1 minute read

Caring for parents with children in crisis

Dear Editor,

In one of your recent issues, Christine Beauchaine wrote a very important article that brought awareness to the heartbreaking number of acute mental health issues among our children. These situations put an immense burden on the entire family. Parents often experience anxiety and hopelessness as they try to provide care for their children. Caregivers are often overwhelmed and in crisis themselves.

At Valley Chapel in Uxbridge, we want to support parents and caregivers that have children in crisis. In May, we started a support group to offer comfort, practical guidance and spiritual care for parents in these difficult situations. The main focus of the group is not parenting advice rather working together at achieving our own strength and peace through the pursuit of our own spiritual and mental health.

We meet at the church every other Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. in room 220. In July those Sunday nights are 7/2, 7/16 and 7/30. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Pastor Matt genese at 508-278-2315 or by email at pastorg@valleychapel.us.

- Your friends at Valley Chapel

Letters to the Editor can be submitted to newsatthenut@msn.com. All submissions must include an email or phone number and the name of the author of the letter.