Life After 50 - May 2020

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Vol. 30 No. 5

Visit us on the web:

May 2020

Seniors & COVID-19 Doctors find older adults show unusual symptoms page 4

TRAVEL AFTER 50: Amazing experiences in Mesa Verde page 6

CORONAVIRUS TIP: Soap, water better than sanitizer page 8


Departs June 5, 2020

September 26, 2020


A Spectacular Day Trip to South Park City & Breckenridge


Discover Bent’s Old Fort, Ludlow Massacre Site, Sand Creek Massacre Last and Camp Amache, Colorado’s Internment Camp chance




We depart Colorado Springs this morning for the lovely Candlelight Dinner Theater. After a gourmet lunch, we’ll enjoy the amazing performance of Peter Pan! After the performance, we’ll be treated to an informative and educational tour, including meeting some of the actors! PRICE INCLUDES: A fully escorted tour aboard a luxury motorcoach, excellent seats for Peter Pan, a gourmet lunch complete with dessert and beverage and a private backstage tour after the performance.



Departs October 2, 2020

The majesty of Quebec against the backdrop of the Laurentian Mountains


Book by M ay and receiv 31 e discount a of

Day 1 - Arrive in French Canada - Settle into your conveniently located hotel before a welcome dinner this evening. $150 Day 2 - Montreal Sightseeing and Notre-Dame Basilica - Embark on a narrated tour of Montreal, per perso n! one of Canada’s vibrant cities known for its rich French-Canadian heritage Day 3 - Ride VIA Rail and Quebec Sugar Shack - After breakfast, Canada’s VIA Rail service takes you to Quebec City. The only walled city in North America, Quebec’s Grande-Al-lee is alive with many quaint shops and sidewalk cafes. Day 4 - Basilica-Cathedral Notre-Dame, St. Anne de Beaupre and Montmorency Falls - Depart this morning for a scenic drive along the “Old King’s Road” passing beautiful Normandy and Brittany homes to St. Anne de Beaupre, for a visit to the beautiful shrine, the oldest pilgrimage site in North America. Day 5 - Albert Gilles Copper Art Studio and Ermitage Saint-Antoine Shrine - Learn the intricacies of producing copper art at the Albert Gilles Copper Art Studio with a tour and hands-on workshop to make your own copper work of art. Day 6 - St-Felicien Zoo and Old Perron Cheese Factory - Traveling to the shores of Lac St-Jean, come to the famed St-Felicien Zoo. Day 7 - Our Lady of the Cape Shrine - Today, travel to the city of Trois-Rivieres where you’ll visit the Borealis Center to explore the history of the pulp and paper industry in Quebec. Day 8 - Transfer to Montreal and Home - After breakfast we depart for home. PRICE INCLUDES: A fully escorted tour as described, round trip airfare from Colorado Springs, all transfers, lovely accommodations, breakfast each morning, 2 lunches, and 6 dinners.


history tour, fabulous sighteeing and all fees. Deposit of $50 to secure space; final payment due 9/1/20.

A Walk on the Wild Side! Departs October 14, 2020

An Unforgettable Day Trip to the Keenseburg Wild Life Refuge & Butterfly Pavilion




Walk down the world’s longest footbridge while scouting for large cats and bears lounging in the shade or splashing in the pool. With over 9,000 acres of sanctuary lands the Wild Animal Sanctuary is an attraction not to be missed. The sanctuary is home to nearly 500 animals, including lions, bear, jaguars, coyotes, tigers, mountain lions, porcupines, alpacas and more. We’ll spend a few hours observing these magnificent creatures in their habitat. After lunch we head to the Butterfly Pavilion, where you may interact with over 1600 free flying butterflies in their “Wings of the Tropics” display. After your self guided tour, sip tea, crunch cookies and enjoy an educational, adult-focused lecture on the role of insects across cultures to more in-depth information on butterflies and other invertebrates. We’ll return home after a day filled with amazing creatures, both great and small! PRICE INCLUDES: A fully escorted tour aboard a luxury motorcoach, entrance into the Wildlife Refuge, lunch, Butterfly Museum lecture and all fees

ristmas An Old Time Branson Ch November 1, 2020 Celebrate the Holidays with fabulous shows, lights, shopping and an old-fashioned paddleboat!




Day 1 - Depart Colorado Springs for Salina, KS and overnight. Day 2 - We’ll stop at the Russell Stover Outlet Store. We’ll arrive in Branson early this afternoon and check into our hotel, The Savannah House. We’ll have dinner at a steakhouse and then it’s on to the award-winning The SIX Christmas Show at American Bandstand Theater. After the performance we’ll head to the Trail of Lights, Branson’s most beautiful Christmas light display. Day 3 - After breakfast at our hotel, we’ll head to the Pierce Arrow Theater to see the Doug Gabriel Christmas Show. This afternoon is on your own to shop, relax or view the beautiful Christmas displays all through town. This evening, we’ll dine at Landry’s Seafood House and then it’s on to Clay Cooper’s Country Express Christmas. After we’ll head back to the hotel for hot cobbler, fresh cookies and ice cream! Day 4 - This morning we head to the amazing Titanic Museum. This afternoon you’re in for a treat as we board the Showboat Branson Belle for the dinner and show. This classic showboat-style activity transports guests to the days of paddleboats along the Mississippi River right on Table Rock Lake. After we leave the Showboat Branson Belle it’s on to the world-famous Dutton Theater! After our evening performance we’ll head back to the hotel for homemade deserts! Day 5 - We say goodbye to Branson after breakfast and head to Carthage, MO where we will tour the Precious Moments Chapel and store. Then, it’s on to Osceloa, Missouri, where the Osceloa Cheese Company started in 1944. We’ll have time for shopping before stopping for lunch. After lunch, we’ll head toward Salina and overnight. Day 6 - This morning we’ll continue toward home, stopping at the historic Cathedral of the Plains, located in Victoria, Kansas. After lunch in Colby, it’s home to Colorado Springs. PRICE INCLUDES: A fully escorted tour aboard a luxury motorcoach, 5 nights lovely accommodations, breakfast each morning, 3 dinners, all shows and attraction tickets as described, luggage handling, all taxes and fees.

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ch Canada en Fr of s al dr he at C & s or ol Fall C


Tour Peter Pan with Backstage



Discover the golden leaves of Colorado’s shimmering aspen trees on this stunning drive during peak viewing season. As we head over Wilkerson Pass we’ll see brightly colored gold patches of aspen trees dotted among the stately Colorado evergreens. Passing through the land where bison roam and antelope play, we soon come upon the historic and remarkably well preserved town of South Park City, where over forty authentic buildings are filled with over 60,000 artifacts of a day gone by. After leaving South Park City we climb Hoosier Pass, home to magnificent views of the Continental Divide. Here you will find panoramic views of golden aspens quaking in the breeze. After some photo opportunities, we’ll continue on to the beautiful city of Breckenridge, where we will enjoy a lovely lunch and walking history tour, along with free time for shopping. Breckenridge’s main street is home to over 200 shops, so you will certainly find something for everyone! After a lovely afternoon in Breckenridge we’ll head for home, with still more beautiful fall colors to see along the way. PRICE INCLUDES: A fully escorted tour aboard a luxury motorcoach, gourmet lunch, guided history tour, fabulous sighteeing and allhistory fees.tour, fabulous sighteeing and all fees. Deposit of $50 to secure space; final payment due 9/1/20.

to book

! Come see history come to life through the eyes of a local Historican, Katherine Sturdevant. Katherine is a history professor at Pikes Peak Community College as well as a published author. We have the privilege of having her on board with us through the duration of this exciting trip! 6/5 - This morning we depart Colorado Springs and arrive at the Ludlow Massacre Site. After visiting Ludlow we head to Trinidad for lunch before continuing on to Bent’s Old Fort, a fur trading post built in 1833. Dinner in Lamar and overnight at the Holiday Inn Express. 6/6 - After breakfast we head to Camp Amache, where over 7,000 Japanese, most being American citizens, were forcibly imprisoned at the Granada Relocation Center in Granada, Colorado, from 1942 - 1945. After lunch, we’ll continue on to the Sand Creek Massacre Site, where over 230 peaceful Arapaho and Cheyenne Indians were attacked and killed. PRICE INCLUDES: Fully escorted and guided tour, hotel, luggage handling, breakfast, 2 lunches, entrance fees and taxes.

July 11, 2020

2020 Travel Destinations

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May 2020

Life After 50



Page 2

May 2020

From the Publisher’s Desk


Page 3

Life After 50

From the Editor’s Desk

Homebound and heartbroken

living properties and long-term care ur family of four has been quarantined for more than a facilities are in the eye of the storm. month. We have gone through Many loved ones are forced to sit three 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzles. I helplessly by as our family members heard that jigsaw puzzle compasuccumb to COVID-19. nies have had a spike in sales. The medical staffs deserve our We were so bored that we praise as the stay by the patients’ planted vegetable seeds. We watch sides. In many cases they are the last them every day. They are just now Bruce Schlabaugh person there, and they find the LIfe After 50 Publisher starting to sprout with all four of strength to help the dying be with a us cheering them on. I am even thinking of getting a cat harness so I could take caring face and to squeeze a hand as they say my cat for a walk but I fear that would probably goodbye. If you see any health care workers end in disaster. I see Jazzy being dragged give them a smile. I know they would against her will down the street. appreciate it. We are going to put the May edition online, We are all heartbroken as we watch the because so many of our distribution locations victims, and we can only hope there is a cure are closed. We should get back to normal in coming soon. I am getting used to wearing the June as I see businesses cautiously re-opening mask, but I would be overjoyed if we found the in the Springs. vaccine that would give COVID-19 its The senior center is one of our most knockout punch. popular drops and I know the seniors really Let’s hope that the cure comes soon and we miss the comradery they receive there. We look can return to a happier stretch of days. I am forward to it re-opening. pulling for the warm days of summer begin to I have also been saddened as I watch the news about the beating our senior population is further decimate the virus, and I hope soon we taking with this cruel virus. Our senior assisted

can wipe it out forever.

A strange, new world N

ot printing an actual newspaper this month – I’m sure it’s a first for this publication, which is in its 30th year. As an old school journalist, it’s really strange to me. Of course, life as we know it now is strange from all this COVID-19 madness. Our office was forced to shut down at the beginning of April. We Anthony Welch Life After 50 Editor had no choice really. Most places Life After 50 is distributed are closed down. Our distribution took a major hit. We knew we wouldn’t be printing a May issue. But we also didn’t want our readers to do without this month. So here’s our “digital issue.” You may be reading it on your computer or your phone, or perhaps a friend printed it out for you. No all seniors may be keen on using technology to read Life After 50. If you have friends or family who may struggle with this concept, please give them a call and assist them in reading this month’s issue. You can also download a PDF file of it from and email it to whomever. Though it could change, the plan is to be back in print for June. As for this month, at least we’re doing our tiny part for the environment and saving some paper. Take care everyone, and, as always, thank you for reading Life After 50.

Dr. Peter McIntyre, Dr. Jessika Martin, Dr. Gregory Moore

595 Chapel Hills Dr. Suite 105, Colorado Springs, CO 80920

719-475-2511 |

More to a mouth than a smile

In these strange and uncertain times we find ourselves wondering, with anxiety, what tomorrow brings. One thing for certain is: humanity will always be there, tomorrow. The question is always, “How do we find ourselves fitting in?” We must never get so busy making a living that we forget to make a life. So this life we make may be full of color and joy, or not so much. I do know there are everyday commitments that help us get through the day. Some are automatic and some are not. We all arise to our own humor (thinking about breathing) and in a weird way find ourselves breathing. This is just automatic. We move forward in our daily activities and time rounds the clock. The fuel that moves us along is oxygen, food and water. No matter where you place your foot on this golden earth we have oxygen. This is not true for food or water. In today’s society the compliment of convenience is ubiquitous it seems. As the body grows and the convenience of this life places a foothold in our daily living, we begin to lose the ability to naturally survive.

An example is the body’s need for vitamin D. Vitamin D comes in two forms Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. Truly these are more like hormones than vitamins due to their molecular structure. Your body is riddled with what the profession calls “Vitamin D Receptors” (VDR). Every single cell in your body has receptors for Vitamin D3. When the body is deficient in Vitamin D3 the (VDR’s) go unused. Unused VDR’s means work undone. The sources of Vitamin D3 include salmon, herring, sardines, cod liver oil, canned tuna and egg yolks. Another source in sunlight. I remember in younger years the amount of daylight we could burn just being outdoors never seems long enough. It seems these days the youth for the most part are driven to be indoors doing other things. Our daily jobs or duties robs the sunlight from our bodies. The push against skin cancer and the call for everyone to cover up also robs us of Vitamin D3 production that is made when sunlight hits the skin. Vitamins D is fat soluble meaning that it is deposited in the fat cells of the body. Like anything too much Vitamin D will make you sick. Now let’s think about a stack of logs piled high in the fall to be used to heat your house in the winter.

Assuming the stack needs to be replenished to get us thru a hard long winter, we would, and should, have plans to refill the log stack periodically when needed. What comes in, goes out and when you have no more then you suffer and in this case get really cold. Vitamin D3 is similar. If the Vitamin D3 is not replenished daily then bad things happen and your body will suffer. Recent research suggest that Vitamin D3 deficiency is related to getting sick or infected more often. Vitamin D3 deficiency is related to fatigue and tiredness. Bone and Back Pain, Depression, Impaired Wound Healing, Hair Loss, and Muscle Pain may all be related to Vitamin D deficiency. Interestingly recent research relates a lack of Vitamin D to the following, “An observation of sleep improvement with Vitamin D supplementation led to a 2 year uncontrolled trial of vitamin D supplementation in 1500 patients with neurologic complaints who also had evidence of abnormal sleep. Most patients had improvement in neurologic symptoms and sleep but only through maintaining a narrow range of 25(OH) Vitamin D3 blood levels of 60-80 ng/ ml.” The World Epidemic of Sleep Dis-

orders is linked to Vitamin D Deficiency. Grominak SC, Stumf FE To me, this is profound. Vitamin D3 helping sleep. Keeping the log pile at the right level with wood always guarantees heating the house. Keeping the Vitamin D level in your body at the sweet spot of 60 to 80 ng/ml seems to be the trick to health. The next time you are in your doctor’s office inquire about Vitamin D. Vitamin D3 specifically. Talk about your level and how you might find that sweet spot. Most will find that their Doctor is already prescribing Vitamin D3 as part of their drug regimen. After all, it seems to be a big problem for today’s population. Who knows you just might sleep better and feel better! Remember that sweet spot! A must do is the management of Vitamin D supplementation. Vitamin D supplementation should be managed by a health care provider. An important fact about Vitamin D is that it is fat soluble and you can actually take too much and you will feel miserable over the sweet spot level. Peter McIntyre is a dentist with Briargate Advanced Family Dentistry. With over 489 google reviews we feel we loved as a dental practice. Give us a call. We love and take of our patients.

