Karuna-Shechen 2018 Annual Report

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FOREWORD by Matthieu Ricard




















2019 & BEYOND






MATTHIEU RICARD Dear Friends, It is a great pleasure to greet you once again through our Annual Report and be able to share some of the year’s accomplishments with you. When the book The Monk and the Philosopher was published a little over twenty years ago, I decided

the opportunity to live healthy, empowered lives so

to dedicate the author’s share of the proceeds to

that they may reach their full potential. Our projects

humanitarian projects in the Himalayan region (and

are making a significant, sustainable impact by utilizing

have done so since then with all subsequent books). My


desire to undertake humanitarian projects was inspired

and the preservation of local resources and culture to

by Rabjam Rinpoche, the Abbot of Shechen Monastery,

respond to the specific needs and aspirations of the

in fulfillment of the vision of our spiritual master, Dilgo

people we serve.




Khyentse Rinpoche and of the advice of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to engage in compassionate action.

As we look back on 2018 and move forward into 2019,

Generous benefactors joined in, and in 2000 Karuna-

we renew our commitment to our vision: integrity,

Shechen was born!

compassion, and action. Guided by these objectives, we will continue our journey together to undertake new projects and ensure the sustainability of existing ones.

The co-founding of this organization with Rabjam Rinpoche







accomplishment. For the last 19 years, our work in

The work of Karuna-Shechen is what is the dearest to

eastern Tibet, Nepal, and northern India has been made

my heart, and I wish to express my deepest gratitude to

possible through a web of interdependence and goodwill

those who have so generously made this beautiful work

that includes our teams in the field, our international

possible. With everyone’s participation and support at

branches, and the generosity of many friends and

all levels, let’s continue to work together to accomplish

faithful benefactors. Today, our humanitarian projects

even more!

save and significantly improve the lives of over With warmest wishes and deepest gratitude,

380,000 people each year in remote, under-served communities. Karuna-Shechen’s vision and work remains rooted in altruism. We strive to build a fairer, more humane world by reducing inequalities and offering our beneficiaries


Karuna-Shechen’s name expresses our mission while paying homage to our roots: ‘Karuna’ means compassion in Sanskrit and ‘Shechen’ is the name of a major monastery in Tibet.

Who we are

OUR VISION Rooted in the ideal of “compassion in action,” we serve others

Karuna-Shechen was founded

with joy and determination by cultivating altruism in our hearts and actions.

in 2000 by Matthieu Ricard to help empower under-served

We strive to reduce suffering in the Himalayan region and work toward a fairer and more compassionate world. We believe that

communities in India, Nepal, and

communities can be lifted out of poverty, that change is possible, and

Tibet to reach their full potential

class, or caste, is essential.

that the well-being of every individual, regardless of race, gender,

and create a better future. OUR WORK We provide vulnerable and disadvantaged populations access to health care, education and vocational training, clean water, solar electricity, and other sustainable solutions. Our programs are interconnected, working together to provide short-term support that fosters long-term change.

OUR STRATEGY We believe that building on local strengths and knowledge is the most efficient way to respond to the specific needs and aspirations of our beneficiaries. Our comprehensive development strategy is based on active community participation, women’s empowerment, and the preservation of local resources and culture. We implement our strategy by working with a network of grassroots organizations and partners, as well as local teams of experienced professionals.

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Our team Our team of local professionals, grassroots partners, volunteers and staff work collaboratively to effectively serve those most in need. Together, we share and carry out Matthieu Ricard’s vision of creating a more altruistic world.

2 field offices in India and Nepal

Since 2000, we have funded, launched, and managed humanitarian and development projects that have transformed the lives of over a million beneficiaries in India, Nepal, and Tibet.

135 employees, including 80

SHAMSUL AKHTAR Karuna-Shechen India Director “With a lot of hard work and dedication, we have been strongly working with our goal to change lives in selected areas of Jharkhand and Bihar through our humanitarian services.“ SANJEEV PRADHAN Karuna-Shechen Nepal Director “We believe that incorporating local strengths and knowledge into our development programs is the best way to yield maximum dividends that can help alleviate the suffering of people.”

medical staff

4 international branches: France, Hong Kong, Switzerland, and the USA

2 affiliates: Canada and England

28 volunteers 8 staff members and 3



The year 2018 in brief

ACTIVITIES BY SECTOR Support To Communities: Access to Water, Rural Solar Power Program, Organic Kitchen Gardens, Clean Environment, Small Money BIG CHANGE initiative, Counter Human-TrafďŹ cking, Emergency Preparedness, Veterinary Mobile Clinics. Health: Medical and Mobile Clinics, Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness, Malnutrition Prevention, Women’s Health and Hygiene, First


Aid Training, Support of Old Age Homes.

