The New Uxbridge Times - February, 2025

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Uxbridge Times

Final report on “Aging in Uxbridge” unveiled

The uxbridge Senior Center and university of Massachusetts Boston gerontology institute are excited to share with you the report Aging in uxbridge: A Community needs Assessment

This report is the result of many months of coordination and planning and is the culmination of feedback and ideas from uxbridge’s residents who have provided their time, energy, and ideas Over the past year, many uxbridge residents of all ages participated in interviews, focus groups and a community survey

The focus areas include outdoor spaces and public buildings; broader transportation options; respect for diversity and social inclusion; communication and public information; housing choices; social participation; civic participation and employment; community and mental and physical health services

The report was researched and written by the expert team at the university of Massachusetts Boston gerontology institute The center would also like to thank dr Caitlin Coyle and her team at uMASS for their passion, enthusiasm, and dedication to this project

“We are grateful to everyone who participated in this process and provided

thoughtful feedback including uxbridge residents, community leaders, service providers, business owners, and municipal employees who gave of their time and provided insights into how to make uxbridge a more vibrant community ” stated lisa Bernard; director

Please join us on Wednesday, February 19th at 12 noon at the uxbridge Senior Center, located at 36 South Main Street, uxbridge, for a presentation of this Final Report This is a luncheon meeting so please sign up early as space is limited There will also be an evening Zoom meeting presentation at the BOS meeting which will be held on Monday, February 24th at 6:30 p m at the Town Hall

The public will find this report to be informative and we encourage you to participate in the work ahead to meet our community’s needs and improve the lives of uxbridge’s residents This report will be shared widely, and the information will be used to support strategic and program planning

Thank you for your support, vision, and engagement as we work to make uxbridge a community for all ages For more information, please contact lisa Bernard, director of the uxbridge Senior Center, at 508-278-8622 or lbernard@uxbridge-ma gov

Special gueSt - president george Washington will be presented by John Koopman iii Since 2006, John has portrayed george Washington at many National parks, State parks, and other historic sites all along the east coast. John has appeared in documentaries and films on pBS, the travel channel, the History channel and others

George Washington’s Birthday Celebration

The uxbridge Historical Society is proud to present a celebration of george Washington’s birthday on Saturday, February 22nd at 1:00 p m

The program will be held at the Community House of the First Congregational Church on Court Street in uxbridge Additional parking is available at uniBank and at Savers Bank A

Maple Sugaring Weekend at River Bend

All programs are free and open to the public Registration is not required All programs meet in the River Bend Farm Visitor Center unless otherwise noted

Programming is subject to change For the most up to date programming information, call (508) 278-7604 or visit our website at bit ly/blst updates MAPle SugARing Weekend

it’s that sweet time of year again! Join us on February 22nd and 23rd for our annual Maple Sugaring Weekend

guided tours will be offered at 11 am, 12 p m , 1 p m & 2 p m , and last about 90 minutes

For information on accessibility and reasonable accommodations, please call (617) 645-0358 or email moneesha dasgupta2@mass gov

The Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park is located at 287 Oak Street, uxbridge MA 01569

The program is free but space is limited Preregistration is recommended at


limited spots will be available at the door on a first come, first serve basis

Appropriate for all ages Children must be accompanied by an adult

Tours include outdoor elements

Please dress for the weather and wear appropriate footwear The program will run rain, snow, or shine

suggested donation of $10 per person would be greatly appreciated to support the program All are welcome to attend

Their special guest will be President george Washington, presented by John koopman iii Sinc 2006, John has portrayed george Washington at many na-tional Parks, State Parks, and other historic sites all along the east Coast John has appeared in documentarie and films on PBS, the Tr Channel, The History Channel and others He has also written a book “george Washington at WAR – 1776” which will be available for purchase at the program for $15 00

President Washington will speak on the uS Constitution and the Constitutional Convention He will give Washington s point of view on the process and the result during the first months of the first presidency This will be in

Pork Roast Dinner at St. Peter’s Parish

St Peter ’s Parish in Northbridge is hosting a Pork Roast Dinner on Saturday, February 8th starting at 5:30 p m in the parish hall Bring your family and friends for a wonderful meal a

Tickets are $17 per dinner and includes salad and dessert To

go meals will be available for pick up around 5:00 p m and all orders must be purchased in advance

Please call the parish office at 508-234-2156 or email parishoffice@stpeterrockdale org to purchase tickets or if you have any questions

keeping with the story of his 1789 visit to uxbridge in the year following its official adoption by new Hampshire, the 9th state to adopt it, making the uS Constitution the supreme law of e land The presentation will last about 45 minutes, followed by a questionand-answer period as well as a book signing One of his stops along this journey was at the amuel Taft Tavern on SutStreet in uxbridge where he spent the night Through the generations, the bed in which he slept that night was carefully preserved and was recently donated to the uxbridge Historical Society for its collection

The bed is currently in storage but will be put on exhibit in the near future

For more information or questions, contact: uxbridgehistoricalsociety@ gmail com or call Mary Beauchamp at (508) 930-6021

A Thank You from your friends at Mendon Street Kitchen

dear Readers,

We want to express our deepest gratitude to our incredible community for the overwhelming support we have received during this challenging time

The unexpected incident involving the neighboring building has impacted our operations, but your kindness and generosity have been a true source of light in this difficult moment

To everyone who has reached out with words of encouragement, financial con-

tributions, or offers of assistance, please know how much it means to us

Your love and support have reminded us of the strength and heart of our community

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the following businesses and community members who have gone above and beyond to help us:

Heritage and Main Real estate: Brian

O’neill and Shelley Ferrage

Re/MAX generations: Caitlin gannon


Wiseguys Trivia:

graham Adams and his hosts

uxbridge Ski and Snowboard Club

John Wise


dickie & Amy Johnson

Bloems Auto Repair

Stardust Jewelers

ReC Woodcraft

uxbridge Auto

nate Smith Auto detail

Muffin House

new england Steak and Seafood


Hide-A-Way Pizza

Quaker Tavern

Anytime Fitness



Valley Bean

Perfect Paw

Pinkees nail Salon

Soul Spark Healing and Yoga

uxbridge House of Pizza

The Fudge lady

gannon Siding inc

uxbridge Parents for Safe graduation

Hair Tekniques

Major league Barbershop

Aldrich Street Bakehouse

lisa kaeller Photography

Marybeth Sweet

Ferreira Family

uxbridge liquor

Sundeen Furniture

Blissful Meadows

Twin nutrition

Aaron Richardson - eRA key Realty

Pamela Truenow

knot Your Average Massage kim demers

Salon dior Hair Salon

B & l Pools

State Representative Mike Soter

Brian Plasko

Richardson Well & Pump

lisa Henry

Cassandra greeno

kate Marshall

Melissa & Chris longenbaker

Thank you to all community residents who came out to support the fundraising efforts to help raise the money! if your name is not listed here, please accept our sincere apologies While we have made every effort to include everyone who has contributed to our recovery, we recognize that we may have unintentionally missed someone Your support is equally cherished and appreciated, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts

At this time, we will remain closed as we address the situation and work towards reopening We are committed to ensuring our space is safe and welcoming for all Our mission to provide great food and serve our community in a positive way remains unwavering, and we look forward to continuing this journey with you

Thank you for standing by us! Your support makes all the difference, and we are truly grateful to be part of such a compassionate and generous community!

With heartfelt appreciation, ~ Mendon Street Kitchen

Letter to the Editor

Wreaths Across America:

“We could not have done it without you”

dear editor,

On december 14th, 2024 volunteers placed over 1,200 wreaths on Veterans’ graves at Prospect Hill and St Mary’s Cemeteries for national Wreaths Across America day The wreaths are privately purchased, and funds are raised by sponsorships, fundraisers and events held by individuals, businesses and non-profits

Thank you to the following for your support, sponsorships, and assistance for the mission of Remembering our fallen u S Soldiers, Honoring those that serve, and Teaching the next generation the meaning and value of freedom

All anonymous and individual sponsors are as follows:

American legion Post 33

American legion Riders, Post 33

American legion Post 58

American legion Auxiliary, Post 58

American legion Riders, Post 58

All other participating American legions, Riders, Sons and Auxiliary

Berkowitz Trucking

Boys Scouts of America, Troop 25

CW king disposal

d J Salmon lawn and landscape daughters of the American Revolution, deborah Wheelock Chapter Floor and décor girl Scout Troops 65540, 65067, 65189, 64825, 65312

