Rochester Woman Online Sept 2022

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Photographed on our September 2022 cover of Rochester Woman Online is President and CEO of Ronald McDonald House of Charities, Joanne Ryan. RWO lead photographer Brody Wheeler shot Ryan on location at her home in Rochester, NY along with newly renovated RMHC Rochester on Westmoreland St.

Rochester Woman Online is so excited to be able to have Joanne Ryan, President and CEO of Ronald McDonald House gracing our latest cover!

A native Rochesterian, Ryan lives in Pittsford with her husband, Dr. Stephen D. Ryan, MD. By training,she is a registered nurse who—from the start—found tremendous gratification in providing direct care and could’ve remained bedside her entire career. When opportunities aligned to her other interests emerged, a shift into management shed light on the leader in her: Right place, right skill sets, right time! Now we are able to showcase this amazing woman in the pages of RWO starting on page [20].

We hope you continue to enjoy all of the amazing articles and women we bring to you each month.

Know someone who would be perfect for a cover, a feature or a highlight? Do you have a business that is you want tot promote to an audience of over 100k?



“‘I am a woman with thoughts and questions and shit to say. I say if I’m beautiful. I say if I’m strong. You will not determine my story—I will.’- Amy Schumer.”
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Kelly Breuer

Marisa Zeppieri

Kelly Breuer

Brody Wheeler

Jolana Hollister Lindsay MC Photography Doug Mitchell Murray Yaravitz Taisha

Albert Jones Photography Hannah Klaver Rhonda Harris Steve Deisig


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{ A LOOK AT OUR TEAM } Rochester Woman ONLINE is the premier professional woman’s online publication in the Greater Rochester area. Our feature articles address major topics that interest local women. Each issue includes articles on health, fashion, fitness, finance, dining, lifestyle and personal perspectives, as well as a spotlight on local area women. The electronic magazines are distributed freely through your favorite app store and will be in your inbox electronically by the first week of every month. The publication is available free of charge. Please feel free to contact publisher Kelly Breuer at 585.727.9120 or you can email us at Download our current media kit at www. The magazine is published 12 times a year by Rochester Woman ONLINE. Copyright © 2022 Rochester Woman ONLINE. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or republished without the consent of the publisher. Rochester Woman ONLINE is not responsible for unsolicited submissions, manuscripts, photos or artwork. All such submissions become the property of Rochester Woman ONLINE and will not be returned.



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JoAnne M. Ryan, MHA, RN, has long shone brightly in our community. Media powerhouse Norma Holland, designer Gail Riggs and others have lauded her successes, citing penchants for advancing well-being communitywide, nurturing young talent and enthusiastic collaboration. Ryan, named among 2022’s Women of Excellence by the RBJ and a 2021 ATHENA Int’l. Award finalist, took over as Ronald McDonald House Charities of Rochester President & CEO in 2021. An illuminating Q&A follows.

RW: Tell readers about yourself.

JoAnne: A native Rochesterian, I live in Pittsford with my husband, Dr. Stephen D. Ryan, MD. We have four adult children combined. Our amazing grandchildren are 6-months, 18-months, 4 and 6. By training, I’m a registered nurse who—from the start—found tremendous gratification in providing direct care and could’ve remained bedside my entire career. When opportunities aligned to my other interests emerged, a shift into management shed light on the leader in me: Right place, right skill sets, right time!

That opened the door to other roles at Rochester Regional Health and beyond: Volunteers of America-Upstate NY, the Alzheimer’s Association, Continual Care Solutions, Inc. I’ve always found joy and success in building partnerships across sectors. I hold an AAS in Nursing,

a BA in Gerontology and a master’s in Health Systems Administration. I serve on the Bishop Kearney Board of Trustees, RIT’s MHA Advisory Board and the Golisano Children’s Hospital board. I’m also board chair for Webster Comfort Care Home.

RW:How did you decide to lead RMHCRochester?

JoAnne: A colleague alerted me to

offerings and impact, the more eager I was to lead a local chapter.

RW:What qualified you as the perfect choice?

of-the-art software helps communitybased organizations enhance their efficiencies to better serve our most at-risk neighbors. I was thrilled to know that our product positioned CBOs to weather the lean COVID years, but RMHC’s mission and emphasis on “keeping families close” compelled me. As a nurse working in a unit for preterm babies, I saw the devastating impact separation had on families—who commuted daily, slept in lobbies, slept in their cars—when high-level care was needed. The more I researched RMHC’s

JoAnne: The combination and culmination of prior experiences prepared me to lead our agency. Bedside nursing magnified my compassion, revealed the complexity and frailty of childhood illnesses and affirmed how impactful stress is on family dynamics. Similarly, managing and motivating teams through challenging times had made me an active listener, a clear communicator and a believer in the power of kindness. Leaders must have a clear vision for the future, a keen sense of stakeholder needs and the ability to convey both. My time at CCS reminded me to tie verifiable data to evidencedbased outcomes so that they’re recognizable and reimbursable. When I applied, a board member urged their colleagues: “(JoAnne) exudes the skills and off-paper qualities we are looking for in a candidate.” Such kind words!

RW: Describe RMHC-Rochester for us.

JoAnne: Our mission is to support the health and well-being of children and families. We believe all deserve access to quality care. We take the worry away so families can concentrate on their children. We clear barriers by proving: lodging, transport, companionship,


respite, meals. All are welcome in our Ronald McDonald Family Room and Family Lounge. Others are referred to Westmoreland House or House Within the Hospital. In 2021, we saved families $1.2 Million by providing:

• 6,000+ overnight stays

• 11,000+ meal vouchers

• 3,000+ snack bags

As integral supportive care partners to families of critically ill or injured children at URMC/Golisano Children’s Hospital and RRH, we offer a “home away from home” as loved ones receive care. We share close bonds with McDonald’s Owner/Operators of Greater Rochester, too, who are integral to our history and a vital resource as donors, board members, sponsors, volunteers and more.

RW: Who inspires you professionally?

JoAnne: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Powell. Favorite quotes include:

• “You can disagree without being disagreeable.” – RBG

• “Don’t let adverse facts stand in the way of a good decision.” – CP

• “If you’re going to change things, you have to be with the people who hold the levers.” – RBG

• “(As) a leader, share the credit with others! Some of it rightfully belongs to them anyway.” – CP

RW: Who was a major influence and why?

JoAnne: My Dad was amazingly kind and humble; a friend to all. In a roomful,

• “Honesty in small matters, honesty in large matters.”

• “Be motivated by those who need more and share what you can.”

When we met you years ago, you were at VOA-UPNY. Describe that.

JoAnne: Founded locally in 1901, VOA breaks the cycle of poverty via programs and services which encourage positive growth while promoting self-sufficiency. It offers individuals guidance and resources for changing their lives. While president and CEO, I learned about servant leadership and the power of mission-driven service—both essential when addressing poverty, homelessness, incarceration and addiction. CBOs like it provide the bulk of services to those impacted by social determinants of health and disparities in access to care. VOA-UPNY grew my perspective and my conviction to clear barriers: Change ONE life by breaking the cycle of poverty and the ripple effect will be felt for generations!

was built on a foundation of faith, family and food—pillars our Italian family clung to. He lived DEI values, offering his last bit of bread to anyone in need. Dad passed when I was 30 but his lessons live on. They include: • “Gratitude pays big dividends.”

RW: What (3) traits help you lead RMHC-Rochester and push it forward?

JoAnne: Integrity. Humility. Compassion. I’ve been fortunate to lead teams large and small successfully. Beyond remaining true to your word, there are other challenges new leaders must face to ensure everyone’s

“The hunt for a perfect pair to finish an outfit is thrilling—but there’s no point in wearing amazing shoes unless you’re committed to doing amazing work while you wear them.”

modeling collaboration. Get even better results by welcoming a mix of perspectives, inviting in those who have deep expertise

focusing on their child’s health and well-being.

JoAnne: I married my absolute best friend, cheerleader and supporter. Steve’s

“I was thrilled to know that our product positioned CBOs to weather the lean COVID years, but RMHC’s mission and emphasis on “keeping families close” compelled me.”

my anchor in a storm. His council reorients me when I may be unsteady and I’m always grateful for that! Balance is found in “my happy place,” too: time with grandchildren who provide BIG doses of levity. It’s hard to be sullen when a 6-year-old says: “Meme, don’t worry so much!” Faith is another source of perspective and balance. Then there’s humor. Laughing with my amazing circle of colleagues and friends is the best!

RW: What are your greatest accomplishments to date?

JoAnne: First- Raising amazing, accomplished daughters. Then there’s investing in and lifting up friends, colleagues and team members by being present. Leadership offers its own vantage point. It’s a privilege to help others step into their light and recognize their talents and value. It’s gratifying to see someone

advance a career or switch paths. It’s an honor to help others recover from setbacks, offering a lens for viewing upsets as chances to pivot, muster strength and build resilience.

I often quote Maya Angelou: “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” Preparing for this article reaffirmed how grateful I am to give and receive so freely. Role models and mentors have gifted me their time, wisdom, insights into success and more. Knowing how they navigated upsets made it OK for me to open up to others in their times of need. It proved, for me, that wide circles of trust absolutely do lift us up.

RW: What’s (1) thing most people DON’T know about you?

JoAnne: I’m an ordained minister in the Ecumenical National Church of VOA. While CEO of VOA-UPNY, I was required to complete a year of training and become a commissioned minister. I then chose to be ordained, studying another year to reach that goal.

RW: How do you stay motivated and optimistic amid tragedy?

JoAnne: My team buoys me. I’m inspired by their daily demonstrations of profound commitment and compassion. They’re great at celebrating miracles on behalf one family while supporting others at times of immense loss—in the same day, if not hour. I’m motivated to ensure that they have what they need to do what they do so well!

RW: What motivated you to lead nonprofits?

“We plan to engage our healthcare partners—URMC/GCH and RRH—in identifying community needs around bringing RMHC-R Family Rooms to rural hospitals, expanding our mental health/wellness programs and exploring if it’d be helpful to offer RMHC Care Mobile telehealth services regionally.”

“The combination and culmination of prior experiences prepared me to lead our agency. Bedside nursing magnified my compassion, revealed the complexity and frailty of childhood illnesses and affirmed how impactful stress is on family dynamics.”

JoAnne: This work isn’t for the faint of heart. NFPs face significant resource challenges. You learn quickly to be strategic, resilient, flexible and tenacious. It’s a testament to the power of mission-driven work. RMCH’s dedication to service above self, to its mission and to “keeping families close” moved me. I feel like the luckiest CEO in Rochester! In just 18 months, many profound moments have reinforced that belief. I watch in wonder as stories of hope, courage and strength unfold amid crisis. I witness passion and dedication up close, thanks to our leadership team and staff members. I sense their pride in our mission and our formidable reputation as a beacon of excellence.

RW: How can other women eliminate barriers to leadership?

JoAnne: Don’t look to social media to determine your worth or assess your success through another’s lens. Eleanor Roosevelt said that no one makes us feel inferior without our consent. Stand in your light, cling to your core values and swing for the fences. Heed Coco Chanel’s words that a woman “be two things: WHO and WHAT she wants.” Be you, go for what you want and lift other women as you ascend.

RW: What (1) tough decision have you had to make?

JoAnne: Hard decisions are hard for a reason, since each choice has an impact. The hope is that our professional decisions are made, respectfully and humanely, at the

right time and for the right reasons. Closing a division core to the history of VOA-UPNY was tough for my team and for me.

RW: How has your ability to navigate power structures shifted?

JoAnne: I’m joyful when my work matters and I’m passionate about it. Only after a period of true discernment did I realize how much I missed actively leading a mission-focused team. So, I took ownership over my career trajectory and applied for the role I have now. Earlier on, I may not have been as brave or determined.

RW: What advice would you give 25-year-old JoAnne?

JoAnne: Be less afraid, make bold decisions and take more risks. Blessed with open doors, your journey will be rewarding and humbling. Be grateful for that. Many will serve as role models: family, friends, colleagues. Their strength, determination, courage and spirituality are great examples— complemented by a pledge to serve others, share gifts and offer talents with no expectation of return. They’ll always be your safety net, so stretch yourself!

RW: What (1) thing do you have too many of?

JoAnne: If you ask Steve? SHOES. The hunt for a perfect pair to finish an outfit is thrilling—but there’s no point in wearing amazing shoes unless you’re committed to doing amazing work while you wear them. ��

RW: What’s on the horizon for RMHC-Rochester?

JoAnne: We plan to engage our healthcare partners—URMC/GCH and RRH—in identifying community needs around bringing RMHC-R Family Rooms to rural hospitals, expanding our mental health/wellness programs and exploring if it’d be helpful to offer RMHC Care Mobile telehealth services regionally. Yet we’ll always let the community guide us.

ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE : SEPTEMBER EDITION 2022 “I’m an ordained minister in the Ecumenical National Church of VOA. While CEO of VOA-UPNY, I was required to complete a year of training and become a commissioned minister.”
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I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to do this next interview! If you told me, while I was growing up, that one day not only would I get to meet the Michael Myers from Halloween but he would become a very close friend, I’d never believe you!

And yet, here I am with the man, the myth, the legend - Tony Moran! And believe me, in person he is still larger than life to me, as he was on the big screen!

Tony, my friend, what an honor!!! Thank you so much for doing this interview, especially for this most iconic month! Such a special “treat” for our readers!! Now the “trick” will be, what questions could I possibly ask you that you haven’t already been asked?

We first met at the PA Horror Con and then the New Jersey Horror Con. Honestly, you being the face of Michael Myers from Halloween was an enigma to me! The man who did not hide behind a mask. I could only wonder what would you be like in person?

As our friendship grew, I began to see that Tony Moran did not need a mask! That you are comfortable being yourself and have no problem being yourself around your fans!

Do you think your fans are surprised, when they first meet you, to how easy it is to talk to you?

Tony: YES! At first, they are very reserved. Then when they see I want to talk to

them, they open up! It always amazes me because I’m a homie and these fans come up to my table and they are the loveliest people I’ve ever met and I just want to get to know them!

Tammy: Well, to be fair, I’m sure they don’t know what to expect? A fan going up to a Michael Myers’s table has a bit of fear of meeting such an iconic scary character! Whereas if they were going up to, let’s say, Peter Pan’s table, they may act differently?

take their money and they need to split. So, when I ask them their name, they automatically assume I want to know so I can put it on whatever they want me to sign.

Some of them will say no, that’s ok, I don’t need my name on the autograph. And I’m like no, I want to know your name! They will look at me weird, give it to me and then I say their name and “nice to meet you”.

I swear you can see an instant relaxation come over them! They realize I’m not rushing them through an assembly line. I really want to know their name! Once

I know it, I get a connection with them. Then the time I get to spend with them becomes even more enjoyable for the both of us!

I know being star struck for a fan can be a tough thing to overcome. First-hand experience here, sometimes I meet a star and my mind races thinking “omg, omg, look who I am talking to”! Then I’m sort of at a loss for words, hard to believe I know since I usually talk nonstop.

Is there a trick you use to get your fans to calm down, breathe and just enjoy the moment with you?

Tony: A lot of times, about 80 percent, fans come up thinking I’m going to

Tammy: Something so simple, yet so effective! The star they came to see took the time to ask them their name, not for an autograph, but to actually meet them! That is such a priceless moment you are giving them!

You probably never thought being part of that franchise would leave such a lasting mark. Some stars actually hate the idea of being tied to a franchise. However, you’ve seemed to have embraced your iconic role.

Does it surprise you the younger generations seem to enjoy the franchise as much as our generation?


Tony: It does! I see these young kids coming up and they are enamored with Michael Myers, it’s crazy! I’m not really sure why, but they love the franchise!

Tammy: I’ve often wondered about it myself. I love it when I see parents with their kids at the con! You can almost see the parents reliving it through their kids’ eyes. I think it not only makes the parents feel young again, remembering a fonder time, but giving them a connection to their kids. Re-living their past with them.

Do you find that the younger fans are not as fearful as we were? Do you think perhaps movie magic has dulled their fear?

Tony: I do! You have to realize; these kids are exposed to way more than we were! You have your video games, horror movies, you name it, they are exposed to it and they’re fearless!

Tammy: You’re right! I remember sneaking out to see you at the drive-in theater. I had never seen anything like it before and it stuck with me! First of all, I didn’t know the concept of serial killers. Serial killers today are common knowledge not only at the movies but on TV.

The other thing was I had always felt safe in my own home! After seeing that movie, I questioned everything!

What are your thoughts on why the franchise will never die?

Tony: Honestly? I think John Carpenter was brilliant! It was a psychological Halloween masterpiece like Psycho!

Here you have this 6-year-old kid who is lonely, and it’s Halloween and all he wants to do is go trick or treating!

And his sister is supposed to be babysitting him, but she’s too busy with her boyfriend. The kid knows what she is doing is wrong somehow, but doesn’t quite understand. All he understands is he’s missing out on Halloween because of her! And he’s mad! And he takes it out on her. Then he’s thrown into a mental hospital for 15 years and escapes; killing babysitters!

I think the reason it is so relatable is, it could happen! Whether it be back in 1978 or now, it could happen! And I think kids can identify so easily because they’d be mad too if they didn’t get to go trick or treating!

Tammy: You’re right, I had really never thought about it like that. When I think of Michael Myers, I think of him as a man, because I was a teenager when I saw the movie. But if I had been younger, I would have identified with the younger version. That is a very interesting take on why parents and kids alike love this movie!

Do you mind telling us how you became part of such an iconic role?

Tony: At the time, I was broke and sleeping on someone’s couch. My agent was the same as my sister’s Erin, but things were slow. My agent calls me up one day and tells me about a low budget horror movie.

Back then, you tried to stay away from porn and horror movies. If you did them, no one would hire you afterwards. But

she assured me this movie was different! John Carpenter was doing it! I had never heard of him. Then she tells me Jaimee Lee Curtis was in it, she was a year younger than me, and I still wasn’t sure, but then she told me that Donald Pleasence was in it. And I loved him! A great actor and I really looked up to him!

So now I had this dilemma. Do I walk away from a horror film that could hurt my career? Or do I give it a shot because I really liked and admired Donald Pleasence? I finally decided what the hell, if I get it, I get it!

Later in a documentary they asked John Carpenter why they cast me and he said and get this …he said “because I thought he had an angelic face” ain’t that a kicker?

Tammy: That’s crazy! All because of that, you are getting to experience what you are now!

Because I am part of the con, I get to see behind the scenes that most do not. And let me tell you, it’s the most amazing experience!

I see the little things that have become some of the biggest moments in a fan’s life! There goes Tony, pushing a woman around the con in a wheelchair because she wanted to see another star.

Or, when I overheard you asking a fan about her father’s health, only to see you embrace her as she tearfully told you he had passed.

I see fans patiently waiting their turn, not just to see you for the first time, but

“You probably never thought being part of that franchise would leave such a lasting mark. Some stars actually hate the idea of being tied to a franchise. However, you’ve seemed to have embraced your iconic role.”

to see you again and again! The way they light up when you see them and how genuine you are when you smile and say, “Hey man, how you doing?”

In fact, just recently at the PA Horror Con, I got to see first-hand this most amazing situation evolve right in front of us. My husband and I were waiting in this long line to see you. There were these 2 women in front of us.

They caught our attention when their mother came up with a brand-new Michael Myers mask. The one daughter instantly grabbed it and lovingly held onto it as she waited. I strike up a conversation with her sister.

The sister proceeds to tell me how much the one holding the mask loves Michael Myers. In fact, she carries a picture of him in her purse! They’ll be driving her somewhere and they’ll look over at her and she has that picture out staring at it.

The woman with the new Michael Myers mask nodded and proudly showed me the picture! She was so excited. It would be the first time she ever met Michael Myers in person. She then carefully put the picture back and anxiously looked forward, waiting patiently for her turn.

Now you had already seen a ton of fans and your line was the longest in the room. But when this woman came up to you, so excited, showing you her new mask, without missing a beat, you gave her your full attention!

You carefully took the mask from her and signed it. You took pictures with her, you talked to her. Your interaction

with her was amazing! I’m telling you, there wasn’t a dry eye in the line while we all watched how wonderful you were to her!

I know in my heart you gave that woman a memory she will always treasure!

What does it mean to you when you have those special moments with your fans or when you have fans come back to see you over and over?

Tony: Tammy, I have to admit it was hard for me not to have a dry eye with her too! What a very special lady! Here she had a shirt with me on it, she waited in line patiently to see me, she had the mask her mom had just bought her and she was showing it to me like it was such a treasure! And I’m thinking, she’s here for me! It humbles you.

And with each con I do, I’m getting these fans coming back for more! And you get to know them, bond with them. It means the most to me! It’s not about the money. It’s about making people smile and be happy.

I know how life works. I see these people come up to me and I ask them how you doing? I break them down so they can be homies with me. Everybody in life just wants a friend and I’m all in. But when you try to put it in words, it’s hard. The only way I describe it is I’m blessed!

Tammy:: That you are! Not only now with the cons and your fans but the things you have gotten to do in your life and lived to tell the tale, are iconic in itself!

For example, most probably do not know how athletic you are and always have been. You’ve surfed, you’ve taught tennis, you golf, you fish, you ride motorcycles. I could go on and on! Let’s talk about surfing because you are very passionate about it.

What are your thoughts on surfing?

Tony: Surfing is a dangerous sport. I did it for 40 years. I liked the danger of surfing. People see it on TV and I watch it too but I’ve done it! People who have never surfed have no idea how frightening it can be! You have sharks, seals, other surfers, 10 ft waves and a very real threat of drowning!

At 15 when I learned how to surf, I thought this was cool and I continued to do it until I was 60. I even taught my daughter how to surf. I have 2 tattoos on my body of surfing. Surfing is the only sport where you don’t have control. The wave has control! You can ski, play tennis, play baseball and you have control.

In the ocean, the ocean says you’re mine! It will tell you it’s ok if you want to love and have affection for it but it’s going to be dangerous. It’s not going to be safe. It may even mess you up a little! And the threat of drowning is always there, I know! But man, did I love it!

Tammy: That’s powerful! I never thought of surfing being that dangerous! Gives me a whole new respect for it and the ones who do it! I have to say it’s the one thing you and Michael Myers definitely have in common… you are fearless!!!

“Back then, you tried to stay away from porn and horror movies. If you did them, no one would hire you afterwards. But she assured me this movie was different! John Carpenter was doing it! ”

Recently, you’ve taken another one of your hobbies, riding a motorcycle, and combined that hobby with a tribute to a dear friend.

Would you mind telling us about your motor blogging?

Tony: A buddy of mine, Terry, has Parkinson’s disease. It got so bad he couldn’t ride any more. So, he calls me up and asks me if I wanted his BMW? And I’m like yea, but are you sure? And he proceeds to tell me not only does he have Parkinson’s but cancer in his jaw.

Heartbreaking Tammy, he’s my buddy! The man can’t ride, can’t eat, let alone do other things and it’s bad. And you think to yourself, what can I do? Then I saw these people motor blogging, and I thought, why not? I can take Terry with me, on his bike, and show what he means to me while motor blogging.

Tammy: That’s rough. I don’t know how you do it. I know that whole situation is weighing heavily on your mind and yet here you are at the cons. I admire that about you. You have this personal issue going on and yet your fans have no clue.

Tony: Tammy, we all have problems! But we all can gain strength from one another to get us through.

Are there other channels you are doing too?

Tony:Yes! My buddy Kevin, he created a channel for me called thekillerchannel

on youtube. I have The Real Tony Moran on Tic Toc and on Instagram The Real Tony Moran.

Tammy: I’ve seen them, I’ve subscribed to them and I love them as I’m sure our readers and your fans will too!

I have to ask. I know at the end of a long weekend at a con, I’m tired and ready to go home as I’m sure you are too. And yet, Paul, my husband, and I can’t stop talking about the con for days after! Who we met, the stories we heard. It’s such a rush!

Do you find yourself talking about the con when you get home?

Tony: I’m exhausted when I get home!

I have Debi waiting for me at home. I love Debi, but it’s taken me 65 years to learn how to talk to a woman without making them worry! So, I’ve learned to ease her into all the stories.

When I first get home, I tell her there’s this one thing I want to tell her. Then I tell her another. If I do it in 20 minutes, it’s no good. But over a few hours it’s good. So yeah, I love telling her all the stories from the cons.

Tammy: It is such an amazing time! Well, hopefully, just like your franchise, you keep coming back to life in these cons time after time! Tony, thank you so much for doing this interview and allowing me to let others see you how I see you, a man who will never need a mask!

I also want to thank Todd Starauch and his awesome camera man Gary

Wills. Todd was gracious enough to let me do this written interview with Tony on his podcast! If you want to see the live version of this article please check it out at TheHorrorNerd on youtube.

I’ve said it before and I will continue to say it. These cons are amazing events that let you meet the stars you know and love. A chance to remanence about your past and interact with the ones on the screen that were part of that past.

Even a chance to make it a family event! For doesn’t fear tend to bring us closer together? And what better way than to face your childhood fear with a group of your loved ones to protect you from the boogeyman?

Thank you, Tony, for letting us meet the real boogeyman and be able to live and tell the tale. You certainly make it a memorable occasion for all of your fans!

“You have to realize; these kids are exposed to way more than we were! You have your video games, horror movies, you name it, they are exposed to it and they’re fearless!”

Friends, we all have them. Some more than others, but why do we have them? What is the very definition of a friend?

In the dictionary it states “It is a person that has a strong liking for and trust in another person.” I have to admit, the friends I have I do trust.

But did you ever wonder how a friendship came to be? What was so special about that person to have your initial acquaintance turn into a friendship?

Let’s start at the beginning. It seems it was easier to make friends growing up. Again, easier for some, not all. But don’t you find as we get older, it seems to get harder to make new friends? Why?

Perhaps because we are no longer thrown into a group with similar backgrounds or common interests. But does that theory really hold up?

I know for me, I have a variety of friends. Different ages, backgrounds and a variety of interests. I have friends due to Horror conventions, friends from school, friends who ride motorcycles, friends at the Renaissance Fairs, neighbors, even tellers and cashiers. All I consider friends.

And yet there are still many people in all of those different interests who I do not consider friends. Not that I don’t like them or cannot interact with them, it’s just we don’t have the same connection I feel with the ones I do consider friends.

So here we are back to the same


question: why is that? What makes that connection? I think it has a lot to do with the very definition of being a friend “… trust in another person.”

It does seem to be harder to trust people the older we get. Perhaps because of the chances we took on ones we couldn’t trust. Who, in turn, gave us a reason not to trust.

But how do you know this new acquaintance will be different? That this chance meeting could turn into a strong friendship? Where both of you are leery of taking a chance again.

I think that question is already answered for us. That being attracted to this person to begin with already opened the door for the inevitable.

