Social platform statistics round up

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Social platform statistics round-up Social media holds great importance in any business but to maximize social media benefits, marketers must be aware of which social media network will drive more profit to their website. Here is the social platform statistics roundup which will help marketers to decide where they should put most effort:


One of the most powerful social media platform mostly used to share videos, images, etc. Businesses utilize this platform to reach out to their customers and engage with them. 1.


As per Kruse Control Inc, Facebook audience consists of 60% females and 40% males. As per Business Insider, Facebook consists of 67% US users and 82% of UK users. An average user spends 351 minutes on Facebook every month. (AllThingsD) The number of active Facebook users in India are 100 million per month. (AllFacebook)

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Industrial stats :

As per Mashable, 30% Americans use Facebook to read news stories. As per Socialbakers, the top priority industries in the field of average post engagement are automotive (0.58), alcohol (0.48) and airline (0.39). Other top industries are Fashion, consumer goods, finance.


Device Statistics :

78% if US users make use of mobile phone to operate Facebook. (TechCrunch) As per Neotericuk, 89 million users operate Facebook via mobile.


Engagement statistics :

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21% of Facebook posts make use of Hashtags. (Socialbakers) Facebook is used bt 65% recruiters to find suitable candidate. (MediaBistro) 49% users choose Facebook for Social login purpose. (LoginRadius)

Twitter :

A very popular and widely used social media network, also known as “SMS of the web” is used to find out latest happenings, current event and update friends. Marketers use this platform to build relationships with users and interact on latest trends. 1.

Stats :

Twitter holds 60% female and 40% male users, as per Kruse Control Inc Twitter audience consists of 19% of adults. (PewInternet) As per MarketingCharts, Twitter owns 31% of users of 18 to 29 years age group. China is the country with most number of Twitter users ie 35.5 million. (Expanded Ramblings)

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Industrial stats :

As per MediaBistro, 55% recruiters use Twitter to select suitable candidate.


Device Statistics :

As per MarketingLand, Twitter is used by 60% of users on Mobile.


Engagement statistics :

A tweet that contains image has 94% more chances of being retweeted. (TwitterCounter) A tweet that contains one or two hashtags, drives 21% better engagement compared to the ones with more than two hashtags. (TwitterCounter) While using Social Login, 6% users make use of Twitter for sign in. (LoginRadius)

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Google+ :

It is a very effective platform if you want to improve your search engine rankings. Specially used by business professional, posts shared on Google+ have more chances of being found in Google searches. 1.

Stats :

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As per Kruse Control Inc, Google+ audience comprises of 29% females and 71% males. 50% of Google+ users are below 24 age. (Mashable)


Industrial stats :

With 318.4 million registered users in 31 marketers, Google+ is the second most actively used Social media network. (Agile Impact) Google+ owns 6.6 million users in America. (Google+ Data Maps) Every week 1.5 billion images are shared on Google+, as per Business2Community.


Device Statistics :

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The most popular brand on Google+ is Android which has 5.5 million followers. (Socialbakers) As per WeAreSocial, 56% monthly users use Google+ via Mobile.


Engagement statistics :

29% users make use of Google+ to login to a website. (LoginRadius) On an average 2.45 pages visit per session and bounce rate is just 50.63%

The original article is published at: In numbers : How social are the top networks? Source:

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