Page 4

Life After 50

May 2020

Seniors with COVID-19 show unusual symptoms By Judith Graham Kaiser Health News


lder adults with COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, have several “atypical” symptoms, complicating efforts to ensure they get timely and appropriate treatment, according to physicians. COVID-19 is typically signaled by three symptoms: a fever, an insistent cough and shortness of breath. But older adults — the age group most at risk of severe complications or death from this condition ― may have none of these characteristics. Instead, seniors may seem “off” — not acting like themselves ― early on after being infected by the coronavirus. They may sleep more than usual or stop eating. They may seem unusually apathetic or confused, losing orientation to their surroundings. They may become dizzy and fall. Sometimes, seniors stop speaking or simply collapse. “With a lot of conditions, older adults don’t present in a typical way, and we’re seeing that with COVID-19 as well,” said Dr. Camille Vaughan, section chief of geriatrics and gerontology at Emory University. The reason has to do with how older bodies respond to illness and infection. At advanced ages, “someone’s immune response may be blunted and their ability to regulate temperature may be altered,” said Dr. Joseph Ouslander, a professor of geriatric medicine at Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt College of Medicine.

“Underlying chronic illnesses can mask or interfere with signs of infection,” he said. “Some older people, whether from age-related changes or previous neurologic issues such as a stroke, may have altered cough reflexes. Others with cognitive impairment may not be able to communicate their symptoms.” Recognizing danger signs is important: If early signs of COVID-19 are missed, seniors may deteriorate before getting needed care. And people may go in and out of their homes without adequate protective measures, risking the spread of infection. Dr. Quratulain Syed, an Atlanta geriatrician, describes a man in his 80s whom she treated in mid-March. Over a period of days, this patient, who had heart disease, diabetes and moderate cognitive impairment, stopped walking and became incontinent and profoundly lethargic. But he didn’t have a fever or a cough. His only respiratory symptom: sneezing off and on. The man’s elderly spouse called 911 twice. Both times, paramedics checked his vital signs and declared he was OK. After another worried call from the overwhelmed spouse, Syed insisted the patient be taken to the hospital, where he tested positive for COVID-19. “I was quite concerned about the paramedics and health aides who’d been in the house and who hadn’t used PPE [personal protective equipment],” Syed said. Dr. Sam Torbati, medical director of the Ruth and Harry Roman Emergency Department at

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, describes treating seniors who initially appear to be trauma patients but are found to have COVID-19. “They get weak and dehydrated,” he said, “and when they stand to walk, they collapse and injure themselves badly.” Torbati has seen older adults who are profoundly disoriented and unable to speak and who appear at first to have suffered strokes. “When we test them, we discover that what’s producing these changes is a central nervous system effect of coronavirus,” he said. Dr. Laura Perry, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of California-San Francisco, saw a patient like this several weeks ago. The woman, in her 80s, had what seemed to be a cold before becoming very confused. In the hospital, she couldn’t identify where she was or stay awake during an examination. Perry diagnosed hypoactive delirium, an altered mental state in which people become inactive and drowsy. The patient tested positive for coronavirus and is still in the ICU. Dr. Anthony Perry, an associate professor of geriatric medicine at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, tells of an 81-year-old woman with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea who tested positive for COVID-19 in the emergency room. After receiving IV fluids, oxygen and medication for her intestinal upset, she returned home after two days and is doing well.

See COVID-19, page 5

May 2020

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Life After 50

COVID-19/from page 4 Another 80-year-old Rush patient with similar symptoms — nausea and vomiting, but no cough, fever or shortness of breath ― is in intensive care after getting a positive COVID-19 test and due to be put on a ventilator. The difference? This patient is frail with “a lot of cardiovascular disease,” Perry said. Other than that, it’s not yet clear why some older patients do well while others do not. So far, reports of cases like these have been anecdotal. But a few physicians are trying to gather more systematic information. In Switzerland, Dr, Sylvain Nguyen, a geriatrician at the University of Lausanne Hospital Center, put together a list of typical and atypical symptoms in older COVID-19 patients for a paper to be published in the Revue Médicale Suisse. Included on the atypical list are changes in a patient’s usual status, delirium, falls, fatigue, lethargy, low blood pressure, painful swallowing, fainting, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and the loss of smell and taste.

Data comes from hospitals and nursing homes in Switzerland, Italy and France, Nguyen said in an email. On the front lines, physicians need to make sure they carefully assess an older patient’s symptoms. “While we have to have a high suspicion of COVID-19 because it’s so dangerous in the older population, there are many other things to consider,” said Dr. Kathleen Unroe, a geriatrician at Indiana University’s School of Medicine. Seniors may also do poorly because their routines have changed. In nursing homes and most assisted living centers, activities have stopped and “residents are going to get weaker and more deconditioned because they’re not walking to and from the dining hall,” she said. At home, isolated seniors may not be getting as much help with medication management or other essential needs from family members who are keeping their distance, other experts suggested. Or they may have become apathetic or depressed. “I’d want to know ‘What’s the

potential this person has had an exposure [to the coronavirus], especially in the last two weeks?’” said Vaughan of Emory. “Do they have home health personnel coming in? Have they gotten together with other family members? Are chronic conditions being controlled? Is there another diagnosis that seems more likely?” “Someone may be just having a bad day. But if they’re not themselves for a couple of days, absolutely reach out to a primary care doctor or a local health system hotline to see if they meet the threshold for [coronavirus] testing,” Vaughan advised. “Be persistent. If you get a ‘no’ the first time and things aren’t improving, call back and ask again.” Kaiser Health News is a nonprofit news service covering health issues. It is an editorially independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.

Heroes Work Here

Life after 50 is published on or around the first of each month by Pendant Publishing. Deadline for news items and press releases is the 15th of the month prior to publication date. Deadline for classified advertising is the 22nd of the month prior to publication date. Publication of advertising does not necessarily constitute endorsement of the advertiser’s company, services or products. Bylined columns and articles are the opinions of the writers, and not necessarily those of the publisher. No portion of Life After 50, including advertising, editorial material, artwork or photographs, may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. 20,000 Life After 50 newspapers are distributed at more than 200 grocery stores, senior centers and other locations in Colorado Springs, Black Forest, Monument, Falcon, Fountain, Manitou Springs, Old Colorado City, Security, Woodland Park, Divide, Cripple Creek and Green Mountain Falls. Subscriptions to Life After 50 are available for six months — $15 or one year — $20. Prepayment can be made by check, Visa or Mastercard. Call 719-900-7664 to subscribe. Life After 50 current and past issues are also available online at Life After 50 is owned by: Pendant Publishing P.O. Box 3895 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Colorado Springs office: Open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. 1438-B N. Hancock Ave. 719-900-7664 Publisher & Advertising Director Bruce Schlabaugh 719-900-7664 office 719-749-8541 cell Email: Editor Anthony Welch Email: Contributors John Hazlehurst Robin Intemann Kay Owen-Larson Vicki Morgan Nancy Norman Beryl Williams Classified Advertising and Subscriptions 719-418-2717 Account Executives Karen Hazlehurst 719-238-6211 Jil Goebel 719-651-0502

So much dedication, compassion and hard work are involved when working at an assisted living community. ViewPointe, a Bethesda Senior Living property, posted a “Heroes Work Here” sign on their grounds to visibly recognize all of their employees for their tireless efforts.


Hand sewn or no sew, store bought or not, show us how you’re helping keep your community safe fromthe spread of coronavirus. Send us your stylish face mask selfies! Photos may be included in future issues of Life After 50 and our promotions. Email them to

Office Manager Nancy Brisk 719-900-7664 Happenings & Club News Natalie 719-418-2717

Page 6

May 2020

Life After 50

Travel After 50

10 amazing experiences in Mesa Verde

Mesa Verde National Park contains 5,000 archeological sites and 600 cliff dwellings, several of which are open for public viewing.

Editor’s note: Life After 50 realizes traveling isn’t really an option at this time, especially with safer-at-home measures. However, we will continue to run a travel section as a distraction of sorts. Readers can also make lists of places they’d like to go, when it’s safe to travel.


esa Verde National Park, designated by the United Nations as a cultural World Heritage Site in 1978, is a place every traveler should experience at least once in their lifetime. Offering a rare glimpse inside the lives of the Ancestral Puebloan people who inhabited the area for more than 700 years, the park contains 5,000 archeological sites and 600 cliff dwellings, several of which are open for public viewing. The national park, just one hour from Cortez in southwestern Colorado, is home to a plethora of enriching experiences. Here are just a few to add to your Mesa Verde itinerary.

Learn the history of the Ancestral Puebloans on the 700 Years Tour.

The 700 Years Tour supplies an in-depth look into the culture, architecture and lifestyle of the Ancestral Puebloan people. The four-hour chronological journey takes visitors from A.D. 600, when the earliest pit-house villages were constructed, to the 13th century, when the civilization resided in the cliff dwellings. See archeological sites along Mesa Loop Road

Morefield Campground’s wooded canyon is home to deer, wild turkeys and other wildlife.

See MESA VERDE, page 7

May 2020

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Life After 50

MESA VERDE/from page 6 and the impressive Cliff Palace. Board a comfortable motor coach and enjoy short hikes led by National Association for Interpretation-certified guides. The tour takes the guesswork out of seeing all of the highlights — just sit back and enjoy the ride! Another option is our half-day Private Tours: You have the option between two great private tours depending on your season of travel! Our summer half day tour and winter half day tour to Chapin Mesa.

Tour Cliff Palace to peek into the homes of the Ancestral Puebloans.

Only available for viewing via guided tour, the park’s largest cliff dwelling is comprised of more than 150 individual rooms and more than 20 kivas (rooms for religious rituals). A tour of Cliff Palace is included on the 700 Years Tour, or tickets can be purchased for the one-hour, National Park Service ranger-guided tour at Visitor Research Center. Other dwellings at the World Heritage Site that can only be explored on guided tours include Balcony House, which features a 32-foot entrance ladder, and Long House, an area reached by 12-mile winding road. These dwellings are open to visitors from late May through the fall, so plan accordingly. Tickets may be purchased for all three cliff-dwelling sites at the Visitor Research Center and the City of Cortez Welcome Center.

Above, Mesa Top Loop Road leads to 12 surface dwellings and cliff-dwelling overlooks. Below, Far View Lodge, located 15 miles inside the national park, possesses some of the best views in the Four Corners region.

Cruise through 700 years of history on Mesa Top Loop Road. This 6-mile driving tour leads to 12 surface dwellings and cliff-dwelling overlooks, including Sun Point Overlook and Square Tower House. Magnificent views of Cliff Palace also make the drive worthwhile.

View scenes from Ancestral Puebloan life at Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum.

Experience serenity from your own private balcony at Far View Lodge.

Far View Lodge, located 15 miles inside the national park, possesses some of the best views in the Four Corners region and supplies the only lodging inside the park. Panoramic views into four states, private balconies and custom handcrafted furnishings help visitors appreciate the natural beauty and quietude of the area. Check out Far View Lodge specials and packages.

Admire prehistoric rock carvings on Petroglyph Point Trail.

While there are several hiking trails in Mesa Verde National Park, Petroglyph Point Trail is the only one that offers views of petroglyphs or prehistoric rock carvings. Vistas of Spruce and Navajo canyons on the 2.4-mile trail are also a treat.

Sleep under a seemingly endless star-studded sky at Morefield Campground. Set up camp in Morefield

Campground’s wooded canyon and share the landscape with deer, wild turkeys and other wildlife. Choose from 267 single and group campsites and don’t miss the all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast offered during the summer at Morefield’s Village’s Knife’s Edge Café. Check into the Morefield Explorer Scavenger Hunt, for kids to enjoy exploring its flora, fauna and archaeology by biking, hiking or driving to locate 30 information stations. Receive a prize after learning about many of the Mesa Verde National Park plants, animals and past history.

Gain access to all the park’s best sights without any climbing, hilly driving or parking on the Far View Explorer Tour.

ADA-compliant and strollerfriendly, the Far View Explorer Tour transports you by motor coach directly

to the most challenging sites in Mesa Verde National Park. Highlights include visiting the highest point in the park — 8,572-foot Park Point — for 360-degree views of the Four Corners; exploring Ancestral Puebloan kivas and cliff dwellings built between A.D. 700 and 1300; and learning newly discovered details and enduring mysteries of the ancient civilization from an expert guide.

Feast on Southwest Indian tacos at Spruce Tree Café.

Spruce Tree Café’s Southwest Indian tacos, Indian fry bread piled high with hearty toppings, are delightful any time of day, but they are especially satisfying after a long day of sightseeing. Steal a spot on the patio for excellent views while you enjoy a seasonally updated menu of Southwest and American classics. There’s also delectable smoked entrees and sides at Spruce Tree Terrace BBQ seven days a week.

This museum houses archeological artifacts and dioramas depicting daily life at Mesa Verde. The 25-minute orientation film is a brilliant introduction to the area’s history, so make this your first stop.

Appreciate the area’s winter beauty on cross-country skis or snowshoes. Mesa Verde National Park’s cross-country skiing and snowshoeing trails present enhanced opportunities to view wildlife during the winter, when most of the trees are bare. The groomed Cliff Palace Loop Trail has several cliff-dwelling viewpoints, while the Point Lookout Trail offers access to the area’s peaceful backcountry. This article originally appeared on Visit the site to learn more about things to see and do around Colorado.

