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PRESENT: Cllrs: Angie Carter-Woodwark (Chairman), Geraldine Gaskell, Tom Hill, Dominic Morby, Barry Smith, Derrick White IN ATTENDANCE: Karen Gardin (Clerk), Cllr’s Mike Walters, 15 members of the public 50/13 APOLOGIES: PCSO Colin Ryder, Cllr’s Beryl Austen, Anthony French 51/13 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the last Annual Meeting where agreed and signed as a true record. 52/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: Cllr French 53/13 CHAIRMAN REPORTS So far this has been an interesting and eventful year for our Parish. Firstly I would like to thank Karen our Parish Clerk for all her hard work in Council, excellent advice and the work undertaken outside council hours, unseen by most. Secondly I thank all the Parishioners who regularly attend and contribute their knowledge and opinions so enthusiastically: I know that we all appreciate your presence. Our record of public attendance is the envy of many larger Parish and Town Councils. David Alymore looks after and reports upon our Parish paths that are well used by walkers and riders. There are a couple of very important repairs to be considered, presumably Watery Lane, which I am sure David will elaborate on in his report. The council would like to thank David for all his hard work liaising with Devon County and attending very relevant courses. During the last 12 months we have welcomed two new Councillors – Dominic Moby and, more recently, Derrick White; both have and will be attending new councillor courses. We look forward to their increasing involvement in Council business. We have had to deal with a number of potentially contentious planning issues from April 2012 and May this year. Although parishioner and Councillors may not always agree, I believe that we look at issues with open and objective minds and endeavour to steer a fair course. In April 2012 I attended a site meeting regarding retention of fence and gates at Garth, Ideford Coombe – planning was granted. In July of that year planning was granted for an extension to the same property. During December application was made for a farm worker dwelling at Larcombe Farm but was later withdrawn. In January of this year an application was made for store/implement building to include stables in Haldon Lane Ideford, revised plans was submitted in February. I attended Teignbridge Planning committee and put forward the Council’s objections. Subsequently a site meeting was held attended by myself and Councillor White. The matter was discussed this week at Teignbridge and the application was refused as an overlarge footprint for the purpose. We are advised that the applicant will appeal. The residential use of a caravan at Larcombe Barn was a retrospective planning application and the Council expressed their concerns. Subsequently the matter was discussed at a full planning meeting which I attended and spoke again expressing our concerns. Teignbridge have decided to give the applicant an extension of 12 months however an enforcement notice will be issued and acted upon if the matter is not resolved after the 12 month period. The Larcombe Farm application for a temporary mobile home was granted for a period of up to 3 yrs recently, in order to prove viability of the farm business. An application for a first floor extension at Mennystones Ideford was discussed and supported by the Council in April. During many of these applications, the support of our District Councillors has been paramount. We have two District Councillor, Beryl Austen and Mike Walters, who regularly attend our 1

meetings. They give invaluable advice and speak on behalf of our Parish many times. Beryl's forceful arguments over planning issues and Mike’s support on wider issues are much appreciated. Thank you Mike for all your help as County Councillor. We where sorry to hear that you where not returned this time but look forward to continuing our links through District. Your work on Highway maintenance (or lack of it) is always appreciated, especially your determination to make sure of the repairs in Butts Lane. Thank you both. I would like to thank our PCSO Colin Ryder and PC Rob for all their vigilance on our behalf. They are always on hand for advice and help and their presence in the village is reassuring. Colin’s regular surgery is very useful and I would urge any parishioner to use it. We are, I feel, entering an exciting new period on our Parish. A survey concerning affordable housing for local people has been carried out and we are at the very beginning of discussion to perhaps move this forward, linking with a Parish/Neighbourhood plan. This is a chance for parishioners to help shape the future of the community, its ambitions and development. We hope to hold an open day in June, inviting everybody to come and discuss their ideas and wishes for the future. We will have ‘experts’ and visual presentations for everyone to get a ‘feel’ for this long term project. We hope that as well as individual parishioners, the Village Hall, Church and Millennium Green will become involved as well as the businesses within the Parish. I am sure we all want to see our community develop, nurturing its roots and identity as well as looking to the future. Lastly, I would like to express my thanks to fellow councillors for their support advice and trust. Thank You 54/13 REPORTS Report of Mike Walters, County Councillor/District Councillor for Ideford PC AGM It hardly seems possible that yet another year has gone by. I believe we have achieved a great deal, both with County and District interests, in the well-being of the village. I am sure that most of this is due to the fact that the Paris Council pulls out the stops for the betterment of the villagers. Also, as Councillors, we are so pleased to see such a regular attendance of residents at your meetings. It really does mean that the community spirit is high and that villagers are interested in the affairs of Council and improvements that can be made in Ideford Parish. I wish the village the best, in every aspect that can be provided in the years ahead. District Councillor – Beryl Austen REPORT IDEFORD PARISH COUNCIL. MAY 13. Due to the coming Election for County Councilor’s, Teignbridge has a Purdah Period and there have been very few meetings to attend, so my report will deal with more general matters. I serve on the Regulatory and Appeals Committee and so have continued to hear appeals by taxi drivers against the refusal of licenses, cases of unfair dismissal and appeals against decisions not to allow protected trees to be felled. A wide variety of matters are dealt with by this team as people have a right to challenge Officer’s decisions. As a matter of interest, we recently set up procedures for foreign immigrants to provide their own national Police Checks as they are not in a position to provide the normal local ones and we have now some Rumanian taxi drivers in Teignbridge. New regulations came into force on the lst April with regard to Council Tax to be paid by landlords of leased property. After one month’s vacancy the flat or residence becomes liable to pay full Council Tax. The only exception is if there has to be structural alterations to the property when the period can be extended. New bathrooms or kitchens are not considered structural. I have had representations from local people who say it takes more than a month to advertise, for possible tenants to give notice, and for redecoration. However this policy is now in place together with new policies on Council Tax for second homes which pay the full tax rates.


