The New Uxbridge Times - July, 2023

Page 16

Costanza World 4-Squares Champion

Many know northbridge as a growing suburban town nestled within the Blackstone Valley in Worcester County. What some may

northbridge Fire Station] and as a kid I participated within the parks & recreation program where we would play 4Squares almost all day throughout the summers. It was more than just a game. We became a little summertime family by bonding over the laughs and fun that

House of representatives from the 9th Worcester District, David Muradian, who attended the parks programs with Costanza explains, “As a child who grew up at the northbridge Parks & recreation summer program, I can remember the eagerness and excitement of learning 4-Squares, and then playing other parks in friendly competitions. northbridge has always had great athletes, which is why it is no surprise to me that Eric found success even after all these years”.

4-Squares. no one knows this better than the newly crowned World 4Squares Champion, northbridge’s own, Eric Costanza.

What is 4-Squares? 4-Squares is played on a square court divided into four evenly sized quadrants. Without getting into the complex rules, players use a ball very similar to a kickball to bounce/strike with their hands to each other’s dedicated squares until the play results in someone getting “out”. It is very similar to tennis minus the racket and net but on a much smaller court and with four competitors. Though 4Squares is very common for elementary school age children, when played at a high level, it takes incredible athleticism, strategy and skill to compete and succeed.

Costanza, 41, and a former two-sport star within the northbridge High School class of 1999, explains how his love of 4-Squares began, “I grew up right next to the former riverdale Park [which is now the site of the new

northbridge’s unique villages played a key part into the adoption of the success the kids and teenagers gained from playing as they were motivated to defeat their fellow village counterparts. At the conclusion of each summer, everyone’s skills were put to the test in a townwide 4-Squares Tournament. Costanza, who was a 7-time town champion says, “The tournament eventually took a life of its own and the sheer talent sprinkled all over northbridge and the surrounding towns made for a truly amazing sporting event”.

After spending time in his late teens and early 20’s as a Park Instructor guiding and teaching kids the knowledge he learned within 4-Squares, Costanza went on to graduate from Assumption University in Worcester. This is when he tabled his love for 4-Squares to focus on his career and building a family. Costanza is a Project Manager at a Benefits & Technology Company, married for 13 years and has three children where he spends most of his time being a Dad and husband.

The story doesn’t end here. In late 2019, at 38 years old, Costanza started getting the itch to get back into the sport he loved. After a quick google search, he stumbled across the World 4Squares Championships which take place annually in the beautiful lake region of Bridgton, Maine. The competition draws athletes from all over the US and Canada as well as competitors from Israel to Bermuda. This was the spark that Costanza needed to ignite his passion. However, a global pandemic forced the event to be cancelled from 2020-2022. During this time, Costanza started a local group called “The Ultimate 4-Squares League”. Open to the public, the group meets approximately once per month from May through October to play 4-Squares. He has also been working with the northbridge Play & recreation Department to have a new 4-Squares court installed at the Linwood Park. “At its core and similar to many other sports such as baseball, 4-Squares is a kids game. Therefore, a passion of mine is to assist in any way I can to ensure our youth have the opportunity to learn and experience this fantastic sport and having a new court installed in town is part of that”, Costanza explains.

With COVID restrictions being lifted, the World 4-Squares Championships returned and on May 13, Costanza took the 3 1/2 hour drive north to central Maine. Though, it almost didn’t happen as he describes, “My oldest daughter’s junior prom was the same day. Therefore, I had already made the decision that I wouldn’t miss that. But my daughter urged me to go as long as I win - needless to say, the pressure was on”.

At 41, adapting to slight variances of rules, and competing against the majority of other competitors about half his age, Costanza wowed the judges, spectators and fellow players with his assassin-style and won the Men’s Division 4-Squares Championships making his continued on page 10

Southwick’s to host Boston 25 Zip Trip

Southwick's Zoo is thrilled to announce its partnership with Boston 25 News to host a Zip Trip on Friday, July 14th. The Zip Trip will take place at the event pavilion located across from the Zoo main entrance, overlooking the beautiful African Plains.

Uxbridge H.S. receives National Recognition

Uxbridge High School announced recently that it has been recognized as a 2022-23 Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Distinguished School. It is one of 262 high schools across the U.S. to receive this honor for providing broad access to transformative learning experiences for students through PLTW’s computer science, engineering, and biomedical pathways. PLTW is a nonprofit organization that serves millions of PreK-12 students and teachers in more than 12,200 schools across the U.S.

“We are proud to have engaged in this partnership for so many of our students. PLTW courses form the framework of so many outstanding learning experiences for our students and school, and it has helped us energize curricula and students engaged in many disciplines.”

The PLTW Distinguished School recognition honors schools committed to increasing student access, engagement, and achievement in their PLTW programs. To be eligible for the designation, Uxbridge High School had to meet the following criteria in the 202122 school year:

• Had 25 percent of students or more participate in PLTW courses, or of those who participated in PLTW, at least 33 percent took two or more PLTW courses

• Offer and had students enrolled in at least three PLTW courses

• Have strategies in place that support reasonably proportional representation with regard to race, ethnicity, poverty, and/or gender

“We are proud to recognize Uxbridge High School for their commitment to providing students with exceptional educational experiences while ensuring equitable access to PLTW programs,” said Dr. David Dimmett, PLTW President and CEO. "We congratulate them on this achievement and celebrate their important work empowering students with the knowledge and skills to succeed, not only in STEM subjects, but also more generally in life and career."

This marks the fourth consecutive year that UHS has earned this distinction, one of only a handful of schools in the Commonwealth to have demonstrated this pattern of achievement. Among the programs offered at UHS through PLTW include biomedical science, computer science, engineering, and manufacturing. Many of these courses form the basis of UHS’ renowned Innovation Pathways, which serve as a model for many schools in the Commonwealth.

For more information about PLTW’s recognition program, visit

Historical Society Bottle & Can Drive

The Sutton Historical Society will be hosting a bottle/can redemption drive from Saturday, July 8 to Sunday, July 16. Drop off is 24-hour at the M. M. Sherman Blacksmith Shop, 6 Singletary Avenue, Sutton. Simply place your returnable bottles/cans into the trailer which will be parked alongside the

The event will stream live on television beginning at 6:00 a.m. and will include interviews with Mendon newsmakers, special guests, hometown teams, and local heroes.

Residents of all ages are encouraged to come out and be part of the audience and share what makes their hometown a great place to live.

building. This annual event is a significant fundraiser for this 501(c)3 organization which is keeping history alive in Sutton.

FMI or to join the Society, visit Questions about the bottle/can drive can be emailed to

~ INDEX ~ Town News.........Page 4 Society……....…Page 11 Senior Corner.....Page 13 School News.....Page 15 Business News...Page 17 Classified...........Page 19 POSTAL PATRON ecRWSS PrESOrTED STAnDArD US POSTAgE PAID BOSTOn, MA PErMIT nO 55800 Established in 1991 Over 17,500 Copies Mailed Free Uxbridge Times Uxbridge Times THE NEW Vol. 32 • Issue 7 UxbrIdge • North UxbrIdge • LINwood • doUgLas • NorthbrIdge • whItINsVILLe • MaNchaUg JULY 2023

letter to the editor_____________________

Love conquers hate

Letter To Editor, To the VAnDALS who are destroying the Alice Bridge’s Bridge rainbow flags … Live and Let Live and keep your paws off the rainbow flags!!

Background; For the fourth year in a row the Uxbridge June gay Pride Month rainbow flag and banner decorations of the Alice Bridges Bridge over the Mumford river were vandalized, stolen and destroyed. This year those flags were vandalized three times on

three nights … then replaced; again, and again and again!!

FACTS – Every year those rainbow Flags and Banners were placed there with proper coordination with and permitting by Town Officials. This year a surveillance camera was on site. Vandalism is wrong!

This is an open letter directed to the person or persons who are the vandals. What you have done is WrOng!.

Your parents likely told you as a child

“Don’t steal, don’t destroy other people’s property!” …. so … Keep your hands off those flags!

Here is also another fact … You have violated the rights of the supporters who placed those flags and banners. These flags and banners are a case of legitimate free speech protected under the US Constitution Bill of rights. Citizens of Uxbridge whatever your personal political views related to Conservative versus Liberal this destruction is wrong!

Veterans, Military, Police and Politicians all have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies. Like me there are a lot of people who have conservative views who don’t support these vigilante type actions.

At the micro/local level vigilantes who at night, under cover of darkness purposely destroy those flags are Uxbridge community’s enemies because they are ruining the reputation of Town of Uxbridge by those bigoted


Life Skill – MYOB – “Love is Love” what goes on in other people’s bedrooms is none of your business!

