SHE Hustles Talks April 2021

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The Lady Bosses Behind Urban Euphoria









Recently Rochester Woman Online was abe to sit down and talk to the creators behind the incredible new venue in the South Wedge, Urban Euphoria for our all new She Hustles Talks women entrepreneurs insert. The dynamic duo of Jnicolle Glover and Charletta “Char B” Broome is something you can feel as soon as you walk in to this historic venue. Perfect for events, photoshoots and so much more, these ladies are creating a space like no other in the heart of Rochester. Here is what they had to say, and you definitely won’t want to miss any of it!

What made you decide to create your Urban Euphoria together and become entrepreneurs? It seems to others like a decision. But it feels to me when I hear that question, like someone is asking me, what made you decide to wake up today? It’s really not a question that I can answer. We are bringing to fruition that which is

JNICOLLE GLOVER Tell us about Jnicolle Glover and Char B. What are your backgrounds and how did you guys meet? Char and I come from similar backgrounds. Life-long Rochester residents, we grew up in the same zip code on the city’s west side and shared several friends in common. We didn’t meet, however, until 2018 when I started doing stand up comedy. I was a brand new comedian and Char, having over 8 years of experience in stand-up instantly became my mentor when we were booked on several shows together. We’ve been a team ever since. What did you do before starting your business together? Before Urban Euphoria, we did what all adults do. We worked for someone else.

meant to be. It’s wasn’t a decision as much as it is a calling. Tell us about Urban Euphoria. How was it created? What is the concept behind it? What made you decide to open this venue during a pandemic?

Urban Euphoria LLC is a lifestyle brand. Our flagship is our Venue which resides within the historic Jonathan Child House. We offer our grand ballrooms for private booking to celebrate all occasions and honor our loved ones. We host corporate events, concerts, vending functions and pretty much anything else you can think of. Our brand caters to a sophisticated consumer and we provide personal, conciergelevel customer service to our guests. The pandemic gave us an opportunity to be still & collect our thoughts. Working in the public sector, we had to make some decisions about what the 2nd half of our careers may look like& what we wanted the 2nd half to look like. We both love entertaining and we were both suddenly out of work with this opportunity sitting within reach. What makes you hustle? I believe that initially, we hustled for success, to increase our wealth and to retire early. But we’ve received so much love and support during our journey, I think we hustle now largely because we provide a valued service that people need. We have a growing following, return customers, social media fans who look for us regularly. We love our city and we love being a safe place for people to enjoy themselves. So atp, we’re hustling for the people! What are some of the things you find help you to be a successful business owner in creating your brand?




SHIFT+CONTROL {{ SHE HUSTLES TALKS} } “ Don’t wait until you know you can do it. That day may never come. Do it as soon as you realize you are worth the risk.”

What I find most helpful, personally is that I am No. 1 never afraid to ask and No. 2 Never afraid to say No. If you had to pick one just one that you would consider your “specialty” what would it be and why? If I had to choose, I’d say my specialty is creating our marketing & promo. effective and increases our footprint. I follow the analytics available to business pages on the socials and Im able to identify trends, find ways to drum up engagement, etc. If you could interview one of your mentors who would it be and what would you ask them? Nikki Giovanni- I wouldn’t ask her. I would tell her that her poetry got me through some of the most tumultuous times in my life and I would thank her. Have you found social media to help or hinder you in promoting your event space and business, especially during the pandemic? Social Media has been nothing but helpful, especially during the pandemic. What have you found to be the most successful in marketing your business and who is your ideal audience? The most successful marketing thus far has been a successful event. The attendees of any event love good service, love the atmosphere and come back to book their own reservation! Our ideal audience is the consumer willing to pay for quality service and also willing to share their experience with others. What challenges have you faced this

year and how have you overcome them? I find one of the biggest challenges to be the “red tape”- all of the compliance and legalities that go along with owning a business. It’s a lot- more than most people even consider, I’m sure. How do you balance your entrepreneur life with friends/family that don’t understand the challenges you experience? Balance?! Haha! Good one. I don’t know if I’ll find balance during this first year. I would consider this a pretty front-loaded deal. As the business continues to grow and succeed, I’ll be able to hire more staff allowing me to find this balance you speak of. 😉 What do you do for encouragement or to be motivated ? I find motivation in the encouraging words of others, in the data analytics that show growth, in the smiles of happy patrons. Jnicolle tell us about what you do and how you created your brand. Visual art & design are my passion and has been since a very young age. My eye for the aesthetic is what my brand hinges on. Our brand is based on a collection of images that I created years ago while taking an art class at MCC. Over the years, I’ve recreated these images over and over in different mediums. They’ve always existed in my own world. Once we gained this platform, I was able to translate the art into a brand. What makes your business unique and stand out from others?

The obvious answer to this question would be our venue- the elaborate, ornate mansion that Urban Euphoria occupies. But the less obvious would be our unique approach to the service sector. For each event, the booking party becomes our family. We work closely with them to ensure execution of their vision & we cater to any needs or requests before, during & sometimes even after their events. What are some of the pros and cons of being a female entrepreneur, especially in 2021? Con- So many people underestimate us. Pro- So many people underestimate us! Where do you see your business growing in the next year? three years? Within the last month, our reach has grown 118% and we’re booked out for months- well into the fall of 21. I believe that if we stay focused, skys the limit for UE! Where did you come up with the name Urban Euphoria? I’ve been drawing and writing the same UE for over a decade and it organically just became a logo. It sounds strange but it’s true. A few years ago,. I developed a line of lotions & oils and wanted to use the UE logo. I wanted the brand to sound luxurious and represent me. When we acquired our venue space, it just seemed like a natural fit. We’re right in the middle of downtown and Euphoria is a perfect description of the feelings we want our patrons to experience. So it was decided. And here we are. ☺️



{{ SHE HUSTLES TALKS} } SHIFT+CONTROL “Think Martha Stewart meets Oprah meets DJ Khalid.. We’re taking the governor off and headed to the top. There is no limit to our success.”

Do you have any helpful advice to someone interested in starting their own business? Don’t wait until you know you can do it. That day May never come. Do it as soon as you realize you’re worth the risk. What would you say are the positives and negatives about being business partners? We compliment each other. Although 155


I’m a stand up, I’m still relatively introverted while Char is the opposite. I bring the people in, she keeps them entertained. I dress the room, she brings the band. This dynamic works for us. If you needed to start it all over again tomorrow and you had just one thing to change, add or subtract, what would it be ? If we had to do it all again, I would of course add more start-up money!!

There’s never enough money. But I think every entrepreneur has felt that way. Other than that, I wouldn’t change a thing. What big plans do you have for the future of Urban Euphoria? Think Martha Stewart meets Oprah meets DJ Khalid. We’re taking the governor off and headed to the top. There is no limit to our success.




{{ SHE HUSTLES TALKS} } SHIFT+CONTROL “If I needed to start over again tomorrow, what would I change, add or subtract? Maybe, my ability to focus strictly on UE. I still work a full-time and part-time job. There’s not enough hours in the day.”

CHARLETTA BROOME Tell us about Jnicolle Glover and Char B. What are your backgrounds and how did you guys meet? My background is a Youth Advocate. I’ve dedicated 25 years old my working career to working with young people. I’ve been with Hillside Family of Agencies since I began. I worked as a residential counselor and assistant supervisor for 14 years. I’ve been an advocate with Hillside Work -Scholarship Connection for the last 11 years. I also ran a small daycare for 20 years. Jnicolle and I met while doing local comedy in November 2019. We met at an open mic. What made you decide to create your Urban Euphoria together and become entrepreneurs? I believe for both of us, it was a lack of opportunity for us as comedians. And the pandemic hit,” I remember Jnicolle saying I’m not going back to nursing”. I’m like, Oh, ok. I’ve always been one to take risks, again, I had a daycare business, I owned a salon for 6 years, and never did hair a day in my life. I have to say I was a little scare of this move because of the pandemic, I wanted to wait until actually April of this year. Jnicolle was pretty much like “I don’t do nos” Tell us about Urban Euphoria. How was it created? What is the concept behind it? What made you decide to open this venue during a pandemic? 157


Well. Again the concept came about when we had all this time on our hands. We thought of an idea. The opportunity presented itself, and we went with it. The actual name came about after trying to decide with to name our space. Jnicolle, who also is an artist, showed me some of her works months prior, had these sketches, and this stamp or her signature of UE. Well, fast-forward, we ran out of options for names, I’m like “hey, why not use your Urban Euphoria signature”. It just made sense. When you look where the space is located. We’re in the heart of downtown, kinda urban vibe. What makes you hustle? For me, I’ve always have been a hustler, I’ve been working since I was fourteen, I’ve always had multiple jobs, and I think it’s innately in me. I come for a lineage of strong women. The women in my family have always been go-getters, that’s what I saw. What are some of the things you find help you to be a successful business owner in creating your brand? Having a business model. Keeping the clients 1st.(treating them like I want to be treated as a consumer) being innovation, continually evolve ( what’s next, how can we do better?) Being in the “know”. Having a strong social media presence. Being consistent. If you had to pick one just one that you would consider your “specialty” what would it be and why? I would have to say for me, a social

butterfly, I love the people always knew I knew people but not to this extent. The camera is always rolling; people watch you. If you could interview one of your mentors who would it be and what would you ask them? Oprah for me. I would ask her despite all her challenges, trauma, and shortcomings, what makes her go on. Have you found social media to help or hinder you in promoting your event space and business, especially during the pandemic? I think social media has done both. I mean. It’s definitely where people spend most of their time. It gets the word out fast, and you can see what the people want, or are lacking. The hindrance comes from your ideals being lifted or duplicated. Actually, the pandemic helps us. As a private venue, we were able to serve customers that weren’t able to go to the big name venues due to COVID restrictions. What have you found to be the most successful in marketing your business and who is your ideal audience? Both having some knowledge about marketing. I went to school for business, and marketing was probably my best course. Knowing your “Niche” Jnicolle has mastered visuals to a science. She’s able to create videos, watch our web activity. She knows about insights, where we’re positioned on the web, how many times people click our sites,




{ { SHE HUSTLES TALKS} } SHIFT+CONTROL “I think social media has done both. I mean. It’s definitely where people spend most of their time. It gets the word out fast, and you can see what the people want, or are lacking.”

