Ilminster Press Issue 56

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2 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out Christmas Opening Hours We shall be closed on Friday 23rd December 2022 and will re-open on Tuesday 3rd January 2023 12-14 East Street, Ilminster TA19 0AJ T: 01460 53921

WELCOME to the December 2022 edition of the Ilminster Press community newspaper and Season’s Greetings to all our readers, advertisers and contributors.

We have a Countdown to Christmas 12page pull-out on Pages 15-26 to help get you in the mood for the festive season.

We have also got photo specials on some recent events including last month’s Remembrance Sunday commemorations, the run of the Aladdin panto at the Warehouse Theatre in Ilminster and the fantastic switching-on of the Christmas Lights in the town.

Ilminster has plenty to celebrate!

And with celebrating in mind … many thanks to everyone who has congratulated me on the Ilminster Press’ sister title - Yeovil Press - winning the Community Champion award for a second successive year at the Yeovil Chamber of Commerce Business Awards.

Thank you to those that have advertised in this edition – your support is very much appreciated as always.

Many thanks to James Healey, of JRH Media, for his help with design and layout, and photographer Christine Jones for her support.

The January edition of Ilminster Press will be out on Thursday, January 19, 2023 – the first of a New Year. If you would like to get in touch – please email ilminsterpress@gmail. com .

Take care, keep well, please keep safe and have a wonderful Christmas.

Best wishes, STEVE SOWDEN - Editor

Photo of the month

>> IF any business would like to advertise in the next edition of Ilminster Press – out on Thursday, January 19, 2023 - please get in touch by emailing ilminsterpress@ or by phoning 0777319-8081.

It would be great to make the next edition even bigger and better again.

>> MANY of the photos printed in the December edition of Ilminster Press are available to be bought. Anyone wanting to buy photos included in this edition – please drop us a line at 0777-319-8081 or email

>> KEEP up-to-date with the latest news going on in Ilminster by logging onto the Ilminster Press website at .

>> ILMINSTER Press is published by Steve Sowden, of Ilminster Press, and printed by Newsquest at Fleet House in Hampshire Road, Weymouth, Dorset, or at Newspaper House in Osney Mead, Oxford, Oxfordshire.


3 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
What's in your new local newspaper NEWS IN BRIEF
YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area
ILMINSTER Press reader Robert Archer sent us this lovely photo he took while out on Pretwood Hill above the early morning fog on November 29. If you have a picture you would like to share and perhaps see published in our Photo of the Month feature – please email the Ilminster Press at with your picture and details.
EDITOR'S NOTE Avoid missing out on getting your copy of the monthly Ilminster Press community newspaper by signing-up to our delivery service. It will cost £25 a year to have theIlminster Press hand-delivered to your home each month within the Ilminster area. It will cost £40 a year to have the Ilminster Press posted elsewhere in the country. Email or phone us on 07773-198-081 for further details. HAVE THE ILMINSTER PRESS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR EACH MONTH Pg 04: News from the Gooch Charitable Trust Pg 06-07: News from Ilminster Town Council Pg 08-11: Photo Special: Remembrance Sunday 2022 Pg 12-13: Local news Pg 14: Ilminster Defibrillator Appeal Pg 15-26: Countdown to Christmas Pull-Out Pg 16-18: Photo Special: Christmas Lights Switch-On Pg 22-23: Photo Special: Aladdin Pg 25: Church News Pg 28: Swanmead Memories Pg 29: School News Pg 30: Down Memory Lane Pg 31: Ilminster History Society Pg 32-33: Flashback - December Pg 34-35: What's On Listings Pg 36-37: Leisure Pg 38: Family Announcements Pg 39: Sport

The Gooch Charitable Trust continues to support local groups in Ilminster

THE Gooch Charitable Trust in Ilminster is approaching its 25th anniversary and is looking back on a year that has certainly had its highs and lows.

As a nation we mourned the loss of our monarch HM Queen Elizabeth II. With war once again in Europe, strikes sweeping the country and the cost of living at an all time high it would be easy to forget that there are still things to smile about.

Our region has many wonderful charities and people out in the community striving to support those who need it and the Gooch Trust is proud to be able to support many such organisations.

The Trust was set up by local business man Archie Gooch, primarily to help preserve and maintain the fabric of St Mary’s Church in Ilminster which is better known to everyone as The Minster.

But over the years the Trust has extended its scope enabling it to support many other community groups that benefit the people of Ilminster.

As the main beneficiary, the Trust was keen to support The Minster once again. Last year it was delighted to assist in bringing the magnificent organ back to life.

This year, its support has been a little less ‘glamorous’ but just as important as it provided the church with a grant to

update its heating system.

It may be a little cold in the church right now as the new heating system is yet to be commissioned.

However, come the new year and people have been assured that the church will be warm once again and certainly much more energy efficient. You might just want to wear your best Christmas jumper to keep the chills away in the short term!

The Gooch Trust has also been long term supporters of Vaughan Lee House care home. Last year it received a grant towards a new minibus to ensure that the residents continue to get out and about. The hunt for the new bus continues and the Trust looks forward to seeing the residents travelling in style in the near future.

This year the Trust was delighted to support Vaughan Lee with a grant towards vital repairs to its flat roof which was badly damaged in storms early in 2022.

The work is now complete and manager Karen Roberts said: “The roof was suffering from storm damage, it was leaking and in general disrepair. The new roof is all complete and it’s fabulous. It’s much warmer, no rain coming in and the residents are delighted.”

The Gooch Trust wish all the staff and residents at Vaughan Lee a very Merry


Ilminster Arts Centre approached the Trust seeking financial support for a new PA system. The arts centre attracts a diverse range of musicians and is keen to promote the centre as a wellresourced venue for local bands and young musicians.

The existing PA system was on a longterm loan which had come to an end and unlike professional musicians some of the acts that the arts centre was keen to host were unlikely to have their own. With this grant and its own PA system, Ilminster Arts Centre can continue to enrich the cultural life of the community bringing music to our ears.

The new year promises to be an exciting year for The Gooch Trust as it celebrates its 25th anniversary.

Chairman Heather Gooch said: “It’s hard to believe that the Trust has been

around for nearly 25 years.

“We have loved hearing from all the charities and community groups we have supported over the years and hope that 2023 sees us continuing to support many of the charities that we have worked with in the past but also hearing from new worthy causes that may benefit from our support. The Gooch Trust wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy 2023.”

You can keep up to date with happenings at The Gooch Charitable Trust on Facebook at www.facebook. com/goochtrust/.

If you are a local community group or charity who work to benefit the people of Ilminster and feel you might qualify for a Gooch Trust grant please contact the Trust via its website at www.goochtrust. org or call Marion Ward on 0146052214 who will be happy to send out an application form.


Archie Gooch - who helped to form the well-known local company Gooch and Housego with Les Housego a few years after the end of the Second World War - died in 2005 at the age of 88, but his name will forever live on in the town he loved.

4 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
The Minster in Ilminster. ILMINSTER was always close to Archie Gooch’s heart and he never forgot the help he received when setting up his business - so when the company was launched on to the AIM stock market, he found himself in a position to repay the town and set up the Gooch Charitable Trust. town, to date, has benefited in excess of £400,000 and the Trust continues to work hard supporting both the church and the people of Ilminster. Vaughan Lee House care home. Ilminster Arts Centre.
5 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out HELPING OTHERS TO HELP OTHERS The Gooch Charitable Trust is an Ilminster-based charity founded in 1998 to support local community groups or charities who work to benefit the people of Ilminster. We invite local organisations to apply for a grant. For more details go to: Website: Email: | Phone: 01460 52214

Burma Star Garden given a makeover

SOME people may not be aware of the Burma Star Garden which is found on the corner of Winterhay Lane and Station Road in Ilminster.

For Remembrance Day this year, the grounds team of Ilminster Town Council

was able to give the garden a good makeover and also installed a new access step to allow people to get up into it and by installing a new bench visitors can stay a while to reflect.

New wildflower meadow at West Crescent is helping the environment

THE next time you are walking in the West Crescent area of Ilminster keep a look out for a new feature.

Last year the Green Ilminster group, in collaboration with Ilminster Town Council and with the support of a grant from Parsonage Solar Farm, seeded two acres of grass land behind West Crescent with a wildflower seed mix.

Now council staff, led by Jake Taylor and Green Ilminster volunteers, installed signage to explain what is happening. And coming during the week when world leaders met in Egypt at the Cop27 summit this could not have been more relevant.

The new and colourful information board designed and illustrated by local artist and volunteer, Haz John-Taylor, describes how the project is intended to preserve and protect wildflowers, insects and pollinators such as bumble bees, moths and butterflies. Not forgetting the very striking Swollen Thighed Beetle; yes it really does exist!

The seed mix that has been scattered contains 23 native British wildflower species that are becoming rare, to restore and enrich the existing grass area. Flowers to look out for include Meadowsweet, Poppy and Lady’s Bedstraw. As well as being good for pollinators this will create an attractive display from May to October

each year once established.

Over the past century 97 per cent of our wildflower grasslands have been lost and it is not a coincidence that in the UK, for example, butterfly populations have fallen by about 50 per cent since we started to keep good records in the 1970s.

Why should that matter to us we might ask? Well, the majority of the world’s wild plants rely on insects to pollinate them as does three quarters of the crops we grow. A lot of this work we do not even see as many pollinators prefer to operate at night while we sleep.

The food we put in our mouths relies on the work of pollinators who in turn rely on having enough food from flowers. Without pollinators it is not too much to say that food production would grind to a halt. Pollinators are not just an attractive addition to the world we live in; they are the glue that hold us together.

So initiatives like this are important. The very beautiful yellow and black striped caterpillars of the red and black cinnabar moth have declined by about 83 per cent but importantly there are still some left and it’s not too late to help them recover and to preserve them.

Ilminster’s West Crescent wildflower meadow aims to help do just that.

Hundreds visit the cells at the Old Magistrates Court

THE Christmas Lights Festival in Ilminster on November 18 was an amazing evening enjoyed by a couple of thousand people surrounding the Market House.

the building was there and were really interested in the history and background of the building. Who knows, we may have an open evening again some time.”


26, 2022; Tuesday, December 27, 2022, and Monday, January 2, 2023 Phone: 0300-123-2224 Website:

Ilminster Town Council was delighted to meet over 300 of those people who came to visit the cells in the Old Magistrates Court in East Street which has become the council’s new offices.

A council spokesman said: “So many people commented that they had no idea

If you have not been to the town council office it is open from 11am to 2pm Monday to Friday - so stop by and say hello!

More photos from the switching-on of the Christmas Lights in Ilminster can be found on Pages 15-17 of this edition of Ilminster Press.

