Yeovil Press Issue 51

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We have a Countdown to Christmas 16-page pull-out on Pages 25-40 to help get you in the mood for the festive season.

We have also got photo specials on some recent events including Yeovil Round Table’s excellent annual charity lunch, the Mayor’s Ball and the Graduation Ceremony for students from the Yeovil College University Centre.

Who says that Yeovil has nothing to celebrate?

And with that in mind … many thanks to everyone who has congratulated us on the Yeovil Press winning the Community Champion award for a second successive year at the Yeovil Chamber of Commerce Business Awards.

Winning the award in 2021 was awesome, but to win it again in 2022 is truly humbling and we look forward to promoting the Yeovil community in the future.

Thank you to those that have advertised in this edition – your support is very much appreciated as always.

Many thanks to James Healey, of JRH Media, for his help with design and layout, and photographer Christine Jones for her support.

On a different note apologies to readers for last month’s edition in which a few Gremlins got into the works – we hope they did not spoil your enjoyment of the paper.

The January edition of Yeovil Press will be out on Thursday and Friday, January 12-13, 2023 – the first of a New Year. If you would like to get in touch – please email .

Take care, keep well, please keep safe and have a wonderful Christmas.

Best wishes


>> IF any business would like to advertise in the January edition of Yeovil Press – out on Thursday, January 12, and Friday, January 13, 2023, please get in touch by emailing or by phoning 0777-319-8081.

>> KEEP up-to-date with the latest news from Yeovil and surrounding area by logging onto the Yeovil Press website at

>> SOME of the photos printed in the December 2022 edition of Yeovil Press may be available to be purchased. Anyone wanting to buy photos included in this edition – please drop us a line at 0777-319-8081 or email

>> GET IN TOUCH: If you have a story or an event coming up you would like to possibly see covered in the next edition of the Yeovil Press get in touch by emailing

>> YEOVIL Press is published by Steve Sowden, of Yeovil Press, and printed by Newsquest at Fleet House in Hampshire Road, Weymouth, Dorset, or at Newspaper House in Osney Mead, Oxford, Oxfordshire.

3 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
of the
Grimes sent us this
the sun began to set while looking out of a window at his home in
Terrace, Yeovil. If you take a photo which you think could be included in our
of the Month feature in the future - please email us at We look forward to receiving your photos. What's in your new local newspaper Pg 04: Quiz Time with Dan Harding. Pg 06-07: Coffee Break Chat - Steve Fox. Pg 08-09: Around the Town Pg 10-11: The Story of Yeovil Pg 12-13: Photo Special: Mayor's Ball Pg 14-15: Photo Special: YCUC Graduation Ceremony Pg 16-19: Photo Special: Yeovil Chamber Business Awards Pg 20-21: Business in Spotlight - Chestnut Lodge Pg 22-23: On Our Doorstep Pg 25-36: Countdown to Christmas Pg 38-39: Family Announcements Pg 40-41: Leisure Listings Pg 42-43: Flashback - December Pg 44-45: Photo Special: Yeovil Round Table Pg 46: World Cup Sweepstake Update Pg 47-54 News from Yeovil Town FC NEWS IN BRIEF WELCOME to the December 2022 edition of the Yeovil Press community newspaper and
Greetings to all our readers, advertisers and contributors.
YEOVIL Press reader David
he took last month as
EDITOR'S NOTE YEOVIL PRESS YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area Avoid missing out on getting your copy of the monthly Yeovil Press community newspaper by signing-up to our delivery service. It will cost £25 a year to have the Yeovil Press hand-delivered to your home each month within the Yeovil area. It will cost £40 a year to have the Yeovil Press posted elsewhere in the country. Email or phone us on 07773-198-081 for further details. HAVE THE YEOVIL PRESS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR EACH MONTH

Can you beat Quiz Man Dan and be Top of the Class?



WELCOME to this month’s Question Time quiz – so get your thinking caps on!

We are delighted to welcome Dan Harding – our very own Quiz Man Dan –to the Yeovil Press who will be posing the questions each month.

Dan is well-known in the Yeovil area and a keen quizzer and is thrilled to have been given the task of posing the questions each month.

There are a whopping 28 points up for grabs in Quiz Man Dan’s Question Time this month – good luck and the answers can be found on Page 37 of this edition of the Yeovil Press. We think some of you

quiz fans might do well this month.

If you score less than Five Points – Oh dear, you need to go and stand in the corner!

If you score between Five Points and 10 Points – Hmmm, you need to start reading more encyclopaedias!

If you score between 11 Points and 15 Points: Not bad, but nothing to shout about!

If you score between 16 Points and 23 Points: Well done, but still room for improvement!

If you score between 24 Points and 28 Points: Excellent performance – Top of the Class!

Quizzer Dan appears on TV's The Chase

YEOVIL Press quiz master Dan Harding was left kicking himself after appearing on the popular daytime show The Chase presented by Bradley Walsh.

For those who are not aware of The Chase – four contestants play against a professional quizzer, known as the “chaser”, who attempts to prevent them from wining a cash prize.

Dan and his three fellow contestants appeared on the show – which was screened on TV on November 9 – against “chaser” Darragh Ennis.

The quizzers had to amass as much prize money as possible in their individual rounds and then work as a team to get as many questions right as possible in the time allowed and then hope that Ennis failed to reach their total of correct answers in a two-minute showdown.

Dan won £7,000 in his individual round and easily got home for the final chase with his team totalling £12,000 overall. But the team had a bit of a shocker in the final and only correctly answered 12 questions. The expert got the points required with 32 seconds remaining and so Dan and his colleagues were left with no prize money.

Dan told the Yeovil Press that he had wanted to go on the show for ages and was really pleased that he got the opportunity.

But he added: “I was gutted I missed some easy questions in the final round, but there was so much more pressure doing it on TV rather than while you are sat at home watching the show on the tele.”

During the programme Dan had told host Bradley Walsh that if he won he would spend the winnings on a family holiday to see the pyramids of Egypt.

And despite not coming away with any prize money, Walsh did compliment Dan on his “nice jacket.”

1: Which country hosted the first ever World Cup?

2: The 1990 World Cup was kicked-off by holders of the time Argentina but which African nation shocked them with a surprise defeat?

3: Who is the all time World Cup top goal scorer? A – Pele; B - Ronaldo (Brazilian one); CMiroslav Klose.

4: Which country has the most World Cup appearances?

5: Which English player holds the record for the most appearances at the world cup finals?


1: In The Matrix does Neo take the blue or the red pill?

2: What is the name of Bruce Willis character in Pulp Fiction?

3: In what 1976 thriller does Robert De Niro famously say “you talking to me?” 4: Who is the only actor to receive an Oscar nomination for acting in the Lord of the rings? 5: In Star Wars how many children does Darth Vader have?


1: What is the name of the thin and long country that spans more than half of the western coast of South America? A – Bolivia; B – Chile; C – Peru.

2: What is the common name for dried plums? 3: Who was the lead singer of the 1980s band the Culture Club? 4: What is the company Hewlett Packard known for? 5: What is a female donkey called? A – Jenny; B – Claudia; C – Jenny.


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Can you work out the phrases or words in these puzzles
one point for
correct answer.

Amy is reinvigorated with education for all after trip to Djibouti

FORMER Stanchester Academy headteacher Amy Joynes has returned home following an amazing trip to a school in Africa.

She has come back to South Somerset following her adventure to Djibouti with a reinvigorated passion for “education for all.”

Education for All is one of the 17 UN sustainable development goals and the focus of the recent expedition led by Frontline Children’s Ambassador and celebrity adventurer and author Jordan Wylie.

Amy has described the trip as life changing. One of the key purposes of the trip was to provide the school with supplies which included donations of health supplies, stationary, toys and musical instruments. She also delivered over 200 letters written by children from Yeovil Schools.

On arriving in Djibouti, Amy explained that you cannot help but be struck by the level of poverty that almost every family is living in, a significant factor of which is the lack of sanitation and hygiene facilities.

Images of families washing in dirty street water, children playing with rubbish and families roaming the deserts will remain with her for a very long time. But so too will the clear joy on children’s faces to be going into school every day and the amazement at seeing what Lego can do or the never before heard noise that a recorder can make.

Amy said: “In many respects the trip was overwhelming. An incredible amount has been achieved simply in building a school, but the lack of infrastructure in the country and skill brings you to wonder how on earth the school was achieved and clearly demonstrated the incredible determination that one man had in making it happen. But there is much to do.

“Children in Djibouti are not expected to attend school until age six and in the desert, of which much of Djibouti is, the schools are few and far between, children sometimes walking for hours in extreme heat to attend.

“Recognising though that even by six many children are already working with families or are being innovative or entrepreneurial to earn a wage for their family and therefore not inclined to attend, Jordan, with the inspiration of a young orphan realised that starting school earlier was crucial.”

The school is Eys’Ayla starts at age four – a new concept to Djibouti. The need for this earlier education in such a poverty stricken country became clear during Amy’s visit where she recognised the challenge children had in even holding a crayon, let alone a recorder because the dexterity in their hands was lacking due to limited access to play or use their fine motor skills until they arrive at school – if indeed they do.

During the visit the children in the school were thrilled to receive the letters from Somerset, but were almost bewildered, having never seen a letter before.

They returned the kindness with pictures of their own which Amy will be delivering in coming weeks – this may

Children all set to move back to new Milford Junior School

CHILDREN will be moving back into Milford Junior School in Yeovil at the beginning of January, it has been announced.

New school buildings have been installed at the site in Milford Road after the old school was suddenly closed down because of safety fears just days before the start of the new 2022-23 academic year.

Pupils were moved to continue their education in other schools, but parents have now been told that they can return to Milford on Thursday, January 5, 2023.

“So that there is time to move all of the items from our host schools in to the new school and get the building ready for

the children, Friday, December 16, will now be a Home Learning day and the three host schools will be closed for our children,” said a school spokesman.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023, is already an INSET day but in order to make sure the classrooms and rest of the school are ready and inviting for the children, they will be having another INSET day on Wednesday, January 4, 2023.

“Therefore, children will be returning to school on Thursday, January 5. We have minimised the disruption of the move back to Milford as much as possible and want to thank you for your understanding with this,” added the spokesman.

seem like a simple task, but for children who have not held crayons, seen pictures or letters like these before or certainly understood the movement of these letters across the world to them – this was a significant moment in their young lives and that of the teachers who travel hours away from their homes to work with them, and will be remembered for a long time to come.

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Children show off pictures. Amy Joynes at the school in Djibouti. Amy Joynes with Jordan Wylie and a couple of the Djibouti children.


WELCOME to the Coffee Break Chat feature to the Yeovil Press – YOUR monthly community newspaper – in which we ask somebody from the local community a set of random questions.

Each month we will pose 35 questions to a member of the local community and they will give their truthful and honest answers about their likes and dislikes, hopes and aspirations and childhood memories.

It is all a bit of fun, but might provide some interesting and discussionprovoking questions along the way for Yeovil Press readers.

The cost of living crisis seems to be hitting the headlines more and more recently and people might find themselves struggling financially.

Fortunately there is the Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre right here in Yeovil based at St John’s Church and managed by Steve Hart which can offer advice to people who are finding things


Steve has very kindly agreed to take part in this month’s Coffee Break Chat feature.

For more information about Christians Against Poverty - go to

Coffee Break Chat has been kindly sponsored by the No5 Café Diner which can be found at Kingfisher Close in Gazelle Road on the Lynx Trading Estate.

The No5 Cafe Diner has an extensive breakfast and lunch menu.

6 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
seconds 1: Name:
2: Occupation or associated with: Manager of the Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre 3: Live: Yeovil 4: Places of education: Mostly in Plymouth 5: Who was/were your best pal/pals at school? William (Billy) McTaggart 6: What was your favourite lesson at school? Maths 7: What is your proudest moment? Marrying my wife Anne 8: What is your favourite meal? Steak 9: What was your favourite TV programme as a child? Thunderbirds 10: What is the one thing you cannot resist? Cake 11: What is your favourite drink? Cocktails especially from Kazbar in Yeovil 12: What is your favourite film? Top Gun - Maverick 13: What is your favourite band or pop group? Bachman Turner Overdrive 14: Who is your favourite singer? Elton John 15: What was the first record you ever bought? Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone by The Temptations 16: Tea or Coffee? Decent coffee 17: Cinema or Theatre? Theatre 18: Going out or staying in? Going out 19: What is your favourite sport? Football 20: What is your
moment? When
21: What is your
of 13 The 2022 movie Top Gun: Maverick starring Tom Cruise. Turn to Question 12. The ever-popular sci-fi children’s series Thunderbirds. Turn to Question 9. Who doesn’t like some cake? Turn to Question 10. Christians Against Poverty in Yeovil. Turn to Question 2. Cocktails aplenty. Turn to Question 11.
PHOTO: Steve Hart.
35 questions in 60
Steve Hart
favourite sporting
Manchester City won the Premier League in 2012 against Queens Park Rangers by reversing a 2–1 deficit by scoring two goals in stoppage time with the winner being scored by Sergio Aguero.
favourite football team? Manchester City and I’ve supported them for 52 years, since the age

If a film was made about you –what actor would you want to play you? Jim Carrey 27: If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? Jesus, and as a Christian, when I die, I will get to meet Him. 28: Have you ever ridden in a police car? I’ve ridden in the Yeovil Police van,

having spent an evening with the Police, whilst being a Street Pastor.

Which three traits define you? Loyalty, Commitment, Caring

What is the best book you have ever read? The Bible

What food would you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat? Tripe

If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? Caribbean because of the warm climate

How many bones have you broken? None

When you were little, what did you want to be? Loved 35: Tell us something that might surprise us about you: I lived with foster parents and in two children’s homes in my teenage years.

7 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out DINE IN - SIT OUT - TAKEAWAY FULL MENU AVAILABLE | DELIVERY AVAILABLE Open from 7.30am to 3pm Mondays to Fridays & 8am to 2pm Saturdays We now have online ordering for buffets, parties, wakes and gatherings on our website | 01935 433665 1 Kingfisher Close, Gazelle Road, Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil BA20 2PJ | Three ways to pre-order your food for collection or delivery: 1: Phone 01935-433665 2: Email 3: Direct message on No5 Catering’s Facebook page. Or you can come to the diner and place your order over the counter. 22: What is your favourite holiday destination? Caribbean 23: What is your favourite board game? Chess 24:
What would you name the autobiography of your life? I’m actually writing it! SURVIVOR though I’m sure it will end up being a different name.
If you won the National Lottery, what is the first thing you would do? I’ve never spent any money of gambling on the National Lottery.
Anyone for a game of chess? Turn to Question 23. Reigning Premier League champions Manchester City. Turn to Question 21. Actor Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Turn to Question 26. British music legend Sir Elton John. Turn to Question 14. Ian Gillan – an English singer best known as the lead vocalist and lyricist for the rock band Deep Purple. Turn to Question 15. Sergio Aguero goes to celebrate after scoring the goal which clinched the Premier League title for Manchester City in 2012. Turn to Question 20. Papa Was a Rolling Stone by The Temptations was a Grammy-award winning cover version by The Temptations in September 1972. It was originally recorded by The Undisputed Truth earlier that same year in May 1972. Turn to Question 15. Bachman-Turner Overdrive was a Canadian rock band which was formed in the 1970s. Turn to Question 13. Street Pastors is an inter-denominational network of Christian charities that operate around the world who support people in need of help. Turn to Question 28.
The Bible consists of about 611,000 words. Turn to Question 30.

Love Yeovil looks ahead to an exciting future for the town

THE Love Yeovil group is looking forward to benefiting from more funding opportunities in the future after gaining Community Interest Company status.

The group is made-up of a number of dedicated volunteers – along with one paid member of staff – who all come together each month and brainstorm ideas for future events in the town.

Love Yeovil will now be a special type of limited company which exists to benefit the community rather than private shareholders.

It will be applying for more funding which in return means that it has legally promised that all of its funds will be used for social objectives for the town.

Marketing and events co-ordinator, Alice Edmonds, said: “Love Yeovil has been around for a number of years, working to improve the town centre and market Yeovil in a positive way.

“I truly feel that we are a unique organisation, filling the gaps in the current provision for the town. The decision to become a CIC was an easy one as we wanted to become more financially sustainable, going for other pots of funding for specific projects which will help us to do more good within the town.

“I’m keen to help people change the way they think about Yeovil. We, as residents, are the best and worst at promoting where we live - I just want to remind people to love where they live

and share that love with others.”

Following previous successes of events run by Love Yeovil, there is a lot in the pipeline for 2023.

Next year will be the third year of the collaborative event, Yeovil Together, and there are some exciting things in the planning.

Jusna Mustafa, the community engagement officer at Somerset Diverse Communities, works with the large group of volunteers to help organise the Yeovil Together event which embraces food, dancing and music from across the world.

“People come in their cultural clothes and show how proud they are to be part of the global community and part of the

Yeovil community,” said Jusna. “Yeovil is different now - it’s ok to be different.

“Let’s welcome and celebrate these new communities. Let’s be proud of Yeovil!”

Alice added: “The Love Yeovil group always welcomes new ideas. If you would like to be involved as a business or a resident please do contact us.”

Go to or find Love Yeovil on Facebook to keep up-to-date with latest news of events.

Nationwide thanked for continued support Linda's looking for bus shelter information

YEOVIL Hospital Charity volunteer Karina Parsons (second left) is pictured receiving a fantastic cheque for £1,159.58 from members of the team at the Nationwide Building Society branch in Yeovil. The Nationwide branch in Middle Street – managed by Julie Turner (second

right) – ran a super spooky Hallowe’en themed raffle in aid of the hospital’s ongoing breast cancer unit appeal.

A spokesman for the Yeovil Hospital Charity said they would like to Julie and her team at Nationwide for their wonderful continued support.

BUS campaigner Linda Snelling has launched a project to find out the condition of all the bus shelters in Yeovil.

Linda, who wants to see better bus services in Yeovil, has recently asked people to give her information about the bus shelters near to them which are still in use.

“I am trying to put together a list of Yeovil’s “live” bus shelters, all those still served by buses, to find out the exact condition of each one and what can be done to improve them,” said Linda on the Yeovil Bus Users Group page on social media Facebook.

Linda has asked people to take photos of any bus stops in the town along with information about whether they are damaged, dirty, daubed in graffiti, have missing glass and if they have up-to-date timetables.

“I only have one pair of feet and there are quite a lot of shelters in the town,” said Linda. “For so long these shelters have been neglected and yet funnily enough bus stops are actually vitally important – especially this time of year.”

For more information find the Yeovil Bus Users Group on Facebook.

PHOTO: A bus shelter outside of Yeovil College on Mudford Road in Yeovil.

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Appeal launched after sexual assault in Yeovil

POLICE have been appealing for witnesses after a woman was sexually assaulted on a footpath in Yeovil.

Officers have been looking for anyone who was in the area at the top of Newton Road and Ivel Court in Yeovil on Thursday, October 27, at around 4.45pm.

The incident happened on a singletrack footpath up the hill. Two men were walking along the path with the victim when she was sexually assaulted by one of them.

The officer in the case, PC Claire Poole,

said: “We are treating this as an isolated incident and believe the parties are known to each other.

“We have arrested one man, aged 46, on suspicion of sexual assault and he has been released on police bail as the investigation continues.

“We continue to offer the victim all the support she needs following the incident.”

If you have any information, or saw anything suspicious, please call 101 and quote reference 5222258996.

Babies escorted from smoke-logged home following bedroom fire

TWO babies and one adult had to be helped to safety following a fire at a house in Yeovil in the early hours of December 5.

The alarm was raised at just after midnight when somebody rang 999 to report a fire within their home and that they were unable to get out due to the smoke.

Three fire engines were immediately sent to the scene while the occupant who had made the call stayed on the phone and received guidance on how to remain safe until the firefighters arrived.