Did you ever have a good friendship that you can’t remember when it developed into one? That it’s hard for you to pinpoint that moment in time because it seems the friendship was always there?

Aren’t they the best? Is it because they are so rare and unique that makes them the best? Being grateful for having such a friendship is one thing, but realizing you can have even more is another.

You may wonder, where am I going with this? It may surprise you that I am actually encouraging you to seek out even more of those types of friendships! Those special bonds.

But why? If you are happy with the group of friends you have, why would you need more? Because I truly believe you can never have too many friends!

That surrounding yourself with people you call your friends is an armor against life’s challenges. With having different types of friends of different ages, races, religions, whatever the case, gives you an edge to coping with life!

Unfortunately, friends come and go through our lives for a number of reasons, but the concept of knowing you can reach out to them at any time for whatever reason still gives you the comfort you have when you can be with them.

A true friendship has no term limits. It shouldn’t fade in time. Circumstances shouldn’t change its bond. If anything, that type of friendship is even more comforting. Because it is there when you need it.

Now think about what if you missed out on the opportunity for that friendship? That you didn’t put yourself in that position that gave you the friends you have today. Think of all the wonderful moments you would have missed out on.

As I said, friends come and go. They move, they get into careers or relationships. It doesn’t lessen the bond, it just puts it on hold. Now, during that hold, you may be missing out on another friendship that is just as special and not having to be on hold.

You need not feel as you are cheating on a friend. For a true friend would want you to be happy when they are not there. Why? Because they have that trust in knowing you will still be there as their friend, regardless.


Remember, trust is the key word. And for a true friendship to work, it is imperative to have it. So, it stands to reason if you can be trustworthy for one friend, you can be trustworthy for more friends.

So perhaps to start new friendships, we not only need to have trust in others but more importantly, trust in ourselves. Through our friendships, we already know we are trustworthy. Meaning we are friend worthy too.

Is that not one of the fears of finding new friends? Them not knowing you may not be trustworthy to be a friend? If you have more friends, with all types of friends, is that not some sort of resume for potential new friends?

I suppose it’s true, as with most things, to have a good friend, you need to be

a good friend. Be the type of friend you want to have. Granted, we all have our moods, our different seasons, our different viewpoints.

So why not incorporate that into having different friends? Mind you, it’s not a race, there is no set limit to the perfect number of friends. True friends are hard to find, but they are out there. Friends who are perfect for different situations in your life.

Friends you may have never thought would be part of your life tends to get you wanting more of that experience! I have met so many amazing people in my life.

Not just family, not just school friends, neighbors, cashiers, postal workers, bankers, motorcyclists, archers, Renaissance and Horror enthusiasts,

even Stars.

When it comes to friends, all those pronouns disappear. They all become equal because I simply think of them as “friends”. And I am so grateful to know each and every one!

Branch out, test the waters. It’s ok. All your friends may not be on speed dial but enjoying special moments with different friends begins to fill your life in. When the one you do have on speed dial has to put you on hold for a little a while, it’s ok. They will answer when they can and will be still there for you, but in the meantime get on a party line and enjoy other friends. You never know who is just waiting right around the corner, ready to answer the call of being a new friend!

“Branch out, test the waters. It’s ok. All your friends may not be on speed dial but enjoying special moments with different friends begins to fill your life in.”



Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

I was born and raised in Henrietta, New York. I was a teen parent. I worked my way through college starting at Monroe Community College then graduating with my bachelor’s degree from the State University College at Brockport. I attended law school at New England School of Law in Boston.

My husband, Peter, and I have been married for 18 years. We are a blended family with 5 children, Brandon (30), Solomon (26), Sylus (24), Alyssa (23), and Brent (19). We also have a 2 year old grandson, John. My mother lives with us and for about 10 years my step-mother and motherin-law lived with us as well. Interesting fact - we had 3 mothers in the house for many years and none of them cooked!

I have been an attorney since 2004 and I started my solo law practice in 2005. I have handled thousands of family and divorce cases from mediation, negotiation, litigation and trials.

I participate in the assigned counsel, attorney for the child and pro-bono attorney programs.

When I was in high school, I did a half-day criminal justice program through my high school and it was then that I knew I wanted to be an

attorney. So many people throughout my life told me I would never achieve my goal and today, I own a successful law practice, raised 5 children, provide for my mother, and spend every day working with parents and children helping them to move beyond their own barriers to positively change their circumstances.

When did you decide to run for Monroe County Family Court Judge?

exciting paths in life, in February of this year, I decided that this was the perfect time for me to take on this challenge.

What do you feel is the most important piece missing in our family court system today, and how do you plan to try and change it?

I believe a missing piece in our family court system is a systemic approach to figuring out the root cause of the issue(s) creating barriers for families. Family court cases cannot be handled with a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

with families and children. After more than 18 years as an attorney, I have realized that I can only do so much. The real change comes with the person making the decisions, the Judge.

With a focus on family, my husband and I raised our children, cared for our mothers in our home, gave back to our community, and built a law practice. Now that our youngest son has graduated from high school and all our children have taken on their own

I think an important component to that is looking beyond the courtroom to see if there are environmental factors that are contributing to the issues facing the family. I will bring together mentors, and community resources and programs to help families where they are. I’ve learned that Monroe County has so many programs and services available but are underutilized. I will implement creative ways to bring those programs and services into the Family Court.

What has set the stage for you to prepare you for this role?

I believe that my life experiences and my legal experience working with families and children for more than 18 years has prepared me to be Monroe County’s next Family Court Judge. I have represented thousands of mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, and


custodians. I have handled every type of case that would come before me as a judge. I understand the difficulties that people face going through the family court system.

Who were mentors that encouraged you or inspired you?

My mom has always inspired and encouraged me. She has loved me with an amazing unconditional love and she has believed in me more than anyone in my life. When others told me I couldn’t, she reminded me that I can (and I will).

When I was 12 years old, I joined a martial arts program. Outside of school, that was my life. I practiced several days a week and that gave me the structure and discipline I needed, and it provided me with a level of self-discipline that I have carried me with for the past 38 years. I developed amazing relationships that I still maintain to this day.

Where do you see yourself in three years, five years?

As a Monroe County Family Court Judge.

What kind of person do you feel makes a successful Family Court Judge, especially as a female?

I believe a Family Court Judge must have compassion, understanding, and a heart for the people impacted by their decisions. As your next Monroe County Family Court Judge, I want to have a positive impact in the lives of everyone that comes before me. I will listen. I will be prepared. I will follow the law. I will decide cases fairly.

And I will decide cases based on the facts and circumstances of each case.

What makes your hustle?

My family makes me hustle. Being a grandma is one of the most amazing joys of my life.

What sets you apart from your competition?

As a teen mom, a single mom, and a step-mom, I have experienced hardships that gives me a personal connection and deep understanding of the issues people face going through family court cases. I am uniquely qualified for this position because I have represented thousands of mothers, fathers, children, grandparents and custodians, and I have handled every type of case that would come before me as a judge. I understand the emotionally driven challenges of family court cases and the complexities of the family court system. I will always remember that I am dealing with the most important person in someone’s life – their children.

What is your favorite part of what you do?

My heart is in the family court. I love working with adults and children often facing the most difficult time of their life. I strive to help clients find a resolution that allows them to maintain control over the outcome of their case for the betterment of themselves and their family as a whole.

How do you balance personal & family life with the challenges and demands of your career?

Teamwork. Myself, my husband, Peter, and my mom, decided long ago that

we were going to work together and help each other reach our goals. When we first started our businesses, there were many days that our children came to the office after school, did their homework there and sometimes even slept in our conference room (a.k.a. the Demo-Vazquez Campgrounds – tents included). It was not ideal but we made it work. My mom has always been an amazing help. From taxi to coach, when Peter and I weren’t available, she made sure our children didn’t miss a beat.

What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?

I believe my greatest professional accomplishment is running a successful law firm for more than 17 years and operating with honesty, integrity and compassion. I am really proud of the work I have done to help children and families through the challenges and difficulties of family and divorce cases. It is important to me to take the time to educate clients about the law, explain the legal process, listen carefully, answer questions and keep clients informed throughout their case.

What’s the best advice you have received that you wish to pass on to our readers?

The 2 best pieces of advice I ever received were “your past does not define your future” and “don’t sweat the small stuff”. I often find myself in the position to mentor youth and I think it is so important that everyone understands that they are not defined by their circumstances. I try to teach people that they can look beyond their current situation and find their own path to achieve their dreams.

“I believe that my life experiences and my legal experience working with families and children for more than 18 years has prepared me to be Monroe County’s next Family Court Judge.”

How do you stay motivated, especially in such a crazy time in our country?

We are living in such a crazy time right now. I try to always remember what’s most important in life – family, and that life does not revolve around me. There are much bigger things in this life than me. I try to focus on what I can do to help others and make their life a little easier. I try to focus on each day and what I can do to make a difference.

What are the major influences in your life? Why?

The major influences in my life are my children, my husband and my mom. My children are amazing adults. They are homeowners, parents, veterans and advocates. My husband is always striving to make my life easier and forge a path of success for everyone he encounters. And my mother, well, she is still my biggest cheerleader, and I am proud to be able to make her life a little easier.

What injustices have you witnessed in or outside the courtroom and what was your response to those events? Sometimes the family court system is quick to move cases along without consideration, empathy, and compassion, for the convenience of time, many times leaving families scared, confused and unsure. In

addition, the timeliness of final decisions, much needed paperwork, or services can be delayed, causing adverse consequences to the parents and children we serve.

I have made it a point to ensure that my part in this process is completed in a timely manner and all documents are appropriate and accurate prior to submitting to the courts. As a judge I intend to maintain this same practice within my courtroom and to make

school part-time. My son was in school and attending a day care program. We lived about 45 minutes from the law school so I had to commute several days a week. I didn’t have any help. It was a very challenging time but I also feel like it made us both stronger. I believe that experience not only proved to me, but also taught my son, that hard work and determination can change ones circumstances making them stronger. Thankfully, my mom visited often and helped when she could.

Please describe a situation in which you took a controversial position that angered or offended people and explain how you handled it.

suggestions to court administration as appropriate.

What’s one of the toughest decisions you’ve had to make and how did it impact your life?

One of the toughest decisions I had to make was packing up with my son and moving to Massachusetts to attend law school. My son was 5 years old at the time and just starting kindergarten. We didn’t know anyone. We had never even been to Massachusetts before. I was working part-time and going to

It is well known that in family court there typically are no winners or losers, and in most cases, everyone must compromise to ensure the best interest of the child. I work really hard to establish trust with my clients and follow through with transparency and expediency.

What do you feel is the most important thing to try and change in the Family Court system? How would you change it?

I believe the most important thing to try to change in the family court system is the length of time it takes to get a case from start to finish. The family court is dealing with life issues

“I have been an attorney since 2004 and I started my solo law practice in 2005. I have handled thousands of family and divorce cases from mediation, negotiation, litigation and trials.”

for families and children. The longer the delays, the more that family is without closure. Often times, people are missing work to attend court conferences. Everyone deserves to have their case heard and decided in a timely manner so they can have closure and move on with their life.

I also believe there is often a lot

of wasted time in between court appearances. As a Family Court Judge, I will set clear expectations for what I expect to happen in between court dates. There has to be movement and progress or there will be more delays. There are also situations in which trial dates are scheduled out for months apart. My goal would be

to set consecutive trial dates so that once we start the trial, it continues until completion.

Where will we see Kristine DemoVazquez next?

You will see me as your next Monroe County Family Court Judge.

“We are living in such a crazy time right now. I try to always remember what’s most important in life – family, and that life does not revolve around me.”



Tell us a little about yourself and your background?

My name is Jessica Ambeau, I have been involved in the fitness industry for over 12 years. What started as a passion for competing, turned into a love of coaching others. The last decade has been a wild ride. I became an IFBB Bikini Pro, opened my own boutique fitness studio in Erie PA and have helped hundreds of women worldwide get healthier. I have since moved back to Rochester NY where I am working in the construction industry full time as well as own my online nutrition coaching business, and personal training clients at No Limitz here in Rochester.

What makes you hustle?

I have always had a constant drive to do very well at all things I put my mind to. Also I grew up in a home with extremely hard working parents, I believe that work ethic was passed down to not only myself but my sisters as well.

How long ago did you decide to go into body building and what made you decide to go on that journey? I started bodybuilding in 2011. I was just at a point in my life where I needed a positive change in my life. I

had come across a few pictures online of some women who competed and I made the decision that day to start. Hired my first trainer and have not stopped since.

How many tries did it take to get your PRO card, and what did it mean when you received it?

What was the hardest part of your journey?

Not giving up. I have competed in over 37 competitions. I have more losses than wins. It requires a certain mindset to pick yourself up after each show and keep going. Grab judges feedback, apply it and come back stronger.

I know that you were a financial manager at a local bank...what made you decide to leave and what do you do now?

It took me 5 years in the NPC to finally earn my IFBB Pro card. I had been competing since 2011 but my first Pro Qualifying show was 2016 with the NPC. I earned it in 2020 at the Jr USA Championships. I still do not have words that describe what it was like to finally reach my goal. It is an honor to compete with the IFBB Pro League.

I made the choice to leave as a Financial Center Manager to follow my passion of fitness. I had moved to Erie PA and ended up making that dream a reality. Fit Plus was my pride and joy. Everything about that studio was what I had always envisioned. Unfortunately my business partner and I split up and I moved back home to Rochester NY. Letting that go was a HUGE heartbreak for me. I do know I will succeed in opening a new studio when the time is right and continue on that journey.

Tell us something fun about what you do now and why you do it. Coaching to me is so much more than helping women get in shape. I love creating opportunities for women to get together, laugh, have fun and build confidence. I have had

“Women relate to me on a different level because challenges but continue
because I am open and honest about lifes continue to march forward.”

many successful women’s events that were very empowering to be a part of. I look forward to having more in the future.

What has been your biggest hurdle to try personally and professionally?

I have had many hurdles in my life. Both personally and professionally. Most recent was splitting away from the business I co-created in Erie. You build personal relationships when you coach and starting a business from the ground up is no easy feat in itself... so I think for me this goes hand in hand for business and personal.

What has been the best compliment you have ever received?

That I inspire women to keep going. I am not the type of person to only share the good times. Women relate to me on a different level because I am open and honest about lifes challenges but continue to march forward.

Who has someone that has inspired you to keep going, especially in the body building journey?

Recently, Sebastian Zona. He has been an former coach, great friend and mentor for many years. When I moved back home he helped me get back on my feet in the gym and took me on as a client to get me back on stage as a Pro athlete.

Tell us one thing most people don’t know about you.

I have 4 sisters, one being a twin :) that is a tough question. I am pretty much an open book.

Who or what inspires you as a professional woman?

I love to follow the Powerhouse Women group. Founder Lindsey Schwartz is a positive role model to myself and many others. Along side with her is Lori Harder. Who is the Founder of Lite

more recently now than ever to find a good balance with my time. It is no longer acceptable for me to miss time with my family due to bodybuilding. So my biggest advice is to have a plan.

What do you feel set you apart from your competitors?

My walk. I LOVE to be on stage!!!

Most recent competition I did get more nervous than I typically do. I will make sure that does not happen again. My walk can set me apart if I am in my zone

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

Don’t ever let somebody tell you that you CAN’T do something!!!

What would you say to the other women wanting to start this journey?

Pink. If you’re not currently following these professional women, I highly recommend it.

How do you juggle being a successful business woman and also having a personal life and the intense schedule for the bodybuilding lifestyle?

That is tough! Prepping for a show is very time consuming and honestly a little selfish. You HAVE to eat a certain way, train a certain way and be prepared at ALL times. I have learned

Hire a coach and someone who is educated in the world of Bodybuilding. Realize that it will most likely take you longer than you expect. Have patience and keep working hard. That is the beauty of bodybuilding, there is always something you can improve on.

What is next for you?

Continue to build my online and personal training business. As well as October 1st ill be competing at the Daytona PRO.

“You build personal relationships when you coach and starting a business from the ground up is no easy feat in itself... so I think for me this goes hand in hand for business and personal.”
“Don’t ever let somebody tell you that you CAN’T do something!”


Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

I am a loving mother of 3 children and 2 grandchildren. I am very passionate about my family and spending every minute I can with them. I am a professional model who loves the camera as much as the camera loves me. I am a hairdresser who enjoys spending time with my clients, and some become family and great friends. I appreciate that I can show my talent and love for doing hair. I am a security guard and a coordinator. I am a woman of many talents who enjoys life to the fullest. My Daddy always told me it’s ok to make money and have a career, but don’t let it take over; you control your life. Love till you can’t, and embrace your family. My Granny told me to put God first, and the rest will prevail. My Momma told me to have a job, have a backup plan if something fails, and you always have to have something to fall back on. My hardworking family fully desires that their future generations be successful and at peace.

What is “Beauty Lies Within”?

How did you come up with this name for your business?

“Beauty Lies Within” is a name I created several years back, even before I started modeling. I always think of a person as having beauty within them. How your heart beats, how you interact with others, and do for others is a person’s true beauty. I believe in my heart that a person’s beauty comes from within them Not how they look. Not what career you have or job you work

at. I look at your smile and the love you have for others. How you desire to make others feel. I decided that when I wanted, or had the thought for opening a business, it all led to this name because beauty can come in many different ways, but is from

make those decisions and to help others succeed to the expectations and the level of visions they had for their business. So how can I say what I had done when God allowed me to express my talent and get me where I am today? So I am very grateful I allowed myself even to come across other businesses, events, and shows. It has helped me understand how I would like to run my own company and what I will and won’t allow. What professional atmosphere I desire and so much more I have learned by watching others. I know that most businesses take time to build, and I am up for the challenge.

What is the mission behind “Beauty Lies Within”? What do the words mean to you?

BEAUTY - mean the inner beauty within yourself.

LIES - what lies inside of you.

WITHIN - means what is inside your heart and inner desires.

The hardest part is having the guts to start it. The fear I had, because I felt the support over the years was not helpful, and I felt people wouldn’t even think of coming just because I opened a business. Over the years, I have always supported and been there for many people. Still, I have realized over the years that I have chosen to

These words mean nothing, without the one-word; GRACE. It is incredible when you have a love for people and a passion for embracing yourself and uplifting others’ spirits in many ways.

Who are some of the people who have inspired you professionally, and why?

Many people have gotten me to this point in my life. Over the years, I have come across many men and women who have inspired me. Honestly, in


my heart, I thank everyone that I have come across and learned from. Professionally, some names (retired) Pastor Sr. Ulysees Parris & First Lady Pastor Josie Parris, (current) Pastor Carl & first lady Angela Parris of Free Deliverance Church. Latiffany Anderson (Kurvie Kulture), my dear friend, turned into my sister, Niecey Dearring, Yana Murrell (Soca Classes), Rasheedah Williams (Virginia), Kelly Breuer (publisher of Rochester Woman Online & She Hustles Talks), Dr. Pam Denton, Marisa Leigh, Tiffany Gray (Phil Divas Salon), Janae Howard (hairdresser & sales) Tahlia Scott aka Lee (Sales) LaCarla Carter (Comedian & Candles) and more. These are some of the inspirational businesses and women I have admired over the years. I have come across so many companies it is hard to pinpoint just one person.

What do you feel makes a successful female entrepreneur?

Being a leader and at the same time learning from others. You see, I do not have all the answers for myself and learn daily from someone else.

What do you have planned for the upcoming year?

My plan for the next year is to focus on making my business a legacy.

Where did you get your start modeling?

In 2016 I started modeling after


helping Latiffany Anderson, owner of Kurvie Kulture and Director of the Kurvie Kulture Pageant, behind the scenes. I was actually introduced to Latiffany originally by Yolanda Smilez (Comedian). I assisted with the pageant, and after seeing how beautiful the woman was, I decided I could be as fashionable as them.

if they are the only model walking. Plenty of us love being in the field and embracing our talent.

What are some of the main things the Beauty Lies Within Agency will focus on?

For me, the main focus will be on creating art with the models and clients. There is no set agenda, but to help or do the best of my ability to get them to their desired goal.

What have been some of the challenges you have experienced starting your business?

Here is a little secret... in my heart, what scares me the most is not knowing how this will turn out, or if it will even grow, but GOD. You see, when this was set in my heart, I struggled, tossed and turned on which direction to go, but GOD! I prayed plenty of times, had plenty of discussions with several business owners, and even did some of my own research. Here I am today on

So, I entered the 2017 pageant and won Miss Congeniality. It has been history since then and has made me who I am today.

Why decide to start a modeling and coaching agency?

I decide to start a modeling agency because I want other women and men to feel like me. They embrace their curves and strut the runway as

FAITH - Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things, hoping for, the evidence of what is not seen.” I need to just take a leap of FAITH. Once I planted that seed, God, healer and ruler, father of Jesus Christ, will do the rest. I won’t just sit and wait. I will do my part to elevate what he designed for me to do. I may make mistakes along the way, but I genuinely feel this was meant for me to do, and I will fight to ensure my dream is a LEGACY.

“How your heart beats, how you interact with others, and do for others is a person’s true beauty.”

What was one of the best pieces of advice you have ever been given?

Never uive Up on what your heart desires. You see, I do not love to be in the forefront; I enjoy, to be honest, being in the background. If I was not ripping the runway, or doing a photoshoot, I was in the back doing what I thought was best, helping and improving everyone else by coordinating and providing encouragement. I am the FACE of my brand. It will take me some time to embrace that position with humbleness in my heart; I am asking God to gracefully teach me that it is ok too, at times, put yourself first.

What are some of the qualities that make you a good model coach?

I have been a traveling model for about 3 years and have been on the cover of 5-6 magazines. I have been featured in nearly 8-10 newspaper and magazine articles both locally and out of state. I have seen many different ways photographers, models, producers, events, and fashion shows have been run or organized from professional to not-soprofessional. I have been an event coordinator, model, and brand ambassador for several businesses in Rochester, NY. These businesses include Kurvie Kulture (Latiffany Anderson), Unleashed (Chandra


Moore), She Hustles (Kelly BruerRWO), RocCity Security (Keith Lane), Urban Euphoria (Charletta Broome & Jnciolle Glover, Rochester Roc Awards (Yolanda Smilez). I was selected to be a brand ambassador for 2 small companies in Virginia and Florida as well. I have even coordinated a couple

Tell me about your biggest modeling accomplishment.

My biggest accomplishment would be opening Beauty Lies Within Agency.

What inspires you to help others?

My inspiration comes from, believe it or not, the lack of support or appreciation given to me. It is difficult being who you are only if you do not accept who you are. Being treated differently because you are different is unfair and unfriendly. This motivates me to make sure that for the rest of my life, NO ONE who comes across me feels alone, unwanted, or not appreciated because of who you are. It says,’’

By the Grace of God I am who I am, and his Grace towards me was not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:10. God created us all differently and hopes to be in his likeness. By all means, I am not perfect, and I made my share of mistakes, but in my heart, I cared no matter what state I was in at that time or season. It takes nothing but Grace to love your enemies and pray with them or for them. So, don’t let anyone stop you from being you and loving what you do.

What do you feel is important about the body positivity movement?

I am great at what I do, and the best part that I love about anything that I do is the VISION that I set forth and how it is carried out...

It is disheartening to see how some women or men define themselves and how society thinks you should look, feel, and what you should be doing. I’m not suggesting anyone should not get bodywork done, or plastic surgery; that is your decision. No matter what

“My plan for the next year is to focus on making my business a legacy.”

you do, you MUST love who you are inside... whether you know it or not, how you love yourself from the inside out will make a fundamental difference in your thinking.

What will keep you going during low times?

To be honest, I love my kids, my grandkids, and those who have impacted my life, but God and his son Jesus Christ make a fundamental difference in the love you need or desire.

When I was at the lowest point in my


life, I prayed. When I did not have it, I prayed. I still needed the heavenly father above when I felt alone and surrounded by loved ones. The Grace of God and how he loves you and allows you to make your decisions is nothing but LOVE. Nothing is more significant than having someone who does not judge you, mock you, keep your secrets, adore you, shield you, or guide you when you don’t know how to turn. Some may not understand what I am describing, and it may seem not so powerful to you, but to

me, life is way too short to not know whom you can depend on and trust the most.

Where will we see Sheila Young and Beauty Lies Within next year?

I am focused and determined to excel or try to build a legacy that is so powerful that it will blow my mind. I am not sure where I see myself within the following year. However, I pray it will be better in the future.

“To me Beauty Lies Within means to find beauty in your inner self.”
“BEAUTY - mean the inner beauty within yourself. WITHIN - means what is inside your heart and inner desires. LIES - what lies inside of you.”



I am thrilled to introduce my son Jonathan to the Rochester Woman Online community this month. My past columns have provided a mother’s perspective on having a son diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Jonathan is 28 years old and will soon turn 29 in October. As his mom, at times, I was paralyzed with worry and troubled wonder about how his life would turn out and if his prognosis at diagnosis would be his actual reality. I’m happy to say that it was not. Jonathan graduated from Nazareth College with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, a minor in Chemistry, and a Minor in Toxicology.

When Jonathan was 25, he was selected as a consumer reviewer for the Department of Defense Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Research Program (DMDRP). The DMDRP is part of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP). The CDMRP strives to transform healthcare for Service Members and the American public through innovative and impactful research. The CDMRP fills research gaps by funding highimpact, high risk and high-gain projects that other agencies may not venture to fund. While individual programs are unique in their focus, all of the programs managed by the CDMRP share the common goal of advancing paradigm-shifting research.

These solutions will lead to cures or improvements in patient care or breakthrough technologies and resources for clinical benefit.

Below is Jonathan’s consumer story:

I was diagnosed with Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, or DMD, when I was 4, and since then, I have grown

activity damages the muscle tissue, instead of being repaired, the tissue is replaced by fibrotic scar tissue— tissue that cannot function. As such, patients eventually lose the ability to walk, require mechanical breathing assistance, and have difficulty swallowing and reduced cardiac function. Ultimately, either cardiac or pulmonary failure sets in, taking the patient’s life.

This disease is deadly because of its terrible prognosis and its identity as a rare disease, affecting 1 in 3,500 male births. As a result, few doctors are prepared to oversee these patients, and treatment options are not readily available or known. However, organizations such as non-profits and government-directed programs allow various companies and other institutions to examine possible avenues for developing new treatment options and more efficient means of diagnosis.

To put it into perspective, DMD is a genetically inherited regressive neurological syndrome - meaning from the moment of birth. The body’s muscle tissues begin degenerating from a lack of the muscle regenerative protein, dystrophin, which prevents degradation during stress and allows the muscle to build strength. Because of this, when trauma or rigorous

I am lucky that my life hitherto was filled with opportunities I readily took advantage of to overcome the prognosis. That meant a vigorous assault on what made the disease so deadly, muscle deterioration, which equated to taking medications that dampened strain on the heart by regulating blood pressure and flow or, in the case of general skeletal muscle tissue, a corticosteroid to


multiple times a week, going to the pool over the weekends, and generally attempting to remain active because muscle deteriorates as you get older; with this diagnosis, inactivity of your body will progress faster.

