Contributor's Guide Industry Events – 24th Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur (2020)

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I.E.: C.G. Industry Events: Contributors’ Guide. 24th Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur The Short Film Festival of Switzerland 3–8 November 2020, Main Sponsor

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Contents Programme Industry Lab 2020 Tuesday, 3 November 10:00 Keynote Talk: Dieter Kosslick Thursday, 5 November 09:00–13:45 Short Pitching / Pitching Training 11:00–12:00 SWISS FILMS Market Preview 14:30–15:00 Presentation: The Future of Shorts I: What about Music Festivals? 16:00–17:00 Panel: Green Filmmaking (and Opportunities through Covid) Friday, 6 November 11:00–12:00 Panel: Swiss Industry Information: Funding for Sustainability 12:30–13:30 Market Meetings 14:00–15:15 Think Tank: How to Make Film Promotion Sustainably Green? 16:00–16:30 Presentation: The Future of Shorts II: Crunching the Numbers for a Greener Festival Saturday, 7 November 13:00–13:30 Presentation: The Future of Shorts III: The Path to a Greener Festival Sunday, 8 November 13:00–13:30 Presentation: Environmental Activism I: Nick Jordan 17:00–17:30 Presentation: Environmental Activism II: HD PERU FOCAL Script Coaching for Short Films

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Programme Writers’ Room 2020 16 Saturday, 7 November 17 11:00–12:00 Presentation: Submitting the Best Dossier 17 15:00–16:00 Conversation: From a Theme to a Story 17 Sunday, 8 November 19 11:00–12:00 Conversation: How Do I Tell Their Stories? 19 15:00–16:00 Conversation: What Is the Best Form for My Project? 20 Contacts

Lotte Kircher Head of Industry Events


Anita Magni Industry Coordinator

Programme Industry Lab 2020 3–8 November online Available until 15 November All events take place in English There is no question that the film industry could be more eco-friendly. We would like to rethink our practices and join forces to reduce the environmental damage we cause. Film festivals, production companies, and filmmakers will discuss possible solutions and learn how to implement specific measures. The Digital Industry Hub offers numerous events over the course of the festival week. Industry representatives can participate live or watch the events later – all events are held in English and will remain available online until 15 November. Registration is only possible after requesting a free Industry Accreditation for the Digital Industry Hub. Accreditations will open on 14 October. The registration link will be sent out with the accreditation confirmation.


Tuesday, 3 November 10:00 Keynote Talk: Dieter Kosslick Dieter Kosslick will deliver this year’s keynote talk. During his tenure as director of the Berlin IFF, Kosslick advocated for a greener festival production and for sustainability in general. He introduced the now famous green carpet – made from 1.6 tons of ocean trash – and created the Culinary Cinema programme, which is considered a voice for sustainability. In a pre-recorded conversation with Florian Weghorn (programme manager, Berlinale Talents), Kosslick will talk about his views on sustainability, opening this year’s digital edition of our Industry Lab.

Moderator Florian Weghorn (GER) is the programme manager of Berlinale Talents, the annual summit and talent development initiative of the Berlin International Film Festival. He also advises the seven Berlinale Talents offshoots around the world, ranging from Beirut to Tokyo. In addition, Florian has worked for various other international film festivals, film funds, and cultural institutions, and he is a member of the European Film Academy. He is the author and editor of several publications on film and youth culture.

Speaker Dieter Kosslick (GER), journalist and former director of Berlinale, was born 1948 in Pforzheim. He studied at LMU Munich and worked as a journalist and speechwriter. In 1988, he was appointed managing director of the Hamburg Film Fund and then moved on to Filmstiftung NRW in 1992. Dieter Kosslick served as director of the Berlin International Film Festival from 2001 to 2019. During this time, he founded Perspektive Deutsches Kino and the Culinary Cinema. He was vice president of the EFA and remains an active contributor to the film industry as well as to various charities.


Thursday, 5 November 09:00–13:45 Short Pitching / Pitching Training Kurzfilmtage invites Swiss filmmakers to pitch their ideas for a short film (fiction, documentary, or animation) to Swiss producers and thus meet with potential (co) production partners. By invitation only.