A spokesman for the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service said: “The crews were kept up-to-date while they were going to the incident and were informed that there was an adult and two babies upstairs who were unable to

get out, while another adult and child downstairs had already managed to evacuate the property.

“Crews confirmed once they got there that there had been a fire within a firstfloor bedroom, which was now out, but there was smoke logging in the property.

“One adult and two babies were escorted out of the house by fire crews.”

It was reported that in total six people were suffering from smoke inhalation and they went to hospital for a check-up.

There was 20 per cent fire and 90 per cent smoke damage to the first-floor bedroom, 60 per cent smoke damage to landing and stairs and ten per cent smoke damage to a loft bedroom.

“The cause of the fire was accidental,” added the Fire Service spokesman.

Council wants to support warm hubs in Yeovil

A PROPOSAL to turn the council chamber of Yeovil Town Council into a warm hub to help during the costof-living crisis was given a chilly reception.

Cllr Andy Kendall, speaking at the council’s policy, resources and finance committee on November 22, suggested that the chamber on the first floor of the Town House building in Union Street could be used as a warm hub for people to use to get out of the cold.

“Our heating system is on upstairs and we have a lot of people in the town centre who could use this room as a warm hub,” he said. “It’s a room which is heated and not used.”

Town clerk Amanda Card said that in practical terms it would not be possible to use the council chamber.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to use this room,” she said. “I’m not sure how we

could staff this or meet the regulations.

“We should be supporting the places that already are up and running and have the volunteers.”

But Cllr Tareth Casey added: “I don’t think it is out of the question what Andy has actually suggested.”

Cllr Kendall responded: “I’m not saying open it up for meals and entertainment, but just to open it up to people for a couple of hours of warmth. This is an emergency.”

Cllr Graham Oakes said: “People in Yeovil need to know where they can go. We need to support and encourage those organisations who are already running warm hubs.

“Literally across the road from the council we’ve got the Yeovil Baptist Church which is running a warm hub and that is better than having one here.”

New day theatre at Yeovil Hospital will help to reduce waiting times

THE building of a new £5million day theatre has begun at Yeovil District Hospital.

The day theatre is set to open next spring and the building is beginning to take shape on the hospital’s original car park site and will help to significantly reduce the waiting times that grew during the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown restrictions.

Using funding from the Government’s Targeted Investment Fund, almost £5 million is being invested, with the new building including a theatre suite with recovery rooms, reception and waiting areas, office space and a dedicated staff facility.

The theatre will be key in reducing the wait time for day-case patients needing procedures in five specialties – breast; general surgery; dermatology; ear, nose and throat; and trauma and orthopaedics.

Medical Director for Acute Hospitals (Somerset), Dr Merry Kane, said: “It’s exciting to see how quickly the new theatre is taking shape, and fantastic to

see this level of ongoing investment in Yeovil Hospital.

“The day surgery teams in breast, general surgery, dermatology, ENT and orthopaedics know we have a lot of work to do to ensure we see and treat patients as soon as possible, and this new theatre facility will increase our capacity significantly, enabling the team to reduce those waiting times for patients in a wonderful, purpose-built new environment.

“This is just one of many exciting initiatives underway to meet the evergrowing needs of the communities we care for across Somerset and beyond, ensuring our teams our supported to provide the best possible care for our patients and their families.”

Planning permission was granted in October of this year and the modern methods of construction being utilised by contractor MTX will see the theatre taking shape at pace to meet the growing demands on our services.

Two national awards for Mudford Rec team

THE grounds team at Yeovil Recreation Centre has struck gold - winning two awards in the Grounds Management Association Industry Awards 2022.

After reaching the finals in 2019, the team has smashed it this year winning not only one, but two categories in the awards.

The grounds team at Yeovil Recreation Centre – better known by many as Mudford Rec - has worked tirelessly around the clock to effectively manage the pitches and wider facilities, whilst also implementing a number of biodiversity and conservation initiatives.

The team’s efforts have seen it win both the Sports & Turf Best Environmental and Sustainability Impact Award and the

Best Managed Artificial Surfaces of the Year Award.

The team of five groundsmen at Yeovil Recreation Centre are on hand seven days a week and are responsible for the maintenance across the 37-acre site including three full-size adult and three youth-sized football pitches, a Track Mark accredited athletics arena, an artificial grass pitch which is scaled to a full-size national standard hockey pitch, two tennis courts, a nine-hole pitch and putt course and a mini-golf course.

The team also makes sure the wider greenspace is safe, accessible and brings broader environmental and ecological benefits.

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Building work is underway on the new day theatre. An artist’s impression of how the new day theatre building will look once completed at Yeovil District Hospital.

The Story of Yeovil is bringing town's history back to the future

THE Yeovil Art Space is delighted to have been awarded £96,403 from The National Lottery Heritage Fund to carry out a new community arts and heritage project on behalf of the Yeovil Art and Heritage Working Group.

The Yeovil Press reported this exciting news recently, but it is well worth repeating the story to get the message out there.

The Art and Heritage group is a formal partnership between Yeovil Art Space, Yeovil Town Council, South Somerset District Council, Yeovil’s Virtual Museum, EPS Yeovil and Yeovil Press, supported by the Somerset South West Heritage Trust. Working with the University of the West of England Regional History Centre, and a number of local organisations, groups and schools, the Story of Yeovil project will bring a programme of events, talks, educational resources, displays, workshops and publications to Yeovil residents and visitors from further afield in the next 18 months until March 2024.

A spokesman for Story of Yeovil said: “We are thrilled to have received this support from the Heritage Fund, thanks to National Lottery Players. Together with our partners, we are confident the project will bring a variety of opportunities to the Yeovil community to share and discover more about our town and to be proud of its history and place in Somerset.

“We are looking forward to collaborating with many organisations in Yeovil to deliver this project, including Love Yeovil, Yeovil College, Abri Housing, Yeovil Library, Quedam Shopping Centre, Yeovil4Family and different neighbourhoods across the town, such as Birchfield and Westfield and we welcome more communities to join us in this exciting project.”

Focusing on exploring Yeovil’s heritage and history through the voice of local communities and creativities we have plans for three themes to explore Yeovil’s community heritage and social history throughout time from diverse


View of Yeovil will focus on the significant heritage of architecture and landscape within Yeovil, exploring and recording people’s memories and stories that are woven through areas and buildings in the town, looking at photographs and local walks.

Taste of Yeovil will look at the story of local produce from the town’s butchers and greengrocers to restaurants, corner shops and family traditions - capturing stories of ‘food culture’ overtime, specific to Yeovil and its communities with a recipe book project and workshop events.

Sound of Yeovil highlights the rich live music and entertainment scene of Yeovil past and present, putting a spotlight on the existing culture in Yeovil with a series of workshops and live music and performances.

Funded by Heritage Fund, plans for Story of Yeovil outline the educational and exciting creative possibilities

for the project including a series of research and engagement activities, including community heritage forums, young ambassadors programme, and community workshops on creative writing and visual arts.

From May 2023 you can expect to see a series of online exhibitions on Yeovil’s Virtual Museum - the A-to-Z of Yeovil’s History by local historian Bob Osborn - and multi-site exhibitions of heritage and new art commission across the town centre, resulting from research on the South Somerset Heritage Collection, alongside an open-source digital audio/ visual heritage map and an extensive educational programme for schools.

The Yeovil Press will be running monthly features as well with news from the Story of Yeovil project.

If you would like to find out how to get involved and learn more about the project, please email storyofyeovil@ .

HERE are just some photos which could be used in the Story of Yeovil – there are hundreds more. What stories do you have of Yeovil? If you would like to find out how to get involved and .

Yeovil woman Marion Wright who survived the tragedy of the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912. Marion, 26, was travelling to America to marry Arthur Woolcott who she had met in Yeovil and had fallen in love with. He had moved to the United States a few years earlier. When the Titanic hit an iceberg on April 10, 1912, Marion was put into lifeboat number nine – just one of the 20 lifeboats on board. More than 1,500 people died in the disaster, while just 705 survived. Marion and her fellow survivors were picked up by the RMS Carpathia and taken to New York. Within a few days Marion had married Arthur and they set up home in Oregon. Arthur died in 1961 and Marion passed away in 1965 aged 80.

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Yeovil Town FC became talk of the country and beyond in 1949 when the non-league side produced one of the biggest FA Cup giant-killing upsets of all-time when they beat Sunderland in the Fourth Round. learn more about the project, please email On Wednesday, September 7, 1642, the English Civil war came to Yeovil when Babylon Hill was the site of a skirmish – known as the Battle of Babylon Hill – in which a force of Parliamentarian Roundheads under the control of the Earl of Bedford defeated the Royalist Cavaliers under Sir Ralph Horton. This is a painting by Dorset artist Francis Newberry which shows the Earl of Bedford’s forces mustering in the churchyard of St John’s Church in Yeovil. Queen Elizabeth II visited Yeovil on May 2, 2012, as part of her tour of the nation to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of her accession to the throne in 1952. She arrived by train at Pen Mill Railway Station and then travelled along Sherborne Road, Reckleford and Queensway before visiting the Yeovil Country Park at Ninesprings. A young sportsman from Milford Junior School practices his batting in the garden of his home in Yeovil during the 1960s. Ian Botham would go on to become a Somerset and England cricket legend.

Come and share your heritage Story of Yeovil and be part of the project

THE Super Saturday event in Yeovil provides the perfect setting for launch pad events for the new Story of Yeovil arts and heritage project.

The project will be celebrating the town and connecting with communities on what your Story of Yeovil sounds like.

Yeovil Art Space will be hosting two creative events and activities for the town’s Super Saturday on Saturday, December 10.

Find the giant Y.E.O.V.I.L letters in St John’s Churchyard and help to decorate the huge letters to make your mark and add colour to make this landmark event piece as a collaborative community.

Also visit Yeovil Art Space in the Quedam Shopping Centre for a drop in creative workshop where you can make your Story of Yeovil ‘Christmassy’ goodies to share with your friends and family.

At both stops you will be able to find out more about this special community

centred arts and heritage project that will be all over town in the next 18 months and how you can get involved.

The Story of Yeovil project steered by the Yeovil Art and Heritage Working Group is forging ahead thanks to an award of nearly £100,000 from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The group is a formal partnership between Yeovil Art Space, Yeovil Town Council, South Somerset District Council, Yeovil’s Virtual Museum, EPS Yeovil and Yeovil Press, supported by the Somerset South West Heritage Trust and will be working with many wonderful local organisations and partners in the coming months to reach out across the Yeovil community.

For more information go to www.

PHOTO: A 1911 photo of a procession through Yeovil town centre.

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I WOULD like to start with a special thank you to all businesses and everyone who contributed or helped to make this year’s charity ball a memorable one.

The evening at Westland’s entertainment venue was powered-up by phenomenal music from Electric Peach, allowing guests to live for the moment and enjoy themselves.

The generosity from everyone during these challenging times has been greatly appreciated. All monies raised have been split equally between SSAFA and Mind in Somerset - both charities pass on their gratitude too.

This past month I have had several engagements with Yeovil College in various avenues. I joined their leadership group where I watched how the college, local business representatives and networkers are driving forward the younger generation’s ideas to put our town on everyone’s map.

One clear vision everyone shared is to retain our local talent by offering them the skills and jobs they will need to have a successful local future.

One of my recent engagements with the college was for their University Centre’s Graduation ceremony where everyone’s dreams and devotion became

real. May I offer a huge congratulations to all the graduates, I felt honoured to be part of your special day.

The countdown to Christmas has definitely started! Radio Ninesprings worked its magic to mark this occasion by putting on music and rides and creating a fine spray of snow to enhance the visits from Spiderman and Aladdin. It was lovely to see so many families joining in with the festive fun.

I was excited to be part of the Yeovil Chamber Business Awards 2022 and immensely proud to sponsor a social care award on behalf of Yeovil Town Council.

Well done to everyone who was nominated or received an award, seeing the hard work and dedication that goes on behind the scenes – I think you all deserve a round of applause. Christine Jones and Steve Sowden of the Yeovil Press - a very special well done on being community champions again for a second year.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a meaningful and stressfree Christmas and remind people to be kind to themselves as well as to others.


• Westfield (near the Co-op)

• Forest Hill shopping precinct

• St John’s Road Shops

12 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out a
DIARY: The countdown to Christmas has definitely started! YEOVIL TOWN COUNCIL Defibrillators in Yeovil
Where’s your nearest defibrillator? To help increase awareness of the locations of publically accessible defribrillators – we need your help! We want a definitive list of those defribillators which are available for public use. If you are aware of a defribillator in Yeovil, please let us know. “Guardians of the defibrillators” We want to increase the number of defibrillat ors in Yeovil and investigating installing one in each of the following areas:
07773 162369 @YeovilTownCouncil
Town Centre (near Boots) We are “guardians” to the defibrillator at Milford Hall. Business contributions/sponsorship Do you know a local business that would like to contribute towards the costs?

steals the show as cameo Freddie

THE Mayor of Yeovil’s annual charity ball was another outstanding success as party-goers danced the night away.

Over 200 people attended the ball held at the Westlands Yeovil entertainment venue on November 26 to help raise money for the Mind in Somerset charity and SSAFA The Armed Forces Charity –the nominated charities for Yeovil Mayor, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones.

After the guests had enjoyed a lovely meal there was an auction carried out by ball compere Steve Carpenter while

people could also get involved with various draws, raffles and a fun casino.

Live music was provided by the super band Electric Peach and they started their set with a rendition of the great Queen track – I Want to Break Free.

And people were treated to a surprise appearance by the Mayor who entered the stage pushing a vacuum cleaner and dressed like Freddie Mercury just as he did in the iconic video which went with Queen’s I Want to Break Free in 1984.

PHOTOS: Christine Jones.

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Mercury appearance

Everything changes every single day

GUEST speaker Cllr Dave Woan, a member of Yeovil Town Council and Somerset County Council, believes that every new day presents new opportunities.

“You do not know where life will take you,” he told the audience. “Nothing is a given, and you can be blown off course unexpectedly at any time.

“Everything changes, every single day. As well as challenges, every day will present opportunity. Keep your eyes and ears open. If you spot something, just go for it and try it.

“If it works – great; but if it doesn’t work out, you’ll hopefully know to do something different next time the same thing comes around.

“There is no worse feeling I know than when I think “if only I had.” Sure; you’ll feel the challenges life will throw at you every day.

“There will be pushbacks and crises. But if you can keep focused on what you’re good at and what drives you, and keep believing in yourself, it is surprising how many of the opportunities you choose to go for, seem to turn out OK.”

Ceremony dedicated to Sharon

THE graduation ceremony concluded with a celebratory gathering of friends and family and an opportunity to catch up with former classmates and to officially say goodbye to one another.

The ceremony was dedicated to Yeovil College University Centre student Sharon Hampson. She was a wonderful member of the YCUC community who sadly passed away.

Sharon’s energy, commitment to her

studies as well as her thoughtfulness and care for others touched the college community.

Her eldest daughter Laura collected the certificate which showcased how much Sharon had achieved during her time at the university centre.

At the ceremony, collection boxes were in place to raise money for St Margaret’s Hospice.

Changing lives

THE principal and chief executive officer of Yeovil College, Mark Bolton, believes that the work carried out at the university centre helps to changes lives.

“We believe that the right universitylevel education opens doors and changes lives,” he said. “We work tirelessly with our local business community to ensure

what we deliver, how and when we deliver it, hits the mark to create a more capable and prosperous community for the benefit of all.

“We see our graduates secure their dream jobs and careers every year, inspiring us and their peers to be the best we can. I love what it does for our learners.”

14 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out YEOVIL COLLEGE UNIVERSITY CENTRE GRADUATION CEREMONY 2022
The Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones. Abbey Alderwick receives the Creative Industries Outstanding Achievement Award from Yeovil College principal and chief executive Mark Bolton. Cllr Dave Woan told the audience “if you spot something, just go for it and try it.” Yeovil College principal and chief executive Mark Bolton presents Saphron Gafney with the Harry Livingstone Award for Management Excellence. Yeovil College principal Mark Bolton presented Sandra Ling with the Outstanding Trainee Teacher or Sports Coach Award. The Wayne Minter Award for Engineering Excellence was presented to Cameron Bell by Yeovil College principal Mark Bolton.

Celebrating the academic class of 2022

YEOVIL College University Centre celebrated the success of more than 100 students at their graduation ceremony which was held at the Westlands Yeovil entertainment venue.

The graduation ceremony was held on Thursday, December 1, and celebrated the achievements of the academic class of 2022.

Not only was it a fantastic opportunity

to celebrate with the graduating class but also an opportunity to recognise several outstanding students who received awards.

Friends, family, local employers and community partners, including guest speaker Cllr David Woan and chairman of the Yeovil College Corporation, Peter Thomas, were joined by representatives from the University of Gloucestershire,

the Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones, and local councillors to witness over 100 students graduate from a wide range of qualifications.

Qualifications recognised during the ceremony included Honours Degrees, Foundation Degrees, Diplomas, Degree Apprenticeships, Professional Certificates and Postgraduate qualifications. Several

subject areas were conferred including Media, Photography, Graphic Design, Business, Childhood Studies, Healthcare, Engineering, Computing and Sport.

For the first time, students from the BSc Social Work, HND in Policing and Degree Apprenticeship in Business Administration, were conferred.

PHOTOS: Courtesy of Len Copland.

Special awards for outstanding students

A SELECT number of students were given special awards in recognition of their efforts while at the Yeovil College University Centre.

These were presented to students who had notably gone above and beyond what was expected of them and achieving academic excellence.

The awards were judged by an independent judging panel who took all evidence into consideration. The winners of the prestigious awards were as follows: Harry Livingstone Award for Management Excellence – Saphron


The Wayne Minter Award for Engineering Excellence – Cameron Bell.

Outstanding Trainee Teacher or Sports Coach Award – Sandra Ling.

Creative Industries Outstanding Achievement Award – Abbey Alderwick .

Outstanding Health, Social Work and Childcare Professional Award – Carly Dunn.

Yeovil College University Centre Outstanding Professionalism Award –Rowena Murray.

Studying at Yeovil has been an amazing experience

THE student speaker during the graduation ceremony was Abbey Alderwick who gave an inspirational speech about her personal journey throughout her time studying at the Yeovil College University Centre.

“I have been studying at Yeovil College University Centre for the past two years on the FdA Photography course,” she said.

“Studying here has been an amazing experience as I have been able to develop my photography skills both creatively and professionally throughout the various modules and practical workshops.

“The past two years have been very unpredictable to say the least, as we all know Covid wasn’t easy for anyone, but especially for all of us students moving into full-time Higher Education.”

And Abbey added: “The support that I had from the lecturers within the Creative Industries department was second to none within these uncertain times.

“They were attentive when I needed advice, and I can’t thank them all enough for this as I was able to create work that I was very proud of, and my grades reflected this.”

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Students celebrate at their graduation ceremony. All smiles for Yeovil College University Centre officials and special guests. All smiles at the graduation ceremony as they pose for a selfie. Yeovil College principal and chief executive Mark Bolton addresses the audience.


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area For more news check out
Ceremony-goers smile for the camera! Deep in conversation. Yeovil MP Marcus Fysh addresses the audience. Yeovil Press photographer Christine Jones (left) with Yeovil Town Council’s town clerk Amanda Card. The Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones, makes her presentation to the audience. Richard Howes, vice-president of the Yeovil Chamber, is pictured after being presented with a token of thanks for his help in organising the awards. The Yeovil MP Marcus Fysh with the Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones (right), and Yeovil Chamber of Commerce president Jo Reynolds. The Yeovil Chamber Business Awards lunch and ceremony was well-attended.

Yeovil Press wins Community Champion award on a day of business celebration

THE third-ever Yeovil Chamber Business Awards took place at Yeovil Town Football Club on December 2 in a fantastic lunchtime ceremony.

The awards celebrate local business success and the ceremony has become a popular event in the local calendar and was enjoyed by everyone in attendance.