6 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
1pm on Friday, December 23, 2022, and re-opens at 11am on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 Phone: 01460-52149 Website: Email:
on Friday, December
2022, and re-opens
Closed from
Closed from 1pm
on Tuesday, January 3,
Phone: 01935-462462 Website: SOMERSET
on Monday, December
Ilminster Town Council’s countryside manager Jake Taylor (back left) is pictured with volunteers Steve Cullingford, Haz JohnTaylor, Nic Bestly, Caroline Orchard, Helen Bealham, Mary King and Sarah Hunt. Inset: The new information board. Burma Star Garden after the work. Inset: Burma Star Garden before the work.

Volunteers still needed for community resilience group in Ilminster

EFFORTS are being made to reduce the impact of heavy rain on the areas that have flooded in the past few years in Ilminster.

Whilst there is a responsibility on owners to make sure they take all steps possible to protect their property much work has been going on by Ilminster Town Council to try and ensure that all the bodies that have a statutory duty deliver all they can to help.

“It does feel like hard work at times even for us as a council to make progress,” said a town council spokesman. “The good news is that work has been done to clear the River Ile of some of the trees and the Environment Agency has been

working to ensure that the riparian duty of landowners is being pushed to the fore to ensure that this happens.

“We have also made links with Rotary in Somerset to enable people at risk of flooding to be considered for Flood Packs. These are small gains, but none the less important ones.”

The council spokesman added: “We are still looking for people to become a part of an Ilminster Community Resilience Group. Please contact the council if you are willing to be a part of this.

“Links to online resources are available from the council website or by contacting the council direct for information on what to do in the event of a flood.”

Opening up the Market House during the week

Hedge work will improve safety on Canal Way

THE hedges that run from the play park to the tennis courts on Canal Way are the responsibility of Ilminster Town Council and will at some point benefit from the hedge laying that is planned.

The grounds team has started work on the hedge with the help of volunteers to improve visibility around the entrances/ exits to Ilminster Recreation Ground.

Hedge-laying is a traditional method that will bring the hedges to a more controllable level, be lower in height and make it safer to exit the recreation ground onto the footpath/cycle path.

This will also reduce the issues with overgrown brambles that overhang the footpath during the spring and summer season.

“This is a rather large undertaking and may have to be done over a few seasons, but we have had some great feedback

from the public so far,” said a council spokesman.

THE historic Market House in the centre of Ilminster is a very prominent feature of the town.

In the past, Ilminster Town Council only took bookings for using the Market House on Saturdays from charities or non-profit organisations at no cost and this will continue.

However, the invitation from the town council has now been extended to anyone who may wish to book the Market House on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays.

A council spokesman said: “The intention is that these bookings will attract people to come into town, which will benefit the local shop traders as well as the market stall holders.”

If you are interested in using the Market House, please email town.council@ with the details of who you are, how you intend to use the space and proof of public liability insurance.

For now, there will be a charge to vendors based on the market stallholders rates.

Spooktacular - Hallowe'en competition winners!

ILMINSTER Town Council ran a competition for the best pumpkin, the best children’s costume and the best decorated house as part of this year’s Hallowe’en festivities.

The winners were as follows: Best pumpkin – 1 Finley Winter, 2 Lumin and Logan Fowler. Best children’s costume – 1 Theo Birchall, 2 Finley Winter. Best decorated house – 1 Jason Bateman, 2 Anna Burridge.

PHOTO: Finley Winter.

Ilminster Town Council Coronation

6th- 8th May 2023

The Town Council are calling for local groups, organisations and individuals who would like to help organise activities for the Coronation weekend Saturday 6th –Monday 8th May 2023. The meeting will be held at The Shrubbery on Wednesday 11th January 2023 from 6.30pm. Bring along your ideas and lots of enthusiasm!

7 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
8 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 2022: WE WILL REMEMBER THEM

Ilminster fell silent as town remembered those who paid the ultimate sacrifice

ILMINSTER Town Council and the Ilminster branch of the Royal British Legion once again hosted the annual Civic Service of Remembrance at The Minster.

The service on Sunday, November 13, was again attended by people of all ages and from all walks of life as the town came together to remember those who had paid the ultimate sacrifice in time of war.

Various organisations were represented at the service with the youth once again playing a leading role – which is becoming increasingly important for the future as the years advance and the First World War of 1914-18 and Second World War 1939-45 may become further remote.

The service at The Minster was led by Ilminster vicar, Rev Jo Stobart, while music was provided by Stoke-subHamdon Band.

Readings were given by the Mayor of Ilminster, Cllr Leanne Taylor, and Yeovil MP Marcus Fysh.

Church-goers then moved outside for the laying of the wreaths at the War Memorial in the churchyard of The Minster, while there were traditional Remembrance Sunday readings of The Exhortation and The Kohima Epitaph, read by Legion branch chairman Joss Joslyn.

The Last Post was played by a lone bugler Keith Robins, of Stoke-subHamdon Band, followed by The Reveille, while the town centre fell quiet for a twominute silence.

There was then a parade through the town before people enjoyed refreshments.

A short ceremony took place at the War Memorial on November 11 to mark The Armistice – when the guns fell silent to signify the end of the First World War in 1918 – at 11am.

PHOTOS: Remembrance Sunday commemorations on November 13 photos – taken by Ilminster Press photographer – appear on Pages 8-11.

9 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 2022: WE WILL REMEMBER THEM
10 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 2022: WE WILL REMEMBER THEM

THE year is drawing to a close and the festive season is upon us – a time that brings family and friends together to celebrate and reconnect. It’s a time of reflection and a time to recoup.

Looking back, it has been a year of highs, the ending of lockdowns and the lows of the current recession, sky high energy rates and tricky financial times making us all feel the squeeze. As I am sat in the office looking out at the frequent British downpours speaking to our clients, I often ask the question of how big is their umbrella? Where is your money and are you securing it in enough places that can weather the current thunderstorms?

Over the last 12 months we have endured monumental and unprecedented times - from the pandemic, Liz Trust being Prime Minister fleetingly, the loss of our Majesty the Queen and the current financial recession that we now find ourselves in.

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Manders Financial Services is based near Ilminster and is celebrating its tenth year in practice.

11 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
MONEY MATTERS Telephone 01460 259066 Financial security – the best Christmas present you could ask Manders Financial Services Ltd is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website The `St. James’s Place Partnership’ and the title `Partner’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James’s Place representatives. Jenny ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 2022: WE WILL REMEMBER THEM

CHRISTMAS is now in full swing at Eaglewood Park on the Dillington Estate on the outskirts of Ilminster and we have just two of our Festive Late Night Shopping Events to go this season on Thursday, December 14, and Thursday, December 22, from 4.30pm to 8pm.

Both evenings have beautiful choirs to sing and amazing an festive feel. We would love you to join us and celebrate the festive season and to reserve your free glass of prosecco please email or call us on 01460-712095.

Due to the huge demand the Spa has extended its opening hours to include Sunday, December 19, 2022. If you have forgotten to schedule your appointments or are looking to visit somewhere this extra date will allow you time to get your pampering scheduled.

Here’s a list of what services we

have to offer at Transformations: Lash Lift & Tint; Lash Extensions; Brow Shapes, Tints & Microblading; Microdermabrasion; Radio Frequency Skin Tightening; Fat Freezing; Skin Peels; Mole & Skin Tag Removal; Laser Hair Removal; Waxing; Massage; Reflexology; Reiki; Jennifer YoungLiving with and Beyond Cancer; Hair Colouring by Jocio; Hair Cutting & Styling; and Keratin smoothing.

We would like to thank all our loyal clients for their support during 2022 and we look forward to continuing the look after your pampering needs in 2023!

Allotment holders have faced some challenging conditions

THE Bell Close Allotments annual meeting and prize-giving – sponsored by Ilminster Home Hardware - was held recently at the Parish Hall.

Group chairman Darren Woolley’s report confirmed, that despite challenging conditions, it had been a productive year. The allotments are at full occupancy with a small waiting list.

Darren thanked Phil Wyatt and the team at Ilminster Home Hardware for their continued


Following the election of the committee and the conclusion of formal business the annual prize-giving took place.

This year’s winners were: Best Plot - Peter Patmore, runner-up Mike Farrow; Best Newcomer – Barry Charnock; Most Improved Plot – Diana Field.

Anyone wishing to register their interest can do so via bellcloseallotmentsta19@gmail. com. PHOTOS: Submitted.

Eggnog and Drumsticks novel could be based in Ilminster?

THE search is on to find the “mystery village” in a Christmas book release by a South Somerset author – although it could quite easily be based around Ilminster!

Eggnog and Drumsticks – The Longest Christmas tells the story of the longest-ever festive season brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

But where?

“The book explains what transpired to make sure this ‘village in the West Country’ got its 2020 Christmas street lights erected against all the odds and despite the Covid-19 pandemic,” said author Harris Dee. “The book covers the two-Christmas period from November 2019 right through to March 2021, and how it transpired to make 2020 the longest Christmas ever.

“It is a gentle comedy which reflects real life experiences during that period but also shows how the pandemic affected Christmas. No rules were broken, no Christmas parties were held!”

The village lights’ team of ageing volunteers - some in their 70s and 80s - pulled out all the stops to cover the village streets in lights and decorated trees just the same as every other year at a time when it looked like Covid would put paid to Christmas.

How did they do that against the odds when Covid rules and regulations nearly forced the cancellation of the festive period altogether?

Shops were not open, the volunteers were not allowed to go out and do the work and yet it became a great success and the longest Christmas ever.

“It also reflects on the little things we all experienced during that period,” said Harris. “I’m hoping people will nod and say “panic buying, yeah, yeah we did that! We’ve all been there!”

The village has been named West Farthings for the book and the author added: “It pulls

on your conscience - did you put on your mask, gel your hands, which rules did you follow? Were you an Elf and Safety fanatic? This story might make you think, hopefully make you laugh - oh, and watch out for those elves, they ‘figure’ strongly in the book.

“It is also interesting to see how the characters involved coped with the restrictions - or not. There are plenty of corny Christmas laughs and there’s a teasing ‘affair’ to get the tongues wagging.

“The factual part will shine through but readers will have to make their own minds up about the rest of this story - fact or fantasy fiction embedded deep in the West Country?” said the author. “Don’t worry, it’s not too difficult.”

“Just like in every walk of life during the pandemic, it is a story of people going the extra mile for no reward but to make life better and happier for others,” he said. “It’s a tribute to all volunteers and full time workers who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to provide support in many ways to others. It is also to remember the people who have sadly died from Covid.”

Eggnog and Drumsticks - The Longest Christmas, by Harris Dee, is available now in paperback from Amazon price £4 and on Kindle Ebooks price £2.

12 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
LATE NIGHT SHOPPING You are invited to join in the festive spirit at Eaglewood Park, Dillington Estate, TA19 9DQ this year. We are hosting late night shopping every Thursday Carol-singing, Mulled Cider, Charity Raffle in aid of the RDA, discounts and savings PLUS amazing Gift Voucher Offers in stores & Day Spa. Every Thursday from 24th November - 22nd December 2022 4:00PM - 8:00PM ALL WELCOME RSVP - (01460) 712095 / if you wish to reserve your complimentary glass of Fizz ILMINSTER TRANSFORMATIONS HAIR, BEAUTY, AESTHETICS & DAY SPA SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES & SHOP LOCAL THIS CHRISTMAS Kerry LOOKING GOOD Still time for some pampering before Christmas ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE

Carnival Park plans on outskirts of Ilminster suff er setback after judicial review

PLANS for a South Somerset Carnival Park to be created on the outskirts of Ilminster are up in the air again following a judicial review.