Page 8

May 2020

Life After 50

Why soap, water work better than hand sanitizer By Katie Kerwin McCrimmon UCHealth Today


t’s impossible to find any hand sanitizer at stores these days, but there are plenty of bars of soap on grocery store shelves. And there’s a little known secret about good, old-fashioned soap, even if it’s the cheap, generic kind. It works better than hand sanitizer to remove the coronavirus. How could this possibly be true? Well, it’s all about chemistry, says Dr. Daniel Pastula, a UCHealth

neuro-infectious disease expert who recently assisted local public health officials in Summit County as the coronavirus sparked a spike of cases in their area. Pastula is a neuro-infectious disease expert and neurohospitalist at UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital and an associate professor of neurology, infectious diseases and epidemiology for the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado School of Public Health. Pastula said soap is a simple, but highly effective tool. (Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with any kind of soap works great for getting rid of the coronavirus. Pastula is a fan of Gloria Gaynor’s video showing her lathering up as she sings her song, “I will Survive.” Check it out below.) Millennia ago, humans discovered that they could combine animal fat with alkaline salts or ash to create what we now call soap. “And this combination did a remarkable job at cleaning,” Pastula said. In more recent years, humans discovered that alcohol can kill bacteria and viruses like the new coronavirus that has sparked a global pandemic. Hand sanitizer is made up mostly of alcohol, so sanitizers have

become a popular choice as people try to stay safe from the coronavirus. While hand sanitizer can neutralize the coronavirus, it doesn’t have one little-known superpower that soap has. “Soap disrupts the sticky bond between pathogens and your skin, allowing the pathogens to slide right off. Not only are you neutralizing the virus with the soap, but you’re also physically knocking it off your hands,” Pastula said. “Hand sanitizer doesn’t do all of that.” So, public health experts truly mean it when they tell you that washing your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water

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will help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. They also are begging all of us to please stay home and keep our distance from others so we can reduce the spread of the illness that this coronavirus is causing: COVID-19. Many health care providers count on hand sanitizer and use it multiple times a day when they are seeing patients. They sanitize before seeing a patient. And they sanitize afterwards. They sanitize before seeing the next patient, and so on and so on. But, when Pastula has the opportunity, he heads to a sink. “It’s just better,” Pastula said. “If I

See SOAP, page 9 Tyler J. Jordan* Financial Advisor, Pioneer Horizons Financial** 2790 N. Academy Blvd. Suite 214 Colorado Springs, CO 80917 719-401-6172 * Registered Representative offering securities through NYLIFE Securities LLC (Member FINRA/SIPC), A Licensed Insurance Agency. **Pioneer Horizons Financial is not owned or operated by New York Life Insurance Company or its affiliates. SMRU1733400 (Exp. 08.09.2020) ©2019 New York Life Insurance Company, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 Proud to Offer

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May 2020

Page 9

Life After 50

Senior shopping hours Several stores are making sure those at highest risk for the Coronavirus, especially seniors, have a chance to get the essentials they need to stay quarantined.


Every Wednesday Target stores will reserve the first hour of shopping for elderly and those with underlying health issues. Target stores typically open at 8 a.m. They ask other guests who aren’t included in those groups to plan their shopping accordingly


Every Tuesday, Wednesday and

Thursday from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. will be reserved for vulnerable shoppers.

Whole Foods

Store hours have been adjusted and customers who are 60-plus can shop one hour before the store opens to the general public. Click here to find your store’s adjusted hours.


All Walmart stores will reserve the first hour of shopping every Tuesday for customers 60-years old and older. It will Take place an hour before the store usually opens. The Pharmacy and Vision Center will also be open during this time.

King Soopers

Corporate offices are strongly encouraging that the first hour of operations each day to be dedicated soley for the shopping needs of those most vulnerable to COVID-19.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 a.m. - 8 a.m. will be reserved for the shopping needs of senior citizens. For all other customers, store hours will be 8 a.m. - 8 p.m on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Hours will be 7 a.m.- 8 p.m. all other days.

described combining various plant fats with alkaline salts to create a cleaning substance they bathed in around 1500 B.C.,” Pastula said. The chemistry of soap is fascinating as well, he said. “Chemistry for the win here. Soap has two chemical parts to it: A head that is hydrophilic, meaning it likes mixing with water. And a tail that is hydrophobic, meaning it likes mixing with oils and fats. Typically water and fats/oils don’t like to mix. But when you add soap, they suddenly do,” Pastula said. Just think about when you’re

mixing a vinegar and oil dressing. You have to keep shaking the dressing because the oil and vinegar keep stubbornly separating. “Soap can bridge the chemical differences between water and fat. That’s why you need soap to clean a greasy frying pan” Pastula said. And that’s what makes it so effective. “Guess what’s coating this particular virus? It’s a layer of fat,” Pastula said. “Soap molecules can pry themselves into the fatty layer of this particular virus and break it up, thus inactivating the virus.”

Dollar General

Mountain Mama Natural Foods

Seniors can shop one hour early every Tuesday and Friday from 7 a.m. - 8 a.m. People with compromised immune systems are encouraged to call an order in, and employees will deliver it to you curbside.

Costco Open to members age 60+ at 9 a.m. Monday through Friday.

Trader Joe’s Everyday seniors and those with disabilities can enter the store at 8 a.m. — Compiled by Life After 50

SOAP/from page 8 have the option, I use soap and water. I use hand sanitizer as a backup.” As for the type of soap, it doesn’t matter. “It can be fancy mall soap. It can be 50-cent generic unscented soap. It doesn’t need to be antibacterial soap. All soaps work the same,” Pastula said. “And soap doesn’t only work for this virus. It works on many other viruses and bacteria. Pastula said the use of soap dates back to ancient times. “The earliest recorded evidence of soap use was before 2,000 B.C. in the Middle East. The ancient Egyptians


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Breaking up the fatty envelope that encases the virus particles can take a little time. “That’s one reason why you need to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds,” Pastula said. With respect to hand sanitizer, “if you can find it, hand sanitizers are a great second option when you don’t have access to soap and water.” But as we all do our part to try to halt the spread of COVID-19, Pastula urges us not to overlook the simple option most people can access. “Soap is simple, cheap, and incredibly effective.”






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Page 10

May 2020

Life After 50

Help seniors use video calling to stay connected, combat loneliness By Kati Blocker UCHealth Today


ith safer-at-home and physicaldistancing orders, many people have started to move even more of their lives onto their devices. Work meetings, happy hours and classes are all taking place now via apps like Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp and Google Hangouts. But there are still those who don’t know how to use video apps but would benefit from the interaction. “It is more important, now more than ever, to ensure physical-distancing and shelter-in-place orders for infection prevention don’t worsen social isolation for older adults in our families and in our communities,” said Peggy Budai, a nurse practitioner for UCHealth specializing in geriatric care. “Social isolation can be especially hard on the mental and physical health of older adults. But research also shows that video chatting can reduce the risk of depression in this population.”

Why video chat?

While it’s nice to call your family on the phone to check in, video chatting provides a deeper connection. You have the benefit of physically seeing how someone else is doing, and

there is also the opportunity to share visually, maybe the quilt you’ve been working on or the cute little faces of grandchildren. And once the technology is set up, it can be a daily resource for them. They can join virtual classes or events, have video lunch dates with friends or participate in an online book club or Bible study.

How can I help someone get connected?

“Be patient, breathe easy and go slow,” advised Chris Kennedy, owner of AppleCore Technology. Kennedy helps many older adults remotely with their computer challenges. • Go with the most user-friendly

OMG!!! Medicare & You Have Questions As a Senior Health Plan Agent-Broker, I’ve helped thousands of people navigate this confusing program for those 65 and older or disabled. My name is Thelma and in my 15+ years of experience as an Agent, I’m often asked:  “I want a plan that covers my changing health needs, can I switch plans at this time?”  “Now that I’m eligible for Medicare, what do I do?”  I’m currently on Medicaid & turning 65 soon, will anything change?”  “I am still employed MUST I register for Medicare Benefits?”  “What should I do about health coverage if I am retiring at 65, or if I choose to delay retirement until age 67?”

These are a few of the many questions that I assist my clients with on a daily basis. My role as a Senior Health Plan Agent is to guide people through this challenging government program. Staying on top of the changing Medicare requirements and Doctor/Provider networks is my mission. Providing the best help to my clients in navigating this process is my goal. Call me to learn more about your Medicare options at the number below. THERE IS NO CHARGE TO YOU FOR MY SERVICES.

Thelma Pimentel Ph. 719-439-1693*

app, not just what you are using. • Give them an instruction, make sure they understand, and have them do that before you move on to the next step. • Instead of telling them a command, such as click on “finder,” explain where that link is on their screen: “Finder is that square blue and gray box with a smiley face on it at the bottom of your screen. Click on that.” • Listen first to them explain what they did, then clarify your instructions in a way that doesn’t make them feel dumb or attacked. “If you are getting too frustrated, just let them know you have another call and that you’ll call them right


This is a great app for people who have Apple (iOS) devices. It’s already built into the iPhone and iPad so there is no downloading a new app or creating an account. The downfall is that you can only connect with other Apple devices. You can tell if someone has a compatible device if

See CONNECTED, page 11

OMG!!! Medicare & You Have Questions Sundays at 10 a.m. As2728 a Senior Plan Agent-Broker, I’ve helped Beacon Health St. thousands of people navigate this confusing program Colorado Springs 636-1515 for(719) those 65 and older or disabled. My name is in my 15+ years of experienceChristian as an and “AThelma Friendly,and Welcoming Church” Nondenominational Agent, I’mBob often asked: Pastor Hollopeter Sunday Service: 10:30am & 6:30pm Wednesday Night: 6:30pm  “I want a plan that covers

Traditional Worship Service

my changing health needs, Hymns • Choir • Orchestra can I switch plans at this time?” Bible Teaching  “Now that I am eligible for Medicare, what doPastor I do?”  “I’m currently on Medicaid & turning 65 soon, will Drew Stephens anything change?”  “I am still employed MUST3815 I register for Medicare N. Academy Blvd. Benefits?”  “What should I do about health coverage if I am Join us on Facebook!until retiring at 65, or if I choose to delay retirement age 67?”


These are a few of the many questions that I assist my clients with on a daily basis. My role as a Senior Health Plan Agent is to guide people through this challenging government program. Staying on top of the changing “When I decided to volunteer at Silver Medicare requirements and doctor/Provider Key’s Food Pantry, I knewnetworks it would be rewarding. I was surprised to find out is my mission. Providing the how best help to my clients in thankful it makes me feel to help others who navigating this process is my goal. may not be as fortunate as I am. The seniors served through the Call me to learn more about your Medicare pantry really appreciateoptions the food andat necessities they receive and I like the number below. knowing it helps them stretch their THERE IS NO CHARGE TO limited YOUbudgets FOR further. MY SERVICES. I have a lot of fun making a difference in a senior’s life.” Thelma Pimentel Ph. 719-439-1693*

Silver Key *Calling will connect you with a Licensed, Medicare-Certified Sales Agent.

back,” Kennedy advised. “The more anger in your voice, the more frustrated they will get. Remember, you’re trying to make that connection, not start a fight.” When you’re trying to help remotely with more complicated computer issues than just a video chat, there are ways to “take control” of someone’s computer/mouse by using a “remote access” program. TeamViewer is one remote access tool that’s free and easy to use. Both people need to download and install the QS (quick support) version. To take control of someone else’s computer, they will need to share the codes TeamViewer gives them. When you enter those codes on your device, you’ll be able to see their desktop and control the mouse as if it is yours. What are some easy programs or apps to use for video chatting on your phone or tablet?

Be part of veterans supporting veterans.

Apply to volunteer at or call 719-884-2300.

*Calling will connect you with a Licensed, Medicare-Certified Sales Agent.

May 2020

Life After 50

Page 11

CONNECTED/from page 10 their contact info shows blue. People without an Apple device will show green. To FaceTime another person, bring up their contact like you are going to call them but click on the icon that looks like a video camera instead of the telephone icon. It’s that easy.

Google Hangouts


Facebook Messenger

Skype is a universal call, message and video chat program. To get Skype, you need to download the app and set up a new account. Share your username with the person you want to connect with via Skype. Skype will save your new contacts into an address book for you. The program is free, and you can use it to video call people outside the United States.


This is an encrypted communication tool used throughout the world for chat, voice and video calling. It is free, and it allows you to connect with people outside the U.S. After loading the WhatsApp app on your phone, it will ask permission to access contacts. By accepting this, you can reach out to others with the app, or invite them to download the app so you can connect with them.



If you already have a Google account, then you’re set to go with Google Hangouts using the same gmail address and password. And if you’ve ever emailed anyone with their gmail address, then their contact information is already loaded into that account. If you have a Facebook account, then you can video chat with someone via Messenger. On your desktop, log in to Facebook, and on the right-hand column of the page, underneath “News Feed,” click on “Messenger.” From here, you can start a chat with a Facebook friend and video chat by clicking on the video camera icon. On your phone, you open your Messenger app, find the person you want to video chat with and tap the video camera icon. Messenger tells you if a person is “active” under their name. If they are not currently using Facebook, then they may not answer your call.


Zoom is typically used for business. But it is free to set up an account, and it may be worth trying if more than two people want to video chat, such as over Easter dinner. It

only takes a minute to sign up and is fairly user-friendly.

Microsoft Teams

Teams is also used more often for business, but again, it allows many people to video connect, share their screens, or just talk together at one time. Use an email as your username and create a password. In both Teams and Zoom, you can create a calendar event/meeting and invite others to join. This way, invitees need only to click on the link within the calendar invite to join (and if they haven’t downloaded the app yet, the link will prompt them to do so). You can also use Teams through your internet browser and not download the app.

How do I find and/or download these programs or apps?

If you’re working on your desktop, you only need to Google the program’s name and it will walk you through how to download it for a Mac or PC. It may also give you an option to download it through the Apple’s App Store or Google Play, which is what you’ll use if you’re on your phone or tablet. On your desktop, you download the program then install it onto your computer by opening the downloaded

program and following the instructions. Some programs you can use via your internet browser so you don’t have to download and install the app. To get an app for your phone, you go to the App Store (iPhone, iPads, etc.) or the Google Play (Android phones) and search for the program’s name. Then you load/open the app on your phone and go through the process to create an account. Your username can be your email address or another name that you can then share with others you want to connect with via that app. To use video chat programs on your computer, your monitor must have a camera. However you connect, make sure to laugh “Laughter can boost the immune system, reduce pain, reduce stress and increase our energy — and that is good medicine for all of us,” Budai said. “In serious times like this, it is not only OK but important for us to connect through video chat and through laughter. “Make a plan to video chat with an older adult friend or relative today, and even better, share a funny moment and laugh together.”

