How to get rid of password fatigue?

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How to get rid of Password Fatigue?

Submitted by : John Lennon

Introduction ●

Today in the era of Information technology, users want everything quick and fast.

As per the recent study, “a slow loading site decreases the conversion rates of a site.”

Whether it is site loading speed or ease of navigation or time consuming process, all these factors play a very important role in sales, sign up rates, bounce rates and much more.

Now a days password fatigue is another common problem faced by online users on the daily basis.

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What is Password Fatigue? ●

Password fatigue is the feeling associated with issues to of remembering several username/passwords for daily life.

Every website has its own guidelines for user passwords to ensure the security of user data.

Some require combination of alphabetic letter and numeric character while some require combination of special character along with above.

All these factors make it impossible to keep track of all the passwords for all the different websites. References : ● ●

How Password Fatigue affects your site? ●

Password Fatigue works like a major turn off for visitors.

Remembering all the passwords for every website users visit is a very tough task.

Resetting password is again a time consuming process.

That’s the reason almost 75% users leave the site when asked to sign up thus making your bounce rate high. References : ● ●

What is the Solution? ●

The simplest solution to get rid of Password fatigue problem is by introducing Social Login to your website users.

Social login allows your users to sign in to a your website using their already existing social media accounts.

Using social login, users won’t need to make some new passwords.

Social Login is supported by many social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, PayPal, etc

Social Login also helps in reducing cart abandonment and increasing conversions.

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Social Login has proven to be one of the best solutions for eliminating Password Fatigue issue. Know more about how using social login will help you to get rid of this problem, here : Password fatigue : Why users hate your site?

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