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President’s Message


THIS PAST YEAR, I have seen our members give back to the community, build relationships, contribute to the legacy of a historic organization, coordinate leadership opportunities, and develop the potential of women. I have witnessed the dedication of our members, community partners, and sponsors. I have seen the tireless efforts of our membership to make our community a better place. These women have taught me about the needs of our community, given me treasured friendships, and contributed to my development as a leader. My theme this year was “Believe in the power of Women.” Now, more than ever, I understand the impact our organization and the women within it have on our community and each other. That impact has come in many ways:


Tyson Strandberg President 2021-2022

and the needs that face so many in our city and our region. For example, through our partnerships with Community Housing Solutions, it is clear that dry and safe homes are not always available and the need is prevalent. Through our partnership with The Kellin Foundation, it is clear that children and families need support and will continue to feel the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic for years and decades to come. Partnering with Church World Services, we’ve learned that Greensboro and Guilford County are home to many refugees starting a new life, oftentimes without any resources and while learning the English language. Finally, through our work with Kids in the Kitchen, it is clear that children today are less likely to know where food comes from, and this has been a meaningful, ongoing initiative to introduce a variety of fun and healthy snacks to a broad audience.

RELATIONSHIPS: So many JLG participants have become friends through our working, planning, laughing (and sometimes grumbling) through the task-at-hand. The work was often difficult, but that helped create the bonds that I will carry with me into the future. It was also a pleasure to build relationships with our partners and sponsors. What a gift to be able to share the great work of the JLG!

RESPECT FOR OUR HISTORY: One of the beautiful things about the JLG is our 94-year history, and thus the ensuing accomplishments. Projects such

COMMUNITY PROGRAMS: I have learned so much about the community

as Cone Elementary, Gateway Education Center, and the Greensboro Science Center have made a lasting impact. I also had the pleasure of hearing from many past Presidents and Sustainer members who shared cherished memories from their time in the JLG. In our recent history, the 11th annual Touch-A-Truck and Women’s Leadership Summit proved successful for another year. I know our current and past members will continue to contribute to our legacy for many years to come.

APPRECIATION FOR OUR TEAM: Allyson Boles, our Executive Vice President, and I were side-by-side every step of the way. Her commitment and dedication never wavered, and it was a pleasure to serve beside her. I felt the camaraderie and loyalty of our board members, the love and support of past presidents and sustainers, the “anything you need” attitude of our President-Elect, Leigh Anne Bullin, and the engagement of all members. I am so grateful for each of you!

TRAINING & LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: I look back at a year in which I made mistakes, for sure, but I learned and grew through working with a talented team on ambitious projects. We adapted to the challenges of the pandemic and prepared for the future sustainability of our League. Thank you for your partnership, passion, and plasticity as we navigated the post-COVID yet still-COVID world.

VALUE OF WOMEN LEADERS: It is so rewarding to see women step up into leadership roles in the community and show time and time again how impactful we are in making our city a better place. Our mark has been made on Greensboro, and the women leaders we continue to attract are incredible. We welcomed 22 new members this year, and I look forward to watching them thrive. You better believe in the power of women!

As past President Carole Lesley stated in a League address in 1980, “Being President is a loaned opportunity. I’m eager to take advantage of it.” I did not take lightly the opportunity to serve alongside you. The truth is that I did get more than I gave thanks to the power of Women, a team of people sharing the mission and work of the Junior League, and our rich history and bright future. I appreciate the loaned opportunity and will always be proud to be a JLG member. It was truly my honor to serve.