What challenges have you faced this year and how have you overcome them? Financially funding everything on our own. Having the ability to bring people on board. Our business begin post-COVID, which for funding was before February, we actually begin in June, so even for PPF loans and grant monies, we didn’t qualify.

Kinda on a dare. I went to an open mic. People always told me I was witty. I was given an opportunity to join a contest. I’m sure I didn’t win. I thought you just got on-stage and told Knock-knock jokes..yeah, no! I didn’t have a set, but I had what

How do you balance your entrepreneur life with friends/family that don’t understand the challenges you experience? It’s tough. I think they get it. My friends and family have been major supporters. The pandemic has made it kind of easy to understand because we’re all kinda of feeling it, not being able to go and see people like we use to. W h a t d o yo u d o f o r encouragement or to be motivated ? For me, I think it’s hearing people say “Hey, I hear y’all doing your thing” the text messages, inboxes, the “pop ups’ from friends and families, and definitely, the consumers after an event. The comments they leave, by referring others, and the smiles. We help create memories. Char B tell us about what you do and how you created your brand. Sheesh. I started comedy back in ’93. 161


classy, you name it. I think outside of the structure; we pride ourselves on customer service. We’ll entertain anything in good taste. What are some of the pros and cons of being a female entrepreneur, especially in 2021? I can’t say there are any for me… We kick ass! I’m not worried about anyone else. There’s enough for everyone. We all have the same 24 hours, what people choose to do with their time is on them, we’re focused on improving ourselves and UE. Where do you see your business growing in the next year? three years? I see our business reaching other audiences. We don’t wanna just cater to one demographic, we wanna hit the masses. I think we’re doing that now. We’re inclusive in our planning.

people call “Stage presence”. The people paid attention. What makes your business unique and stand out from others? I gotta say the location, location, location. There are tons of event spaces, but nothing like UE. Its modern, chic,

Do you have any helpful advice to someone interested in starting their own business? If I had to give any advice to someone just starting out, I say, “just do it” The vision came to you for a reason. Know you target, and shoot. Get a mentor, study your competition, be ok with making mistakes, and be ready to re-adjust. Never stop learning, or improving. What would you say are the positives and negatives about being business partners?


{ SHE HUSTLES TALKS } “Sheesh. I started comedy back in ’93. Kinda on a dare. I went to an open mic. People always told me I was witty.”

I would definitely have to say knowing what you do well. I know that Jnicolle does get with sales and marketing. She gets the people in the door. I try to keep them entertained while they’re here. I work well with numbers, logistics, and the moving pieces of the business. Inventory, supplies, having enough employees. I wouldn’t say negatives, but we all have our own idiosyncrasies. I may forget to put a trash bag back in the garbage can (actually, I don’t forget, it’s a method to my madness) but, that sets her off. I’m borderline OCD. I wash and bleach everything.

I also tend to ask a lot of questions, it drives her bonkers, but it drives me bonkers too, because I need to know…. However, whatever our hang-ups, we’re a united front when any customer walks through the door. If you needed to start it all over again tomorrow and you had just one thing to change, add or subtract, what would it be ? If I needed to start over again tomorrow, what would I change, add or subtract? Maybe, my ability to focus strictly on UE. I still work a full-time and part-

time job. There’s not enough hours in the day. I wouldn’t work. What big plans do you have for the future of Urban Euphoria? What I’d like to see for UE, is expanding, not only in terms of the building, but the brand. We’ve already started a t-shirt line. So, definitely merchandise. Maybe, UE as a franchise. Like maybe in different states. Same business model, different locations. I’d like to expand the brand to wine and spirts, and more live entertainment.





BODIED BY BABYDOLL Tell us a little bit about yourself, your background and your business. A little bit about myself is that I am a warrior. I’ve been through many things, but nothing has ever stopped me from chasing my dreams and achieving my goals. How did you become a fitness trainer? My whole life I’ve been into fitness. Even when the other kids were outside playing I’d be somewhere doing squats and crunches, or in the mirror pretending to be a Model. I became a fitness trainer after I worked on myself and learned that helping others was the way to go. I figured if it made me feel this good, I knew I could help others feel good too. What makes you hustle both personally and professionally? My hustle comes from the lifestyle of knowing what it’s like to not have anything. So, I do all I can to make sure I never go back to that life. I come from the life of struggle, but my mother and father raised one heck of a super strong woman. How do you find new clients? What has been your biggest success? The biggest success for me is just learning to not be afraid to spread my wings. I am not afraid to take

chances because I now know that the worst that can happen is a person can say no. When did the entrepreneur big bite you? I started my business Bodied by Babydoll after I learned that not only can I waist train and work out, but I can also help other people get in shape and teach them the lifestyle of working out, eating better and

waist training. Where do you see yourself three years from now? In three years from now I see myself helping to make my city a better place. There is a lot of talent here in Rochester and I plan on making sure people know that. What has been your biggest challenge to overcome during the pandemic? My biggest challenge over the

pandemic has been not being able to go to the gym at one point, and then having to wear a mask in the gym. Also, there is a challenge with taking trips back-and-forth because I would love to travel. Who has been someone who has inspired you in your profession and why? My inspiration is definitely Kamala Harris. She is the first female and black Vice President. She is such a strong woman, and I really love what she stands for. What do they see are the exciting opportunities in your industry? Some of t h e e xc i t i n g opportunities in my industry would definitely be that I get to travel a lot. I get to meet a lot of different celebrities, and I get to change lives and hear people tell me thank you for helping them, which makes me feel so wonderful inside. I am learning more about business and the industry, but one day I will make a great boss. Even better than the one I am now. What impact do they want to have in the world or change they want to see or make happen?






{{ SHE HUSTLES TALKS} } SHIFT+CONTROL “My whole life I’ve been into fitness. Even when the other kids were outside playing I’d be somewhere doing squats and crunches, or in the mirror pretending to be a model.”

The only impact I want to leave behind in this world is that I was never afraid to follow my dreams. I’m not afraid of anything and that’s my Superpower! What is your favorite part of the business? My favorite part of the business is when people message me, or see me out in public and tell me thank you, and how much I’ve changed their lives or how I inspired them.

surprised you along the way from just having an idea to really succeeding in your business? One of the things that really surprised me is the fact that I could really do this. At times you are afraid to take chances because you’re not sure of the outcome, but I am glad I took that leap of faith

What other companies and business models do you like or admire? One of my favorite companies is Fenty Beauty by Rihanna. She is also a Bajan woman from Barbados like myself. She is also one of my favorite musicians, so she is really the whole package. If you could time travel back to day one of your startup and have 15min with your former self to communicate any lessons you’ve acquired with the intention of saving yourself mistakes and heart ache, what would you tell yourself? If there was anything that I can go back and tell my younger self today I would say to never let anyone tell me what I can and can’t do. And to never be afraid to follow my dreams and to always reach for the stars. Dreams do come true, so make sure to dream big! What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date? My greatest professional accomplishments today is that I am changing lives, while also changing mine for the better. What were the things that most

and your vision. Remember that the tortoise won the race. The only person that needs to believe in you is YOU! When was the hardest of all times in your startup journey and why and what helped you with it ? The hardest part of my journey was traveling back-and-forth from different countries and different states. Keeping up with time and trying to not be jetlagged. How’d you feel trying to keep everything afloat in the beginning? In the beginning starting my business was a little shaky because I was still trying to figure out how to even start a business. But, I’ve learned with patience and discipline how to keep myself on the right track. What is Number One Business Goal you plan to accomplish over the next year? My number one business goal I plan on accomplishing within this next year would be to go bigger and to see myself featured in magazines, on TV screens, on billboards and become a millionaire.I will not accept anything less than that.

and decided to start my business Bodied by Babydoll. What is the lesson that you think is most important for a new entrepreneur to learn and why? The best method I would say for a new entrepreneur to learn is patience because nothing happens overnight and you must have patience and believe in your craft

If you needed to start it all over again tomorrow and you had just one thing to change, add or subtract, what would it be ? If I had a chance to start all over again from the beginning the only thing that I would change is the fact that my brother Raju is not here. I would love for him to be here to witness my success. I know he would be so proud of me. ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE :: APRIL EDITION 2021



I (585) 642-3531



Tell us about your yourself, your business and how you started Tri Beauty Co. There are 3 of us as owners, Shannon O’Connor, Emily Pizzingrilli, and Rachel Greczyn. We’ve worked together for the last decade and decided we finally wanted our own space. We got together and found our current location in Webster and opened in December of 2019. We are primarily a hair salon, but have two amazing esthetician’s that provide lash, brown and skin services!

throughout the year, as well as keeping up with new techniques and looks on all social media platforms. What makes you “hustle”? Wanting to always be the best of the best, and continuing to better ourselves.

provide and why? Shannon and Emily are very passionate about blonding and Rachel has a special place in her heart for reds, but as a whole we really enjoy doing wedding hair. It is such a fun, special day that we are lucky enough to be a big part of!