11:00–12:00 SWISS FILMS Market Preview In collaboration with Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, SWISS FILMS presents work-in-progress Swiss short films that are looking to enter the international festival circuit as well as worldwide distribution.

Moderator Andreas Bühlmann (SUI), holds a MA in film studies from the University of Zurich. After working for several years for Swiss film festivals since 2007, he became Head of Industry at Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur in 2013. He continued working as a curator in Winterthur and for other festivals (short and feature films). He joined SWISS FILMS in 2016. Since 2019 he’s film industry consultant and innovation researcher at SWISS FILMS and artistic co-director of Pink Apple Film Festival Zurich.


The Future of Shorts As large-scale events, (film) festivals require a lot of resources, especially if they operate internationally. Environmental sustainability is the need of the hour. What would a greener future for film festivals look like? What do we owe our visitors and partners, and how can we proactively involve them and share the responsibility? Which organizations and festivals are active in this field? What measures have they implemented or at least started to discuss?

14:30–15:00 Presentation: The Future of Shorts I: What about Music Festivals? Music festivals offer encounters and euphoria – but they also cause immense amounts of trash. Bands spend weeks touring by bus, guests travel by plane and demand special catering. Visitors need shatterproof beer cups, and the technical equipment requires a lot of energy. The sponsors distribute merchandise. We cannot go on like this – the cultural industry needs to become more sustainable! Experts talk about sustainability policies, communication strategies without greenwashing, about successes and setbacks, and about their ideas for a climate-friendly future for the Swiss cultural industry as a whole.

Speakers Laura Bösiger, (SUI), formerly Winterthurer Musikfestwochen, has been working in the areas of culture, communication, and sustainability in a variety of projects and functions for 15 years. Among other things, she was the co-director of Salzhaus music club and later of Winterthurer Musikfestwochen, one of Europe’s oldest pop/rock festivals, which is held in Winterthur’s old town and attracts over 50,000 music lovers annually. Moritz Meier (SUI) co-directs One of a Million Festival, where his responsibilities include the coordination of sustainability efforts. The festival has been pursuing a comprehensive sustainability strategy since 2016, analysing its carbon footprint annually and advocating for education and communication on the issue. Moritz is also a project manager for energy and sustainability at an engineering firm.


16:00–17:00 Panel: Green Filmmaking (and Opportunities through Covid) Not every film production can be 100% green, but there are steps that every filmmaker can take on set. This panel discusses these kinds of «quick wins» We also offer a positive summary of the Covid era: of course, disposable masks, single-use bottles, and gloves have not been beneficial in environmental terms, but the emergency has also enabled long-term solutions that would not have been implemented as quickly otherwise. The workshop will also address measures that are applicable to short films and discuss interim results to give participants ideas they can apply to their next project.

Moderators Jela Hasler (SUI), Pro Short, was born in Switzerland in 1986. She studied photography in Zurich and Istanbul and video in Lucerne. Her short films «The Meadow» (2015) and «Le Sens de la Marche» (2018) both premiered at Locarno Film Festival and were shown at festivals like IDFA, Hot Docs, Tampere, Torino Short Film Market, etc. Jela has been a jury member of several festivals as well as film funds. She is a board member of Pro Short, the Swiss association for short films. Valentina Zingg (SUI), Pro Short, was born in Switzerland in 1989. She studied English, Art history, and film studies in Zurich and Rome. Her Master’s thesis centred on essay films. Zingg currently works as the general secretary for Pro Short, as a curator for Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, and as an editor for CINEMA Filmjahrbuch, Switzerland’s oldest periodical dedicated to film.