My mother was involved with the non-profit organization Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD for short); after 12 years, I joined her. On this front, one might say, we tackle the sociopolitical

the disease would inevitably take me through, I had to speak up for myself for my care. Such as advocating on the Hill for allocating money for research efforts in novel drugs for treatment and working with doctors across the country to produce a standard of care that for decades didn’t exist. Part of this effort was also to provide information for parents and patients that they can use to improve their health and their children’s health.

My fight with DMD will continue, but

won’t be alone due to programs like the DMDRP. Other members and I will be able to gain ground in treating this horrible disease. That is why I am grateful to be a part of the DMDRP as a consumer reviewer and for the nomination by Pat Furlong and Annie Kennedy to allow me to do it.

To join Jonathan’s fight, please donate

to: https://donate.parentprojectmd. org/give/369549/#!/donation/checkout “I was diagnosed with Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, or DMD, when I was 4, and since then, I have grown to appreciate the efforts of those who seek to treat this debilitating disease.” { ONE TOUGH MOTHER }



One of Jon’s favorite things to do to raise awareness for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is to participate in Coach to Cure MD. Coach To Cure MD is a partnership between the American Football Coaches Association (AFCA), a professional organization for over 10,000 college and high school football coaches and staff, and Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD), the largest national charity devoted exclusively to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Duchenne). You may have seen the Coach to Cure MD patches during the televised football games on September 24, 2022.

In 2008 the AFCA adopted PPMD’s Coach To Cure MD program as one of their charity efforts. The goals of this program are simple. One reason the AFCA was drawn to Coach To Cure MD was the unique parallels between Duchenne. This disorder robs young men of precious muscle strength and college football, a game where young men are at the peak of their muscle strength.

1. Raise national awareness of the disorder

2. Raise money to fund research for a cure

The Approach to these goals is simple. AFCA coaches nationwide agree to promote Coach To Cure MD on

one football Saturday of each season. By wearing armbands, mentioning Coach To Cure MD during on and off-field interviews, and in some instances doing even more extensive media relations around Game Day. Coaches roll up their sleeves and proudly get involved.

We thoroughly appreciate and value

on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, what it does to his body, and how it personally affects him. The team is enthralled and gives him their undivided attention. Standing with the aid of his wheelchair, Jon tells these accomplished muscular athletes what it is like to be trapped in a body that doesn’t work the same way theirs does. They have truly accepted him as their honorary team captain for the day.

This year’s Coach to Cure MD game was made even more special. We were joined by Jessica Fabus Cheng, Mrs. New York International 2023. She, of course of stunning and beautiful in her sash and crown. It was sunny on game day, so as Jessica flipped the coin to begin the game, her beautiful crown glittered in the sun’s rays. It’s truly a sight to behold! The game coin was unique as well! It was the 50-year commemorative coin from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

the relationship we have built with this program over the years. One of the Universities that has continually supported this program is Utica University. The head Coach Blaise Faggiano loves Jon to come to campus on the eve of their Homecoming game on October 1, 2022. Jon loves to attend the practice the evening before the game. His mission is to educate the entire coaching staff and team

It was inspiring to be standing on the sidelines and see the Coach to Cure MD text image flash on the scoreboard and hear Jonathan’s and Jessica’s names announced as the honorary team captains and help raise awareness for Duchenne MD. The Coach to Cure MD game at Utica University ended on another high note. Utica University clenched a colossal win, thus making the team’s

106 ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE : SEPTEMBER EDITION 2022 { SHIFT+CONTROL } We can’t wait for you to join all the our fight by making a donation in Jon’s honor on our Utica University Coach to Cure MD fundraising page: { ONE TOUGH MOTHER }
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Are you a woman who can think things into reality, but lately you have been stuck in a sea of negative thoughts that are sinking you into feeling low? Read on!

CASE STUDY: She came to me because she was swirling in a sea of negative thoughts and it was now becoming a toxic form of communication in her business, relationships were becoming a swirl of drama. She asked if I could help her clear it. She felt like everybody was taking from her and she was losing value. She realized through consulting with me that she was thinking of things in a very negative way. In a toxic feminine way of over-give in order to receive and take care of everyone else and their needs first in order to achieve. Once these mindsets were upgraded, negative thoughts were dumped, and patterns were revealed, she could heal and began to shift how she was thinking of things. She began to see the toxic patterns that the pandemic had revealed and business started to change and upgrade drastically. Her value increased and she had a positive outlook again. People stopped taking advantage of her. The business went from survival to thrival. She felt relief like a huge burden had been lifted - and that is the power of mindset consulting.

This story is real and it is not just this one person that has this issue, many of the women I consult have similar issues. They are powerful in their business, but carry the burden of negativity in their

minds. The negative mind becomes doubt, criticism, and judgment and their minds become toxic and the body responds by shutting down. This leads to health issues and weight gain. It’s a toxic downward spiral that disrupts the business leader’s power. It’s no doubt that the pandemic has us spinning in a sea of fear and paralysis, a lot changed quickly and women

How can you deal with fear in the heat of the moment?

Likely that in the past, you were not particularly aware of the amount of tension that had built up in you and your team/client dynamics. A certain amount of tension seemed normal for high-stress, high-performance entrepreneurs. The push was a reality and you did it - no matter what - recently the reality of stress in business has become magnified. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically increased the tension to a survival level, personally and in your business. With this increase in tension is a greater awareness of the need for mental and psychological well-being and you are realizing you need help. Issues and problems that may have stagnated for years have escalated during this intense time and may affect the success of your business.

owned businesses have taken a hit. Recently, it feels as if the world is slowing down again and the women I speak to are feeling the hit financially, deeply, and the pain is real.

There is one thing I know about women, we are warriors of courage and for many of us our small business is like our child, it is our creation, our passion, and in our blood. So what can you do when you feel burdened?

Start by shifting your mind! There is an urgent need for a system that you can use to hold a positive mindset in the heat of the moment. Let’s begin with your powerful mind, mindset is everything. A toxic mind will weigh you down and halt your ability to manifest. But, once your mind can recognize negative patterns of thought and feeling then you can begin to change what you think and begin to attract the power of possibility.

The past pandemic years have messed with our minds. And we are holding a lot of thoughts that can halt our


prosperity. Shifting your mindset can be so much easier when you can access the core of your body. Simple breathing into your core with specific breathing exercises and energy movement can immediately clear your mind.

If you have ever hesitated to work out, go to a yoga class, take a walk and then suddenly do it anyway, because you know it will clear your mind, then you know what I mean. Movement of your body and breathing deeply can clear the space in your mind. It can put you in a positive mindset. But, really, who has time? When you are stressed the last thing you want to do is take time off. Because you are in the negativity of survival and it takes A LOT of energy to activate a new path. What if you clear your mind right there in the heat of the

moment? It becomes more possible to shift and the burden of taking time to process through your negativity becomes a reality.

This is why I have created Stress Resolution at Your Fingertips, a text subscription program that uses simple breathing, core exercise, and positive motivation PLUS communication to help you clear your negative mindset and strengthen your body so you can become stronger than your stressors. Resetting your mindset and body has never been easier! Truthfully, what we have found implementing this system throughout the pandemic, women increase the feeling of enough and self value when they dump the negative mind.

Did you know your core is your mind

too? Your gut has an intelligence like no other! The female gut in particular digests hormones too. So if your gut is off then your mind is off. This program will reset everything because we have worked core exercises, from your chair (what we like to call your throne) into the Stress Resolution System.

Want to know more? Join us at Stilettos $ Strength a Day Retreat for Women to strengthen a positive mind, body, and beauty. November 12, 2022 10am-6pm. Discover how these simple techniques can radically alter the course of your prosperity. And subscribe! Start receiving our texts delivered directly to your phone and clear your mind for only $9.99 a month. https://

“She came to me because she was swirling in a sea of negative thoughts and it was now becoming a toxic form of communication in her business, relationships were becoming a swirl of drama. She asked if I could help her clear it.”



If you’re going on a ‘NO CARB’ diet that means NO:

Broccoli, potatoes, corn, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, apples, leaves, strawberries, grapes, bananas, kiwi, pineapples, lettuce, etc…

So where are you getting all of your NUTRIENTS from?

Let’s normalize eating in moderation.

Who’s biggest issue when it comes to their health and Fitness journey is their NUTRITION?!

That used to be me until I maintained a simple system to live a holistic lifestyle to Look Good, Feel Good from the inside out.

The bombshell system can help you break through your relationship with food by teaching you simply a new way to view it, where you are not depriving yourself, not starving yourself and you can start enjoying what you consume.

Remember; This is a life long journey, not a quick fix.


A lot goes into a successful body transformation, and to help you achieve the best results possible, Let’s focus on losing the unneeded fat, building more muscle and boosting self confidence. Here are our 3 insider tips:

not a sign of weakness, but it does make the journey to get healthy that much easier when you have some allies fighting by your side.

Reach out to family and friends and see if they want to join you in your transformation, or see if they want to join BarBella Bombshell and interact with others undergoing the same life-altering transformation as you.

#2- Track Everything

Tracking is another research-backed way to guarantee your success. Whether it be tracking your nutrition, your workouts, your sleep, or your measurements, the only way for you to know that what you’re doing is working (or isn’t working) is to keep track.

Keep a food journal or training log helps “keep you honest” and let’s you be aware of what and how much you’re eating as well as how hard you need to push in your workouts to improve upon previous performance.

Studies show that individuals who have social support, whether it be from close family and friends or internet groups, lose more weight. Asking for support and encouragement is

If you’re reading this right now, it’s probably on your phone, use the notes in your phone and start tracking!!

#3- Take Weekly Progress Photos

Ditch the scale for now! When you start your transformation challenge, it’s imperative that you take a “week 1” picture as well as a picture at the end of each week of the challenge. This allows you to track and see your progress. It can be hard, and even discouraging, at time to notice the subtle changes occuring in your physique when you look in the mirror each day.

By taking a weekly photo, you’ll have a gallery of progress pictures so that you can look back at just how far you’ve come in such a brief matter of time.

There’s no better way to spark motivation to revamp your mindset and physique than with a bombshell challenge. Comes with an audio book for your mindset, meal plan,

out plan

“There’s no better way to spark motivation to revamp your mindset and physique than with a bombshell challenge. Comes with an audio book for your mindset, meal plan, work out plan and BarBella makeup.”
and BarBella makeup. #BarBellaWorld Look Good, Feel Good xo Alyssa



Tell us about yourself, and your background.

My name is Elissa and I design clothes and jewelry. I started my fashion designing career as soon as I graduated from Cazenovia College last year in May. I grew up in Syracuse. I lived with my mom and my sister.

What is Altered Eco and where did you come up with your name?

I’ve always been inspired by nature, it’s just so beautiful and I can’t understand why humans would want to mess that up? But here we are facing issues with our environment. The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world, the first is the oil industry.

Altered Eco is a brand that believes in sustainability and preserving the planet. This is something that is very near and dear to my heart. I use thrifted clothing and jewelry, donated clothes and fabric and turn them into upcycled fashion. This is my way of helping to preserve and care for our planet. Altering the eco system and trying to change the way we as humans treat the earth.

Why did you choose fashion designing as a career?

I chose fashion design as a career because it is something that I’ve always loved and dream of doing. I remember drawing girls in cute outfits when I was young girl. When I became an adult had an unrelenting

feeling that I just couldn’t shake. The thought of being a fashion designer tugged at me until I gave in…and here we are!!

Who and which things are the inspiration behind creating your looks?

I’ve always been inspired by nature, it’s just beautiful. My very first collection was inspired by birds of paradise. The second and current collection was inspired by the moon and stars. The next collection coming this spring is inspired by flowers.

What does fashion mean to you?

For me fashion is happiness. It makes me happy, it’s something that makes perfect people feel good, if you look good, you feel good and I love making people happy and I love making people feel good. That makes me feel good.

According to you, what are the skills that are necessary for becoming a successful fashion designer?

Skills that I would say that you need to be a successful designer are courage, confidence, commitment, collaboration and connections.

Tangible skills would be sewing, knowing what fabric does, how it moves, specific uses and drawing.

What makes you hustle?

My passion, my love for fashion, my work ethic and my kids I want the best for them.

How would you define your personal style?

My style is all over the place, its all encompassing. It’s daring, it’s bold, it’s different, it’s unapologetic, it’s unique, and it’s me

What is your favorite material to work with and why?

My favorite material to work with is toole I like it because it flows nice it gives volume. It’s pretty it’s feminine you can make it edgy. You can make it soft. You can make it bold.


What was your first job outside of fashion?

My very first job outside of fashion was McDonald’s. My career for thirteen years was a teaching assistant before I became a fashion designer. I actually quit my fulltime job at the age of 37 and went back to school to follow my dream of being a fashion designer and it’s the best decision I ever made

Who are some of the people fashion designers that inspire you and why?

The number one reason why I am a designer and want to be a costume designer is because of Betsey Johnson. I feel like she is the closest to my personal style. I can look at her designs without looking at a tag and I know it’s her, that’s what I want people to do when they see my work, I want them to just look at an item and know it’s me.

She inspires me because she’s carefree. Her fashion is fun and how many 70+—year-olds do you know that are doing cartwheels on the runway. I’d love her energy, her boldness and her love for life.

If you could go back and tell yourself

one thing before beginning your career, what would it be?

I would’ve told myself not to listen

don’t let anybody dictate to you what you can and can’t do.

How is working in fashion different today than from when you started out ?

Fashion now is different than when I first started because of Covid, it changed the way a lot of things were done things went more towards social media as far as virtual fashion shows. That made me want to do more videobased fashion videos don’t get me wrong, I love to do in person Fashion Shows, but I really want to get more into making cinematic fashion videos.

What has been your proudest moment in your career?

My proudest moment would be doing this interview right here right now and landing a job working in the wardrobe department at Syracuse Stage. My proudest moment is looking back a year ago and seeing where

to anybody else your dream is your dream it is not their dream. How do you know that you can’t do it if you haven’t tried, they haven’t tried, so

I am today and how far I’ve come. My proudest moment will always be my current situation, because I always strive to do better and be

“I’ve always been inspired by nature, it’s just beautiful. My very first collection was inspired by birds of paradise.The second and current collection was inspired by the moon and stars.”

better and push myself and go ten extra miles.

What role do you think social media plays in fashion today and what is your favorite platform?

Social media is huge just like I mentioned before social media is a place to reach people you wouldn’t normally reach, social media is a place to see things that you would never see. Social media probably inspires me more than anything. I still make most my connections in person. But social media as a way for me to express my self and show what I’ve done what I’m doing and I hope my journey inspires and motivates people to follow their dreams. My favorite platform would probably be instagram.

Where do you want the Altered Eco brand to go? What is your dream?

Oh boy, where would I like Altered Eco to go? I would like for Altered Eco to go on the red carpet. That’s where I would like for it to go. That’s one of my goals.

If you could only have 1 piece out of your collection what would it be any why?

If I could have only one dress out of my collection, it will be the first upcycled piece I ever made, it was the inspiration for my latest collection. That will be my gold star dress. It was

my graduation dress from College. The meaning behind the dress is “If you can dream it you can do it” it be on my favorite quote it’s what my graduation cap said and I just felt like I needed to make a whole line based on the idea of the moon and stars, dreaming and pursuing your goal

How do you want women to feel when wearing your clothes? They feel exactly how I want them

year? I am planning to do New York Fashion Week again. I am planning to do Syracuse fashion week. I am planning a benefit fashion show in the spring.

I’m making connections in the theatre and film world and aspiring to be a costume designer for theatre, movies, and tv shows.

I want a space to facilitate sewing classes and model workshops. I want to help and models and photographers. I want to help launch models careers, teach them how to walk, help them put together comps cards and book them for fashion shows. I want get new photographers taking pictures for Fashion Show’s taking pictures for the models for the comp cards .

to feel. I have been told that my clothes are comfortable. I have been told that my clothes make them feel confident, beautiful and that they don’t want to take them off so that’s what I want to portray. I want people to feel confident and feel good in their clothes because that boosts your mood and your overall mental health and well-being.

What do you have planned for the next year? What about five years from now?

What do I have planned for next

I’m Also working on my Etsy shop. I have starting selling my products online and vending at local events as well. I’m starting with jewelry and then I’ll be moving into apparel.

Five years from now I will be a celebrity stylist and costume designer.

Where will we see you next?

In the very near future I will be popping up next in Schenectady New York on October 29 for a fashion show called runway of terror.

“Altered Eco is a brand that believes in sustainability and preserving the planet. This is something that is very near and dear to my heart.”



Tell us about yourself, and your background.

My name is Dante Marceline. I am a 21 year old artist and designer from Troy, NY. I graduated from Lansingburgh High School and am currently taking time off from college to pursue projects and my brand, IDK IK.

When did you start the IDKIK fashion line? What do the letters stand for?

I started IDK IK in 2019 during my freshman year of college. A time when I did not fully understand myself. I was trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do. Thats when I came up with the idea of IDK IK, also known as I don’t know I know. The letters stood for how I felt. I thought I knew who I was but I really did not know.

What made you decide to start creating fashions?

I was always interested in art and fashion. My parents have a custom apparel business, so I was able to create a design with the letters IDKIK. I put these designs on t-shirts, hoodies and sweatpants. I created 20 original outfits, by repurposing exiting items adding IDKIK designs on them for a fashion show at my college during my Freshman year. I gained a lot of recognition from the outfits I created, but then Covid happened and my momentum was stopped. Within the last year, I was able to gain momentum again, but I am a few years older, so design asthetic has matured some. I want to create

original apparel rather than repurposing existing apparel.

Who and which things are the inspiration behind creating your looks?

My two biggest inspirations are the

Fashion is a way to express yourself and be yourself. Its also a form of art. In my opinion its the coolest form of art since you can wear it. Clothes create the first impression and fashion allows a person to express who they are through what they wear.

What do you feel are some of the skills necessary for becoming a successful fashion designer?

To become a successful fashion designer you have to have the passion for the art of fashion. You have to find the balance between art and clothing.

What makes you hustle?

My hustle and motivation comes from my passion for art. I love creating. The ability to bring my concepts to life is satisfying and to have people respond to what I create is rewarding.

How would you define your personal style?

My personal style is mainly anti-fashion streetwear. I wear black and white mainly. My style tends to grow and change over time.

artist Kazimir Malevich and the designer Maison Margiela. I find inspiration from movies and music as well. Artists such as Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe and Playboi Carti. I find inspiration from alternative icons and the early anti-fashion movement.

What does fashion mean to you?

What is your favorite material to work with and why?

I am still experimenting with materials but my current favorite material is cotton canvas.

What was your first job outside of fashion?

I was a camp counselor at a summer camp for kids.


Who are some of the people fashion designers that inspire you and why?

Maison Margiela, Heliot Emil, Rick Owens, Virgil Abloh, and Alexander Mcqueen are some of my biggest inspirations for my fashion design. They all have designs and aesthetics that I enjoy.

What’s your greatest strength as an up and coming fashion designer?

My ability to understand the different facets of the fashion industry. From the culture, style, trends, history, and business practices. I am very adaptable and a quick learner.

What has been your most exciting moment in your career and why?

Seeing my first collection on over 20 models.

What role do you think social media plays in fashion today and what is your favorite platform?

Social media has replaced the traditional runway with the ability to share your collection to the whole world. I prefer Instagram. I enjoy alternative ways through custom websites to share your collection as well. What is your dream for your fashion brand?

My dream is to be able to share my clothing with the world and have a career in fashion. If you could only have 1 piece out

of your collection what would it be and why?

A hard choice but I will go with my custom grey IDK IK jeans. The pants were my longest custom project to

what other people think. Only thing that should matter is how you feel.

What do you have planned for the next year? What about five years from now?

I plan on completing and documenting my newest collection. Sharing my collection at various shows and events. In five years I hope to be settled into my fashion career.

Where will we see you next?

I will be showcasing more of my collection at a couple of events this year and next. All of it will be shared via Instagram (1dk1k) and Facebook (IDKIK).

What is one thing people don’t know about you?

Although I am quiet and tend to stay out of the spotlight, I am not afraid to get out there and share my art. I have done performances in the past that put me into the center of attention.

What programs do you use to create your designs?

I create my designs with Corel draw and photoshop. For 3d rendering and designing I use Clo3d.

date. Around 50 hours of work into them. They came out perfect.

How do you want people to feel when wearing your clothes? Cool, Confident and Comfortable. I want people to feel like they don’t care

Tell me about your design influences. My design influences come from my inspirations. I enjoy anti-fashion design from the late 80s and 90s. For my brand IDKIK, the questioning of myself and who I am influence my designs.

“I started IDK IK in 2019 during my freshman year of college. A time when I did not fully understand myself.”
“Fashion is a way to express yourself and be yourself. Its also a form of art. In my opinion its the coolest form of art since you can wear it.”
IIK DK Fal l Col lection 2022 I DKI K .com @1d k1k


Think Bold - Think ALTRNTV Rochester, NY based business specializes in graphic design.

Meet Mahalia Y Antonio Gonzalez recently launched ALTRNTV- A business that specialize in graphic design. ALTRNTV is located in the beautiful City of Rochester, NY. We create a unique experience for our customers that are in search of creations and artwork that are unique in degree and quality, and we implement the right tactics to differentiate our customers’ brands from their competitors.

Mahalia says, “I often share with my customers, the status quo is boringdo the norm (status quo) and let us UPGRADE you.”

We know a brand just is not about the greatest logo or most visually appealing pictures. Brands define you and your business, promote professionalism, build confidence and rapport with your target audience. Our unique creations are produced through imaginative skill unique artwork that allows our customer to present an opportunity for my business to bring into existence something to existence for my customers that are produced through imaginative skill unique artwork that translates to our customers social media, business marketing, and event planning. From custom instagram graphics to Eyecatching signage, I never look like everyone else.


Mahalia Y Antonio Gonzalez is a native

of Rochester, N.Y. She lends her talent, time and service by sharing advice on enhancing natural beauty via digital platforms. Fashion is, of course, just one string on Mahalia’s guitar. She’s a superwoman, working a 9 to 5, while raising two young children and running her digital makeup tutorial channel. One of her keys to success is surrounding herself with like-minded, go-go-getter moms.

In 2018, Mahalia earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Fashion and Textile Technology from Buffalo State College (BSC). While at Buffalo State, she collaborated with studentdesigners to create a runway fashion show. The show created a diverse and inclusive culture, one that provided students with a safe environment that allowed them to showcase their talent and vision, while offering an applied learning experience that supported students to support future careers in the fashion and textile industry.

To gain more hands-on experience, Mahalia interned at 26 Shirts. In her role as a creator/sales representative, she helped customers to create custom t-shirt designs. After graduating from college, Mahalia returned to her hometown and landed her dream job in fashion at Fashion Week Rochester. As an assistant coordinator, she conceived fashion design plans, coordinating advertising and marketing activities, while attending runway shows to stay current on the latest trends.

“Everything I have done in my life has led me to this moment - And I certainly believe I deserve it. I landed

exactly where I needed to be, says Mahalia.”


Personally Mahalia leads by example! I celebrate all wins and I accept all loses. Here’s why? We have been sold the idea that one must be able to do it all - “I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never, ever let you forget you’re a man” - Lies! As a mother, wife, full-time employee, and new business owner I preach to women whose lifestyles are similar to mine that - The win is part of the process, also, the losses are a part of the process, chocolate cake on your children’s faces are part of the process, cooking dinner for your husband while forgetting to cook the sides are all part of the process. Embrace it all! Celebrate them both!

I have come to learn that, “perfection is an illusion, and FOMA (Fear of missing out) are words that we as women should escort them to the the landfill, cover them with soil, and pronounce the burial rights. The words Perfection and FOMA are the thief of progress. I want to stay in my own rythum, measuring my own progress, rather that allowing these two word to be the measurement for my progress.

“One cannot celebrate their wins if one feels the need to do all things well.”

Mahalia explained when she decided to take a leap of faith to start her business she did not have a realistic view that there will be days that juggling all


l things well won’t happen and that’s okay. What I have learned is the most important element in perfecting my juggling act is vision, accountability, and embracing the messiness of life. This first step is deceptively simple, but without it, the rest of the process quickly collapses. No expectation is realistic without a clear and personal definition of what success and failure looks like to you. And rest assured you will fail at some things when you’re juggling many things and that’s okay - The key is, don’t quit on yourself.

The dictionary describes failure as “a state of inability to perform a normal function; a fracturing or giving way under stress; a falling short; deterioration, decay.” But it’s even easier than that! Failure is simply an attempt that did not meet all the specified qualifications. It is not only a step closer to realization of the vision, but often presents a new and better vision. Many of the wildly successful inventions emerged from what didn’t work along the road to some long forgotten vision. Chocolate chip cookies, Coca Cola, Post-it Notes, Scotchgard, X-rays, and even the worldwide web are notable examples.

Take a few moments and define what failure at your juggling act would look like, outward appearances – a personal portrait of someone who has not achieved it. Perhaps this reveals a snapshot of your life as you currently perceive it. For maximum revelation, don’t consider your answer too carefully. Then, what does failure at the juggling act feel like, the invisible elements, sleeplessness, nervousness, irritability, etc.



Webster defines success as, “favorable or desired outcome, accomplishment, achievement, attainment, triumph, or victory.” But success is also very personal, and must be defined personally, and specific to the circumstances.

Take a few minutes to define the elements of success for your juggling act. How would you appear to those around you if you were juggling successfully? Paint a very clear picture of a person who has achieved it. Then ask yourself how it feels to be successfully maintaining your rhythm, the invisible elements, serenity, sleep, inner confidence. It’s important to capture your genuine feelings, so don’t work it out mentally.

Whatever our definition of success and failure, we are all too ready to embrace anything less than perfection and call it quits. That attitude rarely succeeds at anything. If we are to recognize success when it arrives, we must change our perceptions of failure. Experience, which always includes failures of one sort or another, plus an attitude of perseverance, will eventually lead to solid, lasting success.

If you will give attention to each of these questions and be candid in your answers, you will be well positioned to move forward, making the kind of decisions about your time and talents that will free you to have a greater impact on your surroundings. Soon you will be ready to take your juggling act on the road!

With that said, If you are a mom, wife, business owner, and working a 9-5 then pat yourself on the back and throw the

idea of perfection in the garbage. Pack it in your car, and take it to the landfill - And just bury it.

All seriousness aside, celebrations are wonderful opportunities, at least from my point of view, to gorge myself with a cake and candles. If you don’t celebrate yourself then know that others won’t either so celebrate the wins and the losses.

“My customers partner with me to support them, because as we are working together to upgrade their brands, we pay special attention to the brand, but we also pay attention to the person.”