What fascinates you about this line of work? Not only are you making physical changes to someone by changing their hair, but

As a business owner, what are your top three priorities? -Open communication between us and our employees -Maintaining the brand and image of the business

What is your specialty service that you are known for? We enjoy all aspects of the hair industry but are best known for our Wedding styling, extensions, and lightening services. What, in your opinion, is the most important quality in your business and the services you provide? The most important thing in our business is to provide a professional, but comfortable setting for every client, and to make each experience individual and unique. The most importatny part of our services is holding ourselves to the highest standard to deliver the best result possible for our guests. How do you stay abreast of the latest trends and ontop of continuing education? We stay on top of current trends by attending in person and online classes 175


-Appreciation for our employees as well as clients Who is one artist that totally inspires you creatively and why? Farhana Premji. Her work is flawless and beautiful, and it inspires to bring our quality of work to that level.

you also mentally and emotionally change them by giving them a brand new look. Why did you choose this profession ? We chose this profession because not only does it give us an artistic outlet, but it gives us a safe place to make real connections with our clients, and really have an impact on peoples lives. What is your most favorite service to

Do you walk your talk as a lady boss? Yes. We hold ourselves accountable to all standards that we expect from our employees. What entrepreneurial tricks have you discovered to keep you focused and productive in your day-to-day busy schedule? Making lists and Time Management. We are constantly making lists so things to do not get forgotten, and time management is a huge part of making sure all tasks are complete.




{{{ SHE HUSTLES SHE HUSTLES TALKS TALKS} }} SHIFT+CONTROL “We enjoy all aspects of the hair industry but are best known for our Wedding styling, extensions, and lightening services.”

“What is your ‘why? ‘” Why do you do what you do? There is no “one” reason for why we do what we do. We love our career and behind the chair is our comfort zone. We are lucky enough to do something we are so passionate about that allows us to support our families! Who were the mentors that encouraged you? We took a class with J Ladner back in May of 2019 and it was the inspiration we needed to actually bite the bullet and go out on our own. He spoke about knowing your worth and doing what makes you happy, and that really resonated with us. What do you find is the best form of promotion for your business? Social Media. We are able to reach so many people and different demographics, with an unlimited amount of information. What are your plans for your business for the future? We would love to eventually expand to a full services salon. Further down line, possibly a second location. 179


Salons are a very competitive business. What do you think sets you apart from your competition? What makes you different? WE WORK REALLY HARD TO MAINTAIN A COMFORTABLE AND WELCOMING ATMOSPHERE UPON ARRIVAL TO THE SALON. OUR STYLISTS


TO SPREAD TO WEALTH. Are you a born leader? Having a great idea is one thing. Being able to communicate that idea and convince others to jump on board is another. Do you feel you have what it takes to be successful? Yes, and we’ve proven that by starting a business and having it be successful in the first year and through a pandemic. We have a great team, that trusted us in this process, and continue to support, along with the support of all of our clients.

-End the divide

If you had a magic stick, which are the three things you would change in the world especially in 2021?

-End the pandemic -Free wine for everyone (we all know we need this)







HAPPY GUT SANCTUARY Tell us about the Happy Gut Sanctuary... How did you start? What are your products/services? Happy Gut Sanctuary is a small teafocused fermentory and tea + coffee bar. We take the modern kombucha back to its roots and hone in on the process of fermenting high quality teas from all over the world. It started as a journey to help my partner find relief from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). We cleaned up our diet and introduced naturally fermented foods. I learned to make kombucha, kimchi, and sourdough, as well as other types of ferments. What’s interesting is what happens when you intimately understand the steps and all the ingredients that go into a ferment, and how big of a difference it can make on your gut health. A t H a p p y Gu t Sanctuary, we ferment our teas on site. You can even see the fermentation room through the glass windows while sitting at the bar. Not only do we have the tea ferments on tap, we also serve teas sourced from the local tea purveyor, Happy Earth Tea, and make coffee and espresso drinks with coffee roasted by local roaster, Aporia Coffee Co. I am Taiwanese and my partner is half

Korean. As we grow and expand in our space at The Hungerford, we plan on sharing foods from our childhood with Rochester! What made you decide to become a female entrepreneur and create such a specialty business? I can’t say that I made the decision to become an entrepreneur. I was very content experimenting with my ferments and feeding my partner and friends

while working in the coffee industry. It was really my partner who saw the potential in what I was doing, and recognized the kombucha scene was lacking a tea-forward approach that he suggested we make it a business. How do you balance work & life? To be honest, I am still learning. The pandemic was a huge obstacle in growing our business; however, it’s helped us along

in different ways. I’ve definitely put my personal well-being on the back burner to keep our business afloat. As much as I work. My partner and I set time aside for each other. Our relationship is the most important to me. I am a morning person and am the most productive during the day; Rob is a night person and does all his theory crafting late at night. The thing about entrepreneurship is that you never truly turn it off...but we make sure to always make time to relax, even if it’s to have a meal together, enjoy a drive, walk our dog around the neighborhood, e t c . W h e n I ’m over whelmed, I communicate that I can’t talk about business right now. It’s going to have to wait. Communication is important. What does success mean to you? Success in a business, first and foremost, is financial stability, right? Making a profit. Beyond that, success means running a business that I can personally be proud of, ethically and morally. The quality is top-notch and something I can 100% stand behind. Success is taking care of my customers with my products and, eventually, being able to take care of my employees financially, but also being there to assist in their personal growth. As a business owner, there are a lot of ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE :: APRIL EDITION 2021


{{{ SHE HUSTLES SHE HUSTLES TALKS TALKS} }} SHIFT+CONTROL “The pandemic was a huge obstacle in growing our business; however, it’s helped us along in different ways. I’ve definitely put my personal well-being on the back burner to keep our business afloat.”

responsibilities on my shoulders. Within the community, it’s important for me to use my platform to spotlight other niche or small businesses. What are some of the things you find help you to be a successful business owner especially in such a niche business? Utilizing social media is huge. Most of our growth has been from word-ofmouth. I think how you conduct yourself and the quality of your products speak volume in a small city like Rochester. Networking is also important. Spend time and energy on building those relationships. We have many collaborations in the works. As niche as our business might be, we’re never truly alone. When you befriend other fermentors the magic just naturally happens! If you had to pick one service that you would consider your “specialty” what would it be and why? Our speciality is making people feel comfortable and at home when they’re uncomfortable. A lot of people come in and tell us they’ve either never had kombucha or they’ve tried them all and don’t like it. We understand that not everyone is going to like our ferments, but we make it a really enjoyable discovery. We call it the Happy Gut Experience--we walk you through what Happy Gut is about as a fermentory and let you taste what’s on tap. Together, we get to know what flavors you like and don’t like. Our flavor spectrum is so broad 187


that it’s almost impossible not to find a flavor that pleases your palate. I’ve worked almost a decade in hospitality and food service and I believe in the power of human connection, like genuine connection. Perhaps that is due to my almost nomadic lifestyle growing up, but I find it very comforting when you get to know a stranger. If you could interview one of your mentors who would it be and what would you ask them? I would Interview Janine Cundy. She was the head roaster at Joe Bean Coffee Roaster, with whom I worked for about a year. She took me under her wings and really fostered my personal growth in the coffee industry. I was a production assistant, which meant I bagged coffees and stocked them, but she taught me how to cup and taste coffee, and eventually even taught me to roast in the short span of time we worked together. We’ve remained friends; however, the pandemic and life have proved difficult to get together. I’d love to know her back story, her upbringing. What made her the person she is now. I like getting to know what makes a person tick. Have you found social media to help or hinder you in promoting your business especially during the pandemic? Social media has helped Happy Gut grow tremendously, especially during the pandemic. Not only did it allow me to connect with other businesses from all over the world, but it has brought in new customers, new wholesale vendors, and potential collaborations.

It’s a lot of work. Honestly, a full time job. Most helpful thing I’ve found with using social media is being consistent. Post regularly. And be sincere. I see it as a way for us as a small business to connect with our customers without them walking into our bar. What have you found to be the most successful in marketing your business and who is your ideal audience? The most successful in marketing Happy Gut has been staying true to who we are. A big part of what we are is promoting other local small businesses--the oneperson operated, doing-somethingfantastic-and-different type of business. I talk a lot about my heritage, because it plays a huge role in what I do and what sets Happy Gut apart. Our ideal audience is those who are adventurous and are looking to explore their taste buds and this city we live in. What challenges have you faced this year and how have you overcome them? One of our biggest challenges was space. We outgrew our original space on Park Ave. Because our space was so small (less than 1000sqft), we closed the storefront in March of 2020 in consideration of everyone’s safety. We quickly built a website and came up with a subscription delivery program for our customers. We worked harder than we ever did and those subscriptions helped us through the toughest year Happy Gut has endured. Late summer of 2020, we signed the lease for a much larger space at The Hungerford. Not a day goes by that we’re not grateful for this new space.




{{{ SHE HUSTLES SHE HUSTLES TALKS TALKS} }} SHIFT+CONTROL “What’s interesting is what happens when you intimately understand the steps and all the ingredients that go into a ferment, and how big of a difference it can make on your gut health.”

It’s 4 times bigger and we’re part of a creative community. We’re next door to a phenomenal cidery (Seed and Stone Cidery), who has been instrumental in us finding the space and scaling up our production. Together, we all see the potential of what The Hungerford could be, and created Handcrafted Hungerford: An Outdoor Makers Market. We are hosting Hungerford and local artists outside so that folks can enjoy the market in open air AND support the local art scene. Growing up, what were the entrepreneurial endeavors you pursued as a child? I wasn’t much of an entrepreneur growing up, but I was curious. I wanted to learn how to do everything that interested me. The curiosity and learning have made me the person that I am today to help me tackle entrepreneurship. What do you do for encouragement or to be motivated ? Traveling gives me a fresh perspective. A change of scenery gives me new ideas. Visiting different coffee shops and bars, and watching the staff help me fine-tune my business. Always tasting new things--new coffee, new kombucha, new teas--keeps my taste buds sharp. If you could time travel back to day one of your startup and have 15min with your former self to communicate any lessons you’ve acquired with the intention of

saving yourself mistakes and heart ache, what would you tell yourself? I don’t believe in regrets or changing what I did. Every mistake came with a lesson that’s made me a better person today. Every hardship I went through growing the business has made it that much more resilient. The key is to learn the lesson and utilize it. Te l l u s a b o u t y o u r f i r s t entrepreneurial venture: How did you come up with the idea and how did you start your business? Happy Gut Sanctuary is my first and only. It is the embodiment of me. It’s a mashup of lessons I learned working for other people; things I wished someone else would do or do better. My partner and I started Happy Gut Sanctuary with our savings, so this is our baby. We started very small. What makes you hustle? I don’t believe there is such a thing as being “the first” or “unique”, I believe in taking something that’s been done before and putting my mark on it and doing it better. I also love going against the trend.