The Yeovil Press was thrilled to retain the Community Champion award and Steve Sowden and Christine Jones were presented with the award by Mark Bolton, principal and chief executive of Yeovil College, who had sponsored the category.

Steve said: “Truly humbled and honoured to have won the Yeovil Chamber of Trade Business Awards’ Community Champion Award for a second successive year.

“I stick by my word that although Yeovil

has its issues, of which there are many, and no different to any other town, there are so many positives to be taken from our community that far outweigh the negatives that we should feel fortunate to live in such a lovely part of the world. That is what the Yeovil Press is all about!”

Guest speakers at the awards ceremony included Marcus Fysh MP and Cllr Evie Potts-Jones, Mayor of Yeovil. Cllr PottsJones was also the compere of the event and kept the proceedings on track.

Jo Reynolds, president of Yeovil Chamber of Commerce, praised all who entered and those who were nominated for awards, stating that this was a testament to the amazing businesses we have in the region and the strength, resilience, and innovation that business owners have continued to demonstrate despite recent challenges.

Jo also talked about how important these awards are for the business community and as part of Yeovil Chamber’s continuing work in the business community, it was a privilege to be able to organise and host them.

She thanked the Yeovil Chamber’s executive team who as volunteers had made all the magic happen since she took over the role in February. Special thanks were given to Richard Howes, vicepresident and sales director of Kontrolit in Yeovil who helped plan and deliver the whole event.

Jo said: “Next year is a very exciting year for Yeovil Chamber with its new sector hubs maturing and offering additional support and opportunities for hundreds of businesses across the area.

“We are already looking forward to the 2023 Yeovil Chamber Business Fair and

celebrating again at the fourth Yeovil Chamber Business Awards.”

Businesses are invited to contact Jo directly if they would like to be involved or to look at the website www. for more details about the ongoing work.

PHOTOS: All photos taken during the Yeovil Chamber Business Awards ceremony and courtesy of Len Copland, unless otherwise stated.

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CHAMBER BUSINESS AWARDS 2022 CELEBRATING LOCAL INNOVATION, BUSINESS, SUCCESS AND COMMUNITY SPIRIT YEOVIL CHAMBER BUSINESS AWARDS 2022 ROLL OF HONOUR Young Business 2022 Auxilium HR Solutions Ltd Sponsored by Battens Solicitors SME Business 2022 Emerald First Aid Training Sponsored by Milsted Langdon Customer Service Award 2022 CETSAT Sponsored by Porter Dodson A Great Place to Work 2022 Porter Dodson Solicitors Sponsored by Jurassic Fibre Exceptional Employee 2022 Steve James of the Da Vinci Restaurant Sponsored by Gareth Webb & Co Outstanding Contribution by an Individual Rachael Brannagan Sponsored by Leonardo Helicopters Community Champion 2022 Yeovil Press Sponsored by Yeovil College Social Care Business 2022 The Elms Residential Home Sponsored by the Mayor of Yeovil Retail Business 2022 The Cake Box Bakery Sponsored by Yeovil Town FC Hospitality and Leisure Business 2022 Tamburino Ristorante Sponsored by South Somerset District Council Manufacturing and Engineering Business 2022 Pittards Sponsored by Garador Environmental/Green Business 2022 Ceres Natural and Organic Foods Sponsored by Albert Goodman Overall Business of the Year 2022 Total Wellbeing Matters Sponsored by Yeovil Chamber of Commerce
COMMUNITY CHAMPION 2022: The Yeovil Press editor Steve Sowden (second right) and photographer Christine Jones (second left) receive the award from sponsor Mark Bolton (centre), of Yeovil College, along with Yeovil Chamber president Jo Reynolds (left) and the Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones (right). Yeovil Press editor Steve Sowden (centre) is pictured with Sam Thorne, of Northseam Independent Financial Planning, and Ellie Hann, of Stuart Foster Funeral Services, who were also nominated for the Community Champion award. Photo: Christine Jones. Left: The Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones, with Steve Sowden, editor of the Yeovil Press. Above left: Deborah and Rob Gingell, of the Cake Box Bakery, who won the Retail Business award, are pictured with the Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones. Above right: The principal and chief executive of Yeovil College, Mark Bolton (left), congratulates Yeovil Press editor Steve Sowden as he goes up to receive the Community Champion award. Photos: Christine Jones.


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MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING BUSINESS 2022: A representative of award sponsors Garador (second left) is pictured presenting the award to representatives of Pittards (centre and second right) along with Yeovil Chamber of Trade president Jo Reynolds (left) and Cllr Evie-Potts-Jones, Mayor of Yeovil (right). HOSPITALITY AND LEISURE BUSINESS 2022: Domenico Taravella (second right), of Tamburino Ristorante, is pictured receiving the award from Yeovil Chamber of Trade president Jo Reynolds (left) and Cllr Evie-Potts-Jones, Mayor of Yeovil (right), along with Cllr Dave Woan who was representing award sponsors South Somerset District Council. RETAIL BUSINESS 2022: Mark Robinson (centre), of award sponsors Yeovil Town FC, presents the award to Deborah Gingell (second left) and Rob Gingell (second right) of the Cake Box Bakery. Also pictured are Yeovil Chamber of Trade president Jo Reynolds (left) and Cllr Evie-Potts-Jones, Mayor of Yeovil (right). ENVIRONMENTAL AND GREEN BUSINESS 2022: A representative of award sponsor Albert Goodman, Bradley Johnson (second left), and Yeovil Chamber of Trade president Jo Reynolds (left) and Cllr Evie-Potts-Jones, Mayor of Yeovil (right) present the award to Pete Jenkins of Ceres Natural Foods Ltd. YOUNG BUSINESS 2022: Auxilium HR Solutions Ltd receives its award from category sponsors Battens Solicitors plus Yeovil Chamber of Trade president Jo Reynolds (left) and Cllr Evie-Potts-Jones, Mayor of Yeovil (right). SME BUSINESS 2022: Ash Hunt, of Emerald First Aid, receives his award from Yeovil Chamber of Trade president Jo Reynolds (left), Cllr Evie-Potts-Jones, Mayor of Yeovil (second left) and a representative of award sponsors Milsted Langdon. A GREAT PLACE TO WORK 2022: A representative of award sponsors Jurassic Fibre (second left) present the award to a representative of Porter Dodson Solicitors (second right) along with Yeovil Chamber of Trade president Jo Reynolds (left) and Cllr Evie-Potts-Jones, Mayor of Yeovil (right). OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION 2022: Award recipient Rachael Brannagan (second right) receives her award from a representative of award sponsors Leonardo Helicopters plus Yeovil Chamber of Trade president Jo Reynolds (left) and Cllr Evie-Potts-Jones, Mayor of Yeovil (right).
WISHING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS A VERY HAPPY AND SAFE CHRISTMAS. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT DURING THE PAST YEAR. 01935 421453 We are still taking orders for Christmas cakes, Yule logs, Battenbergs until Saturday December 17th. Yeovil Chamber Business Awards 2022 Retail Business of the Year
SOCIAL CARE BUSINESS 2022: The Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones (right), who sponsored the award, and Yeovil Chamber of Trade president Jo Reynolds (left) are pictured with representatives of The Elms Residential Care Home.


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OVERALL BUSINESS OF THE YEAR 2022: Amanda Whitlock (right), of Total Wellbeing Matters, receives the award from Jo Reynolds, president of the Yeovil Chamber of Trade. CUSTOMER SERVICE AWARD 2022: A representative of award sponsors Porter Dodson Solicitors (left) is pictured presenting the award to representatives (second left and second right) of CETSAT Ltd. Also pictured are Yeovil Chamber of Trade president Jo Reynolds (centre) and Cllr Evie-Potts-Jones, Mayor of Yeovil (right).



Top-notch team is being assembled to work at Chestnut Lodge in Yeovil

THE manager of a new specialist dementia care home in Yeovil has said that his team will provide the “best quality care” to residents.

Chestnut Lodge at the top of Hendford Hill is due to open in early 2023 and manager Graham Oakes – who is wellknown as a local councillor and a Yeovil Town fan – is looking forward to leading a “top-notch team” of staff which is being assembled by award-winning dementia care specialists Camelot Care.

“Dementia is a condition that affects so many families and when the decision is taken that residential care is the best way forward for a loved one, families want to know they will be supported to live their best life – which is exactly what we intend to do,” said Graham.

“We are recruiting a brand-new top-

notch team to deliver the best quality care to the people we’ll be supporting, and are keen to hear from individuals who might like to join us.

“Depending on the role, experience in the care sector is sometimes less important than the character and motivation of the applicant so anyone who thinks they might enjoy working as part of our team should feel free to contact me and find out more.”

It was a county councillor for the area who first broke the news on Facebook that the property – probably better known in its previous guise as Acacia Lodge and subject of a controversial planning application which was dismissed by South Somerset District Council earlier this year – was to be transformed into

Chestnut Lodge.

The news received a 100 per cent positive response from the public with comments including “brilliant news and much-needed for health and social care,” from Claire Mcandrew Tailby; “fantastic news, at long last, being used for the purpose it was built for,” from Keith Goad; “great news, it’s the right choice for the community and the potential new residents,” from Andrew Beamish and “this is brilliant news – a care home is so needed,” from Rose Shire.

Anyone with an interest in employment at Chestnut Lodge should contact Lorna on

Further information about Camelot Care can be found at www.camelotcare.

Welcome to Camelot Care - owners of Chestnut Lodge in Yeovil

CAMELOT Care prides itself on providing high quality person-centred care that focuses on its central principles of compassion, dignity and respect.

With around 20 years experience in providing top quality nursing and specialist dementia care to the elderly, Camelot Care is an award-winning provider of care in the South West with a number of specialist homes based in Somerset and Devon.

Camelot Care is looking forward to opening Chestnut Lodge in Hendford Hill, Yeovil, in early 2023 and providing excellent care for residents.

Highly recommended by residents and relatives alike, Camelot Care provide a safe, comfortable and stimulating environment that enable our highly trained staff to provide the best possible care.

A Camelot Care spokesman said: “The majority of our residents are people with dementia. Dementia refers to a collection of symptoms characterised by the progressive loss of cognitive abilities that affects reasoning and communication, and the ability for an individual to carry

out routine activities associated with daily living.

“At Camelot Care we focus on providing the best person-centred care for people with dementia and mental health problems. Our focus on this specific area allows us to use the knowledge that comes from our experience of the area, and along with our research and past evidence we are able to provide a tailored and person-centred approach to care for those in our homes.

“For example, for each individual we create a ‘Life Story Book’ with photos and memories from their past.

“Specialising in dementia care also enables us to create a dementia friendly environment in all our homes.

“All our homes have ‘Discovery Boards’ and ‘Rummage Boxes’ that contain distinct memorabilia and other items that help an individual reminisce about their past.”

The spokesman added: “At Camelot Care we recognise that changes to a loved one is a sensitive and long process of acceptance and we aim to not only support those in our care through this

process, but also their relatives, providing the information and guidance they need.”

Anyone with an interest in employment at Chestnut Lodge should contact Lorna


Further information about Camelot Care can be found at www.camelotcare.

20 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out BRINGING YEOVIL'S HISTORY BACK TO THE FUTURE

Welcome to Chestnut Lodge -

Yeovil's best kept secret is out!

PEOPLE have reacted with delight to the announcement that a new dementia care home is to open in Yeovil after months of campaigning.

The home, to be known as Chestnut Lodge, is expected to open in January and will initially offer nursing care for up to 24 people living with dementia, with more rooms becoming available later in the year.

Located on Hendford Hill, the property was purpose-built as a care home in 2010 and is currently undergoing a comprehensive re-fit by award-winning dementia care specialists Camelot Care.

The new manager is Graham Oakes, a well-known local figure - Yeovil born and bred - who is currently serving as leader of the town council.

Graham originally trained as a nurse at Yeovil Hospital and spent ten years with the NHS, largely in geriatric care, before changing track to become a care home manager in 1994, motivated by a desire

to deliver ongoing care to the vulnerable people he was supporting.

He has since worked in a variety of roles in different parts of the country within both the home care and the care home sector.

He comes to Chestnut Lodge from a care home in Bridport, Dorset, which was rated ‘Outstanding’ by CQC under his management, and he has also worked as a regional care director for a major healthcare group, as well as being involved in turnaround work.

“We know Chestnut Lodge will be filling a significant gap in care provision for the people of Yeovil, and have already received a high level of interest,” said Graham.

Anyone with an interest in employment at Chestnut Lodge should contact Lorna on

Further information about Camelot Care can be found at www.camelotcare.

Hendford Hill, Yeovil, Somerset

21 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out Call us today on 01935-513555 for more information or visit us online at
2023 A new care home providing quality care in the community Recruiting Now An award-winning provider of care in the community, Camelot Care offers exceptional levels of nursing care and the highest possible quality of life for those with dementia
in early


News from around South Somerset

Fatal road crash on A303 at Podimore

POLICE are appealing for witnesses after one woman sadly died in a road traffic collision on the A303 at Podimore on the outskirts of Yeovil.

Officers were called at around 7.50am on Monday, December 5, to the A303 following a three-vehicle collision involving two cars and a lorry.

A police spokesman said: “Unfortunately, a woman died at the scene, and another man was taken to hospital as a precaution.

“Our thoughts are with the woman’s family during this difficult time, and they are being supported by a specially trained family liaison officer.”

The road was closed most of the day for investigation purposes.

“We are seeking witnesses who have not yet spoken to police, or anyone with dashcam footage, to contact 101 and quote reference number 5222291026,” added the police spokesman.

High-value tools stolen from Wincanton Racecourse

POLICE are appealing for the public’s help after a high-value burglary at Wincanton Racecourse.

Officers are investigating after two John Deere lawn mowers, one John Deere Gator and a large quantity of Stihl power tools, hedge trimmers, strimmers and blowers were taken on Tuesday, November 22, between midnight and 12.30am.

A police spokesman said: “We are now asking for the public’s help to locate the stolen items. They are also appealing for any witnesses who may have been in the area or live nearby and may have seen or heard anything suspicious.”

If you have any information which could aid the investigation, please contact 101 and quote reference number 5222280307.

Thatched roof fire at home near Ilminster

FIREFIGHTERS were called to reports of a two-storey thatched property in a village near Ilminster on fire.

The alarm was raised at 10.20am on Thursday, December 1, to the home in Church Road at Ilton.

All people inside the property had evacuated the building and firefighters did all they could to save as much of the property as possible and prevent the fire escalating.

A spokesman for the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service said there were 19 fire engines in attendance at the height of the incident.

During the operation it meant that power in the area had to be switched off and it was not turned back on until later that evening to allow nearby residents to heat homes and cook.

Firefighters remained at the scene overnight to damp down hot spots in order to stop the fire escalating again.

“We want to say a huge thank you to local residents for their patience and co-operation during this long and challenging incident,” added the Fire Service spokesman. “We also want to thank our partner agencies who worked with us to tackle the incident and make sure people were safe and looked after.”

Firefighters from across the region attended the incident at some point during the operation including some from Taunton, Bridgwater, Burnham-onSea, Yeovil, Chard, Crewkerne, Ilminster, Martock and Somerton.

PHOTO: The scene at Ilton. Photo courtesy of Street Fire Station.

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Got a story? Get in touch yeovilpress @

Woman dies in road crash on A30 between Sherborne and Yeovil

POLICE officers investigating a fatal road traffic collision between Sherborne and Yeovil are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to come forward – with one man being arrested.

The incident, which happened on the A30 close to the junction with Marl Lane, was reported to police at 4.48pm on Thursday, December 1. It involved three cars – a silver Ford Zetec, a blue VW Passat and a silver Vauxhall Astra.

Very sadly a woman in her 30s from Milborne Port died at the scene. Her next of kin have been informed.

A young child from Milborne Port was taken to hospital with serious injuries and a Yeovil man in his 30s also sustained serious injuries.

A 55-year-old man from Yeovil has been arrested on suspicion of driving offences.

Police Sergeant Richard Stroud, of the traffic unit, said: “Our thoughts are with the family of the woman who sadly died.

“An investigation into the incident

is underway to establish the full circumstances and I urge anyone with information, who has not yet spoken with police, to please come forward.

“I would like to hear from any motorists who were travelling along the A30 and may have captured anything of relevance on dashcam footage.

“Finally, I would like to thank the public for their patience and understanding while the road closure was in place. This was absolutely necessary to allow us to carry out a thorough examination of the scene.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at www., via email at or by calling 101, quoting incident number 01:387. Alternatively, independent charity Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously online at or by calling Freephone 0800 555 111.

Looking pretty in pink at Vaughan Lee House


The home in Orchard Vale held a coffee and cake morning, a cake sale, raffle and other games to raise much needed funds.

Staff wore pink to work as did residents and their friends and family. A prize was awarded to the ‘pinkest’ staff member & resident.

Flooded fields provide perfect photo opportunity

A total of £342 was made on the morning with more donations still to come in.

PHOTO: Submitted.

YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
at the Vaughan Lee House in Ilminster organised a Wear it Pink Day to raise money for the Breast Cancer Now charity. Nicki Bromfield and Claire Davis, who were the main organisers, said how proud they were that the way the staff pulled together to make the event a great success. They would also like to say a huge thank you to everyone that attended. MONTACUTE man Keith Hann gave us permission to print this excellent photo he took after stopping while driving between Muchelney and Huish Episcopi late last month. “With the fields flooded everything was perfect for a good photograph – bright sunshine and good light,” he said.

Moving house is said to be one of the top 5 most stressful life events (according to Google) but for qualifying emergency service personnel, hopefully this offer makes the journey ahead a little brighter!

To receive this discount, the home owner must be an emergency services employee (in joint applications just one person must be employed to be eligible).

Please contact Joanna Shortland in our Yeovil office on 01935 426047 to discuss further and to instruct her directly to receive the discount.

NB: Evidence of employment will be required upon instruction.

We offer this discount as a token of appreciation to our NHS, Fire Services, Police, RNLI, HM Coastguard and Mountain Rescue and Armed Forces employees.


THE Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr Evie PottsJones, and Father Christmas are pictured during the switching-on of the Christmas lights in the town back on November 19.

And now, within a blink of an eye, we are rapidly moving towards the big day itself and there will be all the traditional parties and get-togethers with family, friends and work colleagues.

The ever-popular Super Saturday event makes a welcome return to Yeovil town centre just as everyone is getting excited for the Christmas season.

Super Saturday is being held on December 10 from 10am to 3.30pm.

There will be all the usual attractions and entertainers and it should be another great success for organisers at Yeovil

Town Council along with the Eat:Festival team back in town.

But plans were quickly put into place for Super Saturday to move to December 10 and coincide with when the Eat:Festival team are back in town.

Among the attractions on the day will be a traditional Punch and Judy and fun fair games along with buskfest.

Plus people will be able to have a go at being a town crier! Yeovil Town Council is looking for somebody to fill the town crier shoes following the recent retirement of long-standing crier Bruce Trigger. Anyone wanting to give it a go should pop along to King George Street on December 10 from between 10.30am to 1.30pm.



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Mayor illuminates the town in readiness for the Christmas season

EXCITEMENT for the festive season got underway on November 19 when the Christmas Lights were officially switched-on in Yeovil town centre.

The Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones, was given the honour of illuminating the town with the help of the main man himself, Father Christmas. All the fun took place at a new location this year - due to the ongoing Yeovil Refresh project work in the town – in King George Street.

The Yeovilton Military Wives Choir performed while superhero Spiderman met with fans and Elton John tribute act Almost Elton also took to the stage to entertain the crowds.

Members of the Yeovil Amateur Pantomime Society from their forthcoming production of Aladdin were also in attendance and sang songs, while Yeovil Town FC’s mascot, the Jolly Green Giant, mingled with people.

The evening – hosted by Radio Ninesprings – was a great family event and got everyone in the mood for the festive season as the Countdown to Christmas officially got started.

