SBT issue 450

Page 24


Future-Proofing: is your business ready for a future that includes everyone? By Mo Kanjilal, Co-Creator of Watch This Sp_ce If you want to create a


future-proof business, then including

different types of

people, perspectives

and ideas in everything you do is critical. Without that, you will lack the different perspectives you need to innovate.

Here’s the thing though, it’s easy to say

that’s what you will do. It’s a bigger task to actually create an inclusive company that looks outwards and engages with everyone.

The Business Case

Research shows that teams that include a diverse range of people output

around 19% more innovation. Diverse teams make decisions quicker with

around half the number of meetings. And you know what? Innovation +


Quick Decision-making = success.

And that success means higher profits, better productivity and happier and more engaged employees.

Yet despite this evidence showing that diverse teams perform better, the majority of companies are still

dominated by homogenous teams of

people from dominant groups. In fact,

recent research shows the gender pay

gap has widened and that more people from ethnic minorities have lost their

jobs during the pandemic. And that’s

just two aspects of the different types of people in society.

When we talk to organisations about the

business case for diversity and inclusion, there’s always lots of nods and looks

of interest. Yet real change in the wider

world is so slow. To make radical and transformative changes takes work,

engagement and tenacity. Maybe that’s why progress is taking a while. People

Transforming the people involved in your business means reaching out to very

different types of people. This is where we see so many organisations talking about diversity and inclusion, but not

really doing much about it. It’s easier to follow the same patterns of recruitment and to hire people you know. It’s easier to network with people who are similar to you. A more complex task is to

radically reimagine the whole process. To create new and inclusive

recruitment processes means change. Obvious right? So why is it that this is

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