Planning meetings and site visits continue and there are several major applications being dealt with in Teignbridge. Councillors are concerned that there is little protection for green spaces until the Local Plan is approved and this will not be submitted for another month. Police Report – None for year Ideford Charities Ideford Parish Lands and Charity of Humphrey Borrington We failed to hold our annual meeting last November due to the illness of the Chairman (the Vicar).. Sadly Mrs Jean Silvester died earlier this year and with the Treasurer, Mrs Kay Rusden, wishing to resign, there will be vacancies for the post of two Trustees. We will be meeting shortly and hope to suggest two names to the Parish Council for approval. Meantime, if the Council wishes to nominate someone please let me know as soon as possible. No grants have been made during the past year. Ideford Village Hall The Village Hall has been raising funds to ensure the hall is safe to use by all. Considerable repairs have been planned from external decorating of the building to the main hall ceiling and restoring the side of the roof. Replacing table and chairs. Several events have taken place from Jubilee lunch, Barn Dance and Xmas supper has all helped in gaining funds along with grants. The External redecoration will commence in June. Ideford Social Group We have had a good year despite falling numbers, due mainly to older members finding it difficult to get to the meetings. We have had some interesting speakers at our meetings. The Lunch Club is still proving to be most popular. In the summer we had our annual outing to Hartland Abbey a most enjoyable day. Our Christmas lunch was held at Mount Pleasant Inn at6 Dawlish Warren a good occasion as usual. New members and visitors to our meetings are always welcome. Ideford Bowling Club We have not done very well in the Teignbridge League this season, finishing in sixth place. Our last match was against Buckfast, which we won 10/1, this was our best performance. We are desperate for new members. Leusdon has had to drop out of the league because their membership has dropped below the required number. Julie from Kingsteignton has joined us and another new member is Sarah – Alan’s granddaughter. We have a team who go to Torquay Hotels to play friendly games against touring teams with good results. We had our Christmas Party at the Royal Oak and a good time was had by all. In May we will be playing pairs in the Teignbridge League, we hope for some good results If any one would like to come and watch us play and perhaps have a go, we would be please to see you. I would like to thank the committee and members for making our meetings so enjoyable we are a very happy and friendly club. Ideford Bellringers We continue to practice on Thursday evenings - numbers and weather permitting. We could do with more ringers but are pleased that a young villager is learning and coming along well. Ideford Art Group Ideford Art Group meets regularly on Thursdays from 6.30 -8pm. The costs per session are £5 for adults and £3.50 for youngsters of 16 yrs or younger. We welcome everyone from 8 yrs to 108. Members of the group are encouraged to supply their own materials. The group has a core membership of around 12 at the moment but I would be pleased to welcome new budding artists who could commit to regular attendance. Everyone has shown tremendous promise in the past few months and the work is expanding and developing all the time. 3