Page 12

May 2020

Life After 50

Working our way through Covid-19 By Eileen Doherty

Executive Director of the Colorado Gerontological Society


eople are resilient. People have many experiences to call on in times of crises. People know how to cope and make do. In this time of COVID-19, we are all needing to use our skills and past experiences to meet the challenges of staying home, being dependent on someone to do our grocery shopping, maybe even being told that we can’t leave our room. But given these choices to stay healthy and free of

COVID-19 gives us hope to continue keeping ourselves healthy. This is also the time to review our advance care planning documents. Who will speak for you if you need help and have to make medical decisions? Do you have a trusted family member who will manage your money and pay your bills? The purpose of medical and financial powers of attorney allows you to give that authority and responsibility to a trusted family member or friend. Many of us complete these forms and then put them on the shelf. Many

of us never have the conversation or complete the forms. In this time of COVID-19, we should review our documents and share our wishes. Specifically review your advance directives from the viewpoint of “if I get COVID-19, do I want to be placed on a ventilator?” “Do I want to receive care in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU)?” “Do I want palliative/hospice care, if I am having difficulty breathing and am not able to handle the planned treatment?” “Do I want to be treated in my own home by loved ones?” “Can my loved ones take care of me?” Currently, the Colorado Department of Public Health has approved Crises Standards of Care. Decisions are being made about scarce resources. “Who gets taken to an emergency room by an ambulance is being prioritized based on a set of medical criteria?” Similarly, the State is low on masks, gloves and protective gowns. Hospitals are getting priority to get supplies; whereas, other programs such as nursing homes and assisted living residences, as well as hospices, are looking at ways to re-use supplies to conserve resources. Community members are being asked to make masks. All residents of Colorado over age

18 are encouraged to review their advance care planning documents. While some older adults may not be able to successfully fight COVID-19 and will die, more are surviving. In this time of a state of emergency, it is important that you share with your loved ones your wishes in light of COVID-19, have current advance care planning documents, and have a plan in place to provide for your future, even if you never contract COVID-19. If you just want to talk or need assistance with reviewing your current documents, finding current forms, or want help with completing forms, visit us at or call 303-33-3482, 1-855-293-6911 or 1-855-880-4777 (Spanish). Eileen Doherty, MS is the Executive Director of the Colorado Gerontological Society. Her areas of expertise include management and administration of nonprofit organizations, education and training on issues related to older adults, advocacy and policy development on senior issues, and clinical practice in working with seniors and families to manage their lives in the later years. She has been the Director of the Society since 1982. She teaches Nonprofit Management for Fort Hays State University.

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Silver Key Connections

May 2020

Page 13

Life After 50

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Page 14

Life After 50

May 2020

Fitness After 50


Simple stay-at-home education, fitness

ences taught by profesife is an adventure. As long as we’re still sionals. For around 20-30 living, there are discoveries bucks a month, you can to be made. learn just about anything. People have advenYou are taught at your tures in wheelchairs, own pace, at your own prisons and hospital beds. level. There are thousands People make life changing of courses, ranging from discoveries just days self-help to basic before their death. computer skills to creating The COVID-19 a podcast to how to play Safer-at-Home orders, an instrument – all the By Vicki Morgan whether you agree with way to graduate level them or not, have given us programming courses and freedom to discover, to read, to robotics, is where I go for educate ourselves, to learn technology an education adventure. On the fitness and to be grateful for our neighbors side, be careful when downloading and families. But as your coach, may I apps. humbly suggest that you do not have There are more than 2 million the freedom to gripe, or to succumb to exercise apps, and the app store is not self-pity. As your coach, I’m asking going to protect you from the you to quit moping and start moving. malicious ones. Anyone with a brain Spending five hours a day on can create an app and share your Facebook is not acceptable. It’s a information with who-knows-who, so waste of your life. This article is an be wise. Kim Komando is a former invitation to a true online adventure, client of mine, and her website is a continuing education and the fast track terrific source for the latest scams and to fitness. Starting with the brain, my online threats happening now. She favorite adventure is on also offers tips and tricks for device, (now LinkedIn Learning). The site browsing and banking safety. So if offers personalized learning experiyou’ve never downloaded an app

before, do the research; and don’t click on anything unless you’re sure it’s safe. For the purposes of this article, I’ve complied some tried and true fitness apps that are great for seniors. All of them meet these basic requirements: Is it highly rated? It is user-friendly? Is it reliable? Fair warning: if you have an outdated, buggy phone, some of these apps may not work properly. But they’re easy enough to install and uninstall, so try a

few out and see what works best for you. You have 2 million options so give ‘em a whirl! MAP MY WALK APP: You can track your walking, set goals, log your walks, save your favorite routes, and even find new places to walk that are close by. The app also offers an audio feedback feature designed to help you improve. Besides walking it tracks 600 other sports and activities. I

See FITNESS, page 15

May 2020

Page 15

Life After 50

FITNESS/from page 14 personally found it a little confusing to use at first. Price: Free for iOS and Android with optional in-app purchases. MAP MY FITNESS: Track workouts as well as everyday physical activities like mowing the lawn or playing hide-and-seek or tag with your grandkids. It’s a senior-friendly fitness app that lets you set personal goals and measure your performance over time. You can even connect with accountability buddies and encourage each other. A little confusing, but worth the learning curve. Price: Free for iOS & Android with optional in-app purchases. THE JOHNSON & JOHNSON OFFICIAL 7-MINUTE WORKOUT APP: All you need is seven minutes, a wall, and a chair. There are easy-to-follow video and audio cues. You can choose which exercises you like and dislike. You can stick with the original seven-minute workout or choose from one of their routines and customize as your fitness improves. If you’re new to exercise, choose The First Timer, which features modified exercises like marching in place, chair-assisted squats, and kneeling pushups. Price: Free for iOS and Android with optional in-app purchases. THE SILVER SNEAKERS GO APP: Silver Sneakers GO offers strength, walking, and flexibility and mobility programs that can be tailored to your fitness level. Within each program, there are easy demonstrations and tips for adjusting movements to suit your comfort level. Activity tracking helps you keep tabs on your weekly and monthly progress, while mobile reminders ensure

you never miss a workout. PRICE: FREE for iOS & Android with optional in-app purchases. MY FITNESS PAL APP: My Fitness Pal lets you log workouts from more than 350 exercises, track your daily steps, and set daily movement goals. The nutrition and calorie-tracking feature draws from over 6 million foods, which makes it easy to monitor your diet no matter what you eat. It even has a barcode scanner! Whether you’re trying to lose weight or put on muscle, the app helps determine the best things to eat to meet your goals. Even if you make something from scratch, you can input the recipe, and the app will estimate its nutritional information. Price: Free for iOS and Android with optional in-app purchases. C25K 5K TRAINER: C25K, which stands for “Couch to 5K,” guides an inexperienced runner to become a 5K runner in eight weeks. You’ll start out walking and gradually progress until most of your session is spent jogging. The audio coach will guide you through a series of walking and jogging for 30 minutes per day, three days per week. This is a super popular program and has helped thousands of newbies discover the joys of running safely. Price: Free for iOS and Android with optional in-app purchases. Here are a few other apps with a twist: YOGA STUDIO APP: More than 100 ready-made yoga videos and meditations. Build your own class from a library of 280 poses, complete with detailed instructions for each one. 7-MINUTE CHI: Tai Chi is an effective exercise for gently improving strength, balance,

flexibility, and range of motion. It’s especially beneficial for older adults with joint stiffness or who want to help prevent falls. CHARITY MILES APP: Charity Miles lets you track activity miles and do some good at the same time. Each mile is matched with a donation. Donations go to various nonprofit organizations. INSTANT HEART RATE APP: Doctors say to monitor your heart rate during rigorous activity, and one easy way to do that is with this app. Just put the tip of your index finger on the camera lens of your phone and you’ll get an accurate reading in seconds, plus reports and charts. PACER PEDOMETER & STEP TRACKER: This pedometer goes way beyond simple step-tracking. Enjoy the journey with its fun challenges, new routes, and guided workouts to do indoors when rain and snow put a damper on your favorite walking routine. Vicki Morgan CPT ACTION is a Senior Strength & Fitness Instructor. During COVID-19 safer at home orders Vicki trains her clients according to Colorado State standards, but is not accepting new clients at this time. Contact Vicki at seniorstrength. pro. You must consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. If you experience pain or difficulty, stop and consult your healthcare provider. This article is not meant to take the place of any treatment or activity your physician has deemed necessary.

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Page 16

Life After 50

UCHealth, PasoMedicare Countyquestions. Public Health AnswersEl to your Take advantage of it. expands drive-through COVID-19 testing I can help answer your Medicare questions, so you can find the UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage plan that fits your needs. Give me a call to:

For Life After 50

Take the confusion out of Medicare

UCHealth, in coordination with El Paso County Public Health, has Get help comparing plans expanded testing guidelines at its drive-through tent located at South Receive one-on-one service Parkside Drive/KidsKare Point, one block east of Memorial Park. Make switching plans easier COVID-19 testing will now be provided to any individual experiencing fever, cough, or shortness of breath within the last 3-5 days. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are those of an acute respiratory infection or influenza-like illness. Symptoms typically include fever, Kathleen Graberg, a licensed sales representative in Colorado. cough, I’m fatigue, shortness of breath, and body aches. When it comes to Medicare, one size definitely does not fit all. What works well for your neighbor may not be the best fit for you. And what met your needs last year might not be the best fit this year. Take advantage of this time to explore Other less common symptoms could include headache, confusion, runny your Medicare choices so you can enroll in a plan with confidence. I’m here to help. I know the ins and outs of Medicare. And I know how to make it easier for you to understand, as well. nose, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of smell. Go ahead, take advantage. Hours for the drive-through site are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Kathleen Graberg

Licensed Sales Representative

Answers to your Medicare questions. Take advantage of it. 719-460-7580, TTY 711

I can help answer your Medicare questions, so you I can Plans help answer Medicare questions, are insured through your UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies, a Medicare Advantage can findorganization the UnitedHealthcare Medicare with a Medicare contract. EnrollmentAdvantage in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare. so you can find the United Healthcare Medicare plan that fits your needs. Give me a call to: Y0066_190604_095141_C SPRJ48530

Advantage plan that fits your needs. Give me athe call to: out of Medicare Take confusion • Take the confusion out of Medicare Get help comparing plans • Get help comparing plans • Receive one-on-one service one-on-one service • MakeReceive switching plans easier

Kathleen Graberg Make switching plans easier

Licensed Sales Representative

719-460-7580, TTY 711

Pioneers Museum offers virtual, online events For Life After 50 Please note that in consideration of COVID-19 and the health and safety of our visitors, programs will not be offered in-person at the museum at this time, they are currently being offered in digital format. • Saturdays: May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Cultural Connections - Digital Programing The City of Colorado Springs Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services is excited to present a series of digital learning opportunities! Each week, one of the City’s sites will provide an educational and fun program on a variety of projects. Register for an event listed on our calendar to receive the Zoom meeting link: • Tuesdays: May 5, 12, 19, 26 The Palmer Travel Journal Challenge! Mary “Queen” Mellen and General William Jackson Palmer set off for their honeymoon to England on Nov. 9, 1870. The journal they created together about their travels is an invaluable resource that can tell us more about the Palmer Family, travel in the late nineteenth century, and

I’m Kathleen Graberg, a licensed sales representative in Colorado. When it comes to Medicare, one size definitely does not fit all. What works well for your neighbor may not be the best fit for you. And what met your needs last year might not be the best fit this year. Take advantage of this time to explore your Medicare choices so you can enroll in a plan with confidence. I’m here to help. I know the ins and outs of Medicare. And I know how to make it easier for you to understand, as well.

Go ahead, take advantage. Kathleen Graberg

Licensed Sales Representative

719-460-7580, TTY 711

Plans are insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies, a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare. Y0066_190604_095141_C

May 2020


much, much more! Every Tuesday, CSPM will post a page from the Palmer Journal and ask for your help transcribing it. Want to join in? Learn more here: articles/palmerjournalchallenge/#Palm erJournalChallenge, #TranscriptionTuesday • Saturday, May 9 Junior Docents - APPLICATIONS DUE BY 5 p.m. Do you know an enthusiastic student entering grade 6-12 that has a passion for history, storytelling, learning, and community service? Encourage them to apply for the Junior Docent Program! Students will learn and interpret regional history while exploring the work of our City’s history museum. Visit junior-docent-program to learn more and apply. • Saturday, May 9 Digital 2020 Scholar Series: When Civil War Came West 2– 3 p.m. Presented by Megan Kate Nelson Reservations required – Upon RSVP, Zoom program instructions will follow

See MUSEUM, page 27

May 2020

Page 17

Life After 50

On This Day ... Health and pleasure seekers “drink the healing waters” at Soda Spring in Manitou Springs, 1879. By the end of the 19th century, Manitou Springs was well-known as a resort and healing destination. During the summer season, thousands of tourists visited the city from around the globe. Taking the waters was a social affair; health and pleasure seekers strolled along Manitou and Ruxton Avenues, and stopped at the mineral springs along the way. While linking the mineral waters with health was nothing new – they had been used and considered sacred by American Indians well before this time – the throng of visitors to the mountain city was. This could be attributed to widely distributed pamphlets that extolled the health benefits of the Manitou’s mineral waters, fresh mountain air and abundant sunshine, along with descriptions of the amenities and stunning scenery of the region. Photo courtesy of Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum,

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Page 18

May 2020

Life After 50

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May 2020

Page 19

Life After 50

Close Connections After 50

Now, where was I?