1,967,000 USD project budget 384,284 beneficiaries 141,760 medical consultations 10,766 children educated 604 women received literacy classes

Education: Early Childhood Development, Community Schools, Government Funded Community Schools, Computer Classes. Women Empowerment: Literacy






Entrepreneur Opportunities, Solar Electrician Training.


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6,000 Pilgrims in need treated during Buddhist events, India.

12 women successfully complete Solar Electrification Training, Nepal.

12,831 organic fruit plants distributed for kitchen gardens, India.

289 people trained by our Emergency Response Training program, Nepal.







Most of Karuna-Shechen’s beneďŹ ciaries live in rural, isolated areas where there is limited or no access to healthcare, quality education, or economic opportunities.


NEPAL Head Office: Shechen Medical Clinic, Boudhanath, Kathmandu.


INDIA Head Office: TIBET

Shechen Medical Clinic, Bodhgaya, Gaya district, Bihar.

Our projects are located in the nomadic regions of eastern Tibet.


They are not included in this report.

Hata, Jharkhand.

Six new elementary schools selected to receive support, Nepal.

120 childcare workers trained on the benefits of play in early childhood development, India.

1,000 people participate in Yoga For Karuna to benefit projects in India.

Patients treated through our mobile clinics surpasses 39,000 in India.






Rural Communities Reaching Sustainability and Building Resilience

Karuna-Shechen is making a difference in remote and isolated communities, working hand-in-hand with villagers to develop sustainable solutions. Each of our activities is interconnected, and together they create an interdependence that builds on each other’s successes. Our work is based on the active participation of our beneďŹ ciaries, who learn and share knowledge to collaboratively improve conditions. Our aim is to develop projects that in the future can be sustained by the villagers themselves, independent of external help. Through our holistic approach, Karuna-Shechen empowers under-served communities with the tools they need to transform their lives and become more resilient.


30,767 organic gardens planted 600 homes received solar power 310 public toilets built 97 villages benefited 4 new wells dug

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Farming programs provide practical, sustainable ways for families to grow their own nutrient-rich food to reduce malnutrition and improve quality of life. In addition to non-GMO seeds and best practices for gardening and composting, we






long-term traditional

techniques and promoting respect for

Karuna-Shechen’s Solar Power program is an innovative solution that provides clean solar power to hundreds of households in remote mountain villages of Nepal. “I’m very happy. For the first time in our house, we have bright light, and we can see in the dark. I’m happy my children can study now. I want them to do many things I haven’t done.” ~Bahadur, beneficiary

the environment.

Karuna-Shechen’s Small Money, Big Change program empowers communities in India to plan and implement smallscale projects that directly address their specific needs, such as access to water and toilet facilities. This creative approach




helps under-served villages become sustainable and self-reliant.

With the help of Karuna-Shechen, families in rural areas of India are building toilet facilities. “We didn’t have

the means to build a toilet, but with the help of Karuna-Shechen we were able to do so. It is both more convenient and hygienic. My family is so happy.” ~Mamta, beneficiary 9

Health Saving Lives and Preserving Health for the Most Vulnerable

Our health services are essential for saving lives and improving the well-being for many people in Nepal and northern India, where basic health care is out of reach both geographically and ďŹ nancially. In 2018, we continued to provide vital preventative and curative care to the most vulnerable populations. We trained local ďŹ rst aid and health workers to prevent future medical tragedies in isolated communities. We also continued our health education and awareness programs for women to reduce stigmas surrounding personal hygiene, nutrition, and reproductive health. Through our health services we saved lives and cured diseases, raised awareness and reduced preventable illness, and offered alternatives to medication to empower people to improve their well-being.


141,760 patients treated through our clinics

11,396 beneficiaries of malnutrition prevention

10,306 women received health education

535 local first aiders trained a nnua l re p o r t

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Karuna-Shechen’s Alternative Medicine services in India are improving the lives of thousands of people in need through acupuncture, physiotherapy, and plantbased medical care. These non-invasive and drug-free treatment techniques are a sustainable and culturally-appropriate way to reduce chronic pain and illness.