Have you ever wondered what your social media followers think about you?

Is it possible you are sending mixed messages to your prospects?

This month we’re talking about the importance of personal branding and how it helps your business, specifically–how you come across to others - We help our clients keep their eye on the ball of their business while simultaneous juggling many things

Over the years I have seen a lot of business owners who haven’t taken time to define their brand, and what that sets them apart.

This “me too” method of marketing that mimics what competitors are doing isn’t effective.

“I often share with my customers, the status quo is boring - do the norm (status quo) and let us UPGRADE you.”

That’s why I feel it is important in my business to pay attention to my customers’ details. We have uniquely created designs for our customers, because we are paying attention to what others may miss. Our holistic and transparency has played a key role with growing our business. In response, I am compelled to share more what a visual brand is and how to build a strong one online.

Whether you’re creating a new brand or updating your existing one, your brand’s visual identity is the most important factor in your marketing.

Your brand is so much more than a website and a logo. It’s a user’s total experience and perception of you.

So every touchpoint a prospect has with you should have one consistent look and theme. This includes your logo, website, stationery, social media, videos, brochures, business cards, and of course your personal brand in how you dress and present yourself to the world.


- Helps people know what to expect from you.

- Promotes professionalism and purpose. - Draws prospects who align with your ideas, attitudes and values.

- Enhances confidence, trust and rapport with your followers.

- Builds upon the existing brand experience they have with you in a positive (or a negative) way.

Visual branding adds real power to your marketing. It increases engagement and understanding.

With all these benefits to personal and professional branding, it’s more important than ever to brand your visual content and images so you stand out from competitors.

How Can You Keep Your Brand Consistent?

How can you be certain that all the marketing you do resonates with your core brand?

Creating a style guide makes it easier to keep your marketing pieces consistent.

Firstly, ensure your brand is consistent in the following areas:

- Headshot – Having a professional headshot goes a long way in developing brand trust.

- Logo – your logo is the nucleus of your brand, everything else stems from that. Ensure it’s designed properly that includes the psychology of what it represents.

- Colour Palette – Colours that will resonate with your target market and be meaningful to your brand.

- Brand Message – This is the essence of your business that includes your slogan or tagline of who you are, what you do, and how you deliver value.

- Fonts – Being consistent with the same one or two typefaces throughout all written materials as well as graphics

- Design Elements – The use of borders, lines, shadows and filters should all become familiar to being associated with your visual brand.

- Tone – Set the tone of your business presence and stick to it – whether serious, high-tech, sarcastic or soulful, this is a big part of building a solid brand presence.


A style guide acts like a map that helps your team to stay on track. Sharing your style guide with key members of your team can ensure everyone knows the style guidelines and can follow them.

- Your copywriter and social media manager will understand how to write with your brand voice.

- Your graphic designer will stick to the fonts and colours your brand is known for.

- Your web design team can make sure your website and landing pages all have the same look and feel.

This is especially important for companies with virtual employees spanning in multiple geographic regions. Make it easy for your team to access your logo, fonts and templates. Always protect your brand. Double check when new marketing pieces come in that they conform to brand guidelines.

Here’s 8 areas you will want to keep your brand consistent in everything you do in your business marketing and social media efforts:

1. Website

Your website is the biggest brand statement your business has. It serves as a reference to make sure all other brand elements are in alignment.

That’s why I am so against people who use cookie-cutter template sites. They may look polished, but they lack the

“We create a unique experience for our customers that are in search of creations and artwork that are unique in degree and quality, and we implement the right tactics to differentiate our customers’ brands from their competitors.”

warmth, connection and personality of a branded website (not to mention how badly they are built.)

Make sure the images you use are reflective of your ideal client. Use language that resonates with your target audience. Create an about page that helps your visitors understand your backstory and why you are passionate and good at what you do.

The more your website looks and feels like you, the stronger attraction tool it will be for potential clients.

2. Professional Headshot

I was very camera shy when I first started my business. So when it came time to get some updated headshots, I dreaded it. But I found that going through the process brought me confidence.

My new headshots are used as a personal and business branding tool that help me to be more recognized online. They are on all my social media profiles and on our website. Aa a result, people recognize me when I attend local networking events.

Investing in new headshots can truly jumpstart your brand and success.

3. Sharing Photos

Sharing photos makes your marketing more personable and showcases your personal brand. Consumers love seeing the real person behind the business. So be mindful of when you are working or in group situations and see how you can snap pictures to show followers what you are up to.

Take a picture holding your new book.

Grab a shot with a new friend you met while networking. Show the resort you are staying at for your business mastermind.

4. Video

Creating videos helps build a strong following online. It’s important to have your videos match your brand too. Dress in a manner that is consistent with your brand.

You could also shoot it in similar places or locations. Whether that’s sitting at your desk, cooking in the kitchen, or standing in front of a green screen with a projected background, that consistent setting helps build familiarity.

Be warm, friendly and connective. If you promise to offer weekly video tips, then get them out on the same day each week so viewers can anticipate them. Create a custom hashtag for your video tips too - we created our eVision video eTips with the hashtag #eTip for consistency.

5. Branded Images

Kick up the interest of your blog articles and social media with images. There are loads of free tools to help you make graphic quotes, infographics, and other visuals to add impact.

Make sure all your graphic images are consistent with your brand. Adding your logo makes it easy for people to instantly recognize the content is from you. For instance, the other day we reposted an older article about “6 Steps to Nurturing A Profitable Business”. We featured an image of an Emperor Penguin family. It suggested the idea of nurturing but also tied into our brand

with the Penguin theme.

6. Social Media

Social media provides so many opportunities for visual branding. From Facebook cover images to profile pics, to graphics, there are endless opportunities for people to learn more about what you do.

The images you use can evoke the feelings and emotions you want your brand to convey. The goal is for someone to look at your social media account and get an impression that helps them understand your unique vibe.

7. Free Giveaways

When you are offering free reports, tools, and other goodies to visitors, make sure they have the same colours, logos, and visual feel as your other materials.

When it looks professional and makes a great impression, it builds credibility. Plus, it’s just one more piece of the brand puzzle that helps them understand what you do.

For example, our free giveaway is “The Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Website’s Profitability”. The cover features a headshot of me for familiarity. It has our brand colour of purple and includes our logo. So it looks and feels like us. If someone forwarded a copy of this to a friend, they would get an accurate sense of our brand.

8. Email Signature

A graphic email signature can add visual impact to every message you send. Services like Wisestamp make it easy to add your logo, picture, and social

“How can you be certain that all the marketing you do resonates with your core brand? Creating a style guide makes it easier to keep your marketing pieces consistent.”
Flour City Insurance Agency 585-861-2002 PRO


Maya McNulty, a Patient Led Researcher, Walking Warrior from Niskayuna, NY. Is the Founder of Covid Wellness, LLC., CEO, UpTheBiz Marketing & Branding Agency, Author, & Podcaster. She is a high achieving warrior who has worked with thousands of people for more than two decades creating opportunities for entrepreneurs as one of America’s most respected business branding strategists, marketer and international speaker.

Maya battled Coronavirus March, 2020 one of the first young females infected, hospitalized for 69 days, in a 30 day medically induced coma and ventilator for 6 weeks. Maya, was clinically diagnosed as a Covid long hauler September, 2020. She had to re-learn how to walk, talk and eat normally. She lost her hair, voice and is still recovering steadily.

Maya started Covid Wellness Clinic Online Care Program to help long haulers from the comfort of their home. She also formed Walking Warrior, LLC. The Foundation helps to support Covid-19 survivors and their families with advocacy, recovery support and guidance.

Tell us about your childhood and where you grew up?

I was born in Guyana, South America. My parents and my two brothers and I came to America in 1979. I was 6 years old. I can best remember flying on PanAm airlines. It was my first plane ride experience. We landed in New York City, at JFK airport with our suitcases and a dream for a better life. In 1983 my family and I became American Citizens. My mom worked in a factory and my dad as an Orthopedic Tech. My parents taught my brothers and I about hard work, discipline, integrity and to show up! As a kid, I was always having trouble with running my mouth. My high school guidance counselor suggested I go into Law. I always argued to find solutions

even at a young age. It’s no wonder I am an advocate for Long Covid families and survivors of Covid-19.

How did you get started as an Entrepreneur?

I was introduced to Entrepreneurship in 8th grade. Our 8th grade class had an end of year project requirement to raise money for our moving up dance. Our class created a Carnival. We sold popcorn, cotton candy, balloons and handmade crafts. We even had the dreaded parents universally win a gold fish game. This experience taught me about teamwork. I grew up in Schenectady, NY. I studied fashion in high school through the Vo-tech program at Linton High School. I created my first design portfolio. I had a burning desire to change the fashion industry with sustainable and recycled clothes. In 1991, I studied Fashion Merchandising and Design at Bay State College in Boston, Mass. In 1993, I was privileged to continue my studies of fashion and design in London and Paris.

I also had a fashion designer mentor in the North End of Boston, Denise Hajjar. After graduating from College, I returned to Upstate, NY and searched for a real “job” to repay college loans. I worked in insurance for about 18 months and later got fired. After being fired, I desperately tried to find a job in fashion design. With no luck, I received Unemployment. I took SBA classes with Empire Development, joined SCORE and found a mentor. I opened my first business Vintage Boutique in Scotia, NY. The fashion lines included recycled jeans and repurposed clothes. We also sold jewelry and a mix of new fashions. The dress shop changed the name from Vintage Boutique to Village Boutique after 3 months of clients and market not wanting recycled or used clothing. I learned a lot about marketing, customer service and running a business through hands-on experience.

What is one business lesson you would

tell to a startup founder?

My number one advice would be to find a mentor. Don’t hire a mentor. Mentors are everywhere. You just have to ask. I’m honored to have a leadership mentor, a product design mentor, an SEO mentor, a branding mentor, a course creation mentor, a medical mentor because I’m raising better Covid-19 awareness. All of my mentors operate multi- million dollar businesses. They are Free! I don’t pay them a dime. I just asked. “Would you be my mentor?”

Why are you involved with Covid Survivors for Change as the NY Delegation Captain and Body Politic:

As a long hauler and long Covid advocate, much more needs to be addressed and acknowledged for Long Covid and the families of lost ones. I am one voice of millions.

Connect with Maya McNulty: Websites: www. www.covidwellnessclinic. com

FacebooK: Covid Wellness Clinic https://www.

Facebook: mayamcnulty1

Facebook: 518 Entrepreneurs https://www. Instagram: mayamcnultyinspires/ - covidwellnessclinic Twitter: Linked In: mayamcnulty/ YouTube: UCUMP_T8Glmd_vpZIsDRD2hw

Clubhouse: @mayamcnulty @covidwellness

Connect and Learn with Maya: https:// Book Funnels: www.

Private Mastermind: https://www.555coaching. com/application-mastermind-optin



Get Your Rack Back Inc.

The cool fall season and everything pumpkin spice warms my soul. With Back to School and Labor Day behind us, children are back to playing sports, homework and band practices. The kids are making new friends and memories while getting lost in the hallways as they try to remember where their lockers are and their locker combinationations. I had the pleasure to sit down and chat with this month’s Walking Warrior, Connie Bramer. She is making a significant impact in the 518.

In 2008, just before her 39th birthday, Connie Bramer of Latham, NY was first diagnosed with breast cancer. She was an active carpooling soccer mom, working in management for a financial firm and living her best life.

Connie Bramer is now a certified life and health coach, author, breast cancer survivor and President of Get Your Rack Back Inc., a not for profit organization that provides financial assistance to cancer patients in need in the 518 area of New York State. She is a breast cancer survivor who chronicled her journey in her memoir, “How Connie Got Her Rack Back;” a bold “in your face” look at cancer with a comical twist. In 2012, Connie began raising money for non-profits providing services to cancer patients before starting her own foundation, Get Your Rack Back (GYRB for short) in March 2015. Collectively, GYRB events have raised over $300,000 to provide assistance for cancer patients and cancer research. Some funds are donated to many local not for profits, such as the American Cancer Society. Since 2015, funds raised by GYRB have

provided grocery, gas and restaurant gift cards as well as physician/hospital co-pay assistance to 300+ cancer patients in Upstate NY. GYRB has also stuffed and delivered over 2800 Christmas stockings to children affected by cancer in the last seven years. Connie’s mission is for GYRB to assist one patient, one family at a time. She believes that everyone has the ability to make a difference in the lives of others.

Connie bravely shared with me her early days and many of her antics of her newly diagnosed breast cancer and treatment adventures. Along the way she learned of many self discoveries. She explained that she was stronger than she thought she was. She had to be even stronger for her two young children Alyssa and Alex. A turning moment was when her then 8 year old daughter Alyssa helped to shave her head. With a river of tears streaming down both their cheeks Aylssa said, “You know mom, that was really a tough moment.” Connie remains grateful for the unwavering support from friends and family. She continues to be amazed and touched by the kindness of others. Connie vividly remembers throughout her treatment and care, people she had never known sent well wishes, words of encouragement, food and fruit baskets to her home. She was often too weak to get out of bed while undergoing treatment. Her friends came to the rescue, picking her young children up from school, sports and even assisting them with their homework.

Although Connie was feeling tired from the treatments, she started a blog and wrote about her daily adventures and breast cancer treatment journeys. She felt that it was important to document her recovery process and to communicate it to others who might be overwhelmed

by breast cancer. She wanted to share what the journey is like, coping and more importantly that they’re not alone. One of many stories in Connie’s book was the time she and her brother went for a walk. Her wig blew off and hung on a tree branch. Her brother was embarrassed and Connie just laughed. There is nothing funny about breast cancer but Connie found humor in healing. She’s that person who makes lemonade from lemons. She would rephrase even the worst of situations by thinking ``How can I make myself not think of having cancer.” In 2012, Connie held a celebration party to thank her caring friends and family for their love and generosity. This one party grew into an annual fundraiser and charity golf tournament. The 2023 GYRB Golf Tournament and Dinner will be held early August in Clifton Park at Van Patten Golf Course. The golf tournament will include 18 holes of golf, lunch upon arrival, and banquet dinner at the Van Patten Golf Club. Connie’s mission as President of GYRB is to provide the same level of love and comfort she felt as a cancer patient to families affected by cancer in her community.

“Always leave people better for having known you.”

To make a charitable tax donations:

501c3 was Established March,

EIN #47-4052331

Walking Warrior, Columnist. Maya McNulty

Jackie Bramer
2015 518.763.1038



We all know that there is a lot involved in home ownership, but there are huge perks as well including the ability to build “equity” over time.

Equity is the difference between the value of your house, and the balance of your mortgage. The current state of home prices means that homeowners have never had more equity. You can use the equity that you have built in your home to secure funds in the form of a Home Equity Loan or Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) for things such as renovations, large purchases, or expenses, or to consolidate higher interest loans. One of the best uses for a home equity loan or HELOC is for renovations and remodeling projects that increase the value of your home. That way, you can increase available equity in your home while making it more livable. The IRS may allow you to write off some of the interest on your home equity credit for first and second mortgages, home equity loans and lines of credit if the debt is used to buy, build, or substantially improve the home against which it was secured, as long as you itemize your deductions. (Consult with your tax professional for more information.) In the current climate, where mortgage rates are increasing, more and more homeowners are tapping into their home’s equity, rather than opt for cash-out refinancing and potentially taking a worse rate on a mortgage in order to borrow cash.

In the March issue of Rochester Woman Online, I wrote an article about how a Home Equity Line of

Credit works and how to use it. This month, let’s delve a little deeper to discover how a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) differs from a Home Equity Loan.

Both home equity loans and lines of credit are secured against the value of your home’s equity, so lenders can generally offer competitive rates that are lower than those of other types of loans.

A home equity loan comes to you as a lump sum of cash, sometimes with a fixed interest rate. The loan is secured against the equity value of your home and interest rates generally can be very competitive. If you compare the interest rates of a home equity loan to that of, say, using a credit card, rates will be considerably lower, making it a great option.

Banks underwrite second mortgages such as home loans, and, as with any other loan, there are guidelines that determine how much they can lend you based on the value of your property and your eligibility (employment history, income, credit score, etc.)

Home equity loans are a great option if you need funds for a one-time expense such as a wedding, or room renovation. They usually come with fixed rates so you will know exactly what your monthly payments will be. A home equity line of credit is a revolving source of funds that you can access as you choose – kind of like a credit card. There are generally variable interest rates. You can borrow

against your credit line at any time, and the funds that you don’t use are not charged interest. Unlike a credit card, there is a fixed lifespan to the loan, and it is broken up into two parts: the draw period (usually 10 years), where you can use the account to borrow and repay as you will; and the repayment period, where you can no longer borrow and must repay the loan.

Unlike the fixed monthly payments of a home equity loan, HELOCs are repaid with interest-only payments during the draw period, followed by full monthly payments. HELOC loans are most suited for those times when you need access to funds over a period of time, rather than for a one-off project or event.

Whichever route you choose, home equity loan or home equity line of credit, using the equity that you have built in your home is an efficient and smart way to access funds to tackle those large remodeling projects, consolidate higher interest loans, or use for other large purchases.

Dawn Kellogg is the Public Relations and Community Engagement Specialist for The Summit Federal Credit Union.


Finance Your Dreams

with a Home Equity Line of Credit
Make a ZOOM appointment with our Virtual Branch from wherever you are. Scan with your smartphone FEDERALLY INSURED BY NCUA. Membership eligibility required.
ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE :: SEPTEMBER EDITION 2022 175 CONTROL } THE SUMMIT IS AN EQUAL HOUSING LENDER. Membership eligibility required. Limited time offer. Subject to change without notice. 1. APR as low as 5.25% available for line limits greater than $50,000. For line limits between $15,000 and $50,000, the APR as of 09/01/2022 was 5.75% and for line limits of $15,000 or less was 6.00%. The introductory APR used during the first 6 months after the open date is not based on the index and margin used to make later adjustments. After the introductory rate expires, account subject to a variable rate based on the highest Prime Rate as published in the Wall Street Journal’s Money Rates Section in effect on the day that any introductory period expires and subsequently on the last Tuesday of the calendar month immediately preceding each change date plus a margin. As of 09/01/2022, on a minimum of $50,000.01 HELOC, the fully-indexed APR was 5.25%, based on a Prime Rate of 5.50% minus 0.250%. Thereafter, variable rate subject to change based on the highest Prime Rate and a margin of minus 0.250% to plus 0.50% depending on the line limit. Maximum 18% APR. 2. Loans subject to credit approval and certain limitations may apply. Closing costs (when applicable) include a title search, mortgage tax, filing fees, flood certification fee, and title insurance and are estimated to range from $495 to $1,500 (usually 3.0% to 5.0% of the amount borrowed). Property insurance required. If you opt not to pay the closing costs associated with your home equity line of credit (HELOC), you must reimburse us for all costs we paid to third parties to open your HELOC unless you keep account open for at least 3 years from the HELOC open date. Ask for details. Learn Call 800.836.SFCU Visit any Summit branch No closing costs2. No annual fee. Ask us for details on specific line limits. for six months1 Introductory rate 1.95 % APR after promotional period Rates as low as 6.00 % APR With a home equity line of credit, you can put your home’s equity to work for you! Use it for unexpected emergencies, refinancing debt, school tuition, home projects and more. LIMITED TIME OFFER THE SUMMIT IS AN EQUAL HOUSING LENDER. Membership eligibility required. Limited time offer. Subject to change without notice. 1. APR as low as 6.00% available for line limits greater than $50,000. For line limits between $15,000 and $50,000, the APR as of 09/23/2022 was 6.50% and for line limits of $15,000 or less was 6.75%. The introductory APR used during the first 6 months after the open date is not based on the index and margin used to make later adjustments. After the introductory rate expires, account subject to a variable rate based on the highest Prime Rate as published in the Wall Street Journal’s Money Rates Section in effect on the day that any introductory period expires and subsequently on the last Tuesday of the calendar month immediately preceding each change date plus a margin. As of 09/23/2022, on a minimum of $50,000.01 HELOC, the fully-indexed APR was 6.00%, based on a Prime Rate of 6.25% minus 0.250%. Thereafter, variable rate subject to change based on the highest Prime Rate and a margin of minus 0.250% to plus 0.50% depending on the line limit. Maximum 18% APR. 2. Loans subject to credit approval and certain limitations may apply. Closing costs (when applicable) include a title search, mortgage tax, filing fees, flood certification fee, and title insurance and are estimated to range from $495 to $1,500 (usually 3.0% to 5.0% of the amount borrowed). Property insurance required. If you opt not to pay the closing costs associated with your home equity line of credit (HELOC), you must reimburse us for all costs we paid to third parties to open your HELOC unless you keep account open for at least 3 years from the HELOC open date. Ends October 31


As a business owner do you wake up in the morning dreading day-to-day tasks? You know there are some critical functions in your business that has to get done whether it’s operational tasks, marketing efforts, customer service and creative work. As your business grows so do your responsibilities and you’re a lot of time is being spent on tasks that you may or may like.

When it comes to your business the best thing for you to do is to focus on what brings you joy and outsource the tasks and functions you don’t like. You may be absolutely amazing at sales and that what drives your business, but it can be something you do only because it has to get done. So today I am sharing 15 tasks you can outsource to help your business grow and flourish. When you truly begin focusing on the activities you love to do you are more effective and intentional in your business.

Here are 7 tasks you can outsource!


One of the most important functions in your business is lead gen. Lead generation can be defined as the process of attracting prospects and converting them into someone who has an interest in your company’s products and services. How you obtain leads can be by driving traffic to your website, email and social media marketing, cold calling, door knocking,

etc. You can find someone to spend a few hours a day spending time on doing these activities to help build your lead list and increase your sales pipeline.


Customer relationship management (CRM) is the combination of practices, strategies and technologies that companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. You would use this

product or services. You can use this technique to convince your email list to take a specific action like making a purchase, booking a call, signing up for a trial or registering for an event. Effective email marketing convert prospects into customers, and turns one-time buyers into repeat customers and raving fans. You can have someone help you write up email sequences, create a welcome email series and schedule this out to have a more effective way to communicate with you subscribers.


Social media management is the process of creating and publishing content, monitoring engagement and mentions, growing a community of customers and influencers, and reporting and analyzing the results of your efforts. This task can be time consuming and you may not know what content to write and have a creative bone. So hiring someone that can write the content, create the graphics and schedule when these will post saves you tons of time.

tool to gather customer data and collect detailed information across all channels.

Being able to organize this information will allow you to understand the trends and insights about your customers to help you drive business forward.


Email marketing is a type of direct marketing that uses personalized emails to educate your email list about your


Appointment setting is a strategy to bring in new prospects by setting a date on the calendar for your sales team to discuss your product/services and potentially make a sale. Customers are more likely to purchase from businesses that are organized and efficient. When done right, the appointment setting gives your business more than just appointments.


It also contributes to your professional and positive reputation, improves your efficiency, and increases your sales.


Data entry is the process of transcribing information into an electronic medium such as a computer or other electronic device. Most data entry tasks are time consuming in nature, however data entry is considered a basic, necessary task for most organizations.Data entry is considered a non–core process for most organizations and is usually performed on data forms such as spreadsheets, handwritten or scanned documents, audio or video. Addition, modification and deletion are the three modes of operation in data entry. Manual data entry often requires good concentration and focus over a long duration of time, and this can prove physically and mentally challenging for business owners and data entry workers. Outsourcing this

task will save you tons of time.


Administrative tasks are duties completed by administrative professionals, such as administrative and executive assistants, in the workplace or virtually. These tasks vary widely but most often include duties such as answering and directing phone calls, filing information, and managing office supply needs. Administrative professionals can handle various tasks such as everything from lead generation to data entry, from social media marketing to email management.

You can outsource all these functions and more to an Virtual Assistant or a team of administrative professionals. A virtual assistant is someone who can offer administrative support remotely for your business. Although some VAs can work as an independent contractor they can be hired by companies of all sizes across

many industries. So if you’re at a point in your business where you can mainly focus on the tasks and functions of your business that you love to do, outsource the sh*t that you don’t.

Conversance Business Solutions is a full-service administrative support, and consultancy firm, serving businesses from small to mid-size nationwide. Our team specializes in various virtual assistant services and onsite support tailored to meet each of our client’s needs.

Whether we work as an extension of your team for one-time projects or long-term engagements, we bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. We hope these tips were helpful. Get in touch with us today at 585-484-0038 or visit us online at to find out more about the ways in which our team can help you.

“When it comes to your business the best thing for you to do is to focus on what brings you joy and outsource the tasks and functions you don’t like.”

Damaris Rivera




Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background that led you into the real estate field.

I was born and raised in the City of Rochester where I identified myself as an entrepreneur at a very young age. I started various businesses with the ultimate support of my parents. I joke with them now on how they kept sane during all my stages of business, but they supported my drive and hunger towards success no matter how silly my ideas could be. The idea of expanding and relocating my pet boutique around the age of 20 sparked my passion for real estate. I was able to move from 55 railroad st location in a small indoor market atmosphere to my own brick and mortar before the age of 21. It started with a real estate guru giving me an opportunity. At the time of closing on my first building I was juggling filming of American Idol and working a second job. Hard work is in my dna and it really showed me I could accomplish anything.

When did you decide to go out on your own and open R Realty?

In the fall of 2019, I made the decision to start R Realty Rochester. My main goal was to elevate my personal real estate business without limitations. I wanted to start small and provide a positive environment for agents to grow

their businesses as well. I learned from my own experience what agents would benefit from and I made a commitment to teaching them everything I learned throughout my years.

What makes you hustle both personally and in the real estate market?

My hustle comes from within. It’s hard to explain but I will always be working

any negative thought or experience long and I focus on the positive. In the real estate industry specifically, the hustle is necessary to provide the best service for my clients. I think that is why this role suits me so well.

Who were mentors that encouraged you or inspired you?

I’ve been extremely blessed with many positive influences in my life that have molding me into the woman I am today. My mother Catherine Rivera and father Richard Rivera have instilled great values into my life like faith, hard work, dedication, respect, honor and living a genuine life. Seeing my parents work hard and supporting my sister and I in all our dreams really has driven me to keep aspiring for more.

Where do you see your business in the next three years? five years?

towards bettering myself. That could be seen as a blessing and a curse. I know I would not have made it this far without the support of my family and friends. I have had many highs and lows throughout my life but it’s how I keep progressing that I’m proud of. In every aspect of life I try to learn something out of the experiences. I don’t stay in

In three years I envision a second office location and in five years a third location. I want to continue to expand in the Rochester area and also explore expanding to cities nearby within New York State.

What kind of person do you feel makes a successful female entrepreneur especially in the real estate market?



The most important part of being a successful entrepreneur is the ability to work hard in silence. The real estate business itself is not for the faint hearted. It takes a driven, hard working, ethical, transparent and highly self motivated individual to be a success in any business.