HAAS Hauling

Hannaford Supermarket, uxbridge Haunted gallows, Burrillville, Ri

Howleys Automotive

k and e Advertising, Bellingham

kapi’s Pub

Mendon Street kitchen

new uxbridge Times

new Castle Building Products

Overpass Farm and kennel

Polish American Socia

Civic Corp

Quaker Tavern

Quilterkel design

R Harris Plumbing and Heating

Salty Sisters Project

Solomons Temple lodge of the Freemasons

Stefanick Family

uxbridge Police department

uxbridge Skate Park

VFW Post 1385

VFW Post 1385, Auxiliary

Whaler Seafood Specialties, new Bedford, MA

Stoney Acres goat Milk Products

Taft elementary School, uxbridge

u S Veterans Motorcycle Club, MA

uxbridge Cable Access

uxbridge Fire department

uxbridge First Holiday night

uxbridge High School Student Council

Thank you to our ceremonial senters, and cemetery taff and volunteers; John Piotrowski and assistants, St Mary’s Cemetery, lori Phoenix and assistants, Prospect Hill

Adelaide greenwald

Arianna Hutchinson

ubrey Thayer

mille Hannon

Cianna Hutchinson

dave Carrier

deborah Crevier

emma Ramos erik neitz

Jared greenwald Jodi O’grady

Jolie Hannon

Jonathan lavigne

kayley desmeule

lily Brodeur

Magnolia O’grady

Pastor Bob Howard

Quinn Randazzo

Richard Sherlock

Scott lavallee

Tim Burke

Tim Creighton

Tom Maeder

Willy Wilson – 2025 Assistant location Coordinator


Wreaths Across America 2025 is Saturday, december 13th at noon, St Mary’s Cemetery To sponsor a $17 00 wreath for a Veteran visit www wreaths acrossamerica org/MA0181

Thank you for making this happen and continuing 2025

Society seeks volunteers for Smithsonian traveling exhibit

This year the douglas Historical Society will be one of six Commonwealth towns to host a Smithsonian Museum traveling exhibit as part of its Museum on Main Street program This exhibit is called “Voices & Votes” and explores democracy in America in conjunction with the exhibit scheduled for September and October, the Society will also be presenting six special programs to help us explore different top-

ics that the exhibit highlights They are seeking volunteers of all ages from around the region who would like to help with planning and logistics, program development, docent training and coordination, communications and more

Please contact lisa at 508-341-4876 (call or text) or at lisam367@gmail com for more information and to join the fun!

Farmers Market Vendors needed

The douglas Farmers Market group are welcoming vendor applications for the 2025 douglas Farmers Market So if you grow it, make it, bake it, cook it, weave it, paint it, sew it, build it you get the idea we would love to hear

from you Vendors of all kinds are welcome to apply

For more details and registration information, please visit them on Facebook or email at douglasfarmersmarketinfo@gmail com

Mulgrew honored for life-saving donations

Since its establishment in 1997 by the Boston Celtics, the Heroes Among us program has recognized outstanding individuals who have made exceptional and lasting contributions to their communities

After learning of a local, young athlete’s death from cardiac arrest due to not having access to an Aed (automat-

ed external defibrillator) during a football game, northbridge resident, Jim Mulgrew vowed to prevent similar tragedies from happening again Jim has become a fierce advocate for this life-saving equipment in youth sports after understanding the importance of Aeds Since 2012, he has donated over $50,000 worth of Aed devices across

new england, and plans to keep donating until all youth sports across the nation have access to the device For stepping up for student-athletes across the country, Jim Mulgrew was honored as Heroes Among us by the Boston Celtics during their home game against the indiana Pacers, Friday december 27, 2024

a HeRO - Northbridge resident Jim Mulgrew was honored as Heroes among us during the Boston celtics home game against the indiana pacers

Messages Of Love



in these times when the news is filled with so much negativity, violence and hatred, it’s wonderful when the story changes to one of positivity, light-hearted fun and love

February is the Month of Hearts and Roses, a Month of love, at the douglas Common as the douglas Common Preservation Society, inc offers the opportunity for the community to share messages of love as part of a mini Fundraiser Four-inch hearts will be personalized with one of four messages and hung from the gazebo for the month of February when donations of $10 or more are received The donor gets to choose from four messages for their heart(s): Be Mine, i love You, XOX, and Forever Yours, and the message also includes their first name and the first name of their valentine

To take part in this new opportunity, start the process online at https:// forms office com/r/kd3sdQaZOe and make your donation either by check payable to the douglas Common Preservation Society, inc , 76 nW Main St , douglas, MA 01516 or via Venmo @kathleen-Sugrue-Richards Or visit us on Facebook and print out the flyer with form Once your form and payment are received, a personalized heart (or hearts) will be prepared for you and hung from the douglas Common gazebo for the month of February

Whether your valentine is your girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife, child or grandchild, or a special friend, why not be part of the fun, support a good cause, and declare your love for your valentine during the Month of love at the douglas Common We hope to have hundreds of hearts decorating the gazebo with declarations of love!

The douglas Common Preservation Society, inc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving, maintaining and beautifying the Townowned douglas Common Made up entirely of volunteers, it relies on donations for funding to accomplish its projects and activities As always, 100% of all donations are tax-deductible and are used to benefit the Common and its activities We hope you will support us during the Month of love and have some fun in the process!

19th Annual Wine & Chocolate Tasting Charity Event

get ready to indulge your senses and make a difference at the 19th Annual Wine & Chocolate Tasting Charity event, hosted by the Blackstone Valley emergency Shelter and the Blackstone Valley Rotary Scheduled for March 9th at 7:00 PM, this event promises an evening of delight and philanthropy at the picturesque Blissful Meadows golf Club in uxbridge, MA

Blackstone Valley and funding scholarships through the BV Rotary Club

With live Auctions, Raffles, Prizes, and an array of Vendors, attendees can anticipate an unforgettable experience, all while supporting two significant causes: aiding the homeless in the

"The event isn t just about indulgence; it's about coming together as a community to uplift those in need," remarked leslie Reichert, CeO of the Blackstone Valley emergency Shelter Proceeds from the evening will be allocated to the Blackstone Valley emergency Shelter, providing essential support to those experiencing homelessness in the Valley

With an expected turnout of approximately 275 guests, organizers urge community members to participate in various capacities Whether attending,

Recreational Hikes throughout the Blackstone Valley

All programs are free and open to the public Appropriate for ages 12 and up

Registration is not required Wear sturdy footwear dress for the weather

Bringing water is encouraged Programming is subject to change For the most up to date programming information, call (508) 278-7604 or visit our website at bit ly/blst updates

gOAT Hill lOOP

Sunday, February 2nd, 2 4 p m

Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park Meet at the River Bend

Farm Visitor Center parking area (287 Oak Street, uxbridge) 2 miles over rugged forest and rocky surfaces with steep inclines


Sunday, February 9th, 2 4 p m

upton State Forest Meet at the CCC Camp parking area (205 Westboro

Road, upton) 2 5 miles over a rugged forest surface with steep inclines


Sunday, February 16th, 2 4 p m

douglas State Forest Meet at the Carter ’s Field parking area Bathrooms are not available at this site 3 5 miles over a compacted gravel surface with mild inclines


Sunday, February 23rd, 2 4 p m

Purgatory Chasm State Reservation Meet at the Purgatory Chasm Visitor Center parking area (198 Purgatory Road, Sutton) 3 5 miles over a rocky surface with steep inclines

For information on accessibility and reasonable accommodations, please call (617) 645-0358 or email moneesha dasgupta2@mass gov

sponsoring the event, or donating auction items, every contribution is valued and makes a tangible impact

"We extend our heartfelt gratitude for everyone’s generosity and support Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness Together, we can give them HOPe," concluded Reichert,

expressing appreciation to the community for its ongoing dedication

For those interested in participating or contributing, further information can be obtained at www BVemergencyshelter org or on Facebook at BVwinetasting don't miss out on this opportunity to join in the festivities and make a positive impact in the community

Friends of the Uxbridge Free Public Library host a puzzle swap

Please join us at the first official puzzle swap to be held on March 22, 2025

The puzzle swap will be held at the uxbridge library, located at 15 north Main Street details to this event will be posted in the next issue of the new uxbridge Times, so gather up your

clean, used puzzles and save the date

There will also be a Spring Raffle basket for you to buy chances to All proceeds will go to the purchase of museum passes and programs at the library

Thank you for your support, this is sure to be a very fun and interesting time

Simon Fairfield Public Library posts February Schedule Save the Date: Spring Time Clean Up

The Simon Fairfield Public library’s February 2025 Schedule Please note that some events do require registration if you have any questions regarding any events, please do not hesitate to contact the library at 508-476-2695 or email at us at douglas@cwmars org

Please note that we will be closed on Monday, February 17th in Observance of President’s day

CHildRen’S BOOk CluBS (Registration Required)