irritation turns to anger: ow, where was I? Oh, getting ready to write “I’ll be late. Why can’t I this column. I had a really remember anything?”) On good idea, but what was it? the third trip to the car, I My memory’s so bad. Oh look under the sack of yeah, I remember now. I things I’ve already been was going to write on through and there they memory. are! If I had a penny for How could they have By Nancy Norman every time I blame my gotten there? I think in a memory for failing, well, I sad moment, “I’m getting can’t remember how much I’d have, old.” but it would be a lot! Prompted by a desire to make Here’s an all-too-typical scene at myself feel better, I thought about this my house, as will undoubtedly happen memory business. I thought about it so after the current restrictions. I have a much that I had an epiphany (not as lunch date and can’t find my keys. messy as it sounds): maybe this is not (Slight degree of frustration pops up.) about memory or aging at all. Maybe They’re not where I usually put them. it’s about not paying attention to what I retrace my steps. (The frustration I’m doing at the moment. increases as the clock ticks.) I’ve worshiped the God of I look in my car in the sack of Multitasking forever. Maybe I can’t things I have to take back to the store, afford to do several things at the same under the seats, in the cup holder. time and still keep track at today’s (Now I’m beginning to feel some pace. New technology brings new anxiety and the flush of irritation.) I expectations. In the dark ages, when go back in the house and unload my phones had dials, we placed our finger purse, search my coat pockets. (The in the hole, one number at a time, and

In the dark ages, when phones had dials, we placed our finger in the hole, one number at a time, and pulled it around. Today, my fingers fly over the touch-tone system, in danger of being seared off. pulled it around. Today, my fingers fly over the touch-tone system, in danger of being seared off. I asked a friend the other day if she thinks we misplaced things as often when we were younger. She thought we probably did. But as we approach retirement, we make our memory the culprit — and ultimately, we blame too much on aging. Some current sages advise that peace of mind comes more readily by

focusing on the present moment than getting ahead of ourselves (or behind). No better time than now to try this: look, listen and think about where I’m putting something in the first place — my cup of tea this morning — to see if I spend less time looking for it or other “lost” objects. Not as easy as it sounds. I quickly got onto another task and then searched for my tea. I found out that paying attention takes work! But I’m making it a priority, talking to friends about it, concentrating. I do think it’ll be less work than looking for things I can’t find and less hurtful than blaming my memory and aging. Nancy Norman is a licensed clinical social worker, musician with The Storys music and former “Intimacy” columnist for The Wichita Eagle. Email her at

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Page 20

May 2020

Life After 50

Perfect pantry pastas made with household essentials Family Features Constantly seeking out recipespecific ingredients that may only be used once or twice can be a burden. Instead, keep your home stocked with necessities to simplify dinner prep with dishes made using common household staples. One perfect example: pastas. These recipes for Minestrone Pasta Saute with Ricotta, Creamy One-Pot Spaghetti and Pasta in a Pinch include easily recognizable seasonings and canned goods for simple dinner solutions. Plus, they all include dairy, an irreplaceable part of a balanced diet as a source of essential nutrients. Another way to scale back on unnecessary grocery purchases is to give yourself permission to modify. Many recipes can be tweaked for personal preferences, such as using black beans rather than kidney beans or adjusting the amount of a spice used based on your family’s tastes. Stock your pantry and refrigerator with versatile ingredients like these: • Canned tomatoes • Canned beans • Quick-cook rice • Small whole-grain pasta

• Stock, like vegetable, chicken or beef • Fluid milk • Shredded cheese • Plain Greek yogurt For more ideas to simplify family meals, visit

Minestrone Pasta Saute with Ricotta Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes

A+ Rated




Servings: 4

8 oz. ditalini pasta 1 1/2 T extra-virgin olive oil 3 carrots, finely diced 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 medium onion, chopped 1/2 bunch kale, thinly sliced 1/2 pound green beans, trimmed and halved BBB A+ 1/4 c dry white wine 1/2 pound lean ground beef BBB (optional) A+ Rated






When you’re ready to sell your stamps, coins & collectibles for more, Colorado Stamps & Coins @ will buy them all When you’re ready stamps, andto paysell you your top prices on the coins spot! &

collectibles for more, Colorado Stamps & Coins Contact our will Expert @ buyBuyer! them all We will come to you to view your stamp or coin collection or other collectibles. and pay youtravels topallprices on the spot! United States Our buyer over Colorado & the Western

1 can (15 oz.) kidney beans, rinsed and drained 1 jar (24 oz.) marinara sauce 1/2 t kosher salt 1/4 t ground black pepper 1 c Ricotta cheese 1/4 c grated Parmesan cheese In large pot of boiling salted water, cook pasta according to package instructions. Reserve 1/4 cup pasta cooking water then drain pasta. In large skillet over medium-high heat, heat oil. Add carrots, garlic and onion; cook 3 minutes, or until vegetables start to soften, stirring occasionally. Add kale and green beans; cook 3 minutes, or until green beans are tender-crisp, stirring occasionally. Add wine to skillet; cook 2 minutes, or until most liquid has evaporated. Transfer vegetables to medium bowl. If including meat, return skillet to medium-high heat. Add ground beef; cook 6-8 minutes, or until meat is cooked through, breaking up with side of spoon. Spoon off excess fat. Reduce heat to medium-low. Add kidney beans, marinara sauce, salt, pepper, pasta, reserved pasta cooking

See RECIPES, page 21 Trusted

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Contact our Expert Buyer! We will come to you to view your stamp or coin collection or other collectibles. Our buyer travels all over Colorado & the Western United States


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U.S. & WorldWide StampS, CoinS & paper CUrrenCy F old StoCk CertifiCateS F aUtographS ChineSe ColleCtibleS (art, CarvingS, bronzeS, JeWelry, porCelain 1960’S & older) railroad itemS of all kindS (photoS, doCUmentS, timetableS, paSSeS, ColleCtibleS, etC.) old toyS & dollS F vintage native ameriCan itemS & JeWelry F old tokenS & medalS old letterS & CorreSpondenCe F old poStCardS F military itemS 1780’S - 1960’S vintage bronzeS & original artWork F old pottery F vintage mining memorabilia SpaCe-related ColleCtibleS (photoS, doCUmentS, patCheS, etC.) F vintage mediCal deviCeS old poCket & hUnting kniveS F Sterling Silver flatWare F vintage bookS (UniqUe or hiStoriCal) old CameraS & photographiC eqUipment F old glaSS plate negativeS F old foUntain penS old SCrap JeWelry (gold & Silver) F vintage JeWelry F old poCket & WriSt WatCheS old advertiSing (paper, boxeS & metal itemS) F and mUCh, mUCh more!

Why wait for estate auction liquidators, specialized auction firms & lawyers who charge up to 50% or more to sell your collectibles?



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old StoCk CertifiCateS aUtographS ChineSe ColleCtibleS (art, CarvingS, bronzeS, JeWelry, porCelain 1960’S & older) railroad itemS of all kindS (photoS, doCUmentS, timetableS, paSSeS, ColleCtibleS, etC.) old toyS & dollS F vintage native ameriCan itemS & JeWelry F old tokenS & medalS old letterS & CorreSpondenCe F old poStCardS F military itemS 1780’S - 1960’S vintage bronzeS & original artWork F old pottery F vintage mining memorabilia WE WILL(photoS PAY TOP PRICES ON, pTHE SPOT SpaCe-related ColleCtibleS , doCUmentS atCheS , etC.) F vintage mediCal deviCeS FOR PART OR ALLSOF YOUR COLLECTION! F Sterling F vintage bookS (UniqUe or hiStoriCal) old poCket & hUnting kniveS ilver flatWare old CameraS & photographiC eqUipment F old glaSS plate negativeS F old foUntain penS Cedaredge F old SCrap JeWelryColorado (gold & SSprings ilver) F vintage JeWelry old poCket & WriSt WatCheS 3260 E. Woodmen Rd, Ste 100-E PO Box 61 old advertiSing (pSprings, aper, bCOoxeS etal itemS ) F and mUCh, mUCh more! Colorado 80920 & m Cedaredge, CO 80920 F


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May 2020

Life After 50

Page 21

RECIPES/from page 20 water and cooked vegetable mixture to skillet with beef, if using. Cook 2 minutes, or until warmed through, stirring occasionally. Divide pasta between four pasta bowls or plates and top with Ricotta and Parmesan cheeses.

Pasta in a Pinch

Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Servings: 6

8 oz. uncooked penne pasta 2 1/2 c water 1/4 t salt 1/4 t black pepper 1/2 t dried basil 1/2 t garlic powder 1/2 c milk 2 c mozzarella cheese, grated 1 can (15 oz.) cannellini beans, rinsed and drained 1 can (14 1/2 oz.) diced tomatoes, drained 1/4 c Parmesan cheese freshly chopped herbs, for garnish (optional) In large microwavable bowl, place uncooked penne pasta and pour water over top to cover. With food-safe plastic wrap, cover bowl, leaving small section to vent as it cooks. Cook 3 minutes longer than package directs, approximately 13 minutes.

Once pasta has cooked, drain into colander then place back in bowl. Add salt, pepper, basil, garlic powder and milk; stir to combine. Begin to stir in cheese a little at a time. Microwave 1 minute. Remove from microwave and stir again. Add cannellini beans and diced tomatoes; stir. Microwave 1 minute. Remove from microwave and stir. Assess if ingredients are hot and cheese is melted. If not, microwave

1-2 minutes. Top with Parmesan cheese and garnish with fresh herbs, if desired.

Creamy One-Pot Spaghetti Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Servings: 8

1 T vegetable oil 1 pound lean ground turkey or lean ground beef 1/2 c chopped onion 2 1/2 c reduced-sodium chicken

broth or reduced-sodium beef broth 2 c marinara sauce 1/2 t crushed fennel seeds 1/8 t ground cayenne pepper 8 oz. spaghetti noodles, broken into 3-4-inch pieces 1 package (8 oz.) reduced-fat cream cheese, cubed 1 1/3 c shredded cheddar cheese, divided chopped fresh basil or parsley (optional) Using saute function of pressure cooker, heat oil until hot. Add meat and onion. Cook, uncovered, about 5 minutes, or until meat is browned, stirring to break up. Press cancel. Stir broth, marinara sauce, fennel seeds and cayenne pepper into meat. Stir in spaghetti, making sure noodle pieces are covered by liquid. Secure lid and set pressure release to sealing function. Select high pressure and cook 5 minutes. Press cancel. Allow pressure to release naturally 2 minutes. Move pressure release to venting function to release remaining steam. Remove lid. Stir spaghetti mixture. Stir in cream cheese and 1 cup cheddar cheese until melted. Ladle into bowls to serve. Sprinkle with remaining cheddar cheese. Garnish with chopped fresh basil or parsley, if desired.

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A Residence of Legend Senio

Page 22

May 2020

Life After 50

Silver Key to continue lunch pickup, home delivered meals Connections Café You must ASK for your Discount, or use Coupon! Ace Hardware: Tuesdays 10% off regularly priced items  AMC Chapel Hills theater: $5 All Shows on Tuesdays  Arby's: 10% off food  ARC: Tues. & Saturday 50% off most items  Bargain Box Thrift: Shop 99¢ Racks!  Big Train Restaurant: Seniors 10% Off on Tuesdays  Burger King: 10% off  Bus-tang to Denver: $9 for Seniors/Disabled  Carmike 10: Seniors pay $4.50-$5/tkt  Carrabbas: 10% off  Cinemark Theaters: $5.75/tkt Tickets Tuesday; Senior Day Monday any show $6.75  Colorado Springs Philharmonic: $3 off ticket at Pikes Peak Center box office  COSTCO: Low Generic Rx Prices posted at (not necessary to be a member)  Denver Art Museum: Free General Admission 1st Sat of month  Einstein’s Bagels: 10% off everyday or Mondays $7 Baker’s Dozen (13) Bagels  Fine Arts Museum: Free on 2nd Sat & 3rd Fri of month  Golden Corral: See Ad for Senior Specials!  Goodwill: Wed. 15% Off  Greyhound Bus: Ages 62+ get 5% off fares IHOP: 10% off  Jason’s Deli: 10% discount Joseph’s: Best Happy Hour 5-7 Mon-Sat.  Josh & John’s Ice Cream: 10% Senior Discount  Jun: Senior Sundays - 10% Off  Ken's Plumbing Heating & Cooling: 10% Off (clip coupon in ad)  Kimball’s Peak 3 Theater: Any show $7.50  Kohl’s: Everyday 15% Senior Discount  La Baguette: (Downtown) $1.20 coffee for seniors  McDonalds: Senior Coffee or Soda $.70  Omelette Parlor & O’Furry’s: Buy 1 entree, get 2nd half off (clip coupon)  Perkins: Discount 55+ Menu and Clip Coupons (see ad)  The Pantry: Clip CouponBuy 1 Meal, Get 1 Half Off!  Picture Show at Citadel Crossing: Seniors $4.50, Tuesdays $4  Pioneer Museum: Free Admission Tues-Sat 10-5  Pikes Peak Philharmonic: $2 off ticket  Ross Dress for Less: Tuesdays 10% Off  Santa's Workshop: Seniors 60+ Free Admission  Schlotzky’s: 10% Discount  Silver Key Friends Thrift Store: Wed. Seniors Save 15% (see ad)  Sisters' Thrift & Boutique: Every Day 10% Off Sonic Drive-In: 10% off  Wade’s Café: Every day seniors get 10% off  Walgreen’s: First Tues. of month 15-20% off for seniors & military  Wendy’s: Free beverage with any purchase

To Advertise in Life After 50

Call (719) 900-7664

Connections Café sites will have “grab and go” (prepared meals) available as an option in lieu of congregate meal site dining. Clients will receive 5 frozen meals for the week; this new procedure will reduce exposure and keep our seniors safe and healthy! No substitutions available.

Silver Key Home Delivered Meals (HDM) including Meals on Wheels During the current circumstances, concerning the Coronavirus (CO-

VID-19), we will make every effort to continue to bring this important service as we always have. We plan to observe a 6-foot distance between the delivery person and the client. • When delivering meals to homes, we will bring the meals to the door as usual and leave them in any cooler or container that is designated for HDM or Meals on Wheels. This service will not change. • Meals will be placed in a cooler bag and left at the door before knocking or ringing the doorbell, then the driver will step back at least 6 feet. • If you require assistance to carry

meals or the cooler to a more accessible location in your home, the delivery person will respectfully remain 6 feet or more away, as they provide assistance. For those interested in our Home Delivered Meals service this is a helpful and convenient option to consider. Please call 719-884-2300 or visit: services/home-deliveredmeals/ to sign-up today.

Home Delivered Meals Menu | May 2020 Registered clients can order meals at Please keep this menu for reference.