Our Advanced First Aid Training program

To i m p r o v e a c c e s s to h e a l t h c a re fo r the most vulnerable r u ral populations, KarunaShechen provides medical ser v i ces to i n di v i du a l s a n d families through clinics and mobile outreach programs. “I first came to the Shechen clinic in Kathmandu when I was pregnant, and I have been coming regularly for the past ten years. For working class people like me, Shechen Clinic is very helpful. They always make us better when we come here.” ~Ram Maya, beneficiary

in Nepal teaches people in under-served villages to provide emergency medical response and essential health services to their neighbors. With villagers trained and ready to respond to health needs and emergencies, communities become healthier, safer, and more self-reliant.

Through our women’s health and hygiene programs, Karuna-Shechen empowers women with information and support, implements innovative outreach and screenings, and provides necessary care to women in need. “I was very weak and

had pain in my stomach. I went to a screening and found out I needed an operation. After the operation, the pain was gone. I feel I have a new life now.” ~Sukhari, beneficiary 11

Education Strengthening Access to Quality Education in Remote Villages

Education is the key to promoting equality and independence. In remote villages, where schools are either non-existent, underfunded, or neglected, we provide access to quality education for children — from preschoolers to secondary school students. We support community schools, repair existing facilities, train and recruit additional teachers, and donate supplies, teaching materials, and furniture to existing government schools. Local culture and language are respected, and parental and community engagement are encouraged through regular meetings. As a result of these efforts, drop-out rates have decreased, and girls, in particular, received the quality education that would otherwise not be available to them.


5,800 preschool children 1,677 elementary school students

604 literacy students 160 villages

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Karuna-Shechen’s innovative Early Child Development program in India provides toys, training, and support so that children in the critical development stage develop healthy physical, emotional, cognitive and social growth through educational and enjoyable play.

Our Education program in Nepal provides outreach to involve parents and

Karuna-Shechen provides children in remote communities access to quality education and helps prevent school drop-out, especially for girls. “I have goals, and I know that without education or work, my dreams will not come true. School helps me to acquire the knowledge I need to achieve my dreams. Thanks to the support of Karuna-Shechen, I get closer every day!” ~Lalita, beneficiary

the community in education. They learn the value of having a local school and the important role they must play in helping it thrive and fulfill its core purpose. The result is an increase in sustainability and autonomy of remote villages.

Karuna-Shechen organizes non-formal education classes for women in rural Indian villages. Our classes teach basic math and literacy skills, helping to empower and improve the lives of under-served villagers who never received an education. “I am thankful

that I have learned to write my name and address, and how to record important information. I enjoy coming to these classes and they have been very helpful to me.“ ~Sonamani, beneficiary 13

Women Empowering Women to Break the Cycle of Poverty and Become Agents of Change

At Karuna-Shechen, we focus on empowering women and helping them to become key players for change and a true source of inspiration. Our programs educate, empower, and provide women the opportunity to create the change they need in their lives. We also improve the livelihood of female villagers by giving them access to vocational training and professional opportunities. By working in sectors traditionally reserved for men, women are able to break gender barriers and reverse taboos. With a fairer place in society, these women have a positive impact on the education and the health of their children, as well as on their community.


600 solar power sets installed by women

25 informal education centers in villages

12 active solar electricians 7 trained taxi-rickshaw drivers

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Karuna-Shechen’s Vocational program in India trains and hires women to make supplies and assist in other projects, thereby creating sustainable, holistic solutions





learning skills and pursuing opportunities, many of our trainees become role models for younger generations.

Karuna-Shechen is creating opportunities for women to learn skills and gain employment in sectors traditionally reserved for men, helping them to overcome taboos and earn an income. “When Karuna-Shechen offered to teach me to drive the rickshaw, at first I was scared because there weren’t other women drivers. Now, I believe I am as good as the male rickshaw drivers. I earn enough money for both of my kids go to school.” ~Shobha, beneficiary

Our Solar Power program in Nepal provides the opportunity for women to be bearers of light in their communities. Women learn entrepreneurial skills to install and maintain solar sets and help their neighbors transition from dangerous kerosene lanterns to clean, renewable energy.

In remote and under-served villages, entrepreneurial opportunities for women increase the well-being of women, their families, and entire communities. “My

husband works at a private company in the city but is not paid enough to support the family. My new skill gives me an extra source of income!” ~Chandni, beneficiary 15


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Karuna-Shechen’s projects in eastern Tibet provide the local population with access to education, medical services, elder care, and cultural preservation. The overall situation in Tibet for NGOs continues to present numerous challenges, especially for the people in the field. In response to this sensitive situation, it is necessary for us to limit our reporting.


Interdependence Our projects can only be accomplished through a web of interdependent manifestations of good will — our teams and partners in the field, who carry out the projects; our international branches, who raise funds and awareness to respond to the needs of our beneficiaries; and our benefactors, whose generous and faithful support make all this work possible.