King George Street was packed with revellers for the switch-on and dry weather encouraged people to come out and enjoy the festivities.

PHOTOS: Christine Jones.

FATHER Christmas and friends are pictured arriving at the Palmers Garden Centre in Yeovil in readiness to meet visitors in the build-up to the festive season.

Palmers is one of the Yeovil Press’

main outlets for distributing the paper each month so get along to the garden centre to stock up on Christmas gifts for friends and family and you might even get a chance to meet Santa himself.

PHOTO: Submitted.

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Panto set to light up the stage at the Octagon Theatre in Yeovil

PANTOMIME season will soon be here at the Octagon Theatre in Yeovil with what promises to be one of the most fun-filled pantomimes seen at the theatre in recent years – the muchloved story of Dick Whittington.

Dick Whittington runs from Friday (December 9) with the last show taking place on Sunday, January 1, 2023. Once again, this fabulous production will be written by Paul Hendy, and produced by Evolution Productions –the same creative collaboration who are celebrating ten years with The Octagon!

The theatre is excited to welcome back familiar faces with the brilliantly funny Jack Glanville, Thom Bradford, Kathryn Nash and Gordon Cooper set to tread the boards at The Octagon.

Jack and Gordon are very familiar here at The Octagon; Thom and Kathryn

were both in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Nurse Nellie Saves Panto so will be familiar faces to some.

This year The Octagon welcomes to the stage for the first time the delightful Javana Forrest playing Alice and the dashing Daniel Parkinson, playing Dick Whittington. Completing the principal cast is local-born James Bamford who will be playing Tommy the Cat.

Tickets start from £16 with some brilliant family saver offers for some performances. With 42 shows to choose from, you really are spoilt for choice. Shows are selling out fast, with some already sold out, so grab your tickets now whilst you still can.

Martin Hacker, marketing manager for the Octagon Theatre and Westlands Yeovil entertainment venue, said: “We are really excited to welcome Evolution

Productions back for their 10th production here at The Octagon this year and we expect it to be the best yet.

“The highlight of the year is always our pantomime season as friends and families come together for their annual visit to the pantomime and share the laughter, joy and magic of live theatre. Nothing pleases us more when we see our patrons enjoying the show with friends and family, getting into the panto spirit and joining in.

“Our tickets have started to get limited so we urge you to book now before it is too late.”

Tickets can be purchased online at, by calling the Box Office on 01935-422884 or by visiting the Box Office during opening hours.

Martin added: “Originally pencilled to

be performed in December 2020, we’ve waited long enough to follow our onstage hero to seek his fame and fortune in London Town and be joined by the rest of the cast, where we will see plenty of shenanigans and mischief along the way.”

Some of the cast of Dick Whittington.

Military Wives Choir gets residents into the festive mood


Concert to support the Weldmar Hospice Care Trust

THE Phoenix Voices will be hosting its very own Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 17, at 7.30pm at the Holy Trinity Church in Lysander Road, Yeovil.

The group will be singing an array of old favourites from that long list of feelgood Christmas songs sung every year.

The repertoire was selected by the Phoenix’s

and they hope the audience will enjoy them as much as they do!

“We are also lucky enough to be accompanied by a small but talented orchestra, to add to the cosy family Christmas vibe,” said a choir spokesman.

This Christmas the choir is supporting the Weldmar Hospice Care Trust, a local charity, and £1 from every ticket sold will be donated to help fund the fantastic

work they do.

Tickets are priced £6 and free for children aged under-12.

Dig out your best Christmas jumpers and Christmas hats, or even better, a set of antlers, elf ears, you name it. Prizes will be given out for the best Christmas hats and outfits.

“We will also have great raffle prizes on offer, as well as some scrummy Christmas treats in the interval and a Santa’s grotto,” added the choir spokesman.

For more information about the concert including ticket information please contact via email at phoenix.voices@live. com, its Facebook page at The Phoenix Voices), its Instagram page at Phoenix Voices or by calling the choirline on 07762 724602.

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PHOTO: MEMBERS of the Yeovilton Military Wives Choir popped into the Grovelands Care Home at the top of Grove Avenue, Yeovil, to provide some Christmas cheer for residents. really was a beautiful evening and thoroughly enjoyed by all,” said a choir spokesman. PHOTO: Submitted. brilliant choir members
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Town council backs the Good Fellowship Club with extra funding

THE Yeovil-based Good Fellowship Club received an early Christmas present when it was awarded a grant for twice the amount it had requested.

The club’s Beryl Garton attended Yeovil Town Council’s policy, resources and finance committee meeting on November 22 via the Zoom conferencing technology and explained that it needed funding to keep going.

The club had requested a grant of £1,000 and this was initially set to be supported and proposed by Cllr Royston Spinner and seconded by Cllr Graham Oakes.

But the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Andy Kendall, stepped in with another proposal to award the club a £2,000 grant.

Cllr Spinner immediately withdrew his initial proposal and seconded the higher amount proposed by Cllr Kendall.

The committee unanimously supported Cllr Kendall’s £2,000 grant proposal.

The Yeovil Good Fellowship Club has been providing an afternoon’s social and recreational activity for the older generation – to help improve their quality of life – since the 1960s and is an important group for those who may be living on their own in advancing years.

The group held its Christmas luncheon at the Yeovil Sports and Social Club at Johnson Park on November 24 where the Mayor, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones, and Deputy Mayor, Cllr Andy Kendall, were special guests.

Cllr Potts-Jones and Cllr Kendall provided some entertainment at the end of the meal by leading a rendition of Auld Lang Syne with the Deputy Mayor playing his harmonica.

The Good Fellowship Club would like to thank everyone at the Yeovil Sports and Social Club who helped to make the lunch such a wonderful success.

PHOTOS: Christine Jones.

30 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS YEOVIL MUSIC CENTRE CHOIR and ORCHESTRA Present their Christmas Concert at Yeovil College’s Main Hall on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, from 7.30pm. Entry – Free Tea, Coffee and Mince Pies - £1 Please come and bring your friends More details available from 07811-760-255.

A perfect start to the Christmas season and a meal at Lanes Hotel

LANES Hotel at West Coker could be the perfect place for family, friends and work colleagues to get-together for a festive treat in the run-up to the Christmas season.

The Lanes Brasserie at the hotel has a sumptuous Christmas menu which offers three-course lunches and dinners.

A vegan menu is also available on request, while a dish can also be made gluten-free if desired by a diner.

What you are promised at Lanes is great drinks, excellent food and exceptional service – all wrapped up in a unique boutique hotel!

Traditional hamstone meets cool seamless glass. This former rectory has been sympathetically renovated to give a modern, contemporary feel to the bar and restaurant areas whilst retaining the elegance and individuality of the ten spacious bedrooms above.

A modern extension building echoes these design features and houses a further 16 well-appointed rooms, a gym and spa.

There are also four fully self-contained one and two-bedroom apartments.

The popular and lively bar features a range of local Somerset ciders, in-house crafted and aged cocktails as well as an extensive beer and spirit choice.

The restaurant, Lanes Brasserie, serves local produce in a light and uncomplicated brasserie style, complemented by a wellchosen wine list.

The menu rotates through the seasons to bring you the freshest ingredients and outstanding quality – what better way to indulge in some fine food for Christmas.

Lanes Hotel is found in the High Street, West Coker, and more details can be obtained by phoning 01935-862555 or email or go to their website at

PHOTOS: Lanes Hotel at West Coker.

31 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS LANES LUXURY HOTEL, SPA AND BRASSERIE High Street, West Coker, Somerset BA22 9AJ PHONE 01935-862555 – FAX 01935-864260 – EMAIL
32 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS 1st Day of Christmas - A Partridge in a Pear Tree 3rd Day of Christmas - Three French Hens 2nd Day of Christmas - Two Turtle Doves 4th Day of Christmas - Four Calling Birds 5th Day of Christmas - Five Gold Rings 6th Day of Christmas - Six Geese a Laying Unit 19, Bartlett Court, Sea King Road, Yeovil BA20 2NZ 01935 507077 Working with all aspects of stainless steel for the food, dairy, beverage industry from design, manufacturing and installation. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at WATLY Engineering ROGER DG KNIGHT MICF ROGER ROGERTHECELEBRANT.COM 07860 872206 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Merry Christmas from everyone at Emerald First Aid Training Excellent first aid training company with friendly and professional trainers contact @ 01935-250999 Personal & Business Advice Investments – Inheritance Tax Savings – Pensions – Protection – Tax Planning Phone 07388-015-884 Happy Christmas! | 07881 237868 | MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM JRH MEDIA YEOVIL PRESS YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year Thank you for all your support in 2022! Email:
33 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS 7th Day of Christmas - Seven Swans a Swimming 9th Day of Christmas - Nine Ladies Dancing 8th Day of Christmas - Eight Maids a Milking 10th Day of Christmas - Ten Lords a Leaping 11th Day of Christmas - Eleven Pipers Playing 12th Day of Christmas - Twelve Drummers Drumming Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Providing care we would expect for ourselves or our own families 45 Princes Street Yeovil 01935-475962 Friendly & Helpful Service Local & Long Distance Immediate and Advanced Bookings Taken Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles 4,6,7 & 8 Seaters Available 16 Seat Minibus We charge less than the meter, so you can travel cheaper 24HOURSADAY – 7 DAYSAWEEK 01935 426666 01935-426666 Merry Christmas Everyone! Let us take the strain over the festive period 2023 2023 Local independent insurance broker Dedicated to providing personalised support to businesses of all sizes 01460-206588 Windows, Doors and Conservatories mark @ 01935-411090 or 07976-362-628 4 Oxford Road, Pen Mill Trading Estate, Yeovil Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Trimco!



News from the churches in and around Yeovil

Wishing you every blessing this Christmas and for the New Year

ARE you a fan of the Christmas jumper?

Do you think they are awesome or awful?

Well, I myself am a fan.

I have a wide range of Christmas jumpers and my favourite is either Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus taking a selfie, or my ‘Elfie’ jumper with flashing lights!

I love the way that as you drive past houses at this time of year you can spot the twinkling lights from Christmas trees breaking through the curtains illuminating the windows, or as you drive through the centre of Yeovil – if you’re brave enough to face the numerous one-way systems - you can see the Christmas lights breaking through the darkness and lighting up the town centre, although there is always one set of lights that seems not to work, isn’t there?

All of these decorations and illuminations are there because we are looking forward to ‘the true light that gives light to everyone

coming into the world.’ (John chapter 1, verse

I think we need a light because we can’t avoid the darkness that is a very real part of our world. The darkness we sense and feel when we realise that people around us are struggling.

When we recognise that across our country and in our town, people need to use Foodbanks to make sure they and their family can eat.

When we hear of people who have to choose between food and warmth at this time of year, and the development of Warm Hubs or Warm Spaces in our community is a reminder of the darkness of our world.

When we see reports on our news of the ongoing war in Ukraine. But, Christmas reminds us that ‘the true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.’

We all know that personal sense of

Barry was devoted with getting Devotions published

A DIRECTOR of the Yeovil-based Oddments Theatre Company has admitted that writing a new Christian book of reflection became a test of endurance.

Barry Boyton wanted to write a story-telling “thought for the day” book that would reflect his Christian faith and inspire people.

“I wanted to produce a contemporary style book that is both an enjoyable read, educational and encouraging,” said Barry. He believes he has achieved this goal with Devotions – a book containing more than 100 different topics.

Barry added: “It’s one idea to think about writing a book, another to get 64,000 words on the pages to complete it, especially as I’ve always struggled with spelling.”

He started the project with a twoyear deadline, but admitted he rather underestimated the scale of the project.

Lockdown became a turning point for getting the project back on track. While on furlough, he spent hours researching stories, inspirational people and Biblical themes; carefully crafting each topic into a page of the book. He also had contributions from friends and family.

The book was finally finished, after fourand-a-half-years, in late October 2022 and published a few weeks later.

Barry, who is also a councillor on Yeovil Town Council, said: “Book sales have been good and we already have people recommending the book to others.

“They have been phoning the theatre

company office and ordering copies of Devotions as Christmas presents.” Devotions is available direct from the author or by contacting the Oddments Theatre office on 01935-471547.

darkness too. These last three years, shaped by Covid-19, have been full of grief, sadness, and uncertainty. We all know the darkness of being afraid, of hurting, of sicknesseither experienced ourselves or illnesses experienced by those we love – the darkness of losing someone, of feeling alone, those moments when the darkness simply seems totally overwhelming.

The question I find myself asking at these times, and I am often asked by others when the darkness simply seems overwhelming is “Dan, where is the hope?”

I think we are all searching for hope - every single one of us. So where do I believe the hope is to be found?

Well, searching Google won’t find any lasting hope.

Hope won’t be found in the Black Friday Sales, or in the pages of the Christmas

SOME Christmas events involving our local churches:

Friday, December 9: Carols in the Quedam Shopping Centre, Yeovil, from 6pm. Large stage, live music, free entry – suitable for all ages. Come and join with the Yeovil churches to sing carols and enjoy the festive season together. For more information visit

Saturday, December 10: St Peter’s Church, Yeovil: Messy Church Christmas from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Sunday, December 11: St Catherine’s Church, Montacute: Christingle Service from 4pm with a collection in aid of the Children’s Society.

Friday, December 16: Christingle Service at Palmers Garden Centre in Yeovil at 4pm.

Sunday, December 18: St James’ Church, Yeovil: Carols by Torchlight from 4.30pm in the churchyard. Bring a torch or phone light and wrap up warm!

Sunday, December 18: St James’ Church, Yeovil: Carols by Candlelight at 6.30pm.

Sunday, December 18: St John’s Church, Yeovil: Carol Service at 7pm.

Wednesday, December 21: Holy Trinity Church, Yeovil: Christmas Messy Church from 10am to 11.30am.

Wednesday, December 21: St John’s Church, Yeovil: Shopper’s Carol Service at 1.15pm.

Wednesday, December 21: Holy Trinity Church, Yeovil: Christmas Tea Party at 2pm.

Wednesday, December 21: St Peter’s Church, Yeovil: Nativity/Crib Service from 3pm.

Thursday, December 22: Holy Trinity Church, Yeovil: Carols Around the Campfire

Radio Times. Hope won’t be found in the EastEnders’ Christmas Day special or even on Strictly Come Dancing. Lasting hope won’t be coming home with the men’s England football team! Hope won’t even to be found under your Christmas Tree.

Hope, true hope, is found in the mess and muddle of the stable, laid in the feeding trough of animals, the helpless, fragile, baby Jesus. I believe that hope is found in the birth and life of Jesus. I believe that hope is made real through the death and resurrection of Jesus. I believe there is hope. True hope. His name is Jesus. The baby in the manger.

Wishing you every blessing this Christmas and for 2023.

Holy Trinity Church and Community Centre, Yeovil, and St Mary Magdalene Church, Barwick

Service at 6pm.

Thursday, December 22: St Peter’s Church, Yeovil: Carols by Candleight from 6pm.

Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24): Holy Trinity Church, Yeovil: Crib Service at 2pm.

Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24): St James’ Church, Yeovil: Nativity Service at 3pm and 5pm – including a pop-up nativity. Come in costume and join in!

Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24): St John’s Church, Yeovil: Children’s Service at 4pm.

Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24): Holy Trinity Church, Yeovil: Christmas Eve Communion at 8pm.

Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24): St John’s Church, Yeovil: Late Night Communion from 11pm.

Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24): St Peter’s Church, Yeovil. Christmas Night Communion from 11pm.

Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24): St James’ Church, Yeovil. Christmas Night Communion from 11pm.

Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25): Holy Trinity Church,Yeovil: Christmas Day Service at 10am.

Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25): St Peter’s Church, Yeovil: Coffee, carols, pop-up nativity from 10am.

Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25): St James’ Church, Yeovil: Christmas Day Family Communion at 10.30am.

Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25): St John’s Church, Yeovil: Christmas Celebration for All Ages from 10.30am. Bring a present you have opened!

34 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
PHOTO: Author Barry Boyton with a copy of his book Devotions.


Steve beats cancer and puts his best foot forward to support charity

A YEOVIL man, who had prostate cancer, set himself the challenge of walking 62 miles in Ninesprings during the month of November in order to raise much needed funds to help fight the disease.

Steve Hart, aged 65, the manager of the Christians Against Poverty debt centre in Yeovil, was diagnosed with prostate cancer during the summer of 2019. His brother also has an enlarged prostate, but fortunately it is not cancerous.

He decided to take part in the ‘62 Miles for 62 Scientists’ national fundraising effort, which raised funds and awareness for Prostate Cancer Research.

Men aged 50 or over and also those with a family history are more at risk, and as the most common cancer in men, one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. More than 52,000 are diagnosed with it every year. Every 45 minutes one man dies from prostate cancer – that’s more than 12,000 men every year – many die with it rather than because of it. Symptoms vary from difficulty in urinating to the need to urinate more often, especially at night.

Steve said: “I had symptoms for several months before I went to see my GP and now, I want to do all I can to help get the message out there that if something isn’t quite right, to go and get checked out.”

He first noticed a problem when he was

having to go to the toilet several times each night, thinking it was just due to getting old. At the same time his brother was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate though with different symptoms, and it turned out that he hadn’t got cancer.

He said: “Because prostate cancer is hereditary, with the encouragement of my wife Anne, I decided to go to my GP and get a Prostate Specific Antigen blood

“PSA is a protein made by the prostate gland and because it turned out that my PSA levels were higher than normal, around seven, I then began a routine process in order to find out if there was anything wrong.

“On further inspection, my prostate was the size of an orange rather than that of a walnut, and a biopsy was then carried out at Yeovil District Hospital. This first biopsy proved non-cancerous.”

A second biopsy followed and unfortunately proved cancerous and Steve underwent treatment at Southmead Hospital in Bristol.

The good news is that since his surgery, Steve has managed to beat the cancer.

Steve said: “A number of my friends currently have prostate cancer and they are all at different stages on their journey, thankfully all still alive. I’ve spoken to many of my male friends and they all asked me, “How did I know about it?”

Since then, a number will have gone to their GP for a PSA blood test.”

The £500 he has raised, and part of over tens of thousands of pounds raised throughout the UK, from those walking the 62 miles in November for the 62 scientists involved in research, all goes to the research being carried out by 62

“This money means we can keep pushing boundaries and funding the brightest minds in research to help all men get the diagnosis they deserve, even to the point where techniques could allow men to know with confidence, they do not have prostate cancer and do not need a biopsy,” added Steve.

“I have a strong faith in God and often find peace when praying and reading my Bible. Knowing others are also praying for me brings great comfort and peace. I feel very humbled that I’ve survived cancer, especially when there are so many still struggling and obviously those who have died as a result.

“In addition to the support of my family and a supportive group of men in my church family, so many have supported me and Anne through my cancer scare and treatment, and the very least I can do is to make my small contribution towards research into providing men with the best possible diagnosis.”

How to show goodwill this Christmas - even when costs are tight

AS we enter the season of goodwill, many of us may find ourselves needing to change our festive spending habits from previous years.

With the cost-of-living crisis having continually surged this year, we might struggle to adopt a generous spirit this Christmas.

And yet, goodwill to our fellow men and women is probably more important than ever this winter. So how can we – in the face of financial challenges – continue to show kindness this Christmas?

Go ethical: It’s so easy to get caught up in a shopping frenzy at Christmas! Are you aware of how your gifts are sourced?

There are an increasing number of ethical retailers putting people and the planet before profit, and selling anything from clothes to coffee to cosmetics.

Being mindful of just how many items you are buying can be part of an ethical outlook; as they say, less is sometimes more.

Find guides to ethical shops and boutiques, such as the ethicalconsumer. org, to help you become more conscious

about which marketplaces you buy from this Christmas.

Give a charity gift: From sponsoring an elephant to supporting your local Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre there are a host of charities and organisations you can make a gift to this season.

Simply choose your favourite charity and contact them to see if they facilitate a Christmas gift donation.