Hungerford. I’d also love to see us expand into other ferments. What would you say is your mission and what truly excites you about what you do? My mission is to offer quality that’s made with sincerity without pretentiousness. I’m excited that I have a platform to support other budding businesses. What were the things that most surprised you along the way from just having an idea to really succeeding ? It’s not just about making money. It’s all the relationships you make along the way. What is the lesson that you think is most important for a new entrepreneur to learn and why ? Ask for help. Chances are you have a group of people cheering for you and wanting you to succeed. All you have to do is ask. Worst case, they say, “no”, best case, you have people helping you achieve your dream.

Where do you see your business growing in the next year? three years? I am focused on growing the front end of my businesses: expanding the bar service and introducing more of my heritage that Rochester hasn’t seen much of. I want to host events, classes, and pop-ups in my space, and help other businesses grow. Three years from now, I’d love to see a regular outdoor market at The ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE :: APRIL EDITION 2021







LAS YOGA ROC Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background. I was born and raised in Texas and moved to upstate New York in 1998. So, even though Texas runs through my veins, I have lived in New York longer than I lived in Texas. I think that makes me an official New Yorker. If you were to look at my resume, you would see that I have two Masters’ degrees and number of different careers. A detail that you might not notice right away is that each career choice has been me “living my story out loud.” This is my life mantra and I want to encourage others to do the same. How and when did you start LASYo GA? Yoga saved me, I know it sounds dramatic but it is true. My first born Cooper passed away after open heart surgery in 2008 when he was 3 weeks old. It was his Cardiologist who suggested I try yoga, shortly after my second born two. I had done an enormous amount of grief work and was caught off guard when I started crying during my first yoga class. There was something about being still and quiet that I needed. I was hooked from the first class. I knew my I wanted to teach, I felt it in my soul but the timing wasn’t right. I completed my 200 RYTT in March of 2019 and taught in a studio until the world changed a year later. My 8-5 is at the University of Rochester. It was shortly after I finished my teacher training 193


that I received an email that the Football coach was looking for a yoga instructor. I just completed my 3rd season with the Football team. Over the years, I have started to work with men and women’s soccer, as well the track and field and cross country teams. I love working with student athletes. Covid forced me to pivot, classes were being taught on Zoom and I figured it was a great time to branch out on my own. What makes you hustle?

Yoga is such a personal thing. It is about connecting with the instructor, the way they teach, their voice, the music they use, and the messages they share. My biggest success has come from being myself when I teach, this allows my students to follow suit. I am authentically myself every time I teach, this make me relatable. I believe that means something and helps to build relationships and connection. At the end of the day, that is all we really want, to be seen, valued and heard. When did the entrepreneur big bite you? In 2001 after 9-11 I taught myself how to knit, a couple of years later I opened a knitting shop. I have had a lot of different businesses over the years. I learn a little more with each one and this latest is my passion, it is my calling. I believe all my previous ventures were paving the way for this one.

My mantra makes me hustle. I know that if I am living my mantra then I am following my passion and my heart, and this is how I will inspire others. I truly believe that teaching yoga, mindfulness and working with athletes is my calling. Whenever I get in my own head or doubt myself, I tap into my mantra. How do you find new clients? What has been your biggest success?

Where do you see yourself and your business three years from now? I would love to work for a college Athletic Department as their Yoga and Mental Skills Coordinator. The years that I have not worked for myself, have been working on a college campus. Mindfulness and Yoga are more important than ever, as mental health issues are rising at an alarming rate on campuses across the country. Student athletes face an additional set of pressures and this work is another tool in their toolbox. I have set the goal of




“My biggest success has come from being myself when I teach, this allows my students to follow suit. I am authentically myself every time I teach, this make me relatable.”

{{{ SHE HUSTLES SHIFT+CONTROL SHE HUSTLES TALKS TALKS} }} “Yoga is such a personal thing. It is about connecting with the instructor, the way they teach, their voice, the music they use, and the messages they share.”

being able to leave my current job to run LASYO GA full time and continue to live my story out loud. What has been your biggest challenge to overcome over the past year? I tend to be an over thinker. My biggest challenge was getting out of my head and trusting that I could create and bring my vision to life. COVID forced me to pivot, it forced me to break out of my comfort zone and realize that teaching yoga and working with athletes is my calling, it is my purpose. Being an entrepreneur requires, no demands vulnerability. You have to put yourself out there and take the risk. It is not for the faint of heart. My constant challenge is to get out of my own head and keep moving forward. Please tell us what being a business owner means to you and why you became an entrepreneur in the first place? For me, its bout being able to live life on my own terms. It is the embodiment of living my story out loud. I like to be challenged in a way that makes me grow and learn. I love learning and being an entrepreneur allows me to continue to learn and grow in ways I never imagined. Who has been someone who has inspired you in your profession and why? Erica Ebert is not only a source of inspiration but a mentor. I took my very first yoga class with her and I have done the majority of my training with her. I think she probably knew this was my calling long before I recognized it. She leads with her heart and inspires me to be better, a better teacher and a 197


better human. She is a sounding board that I trust with my whole being. What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers? Start scared. Start unsure. Start not knowing how it will turn out. There is no perfect time. There are no guarantees. You have to believe in yourself and just START. What is your favorite part of the business? I love the relationships and connections that I create through teaching. I get to be a part of people’s journey and story that is not something that I take lightly. What would you say are your strengths as an entrepreneur? I am good at delegating. I know that there are certain tasks that I either am not good at or do not enjoy. I learned a long time that it is ok to ask for help and outsource certain aspects of the business so I can focus on the vision. 2020 also showed me that one of gifts is connecting with my students and helping them feel at ease no matter what chapter they are living. If you could time travel back to day one of your startup and have 15min with your former self to communicate any lessons you’ve acquired with the intention of saving yourself mistakes and heart ache, what would you tell yourself? Just get out of your head and do the damn thing! What would you say is your greatest

accomplishment to date? Starting. There no guarantees in life. If we want to live our story, our purpose or calling we have to START. What were the things that most surprised you along the way from just having an idea to really building your business? The thing that surprised me the most was how much inner work and growth is required. If you want your business to growth, you have to grow. I am constantly working on self- development by listening to podcast and reading books to help me get to the next level. I truly believe the minute I stop doing the personal work and growth, the business will not grow. What is the lesson that you think is most important for a new entrepreneur to learn and why ? There will always be people who have an opinion on how you should run your business, but it is just an opinion. It is your business, trust your intuition. I would also say that just because an idea does not take off the way you want to, does not mean that the business is a failure, you regroup and try again. When was the hardest of all times in your startup journey and why and what helped you with it? Getting out of my own head and trusting what I knew in my heart was my purpose. It’s so easy to get suck in the “what if” circle, but this keeps you stuck and not moving forward. It took getting quiet and still so I could hear the voice and rhythm of my heart in order to the stop the “what if” monster in my brain. I



{{{ SHE HUSTLES SHIFT+CONTROL SHE HUSTLES TALKS TALKS} }} “My mantra makes me hustle. I know that if I am living my mantra then I am following my passion and my heart, and this is how I will inspire others.”

also have a business consultant who has helped me with the tasks I am not good at and is an amazing sounding board and support person for my vision. She has really helped me to see all that is possible for my business. What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time? I love to create. I knit, sew, quilt and weave. I love working with my hands. 199


Tapping into my creativity allows me to slow down and reflect, it is also where more ideas for the business are born. I love to travel and spend time with family and friends. What is Number One Business Goal you plan to accomplish over the next year? My goal for 2021 is to continue to grow the business so that I can leave my full

time job within the year. If you needed to start it all over again tomorrow and you had just one thing to change, add or subtract, what would it be? Start sooner.





SINCERELY TRISH What made you decide to become a female entrepreneur? I wanted to jump into the pool of people that have the ability to get up in the morning and do what they love. I wanted to have the audacity to work towards my own goals and not one that is set for me.

I would say very early when I started to watch those around me fighting for their dream. I remember sitting in Xquisite Boutique which is still one of my favorite boutiques given their unique pieces and wanting to be just like Bee, the owner. I thought, how awesome is it to do what you

Tell us a little about yourself and what made you decide to create Sincerely Trish? I have a true love for people and have always shown that love by any means necessary. As it relates to fashion, people would ask me where I bought a top for example, or a dress I was wearing and instead of the one word answer of a store name, I gave it all. I would begin to share where you could find it, how much it cost, if I think they still have it and my genuine opinion of the piece. After a while, I grew the urge to house my own products that I am passionate about that I can give my “Sincere” take on fashion and relevancy. Sincerely Trish is just an avenue that I can share my love for fashion outside of my inner circle or friends. How did you come up with your business name? Everything I do, I do with a Sincere Heart. That has always been me. The name came pretty easy when I thought about what I wanted to bring to my audiences. When did the entrepreneur big bite you?

emphasis on female entrepreneurs right now and I am taking as much of the love as I can. It is our time!! What are some of the things you find help you to be a successful business owner especially of an online boutique? Carving out time to make content. I can’t stress how important having content is. Especially for those that only have an online presence. Who were mentors that encouraged you? My husband is my biggest supporter and mentor in this. Although I can be annoying at times, he pushes me like no other and in his words to “Be Great!”

love all day and dress people up to make them feel their best. It was the engagement side of it for me too. I carry that with me now, treating all my clients with personal touch. What are the pros and cons of being a female entrepreneur in 2021? All pros for me. There is a strong

Have you found social media to help or hinder you in promoting your business especially recently with the pandemic? A big help. For an online b o u t i q u e a l l I k n ow i s Social Media. With the new enhancements they always have coming out for ads and marketing, I am able to reach a broader audience. Do you listen to any podcasts? What podcasts inspire you or do you learn from? I do jump on and listen to the “Clubhouse” app as they provide great tips for business owners. There is none in particular that I would mention as collectively I pulled pieces ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE :: APRIL EDITION 2021





{ HEIDI’S LAW } }} SHIFT+CONTROL {{ SHE HUSTLES TALKS “I know that everything that glitters is not gold and I know everything we see on social media is just a snap in time, but yes seeing it motivates me and it excites me for what is to come.”

from a bunch of talks. I go on their and search for the relevant content I want to learn about.

see on social media is just a snap in time but yes seeing it motivates me and it excites me for what is to come.