In our clinic in Jharkhand, one of the poorest states in India, Dr. Jaya Moitra was trained by Karuna-Shechen to treat her patients with acupuncture. “Most of my patients come from distant places as well as neighboring states, and they are becoming reluctant to use prescription drugs and prefer acupuncture instead. I have been

In partnership with Sulochana Shrestha, founder of Himalayan Ecosystems Pvt, we

really impressed to see the improvements

are training village women in the most impoverished and remote rural communities

since I started using acupuncture. Between

in Nepal.

five and seven sessions are often enough for

“Together, we developed and implemented a program to work directly in isolated

a patient to be completely cured.”

communities to train village women in small-scale organic farming. Through our trainings, they learn new techniques. Gradually, they become aware that they are capable, just like the men of their village, of improving the living conditions in their community.”

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Subhadra works with preschool children at the Early Childhood Education center Karuna-Shechen started supporting in 2015. “I have seen a noticeable difference after Karuna-Shechen India has intervened. The children have better resources, especially toys that focus on different aspects of development. I have also seen a higher attendance and enrolment at the center.”

To support our humanitarian projects, Caroline Perrineau organized a full day of yoga with other teachers during our Yoga for Karuna campaign. “Karuna means compassion, which is one

Mr. Bruno Pommer makes a donation

of the values we teach in yoga. So with

to Karuna-Shechen each month, rea-

7 others teachers, I planned a full day of

ching out from his home in France to

donation-based classes to share not only

reduce suffering and improve the well-

our love of yoga but also our wish to im-

being of those in need.

prove our world by gathering forces. I hope

“I give to feel good and to take positive

these seeds of solidarity will flourish over

action. Karuna-Shechen is in perfect har-

the years.”

mony with what I like: the operating costs are low, the projects are locally-based, and the beneficiaries are supported to be agents of change in their own lives. Plus, the focus areas appeal to me: the empowerment of women, the education of children, and food security. Congratulations and long life!”


2019 & Beyond

We will continue to make a lasting difference while embracing new opportunities and rising to meet new challenges

As we reect on our work and the impact we have had so far, we also embrace new opportunities to extend compassion and increase health, opportunity, and equality for many more people in Nepal and India. We have identiďŹ ed needs in the communities we serve, and we are committed to working together to accomplish even more. Rural Communities: Improve living conditions and strengthen communities, without creating dependence on external assistance. Health: Complete the important new clinic in Jharkhand and continue to save lives, increase well-being, and enable marginalized people to live in dignity and in good health. Education: Provide children in remote communities access to quality education and prevent school dropout, especially for girls. Opportunities for Women: Provide rural women with access to basic education, training, and job opportunities.

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Reasons to Support Karuna-Shechen 1. We are making a lasting difference for people in need in the Himalayas. For close to 20 years, we have helped reduce suffering and improve living conditions for hundreds of thousands of people in remote, under-served villages. 2. We work with communities to develop sustainable solutions. KarunaShechen not only addresses the immediate needs of under-served communities, but also helps villagers develop skills and resources that build their resilience and self-sufficiency. Our aim is to develop projects that in the future can be sustained by the villagers themselves, independent of external help. 3. We create opportunities for women to improve their lives. KarunaShechen’s programs help people in need to learn new skills, build confidence in their abilities, and become more equal members of society. With a special focus on women and girls, our programs reduce poverty and inequality, and create a more altruistic world. 4. We respect the environment and preserve natural resources. Rainwater harvesting, solar electricity, and organic gardens are not only good for the earth, they improve the health and well-being of villagers — a win-win for all. Working with local partners, we promote green awareness campaigns and train villagers in environmentally sustainable practices. 5. 100% of every donation goes to our projects! Karuna-Shechen’s operating expenses are fully paid by Matthieu Ricard’s income from books, photography, and conferences, as well as one generous donor. That means that each and every donation goes entirely to our projects. 21

thank you






Thank You

Thank You


Thank you

Thank you




Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You


Thank You Merci Thank You



We are deeply grateful to our loyal benefactors who come together to make a difference in the lives of people in India, Nepal, and Tibet. $50,000 and above Anonymous (France, Oman, Thailand) American Himalayan Foundation (United States) François Bovey (France) Ann Down (United States) Emergences (Belgium) Fondation Ganesha (Switzerland) Maryse Goeminne-Bernabé (Belgium) The Hawk Rock Foundation (United States) Hershey Family Foundation (United States) Huang Yu Zi & Huang Chen Mei Yu (Taiwan) Anne-Sophie Pastel Dubanton (Portugal) Association Santé Education Recherche (Switzerland)