Here is another FACT … Activist persons and their supporters are persistent and willing to protect this free speech…. again and again until the June permit is complete!

Life skill FACT – Most American’s support “..liberty and justice for all..!” and no matter what our politics we support good over evil, kindness, mercy,

and… love over hate, We also support and defend the right to free speech and …there are a whole more rainbow flags and banners available on web sites and are available to replace all those flags you have stolen and destroyed.

SUMMArY - Live and let Live … and after four years of your bigotry, like the banner says, “Love Always Wins”… and so will the right to free speech, … so keep your paws off the rainbow flags!!

Caring for parents with children in crisis

Dear Editor,

In one of your recent issues, Christine Beauchaine wrote a very important article that brought awareness to the heartbreaking number of acute mental health issues among our children. These situations put an immense burden on the entire family. Parents often experience anxiety and hopelessness as they try to provide care for their children. Caregivers are often overwhelmed and in crisis themselves.

At Valley Chapel in Uxbridge, we want to support parents and caregivers that have children in crisis. In May, we started a support group to offer comfort, practical guidance and spiritual care for parents in these difficult situations. The main focus of the group is not parenting

advice rather working together at achieving our own strength and peace through the pursuit of our own spiritual and mental health.

We meet at the church every other Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. in room 220. In July those Sunday nights are 7/2, 7/16 and 7/30. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Pastor Matt genese at 508-278-2315 or by email at

- Your friends at Valley Chapel

Letters to the Editor can be submitted to All submissions must include an email or phone number and the name of the author of the letter.

PAge 2 JUlY 2023
Local Business. Local Contractors. We put it all together for you. 83 Church Street, Whitinsville, MA 508-372-9283 Schotanus DESIGN CENTER Kitchen, Bath & Installations SCHEDULEANAPPOINTMENTWITH JESSIE TODAY & " # % " "! $ ! % % ! " % ! ! "! % " !" % $ , $% % & +**'& $%% +(. ( !*'& + +(& -!'( )* ( #$*$&),$%% '(*# ($ "
One of the flags on the Alice Bridges Bridge in Uxbridge.

letters continued_______________________________ Finding hope in young politician

Dear Editor & Readers,

I am a resident of the Town of northbridge. I have lived here for quite some time and I have seen a lot of changes. I am by all means a traditional townie. I saw something recently in town though that I absolutely loved. We recently had our Town Election and was thrilled to see a young man run for office.

His name is Michael Wilkes, he was recently elected to my Towns Planning Board. On election day I had the opportunity to speak to Michael who was outside all day at the polls. He informed me that he is 20 years old, in college studying Finance and Political Science, and currently sits on one of our Town Committees.

It was so refreshing to see someone so young care so much about their community and country. It was also so nice to hear someone talk about

Support local news

Thank you to our advertisers for making this publication possible. If you own a local business please consider advertising, it helps us bring comminity news and local events to our readers. For more information email: or call 508-278-2134.

unity rather than division. One thing that Michael said that I really liked was something along the lines of, “give me republicans, Democrats, and everything in between, we are there to represent our constituents and work together for the betterment of our community.” It is amazing that a 20 year old college student can get it but not some of our most “senior” politicians.

I was so happy to be able to vote for someone that still believes our best days are yet to come. I cannot wait to see what Michael accomplishes on the Planning Board and everything else that will come after! I am proud to say I feel represented by Michael and he has my continued support!


Grave Robbers

A sad thing occurred at Saint Mary's cemetery this past Memorial Day. Somebody sinned on that hallowed ground. Flowers from grave sites, Including my own parents were stolen. If those responsible read this report, pay attention to the following.

Stealing them because you couldn't afford to buy your own, I can sympathise but cannot forgive.

Stealing out of malice...mean and dastardly.

Should you believe in a god, atonement may ease your anxiety if you have a conscience.

repent sinner.

Irresponsible dog owners ruin a once enjoyable & safe spot

Dear Editor,

We are very fortunate to have such a beautiful resource in our town. I have been an Uxbridge resident for over thirty years. I have been visiting the West Hill Dam multiple times per week for all of these years. Always loved the trails, the scenery, the wildlife that is available to us.

Unfortunately I have had to stop going in the Dam. The Dam has grown tremendously over the years. Many more people now visit on a regular basis. I had to stop going in as, almost,  every time I enter the Dam there are unleashed dogs. There are numerous posted signs throughout the park

that state " All dogs must be leashed at all times."

I often mention this to the dog owners and their responses are usually not very kind. I have no desire to have a conflict. I think it is a shame that the responsible dog walkers, and they are a majority, can't enjoy the Dam as they should be able to. Same for the hikers, bikers and walkers that just want to enjoy all the Dam has to offer. I now have to work out on the roads and deal with all the automobile traffic and potholes...just disappointed that so few ruin the experience for so many?

- Disappointed Uxbridge resident

JUlY 2023 PAge 3

Early supports safe events for H.S. Seniors

Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr. is helping fund a safe post-graduation event in both northbridge and Uxbridge this year thanks to his annual grant program, now in its fifth year. “These events should be times of celebration for our students and their families, but these celebrations can turn into tragedies as we know that life can and often does change in the blink of an eye when alcohol and drugs are involved,” Mr. Early said. “We will continue to offer these funds to help provide students with these fun and safe events. Our goal is prevention of tragedies before they happen.”

This year, the District Attorney’s office awarded a total of $25,000 in grants to 18 different schools across Worcester County to fund events, organized and overseen by dedicated adults, that offer safe drug- and alcoholfree environments where students can celebrate after celebratory events like prom and graduation. District Attorney Early felt it was vital to continue supporting these programs and is utilizing his Drug Forfeiture reinvestment Program this year to provide these funds. Funding to support these grants was previously provided by the Massachusetts Office of Victim Assistance Drunk Driving Trust Fund.

Donations needed for Library Auction

Coming once again this October, the Friends of the Simon Fairfield Public Library in Douglas will hold our fourth annual online sale!

now is the time to donate your items! Thanks to you, every year we’ve had a wonderful selection of beautiful items and services, including household items, handcrafted wares, and antiques, vacation packages, and useful services. Time to get creative, sort through your attics and garages, see what you might find!  And new this year, we welcome sponsorships for those wanting to donate more.

The auction will run online  Monday October 9th through Monday October 23rd.  Items accepted now through September 15, sooner is better!!

To donate please email your descriptions and images to:

More information about the auction and sponsorship on the library website’s Friends page at Send

PAge 4 JUlY 2023 town News DRIVEWAYS SEALED PROFESSIONALLY Nolin’s Asphalt & Sealcoat CO., LLC SEALCOAT & REPAIRS Driveways • Parking Lots Patchwork • Repairs CrackSealing Fully Insured Quality Results Reasonable Rates COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Mike Nolin Uxbridge, MA CALLor TEXT now to ensure availability. (508) 278-3493 ! )#.+ "/4 '/1 -#+*.( 42 7/41 $)/*$& " $ ' & $ $ & " %$# # # 5&1 "&#12 60&1*&.$& 8 &2*%&.3*#, /--&1$*#, " ' %" " $ & & " 8 " 8 ! ! 8 " 8 " /-& 5*2*3 /41 ! ! 1/5*%&.$& #.& !)*3*.25*,,& ' !! $ $ '
Us Your News...
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KEEPING STUDENTS SAFE - Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr. presents checks to Northbridge High School (above left) & Uxbridge High School (above right) to help fund safe post-graduation events.

St. Theresa’s Shrine marks Centennial Jubilee Year

The Shrine of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus was established as a parish in the nasonville section of Burrillville on August 23rd, 1923 by then Bishop William Hickey. For the past 100 years, it has served the Catholic faithful from far and near. In July of 2019, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Parish merged with Our Lady of good Help Parish in Mapleville and is now known as Our Lady of good Help Parish and St. Theresa’s Shrine.

St. Therese of Lisieux was born in 1873 and is popularly known as “The Little Flower”. Together with St. Francis of Assisi, she is one of the most popular saints in the history of the Church.

DAR Scholarship recipients

The Captain Job Knapp Chapter of the national Society of the Daughters of the American revolution (nSDAr) awarded two 2023 graduating students each a $500 scholarship in honor of former chapter member Marcelyn Karagosian. The recipients are Hayle Ortla and Mayra DeSousa both from Blackstone Valley Vocational Technical High School. These exceptional students will be continuing their education in the medical field. Mrs. Karagosian's husband John Karagosian and daughter Dr. Elizabeth Karagosian were in attendance to present the scholarships. Dr. Karagosian sponsors the scholarship in honor of her mother.