Speakers Emellie O’Brien (USA), is the founder & CEO of Earth Angel. A pioneer of the sustainable filmmaking movement, she has worked with over 50 major films and TV series to reduce their environmental impact since 2011. Her leadership on «The Amazing Spider-Man 2» contributed to it being acclaimed as «the most eco-friendly blockbuster in Sony Pictures’ history». O’Brien holds a BFA in Film from NYU, is a Climate Reality Corps Leader, a Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses alum, and a 2018 Inc. Magazine 30 Under 30 Rising Star. Jessica Hefti (SUI), Zodiac Pictures, worked as a freelance journalist for various newspapers and online media before studying documentary film at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. There, she discovered her passion for film production and developed an urge to bring other people’s ideas to life. In 2013, she completed her Master in arts management at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and started to work as a production manager and assistant director. With her company Seal & Kingfisher, she hosted service productions, curated exhibitions, and created many projects in Zurich’s subculture. Since 2018, she has been working as a TV producer for Zodiac Pictures. Michael Imboden (SUI), freelance production manager, was born in Bern in 1981. He graduated from the Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington in 2005 with a Bachelor’s degree and received his master’s degree in film production from the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) in 2008. His master’s thesis was entitled «Green Films – Eco-Friendly Film Production». After school, he worked first as production assistant and later as line producer at Triluna Film AG in Zurich. As of 2020, he works as a freelance line producer and production manager on various projects.


Friday, 6 November 11:00–12:00 Panel: Swiss Industry Information: Funding for Sustainability Increasingly, the film industry is developing guidelines for so-called green filming. In Schleswig-Holstein, for instance, funding for film projects is tied to environmental standards during shooting. In this event, we look at Swiss film funding: What steps have been implemented so far and which ones are planned? What are the terms of Swiss funding agencies? Do they offer consulting on sustainable film production? Will there be a uniform standard or are there issues that are important to specific institutions? The panel addresses goals and potential measures. For technical reasons, this years panel will be held in English instead of a Swiss national language.

Moderator Lucie Bader (SUI), Cinébulletin, studied journalism, film, and media management in Zurich, Washington, D.C., and Linz. From 1992 to 2012, she was a lecturer and co-director of the master’s programme in film at the Zurich University of the Arts. She was also a member of the Swiss Federal Film Commission, a board member of the Fribourg International Film Festival, jury president in Switzerland and abroad, and a member of the Swiss Film Academy. Since 2013, she has been the owner of outreach gmbh, the publishing director of Cinébulletin, and a lecturer at the University of Fribourg.

Speakers Christiane Dopp, (GER), Grüner Drehpass, Schleswig-Holstein, has been part of the Film Commission Hamburg since 2001, where she is in charge of the «Green Shooting Card» initiative in Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein. This initiative issues certifications for projects by national and international producers who verifiably shoot their films on location in an eco-friendly manner. To this date, 180 films, as well as TV series and short films, have received the card and thus been labelled sustainable productions. Urs Fitze (SUI), SRF, has been head of fiction at SRF since 2012. In addition to series, TV-movies, and cinema co-productions, he also oversees the purchase of fictional programmes and radio play productions. Some of the most successful Swiss series, such as «Gotthard», «Private Banking», «Die Göttliche Ordnung», «Wolkenbruch», «Bruno Manser», «Eden für jeden», and the first green TV production with «Zürich Tatort» were produced under his direction.


Susa Katz (SUI), Zürcher Filmstiftung After completing her studies and working for a documentary festival as well as for ZDF (editorial department ‘series’ and license acquisition for ARTE/ZDF), Susa Katz moved to Switzerland in 1998. She worked as a production manager, line producer, and sales manager for independent film production companies, including 13 years for T&C Film in Zurich. She has also been active in various other positions, including on the advisory board of SWISS FILMS, for FOCAL, and as a board member of a community cinema. After serving as head of film funding at the Swiss Federal Office of Culture (BAK/OFC) in Bern from 2013 to 2016, she became deputy manager at the regional film fund in Zurich (Zürcher Filmstiftung). Patrizia Pesko (GER/SUI), Cinéforom, graduated from the Università Cattolica in Milan with a film history degree in 1997. From 1993 to 1999, she worked in the press office of the Locarno Film Festival. From 1999 to 2008, she was a commissioning editor for fiction, animation, and documentary at RSI – Radiotelevisione Svizzera (Swiss Television SRG SSR). From 2003 to 2006 she was a member of the shorts selection committee at the Locarno Film Festival. From 2008 to 2012, she was consultant for Swiss films and crossmedia projects at the SRG SSR headquarters in Berne. Since April 2012, she has been the deputy secretary general and head of film funding at Cinéforom – Fondation romande pour le cinéma (regional film fund for the French-speaking part of Switzerland).