The South Somerset Carnival Circuit comprises the towns of Chard, Ilminster, Taunton and Wellington with dozens of local groups building and entering carts each year before the coronavirus pandemic.

Ilminster Town Council, in association with the South Somerset Carnival Park Committee, put forward plans for a new facility just outside the town where carnival floats could be constructed and stored.

South Somerset District Council approved these plans in late-January, but has now been forced to reconsider its decision following a judicial review.

The plans concern a new facility to be constructed on Longforward Lane in the hamlet of Knightstone, just a stone’s throw away from Ilminster.

But the judicial review was brought

against the council by the charity CPRE Somerset with Mr Justice Chamberlain ruling on November 8 that the council had “unlawfully” approved the application.

He ruled that two members of the district council’s Area West committee – Cllr Brian Hamilton, who represents Ilminster and sits on the town council, and Cllr Jason Baker, of Chard, and a strong Carnival supporter were “tainted by apparent bias.”

As such, these two gentlemen “approached the planning application with closed minds so that the decision to grant planning permission was predetermined.”

The South Somerset Carnival Park Committee is disappointed by the outcome of the Judicial Review, undertaken by Mr Justice Chamberlain.

Following seven years of campaigning, fundraising, and trying to secure the future for South Somerset Carnival Clubs the recent Judicial Review decision once

again casts doubt over the future of this longstanding tradition.

“Despite the recent setback, the planning application remains live and has a recommendation to approve from the district council’s planners and will go back before a planning committee for consideration possibly the Area West committee,” said a Carnival Park spokesman. “If the same favourable conclusion is reached, then the Carnival Park could become a reality with construction commencing in 2023.

“However, if Cllrs Hamilton and Baker are deemed to be conflicted then who else on the Area West committee is similarly conflicted?

“There can barely be a councillor in South Somerset who has not been in, on, or involved in a Carnival club, Carnival committee or similar organisation, or who has not supported carnival at some point in the past. Therefore, it seems impossible that the Area West Committee

can impartially consider this application.“

CPRE Somerset said it supported the Carnival tradition in Somerset, but said it was wrong to “impose a large-scale industrial building on a rural parish in the open countryside, against the wishes and interests of the local community.”

The charity said that “greater efforts” should be made to secure a more suitable site on brownfield land in or near one of the four affected towns.

Chairman Hugh Williams: “We are pleased that the High Court has agreed with us and quashed the decision.

“Ensuring planning decisions are taken lawfully is crucial for everyone involved in the planning system, and we look forward to seeing this matter re-addressed in the correct way by the council in due course.”

The council’s Area West committee was set to look at the carnival park plans again earlier this month to discuss the way forward.

13 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out

Ilminster defibrillator appeal has received its first business sponsor

MITCHAMS chartered accountants in Ilminster has become the first local business to support the town’s ongoing defibrillator appeal with an annual sponsorship.

Lorna Cox, of Mitchams, said Ilminster was so lucky to have 24-7 defibs in the town which can be used in the event of someone having a cardiac arrests.

“We are very happy to support the Ilminster Defibrillator Appeal with an annual sponsorship,” said Lorna. “It’s a small price to pay to help save lives.”

Ilminster now has five public defibrillators which can be accessed throughout the day and night. These are situated in the former telephone box in the Market Square, Vaughan Lee House care home, the Archie Gooch Pavilion, Hazelwell Lodge and the Warehouse Theatre in Brewery Lane.

The cost of securing a four-year lease from the South Western Ambulance

Service NHS Foundation Trust per individual defib is £1,200 The benefits of leasing the units is that along with communication from the Ilminster defib team, SWASFT is responsible for replacing the pads and equipment should they be used or expire. SWASFT will also replace any unit that may be identified as faulty or in need of repair. The aim is to keep all units operational and accessible 24 hours a day 365 days of the year.

The team regularly check all defibs, but also rely on the local community to raise any concerns.

The Ilminster defibrillators have been accessed to support with a cardiac arrest as well as accessed as a precautionary measure.

The defib appeal is ran by a team of volunteers who work year round carrying out fundraising events to pay for the ongoing lease’s.

“We are extremely grateful to live in

such a wonderful town where everyone is so generous,” said a spokesman for the Ilminster Defibrillator Appeal team.

“We have worked hard over the years to secure additional defibs and strive to continue to do this. We took a hit during covid which is why we felt the need to approach local businesses for additional support.

“Mitchams chartered accountants replied immediately offering their help. We are so grateful to them.’

If anyone would be interested in finding out more on how to donate to the Ilminster Defib Appeal or would be interested in a sponsorship please contact the team via its social media Facebook page or call Claire Kingdon on 07718311-747.

PHOTO: Pictured outside Mitchams chartered accountants with one of the town’s defibs is Jonny Day and Ellie Horgan - volunteers from the Ilminster defib team.

Ilminster's Community Choir supporting worthy causes

THE Ilminster Community Choir has now been singing again for 12 months following the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions.

Admittedly when it restarted in the autumn of 2021 there was some uncertainty if the choir could be viable again.

But with the generous support of grant assistance from the Gooch Charitable Trust and a committed steering group, the choir has been able to appoint a new leader, acquire music scores and build up membership.

Now under the musical guidance of local talent Chris Grabham, the choir is 40-strong, and is steadily increasing its repertoire and musical range in its

weekly practice nights at the Ilminster Arts Centre, as well as starting to perform again.

And having secured a solid foundation for the year to come, the choir is now looking to give something back to the community from which it is drawn: This year, and in recognition of the hardship facing many local families in these weeks running up to Christmas, the choir has chosen to support the town’s food bank, with a donation of £500.

PHOTO: Carol Barnes and Robert Archer of the Ilminster Community Choir is pictured handing over the donation cheque to Lydia Munday of the Ilminster foodbank which is run by The Minster.

Photo: Submitted.

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67 Station Road, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9BQ JOB VACANCIES AVAILABLE To apply or obtain further information please contact Hazelwell Lodge on 01460-52760 or email Specialist in Residential Care Members of the Ilminster Demenia Action Alliance




PEOPLE in Ilminster were able to get into the festive mood in perfect fashion by going along to the Warehouse Theatre to watch the traditional pantomime mayhem of Aladdin. Warehouse Theatre to watch the traditional pantomime mayhem of Aladdin.

The panto was staged at the Warehouse

in Brewery Lane in Ilminster from December 1-3 and December 8-10 and was a big success.

Turn to Pages 22-23 for more photos from the panto, while members of the cast were out and about in Ilminster town centre for the switching-on of the Christmas lights on November 18.


Pictured (from left) are Claire Hart, Heidi Isaac, Michael Williams, Emily Lancaster and Lerryn Petts who were helping to spread the news about their forthcoming show. Photo courtesy of Deborah Johnson Photography. The Christmas lights switch-on was another amazing success and the town

was illuminated by Rev Jo Stobart, of The Minster, who was the lucky winner of the draw held to find that special person to turn the illuminations on.

Turn to Pages 18-18 for more photos from the switch-on night which saw the town centre of Ilminster packed with people.

15 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
16 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS The Archie Gooch Pavilion is open to everyone! * Available to hire for parties or community events * * Become a member to receive cheaper drinks and hire costs * * Monthly events such as bingo, quiz nights and live music * Join The Archie Gooch Pavilion page on Facebook. Archie Gooch Pavilion, Britten’s Field, Canal Way, Ilminster

Ilminster is illuminated for Christmas as town celebrates festive season

ILMINSTER town centre was packed with hundreds of people for the switching-on of the Christmas lights.

Organisers were delighted by the turnout on the evening of November 18 as the town began to get ready for its very own countdown to Christmas.

Honour of pressing the plunger to illuminate the town was awarded to Rev Jo Stobart, of The Minster, whose name was the first to be drawn from the hat following a fundraising draw to see who would be given the task of switching-on the lights.

She loved the challenge and wished everyone a Merry Christmas and was joined on stage at the Market House by the Mayor of Ilminster, Cllr Leanne Taylor, and the master of ceremonies Matt Sainsbury, also known as DJ Ginge.

The Ilminster Christmas Lights Committee, under the leadership of Clinton Bonner, have once again pulled out all the stops to make the town’s illuminations look simply stunning and

full credit must go to them.

But the committee is always quick to thank the town’s wonderful sense of community spirit as people are only too happy to dip into their hands into their pockets and donate money – however much they can spare – to support the ongoing work.

Ilminster’s Christmas Lights are simply some of the best in the region – that’s official!

During the day there was singing in the Market House by local schoolchildren, while many from Herne View Primary School took part in a parade along with the majorettes and Father Christmas in the evening.

There was plenty of entertainment going on including live music from The IOUs in the Market House.

Ilminster Press photographer Christine Jones was hand to get these photos from the night’s festivities which can be seen on Pages 16-18.

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Herne View pupils step back in history to Victorian times

IT was a step back in time as pupils and staff at Herne View Primary School in Ilminster shared a Victorian Day.

Traditionally the school has always held a Victorian Day to tie in with Ilminster’s Christmas Lights switch-on.

This year pupils and staff, who joined in the fun by dressing up, enjoyed class walks around the town to look at the Christmas windows and in the afternoon, Year Three children gave their own singing performance in the Market Square to family and friends.

Another part of the day saw older pupils linked to younger ones to help teach them and play traditional games like hopscotch, helping the children understand the history of these games and giving them activities they can

continue to enjoy at playtimes.

Headteacher Claire Oaten said: “Days like these are always a lot of fun and combine our commitment to ensuring pupils have a breadth of learning with our wish to involve our pupils as much as possible in the local community.

“These days help us support pupils to develop and apply their knowledge whilst also practising key skills including leadership for our older pupils in organising games for the younger cohorts including, those in our pre-school, Apple Orchard.

“The whole day was a lot of fun and being able to participate with our Lanterns in the Christmas Lights Switch on parade was a wonderful conclusion to the day.”

Shoeboxes full of

LOCAL volunteers have been busy at work processing shoeboxes full of gifts that have been sent to the Ukraine.

A total of 6,480 shoeboxes from across the South West and six cartons of surplus school uniforms from Ilminster have been sent on their way and safely arrived in Ukraine ready for distribution in plenty of time for Christmas.

The Blythswood Care charity would like to thank all those for their gifts and contributions and the following for their support - St Joseph’s Catholic Church,

joy and hope are sent to the Ukraine from Ilminster

Ilminster, for use as a hub; Beehive Self Storage, Lopen; and the crew from RNAS Yeovilton who again this year loaded the lorry.

Each shoebox has been packed with goodies and labelled to find a suitable match in the Ukraine.