Mrs. Karagosian was a 30-year member of the nSDAr and was descended from many patriots who served in the revolutionary War. A Past regent of the Capt. Job Knapp Chapter, she also

served as Chapter Chaplain. She also served as State Librarian, Vice regent, and for 3 years as State regent. After serving as State regent, she was honored with the title of Honorary State regent.

The national Society Daughters of the American revolution, founded in 1890 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a volunteer women’s service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America’s future through better education for children. It is a nonprofit, non-political, volunteer women’s service organization. Any woman who has an ancestor who fought in or rendered aid in the American revolution may be eligible for membership in DAr. FMI contact Chapter regent noveline Beltram at

Even before construction began on the Shrine, a local resident, Mrs. Florilda Faford, was the beneficiary of a miraculous cure. Her illness had been deemed incurable by her doctors in Boston. But the then newly-appointed Pastor, Father Desrochers, and two nuns from nearby Southbridge, MA visited her and began a novena to St. Theresa for Mrs. Faford’s healing.

When news of the miraculous cure spread, pilgrims began to visit the area even before the new Church was built. Mrs. Faford was 34 at the time of her healing and lived to be 89. She was laid to rest in 1977.

This being our Centennial year of celebration, the Parish is working to improve the grounds with a new rosary Walk, beautify the campus, and continue to spread the message of love which is at the center of St. Theresa’s unique contributions to theology and faith.

We gratefully appreciate the Vatican’s grant of THE PLEnArY InDULgEnCE to those who visit the Shrine during the Centennial Year.

Upcoming events include a Mass,

with a reception following Mass on July 23rd by His Excellency, Most reverend Salvatore r. Matano, Bishop of rochester, nY and a talk on the Life and Theology of St. Therese of Lisieux on August 4th by His Excellency, Most reverend robert J. McManus, Bishop of Worcester. Both Bishops were members of the Diocese of Providence and served as pastors in different parishes.

Many events are scheduled throughout the period running from May of 2023 through May of 2024. For information on all the events visit:

As devoted pilgrims are aware, the Shrine holds a major celebration every year on the third Sunday in August. This year, the Centennial Celebration Mass and Dedication of the newly-built rosary Walk will be held on August 20th beginning at noon with a Mass by

the Most reverend robert C. Evans, Auxiliary Bishop of Providence (retd.). Confessions will be available in the afternoon, the gift Shop will be open, and food and beverages will be available as we enjoy the holy grounds, religious music, and the honor of being present at the celebrations of the first Shrine in north America and the World built in honor of “The Little Flower”.

The Shrine is located at 35 Dion Drive, Harrisville and is open yearround from sunrise to sunset. Visitors may stroll among the beautiful Church of the Little Flower, the newly-built rosary Walk, the outdoor Chapel, Holy Stairs, Stations of the Cross, garden of the Saints, and the Shrines of Our Lady of guadalupe and Our Lady of Fatima. Picnic tables are available outdoors and the Hall can be used for meals during periods of inclement weather.

JUlY 2023 PAge 5
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Pictured (L to R): Chapter Regent Noveline Beltram, Mayra DeSousa, John Karagosian, Dr. Elizabeth Karagosian & Hayle Ortla.
MULCH • WOOD CHIPS • COMPOST SAND • STONE • LOAM " $ ! # $ $ " 508-278-2628

uHS Students earn Seal of Biliteracy

Uxbridge High School principal Michael rubin is proud to announce that several members of the UHS community have earned the Seal of Biliteracy. This year, seniors Lily Brayman, Julie Compston, Sophie Compston, Samantha Hinchcliffe, Isabella nolan, Tyler richardson, and Sabrina Tibedo all earned the seal after qualifying through a rigorous assessment process.

“To have seven of our students persevere and grow in such profound ways is a testament to their resilience, talent, and commitment,” said Mr. rubin. “In addition, we can emphatically state that the way we have shifted language instruction at UHS ultimately can lead to significant opportunities for our students to not just access but to master language study. That is a credit to these students and their incredible team of instructors.” The STATE Seal of

Biliteracy is an award given in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in two or more languages by the time they reach high school graduation. It recognizes the value of bilingualism, encourages students to pursue biliteracy, honors the skills our students attain, and can be evidence of skills that are attractive to future employers and college admissions offices. research shows that becoming bilingual has long-term cognitive, cultural and economic benefits.

“The Seal of Biliteracy is a mechanism by which we can highlight the incredible talent of some of our students and demonstrate how students can become effective communicators in multiple languages,” Mr. rubin said.

“Our language department has been ahead of the curve with respect to its

instruction, and for educators of both English and Spanish at UHS, they indeed share the credit for their capability, innovation, and reflection over these past several years, to support and enhance the experiences of many students, including Litzi.”

The World Language department of Anna Drakulich, Sarah gaudet, Molly Hendrickx, and Cecelia Moquete all contributed to the study for the seal of biliteracy, as did UHS’ teacher for English Language Learners, Angela Woislaw.

This award intends to recognize students who have achieved proficiency in English as well as one or more additional languages, whether it be a native language, a heritage language, or an additional language learned in school or in another setting. The awards are a statement of accomplishment that helps to signal evidence of a student’s readiness for career and college, and to engage as a global citizen. For more information about the nationwide adoption please refer to

Interactive World War II program presented

contribute to the war effort. In historic Whitinsville, the Whitin Machine Works was transformed by the war, with changes in personnel and in the manufacturing focus. Come to the Whitin Mill to explore exhibits on manufacturing, see uniforms from the 1940s, and listen to The Company Bees (2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.) a duo who will perform music from the era. rangers and partners will offer short lectures at 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. inside the Singh Theater. Free, drop-in activities will be available for kids throughout the day, offered by Battleship Cove.

Historical Park and ValleyCAST will present an informative and interactive afternoon of history at the Whitin Mill in Whitinsville on Sunday, August 13th from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Program will be presented in partnership with Open Sky Community Services.

During the 1940s, many workers in the Blackstone Valley mobilized to

This event will also include a station with information on America the Beautiful and Federal recreational Land passes. rangers will be onsite to distribute passes for eligible veterans and active-duty military personnel.    The Whitin Mill is located at 30-70 Douglas rd., Whitinsville. There will be plenty of free parking and accessible spaces. Event is free and open to all.    ValleyCAST is the arts and culture arm of Open Sky Community Services.

The New Uxbridge Times is direct mailed monthly to over 17,500 households & businesses in Uxbridge, North Uxbridge, linwood, douglas, Manchaug, Northbridge & Whitinsville on or about the 1st of each month. 800 additional copies are delivered to business establishments, public offices & senior centers in four surrounding towns.


For both articles and advertisements. 12:00 Noonon the 15th

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New Uxbridge Times are the message and opinion of the writer and do not necessarily represent the opinions of anyone connected with this publication. All submissions must be signed and have a phone number where the writer can be reached. in the event a writer cannot be reached for verification the article will not run. We also reserve the right not to print items.

PAge 6 JUlY 2023 Submitted
items will only be published if received by the deadline, and if space is available. Articles are limited to 800 words or less. Articles and cartoons printed in the
Owner / Publisher EMILY HURTEAU Office Manager / Sales Administrator ALIvIA MUSSULLI Office Assistant CHRISTINE BEAUCHAINE Contributing Writer P.o. Box 401 UxBRidge, MA 01569 (508) 278-2134 Subscriptions $36 Per Year ThE NEw Uxbridge Times Inc. ( ! ) " # " # % ( # ( & % # ( # ! ( !$ ( # ! ! '
Rockdale Congregational Church located at 42 Fowler Rd. in Northbridge will hold its Annual Yard Sale on Saturday, July 1st from 8 a.m. - 12 Noon (Rain date Sat., July 8th) PRoceedS To BeNeFiT THe NAc BAckPAck ANd ScHool SUPPlY PRogRAM. +,')% .,$$. &'.')-0'(($ $"& )'" . *2 */%()*1(')% * # 2!,'#%$ VISA AND MASTERCARD
#128580 / CS LICENSE #104402

BVT records are going, going, gone!

In accordance with state and federal regulations, special education (IEP) and 504 student records shall be destroyed seven years after the student leaves the school.

For the Blackstone Valley regional Vocational Technical High School Class of 2016, this date is August 1, 2023. The Class of 2016 may request special education and 504 records before the August 1st shred date by written request.

Be sure to indicate the year of graduation, and name while attending school, to Blackstone Valley regional Vocational Technical High School, Student Services record Dept., 65 Pleasant Street, Upton, MA 01568. Student transcripts (a record of grades) shall be destroyed 60 years after the student leaves the school.

