FCFC Newsletter May 2011

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May 2011

Faith Family News Happy Mother’s Day!


appy Mother's Day Moms!!! We made it through another year, praise the Lord! The joy of the Lord is our strength. We mount up on wings as the eagles! We run and do not grow weary and walk and do not faint! Amen! We need to get filled up on the Word of God so that we can overflow on those around us. We need to be oozing with God's love and wisdom. We can't afford to let the time slip by and be lazy. We need to run for the prize and train our children up in the way they should go!


o not be deceived; pray, and ask God to reveal the things that are hidden. Give God control of your kids, and stop worrying or trying to control with your standards, and start speaking the things of God and His Word into them!! God's standards are the standards that will stick! His Word will never return void. It doesn't matter what we think; what does God's Word say? We need to study to show ourselves approved. Do you set a great example? Do you read your Bible and pray everyday? Do you make your kids read their Bibles and pray every day?


he world has our kids all day five days a week. We have them in between everything else...we need to take every opportunity to pour into them the things of God. Don't be deceived; the devil is after our kids. We have to war for them to serve God. It

doesn't just happen because we bring them to church. We have to watch what gets poured into them all day, every day. We battle evil by teaching our children what the Bible calls right and wrong, good and bad, and call sin—sin! Just like we cannot become the “Proverbs woman” over night, (it could take a lifetime to be her)… We need to train our kids, and teach them God's ways and how Christians are supposed to have Jesus' character—teaching them about who Jesus is and teaching them everyday. It's okay to sound like a broken record when it comes to raising kids!!


sk yourself, "Do they see Jesus in me?" Remember, a Christian is someone whose temperature is HOT for the things of God and for the character of God! What is the temperature in you and your household? Cut off the excuses. Choose life this day and who you will serve! Let's shape up, and get the slack out, and expect greater things in our kids so God will begin to ooze out of them so that all this will make next Mother's Day even better than this one!


njoy your day today; may it be filled with lots of love and hugs and kisses!! I love you all and hope you read this feeling the love and compassion that I have for you and your children!! I am passionate about the way we should be training up our children, and I don't want you to be "asleep"

during the most vital time of your life. What you don't do now in life, “according to the Word of God," you will reap from the choices you make this day for the rest of your life. Evil, wickedness, and sin grow and multiply, and I would rather you and your family live a blessed life forever on this earth!! I love you, and I'm excited to see what God has in store for each of you as you continually grow closer to Him!! Happy Mothers Day!! Love and Prayers,

Inside This Issue: Office Hours ……...….2 NDP Downtown ……...3 Golf Outing……….......4 Women’s Ministry.........5 Mom-Daughter Pics…..6 Calendar ..…………...7 Prayer Focus ….….......8 Birthday/Anniversary...8 Membership Class …...9 Care & Share……..….10 Open Houses…..10 & 11 Important Dates……..13

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