If you can give a few hours in November next year to help process shoeboxes, also if anyone is aware of a building that can be used as a processing hub in November 2023, please contact the local organiser

19 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
20 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS 1st Day of Christmas - A Partridge in a Pear Tree 3rd Day of Christmas - Three French Hens 2nd Day of Christmas - Two Turtle Doves 4th Day of Christmas - Four Calling Birds 5th Day of Christmas - Five Gold Rings 6th Day of Christmas - Six Geese a Laying 01460 52149 Wishing everyone a safe Christmas and a prosperous New Year Thinking of home improvements in 2023 – please get in touch! Helping Others in Ilminster to Help Others Here’s looking forward to a healthy 2023 Merry Christmas Everyone | 01460-52214 Wishing everyone a lovely Christmas and a healthy 2023 Floral designs for all occasions Cottage Flowers, Jordans Courtyard, Horton Cross, near Ilminster 01460-53020 | Seasonʼs Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2023 From everyone at Ilminster Town Council
21 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS 7th Day of Christmas - Seven Swans a Swimming 9th Day of Christmas - Nine Ladies Dancing 8th Day of Christmas - Eight Maids a Milking 10th Day of Christmas - Ten Lords a Leaping 11th Day of Christmas - Eleven Pipers Playing 12th Day of Christmas - Twelve Drummers Drumming ILMINSTER CRICKET CLUB Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas Here’s looking forward to a healthy 2023 Keep up-to-date with news from Ilminster Cricket Club and the Tony Rice Bar by following us on Facebook. | 0330 133 4284 MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM JRH MEDIA d COPAS FREE RANGE BRONZE d STUFFED BONELESS TURKEY CROWN JOINTS (CHOICE OF STUFFINGS) d FREE RANGE LOCAL CHICKEN, DUCKS & GEESE d PURE SLOW GROWN, GRASS FED, RED DEVON BEEF d WIDE RANGE OF LOCAL GAME d SOMERSET OUTDOOR REARED PORK & LAMB d AWARD WINNING PIES & QUICHES d HOME COOKED MEATS d LOCAL CHEESES & CONDIMENTS d AWARD WINNING SAUSAGES & FORCEMEAT STUFFINGS to collect and preorder call: 01460 52465 d email: d Order Now For Christmas d d d while flocks last! d FREE RANGE LOCAL CHICKEN, DUCKS & GEESE d PURE SLOW GROWN, GRASS FED, RED DEVON BEEF d WIDE RANGE OF LOCAL GAME d SOMERSET OUTDOOR REARED PORK & LAMB d AWARD WINNING PIES & QUICHES d HOME COOKED MEATS d LOCAL CHEESES & CONDIMENTS d AWARD WINNING SAUSAGES & FORCEMEAT STUFFINGS to collect and preorder call: 01460 52465 d email: d Order Now For Christmas d d d d d We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year Thank you for all your support in 2022! Email: ILMINSTER PRESS YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area Local independent insurance broker Dedicated to providing personalised support to businesses of all sizes 01460-206588 Windows, Doors and Conservatories mark @ 01935-411090 or 07976-362-628 4 Oxford Road, Pen Mill Trading Estate, Yeovil Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Trimco!


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Aladdin panto wows the audiences at the Warehouse Theatre in Ilminster

THE talented cast of Ilminster Entertainment Society entertained audiences at the Warehouse Theatre with its pantomime production of Aladdin.

With a script by Alex Jackson and expertly directed by Bryan Hallett, and musical direction by Berry Bertschinger, the panto did not fail to disappoint when it was staged at the Warehouse in Brewery Lane, Ilminster, from December 1-3 and December 8-10.

The age-old favourite centred around the tale of Aladdin, played by Aimee Purdey, who dreamed of a life full of adventure, rather than his dreary existence at the Lost-Sock Laundrette of Peking.

When the evil sorcerer Abanaza (John McGrouther) was awoken from his tomb, he was determined to conquer the world. But without the Genie (Michael Wills) in the magical lamp, he had no power. Could Aladdin thwart his plans and save the day? With hilarious comedy from Widow Twankey (Laurence Meering), Wishee Washie (Olwen Herridge), and a hyperactive washing machine, Aladdin

was the perfect pantomime adventure for all the family.

Cast list: Abanazar, John McGrouther; Aladdin, Aimee Purdey; Hong, Mick Glynn; Carter, Emily Lancaster; Kong, Irene Glynn; Emperor, John Tyler; FuFu, Lerryn Petts; Genie, Michael Wills; Jasmine, Nyah O’Nions; MD, Berry Winter; Spirit of the Ring, Josie Bulmer and Heidi Isaacs; TuShy, Emmeline Whiffin; Widow Twankey, Laurence Meering; Wishee Washie, Olwen Herridge; Mini Wishee, Olivia Turton; Ghost, Ava Davenport; Mummy, Claire Hart. Ensemble – Madeleine Hallett, Laura Polimeno, Ava Davenport, Jennifer Adams, Karmel Adaway, Olivia Turton, Sam Weston-Fox, Claire Hart.

Production: Director, Bryan Hallett; Stage Manager, Dave Goodall and his wife Maggie; Musical Director, Berry Bertschinger; Sound and Lighting, led by Charlie Carrington; Props, Ken Cooper; Lights, Brian Perkins; Wardrobe, Krissie Isaacs.

PHOTOS: Taken during a dress rehearsal of Aladdin – courtesy of Deborah Johnson Photography.

23 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS Website Design Design and Branding Social Media Management Printing Photography and Video Marketing 0330 133 4284


Wonderful Christmas Tree Festival lights up The Minster with festive cheer

THE Christmas Tree Festival held at The Minster in Ilminster from November 28 to December 3 has been hailed a great week.

The festival saw The Minster lit up with a multitude of Christmas tree creations and provided plenty of festive cheer and charitable donations.

It also saw 1,444 people visit The Minster during the week and organisers were delighted to receive some wonderful feedback.

This year’s festival was led by Emma Lawrence who thanked everyone for their support.

“A massive thank you must be mentioned to everyone involved in volunteering their time and help - in person and behind the scenes - to create, run and support the festival,” said Emma.

“Over 30 boards were needed to be transported and assembled, over 20 stewards looked after more than 50 beautifully decorated Christmas trees.”

At the time of writing Emma added: “So far, we have only had 16 donation slips come back, but with an impressive total of £761.19 we hope the total will be around the massive £3,000-plus mark.

“There are a few special thanks to The Minster for holding this magical event - Rev Judith Swan and Bill Lawson for turning on the Christmas lights at the opening ceremony, plus Richard Garland from Ashcombe Developments for collecting and storing the Christmas tree boards.

“I’d also like to thank everyone at Sweet Surprise for helping to collect the boards for the start of the Christmas Tree Festival and reloading the lorry and packing them back to be stored away for next year.

“To the amazing Paul Hewish and his team for testing all the Christmas lights to make sure they were safe and for the use of the plunger to turn on the lights at the opening ceremony.”


Among those at the opening ceremony were young visitors from Herne View Primary School, Babushka Nursery and local childminders.

Emma continued: “I’d like to thank two of my amazing friends Heather Lamb and Cat Male and her partner Chris for their help in putting up and taking down the boards.

“And a big thank you to my fiancé for helping out all through the Christmas Tree Festival and supporting me.”

Emma concluded: “We hope everyone who came to look at the Christmas trees enjoyed them and appreciated the wonderful local Christmas spirit Ilminster and its neighbours has to offer.”

The Minster has thanked Emma for all her efforts in making sure that the festival was another great success.

PHOTO: Emma Lawrence who led this year’s Christmas Tree Festival is pictured with a bouquet of flowers she received in thanks for her efforts.

Flower demo helps to raise money for the Ilminster Christmas Lights

COTTAGE Flowers held a flower demonstration at the Warehouse Theatre in Ilminster to raise funds for the town’s fantastic Christmas illuminations.

More than 100 people attended the event and Cottage Flowers owner Angie Blackwell and her colleague, Caitlin Anning-Pile, provided a masterclass of floral ingenuity.

The demonstration ranged from mantelpiece and door decorations to table centre pieces, planting containers and hand tied bouquets. In addition, delicious home-made cakes were enjoyed during the interval!

Angie said:” I am delighted with the wonderful support we have had which has benefitted the town’s fabulous Christmas lights.

“The lights are a great attraction and, thanks to the hard work of the Christmas Lights Committee, help to promote Ilminster and its amenities.”

A fabulous £500 was raised for the lights committee.

Cottage Flowers is based at Jordan’s Courtyard on the outskirts of Ilminster at Horton Cross.

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Pictures taken during the Christmas Tree Festival. Photos – submitted. Bill Lawson, Emma Lawrence and Rev Judith Swan at the opening ceremony of this year’s Christmas Tree Festival at The Minster. Photo – submitted. The Mayor of Ilminster, Cllr Leanne Taylor (centre), is pictured with Cottage Flowers’ Angie Blackwell (right) and Caitlin Anning-Pile. Photo: Christine Jones. Caitlin Anning-Pile decorates a front door with a Christmas wreath. Photo: Christine Jones. Angie Blackwell deep in conversation with the audience at the Warehouse Theatre. Photo: Christine Jones.



Make festive gifts from the heart - Christmas is made and not bought

AT Herne View Primary School’s Christmas services I’ve been talking about ‘an alternative John Lewis advert’ I discovered via social media called ‘The Go-Kart’ – you can find it on YouTube, and I promise not to give away too many spoilers!

Made by Sam Teale, a 20-year-old filmmaker from Cleckheaton in West Yorkshire, the film was made around Sam’s hometown and tells the story of a single dad and his young son who are struggling as they approach Christmas. The film ends with the simple but powerful message that “Christmas is

made, not bought.”

This Christmas all of us will be thinking carefully about what to spend and how to save, but for some of us the dilemmas ‘The Go-Kart’ portrays of whether to eat or heat will be both real and painful. Through the generosity of our town, Ilminster’s Foodbank will be doing everything it can to support anyone who needs help through this especially challenging time and across the town there will be ‘Warm Spaces’ offered for us all to share in.

But whatever our circumstances this Christmas, it’s a powerful reminder that

The Minster joins Inclusive Church Network

THE Minster in Ilminster is delighted to let people know that it is now a member of the Inclusive Church Network.

A spokesman for The Minster said: “This means that everyone should find a welcome at our church and we are committed to doing our best to being and becoming a church community that celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.

“Too often the church has discriminated against people for all kinds of reasons, but at The Minster we believe that God loves each one of us equally and wants us to discover that love in a place of love and affirmation.”

If you’d like to find out more about what this means, why not have a look at the Inclusive Church website https://www.

Carols in the Churchard

DO not miss Carols in the Churchyard at 5pm on Saturday, December 17, at The Minster in Ilminster.

Music will be provided by members of the Chard Concert Brass group and neighbouring businesses will also be open to ensure that

those attending are all fed and watered during the popular outdoor service which will raise funds for Crisis.