For the Class of 2016, that date is August 1, 2076. An alum from that class may request a transcript from their graduation date: May 2016 through August 1, 2076. If you want to retain your records, learn how at: Happy

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND - Science with Amanda (Taft's STEAM Lab - Ms. Gallerani) will be returning this summer for her free science/STEAM Programs at Pout Pond. The program will start this month and run once a week during the summer.

upton VFW Flea Market Season Opener July 8th

The Upton Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5594 is inviting vendors and crafts people to join in its continuing series of summer flea markets on Saturday, July 8th at post headquarters, 15 Milford St. (route 140) in Upton. These events, from 7:30 a.m to 2 p.m., are held the second Saturday of each month through October.

Ample spaces  are available for $10 each, or for an additional $5, a banquet sized table can be provided. reser-

vations are not necessary although Post member David Kennedy can provide further information via the VFW FB page or by calling  508-529-3314.  Parking is free for vendors and  shoppers. Coffee and donuts are available throughout the morning, then hot dogs, chips, and  cold drinks for lunch. These flea markets benefit the  Post as well as the community,  therefore participation is very much appreciated. great bargains are to be had!

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4th of July!

MRMC announces Golf Classic Fundraiser

corporate Sponsorship opportunities Available

Milford regional Healthcare Foundation, the philanthropic partner of Milford regional Medical Center, will host its 34th Annual golf Classic on Monday, August 21st at Franklin Country Club. Sponsorship opportunities are available for this charitable event which helps support the highest priority needs of the hospital.

The August 21 tournament begins with a 9 a.m. shotgun start and concludes with a reception, during which raffle prizes and event/golfer accolades

will be presented.

Proceeds from the golf Classic support Milford regional’s Annual Fund, which provides unrestricted funds to the hospital and are available for immediate use, enabling the hospital to address its patients’ most pressing care needs.

“For more than three decades, the highly anticipated golf Classic has been a cornerstone fundraiser for Milford regional,” said 2023 golf Committee Chair Joyce gilmore.

In addition to gilmore, the 2023 golf Committee includes Katherine Cunningham; Michelle D'Aniello and


nancy Davidge, Dean Bank; Shefali Desai, rockland Trust and chair of Milford regional Healthcare Foundation; Steve Frohbieter, Milton CAT; Brooke Littleton-Fitzgerald, Human Services Management Corp.; John Morte, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Commonwealth real Estate; Derek Plourde, Charles river Bank; Joe Soares, Bright Insurance Agency, Inc.; and Carla Tuttle, Oliva’s Market.

The Milford regional Annual golf Classic 2023 sponsors to date include:

• gold Sponsors ($10,000): Christine's Pallets, LLC, Hyman and Shirley Hill Foundation, Inc., Milton CAT, rockland Trust, and Oliva's Market.

• Silver Sponsors ($5,000): Atlantic Charter Insurance Company, Bright Insurance Agency, Inc., Consigli Construction Co., Inc., Kelley & ryan Associates, Inc., Koopman Lumber Co., Inc., Medway Country Manor, Orion Emergency Services, and Savers Bank.

• Bronze Sponsors ($2,500): Charles river Bank, Action Collection Agency of Boston, guerriere and Halnon, Inc., Attorney Linda and Mr. Michael Mancini, Milford Federal Bank, and Mirick, O'Connell, DeMallie & Lougee, LLP.

Companies interested in corporate sponsorship opportunities should visit or contact the Foundation at 508-422-2228 or foundation@milreg. org for more information.

~ Obituary ~

David A. Krull, 86

David A. Krull, 86, of West river rd, Uxbridge passed away on Friday, June 2nd, 2023 after an illness. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Mary T. (Federici) Krull. He is also survived by 4 sons, Michael A. Krull and his wife nancy of n. Myrtle Beach, SC, Mark D. Krull of Douglas, Stephen J. Krull and his wife Danielle of Woodsville, nH, and Paul M. Krull of Uxbridge; 7 grandchildren, Daniel, Judah, Maachah, Leah, Hadassah, Elijah, and Samuel. He was predeceased by his sister, Ida M. Snay. Born in Whitinsville on november 28, 1936 he was the son of David D. and Mary E. (Sacco) Krull, and grew up helping his parents run their family poultry farm “rice City Poultry. He was a lifelong resident of

Uxbridge and was a graduate of Uxbridge High School class of 1958. David proudly served in the U.S Army during the Vietnam War era and was on the rifle team stationed in Okinawa.

A hard worker, David worked many years as a truck driver for Helen Fuels, and then for Kimble Sand & gravel out of Blackstone where he worked 26 years until his retirement in 2009. David enjoyed spending time with his family and loved vacationing in Old Orchard Beach, ME.

David’s funeral services will be privately held at the convenience of his family. In lieu of flowers, donations in David’s memory may be made to: The Alzheimer’s Association, 225 n. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17, Chicago, IL 60601.

To leave a condolence message for his family please visit:

Friends of the Library Arts Festival

The Friends of the Sutton Public Library will hold an Arts Festival on Saturday, August 26th.  The event will be held on Sutton Common, 4 Uxbridge rd, in nice weather. In case of rain, in the fellowship hall of First Congre-

gational Church located at 307 Boston rd.  Hours are 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Vendor applications are available at the Library, 4 Uxbridge road.

Thanks for supporting your local library!

PAge 8 JUlY 2023
+ + + %& # ! $ )' *%)& $ + %## & " + ' $( "

uxbridge Library Calendar

by Amor Towles, July 18 at 3:30 p.m.

Bookies Club - The Summer Seekers by Sarah Morgan, July 31 at 6:30 p.m.

July 14 at 11:30 a.m.

Virtual Fortnite Tournament (ages 8+) –

July 17 at 6 p.m.

July 26 at 10 a.m. (Uxbridge Fire Dept)

Uxbridge Free Public Library is located at 15 north Main St. in Uxbridge


SUMMEr rEADIng: This summer, Find Your Voice! with the Uxbridge Free Public Library during our summer reading program. We use our voices to share stories, express ourselves, and spark change. For more information visit uxbridge library. or download the Beanstack app to track the minutes you read.



Thursday, July 20th at 6:30 p.m., join us on Zoom for a virtual lecture about best tips for water conservation in your garden. Led by instructor Kate Donovan, this program from Blackstone Valley Veggie gardens is supported by the Board of Library Trustees. Blackstone Valley Veggie gardens offers lectures on a variety of gardening topics. Visit our website calendar to register.


(JULY 6 AnD 20 AT 4PM)

Do you love to craft? Are you looking for a crafting community? Bring your crochet, knitting, needlepoint or any

Country Music Club dances

The new England Country Music Club has announced their July events. On Sunday, July 9th, "Al Carter and the nashville Boys" band will perform and on Sunday, July 23rd, DJ Bob rumrill will provide "Oldies & Classic Country" music.

Doors open at 12:15 p.m., music 1-5 p.m. at the Progressive Club 18 Whitin St., north Uxbridge.FMI: http://www.

craft project to work on and meet others with similar interests! no registration. register now For Theses Events...


gentle Flow Yoga – Mondays, July 17, 24, and Thursday, July 13 at 7 p.m.

Craft Circle - July 6 and 20 at 4 p.m.

Cardmaking Hands-On Workshop – July 10 at 6:15 p.m.

PopUp Library at the Senior Center –July 21 at 11:30 a.m.

Embroidery 101 with Madonna Terlizzi – July 27 at 6 p.m.

Book-a-Librarian – need help downloading e-books and using other library digital resources? Contact the library to book a 30-minute appointment with a librarian for hands-on tech assistance.

Wednesdays from 2:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.


Uxbridge Senior Center Club - Flying Solo by Linda Holmes, July 11 at 1 p.m. Historical Fiction Club - rules of Civility


Teen Book-In-A-Bag (ages 13+) – Pick up your themed book-in-a-bag choice between July 1-15

Teen guinea Pig Workshop (ages 12+) –July 6 at 6 p.m.

Teen Movie night (ages 13+) – July 20 at 6 p.m.

Teen Strength Training (ages 12-19) –Mondays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 at 6 p.m.

Beach Mason Jars (ages 8-12) – July 5 at 3:30 p.m.

Music and Movement with Deb Hudgins (all ages) – July 6 & 20 at 11 a.m. games on the Lawn – Fridays, July 7, 14, 21, 28 at 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Wise guys Music Bingo (ages 11-19) –July 7 at 12 p.m.

Lego Challenge Build (ages 6+) – July 11 & 25 at 4 p.m.

Family Candy Bar Bingo | Theme: Cats (ages 6+) – July 13 at 6 p.m.

Kids guinea Pig Workshop (ages 6-11) –

Parrots Talk Craft (ages 4-7) - July 18 at 3:30 p.m.

Clay Time (ages 8-18) - July 20 at 3:30 p.m.