Or perhaps you’d prefer to donate your time to a charity this winter? The Lord’s Larder food bank in Yeovil may need your help in preparing food parcels for those low-income families this Christmas. To find out more, contact them on https://

Give blood: The NHS made its firstever amber alert this autumn when blood supplies fell critically low, making urgent calls for donors.

With each donation having the potential to save three lives, as well as serving you a free helping of tea and biscuits, what better Christmas gift could you give that won’t cost you a penny? Head to blood. to find a donation location near you and find out what’s involved.

Check in with your neighbours: The festive season can be a lonely time for a lot of people, particularly those who are elderly or live alone.

It sounds obvious, but checking in with our neighbours, even to just wish them a merry Christmas, can make a world of difference.

Make a point this year to call on your neighbours before the festive season runs away. Going further, you may even want to put together a festive Christmas hamper and make someone’s Christmas.

Steve Hart, the Yeovil Christians Against Poverty debt centre manager, said: “Every year we provide Christmas hampers for all our CAP families and individuals, who are working with us and journeying out of debt.

“This year many small groups from across the different Church denominations in Yeovil & Sherborne are providing these hampers. We are thrilled that so many people get to be involved in giving joy to families on very low incomes

and struggling on unmanageable debt.” Gift it forward: You don’t have to buy lavish gifts to make someone’s day. Plenty of cafés allow you to ‘pay it forward’ and buy a drink for someone who can’t afford it. If you’re able, why not gift a stranger a hot chocolate or gingerbread latte this December? Giving to others is scientifically proven to boost our own mood, too.

Steve said: “I sat outside a coffee shop in Yeovil and saw a chap in need, so I asked him if he wanted a coffee – “six sugars please” – was his reply. When I see him in town, I always try and offer him a coffee.”

Seek help with money worries: An increasing number of people are struggling with money, credit and debts this year, severely impacting our mental health.

Steve said: “Don’t let your Christmas be filled with worry – get help today by contacting CAP for free, expert budgeting guidance and debt help. Call the helpline on 0800 328 0006 (free of charge) or visit to find out more.”

35 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out


When Mud, Jackie Wilson and Band Aid were top of the pops

WELCOME to the monthly series called My Top Ten where we go back into the musical history books to see what songs were topping the charts on the day that local people were born.

In this month’s feature we welcome three local people who are celebrating their birthdays in December around the Christmas season – Yeovil Town fan and enthusiastic stage performer Si Thyer; local businessman Adam Porter and firefighter Mark Jones.

We congratulate them on their birthdays and everyone else who is celebrating their special day in December 2022!

The wonder of music is that even though we will delve back decades into

the annals of musical history many of us will still know the songs and instantly, in the main, recognise the artistes.

If you would like to feature in the My Top Ten feature during your birthday month please get in touch with us at and let us do the rest.

The My Top Ten feature is sponsored by Jody Parks, of ML Property Management, which deals with general building, roofing, commercial and domestic clearance, garden clearance and maintenance, interior/exterior painting and window cleaning. Contact details are on the sponsorship panel at the bottom of this page.


DOB: December 30, 1986

INFORMATION: Owner of AP Kitchen Solutions in Ilchester

My Top Ten:

1: Jackie Wilson, Reet Petite.

2: The Housemartins, Caravan of Love. 3: Europe, The Final Countdown. 4: Madonna, Open Your Heart. 5: A-Ha, Cry Wolf. 6: Oran ‘Juice’ Jones, The Rain. 7: Erasure, Sometimes. 8: Alison Moyet, Is This Love?

Gregory Abbott, Shake You Down.

Bon Jovi, Livin’ on a Prayer.


DATE OF BIRTH: December 25, 1989 INFORMATION: Former Preston School student and now a firefighter with the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service My Top Ten:

Band Aid II, Do They Know It’s Christmas?

Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers, Let’s Party.

Jason Donovan, When You Come Back To Me.

Soul II Soul, Get A Life.

Kaoma, Lambada.

36 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
THE MY TOP TEN FEATURE IS SPONSORED BY: ML PROPERTY MANAGEMENT General Building - Roofing - Garden Clearance and Maintenance - Interior/Exterior Painting 07375 889716 - - Find us on Facebook
Top Right: Adam Porter Left: Jackie Wilson Above: The Housemartins Right: Europe Top right: Mark Jones Left: Jason Donovan Above: Andy Stewart Right: New Kids on the Block SI THYER DOB: December 24, 1974 INFORMATION: Member of Yeovil Amateur Pantomime Society My Top Ten: 1: Mud, Lonely This Christmas 2: Bachman-Turner Overdrive, You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet 3: Rubettes, Juke Box Jive 4: Barry White, You’re The First, The Last, My Everything 5: Wombles, Wombling Merry Christmas 6: Ralph McTell, Streets of London 7: Elvis Presley, My Boy 8: Disco Tex and The Sex-O-Lettes, Get Dancing 9: Gary Glitter, Oh Yes! You’re Beautiful 10: Hello, Tell Him Above: Si Thyer Left: Mud Middle: Rubettes Below: Ralph McTell MY TOP TEN
Andy Stewart, Donald Where’s Your Troosers?
Madonna, Dear Jessie.
Tina Turner, I Don’t Wanna Lose You.
Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville, Don’t Know Much.
New Kids on the Block, You Got It (The Right Stuff).

Doreen can help you with your weight loss journey

YEOVIL Slimming World consultant Doreen Hillier has said that the organisation has changed her life and said that “if she can do It” – you can do it as well!

And now she is all set to give people her knowledge, advice and inspiration to help them on their own personal weight loss journey.

“As a working mother of two girls time seemed to disappear, racing here and there to different clubs or after school events,” said Doreen.

“As parents do, putting their children first, I never found the time or was too tired to make the effort to eat properly; grabbing what was on hand, nothing unusual to find myself sitting down at the end of the day munching through a packet of biscuits, crisps, chocolate or bread and cheese, washed down with a glass or two of wine.

“Funny, you don’t see the ounces and pounds creeping on but creep on they do and I was too busy to be concerned, after all I was an active mother rushing here and there never stopping, how could I possibly be putting weight on? But that I did.”

Doreen continued: “Clothing becoming tighter and rather than address the issue, like so many others, I started buying clothes the next size up.

“In 2018, approaching my 49th birthday, I had put on three stone and realised how unhappy I was with my size, my health and my fitness.

“At this time my daughter-in-law had joined a local Slimming World group and would proudly come round each week telling me how she’d lost 4lbs, then another 4lbs and so on. Then several weeks passed before we met up again, and I was blown away with her weight loss and how amazing she was looking.

“OK, she could do it so I could do it -

this was my time to change!”

Doreen joined Slimming World in Yeovil and was warmly greeted with the biggest smile by Jill Love, her consultant. Jill was so inspiring during the ‘new members talk’, and the group was so supportive, that Doreen went home full of positivity.

“I had taken the first step of my new life,” said Doreen. “And before I knew it I’d lost half a stone, then another half a stone!

“The group was so supportive to all members, I loved belonging to it and got excited to go each week. I would stay to the image therapy and listen to others experiences and take away some great food ideas.

“My husband was so inspired by my weight lost and enthusiasm, he joined and loved it. Not only are we healthy eating but we started the Couch to 5k initiative to become active.

“I’ve achieved a weight lost of almost three stone, running four miles three times a week and I feel amazing. I love food optimising, love feeling fit, but most of all love my body. Feeling fabulous at 50!

“I did It - you can do it! The hardest step is the small step through the door of your local Slimming World Group.”

Doreen will be taking over the Saturday morning group in January when Jill retires after 19 years.

Jill is delighted that Doreen is taking on the group. “Doreen is an amazing lady, full of empathy and support she will be an awesome consultant - I couldn’t leave my group in safer hands,” said Jill.

The group is held at the Methodist church hall in the Quedam Yeovil every Saturday at 8am or 10am - just pop in for the best support .

PHOTO: Doreen Hillier feels so much healthier and happier after joining Slimming World.

MONDAYS - 5.30pm & 7pm Somerton Sports & Social Club With Shelley - 07786 011728

TUESDAYS - 5.00pm & 6.30pm Martock Christian Fellowship With Emma - 07432 584673

TUESDAYS - 5.30pm & 7.30pm Park House, 45 The Park, Yeovil With Shelley - 07786 011728

WEDNESDAYS - 3.30pm & 5.30pm Park House, 45 The Park, Yeovil With Shelley - 07786 011728

ANSWERS to the Quiz on Page 4:

Round One – World Cup: 1 – Uruguay; 2 – Cameroon; 3 – Miroslav Klose; 4 – Brazil; 5 – Peter Shilton.

Round Two – Movies: 1 – Red; 2 –Butch Coolidge; 3 – Taxi Driver; 4 – Ian McKellen; 5 – Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia.

Round Three – General Knowledge: 1 – Chile; 2 – Prunes; 3 – Boy George;

4 – Printers; 5 – Jenny.

Rebus Puzzles: 1 – For Once in My Life (four ones in my life); 2 – Forget It; 3 – Try to Understand; 4 – Travel Overseas or Overseas Travel; 5 – Breakfast; 6 – Downtown; 7 –Eyeshadow; 8 – Stepfather; 9 – Once Upon a Time; 10 – Potatoes (Pot 8 Os); 11 – 3D Movie; 12 – Top Secret.

THURSDAYS - 5.30pm & 7.30pm Park House, 45 The Park, Yeovil With Shelley - 07786 011728

FRIDAYS - 8am & 9.30am Park House, 45 The Park, Yeovil With Linz - 07786 011728

SATURDAYS - 8am & 10am Methodist Church Hall, Yeovil With Jill - 01935 824025

37 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out


Let us know your family news

WELCOME to the Family Announcements feature in YOUR monthly Yeovil Press community newspaper.

We will be delighted to publish your announcements – whether it is Births, Birthday Greetings, Congratulations, Marriages, Anniversaries and Good Luck Messages.

We will also hopefully be working closely with local funeral directors on the sad event of death announcements and possible obituary reports.

People can submit their Family Announcements by emailing the Yeovil Press at

Steve Sowden, editor of the Yeovil Press, said: “Family Announcements are

part and parcel of any local newspaper and I’m delighted to offer this service to the people of Yeovil and surrounding area.

“The Yeovil Press now has a print-run of 5,000 copies a month and these are distributed at various outlets within the Yeovil area where people can pick them up.”

Lineage announcements can be published for free, but if you would like to add a photo to your message there will be a charge of £7.50.

So if you have any Family Announcements that are coming up in 2022 – please let us know.


CAINES – BARRY: Happy 65th Birthday on November 25. Lots of love from Mum.

CAINES – BARRY: Many congratulations for your 65th Birthday on November 25, Dad and Grandad! Lots of love from Georgina, Troy and Elloise.

DESMOND – PAULINE: Many belated happy returns for your Birthday on November 28. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

HOUSE – KELLY: Happy Birthday on December 2, Kellbell! Love you always – Mum and all your family and friends XXX

TURNER – LARRY: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 2. We hope you had a great day. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

TURNER – LARRY: Hoping you had a great day for your Birthday on December 2. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

WEST – MICHAEL: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 4. Hope you had a fantastic day. Love from all your family and

WEST – MICHAEL: Up the Glovers! Best wishes for your Birthday on December 4 from all your supporter pals from Yeovil Town FC.

WEST – MICHAEL: Hoping you had a great Birthday on December 4. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

LAMBDEN – PETE: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 4. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

LAMBDEN – PETE: Hoping you had a great Birthday on December 4. Best wishes from your chums at the Yeovil Press.

RENDELL – RICH: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 4. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

RENDELL – RICHARD: Hoping you had a great Birthday on December 4. Many happy returns from all your pals at Yeovil Town FC!

RENDELL – RICHARD: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday on December 4. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

SKARIN – MARTIN: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 5. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

CAMERON – FIONA: Best wishes for your Birthday on December 5. Love from all your family and friends.

HARPER – BEKAH: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 8. Love from all your family and friends.

HARPER – BEKAH: Many congratulations for your Birthday on December 8. Love and best wishes from all your fellow Yeovil Town fans.

HARPER – BEKAH: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday on December 8. Best wishes from your pals at the Yeovil Press.

BRATHERTON – STEWART: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 8. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

BRATHERTON – STEWART: Hoping you had a great Birthday on December 8. Best wishes from your fellow Yeovil Town fans.

BRATHERTON – STEWART: And we promise not a single reference to “spitting.” Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 8. Best wishes from your pals at the Yeovil Press.

SOWDEN – GRACE: Happy 23rd Birthday Gracie on December 9. Love from Dad and Christine. X

SOWDEN – GRACE: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 9. Lots of love and best wishes from all your family and friends!

SOWDEN – GRACE: Hope you have a fantastic day Grace on December 9. Love you lots. Grandma X

SOWDEN – GRACE: Have a fab-u-lous day Gracie on your Birthday on December 9! Love from James, Ella, Emily, Thomas.

SOWDEN – GRACE: Many congratulations for your 23rd Birthday on December 9! Love and best wishes from Uncle Jon.

SOWDEN – GRACE: Have a great Birthday on December 9 – 23 wow! Love from Will, Beverley and Thea X

GREGORY – SALLY: Many happy returns on your Birthday on December 10! Have a wonderful day – don’t drink too much! Love and best wishes from Steve and Christine.

GREGORY – SALLY: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday on December 10. Love from all your friends and drinking buddies!

FOSTER – BECKY: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 10. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

FOSTER – BECKY: Hoping you have a terrific Birthday on December 10. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

REEVES – KAREN: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 10. Love from all your family and friends.

REEVES – KAREN: Hoping you have a great Birthday on December 10. Love from all your friends at the Castaway Theatre Group.

WOODWARD – DAWN: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 11. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

WOOTTEN – RUTH: Happy Birthday Mum on December 11! Lots of love from James and Ella! X

WOOTTEN – RUTH: Happy Birthday Grandma on December 11. Love from Grace, Emily, Thomas and Thea. X

WOOTTEN – RUTH: Many happy returns Mum for your Birthday on December 11. Love from Jon. X

WOOTTEN – RUTH: Happy Birthday Mother on December 11! Love from Steve and Christine. X

WOOTTEN – RUTH: Happy Birthday Mum on December 11. Lots of love from Will and Beverley. X

LANGDON – TERRY: Hoping you have a great day on your Birthday on December 11. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

LANGDON – TERRY: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 11. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

O’SULLIVAN – MEL: Wishing you a wonderful Birthday for December 13. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

O’SULLIVAN – MEL: Hoping you have a great Birthday on December 13. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

REDWOOD – STEVE: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 14. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

REDWOOD – STEVE: Wishing you a very Happy

38 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out

CHEDZOY – JILLY: Many happy returns for your Big Birthday on December 15. Love from all your family and friends.

CHEDZOY – JILLY: Many congratulations for your Birthday on December 15. Love and best wishes from all of Preston School’s Years of 198287.

MARSTON – ANGELA: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 16. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

MacLAUCHLAN – DAVID: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday for December 17. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

MacLAUCHLAN – DAVID: Congratulations on your Birthday for December 17. Love and best wishes from all your friends at the Castaway Theatre Group.

MacLAUCHLAN – DAVID: May the Force Be With You, the Jedi Knight of Estate Agency! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday for December 17. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

SHEPPARD – ALAN: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 17. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

SHEPPARD – ALAN: Congratulations for your Birthday, Big Al, on December 17. Many happy returns from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

CASTLE – KRIS: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 18. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

GUDGE – ALISON: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday for December 18. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

GUDGE – ALISON: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 18. Love and best wishes from all your friends at the Castaway Theatre Group.

GUDGE – ALISON: Hoping you have a terrific

Birthday on December 18. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

SNOOK – SUSAN: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 18. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

SNOOK – SUSAN: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 18. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

HUTCHINSON – DAVID: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 19. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

HUTCHINSON – DAVID: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 19. Love and best wishes from all your friends at the School in a Bag charity.

HUTCHINSON – DAVID: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday for December 19. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

HAYWARD – ELLISE: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 19. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

HAYWARD – ELLISE: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 19. Love and best wishes from all your friends at the Castaway Theatre Group.

HAYWARD – ELLISE: Hoping you have a wonderful Birthday on December 19. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

DESMOND – BILL: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 20. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends!

RENDELL – DALE: Many happy returns for your Big Birthday on December 20. Love from all your family and friends.

RENDELL – DALE: Many congratulations for your 50th Birthday on December 20. Love and best wishes from all of Preston School’s Years of 1982-87.

PEARCE – CRAIG: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 21. Love and best wishes

from all your family and friends.

STAFFORD – ELAINE: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 22 – hoping you have a great day. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

STAFFORD – ELAINE: Hoping you have a great Birthday on December 22. Love and best wishes from all your friends at the Castaway Theatre Group.

STAFFORD – ELAINE: Congratulations on your Birthday for December 22. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

BYRNE – ANITA: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 22. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

ROGERS - GORDON: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 23. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

ROGERS – GORDON: We couldn’t forget to put your Birthday message in! Best wishes for your Birthday on December 23 from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

ROBERTS – FREDDY: Many congratulations for your Birthday on December 24. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

THYER – SI: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 24. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

ASHLEY – COLIN: Happy Birthday Mr Ashley on December 25! Best wishes from everyone at the Yeovil Press.

ASHLEY – COLIN: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 25. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

ASHLEY – COLIN: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 25. Best wishes from all the 48 Boys!

LINDSAY – SARAH: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 25. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

LINDSAY - SARAH: Many happy returns on your Birthday on December 25! Best wishes from everyone at the Yeovil Press.

BROOKS – DAMIAN: Wishing you a very happy Birthday on December 25. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

BROOKS – DAMIAN: Many happy returns on your Birthday on December 25! Best wishes from everyone at the Yeovil Press.

JONES – MARK: Happy 32nd Birthday on December 25! Love from Mum and Steve. X

JONES – MARK: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 25. Love and best wishes from all you family and friends.

MULLIS – LEONI: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 25. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

GINGELL – DEBS: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday on December 27. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

GINGELL – DEBS: Hoping you have a fantastic Birthday on December 27 – have a cupcake or two! Best wishes from your friends and customers at the Cake Box Bakery in Yeovil!

GINGELL – DEBS: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 27. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

JAMES – RICHARD: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 28. Best wishes from all your family and friends.

JAMES – RICHARD: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday for December 28 – have a great day. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

PORTER – ADAM: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 30 – hoping you have a terrific day. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

PORTER – ADAM: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday on December 30. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.

39 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out A J Wakely& Sons Independent Family Funeral Directors Please contact Clive Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available 16 Newland, Sherborne DT9 3JQ 01935 816817 Established 1897 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons Independent Family Funeral Directors 16 Newland, Sherborne DT9 3JQ 01935 816817 Established 1897 Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons Independent Family Funeral Directors Please contact Clive Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available 16 Newland, Sherborne DT9 3JQ 01935 816817 Established 1897 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons Independent Family Funeral Directors Please contact Clive Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available 16 Newland, Sherborne DT9 3JQ 01935 816817 Established 1897 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse 33 Sparrow Road, Yeovil, BA21 4BT | 01935 479913 Birthday for December 14. Best wishes from your friends at the Yeovil Press.


WELCOME to the Yeovil Press leisure listings and what’s on guide. If you would like to have a listing included in the future – please email us at

All details correct at the time of going to press – but please check venues for up-to-date information. Don’t forget to look at our monthly Gig Guide in the Yeovil Press for local live music gigs.


Thursday, December 8: Swan Theatre: National Theatre Live – The Seagull.

Friday, December 9, through to Sunday, January 1, 2023: Octagon Theatre: The family pantomime Dick Whittington.

Saturday, December 10: Super Saturday in Yeovil town centre during the day with lots of stalls, activities, live music and the Eat Somerset food/drink market.

Saturday, December 10: SOLD OUT! Westlands Yeovil: Christmas Party with DT8.

