CareTech CHALLENGE 2020

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CareTech CHALLENGE Accelerating Care and Health Technology

Meet the Participants


CareTech CHALLENGE Accelerating Care and Health Technology

CareTech CHALLENGE fra Danish.Care opbygger et innovativt økosystem for iværksætteri og sundhedsinnovation på tværs af Danmark med fokus på udviklingen af nye og bedre teknologiske løsninger. CareTech CHALLENGE har til formål at styrke innovationsindsatsen i foreningen og understøtter brancheansvaret for at påvirke og stimulere udviklingen af næste generation af hjælpemidler og velfærdsteknologi. Vi samarbejder med ledende aktører på startup-området på tværs af Danmark og de europæiske innovationsmiljøer - med viden, erfaring og kompetencer, der aktivt kan løfte branchens udviklingsbehov gennem nytænkning og fokus på best practice. Med programmet CareTech CHALLENGE har startup-virksomheder mulighed for at deltage i et stærkt konkurrenceforløb med en række attraktive accelerator-aktiviteter, der kan hjælpe din virksomhed fremad. Aktiviteter og events afholdes i samarbejde med bl.a. Health & Rehab Scandinavia, CareNet – Nationalt netværk for velfærdsteknologi, Teknologisk Institut, Keystones og Amazing Hall. Lad os sammen udvikle morgendagens danske hjælpemidler og velfærdsteknologi med internationalt potentiale.

Amazing Hall er en konsulentvirksomhed med fokus på Healthcare & Innovation med 25 års international erfaring inden for Storytelling & Strategisk Marketing samt rådgivning af startups i inkubatormiljøer.


Layout & Produktion: BRUHN Grafisk ApS ·

Feltet for konkurrencen i 2020 er stærkt Deltagerne i 2020 tæller hele 19 spændende virksomheder fra både Danmark, Sverige, Finland og Letland. På de følgende sider kan du læse en præsentation fra hver deltagende virksomhed i både ord og billeder. God fornøjelse

Meet the Participants 4Mvideo IVS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acurail ApS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AnyBody Technology A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anyware Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brillianze Sweden AB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . byLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gonio VR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manigrip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medica Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moti ApS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Møller-Jensen Innovation & Design Aps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qlife ApS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanoste Oy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spraino Manufacturing ApS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SYNCSENSE ApS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VitaSim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walker Reminder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyder CareTech CHALLENGE som noget for dig?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

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4Mvideo E-cykling, for seniorer der vil holde sig i form Daglig motion er godt, det er almindelig kendt. Sundhedsmyndighederne har anbefalet det gennem mange år. Det giver et længere liv med højere livskvalitet. Inaktivitet derimod, fører til fysisk svækkelse, dårligere helbred og øget afhængighed af pleje- og sundhedsydelser. Over halvdelen af 65+ årige i Danmark, efterlever ikke anbefalingerne. Det har konsekvenser, både for disse ældre, deres familier og for samfundet.

Løsningen er udviklet i et OPI-samarbejde med Gladsaxe kommune. 4Mvideo har siden 2017 været udbudt i en ’kommunal udgave’ og været i brug i Gladsaxe på deres seniorcentre samt i forbindelse med rehabilitering for borgere i eget hjem. Fysioterapeuter og borgere er meget tilfredse med systemet. I januar 2020 blev 4Mvideo frigivet i en version til privatkunder. Den kan købes i 4Mvideos web-butik.

4Mvideo gør det let, hyggeligt og motiverende, at dyrke daglig motion. 4Mvideo er et videobaseret cykel­ motionssystem lavet til seniorer i eget hjem. Det motiver til træning ved brug af ægte video fra natur og bymiljøer rundt om i landet, eventuelt med video lavet af familie og venner. Systemet består af 1) et website til videoupload, generering og download af cykelvideoer, 2) en app til iPad / tablet og 3) en kadencesensor til montering på pedalarm. Tryk på skærmen og træd i pedalerne - så er du ude på en virtuel cykeltur.

I Danmark er der ca. 1 mill. 65+ årige. 50 % lever ikke op til sundhedsstyrelsens anbefalinger om daglig motion. Det anslås at 10% heraf er potentielle brugere af 4Mvideo. Det internationale potentiale er mindst x100 større. 4Mvideo sælges som abonnementsløsning. Listepris for ubegrænset adgang til app og cykelvideoer er 100 kr/ måned. Kadensesensor koster 300,- (før moms).

4Mvideo IVS Erik Johannsen · · CVR 39077140, stiftet 1. november 2017 DTU Science Park, Diplomvej 381, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby. Projektet ledes af et founder-team bestående af:

Peter Michael Nielsen - speciallæge i Neurologi, Overlæge på Apopleksiafsnittet Holbæk Sygehus,Geriatrisk Afdeling. Peter Michael står for den Lægefaglig kvalitetssikring og har gennem mere end 10 år dagligt arbejdet med rehabilitering af ældre.

Lars Rosenberg Randleff - CTO og udvikler i firmaet. Lars har tidligere arbejdet med software- og systemudvikling inden for trafikdata og intelligente transportsystemer. Lars er datalog fra Københavns Universitet og har en ph.d.-grad i operationsanalyse fra Danmark Tekniske Universitet.