Affirmation Bead Bracelets (ages 8-12)

– July 21 at 11:30 a.m.

Build Wave (ages 6+) – July 27 at 6 p.m.

Henna by Jen (ages 10+) – July 28 at 11:30 a.m.


(registration required):

Baby Storytime (0-2 years) – Mondays, July 10 & 24 at 11:30 a.m.

Toddler/Preschool Storytime (2-4 years)

– Mondays, July 17 & 31 at 11:30 a.m.

Baby Bumble - Socialization playgroup

(0-2 years) – July 5 & 18 at 11 a.m.

Toddler Tumble- Socialization playgroup (2-5 years) – Tuesdays, July 11 & 25 at 11 a.m.

read Around Uxbridge (All ages) – July 12 at 10 a.m. (Sunburst Blueberry Farm), July 19 at 10 a.m. (riverbend Farm), &

DrOP-In PrOgrAMS: Crafty Wednesdays - Mornings and afternoons

FMI visit: or call us at 508-278-8624.

Intrepid Readers Group to meet

The Intrepid readers group at the Simon Fairfield Public Library, 290 Main Street, Douglas, will be meeting on Tuesday, July 11th, 6:30 p.m. All are welcomed to join us to discuss Peter Balakian's  Black Dog of Fate, a  memoir which traces the author's awakening to his family's Armenian heritage, overshadowed by Turkey's genocide against Armenians in 1915.

Call the Library, 508-476-2695, for a copy of the book, available in print. Homemade treats will be offered, inspired by the book.

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4 SQUAReS_______

continued from front page local group, town and community proud.

Thinking back to their time together as kids and teenagers, Muradian says of Costanza’s accomplishment, “To be perfectly honest, I am not at all surprised. World Champion, yes, but knowing he was successful? not one bit. Eric was a star athlete for the northbridge rams on the baseball diamond, and was a menace (I say that with nothing but admiration) on the 4Squares court”.

4-Squares has not yet become a professional sport which is why it is more commonly referred to as a “game”. With the popularity gaining steam, this may be a matter of time as there are negotiations being had to have the event broadcasted on ESPn or one of their affiliated networks next year. When asked why he loves 4-Squares so much, Costanza says, “It’s not just a

physical athletic sport. Don’t get me wrong, there is a ton of athleticism involved, but there is so much strategy, planning and psychology involved as well.” And what about the future of 4-

Costanza with two of his children at the old Riverdale Park 4-Squares court where he learned the game.

Above Eric shares the trophy with his children; Trysta, Desiree and CJ. At right a victorious Costanza with trophy in-hand after winning the World’s 4Squares Championships in Bridgton, Maine.

Squares? He goes on to say, “I’ve been saying for over 15 years that 4-Squares should absolutely be an Olympic sport. I know it’s looked at as a bit of a quirky and maybe even ridiculous kid game but so wasn’t pickle ball once upon a time and look how that’s taken off. I see things like corn hole and tag on ESPn and I look forward to the day that 4Squares get its time to shine and be notarized for the fascinating athletic and strategic sport that it is.”

For now, the World Championships is held in Maine, but Muradian would be open to bringing this event to where some consider to be the 4-Squares hub as he excitedly remarks, “Worcester County has so much to offer and helping promote local tourism would certainly be something I would commit to. If Bridgton, Maine decides to stop hosting the event, I can think of no better place to continue the World Championships than right here where the reigning WOrLD CHAMPIOn - ErIC COSTAnZA - lives!


Once we learn your needs,

PAge 10 JUlY 2023
the shopping for
CONTACT US TODAY. Yo ur b u s i ne ss i s o u r b u si n e s s .

~Society ~

Waters Farm sets Open House date

Waters Farm will hold an open house on Sunday, July 9th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please see the scheduled times for the various activities. The farm is located at 53 Waters road in Sutton. Admission to the event is free and open to the public. The Antique Farm Tractor Pull will begin at 10:00 a.m. and last until finished. Participants and spectators are welcome. To participate in the tractor pull, contact Kelly Oosterman via the Waters Farm Tractor Pull Facebook page. registration and a fee is required for all pullers.

We welcome Joey D’s Wingz ‘n Thingz serving some of their unique and creative food beginning at 11a. Please come and support one of our local food purveyors.

From 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m., guests can view the newly restored hearths and beehive oven in the north Kitchen and Dining room during their tour of the 1757 Waters farmhouse.

At 2:30 p.m., a free walking tour will begin from the farmhouse. Ken Ethier, a local historian, and board member of Waters Farm, will lead visitors to the granite quarry, charcoal pit, and farm buildings. Be sure to wear sturdy, closed-toe walking shoes.


Fuller & McGowan to wed

Douglas and Diane Fuller of northbridge are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Brittany Fuller to Christopher Mcgowan, son of William and Kathleen Mcgowan of northbridge.

Brittany is a 2013 graduate of northbridge High School and a 2017 graduate of Coastal Carolina University. She received a degree in global Health Issues and is employed as a Senior Program Manager for the Stem Cell Transplant and Cellular Therapy Program at Boston Medical Center in Boston, MA.

Christopher is a 2012 graduate of northbridge High School and a 2017 graduate of Wentworth Institute of Technology. He received a degree in Construction Management and is employed as a Project Manager for DC Beane and Associates Construction Company in Charlestown, MA. A July 2025 wedding is planned.

resident blacksmith, Dan Soucy, will be in the Cornelius Putnam Blacksmith Shop demonstrating metal smithing on the forge. Dan has an extensive collection of antique tools on display.

Bruce Hopper of Pure BS Maple Sugar Shack will chat about locally produced maple products and lead tours of the maple sugar house at Waters Farm. Hopper’s delicious products will be available to purchase.

guests of all ages can groom and take their picture with miniature horses courtesy of the Heidi Kunkel Foundation. These adorable rescue animals reside at the Mike Carpenter Stables. As an all-volunteer, 501(c)3 nonprofit living history center, Waters Farm Preservation, Inc. is always looking for more volunteers to share their time and expertise. Learn more about volunteer opportunities at the farm by visiting its website,

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JUlY 2023 PAge 11
Dan Soucy, will be in the Cornelius Putnam Blacksmith Shop.
The New location... Same great ser vices. 274 MAIN STREET • DOUGLAS, MA 508.234.3982 The Spa In Whitinsville is moving to a new location! Our new name will be.... Opening mid - July
Brittany Fuller & Christoper McGowan
ThiS iSSue ONliNe AT:
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senior corner

northbridge Senior news

Plummer Place (Home of the northbridge Senior Center) is open: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m.1:00 p.m. Telephone: 508-234-2002

Plummer Place Café is open! Chef Pete Sabourin is cooking lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays in our brand-new kitchen. There is an $8 fee for lunch, and you must sign up for all meals at the front office. Chef Pete has many delicious meals planned, come in to pick up our monthly menu or call the office. Please note we have discontinued the breakfasts and added the extra lunch.

FInE’s 120 Club new cycle will start on July 6th and will run through november 16th. Our 120 Club raffle has weekly drawings for a chance to win $20 each week. The grand prize drawing will be held on november 16th for a chance to win $500, $400, $300, $200 or $100. Purchase your $20 tickets at the Plummer Place front desk.

Facial Treatments, Thursday July 6th. Schedule your appointment with nancy and get pampered at Plummer Place! Treatments include cleansing, exfoliating, hand and arm massage with heated mitts, extractions, toner, and moisturizer. $35 plus gratuity. Space is limited, call nancy directly at 508-8685525. Time slots are between 9-1:00 p.m.

Scrabble players will meet on Mondays, July 10th, and July 24th at 10:00 a.m. We are always looking for new players! Call Jeanne to sign up.

Veterans Services rep, Carl Bradshaw will be here on Tuesday, July 11th at 10:30 am for his office hour.

Salmon VnA Blood Pressure Clinic, Tuesday, July 11th from 11:00-12:00 p.m.

Book Club will meet on Wednesday, July 19th at 10:30 a.m. Call Michelle to find out what book we are reading.

“Take a Hike” will meet Tuesdays, July 11th & 25th weather permitting, destination to be announced. All walks start at 10:00 a.m. Call Jeanne for more information.

Dull Men’s Club, Friday July 7th from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Are you looking for an opportunity to share your thoughts and experiences or listen to a speaker or enjoy some trivia or jokes? Come and see if our newest program is for you! Coffee and donuts are on us! Please contact Amy to sign up.

geometric Painting Class, Thursday, July 6th 2:30-3:00 p.m. Channel your inner Picasso and come join us! Take home your creative creation! $3 cash per person the day of the event which will cover all your costs and supplies. Space is limited, sign up with Amy.