31 Chicken al a King Jasmine Rice Green Beans Carrot Raisin Salad Apple 3

Sloppy Joe Carrots Coleslaw Pineapple Sugar Cookie


Milk is provided with every meal


Chicken Fajitas w/ Pepper, Onion, Cheese, Sour Cream, Salsa Tortillas Spanish Rice SW Black Beans Peaches



12 Turkey Salad Sandwich on Croissant Minestrone Soup Broccoli Sunflower Salad Apple

13 Pork Pot Roast w/ Onion Celery Carrots Potato Medley Caesar Salad Orange

Hamburger w/ Lettuce, Tomato & Onion Carrots Coleslaw Diced Pear

Pork Chow Mein Brown Rice Winter Blend Vegetables WW Roll Pear


Honey Curry Chicken Wild & Brown Rice Peas & Carrots Broccoli Slaw Apple Spice Cake

10 Beef Burrito/Green Enchilada sauce SW Black Beans Spanish Rice Mandarin Oranges Raisin Nut Cup



18 19 Cheese Ravioli w/ Lemon Pepper Cod Marinara Brown Rice Pilaf Bahama Vegetables Peas Tossed Salad 3 Bean Salad Peaches Mandarin Orange Raisin Nut Cup

20 21 Ham Salad on WW Chicken al a King Bread Jasmine Rice Cream of Mushroom Green Beans Soup Carrot Raisin Salad Spinach Mandarin Apple Salad Strawberries

24 Pork Pot Roast w/ Onion Celery Carrots Potato Medley Caesar Salad Orange



Pork Chow Mein Brown Rice Winter Blend Vegetables WW Roll Pear

Chicken Cordon Bleu Roasted Sweet Potatoes Mixed Vegetables WW Roll Mandarin Orange

Memorial Day Hamburger w/ Lettuce, Tomato & Onion Carrots Coleslaw Diced Pear

26 Beef Bourguignon Mashed Potatoes Broccoli Roll Strawberries

BBQ Chicken Baked Potato Soup Peas & Carrots 3 Bean Salad Apple



1 Beef Burrito/Green Enchilada sauce SW Black Beans Spanish Rice Mandarin Oranges Raisin Nut Cup

2 Chicken Chow Mein Brown Rice Asian Vegetables Pear Chocolate Chip Cookie Raisin Nut Cup

8 Salmon w/ Lemon & Dill Roasted Sweet Potatoes Broccoli Banana WW Choc. Chip M&M Cookie

9 Chicken Cacciatore Pasta Green Beans WW Roll Diced Pears


15 16 Chicken Teriyaki Beef Tacos w/ Honey Curry Brown Rice Lettuce, Tomato, Chicken Peas Cheese, Sour Cream Wild & Brown Rice Asian Cabbage Slaw & Salsa Peas & Carrots Apple Spiced Pinto Beans Broccoli Slaw Applesauce Apple Spice Cake 22

Meatball Sub Vegetable Soup Cauliflower Orange

28 29 Baked Ziti w/ SauPico Lime Cod sage & Marinara Lemon Herb Rice Bahama Vegetables Carrots Caesar Salad Coleslaw Orange Banana Raisin Nut Cup

23 Chicken Cordon Bleu Roasted Sweet Potatoes Mixed Vegetables WW Roll Mandarin Orange 30 Cheese Ravioli w/ Marinara Bahama Vegetables Tossed Salad Peaches Raisin Nut Cup

Menu substitutions may occur without notice. Clients are advised to keep a 3-day supply of non-perishable foods and bottled water in the event of inclement weather or other emergencies that may cause a temporary suspension of service.

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May 2020

Life After 50

Can my cat catch COVID-19?

Canine Column: Always there for you

By Sara Ferguson

By Marti Benson

Dear Ms. Kitty, I saw where two cats in New York were diagnosed with the COVID-19. My cats go outside under supervision. Can my cat catch the new coronavirus from another cat? Can I catch it from my cat, or give it to my cat? Worried in Walsenburg

Two weeks ago, I fell pretty hard on my sidewalk. Chip and Ernie came running when they heard me yelp. I’m sporting an ugly trail of scabs and bruises on my leg, and I sprained a finger —but it could have been much worse. In our day-to-day lives, things happen. Missteps, accidents—and now the pandemic— could cost anyone of us an unexpected, and possibly lengthy, hospital stay. As pet owners, we need to be ready for the unforeseen. Planning for Sadie’s safety and well-being, if something were to happen to you, is essential. The first step is asking a family member, friend or trusted neighbor to be your dog’s designated caregiver. Knowing ahead of time you have someone to watch over your best friend in your absence is important. A few years ago, an acquaintance was the victim of a violent crime. While he lay sedated in the hospital, his elderly cat remained at home alone and unattended. When he was able to ask about his cat, a neighbor checked the townhouse —and found her to be unresponsive and near death. The story still haunts me. Keep your dog’s medical records and important papers in a designated spot. A folder labeled with Jazzy’s name—and containing vaccination information, her veterinarian’s name and phone number, prescriptions or supplements that she needs, what you feed her, and any other vital information-- should be accessible and easy to find for the person responsible for her in your absence. Any medication and its usage should, also, be readily available. My dog, Ernie, has cirrhosis and must adhere to a strict timeframe for his meds. I have the schedule written out (complete with boxes to check off) on a notepad on our counter. I,

Dear Worried, The Coronavirus has certainly changed all our lives. While many cats have always practiced social distancing, initiating contact at their own pace, it turns out we may have something to learn from them. This level of avoiding other humans is new for most of us and can be a challenge. We all know the virus can be transmitted through the air and on surfaces. Those surfaces can include your cat, just like they can include your clothes. If you have—or suspect you have—this virus, a sneeze or touch can land it on your cat just like it can land on any surface in your home... including other humans.

If you have COVID-19

That’s why, if you are sick, the American Veterinary Medical Association is recommending that you practice social distancing with your cat just like you would with other humans. Ask another person care to for your cat while you’re sick, like a family member or friend. If that’s not possible, wear a mask when handling him or her. Try to avoid petting, hugging, kissing and sharing food or beds with them until you’re well. Please see our article online, COVID-19: Who Cares for My Cat If I’m Sick, about planning ahead for this emergency, as well as exactly how to handle your cat if you become sick and need help.

Pets in the news

You may have heard about dogs and cats who have tested positive for COVID-19 after their guardians got it.

Two dogs in Hong Kong tested positive for the virus at first, then tested negative several days later as their bodies developed neutralizing antibodies to the virus. Neither dog had any symptoms and both lived with other dogs who tested negative. The cat from Hong Kong also tested positive and has not shown any symptoms either. A second cat in Belgium also tested positive and apparently had upper respiratory symptoms. However, no data was given to rule out other forms of an upper respiratory infection and the cat recovered. The most recent cases were two cats in separate locations in New York who tested positive. One cat’s guardian was positive but another cat in the household was negative. The other cat was indoor/outdoor and may have been exposed there or by a family member who was mildly symptomatic. Thousands of other dogs and cats have been tested in the US from specimens from all over the world. These are the only ones who have been shown to be positive for COVID-19.

Don’t worry, but stay safe

What does all this mean? So far, it means your cat can’t get it and give it to you, but there may be a very small chance you can give it to him if you get it. We all need support during these trying times. Our pets are a huge source of comfort to us all. What would life be for most of us without a purring cat? Unless someone in your home is actively sick with symptoms of COVID-19, there is no need to worry about getting COVID-19 from your cat.

We Want to Put Your Pet in Our Paper! Deadline for submissions Email a photo and a few paragraphs of your pre- is the 20th of each month. cious pet to anthony@ Yo u r c a t , d o g , chicken, snake ... you name it, will be featured in our I Love My Pet section.

Page 23

also, keep his scripts for his meds and prescription food next to the notepad. Having a recent photo of your dog available is, also, a must. Put it in your pet’s folder along with all of the other important papers. If you become incapacitated and Shadow escapes out the door during medical intervention, a current picture would be critical to helping to identify him and finding him. Keep in mind that if Shadow is in good hands, he still might bolt out the front door when someone new comes into his house. And don’t forget to keep a leash handy. Even if Rusty is a couch potato that never goes farther than the patio, a surge of adrenaline during a frightening situation might turn your senior pooch into Mighty Dog. Having a leash handy will help keep him under control. Start making your emergency plans for your dog right now; while you have this time. Tell your family and friends to do the same. Our canine companions are always there for us—during the good and the bad; even during the swan dives onto the cement. Let’s do the same for them.

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May 2020

Life After 50

Laughing Matters “Let me see that!” I said. I guarantee that fly never knew what hit him.

Quarantine game

Submitted by Eric Spiegelman

My wife and I play this fun game during the quarantine. It’s called, “Why Are You Doing It That Way?” And there are no winners.

Old fashioned

Submitted by Beverly Duzenack

My grandkids were over this morning for breakfast. We were all sitting at the table—they with their iPhones and tablets and me with my newspaper—when they started joking that I was old fashioned because I was reading the newspaper. “Grandpa,” they said. “Everybody today uses a tablet like ours instead of the newspaper.” I looked up from my paper.



1. Fortuneteller's opening 5. Banned apple spray 9. Not straight 13. Aired again 15. Mrs. Dithers, in "Blondie" 16. David Copperfield's wife 17. Speechify 18. Indian princess 19. Evangelist Roberts 20. ___ in Charlie 21. School founded in 1440 23. Tabs 25. Pindar works 26. She's a Dahl 27. Makes journeys 30. Inordinately 31. Lubricated 32. Stale from standing 37. Paraphernalia 38. Article of food 40. Follow instructions 41. Contemptible 43. Stigma 44. Genealogy word 45. Quiver 47. Continues a subscription 50. Leisure 51. Hebrew prophet 52. Annika Sorenstam's org. 53. Van Gogh had one later in life 56. Irish island group 57. Robt. ___ 59. Actress Oberon 61. Network of nerves 62. Fill to surfeit 63. Slipped 64. Golf pegs, northern English river 65. Grounded fleet 66. Canadian gas brand


1. High-performance Camaro 2. Vaccines 3. Big times 4. Mom's order




Dead duck

Submitted by Beverly Duzenack

A woman rushed into a veterinarian’s office with a limp duck in her hands. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird’s chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head and said, “I’m sorry. Cuddles has passed away.” The distressed woman wailed, “Are you sure?” “Yes, I am sure. Your duck is dead,” the vet replied. “How can you be so sure?” she protested. “You haven’t done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something.” The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left



5 14

17 20












25 27














42 45


Submitted by Maynard Hesselbarth











5. Beyond 6. Bank transaction 7. Prince Valiant's son 8. Locomotive track 9. Sun-dried brick 10. Sophia of the screen 11. Papal garment 12. Chums 14. Required 22. Aviv preceder 24. Sleep like ___ 25. ___ barrel 26. Envelope abbr. 27. Duds 28. Nothing, in Nantes 29. Winglike parts 32. Slump 33. Words of denial 34. Simple rhyme scheme 35. Sedaka or Simon 36. Daly of "Judging Amy" 38. Giving no view 39. Supermodel Sastre 42. Child support? 43. Opening word 45. Conical shelters


A golfer whose car broke down flagged down a passing bus and climbed aboard. He sat down on the bus next to a little old lady, his pockets bulging with golf balls. The lady looked quizzically at him and his bulging pockets. Finally, he explained, “It’s golf balls.” She quickly replied, “Does it hurt as bad as tennis elbow?”

The third wish



A golfer’s problem

Submitted by Larry Anderson









the room. He returned a few minutes later with a black Labrador. With Cuddles’ owner looking on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He looked up at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head. The vet patted the dog on the head and took it out of the room. A few minutes later, he returned with a cat. The cat jumped on the table and delicately sniffed the bird from head to foot. The cat sat back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly and strolled out of the room. The vet looked at the woman and said, “I’m sorry, but this duck is certifiably dead.” He turned to his computer, hit a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed the woman. The duck’s owner took the bill and cried, “$150? $150 just to tell me my duck is dead?!” The vet shrugged, “If you had just taken my word for it, the bill would have been $20, but with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it’s now $150.”

53 59



63 66

46. Joplin tune 47. Street show 48. Related on the mother's side 49. Dressed to the ___ 51. Feathered missile 52. Riga resident 53. Goofs 54. Pub pints 55. Decorate anew 58. Vegas opening 60. Before


A man was sitting alone in his office one night when a genie popped up out of his ashtray and said, “And what will your third wish be?” The man looked at the genie and said, “Huh? How can I be getting a third wish when I haven’t had a first or second wish yet?” “You have had two wishes already,” the genie said, “but your second wish was for me to put everything back the way it was before you made your first wish. Thus, you remember nothing because everything is the way it was before you made any wishes. You have one wish left.” “Okay,” said the man, “I don’t believe this, but what the heck. I wish I was irresistible to women.” “Funny,” said the genie as it granted his wish and disappeared forever. “That was your first wish, too.”

See LAUGHING, page 25

SUDOKU (Difficulty - medium)

May 2020

Life After 50

LAUGHING/from page 24 Stop smoking

visit, we take her back to the airport.”

A man with a sore throat went to see the doctor. The doctor examined him and said, “Do you smoke?” He said, “No, I’ve never smoked in my life.” The doctor said, “That’s a pity, giving up smoking would have really helped.”

New music

Submitted by Sylvia Orvis

Bubba calls 911

Submitted by Angela Spinella

Betty Jo passed away suddenly, and her husband, Bubba, called 911. The operator told Bubba that she would send someone out right away. “Where do you live?” asked the operator. “Down here at the end o’ Eucalyptus Drive,” said Bubba. “Can you spell that for me?” asked the operator. There was a long pause. Finally Bubba said, “How ‘bout if I drag her on over to Oak Street and you pick her up there?”