Christmas services will also be taken in Muchelney House, Vaughan Lee and Hazelwell over the festive period.

Floodlight the Minster during Advent

THE Minster in Ilminster is once again inviting people to floodlight the church for an evening during Advent in memory of a loved one or to mark a special occasion whilst raising funds that will go towards the upkeep of the building.

If you would like to participate, please either email the office at office@ilminsterpc. or pop into church and pick a date from the list on the table. There are still a few left to fill.

The suggested donation is £20 and this can be paid using the contactless payment point in church, cash or cheque made payable to St Mary’s PCC Ilminster via the church office in the Minster Rooms, or bank transfer. Please email for further details.

PHOTO: The Minster.

THE Follow the Star Crib Service will be held at The Minster in Ilminster on Saturday, December 24, from 4.30pm.

People are invited to join the lighthearted re-telling of the nativity story. Come dressed as an animal or nativity character!

the story we celebrate at the heart of Christmas isn’t one that’s about the rich and the powerful, but about a little baby whose first cradle was a manger, whose parents were poor working people, and who had to flee as refugees to a foreign country in fear of their lives. It’s a long way from tinsel and glitter!

That first Christmas God ‘made’ a wonderful gift for us – giving us Jesus to demonstrate what a life lived with perfect love and care for others looks like. There was nothing bought except the gifts of the wise-men and the awe of the shepherds, and the only lights that shone that year in

Bethlehem were the star above the stable and the glory surrounding the angels as they sang in celebration.

So, whether this Christmas you’re buying, making or both, may all the presents we give be ones given from the heart, with a love that reflects the gift of love who two thousand years ago was cradled in Mary’s arms.

Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas.

With my love.


The Minster at Ilminster & St Mary’s Church at Whitelackington

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Follow the Star Crib Service


Plenty of sparkle and shine at Herne View with nativity plays

THERE have been some wonderful Christmas nativity productions performed at Herne View Primary School in Ilminster in the lead-up to the festive season.

The pupils loved taking to the stage all dressed-up for their seasonal plays and

singing songs.

Many thanks to the school for supplying us with these photos. You may notice that some of the children’s faces have been obscured because they are unable to have their photographs published.

Father Christmas visits Herne View

Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day

CHILDREN of all ages were all smiles when they had the opportunity to visit Herne View Primary School’s Forest School grotto and chat with Father Christmas and his elf.

The children talked about what they hoped to get for Christmas and received

presents for their classes kindly supported by the PTA.

A little bit of magic had overtaken the Forest School area with decorations on the entrance to the area and hung from the trees and a log cabin transformed with decorations and lights.

CHRISTMAS jumpers of all shapes, sizes, colour and sparkle came out as staff and pupils at Herne View Primary School in Ilminster put on their pullovers to support the Save the Children charity and raised over £250.

Children enjoyed dressing up their usual school jumpers for reindeers, snowmen and even Christmas unicorns and dinosaurs and staff even saw some great initiative with children ‘creating’ their own Christmas jumpers.

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Children from Dove Class at Herne View. Children from Puffin Class at Herne View. Children from Golden Class at Herne View. Children from Hook and Dunkerton Classes at Herne View. Children from Pipping Class at Herne View. Children from Sandew Class at Herne View.
area For more news check out
YOUR new local newspaper that covers

Keeping the name of Swanmead School alive in Ilminster SWANMEAD MEMORIES

WELCOME to the latest instalment of this monthly feature entitled Swanmead Memories – looking back through the years of when Swanmead School served the Ilminster community.

Swanmead School nurtured Ilminster’s future adults from 1971 to when it closed its doors for the final time on Friday, July 22, 2022, as part of a major shake-up of the education system in the Ilminster and Crewkerne area.

It has seen what was Ilminster’s two schools of Greenfylde First School and Swanmead Middle School form a new school – Herne View Primary School. But that does not mean that the name

of Swanmead will be lost forever. The Ilminster Press will be printing a selection of photos each month in this new feature looking back through the years of life at Swanmead.

But we would love to receive your Swanmead photos! If you have any old Swanmead School photos – sports teams, trips out, social events, fun times, class groups – please send them into us via email at ilminsterpress@ along with some details about the photo. We are especially keen to find some of the older photos when Swanmead had only just opened. We look forward to hearing from you.

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SWANMEAD Community School in Ilminster received a grant of £200 from The Arts Society Neroche South Somerset in 2019 - money which helped to fund a pottery workshop led by Barrington Pottery. Students had the opportunity to create their own designs and objects using air drying clay and had hands-on experience of using a pottery wheel. Photo: Submitted. Swanmead Community School students enjoy the annual sports day at Ilminster Recreation Ground in 2019. Photos: Christine Jones. THE face of artistic Swanmead Community School pupil Mimi Ward painted a perfect picture when it was announced that she had won the annual Alison Rose Trophy for Achievement in Art during the school’s Celebration of Achievement Trophy in 2018. Mimi is pictured with Alison Rose who presented the award each year to the pupil who had consistently displayed sustained effort and high achievement in art. Photo: Christine Jones. YEOVIL MP Marcus Fysh was delighted to present the Citizenship Award to Swanmead Community School pupil Marcus Freeman during the school’s annual Celebration of Achievement Evening in 2018. The MP Citizenship award was given to an outstanding school citizen who had been an inspiring leader in a variety of aspects of Swanmead life through positive involvement in school activities. Marcus Freeman is pictured with Marcus Fysh MP. Photo: Christine Jones.

Quiz winning team definitely knew more than they thought!

FORMER Ilminster Mayor, Roger Swann, took on another role as Quiz Master recently at the Herne View Primary School’s PTFA quiz.

Nine teams battled it out and the eventual winners were “Mike and the Marvellous Mums Who Probably Know More Than They Think.”

Overall nearly £215 was raised to support projects at the school and thanks go to Roger Swann, Martha Rogers for writing the questions and Sarah Rogers for her organisation of such a successful event.

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PUPILS and staff helped to raise more than £200 for the recent annual Children in Need Appeal by enjoying a non-uniform day at Herne View Primary School in Ilminster.


In association with the Heritage of the Ile Trust

Snowy photos from nearly 130 years ago in Ilminster town centre

TEMPERATURES have plummeted recently and people have been trying to stay warm as we head towards Christmas.

This month’s Down Memory Lane feature turns the clock back to 1895 when Ilminster was covered in a thick layer of snow.

The Down Memory Lane monthly feature is supported by the Heritage of the Ile Trust which was formed in 1976 by a group of local Ilminster people who were concerned to preserve the past of

the area for the benefit of the future.

The Trust is managed by an enthusiastic body of volunteers who collect and collate photographs that are given to them.

The collection now totals over 4,000 images and the Trust also welcomes donations of other historical records relating to the area.

If you would like to find out more about the Heritage of the Ile Trust please go to the organisation’s website at www. .


30 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out Did you miss out on seeing a certain photo or feature? Would you like to buy a back-copy of the paper? We have copies available dating back to the 1st edition published in May 2018. It will cost £3 per copy to include post and packaging. Email or phone us on 07773-198-081 for further details. YOUR YOUR local check new local newspaper covers local area Number 25 FREE PRESS Win a wedding after lockdown heartbreak SteveSowden ILMINSTER 2020 CORONAVIRUS INTO TOUCH WILL BE COUPLE JIM SAINSBURY GOLDEN WEDDING TURN ANNOUNCEMENTS 1213 FREE INSIDE YOUR FREE ILMINSTER PRESS FUNDING FOR BOWLING & TENNIS SCOUTS WORKERS DELAYED REACHES ITS ANNIVERSARY >> THREEYEAROLD BLACKDOWN DISTANCING COMMEMORATE KIND-HEARTED officials near competition – over £10,000 - couple-to-be cancel year and pandemic.because were horrifi saw reports couples weddings and not money back suppliers. shame that cashing on people, when experienced backwards and postponements distressed couples realisation that wasn’t thinking We work and after our lovely fantastic with us we thought something some our even may have been put their because can’t afford teamed-up with suppliers to provide wedding suppliers help Cottagebusinesses Flowers. terms found website www.dillington.comnominate someone social farhasbeen we are hearing Tuesday,spokesman. and we’ll OLD COPIES OF ILMINSTER PRESS ARE AVAILABLE out 2020 new local newspaper that covers YOUR FREE PRESS has the past month or Stay safe and well during coronavirus lockdown ilminsterpre grateful the local themselves,” said the Mayor. and your families the very appropriate social ILMINSTER ACT, BARRY PAULL, PERFORMS ON DAUGHTER, PETER AND CHARLOTTE FOSTER, HAVE BEEN FREE INSIDE YOUR FREE ILMINSTER PRESS FOR HOSPITAL new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area INSIDE YOUR FREE ILMINSTER PRESS TREE PLANTING IN ILMINSTER GOOCH CHARITABLE GREENFYLDE FREE PRESS DID NOT DAMPEN go-ahead with favour Michelle Gunn, chairman nervous that she might not win the Christmas comes early to Ilminster thanks to town council that something “What we are planning and years. they will look after it.” proposals also Costs budgets over period time. Repayment grants and future Section 106 the council will bringing get done while the money “splendid” opportunity the council the –ILMINSTER INVITE FOR TO PAGES 2223 FESTIVE FLOWER DEMONSTRATION AND CREAM TEA AFTERNOON GIFT FOR CHARITY << 21 FREE
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Looking back at an old town guide of Ilminster of more than 50 years ago

THE Ilminster History Society has been fortunate enough to receive some town guides over this past year which gives a wonderful insight into days gone by.

Very few are dated, but the one that we are featuring here was printed sometime after 1950 but before 1971.

It was printed by the Ilminster Urban District Council - which gives us the 1971 date - and part of the information tells us that “Dillington House is the property of Mrs Cameron, in whose family the house has been for a century and a half, and it is now leased to the Somerset Education Committee who opened it in 1950 as the county residential centre for further education.”

There is a small map attached within the booklet which does not feature the estates of Orchard Vale or The Mead, for example, so the society is guessing that it was printed sometime in the late 1950s. So, what does the guide tell us about Ilminster life? Here are just a few exerts:

“By rail, Ilminster is reached from London (Paddington) by express trains to Taunton (Western Region), from where a branch line to Chard Junction passes through Ilminster.”

“The town has been an agricultural marketing centre for many centuries, having had a weekly market at the time of the Norman Conquest. It still retains much of its calm, old-world atmosphere, with a strong West Country flavour. The whole neighbourhood is rich in history and legend - of King Alfred and the Isle of Athelney, of important mediaeval monasteries and fine manor houses, of

memories of the Monmouth rebellion and the battle of Sedgemoor, and of the draining of marshland and the peaceful development of agriculture through generation after generation.”

“Ilminster has played its part in the national life of the country and has been the home of several men of national repute, the best known being perhaps Nicholas Wadham, founder of Wadham College, Oxford, in the 17th century. The town, however, is not associated

in history with any outstanding event. Repeated fires have burnt out many of the ancient buildings; the one in 1491 was particularly destructive.”

