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Sustainer President’s Message


Laura Wolf Sustainer President 2021-2022 The Sustainers have risen to the challenge of another year of plans disrupted by a pandemic. However, we did not let an unforeseen time deter us from our overall goal of keeping our group engaged and serving others. Our mantra has been to keep moving forward despite the glitches, and we made plans for all of our regular events this year, even though some had to be postponed or canceled. The Committee Kickoff to welcome new Sustainers became a Committee Wrap-Up, and the Fall Social became a Spring Social. Unfortunately, the Fall Luncheon and the Winter Cocktail Party had to be canceled, but we rolled the plans for these events over to next year’s calendar. Two virtual events and one popular shopping event were added to our fall schedule. We pivoted and have been resilient! Sustainers certainly know firsthand from many years of life experiences that how we interpret, react, and bounce back from the crises of today define how we survive the crises of tomorrow. Flexibility with our schedule this year ensured that we prevailed. Even though our more senior members could not meet regularly in-person, we still successfully navigated these constraints. We managed to have three diverse events during the fall months. Actives were included in the first two events and were welcomed to our service event in March. It is important to note the vital role that Sustainers play in developing leadership skills among the active membership. By demonstrating the life lessons that they learned while juggling careers, raising families, and pursuing volunteer service, Sustainers are valuable mentors and positive influences for Actives during challenging times. Both now and going forward, Actives and Sustainers alike need this connection to impact our community in the greatest possible way. In September, ABBA Designs held a virtual floral arrangement class for us. Anne Hedges and Pat Vreeland generously donated their time in delivering the floral materials to each participant’s home, and we all came away with a new skill and a gorgeous arrangement. Anne Hedges also donated her time to the Schiffman’s Holiday Shopping event in October. Anne made delicious charcuterie cups to be enjoyed either at the event or at home afterwards. Sustainers who attended learned about Schiffman’s history. They also enjoyed champagne and charcuterie as they did some holiday shopping. Schiffman’s donated a generous percentage of the proceeds to the League. Our event in November was held virtually. Parker Wood, founder and executive director of BackPack Beginnings, enlightened us about the mission and accomplishments of this organization. It was then decided that Sustainers would support this organization with Hands on Help in the spring.


Our first in-person meeting at Well Spring in March was a success. We all enjoyed seeing each other after a long hiatus. Later in March, we assisted BackPack Beginnings by sorting and packing items in backpacks for families in need. Pam Smith and Mitzie Weatherly planned our Spring Social held in April at the Colonnades at Revolution Mill. Pam Ring and her committee planned our Spring Luncheon in May at the Greensboro Country Club. We will present the Woman of Distinction Awards for 2020, 2021, and 2022 at the May luncheon. Kelly McKee and her committee will wrap up the year by welcoming the new Sustainers and by thanking our Sustainer Committee at our final gathering. As we look to next year, Sustainers will be in great hands under the leadership of Daniela Helms. Daniela brings a wealth of League experience with her, and I look forward to enjoying all of the events with you next year. I encourage each of you to be an active participant and to reconnect in-person at future events. Thank you for your ongoing support of the Junior League of Greensboro. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve you as your Sustainer President. The League has demonstrated much resiliency this year, and I am very grateful to this wonderful group of women.