We will be hoping an exhibition of work on Saturday 11th May in the village hall from 10am – 5.30pm. Teas, coffee, cakes etc will be available. Do take time to visit, there is so much talent in our parish to be appreciated and enjoyed. Now the weather is improving you may see us out and about sketching in our inspiring environment. If you would like to come along and have a go you will be mad most welcome. For more details do contact me Parish Paths During the year I have walked the parish paths as often as possible clearing undergrowth and fallen trees and replacing path markers as and when required. A full survey was carried out in Jan/Feb with the findings reported to DCC Rights of Way Officer. I have reported that the problems reported in 2012 remain outstanding and that in the case of Watery Lane there has been considerable deterioration over the last 12 months. The erosion of the river bank and path at the junction of Watery Lane and Well Covert was reported to DCC in the spring of 2012 and a site meeting took place in the year. During the winter the heavy rain has further eroded the bank and the surface of Watery Lane has also suffered heavy erosion. 2 further reports with photos have been sent but to date no work has been done. The rotting wooden sleepers at the top end of Watery Lane were reported at the same time, but again there has been no action In response to my last email on 3rd May, I had a phone call from DCC today to say that she was hopeful of getting some work authorized in the 14 days. A meeting is due to be held tomorrow with Johnathan Rowland’s the local Paths Warden and it is hoped that some fund for repair of storm damage will be allocated. I have offered to see if we could put a working party together to help. The Parish is likely to be asked to use the P3 fund as a contribution towards the repairs and I did remind her that these monies were allocated for the production of a walks leaflet but that sort of project is no longer funded through P3. The footpath sign near Larcombe Bridge has not ben replaced and the opportunity arises I will chase again. I feel that Watery Lane problems are more of a priority. I have accepted the offer of a place on a DCC Strimmer Course in June which will enable me to carry out simple ground clearance. I am always interested to hear from anyone with suggestions or comments about the paths. Contact details in the parish newsletter. Millennium Green The Millennium Green has had a steady year with a couple of events held and no major maintenance. During the year there where two events held, the first being the Jubilee lunch and this was well supported and run by a joint fundraising committee of Church, Village Hall and Millennium Green members. Following on from that success it was decided to keep the joint committee going and the next event held was a Barn Dance. This was not quite as successful although still raising a decent amount of money. It may be best not to hold another Barn Dance this year. Many thanks to all those involved in both events. During the year we where upset to find that the storage unit had been broken into and the ride-on mower and strimmer stolen. These where however covered by insurance and have now been replaced. Security on the unit has been increased in line with our insurer’s request. During May we were sorry to hear that Barry no longer felt able to carry on maintaining the Green and I would like to thank him for his sterling work over the last few years. Anyone who would like to help with mowing/strimming please let me know. At the last AGM Joe Taylor resigned as treasurer due to moving from the village. I would like to express my thanks to him for all his hard work during the years he spent on the committee. I would also like to welcome David who agreed to join as trustee and treasurer. Finally a big thank you to everyone who has helped and supported us over the last year. Parochial Church Council – No report


55/13 ANNUAL REPORT CLERK Life is never dull in Ideford. Once again the year has passed all too quickly. Firstly, can I thank the Councillors for the hard work they have done for Ideford Parish Council and the Parishioners, not forgetting the volunteers who do things on behalf of the Parish Council working behind the scene. Difficult times mean difficult decisions. As normal planning is always an interesting topic of discussion, the past year has been no different. The Parish considers all applications on their merit and ensures that TDC are aware of any concerns. DCC service cuts are giving parishes a headache with the financial climate. Although at times this does cause concern and unhappiness with individuals, we have tried to be upbeat with them and understand how they can resolve all the requests they receive. Precept concerns are in the minds of all councillors when budgeting is set. The agreement of no increase for this coming year was instigated but the payment from government of a council support grant was not explained to tax payers and it gave the impression of an increase in taxes when, in true reflection, no increase to individual households was implemented. The introduction of the Localism Act for Parishes has caused several changes in statutory law and has allowed Parish Councils to take on more responsibilities of items within their own areas. This has not affected Ideford in any great way, as we do not have assets belonging to the district council within our parish for disposal etc. Future changes from government will no doubt bring its ups and downs but careful planning, resourcing and networking I hope, should help Ideford to be an active part of the district. 56/13 ANY OTHER BUSINESS - None 57/13 DATE OF NEXT ANNUAL MEETING The next Annual Meeting will be May 7th 2014.

Signed………………………………………….. Date……………………………..