Wednesday, December 14: Westlands Yeovil: Christmas Quiz Night.

Thursday, December 15: Westlands Yeovil: Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – Christmas Fanfare.

Friday, December 16: SOLD OUT: Westlands Yeovil: Christmas Dinner and Dance 2022 – featuring The IOUs.

Saturday, December 17: The Phoenix Voices will be performing a Family Christmas Concert from 7.30pm at the Holy Trinity Church in Lysander Road, Yeovil, in aid of the Weldmar Hospice Care Trust. Tickets are priced £6 a person and available from or 07762 724602.

Saturday, December 17: Westlands Yeovil: Back to the 80s – Big Christmas Party 2022.

Sunday, December 18: Westlands Yeovil: Castaway Theatre Group –Christmas Spectacular.

Monday, December 19, through to Wednesday, December 21: Westlands Yeovil – Screening in the Ballroom: Matilda.

Tuesday, December 20: The Yeovil and District NHS Retirement Fellowship meet at St James Church Hall, Preston Road, Yeovil BA20 2EZ from 12.30pm to 2.30pm with refreshments, a speaker and a natter. Any retired NHS employee very welcome.

Thursday, December 22: Westlands Yeovil: Christmas Family Disco 2022.


Sunday, January 8, and Monday, January 9: Westlands Yeovil –Screenings in the Ballroom: Andre Rieu in Dublin.

Tuesday, January 17, through to Saturday, January 21: Swan Theatre: The Swan Theatre Company presents Glee and Me.

Wednesday, January 18: SOLD OUT: Octagon Theatre: Rhod Gilbert – The Book of John.

Friday, January 20: Last Few Tickets: Westlands Yeovil: Paul Smith Joker.

Friday, January 20: Octagon Theatre: Snooker Greats – Jimmy White and John Virgo.

Saturday, January 21: POSTPONED – UNTIL MAY 25, 2023:

Westlands Yeovil: 30 Years Celebration Show with Peter Andre.

Saturday, January 21: Octagon Theatre: Back to Bacharach 2023.

Thursday, January 26: Westlands Yeovil: National Theatre Live – The Crucible.

Thursday, January 26: Swan Theatre, Yeovil: National Theatre Live –The Crucible.

Friday, January 27: Swan Theatre, Yeovil: Immersif – The Four Seasons.

Thursday, January 26, through to Saturday, January 28: Octagon Theatre: Aladdin with Yeovil Amateur Pantomime Society.

Saturday, January 28: Westlands Yeovil: Thank Abba For The Music.

Sunday, January 29: Westlands Yeovil: Gareth Gates in The Best of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons.


Thursday, February 2: Octagon Theatre: The Unravelling Wilburys. Friday, February 3: Westlands Yeovil: Tap Factory 2023.

Saturday, February 4: Limited Availability: Octagon Theatre: Ministry of Science Live.

Sunday, February 5: Octagon Theatre: Forever in Blue Jeans.

Tuesday, February 7: Last Few Tickets: Octagon Theatre: The Classic Rock Show 2023.

Thursday, February 9: Octagon Theatre: Barry Steele and Friends.

Friday, February 10: Octagon Theatre: Rave On – The Ultimate 50s and 60s Experience.

Saturday, February 11: Octagon Theatre: Mister Magnolia.

Saturday, February 11: Westlands

Yeovil: Dave Peace – 90s Dance Anthems Returns 2023.

Sunday, February 12: Westlands Yeovil: Milkshake! Live 2023.

Wednesday, February 15: Octagon Theatre: The Illegal Eagles 2023.

Thursday, February 16: Octagon Theatre: Islands in the Stream 2023.

Friday, February 17: Last Few Tickets: Octagon Theatre: Calling Planet Earth.

Sunday, February 19: Octagon Theatre: The Royal Marines Association Concert Band.

Monday, February 20, through to Saturday, February 25: Octagon Theatre: The Mousetrap.

Thursday, February 23: Westlands Yeovil: CCS Mithras Piano Trio.

Thursday, February 23: Swan Theatre, Yeovil: National Theatre Live –Othello.

Saturday, February 25: Limited Availability: Westlands Yeovil: Sara Pascoe – Success Story 2023.

Sunday, February 26: Westlands Yeovil: Ulimate Pro Wrestling

MARCH 2023

Wednesday, March 1: Octagon Theatre: Menopause The Musical 2 –Cruising Through Menopause.

Wednesday, March 1: Westlands Yeovil: National Theatre Live – Othello.

Thursday, March 2: Westlands Yeovil: Tony Blackburn – Sounds of the 60s.

Thursday, March 2: Octagon Theatre: Paul Potts.

Friday, March 3: Westlands Yeovil: How Sweet It Is – Motown’s Greatest Hits 2023.

40 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out

Friday, March 3: Octagon Theatre: Spirit of the Dance.

Saturday, March 4: Octagon Theatre: Kate Mosse’s Warrior Queens and Quiet Revolutionaries.

Sunday, March 5: SOLD OUT! Westlands Yeovil: Tim Peake – My Journey to Space.

Tuesday, March 7: Octagon Theatre: Prue Leith – Nothing in Moderation.

Wednesday, March 8: Octagon Theatre: Spring Forward 2023.

Thursday, March 9: Octagon Theatre: That’ll Be The Day – March 2023.

Friday, March 10: Octagon Theatre: Legend – The Music of Bob Marley 2023.

Friday, March 10: Westlands Yeovil: Absolutely Dragulous.

Saturday, March 11: Westlands Yeovil: Wrong Jovi & Guns 2 Roses.

Sunday, March 12: Octagon Theatre: The Glenn Miller Big Band Spectacular.

Sunday, March 12: Westlands Yeovil: An Evening with Aggers and Tuffers.

Monday, March 13, through to Saturday, March 18: Swan Theatre, Yeovil: The Swan Theatre Company presents The Hollow.

Tuesday, March 14: Westlands Yeovil: Levellers – Acoustic Tour 2023.

Wednesday, March 15: Octagon Theatre: Come What May 2023.

Friday, March 17: Westlands Yeovil: CCS Maja Horvat & Kumi Matsui.

Sunday, March 19: Westlands Yeovil: Come What May 2023.

Thursday, March 23: Octagon Theatre: The Carpenters – Voice of the Heart 2023.

Friday, March 24: Octagon Theatre: The Drifters.

Friday, March 24: Westlands Yeovil: The Dreamboys 2023 – No Strings Attached.

Saturday, March 25: Westlands Yeovil: Phil Wang – Wang in There, Baby!

Monday, March 27, to Saturday, April 1: Octagon Theatre: Yeovil Amateur Operatic Society – Anything Goes.

Wednesday, March 29: Westlands Yeovil: An Evening with Amanda Owen.

APRIL 2023

Saturday, April 1: Westlands Yeovil: Back to the 80s.

Sunday, April 2: SOLD OUT: Westlands Yeovil: Tom Allen – Completely.

Sunday, April 2: Octagon Theatre: The Simon and Garfunkel Story.

Monday, April 3: Last Few Tickets: Octagon Theatre: Rumours of Fleetwood Mac 2023.

Tuesday, April 4: Octagon Theatre: The Magnets.

Wednesday, April 5: Octagon Theatre: Carmen with the Ukrainian National Opera.

Tuesday, April 11: Octagon Theatre: CCS Noriko Ogawa.

Saturday, April 15: Octagon Theatre: Sing-A-Long-A Encanto.

Sunday, April 16: Westlands Yeovil: Omega and Alpha.

Tuesday, April 18, and Wednesday, April 19: Octagon Theatre: Zog. Thursday, April 20: Westlands Yeovil: Stewart Lee – Basic Lee.

Thursday, April 20: Octagon Theatre: Primary Festival of Dance 2023.

Friday, April 21: Octagon Theatre: Hello Again – A Tribute to Neil Diamond.

Friday, April 21: Westlands Yeovil: National Theatre Live – Good.

Sunday, April 23: Westlands Yeovil: Danny Baker – At Last, The Sausage Sandwich Tour!

Sunday, April 23: Octagon Theatre: Pop Princesses.

Tuesday, April 25: Westlands Yeovil: Schools Concert – Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.

Tuesday, April 25, through to Thursday, April 27: Octagon Theatre: Wodehouse in Wonderland.

Friday, April 28: Octagon Theatre: Kate Rusby 2023.

Saturday, April 29: Octagon Theatre: Shine 2023.

Sunday, April 30: Westlands Yeovil: National Theatre Live – Good.

MAY 2023

Tuesday, May 2: Westlands Yeovil: CCS London Handel Players.

Wednesday, May 3: Westlands Yeovil: Seven Drunken Nights 2023.

Thursday, May 4: Westlands Yeovil: Ben Fogle – Wild.

Friday, May 12: Westlands Yeovil: All or Nothing 2023.

Wednesday, May 17: Westlands Yeovil: Disney’s The Little Mermaid –Motiv8 Productions.

Tuesday, May 23: Westlands Yeovil: Dreamcoat Stars.

Thursday, May 25: Westlands Yeovil: Swan Lake – The Ukrainian National Ballet of Odessa.

Friday, May 26: Westlands Yeovil: The Searchers’ Thank You Tour 2023. Wednesday, May 31, through to Saturday, June 3: Westlands Yeovil: Joseph – Castaway Theatre Group. JUNE 2023

Saturday, June 24, and Sunday, June 25: Westlands Yeovil: World Senior Darts Tour 2023.

Thursday, June 29: Westlands Yeovil: Keith Brymer-Jones Live – Life, Clay and Everything.

JULY 2023

Friday, July 21, and Saturday, July 22: Westlands Yeovil: Tim Vine – Breeeep!


Thursday, September 7: Westlands Yeovil: Ben Portsmouth – This is Elvis 2023.

Friday, September 8: Westlands Yeovil: The Magic of Motown 2023. Saturday, September 23: Westlands Yeovil: Definitely 90s.


Friday, October 13: Westlands Yeovil: Carl Hutchinson – Watch Till The End.

Saturday, October 14: Westlands

Yeovil: Beyond the Barricade 2023.


Sunday, November 19: Westlands Yeovil: Francis Rossi 2023 – Tunes & Chat.

For more details about events, ticket information and times at the Octagon Theatre in Yeovil – please go to or phone the box office on 01935422884.

For more details about events, ticket information and times at Westlands Yeovil – please go to or phone the box office on 01935422884.

For more details about events, ticket information and times at the Swan Theatre in Yeovil – please go to or phone 07500-376-031 or email or

new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
Did you miss out on seeing a certain photo or feature? Would you like to buy a back-copy of the paper? We have copies available dating back to the 1st edition published in July 2018. It will cost £5 per copy to include post and packaging. Email or phone us on 07773-198-081 for further details. OLD COPIES OF THE YEOVIL PRESS ARE AVAILABLE YEOVIL PRESS YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area newspaper YEOVIL Edition Number New chairman wants to earn his stripes as a Glover INSIDE YOUR FREE YEOVIL PRESS SEASIDE HOSPICE LATEST 18-19 FESTIVAL 30-31 KEY PersonalisedBA20 01935-411088 negotiations Priestnall, finally the yes,” chairman. been have stripes games. honest really become Mr better Saturday League supporters the that about change ethos, “something owners, longer asked said: the news THREE PAGES OF PHOTOS FROM THE SUPER SATURDAY EVENT IN YEOVIL TOWN CENTRE 12-14 PLUS EIGHT-PAGE PULL OUT OF THIS YEAR’S FABULOUS YEOVIL LITERARY FESTIVAL 37-44 PRESS YOUR new local newspaper covers YOUR FREE YEOVIL Remembering the homeless at Christmas INSIDE YOUR FREE YEOVIL PRESS MARY POPPINS 10-11 CHARITY BALL 20-21 CHIPPED CAR KEYS FOR JUST £40 Dorset/Somerset despite PRESS YOUR new local newspaper 2019DEC TO CHRISTMAS 12PAGE 2738 2019 FREE OFFICIALLY SWITCHEDON MORE PHOTOS THREEPAGE PHOTO 45-47 more news check YEOVIL Town council's slice of Council Tax goes up by just £1 a month By Steve Sowden INSIDE YOUR FREE YEOVIL PRESS RETURNING 68-69 GIN HOSPICE VW SKODA AUDI KEYS CUT AND CHIPPED FOR JUST £45 ALSO ULTION SECURITY KEYS CUT PEOPLE are nancial year. help nance – D –extra £13.08 an 11.53 slice the Council £113.47 Somerset District also getting billing PRESS YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR MARCH Church Street, Yeovil, Somerset 2020 FREE CERTAINLY


42 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
IN this month’s Yeovil Press community newspaper we take a pictorial look back at some of what was featured in the corresponding editions of 2019, 2020 and 2021. The December 2019 paper was Edition Number 15, the December 2020 paper was Edition Number 27 and the December 2021 paper was Edition Number 39. If you would ever like a back copy of the Yeovil Press please email us at . Past copies of the Yeovil Press are priced £5 which includes post and packaging. THE fantastic Yeovil Theatre Group put on a show to remember at the Octagon Theatre with the musical Chicago. The fulllength musical had been adapted to become content-appropriate for youth performers whilst still containing all the favourite musical numbers including All That Jazz, Cell Block Tango, When You’re Good to Mama and Razzle Dazzle. These photos appeared in the December 2019 edition of Yeovil Press. Photos: Christine Jones. TALENTED students at Stanchester Academy in Stokesub-Hamdon saw their hard work come to fruition with the junior production of Mary Poppins. The large cast of students have put in hours of practice to bring the ever-popular show to the stage which has wonderful songs such as A Spoonful of Sugar, Feed the Birds, Chim Chim Cher-ee, Step in Time, Let’s Go Fly a Kite and, of course, Supercalifragillisticexpialidocious. This photo appeared in the December 2019 edition of Yeovil Press. Photos: Christine Jones. THE Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr David Recardo, thanked everyone who supported the Mayor’s Charity Ball. Diners converged on the Westlands Entertainment Venue in Yeovil for the event where they enjoyed a fantastic three-course meal. There was then a main auction with compere Steve Carpenter, silent auction, raffle and tombola, as well as a fun casino and a photo booth. Live music was provided by band Fire Star, plus a supporting disco. The Mayor announced that the charity ball raised around £4,500 for Yeovil District Hospital’s Breast Cancer Unit Appeal. This photo appeared in the December 2019 edition of Yeovil Press. Photos: Christine Jones. YEOVIL Round Table held its 18th annual charity lunch where guests were entertained by former Arsenal and England football star Paul Merson. The lunch – held at the Westlands Entertainment Venue in Yeovil – has become the Round Table’s biggest fundraising event of the year. Round Tablers were delighted with the event’s success while Yeovil Press editor Steve Sowden, himself an Arsenal fan, is pictured with Merson. This photo appeared in the December 2019 edition of Yeovil Press. Photo: Christine Jones and Submitted. SCREWFIX staff in Yeovil were honoured to volunteer their time again to pick up the phones in their contact centre to support the BBC Children in Need Appeal. It was the 14th year that hundreds of Screwfix employees had volunteered their own time to help take calls from people across the UK. These photos appeared in the December 2019 edition of Yeovil Press. Photos: Submitted. THE full contingent of Royal Navy air engineering and survival equipment technician trainees from RNAS Yeovilton took part in a volunteer’s day at Yeovil District Hospital. Over 90 trainees arrived ready to work alongside staff in various roles throughout the hospital with a small group assigned to a fund-raising event in the main foyer, a relay on rowing machines. Allocated wards and areas included orthopaedics, the dementia team, oncology, estates, A&E and meet and greet. Some of them were pictured in the December 2019 edition of the Yeovil Press. Photo: Submitted. YEAR One pupils at Huish Primary School in Yeovil enjoyed the autumn season in classes. They spent time looking at how the trees had changed from summer into autumn. The pupils also learnt that earthworms have a “leafy lunch” at this time of year – munching their way through the carpet of leaves that falls to the ground. The children also had fun collecting leaves and making their own leaf art. This photo appeared in the December 2020 edition of Yeovil Press. THE Yeovil Rotary Club - as custodians of the Yeovil Young Achievers Trust fund - were delighted to support talented local dancer James Bamford. Yeovil Rotary Club’s president Jackie Henderson presented James with the YYAT donation of £500. Jackie is pictured with James while vice-president and youth project group member Nigel Ashley looks on. This photo appeared in the December 2020 edition of Yeovil Press.
43 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
A FANTASTIC £3,200 has been raised for Yeovil District Hospital’s Breast Cancer Unit Appeal – thanks to members of the Moose International Yeovil 28 Lodge. These pictures show Moose members bucket collecting in aid of the hospital appeal at Yeovil supermarkets. These photos appeared in the December 2020 edition of Yeovil Press. THE Yeovil branch of the Royal British Legion runs an annual competition for the best Poppy Day themed display to commemorate Remembrance. The 2020 winner was the Pen Mill Hotel in Yeovil and landlord Jon Palmer is pictured with the Pittards Trophy and winning certificate. This photo appeared in the December 2020 edition of Yeovil Press. PUPILS at Huish Primary School in Yeovil had lessons about the events which led up to the start of the Second World War. These photos appeared in the December 2020 edition of Yeovil Press. Members of the Rotary Club of Yeovil, together with colleagues from the Rotary Club of Yeo-Vale, planted 1,000s of purple crocuses around the area in support of the Rotary Foundation’s World Purple4Polio campaign. Rotarians are pictured outside the Octagon Theatre in Yeovil where some of the planting has taken place. This photo appeared in the December 2020 edition of Yeovil Press. YEAR 11 students at Westfield Academy in Yeovil learnt all about our amazing bodies! The BTEC health and social care students made t-shirts, replica lungs and 3D models showing our insides – lovely! This photo appeared in the December 2020 edition of Yeovil Press. The Mayor of Yeovil, Cllr Evie Potts-Jones, held the annual charity Mayor’s Ball at the Westlands Yeovil entertainment venue. These photos appeared in the December 2021 edition of the Yeovil Press. Photos: Christine Jones. THE Ugly Sisters from Yeovil Amateur Pantomime Society’s January 2022 production of Cinderella could not wait to get their lips around a tasty new cocktail called the Glass Slipper. The gin-based cocktail had been produced by Yeovil bar Kazbar to help promote the society’s show. This photo appeared in the December 2021 edition of Yeovil Press. Photo: Christine Jones. Former England and Liverpool footballer John Barnes was the special guest at the annual charity lunch hosted by Yeovil Round Table at the Westlands Yeovil entertainment venue and he was on hand to help present cheques to three different charities. He is also pictured with Yeovil Round Table members Mark Watts and Rob Holly, of Yeovil-based firm Watly Engineering. These photos appeared in the December 2021 edition of Yeovil Press. Photos: Christine Jones. MEMBERS of the Castaway Theatre Group entertained visitors to the Manor Hotel in Yeovil to help promote their forthcoming show of Elf. The young songsters performed a number of songs from the junior musical version of Elf during a Christmas fair being held at the fair. These photos appeared in the December 2021 edition of Yeovil Press. Photos: Christine Jones.

Yeovil Round Table would always welcome new members

THE Yeovil Round Table charitable organisation is on the lookout for new members as it continues its fantastic work within the local community.

The group was founded in 194950 and during the past 73 years it has raised thousands of pounds for local and national charities and groups and supported events aplenty.

But the group – which celebrated its 70th anniversary in early 2020 with a special Charter Dinner at the Northover Manor in Ilchester just before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic - would love to welcome new members to the organisation.

Round Table is a male-only organisation for lads aged from 18 to 45 – although it should be stressed that the wives, girlfriends and partners of Tablers have an active part to play in some of the group’s fundraising and social ventures.

While Yeovil Round Table is well-known for raising lots of money for charity – it is also a great place to have fun, make new pals and try out new things.

The inaugural dinner of the Yeovil Round Table took place on March 30, 1949, at the Cadena Café in Yeovil. Its first Charter Dinner was held a

year later at the same venue and as can be seen from the photo – the group was certainly not short of members.