$20,000 to 49,999 Anonymous (Belgium, United States) Allary Editions (France) C.G.R. (France) The George Family Foundation (United States) Rajiv & Latika Jain – GQG Partners (United States) Omega Institute (United States) Erick Rinner (Switzerland) Wolf Singer (Germany) Tsadra Foundation (United States)

$5,000 to $19,999 Anonymous (France, Germany, Singapore, Switzerland, United States) American Endownment Funds – Benevity (United States) Helen Appell (United States) Azure Wealth (Switzerland) Frédérique Buisson (France) Gian Luigi Buitoni (United States) The Capital Group (Hong Kong) Jean-Michel Cayla (France) Jean-Noël Cheveau (France) Bruno Corre (France) Marie-Christine Couderc (France) Crossknowledge (France) Véronique De Guignard De Germond (Switzerland) Delta Plus Foundation (Italy) Christine & Jean-Michel Denis (France) Claudie Despretz (France) Mariam Diaz Garcia (Switzerland) Mary Dickie & Leslie Dach (United States) Leonardo Drago & Anthonia Hui (Hong Kong) Charles Englehard Foundation (United States) Cristina Funes-Noppen (Belgium) Thomas Gerber Neidhart (Switzerland)

Gere Foundation (United States) Joe Hemrajani (United States) J. William Hernandez (United States) Fondation Insolites Bâtisseurs – Philippe Romero (France) Janssen Family (Belgium) Kangyur Rinpoche Foundation (United Kingdom) Thomas McCoy (United States) Michèle & Bertrand Piccard (Switzerland) PLCC SARL (France) Ripa International Center (Switzerland) Denis Rivière (France) Dominique Rogeaud (Switzerland) Jonathan & Diana Rose (United States) Sunil Tissa Samarasuriya (Singapore) Julien Schoenlaub (Switzerland) Seva Foundation (United States) Laurent Solomon (France) Brian Tanenbaum (United States) Henri Uginet (France) Robert Wallstein (France)

We thanks all our donors for their engagement and generosity making our activities possible. A warm thank you to all our loyal volunteers: Julie, Laurent, Pauline, Jean, Jean-Pierre, Laurence, Philippe, Delphine, Jon, Catherine, Patricia, Charles-Mathieu, Pascale, Vivian, Ingrid, Sylvie, Emma, Krisztina, Marcelle and Franck, and also to our dedicated employees, working together every day to expand their compassion and our impact to benefit others. A special thank you to our friends for their support: Maria João Pires, Alexandre Jollien, Laurent Fauroux and his team (Antonia, Marvin, Margot, Gérald, Nicolas and Hugo), Laurent Mazeyrie, and to Christophe André for kindly donating his proceeds of the joint conferences and events with Matthieu Ricard.

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Let’s continue to work together to accomplish even more! www.karuna-shechen.org/how-to-help 22

Financial information Karuna-Shechen’s global budget in 2018 was 2,517,000 USD. Administrative and operating costs represent 12% of our global budget and are fully paid by Matthieu Ricard’s incomes gathered over the years. Karuna-Shechen’s operational budget for projects was 1,967,000 USD. The following charts do not include expenditures for Tibet projects and are in US currency (USD).

GLOBAL BUDGET 2,517,000 USD Social missions in India 31%

Social missions in Nepal 45%

Operational expenses 12%

Communication & fundraising costs 12%


RESOURCES & DONATIONS 2,660,000 USD Activities and copyright revenue of Matthieu Ricard 17%

Grants from associations and foundations 24%

Health 49%

Community development & women’s empowerment 28%

Corporate sponsors 10% Individual donors 49%

Education 14%


“Being altruistic not only helps us to benefit others, but it is also the most satisfying way to live.�


Branches KS Hong Kong: asia@karuna-shechen.org KS Europe: europe@karuna-shechen.org KS Switzerland: switzerland@karuna-shechen.org KS USA: usa@karuna-shechen.org Affiliates Canada: canada@karuna-shechen.org United Kingdom: england@karuna-shechen.org Field Offices India: india@karuna-shechen.org Nepal: nepal@karuna-shechen.org

Your donations make this and more possible. Please visit us online and help spread more compassion to people in need in the Himalayas:

karuna-shechen.org Follow us on

Design by www.studiocarrevert.fr - Printed by www.la-contemporaine.fr with plant-based inks on recycled paper - Photos: Karuna-Shechen

Matthieu Ricard Founder of Karuna-Shechen

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