Erik Johannsen - CEO og iværksætter. Erhvervsmæssig baggrund fra den internationale it-industri og lang erfaring med produkt- og forretningsudvikling, innovation, projektledelse samt salg og marketing. Erik er Akademiingeniør med en E*MBA i Innovation og Teknologiledelse fra DTU Business.


KAG Safety Rail - get a safe grip Based in Esbjerg, Denmark, Acurail was established in 2018 as the master distributor of KAG Safety Rail with the aim of manufacturing, supplying and distributing innovative safety handrail products across Europe. We are a young, dynamic, forward-thinking company led by a team of highly experienced business professionals with a wealth of industry experience.

• Slips, trips and falls of less than 2mtrs constitute the largest cause of accidents

• Our strength lies in strong trade relationships where we provide our customers and distributors with the best safety rail products and a first-class service

Unlike smooth rails that easily become slippery, the KAG Rail provides real grip – whether it’s dry, wet or greasy.

• STFs are the second most common cause of lostworkday injuries in hospitals • Adults older than 65 years of age suffer the greatest number of fatal falls

• Meets infection control standards for healthcare facilities

• The company is headed up by Torben H. Pedersen, Managing Director and Steen Betak, Chief Sales Officer

• Compliant with the Council Directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical devices, as last amended by Council Directive 2007/47/EC of 5th September 2007

Using breakthrough technology and ingenious design, our KAG Safety Rails and Handles are simply the smartest step in safety.

• Classified in accordance with ISO 9999:2016 – Assistive products for persons with disability

• They deliver superior safety and wellbeing in private homes, public healthcare sector, hospitals and care homes.

• Independently tested by the Queensland University of Technology

• The unique features maximise grip, minimise slip, reduce excessive physical effort and provide ex­cep­ tional support and stability, wherever it is needed.

• Achieved a 5-star rating for cleanability by infection control at Redland Bay Hospital

We have undertaken extensive research – primarily focused on data for Slips, Trips and Falls (STFs) in the medical sector – as this drives the requirement for the safety rails and handles.

Acurail ApS Havnegade 62, 2. sal · 6700 Esbjerg Steen Betak, CSO · · +45 2815 7340


AnyBody Technology har ved hjælp af mange års erfaring med omfattende kropsanalyser udviklet MoveChair, som er en mobil applikation, som faciliterer sjov og effektiv siddende træning, så alle har nemmere ved at tilrettelægge en sund og fysisk aktiv hverdag. AnyBody Technology, er et spin-off fra Aalborg Universitet som har udviklet og markedsført kropsmodelleringssystemet AnyBody Modeling System siden 2002. AnyBody Modeling System er et unikt computersystem til opbygning og analyse af meget detaljerede modeller af menneskekroppen. Plejning af menneskekroppen er i højsædet for mange, og for flere og flere af os, er fysisk aktivitet blevet en fast del af hverdagen. Vi har gode muligheder for at tilrettelægge hver­ dagen med motion både indendørs og udendørs, og den teknologiske udvikling øger hele tiden mulighederne for at selvmonitorere vores træningsresultater via diverse aktivitetsmålere. Kørestolsbrugere og personer med nedsat funktions- eller balanceevne har brug for en aktiv og sund livsstil som alle andre. Desværre viser flere undersøgelser, at personer med nedsat funktions- eller balanceevne er mere tilbøjelige til at få livsstilsygdomme, og lider generelt mere af overvægt. Alene i Europa er der estimeret 5 millioner kørestolsbrugere og et endnu større ældre segment med balanceudfordringer. Derfor er udviklingen af sundhedsfremmende initiativer målrettet disse segmenter yderst vigtige for, at personer med nedsat funktions- eller balanceevne kan opretholde en sund og aktiv livsstil. Hvordan kan man f.eks. tælle ”skridt” som kørestolsbruger og nå op på de anbefalede 10.000 skridt om dagen? Eller sætte mål for sin træning og følge resultatet? Netop disse spørgsmål er omdrejningspunktet i den nye træningsapp MoveChair. MoveChair projektet er fundet af Bevica Fonden, som bestræber sig på at gøre en forskel for mennesker med bevægelseshandicap. Siddende træning er ideelt for alle, som er udfordret på balance­ evnen eller generelt har svært ved klassisk fysisk aktivitet. Ved at træne siddende er det stadig muligt, at få pulsen op, forbedre sin kondition og øge sin muskelstyrke. Så sæt dig godt til rette i stolen, og lad MoveChair guide dig gennem et målrettet kartotek af professionelt udviklede træningsprogrammer, som er designet til at hjælpe dig med at holde en god fysisk form hvor, og hvornår det passer dig. Tilmeld dig vores færdige træningsplaner, eller udvælg, planlæg og følg dine egne programmer, mens du nyder godt af vores instruktionsvideoer og indtalte vejledninger. Analysér og hold styr på dine fremskridt, præcis som man kender det fra andre træningssapps – og så alligevel ikke. MoveChair´s innovative analyse-modul er basereret på AnyBody Technology’s mangeårige erfaring med muskuloskeletal simulering og analyse, og tager udgangspunkt i et gennemgående kendskab til kroppen og dens fysiologi. Lige så vigtigt som det er at udføre den fysiske aktivitet, lige så vigtigt er det at opbygge en vedvarende motivation for den. I MoveChair har vi tilføjet flere moduler for netop at fastholde motivationen for vedvarende fysisk aktivitet. MoveChair - Siddende træning!

