, frozen foods, produce, dry foods, and miscellaneous. Volunteers scrounged the back room seeking the requested food and packaged the orders in cardboard boxes. Once all of the items were collected and packed, we went outside and delivered the box!

However, there were some restrictions to p a c k a g i n g t h e o r d e r s . We w e r e instructed to only give one protein, bag of fruit, and box/tub of ice cream per family despite the family size. In addition, by the end of the day, we had run out of some food items that some families had requested. I hope the families were still able to enjoy their food despite these challenges!

Vo l u n t e e r i n g a t t h e L o n g B e a c h Community Table was an amazing experience, and I’ll definitely be back again! They’re always looking for new and young volunteers, so even if you’re the slightest bit interested, I highly recommend checking it out!

Isabela Esteban | ’21-’22 Historian/Tech Editor

contact us social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet PRESIDENT | EMILY THANG emilythang168@gmail.com VICE PRESIDENT | SAADHVI NARAYANAN saadhstar@gmail.com SECRETARY | JERRICK WU jerrickwu7@gmail.com TREASURER | AYUSH SHAH ayush98365@gmail.com BULLETIN EDITOR | ELIZABETH HOANG elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES | VEDIKA KOTHARI vedikakothar005@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES | ALYSSA TRUONG alyssa_truong@myabcusd.org DIRECTOR OF FUNDRAISING | SANIA USMANI sanusmani01@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF FUNDRAISING | STEVEN CAO stevenc1432@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF KIWANIS AND MEMBER RELATIONS | ALANNA CHAN alannamchan@gmail.com

SPIRIT COORDINATOR | LEIA OGAWA leiaogawa7@gmail.com HISTORIAN/TECH EDITOR | ASHLYN WONG ashlynwong01@gmail.com HISTORIAN/TECH EDITOR | ISABELA ESTEBAN isabelaesteban04@gmail.com

leadership team EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT | SANIA USMANI sanusmani01@gmail.com DIVISION NEWS EDITOR | MICHELLE KIM michellemkim6@gmail.com SERVICE PROJECT COORDINATOR | ASHLYN WONG ashlynwong01@gmail.com FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR | ANIKA KASULA anikakasula@gmail.com PUBLICITY COORDINATOR | ITZEL HUERTA itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com SPIRIT GEAR COORDINATOR | SAADHVI NARAYANAN saadhstar@gmail.com SPIRIT COORDINATOR | JASMINE TAI jasmineliewtai@gmail.com

advisors KIWANIS | MR. LAWTTON TEST lawttontest@gmail.com CLUB | MS. STACEY PALMER stacey.palmer@abcusd.us

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