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The Harz

Structure   Â

Generall facts about the Harz (p. ?)

nature (p. ?)


attractions for kids and family


hotels and travel services


Generell facts about the Harz

The Harz is the highest mountain range southly in northgermany and lies at the cutpoint from Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

The highest point in the Harz is the Brocken which is 1141.2 m high. The Harz is popular for his low temps and the high rate of rain this is positiv in sommer and winter. Because in summer it´s not to hot and very enjoyable and in winter its cold and there is much snow for skiing and snowboarding.

The nature of the Harz

Sources (quellen) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/HYWoXZSj_Ow/UJgfMS_TF9I/AAAAAAAABWI/qq0Fla_gagY/s16 00/harz.jpg


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