12:30–13:30 Market Meetings Networking is key in the short film industry, so we offer digital networking opportunities this year. The Market Meetings provide a space for filmmakers, funding institutions, and festivals to meet, pitch their projects, or renew old contacts in short sessions.

14:00–15:15 Think Tank: How to Make Film Promotion Sustainably Green Filmmakers and industry delegates travel around the globe with their films. Personal appearances at international festivals remain essential for promotion as well as for networking. This year’s experiences with online festivals have shown that personal exchange is still very important, but the numerous travelling industry representatives are also responsible for a substantial share of CO2 emissions. How can film institutions and promotional measures become greener and more sustainable? How willing is the industry to adapt its travel behaviour in light of climate change? And what is the ecological footprint of online film markets? The Think Tank offers an open platform for exchange within the film industry to discuss new ideas for guidelines. Everyone interested in participating is asked to prepare for the discussion by reading the materials sent out prior to the event (approx. 1 hour).


Moderator Sylvain Vaucher (SUI), Consultant Short Films, SWISS FILMS, (*1977) studied history and aesthetics of film, as well as journalism at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), receiving his MA in 2004. He then collaborated with the Festival Tous Ecrans (now GIFF) in Geneva from 2004 to 2005. Since 2006, he has been working for SWISS FILMS, the promotion agency for Swiss Films, where has been in charge of the international promotion of Swiss short films for 12 years. He was also involved in media relations until 2013, and since 2014, he has been organizing Swiss short film screenings. Since 2016, Sylvain has been a consultant for short films at SWISS FILMS.

Speakers Arna Marie Bersaas (NO), Senior Adviser, International relations, Shortfilms at Norwegian Film Institute Ronny Fritsche (SE), Environmental Strategist at Film i Väst Prof. Solange Ghernaouti (SUI) Director of Swiss cybersecurity Advisory & Research Group (SCARG) UNIL I Université de Lausanne Dr. Bettina Kahlert (SUI) Team leader efficiency consulting Mark Olexa (SUI) Director and producer at Dok Mobile

16:00–16:30 Presentation: The Future of Shorts II: Crunching the Numbers for a Greener Festival The transition to a greener festival scene requires substantial investment and longterm planning. The short film industry, in particular, faces considerable challenges in regard to providing the needed capacities. But this investment will pay off in the long run. Sven Schwarz, managing director of the Hamburg Short Film Festival, shares his experiences with budgeting and talks about the challenges and successes, as well as the chain of effects in regard to transitioning to a greener festival.

Speaker Sven Schwarz (GER), Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg, is the managing director of the Hamburg International Short Film Festival, where he also curates special programmes and thematic screenings. He has been working with film festivals since the early 2000s and is also a member of the Hamburg-based mobile cinema collective A Wall is a Screen.


Saturday, 7 November 13:00–13:30 Presentation: The Future of Shorts III: The Path to a Greener Festival Where there’s a will there’s a way. At least in theory. The path to a green festival comes with a lot of requirements. Many of the existing certifications are granted in stages, others are already outdated or designed for businesses or one-time events. Thus, a growing number of festivals in Austria are joining forces to adapt existing regulations. 2020 would have been the first year with a green strategy for Vienna Shorts. Festival co-director Daniel Ebner talks about goals, partial successes, and challenges.

Speaker Daniel Ebner (AT), Vienna Shorts, (*1981) is the co-founder and co-director of Vienna Shorts, Austria's leading international short film festival. He also works as a film curator and co-initiated the online short film magazine Talking Shorts.


Sunday, 8 November Environmental Activism Due to shorter and cheaper production processes, the short film format has long been a popular choice for political filmmaking, because it can react quickly to historical events and trends. This also applies to environmental topics within politically committed filmmaking. Documentaries seem especially suited to addressing ecological issues.

13:00–13:30 Presentation: Environmental Activism I: Nick Jordan How can we approach environmentalism artistically? Filmmaker and artist Nick Jordan has chosen a simultaneously poetic and activist approach for his film «The Atom Station». His images are informed by poetry as well as by the statements of an environmental activist. In this presentation, Jordan talks about finding his topic and about how to address ecological problems without sacrificing his unique visual language.