AnyBody Technology A/S Kristoffer Iversen ·


Omsorg Til Alle I Eget Hjem Anyware Solutions’ prisvindende og patenterede tek­no­logi­platform er grundlaget for den nye plug-andplay omsorgsløsning, Omsorg™, til ældre, der bor alene, og deres pårørende, som oftest er den primære omsorgs­ person for disse ældre.

Omsorg™ er teknologisk baseret på simpel lyddetektion, der udelukkende registrerer ’aktivitet’ og prædefine­ rede lydmønstre med en teknologi, der ikke optager eller forstår noget, og således ikke krænker hensynet til den ældres privatliv. Derpå behandles lyddetektionen af nogle avancerede ’deep learning’ og maskinlæringsalgoritmer, der kun sender en omsorgsalarm, hvis noget ikke er som det skal være. Omsorg™ kan integreres med andre velfærdsteknologiske løsninger.

Det er Anyware’s vision at skabe en forebyggende, let tilgængelig og databeskyttet digital tryghedsinfrastruktur til eksisterende boliger, som er både økonomisk og praktisk skalerbar, så ældre trygt kan blive længst muligt i eget hjem.

Løsningen koster kr. 69,- om måneden og kr. 369,- per sensor. Mod et tillægsabonnement kan den pårørende tilknytte lokale offentlige og private hjemmeplejere via app’en, så de også modtager omsorgsalarmerne og kan reagere på dem.

Omsorg™ installeres af den pårørende uden værktøjer eller batterier (plug-and-play); Den pårørende modtager derpå omsorgsalarmer via app’en, hvis noget er unormalt i den ældres adfærd; Den ældre behøver ikke at bære et ’device’ på sig, og den ældres datasamtykke opsamles ifm. installationen.

Anyware Solutions Kontakt Morten Bremild på email eller mobil (+45) 42 40 49 40 Læs mere på Anyware Solutions er en dansk, innovativ teknologivirksomhed, der i 2018 lancerede et nyt patenteret og prisvindende ’Smart Home-asa-Service’ koncept – rum for rum. Løsningen består både af en plugand-play multisensor til lampefatningen eller stikkontakten, som måler indeklima, aktivitet i rummet og styrer lyset, samt en ’digital home services’ softwareplatform, der automatiserer en bred vifte af dagligdags rutiner for boligens brugere.


Fall accidents is the number one reason for dying when you are over 65 A rollator or walker is a critical medical device to stay mobile and keep up a good health. But it estimated that up to 3% of elderly fall every year using a rollator. In the Nordics, this translates to as many as 38 000 fall accidents and 750 fatalities. Besides the incredible suffering and extra load on our healthcare systems, with every accident costing up to â‚Ź40 000, the economic impact for our societies is enormous.

The RolloGuard rollator is equipped with a patented automatic emergency brake that prevents accidental movement. The emergency brake is self-maintained, wireless, never has to be charged nor does the user have to remember to use it. Protection is there when they need it the most. With RolloGuard, the risk for severe injuries is lowered while increasing overall mobility and health. For the mere price of 1 meal at a restaurant a month; fewer will die, less will suffer and the load on our healthcare systems is reduced.

How do we keep our elderly mobile while at the same time reduce the risk of falling? We provide them with a safer rollator.

RolloGuard Brillianze Sweden AB Bruksvägen 10, SE-232 53 Ă…karp, Sweden

RolloGuard is a Brillianze Sweden AB brand and was founded to bring a new mechanical brake technology to market. RolloGuard is the first implementation of the versatile technology.

The RolloGuard emergency brake system is awarded with a patent in Sweden, USA, China, Russia, Japan, and pat. pend. in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, India, Malaysia, Thailand, and Australia.


Roomie Roomie is a unique multifunctional table. Designed for hospitals and nursing homes, with focus on ergonomics, flexibility and hygiene.

around. Roomie improve the work environment which is a major factor in staff efficiency and job satisfaction. Helping hand to the citizen. The table can be used at; bed, chair and wheelchair, and supports the inde­pendence of the citizen. The large tabletop and free legroom make the citizen feels comfortable. Furthermore, is Roomie made with a light, aesthetic and homely design, and fits well both in hospitals, nursing homes or in the private homes.

Roomie is developed in a close co-creative process with healthcare professionals. The original idea holders are Healthcare professionals Inge and Maria. They both saw a great need for a functional, cleanable and aesthetic alternative to the traditional bedside tables. Together with their leaders and colleagues they have contributed their knowledge throughout the design process.