“Ilminster is the head of an Urban District of 2,610 inhabitants (1951 census), with an area of 531 acres, fiveand-a-half acres being set aside for a park and recreation ground. The town is compactly situated around the broad Market Place, at the side of which stands the old colonnaded Market House, and all aspects of the town are dominated by the imposing parish church and its pinnacled tower. Buildings are for the most part of stone and the streets are neat and well paved.”

“Ilminster has been for nearly 100 years a centre for collar making, probably owing to the local aptitude for fine stitching gained from years of glove making. Here, about 1862, was established a collar factory which, much enlarged, is still run by the same family now trading as F. F. Day, Foley & Co Ltd. They make the well-known “Climax” collars, so much appreciated at home and overseas. This up-to-date factory is well equipped to achieve, under ideal working conditions, the perfection in make and finish of the modern collar.”

“Public utility services are efficient and up-to-date. The local water undertaking, owned by the Urban District Council, is excellent and water is also supplied from it to villages situated in the Chard Rural District. Gas is supplied by the South

Western Gas Board, from the Ilminster station at the Cross; and electricity by the South Western Electricity Board. The offices of the Urban District Council are in North Street and meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month.”

PHOTOS: Some of the adverts and pictures which appeared in the town guide.

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– get
IN this month’s Ilminster Press community newspaper we take a pictorial look back at some of the stories and photos which featured in the corresponding December editions of 2018-2021. Did your photo appear in the Edition Numbers 8, 20, 32 or 44 of the
Press? If you would like an old copy of the Ilminster Press
in touch by emailing Old copies are priced £5 which includes post and packaging.
THE talented Broadway Amateur Theatrical Society put on a wonderful show of song and drama as its commemoration to the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. These photos of the Salute to Heroes show – which was staged at Broadway village hall - appeared in the December 2018 edition of Ilminster Press. Photos: Christine Jones. MEMBERS of the Ilminster Entertainments Society delighted audiences in December 2018 with their adaptation of the classic Charles Dickens story David Copperfield. The story was adapted for the Warehouse Theatre stage by Malcolm Young to great success and the large cast worked as a team to present a super production which captured the very essence of Dickens’ work. Photos: Christine Jones. NEARLY 8,000 shoeboxes filled with goodies set-off from near Ilminster bound for orphaned and poverty-stricken children living in Romania. The local team of volunteers spent several weeks collecting and sorting out donated gifts which were then packed into a total of 7,755 shoeboxes for boys and girls. Personnel from RNAS Yeovilton then went along to the Gooch and Housego headquarters at Dowlish Ford, which kindly made facilities available for the shoebox appeal volunteers, to load the boxes onto a lorry destined for Eastern Europe. This photo appeared in the December 2018 edition of Ilminster Press. Photo: Christine Jones. PEOPLE got into the festive mood at the Archie Gooch Pavilion in Ilminster in December 2018 when a fundraising cream tea afternoon was held to raise money for Ilminster Town Youth Football Club. SWANMEAD Community School in Ilminster recently received a grant of £200 from The Arts Society Neroche South Somerset, which helped to fund a pottery workshop, led by Barrington Pottery. This photo appeared in the December 2019 edition of Ilminster Press. BUDDING thespians at Greenfylde First School in Ilminster excelled in their production of an abridged Romeo and Juliet at the School Shakespeare Festival at The Brewhouse Theatre in Taunton. This photo appeared in the December 2019 edition of Ilminster Press. A DEDICATED group of volunteers once again came together during November 2019 to create a team in Ilminster to fill thousands of shoeboxes with gifts for vulnerable children, young people and adults in Romania. A total of 7,207 shoeboxes was collected or delivered from Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset and Bristol to the Dowlish Ford warehouse where they were checked and packed into cartons for transportation to those in need. This photo appeared in the December 2019 edition of Ilminster Press. THE charismatic Angie Blackwell, of Ilminster-based Cottage Flowers, thrilled the audience at Horton village hall with a beautiful Christmas-themed flower demonstration. The guests then enjoyed a cream tea and some fizz to complete the afternoon of fun. Event organiser Kim Hill thanked everyone who supported the afternoon which raised a fantastic total of £1,050.50 for Marie Curie and the Dunkery Stroke Unit at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton. This photo appeared in the December 2019 edition of Ilminster Press. Photo: Christine Jones. MARIA Cave from the Ilminster office of Greenslade Taylor Hunt was full of smiles after finding out she had won a fantastic hamper put together by Cottage Flowers and raffled off in a fundraising event. Angie Blackwell, of Cottage Flowers, thanked everyone who took part in the raffle and announced that £400 had been raised for the local Air Cadets. This photo appeared in the December 2019 edition of Ilminster Press.
33 YOUR new
newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
ONE of the many nativity plays performed by pupils at Greenfylde First School in Ilminster. This photo appeared in the December 2019 edition of Ilminster Press. ILMINSTER dad Ben Jenner-Hurford is pictured in his festive jumper with his two boys – twins Jasper (left) and Felix –who will be enjoying their first Christmas together this year. This photo appeared in the December 2020 edition of Ilminster Press. HARLEQUIN Carnival Club took to the streets of Ilminster for the annual Santa Sleigh Tour to bring some festive cheer to local people in the build-up to Christmas. This photo appeared in the December 2020 edition of Ilminster Press. Photo: Christine Jones. POLICE in Ilminster thanked everyone who turned up to have their bicycles security marked in a bid to beat the criminals. Officers had a steady stream of visitors to the police offices along Canal Way in the car park of the Summervale Surgery where bikes were security marked. This photo appeared in the December 2020 edition of Ilminster Press. THE Ilminster Women’s Institute group sponsored the planting of a Red Oak tree in the Ilminster Recreation Ground. The WI group had been approached by Sarah Hunt, of the Green Ilminster environmental group, to see if it would like to sponsor a new tree as part of the Ilminster Tree Project. This photo appeared in the December 2020 edition of Ilminster Press. SWANMEAD Community School thanked Ilminster Rotary Club for the amazing gift of some dictionaries for Year Five students. These photos appeared in the December 2020 edition of Ilminster Press. The annual Christmas Tree Festival at The Minster in Ilminster was another great success. This photo was featured on the front page of the December 2021 edition of Ilminster Press. Photo: Christine Jones. CHILDREN at Greenfylde First School in Ilminster took part in a non-uniform day to help raise money for the annual BBC Children in Need Appeal. The pupils were asked to wear bright colours and/or spots and anything relating to Children in Need mascot Pudsey. The amount of money raised totalled more than £150. These pictures appeared in the December 2021 edition of Ilminster Press. A SPECIAL fundraising race night was held at the Tony Rice Bar on Ilminster Recreation Ground to raise funds to help send talented young Ilminster Cricket Club player Lachlan Rice on tour to Sri Lanka with Somerset Under 15s. Lachlan (centre) is pictured with Sam Spurway (left) and Gary Warren. This photo appeared in the December 2021 edition of Ilminster Press. Photo: Christine Jones. ILMINSTER was officially confirmed as having Fairtrade Town status for a further two years. Chairman of the Ilminster Fairtrade group, Roger Gurner, and the group’s secretary Natalie Wainwright were delighted in presenting the Mayor of Ilminster, Cllr Philip Burton, and Deputy Mayor, Cllr Leanne Taylor, with the renewal certificate. Roger Gurner is pictured presenting the renewal certificate to the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Leanne Taylor.


WELCOME to the Ilminster Press leisure listings and what’s on guide. If you would like to have a listing included in the future – please email us at .


From now until Friday, December 23: Ilminster Arts Centre – Exhibition: Christmas Collection.

Friday, December 16: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Felting.

Friday, December 16: Ilminster Arts Centre welcomes live music with the Ian Bateman Jazz Band and Kenny Ball’s Greatest Hits from 8pm to 10.30pm.

Monday, December 19: World Community for Christian Meditation on Zoom from 6.30pm to 7.30pm with Winter Solstice. Please contact Susan on 01460-52504 or email lucystepslane@ or susanlendon18@gmail. com for more details.

Monday, December 19: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: A self-help clay pottery and sculpture group.

Wednesday, December 21: World Community for Christian Meditation at the Minster Church, Ilminster, from 7pm to 8pm with Winter Solstice. Please contact Susan on 01460-52504 or email or for more details.


Tuesday, January 3, to Saturday, January 28: Ilminster Arts Centre –Exhibition: Prize Winners’ Open 2022.

Tuesday, January 3: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Watercolours.

Wednesday, January 4: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Wednesday, January 4: World Community for Christian Meditation at the Minster Church, Ilminster, from 7pm to 8pm, Meditation and Poetry reading.

Thursday, January 5: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Thursday, January 5: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Art Journals.

Friday, January 6: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Exploring Ink.

Monday, January 9: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Clay Sculpture.

Tuesday, January 10: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Watercolours.

Wednesday, January 11: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Thursday, January 12: Ilminster Arts

Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Thursday, January 12: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Art Journals.

Friday, January 13: Ilminster Arts Centre – Readers Book Club from 1.45pm to 2.45pm.

Friday, January 13: Ilminster Arts Centre plays host to The Pedigree Jazz Band from 7.30pm to 10.30pm – swing, blues, boogie; jazz to dance to!

Monday, January 16: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Clay Sculpture.

Tuesday, January 17: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Watercolours.

Wednesday, January 18: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Thursday, January 19: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Thursday, January 19: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Art Journals.

Thursday, January 19: Ilminster Thursday Group meeting at the Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane Ilminster. Doors open 9.15am for refreshments, talk will begin at 10.15am. Admission £3 on the door or membership at £25 for 20 talks. For further information please contact secretary Sue Morley on 01460-53378 or e-mail or contact membership secretary Lesley Lusby on 01460-57914 or e-mail nlc@ This week’s talk is by Paul Barnett about The Tale of the Ships’ Graveyard.

Thursday, January 19: The Rain or Shine Theatre Company presents Sherlock Holmes and the Music Hall Mystery at the Warehouse Theatre in Brewery Lane, Ilminster, from 7.30pm. Tickets are priced £12 or £6 for students and available online at www. . Doors open at 7pm – bar available.

Friday, January 20: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Felting.

Friday, January 20: Ilminster Arts Centre plays host to live music with A Palm Court Soiree with the Oriel Piano Trio.

Friday, January 20, to Monday, January 23: Dillington House – Course: Enhancing Wellbeing Getaway.

Saturday, January 21: Dillington House – Course: The Age of Discovery –The John Company and India.

Monday, January 23: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Clay Sculpture.

Tuesday, January 24: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Watercolours.

Wednesday, January 25: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Thursday, January 26: Ilminster Thursday Group meeting at the Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane Ilminster. Doors open 9.15am for refreshments, talk will begin at 10.15am. Admission £3 on the door or membership at £25 for 20 talks. For further information please contact secretary Sue Morley on 01460-53378 or e-mail or contact membership secretary Lesley Lusby on 01460-57914 or e-mail nlc@ This week’s talk is by Dave Maclean about The Priests’ House at Muchelney.