Tue, 02/11 @ 4:00 p m Young

Reader ’s (grades k-2), letters from a desperate dog by eileen Christelow

Thu, 02/13 @ 4:00 p m Book Wizards (grades 5-7), Wonder by R J Palacio

Tue, 02/25 @ 4:00 p m Book Bunch (grade 2-5), A Boy Called BAT by elana Arnold WinTeR STORYTiMe

(Registration Required)

Mon, 02/03, 02/10 Storytime @ 10:00 a m

Tue, 02/04, 02/11 Storytime @ 10:00 a m


Tue, 02/04, 02/18 @ 11:30 a m Music & Movement with deb Hudgens

Wed, 02/05, 02/12, 02/26 @ 11:30 a m "Young Scientist's" STeM Program Ages 3-6 (Registration Required) Wed, 02/05 @ 3:30 p m lego Club i (Registration Required) Wed, 02/12 @ 3:30 p m lego Club ii (Registration Required)

Wed, 02/19 @ 6:00 p m Reading to gabby (Registration Required) Wed, 02/26 @ 3:30 p m lego Club iii (Registration Required)

Wed, 02/26 @ 6:00 p m gross, Weird, Cool Science

AdulT BOOk CluBS

Thu, 02/06 @ 6:30 p m greatest Book Club ever, Turtles All the Way down by John green Tue, 02/11 @ 6:30 p m intrepid

Readers, Cry of the kalahari by delia Owens

Tue, 02/18 @ 6:30 p m Sci Fi Book Club, Book TBA

Mon, 02/24 @ 6:30 p m Plot Twisters Book Club, Book TBA Thu, 02/27 @ 6:30 p m Muggle Meetup: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J k Rowling AdulT PROgRAMMing

Tue, 02/04 @ 5:30 p m Sci Fi Film Club, Blade Runner 2049 (Patrons under the age of 17 must be accompanied by an adult)

Thu, 02/13, 02/27 @ 5:45 p m Fiber Arts Friends

Sat, 02/15 @ 10:30 a m douglas


Tue, 02/18 @ 6:30 p m Short Cuts Film Club (Patrons under the age of 17 must be accompanied by an adult)

Thu, 02/20 @ 12:00 p m get Help With Jenna gouin

Welcoming the residents of douglas, and anyone passionate about the Blackstone Valley, to ‘Shake the Frost’ - take part in a Town Wide cleanup of our roadways, woods, neighborhoods wherever trash has found its way, that it doesn’t belong

While this is an invitation for an ongoing initiative through the month of April, we will specifically be hosting a trash pickup and drop off event Saturday, April 26th from 8:00 a m -2 p m

This event is RAin OR SHine Safety Vests, Trash Bags & Pickers, & gloves are available 4/26 Collected trash can be dropped at the douglas Highway garage 56 Main St douglas, MA 01516-at the event set up

All ages are encouraged This is a great opportunity for local groups and sports teams to work together to contribute time to their community Students that need volunteer hours are welcome! The event has had a great youth turnout in the last few years Please contact allyssamanyak@gmail com for any questions or ideas

a “Story” To Share from December 2020 during this unexpected “and” unexpected 2020, we must look at the bright side of Anything especially The Things That Touch Our Souls

We always get together with our children, dave and his family and deb and her family This Christmas eve we had masks, gloves and hazmat suits But we still wanted to eat it's a COVid Thing So deb got a turkey sub from Big Y and sliced it so everyone could have a bite don't worry, there were 10 of us, including our dog “Annie” The sub was good, very good later, as we were cleaning up before The Curfew, rushing around, my son dave said, “You know what?” it's the bread! “What?” i asked if we could get that bread, smear some tuna, lettuce and tomatoes on it it would be just like “Moe's (gilbeault) grinders” and debbie agreed Moe and his wife, Carol, owned the beloved store in northbridge for many years

Our son and daughter are around 50 years old and to have a great memory of Moe's Market i think is one of the most memorable moments for dave and i to hear our children remember goods times ago in spite of everything Stay Safe and Stay Well

Love, Louise and Dave Chabot and family

Upcoming Programs at the Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park

All programs are free and open to the public Registration is not required All children must be accompanied by an adult All programs meet in the River Bend Farm Visitor Center unless otherwise noted Programming is subject to change For the most up to date programming information, call (508) 2787604 or visit our website at bit ly/ blst updates

There will be no regularly scheduled programming on Saturday, February 22nd and Sunday, February 23rd during this time, we ask that you please consider joining us for our Maple Sugaring Weekend special event programming instead


Sundays, 11 a m – 12 p m

Walk along the banks of the Blackstone Canal and learn about the life that it

supports We’ll be looking for signs of wildlife as we discuss the ways we keep our watershed clean!

Appropriate for ages six and up All children must be accompanied by an adult The walk is approximately 2 miles

TRek THe BlACkSTOne WAlk

Thursdays, 1–2 p m

Take a walk with us along the Blackstone Canal! We’ll follow the tow path on this recreational walk and point out any items of interest along the way

Appropriate for ages six and up All children must be accompanied by an adult The walk is approximately 2 miles


Fridays, 10:30–11:30 a m

Join us each week! We will read a book, then do an activity and craft that relates to the story each week has a different

theme, so stop by often! Appropriate for ages 3-6, siblings welcome All children must be accompanied by an adult FARM TO FACTORY TOuR

Saturdays, 11–11:30 a m explore the story of the Blackstone Valley and its communities from preeuropean settlement through european style agricultural development, industrialization, and into today Appropriate for ages 12 and up

Building THe CAnAl TOuR Fridays and Saturdays, 1–2 p m

Come with us on a guided walk along

the Blackstone Canal Find out about the canal’s historical and cultural significance and its role in the farm to factory transformation of the Blackstone Valley Appropriate for ages 12 and up The walk is approximately 2 miles

The Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park is located at 287 Oak Street, uxbridge MA 01569

For information on accessibility and reasonable accommodations, please call (617) 645-0358 or email moneesha dasgupta2@mass gov

Something for everyone at Uxbridge Library

February is set to be a month of exciting events and activities at the uxbridge Free Public library, with something for everyone to enjoy Please visit the library’s website at www uxbridgelibrary org or call us at 508-2788624 to learn more about our upcoming programs or to register to attend! Many of our programs are supported by the uxbridge Board of library Trustees and the Friends of the uxbridge Free Public library


genTle FlOW YOgA –Mondays, Feb 3rd, 10th, and 24th at 7 p m and Thursday, Feb 20th at 7 p m

ViRTuAl: 50+ JOB SeekeRS

networking group – Feb 5th and 19th at 9:30 a m

needle FelTing Adult Craft night: Felted Winter Hoop - Feb 13th at 6 p m

eMBROideRY 101 with Madonna

Terlizzi – Feb 19th at 1 p m and Feb 20th at 6 p m


Foundation - Feb 27th at 7 p m

uXBRidge kniT n’ STiTCH

CiRCle – drop-in fiber arts crafting

group, meets Mondays at 6 p m

BOOk-A-liBRARiAn - need help downloading e-books and using other library digital resources? Contact the library to book a 30-minute appointment with a librarian for hands-on tech assistance Wednesdays from 3:30 p m - 5 p m