Great hygiene. All surfaces are without bacterial traps, easy to clean and withstand disinfection. This health professional perspective makes roomie safe to use for multiple functions. (Dinner, Documentation, Medication handling, personal care of the citizen etc.)

In october 2019 a group of happy nurses were ready to welcome their brand-new Roomie. The Uniqueness of Roomie: Good ergonomics. The height of the table is easily adjusted to a correct working position and can be easily moved

For further details on the benefits of Roomie, watch this video. (

byLink, Healthcare Innovation / mobil: 52113009 The joy is; when co-creative pro­ ducts like Roomie, turn into gifts and give benefits and help back to healthcare professionals and citizens. We just love creating gifts to the healthcare.

The benefits all lie in the user-driven process and Roomie is a successful example of this. Roomie is also at great example of how we work in byLink. All ideas come from health professionals, which ensuring us a critical eye on need and requirements before we develop the product. The final product is returned to the healthcare sector through resellers and make the innovation circle complete.


Gonio VR Gonio VR was established in 2018 af aims to be the premier provider of physical therapy in virtual reality.

He has worked tirelessly to bring the technological advancements into play to help solve the issues of present day workflows.

Having established itself in the nordics with the first generation of VR technology, Gonio is now poised to take the world by storm utilising the combination of Stand alone headsets and artificial intelligence.

Heading up the development is Ege Jespersen who for half a decade has been developing alternative solutions to healthcare in VR.

Gonio has made a VR platform that allows for remote monitoring, self assessment, Full body VR telemedicine and motivating and self scaling physical therapy programs for home use.

Lastly Gonio has been joined Bo Bennekov. Founder of Bolverk Games. He brings a developmental powerhouse of a seasoned game studio to the startup.

With the use of VR headsets Gonio is building a neural network to analyze patients movements during rehabilitation. With this data, Gonio will be able to help with research, diagnostics and triaging the patients who need care the most.

Presently Gonio is for municipal/hospital rehabilitation with upper extremity cases, but the aim is to expand to all regions of the body as technology and adoption allows it. With further advancements in AR and VR technology Gonio is also ready to provide solutions straight to consumers.

In the near future, the platform will be a fully fledged medical device class 2A. Gonio is founded by serial entrepreneur and physical therapist Jesper Aggergaard. Gonio VR Jesper Aggergaard, CEO


Wini Flere end 700.000 danskere lever med en gigtdiagnose. Mange med gigt oplever smerte, stivhed og funktions­ nedsættelse i hænderne, hvilket besværliggør at gribe om smalle genstande. Lignende symptomer ses også ved muskelsvind, nerveskader og sklerose. Mange benytter et ergonomisk greb for at afhjælpe besværet.

mekanisme fastholder genstanden og giver genstanden et ergonomisk greb (indtil videre testet med: bestik, tandbørste, malepensel, kuglepen, hæklenål, kam og grydeske). Wini beskyttes af et ’cover’, der - udover at sikre et optimalt greb – muliggør en nem rengøring. Vores fokus på den alsidige funktion samt det visuelle udtryk betyder, at Wini skiller sig ud blandt andre hjælpemidler. Wini gør det muligt at samle funktionen fra flere forskellige hjælpemidler i én simpel grebsforstørrer. Slutbrugeren behøver derfor ikke udskifte lige så mange ting i hjemmet.

Gennem feltstudier med fokus på gigtpatienter, har vi set et ønske om en multifunktionel og simpel løsning, der ikke begrænser valget af hverdagsredskaber. Samtidig er der et ønske om et diskret men stilfuldt design, der giver en følelse af dansk design fremfor hjælpemiddel. Ud fra disse to faktorer udsprang Manigrips idé om den ergonomiske grebsforstørrer; Wini.

Wini bidrager med en langt højere fleksibilitet i hver­ dagen og i sociale sammenhænge, hvilket vil afhjælpe den stigmatiserende følelse, der kan opleves ved brug af hjælpemidler

Wini er et ovalformet greb, hvori hverdagsredskaber kan nedsættes, en patenterbar elektronisk styret lukke­

manigrip Thomas Solgaard


medica connect

Cariot brush Medica Connect was founded as a joint venture three years ago by a group of innovators and entrepreneurs working within the healthcare and technology industry, seeking to make a difference by bringing useful, efficient, and affordable healthcare technology products to the market. The founders have a successful history of startup and innovation, and a proven track record of projects and products to show for it. CARIOT BRUSH is our currently featured product targeting long-term care facilities and the homecare sector. It provides real-time oral-care support for frail elderly users and their caregivers. This is achieved by automatically identifying missed toothbrushing sessions and reacting intelligently and appropriately by presenting gentle and subtle light reminders to the elderly themselves and passing on warnings to caregivers when required Caregivers can choose to follow the brushing status on large status screens for use in care facilities and hospitals. Furthermore, brushing status is accessible from the web when staff is mobile or working at the office. CARIOT BRUSH can support caregivers’ workflow optimally, and can ensure that errors and omissions are avoided.