Thursday, January 26: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Thursday, January 26: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Art Journals.

Friday, January 27: Ilminster Arts Centre plays host to Oh La La from 7.3pm to 10.30pm – a fabulous quintet led by Parisian-born Fifi La Mer on vocals and accordion.

Tuesday, January 31, through to Saturday, February 18: Ilminster Arts Centre – Exhibition: Miscellany.


Wednesday, February 1: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Wednesday, February 1: World Community for Christian Meditation at the Minster Church, Ilminster, from 7pm to 8pm, Meditation and Organ recital, Sam Baker.

Thursday, February 2: Ilminster Thursday Group meeting at the Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane Ilminster. Doors open 9.15am for refreshments, talk will begin at 10.15am. Admission £3 on the door or membership at £25 for 20 talks. For further information please contact secretary Sue Morley on 01460-53378 or e-mail or contact membership secretary Lesley Lusby on 01460-57914 or e-mail nlc@ This week’s talk is by Stuart Musgrove entitled So You Think You Know What You Are Eating!

Thursday, February 2: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Thursday, February 2: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Art Journals.

Friday, February 3: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Exploring Ink.

Friday, February 3: Ilminster Arts

Centre plays host to live music with Spiritato – a quintet of talented classical musicians.

Friday, February 3: The Warehouse Theatre in Ilminster play host to an Evening of Mediumship with Psychic Medium, Nikkie Kitt, from 7.30pm.

Monday, February 6: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Clay Sculpture.

Tuesday, February 7: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Watercolours.

Wednesday, February 8: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Thursday, February 9: Ilminster Thursday Group meeting at the Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane Ilminster. Doors open 9.15am for refreshments, talk will begin at 10.15am. Admission £3 on the door or membership at £25 for 20 talks. For further information please contact secretary Sue Morley on 01460-53378 or e-mail or contact membership secretary Lesley Lusby on 01460-57914 or e-mail nlc@ This week’s talk is by David Usher entitled Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue.

Thursday, February 9: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Thursday, February 9: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Art Journals.

Friday, February 10: Ilminster Arts Centre plays host to live music with jazz pianist Mike Denham, acclaimed actor, poet, singer-songwriter Julia Titus and renowned trumpet player Steve Graham.

Monday, February 13: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Clay Sculpture.

Thursday, February 16: Ilminster Thursday Group meeting at the Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane Ilminster. Doors open 9.15am for refreshments, talk will begin at 10.15am. Admission £3 on the door or membership at £25 for 20 talks. For further information please contact secretary Sue Morley on 01460-53378 or e-mail or contact membership secretary Lesley Lusby on 01460-57914 or e-mail nlc@ This week’s talk is by Brian Margetson entitled Ghosts, Royals and Ferrymen.

Friday, February 17: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Felting.

Friday, February 17: Ilminster Arts Centre plays host to live music with

34 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out

Jemima Farey – Flying Folk.

Monday, February 20: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Clay Sculpture.

Tuesday, February 21: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Watercolours.

Tuesday, February 21, through to Saturday, March 4: Ilminster Arts Centre – Exhibition: Schools Go Visual – Tenth Exhibition.

Wednesday, February 22: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Thursday, February 23: Ilminster Thursday Group meeting at the Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane Ilminster. Doors open 9.15am for refreshments, talk will begin at 10.15am. Admission £3 on the door or membership at £25 for 20 talks. For further information please contact secretary Sue Morley on 01460-53378 or e-mail or contact membership secretary Lesley Lusby on 01460-57914 or e-mail nlc@ This week’s talk is by Janet Diamond entitled The Curious Mind of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Thursday, February 23: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Monday, February 27: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Clay Sculpture.

Tuesday, February 28: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Watercolours.

MARCH 2023

Wednesday, March 1: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Wednesday, March 1: World Community for Christian Meditation at the Minster Church, Ilminster, from 7pm to 8pm, Meditation and reading of creative writing.

Thursday, March 2: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Thursday, March 2: Ilminster Thursday Group meeting at the Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane Ilminster. Doors open 9.15am for refreshments, talk will begin at 10.15am. Admission £3 on the door or membership at £25 for 20 talks. For further information please contact secretary Sue Morley on 01460-53378 or e-mail or contact membership secretary Lesley Lusby on 01460-57914 or e-mail nlc@ This week’s talk is by Marion Field and entitled The History of Board Games.

Friday, March 3: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Exploring Ink.

Friday, March 3: Ilminster Arts Centre play host to live classical music with Ventris and Uttley.

Monday, March 6: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Clay Sculpture.

Tuesday, March 7: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Watercolours.

Tuesday, March 7, through to Saturday, April 1: Ilminster Arts Centre – Exhibition: Inhabit.

Wednesday, March 8: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Thursday, March 9: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Thursday, March 9: Ilminster Thursday Group meeting at the Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane Ilminster. Doors open 9.15am for refreshments, talk will begin at 10.15am. Admission £3 on the door or membership at £25 for 20 talks.

For further information please contact secretary Sue Morley on 01460-53378 or e-mail or contact membership secretary Lesley Lusby on 01460-57914 or e-mail nlc@ This week’s talk is by James Porter and entitled Batterie Mirus on Guernsey.

Friday, March 10: Ilminster Arts Centre plays host to live music with Etheridge and Garrick.

Monday, March 13: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Clay Sculpture.

Tuesday, March 14: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Watercolours.

Wednesday, March 15: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Thursday, March 16: Ilminster Thursday Group meeting at the Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane Ilminster. Doors open 9.15am for refreshments, talk will begin at 10.15am. Admission £3 on the door or membership at £25 for 20 talks. For further information please contact secretary Sue Morley on 01460-53378 or e-mail or contact membership secretary Lesley Lusby on 01460-57914 or e-mail nlc@ This week’s talk is by Chris Cluff and entitled The History of Long Case Clocks.

Thursday, March 16: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Friday, March 17: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Felting.

Saturday, March 18: Dillington House – Course: The Age of Discovery –Trade and The Flag: The Spoils Divided.

Monday, March 20: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Clay Sculpture.

Monday, March 20: World Community for Christian Meditation, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm, Meditation on Zoom with reflections on the Spring Equinox.

Tuesday, March 21: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Watercolours.

Wednesday, March 22: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Wednesday, March 22: World Community for Christian Meditation at the Minster Church, Ilminster, from 7pm to 8pm, Meditation with reflections on the Spring Equinox.

Thursday, March 23: Ilminster Thursday Group meeting at the Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane Ilminster. Doors open 9.15am for refreshments, talk will begin at 10.15am. Admission £3 on the door

or membership at £25 for 20 talks. For further information please contact secretary Sue Morley on 01460-53378 or e-mail or contact membership secretary Lesley Lusby on 01460-57914 or e-mail nlc@ This week’s talk is by Gavin Haig and entitled Creating a Wildlife Garden.

Thursday, March 23: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Monday, March 27: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Clay Sculpture.

Tuesday, March 28: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Watercolours.

Wednesday, March 29: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Acrylics.

Thursday, March 30: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Pastels.

Friday, March 31: Ilminster Arts Centre plays host to live music with the Zoe Schwarz Blue Commotion.

APRIL 2023

Monday, April 3: Dillington House –Course: Barbara Hepworth and St Ives Artists 1928 to 1975.Wednesday, April 5: World Community for Christian Meditation at the Minster Church,

Ilminster, from 7pm to 8pm, Meditation with something to be announced soon.

Friday, April 21: Ilminster Arts Centre – Workshop: Felting.

Friday, April 21: Ilminster Arts Centre plays host to live classical music with Ensemble Moliere.

MAY 2023

Saturday, May 20: Dillington House – Course: The Age of Discovery – In Search of the Northern Passages.

FOR more details about events, ticket information and times at Dillington House – please go to or phone 01460-285648.

For more details about events, ticket information and times at Ilminster Arts Centre – please go to or phone 01460-54973.

For more details about events, ticket information and times at the Warehouse Theatre in Ilminster – please go to www. or email .

For more news
YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area
check out
ILMINSTER YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area If you would like to advertise in forthcoming editions of the Ilminster Press community newspaper please get in touch. We offer competitive rates. Email: Phone: 0777-319-8081 CALLING ALL BUSINESSES PRESS

Events coming up in the early part of 2023 at the Warehouse Theatre in Ilminster

THE Warehouse Theatre in Ilminster is looking forward to hosting the Sherlock Holmes and the Music Hall Mystery on January 19.

When Sherlock Holmes and his trusty assistant Doctor Watson are asked for help by a music hall performer in distress, the pair spring into action to foil a deeply dastardly plot of national importance that rocks London to the core!

Following on from their previous Sherlock Holmes mysteries, The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Case of Dr Jekyll and Miss Hyde, Rain or Shine Theatre invites you to enjoy an evening of music, mishaps, adventure, tomfoolery, and lashings of comedy!

And the play has been described as suitable for audiences aged from six to 106!

Tickets are priced £12 for adults and £6 for students and available online at www. Doors open at the theatre in Brewery Lane, Ilminster, at 7pm in readiness for a 7.30pm start.

AN EVENING of Mediumship with Nikki Kitt is all set to take place at the Warehouse Theatre in Ilminster on Friday, February 3, from 7.30pm.

Tickets are priced £12 and available from online at www.psychicmediumnikkikitt. com.

Psychic medium Nikki Kitt is a Spiritualist Medium who is currently touring the UK with her successful Psychic and Mediumship Evenings.

As a medium Nikki Kitt aims to provide evidence of life after life by getting links from loved ones in spirit for people in the audience with amazing accuracy in descriptions, personalities and all sorts of personal information; to give both confirmation and comfort.

“I have been aware of spirit my whole life and so have no doubt that we carry on after this physical life and my

demonstrations are to prove the same to everyone else,” said Nikki.

36 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
Psychic medium Nikki Kitt is at the Warehouse Theatre on February 3.
Friday 3rd February at 7:30pm
Sherlock Holmes is coming to the Warehouse Theatre on January 19 with the Murder Hall Mystery.

Lots to enjoy at Ilminster Arts Centre in the New Year - come and find out for yourself!

A VARIED and exciting programme of live music, art exhibitions and workshops kick-off in the New Year at Ilminster Arts Centre.

But first, this Friday (December 16) jazz lovers have the rare opportunity to enjoy some of the world’s best and most popular traditional jazz sounds in the official tribute to Kenny Ball’s Greatest Hits. It’s the perfect way to get in to the festive swing.

Kenny was a British jazz legend and bandleader who had a string of charttopping hits from the 1960s onwards, including Midnight in Moscow, Samantha, March of the Siamese Children, Sukiyaki and When I’m Sixty-Four.

The tribute will be performed by the Ian Bateman Big Band. Ian, a top trombonist, played with Kenny Ball as well as jazz maestro Acker Bilk and many other world-renowned performers.

The concert starts at 8pm. Doors open from 6.30pm with a licensed cash bar. Tickets are £20 and can be booked by calling 01460 54973, emailing

and leaving your telephone number, or purchased on the door. It promises to be an evening to remember.

