LL Lower North Shore | Winter 15

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YOURHealth by anything around him. He would wander around his classroom, fidgeting and distracting others. However, three weeks after starting Paleo his teacher asked me what had happened with him because his behaviour had changed dramatically. He now sits still in class, listens to instructions and follows through without confusion or prompting. I told her we were going Paleo - she was astounded, she said the change has been so dramatic she was going to ask me if I had put him on medication! He also now sleeps solidly 12 hours each night, whereas in the past he would sleep for way less. I have registered for The Paleo Way 10 Week Challenge, which is full of great recipes, videos and blogs from Pete and the team, which helps you along the journey. I have several of Pete’s recipe books and use them almost every night. Each recipe that I have cooked is scrumptious. My favourite is the Family Food Cookbook. It’s practical, informative and the recipes are delicious! For more information check out at www.thepaleoway.com


Centre for Podiatric Medicine


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