While we are a young company, we have massive experience from the field, deployments of healthcare tech installations in private homes, nursing homes, and hospitals across the world. Our team of ten dedicated employees features the perfect mix of skillsets needed to succeed in the healthcare tech business, including highly skilled technicians, experienced software and hardware development engineers, dedicated healthcare specialists, and industrial researchers. Medica Connect also has an extensive network of collaborators across the world, including high-tech production factories for fast and affordable production of our hardware in Denmark, Europe, Thailand and China, allowing us to turn ideas into prototypes and placing products on the market.

Designed to respect the privacy of its users, the solution can work entirely in “private mode” as a nonconnected device, but also allows organizations to harvest the power of the internet of things, where it can be used as a true connected cloud solution. Also, CARIOT BRUSH can easily integrate into existing care technology eco­ systems for those customers who already have invested in infrastructure. We guarantee easy integration, through our support for open interfaces and standards. In fact, we are willing and able to adapt our products to match the exact needs and preferences of our customers, including recertifying the product under another brand.

We have proven this to many customers and collaborators, and we would like to prove it to you. Please contact us for further details. We would love to meet you.

medica connect Pernille Meyer ·


Photographer © Joakim J. Hvistendahl

Measuring progress in rehabilitation MOTI is a measuring device for physiotherapists to measure the joint mobility (ROM) and movement quality (QOM) of their patients. This helps the physiotherapists to assess their patients’ physical stage in each of the patients’ frequent consultations, making it possible to optimize the treatment based on objective results and motivate the patient by showing actual progress.

patient, if they can not see or feel any progress. Without motivation, patients skip treatment and miss out on getting better. MOTI is mounted according to the respective joint with either using the strap or a disposable sticker making MOTI hands free. This gives the physiotherapist the opportunity to have full focus on the patient’s movement and assist if necessary. MOTI can be applied to measure all relevant joints in one single device. MOTI compares the measurements with previous results and all results are accessible through a web-client, this makes it possible to extract the results and paste them directly into the record system, which saves valuable time for the physiotherapist.

Today, physiotherapists determine the patient’s physical stage by looking at ROM - assessed with either a manual goniometer or eyesight and QOM - which is only determined by eye and described with words in the patient record as there does not exist any products for measuring this in physiotherapy. The two assessed parameters are impossible to quantify, compare, and visualize, and it can, therefore, fail to motivate the

MOTI + 45 28 40 19 49

GrowAAL East Fredrik Bajers Vej 300 9220 Aalborg Ø

MOTI has five co-founders; two Industrial Design Engineers (Halldóra and Marie), and three scientists (Thorvaldur; Ph.D. Clinical Science and Biomedicine, Steffan; Ph.D. Clinical Science and Biomedicine, and Rogerio; Ph.D. in Clinical Science) - two of them are also physiothera-

pists. Halldóra and Marie are specialized in user-focused product development and are responsible for MOTI’s daily operation. They were a part of Innofounder C4 and are responsible for an EU-granted project and an Innobooster. MOTI is based on the scientists’ scientific research.


AQUATIME – et intelligent drikkeglas som modvirker dehydrering af ældre mennesker. En løsning primært udviklet til de ældre og personalet i hjemmeplejen. AQUATIME er en cloud-baseret Digital Health løsning, der løbende monitorerer væskeindtaget, viser drikkestatus på glasset og sender data til plejere og evt. pårørende. Væskeindtag detekteres præcist vha. en vejecelle og et accelerometer, og der gøres brug af intelligente algoritmer til at optimere væskeindtag. På glassets bunddel vises status i display, og som et ægte IoT produkt (uden opsætning) sendes data op i Skyen, så status og forskellige statistikker kan følges på afstand af plejepersonalet. Data opbevares helt uden personfølsomt indhold, og statistik/grafer kan let tilgås fra en smartphone, tablet eller computer. •

Knapper: Glasset har ingen knapper eller input til indstillinger der forvirrer brugeren. Ønsker brugeren f.eks. at slukke glasset, skal de blot vende det på hovedet.

Indstillinger: Forskellige indstillinger af glasset f.eks. drikkemål, reminder lydniveau, tidsinterval for middagssøvn osv. foretages online. Opsætninger transmitteres trådløst til glasset og træder i kraft næste gang det er opkoblet.

AQUATIME er udviklet i et tæt samarbejde med pleje­ personalet og ældre borgere i 3 danske kommuner: Alberts­lund, Esbjerg og Frederikssund - og de første ordrer er nu modtaget til levering efter sommerferien.

Motivation: Glasset kan give remindere til brugeren om at nå sine mål. Forskellige nudging-effekter kan indstilles via lyd, melodi og forskellige lys effekter.

Møller-Jensen Innovation og Design Aps Nyhavn 39, DK-1051 Copenhagen K. · Tel. +45 3313 5701 / Vi er et konsulenthus indenfor produktudvikling og design, og vi arbejder dagligt med avancerede MedTech produkter. Vi har en praktisk tilgang og benytter i stor stil vores inhouse prototypeværksted. Vi har tæt samarbejde med en række specialister og kan i mange sammenhænge betragtes som en ’one point of contact’ virksomhed i udviklingsprocessen frem til produktion.