What is the number one misconception in real estate right now?

That it’s easy and you do it by showing beautiful homes like the tv shows portray. While it’s quite the contrary. We do have the opportunity to showcase some amazing properties but it also requires a lot of hard work. The last statistic I saw was 85% of real estate salespeople quit after the first year.

What sets you and your team apart from other real estate teams?

Our focus is building the community. We provide consulting services to help clients work towards their real estate goals, whether they buy a home in a few months or years. We help build the foundation and educate as we go along. We also open our doors to the community to also promote financial literacy and entrepreneurship.

What is your favorite part of the business?

My favorite part of the business is being a part of home ownership. I

find such great joy in seeing someone build generational wealth and have pride in owning a home.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

I would choose to stay in the Rochester

My greatest achievement would be completing my first real estate development project that I completed in June 2022. I learned so much throughout the 13 month project and look forward to many more in the future.

A second great achievement in my professional career is being recently awarded 40 under 40 by the Rochester Business Journal. I’m so honored to be awarded alongside many amazing business professionals in Rochester and will be receiving my award in November.

What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?

“Failure to plan, is a plan for failure” my uncle Luis Burgos shared this quote with me at a young age and it has stuck with me. I would also share with the readers to never give up. Sometimes a reset is necessary and also taking a deeper look at your failures but keep going.

What did you do before becoming a real estate agent?

I owned a pet boutique called “Pinky’s Pet Connection”.

and connection to the community. I might be in a bigger home with more land for my dogs to run but I would definitely want to stay here where my roots run very deep.

What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?

How do you stay motivated, especially in such a crazy time in the industry?

I stay motivated by surrounding myself with other like minded people. My team is a great source of inspiration in the day to day activities of the business. We feed off of eachothers energy and

“My hustle comes from within. It’s hard to explain but I will always be working towards bettering myself. That could be seen as a blessing and a curse.”

support each others growth. Positive influences are part of the process to keep going. I’m pretty blessed with the team or what we describe as “R family of agents”.

What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?

I love to cook, spend time with my dogs and entertain in my free time. I just enjoy hosting my family and friends and catering to them.

How do you find new clients? What has been your biggest success?

I’ve been fortunate enough to build a great sphere of influence. My business has grown by organic referrals and the support of the community. My biggest success has been growing a brand that I’m proud of.

What’s one of the toughest decisions you’ve had to make and how did it impact your life?

Selling my first commercial building was a tough decision but it was

ultimately the reason I began real estate sales. At the time it did not seem like as big of a decision but without that experience I’m not sure I would have pursued real estate

Where will we see RRealty next?

R Realty Rochester will continue to serve the community with all their real estate needs.

Also check out our latest project “The Hollywood Suite Rochester”. The first of many to come. The penthouse suite is a great luxury stay with amenities you’d find in a hotel. This unique short term rental space located in the City of Rochester is great for travelers or a small group.

further. The sale of my first building was the beginning of my journey in real estate. I’m so glad I made that decision.

“In the fall of 2019, I made the decision to start R Realty Rochester. My main goal was to elevate my personal real estate business without limitations.”


Tell us about Precious Taylor. Where are you from? What is your background? What is your profession?

I was born and raised in Rochester, NY. I am 40yrs old with 3 Kings; my youngest, Prynce, is 11yrs old; Jah is my middle baby; he is 18yrs old, and my oldest is Mel, who is 24yrs old and has 3 children, 1 girl Delilah, and 2 boys Mel and Juelz. Yes, I’m a Grammy (their Award). I am the family travel agent, as my family would say. I travel a lot. I am always getting them to go somewhere, especially my sisters.

My kids are my life and my air. They are the reason my heart beats. I braid. I’ve been braiding hair since I was 13. I started braiding my grandmother’s hair. I told her I wanted to learn how, and she let me practice on her. I’m creative; I make custom phone cases and flower mirrors. Etc. My passion is teaching; I am a teacher at ABC Headstart. I also model, and I have been modeling since 2015. Simply Xkluzive is my model and brand name. I have a calendar called Simply Xkluzive; my 2023 Swimwear edition will be the 5th calendar. I have an annual Simply Xkluzive Fashion Show/Pool Party, initially geared toward plus-size women. I started this event because many plus-size women get turned away in fashion. I have experienced being turned down because I was plus-size

and because of my tattoos. This was definitely not a good feeling, but I did not allow that to stop me from doing something I enjoyed. It just encouraged me to set a platform for plus-sized women to be themselves and not be discounted. In the 3rd year, I extended my event to all-size women because we all are beautiful regardless of our size. I am Comedian Yolanda Smilez’s assistant. I am also a part of the RocAwards administrative team, of which Yolanda is the CEO.

like, you are beautiful on the inside. It is not always about what you look like on the outside. Being a beautiful person on the inside trumps being beautiful on the outside. If your energy, vibe, and/or spirit is negative, no one cares about your appearance on the outside.

What makes you hustle?

I hustle because I want the freedom to do what I want and when. I hustle for my 3 kings. They are why I do what I do to make things happen for them. I want them to live better than I did, so I move accordingly so they can.

“What is your ‘why? ‘” Why do you do what you do?

I do what I do for my 3 kings, my sons. I do what I do to show them they can do what they want in life; the sky’s the limit. I grind and hustle, so my kids don’t need anything, and I can do it for them at all times. So we don’t have to look at anyone or ask anyone for anything.

How did you get into fashion and start your clothing line?

People have different ideas about what beauty is. To me, “Beauty Lies Within” means beauty starts within. With your personality, your attitude, and/or your demeanor. Beauty comes in all forms; no matter what you look

After competing in my first Pageant, the 2015 Kurvie Upstate NY Pageant, I entered the fashion world. After I was in the Pageant, it opened doors, and people asked me to walk in their line in fashion shows. My first fashion show was Kurvie in the City Fashion Show. In this show, I walked 3 times. I was excited and scared altogether. I told myself to look over the crowd,


not at them, and to act as if I was in my room alone in my mirror. I have used this strategy since then, and it’s been working all these years. I also tell other models the same thing, and many say, “thank you, that worked.” After I walked, others reached out to me to walk for them, and I have loved it ever since. I had found something I enjoy doing and helping others to do.

I decided to start my own line, “Simply Xkluzive,” because I felt I was a walking billboard for Rochester’s local clothing lines, so why not create my own? I love to support local clothing lines, and I always make sure I represent Rochester when I’m out of town. I always reach out to 1 or 2 people to get attire from them to wear when I go out of town. My favorite local clothing line is BrknLxry, created by Shamell Killings. One day I was talking to my sisters Eliza, Yolanda & Shawntanique. I said, “I’m always supporting and repping other people’s brands; I should start my own.” My sisters are always very supportive; we support each other and will do anything for one another. I figured, why not start my own brand and use it to encourage plus-size females that we all are our kind of Xkluzive in our own ways. Be You, Be Your own Unique self, Be Simply Xkluzive. Then I thought I should include all-size women who are not confident with themselves. I want people to know we don’t have to follow trends to be Xkluzive; you can set your own. A few of my sayings on my clothing are:

• “Simply Xkluzive,” “F$%k Following I Set Trends.”

• “Just Do It Be Simply Xkluzive.”

• “It’s the Xkluziveness for me.”

• “I am who I am, not, who you think I am, Not who you want me to be; I am Simply Xkluzive.”

I want people to love themselves, flaws and all. Know you don’t have to do, say, and wear what other people do, and where you can be your unique self and still be an extraordinary person, be Simply Xkluzive.

What made you decide to become a teacher? Where do you currently work?

I decided I was going to be a teacher as a child. I would make my siblings play school before we went outside. I’d do everything I knew how to do for my siblings. Sitting here thinking about it was funny because I’d turn our homework time into school. I’d be the teacher helping them with their homework lol... As a teen, I started babysitting and enjoyed teaching the children different things. While attending Monroe Community College, I had the opportunity to visit the school’s childcare center and volunteer my time. I knew I’d love it. While at MCC, I worked on my Associate’s in Business Administration and Early Childhood. I wanted to open my own childcare center. I had to do field hours for Early Childhood, and the center I did my fieldwork ended up hiring me. They loved me

there. I knew I was where I wanted to be, and working with children is my passion. They spoke very highly of me at the center.

At Empire State College, I was working on my Bachelor’s in Early Childhood and Community and Human Services. In contrast, I work in The Rochester City School District as a Paraprofessional. I was able to work with all ages, which was exciting. By the time I graduated from Empire, I was a Director of a Childcare Center; being short-staffed, I was also working in one of the classrooms. This was when I learned I enjoyed working in the classrooms more than being the Director. I decided not to open my own center and began looking for a teaching position. A better opportunity arose, and I have been working at ABC Headstart for 7 years. I enjoy all the babies I have worked with. I just absolutely love working with children. Since at ABC, I have received my Master’s In Inclusive Early Childhood and have become a certified teacher. It’s great when the children love you, and the parents appreciate you.

What is the mission behind creating your own business?

My mission behind creating my own business is to lift others’ spirits to make them see themselves as being Xkluzive and love themselves, flaws and all. So many BBWs have low self-esteem or feel like they can’t do or wear what more petite girls can, and that’s not true. I have had so many people tell me I inspire them, and I

“I figured, why not start my own brand and use it to encourage plus-size females that we all are our kind of Xkluzive in our own ways.”

I love that. At the Kurvie Upstate NY Pageant, a female walked up to me and said, “I only came to this Pageant to see you; you have inspired me so much. I was very insecure that I wouldn’t wear shorts, skirts, or shirts without sleeves. I have followed you since I came across your Facebook page one day. I really had to thank you. You helped me become secure and love myself. We both had tears in our eyes. I explained to her I was her I’ve always been confident, just not confident enough to wear skirts & dresses. Seeing other plus-size girls in them, I was like, “oh baby girl, you can wear that.” My mission is to use my platform to inspire and encourage other females, especially plus-size females.

How do you juggle having a fulltime teaching career and creating your own business and family life? It’s not hard to balance my career, business, and family. My family supports and helps me in any way they can. Whether wielding vinyl as I heat press the vinyl to the clothing, working with me at my table when I am a vendor at events, or coming to my shows to support me. My family even comes to my classroom to help set it up for the year and break it down at the end. They also volunteer time in my classroom. I also have an event of my own they help me out at called “Simply Xkluzive Pool Party/ Fashion Show.” I do this event every year, and they support me fully. Every year, I have a calendar called “Simply Xkluzive BBW Calendar,” my family supports and gives me ideas. My

sisters take some of my pictures. It’s all about the connection and bond we have. We work together to make things happen and work for us; that’s the best thing about my family and why I love them so much.

What is your favorite thing to do in your downtime?

My favorite thing to do in my downtime is to travel with and/or without my kids/grandkids. I love to travel and expose myself to new and different places and things. I’m a foodie; I enjoy trying new restaurants while out of town. Chef Gordon Ramsay is one of my favorites to visit. If it’s one in whatever state I’m in, I go without hesitation or thoughts about it. I love spending time with family and creating new memories. I enjoy helping others, especially family.

What do you find is the best form of promotion for your business?

I believe the best form of promotion is myself and word of mouth. I have to wear my own brand. If I don’t wear it myself, why would others want to wear it? I am my brand!

Tell us one thing that most people don’t know about you.

I can’t think of anything that most people don’t know about me.

Is there anything that you feel sets you apart from other women entrepreneurs?

I feel like my personality and my confidence; I place my creative ideas into action and make them my reality.

I want to see everyone around me grow, and I try to inspire them; I believe that sets me apart from other entrepreneurs.

What are your plans for the next year? What about three years?

My plan is to keep building my brand and my family up next year.

My plans for the next 3 years are to grow my brand and make my Simply Xkluzive BBW Calendar international. I also want my annual Simply Xkluzive Fashion Show/Pool Party to become a more significant event. I have thought of opening a Plus Size Store, but we will see where that goes. I will be pushing and grinding for my business.

Tell us one thing about being a teacher during the pandemic and after that has changed how you work and how you have to teach. One thing about being a teacher during the pandemic that really disliked and affected me as a teacher is not having the students physically involved. I hated not being in my classroom with my children. It really made me feel some type of way. Then once we got back to school, the social distance and the children not being able to interact with one another were difficult for them and me. The atmosphere wasn’t the same; the children didn’t want to be there, and honestly, I didn’t either; it was torture. It gave me a new perspective on teaching. I enjoy what I do more and appreciate interacting and communicating with the children.

“After competing in my first Pageant, the 2015 Kurvie Upstate NY Pageant, I entered the fashion world.”


Name one person who has inspired you through this journey. Three people have inspired me and still are, even though they have passed away. They are by my side in spirit, encouraging me to hustle/ grind and keep pushing forward. My grandmother Daisy Mae SmithHughes, my uncle Johnnie Lee Wright and my aunt Hattie Conner. They were there for me physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially if needed. They were encouraging and pushing me to better myself, not only for me but for my kids. They instilled so much excellent knowledge in me that has kept me going. I’ve had so many talks with them; one thing about these three is that they always kept it. They never sugar-coated anything. I really miss them.

How good are you at making tough decisions, and what has been one of the toughest you have ever made?

I am good at making tough decisions because I do what I believe is the right move to grow. One of the most challenging things for me is letting go of people who are unsuitable for me, regardless of whether they are family. I want to see the good in people and see them grow, and I

will try to do anything I can to help a person. But, I have learned the hard way people have to want better for themselves before they can receive anything anyone has to offer or any help needed.

Do you have any advice for women looking to become lady bosses?

I advise anyone looking to become

and make decisions based on what I need and/or want.

Do you find the Rochester community supportive of your business, or is it more outside of the area?

I feel the Rochester Community supports my business because I am so supportive of other entrepreneurs. Most people help me because I help them; some support me because of who I am, just because they know me.

Where will we see Precious next?

You will see me on the runway for a couple of fashion shows. I am working on a fall fashion show, pushing to make it happen.

a lady boss to master your niche. Surround yourself with other positive women that will inspire you to keep trying. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it; you must believe in yourself and push past negative energy. Never give up; you got this.

What empowers you?

What empowers me is knowing myself and being confident in myself to make the best decisions for myself that help me and others around me. Being able to take control of my life

“I hustle because I want the freedom to do what I want and when. I hustle for my 3 kings.”
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Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

I am married for 26 years with two amazing children! I have always been a person to take on everything and anything to make way for a successful career. I have been in the beauty industry for 32 years in different facets. I have traveled and been a color educator for a few brands and owned my own salon for 20 years. During this time, I raised a family and helped my husband with his construction business.

What made you decide to open the Traveling Tavern?

Tell us a little about the business.

I have always loved the idea of event coordinating, but was always caught up with my life with the salon and family. I was diagnosed with a few autoimmune diseases and Lyme diseases and it started to put my health in a very unstable situation. I never knew what I was going to feel like day to day. With hair being my passion and only way of income I needed to start coming up with a plan on ways to fulfill my drive to stay successful but not put me into a flare up every day. In February, 2022 I fell broke my wrist and had surgery to correct it with a plate and 6 screws. That was my breaking point in my life where I decided to move forward with an idea that I saw. The Travel Tavern would be a mobile bar where I could do events like I dreamed of and still be out working and enjoying

socializing with the community.

I needed the social aspect of a job being that I have talked to people every day for 32 years in the beauty industry. The Travel Tavern was a perfect idea so I can serve customers, help with planning their events and travel around the community.

What makes you hustle?

Family! I have always been selfemployed as well as my husband,

What is your ideal client?

I ideally don’t have a perfect client! I just want to make every client feel at ease , have fun and let me do the worrying and planning for them! I would like clients that need a mobile bar service for all needs. From baby showers to weddings. Private functions and benefits.....etc

Who were mentors that encouraged you or inspired you?

My family and friends. I have the biggest support system. My family is always up for something new and all willing to pitch in and do it together. My friends are always lifting me up when I struggle and push me through. I wouldn’t be able to do anything without the love and support from them all!

Where do you see yourself and your business in three years, five years?

I am hoping to expand with a few different looks to the mobile bar.

and we have always been driven to show our children what it takes to be successful. Success doesn’t always come from a college degree; we are both trade school graduates! We needed to always show our children the constant struggle as self-employed people trying to keep a steady income, how to plan out your future with no benefits from an employer and manage a household.

This is such a unique concept. How did you come up with the idea? Was it hard to implement?

After another medical setback with my dominant hand and wrist being broken and about 100 hours of research I approached my husband and children on the i and they were all in. Implementing was the easy part for me... I have my husband and son that are capable of making anything! We bought the trailer and



they constructed the whole thing! They are very talented and have an eye for details. They knew how to look at the future of this Mobile bar and prepare it for all occasions and size of parties that we will be hosting! They are the masterminds of the Look of The Travel Tavern!

What is your favorite part of what you do?

I love meeting everyone, and being a part of their celebrations. It is always a happy day when I go to work!

How do you balance personal and family life with the challenges and demands of owning your own business, and working FT?

My children are 21 and 24 so they are a huge help, and they do not need my time like they use to. As for working it is always a busy day. I am still doing hair in the evenings and Saturdays and just just on another job doing sales Monday - Friday. The Travel Tavern is my pride and joy and that takes every waking hour.

What’s the best advice you have received that you wish to pass on to someone looking to start their own business?

I just continue to stay focused on the end result. I never listen to the negative things that people want to tell you about being self employed. I have always looked at self employment as being free from being at mundane job. I am the only one that can control my happiness and

knows knows the path to get me there. if I fail it is on me no one but myself. How do you stay motivated, especially when business is slow?

I try to connect with other businesses that might be looking for our unique offerings. There might be a time when I am not physically out there working but mentally it is a full time job just trying to find new ways to keep The Travel Tavern visible.

the motivation and helps me see that anything is possible as long as you know that it comes from within yourself. No one can give or make you fierce.

What’s one of the toughest decisions you’ve had to make and how did it impact your life?

Name one female leader that has inspired you and why.

I don’t really look at just one woman as an inspiring leader. I like to takes ideas of woman that are community leaders, business owners or just hard working mothers and grow from them. I find that listening to every woman’s story of success is intriguing and inspiring. I Love that many woman have a fierce side to them no matter who or what they do, and that is the side that I tend to gravitate towards because it give me

The decision to try and and keep myself and my health first. It is easier said than done, but there came a time when you have to make the change not for just the present but long term. You can’t be successful if you are not present. Trying to stay positive and carry on with everyday life without asking the world for pity. Living with autoimmune diseases is a difficult thing because we all look great on the outside and no one wants to give into the pain and agony that it is giving you on the inside. My decision to not let illness get you down has given me the drive to be even more successful and work driven because I won’t sit around and feel bad for myself, and neither should anyone else. I am stronger for this thought process.

Where will we see the traveling tavern next?

The Travel Tavern will be continuously be booking through the winter season for outdoor festivals and parties.

Feel free to contact them for your next party, event, or wedding at

“I have always been self-employed as well as my husband, and we have always been driven to show our children what it takes to be successful.“


Tell us about yourself and your background?

I have over 10 years of marketing experience with a special expertise in social media marketing. I graduated from The University of Rochester with a degree in Psychology and strong concentration in Marketing.

I have helped many entrepreneurs, especially within the wellness industry improve their social marketing and branding strategies.

I emphasize educating entrepreneurs on the importance of being mindful about social media and aligning the process with business goals to increase growth.

You can find me practicing yoga, reading wellness books, listening to music, exercising, spending time in nature, eating plant based foods, enjoying solitude, traveling, and spending time with loved ones in my spare time.

What makes you hustle? My love for freedom, travel, good food, and family.

What made you decide to open TAGsocial Marketing? What type of business is it? TAGsocial Marketing is a social media marketing and branding agency born

out of my need to escape the mundane world of 9 to 5 work. Working hard to build my own legacy feels more liberating.

In 2017, I took the plunge and started my own social media agency.

Social media marketing at the time was still a new field and many entrepreneurs had no idea where to start.

Social Media Ads

Social Media Consulting

Social Media Training

Social Media Strategy

Do you find it challenging being a female entrepreneur? What do you do to set yourself apart?

In all honesty I do not find it challenging to be a female entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur no matter your gender is challenging.

Being a woman entrepreneur feels special because I can tap into my feminine energy. That to me is a power that I’d rather embody.

What would you say is the most rewarding part of owning your own business?

Rather than be a stereotypical agency, I wanted to create a business that reflected my passion for health and wellness while giving entrepreneurs the chance to grow their brands through quality social media services, based on mindful marketing and a return on investment they are able to measure and prove.

What are the main services your business provides?

Social Media Management Social Media Branding

The freedom to create and build the life I desire.

What made you decide to focus specifically on wellness for your social marketing services?

Health and wellness is a part of my journey. I experience depression and anxiety regularly and maintaining a balanced lifestyle including nutrition, spirituality, mental health, and physical fitness is how I am able to step into my purpose daily.

So I decided to focus on helping



wellness entrepreneurs spread their message of health and wellness through social media. Social media lends the potential to change so many lives.

I found many wellness entrepreneurs don’t know where to start.

What don’t people tell you about being a female entrepreneur?

I always hear how much harder it is to be a successful female entrepreneur.

I never hear anyone tell me that as a woman (especially today) I don’t have to be like a man or thrive to have what a man has. I can just enjoy being a woman entrepreneur and embrace all that makes me a woman to reach success.

Who has inspired you both personally and professionally?

My personal inspiration comes from being an immigrant. I was born in Jamaica and immigrated to the U.S. when I was young.

I had to overcome a lot of obstacles as a first generation immigrant. I couldn’t have made it this far without the support of my mother and close family.

My professional inspiration comes from loving the work that I create that helps so many entrepreneurs like myself thrive.

What are the biggest challenges you have come across?

The motivation will not always be there so I have to stay disciplined.

There are days I want to give up but instead I just take a break and try again.

The process can be lonely because not everyone understands my vision.

What would you say to aspiring creatives?

Never Give Up and make sure you understand your why. Why you decided to start your journey because that will be your reason to keep going on days you feel like quitting.

What is your favorite platform to promote on and why?

I LOVE Instagram because it is where many of my ideal audience is located.

It is also where many of my ideal audience’s people are located too.

Instagram is a perfect place to show off your business’s brand while engaging with a tight community of like minded individuals.

You can create many different types of content on Instagram. Video, Images, Infographics, Ecommerce, and more.

The platform has many features to help you engage on a personal level with your audience as well.

LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Facebook are my next favorites.

What has been your biggest hurdle to try and overcome since opening your business?

My depression and anxiety have been a challenge. I turn down opportunities because of that when I need to or

I reschedule meetings in order to recuperate.

Many people don’t understand that the constant stimulation from social media can be draining at the end of the day and if there is no time left for me then I won’t be able to help others efficiently.

So setting those boundaries have been a challenge as well but have also improved a lot.

How Did You Get Into Social Media?

The MySpace era! When MySpace came out I loved coding to create my backgrounds and learning how the platform worked more than anything else. Then I discovered YouTube and fell in love with how easily people can share their content.

Right out of college I landed my first corporate job as a web specialist due to my knowledge of social media! Ever since then I have grown.

What is the one major misconception about social media marketing and how do you work around it? There are so many misconceptions but the one I run into the most is people thinking that you instantly get 10K followers and thousands of likes and comments when you hire an expert.

FALSE. Social media growth takes time. Especially if you aren’t using any cheat codes to grow organically. In order to convert social media results to business success you need to put

“I have helped many entrepreneurs, especially within the wellness industry improve their social marketing and branding strategies.“

time and effort into showing up and engaging with others on social media as you would if you were in real life!

This takes strategy and patience! An investment must be made.

What has been the best compliment you have ever received? Terri, you make me feel welcomed!

What skills do you feel you possess that will make clients want to use your services?

Patience, personable, organized, and detail oriented (which means I am focused on results and reputation).

Tell us one thing most people don’t know about you.

I want to start my own farm one day. Mostly produce but have a few

animals like a horse, because I also love animals.

What is next for you? The next step is to continue growing TAGsocial Marketing and building my own skin care line!

“My personal inspiration comes from being an immigrant. I was born in Jamaica and immigrated to the U.S. when I was young.”


Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background. I’ve been a part of the Beauty industry for over 20 years. I’ve managed high end day spas and owned my own beautiful facility for over 10 of those years. I fell in love with this industry once I found I could merge my passion for marketing & business in such an exciting and fast-paced industry.

When did you decide to open Awaken Wellness Beauty and is there any meaning behind the name?

I opened Awaken Wellness & Beauty more recently after I had a life altering decision to make after the pandemic. When Covid hit, I was forced to close my Salon & Day Spa for 3 months. While I was fortunate to be able to re-open, I ran into issues with our landlords and they made it extremely stressful to continue operations. I was faced with having 30 days to relocate my business or to face this legally with my landlords.

While the fight was in me for several months, eventually it took its toll on my health, my family and my mental state of mind. While it’s never easy to make a life altering decision, I made the hard choice to close my spa, and go back to school for my

esthetics degree. In some ways, I took this career path, in a completely different way then most, but to me, I felt like this was exactly the course I was supposed to take.

I know you have spent most of your career in the beauty industry. What made you decide to become a female entrepreneur and open your own spa & wellness center?

I owe a lot of my drive from my family.

What would you say is your specialty and why?

I absolutely love hair removal. I was able to start getting laser hair removal in my early 20’s. I am only 25% Italian but oh boy, did I have lots of dark hair! It was such a great and lasting experience for me, that I purchased the top of the line Laser and got certified in Hair Removal in 2016. Once I got an opportunity to start working with clients, I got a small taste of what it was like from this side of the business, as opposed to the Operational part. It took me a little while to realize, I was actually really good at this. More recently, I’ve been able to take over a practice from a Hair Removal Specialist that moved out of state. While it was intimidating meeting an influx of new

My parents raised 4 children with a family owned business, and most of my siblings are either self-employed and own their own businesses as well. While I always knew I could do it, my biggest push was from my brother. Sometimes you just need someone to believe in you, more than you believe in yourself. With his help, I was able to pursue my dreams to the fullest. Now that I am the customer side of the business, I have found a new love of creating relationships and building my perfect clientele.

clients, I was able to quickly show them my passion and elevate their hair removal experience.

What makes you hustle?

I’ve never been in this industry for the money. Ultimately, owning your own business, is always more work and expense than anyone can anticipate. For me, it was always the feeling when I was able to help someone else, create an experience for a client, or learn something new. That is what makes me hustle and


What does the word “Beauty” mean to you?

Beauty is making someone feel confident again. I was told, that “this is the place that changed my confident level.” She was referring to my treatment room. That is life changing.

According to you, what are the skills that are necessary for becoming a successful female entrepreneur esepcially in the beauty industry?

You need to be able to talk to people,

relate with them, but to be able to stand up for yourself when necessary. Anyone can learn a trade, but not everyone can excel at the people end of it.