AGM MEETING 8th May 2013 PRESENT: Cllrs: Angie Carter-Woodwark (Chairman), Geraldine Gaskell, Tom Hill, Dominic Morby, Barry Smith, Derrick White IN ATTENDANCE: Karen Gardin (Clerk), Cllr’s Mike Walters, 15 members of the public 58/13 APOLOGIES: Apologies Cllr’s A French and Beryl Austen, PCSO Colin Ryder 59/13 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN In Absence of the Vice Chairman, the parish Clerk took the meeting and asked for nominations for the role of Chairman. A proposal from Cllr Gaskell was put forwarded that it be Status Quo. Seconded by Cllr Hill and confirmed by all the Councillors. Cllr Carter-Woodwark accepted the Chairman’s role for a further 12 months and took the meeting forward. 60/13 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN In his absence the clerk had received a letter from Cllr French advising that he would be happy to be Vice Chairman again. No other nominations where received and he was voted in unanimously. 61/13 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting’s 6th March, April 3rd and planning meetings 25th February and 20th March where signed as a true record. 62/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: Cllr French – Larcombe Bridge 63/13 REPORTS County Councillor’s Report – May 2013 It is with regret that I shall be standing down from the position of being your County Councillor. My successor will be Tony Dempster, UKIP. He is new to local authority work here and I wish him well in his task. I should also like to thank the Chairman and Clerk and Councillors for their kind comments on my work as your County Councillor for the past four years. The pedestrian crossing adjacent to the Newton Road roundabout has now been given to go ahead. Work began on Tuesday 7th May, after having pressed the case. It may take two and a half weeks to complete. This is due to the sensitivity of the road and therefore the works will be carried out mainly in the evenings. Good cooperation from the race course will mean that part of their land can be used as a compound. I contacted Highways over the surface problem in Tower Hill and was assured that contact would be again made with Mary Reddaway. I was led to believe more “treatment” was to take place. The drain in Church Road was also reported and hopefully something has been done to free the blockage. Repairs and de-silting of Larcombe Bridge is to be attended to. Having repeated the request for a cattle grid on the road leading onto the A380, I can inform the Parish Council that the project is a non-starter from Highways. The Chairman of Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Service has contacted DCC Councillors stating that there has been a concerted campaign against the proposals in the draft corporate plan 1

by the Fire Brigades Union. He says that he thought it might help if he were to clarify a few points that he considers may be causing concern. He states that fire stations are not being closed, nor will fire engines be removed or that staff will be made redundant. The changes may not be popular but there is a need to provide the best service possible with the money made available to the service. Continued representation to the Government is taking place as to the perceived unfairness of an already efficient Service having to make disproportionate cuts to our Service here in Devon and Somerset. He makes several points in the communication, including the increase level of On-call fire-fighters, having carefully considered what mitigation is required. He states that the responsibility to protect the 1.8m people who live in Devon and Somerset is taken extremely seriously. He also says that the Fire Authority will carefully consider the results of the consultation process taking place and will come to a view as to what is in the best interest of Devon and Somerset. District Councillor’s Report. The future structure of the senior management and staffing in TDC has effectively started with interviews taking place for the positions of four Business Leads. Three positions have been granted, one of which includes the responsibility of Deputy Chief Executive. Further interviews of candidates for the fourth post will be held very shortly. Interviews for the seven Business Mangers will take place on the 9th/10th May. The transition period for the completion of the re-structure process will be effected by April of next year. Substantial savings to be made are still on target. The negotiations for the UTC development have been completed and the project has now been given to go ahead. Final determination of the site is imminent. The projected date for the UTC to be operational is April 2015. I have news of the French Market and its return to Kingsteignton, the far corner of Halfords car park is an agreed site and the Market will occur on 16th June 2013.

Police Report POLICE LOGS for the PERIOD 03/04/13 to 06/05/13 A380 INCIDENTS 4 reports of broken down vehicles requiring police attention. Report of sheep on the road. Hit and run incident. Car versus motorcycle. No injuries. Road traffic collision. Car rolled over a number of times. Minor injuries only. Other Report of anti-social behaviour over horse sale dispute IDEFORD CRIMES for the PERIOD 03/04/13 to 06/05/13 None. Standing Orders suspended so Cllr Walters could answer any questions. Larcombe Bridge Cllr Walters advised that repairs where being looked into. Cllr French is aware of the enquiry and had discussions with the relevant authority. He is to quote for a metal handrail for the bridge. Update at next meeting Standing Orders re-instated