Firmaet blev grundlagt for 45 år siden og har løbende tilpasset sig tidens Innovative behov. I dag er vi fokuserede på Connectivity produkter, fra sensor til Dashboard interface i Skyen. Ring for en uforpligtende snak! Med venlig hilsen Peter Møller-Jensen Mob: +45 4096 9197 / mail:


NovaSafe - safe life NovaLife blev stiftet 2017 og har siden udviklet uret NovaSafe i samarbejde med svenske Delphie. I processen har vi indgået partnerskab med Benny Andersen (økonomi) og senest Gitte Tahko (Partner)

Så hvordan kunne vi bidrage til at ændre fællesskabets grundlæggende holdning til samfundets ældre? Når en person får uret på armen har vi ofte set et stort smil, et blik med ”gnist” i øjet og sætningen: ”Nu kan jeg komme ud igen”. Det har stor betydning, at kunne gøre en forskel, at give livet tilbage til en person der kan genoptage fysiske aktiviteter, sociale arrangementer og psykisk føle sig tryg fordi der altid er hjælp at hente, uanset hvor personene er.

NovaLife tager sit udspring i ældrepleje samt privat hjemmepleje i det sydsjællandske. 30 års erfaring med behandling og pleje af ældre mennesker giver indsigt i mange menneskers individuelle behov – hvorfor udviklingen af NovaSafe var oplagt. Vores mission er, at hjælpe ældre mennesker med at få frihed, medbestemmelse, omsorg og tryghed. Når kroppen ældes kan der komme forskellige symptomer, men fælles for mange ældre er isolation, ensomhed og afhægighed af pårørende eller hjemmepleje. Alt fra små til store udfordringer bliver til en daglig bekymring.

Vores mission skal blive en glæde for mange og i samarbejde med dig blive bedre og bedre. I al beskedenhed – så gør vi en seriøs forskel. Jacob Holtoug


​Strategy and vision Qlife is a high-tech medical device company that seeks to revolutionize the clinical biomarker testing of whole blood by taking it out of the lab and into the homes of the people who needs it the most.

The short-term strategy is to launch the system into well-defined market segments of chronically ill patients, where the need for regular home monitoring is high, while further biomarkers are being developed. Over time, our strategy will expand into the lucrative consumer self-testing market and give people the opportunity to take a more proactive approach to their health with the help of clinical data. Market launch will first occur in the Nordic countries, followed by Europe, USA and ROW.

The Egoo Home System is an integrated platform consisting of a small home device and disposable capsules, each of which tests for a specific biomarker. It provides a digital infrastructure for sharing the data with the patient’s doctor, clinic or hospital via smartphone and computer.

Qlife Holding AB Anita Berntsen · · In 2019 the company obtained the ISO 13485:2016 certification, thus Qlife lives up to all requirements for manufacturing and selling in-vitro diagnostic analyzers and reagents. The first capsules for the Egoo System were CE marked for professional use early 2020.

Qlife Holding AB was incorporated in October 2019, and is the sole owner of Qlife Aps, through a non-cash issue. Qlife Holding AB finalised an IPO in february 2020 raising 55MSEK. The company is listed on Nasdaq, First North Growth Market, Stockholm as from March 2, 2020.

The company has filed for patent protection for key elements of its technology. Today, the company organization consists of 20 people.


Sanoste Digital Trainer Physiotherapy solution with AI and gamification Challenges The physiotherapy market is typically very labor intensive and not scalable. Therefore in many countries there is already now a great shortage of physiotherapists.

Sanoste Digital Trainer includes gamification elements of positive feedback and visual rewards to motivate the end-user to perform the home exercise. Many end-users are motivated as they know that their physiotherapist has a view of their progress.

On the other hand the end-users adhere poorly to the home exercise prescribed by the physiotherapist. Non-adherence has been shown to be as high as 80 %.

Business model The business model is SaaS (Software as a Service) based on monthly subscription with annual contract. 3 different price plans based on the number of patients the physiotherapy is treating.

Solution Sanoste Digital Trainer offers machine learning based AI that tracks the human motion automatically in real-time. The AI algorithm has been trained to track 12 main joints (shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles). This way, Sanoste Digital Trainer analyzes the efficiency of physiotherapy treatment.

Traction The solution has been developed together with the users and it is now being tested with real patients. We have carried out a pilot in neurological rehabilitation center with great results. In the city of Oulu they are now testing it in home rehabilitation.

The end-user performs the home exercise program prescribed by the physiotherapist in front of a laptop computer. Sanoste Digital Trainer is truly AI-based and no extra devices nor sensors are needed for tracking the movement.

Sanoste Oy Kuortaneenkatu 2 ¡ 00510 Helsinki, Finland Marianne Dannbom ¡ +358 40 5026158


Spraino introduce Trib Safe Company description

Product description

Spraino Manufacturing ApS has specialized in controlling friction in the shoe-surface interaction.