What do you feel are your greatest strengths within your business?

Why do I feel like this is a job interview?!

My greatest strengths I would have to say is relating to my clients. Everyone wants a voice and they want to be heard.

It’s not about what service I want to do or what I need to sell at the moment,

it’s about them. I think as we move forward, so many people are coming to me with the weight of the world on their shoulders. All they want is for someone to listen and find out what they need. If you master this, you can be successful at anything you are trying to achieve.

How do you stay on top of the latest trends and techniques?

I am constantly learning and taking classes. In the beauty industry and

“While I always knew I could do it, my biggest push was from my brother. Sometimes you just need someone to believe in you, more than you believe in yourself. ”

medical spa side, there are always new machines & techniques entering the marketplace. I’ve recently been training on a new facial treatment called OxyGeneo. It’s been compared to a combination of Microdermabrasion & the Hydrafacial. It uses your own skin and oxygen to revive your skin and help with cell-turnover. After getting my first treatment, my skin was literally glowing! Next up, I will be learning Dermal Infusion. This process is done in the form of NanoNeedling & MicroNeedling. These services can help with acne scarring, hyperpigmentation and fine lines & wrinkles. I can’t wait to bring these new services to my MedSpa list of services.

Who are some of the people that empower and inspire you in the industry and why?

It would be unfair to name just one person.

If you had to start over from scratch, knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?

I have very few regrets and I stand by my actions. I wish I had been able to have more open and honest conversations over the years with my staff. After so many people turn on you as an owner or a boss, it’s hard to trust people. It’s difficult to keep your emotions out of your business and the people you work with everyday. I made some emotional decisions that I could have done differently.

“What is your ‘why? ‘” Why do you do what you do?

My why is for my daughter Sienna. I always thought my business and my

spiritual health were the most important. Then I had my daughter and it made me realize, I am molding this little girl and I need to be the best version of myself for her.

Name one special moment during your career that has stood out to you and why.

I think it was the day I got keys to my first building at Allora. It was like a dream come true. I was really doing this and opening my own place!

What’s the biggest factor that has helped you be successful, and now expand and open your own business?

My family, including my husband. He was there for me when I was working from 9am-9pm when I first opened my spa. He took over cooking dinner for us and he hasn’t stopped since haha!

What do you have planned for the next year? What about five years from now? Oooh now this is where it gets exciting! For me, growth is constant. I JUST got the keys for a building I recently purchased! After the stress of dealing with landlords, I wanted to purchase my own property. I am in the process of opening Luxury Beauty Suites in the Victor-Pittsford area. My suites will have 10 options ranging from single beauty suites, to shared suites and premium spa suites. I hope to start renting the suites by late this year or early 2023. In the next 5 years, my plans include expanding the beauty suites to other areas in Rochester, Buffalo & Syracuse.

What has been your best form of promotion and what platform is your favorite?

I love using Canva for my marketing! I’m a big advocate for using multiple forms of advertising and promotion since I attract a wide variety of clients. Facebook, and Instagram posts and stories are a must. I do monthly emails and I also participate in community events.

What is one thing that motivates you? Creating my own schedule, being my own boss and having the freedom to make my own choices.

What’s the most important discovery you’ve made about yourself in the past few years during the pandemic? That I don’t need a big fancy salon and spa to be or feel successful. I’ve accomplished my goals and I’m on my next chapter of discovery!.

What sets you apart from your competitors? My compassion for my clients and my ability to listen.

Do you have any special training or degrees to provide the services you offer your clients?

Yes I am a licensed Esthetician and I am certified by Candela Medical for Laser Hair Removal

How do you juggle your personal life and being a wife and mother with the demands of owning your own business?

It’s literally a constant struggle. I often have to put away my phone or walk away from my computer to concentrate on her. Owning your own business is a 24/7 job. You don’t often get days off or time away. So I plan vacations every 3-6 months to take that much needed mental break!

“I fell in love with this industry once I found I could merge my passion for marketing and business in such an exciting and fast-paced industry.”



This column is dubbed “The Love Frequency” because we explore concepts around love and energetics. In life, there is always a duality at play. There is a flip side of the coin. The paradoxes of life give us contrast and help to keep things in perspective.

Light, dark. Hot, cold. Pleasure, pain. Happy, sad. Joyful, melancholy. Masculine, feminine. Love, fear.

Now, it’s the love and fear we are exploring here today.

When in the frequency of love we feel expanded, unified, connected and stable.

When in the frequency of fear we feel contracted, closed off, disconnected and unstable.

We may find ourselves in the frequency of fear after a huge change in our lives. Something that leaves you reeling…a break up, a divorce, an illness, an accident, a sudden job loss or change, the death of a loved one, of a friendship, or even the death of a former version of yourself.

When in fear it’s very easy to be caught up in lack, scarcity and not enoughness. Maybe you’re living paycheck to paycheck in terms of your financial stability. Maybe it feels like love is out of reach for you; like you’re chasing, proving, convincing another to love

you. Or the contrary, love may feel suffocating or constricting to you. You could possibly feel stuck in terms of making big (or any) moves in business. Or maybe you reach your breaking point and the day to day stressors tip you over your brink.

My background in psychology coupled with personal healing experiences, intuitive guidance, embodied somatic healing, and energy work lends itself very well to my trauma informed coaching and private mentorship.

I believe we live in a toxic culture that largely consists of unhealed, unintegrated, wounded children walking around in adult bodies. I know that is a HUGE statement but based on my experience there is much truth to it.

Dysregulated nervous systems, insecure attachment styles, lack of emotional awareness or acceptance, deep core wounding of shame, guilt, fears of rejection or abandonment that began in childhood or even from generations past, imbalanced masculine and feminine sacred energies, maladaptive coping patterns, defense mechanisms all running amuck. The dysfunction keeps a person stuck in the frequency of fear. This dysfunction is commonly normalized as the standard, unfortunately.

When in fear you’ll also find yourself in survival mode. With the nervous system activated and on high alert, the executive function of the brain is offline. Your creative process is

inaccessible and your ability to selfexpress is nearly nonexistent. It’s no fun. Just think of it… When you’re in panic mode, you can’t even think straight. When emotions are high, intelligence is low.

How to know if you’re in the frequency of fear?

Aside from your heart racing, increased or decreased appetite, rapid or extremely slow breathing, the pit in your stomach, feeling a weight on your shoulders, a clenched jaw, a furrowed brow or your hands in fists, you may also find you’re a chronic over giver or people pleaser. If you have a habit of putting others’ needs ahead of your own and consistently self-abandoning, you may be living in the frequency of fear. Maybe you worry about letting people in so you keep people at an arm’s length, or you tend to make negative assumptions about what others are thinking or feeling. Maybe you have trouble recognizing, expressing, or managing your own emotions. You may be stricken with panic attacks, anxiety, or depression. You may feel fearful of not being chosen, being left behind, or abandoned. You may notice at times you have obsessive or repetitive thinking; you may ruminate over a problem again and again and again. Maybe you’re seeking approval from others, falling into codependent behaviors.

If any of these sound familiar please know that these maladaptive coping mechanisms all make sense. At one


point in your life you’ve needed them for your survival. In adulthood, you get to choose whether you’d like to continue with these patterns or start breaking cycles. So much of the frequency of fear is traced back to low self-esteem or low sense of self-worth, rooted in subconscious beliefs. And this is okay too…they’re just thoughts and thoughts can be changed. Bringing those subconscious thoughts to your conscious awareness so you can start to unlearn and relearn new beliefs. Your internal landscape will inevitably be reflected in your external environment. This is the Law of Correspondence when we think in terms of playing in the Quantum field. If you are fearful, distrusting and skeptical of others, you will inevitably be shown people in your world who cause you to feel more fear, lack of trust and skepticism because of your internal beliefs-subconscious or not. Everything is energy.

So how to get out of the frequency of fear and back into love?

If you desire to improve intimacy in your relationships and reclaim your personal power, follow these five steps:

1. Strengthen emotional intelligence. Notice what you are feeling when you are feeling it. Observe yourself and all the emotions that are coming up. This is key for increasing self-awareness and deepening self-leadership, getting yourself back to the frequency of love, peace, and abundance.

2. Establish safety and stability within.


This may include resourcing a memory that evokes feelings of security and a sense of calm or any other tool for self-regulation to soothe your nervous system. Depending on which branch of your autonomic nervous system is turned ON, you may need to go beyond self-regulation and co-regulate with someone you trust. We get by with a little help from our friends. Until you feel safe in your body you will be unable to process anything you’re feeling, therefore leaving you “stuck.” I have a free 8-page (nervous system) Regulation Cheat Sheet available on my website for immediate access if you’d like to have more ideas.

3. Move your body. Trauma is stored on a cellular level in the physical body. We also have a subtle body that needs to stay balanced; when incorporating movement you’re helping your mental, emotional, physical, and energetic bodies move the energy and drain off the negative. As a Clairsentient, I am able to feel the energy of others’ subtle body. This is something you can cultivate too, if it isn’t already part of your sensory abilities. To support myself in staying out of the frequency of fear and in the frequency of love, my daily workouts, yoga, dance and walks in nature with my dogs do wonders to help keep me feeling confident and expansive in my love and energy thus out of survival mode, away from fear. Welcome in full, deep breaths, exhaling completely while getting out of your head and into your body.

4. Educate yourself. Know your triggers because these are what send you spiraling into the frequency of fear. It is necessary to recalibrate your energy to the higher frequencies of love, gratitude, confidence and stability. When you understand that your body and mind are reacting to a stimulus in your environment that feels threatening or unsafe, you start to view yourself through the lens of compassion and cultivate more preventative measures. Also, knowing your attachment style is paramount! Practicing new responses to triggers is essential so that the next time you swing around to the frequency of fear you’re better equipped to handle it. Somatic healing is very important and trauma informed work. This is all part of the human experience.

5. Protect your energy. Once you get your feet back under you from living in the frequency of fear, stress on overdrive, and in constant survival mode you’ll start to have more clarity, direction and alignment for your life. You begin to set boundaries and use discernment, identifying what is worth your time and energy and what is not. Sharpen conflict resolution skills so that you’re able to communicate effectively. There is nothing more powerful than feeling seen, heard, validated and accepted (by yourself and by another.) Working with a trauma-informed coach or mentor to guide and support you in implementing new skills so you can improve intimacy in your loving relationships as well as your ambition, focus and productivity in business

“Just think of it… When you’re in panic mode, you can’t even think straight. When emotions are high, intelligence is low.“

will shift things on an expedited timeline, bringing you more joy, pleasure, love, wealth and success than you’ve ever imagined.

Many of these concepts overlap. Healing and wholeness is available to you. You don’t have to live in the frequency of fear. I wrote about these concepts (and more) in my book “Keep Showing Up: a Memoir and Powerful Guidebook for Empaths to Embody Self-Love, Self-Empowerment, and

Self-Worth” available on Amazon.

Residing in the frequency of love is the goal though now you may see that the frequency of fear provides this contrast in life.

Trust that it’s all by design. Everything is happening FOR you, not TO you. Get your supports in place so you can move through the mess to your message as efficiently as possible. When you know you’re

constantly evolving you see every single situation as a beautiful lesson so your soul can ascend to higher levels of consciousness, integrating and implementing unconditional love more and more each day.

If you are interested in deepening your understanding of any of these topics, I currently have two 1:1 private mentorship opportunities open. Email for more details.

“When in the frequency of love we feel expanded, unified, connected and stable.”



Freedom Agenda is a member-led project dedicated to organizing people and communities directly impacted by incarceration to achieve decarceration and system transformation. As an active member of Freedom Agenda I attend monthly meetings as an advocate for change with the Close Rikers campaign. I will continue to do all I can to educate and empower people because NYC will be a better place without Rikers. For more information on the Campaign to Close Rikers visit www. To learn more about the Renewable Rikers plan visit

Through the leadership of people most impacted by mass criminalization Freedom Agenda members advocate for decarceration and for investments in communities that are too often disrupted by systems of punishment. Get Involved - Freedom Agenda ( ) Rikers Island is New York City’s sprawling eight-jail complex and the most extensive (and expensive) jail system in the country. At Rikers Island nearly 90% of people held there are presumed innocent and awaiting sentencing. Many simply cannot afford bail. Court delays cause additional hardship.

People are not receiving life-saving medications or adequate health care while in custody. Mayor Eric Adams

and his administration should work with judges and attorneys to keep people from being detained on Rikers, instead diverting them to programs that address their underlying needs

A jail sentence should not equal a death sentence. There have been 30 deaths in custody since 2021. It is a well-documented humanitarian disaster, yet judges and prosecutors

We have a moral obligation to care about conditions of confinement. It is a stain on our humanity. NYC must deliver on closing Rikers Island jail and invest in non-carceral public safety solutions.

Fortunately, there is already a plan in place to close Rikers that was envisioned and fought for by formerly incarcerated people and family members, with the support of faith leaders, service providers, community organizations, and other allies. This plan was passed by the Mayor and City Council in October 2019, after extensive community input.

Now is the time to recommit to this plan, and to go further – to strengthen and accelerate it. Here, we outline specific, actionable ways to fulfill our complete vision of closing Rikers, from Jail Closure to Decarceration, Defending the Rights of Incarcerated People, and Divestment & Redistribution.

continue to send people there to await trial. People who have experienced Rikers Island jails call it a torture chamber, where everything is designed to dehumanize and degrade. Human beings, while detained, deserve dignity and respect. They are our loved ones, neighbors, co-workers and friends and they will return to our communities.

The vision for eradicating Rikers and what it represents came from those most impacted by mass incarceration, but the moral responsibility for getting it done lies with all of us - and especially those who have been entrusted with elected office. How-to-Advance-and-Strengthenthe-Plan-to-Close-Rikers-Interactive-

“Freedom Agenda is a member-led project dedicated to organizing people and communities directly impacted by incarceration to achieve decarceration and system transformation.”



Jordan is a bit nervous at the thought of Steven moving into her apartment. It is a big step for them both, and yet it is the next logical step. Steven sleeps over more often than not. With them both only paying half of the rent, money will loosen up for them to do other things they enjoy. The only thing Jordan hates about it is that it doesn’t seem like a romantic move. More like a necessity move. Had romance died?

Jordan approaches her apartment a little hesitantly. Steven had insisted she stay the weekend at her parents while he moved his stuff in. It would give him a chance to move in without shocking her too much. It helped that she had a two-bedroom apartment.

Before she left, Jordan cleaned the little bedroom she used as an office to give Steven a place to put his belongings in. Some might say losing her office may be the thing that is bothering her. But, to be honest with herself, she hardly used it, opting for the laptop while sitting watching TV instead.

Jordan takes a deep breath and puts her key in the lock. Before she can open the door, Steven swings it wide open and smiles, “Oh no, you don’t!”

He picks her up and carries her through the threshold. Jordan is shocked and giggles, “What do you think you are doing?”

Steven closes the door with his foot and takes her into the bedroom, “Trying to make things special.”

Jordan quickly looks around and is surprised to see how nice the apartment looks. “Are you all moved in?”

Steven plops her down on a bed sprinkled with rose petals. Candles are lit around the room. “Yes, my dear, and tonight will be all about you!”

Jordan is wide eyed, “What has gotten into you?”

Steven sits on the bed with her, “I know this move seems more like a chore. I just

wanted you to see we can also have fun living together.”

Jordan is deeply moved and leans over to kiss him, “Thank you, you have no idea what this means to me!”

After kissing for several moments, Steven pulls back and stands up. “You get undressed while I pour you a bath. When you are completely relaxed, come out and we will have dinner together.”

Jordan feels guilty, “This is all so very nice and yet I feel bad. I haven’t done anything for you!”

Steven winks at her, “Oh, you will, later tonight!”

Jordan starts unbuttoning her top, “Fair enough.”

After a wonderful bubble bath, Jordan puts on one of her sexiest nighties and a silk robe. Walking into the kitchen, she admires the way Steven has integrated his stuff with hers, “I can’t believe what a great job you did in here! Seriously, I thought there would be hockey sticks and basketballs everywhere.” Steven laughs, “You haven’t gone into the second bedroom yet, have you?”

Jordan has a seat at the lovely prepared table, “We can always close the door when company comes.”

Steven brings her a glass of wine. “Exactly what I was thinking!”

Steven lays the food out on the table. Even though it is take out from their favorite restaurant, Jordan appreciates the effort he has put into making everything nice.

Raising her glass, Jordan makes a toast, “To us and our new living arrangement. If the first night is any indication of how it will go, life will be wonderful!”

Steven clinks his glass with hers and takes a sip, “Now you do know this is not an everyday occasion. You won’t appreciate it as much if it were.”

Jordan giggles, “I understand, but for now you have won big time points!”

Steven leers at her outfit lustily, “I just hope I can make it through dinner before I ravish you!”

Jordan gets up and walks over to him seductively, “Who says we can’t have an appetizer first?”

Steven smiles as he thanks his sister over and over in his mind. It had been Shelly’s idea for the romantic touches. At first, Steven thought it was stupid, but now he realizes romance may be underrated by men.

Both of them are spent from a long evening of activities, so Steven and Jordan get ready for bed. As Jordan brushes her teeth, Steven closes the curtains.

After Jordan is done, she comes into the bedroom and is a little surprised, “Why did you close the curtains? You know no one can see us. For that matter, there’s nothing more to see than what we did earlier!”

Steven laughs, “I know, right? I just like sleeping in a very dark room.”

Becoming a little concerned, Jordan says, “I didn’t think you minded sleeping with the light on?”

Steven shrugs his shoulders, “What was I supposed to say? I was sleeping in your apartment and I didn’t want to blow any chances!”

She teases him, “Oh, I see. Now that you have moved in, you figure it’s a done deal?” Steven laughs and pats the bed, “Of course, now come to bed sweetie.”


Jordan slowly crawls into bed, “Is it too much to ask to keep the light on?” He sighs, “Honey, you don’t have to be afraid anymore. I will be right here to protect you!”

A little defiantly, Jordan replies, “It’s not because I am afraid!”

Steven rolls his eyes, “Then what is it?”

Jordan takes a deep breath, “You are going to think I am crazy if I tell you.”

Steven sits up and gives her his full attention, “We are in this together, I promise not to judge.”

Jordan thinks back to the first time it happened, “My family and I moved into this old house. My mother absolutely fell in love with the place and had to have it. I never understood why, to me, it was a beaten down old house. However, she wanted to take her time and repair it back to the spender it supposedly had at been at one time.”

Steven is curious, “How old were you?” Jordan answers, “Around sixteen.”

“So, you were older,” Steven said, surprised. Jordan nods, “Old enough to know better. You know me, I’m a bit of a tomboy. Things really didn’t scare me when I was younger; it was more like it made me curious about why it scared me.”

She sees the confusion in Steven’s eyes, “You had to have seen this house, Steven. The local kids were terrified of it!”

Steven understands, “I’m sure that didn’t help you sleep at night either.”

Jordan agrees, “No, it did not. Let alone the folklore that went with it.”

Interested, Steven perks up, “What kind of folklore?”

Jordan thinks back, “A really strange tale. A

cult-like group lived in the house.”

Steven is surprised, “A devil worship cult?”

Jordan laughs, “No, actually like 60’s hippies. A kind of true love cult.”

He was not expecting that, “You are kidding me, right?”

Jordan shakes her head, “Oh no, it was a big deal. All these hippies living in this house, doing their drugs, having their free love. Quite a big deal back then for a small town.” Steven can’t help but laugh, “So, what did they do? Love people to death?”

Jordan is serious, “No one knows, they all disappeared!”

The room becomes completely quiet. Finally, Jordan breaks the awkward silence, “The guy that owned the house at the time was rumored to have worked for the government.” Shrugging her shoulders, she continued, “Some sort of super genius who not only was a chemist but was also into astrophysics. His name was Ethan.”

Steven looks a little confused, “Tell me again what astrophysics is?”

Jordan smiles, “Don’t worry, I had to look it up myself. Astrophysics is astronomy that employs aspects of physics and chemistry. They try to figure out if there are black holes, time travel and multi-universes. You know, really far out things.”

Steven can only imagine, “Add drugs to that way of thinking and I am sure there were some crazy conversations going on in that house!”

“Exactly!” Jordan agrees.

Steven is confused, “Honestly, how are a bunch of free loving intelligent hippies scary?” “Maybe because they all went missing?”

Steven was not convinced, “Who is to say the townspeople did not get fed up and run

them out of town?”

Jordan shakes her head, “They were not squatters. Ethan owned the house legitimately and paid taxes. For the most part, they kept to themselves.”

Steven counters, “Honey, those were different times back then. God-fearing people got rid of you if they didn’t like who or what you did!”

Jordan sighs, “I know, but I seriously don’t think that is what happened.”

Curious, Steven asks, “What do you think happened?”

Jordan hesitates, “I think they are still in the house.”

He doesn’t follow her, “What, buried in the basement or something?”

Jordan shakes her head, “No, trapped somehow in a parallel universe.” Before Steven can ask anything, she explains, “From the first night we slept in the house, whenever we would turn the lights off to go to sleep...”

She searches for the right words... “When we closed our eyes, we would see shadows.” Frustrated, Steven wonders, “If your eyes are closed, how can you see shadows?”

Jordan is trying not to become defensive, “Close your eyes!” Steven closes his eyes. Jordan waves her hand back and forth. “What do you see?”

Steven answers, “Ok, shadows going back and forth.”

Jordan smiles, “Exactly! This is what we would see when we would go to sleep at night.” Steven is surprised, “All of you?”

Jordan nods, “Yes, Mom and Dad admitted to me that they saw them as well.”

Steven admits, “Ok, I’ll give you that. It must

“Raising her glass, Jordan makes a toast, “To us and our new living arrangement. If the first night is any indication of how it will go, life will be wonderful!”

have been scary. So, I take it you and your family started sleeping with the lights on?” She begins to get chills thinking about it, “We did, until of course one night I could not stand not knowing what the shadows were.”

Anxious to know, Steven asks, “What did you do?”

Jordan rubs her arms as she tries to make the goose bumps go away, “I slept one night with my light off. I was determined to find out what the shadows were. Did you ever have a spot in your eye or a floater where you would try to follow the spot, but you could never really focus on it?”

Steven nods, “Yes.”

Jordan sighs, “That’s what I did while my eyes were closed. I tried to track the shadows that seemed to dance in front of my eyes.” Jordan thinks back, “The more I focused, the more I felt drawn in.”

Steven lowers his voice, “What happened?” Jordan shakes her head, “Fortunately, my mother felt a need to check on me that night. She said even though it was dark in the room, it looked as if I was fading into the darkness. I’m not sure if I had self-hypnotized myself or put myself in some sort of trance, but that’s exactly how it felt to me. Like I was fading into the dark. It felt as if all these arms were around me and encouraging me to come with them.”

Now it is Steven’s turn to have goose bumps rise up, “What happened after your mom came in?”

Jordan thinks about it, “Mom turned on the lights and came over to the bed to check on me. She said it was like I was only half there. Terrified, she wrapped her arms around me and demanded that I come back to her.”

Jordan looks at Steven, “I heard her voice and cried for them to let me go. I could hear whispers all around me telling me they would

for now, but one day they would be back. We left the house that night and I never set foot in it again. Mom and Dad paid for movers to get our things.”

Steven tries to reassure her, “Ok, I admit that after dealing with something like that I would sleep with the lights on for a while too.” He reaches out and moves a strand of hair from her face. “However, you are no longer in that house. We are in a nice safe apartment, high up in an apartment complex.” Steven playfully flexes his muscles. “You have a big, strong guy like me sleeping right next to you. What could go wrong? ”

Jordan is not convinced, “What is the big deal if we sleep with the lights on?”

Steven sighs, “Because I really like having a dark room at night. I wake up better in the morning if the room is still dark. Gives my body a chance to adjust.”

Jordan thinks about it, “Ok, I guess. However, promise me if I start to call out or do anything in my sleep, you will automatically turn the light on and do just like my mother did. Hold me and call out to me. Ok?”

Steven smiles, “Honey, it is not going to come to that, but I promise you.”

Jordan takes a deep breath and turns the light off. She turns on her side, making herself comfortable and then lies there terrified of what might happen.

Sensing her fear, Steven spoons up next to her. Placing his big arm around her waist, he whispers in her ear, “I am right here.”

Jordan begins to relax, “It’s not until you are in a dream-like state that you see them.” Steven tries to be logical, “Then perhaps it was nothing more than a dream.”

Jordan would love to think that and has tried to convince herself of that very idea. But no matter how much she tries to assure herself

it was a dream, what she and her mother dealt with that night was real! Besides, her mother had not been sleeping when she saved her from the dark.

Jordan finds herself falling asleep and can’t help smiling. How nice it is to have Steven right beside her. To be nestled up to him while he protects her.

Finally, she allows herself to fall asleep. At first, Jordan thinks she is dreaming. Then suddenly she realizes this is the time in your sleep that is between dreaming and sleeping. The time when the shadows appear! She first tries to open her eyes, but they feel too heavy to open. She then tries to moan or call out, but her voice is lost. Jordan strains to hear Steven beside her and finally she hears the rhythmic sound of his snoring. Trying to move to get his attention, she is trapped under his arm.

The shadows reach out to her, touching her, caressing her. They whisper that it will be ok. Since she had almost crossed the doorway the last time, it should be no problem to cross over to them. They will help pull her through.

Jordan shakes her head and tears begin to fall. She screams in her mind, “I don’t want to go, don’t make me go!”

In unison, the shadows answer her, “We will bring Steven with you. Will that make you happy?”

Jordan shakes her head, “No, we need to stay here!”

The shadows disagree, “No, we need you and him here more. I am sorry, but there is no other choice.”

Jordan feels her body being pulled into the darkness. The only comfort she has is that Steven is beside her being pulled in, too. ********

“Steven shrugs his shoulders, “What was I supposed to say? I was sleeping in your apartment and I didn’t want to blow any chances!”


Autumn is root season! A time to enjoy squash, beets, carrots, and pumpkins! It’s officially the time of year to throw on your favorite flannel, go apple picking, sip on your apple cider and enjoy warm cider donuts. It’s also a popular time of year to support your local farmer.

We sat down with Charlotte Bear, MS, who co-owns Nutrome, a nutrition company that helps people with their diet based on their genetics, with her husband, Alex. Not only do they run a successful business they are first-generation farmers. Charlotte discusses what it’s like to run a farm and the best apps for your health and nutrition!

1.)How has technology affected you running the farm?

Although I have been striving for years for a simple, low-tech lifestyle one thing has become abundantly clear over the years: farms need off-farm income, especially for first-generation farmers just getting started. I’ve always said, “farmer is a feeling” and have been working towards a brick and mortar, or rather, soil and orchard location for the past five years or so. Part of working towards the farm has included working with technology. I’ve always been a rolling stone of sorts (must be my navy brat upbringing) so building an online business (NUTROME.NET) always made sense for me and my husband. Having a steady stream of income continues to serve us as we settle down on the farm.