Urgency & Incontinence in the Aging Population of Women, Tuesday, July 18th, 1:00 p.m. Amanda Lehman, PT, DPT, CSCS from Milford regional Medical Center will be here to discuss with us bladder basics, changes as we age, types of incontinence, habit changes to make, things we can do for prevention and the role of physical therapy. Share in this important discussion, ask questions, or just listen to other women’s stories. This will be a small group presentation, sign up with Michelle, space is limited. refreshments will be provided.

Calendar of Events at Senior Center

The following events are offered by the Uxbridge Senior Center located at 36 South Main Street. FMI: 508-278-8622.

Monday July 3rd & Tuesday, July 4th – The Senior Center will be closed in observance of Independence Day. re-opening 7/5/2023.

Tuesday, July 5th – 1:30 p.m. – Movie afternoon watching 80 for Brady! Call or stop by to sign up and let us know if you would like to join us for lunch on this day. Transportation is available as well.

Thursday, July 6th – 10:30 am – Veterans’ Services with Carl Bradshaw by appointment only. Call 508-278-8622 to sign up.

Zumba & Low Impact Exercise Classes

Thursday, July 6th with last Low Impact Class on July 13th. Zumba is from 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm and Low Impact Class 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm.

Friday, July 7th – 12:00 pm – Lunch & Learn with Chief Montminy. Uxbridge Police Association will be sponsoring our July 4th Picnic! guest speaker will be from ranger Viola Bramel, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, West Hill Dam. Be sure to rSVP for this free luncheon.

Friday, July 7th – 1:00 p.m. - Bemis Farms

HAPPY TO HELP - Gail Boutiette; Outreach Coordinator, Lisa Bernard; Director, Pat Ordway; Cook, volunteer/students from Our Lady of The valley Regional School; Nick, Patrick & Nolan and Sally Selvidge; Activities Coordinator. At right: Nancy Machado and Joseph “Jerry” Rajotte.

will be coming to the senior center to make a Topiary Turtle! You must rSVP for this event by July 5th. Cost is $25 per person and space is limited. You must also stop by the center to pay at time of sign-up. Thank you for your cooperation!

Mondays, July 10th, 17th & 24th – 1:30 p.m. Water Color Painting with Susan Franz. please continued on next page

JUlY 2023 PAge 13

Senior center______

continued from page 13 call ahead to sign up and let us know if you will be joining us for lunch. $6.00 donation per class. Please note:  See front desk when signing up. Payment is due upon signup. Thank you for your cooperation!

Tuesday, July 11th – 1:00 p.m. –Uxbridge Library Book Club. They will be discussing Flying Solo by Linda Holmes. You are welcome to join us for lunch on this day, just be sure to call ahead to book yours!

Tuesday, July 11th – 1:00 p.m. –Benefit Enrollment Specialist – TriValley, Inc. Call the senior center to book an appointment with Katelynn Wackell. next date will be August 8th.

Tuesday, July 18th – 9:00 a.m. –SHInE Appointments available for health insurance questions with Pat nectow. Please call 508-278-8622 to schedule.

Tuesday, July 18th – 1:00 p.m. –

Hobby Lobby Shopping Trip with Sally! Sign up early seating is limited.

Wednesday, July 19th - 1:30 p.m. –3:30 p.m. – BIngO at the Uxbridge Senior Center. Join us for a fun afternoon of BIngO & cash prizes! Packet of 10 games for $10.00. Let us know if you’d like to join us for lunch on this date by calling or stop in to rSVP.

Transportation is available. Please note:  See front desk as payment is due upon signup.

Thursday, July 20th – 8:30 a.m. –Podiatrist Dr. Biancamano will be available for appointments. Please call ahead to book yours.

Thursday, July 20th – 1:00 p.m. –Make Sock gnomes with Sally! $7.00 per person and payment is due upon sign-up. See front desk.

Friday, July 21st – 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. – “PopUp Library”. Books will be on display to check out, library card sign-ups, book hold pick-ups, etc. This program being offered by the Uxbridge Free Public Library.

Tuesday, July 25th - 11:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m. – Ask the nurse Free Blood Pressure Clinic with nancy Favulli, Salmon Health VnA. rSVP to participate and to join us for lunch.

Wednesday, July 26th – Movie Trip to Blackstone Valley 14 Cinema De Lux with lunch at Wendy’s. Senior movie ticket price: $7.75 and popcorn & soda $4.50 – Movie and times to be advised and space is limited on the van.

Thursday, July 27th – 12 noon –Lunch Outing at Pout Pond. We will be playing BIngO! This is sponsored by the Uxbridge Elderly Connection Inc. Please call ahead to rSVP and transportation is available or you can meet us there!

Friday, July 28th – July Birthday Cake Celebration at noontime!

Monday, July 31st - 1:30 p.m. – “Ask the Attorney” with Attorney ralph Tepper by appointment only. Please Call 508-278-8622 to schedule your appointment.

Card game played on Monday and

BIngO on Wednesday during our congregate lunches. no BIngO July 19th.

Hannaford grocery shopping every Tuesday. Pick up begins at 8:30 a.m. Please sign up in advance by calling us at 508-278-8622 to reserve your seat on the van.

Knitting Club every Tuesday @ 1:30 p.m. Come join the fun!

Every Wednesday – 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

The Uxbridge Senior Center Transportation Program Community Shuttle. This shuttle is for seniors and individuals with disabilities to destinations such as post office, pet care appointments, hair salon or barber, bank, pharmacy & shopping anywhere in the Uxbridge/ northbridge area. note: this replaces the weekly bank/pharmacy and Shaw’s Ocean State rides. Call 508-278-8622

for information and to book a ride. requests require a 48-hour notice.

Wednesdays - “Canasta” Hand, Knee & Foot Card game – 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. no Canasta on July 19th.

Medical Transportation is accepting appointments. Call 508-278-8622 to schedule your rides.

The senior center is in need of the following donations: Lysol wipes, newly packaged napkins, paper towels, tissues, toilet paper, ground regular & decaf coffee. We thank you for your support!

Feel free to contact us at 508-2788622 or visit us on our web page at or like us on our FB page or by googling Uxbridge Senior Center and our new YouTube Channel or even dropping by.

Douglas Adult Social Center plans July Events


Monday: Painting class 9:45 to 11:45

a.m, Balance & Strength Exercise 12 p.m, Mat Yoga 2 p.m.

Tuesday: Cribbage 9:30 a.m., Zumba 9:30 a.m, Bingo & lunch $4.00 11:30

a.m., Technology Class 1 p.m. by appointment only, Jenga or giant Connect 4 @ 2 p.m.

Wednesday: Balance & Strength 10 am, Mahjong 1 p.m.

Thursday: Yoga 9:30 a.m., Hand & Foot cards 12:30 p.m.

Friday: Balance & Strength 10 a.m.

JULY EVEnTS: The center will be closed on Tuesday July 4th, Happy Independence Day.


MassHealth has returned to its standard annual eligibility renewal process. All 2.3 million members will be reviewed over the following 12 months. Members who need to provide information to MassHealth will receive a redetermination package in a large blue envelope. In preparation for this, it is important that you: report any address changes or status updates to Mass Health as soon as possible. Update MassHealth by calling the Customer Service number at 800-841-2900.



Open and read any communications from MassHealth as soon as it arrives in the mail. Follow the instructions in the letter and return any forms and required documentation.

***Make sure you reply well in advance of the deadline.***

• Lunch & a Movie will be on Thursday July 13th @ 12 p.m. BLT’s will be served for $4.00 per person, you must pay for lunch when you sign up. The movie we will be watching is “80 for Brady.” Please call the center to sign up before July 10th by calling the center @ 508-476-2283.

• Darci will be back on Thursday July 13th @ 10 a.m. for hearing aid cleaning appointments. There is no charge for this cleaning. You may call the center to schedule an appointment by calling 508-476-2283.

• Fallon Health will present a discussion on Wednesday July 19th @ 11:30 a.m. The topics will be “Sodium, Hypertension & Making Healthier Food Choices” and “rethink your Drink.” Lunch will be Broccoli & Chicken Alfredo for $4.00. You must pay for lunch when you sign up. Please call the center @ 508-476-2283 to sign up before July 14th.

Check our website for events that may not be listed here https://www.

PAge 14 JUlY 2023
151 Douglas Pike #1 Smithfield, RI 02917 P 401-349-0456 F 401-349-0457 43 Main Street S. Grafton, MA 01560 P 774-293-1515 F 774-293-1315 Have you been putting off taking care of your hearing, tinnitus or hearing aids? MAKE THIS SUMMER A FRESH START.