We have already developed our Spraino® patch that is our MVP that reduces the injury causing forces on the ankle by more than 90% without compromising on comfort or freedom of movement – unlike ankle braces. Spraino® realigns the foot before the injury happens. In a large RCT we have demonstrated that 58% af the serious noncontact ankle injuries is prevented.

We are an ambitious research team that aim to make life, sports and play more fun. We do that by preventing injuries, pain and alleviate gait problems. We believe that we represent a new paradigm for solving the many problems where improper ground reaction forces plays a pivotal role – by controlling those forces.

Currently we aim to build our technology directly in to shoes in order to make the prevention hazzle-free and improve design. We have therefore developed a lowfriction material that allows us to mold the low friction areas into shoe soles. That makes it possible to apply our ideas to markets outside our proof of business in the relative limited sports disciplines previously addressed.

Our proprietary product development and testing is conducted in our own mechanical models and clinically with our Danish and international university research partners. We have close to full funding for our development activities including a recent grant from the Independent Research Council of Denmark.

The compelling use within welfare tech will therefore be explored to a few relevant niche groups. The initial target groups are chronic lateral instability, dropfoot, cerebral paresis and club foot. However, the technology will be applied in shoes for larger groups such as fall prevention in elderly and safety shoes. Our technology allows for preventing both falls and help gait problems with excessive plantar pressures. We are currently in the process of filing for an additional patent and thus the design will only be communicated following a signed NDA – but we are happy to engage in a dialogue prior to that.

Spraino Manufacturing ApS Rasmus Kjær Jensen ·


Preventing age- and inactivity-related diseases SYNCSENSE is a healthtech startup based in Copenhagen. We develop the next generation of virtual reality therapeutics that enable caregivers to deliver personalized treatment and empower patients to take control over their age- and inactivity-related diseases. We combine R&D expertise with a human-centered approach to technology design.

MoVR is developed, designed, and tested in cooperation with Geriatric Department at Gentofte Hospital since 2018. The end-users are elderly people who suffer from physical inactivity, or social and mental deprivation, or from other age-related disorders like dementia within public and private healthcare. This include hospitals as well as nursing homes and rehabilitation centers.

Our mission is to develop digital health products that bring research, care, and technology together with the ultimate goal of helping the elderly live longer and better lives.

The team behind consists of healthcare and technology professionals who work closely together. Patients and relatives are also part of our team, since they are living the everyday that we are designing support for.

We are currently developing the solution called MoVR (Move elderly with Virtual Reality). MoVR is an easy-touse motivational tool that stimulates older people and people with dementia to be more physically and cognitively active. By combining an exercise bike with exergaming and multisensory VR experiences that takes the user on trips through familiar nature surroundings and Simon Bruntse Andersen childhood memories. This interaction increases physical Co-founder & CEO and mental wellbeing.

SYNCSENSE Simon Bruntse Andersen ¡

Virtual reality therapeutics targeting inactivity 19

Digital Therapy Guide for Stroke Rehabilitation Vigo is a digital rehabilitation therapy guide for stroke that provides personalised treatment on demand, through a software application. Unlike traditional rehabi­ li­tation, Vigo is available at home 24/7, help lasts as long as the patients need it, and it costs 10 times less than current alternative.

exercises with Auditory Rhythmic Stimulation (ARS), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and patient education. We couple this with engaging chatbot interface, progress tracking and gamification elements to increase motivation. In contrast to many other software solutions available in stroke rehabilitation, Vigo can be used in the comfort of a patient’s home.

80 million people are affected by stroke every year. Furthermore, stroke is on the rise, and there are simply not enough human professionals to take care of every stroke survivor. Lack of continuous and adequate treatment leads to the fact that 90% of stroke survivors never completely recover.

Vigo has been systematically tested for 6 months by researchers from Riga Stradins University. In therapy content development we have collaborated with professionals from Denmark, Portugal and Latvia, our main partners being the largest and most esteemed rehabilitation center in Latvia - NRC Vaivari. Vigo has also received a medical device CE mark.

Vigo is a high quality software application that em­po­ wers and guides stroke patients to recover better and faster. Personalised therapeutic modules include physical

vigo · Kristaps Krafte · Vigo launched in the Latvian market in May, 2020 as a direct-to-consumer product. Negotiation with Latvian National Health System on reimbursement model is ongoing. We are very proud that our users like using Vigo. One of the more recent patients, Olaf, has said that Vigo is “a great helper at home, and since it’s developed by specialists, it gives me confidence in the exercises and the

truthfulness of the information provided. Vigo also gives me good motivation to perform exercises on a daily basis, which improves my health and well-being”.


The VitaSim Platform VitaSim provide an evidence-based platform that makes it easy for anyone to implement and use virtual reality (VR) in education and training. Specific use cases range from basic training of medical, nursing and social-healthcare students, to continued re- and upskilling of radio­ graphers, health care technicians, physicians and other relevant professionals.

2D-videos captured by virtual cameras or as 3Drecordings which allow students to experience procedural demonstrations while walking around and watching from all angles, or even participating. VitaSim Study allow users to access any content created in VitaSim Author, either through a web-browser or VR headset. Students can experience immersive lectures, hands-on demonstrations or practice using interactive training tools.