More than 70 years on and the group’s membership is still good, but it could be better.

Anyone interested in joining should get in touch with an existing or former Yeovil Round Table member for further details. Alternatively email the Yeovil Press at and we’d be delighted to point you in the right direction or go to the Round Table website at . Possible new members can also text JOIN and their postcode to 600666.

PHOTO: There was no shortage of members of Yeovil Round Table back in the early days of the group when it was formed in 1949. Here they are at the old Cadena Café in Yeovil.

Yeovil Round Table chairmen over the past 73 years:

1950s: 1949-50 – A. J. Boxall; 1950-51 – H. W. T. Bond; 1951-52 – R. J. Linford; 1952-53 – A. E. Ewens; 1953-54 – K. Tiley; 1954-55 – J. H. Fairbrother; 195556 – R. C. Lucas; 1956-57 – P. W. Gayler; 1957-58 – K. Tiley; 1958-59 – J. F. Booth; 1959-60 – G. J. Miller.

1960s: 1960-61 – D. J. S. Rogers; 1961-62 – P. D. McKernan; 1962-63 – D. T. Laws; 1963-64 – K. P. Gee; 1964-65 – S. V. Rogers; 1965-66 – J. C. Mitchell;

1966-67 – D. Smalley; 1967-68 – H. W. Routledge; 1968-69 – A. D. Calder; 196970 – M. V. Walsingham.

1970s: 1970-71 – M. I . Crinks; 197172 – R. W. Moreton; 1972-73 – E. Shire; 1973-74 – B. F. Bennett; 1974-75 – P. Hillard; 1975-76 – M. J. Sperring; 197677 – D. K. F. McIver; 1977-78 – A. J. S. Irwin; 1978-79 – W. J. T. Edmonds; 197980 – M. Davies.

1980s: 1980-81 – M. Hill; 1981-82 – N. Lindsay; 1982-83 – C. Champion; 1983-

84 – R. Stansfield; 1984-85 – J. Frosdick; 1985-86 – M. Hughes; 1986-87 – R. Parsons; 1987-88 – D. J. Prosser; 198889 – G. Jordan; 1989-90 – R. Forward.

1990s: 1990-91 – A. McDougall; 199192 – G. Jordan; 1992-93 – C. Louwerse; 1993-94 – N. Hill; 1994-95 – M. Bilton; 1995-96 – M. A. Porter; 1996-97 – S. Love; 1997-98 – S. Murray; 1998-99 – P. F. Rowsell; 1999-2000 – I. Prestwood.

2000s: 2000-01 – P. Walker; 2001-02 –D. Lloyd; 2002-03 – A. Parker; 2003-04 –

T. Harvey; 2004-05 – C. Kelly; 2005-06 –J. Suffield; 2006-07 – A. Parker; 2007-08 – I. Cook; 2008-09 – S. Newman; 200910 – M. King.

2010s: 2010-11 – M. Porter; 2011-12 –R. Lee; 2012-13 – J. Majeka; 2013-14 – P. Allaway; 2014-15 – S. Farnham; 2015-16 – A. Helyar; 2016-17 – G. Jones; 201718 – S. Grimster; 2018-19 – R. Cardwell; 2019-20 – S. Fry.

2020s: 2020-21 – R. Holly; 2021-22 –A. Rousell; 2022-23 – M. Watts.

The front cover of the Yeovil Round Table charity lunch programme. Graeme Hyde (right) is pictured with Darren Gough. Stuart Foster (left) is pictured with Darren Gough. Mark Robinson (right), from Yeovil Town FC, is pictured with Darren Gough.

Yeovil Round Table at its best - charity lunch raises £19,000 for local good causes

MEMBERS of Yeovil Round Table were bowled over when the group’s annual charity lunch – which saw former England cricketer Darren Gough attend as the special guest – raised a whopping £19,000 for charity.

The money raised at the lunch held at Westlands Yeovil entertainment venue on November 18 will be distributed towards helping local charities and good causes and organisers have thanked everyone for their support.

Yeovil Round Table chairman Mark Watts said: “I would like to thank everyone who attended and supported this year’s event – it was great to see some familiar faces and welcome some new ones.

“The charity lunch returned last year after an unforeseen break because of the Covid-19 pandemic and we hope

everyone enjoyed getting back to some sort of normality.

“We hope that this year’s charity lunch did not disappoint once again with the usual Round Table fun, whilst raising money for good causes.”

The main charities being supported by the Round Tablers this year have been Yeovil Opportunity Group and the Lord’s Larder, plus a lot of individuals and smaller groups.

The group is in the process of sponsoring a 24-7 public defibrillator as part of the ongoing campaign by Yeovil Town Council to have as many of the defib machines dotted around the local community as possible which can be used on someone in the event of them having a cardiac arrest.

Mark added: “All of these organisations

do amazing things for our community and further afield and we are proud to be able to support them.”

Yeovil Round Table would like to thank the charity lunch sponsors and all the local businesses and private individuals who were again very generous in providing a great selection of auction lots.

Mark concluded: “This event continues to be our main fundraiser and so I made no apologies in asking people to dig deep and donate as much as they could.”

Thank you to these business for their support: Northseam Independent Financial Planning; Twoleaf Property Management; Watly Engineering; Stuart Foster Funeral Services; Remous Print; JRH Media; Funtasia Entertainment; Magpie Auctions; Simply Bathrooms and Bedrooms; Zodiac Security; AP Kitchen

Solutions; J2 Tiles & Bathrooms; 1st Class Improvements.

Special guest Darren Gough took time out to pose for photos with diners, plus he took part in an interesting and amusing question-and-answer session with compere Steve Carpenter.

Following lunch there was a port draw sponsored by Stuart Foster Funeral Services, plus a cricket-based quiz surrounding facts about Darren Gough.

The former Yorkshire and England cricketer played in 58 Test matches for the country and 229 wickets.

Following his playing career, he has still remained a familiar face and voice on television and radio and in 2005 he sparkled to success by winning the Strictly Come Dancing show with British National dance champion Lilia Kopylova.

Darren Gough (centre – sat on the motorbike) is pictured with members of Yeovil Round Table and representatives of the Yeovil Opportunity Group, the Lord’s Larder and Yeovil ADHD Somerset who received cheques totalling £6,000 ahead of the annual charity lunch. They are pictured with a Yeovil Freewheelers motorbike – which has helped to deliver hospital equipment and medicines etc to hospitals around the region – which was funded by Yeovil Round Table. Photo: Christine Jones. Darren Gough (centre) with cheque recipients ahead of Yeovil Round Table’s annual charity lunch. Photo: Christine Jones. Chairman of Yeovil Round Table, Mark Watts (left), and fellow Rotarian, Gareth Jones (right), with former England cricketer Darren Gough at the Westlands Yeovil entertainment venue.Photo: Christine Jones. Cricketer Darren Gough, who was the special guest at Yeovil Round Table’s charity lunch, was the spearhead of England’s bowling attack through the 1990s. Former England cricketer Darren Gough won the third series of Strictly Come Dancing in 2005 when he and partner Lilia Kopylova defeated athlete Colin Jackson and presenter Zoe Ball in the final.

Who will win the Yeovil Press World Cup Sweepstake?

FOOTBALL fever is growing as the 2022 World Cup in Qatar enters the business stage of the competition with eight teams – at the time of writing –preparing to enter the Quarter-Finals.

Croatia play Brazil in the opening Quarter-Final match on Friday, December 9, with a 3pm kick-off, while Netherlands face Argentina later that day in a 7pm start.

On Saturday, December 10, we will see Morocco take on Portugal in a 3pm kickoff, ahead of the big one when England tackle France at 7pm.

Last month the Yeovil Press launched its World Cup Sweepstake where all 32 nations were being represented by a company, group or charity.

And so we too have seen our 32 entrants get whittled down to just eight

– all in with a chance of winning a FREE full-page advert in the January 2023 edition of the Yeovil Press.

The eight companies/groups left battling it out in the Yeovil Press World Cup Sweepstake are as follows: Watly Engineering (Argentina); Northseam Independent Financial Planning (Croatia); A Touch of Glass

(The Netherlands); Zodiac Security (France); Lynx 2 Business (Morocco); Cake Box Bakery (Brazil); Not Just Travel (England); and No5 Café Diner (Portugal).

The Semi-Finals will be held on December 13-14 and the Final itself on December 18 with the Third Place PlayOff match taking place the day before.

46 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out FIFA WORLD CUP - QATAR 2022 NOVEMBER 20, 2022, TO DECEMBER 18, 2022 YEOVIL PRESS SWEEPSTAKE
Specialist stainless steel welding, fabricating and engineering company sales @ 01935-507077 19 Bartlett Court, Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset CROATIA NORTHSEAM INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL PLANNING Fabulous selection of cakes, buns, bread, sandwiches, drinks and snacks Facebook: Cake Box Bakery, Yeovil hello @ 01935-421453 76 Wessex Road, Yeovil, Somerset BRAZIL CAKE BOX BAKERY Specialist stainless steel welding, fabricating and engineering company sales @ 01935-507077 19 Bartlett Court, Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset ARGENTINA WATLY ENGINEERING A small friendly established company for all your metal and glass engraving and key cutting info @ | 01935-411088 20 Princes Street, Yeovil, Somerset NETHERLANDS A TOUCH OF GLASS A Yeovil business group - helping local businesses to meet info @ Meetings take place every Tuesday at Yeovil Golf Club between 7am and 8.30am MOROCCO LYNX 2 BUSINESS Breakfast - Brunch - Lunch - Eat In - Take Away - Deliveries info @ 01935-433665 1 Kingfisher Close, Gazelle Road, Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset PORTUGAL No5 CAFÉ DINER Specialist stainless steel welding, fabricating and engineering company sales @ 01935-507077 19 Bartlett Court, Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset ENGLAND NOT JUST TRAVEL WWW.ZODIACSECURITY.CO.UK 01458 241166 FRANCE ZODIAC SECURITY V V V V



December 23, 1922

Yeovil & Petters United 4, Southampton Reserves 3 Southern League English Section

YEOVIL & Petters United gave fans an early Christmas present when they came back from 3-0 down at Huish to defeat visiting Southampton Reserves 4-3.

All four Yeovil goals were scored by William Pountney Wright and the dramatic fight-back resulted in unprecedented scenes of celebration among the home supporters.


December 13, 1972

Yeovil Town 5, Cambridge City 1 Southern Premier League

YEOVIL Town bounced back to winning ways in emphatic style with a 5-1 success over Cambridge City at Huish in the Southern Premier League.

John Brown netted a hat-trick and Stuart Housley scored a brace as Yeovil enjoyed a comfortable victory.

It could not have come at a better time. The Glovers had suffered a 2-0 defeat to Plymouth Argyle in the FA Cup Second Round four days previously, gone out

of the FA Trophy in a surprise defeat to Rugby Town and had also lost 1-0 in the league against Dover in their previous three matches.

The win over Cambridge City was, incredibly, Yeovil’s eighth successive home game at Huish.


December 5, 1987

Cambridge United 0, Yeovil Town 1 FA Cup Second Round

YEOVIL Town gained their first Football League scalp in the FA Cup for 15 years when a single goal was enough to defeat Cambridge United.

It looked as if non-league Yeovil would be taking Cambridge back to Huish for a replay, but then midfielder Andy Wallace scored with a lovely taken shot in the closing stages of the tie.

The goal sent Yeovil’s travelling army of supporters into rapturous scenes of jubilation and the Glovers would later be paired with a home tie against top flight Queens Park Rangers at Huish in the Third Roud.


December 16, 1992

Hereford United 1, Yeovil Town 2 FA Cup Second Round Replay

POSSIBLY one of the most important matches in the history of Yeovil Town FC.

The Glovers were in the midst of a financial crisis, but were given a lifeline thanks to a dramatic FA Cup Second Round Replay victory at old rivals Hereford United which set-up a lucrative tie at Huish Park in the Third Round against Arsenal.

The original tie had finished 0-0 at Huish Park, so Yeovil – then of the Conference – hoping to pull-off another giant-killing act in the cup by defeating Hereford of the Third Division.

Yeovil took an 18th minute lead when Paul Sanderson met Steve Harrower’s cross and headed home.

Hereford nearly equalised shortly before half-time but a Tony Cousins effort hit the bar.

The Football League side found themselves down to ten men on 53

minutes when player-manager Greg Downs – who had won the FA Cup with Coventry City as a player in 1987 - was sent-off for a professional foul on Yeovil striker Mickey Spencer.

Yeovil could have extended their onegoal lead on 70 minutes when Phil Ferns was fouled inside the box and the referee awarded the Glovers a penalty. But Paul Batty saw his spot-kick saved by Hereford keeper Alan Judge and that gave them renewed impetus to get back into the game and they duly did seven minutes later when Owen Pickard, who would a few years later become a Yeovil Town player, netted.

With Hereford’s tails up in search of a winner, the visiting Yeovil – backed by a vociferous army of supporters – had other ideas.

Step forward substitute Neil Coates who had been brought on – virtually unnoticed – in place of Richard Cooper following Hereford’s equaliser.

Extra-time was looming, but Yeovil’s Wayne Dobbins went on one final run and played the ball back from the by-line across the goal.

It found Coates all alone and he coolly took one touch and steadied himself before putting the ball into the back of the net.

That one goal possibly saved Yeovil Town from going out of business and the wild scenes of celebration at the end will live long in the memory – even though it seemed like an eternity before Coates knocked the ball home.

15 YEARS AGO 2007

Yeovil Town 2, Brighton & Hove Albion 1

League One

YEOVIL Town came back from 1-0 down to beat visiting Brighton & Hove Albion 2-1 at Huish Park in League One.

Alex Revell had given Brighton the lead on 19 minutes, but Yeovil drew level just before the interval through Gary Dempsey.

The winner for Yeovil came shortly after the start of the second period when Zoltan Stieber netted for Russell Slade’s side.

A crowd of 6,881 was at Huish Park for the match.


December 23, 2017

Yeovil Town 3, Exeter City 1 League Two

YEOVIL Town enjoyed a 3-1 victory over West Country rivals Exeter City at Huish Park in League Two.

The Glovers broke the deadlock on 41 minutes when Jake Gray netted and they doubled their lead shortly after the start of the second period when Francois Zoko scored.

Exeter got a goal back on 85 minutes, but Yeovil made sure of the three points when Sam Surridge converted an 88th minute penalty.

A crowd of 4,834 was at Huish Park for the match.

47 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out RADIO CABS OF YEOVIL 30A MIDDLE STREET, YEOVIL, SOMERSET BA20 1LY WWW.YEOVILRADIOCABS.CO.UK – 01935-426666 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN KINDLY SPONSORED BY:
John Brown scored a hat-trick for Yeovil Town against Cambridge City on December 13, 1972. Andy Wallace scored the winner for Yeovil Town at Cambridge United in the FA Cup on December 5, 1987. Neil Coates scored one of the most important goals in Yeovil Town’s history on December 16, 1992, in a famous FA Cup win at Hereford United.


100 Huish Heroes - in tribute to John Lukins

THE late John Lukins had written thousands of words about Yeovil Town during his career reporting on the happenings of the Glovers at Huish and Huish Park for around 50 or so years.

John was so highly-thought of that the press box at Huish Park was named after him.

In the mid-1990s when Graham Roberts was manager he wrote 100 Huish Heroes. The book highlights –as the title suggests – 100 heroes from Yeovil Town’s history at Huish and Huish Park.

John passed away on March 9, 2022, at the age of 81.

In a tribute to John, we are picking out two of his 100 heroes each month to keep the name of John Lukins in the local press.

In this edition of Yeovil Press we have randomly selected players for Numbers 13 and 14from John’s 100 Huish Heroes book – George Muir and Johnny McKay.

No 14 - 100 Huish Heroes: Pint-sized Johnny McKay packed a terrific shot

No 13 - 100 Huish Heroes: George Muir travelled to Yeovil in a blizzard

IT was a happy day for Yeovil Town when Her Majesty’s Armed Forces decided they needed George Muir, the Hibernian left-back, at Houndstone Camp on the outskirts of Yeovil.

But when he had the posting he little thought he would still be in the town for the rest of his life.

George returned to Hibs in 1963 and went on their pre-season tour to Czechoslovakia. But they refused to give him the benefit that was due, so he walked out, turned down the chance to join Third Lanark, jumped on a train and headed for Yeovil in a blizzard in 1960.

By the time he was sold to Weymouth for a nominal fee in 1968 he had joined the exclusive 300 Club – finishing with 322 appearances. Most of them were at left-back, but there were occasional forays into attack.

It was not that he had to stay at Huish. Frank O’Farrell offered good money to take him to Torquay United. Yeovil

accepted, but George said “no.” Malcolm Allison came up from Plymouth Argyle and got the same response.

“My boys were growing up and I told them the missus wasn’t keen on a move – but to be truthful I wasn’t keen either,” said George.

Those boys – George jnr and Paul –both grew up to don Yeovil shirts without making the same impact as dad. George jnr had his career ended up by a broken leg, but Paul still turns out in the Croydon area.

And George snr was still a regular at Huish Park. “I love the game and I wish I could still play,” he told John Lukins for the 100 Huish Heroes book. “But I wouldn’t have wanted to play the way they do these days. The game is too fast and the ball spends too much time in the air.”

NOTE: George Muir snr passed away in December 2008 aged 78, while son Paul tragically died in the early 2000s.

A REAL pocket dynamo was left-winger Johnny McKay who was with Yeovil Town from 1952-60.

He was 5ft 3ins and so small that his boots had to be specially made. But for seven seasons he was a great favourite with the Huish crowds.

He was a winger who packed a terrific shot. Three times he got into double figures in a season – scoring 21 in 1956-

57. He joined Yeovil from QPR having started his career with Irvine Meadow in his native Scotland. Johnny was also a Scottish junior international.

NOTE: It was with much sadness at Huish and the town in general when little Johnny McKay, hero to so many fans in the 1950s era, passed away in his adopted town in 1988.

48 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out THIS PAGE HAS BEEN KINDLY SPONSORED BY: RADIO CABS OF YEOVIL 30A MIDDLE STREET, YEOVIL, SOMERSET BA20 1LY WWW.YEOVILRADIOCABS.CO.UK – 01935-426666
A spot of decorating for George Muir. George Muir in his Yeovil Town playing days.

Supporting the Lord's Larder at Huish Park

YEOVIL Town supporter Alex White and his team will be collecting donations and food for the Lord’s Larder food bank at the Glovers’ National League fixture with Scunthorpe United on Saturday, December 10.

Alex will be located outside the main entrance at Huish Park prior to the 3pm kick-off where you can drop off any food and will collect donations at half-time.

A club spokesman said: “With everyone feeling the pinch currently, all associated with Yeovil Town FC, and the Lord’s Larder would greatly appreciate your support. We all understand that times are tough but please give as generously as you can.”

For more information on the Lord’s Larder go to uk/the-lords-larder/.

Bidding closes on Yeovil Town's Poppy Appeal match shirts

BIDS for the Yeovil Town poppy appeal shirts – raising money for the Royal British Legion – was closing at midday on December 7.

All of the shirts worn in the 3-1 victory over Gateshead in the National League at Huish Park on November 12 have been put up for auction.

The highest bids – as at 9am on December 7 – were £125 each for the shirts worn by Matt Worthington, Grant Smith and Josh Staunton.

Yeovil Town showed its respect to the fallen on November 12 ahead of its

National League fixture with Gateshead.

Royal Navy personnel from HMS Somerset were present at Huish Park and formed a guard of honour as the match ball was brought onto the pitch.

The Yeovil Mayor, Cllr Evie PottsJones, joined Yeovil Town director Stuart Robbins in the middle of the pitch as they laid wreaths ahead of a two-minute silence.

A short service was led by Rev Jim Pearce, the club padre, and the twominute silence was excellently observed by supporters at the game.