Speaker Nick Jordan (GB), filmmaker and artist, is based in Manchester (UK). Exploring the interconnections between natural, social, and cultural histories, Jordan’s hybrid documentaries have been shown extensively at international exhibitions and festivals, including special focus programmes at London Short Film Festival (UK), Minimalen (Norway), and HOME (UK). He studied fine art at Nottingham Trent University (BA) and Manchester Metropolitan University (MA) and is a programmer for Braziers International Film Festival (UK).


17:00–17:30 Presentation: Environmental Activism II: HD PERU Brothers Alvaro and Diego Sarmiento make films that advocate for the preservation of their culture and nature. Their film «Green River» premiered at the 67th Berlin IFF. Their project was also supported by the Berlinale Talents Footprints programme in 2020. In their conversation, they will share their motivations and goals and talk about what they have achieved so far.

Speakers Alvaro and Diego Sarmiento (PE), filmmakers, are two brothers from Peru. «Green River: The Time of the Yakurunas», their debut feature, premiered at the 67th Berlin IFF (Forum 2017) and the Museum of Modern Art’s Doc Fortnight in New York. «Mothers of the Land» (2019), their second feature documentary, premiered at the 69th Berlin IFF. Alvaro is a visual artist and screenwriter, and a recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Arts & Literary Arts Residency and the MacDowell Colony Fellowship.

FOCAL Script Coaching for Short Films 3–8 November online During Kurzfilmtage, FOCAL offers free coaching sessions for four selected short film projects in English and German, as well as two sessions exclusively for French projects. The sessions are 60 to 90 minutes long and are held online. The appointments are scheduled in advance with the script coaches.


Writers’ Room 2020 7/8 November online Available until 15 November All events take place in English. This year’s Writers’ Room focuses on the mysteries of documentary storytelling. On the face of it, documentary is an elusive genre that requires a lot of time and improvisation. To unlock some of its secrets, the Writers’ Room and FOCAL offer a forum for conversations with authors and directors. A variety of approaches to realizing documentary narratives will be analysed and discussed. The Digital Industry Hub offers numerous events over the course of the festival week. Industry representatives can participate live or watch the events later – all events are held in English and will remain available online until 15 November. Registration is only possible after requesting a free Industry Accreditation for the Digital Industry Hub. Accreditations will open on 14 October. The registration link will be sent out with the accreditation confirmation.


Saturday, 7 November 11:00–12:00 Presentation: Submitting the Best Dossier The introductory event for this year’s Writers’ Room is a presentation by Georgian, French-based director Nino Kirtadze («Don’t Breathe»), winner of the European Film Award. She will talk about how to successfully tailor dossiers to the respective recipients, since not all institutions apply the same criteria, nor do they have the same expectations. Kirtadze will use examples from her own portfolio as illustration and answer audience questions.

Speaker Nino Kirtadze (GE) is a scriptwriter and actress. Her acting career started with the lead role in Nana Djordjadze’s «Chef in Love», which was presented in Cannes and nominated for an Oscar. She has worked with numerous renowned artists, including Peter Brook, Vittorio Gassman, Philippe Monnier, Jean-Pierre Ameris, Claude Goretta, Jacques Perrin, Olivier Langlois, and Josée Dayan. Nino Kirtadze is based in France, and since 2019, she has been the Georgian representative at Eurimages, the cultural support fund of the Council of Europe.


15:00–16:00 Conversation: From a Theme to a Story This discussion explores the development of films from an idea to the protagonists, focusing on how to find them and how to condense their personal stories without losing their essence. Jacqueline Zünd («Goodnight Nobody», «Almost There», «Where We Belong») talks about this creative process with Edgar Hagen. Where does she find her topics and how does she approach them? How does she get access to the protagonists’ inner voices, and how does she translate their personal worlds into images? It’s a process that requires time and empathy.