The platform includes 3 separate software products VitaSim Author is a novel knowledge & skill authoring tool which allow users to create educational content in VR without writing a single line of code. The user simply chooses a teaching environment, drag and drops interactable objects (i.e. medical devices) or teaching tools such as whiteboards, and either performs and records demonstrations or builds simulations that students can access. Demonstrations can be exported as either

VitaSim Enterprise allow companies, institutions and organizations who produce or already own VR content to easily distribute, update and manage access to their content – all which can be done remotely through a web browser. Any content imported in VitaSim Enterprise can be accessed through VitaSim Study.

VitaSim Anders Winter ¡ The history of VitaSim started on a shared car ride where Rune and Eskild discovered a mutual passion for improving education. Eskild was working with the control of robots using VR, and Rune was teaching clinical skills to medical students. Naturally, they discovered that VR had an impressive potential for teaching and training.

Together with Anders they founded VitaSim and set out on a journey to change the world of skill training. Today VitaSim no longer create educational content but instead provide a unique platform that empowers teachers to create VR-based content - all by themselves.


Walker Reminder Walker Reminder er et add-on device, som skal passe til alle rollatorer og gøre rollatoren i stand til at kommunikere til borgere, som har vanskeligheder med at huske at bruge deres rollator – for at forebygge fald. Sensorer vil registrere, om borgeren går med eller uden sin rollator. Går borgeren uden sin rollator, vil der gøres opmærksom på dette, gennem en alarm bestående af en personligt indtalt besked, samt rødt lys kommende fra håndtagene.

Holdet bag Walker Reminder består af; Joachim Kristensen er en erfaren produktmanager og udvikler. Igennem de sidste 10 år har hans fokus været på produktudvikling, både inden for hardware og software løsninger. Joachim arbejder hos Public Intelligence ApS som teknologi og forretningsspecialist. Ved siden af ejer han Device Intelligence ApS, som beskæftiger sig med udvikling og systemintegration indenfor IoT.

Demente falder i gennemsnit 3 til 8 gange mere end gennemsnittet. Antallet af demente i Danmark forventes at stige til 130.000 i 2030, hvilket er en forøgelse på godt 50% på 20 år, derfor er vi nødt til at tænke nyt.

Emil Gosch studerer ergoterapi og arbejder på pleje­ hjem, bosteder og et Living Lab. Emil er stærkt passion­ eret omkring velfærdsteknologi og innovation. Han har sammensat sin viden fra studiet og erfaring fra praksis til en ny relevant, simpel og effektiv løsning, som skal øge de ældres sikkerhed.

Efter sommerferien begynder vi et samarbejde med Praksis- og Innovationshuset, som har adgang til kommuner, hvor vi kan pilotteste Walker Reminder. Vi har fået vores egen stand på konferencen Velfærds­ teknologi anno 2020 til oktober, hvor vi vil vise prototypen frem for potentielle kommende købere og samarbejdspartnere.

Walker Reminder

Add-on device til rollatorpåmindelse

Emil Gosch E-mail: Mobil: 28559935


App til involvering af pårørende

Motivering til flere gå ture med rollatoren


Lyder CareTech CHALLENGE som noget for dig? Deltagelse i CareTech CHALLENGE fra Danish.Care giver dig chancen for at vise dine produktideer og løsninger frem – og rig mulighed for at skabe nye relationer og komme i direkte dialog med de centrale aktører, der præger branchen anno 2020/2021 og frem. •

Som deltager kan du opnå stor synlighed og møde branchen og dine fremtidige kunder.

Via programmet kan du som spirende og målrettet startup-virksomhed inden for sundheds- og velfærds-domænet få din teknologi, produktidé eller velfærds­projekt valideret af publikum og eksperter.

Deltagelse i CareTech Investor Day i samarbejde med et stærkt felt af investorer.

Deltagelse med stand på den årlige konference Velfærdsteknologi anno 2020, der afholdes i Odense i samarbejde med Teknologisk Institut og CareNet.

Deltagelse med stand på Zone of Innovation @ Health & Rehab Scandinavia 2021 – messen for hjælpemidler og velfærdsteknologi.

Deltagelse i pitch-træning, Speakers Corner og andre spændende aktiviteter, der vil accelerere din virksomhed fremad.

Deltagelse i samlet mediepakke.

En virksomhed vinder årets CareTech CHALLENGE!

Yderligere information om CareTech CHALLENGE findes her:

“Vi vurderer løbende potentialet med henblik på deltagelse. Deltagelse er gratis - men det forpligter.”

Anders Lyck Fogh-Schultz Senior Consultant Network Manager, CareNet Innovation & Startups +45 2299 3244


Blekinge Boulevard 2 DK-2630 Taastrup Forskerparken 10 E DK-5230 Odense M Tel. +45 3254 2425

Danish.Care – Trade Association for Assistive Technology Blekinge Boulevard 2 DK 2630 Taastrup Denmark

Forskerparken 10 DK 5230 Odense M Denmark

Tel. +45 3254 2425

National Danish Network for Assistive and Welfare Technology


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