Leffell Schooll Hamantaschen Recipe

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It’s time for our frst-ever Hamantaschen-a-thon!

Hamantaschen Recipe


1 cup sugar

½ cup oil

½ cup melted margarine, cooled

3 eggs

½ cup orange juice

4 cups our

½ teaspoon baking powder

Popular llings include: apricot jam, raspberry jam, strawberry jam, and chocolate chips


In a large bowl, mix sugar, oil and margarine. en add eggs and orange juice and mix well to combine. en add remaining dry ingredients, and mix together well.


• Cover the dough and refrigerate it for a few hours (2-3 hours at the minimum) before rolling it.

• On a lightly oured surface, use a rolling pin (or wine bottle) to roll the dough into an even rectangle.

• Using a circle cookie cutter or the rim of a glass, cut as many circles out of the dough as possible. Gather the scraps and re-roll them, then cut out more circles.

• en use a teaspoon to put a little bit of lling in the middle before bringing up each side and sealing the hamantaschen. Be careful not to over ll your cookie, as this could cause your hamantaschen to lose its shape while baking.

• Dunk your ngers in a bit of water before pinching the dough at the hole of the triangle, so that the hamantaschen seal more tightly.

• Place onto a greased pan and bake at 350 degrees for 12-14 minutes.

Please send photos of your hamantaschen-in-the-making to Rabbi Yael Buechler, Rena Rosen, Rabbi Rachmiel Gurwitz, or Josh Ull and post your photos to the PTO Facebook page! Happy Hamantaschen-a-thon!

Chag Purim Sameach
- Happy Purim!

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