Taft STEAM enjoys end of year events

Taft Early Learning Center STEAM Lab is steaming forward to finish out the 2022-2023 school year with amazing happenings with Ms. gallerani's students! Ms. gallerani would like to express her deepest gratitude to our community partnerships: Taft PTO, Uxbridge Police Department and Sergeant Morrissette, Massachusetts Department of Fire Services and State Fire Marshal Peter Ostroskey, Fork Farms and Sam Malesa, Pat Stephan with Ceramic and glass Industry Foundation, Koopman Lumber and Hardware, and Uxbridge Cultural Council (LLC).

During the month of May, Taft STEAM Lab hosted a Connection to STEAM Career Day with Sergeant Morrissette from the Uxbridge Police Department. All students had the opportunity to learn from police technology with a drone demonstration.

skey. Students were able to make connections and build off with Sergeant Morrissette drone presentations and learn more about thermal imagines in drones and fire services with drone technology. Students had the opportunity to perform three science experiments with Fire Marshal Ostroskey looking at drone images compared visible light and infrared light!

The series of Connections to STEAM Careers has continued with the Ceramic Engineering Industry.  The students had the opportunity to learn about a local resident, Pat Stephan's expertise and ceramic samples.

The Taft STEAM Lab has just formed a great partnership with Fork Farms with hydroponics in the classroom. We are in the middle of harvesting the produce and the students are extremely excited about the project! Stay tuned as we will update you on the project!

Local Music Students to perform free concert

Barbara Paquette’s Music room held their Spring recital last month at the Village Congregational Church in Whitinsville. Students performed on piano, drums, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, and guitar. Barbara Paquette’s students Ethan Larue, (piano) and noah Allen, (trumpet) will be performing on Sunday, July 2nd at the

Village Congregational Church in Whitinsville at 2:00 p.m.  The performance is free and open to the public. A variety of music from classical to jazz will be performed.

Ethan will be entering his Senior year at nipmuc H.S. in Mendon. noah will be entering Berklee College of Music when he returns from a European tour

with the Carnegie Jazz Ensemble. noah has studied with Barbara Paquette for 15 years and Ethan has been with with her for 10 years. They have performed in numerous recitals, participated in ngPT and ABrSM exams. Music will continue to be a big part of their lives in college and beyond.

The Taft STEAM Lab Outdoor Classroom is expanding  in big ways! A massive thank you to Uxbridge Koopman Lumber and Hardware and Uxbridge Cultural Council LLC for their donation  to purchase the materials to create an all weather proof whiteboard for the outdoor classroom. Thank you to Steven gallerani for donating his skills and building the board.

During the month of June, Taft STEAM Labs hosted a continuous series of connections to STEAM Career Day with drones with the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services with State Fire Marshal Peter Ostro-

JUlY 2023 PAge 15 school News %) ! %1 !)!+ -%*), ,!+/%)# -$! ' &,-*)! ''!2 .)!+ ' *(! 3 3 3 3 %'' -+!!- $%-%),/%''! 000 ++".)!+ '$*(! *( FLANSBURG PLUMBING New Homes • Remodels Additions • Repair Jon - Douglas, MA MASTER LIC. 11969 (508) 341-3779 Sepe Tree Service “Quality Tree Service with affordable prices” Trimming, Pruning & Tree Care Tree Removal Estimates Lot Clearing, Stump Removal Emergency Tree Services Call 508-399-7773 Go Green – We recycle " #! # # ! ! "# " Leading the industry in first class Tree Service for 30 years in RI, MA & CT Summer Time Fun.... Join Our Horse Academy Boarding • Lessons • Shows • Horse Trials 144 Williams Street, Uxbridge, MA • Please call or text: 508-918-4531
SWEET SOUNDS - Performers at a recent recital. (left to right) Alison Fletcher, Yvaine Smith, Ayla Allen, Michael vos, Jace Goodson, Luke Hutchinson, Caroline Simonds and Barbara Paquette. Second row is Chloe Kelly, Kamiela Torku, Nathanael vos, Jude Goodson, Sam Waugh, Noah Alle, Ailish Mitchell, Ethan LaRue, and Nathan Kuras.
Thank you to Steven Gallerani for donating his skills & building the board.

Koopman Family featured at IBD Connect Inc. Running in Place 5K event

IBD Connect, Inc., a local nonprofit organization, is proud to announce that the Koopman Family from northbridge has been selected as the Featured Family for their 2023 running in Place 5K event. Ten-year-old riley Koopman first began experiencing symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, as early as age four. By the time riley was eight years old, she was experiencing significant weight loss, fatigue, mouth sores, stomach cramping, and frequent trips to the bathroom. In 2022, riley was

admitted to Boston Children’s Hospital with high inflammation markers in her stool, and a colonoscopy and endoscopy confirmed the diagnosis of Crohn’s disease. The two main types of IBD, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, are both chronic, incurable autoimmune diseases.

Travis and Tammy Koopman, riley’s parents, were devastated when they learned about riley’s diagnosis. They turned to IBD Connect Inc., a nonprofit organization founded in 2019 by

Scholarship recipients, Tahlia Smith (above

Uxbridge resident Lisa Fournier. Lisa is the mother of two daughters living with Crohn’s disease and understands the impact that this disease can have. Thus, IBD Connect aims to support, engage, and empower pediatric IBD patients and their loved ones by means of support groups, special events, and financial assistance programs. The Koopman family, which also includes riley’s siblings,

and Jocelyn Pressley. Smith attend Southern Conn State University to study nursing. Pressley will attend Clark University where she will study film.

Chloe, Avery, and gracie, as well as Tammy’s mother rebecca Cooper, joined one of IBD Connect’s support groups soon after riley’s diagnosis.

The Koopman family immediately chose to face Crohn’s disease with

courage, strength, and positivity. They display support and kindness to one another, recognizing that riley’s diagnosis impacts the entire family. gracie, the youngest child in the Koopman family, was even recently honored by IBD Connect as an “IBD Warrior” when she decided to follow the same dietary restrictions imposed on riley as she prepped for a colonoscopy. This family’s encouragement and kindness extend beyond the confines of their own family, however. The members of the Koopman family are currently active participants at every IBD Connect support group meeting, activity, and fundraiser. In fact, last year, the Koopman family was the top fundraising family for IBD Connect! The Koopmans treat all families with respect and generosity, humbly supporting those who are in crisis or need assistance. “It takes a village to raise a child with IBD, and we are honored to have the Koopman family as part of our village” states IBD Connect’s founder and president Lisa Fournier. The Koopmans truly embody IBD Connect’s mission to support, engage, and empower IBD patients and their loved ones and thus are truly deserving of the honor of Featured Family for the nonprofit’s 5K event this year. They were chosen by the IBD Connect team from over eighty families that the nonprofit has served over the past few years through programs and resources.


IBD Connect’s running in Place 5K event will be held October 14, 2023 at riverbend Farm in Uxbridge. This highly anticipated annual event is one of the nonprofit’s top fundraising events each year. Families and friends can form teams that can choose to either walk, run, or kayak riverbend Farm’s canal trail. There are games, activities, speakers, and food provided for all participants and guests.

As the featured family, the Koopmans will be speakers at the event, with the opportunity to share more of their family’s story. All proceeds from the event will go directly to raising IBD awareness, financially supporting families in crisis, and funding educational materials for support group members and newly diagnosed IBD patients. Currently, IBD Connect offers both in-person and virtual support groups for pediatric patients and their families, young adult patients, and caregivers. They also offer financial resources for those struggling with medical bills, expenses not covered by insurance, and emergency situations. Additionally, two $1,000 scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors living with IBD each year.

One of the nonprofit’s staple products are “Warrior Bags” for newly diagnosed pediatric IBD patients. These bags are distributed to a hospital and are filled with activities and items that are meant to comfort the diagnosed child and family during a time that can often be overwhelming. IBD Connect has seen tremendous growth since its formation in 2019, and they hope to keep the momentum going. “We continue to expand to help families wherever there is a need,” says founder & President Lisa Fournier. FMI visit or email:

Grapes: comic www.sourgrapes
PAge 16 JUlY 2023 JBL Auto & Truck Complete Auto & Truck Service 346 Sutton St. (Nydam’s Way), Uxbridge, MA 774-573-0943 • CALL TODAY! You Won’t Be Disappointed Joe Lozeau - Owner 25 Years Experience Formerly of Harbro & Uxbridge Auto 3
Tim Jones is a self-syndicated Comic Strip Artist, and a member of the National Cartoonist Society. left)
N CA$H L a b e l l e
Featured Family for the 2023 Running in Place 5K are the Koopman’s from Northbridge.
"$ # 401-309-1691 ! ! $

Violette third time qualifier for Leaders Club Award BVCC Steamers At Sunset Lobster Bake

The Bulfinch group is pleased to announce that Whitinsville resident, Darren Violette, a Principal of Profectus Financial Partners, has been named a Leaders Club qualifier by The guardian Life Insurance Company of America®. Leaders Club is one of the highest honors annually awarded by The guardian to financial professionals who demonstrate outstanding service and dedication to their clients.