Technology allows us to stay close to home so we can build a business around our lives – rather than building a life

around our business. Building an online business prior to finding the farm gave us the financial padding we needed to take the leap, as well as the flexibility to move locations once we found the property. Maintaining the business allows us to grow the farm without putting too much financial pressure on the monetization in the first year. Between our online business and my husband’s 100% remote full-time job as a health coach it’s safe to say, we would not be able to achieve the farm without the help of technology.

2.)How has technology affected your profession as a nutritionist?

Just as we wouldn’t have the farm without the remote income – we could not have the remote income without the technology. From building a website, to creating content, to marketing, to online networking we lean on technology day in and day out. And what is more important than the monetary aspect of our business, Nutrome serves as sort of a home for all of our creative inspirations and allows us to reach the masses without being limited by geography or time zones. Yes, we are farmers at heart but we are functional nutritionists by trade and we find our purpose in doing both. We strive to package up our close-tonature lifestyle and deliver it to people who maybe don’t live on a farm to take on some of these lifestyle practices for a healthier overall lifestyle. Taking our inspiration from the chickens and the gardens and transmuting it to an online platform allows us to inspire our clients in a way that wouldn’t be possible without technology.

3.)How do you see technology changing local farms?

A common theme with the average farmer is not having the time or the interest for admin work. I’ve seen it on farm after farm, accounting, grant writing, USDA organic certifications, CSA organization, marketing, social media, all important factors, falling to the wayside while cows get milked, lettuce gets harvested before wilting in the hot sun, berries get picked before the birds get to them. These tasks not only often require a learning curve but are a downright DRAG for someone who has chosen an occupation that places them outside under the sun with their hands in the dirt. As generations of farming families are fizzling out in the advent of the craze for college education, older farmers find it more and more difficult to keep up with the ever-evolving demands for technological use. The result? Half-filled forms, handwritten checks, dog-eared manuals, flyers, business cards and sticky notes find themselves speckled with dirt, clipped to a clipboard, usually on the passenger side floor of a pickup truck.

My hope is to see this start to change with the rise of first-generation farmers, intergenerational communities, and co-ops spearheaded by the millennial generation. I am already starting to see the shift at farmers markets – these young farmers are on top of their TikTok game. Farms are easier to find with the help of Facebook and Google Maps. The websites are improving drastically, and business finance and banking apps such as TurboTax, Stripe, Mint, and Lilli are making it easier to track finances,


Apps like VRBO, Airbnb, HipCamp and Tentr have also opened up a whole new (and lucrative) market for farmers by bringing agritourism to the farm. With these apps farmers can receive money in exchange for guests pitching a tent under their apple tree with little to no interaction required. Some guests will even pay EXTRA if you let them help out with the chores – say less!

And let’s not overlook the simple apps like YouTube (a first-generation farmers best friend) and THE WEATHER APP.

4.) Do you see apps or technology enhancing or hurting peoples’ experiences with nutrition?

While technology is a powerful tool for learning about nutrition and enhancing a healthy lifestyle, it can certainly be a challenge as well. We can seek nutrition advice anywhere at any time. And even if we don’t seek it, it tends to pop up unsolicited on our social media feeds and ads. We can find information from government sponsored websites, licensed professionals, gyms and community centers, crunchy hippies, yoga brand ambassadors on their “health journey” and just about anywhere in between.

One downside of technology when it comes to nutrition is the constant barrage of conflicting messages takes us further away from our own intuition. If you listen closely, your body will tell you exactly what your nutritional needs are. Our society isn’t the most conducive for careful listening of our body’s needs so it’s only natural to outsource this information. But here’s the thing, no

being on the internet can tell you what YOUR body needs. Your genetics, lifestyle, environment, socioeconomic status, stress levels, etc. all make this a very nuanced and not at all black and white situation.

And this is exactly why we created Nutrome. We use all of this nuanced information to generate a Wellness Blueprint and ecookbook that is unique to your genetic code. Our approach cuts through the noise with clear, personalized recommendations and simple recipes with no ads. Our approach is gentle, non-restrictive, and nourishing as it is informed by the slow-living lifestyle we cultivate on the farm.

5.) Can you recommend any apps for people who are trying to take care of themselves?

Here are some apps that enhance my healthy lifestyle:

• MyFlo by FloLiving is an app that is TRANSFORMATIVE in tracking your period and cycle syncing. It helps you to nourish your body in the way it needs in each phase of the cycle so that you can experience the benefits (or superpowers) available in each phase.

• Since MyFlo doesn’t track basal body temp I use it along with Ovia if I want to know the exact time of ovulation for family planning purposes. Ovia and MyFlo do not store or sell your data.

• Brainwave is a paid app (one-time fee) that provides binaural programs to stimulate the mind into different states such as meditation, concentration,

creativity, headache relief, and dreamy sleep.

• and PracticeBetter are apps and platforms that allow us to connect with and serve our clients seamlessly. The PracticeBetter app helps our clients message us, book sessions, and access their secured data.

• The Calm app is perfect for someone with a high stress life. It allows you to carve out time for meditation and calm the nervous system.

• I use the peloton app for quick barre workouts to prime my body for the heavy lifting of farm work.

• AllTrails is my go-to for finding hikes in my area (my preferred form of fitness)

• Sometimes after a long hike I like to peep my health app to see how many steps I took – just for fun

• I’m not really into counting steps or counting calories but if I do get curious about my overall caloric consumption Cronometer is straightforward and easy to use. I only use this as a snapshot of my consumption and do not recommend ongoing tracking of calories.

• Google maps is key to locating farms, farm stands, local markets, and farm-totable eateries. People always ask how I find such a multitude of healthy gems. Google maps.

• Podcasts and YouTube are also an abundant resources of self-improvement inspiration

“Although I have been striving for years for a simple, low-tech lifestyle one thing has become abundantly clear over the years: farms need off-farm income, especially for firstgeneration farmers just getting started.“

• Perhaps the most underrated app of all is the Notes app – I find myself organizing my thoughts by typing notes, ideas, to-do lists, shopping lists, and dream journaling on a daily basis on this app. Pro-tip: visit Nutrome. net/shopping-list for a grocery list template you can copy and paste to your notes app.

6.) Any nutrition or cooking suggestions with inflation and possible food shortages happening? What can people do to keep food on the table right now amidst the panic in the world?

It’s interesting to me that the economy, the environment, and the collective of human bodies are all experiencing inflammation at this time. With temps and prices and tension on the rise the best thing you can do is maintain inner peace. A practical way to do this is to make sure that even if you lost electricity tomorrow your basic needs will be met. Make sure you have water! You don’t need to stock up prepper style, but it does ease the mind to have a full back up of all your products (ex. a full bag of rice on the pantry shelf behind the bag of rice you are currently using). It helps to pick up a few extra items every time you go to the store rather than panic buying a whole month’s worth of food.

Check out for a complete list of pantry staples, most of which are shelf stable and can be stocked up on in advance.

If you live somewhere with access to the ground such as a backyard, it’s nice to have some seed packets on hand. And since you have the seeds, it wouldn’t hurt to try your hand at growing greens, potatoes, garlic, or summer squash (very easy, high yield crops). Produce such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, and winter squash can be kept through the winter if they are store properly in a cool, dry, dark location such as a root cellar. These potatoes and onions are often easy to propagate and replant in the spring after they’ve sprouted. Also, I’m biased but chickens (and their glorious eggs) are a joy to behold! Eggs are projected to go for $12 in the near future but on the farm they are so abundant we can’t give them away.

This is also a great time to connect with your local farmers. Hop on Google Maps and type in “farm to table” and see what comes up. Attend your farmers market this weekend and ask a farmer for advice on growing food at home in your region. Inquire about a CSA or go in on a beef cow with friends or family and stock your freezer for the long haul.

And if it really comes down to it and you find yourself rationing, just remember “fat, fiber, protein.” These are my three words of nutrition advice that come before all else. Incorporating these three important elements will ensure that your basic nutritional bases are covered.

7.) What happenings are you having at the farm this fall?

We moved onto the farm this (past) winter with the mantra “the first year is for observation” we’ve taken notes on what comes up and when, where the sun shines, where water pools, where the chickens roam, how often we need to mow, and where on the property to peep the best sunrise and sunsets. Now that we have a good idea for where our roots are, we are anticipating opening our doors to guests (next Spring)! With one glamp site, two primitive camp sites, a guest room, and a private apartment we are eager to share our slice of paradise with the farmer-forward travelers of upstate New York and surrounding areas. If you are interested in becoming one of our first guests, shoot an email to to stay in the know for upcoming availability and where to find us. We are hoping to expand into events, photoshoots, farm-to-table dining, and special occasions starting this spring.

Check us out at Sign up for holistic nutrition counseling at

Drop a line at And find me on TikTok @ hearthkeeperskitchen to see what I’m eating on the farm

Charlotte’s farm is located in Bainbridge, New York, about 90 minutes west of Albany and 90 minutes southeast of Syracuse.

“It’s officially the time of year to throw on your favorite flannel, go apple picking, sip on your apple cider and enjoy warm cider donuts.“


When we think about the first 50 years of our organization, we’re reminded of times when we’ve been able to change the lives of waiting children in a meaningful way.

We started with just a few people and a dream, and today we’re proud to have grown into an organization that has served hundreds waiting children every year. Here are some highlights from our first 50 years!

The organization’s humble beginnings began in 1972, when a group of people in Rochester, NY sought to break through the barriers of adoption. A brainstorming meeting sparked the idea to create and distribute a book that would include pictures of adoptable children. At this time, the idea of publishing pictures of these children was very controversial. CAP secured the support of key adoption social workers and a prominent local pediatrician. The CAP Book was born.

In 1975, adoptive parents from CAP successfully lobbied for legislation mandating that all New York State waiting children be photo listed. The listing of children in the New York State Blue Book begins.

In 1977, Peggy Soule took over as Executive Director (and received a grant from the Junior League of Rochester) and The CAP Book became an independent entity, offering

regional photo listings across multiple states—and eventually becoming a national listing when it was featured in The National Enquirer newspaper every week starting in 1980. As a result, between 300 and 500 inquiries are received each week, making The CAP Book officially a national photo listing!

The original CAP Book staff (left to right): Peggy Soule, Executive Director; Rosann Markese, Associate

Soule “Child Advocate of the Year.”

In 1988, CAP received $25,000 from Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities to help enhance recruitment in upstate New York. Peggy Soule and CAP children accepted the grant.

President Ronald Reagan invited Peggy Soule and other leading adoption advocates to The White House to discuss solving the problem of America’s waiting children.

In 1995, Peggy Soule and two children from The CAP Book were invited to The White House where they visited privately with Hillary Clinton.

In 2000, Peggy Soule retired yet remained an active CAP advocate. She is still an active volunteer to this day! CAP launched its Lift The Wait campaign in 2006, developed by John Brown of Frontline

Director; Diane Grant and Linda McGrain.

In 1980, the National Enquirer newspaper began including a child from The CAP Book in every issue. As a result, between 300 and 500 inquiries were received each week, making The CAP Book officially a national photo listing.

In 1985. The North American Council on Adoptable Children, at their national conference, names Peggy

Advertising. The campaign focused on educating Americans about the need for foster parents and raising awareness about the number of waiting children who are eligible for adoption.

CAP also launched its Right to be Heard pilot project in 2006, with a grant provided by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. A Right to be Heard empowers waiting children to speak in their own words about their interests, challenges and hopes. Through creative video portraits,


nearly fifty children shared their stories through film and television interviews so that others could get to know them as individuals and not just as “waiting children.”

CAP staff member, Melanie Marciano, interviews one of our waiting children at the video premiere.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 50 years since we first started working to find permanent, loving families for children waiting in foster care. And we’re not just celebrating the

past—we’re looking ahead at what’s possible.

As a non-profit organization, we depend on the generosity of our community to keep touching more lives than ever before. And so, we are thrilled to announce our 50th Anniversary Gala!

Our gala evening, emceed by Channel 13’s Don Alhart on Saturday, November 5th will feature live entertainment by The Swooners,

and Rochester’s world-renowned jazz pianist Gap Mangione, a champagne toast, cocktails and dinner. There will be raffles, a silent auction and very special 50th anniversary multimedia presentation and recognition.

To buy tickets or sponsor or donate please visit www. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity!

“When we think about the first 50 years of our organization, we’re reminded of times when we’ve been able to change the lives of waiting children in a meaningful way.”



Lesson #4: You do not need to make other people comfortable with your pain.

A habit I had to break over the last few years is the habit I had of hiding my pain. The urge to pretend everything is okay. The fear that if I wasn’t okay, then it meant something was wrong with me. The fear that my emotions would make other people embarrassed or uncomfortable. But, guess what, you do not have to make other people comfortable with your pain.

Think about the common greeting we have here in America.

You run into someone and they say “Hey, how’s it going?” And our ingrained response is “Good, and you?”

From early on we are taught to hide our feelings, because no one wants to say “Bad, it’s actually been a crappy day.” Because we don’t want to bother others or make them uncomfortable with your burdens.

But, it’s not our responsibility to make others comfortable.

If you are sad, don’t hide that sadness just because you think it will make other people uncomfortable. Express it. Cry if you need to.

If you are uncomfortable with how someone is treating you, don’t internalize it just because you think it might embarrass them. Say something.

If you are upset, don’t swallow the anger, use it. Figure out what’s causing it and understand it. Be fierce. Don’t be afraid to be angry just because people might think you are too intense or aggressive.

Social conditioning has created this unspoken rule that it is our responsibility to make others comfortable around us. Which then causes us to hide our feelings. But that causes more problems for us. When we keep everything bottled up then we don’t have a chance to actually process our feelings. We don’t learn how to cope or adjust or work through the feelings.

This is how he get stuck in the same patterns. This is how we become unable to move forward.

Don’t keep your feelings bottled up just because the norm is for feelings to stay inside our heads.

Put yourself first. Worry about yourself and understanding your own feelings rather than worrying about how others will react to them.

This is all easy to say, but how do we actually do this? Talking.

Talk about your feelings and emotions.

Communication is the key in this situation. Normally people will tell you to journal about it, but that’s not enough. You need to talk about it. Not only with others, but also with yourself. Words are so powerful, so

use them to your advantage. When you catch yourself feeling a strong emotion try talking to yourself in the mirror about it. Ask yourself what emotion you are having, where is it coming from, and what do you want to do about it. Do this without judgement. Not judging yourself for having feelings is a hard thing to do. It takes time, so make sure to practice self-compassion and patience with yourself.

Take some time to get to know you and feel comfortable with your emotions. Once you do, it will be easier not to care about others comfort level with your emotions too.

Warmly, Devan About the Author Devan Robinson is the author of “What’s Your Worth? And I Don’t Mean Money.”, motivational speaker, and life coach for female entrepreneurs. She helps women gain confidence and understand their strengths so they can reach their goals without guilt, shame, or fear. When she isn’t working on changing the world, you can usually find her hanging out with her dogs, spending time with her husband, or watching Netflix. If you are interested in learning more about her, check out her website www.

“If you are sad, don’t hide that sadness just because you think it will make other people uncomfortable. Express it. Cry if you need to.”


and Goliath... until it wasn’t.

Meet David and Goliath, two dogs surrendered to Animal Care Sanctuary in December 2021. The two brothers spent the winter getting to know the lay of the land and playing with other animals. After a few weeks, a family adopted David. Sadly, they could not adopt Goliath because he didn’t pass the cat test.

Months went by, and while David was enjoying time with his new family, Goliath was still at the sanctuary waiting to find his forever home like his brother.

David’s adopters regularly checked the ACS website and grew sad whenever they saw Goliath. Finally, David’s new dad couldn’t get over the fact that Goliath was still at the shelter and decided to do something about it.

After four months without his brother, Goliath was adopted. He was so excited to meet his forever family but had no idea what was to come next. After getting out of the car at his new home, Goliath ran inside to a wonderful surprise: a greeting from his brother!

The brothers immediately ran right up to one another in excitement.

Whether it be nerves or the stress of being in a shelter, Goliath loves his new cat sibling. He even does a happy dance when he sees a cat!

Goliath goes to show that patience is necessary with any animal. If you give them time and care, they might surprise you.

The staff at ACS is grateful for our time spent with the two brothers. They truly have a one-of-a-kind story that ends with them spending the rest of their days in their forever home. Together! We couldn’t be happier for them.



It’s funny how conditioned we are as a society to believe what is fed to us for so long through the media, and schooling. Programmed to be indoctrinated and brainwashed to the point that when confronted with a decision to make for our own personal beliefs, the majority look to the mainstream media as well as the government to choose for us.

Propaganda has been a tool utilized for so many years to trick the human into making decisions or acting on beliefs we know are morally unjust. Letting a group mentality persuade us into things deep down we wouldn’t do.

Well most of us.

I am guilty for so long going along with what I am told, thinking the educational system was not corrupt and giving false history lessons, and setting up our minds to believe working for the man, clocking in and pleasing the system is the right thing to do. To forget natures way of living off the man, as modern medicine and big pharma are actually less than 100 years old, and natural herbs and remedies are now frowned upon. Follow the money, cures don’t create billionaires, sick people do. Unhealthy individuals told to take this pill and that treatment which costs literally an atm and a leg. But the conspiracy of this is laughed at. Because the news and the government tell you so. And you believe it.

Why now all of a sudden are people dying suddenly? Healthy athletes, children, and people with no back ground of health condition? Yet all have a common denominator, a shot they took because doing so would be “saving lives” as the

programmed mainstream media backs up by a Dr. who in my hopes gets charged with crimes against humanity. And a multi billionaire “humanitarian” who killed thousands of children in third world countries and covered it up by saying he was giving them health care. His wife has since left him because she could not bare to hide the truth. You

it off, has now been proven to be true. That the shot really has no defense against this virus that has a 99 percent chance of not dying. But still a conspiracy because so many are stuck on the fear mongering tactics they were fed through the programming that has been contrived to brainwash us all. Take the shot to save granny really hits home.

can do a little research and find Bill guilty and of stating he wants to rid the world of the majority of its population. It is no secret he is one of the leaders in this mass ganocode we as a society are in the midst of. But this too is just a conspiracy. Until it is found to be true.

I am stuck thinking about all of these sudden deaths that the media shrugs off with no explanation or show us the correlation between them and this jab, and still see all the propaganda in my face to inject myself with ingredients unknown with no long term research. When it is proven that like my conspiracy of the natural immune system fighting

The division after this was easy. When you divide people it’s easier to control. But I suppose this too is a conspiracy. More propaganda to put individuals against each other based on the good guys with the shot and the evil villains who choose medical freedom. Ostracized for the choice to let our own immune system do what it’s meant to do. Told we are heartless and murderers. Yet the research wasn’t even there for individuals to make the claim that they were doing anybody any good. Just a programmed mind set believing what the media is feeding your brain. Not looking at the truth at all. Becoming angry by someone’s choice of their own free will, as it was never proven to save lives. Never. And now the true fact is even out there in your little box of lies, and you cannot wrap your head around it because you have been conditioned.

Almost like the way we are taught kindergarten through 6th grade that Christopher Columbus discovered America, yet when getting to high school they tell us in fact Leif Ericsson a Norse explorer, actually set foot on North America half a millennium before Columbus. Yet we were told for 6 years otherwise, and so we couldn’t change our conditioned mind. Even when shown the truth. Funny, don’t you think?


So, conspiracy’s or Just things you haven’t looked into yet yourself? Being told you don’t have to do the research as the government has done it for you is one of the scariest things. Look up the government’s syphilis in ovulation on the black community years back. Or, the slaying of all the bison by the government so the indigenous people of North America would starve and then

have no choice but to rely on government handouts. These are conspiracies proven to be fact, yet still individuals won’t believe them because we were not “taught” this. It’s just a conspiracy like so many others out there, right in front of you.

So the next time you go to call someone a conspiracy theorist, remember it’s only a conspiracy until it’s proven true. The

government is out to make money, big pharma makes money off the ill, and the media is paid to program your mind.

Call it all a conspiracy to stay content, or start doing some digging. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I’m a realist and I know how to use critical thinking for myself.

“The first step is to turn off the news. You will learn so much more about the truth this way.”



What do 99% of the custom tailors online have in common?

They don’t make custom business clothing for women.

You would be very hard-pressed to find anyone that makes custom tailored clothing for women.

I’m not talking about custom

The other is fashionable clothing that are well-made with expensive designer labels, but unfortunately, since they are still rack sizes, they don’t fit as well as something is made for them.

The high end fashion brands also are notorious for making their garments in smaller easier to fit sizes. Just try to find anything for plus size women. It’s

There are tailors out there that have the proper skill set to create their own individual patterns for customers, they are few and far between. They also command a premium for their very specialized skills.

The women that need, and are able to afford custom clothing are women that are filling C-level positions in the workplace. The industry has not caught up with the demand for women’s custom business wear, because the demand is still not high enough to retool and re-educate tailors in the art of making women’s clothing.

There are tailors like myself that have been making women’s custom tailored clothing for years. The rest of the industry will grow when the demand grows enough for the custom clothing industry to respond with more tailors willing to create their own custom womens businesses.

Women’s clothing is a harder fit, which is why many suit makers are not willing, nor capable of making custom clothing for women.

On the other hand, manufacturers of off the rack clothing tend to be in one of two categories for women. Either very inexpensive, using man-made fibers with the least expensive construction possible.

very disappointing.

Typically the only place you can find tailors to make custom clothing is in the Far East, like Hong Kong and Thailand. The issue with these tailors is that the population of those countries tend to be pettit. Therefore, Finding companies that have plus size or american sized patterns are very difficult to find in Asia.

The best advice I can give is if you don’t have a local custom clothier, buy clothing that is slightly larger sized. Then find a local tailor that is familiar with ladies garments and have them altered down to fit you as best as possible.

Always at your service, Vincent DiGiorgio

DRESS PASSIONATELY! 2423 MONROE AVE 585.802.0891 “Rochester’s Most Trusted Custom Clothier” ~ Custom Made ~ Suits - Sport Coats - Shirts - Formalwear & More! Google 5 Rating Custom Suits From $995


My daughter went off to college. I was ready and so was she. Friends kept asking me how I was managing with her being gone. Too quickly I would say, “fine.”

I always miss her, but if I must admit, after our tearful good-bye on the sidewalk in front of her dorm, and the long car ride home, I have not cried since.

It is not about missing her, it has more to do with shared space, drastically differences of opinions and the forty years that separate us. She was certain she was already an adult. It was a long, hot, summer of bickering, eyerolls, and blame. We had become roommates who needed a change.

She had her fill of me yelling up the stairs; “what’s my password,” “why is my phone not working,” and “where are my glasses?”

I was tired of her impatience, constant video watching, picture snapping and brooding in her room. Our generation gap was obvious. I could not relate to her, and I was not sure I wanted to.

I dropped her off on a Saturday and I started a large project with a new client on Monday. I was relieved to have the new challenge to keep my mind off how empty the house felt and how sad the dog looked.

I was asked to come into the office for an introductory meeting with the other members of the team I would be working with. To my surprise I was faced with a young woman, fresh out of college, who was smart, eager, and already seemed more connected to what was going on with the project than I was.

It felt like my daughter had magically graduated and was now my co-worker. I could feel myself begin to panic.

My client and I share the same generation,

we are Baby Boomers. When I first starting my business, I was trying to figure out how I could keep up and compete with Millennials.

My new colleague was Gen Z. I felt old and our greeting was awkward. She showed me to my computer. I immediately fumbled trying to navigate the log in. I was given the password and had already forgotten it.

For six weeks, we collaborated every day. Ironically, she shows up to the office, and I work remotely from home. When I reached out to let her know I would be away for a two-day trip but was available for a call or by email, all I got was, a text, “sounds good.” I thought she was dismissing me. Over time I started to understand that there may be a big gap in age, our differences are small.

Technology is everything, or is it? Technology is a constant source of misery for me. My generation thrives on face-toface meetings. Our client is my age. A little advice on how to better communicate her questions and concerns changed how the boss responded to her. In exchange, she became approachable on all things technical.

Videos, videos, videos

She learns everything online. Who needs a classroom or a five-hour training course or even a book when you can just go to YouTube. Watching how she consumed content taught me there are diverse ways to get information. Google does not have all the answers, neither do I. It is never too late to learn, how to learn something new.

We stress out differently

It was a long six weeks with days that did not seem to end. I never felt like she was tired, needed a sleep pod or a game room to de-stress. She was committed

and was willing to do the extra work to get the project done. We both admitted to our anxiety. She has attention issues, I have “worst case scenario” syndrome. We each found our own ways to cope with our stressors and confide when we would hit a mental roadblock.

My relationship at work helped me to better understand my daughter’s point of view. Telephone calls became easier, and we ended up communicating our daily activities by Snapchat. I suddenly enjoyed this form of mindless contact. I was so busy with my own life, I no longer had time for detailed telephone calls. I demanded nothing from her and refused to micromanage her life. She knows where I am, and when she wants to talk, I will always answer.

I have learned that we have more in common than the gap between us. I prioritized my friends, could not wait to get away from my parent’s authority and wanted to change the world.

Gen Z also gets an unwarranted professional reputation.

I had six jobs in the space of three years, hopping around opportunities until I landed my career. I was not disloyal or unwilling to commit. I found ways to educate myself along the way to an independent life. We should not fear the next generation but embrace their youth and ambition and serve as mentors rather than critics.

My work relationship helped to heal my parental one.

Instead of stereotyping our differences, it is time to embrace what we can learn from each other; at home and in the office.



What can I do to make myself appear slimmer?

Please don’t say stop eating Primarily, my number one tip for making yourself appear slimmer is embrace yourself.

Regardless of size and body type, love your body, a woman gives off an air of confidence when you embrace all your parts, even the flaws (and we all have them). Secondly, know your body type. There are tips and tricks for every body type to make you look your best. Next, if it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t flatter. You will hear me say this a million times. If it is too small it is not flattering, if it is big and boxy it is not flattering. Some of my curvy ladies say, well, it hides the lumps and bumps, my reply, that is what body armor is for. She asked, body armor? Yes, I replied, all the shapewear that is available these days, there are no excuses. What is funny, something that I did years ago because of my “thunder thighs”, now is a multi-million-dollar company. I took my biker shorts, pulled them up to my waist so that I could “appear slimmer” and also so that my “thunder thighs” wouldn’t rub together (and ignite). Low and behold years upon years later someone took her control pantyhose and made it a business (I’m not mad at her, I’m just mad I didn’t make it to the table first, smile).