How d o yo u b a l a n c e yo u r entrepreneur life with friends/ family that don’t understand the challenges we experience? It is hard explaining that you do not have all the time in the world like I used to. However, I think it is very important to carve out time to foster relationships that are important to you. Now with that being said, I would like to point out that the friends that I foster relationships with also make time to check in on me and how I am doing with the business and in most cases offer their help. Surround yourself with people that also want to see you win not friends that just want you to be the same person you were.

How do you solve big problems as

What do you do for encouragement or to be motivated ? I look at people that inspire me. I know that everything that glitters is not gold and I know everything we

an entrepreneur? I pray and trust God...that simple. I do not waste time worrying about things I can’t control. I am a true believer that what is meant for me

will be. I am at peace knowing there is nothing too BIG for my God. Do you follow a certain morning routine or daily schedule to maximize productivity and wellbeing? This is something that I am truly still working on to perfect. Right now, I am religious about taking my social media calendar and creating content ideas that I have already lined up to post. That is what I think about first thing regarding the boutique. What is the biggest challenge for you as an entrepreneur? It is definitely staying relevant. Tr ying to make sure I am seen and have engagement. As I mentioned before, maintaining and creating content is not easy but so worth it!! Do you have any helpful advice to someone interested in starting their own clothing/fashion business? Do it! Do not second guess yourself!! Trust that now is the right time as there will never be a perfect time!



{ HEIDI’S LAW } } { SHE HUSTLES TALKS “Do it! Do not second guess yourself!! Trust that now is the right time as there will never be a perfect time! ”









SEDAWNE’ The Designer of Curves, Sedawnie Williams, me, was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1987 and moved to Rochester, NY in 1994. I was always a sassy girl that always admired fashion.

pronounced differently. The name is very unique, classy, sexy, but also has a little mystery to the meaning; which would describe me and my fashion designs.

Growing up being plus size was a struggle, because I was the only plus size child out of 5 children. Family would always define me because of my weight. Even as I got older my size was used to determine my future as far as dating, jobs, and even my education. Throughout school, my size wasn’t a big subject, atleast inside.It was outside of school that was the problem. So, I decided that I wouldn’t let my size define my future negatively, but I would use my size to inspire other women like myself.

SeDawné is my baby, I put so much time, vision, creativity, and love into

I decided to create a plus size clothing line, because it sometimes can be hard to find trendy, curve complimenting and comfortable clothing to wear when youare larger and have curves. Formerly know as Sharpe Wear that was created in 2013, which was rebranded into SeDawné because it was time for growth within the brand and designs. The brand SeDawné is very similar to my real name but

her. SeDawné is also inspiring to me because she pushed me to break fashion boundaries and not limit designs into societies statistic of plus size women in the fashion industry. During the pandemic it gave me the opportunity to stop and really

think about every detail regarding SeDawné. Like within the next 5 to 10yrs SeDawné will be worn by famous plus size celebrities on the Red Carpet, and I will have my own boutique, and SeDawné to be worn by plus size women all over the world. Being able to be an entrepreneur and have my own Fashion Brand has been a life changing journey because I learned a lot about myself,during the process. I was able to be creative with no limitations. Throughout my journey as an entrepreneur, I would say one of my biggest inspiration would b e Na t h a n i e l Johnson of Nathaniel Originals. Even as a teenager, I would design a piece and he would bring it to life. He gave me so much insight, advice, and encouragement to go forward to create a plus size fashion brand; even when I had so much doubt and for that I am thankful! Being in the fashion business has its good and bad like any other ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE :: APRIL EDITION 2021


SHIFT+CONTROL {{ SHE HUSTLES TALKS }} “ So I decided that I wouldn’t let my size define my future negatively but I would use my size to inspire other women like myself.”

business but it also gives a freedom to be creative beyond imagination through fashion. Being able to design clothing that puts women’s personal fashion doubts to rest once they wear SeDawné; Also to make them look and feel fabulous is always a goal for me with each piece. This journey was a huge learning 217


experience for me, one thing I learned on this journey and it still sticks with me til today is to “Stay True to Your Vision!” I wouldn’t change anything about my journey as an entrepreneur of fashion because it helped me grow to get to a greater place in business. SeDawné gives Curves a whole new definition, and will have from the everyday woman to the woman

always on the scene looking and feeling Glamorous! Great designs can be next seen from SeDawné on May 22nd at Unleashed “Welcome to the Jungle” Fashion Show. To stay updated on new designs and events from SeDawné, can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter under SeDawné Collections.





LASHANNA DEE Who is LaShanna Dee and what made you decide to become a female entrepreneur? I am 37 years old born and raised right here in Rochester New York. My mother is from Louisiana, so I was born with a southern soul and my father is from New York, so I was raised with the hustle instilled in me. I am married to an amazing supportive husband going on 6 years this year and we have three beautiful daughters. I come from a family of successful entrepreneurs so owning my own business was always the plan. And ever since I was a little girl dressing up in my mother’s dresses and pearls I fell in love with fashion and all the different styles. I tried to start my boutique over 7 years ago, but I ran into some health issues that put it on pause and even though I hated doing that I knew that it was the best decision to make for myself and now I am coming up on my 1-year launch anniversary. My daughters were my deciding factor in starting my business. I wanted them to grow up with the same hustling energy I grew up with from my dad. I wanted to remind them that life does not always have to be you working a 9-5 for someone else and not that there is anything wrong with it, but I wanted them to also know that they can work a 9-5 for themselves as well. But if they see mommy getting up and going to work every morning for someone else then they would think that is all life is about, and I wanted to give them more than that. I wanted to break that generational curse.

Tell us a little about your online boutique and what your mission is? LaShanna Dee is a women fashion boutique that covers all things beauty. And what I mean by that is I want to be able to give women a chance to shop at my boutique and get everything she needs for that day. Right now, we only sell clothes and a few accessories but eventually the goal is to have shoes, perfume, handbags etc. My mission is to have a storefront within the next 2 to 3 years and I would love to be a private stylist for a few locals like news broadcasters, politicians etc. When did the entrepreneur big bite you? The entrepreneur bug bit me when I had my first daughter 14 years ago, but I never acted on it out of fear of failing. And ironically now the fear of failing is what keeps me going. My father is an entrepreneur and has owned his plumbing business for almost 10 years now, so I have been around business minded people for 10 years, learning and growing with him. So, when it came time to start my own business on paper, I was ready because I knew what steps I needed to take to get started legally but I did not know how hard it was going to be to sell products verses selling a service. So, it was a learning curve. Then I got my first order from a stranger online and I got so hyped thinking about people following me and enjoying the items I post and I wanted to keep going! What are the pros and cons of being

a female entrepreneur in 2021? The pros to being a female entrepreneur are that right now in 2021 women are winning! Especially black women. Women are starting businesses, women are becoming doctors, lawyers, judges and even the Vice President. We have waited so long to have a seat at the table and right now we are creating our own table and the world is seeing that and supporting it. But the world is also seeing a lot of women starting similar types of businesses and that could be a con. And it is only a con because a lot of times women are forced to compete because that is what society wants us to do right! Society thrives off drama and competition but, we the women in reality have nothing but love for each other and want to see each win because we know how hard it is to make it as a female entrepreneur. So, we get a lot of backlash when wanting to start a business. We get the “oh such a such already does that or sell that” and society pins us against each other before we (the business owners) can even get a change to get to know each other or maybe even try and work together. What are some of the things you find help you to be a successful business owner especially of an online boutique? Honestly, I am still trying to find out what is helping me to be successful, but I have only been in the business for about 10 months and in that 10 months I have learned that word of mouth still goes along way. Referrals are always a go to in any business ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE :: APRIL EDITION 2021


SHIFT+CONTROL {{ SHE HUSTLES TALKS }} “The entrepreneur bug bit me when I had my first daughter 14 years ago, but I never acted on it out of fear of failing. And ironically now the fear of failing is what keeps me going.”

which is why most businesses gives you incentives for referrals because social media is not always the best source of help. Do not get me wrong I have connected and received orders from a lot of people through Facebook and Instagram from all over and I know I would not have never gotten them without social media but there are a lot of people who does not have a social media and still rather hear about things by word of mouth or by seeing flyers posted around the neighborhood. Again, I am still learning what works for me, but I would not narrow it down to just one right now because everything is helping me. If you had to pick on item that is a fashion must have what would it be and why? WOW one fashion must have! There is so many must haves, but I would have to say jeans for sure. Everyone loves a good pair of jeans and they are the type of fashion that never goes out of style. You can dress them up or down. And they come in many different styles and colors for all shapes and sizes! If you could interview one of your idols who would it be and what would you ask them? Beyonce for sure! I would ask her what does it take to be a quadruple threat entrepreneur and how do she balance everything with being a wife and a mother? Beyonce have music, clothing line, perfume line, she acts, mentor and still have a family. I am sure it gets hard, but she does it so gracefully in the public eye and I would love to know her secret. There is so much I want to 223


do, and I hate when people say, “pick a lane and stay in it” or “you’re doing too much”. But I was always taught to have multiple streams of income and that is the goal.

fashion period. Women who love nice chic, classy and casual looks. We are in the process of rebranding for our 1-year anniversary and a lot of our new pieces represents that style.

