Lakehill Advisory Program

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Warrior Fridays

Introduction to Lakehill’s Advisory Program


to our Community Building strong relationships is an essential part of Lakehill’s Advisory program.

Advisors and Advisees participate in collaborative activities that promote positive communication, empathy, and teamwork.


➢ CREATE a strong support system and cultivate meaningful teacher-to-student and student-to-student connections.

➢ PROMOTE academic excellence and foster lifelong learning while empowering students to become active, compassionate community members.

➢ STRENGTHEN our school by interweaving smaller communities to create a larger social tapestry.


The LPS Advisory Program hopes to EMPOWER students to:

Develop essential social & emotional skills

Embrace their unique identities

Build meaningful relationships

Make positive contributions to their communities.


Integrating key social/emotional concepts and study-skills principles empowers students to THRIVE academically, socially, and emotionally, preparing them for success in college, career, and life.

Our vision is to foster a safe and supportive environment where every student feels seen, valued, respected, and understood.

Role of Advisor

Advisors PROVIDE personalized guidance and support to each student, addressing their academic, social, and emotional needs.

Advisors CREATE a safe and inclusive space where ALL students can freely express themselves, explore their identities, and develop a sense of belonging.

Role of Advisor

Advisors will engage with:

➢ Regular check-ins

➢ Goal setting

➢ Reflective discussions

To help students BUILD:

➢ Self-awareness

➢ Resilience

➢ Social skills

As mentors and advocates, advisors help students navigate challenges and conflicts effectively.

Role of Advisee - Engagement

Students play an ACTIVE ROLE in their

● Growth and development

● Taking ownership of their learning journey

Through active engagement in advisory activities and discussions, students will develop essential social and emotional skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Role of Advisee - Expectations

Advisees are expected to demonstrate self-awareness by reflecting on their strengths, challenges, and emotions.

Develop self-management skills through:

➢ Setting GOALS

➢ Managing TIME effectively

➢ Practicing RESILIENCE in the face of obstacles

When do we meet?

We have a total of 17 designated WARRIOR FRIDAYS over the year, each session meets for 35 minutes: T1:

8/25, 9/1, 9/15
10/20, 11/3, 11/10, 12/1, 12/15
1/26, 2/2, 3/1
3/22, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/11
3 sessions

What will we do?

➢ Welcome/Greeting

➢ Community Building Activity

➢ Topic of Discussion/Lesson

➢ Closing Activity

➢ Housekeeping/Academic Advisement

Advisee Support

You will have continued personal support and advocacy outside of set meetings. Advisors will be available for one-on-one meetings

● during OPEN periods

● via email

● set meetings

Advisors will also work closely with Ms. Hutch, Division Heads and your parental support.


Any personal information that is shared during the session will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of the group.

➢ Stipulations for sharing information are under the advisor agreement when a student’s safety is in concern or questioned.

➢ Students are encouraged to speak to their advisor, Ms. Hutch or Division Head with concerns for their own safety or the safety of others.

Let’s Explore!

■ Self-Awareness

■ Self-Management

■ Social Awareness

■ Relationship Skills

■ Decision-Making Middle School Advisory will utilize Wayfinder curriculum to facilitate peer-to-peer discussions. Activities have been hand selected by the Advisory Committee: RcT7Zt7_J5r6taE/edit?usp=sharing


Character Strong Upper School Advisory will utilize Character Strong curriculum to facilitate peer-to-peer discussions.

Activities have been selected based upon Character Strong’s recommendations for 20 lesson series: b9E/edit?usp=sharing

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