uXBRidge SeniOR CenTeR

BOOk CluB – The Women by kristin

Hannah, Feb 11th at 1 p m


CluB – The invention of Wings by Sue Monk kidd, Feb 18th at 3:30 p m

BOOkieS BOOk CluB – The Violin

Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb, Feb 24th at 3:30 p m


Teen BOOk-in-A-BAg (ages 13+) –

Pick up your themed book-in-a-bag choice between Feb 3rd-18th

TWeen & Teen Rune WRiTing (ages 11-19) – Feb 20th at 6:30 p m

TWeen & Teen JOuRnAling 101 (ages 12-19) – Feb 27th at 6:30 p m

nuTRiTiOn FOR FAMilieS

WORkSHOP via Zoom (Teens &

Adults) – Feb 3rd & 10th at 6:45 p m


Mornings and Afternoons, drop-in

liTTle HAndS, Big Fun (ages 3-6) – Feb 1st at 12:30 p m

dRuMS FOR All (ages 10+) – Feb 3rd at 6 p m

legO CHAllenge Build (ages 510) – Feb 4th & 11th at 4 p m

WinTeR CARdinAl TRee (ages 612) – Feb 5th at 4:15 p m

MuSiC And MOVeMenT

WiTH deB HudginS (ages 0-8) –Feb 6th & 27th at 11 a m

SOund Mind, SOund BOdY (ages 3-8) – Feb 10th at 11a m

SCienCe WiTH AMAndA: Snow Foxes (ages 6-12) – Feb 10th at 5:30

p m

VAlenTine gnOMeS (ages 8-12) –Feb 12th at 4:15 p m

YOuTH YOgA & ReFleXOlOgY (ages 5-10) – Feb 13th & 27th at 6 p m

kindneSS SPeAkS (ages 5-9) – Feb 13th at 4:30 p m


OCeAn diORAMA (ages 7-13) –Feb 15th at 12:30 p m

BuildWAVe (ages 5+) – Feb 18th at 4:30 p m

HeART SAnd ART (ages 4-7) – Feb 19th at 4:15 p m

HennA BY Jen! (ages 10+) – Feb 24th at 6 p m

BuTTOn TRee OF liFe (ages 4-12) – Feb 26th at 4:15 p m


TOuRnAMenT (ages 8+) – Feb 27th at 6 p m

JOuRnAling 101 (ages 12-19) – Feb 27th at 6:30 p m

STORYTiMeS (registration required): BABY (0-2 years) – Feb 3rd at 11 a m

TOddleR/PReSCHOOl (2-4 years) – Feb 12th & 19th at 11 a m

BABY BuMBle (Socialization playgroup , 0-2 years) – Feb 4th at 11 a m

TOddleR TuMBle (Socialization playgroup, 2-5 years) – Feb 11th at 11 a m

SenSORY PlAY (2-5 years) – Feb 18th at 11 a m

The uxbridge Free Public library is located at 15 north Main St , uxbridge, MA 01569 Online at: www uxbridgelibrary org Telephiont: 508-278-8624

Join an enlightening and informative talk on maintaining a healthy heart and addressing issues related to the cardiovascular system This session, led by the knowledgeable and passionate dr Theolinda Barry, will provide a clear understanding of:

• How Your Heart Works: learn the basics of heart function and its vital role in your overall health

• Cholesterol demystified: understand the ins and outs of cholesterol its types, effects, and how to manage it effectively

• Common diseases & Risk Factors: explore the most prevalent cardiovascular diseases, their risk factors, and how they affect your well-being

• natural Solutions for Prevention & Care: discover practical, natural approaches to address existing heart concerns and reduce the risk of future issues

dr Barry earned her doctorate from the national College of naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the topic now retired, she remains dedicated to helping others lay a foundation for healthy living through education and natural approaches to wellness

On Monday, February 10th at 11:00 a m in Room 219 at Valley Chapel, 14 Hunter Road, uxbridge everyone is welcome! Whether you're a community member, someone seeking to improve heart health, or simply curious to learn, this talk is for you

For more information or questions, contact Valley Chapel at 508-2782315 or email info@valleychapel us

HelpiNg tHOSe iN NeeD

(pictured l to R): local resident

a n d u n i B a n k c e O ; M

Welch and vp/Senior commercial Banking Officer; Brennan campbell, join Sullivan group


k Services; tim gleason and prin-

c i p a l J

p deliver fresh turkey meals to South Worcester Neighborhood center Food pantry the event was sponsored by advantage truck group's Haulin' 4 Hunger charitable initiative. With support from partners like uniBank, atg's Haulin' 4 Hunger program has provided over 80,000 meals to help those in need

Pickleball Instructional Program Open for Uxbridge Seniors

Pickleball is a fun and social sport that's appropriate for players of all ages and skill levels it's been around since the 1960s, but interest has really picked up in recent years

Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and pingpong Players use paddles that are larger than ping-pong paddles and hit plastic balls with holes in them The court is about one-quarter the size of a tennis court and can be played indoors or outdoors The net is similar to a tennis net, but a little shorter and narrower Players hit the ball across the net to try and win points The game can be played in singles or doubles, with most people playing doubles

Benefits of playing pickleball include improving your balance, hand-eye coordination and flexibility it also includes improving your heart health, preventing osteoporosis, boosting

mood and mental health and increasing your social connections

The uxbridge Senior Center was awarded a Sig (State incentive grant) grant with MCOA (Massachusetts Council on Aging) to provide pickleball at the McCloskey School gym located at 62 Capron Street in uxbridge The grant monies paid for the painting of the court lines on the gym floor and purchasing all the equipment needed to play the game instructional classes will be starting on Thursday, February 27th for 8 weeks The back-to-back classes will be held from 9am-10:15am & 10:30am-11:45am, class sizes are limited, so sign up early The cost of the program is $10 per person to help reduce the cost of building maintenance All equipment will be provided to play

The lead instructor is leon droby, a local resident leon is certified by uSA

Pickleball and is also in the Professional Pickleball Registry (PPR) He is a level 1 Certified Associate Coach leon will have several helpers to provide additional instruction for all classes The instructors are avid, passionate pickleball players and have extensive knowledge of the game Please consider learning to play this fun, exciting,

and active sport

The uxbridge Senior Center is located at 36 South Main Street and is open Monday – Friday from 8am-4pm Please stop by the center to pick up your enrollment and release forms prior to the start of the classes FMi contact lisa Bernard, director, at 508-2788622 or lbernard@uxbridge-ma gov

Book Sale at Whitinsville Social Library part of February activities

The Whitinsville Social library is offering the following events: event registration: northbridgemass assabetinteractive com/calendar, Museum passes: northbridgemass assabetinteractive com/museum-passes, Catalog: whitnsvlle cwmars org, Website: northbridgemass org/WSl

HOuRS: Monday-Thursday: 10 AM-8

PM, Friday 10 AM-5 PM, Saturday 10 AM-2 PM

liBRARY ClOSed: 2/17

FRiendS OF WSl'S BOOk SAle will be held on Saturday 2/8 from 10 AM - 2PM to raise funds for the library FMi contact: friends WSl2019@

gmail com

THe HiSTORiAn iS in

Wednesdays from 2-3 PM / drop-in between 2-3 to get in-person assistance with your local history research from northbridge Historical Society member

Carol Brouwer

MuSiC & MOVeMenT


Wednesdays at 10:30 AM Join Miss deb for singing, dancing, games, stories, and lots of fun Ages 1-5

Registration required STORYTiMe WiTH MiSS iSABel

Thursdays at 10:30 AM Join Miss isabel to read books, sing songs, and do

some coloring or a craft Ages 1-5 drop in HYgge HOuR

Fridays from 10:30-11:30 AM Hygge ("hoo-gah") is all about embracing the comfy, cozy cold winter months Join us on Friday mornings throughout January & February for puzzles, coloring, tea, and treats Participants are welcome to bring their own crafts and books to read All ages drop in kniTS & knOTS

Wednesday 2/12 & 2/26 at 6:30 PM Calling all fiber artists! Bring whatever craft project you're working on and join us at the library on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month for crafting and conversation light refreshments provided Register


Tuesday 2/11 from 6:30-7PM

grab your coziest PJs and favorite small stuffed animal and join Miss isabel for Pajama Storytime! every other Tuesday we'll read bedtime stories and sing songs Ages 1-6

Registration required legO CluB

Wednesday 2/3 at 3:30

Join Miss isabel on the first Wednesday of each month for lego Club! Your masterpiece can be inspired by our chosen theme of the month or you can make up your own design! Ages 5-12 Please register

Teen CReATiVe WRiTing CluB

Monday 2/3 from 4-5 PM

This is the perfect program for teens (grades 7-12) who are seeking a place to write and share ideas We will discuss different genres of writing, complete writing prompts, and use time at the end to journal and/or work on our own writing pieces Please bring your own notebook! Registration required FiCTiOn BOOk OF THe MOnTH

Monday 2/3 at 6 PM

Read “My Year of Rest and Relaxation” by Ottessa Moshfegh Books are available for pick up at the library ebooks are available via Overdrive/ libby Meetings take place at the library on the first Monday of each month Refreshments provided Registration required THe MeeT CuTeS

Tuesday 2/4 at 4 PM

discuss "done and dusted” by lyla Sage Copies of the book are available at the circulation desk or via libby Refreshments provided This book club for readers of romance meets the first Tuesday of each month at 4 PM Registration required CRAFT nigHT FOR AdulTS

Tuesday 2/4 at 6 PM

Make Valentine's jar luminaries use them to brighten up your home or give

to a loved one All materials will be provided This program is for adults Register

THe WHOdunniTS

Tuesday 2/11 at 11 AM

Read and discuss “Vera Wong's unsolicited Advice for Murderers” by Jesse Q Sutanto Copies of the book are available at the circulation desk or via libby after the January meeting Refreshments provided This mystery, suspense and true crime book club meets the second Tuesday of each month Register

A VAlenTine Week OF Fun

Week of February 10th - 14th

Join us for a whole week of Valentine fun! We will be having drop-in crafts, a Tween and Teen mug painting evening, and a Valentine’s day themed storytime! keep an eye on our calendar and social media for specific dates and times