Since you are an online boutique, have you found social media to help or hinder you in promoting your business especially during the pandemic? Social media helps me for sure in promoting my business, I just need to be more consistent with posting and staying engaged in order to get the full benefits of social media. I am a very social person but more so in person verses online. And with the pandemic and everyone being scared to go outside online shopping was the only thing everyone was doing, which is a plus for me right now, but I just know that if I had a store front and no pandemic, I could be doing a lot better. When people meet me for the first time, they love me! They cannot believe how humble and sweet I am, and I hate that my personality does not show online. My husband thinks I should go live and start posting videos on social media to connect with my customers and he might be right but I am little camera shy (giggle) so we will see how that goes.

What challenges have you faced this year and how have you overcome them? I have not faced any real challenges so far and that is a blessing. But If I must pinpoint a challenge it will have to be trying to balance virtual school with my girls, focus on marketing my business and running my father’s business all at the same time. With the pandemic and business, a lot of things got complicated overnight and we have had to readjust our lives, but I overcame them by having a support system. And my support system has always reassured me I got this even when I felt like I did not.

What have you found to be the most successful in marketing your business and who is your ideal audience? Social media so far is my most successful way to market my business. Most of my followers are on my personal Facebook page and its hard to get them to follow my business page instead to separate the two but I will keep trying. My ideal audience are just women who loves

How do you balance your entrepreneur life with friends/family that don’t understand the challenges we experience? Balancing work and life period can be hard and challenging and if you do not have family and friends in your corner cheering you on that can also be even more challenging, but I am thankful enough to have a list of family and friends who gets it and supports me. Thankfully, most of my family and friends that I am close with are entrepreneurs themselves, so we help each other out and help balance each other when things get tough. What do you do for encouragement or to be motivated ? This business can get tough sometimes and you wonder if you are working







{{ SHE SHE HUSTLES HUSTLES TALKS TALKS }} “Honestly, I am still trying to find out what is helping me to be successful, but I have only been in the business for about 10 months and in that 10 months I have learned that word of mouth still goes along way.”

hard enough and if you are staying on top of the fashion trends and the must haves for that season etc. so for me my encouragement and motivation comes from prayer, my husband and definitely my kids. I am constantly motivated by my girls smiles and our LaShanna Dee talks during dinner time. Every time a package comes to the door my 8-yearold says, “mommy your LaShanna Dee stuff is here”, it could be an amazon box for her dad (giggle), and she assumes it is for me because she is watching me. All three of them are and because of that I am encouraged and motivated to keep going harder and stronger. I cannot fail them. What makes your business unique? My business is unique because I am literally giving you me as the business. My business is not just a company name or slogan I randomly came up with or created out of thin air, it is literally my name and everything about it represents me and what I love. I wanted to start a business that was going to brand me and be able to show my customers that everything they see on my website is not just my style but my vision and my life. I did not want to limit myself to a company name that I could not umbrella and utilize for all my businesses that is going to be attached eventually to LaShanna Dee, LLC. For example, right now I have LaShanna Dee Boutique, and soon I will also have LaShanna Dee Author, LaShanna Dee travel agent, etc. My business will forever be ME! Tell us about your first entrepreneurial venture: How did you come up with the idea and how did you start your

business? Ironically, my boutique was supposed to be an accessory only boutique 7 years ago. I came up with so many different names for it. My husband’s friends were helping me design logos and giving me advise on websites and everything but again I did not move forward with it due to personal reasons. Then I started ordering things from a few vendors that I already had accounts with for my daughter to wear and I loved styling her and people would always ask me “where you get that from” etc. And when I would tell them “Oh these are not in stores I ordered them for her”, they would say “you should sell them”. And at first, I did not want to deal with clothes or shoes because I always thought the overhead was to much. You must order at least 3 to 4 pieces for all sizes and that is a lot. But with accessories you can have a few pieces per item and be good. But 2 years ago, my life changed when doctors found a mass on my right breast and I had to have a double mastectomy and usually during surgery you fall sleep and wake up to what seems to be a 2 second nap even though it was 2 or 6 hours. But for me I fall asleep and had a talk with God and he kept calling me LaShanna Dee (which is my first and middle name) but nobody never calls me that and he was telling me “I got you open your boutique, trust me” and when I woke up, I told my husband I am starting my boutique. Originally, I was in the process of writing my first book and he said, “wait babe what about your book” and I nicely told him “I am not ignoring Gods words”. And that is

how I got started. It took me a minute to get started after healing, but I did it 11 months later. Do you follow a certain morning routine or daily schedule to maximize productivity and well-being? I do not technically follow a certain morning routine or schedule except pray and have my cup of coffee (giggle) but there are a few things I do get done daily when it comes to my business but in no specific time frame do I do them in. I make sure to check my emails daily for orders and if I do have orders, I log on to my website account and accept the orders for processing so that my customers know their orders are on the way. I also log on to my vendors and check for new inventory listings and if its that time of the week to place an order I do it. I also try to engage myself more on social media daily by posting pictures or content about my boutiques new inventory, pop up shop or event. What is the most difficult thing about building a consumer brand from scratch? Getting your name and brand out there for people to know who you are is the hardest thing to do. Today’s world is all about social media marketing so getting followers and building that customer base for your brand on a social media platform is just the start to even get them to view your website. And once you build a good enough following base you must make sure your website is nice and presentable to keep your consumers engaged on it to buy something or so they can at least send someone else to

{{{ SHE HUSTLES SHE HUSTLES TALKS TALKS} }} SHIFT+CONTROL “Balancing work and life period can be hard and challenging and if you do not have family and friends in your corner cheering you on that can also be even more challenging, but I am thankful enough to have a list of family and friends who gets it and supports me.”

Do you have any helpful advice to someone interested in starting their own online clothing/fashion business? Yes, I would say if you are interested in starting your own online clothing/ fashion business do your own research first before asking someone else to help 227


you, because sometimes people will either try and discourage you from starting it or they will try and profit off your business by trying to sell you information to get it started. Also, a business mentor will be helpful to you as well because some type of support

and guidance is always needed. And as cliche as this may sound, if this is something you really want to do do not give up on it and keep pushing. Find your niche and motivation and use it to push you.







Tell us about Yeah Baby Bakes... How did you start? What is your background? How did you come up with your name? I have always been interested in baking, but Yeah Baby Bakes! began April 2020 during the beginning of quarantine. Like many, I began going a bit stir crazy being home all day with my toddler, so I was baking more than ever. I decided to start a separate Instagram account for my friends and family to follow my baking, and some friends asked if I would be willing to sell my baked goods to them. I baked cakes, decorated cookies, and spent time perfecting my macarons. A friend who bought some Fruity Pebble macarons posted a photo of them on Instagram, which started a chain reaction. Friends of friends soon started ordering to see what they were all about. The power of social media! Both of my parents are big into cooking and baking, so I have always had an interest in both. My background is in education. I spent the last 8 years teaching Family and Consumer Sciences (the new home ec) to middle school students. While I took a few culinary classes in college, I am more of a self-taught baker. I also have prior work experience in retail, customer service, restaurants, and marketing, which all help with running my current business. As for the Yeah Baby Bakes! name,

my boyfriend Kyle actually came up with the title. I knew I wanted something short and catchy, and it was inspired by my Dad who always says, “Yeah Baby!” when he’s excited. So it has a personal meaning behind it as well. What made you decide to become a female entrepreneur and create such a specialty business? I never had to “decide” to be an entrepreneur, I have always had a side hustle or gig. Even as a kid, I

would set up a lemonade stand or craft table at our garage sales to sell. When I was about eight or so, my best friend and I picked all of my Dad’s vegetables out of the garden and pulled a wagon to a corner in the village to sell all of the produce for 10 cents. We were shocked at how fast it sold (Sorry, Dad). We later created “Drinks on Wheels” which was a mobile pushable drink stand we would wheel to the corner. I also sold handmade jewelry on Etsy for

over 7 years, which helped me pay my way through college. What makes you hustle, especially as a female entrepreneur? I mean money obviously makes people hustle, but it’s more about having the freedom of being my own boss. Having your own business and creating your own product that someone actually wants to buy gives me a sense of pride and excitement. What does success mean to you? Success for me is being happy, comfortable, and reaching the goals that I have set for myself. What are some of the things you find help you to be a successful business owner especially in such a niche business? I believe connecting with customers is so important and has helped YBB!’s success thus far. I enjoy talking and getting to know people, and I personally enjoy companies/businesses that put in that extra effort in getting to know their customers themselves. If you had to pick one service that you would consider your “specialty” what would it be and why? My baking business quickly became more focused on French macarons, whereas before I was also offering cakes and cookies etc. Macarons are my specialty, and I also offer custom hand-painted and airbrushed ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE :: APRIL EDITION 2021


SHIFT+CONTROL {{SHE HUSTLES TALKS } “Macarons are my specialty, and I also offer custom hand-painted and airbrushed macarons, which is not common in the area.”