Grandma’s house

Submitted by Jamie Shaffer

A 6-year-old was asked where his grandma lived. “She lives at the airport,” he said, “and when we want her we just go get her. Then when we’re done having her

Tick Tock Shop Celebrating our 45th Anniversary

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Submitted by Robert Ashton

Singers of the ’60s are revising their hits with new lyrics to accommodate us aging Baby Boomers. New releases include: Herman’s Hermits: “Mrs. Brown, You’ve got a Lovely Walker” Ringo Starr: “I Get By with a Little Help From Depends” Bee Gees: “How Can You Mend a Broken Hip?” Roberta Flack: “The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face” Johnny Nash: “I Can’t See Clearly Now” Paul Simon: “Fifty Ways to Lose Your Liver” The Commodores: “Once, Twice, Three Times to the Bathroom” Procol Harum: “A Whiter Shade of Hair” Leo Sayer: “You Make Me Feel Like Napping” The Temptations: “Papa’s Got A Kidney Stone” Abba: “Denture Queen” Helen Reddy: “I Am Woman, Hear Me Snore” Lesley Gore: “It’s My Hormones & I’ll Cry If I Want To” Willie Nelson: “On the Commode Again”

Page 25

Page 26

Ask Gabby Gayle

Dear Gabby: I am take care of her. We want writing to respond to Mr. her in an Assisted Living place. She declares that she and Mrs. in your February will take her life if we put column. Mrs. wanted her there. What do we do? advice regarding intimate Signed, Frustrated relations which are now out Daughter of the question. My response to her is: it’s not Dear Daughter: I always about sex in a By Gayle relationship, sometimes the Lagman-Creswick understand your desire to protect your mother. I, best type of intimacy is however,being an old where you just lay back, laugh person myself,I know how your together at the stupidest things, hold mother feels. I may feel the same way. each other and enjoy each other’s I recommend you read Atul Gawacompany. You never know what nde’s book Being Mortal: Medicine tomorrow brings. Signed KR and What Matters in the End. If your Dear KR: Thank you for writing. mother wants to spend the homestretch of her life with the one she I totally agree with you. I might add loves, I say make it possible for her to that some men feel their value in a do that. You will have the peace of relationship is performing. It is up to the loving wives to teach them there is mind when she is gone that you let her do it her way! a deeper intimacy! GG By the way, if she were to go into an assisted living during this Dear Gabby: My mom is in a pandemic, she would not even be able rehab after falling and breaking a hip. This is after a series of other falls. She to have visitors. Not even her husband. Plus the fact that she is is insisting on going home to her probably safer at home from the virus, husband. He is older than she is! We in my opinion. I respect that you love so want to protect her from another your mother and want what is best for nasty fall. Her husband feels he can

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May 2020

Life After 50

her. It’s just that kids do not always know what is best for parents. Ask yourself the question: Is this plan better for my mother or better for us kids? Good luck, GG Dear Gabby: Since we have been quarantined because of Covid-19, I have had such a longing for our family to be close, at least in heart. The trouble is, all but one of my family is alienated from me. We have not been in touch for years. I would not even know if one of them died. This is keeping me awake at night. I cannot bring myself to take the first step because it was not my fault. Any ideas? Signed, Too Late Dear Late: It is never too late AS LONG AS THERE IS LIFE. Granted that apologizing for something you did not do is difficult. I could not count the times that I apologized for something I did not do or cause. You know why? I learned a long time ago that holding a grudge is like carrying a sack full of bricks. It fouls up your life, your other relationships, your sleep, and your well-being. Plus, the

fact that you are missing out on their lives. Swallow your resentments and get going on this as fast as you can. I wish you Godspeed. GG Dear Gabby: I am in a tough spot. I had been dating a woman for a couple weeks when this quarantine hit. She says we can’t date because we need to quarantine. I say we should just move in together and quarantine together. She said it is too soon. I said we don’t even know if we will be here when this is over. What do you think? Signed, In a Hurry Dear Hurry: “Haste makes waste?” I agree with your girl. Moving in with someone you have known for two weeks sounds like a recipe for disaster! You can chat and facetime and talk on the phone. By the time this is over you may know if you are compatible. Or not. GG If you have a question for Gabby Gayle, please send it to

May 2020

Page 27

Life After 50

Pikes Peak Library District update MUSEUM/from page 16 For kids, teens & families

For Life After 50 While Pikes Peak Library District’s physical locations remain temporarily closed until further notice due to COVID-19, you can still use the Library remotely, anywhere and anytime. Plus, our librarians are bringing their services to you! Check out some of the new virtual services and programs that our team created for you to experience, wherever you might be during this pandemic.

For adults:

• Participate in the Winter Adult Reading Program! It has been extended until further notice. Read books and complete virtual activities to earn prizes, which will be available for pickup after PPLD locations reopen. • Join us for virtual yoga classes! Every Monday morning, local instructor Svetlana Nudelman guides practitioners through beginner and intermediate-level yoga poses. • Get recommendations during our interactive reader’s advisory! PPLD librarians give real-time suggestions on books, authors, movies, and shows every Monday and Thursday afternoon. • Participate in a live virtual book club! Share what you have been reading and find your next great read every Tuesday afternoon. • Watch a poetry reading! A PPLD librarian recites a selected poem every Wednesday afternoon. • Have your popcorn ready for a movie and community discussion! Our team selects films from PPLD’s streaming movie service, Kanopy, for you to watch. Then, we host curated discussions about the featured movies every Friday afternoon. • Check out staff picks from Regional History & Genealogy! Check out a new Facebook post each day, highlighting individual team member’s interests.

• Have fun at home with our new reading program! Children, teenagers, parents, and caregivers can easily access curated activity ideas, library resources, built-in games, and more. • Test your skills in a digital escape room! Every Monday our team provides a link to a new digital escape room that you can try with your family at home or virtually with friends. • Participate in a virtual Storytime for kids! A children’s librarian leads a sing-along and then reads a children’s book every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. • Get creative with cupboard projects! Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, a children’s librarian demonstrates an experiment or arts and crafts project, all with items that can be found in a cupboard. • Join us for some Saturday fun with a Baby/Toddler Time! A children’s librarian leads a virtual program that focuses on songs and rhymes every Saturday morning. • Be a part of the review crew! Anyone from 13-18 years old can write an original book review and get an hour of volunteer credit. Can’t participate live? No worries! You can view many of the videos whenever it’s convenient for you on our YouTube channel. Don’t see anything that interests you right now? Bookmark our virtual services page for frequent updates, or visit our calendar of virtual events for new additions each week. Stay tuned for more updates from PPLD! Our team continues to explore and expand virtual opportunities that we can bring to you, wherever you may be. Right now, we’re creating new virtual experiences that will launch in the coming days and weeks.

In the summer of 1861, Confederate troops invaded New Mexico Territory, hoping to launch a campaign to win the entire West. They wanted access to the region’s gold mines and to California’s Pacific ports, to fund their rebellion. What ensued was a “three-cornered war”: a fight between the Union, the Confederacy, and Native peoples for control of the Southwest in the 1860s. In this lecture, author Megan Kate Nelson tells the story of these momentous events through the lives of several of its participants: men and women, Union and Confederate soldiers, Navajos and Apaches, and New Mexico civilians. Their experiences shed light on this little-known chapter in Civil War and U.S. For more Info & RSVP: https:// • Wednesday, May 20 Digital Children’s History Hour: Arches to Zigzags 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. RSVP required – Zoom program instructions will follow on RSVP Enjoy story time, a brief history program, and a guided craft from the comfort of your home. This month we will explore the ABCs of architecture as we celebrate National Historic Preservation Month in a live Zoom Meeting. While all ages are welcome, the May 20 program is designed for children ages 3-5 and their families, and the May 30 is designed for children ages 5-10 and their families. For more info & RSVP: https:// • Saturday, May 30, 2020 Digital Children’s History Hour: Arches to Zigzags

10:30 – 11:30 a.m. RSVP required – Zoom program instructions will follow on RSVP Enjoy story time, a brief history program, and a guided craft from the comfort of your home. This month we will explore the ABCs of architecture as we celebrate National Historic Preservation Month in a live Zoom Meeting. While all ages are welcome, the May 20 program is designed for children ages 3-5 and their families, and the May 30 is designed for children ages 5-10 and their families. For more info & RSVP: https:// • The Story of Us: Ongoing Project Hey families! The Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum has a special digital project called the “Story of Us.” We’re inviting members of the community to consider what objects, stories, photographs and/or videos they have to share to that relate to the history and geography of the Pikes Peak Region. Please visit http://submit. to submit your digital story.

How to join an event • Submit an RSVP for the event at • The night before the event, we will send an email with the secure Zoom meeting link. • At the start of the program open the Zoom meeting link. • If you do not have Zoom on your computer, follow the directions to download the program. • Make sure your microphone is muted and your video is turned off.


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Page 28

May 2020

Life After 50

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GOLD AND JEWELRY APPRAISALS for Estate or Insurance purposes by Member of National Jewelers Appraisal Assn. 719237-5166.

“HOME AWAY FROM HOME” provides a safe, loving environment for participants to enjoy activities and social interactions for as long as possible - avoiding premature long-term care. Call Paula at DayBreak An Adult Day Program 719-687-3000, Woodland Park, 404 N. Hwy 67. LIFTING SPIRITS SENIOR DAY CARE in a safe, clean home-like Tri-Lakes setting. Professional caring for those who cannot be left alone. Open M-F 6am-6pm. Friendship, activities, meds given, health checks. Medicaid accepted. Call Sonja 488-1415, Palmer Lake, 705 Hwy 105.

BARGAINS $50 or LESS ANTIQUE HALF-SIZE TRUNK $50. 719635-3910. FREE CLASSIFIED! If you’re selling something for $50 or Less, Life After 50 will run a 12-word ad for free. (Private party, 1 per household). 719-418-2717.

LIVING WILLS & LAST WILLS $25/ $50; Bankruptcy 7’s $200/$335, Divorces $150 / $200. Call Mary’s Typing Services 719392-9624 -or- 719-459-8231.

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LIFE After 50 does not in any way endorse the companies, products or services advertised. Readers should always check references. All real estate advertising is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, disability, creed, ancestry or marital status, or an intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination. Advertisements for real estate which are in violation of the law shall not be accepted. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

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May 2020

Page 29

Life After 50 Life after 50 2.38x3 PPWFC 2.23.2018.pdf 1 2/23/2018 3:37:30 PM

FOR SALE 2013 CHRYSLER TOWN & C O U N T RY b l a c k 5-passenger van, wheelchair accessible, mileage 89,000, very good condition, asking price $8,000. for more information call 719-591-1020 please leave a message. BARGAIN BOX THRIFT STORE is Closed thru April 18th. Clothing, shoes, jewelry, jackets, accessories, kitchen goods, home decore + art, books, movies + more. 99c Racks! Open Mon-Fri. 10-4, Sat 10-2. 405 S. Nevada Ave (free parking in rear). Proceeds support Assistance League programs helping families in El Paso County.

BEAUTIFUL IVORY SHERMAN CLAY upright piano with padded bench. Like new. $600 or best offer. Call: 719-579-6893. BERNINA SEWING MACHINE with cabinet, 1970, excellent condition, properly maintained, $400.00 / 719-598-1484.

BOOKS FOR YOU will be closed until April 11, after then call 719-630-0502 for hours. Phone and Email Book Orders will be taken ( and mailed to you. You can still enjoy some great reading while staying at home! IS IT TIME TO SELL what’s unused or is just pure clutter? We can help! Life After 50 Classifieds cost only $15 (10-words) per month. PHOTO + 25 words is $25. Fill out the ad form or call Natalie 719-418-2717. MICKEY’S LETTER JACKET, fits XL fan of any age, no one will match your Disney-ness, $50. Red Disney Clock, with 12 animated characters next to each hour, tells perfect time, $25. 719-749-8541.



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COLO. SPRINGS BREAKFAST CLUB for Singles 50+ meets on the first Saturday of each month at Patty Jewett Clubhouse restaurant, 900 E. Espanola St. Singles can make new friends! Join us for breakfasts, activities, dancing, sports, trips and birthday bashes! Breakfast costs $18 (cash/check). RSVP to 719-260-0651 or MAXI’S DANCE PARTY* happens every Thursday 6:30-9:30 p.m. at Pikes Peak Aerie Eagles Club, 1050 S. 21st St. Great music geared to ages 50-plus! Food and drinks are available for purchase. $6 cover; $3 for Eagles members. *Due to CV virus the Eagles Club will be closed in April, and pending for May. Call 719-660-1358 for more info.

HAIR & NAIL CARE QUALITY HAIR CARE IN YOUR HOME. I do Shampoo & Sets, Haircuts, and Perms. Colorado licensed hairdresser. Pedicures and Manicures, too. 719-330-5251.

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Call today: (719) 900-7664 (719) 418-2717

SAT. MORNING DELIVERY DRIVERS are needed by Project Angel Heart. We deliver free, nutritious meals to those living with life-threatening illness. To volunteer, please call 719-323-0084.



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BECOME A VOLUNTEER TODAY! For more information on becoming an AARP Smart Driver Course Instructor, visit driversafetyvolunteer

TOYOTA This program is supported by a generous grant from Toyota to AARP Foundation. All AARP Driver Safety volunteer positions are unpaid. However, volunteers are reimbursed for approved, programrelated. out-of-pocket expenses, such as mileage and postage.

USO VOLUNTEERS can make a big difference in the lives of active duty military, veterans, and their families. 3-4 Hr Shifts are available. Please contact Karla WrightGiles 524-1043.

TRUMP PUTIN 2020 SHIRTS FOR SALE. Vladimir says to let your friends and neighbors know the Russians are on the ticket! $20. Leave your name and number at 719-3605757. You will get a call-back for order info.

Convenient. Freshly prepared.

411 S. Wahsatch, Colorado Springs (719) 667-0840 MON-SAT 9AM-5PM Donations Accepted at South End of Building Mon-Sat 9:30am - 4:30pm

WESTERN MUSEUM OF MINING & INDUSTRY seeks Volunteers to greet or lead tours of visitors, help in gift shop, assist curator or do clerical work. share your time and expertise with us! For information, call 719-488-0880.


Dave’s Home Improvement All Kinds Home Maintenance & Repairs 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE U.S. NAVY VETERAN

(719) 393-5851 ANDERSON HOME REPAIR+REMODEL Expert handyman services, 40 years of quality work, carpentry, doors, trim, drywall, power washing, decks, painting, staining and more. Senior Discount. 719331-4320. DON TURNER ROOF REPAIR or NEW ROOF Installation. Over 35 yrs experience repairing or replacing all types of roofing. Skylights installed or replaced. Call 719661-1593 for free estimate.


Water heaters replaced, leaky pipes fixed, toilets or faucets replaced, sprinklers repaired.

Choose from 3, 5, or 7 day meal plans. Only $9.75 per meal delivered to your home at lunchtime by friendly volunteers that also do a check-in.


Furnaces replaced, repaired or tuned up.

Anyone age 60+ can register for Silver Key Home Delivered Meals by calling 719-884-2370.