Another common question that I receive from clients is how can I still appear chic over the age of fifty? Be your authentic self, fashion is what you

wear, style is who you are. Start with a fresh makeup look and good foundational lingerie items. Although you may not wear in your 50s what you wore in your 20s, you can still “be” (not just appear) chic over the age of fifty. Dress for the occasion.

knee. Look at the trends and the fashion forecasts in leading fashion magazines like Vogue, InStyle, and Cosmopolitan, then look in your closet. Since fashion repeats itself, you most likely already have what is trending in your closet. Remember to include statement jewelry (think estate pieces). Don’t be afraid to select an accent color each season. Enhance with some additional accessories such as a vintage handbag and viola, you are chic.

What type of undergarment should I purchase to get rid of back fat?

The high-waisted spandex boy shorts shapewear is your friend. Or if you are wearing a dress, you can get a shapewear slip and lastly there are now bras that camouflage back meat as well. The right foundational garments are the crux of a good look. Shapewear is to your body as primer is to your makeup foundation.

How can I appear chic on a budget?

Make sure your pieces are tailored and structured to your body type, height, and weight. Add a little flavor and flare, for example, if wear a blazer, add a brooch. If you just want to wear jeans or a button up shirt, throw in a scarf or a statement belt. Create looks that make you feel accomplished and sexy. It is perfectly fine to wear skirts or dresses right above the

Appearing chic on a budget is my specialty. I’m often told, I’m a shopper’s shopper. I have a third eye for fashion and style on a budget. First you must put on your patience cap. If you shop retail stores, when you enter the door, go straight to the back to the clearance racks, go to your size and thumb through each item. I have found separates that were by the same designer, same fabric, same color, and created a suit. If you shop thrift, consignment, and estate sales (which I strongly recommend). First, you are doing the planet good.


Should you keep up with trends or

Be yourself, do not keep up with the Joneses, as indicated above, adding a couple of trendy items per season is perfectly fine. However, you should stand out and not look like everyone else. You can by chic, trendy and conservative, you don’t have to choose. The key is balance, it is not recommended to be all over the place. Find your style, stick with it, nonetheless, add pieces that amplify your style, a few may be trendy, some may be classic, and others may be conservative. Develop a style that sets you apart from everyone else. For example, I am glam/classic in heels 7-days a week and twice on Sunday. Do not wait for someone else to do it,

“Be yourself, do not keep up with the Joneses, as indicated above, adding a couple of trendy items per season is perfectly fine. However, you should stand out and not look like everyone else.”

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I have been baffled lately at how God has been answering my prayers quite swiftly and even the prayers I didn’t pray, He has answered them too. What is happening? Truth is, I have recently allowed myself to trust and receive.


Ever since I was a child, I’d been at a place of expectation. I had always planned events and scenarios to ensure my security or to guarantee my desired outcome. Because I was so used to being dropped, used, abused, accused, cajoled, coarsed....... I found myself staying longer in situations I shouldn’t have stayed in because I was now used to being controlled and I felt that staying a little while longer may avert maltreatment, so when I spot maltreatment coming or any sign of dysfunction, I’ll buffer it. I will carry loads that I’m not supposed to carry. I’ll be a good girl and play nice. I will act deaf, dumb and blind. I will over apologize. I will even get on my knees to plead for peace. I will lay on my back if I have to. I would do ANYTHING to ensure that things are ferry.

However, in this new season, God has allowed certain things happen to me and around me to show me that no matter how hard I try to hold it all together, WHATEVER WILL BE, WILL BE.

You can’t force your boss to retain you. You can’t force a man to love you. You can’t love hard so so someone can love you hard. It doesn’t work that way. IT IS WHAT IT IS!

This has forced me to TRUST God and just be still. I am now still on every aspect of my life.

knows what He is doing, I follow Him every step of the way and He performs miracles on my behalf.


I now talk to God about everything and I don’t hold on to anything. I am comfortable with losing anything because I know that God has allowed it all. I refuse to exhaust myself by trying to keep the peace or gravel for peace sake. I just lean on God and accept whatever bone or meat He throws at me. He knows what she is doing. Now that I know that God

Due to so much abuse, I have been programmed to expect nothing or expect conditions. This has affected my ability to freely receive. I tend to question it. Because I question it, it’s so hard for me to receive it, and when I receive it, I tend to look for how to return it or find a way of paying for it. Sometimes I even ruin the relationship just so I wouldn’t feel obligated to the love I’m being shown. This was my battle and my struggle, and to a small measure, I am still struggling, but I combat this feeling with constantly telling myself that I deserve love, and love is giving. I haven’t received much of it in so many ways. I’ve always had to pay for it. But God has never asked for anything in return. Freely He gives, and gradually, freely I’m receiving. I just received the title of “Ambasaador Mrs Nigeria”, and I just became a Finalist for Universal Women’s Network Inspirational Woman Of The Year”. So many blessings. So much struggle. So much receiving, oh yes, and I just had a birthday. What a gift to receive!




I don’t watch TV often but after seeing a few hours of TV the other night I was advertised at least three different constipation cures. It led me to believe that a lot women are dealing with constipation and unaware that they don’t need to. After a little bit of research, I found that according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 16% of adults have constipations symptoms and this more than doubles for adults over 60. Women, during pregnancy or after giving birth are more likely to suffer symptoms.

Of course, if your constipation is persistent or painful, you should go see your doctor.

However, I have a tool that not enough people are talking about for constipation. Stress-Relief. I’ve watched clients who have suffered with constipation for years, in a one hour yoga therapy session, get relief.

Of course, those over-the-counter drugs might seem like an easy out if you don’t have an underlying medical condition. In many cases you have to do the really hard work of letting go of stress and engaging in better selfcare. The parasympathetic nervous system oversees our rest and digest functions. Hence without rest, it is hard to digest, hence constipation.

Finding a balanced life with low stress, can be a lifelong journey for many women. As you know “just calm down” won’t work. “Just calm

down and you’ll poop” won’t work either. Here are a few yogic tools to try on for your digestion. You don’t even need to put on yoga clothes.

• Movement. Feeling particularly stressed? Put your phone down and go for a vigorous walk. If it feels too cold or too hot for you, something vigorous inside like jumping jacks. Movement is important for digestion.

• Child’s Pose. After you’ve gotten that initial surge of energy out, make your way down onto the floor into a child’s pose. You can rest your hands back by your heels if your shoulders feel tight. Take 10 slow breaths with a long spine.

• Wind-Relieving Pose. Flip over on to your back and hug your knees into your chest for wind-relieving pose. You can make little circles on the ground with your low back if that feels good in the moment. Stay for at least two minutes.

• Breath Meditation. Lay flat on the floor with your feet flat on the ground, knees bent or with legs extended out long on the floor, whichever is more comfortable on your low back. Rest a blanket or very light weight (think, a buckwheat pillow) on your belly. As you inhale through your nose let your belly raise the blanket, as you exhale let the blanket lower. Try to stay for five minutes, just feeling the blanket rise and fall.

• Slowing down. Maybe life won’t let you slow down all of the time, but you can slow down your pace when

you’re eating. Smell your food, taste it, let your body enjoy it. Don’t look at other screens while eating.

• Add moisture to your meals. Cook oils in vegetables, eat juicy fruits. Ayurveda cites that cold and dry elements contribute to constipation. If you want crackers, add a hummus or butter. Ditch the dry toast. Choose soft tacos over hard.

• Avoid cold. Try soups, cooked foods, and warm teas. Drink room temperature water. I know, it’s hard to give up smoothies and ice cubes but back off from consuming them ALL the time and see if it makes a difference.

• Sleep. Make sure you’re giving yourself enough down time so that your nervous system can rest.

• Listen to your body. Do you sometimes get the urge to go and hold back? Bowel movements are normal and natural. Would you deny your parent or your child the chance to go? When you need to go to the bathroom, let yourself go.

Kaitlyn Vittozzi is a C-IAYT Yoga Therapist with a brand-new studio in Penfield, NY. Want to live less stress and get more comfortable in your own body? Visit

“Stress-Relief. I’ve watched clients who have suffered with constipation for years, in a one hour yoga therapy session, get relief.”



When I created this course, I wanted to share everything I possibly could! All the tips that I have gathered over the past decade plus of coaching.

I came up with a 7-week LIVE online course to teach individuals how to consciously create abundant health, wealth and happiness in your everyday lives. The Being In Balance Course.

This is what we all want. To live in perfect health while accumulating wealth and experiencing happiness.

How to get this? By accessing your inner wisdom.

Yes. It’s true. Education is important. Training is important. And experience expands your knowledge.

But that inner wisdom that you were born with? That’s the source of your happiness.

The other stuff helps. The new car. The big house. The family, friends and neighbors. The promotion, etc.

These are all important. And can certainly bring you a sense of wholeness.

But by being in touch with ‘who’ you are and ‘how’ you tick is essential to being able to experience health, wealth and happiness.

Here it is. Your mindset exercise! In order to truly know who you are, you need to be aware of your feelings.

Without allowing them to take control of your behavior.

You also need to know what’s going on in your body. And, perhaps top of the list, you need to be aware of your thought process.

They all go hand in hand. When one area of yourself is off balance, it often sends the rest of yourself to go lopsided!


Take 3 long breaths in and out Focusing on your ribcage Watching it expand and deflate


Starting at the crown of your head Notice how you physically feel Are there any cramps? Aches? Pains?

If so, notice this and bring your focus to the area. Consciously relax the area around the physical discomfort.

Continue shifting your attention down your body, noticing any areas that need attention.

When you reach your feet, take a cleansing breath in and out.


Bring your awareness to your forehead. Notice the activity in your mind. What thoughts are passing by? How many? How often? What is their value? From being very important to being yesterday’s news?

Bring your breath to this area. As if you are breathing all of the thoughts out of your headspace. Clearing the thoughts. Bringing a sense of stillness into your mind.


Bring your awareness to your solar plexus just below your ribcage. You may want to place your hand here. Notice any emotions that may arise. Are you feeling angry? Sad? Frustrated? Do you sense happiness? Peace or joy?

As you bring your breath to your upper abdomen, imagine a bright light like the sun radiating there. Shedding light on any upset. Allowing a sense of calm to take place.


After taking a few cleansing breaths in and out, move your attention to your heart chakra. This is located in the center of your chest.

Notice any physical sensations. Is there a tightness? A shortness of breath? Now pay attention to any emotional sensations.

Sadness may reflect a wounded heart. Joy may be felt like an openness.

Stay here. As you breathe in and out imagine your heart softening.

Ask yourself what it is you truly want. You may be surprised at what comes up. Then inquire what it is you would need to get that.


Imagine you already have it.

You have just accessed your Inner Source of Wisdom through a meditation technique I have created for my clients.

When we take the time to:

• Relax our body

• Clear our mind

• Calm our emotions And

• Heal our heart

We are able to come from a place of authenticity. In this place you will be able to make wise decisions that not only serve you but everyone around you.

There is so much more to discover!

Here is what you’ll learn in the Being in Balance Course: Course

MODULE 1: Intention Matters: Embodying Daily Intentions for Yourself to Live More Clearly

MODULE 2: Destress for Success: Nurturing the Soul and Finding Peace Within to Express Total Balance

MODULE 3: Law of Attraction: Accumulating Wealth and Creating Abundance Naturally

MODULE 4: Be in Your Body: Increasing your


Energy Reserve and Optimism Through Nutrition, Exercise and Yoga


The Balancing Act: Juggling One Ball at a Time to Achieve Work-Life Balance


Meditate & Create: Activating Goals to the Next Level

MODULE 7: Integrate It All: Bringing Balance Back Into Your Life

We’ll meet from October 6th –November 17th at 1:00 PM. For 90 minutes. The bulk of the teaching will be in the first 45 minutes followed by 45 minutes of live coaching and Q&A.

There is a membership only course site that you will have exclusive access to. There you will find introduction videos and supporting materials for each module.

Every session will be recorded so you’ll never miss a thing! And you will be part of a conscious community all with the same goal.

In this 7-week LIVE online course you will discover how to prioritize your well-being, and bring balance back into your everyday life, creating a sense of inner peace & outer joy.

By the end of the course you’ll experience:

• How to access to your inner source of wisdom

• Clarity in living your life purpose

intentionally and joyfully

• Increased vitality through self awareness, stress reduction and exercise

• The power of setting healthy boundaries around your time and energy reserve

• The magic behind the law of attraction and realization of your goals


I am look forward guiding you in your new journey!

Alana Cahoon is a master teacher of meditation, conscious leadership and energy healing; and is the author of Amazon Bestseller: Mindfulness, Mantras & Meditations.

https://www.beinginbalanceacademy. com/course

“This is what we all want. To live in perfect health while accumulating wealth and experiencing happiness.”


Navigating Turmoil to Reach Calmer Shores

Personal transformation during these challenging and tumultuous times can be tricky and leave us feeling anxious, fearful and/or uneasy. Navigating your own pursuit of self-growth and greater enlightenment can be achieved using creative intentions, helping you to feel supported and divinely guided. The need to reach those calmer shores is what drives most of us to continue our pilgrimage towards our light and our heavenly purpose. That highest form and vibrational presence within you, calls to you to just keep moving, and trusting in the process. Easier said than done, yet it is a journey that is worth creating.

A recent article by quantifies personal transformation as, “a dynamic, uniquely individualized process of expanding consciousness whereby individuals become critically aware of old and new self-views and choose to integrate these views into a new self-definition.”

* When we think of this concept and envision it for ourselves, we allow in messages from something larger than ourselves. It is one of the most profound gifts we can give ourselves. This form of self-nurturing is rooted in love. When we base our personal expansion from this tender place, we are no longer in a state of contraction; better known as “fear.”

Beginning the route towards our divine self can just be as simple as noticing our breath or our posture. Ask yourself when the last time was that you were aware of your body’s response to fear? Do you contract by doing shallow breathing, rounding the shoulders, slumping, or telling yourself you’re tired consistently

throughout the day? These are all ways of making ourselves smaller and more insulated. It is a buffer we create to keep ourselves from getting hurt again or feeling our traumas. There are times this serves us when we are amid the traumatic event. Even for a time afterward. Allow yourself that space to truly be in it so that you may move out of it with the lessons it was here to give you. But please don’t stay long. Living the life that is intended for you asks that you move away from that fear mindset and into the light again. Take those baby steps to build your strength and resilience for the road ahead.

Once you begin to emerge from your protective cocoon that harbored your old self, look around to see who you can call on for loving support and guidance. That buoy helps you to begin building a solid foundation you can count on when the next difficult challenge comes your way. You won’t be thrown around like a ship in a storm anymore. They are your soft place to fall and rest. Reconnecting to those baby steps, (deep breathing, connection and calling on divine wisdom), will allow you that floatation device to survive rough waves or a full-blown hurricane. It’s your anchor and mental lifeline that will be on the ready in your self-care toolbox.

Upon building that bravery tool, you can begin to move towards creative ways of expressing yourself, your needs and using your voice. This step facilitates your mission to add more self-care go-to’s that will slowly become noble rituals. Take a moment now to close your eyes and picture yourself on a path that is filled with sparkling, brilliant light. You feel instantly loved, supported and happy there. At the farthest point of the path, there is a dazzling light calling you forward. You

begin to see your guides of the highest truth and compassion standing there with open arms, beckoning your forward. They ask you to walk on the path with them towards your most loving intentions. You take their hands and feel the warmth and nurturing they possess for you, filling you with that same cherished version of you at your utmost loving presence. Feel into that and allow it to fill your heart and your mind and your words with only things routed in love. That is yours to keep and rest in whenever you feel fearful or unsure. It asks that you value your healing and growth. You are valued, wanted, and treasured here. You are meant for great things.

Using our imagination in this way shows us we can move out of fear and into a state of love at almost any point. It also opens us up to messages from outside of ourselves that have our best interests at heart. You are a vessel for love and healing that will ripple out to others who are afraid to begin their own journey or are in their own state of trauma. Your work and willingness give others the opportunity to grow and expand their hearts right alongside you. There is a growing army of souls who are working towards this same higher way of being. You won’t be alone on this path.

“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Envision yourself now, doing something creative that you’ve always wanted to do but never had the resilience or courage to try.


Have you always wanted to paint, write, make pottery, sing, dance, take photos, make a movie or all the above and more? No one, except possibly you, expects you to make a masterpiece. Getting lost in the process of making and doing is where we find serendipity. Experiencing that flow state helps you to begin noticing things much more easily, where before you were distracted by your mind’s ruminations. When we use our gifts of imagination, we allow in divine inspiration and a shift in mindsets. Your mind’s eye can now see the rainbow that comes after the storm, promising you that things are going to be brighter in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

One of my wonderful Intuitive Painting students was with me just last night, talking to me about the hope creativity has given her. That she finally sees there is a real potential for something better. Her self-talk has improved drastically in a very short window of time, and she is so excited to come each week. Our pre-lesson meditations and the art of creating her piece have shown her that she is meant for more and being led towards a more loving way of being in her own life. Watching her cry tears of joy after the meditation and having a palpable sense of knowing that all is well, brought the entire space a feeling of joy and possibility.

That self-compassion and strength is available to you at any time. We need only to set the intention of allowing our most honest feelings of vulnerability to mend so that our hearts can begin their beautiful expansion. Achieving that strength to become vulnerable has a sincerity our soul responds to in kind. You feel lighter and shame that not a moment before felt engulfing, floats away. You have now



taken control of your narrative. You create a loving, nurturing story about what it is you want and need in this life for yourself. It is a light that cannot be dimmed by outside forces. It is your shield from that which is meant to harm you.

Expressing yourself through creative means can have the added bonus of attracting like-minded people who are walking next to you on that path, communing in one another’s light. The breadth and width of that radiance gets sent out into the Universe, touching every atom and cell within it. We become a force of illumination for those who are still in the dark, braving their own storms. You now become their saving grace. You and your loving actions, thoughts and words are that powerful. They hold weight and must be used wisely and benevolently. We each beget the karmic energy we choose.

So, choose wisely. Observe how you’ve spoken to yourself recently. What have you written about yourself or others, and your experiences in your journal? Was it kind, compassionate or hopeful? If your answer is “no,” that’s okay! Gabby Bernstein’s technique of noticing our thoughts, forgiving the thought, and then choosing differently can be a beautiful and simple way to return to love. (I have that on a sticky note in several strategic areas in my home and it has changed my own verbiage and way of being.)

My hope for you is that today is the day you honor your light. That you bravely take those baby steps towards higher ground as you watch the sinking ship you boldly jumped off into unknown waters, knowing you just saved your heart. That you get to rejoice in the intentionality you have now chosen as your new norm.

Your personal space has become a sacred sanctuary for you as you creatively grow into the higher consciousness you were meant to reside in. To develop with a tenderness and reverence for all you’ve been through and done to become your highest self. Navigating life’s turmoil one baby step at a time will not only allow you to finally have shelter on those calmer shores. It will also give you the divine power to take larger strides with each passing triumph towards your personal transformation and exquisite new self you’ve been longing for. Namaste.

• Wade GH. A concept analysis of personal transformation. J Adv Nurs. 1998 Oct;28(4):713-9. doi: 10.1046/j.13652648.1998.00729.x. PMID: 9829658.

“Navigating your own pursuit of self-growth and greater enlightenment can be achieved using creative intentions, helping you to feel supported and divinely guided.”


According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, someone is diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) every 9 minutes in the United States. More than 10 million people have a PD diagnosis worldwide. This number is increasing every year. PD is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system. PD is caused by a loss of nerve cells in the substantia nigra of the brain. This leads to a reduction in a chemical called dopamine.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that supports many essential body functions, including movement, memory, and pleasurable reward and motivation. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that neurons in the brain use to communicate with one another; with the loss of dopamine, there is a disconnect between the brain and the body’s movements. PD symptoms typically start mild and are barely noticeable. It tends to start on one side of the body and worsen over time. Parkinson’s symptoms present differently in each individual. Some Parkinson’s symptoms include, but are not limited to: bradykinesia, or slowness in movement, shuffled gait pattern, forward trunk posture, resting tremor, and flat facial affect. Non-motor symptoms include a reduced sense of smell, constipation, and sleeping disorders. Due to lessened dopamine, psychological symptoms include anxiety/depression and impulsive behavior. While the cause of Parkinson’s disease is unknown, many studies are

finding a connection between pesticides and the environment. Multiple things can slow the progression of PD and manage PD symptoms, including exercise, medications, and surgical procedures. This article will discuss exercise and its role in managing PD symptoms.

Exercise is an integral part of any

the abnormal movement caused by the movement disorder. High-intensity movement has been shown to reduce tremors, joint stiffness, muscle rigidity, endurance, and cardiovascular function. Keeping your heart rate between 70 -80% during your high-intensity cycles is essential. An easier way to determine high intensity is your rate of perceived exertion. You should not be able to have a conversation if you work within the “high intensity” parameters. Workouts, including non-contact boxing and cycle classes, are great ways to get your forced-intensity exercise.


Flexibility training is a great way to combat a limited range of motion and rigidity. Flexibility exercise has been shown to improve posture, prevent stiffness, decrease dystonia (prolonged muscle contractions) and improve mobility. Yoga and generalized static and dynamic stretches are great ways to improve flexibility. The PWR moves program includes exercises performed slowly with big movements to focus on targeting rigidity.

person’s health. For PD, exercise is a vital component of managing symptoms. It is essential in maintaining balance, improving movement, maintaining mobility, and keeping functional with daily activities. While all exercise is beneficial, certain types of exercise are most beneficial for PD.


Forced intensity exercise can recalibrate


Falls are prevalent in the PD diagnosis. Balance deficits are common due to medications, rigidity, postural difficulties, and shuffling gait patterns. Balance training is multi-faceted; it is not just about standing on one leg. These exercises will focus on postural and core strengthening, gait patterns, weight shifting, and body awareness.


Part of balance and fall prevention training also includes how to fall and to get back up after a fall. Tai chi has been shown to significantly reduce falls and slow the rate of decline in overall motor control in those diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Because Tai chi simultaneously integrates elements of balance, flexibility, coordination, and multitasking, it is a great way to get all of the benefits of exercise in one class.


Brain training will stimulate executive functioning and the information processing of the brain. Some great ways to improve cognitive health include adding multi-step exercises, task sequencing, cross-body motions, word association, and more. The combination of brain training and regular exercise can


stimulate neuroplasticity in the brain, along with encouraging the production of growth factors and chemicals that affect the growth of new blood vessels in the brain and the overall health of new brain cells. Some great ways to challenge the brain with task sequencing are a Parkinson’s Dance class and Parkinson’s Karate.

Exercise is now considered a PD treatment with multiple benefits and few adverse effects. How much exercise? Studies show that 2.5 hours of exercise a week can significantly decrease the progression of Parkinson’s disease. The earlier you exercise after your PD diagnosis, the better the benefits. While exercise can help all levels of PD, starting an exercise program in early in the diagnosis is most beneficial. At Wellness 360 Physical Therapy and

Massage Therapy, we support all levels of your Parkinson’s diagnosis. We can support your journey from acute care to lifelong exercise support. We can provide service with physical therapy providing you with one-to-one care based on your individual needs. We also have multiple classes specific to Parkinson’s disease, including: Rock steady boxing, Parkinson’s cycle, Parkinson’s Karate, chair yoga, floor yoga, and Parkinson’s dance. Each class is led by a team specializing in Parkinson’s diagnosis.

Remember, the earlier you start your exercise program, the more beneficial exercise is in reducing your Parkinson’s symptoms. You can find out more at

“Remember, the earlier you start your exercise program, the more beneficial exercise is in reducing your Parkinson’s symptoms.”
{ WELLNESS 360 }


I once read something where the author said that (I am paraphrasing here) she doesn’t like writers who use quotes from great writers because it makes it seem like the writer thinks that their writing is great, and it is disappointing when it is not.

I often use quotes from great writers, not because my writing is great, but because a good quote on the topic I have chosen gives me a starting point. It serves as a writing prompt that helps me to focus my thoughts.

I chose this quote from one of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors because it sums up perfectly how I feel about fall. It has always seemed to me that the new year should begin in autumn.

Autumn offers a time of transition. My dad’s birthday was September 14th, my sister’s birthday is September 15th, and my grandfather’s birthday was September 20th. Every year right after their birthdays, as the last days of summer passed, the weather would transition to fall. In mid-to-late September we start to get those crisp days that I love.

This morning when I went for my walk, I felt the first crisp morning.

I love wearing shorts with a longsleeved shirt and breaking a sweat that comes from exertion and not humidity. When it is hot and humid, I sweat while sitting still. When the weather turns colder it feels like I have earned the sweat.

I love the smell of the air in the fall, the taste of the first apple, and the changing foliage. The spectacular beauty of the array of rich colors is

still marks for me the coming of autumn. Even though it has been a long time since I was in school, I still feel excitement in September that it is a new year with limitless possibilities. I am looking forward to enjoying autumn. Here are a few places in upstate New York that I always try to visit for leaf peeping:

• Hurd Orchards, Holley

• Beak & Skiff Apple

Orchards, Lafayette

• Green Lakes, Fayetteville

• Skaneateles

• Letchworth State Park

Finally, I would like to leave you with three simple strategies for transitioning from summer to fall:

• Hydrate: when the weather gets cooler you still need to stay hydrated. Aim for drinking half your body weight in ounces of water each day.

just spectacular to me. This is the best time of year for hiking. The weather is perfect, the scenery breathtaking, and best of all, there are no bugs!

Summer is a time for more relaxed living. The weather is hot, the days are long, and the living is easy. Fall is a time to transition to the coming season of short days and chilly weather. My dad and my grandfather are both gone now, but my sister’s birthday

• Keep your immune system strong: Strive for five; seven is heaven; nine is divine (fruits and veggies, that is) as you begin cooking heartier meals keep them healthy. Soups and stews can be bulked up with vegetables and fresh herbs.

Use doTerra On Guard Protective blend aromatically, topically, and internally to support your immune system. On Guard Touch in a 10ml roller-bottle blended with fractionated

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”
– F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

“Keep your immune system strong: Strive for five; seven is heaven; nine is divine (fruits and veggies, that is) as you begin cooking heartier meals keep them healthy.”

coconut oil makes topical use no muss, no fuss. On Guard soft gels and the On Guard tablets are great ways to take it internally. On Guard tablets include both Vitamins C and D, as well as zinc; they are vegan, gluten-free, and sugar-free.

• Keep moving - make time for exercise every day: Whether you just walk, do yoga, join a gym, or even dance in your living room, get your heart rate into the aerobic zone, 70% to

80% of your maximum heart rate, (220 minus your age) for at least 20 minutes a day. And bonus points for getting some fresh air by exercising outdoors.

At Blissful Balance LLC, our mission is to help you to live life healthier. You can follow us on Facebook @ blissfullbalanceroc and Instagram @blissfull_balance. Contact me at for health coaching. If you would like to

order any of the doTerra products I mentioned, you can go to my doTerra website US/en/site/blissfullbalance or contact me for more information.

Peace, bliss, and balance



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