“We congratulate Darren on being recognized as a Leaders Club qualifier, which is a true testament in regard to his exceptional client service,” explains Seth Medalie, CLU®, ChFC®, President and Founder of The Bulfinch group. “Being named to the guardian Leaders Club further proves what a remarkable asset Darren is to both our firm and to his clients.” Darren attended Bryant University and is a resident of Whitinsville.

Headquartered in Whitinsville, Profectus Financial Partners (Profectus is Latin for success or growth) is a leading strategic advisory planning firm that acts as your retirement outfitters –locating and providing the financial equipment necessary for your journey. As your retirement planning outfitters, we help allow our clients to experience retirement as the great adventure that it should be rather than as the perilous and frightening grind that it may be for too many. PFP helps ensure you have the appropriate retirement planning equipment as well as the proper advice along the way. We seek to leave you with freedom, fulfillment, and love rather than an anxious existence. To learn more, please visit ProfectusFP. com. The Bulfinch group has helped redefine Wealth Management to create a complete client experience that begins by putting each client’s life at the center of the conversation, not their money. With a client-centric focus, The Bulfinch group works to protect wealth from risks such as market volatility, erratic interest rates and the potential for insufficient assets -- all threats to longterm financial stability. The Bulfinch group’s experienced team of specialists create in-depth assessments on how to help maximize cash flow, optimize tax planning strategies, provide protection and build and grow wealth to reach each client’s unique goals.

For more information, visit guardian or follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.

Profectus Financial Partners offers feebased planning, wealth advisory services, and securities through Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS) and insurance through The Bulfinch group Insurance Agency, LLC. You should consult your tax or legal advisor regarding your individual situation. Darren Violette, registered representative and Finan-

cial Advisor of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). OSJ: 160 gould Street, Suite 310, needham 781-449-4402. Securities, products and advisory services offered through PAS, member FInrA, SIPC. Financial representative of The guardian Life Insurance Company of America ® (guardian), new York, nY. PAS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of guardian. Profectus Financial Partners LLC and The Bulfinch group are not affiliates or subsidiaries of PAS or guardian. Life insurance offered through The Bulfinch group Insurance Agency, LLC, an affiliate of The Bulfinch group, LLC. The Bulfinch group, LLC is not licensed to sell insurance. CA Insurance License #0M18222. 2023-153873 Exp 5/25.

Join the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce for our annual quintessential summer Signature Event, Steamers at Sunset, a traditional new England Lobster Bake. Celebrate with your friends, colleagues, and fellow chamber members on the evening of Wednesday, August 16th, from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.. This highly anticipated event will be held at The Barn at Blissful Meadows golf Club, 801 Chocolog road, Uxbridge. We are honored to have Precious Ones Child Care Center and Preschool as Presenting Sponsor of this year’s fabulous event!

Steamers At Sunset is an anxiously awaited Chamber event. It always delivers as a fun-filled evening you can share with your friends, colleagues, fellow chamber members and potential clients. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the

rhythm of Caribbean themed music, delectable summer food, refreshing cocktails, fun activities and more. Dress to impress in your finest tropical

$40/$55. All attendees must indicate their choice of steamers or new England clam chowder at time of registration. Dinner includes a served salad, your pre-selected choice of steamers or new England clam chowder, and light dessert. Please rSVP by August 8, 2023. For more information, please contact Liz O’neil at 508.234.9090 ext. 102 or email Liz at, We look forward to seeing you there!

island attire for a chance to win the coveted golden Lobster Award! register online at Cost to attend for Lobster is $90 for Members and $100 for Future Members, Steak is $65/$80, Chicken is $50/$65, and Vegetarian (Beyond Burger) is

The Mission of the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce is to preserve and enhance the economic vitality of the Blackstone Valley by addressing the needs and concerns of businesses and providing leadership, support and resources in connection with issues which impact commerce and the quality of life in the Valley.

JUlY 2023 PAge 17 business review Cove Insurance Agency ! ( ! # # % % ( & #$! & ! ( ! !! & ! !# # ' ! "" $" ##" Support Community News...Advertise Here.
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Silver Club plans Summer Bus Trips

On Thursday, August 24, there is a trip planned to see the show "Jersey Boys" at The Theatre by the Sea by The Silver Club of the Uxbridge Senior Center. Lunch will be at Bravo by the Sea, the restaurant at the theatre. The choices will be oven roasted haddock, roasted chicken breast, or pasta primavera. Bus pickups will be at the Millbury Park and ride in Millbury and at the Dollar general in Whitinsville. Make plans for September! There is also a 5 day trip September  1115th to Lancaster, PA to see the show "noah" at Sight and Sound Theatre. Call Sue at 508-476-5820 for more  information and pricing for  either of these trips.

Chamber presents Summer Baseball Series

The Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce (BVCC) is excited to present our Summer Baseball Series that includes two fantastic evenings out on the town celebrating our local baseball teams. The first of which is our Craft Beer night at the Worcester Bravehearts featuring a game of the Worcester Bravehearts versus the Vermont Lake Monsters, on Thursday, July 13, 2023, located at the Hanover Insurance Park at Fitton Field, 1 College St. Worcester from 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m, and the second event is our Blackstone Valley Day at Polar Park, featuring a game of the WooSox versus the rochester red Wings on Friday, July 28, 2023 located at Polar Park, 100 Madison St., Worcester from 6:45 p.m. - 9:45 p.m.

We’ve teamed up with the Worcester regional Chamber of Commerce and the Worcester Bravehearts to offer you an amazing deal under the tent at the

Craft Beer night at the Worcester Bravehearts on July 13th. Catch a game, grab a brew or two from a variety of local breweries, enjoy great music, sample some quintessential game bites, and so much more! Admission is $35 for Members, and $75 for Future Members of the Chamber. This price includes 12, 3oz. drink tickets for tasting, access to all-you-can-eat concession stands, live entertainment and of course the game! To register, please visit, and kindly rSVP by July 6th.

The Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce is pleased to partner with the Worcester red Sox (WooSox) to offer you an amazing Summer evening out on the town at Polar Park on Friday, July 28th and stay for the Friday night Fireworks after the game! Admission is $27 for Members, and $37 for Future Members of the Chamber. Ticket price

includes a $10 loaded value which can be used anywhere in the park for concessions, beverages and merchandise!

To register, please head on over to, and kindly rSVP by July 21st.

The Mission of the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce is to preserve


and enhance the economic vitality of the Blackstone Valley by addressing the needs and concerns of businesses and providing leadership, support and resources in connection with issues which impact commerce and the quality of life in the Valley.

JUlY 2023 PAge 19 ).$*)1 " , ",, ).% 2 ).$*)1 " , ).$*)1#",, ).% &0 *( " , #",, ).% &0 *( $*!" -' )! -- $/-"..$ ##% " %- )!"+")!").'1 0)"! )! +", ."! ...I'm also your Neighbor + * +# ', ( ," % $+,(' %% 0 & &#%# * /#," ," &(+, )) %#'! +) ,+ ( (-* ,(/'+ /(-% %(. ," ())(*,-'#,0 ,( " %) 0(- /#," 0(-* % +, , ' + FREE MARKET ANALYSIS NEIGHBOR %,(*1 Suburban Redesign Creative and practical redesign company ready to help make your living space more inviting, one room at a time! Because it should feel good to be home! Tr a n s f o r m i n g S p a c e s I n t o H a p p y P l a c e s ! Services Include: • Room Refresh• Real Estate Staging • Furniture Placement • Color Consultation INFO@SUBURBANREDESIGN.COM For Questions or to Schedule a Consult (508) 277-1766 @SuburbanRedesign S E RV I C E S ! " ! Critter Sitting & Dog Walking Services Daily / Weekly / Vacation CLASSIFIEDS H O M E I M P ROV E M E N T R E A L E S TAT E N OV E N A help us to continue bringing community news to local towns. Advertise Here!
U-KNIGHTED AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR "We perform all your car care needs" 508-526-3169 Custom Exhaust Experts ,&(,%0 4 /!,0+(00(-,0 4 /!)%0 4 -,2%/1%/0 4 (/%0 %*$(,& !"/(#!1(-, %/2(#%0 4 *%3 (.%0 4 (* '!,&%0
PAge 20 JUlY 2023

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