Cllr Walters left the meeting 64/13 MATTERS ARISING Cllr Walters had reported previously that the items of the blocked drain and road improvements at Tower Hill had been sorted and agreed. 65/13 MATTERS RAISED BY CHAIRMAN An open day incorporating the Neighbourhood/Parish Plan and Affordable Housing information would be held. Looking at the diaries proposal of Saturday June 22nd approx. 10.30 -4.30pm to allow all parishioners the chance of informal comments. From this event it would allow the council to make a decision of pursuing the plan with all areas of the community involved. Teas/coffee would be served. Councillors agreed to meet on Wed 29th May to discuss what items would be available for display and the clerk would email the respective contacts with TDC and DCC to invite them along. 66/13 PARISH MATTERS Quote – Bus Shelter A quote had been received from Mr D Wright regarding the clearing and weeding of the area. The councillors accepted the quote. Road Closure Notice The Clerk had received a Road Closure notice from DCC. It was a collective notice covering a period of some 18 months and referred to all parts of Devon. Ideford Arch was amongst the list and notice in the area would be erected by DCC when they are to undertake the work. Rural Skip Notification of the rural skip had been received for 29th June. TDC had agreed to allow Ideford the use of the service due to it being well used. The skip would be in the area of The Pound as usual. Walk Bank Holiday Monday Notification had been received regarding The Camel-Teign Ivor’s Dream 100 Walk. Up to 500 walkers should be expected in the parish on Bank holiday Monday in the area of Larcombe. Larcombe Bridge Already reported.

67/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Standing Orders suspended for questions from the public No questions asked except that one member of the public reported that there was an attempted theft of oil from their property. Members of the public to be aware. Standing Orders reinstated 68/13 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED CPRE - Be Inspired – improve travel choices where you live Devon Community Recycling – Junkmail Devon Wildlife Trusts – Gloworm Survey South West Water newsletter – email Communities in Control Neighbourhood Plan News Western Power Distribution letter 3

69/13 PLANNING Ref 13/00589/VAR Garth, Ideford Coombe – Variation of planning Grant of conditional planning permission. Ref 13/00249/FUL Larcombe Farm – Temp site for mobile home Grant of conditional planning permission Ref 13/00684/FUL – Menny stones Butts Lane Ideford Grant of conditional planning permission 70/13 CLERKS REPORT AND FINANCE Ideford Annual audit – Internal auditor has taken place. Nothing to bring to the Council’s attention The Clerk asked the Chairman to sign the Audit Forms on behalf of the council. The Chairman read out each item and asked Councillors for agreement before signing each box. The accounts where spread on the table along with the internal auditor’s report. The Annual return was completed and the clerk would deal with the other information before sending it to the government audit commission.

Cheques to be paid DALC – Training Cllr White Proposed: Cllr Gaskell Seconded: Cllr White Ken Abraham – Audit Proposed: Cllr Gaskell Seconded: Cllr White

Chq 350

Chq 351



71/12 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Wednesday 5th June Meeting closed at 7.40 pm

Signed…………………………………………….. Cllr A Carter-Woodwark



IDEFORD PARISH COUNCIL You are hereby summoned under the Local Government Act 1972 Sch.12s.10 to attend a meeting of Ideford Parish Council for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Agenda for the Meeting to be held at The Village Hall, Ideford on Wednesday 5th June 2013 at 6.30pm 71/13 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 72/13 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the 8th May 2013 to be agreed and signed. 73/13 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS 74/13 REPORTS – County Councillor District Councillor Police 75/13 MATTERS ARISING 76/13 MATTERS RAISED BY THE CHAIRMAN 77/13 PARISH MATTERS Tower Hill – Gullies Bus Shelter – impending start CAB – Premises move Road Closure – SWH notice DALC – planning explained Colleybrook – Mobile home/Caravan Grants War Memorials TDC Local plan update Parish Charity – Parish Lands/Charity of Humphrey Borrington Public Open Day – 22nd June 2013 78/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 79/13 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED Letter – Anne-Marie Morris 80/13 PLANNING Ref: 12/03754/FUL – Ideford – Land at NGR 288786 Haldon Lane Planning Decision Ref13/01380/FUL – Erection of stables and agricultural store – Haldon Lane Revised application for 12/03754/FUL 81/13 CLERK’S REPORT AND FINANCE Balance of Accounts Parish Paths £671.23 Parish Accounts Snow Warden (ring fenced) £400.00 Business A/c £4737.10 Current A/c £65.01 As at 09/05/2013


Transfer of Monies from Business A/c to current A/c of £500.00 Proposed: Seconded: Cheques Insurance for Council Yearly Payment £ to be decided which policy to accept and amount to be paid, as renewal is June 2013 Cheque payment – Proposed: Seconded: 82/13 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Wednesday 3rd July 2013

Karen Gardin Clerk - 07855561030


This notice must be left at or sent to the usual place of residence of every member of the council, three clear days at least before the meeting.


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