Friday 2/21 from 11:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Celebrate one year since Whitinsville

Social library abolished late fines kids can decorate their own piggy bank (while supplies last) and adults who visit can enter a raffle for a Murder Hill Brewery gift card

WomEN’S BiBLE STUDY Winter Season with a Study of Comfort

Coffee Break, a community Bible study for women, will continue its Winter season with a study of Comfort: A god of Compassion on February 4th The study will take place at Pleasant St Church god loves us and has wonderful plans for our lives – no matter what the current events look like Our god is so trustworthy All peace and joy are found in Him You’re only allowed to be a newcomer the first week After that, we’re all friends

Refreshments and childcare are provided There’s loving care for your babies and toddlers through age five

Coffee Break is held each Tuesday from 9:30 to 11:00 a m and offers women in the Blackstone Valley an opportunity to read and discuss the Bible, share questions and concerns, and develop new friendships There’s no “homework” required, and no previous Bible knowledge is necessary Study guides and Bibles are provided free of charge

Pleasant St Church is located at 25 Cross Street in Whitinsville For directions, questions, or to get more information, call Anna 774-287-9449, email: churchoffice@ pscrc org or visit pscrc org/adults

~Society ~

a geNeROuS DONatiON - the Savers Bank donation will help offset the cost of the people First Food pantry’s new van, as it continues to address the growing needs to feed residents

Community Chorus is “Calling All Singers”

The Blackstone Valley Community Chorus welcomes new and returning singers to Open Call for our 2025 spring season! Open Call will take place on Sunday, March 2nd, at 6:00 p m at the douglas Municipal Center Resource Room located at 29 depot

Street in douglas new members do not need to prepare an audition song, but should come ready to sing

There is a $35 membership fee to join Rehearsals take place on Sundays at 6:00 p m at the douglas Municipal Center beginning on March 9th This season the BVCC is preparing a gospel program and collaborative concert with Joyful Voices of inspiration, a Boston

Savers Bank donation to help local food pantry

Savers Bank is proud to support the People First Food Pantry with a $5,000 donation to help combat food insecurity in the community This contribution will assist the pantry in continuing its vital mission of serving over 275 people every month a number that has grown by 45% in the past year

The 100% volunteer-run organization, recently reached an important milestone by purchasing a cargo van to improve its operations The new van has been instrumental in enabling vol-

unteers to transport bulk food donations from the Worcester County Food Bank and other local partners With some deliveries weighing up to 3,000 pounds, this reliable transportation is ensuring that food reaches families in need more efficiently than ever before

“We’re honored to contribute to such an impactful organization,” said Rosemary Picard, President & CeO of Savers Bank “The People First Food Pantry’s efforts to fight hunger align perfectly with our commitment to

building stronger communities it’s a privilege to help them serve more families ”

Savers Bank remains dedicated to strengthening the communities it serves by partnering with organizations like People First Food Pantry Together, they help to ensure no family in uxbridge goes hungry

For more information about how you can support the pantry, visit peoplefirstuxbridge org or contact the agency at 508-278-5506

based gospel choir, to be performed on May 4th, 2025 at Valley Chapel in uxbridge

The Blackstone Valley Community Chorus is a non-audition chorus with people of varied ages and musical abilities brought together by a shared love of music and a commitment to providing our community with exceptional musical experiences BVCC welcomes

anyone who would like to join us, we only ask that you have the ability to carry a tune Whether you enjoy singing at your school, with a church choir, or in your car or shower, we hope you will consider joining our friendly musical family!

For more information on the BVCC, visit us on Facebook or at www bvcchorus org

Free Preventative Dental Services for Seniors & Veterans

Quinsigamond Community College’s dental Hygiene Clinic is continuing to offer free preventative dental services to anyone aged 55 or older, as well as active military members and veterans

The clinic, located at QCC’s West Boylston Street campus, offers dental assessments, teeth cleaning, x-rays and fluoride treatments For patients who are not in the aforementioned categories, rates are $25 for adults and $20 for children

The grant, which began in January of

2022, has supported over 750 senior patients The program also provides transportation to and from the dental hygiene clinic

QCC’s dental hygiene students are required to spend a certain number of hours in direct patient care and the patients from this program provide that valuable interaction

To make an appointment or for more information, call 508-854-4306 or visit: www QCC edu/dental-hygiene-clinic


Once we learn your needs, we do the shopping for you! CONTACT US TODAY.

Country Bank Grand Opening Celebration

Country Bank, a full-service financial institution serving Central and Western Massachusetts, is excited to announce the opening of a new Banking Center at 158 north Main Street in uxbridge

The Banking Center officially opened on Monday, december 16th, 2024, and will celebrate its grand opening on Friday, February 14th, 2025

The expansion into uxbridge reflects Country Bank's commitment to investing in the communities it serves This new location is more than just a Banking Center; it serves as a hub of financial resources for both consumer and business customers The location includes a comprehensive support team featuring Banking Center Specialists trained to assist with all banking needs, ensuring that customers receive the financial security and service they require The Banking Center also offers drive-up iTM/ATM services with extended banking hours With a 90% customer satisfaction rating and full insurance coverage through FdiC and diF, Country Bank is proud to provide its trusted services to uxbridge

Cindy Saucier, AVP and Retail Banking Officer, and a resident of uxbridge will lead the new Banking Center Cindy graduated from the new england School for Financial Studies through the Massachusetts Bankers Association and has 35 years of experience in the financial services industry Cindy is known for her extensive vol-

unteer work with local non-profits and participation in after-hours business events, where she enjoys networking with colleagues Her leadership brings valuable experience and a deep understanding of the community, ensuring that the new Banking Center will be a reliable resource for customers and residents

"in addition to our commitment to customer service, Country Bank is dedicated to supporting the community through philanthropy and volunteerism

The bank has donated to local nonprofits in uxbridge and is committed to volunteering with community partners

We believe in the power of community and are excited to become a part of uxbridge's vibrant landscape," said Cindy Saucier

To mark the opening of the new Banking Center, Country Bank is hosting a week-long celebration beginning Monday, February 10th through Saturday, February 15th - filled with exciting activities and giveaways This celebration is not just about the bank but also about the community it serves Customers and visitors can participate in drawings for WooSox tickets, enjoy giveaways, and much more The highlight of the week will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony scheduled for Friday, February 14, at 3:00 PM, attended by local dignitaries and members of the Country Bank team The public is warmly invited to join in the festivities

and celebrate the opening of Country Bank's fourteenth Banking Center

The uxbridge Banking Center hours are as follows: Monday to Wednesday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Thursday from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM, Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM To support its customer ’s busy schedules, this location offers extended hours through its drive up iTM from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday and from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday, ensuring you can bank at your convenience

About Country Bank: established in 1850, Country Bank has a rich history of supporting personal and business banking customers through financial solutions with FdiC and diF insurance for added security Country Bank is a full-service $1 8B mutual community bank serving Central and Western Massachusetts with 14 banking centers and 2 business offices in Ware, Palmer, West Brookfield, Brimfield, Belchertown, Wilbraham, ludlow, leicester, Paxton, Charlton, Springfield, uxbridge, and Worcester With a commitment to personalized service and community involvement, Country Bank offers individuals, businesses, and municipalities a comprehensive range of banking products and services Country Bank is a member of FdiC, diF, and the SuM network Call 800322-8233 or online: countrybank com

Whitin Intermediate

Honor Roll

HigH HOnORS gRAde 6

Riley Barnicle, Zachary Black, Mia Blanchard, Benjamin Brauninger, Jackson Buckley, Sadie Cahill, Carsyn Cammuso, Cameron Cote, Oliver Coutu, Annalee deBalsi, nathalie gomes, lauren gover, Madeline Jansen, kaitlyn Johnson, Benjamin lynch, Owen McSweeney, Olivia Racki, drew Rollins, Parker Rollins, Brianna Troland, Robert Turcotte, and Charlotte Vanderzicht

HigH HOnORS gRAde 7

Blaze Baldwin, Olivia Balicki, Owen Black, dylan Carter, Jasmine Carvalho, david Chappel, Reece Clinton, enzo Colonna, Bailey deMarco, Quinn gilmore, Sierra gomes, evan goryl, erin guertin, emily guilherme, ethan Hamilton, Aurora Hawkins, Ruth keane, Jaelyn loja, Avery lynch, Tyley Martin, khloe Martins, Jacob Mastroianni, Julie Mikhaeil, Avery Mitchell, Julia nakazano, Jayden nazareno, keira nicoll, Julia Olson, Madeline Pidgeon, Carlo Roffo, nicholas Rota, ella Ryan, kyrie Sannicandro, Owen Shay, Curtis Sockwell, Olivia Spiecker, emelia Tibbo, Ayla Troland, Colton Trottier, lekshara Velmurugan, and Tristyn Woodall