Moderator Edgar Hagen (SUI), FOCAL, was born in Basel in 1958. He studied philosophy and German literature at the University of Basel and at Freie Universität Berlin. He works as an independent documentary filmmaker, author, and producer. Since 2013, he has been head of directing documentaries at FOCAL. His film «Journey to the Safest Place on Earth» (2013) premiered at DOK Leipzig. «Who Are We?» (2019) premiered at IDFA. In 2016, he founded the production company Vollbild Film Ltd. His latest feature length-documentary project is entitled «On the Trail of Madness».

Speaker Jacqueline Zünd (SUI), was born in Zurich, Switzerland. She studied journalism at the Ringier School of Journalism and film at The London Film School. She has been a critically acclaimed, multi-award-winning filmmaker since her debut. Her works «Goodnight Nobody» (2010), »Almost There» (2016), and «Where We Belong» (2019) have participated in many international festivals, including Berlinale, Cannes (Acid), São Paulo, Locarno Film Festival, Moscow, Visions du Réel, IDFA, DOK Leipzig, Guangzhou, and Montréal.


Sunday, 8 November 11:00–12:00 Conversation: How Do I Tell Their Stories? The protagonists in the films of Susanne Regina Meures («Raving Iran», «Saudi Runaway») face decisions that will change their lives forever – they are torn between their home country that is trapped in old structures and the promises of a better future. Meures succeeds in gaining their trust and offers an honest view of their experiences. In conversation with Sirkka Möller, the filmmaker talks about how documentary films develop through the interplay between various stakeholders and unpredictable factors. She explains how to cinematically condense the experiences of the protagonists and how the process of creation functions at the team level.

Moderator Sirkka Möller (GER), expert for documentary projects, organizes and programs at international film festivals, with a focus on documentaries and short films. Among others she has worked for DOK Leipzig, Sheffield IDF, FID Marseille, DocPoint Festival Helsinki, and for the world sales agent Deckert Distribution. She is on the selection advisory committee for the Panorama section at Berlinale and coordinates the Doc Station Talents Lab at Berlinale Talents. She also advises filmmakers on project development and festival strategies, teaches, writes and edits texts about films, moderates panels and film talks, and works as a freelance curator.

Speaker Susanne Regina Meures (GER/SUI) is a German-Swiss filmmaker who gained attention with her debut film, «Raving Iran», which premiered in 2016. It was shown at over 130 film festivals worldwide, won numerous awards, and went on to be a success in cinemas. «Saudi Runaway», her second feature-length documentary, premiered at Sundance Film Festival in 2020 and had its European premiere at Berlin International Film Festival in 2020.


15:00–16:00 Conversation: What Is the Best Form for My Project? Basil da Cunha’s «O Fim do Mundo» was a big success at international festivals. His characters oscillate between acting and reality: he uses local amateur actors in his films. The subject is their own youth in a hopeless slum in Lisbon, where da Cunha himself lived for years. In conversation with Delphine Jeanneret, he explores the question of what genre the film belongs to – fiction or documentary.

Moderator Delphine Jeanneret (SUI) HEAD, graduated from the University of Lausanne with an MA in art history and American literature, as well as a postgraduate diploma in cultural management. For over 15 years, she has been involved in projects that support independent cinema and upcoming filmmakers with reaching an audience. She is a film curator, lecturer, and deputy dean of the cinema department at the Geneva University of Art and Design HEAD. In addition, she is part of the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur and Locarno Film Festival (Open Doors) selection committees, co-founder of Festival Cinéma Jeune Public, and a member of the LIM – Less Is More reading committee.

Speaker Basil da Cunha (PT/SUI) studied at HEAD – Genève. His first year-film «A côté» was nominated for the Swiss Film Prize 2010 and awarded the Prize for the best Portuguese film at Vila Do Conde 2010. His Films «Nuvem» (2011) and «Os vivos Tambem Choram» (2012) and his first feature film «Ate ver a Luz» (2013) had its world premiere at the Directors' Fortnight in 2013. In 2014, he directed «Nuvem Negra» an experimental film commissioned by the Centre d’Art Contemporain. His second feature film «O Fim do Mundo» premiered at Locarno Film Festival in 2019 and won the Best Image at Swiss Film Prize in 2020. He teaches at HEAD – Genève since 2012 and is in charge of the second year programme.



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