macarons, which is not common in the area. If you could interview one person who has inspired you, who would it be and what would you ask them? In the baking world, Christina Tosi and Katherine Sabbath are my biggest inspirations. I can’t think of a specific burning question I would have for them, but I’d love to share some drinks and bake with them. They’re so innovative and seem like they have amazing personalities. Have you found social media to help or hinder you in promoting your business, especially during the pandemic? I truly believe there would be no Yeah Baby Bakes! without Instagram. It all started with a friend buying macs and posting a photo. Then other people ordered, and so on. I had a waitlist within a few weeks for the fruity pebble macarons. I remember telling my boyfriend and he looked over at me and said, “this is how these things start”. Instagram has given me a platform to promote, sell, and communicate with my customers easily. What have you found to be the most successful in marketing your business and who is your ideal audience? Again, INSTAGRAM. I am a big believer that we eat with our eyes. I want to create the most beautiful cookies that are almost too pretty to eat. When selling anything online, great photos are key. My ideal audience is anyone who enjoys 233


treating themself to fancy cookies and appreciates how much work that actually goes into baking macarons. What challenges have you faced this year and how have you overcome them? It’s a good problem, but my biggest challenge has been being able to keep up with demand. I quickly realized baking from home wasn’t efficient. We had already purchased another fridge and I was quickly outgrowing that. We had too many cars coming in and out of the driveway to do porch pickups, so I knew I needed a separate baking space. I couldn’t find a space to rent close to home, so I found an empty space for rent, and my Dad helped me build a certified kitchen (okay, he did most of the work). Building and opening a commercial kitchen is no joke. I feel like If I wrote a “how-to for dummies’’ manual, I’d be rich. My family helped out so much because at this time, I was teaching full time during the day, baking all night, all while chasing my toddler around in between. How do you balance work & life? Teaching full-time and running the baking business became too much. I had to choose between the two. This year was a struggle for all teachers, as well as parents and students. I made the difficult decision to resign from my teaching position a few weeks ago to bake full-time. Now that I am baking full time, I am able to produce more macarons, therefore making more customers happy each

week! What do you do for encouragement or to be motivated ? I am very self-motivated, but sometimes you can get in a creative rut. Taking a break instead of forcing yourself to think of something new usually works for me. Baking all day, I listen to a lot of true crime podcasts and music which helps make the time fly and can help me keep up a fast pace. To stay motivated, I set small weekly goals to hold myself accountable to throughout the week. If you could time travel back to day one of your startup and have 15min with your former self to communicate any lessons you’ve acquired with the intention of saving yourself mistakes and heartache, what would you tell yourself? Learn to say “no”. This is something I am good at now, but so many times I took on more than I could chew by not wanting to say “no” and let someone down, as a result, I was stressing myself out. Tell us about your very first job and how old you were. My very first official job was scooping custard at Abbott’s Frozen Custard at 14 years old. It was there I was introduced to cake decorating! What’s pretty wild is that my bakery is directly across from that building. I gained a lot of weight working there. No regrets. What makes you different from other places that offer the same

{ {SHE HUSTLES TALKS } SHIFT+CONTROL “I knew I wanted something short and catchy, and it was inspired by my Dad who always says, “Yeah Baby!” when he’s excited. So it has a personal meaning behind it as well.”

services/products? I believe what makes my macarons different from others is the texture and unique flavors. My customers say that the flavors are “spot on” which is my goal. I’m known for childhood nostalgic flavors such as dunkaroo, cosmic brownie, fruity pebbles, and non-traditional flavors such as everything bagel, sour patch kids, and beer-infused macarons. Where do you see your business growing in the next year? three years? I plan on keeping Yeah Baby Bakes! small for now, with opportunity for growth. I read about a lot of businesses growing too quickly and failing, and I want to avoid that. I’ve let this business grow organically the last year and I am proud of how far

I have come. I am open to the idea of growing larger in scale or hiring down the road. What would you say is your mission and what truly excites you about what you do? My mission is to make people happy through their stomachs. This business was created during quarantine of 2020. If these little cookies give you a little bit of happiness, I say treat yourself. I get excitement from seeing my customers excited. Lately, I have been selling out quickly online and some customers get so excited when they finally get to order. My “regular” customers continue to grow and I love seeing new faces each week!

What is your favorite flavor macaron? I naturally get asked this question a lot and it’s a hard one. I love so many of them. I don’t make any flavors that I don’t like the taste of. I definitely don’t eat as many as I used to, but I cannot pass up the opportunity when I make brownie batter, key lime pie, lemon, or cotton candy macarons. What is the lesson that you think is most important for a new entrepreneur to learn and why ? A few lessons: The power of branding and social media, the basics of finances, the importance of paying yourself (if it’s not just a hobby for fun). Also, that time is money. Lastly, when you mess up, fix it, going above and beyond for the customer. ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE :: APRIL EDITION 2021






CAITLIN O’CONNOR Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into the Real Estate field. Hi, I’m Caitlin O’Connor, a local Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty. I am a Mom of 2 beautiful babies, Zara (4) and Christian (3), Entrepreneur, and have spent 18 years of my career in sales and marketing. For the past 10 years, I have worked alongside one of the top real estate coaches in the country, selling a prospecting service and coaching other real estate agents. My passion for Real Estate came early on, however having an expertise in helping small companies grow their sales divisions and my most recent career, I knew to be successful in Real Estate would require a lot more than what meets the eye. It looks glamorous but I knew in my heart when I took the leap, it would take grit and a lot of hard work. Having said that, what really lit my fire within was when the pandemic hit us, the world was shutting down, I said this is my shot to really do this and do it with thought. I started journaling and wrote my top 10 goals down every day. I got hyper focused. I asked myself, how do I want to build my business? How do I want to show up for people? How can I build a business by coming from a place of contribution? Starting my real estate career was a no brainer! What is the biggest challenge in residential real estate? The biggest challenge in residential real estate is managing and

compartmentalizing all the moving parts that come along with the market. Right now, we are in a strong sellers’ market which means there more buyers looking for homes than what is available on the market. In many cases there are 30+ buyers per home for sale. My sellers are thrilled because they are getting more for their homes than they could have dreamed of. With this comes different challenges, buyers can get frustrated

colleagues and clients. Are You Happy in what you do And What Would You Change if anything? I am extremely happy in what I do. Being of service to people at a major time in their lives while building a business that is purposeful and challenges me each day is so fulfilling. The only thing I would change is I wish I would have started sooner. How do you find new clients? What has been your biggest success? I find clients by doing the things I already love to do in a purposeful way. My sphere is strong because naturally I have always loved building new relationships but even more so bringing people together. I have a book club for women focusing on personal development books and I also dressed my fiancé up as Santa and visited over 100 Children for Christmas at their homes. Find what you are great at and let it roll!

because there are multiple offers on any home they find, and you must have the strongest offer. Price is not the only factor in winning offers right now, its terms such as inspection/no inspection, working with a reputable or local lender, type of financing, and having a creative agent like myself. Ultimately, you need to be educated and create great relationships with your

Who were mentors that encouraged you? My Fiance Aaron and my best friend who is also a life coach and yoga instructor. Both of which changed my life. Aaron is the ultimate partner in life and makes me feel that anything is possible. He is both supportive and challenges my thinking in the best ways. My best friend Stevie Fedele, through her friendship and her work as my personal life coach helped me peel back layers and discover my “purpose”. ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE :: APRIL EDITION 2021


{ HEIDI’S LAW } }} SHIFT+CONTROL {{ SHE HUSTLES TALKS “ To be a successful female entrepreneur requires truly understanding your WHY. You may be driven by having a goal to make six figures, or maybe transition to a new career after staying at home raising your babies.”

Through her I have gained confidence and clarity. I am so thankful for both of them! Where do you see yourself in five years? I see myself as a leader and mentor. I want to change lives and help people see their full potential the way others have helped me. Whether it is helping a first-time homebuyer see their potential to purchase their first home or helping another woman start their own career in real estate and become an entrepreneur. I am also in the works of creating a foundation with a group of amazing women. My personal goal is to help women and single Mom’s become homeowners. What kind of person do you feel makes a successful female entrepreneur especially in the real estate market? To be a successful female entrepreneur requires truly understanding your WHY. You may be driven by having a goal to make six figures, or maybe transition to a new career after staying at home raising your babies. Real Estate is a marathon, it requires time and dedication. I also believe that it pays to educate yourself and when you find someone who has knowledge on a particular topic, schedule a meeting with them and create a relationship. The less you know, it’s about who you know that is willing to help. The more you know the better prepared you are, and credibility earns respect in this business. Lastly, be you and be authentic! What makes you hustle? Hustle is in my blood. I learned to work 241


at a young age. My first job, I am not quite sure if it was legal but I was 12 and walked almost 2 miles to hang up coats at a country club. Not to mention when I was 10, I would get so excited to fill in for my neighbors local Sunday paper route and wakeup at 5am. Like many families, my parents divorced when we were young (there are 3 of us). I remember a lot of conversations about money, and lack of it. I knew I didn’t like the feeling I got inside overhearing that there was only $10 left in a checking account or hearing countless times that we couldn’t afford something. It was very clear to me at a young age, that I needed to hustle! Who has been someone who has inspired you in your profession and why? This one is a little difficult as I am inspired by so many people in the real estate industry. To name just one would be difficult. However some examples of what has inspired me are the women who have built their businesses while juggling home life, possibly another career, and the many other things we as women have on our plate. I am inspired by all the women who have made it! I support you all in the same ways you have supported me! What do you think are the top 5 qualities of a good real estate agent? The top 5 qualities of a great real estate agent include having a problem solving mindset, self motivated, honesty and integrity, having an engaging and relatable personality, and ultimately tenacity. What is your favorite part of the business? The end result! Seeing a family settling

into their new home, or maybe it’s helping someone move on to a new chapter after divorce. It could be the best or worst timing for someone and I believe that god brings people together for a reason. Some of the most rewarding calls I have had, were actually not people that ended up buying or selling but people who were in circumstances and thought of me as a resource. What would you say are your strengths as an entrepreneur? My strengths as an entrepreneur are that I am at a place in my life where I understand where my strengths lie. I have an amazing ability to connect with people and with my extensive sales and professional experience I can negotiate on a high level and I am a creative thinker. I am always looking for a win-win. I am a total driver and have a visionary type mindset yet I have humility. I want to learn from others at the same time that I am contributing to helping them. I am also extremely versatile, you have to be able to fail forward and adjust. Learn enough from your mistakes and also know that it doesn’t need to be right. It’s all in the plan. I’m ok with being wrong. Ultimately, my biggest strength as an entrepreneur is that I have a huge heart. I want people to feel good, and when your business is driven authentically you can fly. I see big things for my future business and I am excited for what is to come and who is part of it with me. If you could time travel back to day one of your startup and have 15min

{{{ SHE HUSTLES SHE HUSTLES TALKS TALKS} }} SHIFT+CONTROL “ I am extremely happy in what I do. Being of service to people at a major time in their lives while building a business that is purposeful and challenges me each day is so fulfilling.”

with your former self to communicate any lessons you’ve acquired with the intention of saving yourself mistakes and heart ache, what would you tell yourself? Breathe. At the beginning of my startup it felt like I was drinking from a firehose. It also is a very scary feeling that once you put yourself out there, failure is no option. You are not only letting yourself down if you fail, you are letting everyone else around you down. At least it felt that way for me. So needless to say, I felt like Rome needed to be built in a day. Every little mistake felt like Mount Everest. Ive learned to fail forward and appreciate the set backs and bumps in the road. It’s all in the plan. What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date? 243


My greatest professional accomplishment to date is becoming a realtor and entrepreneur. Putting yourself out there can be scary and while you have an attitude that failure is not an option, sometimes the drive comes from the fear of falling on your face in front of everyone. So yes, this is my greatest professional accomplishment. I am proud. What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers? The best advice I have received in business is quite simple. Listen. Be curious. Listen to yourself and your own instincts, listen to every detail of what others say and truly listen. The biggest set backs I have had and my biggest wins have ultimately came

from simply listening. Being curious and listening have created so much connection between my colleagues and clients of mine. What did you do before becoming a real estate agent? I was in sales and marketing for 15 years. What do you do for fun/relaxation? We love to hike and take our kids to see new places. Traveling is our ultimate relaxation. What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time? Spend time with our children, check out the newest restaurants in Rochester, spend time with my book club ladies, and doing anything with my fiancé!