HOnORS gRAde 6

Brayden Affonce, Brayden Aldrich, Benaiah Arsenault, eliza Barbuto, Melody Barron, Jaxton Bates, Adam Bianco, Willow Brayman, liam Brodeur, Tatum Burke, Jordan Charron, Cassius Clinker, Virginia Clinton, Cole devine, nathan Fark, Maverick Fitzgerald, Aiden Forss, dylan Fortier, isla Fortin, Joseph guertin, Matthew kibe, Tuiafetoa kruse, logan kustan, george lalakidis, Jacob lane, Vincent larson, Samuel lavergne, Brayden Mcgrath, nathan Moore, Bayla Morris, Miller neshe, katelyn Oliveira, Mila Pachomski, Vidhya Patel, Jordan Poirier, Julie Resende, Riya Shastri, Oliver Soares, isaac Tartakoff, devyn Thomas, ella Twomey, gustavo Vieira, Sophia Walton, Peyton Whitlock, Austin Whitney, and Rowan Woodall

HOnORS gRAde 7 Sophia Aldrich, kaylee Almy, Myah Anderson, landon Balanca, Charley Beland, lila Berard, emma Bruyere, ezra Burbank, Sara Castillo estrada, Hunter Chappel, Talia Chinappi, eleni demetroules, Jacob derouen, edith doe, daniel donahue, isaiah Frometa, Zoe grimala, kellyn Hankey, dominic Harlow-Freeman, isabela Hernandez, Ryan ivanoski, landyn Jastremski, Sarah Jones, Tycen Jones, Phoebe keniston, Hudson kirshenbaum, lily labrecque-Brodeur, ella lafontaine, Henry leBlanc, emma Malloy, Abbigail Mandile, Clara O'neill, kwenneith Paul, gavin Pezzullo, emma Ramos, Xavier Rego, lucas Spratt, Brayden Vaidya, Cayden Welch, and nola White

school News

a little Help FROM HeR FRieNDS - Skyler criasia; (above) a Senior at Douglas High school, hosted a benefit event last month at the Sokul club in Douglas. a group of friends helped Skyler reach her goal

Criasia raises funds for Motivating Youth Recovery

Skyler Criasia; a Senior at douglas High school, hosted a benefit event last month at the Sokul Club in douglas For her Senior project she chose to raise money focusing on awareness for substance abuse recovery and overdose awareness

This has been a passion of hers since 9th grade Skyler had Wise guys Trivia host the musical bingo to raise the funds Along with the sale of food and face painting! in order to make the event run smooth, Sky requested the help of her friends and classmates it was a great turnout for a slick winter evening Skyler raised over $1000 00 which is being donated to MYR (Motivating Youth Recovery)

Skyler is the daughter of Robert and lani Criasia of northbridge, MA

Beginning Bridges announces upcoming events

Beginning Bridges CFCe ‘s vision is that children, youth and families reach their full potential now and in the future Our mission is to work with families and community partners to create the conditions for children, youth and families to thrive socially, academically and economically Funding for the Coordinated Family & Community engagement grant (CFCe) is provided by the Massachusetts dept of early education and Care (eeC) and sponsored by South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC-Childcare/ Head Start) Beginning Bridges CFCe has funding for the towns of Mendon, northbridge, upton & uxbridge

Currently, the FRee comprehensive services include weekly indoor and outdoor parent/child playgroups We also offer parent education programs, the Ages & Stages developmental Questionnaire and can connect families to community resources upcoming events - Registration is required for all

upcoming events links can be accessed on our website or contact emily Murray at 508-278-5110 or emurray@smoc org

Monday 2/3/25 – Music and Movement with deb Hudgins - 9:30 – 10:30 - upton Town library, 9 Milford Street, upton Register on the upton Town library website

Wednesday 2/12/25 – Music and Movement with deb Hudgins - 10:30 – 11:00 - Whitinsville Social library, 17 Church Street, Whitinsville Register online at the Whitinsville Social library Website

Tuesday 2/25/25- Munch and Mingle - 6-7:30pmupton Town library, 9 Milford Street, upton Please join us for an evening – without children- to connect with other parents to mingle and celebrate the joys and challenges of parenting Parent educator Sarah dorfman will be on hand to facilitate discussions PASTRieS And WATeR Will Be PROVidedRegister at the Beginning Bridges Website under

Volunteer opportunities at Musuem

Samuel Slater experience guides are volunteer hosts who support and enhance visitors’ experiences throughout their tour of the museum They are currently looking for additional volunteers to assist us during regular open hours on weekends and school field trips during the spring experience guides greet visitors, assist with selfguided tours, supply transitional and anecdotal information for the exhibits, conduct group tours, and answer general questions about the Samuel Slater story

Volunteers have diverse backgrounds and skills, but all share an interest and enthusiasm for the history of the American industrial Revolution and the founding of our local mill towns experience guides receive a family membership for

free entry to the museum during their tenure as volunteers They also receive a 20% discount in the gift shop and invitations to special events if you’d like to learn more or apply, contact nicole gaudette at 508-491-2955 or email admin@samuelslaterexperience org

ABOuT SAMuel SlATeR eXPeRienCe

The Samuel Slater experience museum, which opened in March 2022, uses immersive digital technology and interactive exhibits to tell the story of Samuel Slater, the early American industrial Revolution, and the creation of economically thriving mill towns like Webster, Massachusetts

The museum is at 31 Ray Street, Webster For open hours and programs, go to www samuelslaterexperience org

“upcoming Programming”

Wednesday 2/26/25 – Coffee and Conversations9:15 am – 10:15 am - Taft Public library, 29 north Ave, Mendon Join us for an informal playtime where families will be able to build social connections, learn about early childhood development and family friendly resources Taft will supply Muffin House Muffins! Please stay for the 10:30 am Puppet Storytime Join newton and Friends of Through Me to You Puppetry for songs and stories At the end of the 30 minute show, children can greet the puppets (geared for children 2-5 years but all are welcome!)

Please check their website and Facebook page for the latest newsletter online at: www Beginning Bridges CFCeweebly com

Holzer running for a great cause 4th Annual Inside & Out New England Sculptors Association Member Exhibit

this journey by donating, sharing my story & coming out to support me at the marathon for my first time running it!

Run to end Period Poverty: Boston Marathon 2025 log onto: https://www g i v e n g a i n c


ValleyCAST, the arts and culture arm of Open Sky Community Services, is thrilled to welcome back the new england Sculptors Association for the 4th Annual inside & Out exhibition

This year an incredible thirty artists from all around new england have submitted thirty-five amazing sculptures that will be seen inside the Spaulding R Aldrich Heritage gallery, 50 douglas Road, Whitinsville and outside on the grounds of the Alternatives’ Whitin Mill complex at the same address Seven works have already been installed outside on the grounds for people to enjoy

The inside exhibit will consist of 27 works, in a variety of medium, including bronze, paper, marble, steel, fabric and more The public is encouraged to vote for their favorites by casting a ballot inside the gallery beginning with the opening and up to when voting ends on Friday, February 14th, 2025

The public is also welcome to attend the closing reception, which will in-

clude the announcement and presentation of the three People’s Choice Awards, on Sunday, February 23rd from 2:00 - 4:00 p m The exhibit will end immediately after the closing ceremony

And of course, you can always visit during regular gallery hours, MondayFriday from 9:00 a m - 4:00 p m Visits outside of regular gallery hours are by appointment only by contacting cristi collari@openskycs org or mary laliberte@openskycs org or by calling the front desk at 508-234-6232 The gallery will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Presidents day

The new england Sculptors Association was founded in 1948 and recently celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2023 neSA has over 170 professional sculptor members, emerging sculptors, and Friends of neSA from all 6 new england states and new York neSA members are selected by jury, and work in a variety of media Since the Association has no brick-and-mortar pres-

ence, neSA partners with local galleries, museums, historical sites, and communities to bring sculpture in all its amazing forms to the public ValleyCAST fosters a creative and engaged community in the Historic Blackstone Valley that is inclusive and supportive of all people with and without disabilities ValleyCAST curates events that bring people of all ages, abilities, and walks of life together ValleyCAST is the arts and culture arm of Open Sky Community Services

Open Sky Community Services provides the foundation for those we serve to see beyond and live beyond their circumstance By blending best practices with the power of community, we enable individuals and families to achieve their goals and live their best lives

For more information about the exhibit with links to participating artist websites, visit openskycs org/newsevents To learn more about the new england Sculptors Association, visit nesculptors org To learn more about ValleyCAST and/or Open Sky Community Services, visit openskycs org