Discount for Seniors & All Military*


*Discount cannot be combined with other offers.

CALL FOR A Veteran Owned by Ken Rivenburgh

10% OFF


Air conditioners or swamp coolers installed or repaired.

HELP WANTED MANITOU SPRINGS HERITAGE CENTER needs volunteers to greet visitors, to help with website, or video and audio tour production. Training provided and history buffs welcome! 719-685-1454 or

VOLUNTEER AT SILVER KEY to help provide seniors with meals, rides, client support, food pantry support, and veterans support. Also needed are office staff and materials support. Please apply at 1625 S. Murray Blvd or online at:

Ken’s Plumbing Heating & Cooling

Make your life a little easier!

New, Used and Reconditioned Building Materials & Supplies Furniture and Appliances

No, but hum a few bars and I’ll fake it.


(719) 229-4563

Page 30

May 2020



PERSONALS DEDICATED TO GOV. CUOMO & GOV. POLIS: “The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper, and the finder of lost children.” Ezekiel 25:17

GOODMAN HANDYMAN. QUALITY Work. ALL JOBS Considered. 25% Labor Discount for seniors and military veterans. How can I help you? Call Chad Goodman 719-244-2871.


PET STAINS & ODORS OUT! “We Clean Up Where Your Pet Last Wet”

Our Veterinarian-Approved Dry Powdered Cleaning Process is Best for Spots, Entire Rooms or High Traffic Areas on All Types of Carpets!


Repairs • Basement Finishes Kitchen or Bathroom Remodeling


– Free Estimates –


(719) 232-7218 or 390-7779 HANDYMAN SERVICES. ODD JOBS Plumbing, Carpentry, Fences, Decks, Doors, more. (Mowing or yardwork in spring and summer.) John 719-471-7471. MORE THAN A HANDYMAN. Home Maintenance, Repairs, Yard Work, Organize. 20% SENIOR DISCOUNT (62+). Call Mike - a Senior and Veteran. 719-338-4279.

HOUSECLEANING 2 GIRLS ARE READY TO CLEAN! Our services include: deep cleaning, moveouts, from top to bottom, plus laundry service. 30 Years experience. Have it done right. Call us 719-464-1037.

CALL CATHY’S HOUSECLEANING. Weekly or one-time. My husband will clean gutters and do general home maintenance. Quotes over the Phone. 719-347-0832. EXPERTISE HOUSECLEANING, reliable and trustworthy. Senior personal care services are also available. Please call Karen 719-434-2922. RESIDENTIAL HOUSECLEANING. ALL supplies included. Affordable, fully insured, 20+ years experience with many references. 719-477-0679 TONY’S WINDOW CLEANING. $50 to Clean 10 Windows* and $2.50/each for more. Gutter cleaning, too. 719-271-2199 (*exteriors)

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR, looks and rides like new, 6 wheels, Jazzy Select 6, $1599. 719-374-7145 or 719-392-4409. GRAB BARS, HANDICAP RAMPS, Bathtub to Shower conversions. Other projects or installations to increase mobility and safety for the disabled and/or seniors. Quality work, certified best and insured. 719-244-2871.


ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR needs new batteries ($500); U-Step Walker with laser for Parkinson’s patients $500; Bariatric Vive bedside commode & over Marketers toilet like commode $50. 719-495-6151. to talk about “The-Rule of

SECRET Grow Your Business

what Life After 50 can do for

your business!

Call today: Discover 9) 900-7664 (719) 418-2717


SUCCESS & PROFIT potential with Life After 50 advertising.

Seven”: the idea that people need to see your marketing message seven times before they take action. Actually, research has shown that the number ranges from five to twelve, but seven is a good rule of thumb.

NEW UP WALKER $300; NEAR NEW DRIVE WALKER with wide seat $150. 303-885-4143. OXYGEN CONCENTRATORS, $450. with Warranty. We sell portable concentrators and oxygen supplies. Repair + servicing of equipment. ASPEN CONCENTRATOR REPAIR SERVICE, 3112 Century St. (off Fillmore) 719-471-9895.

Frequency and Top of the Mind Awareness Your customers are making buying decisions every day based on one factor: who comes to mind. Whether they’re choosing a restaurant, planning for retirement, shopping or looking for an affordable senior apartment, the decision making process is the same. Suggestions are batted around based on businesses that come to mind. So how you get your brand to pole vault into your customer’s subconscious?

By increasing your brand exposure, you build brand awareness. That’s the ultimate goal. We can help!


CIRCLE DR. SENIOR CITIZEN MOBILE HOME PARK. Rentals starting at $850 / Readers keep Life After 50 handy all month long. They see your ad month, includes the mobile home, lot rent, through the month – and, if you have Buy 3 ads get 1 free what they need...they’ll call you! Buy 6 ads get 2 and free sewer. 2840 S. Cirtrash pickup, water Serving El Paso, Teller, Pueblo and Buy 8 ads get 3 free Fremont Counties, in Colorado. cle Drive. 719-576-1000. We are distributed from more than 200 locations monthly.

Call today (719) 900-7664 (719) 418-2717

The Right Exposure. This is the condition where you can drive the bus. This is your chance for top of mind awareness, and it is within your control. The more frequently your customer is exposed to your brand, the more likely they are to do business with you. As you increase your exposure you build brand awareness.

Here’s how we can help your business grow:

Dedicated to reporting relevant news to the lives of our readers, age 50 and older, since 1990. Distribution: 23,000 reaching more than 46,000 readers.

See Rate Sheet for pricing details For New Accounts Only


DADDY’S LITTLE GIRLS - restoring women who have been abused to the abundant Distribution: Colorado Springs • Broadmoor • Monument God intended. Always personal and Palmer Lakelife • Black Forest • Gleneagle • Security • Widefield Fountain • Manitou Springs • Cascade • Green Mountain Falls Chipita Parkconfidential. • Woodland Park • PuebloBeryl • Florence Williams 719-649-9054. 10/2016


“I do Real Estate the Old-fashioned Way - with Honesty, Patience and Integrity.” Vi Hunt


SINGLE 70+ RETIRED NAVAL OFFICER, Vietnam veteran, looking for single women (60+). Lots of sea stories to share, and more. Byron Ratcliff, 5770 Corinth Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80923. 719-465-6531. SINGLE CHRISTIAN LADY, retired, would like to meet a nice gentleman who is nonsmoking, drinks in moderation, and is well groomed, for friendship first. If you are someone who enjoys conversation over dinner out and perhaps to go dancing, then please write Christian Lady, c/o Life After 50, P.O. Box 50125, Colorado Springs, CO 80949.


20 Years Local Experience as Senior Real Estate Professional


Vi Hunt Realty Call or Text

TESSA SAFEHOUSE and counseling for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault. Crisis Line 719-633-3819 or 719633-1462.

(719) 237-4316

Call Vi for a Free Market Analysis

PETS PET STAINS & ODORS OUT DRY POWDER CLEANING Process (Not Chem-Dry). We Clean Spots, High Traffic Areas and Entire Rooms. All Types of Carpets. Veterinarian-Approved. FREE ESTIMATES. Call 719-941-7662 PLANET URINE. Results Guaranteed.

Your Home, Your Way! I Help with your Real Estate Plans to Maximize Success & Minimize Stress.

Call Me for Discount Plans Offered!

BIG STURDY DOG HOUSE for sale, well insulated, needs a little work, 4 ft x 4 ft, $25. 719-578-9865.

Nancy M. Fuller REALTOR®, SRES



Yesterday’s Values – Today’s Technology

Each office independently owned & operated


The Tandem Two WORKING FOR YOU JUDY TROUT EVE BLACKMON (719) 332-8811 (719) 231-4079 blue spruce real estate

(719) 633-6223

BEN IS BUYING HOUSES. If you would like a quick, no-hassle cash sale for your home in “as-is” condition and for a fair price, please text or call me so we can talk. Ben 719-492-1671.

BEN’S LANDSCAPE, TREE REMOVAL. Also tree trimming and stump grinding. 24/7 Emergency Service. Text or Call 719492-1671. DAILY LABOR: YARD CLEAN-UP / GARDENING / PAINTING / ALL THOSE THINGS YOU DON’T HAVE TIME FOR. $20 PER HOUR. 719-310-5247. DAN THE CARPET MAN. EXCELLENT CARPET REPAIR, the wr inkles restretched, or carpet patches, 48 yrs experience, very reasonable prices, guaranteed satisfaction, 719-822-8588. EXPERT CARPET REPAIRS 40 Yrs Experience. Repairs, Re-stretches, Seam Repair and Pet Damage Inlays. 719-229-1597 or 719-473-5110. Free estimates and Senior discounts. 1













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R A S 29

T 25


5 14





















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E 55















May 2020

Page 31

Life After 50





“Working together to serve you better” • Helping more than 700 Seniors since 1988 • Colorado Springs natives • Call for a FREE Market Analysis/Consultation • My company specializes in relocations anywhere in the U.S.

“You Can Relax Knowing Helping Hands Are On The Job!”

We have up-to-date information on the Springs home market. Give us a call! (719) 338-8110 BRENT DEMOS


(719) 661-7354

Real Estate Broker/Co-Founder



Broker Associate

6760 Corporate Drive #300 Colorado Springs, CO 80919


3938 Maizeland Rd & Academy




CASH FOR OLD BANKS AND TOYS, presidential pin back buttons, Simpich dolls, military insignia and memorabilia. Will buy single items or entire collections. 719-632-9904. MARIAN HOUSE NEEDS: CAN TUNA or chicken, peanut butter, jelly, sliced bread, apples or oranges, mustard, mayo, paper lunch bags, plastic sandwich bags or spoons, styrofoam cups w/lids for their Kitchen which provides over 700 sack lunches daily. Drop off 10-11 a.m. Mon-Fri at west side dock entrance 14 W. Bijou St. PAYING CASH FOR OLD SHAVING MUGS or straight razors and also for fancy canes. Call 719-591-8930. VINTAGE ITEMS WANTED. TOYS, comic books, children’s books, dolls, movie and music posters, Halloween, guitars and amplifiers, and plastic model kits. I’m a collector, not a business. 719-633-5848.


$ CASH $

1950s-1960s LP’s, 78’s AND 45’s. Blues,


jazz, rock ‘n roll, country, Broadway, movie PERSONAL ASSISTANT CONCIERGE. General Errands, Home and Office Organization, Vehicle Care, Waiting Service, House-Sitting, House Checks, Grocery Shopping, Gift Baskets, Light Yard Work, Light House Work, Reservations, Tickets, Travel Needs, Packing, Unpacking. Call Angela - VISION CONCIERGE SERVICE 719-330-3337. RV SPOT-FREE WASHING* Also, Mobile Homes or other Vehicles washed. We come to your location. Tony’s Window Washing - 719-271-2199 (*exteriors).

Dear Life After 50,

I love the ad you designed for my business in the classifieds. I have worked a great deal because of the ad in your paper. It has been a blessing.

SENIORS LOVE HELPERS that arrive at their door! If you can assist them by doing heavy lifting, cooking, hair care or offer companionship, place an ad in Life After 50. Readers are hunting for your services! Call 719-418-2717. WISH YOU COULD RECORD personal memories and stories for family? Need help organizing family photos, letters and keepsakes? Want to preserve the history of your family heirlooms? Please call PATSY’S DAUGHTER at 719-502-0068.


soundtracks, TV, R&B, soul, children’s, spoken word, etc. I’m a collector, not a

American Classic Marketplace 1815 N. Academy Blvd. #E-24 Colorado Springs 80909

business. Call me first - I pay the most for your records. 719-633-5848.


BLANKETS, COMFORTERS & TOWELS are needed at Salvation Army shelters.


Please bring any new or gently used items


M-F 9-noon to 709 S. Sierra Madre or to Rescue Mission, 111 W. Las Vegas M-F 10-4, Sat 9-11am.

Classified Advertising

Buying? Selling? Have a service?

Please write your ad by filling in the blanks on this form. Print each word clearly. The cost of your ad will be shown by the number printed below the last word of your ad. For Business ads, add $5 to total.

Classified Advertising Order: Check the category under which your ad should appear For Sale


Fun & Entertainment

Dave Foster, Owner Dave’s Home Improvement

For Rent Pets

Help Wanted Mobile Homes


Caregiver Home Repair

Real Estate

Health & Fitness

Medical Equipment

10-Wo Extra Wrod ad 25¢ eacrhds Personal

Business & Legal Services







































$21.50 TOTAL:




$21.75 /month

2 months?


Check or Money Order. ( NO Cash Please)




DEADLINE is the 22ND of the month prior to publication date.

Send this form with payment to:

LIFE after 50 P.O. Box 50125 Colorado Springs CO, 80949

Page 32

May 2020

Life After 50



“Reminiscing about five years residence at Summit Glen, I have reached several conclusions. First and paramount, I know that Summit Glen’s 24/7 live-in management are compassionate and caring about our welfare and happiness. The close relationship between residents and management has promulgated an environment of friendship and unity that spills over into the residents’ lives. The spirit is contagious. Many volunteer to help someone in need or perform tasks that make life pleasant for all. The diversity of residents from all parts of the world and all walks of life add an element of curiosity and knowledge that most find to be educational and interesting. There are a wide range of activities so one is never bored, including bible study, shopping, doctor appointments, free television, hobbies, crafts, games, movies, special events, excursions, and performances by local entertainers. I know that my son made the best choice for me when he chose Summit Glen.” ~ Lloyd Wooldridge “After visiting several retirement communities, Summit Glen impressed me the most because of the friendly, caring attitudes exhibited by all the staff and residents. Sharing meals, participating in lots of interesting activities and meeting new people adds a great new dimension to my lifestyle. I still have my independence, can enjoy my little dog Mia, have a lovely apartment, and feel safe and content. I couldn’t be happier with my choice for this new phase of my life” ~ Dorothy Kelly

Experience the warmth of the gracious retirement lifestyle you deserve Our caring live-in management team is here for you any time, day or night, and all utilities except phone are included in one reasonable monthly rent. We offer local, comfortable transportation for shopping, appointments, and other scheduled activities. We also take care of the cooking, weekly housekeeping, and maintenance, leaving you more time to spend with new friends and family.

© 2020 HSL

For more information about our gracious retirement lifestyle, please call


4825 Old Farm Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80917

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