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SM PEOPLE You are in charge of how you prepare for life after sport. Don’t leave your future up to fate. Be proactive Julie Schladitz • Career coach and author of Career after Sport

As a career coach, Julie Schladitz has worked with many athletes

Why do athletes need help transitioning out of sport?

camaraderie, routine, goals, social

from you – but you are in charge of how

support, security, self-confidence and a

you prepare for life after sport. Don’t

Retirement from professional sport is

feeling of being better than anyone else

leave your future up to fate. Be proactive.

challenging. Stories of stars fallen on

at what they do. The list is long.

In order to continue your growth and personal development, start planning the

hard times appear frequently in the

How can athletes prepare for the transition?

next phase of your life now.

players’ union FIFPro in 2015 showed that depression and anxiety issues affect over

We all want to have some control over

one third of former footballers. It’s clear

our lives with the possibility to make our

What’s the first step in planning the next phase?

that there’s an ever-growing problem.

own free choices. After all, autonomy and

The better we know ourselves, the easier

self-determination are essential to our

it is to find out what we want to do next.

doesn’t just provide financial rewards.

wellbeing. You may not be able to control

Insight into your personal values will

They also stand to lose their status,

your retirement – an injury or de-selection

enable you to regain a sense of meaning

feelings of entitlement, identity,

from a team may take that decision away

and purpose in life. It will help you

news. Research published by the world

For professional athletes, sport

take the right decisions, leading to life satisfaction and happiness. © shut terstock/Mitch Gunn

What is really important in your life? Differentiate between what matters to you and what doesn’t. Let this knowledge influence your goals and act on them. Remember, if the going gets tough, you’re more likely to stay on track if you’re heading in a direction that is valuable to you, rather than one that is not personally meaningful.

What sort of support do athletes need? Transition out of sport can be tough emotionally: feelings of despair, Professional athletes benefit from status, routine, camaraderie and more


Issue 4 2018

frustration, and anger are common. The right support network is critical.

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