How to select the best social login provider for your site

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How to select the best Social Login Provider for your site? Importance of Social login is clearly visible and it’s high time to include social login on the websites as it adds value to your site. Most of the Digital marketers now clearly understand the benefits of Social Login and that’s why use it as conversion booster. But to get the best out of it, proper implementation o of Social login is a must. To that end, the most crucial step is to select the most suitable social login provider as per your audience preference and priorities. To better select these social networks, first thing that you must keep in mind is to recognize your audience. For ex, if your most of the target audience includes business professions, LinkedIn and Twitter will be your main target. On the other hand, if you are running an eCommerce site, Facebook is the best for you. Here is the brief idea about several popular social login providers which will help you to find out which ones you should target.







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540 m per month

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Business & Public

Business & Advertisers

Business & Public





Social API

https://developers.facebook .com .com docs

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1. Facebook : Founded in 2004, Facebook has never looked back yet. Most of the Facebook audience consists of businesses as well as general public. Facebook offers precious user profile data to businesses. As per recent research, 49% of users make use of Facebook to login to a website thus using Facebook as social login provider is a must for businesses. 2. Google+ :

Google+ is more of a social layer provided by Google which apart from being a popular social media network. It also works as an authorship tool which connects the web content with its owner. The platform holds the purpose if you are targeting to specific audience. The content shared on Google+ is found more quickly in searches which make it a perfect place to make the content go viral. 3. Twitter : Twitter is a unique social media platform whose power lies in 140 characters, known as ‘Tweets’. Founded in 2006, Twitter has witnessed dramatic growth in past few years and also considered as ‘SMS of the web’. As per research, 34% of marketers make use of Twitter to gain leads on their website. With all this going on, power of Twitter is not avoidable.

Here we have listed the three most popular social login providers. If you want to know about more other social login providers which can be beneficial for your business, read the complete article here : Which Social Login providers are your perfect match?


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