Fire Safety Equipment Grants awarded

State Senator Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton) announced that 17 communities in his district will receive $221,975 02 for firefighter safety equipment grants from The executive Office of Public Safety and Security department of Fire Services The grants will fund new protective gear, thermal imaging cameras, hazardous gas detectors, portable radios, and other vital safety equipment “i’m proud of the firefighters all over my district who work hard everyday to keep our communities safe,” said Senator Fattman “it’s incredibly important that we keep these brave men and women safe while they are protecting us These grant awards will give firefighters the tools to do their jobs safely and protect their long-term health it’s a great opportunity for public safety in my district and across the state ”

The following communities received firefighter safety equipment grants: Blackstone: $15,473 25, Brimfield: $12,500, Charlton: $12,974 97, douglas: $15,5000, dudley: $11,775 21, Hopedale: $6,117 34, Mendon: $15,492 36, Millville: $12,500, Monson: $10,878 73, northbridge: $11,355 53, Southbridge: $18,720, Sturbridge: $15,499 99, Sutton: $10,952 83, upton: $11,159 32, uxbridge: $19,000, Wales: $10,436 79, and Webster: $11,665 70

Us Your News


senior cor ner

Uxbridge Senior Center announces Feb. Calendar of Events

The uxbridge Senior Center is located at 36 South Main Street, uxbridge, MA Telephone: 508-278-8622

The national Random Act of kindness day is scheduled for Monday, February 17, 2025


1 letting someone go in front of you in line, 51%

2 Checking in on a loved one, 49%

3 Asking a neighbor how they're feeling, 43%

4 doing a favor for someone while they're out of town, like watching a pet or signing for a package, 26%

5 giving up your seat for an elderly or pregnant person, 22%

The survey also found 23% of people have neVeR performed a random act of kindness



Another round of 8-week classes will be starting soon! Classes will be announced in our March newsletter All classes will take place at McCloskey School located at 62 Capron Street



Mondays starting February 3rd – April 7th Please call the senior center to book your appointment



Monday, February 3rd – 3:00 p m –

4:00 p m Please call ahead to book an appointment This will be held on the first Monday of each month next date will be Tuesday, March 3rd



Thursday, February 6th – 10:30 a m by appointment only Call 508-278-8622 to sign up



Thursday, February 6th – 1:30 p m

$7 00 per person Payment is due upon signup and space is limited lunCH & leARn


Friday, February 7th – 12:00 p m His guest speaker will be Michele ellicks from MASS RMV and she will be presenting on Real id’s We will also have a Superbowl Party during lunch! Be sure to RSVP for this event



Monday, February 10th – 1:30 p m

$7 00 per person Payment is due upon signup and space is limited

uXBRidge liBRARY BOOk CluB

Tuesday, February 11th – 1:00 p m

They will be discussing “The Women” by kristen Hannah You are welcome to join us for lunch on this day, just be sure to call ahead to “book” yours! next book club meeting is on Tuesday, March 11th

BeneFiT enROllMenT


Tuesday, February 11th – 1:00 p m

Tri-Valley, inc Call the senior center to book an appointment with gina next date will be March 11th

AnnuAl VAlenTine’S dAY


Friday, February 14th – 12 p m – dJ

Tricia will be on hand playing some old time Valentine Music! Please RSVP CenTeR ClOSed

Monday, February 17th - The senior center will be closed in observance of Presidents’ day Re-opening on Tuesday, February 18th

Aging SuRVeY ReSulTS

Wednesday, February 19th – uMass Boston gerontology unveils Final Report Please join us for this presentation! This is a luncheon meeting so please sign up early as space is limited

There will also be an evening Zoom meeting presentation at the BOS meeting which will be held on Monday, February 24th at 6:30 p m at the Town Hall



Monday, February 24th - 1:30 p m – by appointment only Please Call 508-2788622 to schedule your appointment

ASk THe nuRSe FRee

BlOOd PReSSuRe CliniC

Tuesday, February 25th - 11:00 a m –

12:00 p m with nancy Favulli, Salmon Health VnA RSVP to participate and to join us for lunch

8-Week inSTRuCTiOnAl

PiCkleBAll PROgRAM BeginS

Thursday, February 27th – Classes will be held each Thursday from 9 a m –10:15 a m & 10:30 a m – 11:45 a m

Class sizes are limited Please call the senior center to receive your enrollment and waiver forms equipment will be provided Cost $10 per person Classes are being held at McCloskey School, 62 Capron Street



Thursday, February 27th – 1:30 p m

$7 00 per person Payment is due upon signup and space is limited “POP-uP liBRARY”

Friday, February 28th – 11:30 a m12:30 p m Books will be on display to check out, library card sign-ups, book

hold pick-ups, etc This program is being offered by the uxbridge Free Public library





Friday, February 28th @ 12 noon –Come Celebrate all the birthdays this month!

Card game played during lunch on Mondays

HAnnAFORd gROCeRY SHOPPing every Tuesday Pick up begins at 8:30 a m Please sign up in advance by calling us at 508-278-8622 to reserve your seat on the van kniTTing CluB every Tuesday @ 1:30 p m Come join the creative fun!


every Wednesday – 9 a m – 3 p m The Community Shuttle is for seniors and individuals with disabilities to destinations such as post office, pet care appointments, hair salon or barber, bank, pharmacy & shopping anywhere in the uxbridge/northbridge area note: this replaces the weekly bank/ pharmacy and Shaw’s Ocean State rides Call 508-278-8622 for more information and to book your FRee

ride Requests require a 48-hour notice

CAnASTA” HAnd, knee & FOOT CARd gAMe

Wednesdays - 1:00 p m – 3:30 p m



Wednesdays – 1:00 p m Come by for an afternoon playing Scrabble Boards are supplied by the senior center let us know if you’d like to join us for lunch! NOTE: THE START TIME WILL BE 1:30 ON FEBRUARY 12TH


Accepting appointments Call 508-2788622 to schedule your rides

The senior center is in need of the following donations: lysol wipes, newly packaged napkins, paper towels, tissues, toilet paper, tea (regular and caffeine free), ground regular & decaf coffee We thank you for your support! Feel free to contact the center at 508278-8622 or visit us on our web page at uxbridge-ma gov/coa or like us on our FB page or by googling uxbridge Senior Center and our new YouTube Channel or even dropping by www youtube com/channel/uCnh Ri q99rucmFH-uO7VFBw OR www uxbridgetv org/schedule/192

Plummer Place announces activities for Seniors

Plummer Place, the home of the northbridge Senior Center, announces the following events located at 20 Highland Street in Whitinsville it is open Monday- Thursday 8:30 a m to 4

p m and Friday 8:30 a m to 1:00 p m

FMi Phone 508-234-2002

dull Men’s Club will meet Friday, February 7th at 9:30 a m new members are always welcome!

Salmon VnA Blood Pressure Clinic, Tuesday, February 11th from 11:0012:00 p m

Women on the Move, our Plummer Place women’s circle, will meet on Wednesday, February 5th at 9:30 a m

Please note this is a change of date Call Amy or Michelle for information

The next Book Club will meet on

Wednesday, February 19th at 10:30 a m Call Michelle to find out what book we are reading

The Tech Café at Plummer Place is now taking appointments for those seeking help with their phone, iPad or computer Call our front office and we will let Sue know you need to schedule an appointment, and she will get back to you to make an appointment here at the Center

“Meditation with Michelle”, every Thursday at 9:30 a m Set your intentions for the day in a calm, safe environment

Plummer Place Singing group meets every Wednesday at 1:00 p m Raianne Richards will be your instructor, and she will lead you as a group to develop

your skills, to enjoy the camaraderie, and to perhaps sing for others Call the Center to sign up $5/class

Writing Your Way, our Plummer Place writing class, meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month Come and share your writing or get inspiration from fellow writers lori gannon is our instructor for this ongoing class Call for details

grief Support group is held on the second Monday of every month at 2:00 p m All are welcome, call Michelle for more information

The following two events are supported in part by a grant from the northbridge Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency:

Howie newman, “knock on Wood” acoustic folk-rock duo with Joe kessler, Monday, March 3rd at 1:00 p m Join us for this unique event featuring well-known cover songs, country and funny originals light refreshments will be served This is a free concert St Patrick’s day Breakfast and entertainment, Wednesday, March 12th from 9:30-11:00 a m, featuring davis Bates and his tales and songs from ireland, Scotland and Wales He will share stories of seal folk and wee folk with sing-alongs galore! Tickets are $10 each, northbridge residents have priority Tickets go on sale on Monday, February 3rd in the main office