Concert-goers will also be able to enjoy the free-to-enter Christmas Craft Exhibition in the main gallery, which continues until December 23.

January heralds an interesting mix of traditional jazz, light music and French chanson.

On January 13 the Pedigree Jazz Band comes to town, playing the hit tunes of the British ‘trad jazz’ boom of the 1950s and 60s.

The following week, on January 20, the Oriel Piano Trio, who are regulars at the Pump Room in Bath, present a Palm Court Soireé, playing a glamorous selection of palm court music, tangos, Viennese waltzes and polkas. There’s even a slice of sacher torte and a glass of Veltliner wine included with your ticket.

On January 27, Ilminster gets transported to the banks of the Seine in Paris with Oh La La, a celebration of French music. A fabulous quintet, led by Parisian-born Fifi La Mer, mix French

folk music and chanson with upbeat and smooth jazz, film music and pop. The quintet regularly perform to packed houses at the legendary Ronnie Scott’s jazz club in London.

In the Gallery, from January 3-28, there’s another opportunity to enjoy award-winning artwork from the winners of Ilminster’s 2022 Annual Open Art Exhibition.

In the meantime it’s not too late to buy that perfect Christmas gift for yourself or loved ones from the art centre’s boutique shop, which showcases and supports local craft makers.

For more information visit www.

Visitors are asked to note that the arts centre closes from midday on Christmas Eve until January 3, 2023, when it reopens. The centre wishes all its customers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Finally, on a sad note, Ilminster Arts Centre sends its deepest condolences to the friends and family of Anthony Pither who died earlier this year. Anthony had a distinguished career in music and education and served on the art centre’s Board of Trustees from 2009 to 2018, making a significant contribution to the community.

37 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out
The Pedigree Jazz Band will be at Ilminster Arts Centre on January 13.

WELCOME to the Family Announcements feature in YOUR monthly Ilminster Press community newspaper.

We will be delighted to publish your announcements – whether it is Births, Birthday Greetings, Congratulations, Marriages, Anniversaries and Good Luck Messages.

We will also hopefully be working closely with local funeral directors on the sad event of death announcements and possible obituary reports.

People can submit their Family Announcements by emailing the Ilminster Press at .

Steve Sowden, editor of the Ilminster

Press, said: “Family Announcements are part and parcel of any local newspaper and I’m delighted to offer this service to the people of Ilminster and surrounding area.

“The Ilminster Press now has a printrun of 2,500 copies a month and these are distributed at various outlets within the Ilminster area where people can pick them up.”

Lineage announcements can be published for free, but if you would like to add a photo to your message there will be a charge of £5.


PAUL – DARREN: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 15 –have a great day! Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

PAUL – DARREN: Many happy returns to the Fireworks Extraordinaire for your Birthday on December 15. Best wishes from your friends at the Ilminster Press.

PAUL – DARREN: Hoping you have a fantastic birthday on December 15. Love and best wishes from all your friends at Ilminster Town FC and the Archie Gooch Pavilion!

PAUL – JUSTINE: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 18. Lots of love from all your family and friends.

PAUL – JUSTINE: Have a great Birthday on December 18. Best wishes from your friends at the Ilminster Press.

FOX – ANDREW: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday on December 18. Love from all your family and friends.

FOX – ANDREW: Oyez! Oyez! Have a great Birthday on December 18! Best wishes from your friends at the Ilminster Press.

SPURWAY – SUE: Have a wonderful Birthday on December 20. Lots of love from all your family and friends.

SPURWAY – SUE: Many happy

returns for your Birthday on December 20. Love and best wishes from all your friends at Ilminster Cricket Club.

SPURWAY – SUE: Wishing you a very happy Birthday on December 20 – we’ll have a drink or two for you! Best wishes from your friends at the Ilminster Press.

ALLEN – DAVE: Hoping you have a fantastic Birthday on December 21. Lots of love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

ALLEN – DAVE: Wishing you a very happy Birthday on December 21 –we’ll have a drink or two for you! Best wishes from your friends at the Ilminster Press.

DOPSON – NEIL: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 22. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

DOPSON – NEIL: Congratulations for your Birthday on December 22. Best wishes from your friends at the Ilminster Press.

RUTTER – LUCINDA: Many happy returns for your Birthday on December 26: Love and best wishes from all your family and friends.

B. Gibbs Funeral Services Ltd. An independent family business providing 24 hour professional care and qualified advice. Offering pre-paid Funeral plans, home visiting service and private Chapel of Rest. 25 Silver Street, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 0DH 01460 929100 Proprietor: Mr. Barry J. Gibbs Dip. FD NAFD

38 YOUR new local newspaper that covers YOUR local area For more news check out A J Wakely& Sons Independent Family Funeral Directors Please contact Leah Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available 7 West Street, Ilminster TA19 9AA 01460 52576 – 24 Hour Service –Helping the bereaved of Ilminster for over 30 years Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse FAMILY
Let us know your
WINGHAM – MITCH: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday on January 5. Love and best wishes from all your family and friends. | ilminsterpress @
So if you have any Family Announcements that are coming up in 2022 – please let us know.

The Blues need points to drag themselves away from the relegation zone

ILMINSTER Town will be looking to enjoy a good Christmas and New Year by picking-up some much-needed points in their battle to move away from the wrong end of the Premier Division table in the Somerset County League.

The Blues find themselves second from bottom of the 16-team table, but have played a lot less games than many of the teams above them.

They are back in action on Friday (December 16) with an evening kickoff at Middlezoy Rovers, while the next game will be the local derby at nearneighbours Chard Town on Boxing Day (December 26) with a 1pm kick-off.

The first game of 2023 is on Saturday,

January 7, when they travel to face Worle, while they are back at home on Saturday, January 14, when Keynsham Town Reserves are the visitors to the Archie Gooch Pavilion in a 2pm start.

Chard Town and Keynsham Reserves are just above Ilminster in the table, while Worle and Middlezoy are challenging for top places.

If Ilminster could get at least six points from those games it would be a good return, but there is a lot of football to be played between now and the end of the season.

Recent results saw Ilminster fall to a 2-0 defeat at Watchet Town on November 26 and a 2-2 draw with Worle at home on November 12.


PREMIER DIVISION (Table as at December 14, 2022)

P Pts

Wells City Res 10 25

Chilcompton Sports 10 25

Mendip Broadwalk 12 25

Clevedon Utd 13 24

Worle 12 21

Middlezoy Rovers 10 20

Stockwood Wanderers 11 18

Watchet Town 14 16

Fry Club 13 15

Nailsea Utd 14 15

Chard Town 15 14

Clutton 14 14

Timsbury Athletic 8 13

Keynsham Town Res 14 12

Ilminster Town 9 11

Stockwood Green 13 5

Craig to continue as chairman of Ilminster Cricket Club for another year

CHAIRMAN Craig Rice has been reelected to the role for another year at Ilminster Cricket Club.

The club held its annual meeting last month where Craig was reappointed to continue leading the group.

During the meeting – held on November 23 – the club paid tribute to two members who have relinquished their duties.

Phil Worner was thanked for all his efforts as bar manager and John Pallister for his tireless work as a groundsman and carrying out maintenance work projects around the club.

Ilminster Cricket Club’s Tony Rice Bar on the Ilminster Recreation Ground will be open on Boxing Day with live music from 4pm with the ever-popular Jorden Lindsay.

Committee for 2022-23: President, Stuart Shepherd; Chairman, Craig Rice; Vice-Chairman, Paul Sainsbury; Trustees, Stuart Shepherd, Craig Rice, Sam Spurway and Gary Warren; Treasurer, Dave Burwood; Secretary, Gary Warren; Safeguarding Officer, Sian Sainsbury.

Other roles: Bar Manager, Matt Sainsbury; Entertainment, Adrian Sims; Sponsorship and Fundraising, Gary Warren; Press, Social Media and Website, Matt Sainsbury and Gary Warren; Club Coach, Overseas Player; Youth Coach, Adam Cox; Statistician, Terry Sainsbury; League Representatives, Team Captains; Groundsmen, Mike Dunn, Callum Rice and Steve Curtis.

PHOTO: Craig Rice – chairman of Ilminster Cricket Club.




Saturday, August 13, 2022

Ilminster Town 1, Fry Club 0

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Stockwood Green 2, Ilminster Town 2

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Ilminster Town 2, Wells City Reserves 1 Saturday, September 3, 2022

Ilminster Town 1, Chard Town 0 Senior Cup

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Westfield 0, Ilminster Town 2

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Ilminster Town 0, Chilcompton Sports 5

Saturday, October 1, 2022 Senior Cup

Bedminster Down 6, Ilminster Town 3

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Ilminster Town 1, Middlezoy Rovers 6

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Premier and First Division Cup

Ilminster Town 1, Timsbury Athletic 4

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Ilminster Town 3, Watchet Town 2

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Wells City Reserves 3, Ilminster Town 1 Saturday, November 12, 2022

Ilminster Town 2, Worle 2

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Watchet Town 2, Ilminster Town 0

Friday, December 16, 2022

Middlezoy Rovers v Ilminster Town - 7.30pm Kick-Off Monday, December 26, 2022

Chard Town v Ilminster Town - 1pm Kick-Off

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Worle v Ilminster Town - 2pm Kick-Off

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Ilminster Town v Keynsham Town Reserves - 2pm Kick-Off Saturday, January 21, 2023

Ilminster Town v Stockwood Green - 2pm Kick-Off

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Ilminster Town v Clevedon Utd - 2pm Kick-Off

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Ilminster Town v Clutton - 2pm Kick-Off

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Keynsham Town Reserves v Ilminster Town - 3pm Kick-Off Saturday, February 18, 2023

Clevedon Utd v Ilminster Town - 2pm Kick-Off Saturday, February 25, 2023

Ilminster Town v Nailsea Utd - 2pm Kick-Off Saturday, March 4, 2023

Ilminster Town v Stockwood Wanderers - 3pm Kick-Off Saturday, March 11, 2023

Mendip Broadwalk v Ilminster Town - 3pm Kick-Off Saturday, March 18, 2023

Fry Club v Ilminster Town - 3pm Kick-Off Saturday, March 25, 2023

Timsbury Athletic v Ilminster Town - 3pm Kick-Off Saturday, April 1, 2023

Nailsea Utd v Ilminster Town - 3pm Kick-Off Friday, April 7, 2023

Ilminster Town v Chard Town - 3pm Kick-Off Monday, April 10, 2023

Chilcompton Sports v Ilminster Town - 3pm Kick-Off Saturday, April 15, 2023

Clutton v Ilminster Town - 3pm Kick-Off Saturday, April 22, 2023

Ilminster Town v Mendip Broadwalk - 3pm Kick-Off Saturday, April 29, 2023

Ilminster Town v Stockwood Wanderers - 3pm Kick-Off Saturday, May 6, 2023

Ilminster Town v Timsbury Athletic - 3pm Kick-Off

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