585-410-3940 Call me for a free consultation today!

Caitlin O'Connor

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson 1770 Long Pond Rd Rochester NY, 14606


SARAH PADDOCK ART Tell us a little about yourself and what made you decide to create Sarah Paddock Fine Art? I have been painting for years now, and so many people have told me it’s time to put my work out into the world instead of keeping it in my studio! 2020 was not a good year to be traveling to galleries so I decided to launch online. After years of relying on the traditional technologies of oil painting developed hundreds (sometimes thousands) of years ago, I’ve had to really up my tech savvy! After I got up and running my son, Ryan, had to help me link up my @sarahmpaddock Instagram account and other social media accounts with my website. It’s okay to not always know how to do something…as long as you do know what has to happen and where to get the information you lack. And I do know - if it uses the internet - ask Ryan! What made you decide to become an artist? I have always been an artist. First as a musician which led to my first career in music and teaching. I later did many different arts, painting, stained glass, some sculpting…but when I met my dear friend, Sheila, she introduced me to oils and I just fell in love. The feel, the versatility, the magnificent colors… it was all very much like falling in love. I dream about projects and I wake up excited to see them to fruition. I look forward to starting every day and it’s hard to leave the studio knowing I’ll have to wait until the next day to see them again. I do think everyone, absolutely everyone, needs art and creativity in their lives and homes. It doesn’t have to 245


be oil painting…but it does need to be something that excites and inspires and requires ingenuity and resourcefulness and critical thinking. What made you decide to become an entrepreneur? My husband, Michael, and I both started our first businesses back when we were in our 20s. Michael’s business is still growing after more than 20 years! I sold my first business after a few years and worked with Michael for many years… so the idea of starting and building from scratch is not new or necessarily daunting to me. When I was younger, I was either brave or naïve, but I did not know how difficult it would be until I was too deep into it to change my mind! Now, it’s no longer intimidating. I know I will wear many different hats, but I also know a little better what to expect. For example, many entrepreneurs start a business because they do something niche and unique or have special skills and talents, only to find that once they start their own business there is so much “business” to take care of they have less and less time to dedicate to their particular craft. This is one thing I know to avoid and will zealously guard the time I dedicate to my painting. What are some of the things you find help you to be both a successful business owner and an artist? Definitely being self-reliant and resourceful! One of the interesting qualities I have noticed that both being an artist and being a businesswoman require is being entirely self-directed. It can be difficult to set your own agenda,

develop your own task list, and hold yourself accountable. As an artist I am already entirely and solely responsible for the work I produce. And I’ve had a long career in business, so I just had to learn how to marry those skill sets. It turns out I’m a tough boss! If you’re going to start your own venture, you have to either do it yourself or quickly find someone with the skillset you need (husband, kids, YouTube…) find it, get it, do it! What are you working on for 2021? I am very excited about the gallery series I’m currently working on titled “Heirlooms and Traditions”. One of the ways 2020 affected me was I really felt the division and separation and truly yearned for togetherness and welcome and comfort. I also felt tremendous gratitude for family and connection and health. I think I took for granted family get-togethers and holidays and this past year has made me think about the values I want to live by and pass down to my children. So my “Heirlooms and Traditions” series is focused around the meals we prepare, you know, the dishes your grandmother made and that you learned over the years and you still make when family visits. And the collections of trinkets and baubles that have been passed down from generation to generation that remind us of the lives that gave us life and the connections we have to family and what we want to give to future generations. I’m really excited to work on and share this series. Have you found social media to help or







{{{ SHE HUSTLES SHE HUSTLES TALKS TALKS} }} SHIFT+CONTROL “I love that everywhere you go in the world, there is a different feel. The sights and smells and sounds are distinct.”

or hinder you in promoting your business especially recently with the pandemic? One of the myriad lessons learned from the pandemic is how to reach out and connect through modern technology. It’s, frankly, never been easier and it’s never been more important. Social media provides ways to connect, communicate, learn, share, and, of course, sell. What mantra do you live by? My daughter, Lauren, and I, whenever we run up against any kind of resistance or setback we say (actually, we kind of shout it) WE WILL NOT BE DENIED! It’s a forceful and powerful way of reminding ourselves to be resilient. And its almost an umbrella term for “where there’s a will, there’s a way” and “it’s not who will let me but who will stop me” and “pick yourself up and dust yourself off and try, try again”…honestly, add your own platitude to this list…WE WILL NOT BE DENIED pretty much covers it. Try it! It feels pretty good. Do you listen to any podcasts? What podcasts inspire you or do you learn from? I listen to Suggested Donation Podcast

and The Great Women Artists Podcast. But also many artists now have fantastic content on Facebook Live and YouTube like Patricia Watwood and Andrew Tischler. So many talented and experienced people choosing to be generous with their time and knowledge…I find that both comforting and inspiring. With the internet we have access to the most expansive library in history. I’m constantly fascinated by the information and flow of ideas that is available. Whether I’m listening or watching…there is great content all around! What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time? Pre-pandemic my answer was travel. I love that everywhere you go in the world, there is a different feel. The sights and smells and sounds are distinct. The music and art and food and language and culture are all diverse…but everywhere there are lovely people, raising their children, providing for their families, caring for their neighbors. It’s beautiful to me to see the commonality of the humanity displayed in such various ways. For years now my husband, Michael, and I have been traveling extensively but obviously

that was interrupted by the pandemic. For this past year part of how I’ve coped is by really diving into my work. I usually paint for between 10-16 hours a day! What’s super fun for me is whenever I need a break and every time I buy new supplies… I’m not willing to experiment on my WORK, so I break out a new canvas and PLAY. It is freeing and experimental and loose and joyful! Honestly such a treat to myself! A different way to lighen up and explore. We have several trips already planned for 2021! I’m eager to return to the people and activities I’ve missed over the past year, but also really excited in incorporate what this past year has taught me. What do you do for encouragement or to be motivated ? For me both have the same answer… family. Period. They are my motivation, the reason I get up and do my very best every day. And they are my main source of encouragement. They lift me up and support me. They are the reason I want to be capable and the reason I feel able. I want to make them proud and I want ROCHESTER WOMAN ONLINE :: APRIL EDITION 2021


{{{ SHE HUSTLES SHE HUSTLES TALKS TALKS} }} SHIFT+CONTROL “Talk to EVERYONE! I’m showing my age, but the 80s movie “Working Girl” has a great quote, “you never know where the big ideas could come from.”

to make them proud and I want them to know that I believe in them too! If it can be done…we can do it! WE WILL NOT BE DENIED! We can all lean on each other and borrow from each others’ strengths and bolster each others’ weaknesses. It’s a beautiful symbiosis and absolutely my raison d’être. How do you solve big problems as an entrepreneur? First, I freak out. Then I do a quick triage…will this cost me time or money. If it’s time, I accept the punishment and figure out how to rework my schedule to accommodate it. Luckily, after so many years of being a working mom, I am well accustomed to sleep deprivation. If it’s money, I go back to step 1 … freak out … followed by step 2 … I will now have to work extra hard to earn the money to fix the “big problem”. So, yeah, freak out and drink coffee. What do you see as new and exciting in the art world? Although sometimes its hard to see in the moment, the arts always reflect the 249


time in which it was created. Looking back, every period of history has styles and themes and matter that reflect the technology, the politics, the health and the overall circumstances of the region and time period. Recently there has been a real trend of Hyperrealism reflecting the major technological advances in photography, digital imaging, and computing. But I know from my own work, this current time has focused my mind on a homey, romantic, familial form of realism completely apart from how connected to technology we have become. On a personal and human level these have been trying times, but from a historical and artistic perspective it will be rather exciting to see how our collective art will have shifted. What impact do you want your art to have? I’m really focused on the specialness of home and family, both in my personal life and in my work. I hope my works will evoke thoughtfulness and consideration both in the artfulness of the works themselves and in the homes where

they live. I want to use the archival nature of traditional oil paintings to produce enduring visual testament to the moments and little things we cherish and want to pass down. What other artists’ business models do you like or admire? My friend and mentor Patricia Watwood is truly inspiring to me. She is a beautiful and accomplished artist in New York and she truly does it all! Her figurative paintings are displayed in museums and galleries all over the world, she has a DVD and she has a new book coming out. She is also so generous with her time and talent that she has a free weekly Facebook Live demonstration that is fantastic. Add to that wife and mother…she is doing it all. I enjoy her so much and learn from her…and by watching her career have learned that no matter the talent and skill it takes so much work and broad and diverse thinking to be successful. I think that openness is what we all need to be successful no matter what type of work we do.


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