New England Country Music Club Dances

The new england Country Music Club has announced their February dances On Sunday, Feb 2nd - "Rustic Country" will perform and on Feb 16th - "The Farm Hands" will perform doors open at 12:15 p m , Music 1-5:00 p m at the uxbridge Progressive Club located at 18 Whitin Street, north uxbridge FMi: http://www Facebook com/ neCountryMusicClub

Douglas Adult Social Center Events posted

dAilY ACTiViTieS: Monday: Painting Class 9:45 to 11:45 a m , Balance & Strength

12 p m , and

2 p m Tuesday: Walking

9 to

a m @ the town hall, Cribbage 9:30 a m, Zumba 9:30 a m, Bingo & lunch $4 00 @ 11:30 a m , Technology Class 1 p m by appointment only, and line dancing 2 p m

Wednesday: Balance & Strength 10 a m , darts 10 a m , Mahjong 1 p m , and dominoes 1 p m

Thursday: Walking club

eVenTS: The center will be closed on Monday, February 17th

• Wellness/ Blood pressure Clinic with nurse Ann: Monday, February 3rd & Tuesday, February 18th from 10 a m to 12 p m

• Hearing aid cleaning w/ darci on Thursday, February 6th from 10:00 a m to 11:00 a m Please call the center to schedule your appointment @ 508476-2283

• FRee Valentine Craft Thursday, February 6th @ 11:30 a m All supplies included Refreshments will be served Please call the center to sign up by 1/31 @ 508-476-2283

• Valentine’s day Celebration Thursday, February 13th @ 12:00 p m

A turkey luncheon with all the fixings will be served The Counterfeit Cash Band will be performing the hits of Johnny Cash from 12:30-2:00 p m This event is being sponsored by the douglas Cultural Council Please call the center to sign up by 2/6 @ 508-4762283

• lunch & Movie Thursday, February 20th @ 11:30 a m We will be watching 53Blast lunch is tacos with all the fixings for $4 00 Please call the center to sign up by 2/14 @508-476-2283

PleASe CAll THe CenTeR TO Sign uP FOR eVenTS, 508-4762283 Check our website for events that may not be listed here https://www d o u g l a s - m a g o v / 2

Sunshine Club plans trip to England

The douglas Sunshine Club invites you to “discover the British landscapes” with a 10 day Collette Tours September 7th - 16th, 2025 This trip is open to everyone interested in visiting england during a great time of year

The itinerary starts with a couple of days in edinburgh, Scotland, and then traveling down through York, Chester, Wales, Stratford-upon-Avon and finally arriving in london for a couple days Please call 508-476-4474 for more information and literature on this fabulous trip

Tim Jones is a self-syndicated Com c Strip Artist, and a member of the Nationa

Misilo joins Savers Bank

vice President, Head of Retail Banking & Sales

Savers Bank is pleased to announce

Amanda Misilo as their new Vice President, Head of Retail Banking & Sales Amanda began her role on January 6th, bringing over 20 years of experience and a proven track record in Retail Banking leadership

Amanda succeeds Alan Melidossian, who served as Senior Vice President of Retail Banking before relocating in August 2024

Amanda’s career includes time at Commerce Bank & Trust (later Berkshire Bank), where she held various roles in Retail Banking, including Branch Manager, and AVP, Customer Care Manager Most recently, she served as First Vice President, director of Contact Center Operations at Berkshire Bank

Amanda is recognized for her focus on simplifying banking processes, fostering strong teams, and creating a culture of clear, honest communication

She has a talent for delivering solutions that make banking easier for customers while driving meaningful growth keri gonzalez, eVP and Chief Operating Officer of Savers Bank, commented on Amanda’s arrival, saying, “Amanda is a dedicated leader with a practical approach and a strong commitment to delivering great customer experiences We’re confident her expertise and energy will help guide our Retail Banking division forward ” in her new role, Amanda will oversee retail banking operations and sales, ensuring that Savers Bank continues to deliver accessible, customer-focused solutions while supporting the bank’s growth goals This publication is made possible through our advertisers. Please Shop Locally

business News

Countr y Bank announces promotions in Customer Experience & Marketing

Mary Mcgovern, President and CeO of Country Bank, is delighted to announce Melissa Mann's promotion to Vice President of Customer experience and Michael dias to Product Marketing & Business insights Officer

Melissa offers a unique blend of skills, including completing new england School for Financial Studies through Massachusetts Bankers in 2019 She is currently working on completing her Project Management Certification through the Project Management institute which shows her ongoing commitment to professional development and has prepared her well for this role She will continue to lead and manage the Bank's Sales and Customer experience programs and strategies, showcasing her dedication and leadership

Michael dias has been promoted to Product Marketing & Business insights Officer Michael has been a driving force in integrating data analytics into the Bank's marketing strategies With an MBA in data Analytics from Western new england university and his recent certification as a Certified Financial Marketing Professional from the American Bankers Association, Michael's strategic mindset and forward-thinking approach have been key in integrating data analytics into the Bank's marketing strategies

“We are excited to announce the welldeserved promotions of Melissa and Michael,” said Miriam Siegel, Chief Culture and development Officer at

Gaudette joins local Museum as Program Coordinator

The Samuel Slater experience is pleased to announce that nicole gaudette has joined the museum as its program coordinator in that position she will manage the museum’s operational systems, group and field trip visits, volunteer scheduling, gift shop functions, and social media outreach

Ms gaudette’s previous museum appointments include positions at new York City’s intrepid Museum as a group program associate and visiting

services ambassador She also interned at the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage and volunteered at the Berkshire County Historical Society

Ms gaudette obtained a BA in Art History from American university and a Master of library Science from the Simmons university School of library and information Science

A native of northbridge, she currently resides in Millbury

Country Bank “Their hard work, dedication, and contributions have been instrumental to the Bank’s success We take great pride in supporting our team members’ commitment to continuous professional and personal growth, empowering them to explore the many rewarding career paths in community banking ”

These promotions are a testament to the dedication, innovation, and leadership that drive Country Bank forward They underscore the significant impact that Melissa and Michael have had on their teams, colleagues, and the Bank, demonstrating their ability to inspire and lead

Country Bank can be reached at 800322-8233 or at


Cove Insurance Agency

amanda Misilo
Nicole gaudette
Melissa Mann
Michael Dias

living expenses

A reverse mortgage allows homeowners, typically aged 62 or older, to convert part of the equity in their home into cash unlike a traditional mort-

gage, the borrower is not required to make monthly payments instead, the loan is repaid when the homeowner sells the home, moves out, or passes away The proceeds from the reverse mortgage are not taxable, making it a potentially attractive option for retirees seeking to minimize their tax burden

For many retirees, the need for supplemental income becomes more pressing as they age, particularly when Social Security benefits and pension payments fall short of covering expenses For years, reverse mortgages were primarily seen as a last-ditch solution for homeowners with limited resources or those facing financial distress

However, many financial advisors are now recognizing that reverse mortgages can play a strategic role in enhancing retirement income and preserving retirement assets

One of the main reasons advisors are advocating for earlier use of reverse mortgages is the opportunity to reduce the pressure on other retirement assets, such as 401(k)s, iRAs, or investment portfolios By tapping into home equity in the early

years of retirement, retirees can avoid the need to sell off investments in a potentially volatile market, allowing their assets to continue growing This strategy helps maintain a diversified portfolio and can provide more flexibility in managing withdrawals in the later years of retirement

Another compelling reason for considering reverse mortgages earlier in retirement is the nontaxable nature of the proceeds unlike withdrawals from traditional retirement accounts, which are taxed as income, reverse mortgage proceeds are not subject to federal income tax This can be particularly advantageous for retirees looking to keep their tax liabilities low and stretch their retirement savings further

Research demonstrates that coordinating the housing asset to protect other resources may improve overall legacy value When used strategically, homeowners can tap into their equity early in retirement and still leave a good portion of their home’s value intact With the line of credit growth, more money becomes available in future years when expenses may increase

As more retirees face the reality of longer life expectancies and fluctuating markets, financial advisors are increasingly recommending reverse mortgages as a proactive strategy to supplement retirement income By using reverse mortgages earlier in retirement, retirees can reduce the need to liquidate investments, enjoy non-taxable proceeds, and preserve wealth for the long term With the right guidance, a reverse mortgage can become an integral part of a well-rounded retirement plan no longer a last resort, but a strategic tool for maximizing financial security

Ruta Convent is a reverse mortgage specialist who has lived in uxbridge for over 33 years, where she raised her family and helped her parents age in place After 40 years of helping her clients finance their homes with traditional mortgages and equity loans, she turned her focus to the reverse mortgage product to help seniors get the most out of their retirement She can be reached at 508-641-1464 or by emailing: rconvent@ mutualmortgage com

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