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The Lindenhurst Gazette

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Letters to the Editor


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Take A Walk In Lindenhurst Documenting the physical changes on our streets


Dear Editor: Great Job on the paper. We love how you always find room for all the school kids. Thanks for caring! Linda S. Dear Editor: Please let Ashley know I found her story “Get home now” really quite touching. She really expressed her feelings in a very expounding way. Glad to see she made it home safe and by the way, those eels went between my legs also, my wife called them Flotsam and Jetsam from the Little Mermaid. Peter K Dear Editor: Love your newspaper, but, sandy is over. Perhaps we should move on? Witheld by request! Dear Witheld: Really? Sandy is NOT OVER, at least not for all those still fighting the insurance company, fighting FEMA and all the other bureaucracy associated with this mess. Listen, everyone is entitled to an opinion and that is why

I published your comments, but you really need a reality check if you think it is over. When EVERYONE is back home then we can begin to say It is over. Dear Editor: I love the stories and photos in your newspaper and I can see that your newspaper is going in the right direction,May I sugest some local sports coverage. Just a thought, keep up the good work! Billy The coach, Lindenhurst, NY Dear Billy The Coach. I would love to feature sports in the newspaper and our Website, Are you volunteering to cover the events for me? Seriously, If ANYONE has Local sports coverage, photos, details, please don’t keep it to yourslf, Send it to me at Editor@lindygazette.com Editor’s Note: Do you have an Idea, a suggestion or a Story? Don’t be shy, send it in or Call.

More than a year after Sandy, Lindenhurst and the rest of the south shore continues to rebuild. As we continue to recover, several things will By inevitably change. Our Dan built environment will Horn be getting a much needed resilient overhaul. Our homes will continue to rise and our water’s edge will harden. Apart from resilient improvements, another key aspect of our town is changing. The village firehouse that has been in commission for almost 90 years will be undergoing a complete makeover. Located at the heart and the geographic center of the village, the Lindenhurst Fire Department headquarters has served and protected the Lindenhurst community for decades. In a few short weeks, we will begin to witness the demolition of the old firehouse and the construction of a brand new building, one that will continue to protect us for decades to come. Documenting the physical changes on our streets is something that is very

important to me, being a designer and young architect, and for the future of our village. When it was in commission, the firehouse on Wellwood stood as a symbol of the strength and prosperity of our community. As residents, we should look at the transformation of the village firehouse as a new beginning. A rebirth. A chance to start fresh. It should also symbolize and spark an economic comeback to help the struggling storefronts along Wellwood Avenue. As residents and vital community members, let’s take this opportunity to get out and walk our downtown and see all these changes that are happening. It is also a great opportunity to support our local businesses. I’ve been trying to do just that over the past several months. I’ve been walking, sketching, diagramming and photographing the physical changes that are happening around our town. There are some things you just can’t notice and appreciate driving past at 30 mph. I urge each and every one of you to take a walk around Lindenhurst to see what’s changing for the better.

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