SOME more photos from the hard-working Yeovil Town Community Sports Trust and its large group of young and enthusiastic footballers.


01: How many years have you been supporting Yeovil Town FC? I have supported Yeovil Town for 45 years. When I was aged seven-nine I lived across the road from the old Huish ground in Wellington Flats and loved watching the fans walk past singing, shouting and having banter with one another. It was a mass of green and white scarves.

02: What was the first game you can remember watching Yeovil Town FC? I can’t actually remember who Yeovil were playing when I saw them for the first time. I know I went with my younger step-brothers and I’m guessing the match might have been a local derby game with Weymouth or Bath City.

03: Who have been your all-time favourite Yeovil Town player and your favourite manager? All-time favourite player is a difficult one to answer, but Warren Patmore has to be up there. Fa-

04: What is the best Yeovil Town game you have watched? The FA Trophy Final at Villa Park back in May 2002 when Yeovil beat Stevenage 2-0. The atmosphere was fantastic that day.

05: What has been the biggest disappointment for you as a Yeovil Town fan? Relegation from The Championship in 2014 and then the quick drop back down into non-league football.

06: What has been your favourite goal scored by Yeovil Town? Mickey Engwell’s cross-come-shot which went in against Enfield at Huish Park during the ICIS Premier League fixture in 1997 when 8,007 crammed into the ground with another 2,000 locked outside.

07: If you could name any one footballer – alive or dead – from the world of football who you would have liked to have seen play for Yeovil Town, who it would be and why? George Best at his prime when he had long hair!

08: Favourite away ground and why? Leyton Orient FC. We would say the weekend with the children at West India Docks and travel in by tube. Always had fun with the fans from both sides walking to the ground. In the ground we could see the local residents watching the game from their high rise flats.

09: If you won the National Lottery

jackpot and bought Yeovil Town FC –what is the first thing you would do (within reason!)? I would build a new facility at Huish Park would could hold events 24-7 for people from all over the community, plus create a Fan Zone area on matchdays for supporters of all ages. I would also offer financial assistance to YTFC Disabled Supporters’ Association, make food and drink offers for all fans, and to see the club work hard within the community.

10: What are your hopes and aspirations for Yeovil Town’s future and the 2022-23 season? To stay up this season and then build for promotion in 2023-24 campaign.

11: Name your all-time Yeovil Town XI from your time as being a Yeovil Town fan. This question made me smile as where do I begin from so many wonderful players? 1 Tony Pennock; 2 Luke Ayling; 3 Nathan Jones; 4 Mickey Engwell; 5 Terry Skiverton; 6 the late Steve Browne; 7 Adam Stansfield, amazing talent so dearly missed; 8 Paddy Madden; 9 Warren Patmore; 10 Dick Plumb; 11 Michael McIndoe. I picked too many players for XI … so on the bench I’d have: Kieffer Moore, it was a standing joke around the area we sit as other fans didn’t rate him, but myself and husband Steve always thought he would develop and become a top rate player; Colin Miles; Adi Yussuf, he’s my grandson Rhys’ favourite player!

50 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out THIS PAGE HAS BEEN KINDLY SPONSORED BY: RADIO CABS OF YEOVIL 30A MIDDLE STREET, YEOVIL, SOMERSET BA20 1LY WWW.YEOVILRADIOCABS.CO.UK – 01935-426666
vourite manager – Gary Johnson; nothing better than to hear the crowd shout out his name during the match and we would get behind the players by singing Gary Johnson’s Green and White Army. P is for Karina PARSONS! Welcome to the 16th instalment of the Fan Zone A-to-Z 1-to-11 feature.
month we will spotlight a Yeovil Town fan in surname alphabetical order and ask them 11 questions relating to their support of the Glovers.
If you want to be
included in a future edition of the Fan Zone
get in touch by emailing Yeovil Press editor Steve Sowden at We could well be interested in hearing from any Yeovil fan with a surname beginning with the letter Z! Photo: Yeovil Town fan Karina Parsons.
6 and 11.
Former Yeovil defender Mickey Engwell.
Turn to Questions
Legendary footballer George Best who died in 2005 aged just 59. Turn to Question 7. Yeovil Town celebrate winning the FA Trophy at Villa Park in 2002. Turn to Question 4.

A Look back at the past month of the goings-on at Yeovil Town FC - Up the Glovers!

Thursday, November 17, 2022

CAPTAIN Josh Staunton and defender Ben Richards-Everton were both doubts for Yeovil Town’s trip to leaders Notts County on November 19.

The pair had both received injections and were yet to train, according to Glovers’ boss Mark Cooper, who did confirm that defender Morgan Williams and play-maker Lawson D’Ath were both back in training.

Richards-Everton sat out the previous weekend’s 3-1 home win over Gateshead whilst D’Ath’s last appearance was almost a month ago and Williams has been missing since featuring in the first game under Cooper at Maidstone United three weeks ago.

Speaking to BBC Somerset, the manager said: “Ben Richards-Everton and Josh Staunton both had injections this week, so they have no trained yet. Morgan Williams is back training this week, as it Lawson D’Ath.

Friday, November 18, 2022

YEOVIL Town midfielder Matt Worthington is enjoying playing in a more advanced position under new manager Mark Cooper.

The 24-year-old impressed playing a role supporting the attack in last weekend’s 3-1 home win over bottom club Gateshead and is hoping to carry on this form when the Glovers travel to top-ofthe-table Notts County on Saturday.

Speaking before the game, he said: “Being higher up the pitch suits my attributes, I can press from the position higher up the pitch, win the ball back and I want to start adding goals and assists to my game, so being in that position will help.”

Cooper was again full of praise for the former AFC Bournemouth youngster and suggested he expects him to continue in the new role in the coming weeks.

The manager said: “Matt has tremendous athletic attributes, so we need him to run through the middle of the pitch and create opportunities which he did on Saturday.

“I don’t want him sitting back and not being able to use his athleticism, so it makes sense for us to let him off the leash and let him run.”

Saturday, November 19, 2022 Notts County 0, Yeovil Town 0 National League

A RECORD National League crowd of 16,511 – including 452 Glovers fans - witnessed a resilient Yeovil Town keep the league leaders Notts County out in a 0-0 draw at Meadow Lane.

Mark Cooper’s Green and Whites held

firm against Notts County despite being under pressure for the overwhelming majority of the game to take a point home to Somerset.

There were some fantastic performances from the Glovers including those of goalkeeper Grant Smith and defender Max Hunt.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

YEOIVL Town manager Mark Cooper was ‘very pleased’ with the defensive efforts of his side as they kept an impressive Notts County at bay.

51 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out RADIO CABS OF YEOVIL 30A MIDDLE STREET, YEOVIL, SOMERSET BA20 1LY WWW.YEOVILRADIOCABS.CO.UK – 01935-426666 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN KINDLY SPONSORED BY:
Yeovil Town boss Mark Cooper. Join the Glovers Trust if you feel strongly about what happens at your football club Our Club – Our Passion Standing together to make a difference NEW MEMBERS ALWAYS WELCOME Twitter: @gloverstrust

Yeovil frustrated Notts County, who fell to second after the draw, and Cooper said his side aren’t ready to compete in a street fight with a side like County just yet.

Speaking to BBC Somerset , he said: “We chose to sacrifice the ball because we’re on the start of our journey. We’re not ready to compete punch for punch with Notts County yet. They’re a good football team and if we’d have to gone toe to toe we’d have got knocked out.”

Cooper admitted setting up that way wasn’t how he’d like to go, but revealed he’d told his squad to leave their egos behind to get a result on the road.

“I said to the boys at the start of the week, we need to leave our egos at the door. We all want to go and play pretty football, but the result and the team is more important than our egos.

“So I said to them, leave your ego there, we’re going to sacrifice the ball and were

going to defend really well and were going to try and play counter attack, which is not really my forte, but we had to try and get something out of the game.”

Cooper switched it tactically in the second half in search of nicking a goal, and did say his side didn’t make the most of the corners they had. But ultimately, he was full of praise for his defence, and unapologetic for setting up the way he did.

“I’ve just said to the players, they’re the best I’ve seen at defending their own penalty area and they had to do that today.

“We can’t apologise for setting up like we did, we’re near the bottom and we have to get points.”

Monday, November 21, 2022

YEOVIL Town goalkeeper Grant Smith was named in the Official Vanarama team of the week.

He was the final line of defence as Yeovil became the first side to keep Notts

County at bay at Meadow Lane for over 500 days.

Meanwhile, Max Hunt made it in to the Non-League Paper’s Team of the Day for a colossal defensive display in the 0-0 draw at Notts County.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

YEOVIL Town will host National League rivals Dorking Wanderers in the Third Round Proper of the FA Trophy.

The tie will be played on Saturday, December 17.

The winners of the tie will receive £4,500 with the losers picking up a consolation prize of £1,250.

In last season’s competition, the Glovers went out in the Fourth Round after a penalty shoot-out defeat at the hands of lower league Needham Market.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

YEOVIL Town boss Mark Cooper has stamped out any talk of the Glovers pushing for a place in the National League play-offs after they went three games unbeaten.

A hard-fought point at leaders Notts County at the weekend meant the Glovers have picked up five points from their last three matches ahead of the visit from FC Halifax Town to Somerset this weekend.

The visitors were in decent form having won three of their last five matches and reports in West Yorkshire suggest they are looking towards challenging for the promotion places again. After a poor start, they sit 14th in the table with Yeovil five places and six points behind them having played a game more.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

YEOVIL Town full-back Jamie Reckord said new manager Mark Cooper has got the side playing more football than they did under previous boss Chris Hargreaves.

The 30-year-old, who was brought to the club by Hargreaves in the summer, had a spell under Cooper when he was on loan at Swindon Town in 2014

Speaking ahead of the weekend’s match with FC Halifax Town, Reckord said: “I knew what to expect, but training has changed a bit. He wants us to play a bit more than Chris did and that’s just the way he played and it feels like it’s suited us well and we’ve had a few good results lately. “Him coming in has changed a few people’s mindsets with people not being in the squad and a few new people have come in which has changed the team.

“I feel like we have been unlucky and on Saturday (at Notts County) we were able to grind out a results, whereas be-

fore something always seemed to happen and there’s probably a bit more belief in the team now.”

Friday, November 25, 2022

A PLANNING application has been submitted by Yeovil Town for the “relocation and reduction in size” of the marquee at Huish Park.

The club has applied to (its landlord) South Somerset District Council for permission to relocate and reduce in size its “refreshment marquee from the existing external location to within the stadium secure compound footprint.”

The application was submitted to the authority on at the end of September, although it appears the application was only validated by the council last week, and therefore seems likely to be dealt with within an undetermined timescale.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Yeovil Town 1, Halifax Town 0 National League

A FIRST-HALF penalty from Matt Worthington secured a vital 1-0 win for Yeovil Town in horrendous conditions at Huish Park.

But the midfielder was at the centre of the action when he was red carded for a second bookable offence having been adjudged to have dived in the second-half.

To say referee Aaron Jackson was not popular with the Huish Park crowd would be an understatement and, judging from the booking he received in injury time, Yeovil manager Mark Cooper was not too keen on him either.

The Glovers held on for the win with ten men for the final 15 minutes to pull five points clear of the National League drop zone.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

YEOVIL Town boss Mark Cooper offered no apologies after his side scrapped to a vital 1-0 win over FC Halifax Town to lift them further away from the National League relegation zone.

A penalty from Matt Worthington late in the first-half was the difference for the Glovers who played the final 15 minutes with ten men after the midfielder was sent off for a second bookable offence.

Cooper was critical of the decision by referee Aaron Jackson who was jeered off the pitch by the Huish Park ground at the final whistle.

Speaking to BBC Somerset after the game, Cooper said: “We have to understand the predicament we are in and at the minute it is about doing what is needed to get results, we are not in a place where we can play like Barcelona just yet.

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Website Design Design and Branding Social Media Management Printing Photography and Video Marketing 0330 133 4284

“We have to be pragmatic and have to fight and scrap to get points and our performance with the ball today was not great, but we were defensively outstanding again.

“We got the goal and we defended with ten men for 25 minutes and we were outstanding, it’s a big three points. We will forget about the performance and remember the three points.”

Saturday, November 26, 2022

CAPTAIN Josh Staunton hopes that an upturn in results will allow his Yeovil Town team-mates to turn in performances they are capable of.

The Glovers made it four games unbeaten with a Matt Worthington penalty the difference against FC Halifax Town at Huish Park and recorded back-to-back home wins for the first time since March.

Staunton was paired alongside loanee Jamie Andrews in midfield again and the skipper believes the back line is not missing his presence.

Speaking to BBC Somerset after the win, he said: “It’s nice to know the boys behind you are doing a good job and every time that ball goes up in the air, they are sweeping it up nicely.

“There is a bit of chemistry going on back there, people are making relationships. Bevs (Owen Bevan) has been outstanding in the last few games, Hunty (Max Hunt) has come in and done very well, same with Morgs (Morgan Williams).

“It’s a different challenge going in to midfield and I am probably still not quite where I would like to be performance-wise in midfield, but the most important thing is the team.

“Hopefully as we get a few results, confidence will build and the pressure will relieve off us and we can start playing the way the manager wants us to play and how the group of players is more than capable of playing.”

Sunday, November 27, 2022

THE Football Association confirmed that Glovers’ midfielder Matt Worthington would serve a one-match ban following his red card against Halifax.

Worthington was booked twice, with the second caution being given for simulation as Yeovil searched for a second goal.

Monday, November 28, 2022

CENTRAL defender Max Hunt was named in the Vanarama National League Team of the Week for his performance in the 1-0 home win over FC Halifax Town. The 23-year-old was in the heart of the

Glovers’ backline which kept back-toback clean sheets for the first time since the end of August.

He follows team-mate goalkeeper Grant Smith whose performance in the goalless draw at high-flying Notts County the previous weekend saw him make the XI.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

LOANEE Jamie Andrews has extended his stay with Yeovil Town until January 2, 2023.

The centre midfielder has been a mainstay in Mark Cooper’s side since joining from West Brom and the extension will see him stay with the Glovers until after the obligatory Torquay Boxing Day/New Year’s Day double header.

minutes and then being taken off the pitch.

Paramedics were clearly visible with the supporter in the stand behind the goal the home team were shooting towards in the first-half.

Tragic news was later released by Bromley.

In a statement, the club said: “Bromley Football Club can confirm that our home fixture with Yeovil Town on Saturday 3rd December was abandoned shortly after kick off due to a medical incident.

“We wish to express our sincere gratitude to the supporters who flagged the incident, medical teams of both Clubs, as well as Doctors within the crowd who assisted stadium paramedics until the ambulance crew arrived and transferred them to hospital.

the supporter has sadly passed away. ”Everyone at Bromley Football Club is deeply saddened by this news and we extend our heartfelt condolences to the supporter’s friends and family.”

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Yeovil Town 2, Taunton Town 1 Somerset Premier Cup Second Round

YEOVIL Town beat Taunton Town 2-1 in the Second Round of the Somerset Premier Cup at Huish Park with goals from Louis Britton and Matt Worthington.

Friday, December 2, 2022

YEOVIL Town winger Charlie Wakefield has returned to training this week having sat out the previous five matches through injury.

The winger, who has not featured since his substitute appearance in the draw at Maidstone United at the end of October, is “slowly but surely getting there” according to manager Mark Cooper.

Friday, December 2, 2022

BUSINESSMAN Martin Hellier‘s bid to buy Yeovil Town appears to be over just over a month after it began.

The owner of Hellier Group, which sponsors the Main Stand at Huish Park, announced he was out of the running having appeared to have spoken with the club about a potential takeover.

Having set a deadline of 6pm for a response from the club “due to lack of any information back in 25 days“, according to a post on his Twitter feed on Friday morning, Mr Hellier posted at 4.48pm saying: “As if I’d wait to 6. Good luck. I’ll write a full statement next week.”

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Bromley v Yeovil Town National League Match Abandoned

A MEDICAL emergency involving a Bromley supporter saw Yeovil Town’s National League fixture abandoned.

Match referee Lloyd Wood took both sets of players off the pitch after 11 minutes with the game level at 0-0 and, following a 45 minute delay, whilst supporters waited for further instructions the game was abandoned.

The game had been paused on seven minutes with the players waiting by the dug-outs before resuming play for four

“Despite the best efforts of all involved, the Club have since been informed that

Yeovil Town line-u: Will Buse, Jamie Reckord, Max Hunt, Owen Bevan, Matt Worthington, Lawson D’Ath, Ewan Clark, Andrew Oluwabori, Charlie Wakefield, Louis Britton, Malachi Linton. Subs used: Ollie Haste, Jamie Andrews, Benjani Junior. Subs not used: Chiori Johnson, Alex Fisher.

53 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out RADIO CABS OF YEOVIL 30A MIDDLE STREET, YEOVIL, SOMERSET BA20 1LY WWW.YEOVILRADIOCABS.CO.UK – 01935-426666 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN KINDLY SPONSORED BY:
Youth Sport - Senior Sport Club News Team Sport - Individual Sport Send us your photos and reports to We look forward to hearing from you WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE YOUR SPORTS NEWS PUBLISHED IN THE YEOVIL PRESS COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER EACH MONTH? YEOVIL PRESS YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area



Saturday, August 6, 2022

Scunthorpe Utd 2, Yeovil Town 1

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Yeovil Town 1, Wrexham 1

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Yeovil Town 1, Barnet 2

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Altrincham 2, Yeovil Town 2

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Yeovil Town 1, Dagenham & Redbridge 0

Monday, August 29, 2022

Wealdstone 0, Yeovil Town 0

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Yeovil Town 0, York City 1

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Eastleigh 1, Yeovil Town 1

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Yeovil Town 2, Chesterfield 2

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Yeovil Town 1, Boreham Wood 1

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Southend United 1, Yeovil Town 0

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Dorking 1, Yeovil Town 1

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Yeovil Town 1, Solihull Moors 0

Saturday, October 15, 2002

Yeovil Town 0, Taunton Town 0

Tuesday, October 18, 2002

Taunton Town 1, Yeovil Town 0

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Oldham Athletic 2, Yeovil Town 0

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Yeovil Town 0, Aldershot 2

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Maidstone 1, Yeovil Town 1

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 Woking 1, Yeovil Town 0

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Yeovil Town 0, Maidenhead 0

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Yeovil Town 3, Gateshead 1

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Notts County 0, Yeovil Town 0

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Yeovil Town 1, Halifax 0

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Bromley A-A Yeovil Town

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Yeovil Town v Scunthorpe Utd 3pm Kick-Off

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Barnet v Yeovil Town 7.45pm Kick-Off

Monday, December 26, 2022

Torquay Utd v Yeovil Town 3pm Kick-Off

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Yeovil Town v Torquay Utd 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Wrexham v Yeovil Town 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Yeovil Town v Altrincham 3pm Kick-Off

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Yeovil Town v Wealdstone 7.45pm Kick-Off

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Yeovil Town v Dagenham & Redbridge 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Yeovil Town v Maidstone Utd 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Gateshead v Yeovil Town 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Yeovil Town v Notts County 3pm Kick-Off

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Maidenhead v Yeovil Town 7.45pm Kick-Off

Saturday, February 26, 2023

York City v Yeovil Town 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Yeovil Town v Woking 3pm Kick-Off

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Yeovil Town v Eastleigh 7.45pm Kick-Off

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Chesterfield v Yeovil Town 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Halifax v Yeovil Town 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Yeovil Town v Bromley 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Yeovil Town v Southend Utd 3pm Kick-Off

Friday, April 7, 2023

Aldershot v Yeovil Town 3pm Kick-Off

Monday, April 10, 2023

Yeovil Town v Dorking 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Solihull Moors v Yeovil Town 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Oldham Athletic v Yeovil Town 3pm Kick-Off

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Boreham Wood v Yeovil Town 3pm Kick-Off

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